Nightmare Mission

The nightmare section also had a leveling system, a seprate one from the missions, but regardless Jay Kaiya was still level one.

The current mission seemed doable, and it would reward him one nightmare token. It was only a half star mission, so it looked possible to finish.

Neverless it was still creepy, but Jay decided to do this, he was always a curious person since his birth with an unyielding personality. Now he was faced with this, how can he not see the end? What made his family all disappear?

So he clicked the nightmare mission that was titled the following.

[Have You Ever Wondered What Lives In Your Shadows?]

He had never thought about it, but he still taped it. Once chosen, another prompt popped up.

[Are you sure you wish to continue? Nightmare missions can cause changes to the world you are used to. Sometimes the things are harmless, while at times, they are deathly.]

Gulping, Jay accepted the mission, following it came with the description and his mission.

[There has always been someone living within your shadow. It follows you every day, no matter if its to the light or your bed.]

[Before midnight stay seated above your bed, and mutter your name every five seconds, with all the lights off in the room. After 30 minutes have passed, open your eyes to see what has stuck with you.]

[WARNING: Possibly drastic consequences if you open your eyes before the time is down! This mission shall also never appear again whether you do this or not!]

Sucking a deep breadth, this was definately not as easy as it seemed. Luckily, it seemed easier than the half star scenario he completed on accident.

As Jay Kaiya also could not walk currently, he was glad that it was possible to do this in his bed.

Jay Kaiya started to prepare whatever he could think of till the time clicked down. Eventually night had struck. The moonlight had chimed.

It was five minutes till midnight, and Jay already prepared everything he can, including his mind.

The room was already pitch dark. Normaly sone light would sneak through the windows, but as he was afraid of it nullifying the mission, he had covered it as much as possible.

There was nothing much else he can do, other than to make his black phone record the scene, as he wished to know what was happening while he chanted. He could review what had went on after he was finished.

As there was only two minutes left on the phone, he decided to start early, in order to not mess up from a stupid mistake.

So he started this idiotic game that only people without a right mind will play.

"Jay Kaiya..."

Jay closing his eyes, his name was muttered under his breadth, nothing had passed. Another five seconds had passed and he quietly spoke once more.

"Jag Kaiya..."

Nothing had occured for the second time. Jay Kaiya thought that this was possibly due to him starting early.

"Jay Kaiya..."

Naught one thing happened again. Slowly time passed, and his name was still muttering on a consistent loop.

"Jay Kaiya..."

Like a recording his name was repeated over and over. He started to notice this was harder than it first seemed.

Jay had to count all the way to 30 minutes without losing track of time, plus he had to count to five second intervals. Most of all however, was the psychological affect he received by speaking into the dark.

The silent words bounced off the shallow room, creating echos of his name back at him. His sight was blind, and being deprived of his sight was the scariest. He was not sure at all if anything has changed around him yet.

"Jay Kaiya..."

His name was spoke more the longer this activity went on. Minutes had passed, with only his voice trailing into the silence.

Finally at the ten minute mark, he felt that the room had grown colder. The original comfortable temperature of his place was replaced by an ice cold draft. The warmness in his body was beginning to leave, sucked away, yet Jay ignored and kept continuing.

"Jay Kaiya..."

The coldness in the room grew to be more obvious, forming goosebumps on his light skin.

"Jay Kaiya..."

At the fifteen minute mark the draft had changed. The ice shivering temperature was still the same, however the direction had changed.

Originally the wind coming to face him, had now begun to twirl. It slowly slithered around his body, like a slow motion twister, trying to constrict and strangle him.

"Jay Kaiya..."

Jay wished to know what was happening, his body was already forming sweat, but he was more afraid of the warning. What would happen if he opened his eyes now? He did not wish to find out... so he kept on going.

"Jay Kaiya..."

At the twenty minute mark, a noise had appeared. It was at first slow, but it began to pick up, making the noise more loud and obvious.

It was like a vacuum cleaner, but its pitch was lower and with a twinge of an echo. It was a constant deep breadth, not letting the air out, but a constant suction.

"Jay Kaiya..."

His face was pale, yet he did not open his eyes, but continued this crazy game he chose to join.

"Jay Kaiya..."

Seconds passed and the suction of noise became louder, the sound of death, seemingly seeking his soul, taking his life force little by little.

"Jay Kaiya..."

His body started to deel weaker, like the energy was being sapped away from him, making him feel more aged and worn.

"Jay Kaiya..."

Jay Kaiya began to have a inkling of what thing was. It did not take that much of an IQ in the first place, he thought it was the ghoul in the game, stating that his life was indeed being pulled out by this force little by little.

"Jay Kaiya..."

As Jay Kaiya's life was being sucked away from him, the 25 minute mark has struck. Now he could hear faint sounds of the ghoul's cape flapping. He wished to run now, telling himself how stupid he was to agree to this in the first place, yet Jay continued.

"Jay Kaiya..."

The faint flappings of the cape merged with the draft, making him be able to imagine and track the ghost that was twirling around him.

"Jay Kaiya..."

The 30 minute mark has struck, signifying that he may open his eyes. Jay however chose to continue this game, he started a little bit early, and also he was not all too sure if his counts of time were exact. After all he was a human, not a machine.

"Jay Kaiya..."

The sounds, cold, and the draft stressed him more as he waited. Having five minutes pass he finally decided to open his eyes to see the ghoul's true form.

"Jay Kaiya..."

With one last murmor he abruptly opened his eyes. The room was the same, still dark and black, while the noise and feelings from earlier had all disappeared.

'Did I fail?'

Jay was confused, he did it for about 35 mins and even started early, yet nothing was shown. Sighing at the unknown reason of failure he reached for the black phone to see the status.

Grabbing the phone, the ghoul in the game had disapeared, and the boy resembling him shivered as it desperately pointed behind him, trying to notify Jay Kaiya.

'Behind me?'

Having a bad feeling, he still gutted his gut and rapidly turned to face behind him.

A mist was rising off his body, entering the mouth of the pitch black caped ghoul. Only the mouth and eyes could be seen, peeking out from the hood. The glowing mouth and eyes from the earlier picture...

The outline of it was dark red, resembling fresh blood, it was slowly floating until it noticed it had been spotted.

Making a cruel cold shriek of a monster, the ghoul speedily flew towards him, while shrieking the high pitched scream.

Freaking out but trying to preserve his life, Jay threw his back on the bed in an attempt to dodge it.