goyya ch 727-739

The first one to speak up was Loki after listening to the Dragon cry out 'Aria' and 'Protect' repeatedly for a minute, "O-oi, Kisuke... Just what is that?"

"Hmm? A Dragon, obviously."

"I can see that!", Loki stood up and retorted, "But... just what!?" Even then, she didn't even know where to begin as there were so many points that needed to be cleared.

Kisuke chuckled at her and replied while stroking the head of the Dragon, "Let's take it slowly and ask away. I don't think it'll take a long time to answer your questions."

Loki sat down deflated, "So you won't explain everything from the start..."

Nodding, Kisuke answered, "That's right. You can ask any question regarding this little guy and I'll answer it."

Loki looked at him for several seconds without saying anything before sighing and turning to Finn, "Do it. You'll do a better job."

Finn knew that this was not true but still nodded at her, "Alright." He knew that Loki was giving him a chance to probe Kisuke without her interference.

But before asking anything, he first commanded, "Except for the executives, Lefiya, Raul, Aki, Alicia, Narvi, Cruz and Line, please leave for now. From here on out, topics that are incredibly important and need to be kept secret will be discussed. I hope you understand."

No one went against Finn's decision and saluted before leaving the room. Finn then faced Kisuke and said, "Although you called for everyone, I hope you don't mind this arrangement of mine."

Kisuke shook his head, "I don't mind. If this is what you want, I have nothing to say."

"Well then, first of all, is it safe?"

"In what context? Anyone and anything can become dangerous in certain situations."

"My bad. Let me change my question. Could it hurt people like us and will it do so?"

"Currently, it's not as strong as you lot, but if it's threatened, it would surely retaliate in defense. Since it's still a child, it doesn't have much control over its impulses, but it'd never hurt, or at least will never intend to hurt any bystander. But since it can understand words, it'll be easy to teach it."

Finn and the others were astonished, "It can understand words?"

"Yep~ And to demonstrate what I just said.", Kisuke then looked around and pointed at Bete, "Loga-san. Please use your scummy face and try to threaten it. But don't scare it too much, as you might get hurt."

Instantly after, Bete started scowling, "Huuh? Why do I have to do that? And you think this uselessly fat lizard could actually hurt me? I think-." But before he could finish his words, he had to shift his head to the right in a hurry to dodge a beam of light.

Bete looked back in horror and found a hole in the ceiling. If that beam of light hits him, he wouldn't be getting away from it with just a blasted eye. Slowly turning his head back, he saw the Dragon glaring at him while hiding behind Kisuke's arms.

Kisuke clapped at his performance and said with genuine admiration, "As expected of Loga-san~! Always exceeding expectations! You didn't just make it feel threatened, you also insulted it!"

"W-wha...!?" Bete then felt two hands landing on his shoulders. When he looked back, he saw the Hiryute sisters grinning and stifling their laughs, "I never thought Bete would be this cooperative.", teased Tione.

"And you did it with such vigor and enthusiasm. You've changed my opinion of you.", added Tiona.

Bete immediately shook off their hands with a bit of blush on his face, "Shut up! And hands off me!" Whether it was from embarrassment or rage was unknown.

Ignoring their ruckus, Kisuke went back to Finn while patting the Dragon's head to calm it down, "As you can see, it has power that could be dangerous if not regulated well. But since it can understand words, it'll be fine as long as you teach it when to use its abilities."

Finn nodded, "That's really surprising and impressive. But from your words just now, you intend for us to take care of it?"

Bete, Tiona and Tione finally quiet down when they heard Finn, "I would have kept it if I could, but as you've seen and heard, it has a connection with Wallenstein-san, and leaving it in her care should have been a wise decision."

Kisuke then looked towards Ais, "But it might have been too early." However, Kisuke noticed that Ais was not listening to anything they were talking about but instead, staring intently at the Dragon, 'Hmmm? This stare... What is it?... At least it's not that of hostility or anything similar.'

Everyone else recalled the scene earlier when Ais tried to kill the Dragon out of reflex, "But why did it not attack Ais back? Does it have something to do with her being the one who has to take care of it?", asked Finn immediately.

"Yes. It has something to do with this little one's origin. As you've probably guessed...", but Kisuke suddenly stopped speaking and looked in a certain direction.

Curious, everyone else also did the same and saw Ais sitting on the floor holding her arms out to the Dragon.

Conversely, the White Dragon had its reptilian eyes expanded as it saw her actions. It got very excited, but it also remembered the earlier scene and became scared. Not of being hurt, but being rejected once again.

The Dragon then looked up to Kisuke in hopes to find an answer on what to do next and it saw him just smile gently before giving it a pat on the back, "Go. It'll be fine this time."

The Dragon happily nodded and leaped out of Kisuke's arms once again and flew directly to Ais, [Aria!], it said along with a small roar of happiness that sounded more like a chirp.

And as Kisuke said, there were no accidents this time as the Dragon successfully and gently landed on Ais' wide open arms, [Aria!]

Ais didn't say any words as she tightly hugged the Dragon and closed her eyes to feel its warmth more clearly. In response, the Dragon also silently snuggled within her warmth as the two of them created a world of their own.

Everything that Ais just did was just following her instincts and she was not disappointed when she did so, because the moment she got ahold of the Dragon from who she thought she hated, it was as if a big piece of the puzzle within her heart was suddenly filled comfortably.

'What's this? What is this feeling?', asked Ais herself and after several moments, she finally found the answer to that question, 'Ah... It's the same as with mother.'

It was the warmth that she'd already forgotten. The warmth of being within her mother's arms. The warmth that she'd already lost and had been seeking all this time, but never having thought of actually finding it. She never thought that she'd find it in the most unexpected being of all.  The same kind of being that she hated all her life.

Thanks to this encounter, it would grab Ais from her path of no return. For the first time ever, she was saved, not by a 'Hero', but by a 'Villain'.

Out of everyone in the room, it was Loki who found the biggest change in Ais and found it unbelievable. But seeing this also gave her a huge sense of relief. It was as if a large thorn that was in her heart, although not entirely disappearing, became incredibly small.

Loki then suddenly voiced out, "Kisuke... We won't ask any further questions if you tell us what exactly that Dragon is..."

"The suffering Spirits' last and only will. Is that enough?"

Loki nodded in satisfaction, "It's more than enough. Thank you."


28th00: That went differently than I expected. Quite a bit.

Alexander: So, could it be, that she'll convert in the future into a believer of the church of Ophis?

Finn was slightly unsatisfied when Loki declared that they wouldn't ask any further questions, but when he saw the rare gentle smile on her face, he threw those thoughts away, 'That expression of huge relief... When was the last time I saw this? A few decades ago?'

The room was covered in a veil of silence until Ais finally opened her eyes after almost a quarter of an hour, only to see everyone looking at her with a variety of soft expressions. Ais became embarrassed after realizing this and immediately apologized for no reason, "I'm sorry..."

"Instead of us, go apologize to the little one. Although unsuccessfully, you still tried to hurt it.", reminded Kisuke.

Ais instantly recalled what she did earlier and became extremely guilty. Tightening her hug on the Dragon, she whispered to it, "I'm sorry."

In response, the Dragon further snuggled in her bosom and purred like a cat.

While laughing softly, Kisuke suddenly stood up and approached the two of them, "Now that it seems that you'll be able to take care of it properly, let's immediately set up a contract between you two."

Ais looked up to him and tilted her head in confusion, "Contract?" An image of her and the Dragon both signing a paper came into her mind. She was surprised to know that the little one knew how to write, but didn't know how signing a contract would be useful.

Kisuke guessed what she was thinking and knocked on her head, "You idiot. What use would that be?"

Ais hurriedly nursed the top of her with one hand and thought, 'That's what I want to know...'

Without saying any word, Kisuke put forward his right hand and a green magic circle suddenly emerged on the floor under the three of them. "Kisuke... What are you doing?", asked Riveria immediately out of concern.

Ignoring her, Kisuke explained and asked Ais, "Contract Magic. If the Dragon agrees to be your familiar, you'll be able to feel each other's existence and condition at all times. You'll also be able to summon it to your side no matter how far apart the two of you are, of course, if there are no special conditions that prevent that. Would you like to do it?"

Just hearing the first 'feature' already got Ais sold and instantly nodded with enthusiasm, "I'll do it! Please let me do it!"

"Alright. Since you don't know how to use Contract Magic, I'm going to do it for you. However, you can't resist any changes it brings forth because that may cause some undesirable effects which may or may not endanger both of you. Am I clear?"

Ais stood up obediently nodding at his instructions, "I'm ready."

The light from the Magic Circle below them increased in intensity as Kisuke started the spell. Although it looked like the Magic that the Devils used to sign a contract with their familiars, Kisuke modified it to connect not just the two's Magic Sources, but their Souls too.

Doing it this way stabilizes and strengthens the connection between the master and the familiar, allowing them to feel each other's conditions far clearer than the Devil's Magic. On top of that, if one of them gets stronger, it has a small effect on the other, strengthening them, too, to some extent. In regards to recovery, each other's recovery would also be stimulated by the other's, bringing it to another level.

Of course, all of these boons have a downside too. For starters, this was the first time that Kisuke had performed this after devising this method some time ago. So it never left the experimental stage, albeit, he added various safety protocols that would protect the two sides in case something bad happens. Secondly, if one of them were to die, the other side would receive a huge backlash which normally just breaks the contract for either the master or the familiar.

As for the reason that he couldn't do any tests with this method? It was because of the issue of compatibility. Until now, it was only Ais and the Dragon who'd met the minimum requirements for this, despite always being on the lookout.

With him finishing the final touches of the contract, Kisuke thought, 'And theoretically, it's possible for the master to use their familiar's abilities and vice-versa, though I'm not sure if they will ever reach that point. In any case, I should secretly add a monitoring spell since it'll be my responsibility if something were to happen to them thanks to this experimental spell.'

The moment the Magic started, both Ais and the Dragon closed their eyes to calm themselves. Although both of them could clearly feel the changes that were happening, they were not sure what they actually were. However, they completely trusted Kisuke and tried their best not to interfere with it.

Finally, after two whole minutes of stillness, Kisuke said, "To finalize the contract, give it a name."

"Name?", muttered Ais as she looked down on the Dragon who was looking up at her, too. After a few seconds of contemplation, Ais was able to think of a name immediately, "Lysa... From now on, your name shall be Lysa."

Hearing that, Riveria's eyes widened as she recollected the time when Ais was just starting to open up to her.

["Riveria Ljos Alf... What does it mean?"]

["Hmm? Let's see... Although my given name doesn't particularly mean anything special, Alf is a very old word for Elf while Ljos means 'light'. In other words, Ljos Alf, my surname, means 'Light Elf'. Just being able to use Alf as my surname meant that my lineage was one of the oldest ones among the Elves."]

["Ljos... So that's why you're so bright, Riveria."]

["Fufufu, I don't know what you mean and how you came to a conclusion like that. That reminds me. If Ljos means 'light', Lysa means 'to shine' or 'to emit light'. Though it's fine if you forget about that since that's not part of your studies."]


'It was only a quick and nondescript conversation while taking a break. I never thought that she'd still remember that...', Riveria couldn't help but smile at Ais, 'So you've found the source of your light, huh? That's great... Really great.'

On the one hand, while happy at this development, Riveria was also worried about the future 'Knowing Ais, she might just depend on this 'source of light' too much... No, that would certainly happen if nothing is done. All this time, I couldn't help her, but maybe now, it'll be my chance to give her guidance.'

The Magic Circle disappeared and Kisuke declared, "Contract completed. Now the two of you are master and familiar. Make sure to treat each other well, alright?"


28th00: Riveria-mama indeed! Now to watch the meltdown that is the next part, the Vampire Elf!

Alexander: You may now kiss the bride/dragon.

"It's done?" Loki asked curiously while looking at them.

"Yep." Kisuke nodded at Loki before turning back to Ais and asking, "How do you feel?"

Ais and the Dragon silently stared at each other for a minute or two before the former answered, "I can clearly feel her..."

'So it's a girl?' Kisuke thought as he suddenly grabbed the Dragon by its wings and took her off from Ais's arm, "Now, let's test something to confirm everything is functioning as intended."

Ais tried to reach out to grab Lysa back, but she was already out of reach as Kisuke had immediately walked away with her, "What are you going to do?"

Kisuke didn't answer her and reached the window, opening it. While the rest were just watching curiously, Kisuke peered through the window and confirmed his intentions, "Yosh. This looks good."

Although she didn't know why, Ais suddenly became very nervous at what Kisuke was doing, "W-what looks good?" And that nervousness was also transferred to Lysa as she started shaking.

Kisuke ignored Ais again and placed Lysa on his palm as he grinned at her, "Today is a happy day, Lysa-chan~! As my congratulatory gift for the successful contract and your name bestowal, allow me to let you experience a high-speed flight~! It's going to be fun."

Knowing his capabilities and personality, Riveria was able to guess what he was about to do, "W-wait, Kisuke... Think about this. You don't have to do this. It's obvious that there are other ways."

"There are, but this way, we'll see how effective that feature is," replied Kisuke as he placed a protection spell on the shaking Dragon. With a glint in his eyes, Kisuke took his hand holding Lysa back before swinging it hard towards the window.

Within a fraction of a second, Lysa had already disappeared from everyone's view, leaving a horrified screech of a young Dragon, "NO!!!" Ais yelled in horror as she hurriedly peered through the window in an attempt to find her new friend.

With Lysa's fear resonating within Ais, she immediately turned around in anger, but before she could speak, Kisuke's hand chop landed on her forehead, "You idiot. The first thing you should do when you feel that your familiar is in danger is to ascertain her location. You should be able to do it easily. Don't get too clouded by the compounding emotions."

Since Lysa is much more important, Ais hurriedly did as Kisuke said and closed her eyes. However, due to the maelstrom of emotions, she couldn't properly do it and it immediately showed on her face.

"Calm down. The first thing you should learn is to separate your own emotions from your familiar's. If you can't do this, you won't be able to make proper judgments. It's similar to when you face strong monsters that you don't know if you can defeat, so you should be able to do it with relative ease."

Ais immediately understood Kisuke's point and took a deep breath to calm herself down. After figuring out which was the fear that Lysa was feeling, she was able to tell her approximate location and she was still moving away from this place with an astounding speed, "I found her!"

"Good. Now call her name while thinking that you want her to be by your side."

Ais nodded and closed her eyes again, "Please... Lysa!"

An instant later, a golden Magic Circle manifested in front of her, and soon, a screeching Dragon appeared on top of it. Lysa stopped screeching the moment she realized that she was already back and that was the same for Ais as she tried to hug her, but the young Dragon dodged her embrace because she had something else in mind.

Without any hesitation, she started shooting beams of light from her mouth at Kisuke as she flew over to him with angry eyes.

"Fuhahaha~! How was the view? Since you never went out, it must've been nice~!" But Kisuke just laughed out loud while swatting away the beams of light with his bare hand.

Bete's mouth couldn't help but twitch seeing how Kisuke could casually deflect attacks that could potentially seriously harm him. But a second later, he sighed and thought, 'I already stopped comparing myself to them... But one day... one day.'

Ever since he saw how Serafall trashed Ais without much effort despite the latter trying her hardest, he'd already dropped down his competitive spirit and that was the same for everyone else. However, that didn't mean the Loki Familia lost their motivation, but instead became even more fervent in their Magic and Ki training now that they saw a possibility. The possibility of becoming even stronger than the heroes of the past.

Seeing that her Magic attacks had no effect on Kisuke, Lysa went physical and started biting the hand he's waving. But even with her teeth, which are way sharper and stronger than most monsters, she couldn't pierce Kisuke's skin. Nevertheless, she didn't stop biting and kept on gnawing his hand.

"Ais. You'll be paying for all the damages." Loki suddenly announced after looking at the holes that the Dragon and Kisuke had caused.

Ais snapped her neck towards Loki, "W-what!?"

"Your familiar, your responsibility."

Ais immediately became dejected as she was still knee-deep in debt with her weapons that kept being broken. Since everyone had decided to not go on an expedition for some time to continue their training, she didn't even have much of an income aside from occasional trips to the upper and middle parts of the Dungeon, "It can't be... It's not even my fault..."

Meanwhile, Kisuke let Lysa 'playfully' bite his hand while saying, "You shouldn't be afraid of such a thing. The Dragons I know can fly faster than that so it should be possible for you when you grow up."

That sentence immediately caught everyone's attention, "...Why do you sound like you have Dragon friends?" asked Loki.

"Technically speaking, Tanis-chan is a Dragon and a friend so she's one," answered Kisuke as he patted Lysa's head that already stopped nibbling at his hand. She became curious about Kisuke's Dragon friends that could fly fast.

Loki thought that Kisuke was just dodging the issue of his words and made it clear, "What about those who could fly fast?"

Kisuke smiled at Loki's question. Ever since his confrontation with Ouranos earlier, Kisuke had already decided to tell a few more things to Loki so this direction of the conversation was what he wanted and what he intended.

"Oh, that? Just a couple of astonishing friends~."


28th00: Oh, you know, Great Red and Ophis! No biggy. They're faster than physics so most people assume they're just teleporting! Something about being the manifestation of a concept or embodying it or something… Dragons are weird. Very. Weird.

Redemperor D

eh... Tell me more about them." Loki egged him on. However, she already has an idea of what was on his mind and got curious about what he's going to reveal this time, 'I wonder what this is for? I already got my hands full with those corrupted Spirits and here he is, making things even harder for me. Though I do hope it's something interesting, at least.'

The thought of avoiding what Kisuke wanted to say didn't even occur in her mind which she would regret later.

Kisuke's smile grew wider and said, "First, to give more context for easier understanding, let me explain what a 'Dragon' is." He returned to his seat while hugging Lysa, who was intently listening to him.

Ais also did the same and sat beside him, before she started poking Lysa's cheeks. While they were surprised at her unusual actions, they didn't say anything so that they wouldn't interrupt Kisuke, since they were more curious with what he's about to say.

"A 'Dragon' can be easily distinguished, but not through their physical appearance." He then looked towards Finn, "What do you think a Dragon is?"

"Monsters that generally look like giant scaly lizards or snakes that could have wings and usually have a breath attack. But you just said that not to distinguish them through their physical appearance so I'm probably wrong."

"Don't be too hard on yourself. Although I said that physical appearance is not the way to go, sometimes, it's the only way for other people, and technically speaking, it's not a bad metric as most Dragons do take those forms."

"However, there are also beings that could look like a Dragon but not really a Dragon. A few examples of those are the Wyverns and Valgang Dragons in the Dungeon."

Riveria creased her brows and asked, "I understand the Wyverns, but why Valgang Dragons?"

Kisuke nodded, "The most effective way to distinguish if one is a Dragon is to feel the Aura they are using."

"So it's something entirely different from Magic Power or Ki?" it was Loki who asked this time.

"That's right. Although they can manipulate both Magic Power and Ki, they use something else entirely different."

Ais looked up to Kisuke and said, "But I'm sure Lysa just used Magic."

"You didn't see it wrong. But the special Aura, for simplicity's sake, called the Dragon Aura, dwells within Lysa instead of Magic Power."

Everyone became confused.

"It's puzzling, isn't it? However, this is pretty much thanks to the Dragon Aura's extreme versatility. While not strong on its own, it can be converted into other sorts of energies with hardly any loss in efficiency. In other words, using Dragon Aura, a Dragon can cast Magic and use Ki simultaneously without any problem or conflicts since it came from the same source."

'Heck. It can even be converted to Demonic, Divine, and Soul Power.' thought Kisuke but he didn't say any of that.

Ais saw and felt that Lysa was also confused by all of this, "Look. Even Lysa doesn't know what you're talking about."

"Don't get it wrong. Although Lysa-chan understands a lot of things, she's still technically a newborn and everything she knew was all from her instincts that came from her peculiar origin. She indeed used Magic, but I can clearly tell that she did that by unconsciously converting the Dragon Aura within her body."

"So that's why Dragon-type monsters are strong..." Muttered Tiona. But she immediately received a knock on the head from Tione, "You idiot. Didn't he say Wyverns and Valgang Dragons are not Dragons? What are you on about?"

"Ah, that's right..." Tiona realized her mistake, but immediately after, she returned with a punch to the stomach, "Wait... My words still hold true! Amphisbaena and Cadmus are strong Dragon-type monsters!"

Tione was immediately pissed and was about to hit back but Finn immediately voiced out, "Stop it."

Taking back her fist, Tione's demeanor instantly changed, "Yes, Captain~!"

Finn could only sigh, "I'm sorry about them."

But Kisuke just chuckled while waving his hand, "I don't mind. The girls at home are also rowdy like them and I kinda like that kind of atmosphere full of energy. Makes me appreciate life more~!"

"Anyway, moving on. Dragons are undoubtedly strong, but not for the reasons you're thinking of. As versatile as it is, it still has limitations regarding that. Dragons can't be as strong as truly powerful Magic and Ki practitioners in their respective expertise."

"And you know, being a jack of all trades and master of none is very underpowered in high-level fights, save for their adaptability and versatility."

Loki threw her hands back and said with skepticism, "But that's very far from their domineering image."

"That's correct and that's where the truly terrifying thing about the Dragon Aura comes in. Dragons couldn't be the strongest in Magic, strongest in Ki, nor strongest at any other form of energy, however, they could become the strongest at anything."

Tiona looked at Tione straight away, "Say... I know I'm an idiot... But could you explain what he just said?"

Tione shook her head and replied after looking at everyone's reaction. In particular, Riveria, Gareth, Finn, and Loki's, "We know that you're an idiot, but you don't have to worry. It seems that no one else understood the nonsensical thing he said either."

Tiona sighed in relief, "Thank God... I thought I was the only one that didn't understand the joke."

"Fuhahaha!" Kisuke started laughing out loud, "It's confusing, I know, but let me rephrase it. What makes Dragon Aura truly special is not its convertibility, but its ability to become anything. And when I said anything, anything that could potentially affect reality itself."

Kisuke started playing with Lysa's belly and continued, "A Dragon's Fire Magic may not be as hot as the Fire Magic of someone strong and who specializes in it, however, a Dragon's 'Fire' could potentially burn even the soul. A Dragon's Ice Magic may not be as cold as the Ice Magic of someone strong and who specializes in it, however, a Dragon's 'Ice' could potentially freeze everything, even time."

Kisuke then looked up to everyone, "Similar to Ki, a Dragon's Ki may not make him stronger than someone who specializes in it, however, a Dragon's 'Strength' could easily crush that same practitioner."

While others still don't understand, Loki sighed and said, "I see now... It's not Magic nor Ki, but the Dragon Aura's ability to become a conceptual power."


28th00: They're basically a living concept made manifest, eventually. EVENTUALLY! They got a straight up hax to reach that point from the very start after all. Might be a reason Gods seem to hate dragons so much, they sidestep divinity and gain divine domain based conceptual powers from the very start. But when a Dragon actually becomes a God… Things get really weird. Dragon Gods are really weird.

"Conceptual power? What's that?" Ais asked with great interest.

"Explaining it is actually useless since it's a type of power that could vary and each of them don't follow the rules of nature.", replied Loki while scratching her head, "But to make a comparison, let's take something simple like Fire Magic."

"Obviously, Fire Magic is for burning things, however, when you compare it to a conceptual Fire, the fire itself wasn't important, but the concept of 'Burn'. As a fire should, it burns things it can burn, but a fire with a single concept of 'Burn', could burn anything and everything in existence."

Riveria and Line were trying to wrap their heads around Loki's words, but they still didn't understand what a 'conceptual fire' is like the rest.

Clapping his hands, Kisuke gathered everyone's attention, "To oversimplify what Loki-sama just said, a normal fire would disappear if it touches a body of water, but a conceptual fire that focuses on the concept of 'Burn' would burn even the said body of water no matter how impossible it looks."

Everyone's eyes widened at such a foreign idea, "What the heck!? How does that even work!?" Tiona exclaimed.

"There's actually no point in explaining such things logically since it doesn't follow the rules of nature in the first place. So it just does what it does.", replied Kisuke while shrugging his shoulders, "Even if you ask a wielder of such fire how he does it, the most accurate answer he could give you is he just thinks of burning what he wants to burn and that's it."

But he himself already analyzed Orihime and Aizen's unique powers to some extent and made a very imperfect copy of them so his words were only partially the truth. Nevertheless, they didn't need to know any of that.

Loki then started waving her hand left and right, "Baahh! Enough of that. Even among Gods, a conceptual power is something very unique and very rare! Not to mention, 'Burn' is a ridiculous power that I doubt will ever exist!"

Kisuke nodded at her, "That's right. The more simple and broad the concept is, the less restriction and limit it has. So usually, if there are any, the concept is extremely specific and pinpoint."

He then looked down at Lysa and continued, "In any case, that's the reason why the Dragon race usually takes the top of the food chain. Because their Dragon Aura could evolve into something absolutely terrifying."

They all noticed how Kisuke referred to the Dragons as a race and took that to their heart. However, the idea of a conceptual power scared them.

Kisuke looked back up again only to see everyone except for Loki making worried expressions. He snickered at them and said, "As Loki-sama has said, it's so rare that it may not even exist. And even if someone possessed it, it doesn't mean they are strong as it's still limited to how powerful the wielder is. Going back to the earlier topic, a Dragon is a Dragon because of their Dragon Aura."

"In other words, even if it looks like a weak Goblin, as long as it's using and producing Dragon Aura from its body, it's a full-fledged Dragon."

"What the heck?" Tiona muttered but Kisuke ignored her, "In that regard, Wyvern, Infant Dragon, and Valgang Dragons are not true Dragons but just look like one. Of course, the Dungeon could also produce bonified Dragons and Lysa-chan here is proof of that."

"Now that that's out of the way, mind telling us about your Dragon friends now? I've been curious about them for a while now.", Loki demanded while using her arm to support her chin. However, she admitted that the information about 'Dragons' was incredibly important for her children and she's truly grateful to Kisuke for sharing this.

"Very well. The reason I've told you about the Dragon Aura was not just to give you a much clearer view of what a Dragon is, but also to easily explain the abilities of those two."

Loki's mouth twitched, "...I see... So those two have conceptual powers..."

"That's right. The Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor. They got those nicknames not just because of their strength but their unique abilities."

"The red one has the ability to double his powers every ten seconds without limit until he himself reaches his limit. It has been described as allowing him to surpass the powers of Gods themselves if given enough time."

"Meanwhile, the white one has the opposite of the red, the ability to 'Divide' the power of its opponents by half after coming into physical contact with them every 10 seconds. The halved powers are then added to his own powers. If the added power exceeds the amount he can safely contain, the excess energy is then expelled out through his wings, which allows him to always be at their highest potential. It can also repeatedly reduce the power of attacks in half. Similar to the first one, it could reduce Gods into mere mortals if given enough time."

Kisuke then happily raised Lysa and said with a smile, "Knowing that, I hope you can develop an ability of your own in the future too~!"

Lysa's eyes shined and roared cutely, [Aria!!! Protect!!!]

She started imagining two, red and white, Dragons flying across the skies and declaring their dominance to everyone. Little did she know that those two are just hopeless perverts that like boobs and ass respectively.

"Ahaha. You should probably learn a few more words to say soon. Though it's really amazing you could understand what we're saying despite that very limited vocabulary."

Meanwhile, the rest of the Loki Familia members were panicking, "Oi, oi, oi... Doubling your power every ten seconds? For me, this is more ridiculous than burning water earlier!" Tiona started shaking.

"And that 'Divide'... It could reduce a God to a mere mortal with a touch?" added Riveria as she was also shaken by what she'd just heard.

A stream of discussion then opened among them regarding the Dragons but Kisuke ignored them and started playing with Lysa. He was letting them digest the information that he gave them.

However, all of a sudden, he remembered something important and placed Lysa on his lap before opening his palm facing upwards. A second later, a black Magic Circle with an infinity symbol in the middle of it appeared on top of Kisuke's palm, "I almost forgot. Here. It's transformation Magic for Dragons." The crest flew over and fused with Lysa's forehead before disappearing.

Within Lysa's consciousness, the method for transformation appeared. Although she couldn't use it now, with just a bit of growth and practice on her side, she'll be able to use it.

"Transformation Magic? What for?" asked Ais.

"A Dragons' growth isn't just tied to their age, but also strength. She's already too strong for her age and she'll surely continue to get stronger from here on. To accommodate that power increase, her body would also grow accordingly. You wouldn't want her following you around with the size of a horse-drawn carriage, right?"

Ais easily understood Kisuke's point, "Transformation Magic to keep her to this size, huh."

"That's right~! And this Transformation Magic is very special because it came from a Dragon that could sweep the floor with the previous Dragons without breaking a sweat~! Those two wouldn't even challenge her since there's no chance of winning for them even if they are together... Wait... Since the white guy is a big battle junky, maybe he'll do it... But he'll only end up black and blue."

With Kisuke dropping a sudden bomb, everyone was slack-jawed, " " " "Whaaat!!!!?" " " "


28th00: Yeah, something tells me that Ophis made that magic specifically for themself, since power translates into size, Ophis would be the size of a mountain range, possibly a continent. There's no way Ophis wouldn't find that annoying. Great Red never uses it and he's the size of a massive mountain, at minimum. He has his own gravitational field FFS! I bet that's him being small enough so he can actually 'see' things, instead of specks of dust.

The Loki Familia members kept asking Kisuke questions regarding the Dragon that's stronger than the previous two but he just kept feigning ignorance. Curiously enough, only Loki herself kept quiet through the noise they made.

"Enough of that and let's move on to the next thing." Kisuke pushed them away and grabbed the sack that had already stopped moving the moment the other Loki Familia members arrived. Although it moved a bit while listening to Kisuke's stories.

"Hey... You haven't killed yourself, right?" Kisuke suddenly asked. Although he already knew the answer, he wanted to tease her a bit and it's also a way to divert the other's attention.

Jumping on his words, Loki also joined in, "It's too strange that you wanted us to take care of a Xenos since until recently, we didn't see them favorably. On top of that, you're specifically asking Lefiya to take care of... Wait, is it a man or a woman?"

Kisuke didn't answer her and instead directly pulled down the sack after opening it, revealing the Xenos inside it. However, they couldn't tell what kind of Xenos she was because she was covering herself with her wings. They couldn't even see her face since she's covering it with her hands.

But even then, Lefiya's heart started palpitating for some unknown reason when she looked at her, "...S-she... What is she?" She asked meekly.

But Kisuke didn't answer her question and looked strangely at Filvis, "...Did you always have this kind of character?"

With a purposely hoarse voice, Filvis retorted, "...Shut up!"

However, she absolutely underestimated Lefiya's power to recognize her as the latter immediately went in front of her to everyone's surprise, "Lefiya? What's wrong?" Riveria asked when she saw her about to bawl her eyes out.

But Lefiya couldn't hear her question as she could only focus on the person in front of her, "...Filvis...san?"

Everyone shuddered when Lefiya suddenly uttered the name of a dead person and that was also the same for Filvis herself, as she didn't know how she was able to recognize her, "Y-you got the wrong person." She replied with an intentionally deep but obviously fake voice. Filvis was already panicking internally.

Kisuke then smiled and stood up, "Well then. It looks like I don't have anything to worry about, so I'll take my leave. I still have some things to do." He left directly after saying that despite the reactions around him.

Loki immediately followed him on the way out, "Wait... Kisuke."

Finn and Riveria were about to follow her but she gestured for them to stay behind and deal with the situation right now.

Once they were outside with no ears to listen to them, Loki finally spoke up, "You wouldn't mind me asking a few questions myself, would you?" Since she has a feeling that he specifically came for her instead of her children, she's sure that Kisuke would clarify a few more things for her. If not, he wouldn't have mentioned his Dragon friends.

And although no one else made a connection to him, thanks to the passive intervention made by the Gods Divinities to make the children of the Lower World not think about it, she was bothered about the Dragon that flew over Orario some time ago and Kisuke's involvement with it.

"Ask away. If I can say it, I will." Kisuke replied as he continued walking.

But before getting into that topic, Loki asked first, "Was that the real Filvis Challia?"

Kisuke nodded, "She is. No doubt about it."

Loki creased her brows, "How did you do it?"

But Kisuke just shrugged his shoulders while replying, "I may have a hand in it, but it isn't my handiwork. Since she's a Xenos now, you could say that it's the Dungeon's will. Why? I don't know."

Kisuke's answer only opened up more questions in Loki's mind. Even among the Deities, the existence of the Dungeon is veiled in mystery that they haven't had a clue how to uncover. For starters, the Dungeon actually became the foundation in the creation of the Lower World and it only started spawning monsters when its inhabitants started thriving.

If there's someone who knows what the Dungeon's true form is, it's only their 'Father'.

Shaking her head, Loki changed the subject and asked the question that has been bothering her since earlier, "Then let me ask another one. How are you related to the Dragon that flew over Orario last time?"

Kisuke smiled, "We're not friends, but we're acquaintances."

Although Loki was already expecting this answer, her head still ached immensely and directly asked, "I have no idea why, but are you trying to oppose 'him'?"

Kisuke's expression didn't change and he looked at Loki, "Oppose him? That's a very strong word, however, the fact is, he wanted me to do something for him."


"I have just said it. I'm actually working for him through a contract."

Loki's slitted eyes opened widely as she looked deeply into his eyes, trying to figure out what his real intentions were.

Kisuke also stared at her eyes for a few moments before turning around and continuing his footsteps. While he left with a smile on his face, Loki was making a very serious expression, and many things simultaneously ran through her mind. Once Kisuke left her sight, her eyes glinted with the same color as her hair for a split second before turning back and returning to her children who were making a ruckus inside, 'Just where do you stand, Kisuke Urahara?'

However, before she could enter through the doors of her manor, a piece of paper flew in front of her, making her catch it without thinking. On it was a written note and Kisuke's stamp, [Be careful of Freya-sama.]

Loki looked back before turning the piece of paper into many more and scattering it everywhere. She took his warning to her heart as she had a feeling that he didn't have any bad intentions despite making his position vaguely on 'Father's' side.

If it wasn't clear as before, now Loki truly couldn't treat him like any of the other children and could only see him as someone in the leagues of the Gods. Not because of the strength he possessed, but because of the sheer headache that he could cause her.


28th00: Ah, that's about right, Loki. He likes doing that. It's not a very nice thing to do, but you can bond with Bestia about the headaches he causes! One more thing to bond with your best frenemy with! Wait, they're leaving Orario! Oof, poor Loki.

The moment Kisuke returned, everyone was already done with their training and preparing for breakfast. The children, on the other hand, were still sleeping in their room, including Ophis, who learned it just to join both Claire and Tanis.

"Good morning~!" Kisuke greeted everyone in the Dining Hall.

Hestia immediately invited him to sit down and asked, "How did it go?"

Kisuke sat down and reassured Hestia, "You don't have to worry about them, Hestia-sama. I made sure that they'll be taken care of." Ever since telling them about his decision to leave the Dragon and Filvis in the Loki Familia's care, Hestia has been worried.

Although she knew that Loki would accept them, she wasn't sure how her children would react. As they were at the forefront among the Familias that exterminate monsters and the rumors surrounding them, she couldn't help but brood over it.

Hestia sighed in relief, "That's good. As long as they don't abuse them, then that's fine."

"How did they react to the Dragon?" Artemis suddenly asked curiously.

While they were eating their breakfast, Kisuke proceeded to tell them in detail what happened when he came to the Twilight Manor, excluding his last bit of discussion with Loki and his 'slip of tongue' when he mentioned the stronger Dragon than the two Dragon Emperors.

While others continued eating without much reaction, Hestia and Artemis dropped their spoons and made complicated expressions, "You're friends with Dragons with those kinds of abilities?"

Aika immediately cut in and said, "There's nothing really special with them. Especially the red one since he's just a big pervert who likes boobs."

"Issei-senpai can do what needs to be done... But he really likes boobs too much."

"Don't diss him when he's not here," Sona immediately scolded them. She then recalled how Issei acted most of the time and added, "Even if it's true."

Serafall then remembered something from not long ago, "If it's Vali-chan, then I think he's also a pervert that likes butts. When he betrayed Azazel-chan that one time, the old man started spreading rumors about Vali-chan liking butts like the Sekiryuutei who liked boobs. Since he's the one who took care of Vali-chan since his childhood, it has some credibility."

Irina's lips twitched and said, "For one of the leaders of the Three Great Factions to do that... After seeing and hearing all of this, my fantasy of them being high and mighty beings were completely destroyed."

"Don't worry about it~! At least Michael-chan is a good example to his followers... Though I can't say the same for the other Seraphims," replied Serafall while chuckling to the clearly distressed Irina.

While drinking her coffee, Akeno also commented, "Somehow, I can imagine Azazel-sensei doing that."

"S-so all of you know them, huh? Should I be surprised?" Hestia then recalled the Dragon that Kisuke rode back here, "...It's my fault for still getting surprised."

"...Hestia... When will I get used to this?" Artemis asked her best friend a very serious question.

"Don't ask me. I still haven't gotten to that point, even telling myself to be open-minded."

Meanwhile, Medusa approached Kisuke and handed him a letter with the Guild's insignia, "This came earlier and they said it's for you."

'Ah, this must be the additional documents needed at the gates.' Kisuke guessed and it was confirmed when he took a look at it.

Clapping his hands, Kisuke gathered everyone's attention to him, "I have a proposal to make. Please listen to it."

Everyone stopped talking and looked at him quietly. Now that all the attention was on him, he started talking and told them his desire to move to the Dizara Region.

"We're going to leave Orario behind?" Hestia became hesitant. Despite her short time living in the city, she has already made connections and relationships that are hard to discard.

"You're misunderstanding it, Hestia-sama.", Kisuke smiled kindly, "We're just moving our base of operations and with our abilities, returning to Orario is just as easy as standing in place. If you miss this place, we could always come back without any problems and it wouldn't even take that long."

Hestia smiled happily when she heard Kisuke's words, "Then it's fine~!" Although she knew about their Teleportation Magic, she didn't know about their limits and she knew that Dizara Region was almost on the other side of the world, so she became worried.

Looking at her best friend's cute smile, Artemis couldn't help but pinch her cheeks.

"Hwat arr yoo doeng (What are you doing)?"

Chuckling, Artemis replied, "Nothing. I just couldn't resist it." More specifically, she couldn't resist Hestia's innocence and kindness. 'Strictly speaking, she is far more innocent than me, the Goddess of Innocence.'

"Since you got that letter from the Guild, I suppose it is some sort of permission or reason they are giving us to go to the Dizara Region?" Sona promptly asked.

"That's right. I've already arranged everything with Ouranos-sama and if you all agree to this, we'll go with it. If not, then I could just toss this back to them."

Everyone looked at each other and figured that no one really was against it and Aika said as she looked back to Kisuke, "That's fine, but since you've already arranged everything, knowing you, I'm guessing that we're leaving today?"

"I'm not yet done with everything, but it's true that I planned for us to leave after dinner. I've already sent a message to Yoruichi that we're arriving today."

"Senpai. For what reason are we moving? Wouldn't we just do the same thing over there?" Koneko was curious. She couldn't think of any advantage of moving to the Dizara Region.

"That's where you're wrong~!" Kisuke grinned at her, "Over there, you could go overboard and there would be next to no consequences. They wouldn't even ask your Level since the governing body over there prioritizes the secrets of their Familias. Although that would also mean that we don't know anything about anyone and getting information would be hard. We don't even know if someone over there could threaten you with a unique ability or two."

Sona, Aika, and Koneko's eyes shone in delight, "That means we could go all out even if we're on the upper floors?" asked Sona.

"No problem~."

"Can we show our unique techniques?" asked Aika.


"Can we beat up our harassers to the inch of their life?" asked Koneko.

"That's not a question of where we are. I'll help you with that."

" " "We're going!" " "


28th00: Priorities are set straight for Koneko! EXCESSIVE FORCE IS ALLOWED! Ah, a new city to learn to fear the Loli Trio. Oh no. They're going to learn the hard way, aren't they?

Redemperor D

Since everyone already knew their initial capabilities, it's really hard to show it when they've improved. And not just because they instructed them not to gather too much attention, but they also knew how detrimental it would be for others who were only beginning to learn the real use of Ki and Magic to show their development that is beyond common sense even in the world where they came from.

Sona doesn't want them to have an unrealistic outlook on the things they are learning. And it's not like they could show them their training method which is not only their guarded secret, but doing it without constant supervision from Serafall, Medusa, and Kisuke would only end up in an accident due to how dangerous it is.

One example of this is Koneko and Kuroka's Ki training that melds their inner Ki and the world's Ki together and circulates it through their entire bodies. The circulated Ki was so fine that each strand of it traveled through each muscle fiber.

It's not just the method of circulating Ki that was very dangerous and very far from the usual method of TouKi which was just covering the entire body of a layer of inner Ki, but the melded Ki itself was something disastrous that any loss of control would devolve the user into an unthinking monster.

But even with those unconditional dangers and risks, it could be avoided with the proper supervision of someone experienced. And if those disadvantages could be taken care of, the results and gains are beyond what could be imagined using normal methods.

Kisuke hypothesized that their Ki training could be potentially on the level of Issei's Ki training that was taking advantage of Dragon Aura and using Ophis's power and Samael's blood, or maybe, even surpassing it.

Similarly, Sona and Aika were also undergoing unconventional but effective training methods.

In any case, even if they have become stronger, they can't really show the full extent of their capabilities now. If they were to move to a new place where no one knew them, they wouldn't have to care about what everyone was thinking or seeing.

Of course, Akeno and Irina were envious of this as compared to them, they couldn't see their improvement at all aside from their bodies getting sturdier and sturdier each day.

Serafall, on the other hand, was against their training methods before, but not long after, she joined Sona since it was also very helpful with what she's been trying to master for decades.




After their breakfast, Kisuke left again to take care of all the things that needed to be done before they left. "Now then, let's put down some hidden formations before I leave. It might prove useful later."

It wasn't until late afternoon that Kisuke finished his work. Since he couldn't be satisfied if he just did it within Orario, he expanded his work a few tens of kilometers beyond the walls of Orario and this included the entirety of Melen too.

'Besides, this is the best chance to hide something within those hidden formations. That should cover most of my needs in the future.', thought Kisuke as he made his way home. A few moments later, he spotted several familiar figures and stopped on top of one of the buildings to see what's going on.

On the left side was Sophie, who seemed to be making her way towards the Hearth Manor, 'It looks like she decided to come herself. That's not a problem but...' He then looked towards his right and saw Line going to the same direction. However, not far from behind her were Ais and Lysa, who was in the former's backpack, were following Line quietly, 'What are they up to now?'

Kisuke has a feeling that it would be troublesome if he let Ais and Lysa reach the manor so he immediately sent a telepathic message to Line, 'Don't turn your head anywhere and don't stop walking. I will cast Magic on you but you should just ignore it.'

Line's steps halted for a very brief moment. A second later, she felt Magic Power covering her entire body and as much as she wanted to stop and study it, she continued walking as if nothing was happening.

From Ais's point of view, Line suddenly started releasing Magic Power. Thanks to the training she's doing, she was already able to tell minute fluctuations on Magic Power which was very useful in predicting her opponent's next move. However, she still couldn't tell what kind of Magic was being used despite knowing something is being used.

While trying to guess what Line was about to do next, she suddenly turned a corner, 'She's not going to the Hearth Manor?' she asked herself as she kept following her. A few minutes later, Line arrived at a certain Library and started browsing books, 'She's studying now? But why here?'

The reason why Ais started following Line when she saw her leave is because of the feeling that Lysa was giving her that if she doesn't follow her now, she's going to regret it later. Although she doesn't know how she's going to regret it later, she chose to go with what Lysa has been trying to tell her since it didn't hurt to do so.

Ais and Lysa watched Line looking through the books until late at night from the corner of the library until Line's figure suddenly started to become hazy and disappear entirely.

Astonished, she immediately stood up and checked the place where she was sitting not long ago but couldn't tell anything. She looked around and saw the similarly shocked expression of those within the library and figured out that she wouldn't get anything even if she was to ask them.

Out of concern that Line was in danger, she immediately went home and came to the lounge where Loki, Finn, Riveria, and Gareth were discussing what happened today and their future plans, "Loki! Line disappeared!"

While Finn, Riveria, and Gareth's expressions became serious, Loki nonchalantly asked, "How?"

Ais then told them what she had been doing until Line's disappearance.

Whilst they wanted to know why Ais was secretly following Line, they are more concerned with Line's safety, "She just suddenly disappeared from your sight?" asked Riveria.

But as Ais nodded, Finn suddenly said, "Let's just ask Loki since it seems that she already knows what happened." He noticed that Loki was still indifferent despite hearing Ais's story.

Clearing her throat, Loki answered when everyone turned their heads to her, "Ehem... Looks like I failed to mention it, but the entirety of the Hestia and Artemis Familia's are leaving for the Dizara Region. Line-chan wanted to go with them since she's Kisuke's student, so I allowed her."

Ais was stupefied and didn't know what to say. Riveria, on the other hand, sighed and held her forehead, "You should have at least tried to tell us about it."

But even knowing about it, she knew she couldn't do anything to stop them. Realizing her thoughts, Riveria asked herself internally, 'Stop them? Why would I even think about something like that?'

Shaking off her head with these 'useless' thoughts, Riveria continued, "So Ais was fooled with an Illusion Magic."

"That's probably what happened. Line-chan still can't do Illusion Magic that would fool Ais-tan, so Kisuke might have noticed her following Line-chan and did it for her."

"...W-why?" Ais asked with an incredibly confused expression.

Loki looked at her but instead of answering her question, she asked her another, "What would you do if you knew they were leaving?"

"...I..." Ais couldn't answer her. But deep inside, she knew her answer was. She just didn't have enough courage to say it.

Riveria sighed yet again, "That's enough Loki. I'll accompany Ais to her room."

After the two of them left the room, Finn couldn't help but say after recalling Riveria's back as they left, "I knew Ais wouldn't want it, but to see even Riveria dejected. Is it that man's knowledge and wisdom or his strange charm?"

Gareth chuckled while stroking his beard, "Don't ask me since I also don't know anything regarding that. But we could say there's a good reason why women gather around him." He then took a peek at Loki who was gritting her teeth, "There's no point in getting angry, Loki. From the start, you knew that this was inevitable. No need to fool yourself."

"Kuuuhh!!! I'm happy for Riveria, but my Ais-tan!!!"


28th00: Riveria is still a child compared to quite a few of the members, but she's a maiden! Good for Riveria, but Ais-tan! She has no ears to waggle!

Redemperor D

A few hours ago, Line and Sophie met each other in front of the Hearth Manor's gate, "Good evening, Line-san." Sophie greeted the other first.

"Ah... Uhm... Good evening, Sophie-san." Line greeted back but she didn't know how to advance the conversation. However, coming to her rescue, Kisuke arrived from behind them, "Let's not talk outside. Come in."

Sophie wondered why Line was here, but chose to remain quiet and followed Kisuke inside.

"Kisuke-san, what happened earlier?" Line asked as she matched Kisuke's pace and walked beside him.

"Wallenstein-san was following you. I thought it would be troublesome if she were to reach this place, so I distracted her."

"I-I see..." Ais was someone who had very few obsessions, however, all of those were present in Kisuke so Line knew that they couldn't go peacefully if she were to see them leave, 'It would be indeed troublesome enough that Loki-sama might have to interfere.'

As soon as they reached the doors, they swung open and Tanis greeted them with a big smile on her face, without her disguise, "Kisuke-niichan! You're back!"

Sophie hurriedly reeled back upon seeing her, "M-monster!?"

But Kisuke ignored her reaction for now and patted Tanis's head with a smile, "I'm home~. Did you behave today?"

Tanis was surprised when Sophie suddenly raised her voice, but she immediately calmed down and felt secure when Kisuke touched her head, "I helped with the packing today!"

"I see. That's good. Go call Ophis-chan and Claire-chan now. Tell them we'll have our dinner soon."

"Okay~!" answered Tanis before she ran off.

Without looking back, Kisuke commented, "I guess your position isn't high enough to know about their existence. If you want to know more, tell Mardeel-san that you want to meet Fels. Since you're our adviser, you should have at least the privilege to know a few things."


Kisuke started walking and answered, "He is Ouranos-sama's right-hand man. He should tell you what you need to know. And you don't have to worry about Tanis-chan. Even Line-san here from the Loki Familia could guarantee that she's safe."

Sophie looked towards Line who nodded at her and sighed, "Is this related to the latest incident?" she asked while following Kisuke inside.

"You're sharp and should have already noticed that there's a lot of strange points regarding the subjugation of Knossos, and you're right. They are related. In fact, these special monsters are one of the forces that fought along with Loki and Freya Familia to deal with the Evilus. In a hindsight, the citizens of this city are also indebted to them."

Sophie's head started aching, "But there's no way everyone would just suddenly accept them even with supporting words from the strongest Familias."

"Correct. So it'll really be nice if you could keep their existence a secret. At least until they already have a chance to get along with the people of the Lower World."

Sophie stopped walking but Kisuke and Line didn't wait for her. After thinking for a brief moment, she took a deep breath and restarted her steps, speeding up so she could catch up to the two of them, "I'm sorry about my attitude earlier. I might have scared her."

Kisuke and Line were surprised, "That's really startling... I never thought that you're that accepting and on top of that, you're an Elf."

Sophie got immediately pissed and said with a loud voice, "I'm a proud Elf! But even then, I judge people by my own eyes! Seeing a child happily reporting her activities for today like that, it's hard to see her as unfeeling monsters that only knew how to attack people!"

Kisuke looked at her for a second before he started chuckling, "Right... I apologize."

After that sudden outburst, Sophie felt a little embarrassed and cleared her throat, "Ehem... I'm sorry for raising my voice again. And you don't really have to apologize since most Elves have a very appalling hate for monsters and I personally think it's unreasonable. However, this sort of thinking would only invite trouble, so I just kept it to myself."

"That's really admirable."




The dinner started and Sophie was able to talk happily with everyone. Since she was the one looking out for them in the Guild, they have become quite close with each other. It was actually to the point that it became harder for Sophie to sleep at night whenever they dive into the Dungeon. Although she'd already lost a number of Adventures under her care, she just couldn't get used to it, especially now that there's a special bond between them and not just a business one.

After dinner, Sophie still continued her chatter with everyone without mentioning anything about her work or their life inside the Dungeon. Instead, they started talking about girl issues and life hacks that made Kisuke slightly uncomfortable to stay in.

But to maintain his stoic image, he sat through everything despite Sophie looking at him weirdly.

At some point, Sophie even started getting along with Tanis and even played a few rounds of cards with the kids.

Knowing that she's already overstaying their hospitality, Sophie asked Kisuke, "You said you're going to leave this evening. Although it's a weird time to leave, shouldn't you be getting ready? And I presume Line-san is also going with you."

"She's indeed coming with us, since I properly got Loki-sama's permission for her and there shouldn't be any problem with the Guild about that." Kisuke then stood up and continued, "And it's true that we should get going."

"Then I shouldn't stay long." Sophie then faced everyone and smiled gently, "Sona, Koneko, Aika, Irina, Akeno. I had fun with you despite just being your advisor. Serafall-san, Medusa-san. Thank you for all the assistance you gave me. It helped me out a lot. Hestia-sama and Artemis-sama, good luck with your new journey, and please take care of my good friends. Let's see each other again some time."

Everyone looked at each other and laughed softly. They wanted to tell her that they could return anytime but decided against it. In any case, it'll be a good surprise when they suddenly appear in front of her.

"Thank you for taking care of us too. Your knowledge of the Dungeon helped us out a lot too." Sona replied.

"The sweets store you told us about is really good," Koneko gave her a thumbs up.

"I will actually miss your reprimands~!" Aika added with a wink.

"The next time we see each other, I'll tell you more about the Bible~," said Irina who has been casually spreading her religion to the other world.

"And I'll tell you more about all the risque novels that I know~", and Akeno was talking about a completely different thing.

With a flushed face, Sophie immediately stopped her from talking further, "Well then. I won't be seeing you off. Thank you for the wonderful dinner and have a safe trip."




Kisuke accompanied Sophie to the gates, "You don't have to escort me. The route from here to my house isn't dangerous."

"I guess that's true." Kisuke then took out a coin and handed it to Sophie, "Then please take this."

Sophie took the coin and looked closer at it. Although there's complicatedly drawn lines on it, she couldn't tell anything special about it, "This is?"

"It's a Magic Item. If you hold it tightly and think about talking to me, I would be able to hear your voice. Always keep it with you since it'll also serve as a lucky charm."

"You'll be able to hear my voice? What for?"

"If there is anything interesting happening in Orario, I'd like you to tell me. In return, I'd tell you about the Dizara Region and even send you images through it."

Rarely being able to go anywhere, Sophie's eyes lit up, "Deal!"


28th00: Ah, Sophie is a good girl. Tanis is a good dragon too!

Redemperor D

After leaving through the gates of Orario to finish with all the formalities, the group arrived at their designated spot a few kilometers away from the city by riding their Magic Humvee. Although there were some protests, mainly from the noisy Magical Girl and apathetic Humanoid Dragon God, it was Kisuke who drove it.

As they had expected, some people tried following them, including some members of the Freya Familia since among their friends, it was only Freya that Hestia and Artemis couldn't reach when they were saying their goodbyes.

Of course, Kisuke completely lost them with the Humvee's constant speed and a similar Illusion Magic akin to what he used on Line.

With the Humvee back in Kisuke's inventory, he took out a red medallion and placed it on the ground. With the medallion as its core, a large Magic Circle appeared below everyone.

"What's the medallion for?" Serafall curiously asked.

"It's the key to our destination."

"Hmmm?" Serafall looked at Kisuke with confusion, "Couldn't you just set the barrier to restrict unregistered Mana signatures?"

"Normally, that would've been enough, and that's actually the case if we were to register all of you to use Teleportation Magic in that area. However, it's a special case for me. Normally, you need to register the Mana signature as accurately as possible, but thanks to the nature of my own power, there are always minute changes in my Mana signature, so the site wouldn't be able to recognize me after a short while."

"But if I were to reduce the accuracy of the reading even a little bit, then it'll be prone to breaches since it'll be easy to use a copy of my Mana, even if it's a bit inaccurate. Until I can think of a better idea, I will settle with this for now."

Of course, Kisuke also tried using his own soul's signature, but after the transformation he went through, it became akin to Yoruichi's Reiatsu when she transformed and lost control of herself.

The light of the Magic Circle soon engulfed everyone and the next moment, they were standing on the floor made out of Orichalcum. On top of them are familiar crystals that give light to the safe points of the Dungeon, however, they seemed to be extremely close.

In a bit, they finally noticed they were on top of a structure tall enough that it almost touched the Dungeon's ceiling.

"Where are we?" Sona asked as she walked towards the edge of the structure they were on. The others did the same and what came to them was the beautiful view of the enclosed nature.

Kisuke walked up behind them while answering, "It's the 48th floor of the Dungeon within the Dizara Region. A safety zone."

However, while everyone was busy admiring the rare view, Serafall noticed something and flew away before looking back. After looking up and down, she started laughing out loud, "Fuhahaha! As expected of Ki-tan~! You just don't care whether you destroy the scenery, do you?"

Hearing that, Ophis's already serious expression became even deeper and she instantly teleported beside Serafall to measure up the building she's standing on a second ago.

Nodding to herself, Ophis pointed at the area opposite of the building and declared, "That spot shall be mine."

Kisuke was dumbfounded at Ophis' sudden declaration, but he soon started laughing and gave her a thumbs up, "I'll reserve that spot for you. For the materials, just gather them from the man-made Dungeon. If you need more, just tell me."

Serafall finally recalled Ophis' incomplete project back on Mars and understood that she wanted to make the second one here.

While no one else knew about the new 'monstrosity' that was about to be born, Yoruichi and Kuroka had arrived from the only entrance on the rooftop, "Looks like all of you're doing good." Yoruichi greeted them while Kuroka jumped towards Koneko and wrapped her arms around her, "Shirone~! Did you miss me~?"

Without any hesitation, Koneko answered in the most deadpan expression possible, "No."

But Kuroka wasn't the one to be disheartened as she continued poking Koneko's cheeks and recharging her 'Imouto-Energy', "Ara ara~ You don't have to be shy, you know~."

Ignoring the two of them, Yoruichi addressed everyone else, "Let's go inside first before everything else." She then faced Ophis and Serafall who were still floating in the distance, "Come inside. It's going to be noisy if people from below notice you two are there."

While the others were curious about what Serafall and Ophis saw from their perspective, however, they chose to follow Yoruichi first since they could always see what they were stepping on later. Once they entered, they were welcomed by a set of stairs and a door that looked strangely durable.

Yoruichi then took out a black card and put it on what seems to be a scanner beside the door. A second later, light bled from the top of the door indicating a number that quickly went up, "An elevator?" questioned Irina, but it's very obvious for what it was so no one confirmed it for her.

However, the moment they entered it, those from Earth, excluding Serafall and Ophis, had a strange feeling when they saw an elevator that looked like it came from a proof of concept project out of some sci-fi magazine.

Even then no one said anything about it and just looked at each other. But as soon as they arrived on the 67th floor and the door opened, Aika couldn't finally hold it back, "What the heck!?"

The interior was that of their familiar Hearth Manor. It's as if they went back to it.

On the other hand, Sona could only shake her head with a wry smile while the others could only chuckle. They could now imagine what Serafall and Ophis saw from the outside, "You got free reign and you just went all in. As expected of you."

Claire, Tanis, and Ophis started running around and curiously inspecting everything that caught their attention. But after a short while, they lost their interest as there was nothing new besides the view in the windows which aren't actually windows.

"My head hurts." Koneko muttered after seeing the contrasting design. However, she and the rest could already imagine all sorts of culture in each room of this spaceship-like building.

"I've always wanted to make something like this, so I took the chance." Kisuke replied while leading them to their usual spot, the lounge. But before they reached their destination, Kisuke turned to the three disappointed individuals and said, "I can assure you that it's more interesting on the lower floors. I'll give you a tour later."

However, the trio didn't allow Kisuke to set aside the important stuff for later, "...Let's go." Ophis voiced out as she grabbed the hem of Kisuke's clothes.

And she was followed by the other two, "Let's go, Nii-chan!"

Of course, Kisuke couldn't disappoint their expectant faces any further, "Alright~! Let's go now!"


28th00: Phis-chama's inner architect has reawoken from its slumber! When you're that powerful, everything is lego. The Dungeon is gonna be scratching it's head at whatever Ophis decides to build, cause it sure as hell ain't gonna make ANY sense to anyone but the Mini-Trio. But now? Now it's time for the most important part! It's exploration time! For children, this is more important than anything! Dragon Gods are incredibly childish, so I guess they count too! At least they're honest with their desires? I guess they're called 'Pure' beings for a reason...

With a sudden change of plan, Kisuke grabbed the three curious girls and turned to others, "I'll bring them back once they are tired. Although jet lag shouldn't affect you all as much, try to adjust your body's rhythm to this place's time."

"Jet lag?" asked Line.

"It is a temporary sleep problem that can affect anyone who quickly travels across multiple time zones. Although it won't be a problem for most of us, you, Hestia-sama, Artemis-sama, Claire, and Tanis would need some time to adjust your sleep schedule.", Sona answered Line and turned to Kisuke, "By the way, what time is it now?"

"It's quarter past noon. I can give you medicine to easily adjust your body clock easier, but it would be better if you are able to do it naturally."

But before Kisuke left, Artemis called out to him, "Wait, Kisuke!"

"Hmm? What is it, Artemis-sama?"

"We're inside the Dungeon, aren't we? Is it fine for us to stay here?"

"Ah!", at that point, Hestia also realized the problem, "T-the Dungeon won't suddenly act up, will it?" She asked nervously since the other Deities already warned her of the potential mishaps that may happen if the Dungeon detected a Deity inside. And based on what she heard from them, it's a guarantee that it won't end well.

"It's fine. As long as you don't release any of your Divine Power, the Dungeon would actually ignore you. Even then, I planned to make something for you two that will make sure that's the case so please don't leave this floor for now. I'll be done with them tomorrow.", reassured Kisuke.

Truthfully, he's already done with the devices that would lock their Divine Powers securely and disguise their appearance so the Mercenaries in the Dungeon won't be able to recognize them as the Goddesses Hestia and Artemis. However, he's still worried about their safety and decided to add some safety features, not against the monsters or Mercenaries, but the Dungeon itself since he has a feeling that if a God were to die in the Dungeon, they won't be able to return to Heaven.




Kisuke, Claire, Ophis, and Tanis arrived at the lobby and the latter three immediately ran out of the teleportation zone. Kisuke lets them be since they are well within his range of action and the security placed in this building should do most of the job in case something bad happens.

As he slowly followed the three who were curiously looking around, Kisuke was mildly surprised by the number of people coming in and out of the building, 'Looks like the Astarte Familia didn't put many restrictions, or maybe they are just being pressured by the other factions within the region.'

Kisuke already predicted that the scattered forces within the Dizara Region would converge after the news of an easy way to the deeper levels of the Dungeon since there's just so much wealth and resources down here that would attract even small Familias, 'Since I caused all of these, I guess the villages and smaller towns that would lose the protection of these Familias are my responsibility... Hmm... I suppose monster repellers would do it.'

Of course, he won't do everything himself. After making the final product, he'll sell its production method to multiple outlets that could produce them.

While deep in his thoughts, however, Kisuke heard something disturbing from the Mercenaries around him, "Hey, is he the owner of this 'Tower of Desires'?"

"I've seen the portraits circulating around so I'm positive."

"So he's the one who made all of this possible... But he doesn't look that strong. Look at those scrawny arms. It doesn't look like he could properly swing a sword. He even has a cane which proves that he sometimes has difficulties walking. I can't believe he made all of this."

"Of course no one does. The most probable scenario was he's a son of a great noble or very rich merchant that funded the research and development of this tower and used the Magic that instantly transports things to build it within the safety point which essentially gave him enormous power on this floor. Most of the Gods also believe that this is the case."

"Then why did he give the control of the Magic that instantly transfers people to the Astarte Familia?"

"It's most probably because the Astarte Familia was able to strike a deal with him. Since he doesn't have the power to protect this tower on his own, even if he included his wives, he had no choice but to get one of the biggest and strongest Familia to his side. Although he lost the rights to the Magic, he's able to solidify his position with the tower."

After roaming around for a few more minutes, similar conversations could be heard everywhere they go, 'Hmmm... So this is the reason why the Astarte Familia is being pushed back. They thought I'm some pushover that needed their help.'

Even then, a smile lingered on Kisuke's face, 'Well then, let's see how things develop~ I'll only move when they try to snatch my house.'




Within the tallest tower of the castle in the middle of Asauros where the Poseidon and Amphitrite Familias reside, two old men were watching the bustling town from the top while drinking liquor. While the first man emanates Divine Power, the second man's aura was that of a mortal. However, the second man's demeanor and sharpness didn't lose to the Deity drinking with him, "Are you sure about this, Poseidon? Letting Aruna do whatever he wants, I mean."

Poseidon put down his glass after emptying it, "I'm not letting him do whatever he wants. I'm just letting him do one thing. Besides, you can't really say anything since you and Hera already failed once and there's no other prospect within sight until now."

Zeus sighed and also emptied his glass, "I may have failed, but I don't think this is the right answer either."

"I'm the same. However, we couldn't prove that this is the wrong answer too."

"But Aruna is messing with something that could easily go wrong."

"I know. And that's the reason why I'm allowing it. It is so that we could watch him and what he is doing more closely. If I didn't give my consent and he decided to do this secretly anyway, it'll be already too late to do anything when something goes wrong."

"Haahh... And this Tower of Desire just had to appear at such a convenient timing. I feel a little bad for Astarte."

"There's no other way. We can't control Aruna. And since he increased the security around himself to a ridiculous level, no Deity could even approach him to send him back to Heaven."


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Claire and Tanis got tired first after roaming around the first 10 floors of the lobby, and since it was supposed to be nighttime for them, Kisuke immediately brought them back to their room to rest. Ophis, on the other hand, was still furiously memorizing everything the tower had to offer and might have been planning to add the same or similar things to her 'Demon Lord Castle' that she's planning to build opposite of his tower.

Since she could fend for herself and Kisuke didn't care if she did damage to the Mercenaries that harassed her, he left her alone for the time being.

Returning to where everyone is, Kisuke came intoYoruichi and Kuroka briefing everyone else regarding the Dizara Region and the system in place for the Mercenaries. At the end of it, everyone finally understood why they could stop holding back.

"If the Adventurers of Orario give more priority to honor and glory, Mercenaries of the Dizara Region put more importance to wealth and power." muttered Sona.

"This kind of system is unforgiving for the smaller and weaker Familias." added Serafall.

Nodding, Kuroka confirmed Serafall's words, "That's right, nyaa. But it isn't really as bad for them as you've probably imagined. Thanks to the different situation this entrance to the Dungeon has compared to the one in Orario, nyaa, the smaller Familias just have to affiliate themselves to one of the four big factions in the region."

From here, Yoruichi supplemented, "Most of these Familias choose to ally themselves to  Pandemonium, since it has the least restrictions and greatest benefit for them out of the four. Only for a good reason, would they choose to affiliate themselves to the other three."

"Of course, there are those who choose not to affiliate themselves and this is a perfectly normal situation since that would give them the greatest freedom. However, they generally couldn't enter the Dungeon and if they have to, they would be competing with larger and stronger alliances. Compared to Adventurers, there are a lot more Mercenaries, which makes the first few floors of the Dungeon feel very small."

Artemis creased her brow because she already experienced what is like to have a small and weak Familia, "Wouldn't that hamper the Familia's growth and income?"

Kisuke sat down beside her and answered her question, "As Kuroka has said, the situation with this entrance is a bit different. Since it's underwater and its structure is akin to that of an ant colony, it's impossible to put a lid on it like the Tower of Babel in Orario. Because of that, hundreds if not thousands of monsters escape from the Dungeon and reach the shore every day."

"Just those smaller monsters are enough to keep everyone busy and they could even get commissions from the villages throughout the region. On top of that, it's much safer to fight monsters on the surface because you won't suddenly get greeted by a monster house that usually occurs inside the Dungeon. So without a good reason, they wouldn't even want to dive into the Dungeon unless they were strong enough to tackle the lower floors where the profit is much higher. And if they are strong, they could hardly be considered a small Familia anymore."

Kisuke then turned to Yoruichi and asked, "By the way, is the situation on the surface what I think it is?"

"If you think that Astarte Familia is being pressured, then you're correct. However, the situation is much more complex than that for them.", Yoruichi then passed some documents to him.

Looking through it, Kisuke creased his brows, "Offers to transfer the management of the Teleportation Circle to the Aruna Familia?"

If it's just that, it wouldn't be strange, however, the documents include the Alliance and the Poseidon Familia's insignia. Kisuke thought that the four groups would be fighting each other for control but he didn't expect that Aruna Familia would come out on top with the other two at its back.

But although the situation is really strange, Kisuke wouldn't care how much they offer him nor how much they dogpile on him since he wouldn't take back his words that easily.

"We tried figuring out what's really going on, nyaa, but we couldn't find anything. We could only guess that this is a personal agreement between the Deities instead of their Familias."

"What should we do?", asked Yoruichi, "Since you came down earlier, I'm sure that the executives of the Astarte Familia will make their way here to meet you."

Kisuke thought for a while and muttered, "We could meet the Deities in question, but I doubt they'll tell us anything concrete. And since taking back my words doesn't bode well with me, I'll let the Astarte Familia keep the circle if they want to keep it. For the request for transfer, ignore it. They'll actually reveal their motives easier if things don't go as they want."

Yoruichi became concerned, "Although a bit of danger is fine with Sona-chan and the rest, I don't think we should put Hestia-sama and Artemis-sama at risk."

Kisuke shook his head and said, "That won't be a problem. I've already planned to make something for their security and I'll be sure to do my best on it. But just to be safe, you or Sera-chan have to be around when Hestia-sama and Artemis-sama go outside. At least, until this situation resolves itself."

Yoruichi sighed and agreed, "Fine. It's going to be too annoying to outsmart those Gods so them tripping themselves up is much easier. However, I'll still try to look into what they're planning. Something just doesn't feel right with the Aruna Familia."

Kuroka then raised her hand with a smile, "I'll help out too, nyaa~!"

However, Kisuke immediately disagreed with her words, "No. You won't."

Kuroka was shocked, but he immediately followed up an explanation, "It's about time that you all move to the next part of your training, and this is where your potential will be truly tested."

With a serious expression, Kisuke looked towards Kuroka, "You and Koneko-chan will have to learn how to fully fuse your Ki's innate abilities to your own bodies instead of wielding it."

"Wait!" Serafall exclaimed when she understood what Kisuke meant by fusing with their innate abilities as Nekoshou which are the black and white flames, "Wouldn't that mean..."

Nodding, Kisuke confirmed what was on her mind, "Their next part of training is to learn how to achieve a Release Form. And they will need to learn it before all hell breaks loose in this world."

"But even with my decades of training, I still can't do that yet!" To become a Super Devil, Serafall took Sirzechs' ability as her reference. She thought that by becoming the 'Magic' itself, she'd step into the ranks of the Super Devils. However, she still couldn't find the final piece despite doing everything she thought would promote her.

Kisuke knew what's on her mind and said, "Sirzechs-san has that kind of ability because he could do it naturally. To do the same, you have to do everything he's doing, including those that he's unaware of and more."

Serafall knew that and it's the cause of her frustration all these years. Despite doing their best, Sirzechs and even Ajuka couldn't explain how the former could have a Release Form and just attributed it to the Power of Destruction's special properties.

But then, Serafall suddenly realized that Kisuke wanted Kuroka and Koneko to do the same and exclaimed yet again, "Wait! You know what's needed!?"

"I have my theories, but I'm pretty confident with it. Want to try it first?" Since Kuroka and Koneko would be using Ki to attain a Release Form, Kisuke already planned for Sona and Serafall to do the Magic side of it.

Serafall didn't even ask the dangers behind it and hurriedly nodded, "I'll do it!"


28th00: I await the Aruna Familia trying shit, again, cause it'll be glorious when Ophis makes her Demon Lord Tower. She needs test subjects for her traps after all!

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"So that's the reason why you wanted us to move here.", muttered Sona, understanding what Kisuke wanted for them.

As Kisuke nodded, he explained further, "That's part of it. This time, instead of just monsters, I want you to fight other people outside of your training partners. Although sparring with each other is still good, you all already know each other's quirks and got used to it. If you don't fight anyone else you're not familiar with, your sparring would actually start to be detrimental."

And with a smile, Kisuke continued, "Luckily, this place is teeming with people that will just push all the wrong buttons, and you don't even have to hold back against them~!"

Skeptical with his words, Aika asked, "But wouldn't most of those people be weaker than us? Not to brag, but I'm already confident to fight toe-to-toe with the top Adventurers in Orario without releasing all of my abilities."

"That's fine. What's important is that you fight other people. This is not about improving your techniques, but improving your experience. On top of that, this will actually help you not to form a stereotyped method of subconscious judgment against unknown opponents, which is very dangerous."

Aika finally understood Kisuke's point and she imagined being in a situation where her opponent moved similarly to Koneko and assumed that she should fight like she's fighting Koneko which might actually cost her her life in an instant that something out of her expectations happened. That realization gave Aika a cold shiver. Of course, it wasn't just her, as the other non-veterans also realized and felt the same.

Kisuke feigned a cough to take back their attention, "This isn't a big problem yet, but we need to do something about it. In any case, all of you are still doing fine so there's no need to rush this. To summarize the training goals, Sera-chan and Sona-chan will be learning the Magic-based transformation while Koneko-chan and Kuroka-san will be learning the Ki counterpart."

"As for Irina and Akeno-san, training with Ophis-chan is more appropriate, while Aika would be learning how to release the second stage of her Zanpakuto."

Kisuke then looked towards Medusa and said, "Finally, Medusa-chan, we will need to stabilize your Divine Power."

Hestia and Artemis, who were peacefully listening while drinking tea, spat out what's in their mouths, "...Come again?", asked Hestia after wiping her mouth.

"Ah, aren't you technically a Goddess?" Serafall asked full of innocence.

"...Someone... Please explain.", pleaded Artemis after wiping her mouth.

Still, they were ignored and Medusa answered Serafall's question, "The only thing that came from my Divine Power were my eyes and nothing else. If it's a technicality, I'm more of a Divine Spirit instead of a Deity because I don't have the power of one."

"Still, considering your origin, wouldn't you be a Goddess of Beauty?"

Medusa shook her head, "I'm not, but my sisters are. Unlike me, there was a time when they were truly worshipped." It was those times that Medusa vowed to protect her sisters when they came with her when she was banished to the Shapeless Isle.

Although her sisters were truly Goddesses, they were different from normal ones as they were born from the collective thoughts of 'Beauty that needed to be protected'. Hence, Stheno and Euryale were technically powerless to fulfill the role of being protected.

Thanks to Medusa being a defect, her Divine Power developed into something else, giving her supernatural abilities that are normally impossible even with Magic. She used this to protect her sisters from those who proclaimed themselves as heroes that wanted to save both of the Goddesses from her hands.

But due to Athena's curse, her Divine Power evolved and developed into something sinister as Medusa became addicted and took pleasure from killing the trespassers of the Shapeless Isle. That would result in the tragic end of her sisters and only when Perseus, bearing the treasures of Gods, defeated her, sealing her soul into eternal suffering of being reincarnated and hunted down.

Hestia got pissed that her and Artemis' important question was purposely ignored and directly faced Medusa. Medusa was startled when Hestia suddenly confronted her but their height difference made it look like Hestia was about to throw a tantrum.

"Medusa-chan! Please tell me about yourself!"

"Ermm... There isn't really anything aside from I possess Divine Power like a normal Deity, however, since my birth is a bit special, my situation is a bit different from you and everyone else. I'm sorry, but I would like to leave it like that for now."

Silence covered the room as Hestia silently stared at Medusa. A few moments later, Hestia sighed and smiled, "Fine. I will wait for the day that you can tell me everything. However, this doesn't change the fact that you're my child, alright?"

Medusa happily nodded and replied, "Of course, Hestia-sama. Nothing would change that."

Artemis soon sighed too. She's not as accepting as Hestia but she also respected her decision and let her do what she wants. In any case, after spending time with everyone, she already trusts that they wouldn't hurt her best friend. Though,she doesn't know what sort of danger this would bring to Hestia, so she couldn't stop worrying entirely.

Of course, after this revelation, both Hestia and Artemis already had a clue of where they really came from since if Medusa was truly a Deity, or something similar to it, she could have only come from the outside. Nevertheless, they didn't say anything about this either since nothing would really change.

Kisuke, on the other hand, also knew that they were already aware. After all, it was his idea to bring up Medusa's Divinity in front of them. Seeing the result, he sighed in relief that everything had gone as he expected, 'Thankfully, Hestia-sama easily accepted it.'

But while thinking so, he could feel a stabbing stare on the back of his head from Yoruichi, 'I'm sorry if I can only do it this way... Can't help it.'

Clearing his throat, Kisuke continued what he's saying, "Ehem... Anyway, I noticed that you've been cautiously tapping into your Divine Power during your training."

Medusa's expression became complicated. She wasn't exactly trying to hide it, but she's still hesitating about what to do. With everyone getting stronger each passing day, she could stay still and do nothing. However, she was also afraid of her own nature and was scared that she'd return to her monster form if she were to get any stronger.

Kisuke stood up and approached her. While still thinking about what she should do, Medusa felt Kisuke's hands wrapped around hers and she looked up to see his eyes looking straight into hers, "If you're thinking of changing your own nature, don't bother since 9 out of 10 times, you'll fail miserably and it might even cost you your life."


"No buts." Kisuke immediately interrupted her, "Athena's curse is gone and you're not alone anymore. There is no reason for you to be afraid any longer."

Another familiar name came up but Hestia and Artemis didn't dare interrupt Kisuke.

And with a big smile, Kisuke added, "Besides, when it comes to berserk powers, I'd like to call myself an expert~!"


28th00: He is legitimately 'The Expert' when it comes to this shit, ain't he?

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