goyya ch 721-726

"How about Koneko? Since she's got the greatest vitality outside of Nee-sama, Yoruichi-san, Kuroka-san, and Kisuke, I think we'd get the best result out of her." Sona suggested.

Koneko didn't even question it and took out a small glass cup from her pouch before making a small cut on her palm using Ki on her fingertip as a knife, letting the blood spill into the cup.

Since everyone except for Hestia was used to the sight of blood, it was only her that reacted strongly, "W-w-wait! How could you cut yourself so easily like that!" She said as she rushed to Koneko's side to check her wound.

But when she got there, Koneko's wound had already started closing up and with a smug face, she said proudly, "I've been working hard on my Ki regeneration. Self-inflicted small wounds like this only take a few seconds to completely heal."

But her smug face was broken when Hestia started pinching her cheeks, "I don't care! It's already hard for me to watch you guys getting hurt from training, but I didn't say anything regarding that. However, I won't stay quiet anymore if I see you hurting yourselves!"

"I... I'm sorry." Koneko immediately apologized when she saw the serious expression that Hestia was making.

Hestia also quickly turned to others and declared, "That's the same for all of you! I won't allow you to hurt yourselves for no reason!"

With a wry smile, Kisuke patted her head in an attempt to calm her down, "This is technically my fault, so please don't blame them. Besides, it's not for no reason."

Kisuke then picked up the glass cup filled to half with Koneko's blood, "I would have done it myself if not for the reason that Medusa-chan mentioned. So please forgive them, okay?"

Hestia could only pout at Kisuke's words, "...Fine. But please think twice before intentionally hurting yourselves."

Each and every one of them then reassured Hestia.

As for Artemis, she saw Filvis' shocked expression and said, "Each Familia is different, just like how each God is different from each other. This might be a very foreign scene for you, even compared to Dionysus's 'love', however, something like this is within the norm... maybe a little bit more than that, but it's nothing strange."

Filvis immediately took back her slackened expression, but she was bothered by this deep inside. It was just very contrasting compared to the Dionysus Familia, with her being mostly unwanted by the other members and Dionysus himself not doing anything to fix the issue, instead keeping her by his side at all times, which just worsened the situation she was in.

Everyone else had also noticed the change in her expression, but chose to not say anything. Placing the cup in front of Filvis, Kisuke continued, "Please try it."

But Filvis didn't move, "...I-is this really alright?"

There's no doubt that she was hesitating. Although she's used to the sight and smell of blood, the thought of consuming it made her reel back. Even as a Creature back then, such a thought was very foreign, and thinking about it now made it feel like it was very immoral.

But when she got the whiff of its scent, Filvis became extremely conflicted, 'What's this sweet smell?'

"Just try it. Your body shouldn't even reject it. On the contrary, you'll be craving for it."

"T-there's no way!"

"We understand your stance, but just try it. You're not killing anyone here and we can't move on if you hesitate now."

"B-but still... There's no way I can drink blood! Only a lunatic would do what even monsters won't do!"

"Then just think of me as a lunatic forcing you to drink blood. Just a sip is fine. If there are any reactions, then you'll also figure out what you can do."

Filvis hesitated for a few more seconds before gritting her teeth and muttering, "You lunatic..."

Grabbing the cup off the table, Filvis got a better whiff of the blood, 'It really smells sweet... I thought it was coming from something else.'

After a minute or two of staring at the cup, Filvis finally took a sip, slowly.

At first, Filvis's attention was fully on the taste of the blood, which was very sweet and something she could get used to for a few seconds, until the warm drink went down her throat and gave her a very invigorating feeling.

The invigoration didn't stop there and it became incredibly revitalizing, to the point that she lost herself to the feeling of power surging from within her. While feeling irrevocably guilty, she took another sip that multiplied the intoxicating feeling she was having.

Finally, completely losing herself in the feeling and forgetting her surroundings, Filvis completely downed the cup and even wanted more. Her crimson red eyes started shining and the feeling of thirst worsened as she craved for more.

All of a sudden, Filvis' sight shook and she felt a stinging pain in her left cheek. The glow in her eyes disappeared and her consciousness returned as she looked up to see Medusa looking down at her while frowning, "Controlling your urges and desires are what separates you from animals and monsters. Never forget that."

While feeling Medusa's slap, Filvis shuddered at the sight of the empty glass and hurriedly returned it on the table, "W-what was that?"

"Maybe Koneko-chan's blood was still too much." commented Kisuke while rubbing his chin, "Challia-san was technically a newborn and couldn't be helped if she were to lose herself to her instincts. Our mistake was to not get an ordinary person's blood, so don't be too harsh on her."

But Medusa shook her head, "That doesn't matter. Something like this should be addressed before it becomes a bigger problem. I don't really want to see someone take the same path as me."

Kisuke sighed with a wry smile and wrapped his arm around her neck and shoulder, "I guess that's true. Learning from it harshly early on is a lot better than regretting it later."

Medusa didn't say anything anymore and just enjoyed Kisuke's warmth wrapped around her. She had a feeling that two people were snickering at her, but she ignored those voices that couldn't be heard by others.

Kisuke turned to the still shocked Filvis, and said, "It looks like it's about time for you to rest. To end this, use all of your strength to punch me."

Filvis wanted to escape from the crowd too and have some time for herself to think about some things, so she readily agreed by immediately nodding her head and standing up.

Without saying anything, Filvis pulled back her fist and lowered her back before throwing a punch. In the middle of the attack, Filvis realized that this simple punch was the strongest physical attack she had ever pulled off, including her previous life as a Creature.

While incredibly surprised at the strength she was able to put out, she also became worried and hoped that Kisuke would dodge, as she couldn't pull back her punch anymore, as she had indeed put all of her strength behind it.

But she was stunned when Kisuke just casually lifted his hand to catch her fist. The moment their fist and palm made contact, it created a small shockwave that spread everywhere. However, Filvis couldn't think of what damage that shockwave had caused, as she could only stare at her fist with eyes wide open, "H-how...?"

"Not bad~. Before drinking some blood, your strength was only bordering Level 5 and 6, but now, your punch's strength isn't very far from that of Ottar's. A big jump, I must say." Kisuke then released her fist and turned to Medusa while removing his arm from around her, "Please take her to her room to rest. We're done here."

Medusa nodded and said, "Got it."


Filvis was already sitting on her bed and Medusa was about to leave the room when the latter suddenly turned around, "You might think that you're hiding it, but most of us already know that you've already planned to take your own life."

Filvis's eyes widened but her face displayed a self-deprecating smile, "What? Are you going to stop me?"

But contrary to her expectation, Medusa made a small smile, "Of course not. Since you've technically been forced into this kind of life because Kisuke needed you to do something for him, he asked us to let you do anything you want to yourself, even if that is suicide. Although we didn't tell any of this to Hestia-sama, because she's far too kind and she would most certainly not leave you alone until you've changed your mind."

Surprised in another way, Filvis couldn't help but mutter, "...You lot are really different from the rest."

"...How conceited."


"With your tiny world view, you judged us to be different. If that's not conceited, what is? Just because you've suffered greatly doesn't mean you've already seen everything. Only when you've suffered and come to terms with it for the future could it be considered that you've taken the first step into the real world."

Medusa was about to close the door, she recalled something else and said, "Oh, and by the way, if by any chance you decide to stay alive, I have advice for someone who has similar abilities to mine. I said earlier that controlling your urges and desires is what separates you from animals and monsters, but you should also never be afraid of it. After all, it's your power and when you come into a situation where you need everything you've got to do something important, like saving a friend, you'll be thankful that you didn't slack off in improving it."

As the sound of the door closing resounded within the room, Filvis flopped down on the bed while covering her eyes with her arm, 'What should I do?... Lefiya...'

The next morning, Filvis slowly opened her eyes and thought, 'I didn't think I'll get a good night's sleep.'

However, when she had fully woken up, she found it strange that she couldn't move both of her arms and legs, '!?'

She wanted to exclaim, but she also discovered her mouth and could only let out muffled sounds from her throat, "Nnng!?"

"I see that you're awake~ It's good to see that you've got a good night's sleep."

Filvis immediately turned her head towards the source of the voice and saw that Kisuke was holding a cloth sack while grinning, "Nnng! Nnngg!? Nnnnng!"

"Save your breath. I have not the slightest idea what you're trying to say." Kisuke replied as he put the struggling Filvis in the sack, "Don't worry. I won't be taking you anywhere dangerous. In fact, I'll be taking you to your only friend's place. Be grateful~!"

But instead of calming down, Filvis struggled more, 'No!!! Please! Anywhere but there! Please! I don't want Lefiya to see me like this!' But all she made was a useless noise of struggles.




Leaving the Hearth Manor with a moving sack on his back and a bulging belly, instead of the Twilight Manor, Kisuke made his way to a certain dark alleyway, which was the entrance to the secret pathway that led to Ouranos's secret room.

After waiting for a few minutes around it, a black-cloaked figure emerged from its shadow, "Kisuke Urahara, it's our first time meeting. I'm Fels, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too~ I've heard you've taken care of my girls while I was away. Thanks for that."

"Your gratitude is unnecessary. If anything, I'm thankful for the immense help they provided. But that's not why you're here, is it? For you to specifically come to my master's doorstep instead of contacting me through the Guild, may I ask what you need?"

Kisuke didn't say anything and just placed the sack on the ground and opened it a little bit for Fels to see.

Curious about what's inside the moving sack all this time, Fels took a peek and what he saw almost made his mask fall off. With a shaking hand, Fels pointed at the person inside it, "I-is that Filvis Challia!? B-but that form..."

"This is enough to meet your master, isn't it?"

Of course it is. But he still had to go back and explain the situation to Ouranos before getting his permission. Nonetheless, before he could turn back, Ouranos's voice echoed from the secret path, "Fels. Lead him in."

Fels immediately got his bearings back and said, "Please follow me."

After a few minutes of walking through the secret passage filled with inscriptions, Kisuke concluded something, 'So it is a large array for containing Divine Power instead of Magic Power. I guess this is how he does his so-called 'prayer'. Just what sort of agreement did he make with the Dungeon? Or is it the actual Dungeon?'

While these questions floated in Kisuke's head, they reached the secret room where Ouranos was sitting on the podium, looking down at them, "It's nice to finally meet you, Kisuke Urahara."

"It's also an honor to meet the man that is keeping the Dungeon calm."

Ouranos's forehead creased slightly hearing this, "It seems that you know a lot of things. But that isn't why you're here. I heard Fels uttered a name that was supposed to have left this world as if he had seen her come back to life. What is that about?"

"There are two things I want to say." Kisuke then started untying the sack again and instead of just opening it, Kisuke pulled the entire sack down, revealing the girl with white-hair, crimson eyes and bat-like wings attached to her back.

Filvis thought that she'd be going to the Loki Familia, but instead she was in front of Ouranos. Not knowing what's happening, she chose to stay still.

An expression of shock became apparent on Ouranos's usually stoic face, "...This is more than I imagined. What do want us to do?"

"Oh? You're not going to ask for the details?"

"Are you willing to explain it in detail?

"Nah~ Too much effort and it's useless to explain. Anyway, your Guild officials will certainly question me when I walk through the town with her on my back, so I want a certification to send them away. I'm also here to inform you regarding her existence so that you won't come into conflict with anyone taking care of her."

"How can we be sure that she won't cause any further trouble?"

Kisuke shook her head, "You can't as she'll surely cause trouble in some way or another. Just her existence was enough of a problem. However, it'll be up to you on how to use that trouble to your advantage. Lastly, her having no reason should be a reason enough to give her a chance, don't you think?"

Ouranos thought for a moment before letting out a sigh, "Fair enough. What about the second thing you wanted to talk about?"

"We're leaving Orario."


28th00: Oooh~! Big plays? WHAT ABOUT RIVERIA-CHAN!? We better be kidnappin

"Leave Orario, you say?" Ouranos repeated Kisuke's words as he contemplated the effects that would cause to the entire city and the Dungeon itself.

Kisuke chuckled seeing him think so hard about it, "Do you really even have to consider this? Just a heads up. I don't need your permission to do that. I just wanted you to send us somewhere officially so that those people eyeing my girls won't make a fuss and actually try to follow us."

Kisuke then put Filvis back in her sack before continuing, "And you wouldn't actually want an unknown variable like me to leave this place, would you? You must have heard of the strangeness and mysteries surrounding our Familia and me in particular."

Ouranos sighed, "I would actually want to keep an eye on an unknown variable like you instead of sending you away. But you're right. I can't stop you. No one in this city can."

Ouranos then turned to Fels and said, "Fels, prepare an order that would send them to the Dizara Region for investigation. If this is not done right, Gods would chase after them with the reason that he's leaving with the technology that he'd pledged to give to Orario."

Fels recalled a certain project that has been in development now and muttered, "The iron carriage and iron horse, huh. Understood. I'll see to it that everything is processed correctly and secretly so that others won't have any time to react."

"Wait," Ouranos stopped Fels from leaving and turned his head back to Kisuke, "Before you go, let's hear the last thing he has to say."

Fels became confused, 'The last thing? Didn't he say that he only wanted two things?'

Knowing his confusion, Ouranos explained, "He indeed wanted two things arranged for him, but there's one thing he still has to inform us. You wouldn't mind it, right? Showing what's under your attire."

Before answering, Kisuke patted the big bulge on his belly and it started squirming around. The head of the small white Dragon peeked out which startled both Ouranos and Fels greatly.

"K-Kisuke Urahara! T-that is...!" Fels couldn't find the right words.

Both Ouranos and Fels were curious about what he was hiding under his clothing, but they didn't expect it to be a very tamed monster and it seemed to be a very intelligent one. However, they were once again speechless when they heard the voice of a child inside their head, [Aria?]

Ouranos' Divine Power immediately strengthened and covered a wider range, albeit, only Kisuke noticed this sudden change. However, he pretended not to notice it and said, "This is the Nidhogg that Dionysus was rearing within Knossos, well... formerly, at least."

Fels wanted to say something but Ouranos raised his hand to stop him, "So you didn't kill that monster. But you claimed it to be the Nidhogg, however, it looks very different... For one, it looks like a Spirit to me."

Fels shuddered at Ouranos' words but Kisuke only chuckled to it, "Spirit, is it? Will the other Deities see the same?"

Ouranos shook his head, "I can only do so because I'm directly connected to both Heaven and the Dungeon."

"That's very reassuring. But I won't say anything about this little guy aside from I'm planning to give it to Wallenstein-san. You can make your own inferences after the fact."

And as if speaking along with him, the little Dragon also opened its mouth while sending out telepathic signals, [Protect! Aria!]

Ouranos stared at the Dragon for a short while but couldn't find any of the Demi-Spirits' 'malice' in it, "Please at least answer one thing. What makes it different from those desecrated Spirits?"

"This kid is the last wish of those Spirits. Isn't that enough?"

Ouranos nodded, "That's plenty."

Ouranos thought that Kisuke would already be leaving since he'd already gotten everything he needed, but instead, Ouranos was asked a question he was not expecting, "Since I've answered your question, could you tell me if you have any idea who did this?"

Ouranos thought for a while and decided that he wouldn't pretend to not know what he's talking about. In any case, Fels who had been listening in on the side wouldn't understand any of what they were talking about, "Many have already perished through eons due to many different reasons so it's almost impossible to single one out. But that doesn't mean I've stopped my efforts to search for the culprit. Nevertheless, I also don't know if they still exist today and just left their disgusting legacy behind."

Hearing this, Kisuke grinned, "What a shame~! But I can assure you that he or she still exists today. After all, without manually controlling the focal point where the Demi-Spirits return, it would be impossible to maintain the system they've built."

Ouranos' eyes widened, "...What!? But how?"

It was then that the realization hit him, "I see... That's where Filvis Challia comes in."

Kisuke nodded, "That's right~ But that's all I can guarantee."

Ouranos' outlook of Kisuke changed yet again, "You really are an unknown variable... And a much more dangerous one than I initially expected."

It was then that Ouranos' Divine Power subtly changed shape, "Are you an enemy or an ally?" His voice contained authority pressed on the surroundings.

While Fels immediately knelt down in fear and reverence, Filvis started shaking from fear, and the little Dragon hid behind his back, Kisuke however wasn't fazed and his smile didn't recede, "Ouranos-sama, isn't it too early to tell that? And whether we're enemies or allies, intentionally revealing our motives this early won't do us any good and would just benefit any third parties if by any chance we're on opposite teams."

"And determining we're on the same side would be a blessing for us, no?"

"But isn't the probability of me being in the grey area instead of your black and white side much higher than anything else? Revealing that would only do me harm."

The two of them stared at each other for a while but Ouranos soon sighed and took back his oppressive aura. Without any warning, Ouranos sent a telepathic message to Kisuke, [An otherworlder, aren't you?]

Kisuke was still not fazed, [Otherworlder? What a convenient excuse~!]

In the end, Ouranos failed to ascertain anything useful regarding Kisuke aside from him being able to stand tall under his pressure.

However, the suspicion of him and possibly the others around him being otherworlders won't leave his mind anymore, 'Only those who're watching outside could have a wider view like this.'

Kisuke said his goodbyes and was about to leave but Ouranos stopped him and said, "If you come across Zeus in Dizara, tell him that there's hope."


Walking through the town, people indeed reported Kisuke for carrying a moving sack with a muffled voice coming from inside of it.

Two Guild officers came to him, "Excuse me. May we take a look at what's inside that bag? Someone has reported that you kidnapped someone."

Hearing that, Filvis stopped struggling for a moment since she realized that if people were to see her, she'd immediately be killed and she was a bit hesitant to die now after deciding against suicide last night.

But Kisuke didn't have to explain himself as his Familia's Guild Advisor, Sophie, came running in to stop them, "Don't worry about him. Here is the order from the higher-ups stating that he is clear."

The two Guild officers checked the paper that Sophie presented to them and immediately saw Royman's unique stamp and signature. The two then looked at each other and nodded, "Understood. We'll inform those who reported the sighting and return to our patrol."

Sophie nodded at them and replied, "Thank you. Good luck with your work."

After seeing them leave, Kisuke immediately thanked Sophie, "Thanks for the help~."

"Don't mention it. It's my job. Here. Take it." After handing over the paper to Kisuke, Sophie turned around intending to leave and resume her job. But after a few steps, she turned her body once again and looked at Kisuke, "Please meet me before you leave."

Kisuke smiled and said, "Will do."

"Well then, goodbye and see you later."




Arriving at the gates of Twilight Manor, low-level members immediately came out and greeted and opened the gates for him, "Good morning, Kisuke Urahara. May we ask what you need early this morning?"

Kisuke got a bit confused with their response but still replied without any pause, "Good morning~! I need to talk to Loki-sama about something, your executives too. If that's not much of a bother."

"It isn't. But everyone was still in their morning training in the back. Do you want to go there or wait in the lobby?"

"Ho~ The subjugation of Knossos was just the other day yet you're already resuming your daily routine? How admirable."

"Of course. We have to get back in shape because we don't know what other dangers are lurking around." And with a wry smile, he continued, "Besides, although none of us lost our lives, it doesn't feel like we won against Dionysus-sama either. Not after that kind of ending."

'So Challia-san's ending still bothered them, huh... Looks like Loki-sama managed to gather some good members.' Kisuke didn't say anything back regarding that, "I'll wait in the lobby then since it'll be quite a talk."

The Loki Familia members then talked to each other before one of them walked off to inform others and one led Kisuke to their lobby.

On the way, the man leading him gave in to his curiosity and asked while pointing at the sack that resumed its struggle because she doesn't want to meet her only friend, "Umm... By the way, what is that?" Although he's also curious about his bulging belly, he's still more curious about the bigger and more overt thing.


The Loki Familia member was startled and halted his steps, "E-excuse me?"

"A Xenos," repeated Kisuke, "I'm actually thinking of leaving her to your Familia's care. That's one of the reasons I'm here."

The man was speechless for a short while before nodding and turning around to resume his steps, "I see..."

Kisuke smiled at this response and asked, "So you're not against it?"

He continued leading the way while answering, "Personally, I'm not but there might be others who are. However, if you were to ask now, I think it'd be easy for Loki-sama to make everyone agree. After all, if not for the Xenos' help, some of us might not have left that man-made Dungeon, including Captain Finn. If it's Rey, though, Loki-sama wouldn't even need to convince anyone."

"Since we're on the topic of Knossos, What do you think about Filvis Challia? I heard it was revealed that she was an enemy all along." With Kisuke's question, the sack stopped moving.

"A lot of us have resentment towards her..."

Filvis clenched her fist within the sack.

"However, we couldn't really blame her either. After becoming a monster, she had no choice but to believe in the only person who accepted her. And she's actually the reason why we couldn't feel that we had won. It didn't feel like we fought against a monster, but a person who was manipulated by a God's 'love', and in the end, she still didn't let go of that belief."

The man faced Kisuke once again with a wry smile, "You see, we could relate to her since we might have done the same thing in her position."

"Right... She's just a girl who was haunted by misfortune and tries to fight against it by clinging on someone. Whether she clung to the correct person, is debatable." Kisuke agreed.

Filvis was speechless. Well, she couldn't really speak with her mouth taped and gagged, but her eyes widened at the unexpected words. She didn't need anyone's sympathy nor understanding. She didn't even want them. As long as she could meet Dionysus's expectations, she was already fine with everything.

However, just hearing that people out there actually understood her plight gave her indescribable feelings. After being a creature for so long, she didn't know what to feel regarding this.

"And it's actually Lefiya who was hit the hardest by her death. Even after declaring that she got over it, some people would say that they would hear her crying in some corner of the manor."

While Filvis was having a complicated feeling, she suddenly heard Kisuke voice inside her head, [Isn't that nice~? Hearing it from someone of his position means that his words are actually true for the most part. I think you won't be treated too harshly, especially with that Elf with gay tendencies.]

But Filvis only harrumphed at him.

A few moments later, they finally reached the lobby and it only took a minute or two before the first two people arrived, "Yo~ Kisuke! What strange wind blew you here?"

Kisuke replied to the greeting, "That's very rude, Loki-sama~! Can't I just come to visit my hard-working student?"

Loki immediately shook her head, "No way! You only have to call her one time and she'll come running to you. No need to put in the useless effort of visiting her."

Line, who'd come with Loki, blushed and protested, "Loki-sama!"

Loki gave Line a dirty look and said, "Is that not the case?"

"T-that..." Line couldn't answer back.


28th00: Being Lefiya is suffering, I see. Poor elf. This should cheer her up quite a bit!

After some drinks were served, Loki asked the others to leave them alone for a while except for Line. At least until those who are coming back from training arrive.

After looking at Kisuke's belly and the sack he brought, Loki asked, "Mind giving me a bit of a heads up about what you're going to pull here? Just so that I can react properly and maybe give you an assist if needed."

"That's very kind of you, but I want to see everyone's reaction without your input. I don't want you to sway their decisions seeing you have the power to do that."

Loki slumped back to the couch, "Well, I at least think it won't be a nasty surprise. So anything else?"

"Ah, that's right. I haven't told everyone, but we're leaving Orario."

Line's eyes widened while Loki's expression became serious, "What for?"

Kisuke thought for a moment before answering, "Nothing much. Just a change of scenery, I guess. And the girls would have more freedom at our destination compared to this place where most information is public."

"I just decided on it last night so I haven't asked everyone, but I don't think they would disagree. And by any chance they disagree, I can always cancel it."

Loki scratched her head, "But I don't think you could leave peacefully. Your girls are really attractive in the eyes of Deities. And it doesn't help that no one among them really knows anything about you and looks down on you. They thought that you're just some figurehead that knows how to sweet talk. If not for you, I would have put in great effort just to recruit them.

"Though you must have done something to Freya since she's not making a single move on anyone in your Familia. Ultimately, that sultry bitch was even more fond of talented and unique children than me."

Kisuke chuckled at Loki's words and replied, "No need to worry about that. I already got an official send-off from the Guild so they can't really say anything if we were to leave."

"Hmmm... Looks like you already prepared everything you would need. I should have known," Loki muttered as she rubbed her chin. She then took a quick glance at Line on her side. As someone who watches her children carefully, including Line, although it's not obvious to everyone, Loki could tell that Line was dejected, 'Of course this would happen.'

After thinking for a few seconds, Loki finally asked, "How about taking Line-chan with you?"

"Loki-sama!?" Surprised, Line exclaimed. Although she thought of asking the same thing, she held it back due to her responsibilities within the Familia, which had increased along with her abilities. But undeniably, Line was happy inside, however, she didn't show it on her face.

'Where did this cute girl come from?' Loki saw the corner of her mouth twitching as she tried to hold back smiling.

Kisuke also noticed this but didn't comment on it, "I'm fine with that, but are you sure? This is the time you'll need her the most, right?"

"That's true. Her healing abilities were beyond outstanding and she's also able to teach others Magic. However, her incredible ability to heal also dwarfs the other healers' abilities and confidence."

Kisuke immediately understood her point, "I see. Having her around is good, but it's so good that it's actually bad for the other's development. That's what you're saying, correct?"

Loki nodded, "That's right. Line-chan's existence is like a big cushion that gives them too much comfort. And you know how much of an impediment to development extreme comfort could bring." She then looked towards Line, who was now making a complicated expression, "Aside from that, thanks to Riveria's prior experience, she's now better at handling Magic in general than Line."

Line also slowly nodded while adding, "I still can't use any Space Magic but Riveria-sama can already open a small pocket of storage."

"Wisdom really does come with old age," Kisuke commented while displaying his admiration.

"Say that in front of her and she'll whack you with her staff nonstop..." Loki then thought of something, "Actually, do that. She may try to whack you, but I think she'll do it with a blush on her face."

"I see... That might actually be a fair trade. Yosh~! My camera is always prepared!"

Seeing the black box in Kisuke's hands, Line panicked, "Please don't! Or she might blackout again! Loki-sama! Don't you remember the time you kept teasing her to the point that rampaged for a whole day without anyone being able to stop her!? We don't want another tragedy like that! She might just confiscate your wine stash and ban alcohol for a month this time!"

Loki shuddered at that possibility and hurriedly turned to Kisuke, "Let's do that another time."

Kisuke couldn't fight back against Loki's serious expression and put his camera back in his storage.

Clearing her throat, Loki continued, "Ehem. In any case, take Line-chan with you. Her rate of improvement should also increase with you and since she's my child, it's also a win-win situation for me."

"That's not a problem. In fact, I want her to meet someone in the Dizara Region. I think they'll get along well." Kisuke then turned to Line, "Do you need any time to prepare?"

"N-no," Line immediately shook her head, "Thanks to the bag you gave me, I always have my essentials with me, including your books. I just need to pack some of my clothes and I'll be done."

"That's fine. If they agree to my proposal, come and have dinner with us. We'll leave after that."

"Understood!" Line happily nodded.

"By the way, don't tell anyone that you're leaving," Loki suddenly interjected.

Line looked at her for a moment and understood what she meant and to some degree, Kisuke did too, "Wait. You're thinking that someone else might want to follow us?"

Loki immediately snarled at him, "Huuuh!? You can't think of anyone!? Want me to drill my toes into your nose so that you'll remember!?"

Kisuke closed his eyes and started to genuinely contemplate while muttering, "Riveria-san might want to come because of Magic, but I doubt she'll leave her responsibilities and that's the same for the other two top executives."

"As for the Hiryute sisters... I don't think they need anything from me."

"Bete-san and Viridis-san hate my guts so it's a no for them too."

"As for Wallenstein-san..." Kisuke recalled yesterday's scene where Ais suddenly ran off when she saw him, "Nope~ She was terrified of me so she's not the one either."

Kisuke opened his eyes and said with a large smile, "No one really comes to mind."

Loki and Line looked at each other in shock before turning back to Kisuke and simultaneously asking, " "Terrified?" "


28th00: Kisuke see's it as Ais being terrified, while the others think it's a crush. But as far as Kisuke has seen, she's literally bolted as fast and hard as possible in the exact opposite direction from him so far every time he's seen her.

"Just yesterday, when she saw me on the streets, she instantly ran away. There's no way that girl would want to come with me.", explained Kisuke.

"She did that?", asked Loki, "If she's going to be terrified of someone, it would be Sera-chan."

Kisuke was surprised that Serafall's name had suddenly come up and Loki noticed that and continued on, "Before the whole Knossos subjugation started, Ais-chan felt that her strength was not enough to match the red-haired Creature. In an attempt to bridge that gap, she decided to find someone to help her get stronger. The strongest person that she knew, aside from you, was Sera-chan. Though I was really surprised when she agreed."

'She was probably bored with too much free time.', thought Kisuke.

"Serafall-san came to the manor after Ais-san asked her. After that, it was just a one-sided beatdown. It was so bad that I had to stay by Ais-san's side at all times so that she could continue fighting. But...", Line hesitated before continuing, "But what scared her the most... No... What scared all of us, was her intent to kill. It was so clear that it was actually suffocating. We didn't expect any of that from the usually cheerful person."

"What Wallenstein-san needed the most was not the strength to match her opponent, but the intent to kill for her to actually use her full power against the Creature that looks like a Human. Sera-chan understood that and drowned her with killing intent so that she could develop her own.", clarified Kisuke, 'Though it seems to have backfired, 'cause that same killing intent ended up consuming her.'

It was then that Loki suddenly asked, "I was there, too, for most of the time and for her to manifest such killing intent... Just how many people has she killed?"

Line immediately shut her mouth and waited nervously. She didn't understand why Loki would suddenly ask such a question.

Kisuke didn't mind her question and answered truthfully, "She's participated in and led armies to wars spanning decades. After it had all ended, she had to exercise her authority to stabilize everything. If she couldn't develop a killing intent like that, she would have never led one of the largest armies, nor would she have survived to sit in one of the highest positions in her country."

Loki nodded in understanding, "I see... Someone who has already experienced the horrors of war from top to bottom, huh? If it's like that, then it's understandable. The fact that she can act so cheerfully like that is amazing, too."

Seeing the situation had ended well, Line sighed in relief too. However, she was curious about one thing and asked, "Wars spanning several decades, isn't it? Just how old is Serafall-san?"

Kisuke thought for a moment before answering, "I'm not too sure either and she'll surely try to kill me if I attempt to investigate it. But she's way older than Riveria-san, that's for sure."

"What!? Isn't she a Human!?"

Kisuke just smiled at her and replied, "Line-chan, people of her strength have a life expectancy beyond common sense. Once you've reached a certain stage of Magic or Ki, you'll also gain a body strong enough to contend with them. At that point, you'll be beyond healthy and diseases and failures of the body would be the least of your concern."

Before Line could say anything back, the other members of the Loki Familia finally arrived with Finn leading the group, "Loki, we're here. Kisuke Urahara, welcome to the Twilight Manor. We're sorry for making you wait."

"Don't worry about it. Loki-sama and Line-chan were here with me and I'm the one who came unannounced. I apologize for that."

As Line stood up, Finn, Riveria and Gareth all sat down surrounding Loki while the rest just gathered around them. But instead of them, the first one Kisuke noticed was Ais who was hiding behind Tiona with a worried look on her face, 'She's really weak to being scolded, huh. Must be the first time she came across someone like me. I guess even Riveria-san could completely take the role of a parent for her.'

"Let's drop the formalities. That would only waste both of our time, even if we have lots of it." Finn started.

Kisuke nodded at him, "That's what I wanted. You must have already heard it, but I want the Loki Familia to take in a Xenos." Kisuke started untying the rope on the sack, "More specifically, I want Viridis-san to take care of her."

Lefiya was shocked that her name actually came up and pointed at herself nervously, "M-me?"

However, before Kisuke could answer or reveal who's in the sack, his bulging belly started squirming around before the small White Dragon peek its head outside, surprising everyone and putting them on high alert.

The Dragon did a quick scan before it excitedly leapt out of Kisuke's clothes and flew towards Ais in the back, [Aria!]

But contrary to the joyful Dragon, Ais was having a murderous look. She couldn't even hear the Dragon's 'voice', which further shocked the rest as she was already blinded with hate and rage. Without any warning, she swung her fist using all of her strength in hopes to instantly kill the Dragon.

Riveria wanted to stop her because she had a feeling that she was making a very grave mistake but it was already too late for her to interfere, "Ais!" She could only hope for Kisuke to save the Dragon.

The little Dragon finally noticed that something was not right with 'Aria' and felt extreme danger from her. However, it was already too late to return to safety and it could only watch the fist descend to it with fear.

"Danku (Splitting Void).", muttered Kisuke.

A small transparent rectangular barrier appeared in front of the Dragon and stopped Ais's fist.

Ais woke up from her stupor when she felt the pain in her fist, but before she could take it back, a small lump of Magic Power suddenly struck her forehead, sending her head back and making her kneeling in pain, "Ow!"

But thanks to that pain, she finally realized what just happened and got scared that she attempted to kill the monster that came from Kisuke, 'It's obvious that he's keeping it... What did I do?'

She immediately looked up to apologize but her words were stuck in her throat when she saw the small White Dragon floating in front of her. Not because of its form, but it's strange eyes full of emotion and currently radiating with sadness. For the first time, she was feeling guilty about trying to attack a monster and she was incredibly confused by it.


"W-what?" She finally heard its 'voice'.

But the Dragon suddenly turned and flew back to Kisuke's arms, [Aria!!!]

It was as if it was a wronged child that was seeking comfort.

Hugging it with his right arm and patting its head with her left hand, Kisuke started consoling the poor little Dragon, "Yosh, yosh. Don't cry. Uncle Kisuke is here. I already flicked the head of that bad girl so don't cry. Here, you like sweets, right?"

This surreal scene further made everyone speechless.


28th00: Ah, her mental state is really not kosher, huh?

Alexander: Now it's time for Ais to sit in Seiza and repent.