Goodbye, my love.

Lena and Gary continued to have a good heartfelt chat about things. Lena discussed some plans with Gary regarding what he wanted to do next regarding his father and the Yang family.

Around dinner, Lena received a text from Tyler.

Tyler: Can we talk? :sadface:

Gary looked at Lena. "If he can still make a sad face... then you didn't punch him hard enough." He spoke.

"Should I go punch him again?" Lena joked but then she replied back to Tyler.

Lena: Sure, meet me in 15.

Lena sent the message and then looked at Gary again. "By the way... I jabbed Tyler with something of yours."

"What things of mine?"

"That needle thing of yours."

"What needle.... Oh... OH!" Gary looked horrified.

"What is it? What's in the needle?"

Gary went close to Lena and whispered to her ear. Lena's face turned black.

"So.. it's a good thing right?" Lena asked. "Cuz it's bad.... but I gave it to Tyler.. so it's good?"