Granny's Nightmare

[What Lives In Your Granny's House?]

He started to have a feeling that all these nightmare missions will be related to him or his missions. Since he decided to do this, he would not back out.

[Are you sure you wish to continue? Nightmare missions can cause changes to the world you are used to. Sometimes the things are harmless, while at times, they are deathly.]

Not hesitating this time, Jay accepted the mission, following it came with the description and his mission.

[Things have settled within your house making it their habit. Find out what it is.]

[Before midnight lay on your Granny's bed and close your eyes. Do not open or move at all once it has started. The game ends once morning arrives.]

[WARNING: Possibly drastic consequences if you open your eyes before the time is down! This mission shall also never appear again whether you do this or not!]

Reading the texts, Jay was reminded that he has still has not watched the video from his first nightmare mission.

He did not want to waste time though, so he decided to just watch it tommorow, and upload the video on the internet site WeTube.

Grabbing his things, he made a excuse to Granny Jin that he will stay at his home tonight to clean up.

Hearing her agree, he went towards the house once more to prepare. Before he went to bed however, he cleaned up all possible exits he can make.

He left the doors open while forcefully putting something against them to make it stay. He made the backyard available to go too. Lastly he opened all the windows, and cleared the covers in his Granny's room which covered the window.

Now he will be able to see the light when morning comes. Setting up the phone on a nearby shelf to record, he was set.

Now he just had to wait for midnight...

. . .

One hour before midnight Jay started the recording, and layed on the bed with his eyes closed.

Nothing mystical had happened yet, but as it was already dark, he did not want to fail by seeing what he should not see or experience.

Time trickled down until he heard the familiar KuKu clock. The song echoing through the corridors, signalfied the game's beginning.

Same as before, nothing happened during the first few minutes. Jay did not count this time as keeping track for hours versus minutes is widely different.

The first abnormal thing had made its appearance shortly, afraid to keep him waiting.

The floorboards around the house creaked, making the world outside his room alive. Starting off soft, than picking up its speed and power.

As time passed Jay could tell that there was multiple things walking inside the house. Some noises were softer meaning they were small in size.

Things inside the house were becoming more alive as time passed. Things toppled over one another as they tried to make their way towards his room, seemingly already knowing that he was inside the room, inflatrating their teritory.

With the noise becoming louder and closer, the small hall near the door started to have the sounds of nails and claws scratching the wooden walls.


Crawling slithering monsters, they were all going for him! The room bore no obsticle, and they entered the room!

Like a tidal wave, all the spirits in the house tried to climb over one another to get towards him first.


Something landed on the bed, making a fluffy sound as it hit. Step by step, arm by arm, the movement grew closer. Then finally a small soft thing gripped his hand.




Soon more followed, strolling ther way towards his body, each trying occupy a spot not yet reserved. Every single small thing cuddled a different part of his body as more came to 'make friends with him'.

These things were definitely the dolls from before. Now it looks like they weren't kiddding about making him his 'new friend'.

Jay Kaiya's body began to be covered by the dolls, pulling him towards the bed, making sure he couldn't escape.

More followed after them. The bird from before flew in and took the head of the bed as its new perch, staring hard enough that Jay could feel he was being watched.

Then later there was also a heavy dud, landing right next to his head.

As more time passed, things stopped coming to sleep with him, but things inside the original room became more alive.

Jay Kaiya was still, his eyes did not even peek, but the inside of his mind was like a torrent. A gushing storm, crazily moving around.

Everything was total darkness, his sight deprived, and his reliability taken.

His body was still like it was really asleep, but his skin was filled with sweat. He wished to make gulps to help swallow his fears, but he was afraid of the small noise breaking the mission.

He couldn't imagine what would hapen if this was a normal person doing this 'game'. They'd probably break it the moment the KuKu clock sung.

Within the room, the aura of what he had seen earlier today appeared once more. He started to guess it was the shadows from the first day, or maybe his missing 'Granny'.

Slippery movements slid around the room. Crawling in places that one would not think was possible.

It slithered around the roof, walls, and the floorboards as if it was a lizzard. Strangely making passes at him in random intervals, making a cold groggy skin touch upon his body.

He knew by now at least one hour had passed, but the Kuku bird no longer sang as if it was silenced. Making Jay wait the eternal silence of time.

The dolls began to climb onto his body, making him a boat as they played the foor was lava, causing Jay to feel little jumps and feet stroll above him.

One of the dolls even ran up to his face, and kept caressing him and his lips. Luckily she did not mess with his eyes or breathing or it would've been game over.

The soft hands of the kimono girl even started to pull his cheeks and lips like he was a cute baby. Her new favorite toy.


The bookshelf broke causing him to almost jump in fear.


The sound of a lock sounded with the door closing, but Jay already knew there was no lock on this door...