Why you need me

Lena, Gary, and James had to stop at the hotel to drop off their luggage and then Lena wanted to go look at an artwork gallery. It was just something she recently found out and since she was flying out to City H anyways, it would be something to kill while the wedding arrives.

"So.... when are you going to tell him about it?" Gary asked. 

He was already caught up with everything he missed when they were on the plane. Lena told him to relax and look at the content when he has time. Gary knew that Lena was extra worried about him now, but honestly, he's fine. If it was anything he needed, it was to get back to his normal routine.

"After the wedding," Lena replied.

"Is that for him... or for you?" 

"Both. If I told him right now, how much do you want to bet that he will lock me in a room and go do some mo jo sh*t?"

"...." Gary turned around and looked out the window.