
Goyya 823-835

Chapter 823 Seekvaira Agares | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

AN: I'm very sorry for my long silence and absence.

I don't really have any excuse.

If I have to say something, stuff happened IRL and I felt extremely lethargic until now.

I'm not busy or anything, just low on motivation.

I'm really sorry about this.

And thank you for waiting. I'll try to get back to my momentum.

Only 5 chapters for today.

Two days ago, after registering Kisuke's team under the name 'Urahara Shouten', Nyx's restoration was finished and she would just need a week or two to readjust her balance and readjust the chaotic flow of her Divine Aura that had resulted from her injuries. It was also the day that Kisuke sent Aika home since her transfer papers were already taken care of.

"Kisuke-kun, you're free?"

Receiving a sudden call from Cleria, Kisuke replied, "I have nothing urgent at the moment."

"If you still haven't added anyone else on your team, come over. Of course, it'll still be up to you if you want to accept them or not."

"As long as they are even remotely useful and wouldn't drag me down, I'm fine with anyone. You introducing them is a bonus to me since I don't have to do any background checks."

On the other side of the call, Cleria smiled wryly, "You're putting too much faith in me. But it's true that I can guarantee that they're trustworthy. I wouldn't even call you about this if they aren't."

"Understood. I'll come by in half an hour."

"Then I'll be informing them."




Kisuke arrived on time and saw several men, not of the Belial Clan posted in the vicinity of the mansion, 'That insignia, Agares Clan? So I'll be talking to someone from a prominent house?'

He tried searching through his memories and couldn't think of anyone wanting to join his team, 'Oh well, whoever it is, as long as they can move, they'll be a fine bait. Though I'd appreciate it more if they are useful.' With these thoughts in mind, Kisuke walked through the gates and doors that automatically opened for him by the maids and went straight towards Cleria's office.

As soon as he arrived, the maid guarding the door knocked on it and announced his arrival.

Unlike the first time, only Cleria was present among the Belial siblings, "You've come."

Aside from her, there are three other people present in the room and one of which is someone he personally knew, "Saji-san. It has been a while. How are you doing?"

Genshirou stood up from his seat and greeted Kisuke with a smile, unlike how Kisuke remembered him, "Thanks to you, I'm doing great."

Aside from the same qualitative and quantitative leap of aura that from Issei and everyone else, Kisuke also noticed the ring on his fourth finger on his left hand. Returning the smile, he replied, "It seems that you really are doing great. Congratulations."

Genshirou scratched his head bashfully and said, "When I saw Issei taking the step forward, I thought I should too. Even then, I'm only engaged to two people, unlike that pervert who's already engaged to four and probably still gunning for more."

Kisuke's smile froze, "S-seriously?"

"Yep. He first proposed to Rias Gremory and then to Asia-san, Xenovia-san, and Ravel Phenex. If I remembered it correctly, he privately mentioned it to me that he might also propose to Rossweisse-sensei, the leader of the Youkai, and the magician from Vali's group."

"...Haha...Fuhahaha! I see that despite the shitstorm that has been happening, he's still making the best out of it."

Genshirou also joined him in his laugh and added, "That's true. If not for the still hidden threats throughout the world, he probably would have his first child already. As much popularity and allies he has, there are also the enemies and those who hated him lurking around."

Kisuke nodded in agreement, "That's the sad part of fame. Nothing can be done about that. Well, if you're here, then we can catch up more later." Kisuke ended his conversation with Genshirou by patting his shoulder and turning to the other two guests, "This is our first time meeting. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm Kisuke Urahara."

"Let me introduce them to you." Cleria came close to one of the ladies before continuing, "This the lady of the Agares House and a good friend of mine, Thea Agares."

The mature and tall lady with long pale greenish blonde hair and pink colored eyes with one covered by her hair swept sideways smiled at Kisuke, "It's also a pleasure to finally know you, Kisuke Urahara. Is it alright if I call you Kisuke-kun?"

"Please be my guest, Lady Agares."

"Call me Thea to avoid confusion. Both of us here are Agares."

"Understood, Lady Thea."

Cleria then proceeds to introduce the next person, "And the lady beside her is her daughter, Seekvaira Agares. I'm sure you already know her."

"Of course. How could I not know one of the Rookies Four who are said to be the greatest of Devil youths? It's an honor to meet you, Seekvaira Agares-sama."

But as soon as Seekvaira heard 'Rookies Four', her expression became a little bit complicated, albeit, she still tried to hide that change, "It's my honor to meet the famous 'shopkeeper' and 'The Hat'. And like my mother, please call me Seekvaira."

"I think you mean infamous, Seekvaira-sama."

Seekvaira shook her head, "Please drop the honorifics too, since, in terms of rank, we're of the same."

"...What?" Kisuke became confused as he couldn't exactly recall when a humble and random shopkeeper like him came to have the same rank as the heir of the Archduke House of Agares which is only below the House of Bael. At the same moment, a possibility entered his mind and immediately turned to Cleria, who was scratching her cheek and smiling awkwardly.

"Ehehe... I think we forgot to tell you that you became the heir of Belial House and automatically became a High-Class Devil due to that."


28th00: The Belial house is a wild one if you look at all of them, aren't they? Kisuke has some devil in him, somewhere, and the other one is very much still a child and only a half-devil too. Kisuke is… Something, that's for certain! I almost forgot that Kisuke is absolutely Infamous for carrying around an Ophis backpack who called him Mr. Hat while saving some kids.

Side note, giving him such a high rank means that Sona will have zero issues with getting her man, legally speaking, that is. When she eventually gets back. Serafall too, actually.

So those two pinning after Saji finally got him? Sona would be happy about this at the very least.

Peter onwuasoanya

Chapter 824 Seekvaira Agares Part 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Despite being informed so late, Kisuke could only sigh and understand the situation. Aside from him, the only eligible heir of the already small House of Belial was Claire. Not to mention her age and apparent lack of training that the usual heirs are subjected to for taking over  the position, the Belials still had many enemies that they have to watch out for thanks to what his mother has done in the past and Diehauser's recent actions.

'Oh well. Adding 'heir to the house of Belial' sounds like a cool addition to introductions.' Kisuke thought while saying, "At least give me a heads up next time something like this pops up."

"Will do~!"

Thea and Seekvaira couldn't really understand the real nature of their relationship from that strange exchange that seemed to devalue the worth of being a 'heir' to a prominent house. However, as they were outsiders, they couldn't really ask anything about it and just stayed silent. Genshirou, meanwhile, didn't have any particular reactions despite understanding the caste system of the Underworld since he already knew Kisuke's strange attachment or obsession to being a 'shopkeeper'.

"Lady Thea, Seekvaira-san, Saji-san. Let's all have a seat and get straight to the point."

The first one to speak up after being offered a seat was Genshirou with a serious expression, "Urahara-san, please let me join your team."

"Okay. You're hired." Kisuke instantly answered.

Genshirou who's about to explain and convince Kisuke stopped with his mouth open before recovering and saying, "J-just like that?"

Kisuke nodded, "Just like that. I'm still lacking members and I don't see any reason for rejecting a friend."

"You didn't even ask what I can do now... I'm prepared to fight you to prove myself, you know?"

"I'm curious about that too, but let us set it aside for now." Kisuke then turned to the Agares mother and daughter, "Please tell me what I can do for you. While I can't promise anything, I'll, at least, hear you out."

Thea was about to reply but her daughter stopped her by placing her hand on her lap, "Dear?"

Instead of addressing her mother's confusion, Seekvaira faced Kisuke with an apologetic expression, "I know you already have an idea for what we came here for, but before that, I'd like to apologize for the way we appeared before you." Since they would technically be asking him for a favor, she knew how it looked when they used their connection with Cleria to gain an advantage, "I know I should have looked for you myself but the only way we can get in contact with you is through the Belial House. For that, I apologize."

"It sure looks bad when I don't even have any obligation to meet you. If not for my aunt, I wouldn't even accept an invitation to meet someone I don't know."

Guilt surfaced on Seekvaira's face while her mother said, "It's me who should apologize. It was my idea after all."


The mood sank and Cleria wore an awkward expression, not knowing what to do.

But in the middle of this, Kisuke just smiled and said, "Please do not misunderstand. I'm not berating you. Although it really doesn't look good, I'm not saying it's the wrong method either. If that's the only way to reach the person you need, I'm not the one who could say anything about that. In fact, I really appreciate Seekvaira-san's honesty and sincerity for mentioning it first. Thanks to that, we can leave this behind and have a proper discussion without the bad feelings."

Seekvaira looked at Kisuke's expression and heaved a sigh of relief, "Thank you. Though I'm just saying what needs to be said since my pride is also on the line."

She then took a deep breath and continued, "You might be wondering why a participant like me decided to join your team but before I explain myself, may I ask how Sona is doing?"

Because of that question, Kisuke already had an idea of why she appeared before him now. Nevertheless, he still humored her by taking out one of the memory crystals while also thinking that it was also his chance to show off and boast about how much Sona has improved, 'Let's see... I guess that instance is good.'

Placing it on Cleria's desk, Kisuke asked, "You already know what this is, right?"

Seekvaira and Thea nodded, "It was only introduced recently but it's been getting a wide range of adaptation. They said that flat screens would soon be obsolete when it comes to viewing entertainment.", the latter replied.

Kisuke didn't say anything else and activated the memory crystal and the entire room changed as if they were teleported to a desert. It was the time when Sona had lost control of herself.

As the playback slowly inch forward, everyone could only remain speechless and Kisuke was relishing in their reactions, 'Though the most she can do right now is change a part of her body into water and deploy a few of those overly sharp water tentacles, it's only a matter of time before she reaches this level on her own.'

Kisuke stopped the playback before it reached the end but the people who'd just watched it still remained wordless for a good part of time.

"T-that... That's the heir of Sitri House? I heard that she had very good potential, but I didn't think you and Serafall-sama would have a hard time containing her.", muttered Cleria, still in disbelief. Her surprise was amplified when Serafall's ice couldn't stop Sona's water when it's a common conception that the latter couldn't contend with the former if one didn't have a significantly larger pool of Demonic Power.

"You didn't lie when you said that Kaichou was way ahead of us last time," added Genshirou.

"Oh my..." Thea covered her mouth and looked at her daughter who was clenching her fist.

Seekvaira turned to Kisuke with a resolute face and said, "Please let me join your team! Please let me learn from you!"

Instead of giving her an answer, Kisuke commented, "So you don't think you're deserving of the title Rookies Four, and the feeling of being left behind by your peers gave way to a significant inferiority complex within you, huh?"


28th00: Considering who the others are, I'd understand the feeling of being compared to them. That Time-Manipulation clan trait can be absolutely busted if you use it right though…


Chapter 825 First Match | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

"So what's the plan?" Genshirou asked after they were transported to an artificial field that resembled a certain part of the Underworld that had a tall mountain and wide-open plain. After the random selection, the field and the standard game mode were selected. In the standard game mode, the teams would be teleported on the opposite sides of the map, and whoever takes out the enemy's 'King' first is the winner.

Right now, they were situated at a small hut on the edge of the plain which is the southern side of the field, "Although his members are competent enough, it's the leader that we should look out for.", muttered Kisuke while looking through the information regarding the Team Shooting Star. Although they lost all of their previous matches, it wasn't just about their inexperience in battles that hampered their abilities like what most of the articles were pointing out, but the fact that their leader couldn't control the power of his newly awakened Longinus, which ended up being a detriment instead, "But in this kind of field, winning is easy."

"Winning is easy?" asked Tiamat as she turned to Kisuke, "Don't underestimate the opponent. It's true that he can't properly control his power, but if he's given space to breathe, he'll be capable of retiring all of us with just a blast from his Sacred Gear. And them being on the top of the mountain, once he gets a sight of you, you'll be instantly targeted."

"Shooting Star would need some time to charge his attack so we'll have to cross the plain as fast as possible the moment we emerge to stop him. However, it's not just him on the other side, so we should expect an all-out battle in the middle of the plain and it wouldn't be weird if his teammates were to sacrifice themselves just to pin you down.", added Seekvaira recalling their previous matches.

All of a sudden Athena chuckled under her hood and mask, "I see. It'll be an easy win, indeed." Knowing some of Kisuke's abilities, Athena understood what must be done, "So we'll move together in the open?"

Kisuke nodded and said, "That's right~. Nothing is as easy as that."

Tiamat and Seekvaira looked confused and turned towards the other two who hadn't said anything, but they just started shaking their heads.




"Looks like we're lucky this time." excitedly declared Shooting Star's Bishop, "Since we're on the top of the mountain, sniping them with considerable power should be easy for you, leader."

"That's right. We just have to pin them down for a certain amount of time and we'll win.", the Knight added and prepared himself to move out as soon as they spotted the enemy team.

Shooting Star nodded at their words, "That's the plan, but they should also be aware of what we'll do, so they'll probably aim for me with a detached force. Rook, take half of the members with you and assault and pin the enemy King. The other half will stay and protect me. If any of the two, Tiamat, or the two Gods, come after me, I'll use castling to assassinate the King, so make sure that you're always near him."

The three-meter-tall Devil nodded, "I will do that."

While the rest of the team started talking about the specifics of what they'll do with each other, Shooting Star began focusing and taking out his Star Buster Star Blaster, a pair of a longsword and a rifle, 'I've already figured out the trick from previous practices. All I need to do is concentrate and not mess up.'

The reason why many were afraid of Team Shooting Star despite their losing streak is because of the leader's Sacred Gear that is capable of outputting power that rivaled Satan Class and God Class and that was without even going into its Balance Breaker. If given enough time, he could easily destroy the whole field they were playing on right now, which was equivalent to flipping the whole chessboard. For its potential to destroy the whole world, it's considered as one of the newly emerged Longinus.

A few minutes later, Shooting Star finally heard a report from his Queen, "They've appeared, but not like we're expecting."

Shooting Star opened his eyes and aimed his rifle at the group that was charging in, confirming Kisuke's presence, "The whole team? Do they intend to brute force this? While they didn't have much of a choice, I didn't think they'd go for this. Go as planned, but be extra careful with any surprises."

Half of his team went forward while two of the Bishops positioned themselves on the edge of the formation in anticipation for them to take air control.

But seeing that nothing special had happened and the sent members clashed with the enemy team, Shooting Star became doubtful, 'That easy?' But he didn't have much leeway to think because there was no way for his team members to hold back Tiamat, the Gods, and even the famous Genshirou Saji if he released his Balance Breaker.

Activating his own Balance Breaker, the pair of longsword and rifle combined and transformed to that of a white blaster and started gathering energy from the surroundings, immediately amassing a terrible amount of power that caused the air around them to start distorting and shaking.

"Oh my. How terrifying.", all of a sudden, Shooting Star heard an unfamiliar voice behind him, and those around him were stunned to suddenly find a man in Japanese garb and a bucket hat standing behind their leader with a paper fan covering half of his face.

As soon as he heard the voice, Shooting Star instantly transformed his blaster into a giant sword with pure white energy as its blade and swiftly swung it while turning around. It didn't even touch the ground yet it had already instantly melted everything in its path. However, the target of his attack had already long fled by backing up a few meters.

The man in cowboy attire glared at Kisuke and said, "Are you looking down on us by coming here just by yourself?"

Those around agreed with Shooting Star's words and bore their weapons at Kisuke while slowly encircling him.

"No, I'm not. I've never looked down on anyone." And Kisuke was to be completely honest, he's really slightly terrified, 'With just a few seconds, he was able to amass energy that is equivalent to Cero Oscuras, the strongest Cero that an Arrancar or Visored is capable of. I'm just gone for a few months, yet people like this apparently started appearing out of nowhere. Maybe Issei didn't really need my assistance back then and he could have still  gotten himself trained up.'

It's really a ridiculous world in Kisuke's opinion, 'I've gotten used to the Adventurer's slow leveling process.'

"But it's still a poor choice for you to come by yourself."

Kisuke shook his head, "It's already a good choice when you didn't expect me to come. Besides, the game had already concluded the moment you failed to perceive my actions.", he replied while pointing at one of his pockets.

Shooting Star hurriedly looked down at his vest and saw a small metallic black ball that he hadn't noticed. But before he could even think of taking it off and throwing it away, it was already too late as it had already started releasing high voltage electricity, instantly paralyzing him, "Ghhh!!!"

Nevertheless, that's all it did and it wasn't even enough to cause him any substantial harm, "This... I don't know what you had in mind but something like this is only enough to tickle me." Shooting Star forcefully moved his body and threw the ball away, 'I just need less than a minute to recover from that.'

Contrary to his expectations, however, Kisuke just smiled and responded, "I told you. It's game over."

Wondering what else might come, Shooting Star's members didn't wait any longer and pounced at their enemy. Though before they could reach him, a deafening high-frequency sound started blasting from beyond the trees, stopping everyone in their tracks.

Then again, it only became a mild annoyance as everyone was able to recover from its initial blast, "What's the use of these petty tricks!?" One of the pawns asked while resuming his charge.

"Petty? Say that again after looking at your leader."

At his cue, all of the Shooting Star's members looked behind them and saw Shooting Star had already dropped his Sacred Gear and was bleeding from the nose with his mouth frothing. He had already lost his consciousness and the retirement system had already taken hold of him.


28th00: Yeah, speed blitzing is too easy for someone like Kisuke. DxD may have lots of power, but it's… Actually really slow outside of a few outliers. Combat speed may be high, but movement to get in and out of combat? Outside of Teleportation, it's REALLY slow. There's also the fact that Kisuke is a legitimate assassin, so sneaking in at high-speeds against inexperienced fighters? Literally easier than stealing candy from a baby.


Chapter 826 New Trainees (Victims) | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

"Game set!!!", shouted the announcer, "The winner for today's match is Team Urahara Shouten! Congratulations!"

Silence took over the entire stadium for a brief period before intense cheers erupted from the audience, "Now that's one of the shortest games in the tournament and we certainly didn't expect to see it happen to Team Shooting Stars who have struggled even if they lose to God-level teams. What do you think about this match, Grimgal-dono?" The announcer turned to his side to hear from the invited commentator.

The bright green-haired muscular Devil nodded, "It certainly isn't what we expected, but considering the absence of information regarding Kisuke Urahara, it's not that surprising. And unlike most of the matches that we witness, Shooting Star didn't lose because of the enemy's overwhelming force nor him and his team's inexperience, but through clever tactics that directly struck through their biggest weakness."

The commentator stood up and gestured to the videographer team for them to hand over the controls of the projectors to him. After receiving the committee's approval they gave it to him.

"I know some of you don't really understand what just transpired, but please allow me to explain it to the best of my own understanding." Rewinding back to the point when the teams were just teleported, Grimgal explained, "As you can see, the terrain that was generated was incredibly advantageous for Team Shooting Star with their ridiculous and borderline nonsensical firepower and we all thought that the match was theirs, especially since the game rules specifically prohibit teleportation magic except for 'Castling'."

Forwarding the screen to when Kisuke's team emerged all out once, he continued, "With Team Shooting Star having the definite advantage, Team Urahara Shouten took advantage of that advantage. The latter knew how the other team would move, and so with that in mind, they used themselves as bait."

"If I were to guess, the few minutes that Team Urahara Shouten hid were used by their King to secretly move towards the enemy's position. With the sophisticated illusion that no one was able to see through, 'Kisuke Urahara' remained with his teammates and nobody would really expect for the goal of the match to start moving on his own."

Fast-forwarding it more, Grimgal added, "And this is where the confusing start begins. Kisuke Urahara was able to sneak behind Shooting Star so quickly that it was enough for him to plant a small gadget on him. Why didn't he just attack him? He probably wasn't confident enough to take him out in one blow and may even have predicted that Shooting Star would be able to dodge if he showed his hostility."

The moment Kisuke heard this, he just chuckled and said, "That's great."

But except for Seekvaira, those around him only gave him a dirty look.

"Moving on, the small gadget that he placed on Shooting Star's pocket released a massive amount of electricity, but for the fighters of this tournament, it's still something that would count as a 'scratching force' and nowhere near threatening aside from temporary paralysis that it induced."

"But if my guess is correct, this is just half of his planned attack and the other half was the sound wave that wasn't supposed to do anything aside from annoying anyone. It's already an established fact that Shooting Star is having a difficult time controlling his own Sacred Gear and before their clash, a large amount of aura was already gathered in his Star Buster Star Blaster."

"The explosion of electric current destabilized his nerves, resulting in further poor control and the sound wave attack targeted a certain frequency that destabilized the gathered aura itself. With this two-pronged attack, Shooting Star was attacked by his own power and lost his consciousness, ending the game."

"Now, this may have looked incredibly easy, but to do all of these, one is required to have an amazing speed and stealth to just sneak up behind fighters like Shooting Star. Not to mention the required genius to analyze a Sacred Gear to achieve a result like that as I don't know anyone, outside of Ajuka-sama or Azazel-sama, capable of doing this."

"Considering how he'd just concluded that you couldn't deal a finishing blow because you didn't do one, he has good eyes to have spotted the aura destabilization.", commented Athena.

"I... I couldn't see it.", Seekvaira turned to Genshirou and asked, "What about you?"

"Er... After some time, I could instinctively see the movement of aura. It's very useful in predicting someone's next actions."

Seekvaira became even more aware of her shortcoming after hearing his answer, "What did you do to achieve that?"

That question, however, made Genshirou visibly startled as he recalled when these detection skills were just coming into fruition, "...Let's just say that I had to do it if I didn't want to have all of my bones broken or my limbs torn apart."

"Oh... That time." Athena suddenly interjected as she also recalled the time when the entirety of Sona's peerage asked Kisuke to train them, only to be subjected to an 'intense abuse' and even that's putting it lightly, "I honestly thought that none of you would come out alive, and even if you did, a sane person."

With blank eyes, Genshirou lifelessly chuckled, "Hehehe... So Goddess Knight was also there. I never noticed."

"W-what happened?" Seekvaira became nervous, '...Wait... Didn't I also ask for the same training?'

"Now, now, don't mind it." Hearing Kisuke's jolly voice behind her made her shudder and jump to her feet as she hurriedly turned around to look at him.

Not minding this reaction, Kisuke pointed towards Nyx and said, "She also never noticed anything."

"Wha...?! Ehem... I don't need it! I could just blast everyone into oblivion!"

"Until you couldn't and failed to distinguish my strength in advance."

"G-guh..." Nyx backed away without anything to say against that.

Athena squinted her eyes at her and said, "Goddess Bishop, I think it's about time for you to learn how to do it as well."

Nyx was about to instantly reject it, but after thinking about it, because of her arrogance and pride, she seriously lacked in the 'technique' department and this might be a good chance to properly train. However, she was also present during Genshirou and co's training and has been terrified of that ever since. After a good amount of hesitation, Nyx shakingly pointed at Seekvaira and said, "If she does it with me, I'll do it."

She didn't know what they saw but Seekvaira was getting really scared now.

"Is that so?" A big smile crawled on Kisuke's face, "Good timing~! I have a new facility that I wanted to test out."

Nyx and Seekvaira felt like they just consented to become laboratory rats.


28th00: Oh dear. Traumatized? At least it's super effective in bringing out the full shounen tropes of the world, eh?


Chapter 827 Issei's Warning | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

While Kisuke was muttering about the specifics of how they'd acquire the aura detection and reading skills and Nyx and Seekvaira were speaking up, trying to reduce their 'punishment', a group of people arrived at the room where they are staying.

"Kisuke! Why didn't you tell me that you've been here for a while now?" Issei came walking in excitedly.

Seeing his childhood friend who had become visibly taller and more muscular for the first time in a while, Kisuke smiled, "Did I ever become a person who goes to someone just to greet them?"

Issei chuckled and affirmed, "Right. You never really go to someone unless you need them for something. But couldn't you at least have given me a heads up?"

"Well, since I figured that the news of me participating in the Azazel Cup would surely rile up some people, I believed I didn't need to inconvenience myself to inform everyone."

Issei lightly punched his shoulder as soon as he got closer as a form of greeting, "You still like delegating work to others, huh."

"And it seems like you're doing all the work that can be done. You should take it easy." Kisuke commented after seeing him up close.

Rias then suddenly came up to Issei with a strict expression, "Are you still pulling all-nighters with your studies?"

Issei scratched his head with an awkward expression and said, "It's the least that I can do if I want a smooth sailing future. I know that I'm not going to be fighting forever and I don't want that to be my only skill."

Of course, Issei wasn't referring to just school studies, but actual management studies. Before even proposing to anyone, Issei knew that he couldn't just offer his fighting ability on the table as he believed that peaceful times would come eventually. This became even more apparent when Sirzechs revealed his intentions for him to succeed as one of the Devil Kings.

Rias sighed while placing her hand on her forehead, "That's so Human of you. I know this still doesn't strike you as normal, but you're a Devil now with a lifespan surpassing a Human's many times over. You don't have to cram everything and I'll always be beside you."

"She's right. Your mindset is admirable, but for now, just leave the things you want to do with those who can do it. Take your time to learn their trade and you won't  need to sacrifice what you have right now for the things you'll eventually get anyways.", Kisuke added in.

Smiling wryly, Issei replied, "I don't really want to hear that from you."

But Kisuke just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Too bad for me. Not just anyone can do what I can and I have to pioneer most of the things that I want to do. As you've said, I like delegating work to others, but that's because I actually can."

"If that came from anyone else, you would have sounded arrogant. But Azazel already told me what you're capable of, at least, the things he knew that you're capable of.", Vali joined in their conversation.

"I'm glad to see that you're also doing great, Vali-san." From Kisuke's perspective, there's also a massive change in his aura compared to when he met him in the past, 'He already had a massive amount of Demonic Power in the past, though it seems to have increased, that's just secondary seeing how stable his footing is now.'

"Are you done appraising me?", Vali suddenly asked.

"Ah, forgive me. Force of habit."

Vali shook his head, "Don't worry about it. I'd do the same if I could. But as you can see, all of us have become considerably stronger. I don't really have to ask how you're doing because I can sense something terrifying from you, but what about those who are with you? I hope they're not slacking off." It's his round-about way of asking how Kuroka is doing.

"They have been working hard. Too much in fact that I wished they'd slack off a little." Which is something Kisuke was already regretting since he's the one who created an environment and habit like this on them, "But if we're talking about raw power, they wouldn't be able to match your lot. After all, the place we have been staying in is mostly peaceful."

"Hmph. Don't make it sound like that's a bad thing. I like fighting, but too much of it gets tiring too, especially if it's for nonsensical reasons. I'd like a bit of peacefulness too."

And that's the truth. Those who had participated in the war, especially those who lost their loved ones, would never wish for power if it was in exchange for peaceful times. The fact that they'd been living a relatively peaceful life would induce envy to many people and some might even hold a grudge against them. That's how terrible the war was.

Seeing an opening, the last person from the group came forward and faced Kisuke, "It's nice to finally meet you, Kisuke Urahara. I'm Sairaorg Bael. I hope we can get along." Sairaog offered his hand while introducing himself.

Kisuke took his hand, "The honor is mine~ I've also heard a lot of things about you. The strange yet admirable young Devil trained his body to the limits and defeated all of his adversaries with unmatched willpower and determination. I've always wanted to meet you."

Sairaorg crowed a little and said, "Those are exaggerations that came because I was able to cement my position as the heir of the highest-ranked house. There are many people who are as great and even better than me."

But as Sairaorg took back his hand, his expression became serious before continuing, "But before anything else, I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Because of you, my mother was able to safely wake up from her sleeping disease. Although it's the House of Sitri who employed the medications, I heard the cure came from you directly. If there's anything you need, please tell me and I'll do my best to fulfill it, even if it means utilizing my position as the heir of Bael."

Of course, Kisuke was not someone who'd refuse an offer that was given so sincerely, "If you're asking me now, I really have nothing in mind, so I'll save it for later."

This would have come up as rude if there were old-fashioned Devils in the room but Sairaorg just smiled and was glad that it's easy to talk to him, "I'll wait for it then."

Issei then approached Kisuke from the side and softly said, "Kisuke, follow me for a moment."

The sharp glint within his eyes indicated that he wanted to talk alone about something very serious. Kisuke nodded and silently followed him outside of the room. The others didn't mind this and just started talking with each other.

After a few minutes of walking, they reached a quiet corner and Kisuke immediately cast multiple layers of complex barriers that resulted in a black box that didn't allow a single bit of information from the inside to leak.

Conjuring a light source, Kisuke asked, "Are they coming?"

Issei's eyes went wide open in surprise but he sighed immediately after, "I don't know how you've guessed it, but you're right. They are coming and she said that there's nothing Great Red could do aside from slowing down their invasion."


28th00: GR better not get telefragged, that shit was no kosher at all! He's a lot more active in this timeline too.


Chapter 828 Materialization

After a short but meaningful conversation with Issei, Kisuke said his goodbyes and returned to the Mars base alone to think about the information he'd gotten.

Sitting in his office, Kisuke brought up all the files and documents that were related to 'another world' and 'world travel' through a holographic screen and reviewed them a few times, making sure that he didn't miss anything and updating any outdated entries. A few hours later, Kisuke rested his back on his chair and sighed, "There are still so many things that I don't know."

Recalling his earlier conversation, Kisuke muttered, "Evie Eltoulde. A world where only two races were left. An unending war between mechanical lifeforms and spiritual lifeforms, Evie and Eltoulde respectively."

Issei came to know this information after a being called Chimune Chipaoti appeared in his dreams and warned him of the incoming threat after the world came to know the existence of this world. And it wasn't just any sort of warning since this being also asked Issei to find his 12 Heavenly Breasts that would help him gain more power and have a fighting chance.

'12 Heavenly Breasts? What the hell does that mean? Though it seems Issei knew exactly what she was referring to. How ridiculous.'

But as ridiculous as it is, it also as terrifying to Kisuke's ears, 'Having an authority over 'Breasts' is still an 'authority', a power that's capable of manipulating or bypassing the basic rules of everything at a large scale, making her a step above the Deities and entering the territory of Transcendents. But the problem is, she's just one of many.'

To Kisuke, the Evie faction that was led by three Transcedants feels as if the Soul King, Aizen, and Yhwach came together and joined hands to invade, giving Kisuke a shudder, "This won't do. My preparations are far from enough."

The chasing feeling that weighed heavily on his mind transformed and became a guillotine blade that's hanging on his neck, causing him no small amount of headache, 'There are still a few options, but they are so contradicting and the chances of them actually working is just wishful thinking or the opponents being stupid.'

All of a sudden, however, Kisuke's cane started shaking, pulling him out of his contemplation. But instead of doing anything, Kisuke just curiously watched as his Zanpakuto slowly floated away from him before emitting a blinding crimson light.

As soon as the flood of light went away, Kisuke was flabbergasted to see a tall black-haired beautiful woman in a blood-red flower-themed kimono standing in front of him while holding his cane, "If you're so afraid of their boy band, why not gather one of your own?"

Kisuke was incredibly curious about her words, but first and foremost, he'd like some clarification, "How are you doing this, Benihime?"

Benihime giggled and played around with the cane while finding the time to sit down, "I took inspiration from the Wandenreich's Medallion and tried taking myself out of the confines of the blade. It seems like it was a success."

Kisuke rubbed his forehead and said, "That's amazing, really. As expected of my partner. But couldn't you at least give me a heads up of what you were planning to do?"

"Do I have to?"

"...No. It's just that I'd really appreciate it and could have prepared myself a bit."

"It's your thing to prepare for the unforeseeable, so deal with it." The cane in Benihime's hand then spontaneously burned in crimson flames for a few seconds before returning to its original form, a katana, and placing it on her side.

"You're taking the blade too?"

"You have Hakuda, Kidou, Magic, Ki, and Hollowfication, while I only have Zanjutsu. Isn't it the most logical choice?" Immediately after, however, Benihime's casual tone became cold as she gave Kisuke a piercing stare, "But don't you dare use another blade as a substitute for me."

'How unreasonable.' Kisuke thought while immediately replying, "My Shunko could use some practice so I'll stick to that for now."

Benihime smiled happily at his response, but anyone who knew how she truly behaved would be frozen in fear. After all, any other answer would have resulted in her swinging around the sword in her hand and blood blooming.

"Anyway, going back, what do you mean by assembling my own boy band?"

"You know what I meant. The question is how, but that isn't my problem to solve." Standing up from her seat, Benihime walked towards Kisuke and extended her hand with an open palm, "Give me some allowance. I want to go around."

Kisuke didn't immediately give in to her demands and stared at her while deep in thoughts.

"I know common sense so you don't have to worry about me just randomly slashing. And isn't it convenient for you to have someone who has no connection to anyone, can move in complete darkness, and doesn't need any medium to directly communicate with you?"

"You'd do that?"

"I'm just doing my part while experiencing a Human's life."

Kisuke sighed and took out a card and a passbook from his inventory, "This is one of our biggest accounts that are hidden within the Human World. Use the name in it and spend it however you want." Benihime's words are the truth since it'd be really convenient if he could get someone outside of his circle, 'By now, those large factions should already have the information of everyone around me.'

Benihime received the card and the passbook and saw the name used on it, 'Benihime Urahara', "I'll do just that~!" Turning around happily, she intended to leave the base and go find a suitable apartment before going into a shopping spree. But just as she was about to pass through the door, Benihime turned around and said, "Before I forget, let me tell you that you're being emotionally impulsive."

Kisuke was surprised yet again but continued to listen to her valuable perspective.

"I can understand that because you have a lot of things you want to protect now and even the thoughts of revenge are bothering you. However, let me remind you that leaving Hades and Olympus alone may do you better in the long run. I know you're already aware of this and at this point, they don't really pose any threat to you anymore, so why not just make use of them just like what you've always done?"

"...Just let the bomb continue ticking, huh? You think that'll make a difference?"

"I don't know but it's a start. Either way, it won't end well for them."

"...I'll think about it."

"I see. Good luck~!"

Kisuke felt Benihime's presence disappear the moment she reached the teleportation room and sighed again, "I guess I'm really just being too emotional. Instead of them, I should focus on finalizing the World-tying Rite."

Little did he know that he'd immensely regret allowing Benihime to move on her own.


28th00: Oh dear, that, letting her do that… yeah… Also, I agree Kisuke "What the fuck are 12 heavenly breasts? Why? Just… why?"

Chapter 829 Change of Plans

Four whole days had passed and during that period, Kisuke didn't leave his room. Trying to predict the future on a scale he hasn't done before, writing up various blueprints that may help him, and calculating the theoretical framework of the 'World-Tying Rite', he'd ended up over-drafting himself for the first time, 'I'm tired...' He finally admitted. 

He wished he could feel and snuggle in the warmth of those in the other world, 'But even after all of this, I still can't see the chance of winning.'

Even though Chimune Chipaoti promised Issei a way to fight the malevolent Evie Gods by finding the chosen Heavenly Breasts, Kisuke couldn't honestly depend on something as vague as that. In the first place, he doesn't have enough information to trust anything that Issei told him and those malevolent Gods might just be posing as this 'Chimune Chipaoti'. Unless he could gain more concrete information, he couldn't take anything they said more than a proof of their existence, 'Heck, they may have already controlled Issei and I just can't detect it.'

As such, he came to a conclusion where he would have a relatively good chance of at least gathering the much-needed information, "Another 'route'. Instead of waiting for their arrival, I have to open another way towards them and the only way I can do that is to open the path from another dimension."

However, that plan opens more problems that had to be solved first, "I have to get the cooperation of the one guarding that dimension and that looks like an impossible case."

And even if he was able to gather enough information, if a fight broke out, he highly doubted his tricks would work, "The only ways he could think of to have matching firepower is to nurture talents or recruit. The first one is the safest but takes a very long time and might fail... So a 'boy band' of my own, huh..."

Kisuke closed his eyes and contemplated his options for one last time. When he opened them again, a sharp glint was present within them, 'Oh Kisuke... All this time, you've been on the passive side. It's time to get aggressive.'

After clearing all the holographic screens that have been floating all around the room, Kisuke activated the communication formation under his desk and it didn't take too long for him to be connected to the otherworld.

[Kisuke-kun? Is that you?] The one who answered was Hestia.

"Hi there, Hestia-sama~! How are you doing?"

The two of them talked for a while and Hestia told him that there is no one else in the tower right now because they were having fun outside.

"Why aren't you with them?", asked Kisuke with visible concern.

But Hestia just laughed at his reaction and said, "Don't worry. I'll join them soon. I'm only joining later because I met with an old friend."

"I see. So Medusa has already returned?"

"Yep~ She's as energetic as ever."

"That's good to hear." Kisuke nodded in satisfaction and relief, "I'm sorry, Hestia-sama, but I'm about to call back Yoruichi and want to talk to her alone."

Hestia stood up from her seat, "Alright. I'll prepare to go out." It was then that Hestia's tone became serious, "Be careful. I can tell that you've decided on something big."

Kisuke laughed awkwardly and scratched his head, "As expected of Hestia-sama. It's really hard to hide things from you."

Hestia proudly stood up and placed her hands on her hips while spreading out her elbows, "Of course! You're my child, after all!", but before continuing, her prideful tone disappeared and was replaced by a gentle one, "Don't forget that you can depend on me more. If it comes down to it, I'll bring myself to the Lower World and if it's protecting people, you can leave it to me."

Kisuke was speechless for a moment before smiling wryly, "I hope I could say that it wouldn't get to that point, but I'd be lying to you."

"I'm happy that you're being honest since I can't really tell if you're lying. Just keep in mind what I've said." Hestia left the room, but not before reassuring Kisuke that he'll still have her support even if things go awry.

A f