Original Building

Old walls, aged halls, was the building possibly something else before the resort owner built it? He was not sure, and no one can answer him either. Pulling out his phone he attempted to look it up online, but there was no more internet connection.

It was already the beginning of the night, so the lighting was very dark. The hallway was filled with shadows that seemed to lurk in the dark, waiting in the blackness.

It was very hard for Jay Kaiya to see anything within the corridor, so he decided to turn up the screen brightness to act as a flashlight, but on second thought, he turned his phone off, putting it away in his pocket again.

The light would make it easier for him to see, but who did not say that anything else laid in wait within the spots he can not see? The source of light will make him a firefly to everything else that hid in cover.

After his experience with the earlier events given from the black phone, and his four years of studies at the university, Jay Kaiya did not run away, but decided to go further into the mystery. He also started to notice these things brought him an unknowingly sense of excitement and anticipation.

'Was I always this curious of a person?', but no matter, he continued the journey. For increased safety, he trekked along the walls of the hallway, walking into the long straight hall.

With one arm on the wall as he walked, and the other in a defensive stance, he slowly made his way into the littered hall way. Strangely he felt like he was being watched from each of the doors he passed, residents watching him from the small peepholes encased in the doors.

He felt like an animal inside a zoo, or a lab rat spectated by the scientists, it was a very uncomfortable sensation. Still he did not open any of the doors as he was not sure what might come out. He might just release something he won't be able to deal with.

As he slowly went further into the one way road, he noticed that shadows started to appear near him. All in different sizes, but they were similar to the size of humans. None of them brushed near him, but they did go past him, while some went into the doors, disappearing without it ever opening or closing.

Jay stopped at first, in order to get a gist of the situation, and to see whether his safety was compromised or not. Luckily at a minute, nothing happened, it almost seemed as if the shadows could not recognize or spot him.

Seeing that he was still safe, Jay Kaiya started to walk forward again, but albeit a little more slowly and cautious. He theorized to himself that the walking blurs of large shadows might be dead spirits, or perhaps another dimension. It was all too supernatural for him to understand with his limited knowledge.

To Jay it felt like he was walking into a long tunnel with no way back, a road which tightly constricted his freedom. It was almost like he was commiting a act of willing suicide.

The further he went, the more things that developed. Now there was faded noise of the activities from the shadows, some seemed to be conversations, others arguments, and some hazed music of sounds.

He was not sure what might pop up at the end of this road, but he knew it had to be related to the answers he must find. The sounds gradually grew louder, becoming a cacophony of harsh sounds. He could not understand a single meaning, nor recognize what they meant, but he can only relate it to what they signified from, such as sound coming from footsteps.

This world was a grey dull of blackness, mixed with walking shadows and decay, even Jay Kaiya with a higher threshold for fear could not help but start to feel apprehensive.

His muscles were tensed as he made his way down into the abyss, he started to feel he should just run away from all this even with the drastic consequences of the innocent deaths. He was only a normal man, not a saint or a hero, although he will try to help, if he loses too much than he will not do it, but the rewards held him back.

One, the reward will give him a mission token. This related to his well being, and how good he will do in his future. Two, he didn't have a choice. He needed this in order to gain more days to live, without this he will die. He was not willing to take a chance all this was a joke or a lie, the things he had already experienced said otherwise, plus it was likely the wraith will end up plucking more days from him if he fails this mission.

The consequences were too heavy, while the rewards were enticing, Jay Kaiya now knew the real goal of why he was doing this. Plus to be honest, he was a little bit of a thrill seeker since young, so he was also satisfying his inner craving.

Eventually the smell became more stark and noticeable, the scent of decay mixed in with an unknown scent of dust and rust. The shadows became more constant and crowded, multiples of them floating through the halls.

Finally once Jay Kaiya reached the first opening, he noticed he had arrived at a side entrance, a place which used to be filled with some shops and restaurants. At the entrance sat the only other human he has seen so far in this weird world.

She had her back turned against him, wearing a long white one piece dress, but the colors were faded, and dots of red decorated her clothing, creating an abnormal sense of fashion. Her long hair decorated the ends of her back, and her small stature cuddled into the small seat which she sat within.

'Is this the mother?', Jay paused as he was not sure if he should continue towards it or wait to observe its actions, but he did not need to wait long.

The girl's hair began to flutter along with a non existent wind, and her dress turning noticeably darker and dull, the red starting to grow into more noticeable pools, and her body starting to tremble along with an invisible pressure.


A shot of blood exploded out of her, making her beautiful back smuttered into rough jagged pieces, the red color was actually blood, and the parts of her dress which remained began to absorb the bleeding red which slipped from the wound.

She slowly turned her body towards Jay who she had just noticed, giving a small smirk onto her pale grey face, skin which had long since decayed and lost its color, a living carcass, a dead body which rotated her body in a stance which seemed to be ready to jump at him any moment.

The mother had noticed him, and Jay Kaiya seemed to have walked headfirst into a trap.