Bachelor's Party.

Lena walked back to the car as James went to the driver's seat.

"You know him?" James asked as he put on his seatbelt.

"No. Not really." Lena looked out the window.

"Are you going to tell Kris?"

Lena looked at the time and then replied to James, "Not yet. He's supposed to have a great time at the bachelor's party. I will tell him after the wedding."

James started the car and drove toward the Shen mansion.

"And the item in the envelope, make a copy of it. Bring them with you to the jet tomorrow." Lena responded. 

James dropped Lena off at her parents and took a short stop to go do what Lena told him to do. The Shen's place had been staffed with Kris's people now, so the security was not as easygoing as before.

Lena spent the rest of her day at her parents.

On the other hand, Kris was having... a blast.