Not alone.

While everything was still very hectic, Lena did not go back on her word for grounding Kris. Kris really thought that she was joking, but no, she was serious.

"Grounding people is a western thing." Kris complained. "You can spank me instead."

"Nope. You will get more thrilled about getting spank." Lena slammed the door on Kris.

"How long?" Kris placed his forehead on the door.

"48 hours."

"...." Kris banged his head on the door.

Lena ignored him and walked over to Gary who had finally woke up. 

"You know... you should be more gentle towards him. What if he leaves you?" Gary spoke.

"Leave??" Lena choked. "He dares to. I will chop off his ding dong."

"I heard that!" Kris shouted, still pouting outside the door. He was supposed to be on a long vacation with Lena. He didn't even get to see her in the fancy gifts he bought her.

"Leave Kris. Or I will bump it up to 72 hours."