Owner's Daughter

The man at the receptionist doubtfully looked at the young man who ran up to him in a hurry. He heard about these legendary perverts from some of the online novels he had read. Is he perhaps one of those mythical boy toys looking for a rich owner?... He wasn't too sure if he should tell him where the owner's daughter was... It was probably a violation against the rules...

The customer in front of him started urging him, tapping on the reception counter for a reply. "What are you waiting for so long? I think I picked up something she dropped, I wish to hand it to her."

'She dropped something? Perhaps... I'll finally have a chance to talk to her...'

To think the man's so shameless to personally hand something off to her, just so he can meet the young girl. He won't give this lecher a chance, so he decided he shall hand it to her instead when she walks by later. Besides, what if the man was lying? He could not afford to lose this job.

"Sir, thank you for your care. If you can leave the item here, I'll give the object to her when she visits later."

"But... What if it was not hers?"

The male receptionist almost twitched from his reply. He was definitely looking for an excuse to meet the cute girl. "Sir, do not worry, we also work as a lost and found, so even if it is not, the original owner would sure come by later."

Jay Kaiya wished to punch this man in the face. Why the heck was he so difficult to deal with!? He was wasting every second he had left! He decided to just search the traffic areas to hopefully see the girl somewhere, as the worker will not tell him where she was at.

"Ahh! Its you! Ca-Can you grab a drink with me?"

The owner's daughter ran up to him out of no where, asking him if he could have a drink with her. Thankfully the girl came to him right when he needed her. He guessed luck was on his side for now. Agreeing with her, the two walked towards the nearby cafe.

The male receptionist looked at the two walking away. One the oppurtunity, and the other as destiny. Sighing with regrets, the man felt his energy get sapped from him.

'Aghhh... There goes my youth...'

At the cafe, the girl brought them two imported luxury cofees from Africa to their small table. As this was a resort, the restraunts were more higher class. This cafe personally grounded the cofee from scratch, while the food was equally as good. Taking a sip of the cofee she gave him, he instantly scruntched his eyes.

'Wh-Why is it so bitter...'

"D-Do you not like it?..."

Possibly the girl noticing his face scruntch a bit, she asked him in worry. Seeing how the girl became troubled with is action, he felt bad for her as she was the one to treat him. "Sorry, I just never tried this before, so I didn't know it would taste bitter."

"Yo-You want some cream and sugar? I go-got some here..."

Glancing at the girl who kept stammering, he couldn't help but give a small chuckle. He can tell that this girl probably had a crush on him. It felt a little weird though... He was a couple years older than her. If he loved her back that would be child molesting...

Coughing at that random thought, he continued onto his main purpose of why he wanted to talk to her. "Hey, I noticed that it was only your dad watching you today when you sang. Why was that? Do you always participate in competitions, or is it that your relationship is complicated with you mom?"

"Mom huh...", the cofee that she once loved now felt so bitter to her. Her cheery mood instantly became dull. "Its complicated...", becoming depressed, she started to play with her cofee cup, twirling it in circles.

Although he felt bad for bringing up her bad memories, he also felt more relieved for being right on his guess. This also meant that her dad would be a rapist though... He can't imagine how someone would deal with the truth when they find out... He had to continue however, or more drastic consequences will take place...

"Sorry... I didn't mean to bring up bad memories... I think you should talk about it though, to get it out of your mind you know... Its bad to keep your emotions and thoughts locked in you... I'm someone you don't know in real life, so it should be easier to talke to me as a stranger..."

With that, the girl gave in, making the date she originally wanted to become a counsel session. "I've never met my mom... In fact I don't even know what she looks like...", with the conversation starting, tears started to spill from her eyes, dropping into the cup below.

"You know how I feel when I saw kids walking with both their parents down the street when I was little?..."

"The fact that you will never meet your family, or the fact that you can never even know what they looked like?..."

"When you have no one to pick you up at school?..."

"When your friends brag about how amazing their parents are to each other?..."

"The realization that you need to take care of yourself?... With no one to care for you at home?..."

"Having no family member whose the same gender as me to talk or ask questions to?..."

"Whats the point of being rich when there is no one to care for you..."

Jay Kaiya was silent throughout her emotional speech. At times like this it was best to be silent till they are finished. After a couple of minutes of her sobbing and talking, twenty minutes had already passed since she started. Honestly there was nothing useful other than confirming his inital thought that the father is the person he needs to focus on.

Once he was done comforting the girl, Jay digged in for more information, even when it will hurt the girl more. "Do you know where your mom is now?"

"No... All I know is that she is dead..."

"How did she die?"

"Sh-She committed suicide... Thats the only info my dad ever told me about her..."

Suicide? So that meant he had to find evidence of her dad raping her then probably... Saying sorry for her again, and wishing her well, Jay Kaiya left to go back in his room to think of what to do next. The girl was very pitiable, but he had to finish this quest, or most likely everyone in this building today will die...

While their conversation was on going, Jin Aiko got a call from the landline in her room. Feeling bored and also wondering why there was a call, she picked up the the ringing phone. A silvery soft voice spoke through the phone, cute and melodic.

"Do you wish to have a massage today sir? It is 13,000 Yen for a session, while we have specialized packages starting from 25,000 Yen. Do you wish to order an appointment?"

Speaking in a husky low voice, Aiko responded "Sure... I'll take the lowest option... When can I be expecting you?", to the girl.

Quickly hearing a sexy flirting voice through the call, the girl told him that she will be there from 7 p.m., "I hope you will treat me well during the night sir!", and the call was ended.

As soon as the call ended, Jay opened the door to the room, entering. Seeing Jay entering the room, Aiko told him what she reserved for him.

"Hey Jay, I ordered you a prostitute. She will be here starting from 7 p.m."
