
Standing up the women's body dripped with blood as she trudged her way towards Jay Kaiya. She had a limp, formed from a leg which was dragged because it was twisted the wrong way, dislocated and broken. Her body seemed to be full of broken bones all caused by the car crash, but she did not seem to notice any pain.

Although Jay Kaiya thought that he was already ready enough to face these circumstances, in the truth of the situation, he did not move an inch. He was frozen still at the body which started to dissolve before him becoming shorter, each step she came close.

He was cold, and fear took over him, this was a scene to realistic to make him react to the reality. Cold sweat poured from his pores, and Jay Kaiya tried to back away in unregistered footsteps, but he ended up tripping over some debris causing him to fall butt first to the hard ground.

Seeing a chance at catching her new prey, the women limped faster, trying to get to him for whatever reason that it may be! She might steal his body, maybe eat him, or perhaps even just to kill him! The point was that he did not know, and it was the unknown which caused him to be consumed by fear in this situation!

He desperately crawled backwards on the dirty icy old floor, trying to run away from this ghost, but then his back hit into a wall which marked the end of the hall! If he was actually calm enough in this situation, he would notice it was however a couch which blocked his path, but the jump scare had already taken over his normal mind!

Seeing that the man was locked, a more starking smile crept up to the face which came closer, giving her a weird vibe which did not fit her appearance at all! Each step she took made her a more gory scene, blood splattering behind, and her appearance turning more beaten down.

Jay churned on the ground, pushing his body frame against the couch which was ripped, still not registering he had a chance to run, the only thing he thought he could do now was prepare for death. Rather than facing ghosts, he rather wished to face murderers! At least with real people he will know what to do, and nothing supernatural will actually happen!

Eventually the ghost was before him, the distance which separated them was never far in the first place, it was only that Jay Kaiya was not acting calm at all, making him think she got to him faster than she should've.

Reaching her hand towards Jay's face, he gave up all hope and closed his eyes for his death. A cold freezing frosty touch gripped Jay's chin, making him shiver in response.

"Are you ok sir? You ran away from me like you saw something scary as soon as you saw me..."

Opening his eyes, Jay saw a beautiful girl replace the ghost which he had just seen earlier. The scene behind her also turned normal, making him appear back in the same resort hotel that he had remembered.

It was also the same as the earlier scene however, everything was renovated and clean. Starting to calm down, he guessed that the owner had renovated a building which used to stand here, only changing some things for convenience sake.

He knew that he was making a weird appearance to the girl which had her hand on his face to see if he was ok. Seeing him appear more normal, the woman helped Jay up to his feet.

Taking a closer look at this girl once he was on his two feet, he noticed that the girl actually resembled with the woman he had seen earlier, but they were still different in some areas.

'Are they related?'

Feeling awkward from the long quiet stare she was giving him, he decided to strike up a conversation first. "Sorry... Um... Is it weird to say that you freaked me out?... I watched too much horror movies just now, and it scared the heck out of me when you turned around like that suddenly..."

Watching the man's appearance awkwardly reply while putting his gaze to the ground, although this seemed like an excuse, she believed he was telling the truth. Even his ears were turning a little pink, and his body still gave a little bit of a reflexive shiver from that earlier event.

Still hearing no answer or sound from her, he decided to try and continue a conversation. "Are you one of the workers here, or are you just staying for the night?"

Putting her guard down a little, she replied to Jay not thinking much of it. "Just for the night, I always wanted to visit this place before...", giving a small smile as she spoke that answer, she cuddled her hands around her waist casually like she was thinking of a good memory.

Soon though, the awkward silence continued. Wanting to get out of this embarrassing situation, he spoke his leave and went back towards his room. It was only once he got back that he noticed something was strange about what she said.

She told him that she always wanted to visit this place, but it was only just recently built? He should've known that there was something special about her, after all such a scene would not appear on some random stranger he had just met, plus that last action of hers strangely gave him a weird sense of danger.

Opening the door, he saw Aiko using her phone to play video games. "Didn't you say that you wished to stay at a resort before... but you are just staying in the room all day, and even playing video games now..."

Not liking what she said, she turned off her phone and jumped off the bed. "Fine, let's go out then Mr. Bully, lets have some fun or whatever you want to call it!", annoyed she clicked her lips and went to grab her wallet resting on the nightstand.

Sighing, Jay decided that he should take a small break. He knew that he missed a vital clue just now in that earlier event, but that frightening scene was still on his mind, giving him a chill each time he unknowingly thought of it.

Exiting the room together with her in almost the same amount that he went in, they closed the door leading to their room.


Hearing the lock they prepared to go, but then he noticed that the electronic lock up top was glowing red.

Aiko noticed the same strange situation, however she was looking at a different direction than him when the electronic lock turned red.

When she was staring down the hall, all the blue lights turned red at once. She did not know what red meant, but she guessed it was not anything good.

"Did you close the lock Aiko?", tapping Jay as a response, she pointed towards the rest of the hall. "I can't lock everything can I?"

Seeing the situation, Jay quickly tried to open the door, but it was locked. They didn't close the door, but it was tightly locked shut.

Looking back at the hall which glew red from all the locks, he thought to himself that them two might be the only normal customers outside of their rooms at this time of night.

Every customer's room was locked, and they were stranded within the empty hall, a suppression seemed to creep into their minds.