goyya ch 716-720

"There's that, but you don't really have to concern yourself regarding that, Hestia-sama. Besides, Akeno-san and Irina's situation is also different from that. It's the Falna doing something that it isn't designed to do.", Kisuke then turned his head on Akeno and Irina, "If my conjectures are correct, then you'll never be able to Level up since you don't really need your body to adapt. The most likely scenario is that your 'stats' would be stuck at max value and it won't change again after that. Or maybe it'll display gibberish text after a long while. In any case, even if you can't see the numerical value, I can safely say that you're progressing well."

Akeno sighed in relief while Irina's eyes shone with her saying, "So that's the case! Alright~! My motivation is back! I'm going to the Dungeon tomorrow!"

"Take it easy. You first have to digest what happened today and reflect on your actions. Go to the Dungeon once you've cleared your mind."

But the moment Kisuke said that, silence befell on the dining table, "W-what?"

"Take it easy... I never thought I'd hear that in its actual meaning from senpai...", muttered Koneko.

"...Did you actually catch a cold?", asked Aika rudely.

"...Or did you actually hit your head badly?" Sona also threw a jab.

Kisuke could only laugh awkwardly at their responses, "I'm certainly at fault with those kinds of responses."

Shaking his head, Kisuke continued, "Anyway, it's only inevitable that I change my stance after experiencing more things."

Sipping his tea, Kisuke let out a small smile, 'It's true that there are enemies and some of them are breathing behind our ears, but I'm wrong to think that I have to eliminate all of these threats to have a peaceful and fulfilling life. No matter what I do, I would make more enemies as much as allies. That became more apparent this time, because I intended to protect a lot of people on my own accord and not because of some sense of responsibility.'

Exhaling deeply, Kisuke stretched his back, 'If there is no end to the enemies coming after us, then there's no point in sacrificing our daily lives just because of their presence.'

Sona and the other girls wanted to ask him what experience changed his mind but Hestia, Artemis and Serafall stopped them. The three of them knew that Kisuke had reached some kind of realization, but he didn't have to explain it to everyone else.

Sona saw that and instantly changed her mind and changed the topic, "Anyway, I've been curious. What really happens when a God is sent back to Heaven and all of their children lose their abilities?"

Ever since the death of the former members of the Dionysus Familia, Sona had been wondering what the mechanics behind it were.

"The only way the Falna was able to pass the power of the soul to the physical body is by becoming the bridge that connects the two itself. The reason why those with blessing could use Magic and become stronger is because the 'instructions' for it were inscribed on the soul. So when the Falna disappears, so does the bridge connecting the soul to the body, locking the soul away and leaving only a healthier and sturdier body behind."

"I see...", Sona nodded in understanding, "You said that the blessing is only for the body to adapt to the soul so when the passive strengthening and Magic from the Falna disappear, they could come back to being normal mortals with overflowing Magic Power which they can't use."

"Correct. For those who didn't learn Magic or Ki properly and rely only upon the work done by the Falna, it's only fair to say that their power isn't theirs in the first place and one really can only blame themselves if it was suddenly taken away."

"Ah! So that's why you wanted a Falna that doesn't give any skills! Because it's technically useless in your case!", Hestia finally realized it from their conversation.




The next morning, Kisuke got out of his workshop to join everyone else for breakfast. As usual, without needing to sleep, he poured all of his time alone into work on some projects and the first one he tackled was Tanis' disguise Magic item because he had promised Claire to take her out to have fun. And if she was coming, the other two, of course, won't allow her to have fun alone.

Arriving at the dining hall Kisuke immediately called the Dragon girl, "Tanis-chan~ Come over here for a moment. I have a present for you~"

After yesterday's dinner, Tanis' fear of Kisuke already fully disappeared and the innocent Dragon girl came running to him when she heard him, "Present!?"

"Yep~", Kisuke took out a silver ring pendant necklace and put it on her, "This is a Magic Item that'll allow you to walk around the town. At least until the Xenos can have their freedom on the surface."

Although simple in design as to not attract unwanted attention when revealed to the public, Tanis was incredibly fascinated by its luster and mysterious engravings on it as she held the ring in her hands.

She then looked up to Kisuke with wide eyes and asked, "I can go out?"

"You sure can~!"

"I can play on the streets with Claire-chan and Ophis-chan?"

"As long as it isn't a busy or main street."

"I can buy delicious things from stalls?"

Kisuke gave her a thumbs up, "Nii-chan struck it rich not too long ago, so I'll give you all the allowance you'll need~!"

With bright and shining eyes, Tanis leaped and hugged Kisuke, "Thank you, Kisuke-niichan! Let's go!?"

Kisuke laughed out loud and patted her head, "After your breakfast and morning lessons. I'll take you three to a lot of places."

Tanis nodded and excitedly went back to her seat to finish her meal. She didn't even ask him how to use the pendant he gave her.

Similarly, Claire and Ophis's pace also sped up when they heard that they'll be going out to have fun and Hestia had to remind them to slow down.

Kisuke couldn't help but chuckle at this scene and regretted not doing this much earlier.


Around 10:00 AM, Kisuke took the three little girls out. The others wanted to come, but Kisuke refused their participation, citing that today is the kids' day. Kisuke checked Tanis, who had her 'special' characteristics hidden through a field created by his special energy that anyone, including the Gods, couldn't see through, to make sure that the device he made was functioning properly.

The gentle smile on his face couldn't be hidden when he saw her nervously cross the gates and their cheering when she successfully got out of the manor.

As Kisuke watched them from behind and just let them play around, he thought that he would have to make some moves, but was surprised to see that no one came to mess with the little girls, 'Looks like the incident that Ophis caused is still in the minds of these people.'

Prior to going out, Kisuke gave Claire and Tanis candies that would regulate their food intake so no matter how much they eat for today, the feeling of fullness would soon disappear, giving them unlimited freedom of what they could eat for the day. Of course, he had to remind them that it's only for today since it could potentially destroy their senses when it comes to food.

When Tanis asked why Ophis didn't receive any candy, the latter only answered with a smug face, "I am... strong."

"So if I become as strong as Ophis-chan, I can eat anything!?" asked Tanis innocently.

Patting her shoulder, Ophis replied with a weird glint within her eyes, "All my followers shall stand on the top of the world."

"I will become as strong as Ophis-chan~!" declared Tanis.

"Me too~!" joined by Claire.

Although none of them truly knows what they are saying.

Nodding proudly, Ophis replied, "I shall guide you on how to subdue some birds and bats. And after that, their owners."

" "Yaaay~!!!" " Both of them cheered. Of course, they still have no idea that Ophis was talking about the three largest Factions on Earth.

Overhearing their conversation, Kisuke got a little bit nervous but also became extremely curious, 'Just what was she learning these past few weeks? And what is she planning to do in the future? Maybe I should let her finish her castle?'

Kisuke in the future would recall this moment as the beginning of the legend of 'The Three Void Empresses and their Flying Castles'.




While watching them frolic together, Kisuke's mind ended up wandering to the recent events and reflected over them. It didn't take too long for his train of thoughts to reach the scene yesterday where he'd talked to Syr before he separated from her, 'Was it a good idea to present a contradiction to her belief? Even though she's more open-minded than most Deities, I just went against the belief that she's carried her whole life. I hope that this won't cause extreme action from her in an attempt to solidify her belief.'

After calming down and reflecting, Kisuke regretted opening his mouth yesterday, 'And I just can't take back what I just said... Forget it. There's no use regretting that. What's the worst she could do? Charm the whole town? I really doubt she'd do that unless someone kicks her in the face.'

While mulling over things, Kisuke caught sight of the Loki Familia members. Ais, Tione, and Tiona seemed to be shopping for some things, but the moment the three of them saw Kisuke's group, instead of greeting them, Ais immediately did a 180 and ran away.

It wasn't just Kisuke who was surprised by this but also the Hiryute sisters who didn't know what to do after witnessing that. For now, however, both of them chased after Ais despite wanting to ask Kisuke what he did to Ais for her to have such a strange reaction like that, 'Am I really that scary?'

But after a while, Kisuke just shrugged his shoulders and sent what just happened at the back of his mind.

The three of them wanted to continue playing until late afternoon but they had to go back early afternoon when Ophis said that the egg was about to hatch.

Kisuke was surprised by this because his initial estimates were way off and figured that Ophis must have done something to the egg overnight.

Arriving back home, Kisuke and Ophis went straight to the egg and saw Artemis who volunteered to look after it poking it.

When Artemis saw them enter the room, she immediately said, "Welcome back. I think I saw it moving earlier."

Kisuke nodded at her and turned to Ophis, "Is it supposed to hatch today?"

Ophis nodded and went straight to the egg to cradle it.

Kisuke stared at the egg for a while and thought, 'It seems that it'll hatch in an hour or two.' Sitting beside Ophis, he chose to wait with her. During that time, he noticed that Ophis avoided using her 'Infinity' as she guided and injected Magic Power from the atmosphere into the egg.

"Why?" asked Kisuke.

"This child already escaped fate without my power. She doesn't need it."

Kisuke thought back to the moment Ophis sealed the Dragon into the egg. Because the corrupted Spirits ripped the Dragon from the Dungeon, its link to both sides was so weak that Ophis was able to pull it out from the corrupted Spirits and the Dungeon without using her real power.

"Her desires shall be fulfilled by herself." added Ophis.


Ophis nodded at Kisuke's question but she didn't elaborate any further.

Artemis, meanwhile, was squinting her eyes and pouted her mouth a little, "Another cryptic conversation... Mind explaining it?"

"Fufufu. Just think of it as a new friend coming into existence." Kisuke just chuckled at her question.

However, at this moment, something shook Kisuke's consciousness, and immediately looked towards the direction of the Dungeon's entrance, 'What? Right now? That was fast.'

He then stood up and said, "Something came up so I'll leave for a short while." Although he wanted to see the egg hatch, he has a responsibility he has to take care of.

"Where are you going? Are you going to eat dinner with us?" asked Artemis with a bit of concern.

Kisuke smiled wryly at her question, "I'm just going for a short trip to the Dungeon to fetch someone. By the way, please ask Medusa and Akeno-san to prepare an additional portion for dinner."

"A guest? Got it."

But as Kisuke was about to leave through the door, he recalled something quite important and turned to Ophis once again, "What about the Dragon's heartbeat? Would I need to put up a barrier?"

Shaking her head, Ophis answered, "She's already past that point."

"I see." He then looked at Artemis's direction one last time, "I think it'll be a good idea to call others. After all, it's a rare chance to see a Dragon egg hatch."


Kisuke tracked the unique signal he left on the certain individual and soon reached the 50th floor after rushing, 'This is pretty deep. Just what did she end up with?'

Kisuke continued dashing and reached a certain corner of the safe zone. From there, he saw a naked white-haired and pale-white girl with a pair of black bat wings sprouting behind her being ejected from the wall as if a new monster was being born.

The girl dropped to her knees and slowly opened her crimson-red eyes with cross-shaped pupils. She then slowly raised her hands to see their long and sharp black fingernails. With the memories of her previous life still in a mess, the girl couldn't even remember who she is even if wanted to.

However, it was at this moment that a familiar voice resounded beside her, "Welcome back, Challia-san~ It's time to start your round two in Hell, though it seems you got extremely lucky this time and got a form very close to a Human."

Her long Elf-like ears jerked up and she slowly lifted her head to see the last person she saw before she died sporting the same grin, "K-Kisuke... Urahara?" she muttered, showing her two long and sharp canines.

"Yep~ The one and only~!"

It was then a massive headache that attacked the girl, formerly Filvis Challia of the Dionysus Familia, as Kisuke's appearance jogged her memories, putting them in the right places, "Ahhh!!!"

Her scream of extreme pain as she held her head dearly echoed throughout the entirety of the quiet 50th floor, but Kisuke ignored the noise she's making and carefully checked her physical features, "Hmmm... Prominent canines, pale white skin, and bat-like wings... A Vampire? Does that mean that somewhere deep in the Dungeon, a Vampire monster exists?"

Kisuke waited for Filvis to calm down, but as soon as the pain in her head subsided, another bout of panic ensued. Cornering her back on the wall, Filvis started shaking violently as she hugged her knees in an attempt to find the slightest comfort. With her eyes swimming around, she started muttering as if she had lost her mind, "W-why...? Why is this happening?... Lord Dionysus... Where are you, Lord Dionysus!? W-why!? Why did I become a monster once again!? P-please! Someone! End this nightmare!"

Kisuke sighed, 'Well, I already expected that this might be the case.' Pointing his finger at her forehead, Kisuke used his Kidou, "Inemuri (Forced Slumber)."

As Filvis lost her consciousness, Kisuke chucked her in the sack he took out from his inventory and carried it behind on his back, "Yosh~! Let's leave the troublesome things like calming her down to the girls."

With that in mind, Kisuke returned home after 'kidnapping' a girl from the Dungeon.




When Kisuke reached the manor, the sun was already setting. However, he noticed that a barrier was covering the whole building, allowing entry but not allowing exit, "Hmmm? What's going on?"

From inside, he could hear some voices and one of them had an unfamiliar and strange tone to it, "Wait... This is a telepathic signal being broadcasted to everywhere. Is it that Dragon?" guessed Kisuke.

"I'm home~...?" When Kisuke opened the door he saw a three feet long and one and a half wide white western Dragon flapping its wings in front of him.

The White Dragon was a bit chubby for its size and it has clear blue eyes that emit intelligence. The two of them stared at each other in silence for a short while before the flying reptile lunged at his chest and grabbed his shitagi while looking up to him, [Protect... Aria...] A clear telepathic message came from it when it opened its jaw.

Kisuke was a bit surprised by its words, but after considering its origin and how it came to be, he was able to guess the reason, 'It approached me with such willingness... Can it feel Aria-san's aura from me?'

Not long after, Aika came running from the interior of the building and shouted, "Kisuke! Catch that shiny lizard! It's trying to escape!... Wait... Huh?" But she slowed down when she saw the Dragon silently clutching on Kisuke's clothing with its tiny claw, "You tamed it?"

Kisuke patted the Dragon and replied, "Nope. It just likes the smell coming from me."

Aika narrowed her eyes at his answer and said, "So it can 'smell' Aria from you?"

"You understand it?"

"I can instinctively tell because I've been deepening my relationship with my 'daughters'. Besides, it can only say two words. 'Aria' and 'Protect'. It's not that hard to understand it." answered Aika with a sigh.

The Dragon ignored Aika and kept repeating 'Protect' and 'Aria' to Kisuke, "I see... But why did you have to put up such a barrier just to catch this?"

"Because it's strangely agile! It has an ability to hide its presence to the point that Koneko couldn't exactly pinpoint its location within the manor. We had no choice but to place this barrier so that it won't go out."

"What about Ophis? Didn't she say anything to this little one?"

Aika shook her head, "Nope. She only said that she won't interfere. And the only people who could easily catch it, Serafall-chan and Medusa-chan, stayed out of the way."

Kisuke grabbed the Dragon and said, "Let's go inside first."

"By the way, what's with that sack? It has a similar aura to those Xenos. Did you kidnap a Xenos?"

"Ah!" Kisuke finally remembered that he's carrying someone and placed the sack in front of Aika, "I'll leave her to you. I'll take her tomorrow to the Loki Familia."

Aika tilted her head in confusion, "The Loki Familia? Although they've taken care of Ray, that's only because she saved Finn. I doubt they'll take care of another Xenos, especially a stranger."

Kisuke walked past her while carrying the Dragon who became silent in his arms, "Well, she's not exactly a stranger to them and I'm sure that gay Elf would accept her."

Since everyone else already heard that Kisuke caught the Dragon from his conversation with Aika, they stopped their search and put down the barrier. Aika, meanwhile, untied the sack and took a peek inside, "...Why is she naked?" is the first question that came from her mouth.

But she immediately shook her head and thought, 'Kisuke won't really do anything to her even if she's naked. After all, for him, being a big pervert is just a fun way to mess with someone.'

Aika then took the girl Xenos out of the sack and finally saw her face, "Hmm? Why does she look familiar...? Wait... Filvis Challia!? How!?" Aika's shout attracted everyone's attention.


28th00: Truly, hell. Cute lizard, Ophis won't interfere with it's decisions, but man is A

At dinner time, everyone sat around the table full of delicious food, including Filvis. Although she was still flinching at the noises and was at a general loss of what to do. In hindsight, it was actually pretty easy to calm her down. As someone who had been persecuted by others all the time, Filvis was very sensitive about how others looked at her.

With everyone gazing at her as if she's a genuine and real person, she wondered how these people could act like this, especially now that she had such inhumane features that could surely scare any normal person. Thanks to that, however, Filvis got a sense of safety, albeit, only slightly.

Remaining quiet while staying on the seat given to her and watching everyone's attitude, Filvis shook when Medusa suddenly placed a plate in front of her, "It's an informal setting so just take whatever you fancy."

Filvis looked up to her casual expression and hesitantly nodded.

Soon the table descended into chaos with Aika grabbing the majority of the meat for herself. Ever since learning how to maintain her figure using Magic, she didn't care what she eats anymore. And due to her actions, others also started imitating her, mainly Claire, Tanis, and Ophis as the 'candy' that Kisuke gave the former two earlier was still in effect.

The noisy and rambunctious dinner should have been unbearable for someone like Filvis, however, this atmosphere of a casual and uncaring attitude actually gave her more of a sense of comfort. A lot better than an awkward silence would. It's as if she was actually accepted. But before that train of thought further developed itself, Filvis sighed and shook her head in an attempt to brush off these 'dangerous' thoughts.

"What's wrong? You don't like the food? Do you have something specific you want?" Hestia suddenly asked her when she saw that Filvis hadn't touched her utensils yet.

"N-no. That's not it, Lady Hestia..."

"Then you should start eating before these gluttonous girls wipe everything off the table. I know you're hungry and if you want to do something, you should have at least the energy to move around."


Nevertheless, Hestia just waved her hand at Filvis and started putting some food on her plate herself, "I know what you're thinking and your concerns, but save it for later. I can, however, reassure you that my children are different from the rest and won't judge you on how you look."

While Filvis was still unwilling to believe her words, she swallowed back her words, "...Thank you very much."

Filvis gratefully accepted the meal but as she took a bite from it, she felt her unnaturally long canines and reminded her of her current existence, 'What's going to happen to me now?'

'Looks like Tanis's presence still couldn't reassure her,' Sona thought. She doesn't know exactly what Kisuke's reason was on why he turned Filvis into a Xenos, but the latter already told her that he already got what he wanted from her. Coincidence or not, Filvis's existence was actually a great boon, not for them, but Tanis, 'If she can make a small opening for the path to the coexistence of Xenos and the people of the Lower World, it'd be really great for Tanis-chan.'

Dinner ended and the first ones to leave were Claire, Ophis, and Tanis because they still had to finish their homework. They were then followed by Kisuke who planned another all-nighter.

The rest then moved to the living room where Artemis and Irina prepared tea for everyone.

With Filvis in the middle, everyone was staring at her with great interest, putting her in great discomfort. Nevertheless, Filvis gathered her courage and asked, "Uhmm... What's going to happen to me now?"

"You're a lot meeker than you originally are." commented Aika. Since they would commonly come across the Loki Familia investigating the Evilus' movements, they'd also come across Filvis with either Dionysus or Lefiya. And from their memories, she had a stronger and more stoic attitude, very different from the demeanor she's displaying now.

However, after recalling her history and thinking about it, Filvis's stance and attitude were very understandable. With nothing to depend on and reincarnating as something that others would instantly kill when they come across her, she couldn't really display a strong front.

Seeing Filvis making a difficult expression, Sona just waved her hand and said, "Forget about it. If you're asking what's going to happen, aside from Kisuke having something in mind, we don't really know what will happen to you, nor do we have any idea where you'll end up in the future. One thing I'm quite sure of, though. You'll be deciding on the path you want to take on your own, since Kisuke will let you off."

Of course, Kisuke already told the girls his intention of sending Filvis to the Loki Familia tomorrow but asked them not to reveal it since she might run away.

Filvis couldn't help but scrunch up her brows slightly, "Then what am I doing here? Kisuke Urahara could have left me alone in the Dungeon if he's just going to let me go. Does he plan to do an experiment with me? How did he find me in the first place?"

"Don't worry about it. He'll bring you somewhere and he'll be done with you. It's your choice what to do after that next. And as for how he found you, we don't really know. Though we've already learned that it'll just be tiring asking him everything, and as for whatever he's trying to do? As it is most of the time, it's actually just for 'fun'." Sona sighed.

"Enough of that~!" Irina suddenly interjected, "We're not here to talk about Kisuke's plans, but Filvis-san herself!"


"Yep~! Aren't you curious about what you can do now?"

But in front of the excited Irina, Filvis firmly shook her head, "N-no."


Filvis gritted her teeth and explained further, "I thought I'd already escaped that hell, but only to be sent back right into it." She then recalled Kisuke's last words to her before she completely turned into ashes and suspected that he has something to do with her current state right now. Her complicated feeling then turned into silent fury, '...Why...?'

"I can't say that Kisuke-kun has nothing to do with your current situation, however, please remember all the words he said at that time." Hestia inserted. Sona and Koneko already told her in detail about what happened in Knossos and Dionysus' last moments last night. Including the parting words that Kisuke gave her.

'Well, I guess you're also aware that no matter how you answer, that sick Deity won't be leaving you alone. However, you two are both wrong about something. And even if you wanted to, you won't be together like he said.'

Those were his exact words and Filvis became incredibly confused when she recalled that.

Raising her hand, Serafall gathered everyone's attention, "Ah, about that, I asked him about it and explained it to me why he did that~!"


"From what I've understood with what he's said, despite having control over those Demi-Spirits, you people, including Dionysus, don't have any idea what they really are."

Filvis wanted to deny Serafall's words, but couldn't find a proper argument against it. In truth, it was the Creatures that were controlling the strange Monsters and they'd only instinctively know where the jewel for the Demi-Spirits would sprout within the Dungeon. Dionysus's role was just as a guide, promising to assist them in their goal of reaching the surface.

All in all, they knew nothing about them and they were just as mysterious as the Dungeon itself. Even as a Creature, Filvis never dived deep enough to find out the origin of the vines that had turned her into that monstrous form.

"Your God claimed that he'll come with you to Heaven, but according to Kisuke, that was impossible without any interference. So without any knowledge, that guy thought that both of you would ascend to Heaven but in reality, not just your body, but also your soul was in whatever those Demi-Spirits serve."

Filvis shuddered, "B-but that's...!?"

"You should have an inkling that this might be the case. Dionysus couldn't update your Status, could he?"

Filvis couldn't deny it. Ever since becoming a Creature, her Falna had become corrupted and even Dionysus couldn't do anything about it. Instead of displaying numerical parameters, it was just a bunch of gibberish text that didn't mean anything. The only consolation she got regarding that was that her Skills and Magic were still readable, with the addition of something called 'Monstrum Union' and 'Einsel' that she got after the Nightmare of 27th Floor.

Not waiting for her reply, Serafall added, "A Deity's blessing touches upon the soul of its receiver. With it being corrupted and modified, it's safe to assume that common sense won't apply to it. Dionysus only had wishful thinking... According to Kisuke, anyway."

"With that in mind, he did something so that your soul wouldn't return to those Demi-Spirits and you ended up reincarnating as a Xenos."

Blood was drained from Filvis' face and her already pale countenance became even paler. With great hesitation, she asked, "T-then what was going to happen when I die?"

The room was then covered in a cold silence with no one answering her question.

But the suffocating stillness was broken when Kisuke, with a large lollipop in his mouth, kicked open the door, "You'd return to how it was supposed to be. By the way, I can't do something like this again since the risk is too big. Any further interference with the souls' natural cycle might produce a bug in the system that could potentially crash it. Although the chances of that happening are infinitely close to zero, no one wants to add to the system's instability, even if it's just slightly."

Although she couldn't understand most of what Kisuke said, she got one thing, "You mean my soul will return to Heaven without any problems?"

"That's right. After successfully disconnecting you from those Demi-Spirits by giving you a run through the Dungeon, Heaven was able to re-establish a connection to your soul."

After experiencing death once, Filvis was more concerned about where she'd go in the afterlife, 'After all... This life...'

Kisuke, including some others, knew what she was thinking, but didn't say anything about it.

However, Filvis was still curious about one more thing and asked, "Why? Why did you do this? I sincerely doubt that you're saving me. Is it so that I could pioneer the relationship between people of the Lower World and Xenos? If so, then you have chosen the wrong person." Filvis had correctly guessed what Sona and the girls wanted to happen.

"Since you had certain criteria that I needed, I did this to you. And the moment you were reborn, you'd already done the job for me. As Sona said, what you do in the future will be up to you."

Sitting down beside Serafall, Kisuke continued, "Enough of that, and let's talk about the things you can do."

Filvis shook her head, "I don't know..." She understood why they wanted to know. If a Xenos of an unknown species suddenly appeared, it meant something similar dwelled within the Dungeon and hasn't been discovered yet. Any information regarding new monsters in the deeper floors was valuable information that could save lives.

Kisuke then looked towards Medusa, who had just entered the room and asked, "What do you think?"

Filvis also looked towards Medusa, prompted by Kisuke's gaze. Out of everyone here, Medusa gave her the strangest feeling.

Medusa stared at her for some time before nodding and answering, "...She indeed has a Vampire Physiology. At least the power of her blood can easily be distinguished."

"I see! So she's like Gasper-kun." Irina commented while clapping her hand, "In that case, it'll be easier to figure out what her abilities are."

"Not quite." Sona interjected, "Even among Vampires, the extent of their abilities varies from clan to clan. There are even some mutated members that possess power thought to not be possible within the race's in history."

"That's indeed the case. I can only tell that Challia-san is Vampiric because I also have some Vampire abilities that I've developed to sustain what I lack. Even then, it's only the most basic of the basic Blood-based abilities." Medusa supplemented. Even until this day, Medusa still regrets the way she'd acquired these abilities, as she ended up losing control of herself mainly due to them.

Nevertheless, she'd already come to terms with it and stopped thinking about the 'what ifs', mostly thanks to everyone accepting who she is despite revealing who she really was and her history. It also wouldn't stop her from using these abilities if it means protecting those precious to her.

"Since she's not a naturally born monster, then it would be hard to figure out her unique abilities. But even then, basic Blood-based abilities are still unique." Aika muttered while rubbing her chin. As if a good idea was popping into her head, she rudely pointed her finger towards Filvis and said with a wide smile, "Yosh~! Kisuke, give her a bit of your blood! A liter or two is enough!"

But her energetic 'request' only earned her a knock on the head from Medusa, "Forget about digesting that amount of blood, even I wouldn't dare to take a single sip of Master's blood without proper preparations. An immature Vampire like Challia-san would only explode from overconsumption... literally."

"S-seriously?" Aika turned to Kisuke.

Kisuke looked up and thought for a moment, "Hmm... In the past, I'd certainly say that Medusa-chan is overacting, but I'm not too sure right now."
