Lure the tiger out of his den.


Lena panted and collapsed on Kris' broad chest. She closed her eyes and smiled. She did not know how long they were in the bedroom nor what time it was. Once they started, it seemed like they were the only two people in the world.

She took a deep breath and then raised her body off of Kris. She removed the condom off of Kris and threw it on the ground.

She glanced at the mess on the floor, polluted with their clothes and the result of their lovemaking. There were some that were glowing in the dark... the others had different texture and flavors.

Lena had lost count after 3 but the box was just as advertised.

She rolled her sweaty body to the side of him and rested on his soft arm.

She looked at his eyes... those bipolar eyes. You never know when they will be filled with happiness or murderous intent.

"You didn't tell me where you were..." Lena asked.

"You never asked me."

"Where did you go?"