Happy 1-year anniversary

"Target has arrived." The man on lookout spoke.

Right on cue, the hotel door forced open and a young man entered the room. He quickly spotted CEO Huang but ignored him, walking over the dead body. He immediately rushed to Becca's side and put pressure on her wound.

At the point, a sigh of relief escaped from Kris. He took his eyes off the scope and stood up.

"Let's pack and go." Kris commanded.

In 5 minutes, Kris and the two men exited the building and drove out far from the area. As they leave, the streets were echoing with sounds of sirens. For sure this will be the top news for an awhile.

Kris drove to an undisclosed location where he would be meeting up with his best friends. When he arrived, he also took his suitcase along with him.

He entered the room and everyone was already drinking and having a good celebration.