Tutorial Ends

With people starting to go their own ways after the small contest was over, the host gave him the key to his room he had won for tonight.

Once he went down the stage, Aiko came running over to give him a sneaky hug.

"Oh my god! Tell me do you have more!? I can become rich off you!"

The stare of a predator counteracted the soft plush feeling he felt in his arms, making him not blush one bit. Rolling his eyes at he girl, he explained he was always taleneted.

"Talented, aye?"

She scanned him up and down, putting her white hands on his shoulders as she circled around him. With a soft melodic whisper into his hears, she took the roomkeys, shaking her hips as she went towards the hotel.

"Then why don't you show me in bed?..."

Jay was once again speechless at her antics. Although he knew what she truly meant, meaning him sleeping on the couch, he still couldn't help but turning red at her tease.

'God, this lady truly too flirtatious when she teases me...'

Following after the pretty girl, they went into the fancy room that was the prize for the singing competiton.

Once the door closed, Jay asked for her phone right away.

She tossed the phone towards him and sprawled onto the bed.

"If you told me you were good at singing, I would've brought my luggage... Now I have to buy extra designer clothes at the shop downstairs..."

'Not like she would've listened to me...'

Ignoring her, Jay went out the room to go towards the hotel lounge. He didn't want to be seen by others when he interacted with his phone and WeTube channel. He felt that it was better to keep it to himself for as long as he can.

Logging in his WeTube account on Aiko's phone, Jay cutted down the video she recorded, and posted it simply straight to the internet after putting in the song title.

Logging out just as quick, he pulled out his black phone. He wished to see what today's nightmare mission shall be.

Strangely however, the app a small [1] next to it. When clicked, a message filled his whole screen.

[Tutorial completed. Forcefully chosing 1 star scenario. Mission Scenario has been chosen, A Lotus's Cry.]

[Ever since my puberty hit, I've been running from them my whole life. Those oily rancid stares of those animals! Yet no matter how much I tried, I guess one can call it fate. I was stained...]

[I could not afford to cut off my petal though, both mentally and figuratively. Seasons passed, and my pollen bloomed, but he came again, taking the only treasure I had left. Everything was taken away from me! And the last thing I truly had was stolen after all that struggle! If I can't make him pay in this life, I'll sure to haunt you in the next!! If only I vanished when I had a chance...]

[Completion Condition: Find the evidence before its too late, and prove the truth before the sun rises.]

[Mission Rewards: Seven Days of Life and a Mission Token.]

[Failing Consequences: Death of everyone in the building.]

'De-Death of everyone in the building?!?!'

Jay Kaiya felt for the first time, what it feels like to be penetrated in his buthole.


. . .

"Get out of this building? Aiya, Jay. If you want the bed that bad we can share it, honestly I don't care."

"Its not about sleeping with you! Something bads going to happen tonight! Get out od here before its too late!"

"You need to make a better excuse than that handsome..."

"I'm serious! People might even die!!"

"Are you crazy Jay... If that was true, there would be cops..."

"No its!..."


He can't possibly tell her its ghosts right? She won't ever listen when she needs to listen! Why does she always ignore me during times like this!?

"Fine! Just stay in here then, and don't go out!"

Aiko watching Jay stormed out, mumbled to herself as she swung her legs on the bed.

"Bicker, bicker, bicker, so annoying like a housewife! Sheesh!"

Jay Kaiya luckily did not hear her as he ran toward the front of the hotel. He only had about three quarters to half day left. He started thundering his mind for hints on the solution.

It said evidence, and the description probably described a case of r*pe, possibly leading to murder or suicide. Since the location was here, he can narrow down the suspects to the higher ups.

Wait! Now that he thought about it, the owner's last name matched with a the first singer in the contest earlier today! Thats where he need to start! Now he just needs to find her!

When he recalled the scene from before, the girl's mother wasn't near the father watching her. That was really suspicious as today was related to a big opening type of event, and her daughter was also singing.

She might be the child of the women in the description, which means he had to find the evidence and proof of the father's black deeds!

Taking a turn to find the hotel's reciptionist, he would need to find a excuse to see the girl. Even if he was investigating the wrong thing, it was the only thing and suspect he could think of currently. It was better to try, than do nothing.