
Goyya 836-841

Chapter 836 Infiltration | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

AN: Thank you for waiting~!

I'm leaving the discord link here again,


"I'm getting tired..." One of the guards patrolling the Aruna Familia's main building complained while yawning.

"Stop complaining. The executives or officers might hear you." His partner replied while also being infected by his yawn.

Lowering his voice, the first one added, "But seriously, what's going on? It has been weeks and the protocol only gets stricter and stricter. Not to mention, most of the executives haven't left the main house, including Aruna-sama."

"You know what's even weirder? Our recent Dungeon activities! While the other Familias are getting stronger fast because of that tower that allows more risks in the deeper levels, our Familia actually pulled back most of our forces from the Dungeon to guard the vicinity! Does that make sense when normally we would be contesting for its ownership or at least benefits!?"

The first guard hurriedly smacked his partner's head, "You idiot! Keep your voice down! You should've already heard of this, but those who voiced out their complaints and tried to go against the directives were called inside, but none of them actually have gone back out yet!"

"Sorry... I lost my calm there." The second guard scratched his head, "The only good thing about this is that we can relax a bit since those who can enter inside seem to always be captured, even the most famous ones, and we even get to have a portion of the ransom for their release."

A few hours before dawn, within the Aruna Familia's main base Zitta, Kuroka was going around using the cover of the darkness. She spent around an hour listening to the guards, but failed to get anything else from them, 'There's nothing new. As expected, it looks like I'll have to enter the 'red zone' to get more information.'

The red zone Kuroka was thinking about is the whole Aruna Familia main building. Before the other infiltrators from other Familias started getting caught in it, Kuroka and the rest were already aware of its existence as some sort of barrier made out of the combined Magic and Divine Power that pinpointed the exact location of anyone within.

Since she didn't want to reveal her existence yet in order to gather more information, Kuroka had so far chosen to hold off on storming in.

But after considering the pros and cons, she finally decided to go in, 'First I have to set an anchor for Teleportation Magic for instantaneous movement.'

Kuroka formed a plan in her head while looking at the blueprint of the mansion she acquired earlier on before establishing contact with Medusa, [Medusa-chan, I'll be entering the red zone, nyaa. I'll send you my current location every two minutes while inside.]

[Understood. I'll move out as soon as five seconds have passed from the time limit. Also, please do be careful. There are traces that a major renovation was done on the mansion's interior.]

[I'll be careful.]

Kuroka finished all of her preparations and immediately entered through one of the windows. As soon as she went through the invisible film-like barrier, she instantly expanded her Ki to scan her surroundings and detected all the people patrolling inside had begun to converge on her position, even though she didn't do anything to reveal her location, 'So it's really like this, nyaa... Hive mind type of connection Magic?'

Kuroka first sent her location to Medusa and immediately got a pingback from her, 'Good. It's working.'

Instead of avoiding the guards, Kuroka covered her real appearance with Illusion Magic and went after a small group that was furthest from everyone else. The moment she met them, Kuroka immediately noticed something strange about them.

"You there! Surrender yourself!" The man leading the group warned.

'They may act normal but I can't feel any emotions from them... Brainwashed?' Kuroka questioned herself and immediately initiated an attack without replying to him.

Kuroka easily dispatched the group and left all but one unconscious, "Y-you... Who are you!?"

Kuroka still didn't answer his question and instead threw him through the nearest window, ejecting him from the mansion and the barrier covering it. The man broke his arm when he landed on the ground but instead of the pain, it seems that he's confused about what's happening. Seeing his reaction had already given Kuroka most of the things she needed to know and immediately left, avoiding the other groups.

'These people aren't important, nyaa. The real point of concern is where my Ki can't penetrate.' Within her detection range, there's a spot where she couldn't feel anything from, 'The basement, huh... According to the blueprint, that shouldn't exist.'

Making her way through, before she reached her target, she came across another group and knocked them out. Among them, she brought one with her on the edge of the barrier that her Ki couldn't penetrate, 'This is... Quite a strong one, isn't it?'

Kuroka touched the barrier that physically blocked her before lowering her body and going into a stance. Covering her arm with Ki, Kuroka threw out a punch with a calculated strength of a Level 8 Adventurer or Mercenary. However, the punch that was enough to shake the whole manor and destroy a portion of it, only created some ripples.

Thinking that it already alerted the people inside the degree of the strength she used, Kuroka refrained from throwing another punch with increased strength, 'It'll only be a disadvantage when they think that someone is roaming around with a strength beyond normal, nyaa.'

Turning around, Kuroka grabbed the unconscious man that he brought and threw him towards the barrier that blocked her. But just as she'd expected, he went through without being obstructed, 'There are no devices that would differentiate him from me so I guess it's something more innate? Since there are traces of Divine Power being used in this barrier, only those with a certain insignia would be allowed in.'

'Any further and I'll be revealing more cards. In any case, this is already a fruitful venture. Just knowing that a Deity's power is involved is already a lot.' With that in mind, Kuroka retreated from the mansion while covering her tracks and destroying several anchors that she placed along the way.

From this outing, she'd figured that it was a lot more troublesome than they'd initially thought, 'If a Deity is really involved personally, not to mention we don't know how many are involved, it'll actually be dangerous for us. Though thinking about it, this is also a good chance for everyone.'

Kuroka too knew about what was going on the other side and honestly felt envious that she, along with everyone, didn't have many chances of getting stronger through a trial by fire. If not for the constraints of world travel and her worries of leaving the girls behind, she would have joined Kisuke in the tournament where she could fight Gods.


28th00: When it comes down to it, Kuroka is a battle maniac too. I mean, there's a reason she got along so well with Vali. Probably cause she's a Youkai-Devil.


Chapter 837 A Secret Denatus | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

"Good evening, everyone! I hope I didn't make you wait for too long!" With flowing long fiery pink hair, Astarte came walking through the door of the secret room within the Poseidon Familia's manor with her Captain, Carys, a Sheep person.

The newcomers heard a sigh from one of today's attendees, "Haahh... It's the time when most people are asleep but you're still as energetic as ever. Please keep your voice down since it's already more quiet than usual."

The room wasn't very big. but it was well lit by glowing orbs. Within it, there was nothing except for a single round table and six chairs surrounding it. Three of those six chairs were already occupied and the one who'd spoken just now was taking one seat, a Deity with long blue curly hair and golden eyes, Amphitrite.

Astarte just shrugged her shoulders and went to sit down on a free chair, "It's been a while since I've seen you, but I see that you still hate any sort of festivities."

"I don't hate the festivities. I just don't like the noise that accompanies them."

"That means hating festivities since it's all about noise created through various emotions." Astarte then scanned the surroundings with her sharp eyes and confirmed the other people present. The other two occupying the seats are both white-haired middle-aged men, both of which are hiding their identity as a Deity by covering their aura and casually sipping on their liquor, Poseidon and Zeus.

"Poseidon aside, I didn't think you'd show yourself here, Zeus."

Zeus chuckled and replied, "Why not? I can be anywhere I want to be. I'm a free man."

Astarte smirked at him and said, "A free man? I bet it took all you had just to sneak away from Hera's side. I wonder what would happen if the news of you coming here were to spread?"

Zeus almost choked on his liquor, "...Please don't do that. I'm not even making a move on anyone."

Astarte snickered at him but didn't say anything else and continued to look around. Except for Zeus, Poseidon and Amphitrite also brought in their Captains, Arch and Lelalia.

In an attempt to shake off the awkward feeling he was experiencing, Zeus asked, "I heard Hestia and Artemis were also coming. Where are they?" But instead of their presence, Zeus is actually more interested in their children ever since hearing about them through Hermes, 'A group of Adventurers with enough power to contend against the strongest suddenly appeared out of nowhere. No matter how you spin it, this is strange.'

But due to his erratic movements and his distance from Orario, Zeus hadn't received any further news regarding them, so he didn't know about these people spreading a new school of power and those within Orario are already beyond his imagination. If he knew this, he would have returned to where Hera is and prepared for the 'menace's' inevitable awakening and still searching for the 'Hero'.

But before Astarte could answer, the door opened once again, showing the last two, Hestia and Artemis, "Heya~! Have you been well?" The former ran in and took her seat while the latter just silently entered the chamber and followed suit.

Hestia gave her greeting to everyone in the room and saw that Amphitrite was staring at her intently, "What?"

"...I find it strange to see you outside of your temple. Are you really the Hestia that shut herself for thousands of years at a time to mope around?"

"Are you picking a fight!?"

"Ufufufu. But it looks like you're a lot more lively than before. We're supposed to be unchanging Gods yet here you are, proving us wrong."

"It's not just her." Astarte suddenly interjected, "You might not believe it but Artemis here got herself a man."

Not just Amphitrite but also Poseidon and Zeus had their eyes wide open and looked at Artemis, now with slightly blushing cheeks, "...Seriously?" Poseidon couldn't help but ask and also shudder at how this alleged man was able to tame this tigress. He didn't know it was just by chance and it wasn't really that hard.

With her grin growing bigger, Astarte added, "But that's not all~ Artemis' man is also Hestia's guy~!"

The three Deities then turned their heads towards Hestia who now also had a similarly blushing face. However, that changed when she heard their responses, "Oh... Well... If it's the guy that caught Artemis' eyes, then I'm not really surprised." Zeus commented.

"Compared to getting Artemis' favor, Hestia's isn't as impressive," Poseidon added.

"Now I'm concerned with this young man. Is it alright for him to take Hestia even as a bonus?" Amphitrite finished it off.

Slamming the table in front of her, Hestia stood up with a big vein popping out of her forehead, "Yosh! Let's go to war! I'll send each and every one of you back to Heaven!"

The escorts, on the other hand, don't know what to do. This was supposed to be a meeting of great importance but it looked like just a bunch of friends coming together for the first time in a long time and starting to gossip.

Thankfully, the meeting started for real just after an hour of them messing around.

"And? What do you want from us, Hestia, Artemis?" Poseidon asked, "I hope you're not here to leech from us."

Hestia couldn't really get angry at his words since she had indeed leeched off some Deities in the past and it was a well-documented case.

"Of course not. We're just here to inform you of something concerning."




It had been half an hour since Hestia and Artemis left the secret room, but the room was still covered with silence except for the periodic clash of utensils. Not being able to take the silence anymore, Carys asked her Familia's Goddess, "Astarte-sama, could you tell me what's going on? We knew that the Aruna Familia was planning something big but the atmosphere suddenly changed when Hestia-sama mentioned the barrier deep within their base. What does it mean if the barrier has some Divine Power mixed in it."

Devoid of her previous cheerful demeanor, Astarte answered, "Depending on how long this has been going on, it may mean that a Deity was using his or her power in the Lower World without being punished for it."

"But we couldn't just trust their information, could we?" Arch offered his thoughts, "In the first place, even if they are successful in infiltrating the place without getting caught, is it possible to differentiate Divine Power from Magic Power?"

Poseidon placed down his glass and answered, "It's quite easy honestly." He then looked towards his Captain and the air around him suddenly became heavier as his hair raised up and his eyes became golden. Poseidon released his Divine Aura before cutting it off immediately.

Arch, Lelalia, and Carys all swallowed a mouthful of saliva while cold sweat drenched their backs, "I- I see... If that's how it is."

"Then shouldn't we arrange a raid and uncover the truth as soon as possible?" Lelalia suggested with a grave expression.

This time, it was Amphitrite who answered her, "It's not that easy and simple. If this really involved a Deity being able to use his or her power in the Lower World without any repercussions, then it shouldn't be as obvious as this. Although it's just their children who were able to successfully get this information, it doesn't change the fact that there was obviously something going on in there before all of this."

"Worst case scenario, this is just a big decoy and what they wanted to do was already achieved long ago or being done in a different location. And even though a raid might do something, it could backfire at us since we don't know for how long this has been going on nor do we know how many Deities are actually involved in this. Maybe they are just waiting for you to fall for it and annihilate you all in one go." Zeus added while clicking his tongue, "Did those bastards grow tired of waiting and decide to be the 'Heroes' themselves?"


28th00: Bestia be blushing. Hmm… Giving her a Family to take care of, especially the children… Oh man, that's like a wedding ring for someone like Bestia, ain't it? The best present. Not to mention her best friend being saved? Oh dear. Her primary job is actually just keeping Ophis from being too… Ophisy… We don't need random hypercubes everywhere!


Chapter 838 Hope to Battle | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Hestia and Artemis returned to the Tower of Desires and Medusa emerged from their shadows, "Thank you for the hard work, Hestia-sama, Artemis-sama."

"Is this really enough? I think they may require more assistance. It's Deities we're talking about here, after all.", asked Artemis as the three of them continued walking.

While adjusting her glasses, Medusa replied with a smile, "It's alright. The main purpose of releasing such information to them is so that they wouldn't do anything that could endanger themselves. At this point of time, there's virtually nothing they could do so their focus would still go to the Dungeon in an attempt to strengthen themselves."

Artemis thinks about it for a moment before nodding, "That's true. While they believe that a God is capable of using their powers, they'll only expect that it'll still be at the level of a high leveled child."

Hestia looked towards her curiously and asked, "Why is that? Shouldn't they also consider the worst case of a God fully manifesting their Divinity?"

Artemis shook her head, "It might cross their minds but they'll immediately brush it off and opt to a more believable conclusion. Since you never really went out of your temple, you might not know that something similar had already happened in the past. A certain Deity used a special ritual to disguise himself as a mortal and was able to unlock a portion of his strength to match that of a Level 6 child. For years to come, he would dive into the Dungeon without any problem and enjoy himself. Many had tried to ask him how he did it but he returned to Heaven without revealing anything to anyone. Of course, others have also tried replicating his feat but none were successful."

"After some more time without anyone being able to do the same thing, it was suspected that it was actually a Unique Skill of his child and the price of it was him returning to Heaven when his child died. However, that didn't discourage those who wanted to try it too so Ouranos at that time spoke up and banned any research about this since he deemed it too dangerous. And soon enough, those who had the same belief as him reinforced this. After all, they don't want another Deity being devoured by the Dungeon because of this."

Medusa was curious about the devoured Deity but didn't ask about it because she has a feeling that she won't be getting any worthwhile answer, "It's a well-documented case from long ago and it should be the first thing that pops out of their mind. Nevertheless, it's still very concerning for them since they don't know if they were able to unlock the secrets to this unlocked Divine Power. If there are ten Deities collaborating, it would also mean that there are ten more strong mercenaries that could tip the balance of power in the area. Not to mention the special properties of Divine Power that makes it even more dangerous than Magic."

Hestia crossed her arms and nodded in understanding, "I see... But is it the same case this time around?"

Artemis doesn't know the answer to this and looked at Medusa.

"That could be the case but according to Kuroka-san's initial estimations after factoring various variables, it might be a Deity using his children as an array of vessels to fully descend to the Lower World without being recognized by the Dungeon."

It was supposed to be a shocking and disturbing revelation but Hestia and Artemis only looked at each other before turning back to her and the former asking with a wry smile, "And you're hoping for that, am I right?"

Medusa smiled and nodded, "Yes."

They reached the doors leading to the living room and as soon as they opened it, they saw Medusa's sisters watching one of the recorded matches of the Azazel Cup while gleefully munching on some sweets and cheering loudly, "Oh~ Welcome back~" Stheno greeted.

The three came over but their eyes were glued to the screen, watching the man in crimson armor blasting several islands into oblivion with just a single attack, "It's really hard to believe when you said that they're your peers." Hestia commented.

"Well, seeing this made me understand everyone's sudden spike in motivation." Artemis sat down and joined the Gorgon sisters, "And the fact that you're hoping for a Deity's descent must be because they wanted to take one on."

Medusa chuckled and replied, "They're the most effective opponent if they want to cross their limits, no?"

Hestia also sat down while letting out an exasperated voice, "There's no stopping you lot. I'll support all of you all the way through, though."

"Thank you very much~"




It has been ten days ever since Kisuke disappeared and his teammates were all waiting for his return within the Belial manor.

Though not everyone is really ready to fight in the Azazel Cup, namely, Nyx and Seekvaira who both are trembling like newborn babies while lying face down.

"Looks like you won't be able to join the next match either, huh.", muttered Athena.

A bit disturbed, Tiamat added, "That's understandable. I'm actually surprised that they're still in their right state of mind after going through that. Though that might probably be thanks to the drug he gave you. What was it called again? 'Dragon Pride'? He really created something inconceivable." Even as a Dragon herself, she just couldn't watch their training without shuddering.

Before starting, Kisuke sealed their Divine and Demonic powers so that they'll only be able to fight purely through the power of their bodies, which was quite frankly, very weak.

Since Kisuke deemed that the dummies that tormented Genshirou's group wouldn't be enough and his healing hot spring was further improved, he decided on random projectiles that contained all sorts of aura to shoot at random times while they fought the dummies. This, of course, resulted in them almost dying instantaneously several times.

"...How weird... I remember my heart being pierced multiple times... How am I still alive?" Seekvaira muttered with a blank expression and dead eyes.

"It's really weird... I recall my throat being sliced open countless times... Wait... My eyes were also cut multiple times... Am I really seeing the world as it is or this is all just my imagination?" Nyx also murmured with a similar expression.

Genshirou, on the other hand, while remaining quiet, is also shaking, 'Is it because they are a lot stronger compared to us before? That's way harsher than what we've been through! I'm glad I only got half of my bones broken and blinded a few times!'

"Geez. It wasn't really that bad, was it? You've learned how to read auras in the shortest amount of time possible, so all is good." All of a sudden, Kisuke's voice resounded beside them, which startled both Tiamat and Athena, causing their aura to flare up since they couldn't feel his presence until he had spoken.

"How are you doing that?" asked Tiamat since she was very confident in her detection skills.

Kisuke just smirked at her and said, "Trade secret~!"


28th00: Brutally efficient training. Kisuke is now even more of an assassin. Or is he just pulling an Aizen? Too strong to sense? Ophis is like that too.

Goyya: Something similar to pulling an Aizen.


Chapter 839 VS Team Lightning | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Team Urahara Shouten's return to the Azazel Cup was greeted by people energetically cursing at them while its team leader just happily waved at them which caused another spike in everyone's hate. Why wouldn't he smile happily at his cash cows?

In the next few matches, the results were the same. Kisuke would be brought into extreme jeopardy but one way or another, the enemy team would mysteriously mess up and end up destroying themselves or creating an opening enough for Kisuke's 'weak' attacks to go through.

But after that, Kisuke and Tiamat noticed that their earnings had already dropped sharply, "I guess that's it, huh..." Tiamat talked under her breath.

"Should we bet on the other side and actually lose?", suggested Kisuke.

"That's no different from match-fixing. I won't allow such a thing." He was met with immediate refusal from the Chaos Karma Dragon, "We have enough so it's about time we take things seriously since starting from now, we're entering the top rankings. Our next opponent is Team Lightning led by Barakiel."

"...Barakiel, is it? I guess for Akeno-san's sake, I'll face him properly."




"Welcome ladies and gentlemen~! It's another wonderful day for the Azazel Cup with two of the most popular contenders facing each other! Today we'll witness Team Lightning and Team Urahara Shouten compete in the game of Object Break!"

Object Break Game. Another variant of the normal Rating Game where the goal is to break the 'objects' in the shape of a woman with Fallen Angel & Devil wings scattered around the battlefield. There are a total of thirteen 'objects' and the first team to break seven of these 'objects' within the twelve-hour time limit wins the match and just like in the normal Rating Game, victory can also be achieved by defeating the opposing team's 'King'.

The field the players are transported to has the layout of a chessboard and the areas are designated A1, C2, B4 etc. The 'Objects' scattered around can either be stationary or can be moved around by the players. They are either left in their original state, are placed in less noticeable places, or are hidden in obscure places. When an 'object' is destroyed, the area it was located in is no longer allowed to be entered by the team's "Kings", narrowing down the areas the teams can move in. If both teams have destroyed equal numbers of 'objects' when the time limit is exceeded, then the match is a draw.

The two teams entered the game field at the same time and were greeted by a mountainous terrain blanketed by thick jungle. Unlike most of the games, the current game field is only smaller than 'One Day Long War' and 'Yggdrasil Climb' where one's stamina to move around is incredibly important.

"Sir, what should we do? This Kisuke Urahara is incredibly unpredictable." One of the Pawns asked their leader, Barakiel.

As the main representative of Grigori, aside from Barakiel and his Queen, Armaros, both of which are Cadre level possessing 10 black wings, each and every other member possesses 8 black wings which make them one of the stronger contenders for the cup.

"All of you should have already realized that he's hiding his real strength, however, we can't discard his ingenious way of doing things and one mistake could lead to us losing this match. Nevertheless, those petty tricks could be easily countered as long as we're careful and don't rush it. Of all their previous opponents, their most common mistake was undeniably looking down on him and thinking that their victory was already in hand."

But soon after, Barakiel sighed, "In all honesty, if Tiamat and the two Goddesses decided to make their moves, we have no hope of winning since we'd have to dedicate the entirety or our force just to stop two of them, making them unable to complete the game's objective and leaving one free to do whatever she wants."

Armaros chuckled and added, "With that said, it looks like our only avenue is to dedicate ourselves in hunting the enemy King before the Objects are destroyed... Though we can't really ignore Seekvaira Agares and Genshirou Saji either... Haahhh... This is hopeless."

Team Lightning discussed more possible strategies against their opponent but they could only scratch their heads as all of them would only work if Kisuke kept on doing things as he did against their previous opponents.

"For now, let's move out and secure three movable Objects while also gathering intel on their movements. Armaros and I will move together and the rest of you will move in groups of 2 5s and a 4. Our current main target is their Rook, Seekvaira. Eliminate her if possible so that they won't be able to use Castling. If you encounter Tiamat or the Goddesses, retreat and lead them away if possible. If you encounter either Genshirou Saji or Kisuke Urahara, detain them and call for backup. If they are all moving out, converge back to this location for further discussion."

After Barakiel's instructions, all of them went in different directions and the game finally started.

But after an hour, while successful in securing three movable Objects, they had to gather once more, "We're going to lose at this rate. Though I'm happy that they are taking us seriously." Barakiel whispered with a wry smile.

In addition to the three Objects they have, they were able to destroy one more Object. But as far as their luck goes, that's it, as Kisuke's team was already able to destroy 5 Objects and they just needed to find two more to win. And to make things worse, they haven't been able to eliminate even one of their members while they already lost 3 Pawns, a Knight, and a Bishop. Strength-wise, they really aren't their match.

"But unlike before, Kisuke Urahara hasn't moved from his spot and let his team members do all the work this time around. Let's just go straight to him before the last two Objects are destroyed.", suggested by the remaining Bishop.

However, Armaros shook his head, "That won't work. The Surveillance Magic that I placed near the area detected Tiamat's return. It seems that they want to safely secure the win."

Barakiel sighed, "So this is it, huh? As expected, those Goddesses are both battle-oriented and should be high ranking too even among the Deities. Even after losing our men, they were still able to hide their specialty and identities. Not to mention Tiamat with just one of her breaths is enough to retire most of us."

But then, flames sprouted from his eyes. The emotion he has been hiding all this time emerged, "However, I don't want to end this without seeing that detestable bastard's face and at least throw lightning at his sorry ass! Let's blitz through!"

"Oh right... He took away your daughter just when you're already getting along with her." Armaros muttered in remembrance.

Barakiel clenched his fist and gritted his teeth while saying, "That's right. I want to at least punch his face once." Since they aren't going to win anyway, he let his selfishness finally take over.

"Ah... Sir? I think I have a dumb idea that might work." the remaining Knight voiced out.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Why don't you try challenging Kisuke Urahara into a one-on-one?"

Barakiel and Armaros looked at each other and the latter said, "...Considering the personality he had shown until now, that might actually work?"

Without saying what he was thinking, Barakiel stepped forward and took in a large amount of air in his lungs before shouting, "Kisuke Urahara! You stole my daughter! Let's fight!" Simple words, but it were heard throughout the whole field due to it being imbued with Magic.

A few seconds later, he got his reply in the same manner which made him stagger and almost trip over nothing, "Your daughter is already mine, but I accept!"


28th00: Truly, the easiest way to cause chaos and incite anarchy! FAMILY DRAMA! Akeno is going to go pure red from the recordings of this event, isn't she? Poor Akeno, she might like pain, but not this kinda pain!


Chapter 840 VS Team Lighting part 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

The emcee stood up from his seat, "Ohho!? What's this? My dear viewers, it seems that we have an unexpected development on the field!"

The now effectively pissed Barakiel is flying at full speed towards the enemy camp and following him were his remaining teammates.

"Is it alright to piss him off like that?" Seekvaira asked, "We've also already found the remaining Objects, so you don't actually need to go through this."

While seeing the rest of his teammates return, Kisuke slowly flew up while answering Seekvaira's question vaguely, "Even though it's not actually my choice, it's still true that I technically stole his daughter from him. In these uncertain times, the least that I could do is prove that I have even a little bit of power to protect her to reassure him."

"...Can't you just return her?"

With a distant expression, Kisuke replied, "...I could, but Akeno-san seems to have an auto-returning feature that'll be hard to get rid of." He recalled that one instance when she tried to self-destruct along with him, 'That one totally wasn't my fault. Who would have thought she'd get off on it at that time?'

Before Team Lightning arrived at his position, everyone else returned first and decided to set some tables and chairs to rest. Unlike Seekvaira who's very worried about the outcome of this match, the rest didn't really care and are only in for a good show of 'Father-in-law vs Son-in-law'.

"Are you finally showing your true abilities?", Genshirou asked curiously.

"True abilities, yes, but only a part of them."

"...So you're still holding back."

"It's not something weird. Shrewd old-timers will never show everything unless it's a life or death situation." Tiamat interjected, "In fact, it's your generation who are the weird ones, showing everything from the get-go."

Kisuke finally caught sight of the enemy team on the horizon, but before he went forward, he left some words, "It isn't weird in my opinion. In fact, it was thanks to them pushing their limits time and time again that they were able to reach the height they are at now. Hence the birth of the Golden Generation."

Tiamat thought about it and had no choice but to agree, 'The emergence of numerous powerhouses in a very short span of time is already strange. But I guess it's just my old way of thinking. To these kids, we're the strange ones.'

Team Lightning saw that Kisuke was slowly coming forward and stopped after reaching a certain distance, "This is the second time that we're meeting, Kisuke Urahara. I tried reaching you through the Belial House but to no avail."

Since Kisuke had never heard about him reaching out, he figured it's because Cleria rejected their request, "I'm very sorry about that. The Belial House is currently very protective of their members."

Kisuke's words caused Armaros and his fellow Fallen Angel to frown, "Are you saying that Barakiel is not trustworthy enough."

But Kisuke just sneered at him and shrugged his shoulders, "Please~ We essentially don't know each other and this is actually only the second time we met face to face. Where's the trust? Even if he's Akeno-san's father, are you telling me to trust who's technically a stranger to me? Looking down on me, are you?"

"You...!" Armaros tried to say something back but he couldn't refute his words.

Barakiel then calmly raised his left arm in front of Armaros, "Enough."

Armaros and the others thought that Barakiel would be angry but to their surprise, there's a smile on his face, "...Barakiel."

But Barakiel just shook his head and explained, "Don't get it wrong. I'm just happy that he's not an idiot. With this, I can really leave my precious daughter with him." At the same time, his Holy Power began to flare up and dark clouds gathered above them, "However, just having a good head doesn't really put rest to all my worries so I'll have to push you to reveal your true strength."

Armaros and the rest of the Fallen Angels sighed and were about to back off but suddenly heard Kisuke, "I'm sorry but just you wouldn't be enough. It'll be all too easy."

Barakiel's brows scrunched up and those around him felt insulted. But before they could do anything significant, Kisuke suddenly disappeared from their sight before hearing his voice again at their side, "Raikouhou (Thunder Roar Cannon)."

Flash Step. It's a technique seemingly unique to him that they had already seen over and over again in this tournament. And there's no need to say that they were on guard for his sudden acceleration even until now. However, Kisuke's unique technique this time felt completely different. They didn't even realize that Kisuke had already relocated himself, a large contrast to what he had shown until now, which was full of 'noise' and 'openings'.

"Watch out!" But Barakiel's warning fell deaf on ears as the loud sound of lightning instantly emerged and tore through air from Kisuke's palm, who appeared beside one of the Pawns and placed his hands over his stomach. The Pawn's stomach was instantly burst open by the lightning but it didn't just stop there as it traveled through a straight line and also pierced through another two Pawns and a Rook before hitting a mountain behind them and leaving a large hole behind.

While still in his stance, various lances made of light and lightning dropped in droves on Kisuke. Although it was an instantaneous response to his aggression, they were a step behind as Kisuke had already disappeared once again and returned to his previous position.

The entire stadium went silent and watched the Retire System's light envelope the four individuals hit by the lightning as they fell from the sky. The Fallen Angels gritted their teeth at the sight of their comrades not being able to even put up a fight while Kisuke reaffirmed his statement, "It seems that you're misunderstanding something. I'm not looking down on you." Tipping his hat a bit forward, the air around him drastically changed from a casual man to a warrior that survived countless battles, "I'm just stating a fact."


28th00: Ah, this is gonna be painful for the haters, ain't it?


Chapter 841 VS Team Lightning part 3 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

"W-we've been had!!! My dear viewers! Can you see this!? Kisuke Urahara suddenly burst into action, instantly taking out four of Team Lightning! It's very different from what he has shown until now! Could it be that he's been pretending to struggle all this time!? But what for!?"

The hyped announcer didn't have to answer his own question as most of the people who were watching were able to figure it out by themselves. They'd really been had. Some people raged from their seats while some were instantly cooled down by the reality. However, many still became excited at this sight, especially those who are fans of the wildly popular show 'Oppai Dragon'.

The mysterious masked character known as the 'The Hat' is always scheming. Even though it looks like everything is going bad around him, it is in fact, still his arrangement and his own benefits. He doesn't care what everyone thinks about him and would even sacrifice his own reputation to set the stage for his dear friends, his own life to ensure everyone's victory. Despite having great strength on his own, he chooses to hide it and let his friends grow, so that one day, they'll be able to fight the greatest evil with him. That is the man who loves his bucket hat way too much, 'The Hat.'

Everyone knew that this character is based on the Red Dragon Emperor's childhood friend, Kisuke Urahara, however, seeing the real thing made all the fans quite disappointed, until now, that is. 'The Hat' has arrived.

Except, the one in front of them is Kisuke Urahara. The one who would scheme and even use his own friends for his own benefits and his own entertainment. If there's a good and evil side, he's definitely leaning on the latter.

But contrary to the excitement and heat that's growing in the stadium, it was cold and gloomy on the field which mainly came from Kisuke's demeanor and eyes.

'W-what's this!?' Barakiel couldn't help but slightly stagger back as he stared into his eyes, 'Where is this pressure coming from!?'

Barakiel looked around him and saw everyone else had a horrified expression with cold sweat traveling between their eyebrows, 'I must be making the same expression...' His attention was then caught by both Genshirou, Seekvaira, and one of the Goddesses shaking in fright. Meanwhile, he could also see the other Goddess and Tiamat become tense, 'Just where is this invisible pressure coming from. I refuse to believe that this is all just killing intent.'

And Barakiel is right with his guess. Aside from the killing intent Kisuke is currently radiating, he's also radiating his own power that became almost indistinguishable in nature, 'Even Tiamat couldn't tell what's exactly going on, huh? In their eyes, I must be some kind of monster having an 'intent' like this.'

Bottling it up again, the smile returned on Kisuke's face, "My bad, my bad~ I got a little bit emotional there~ Please do forgive me for scaring all of you like that."

For a minute, no one could respond to him as Barakiel and his comrades tried to calm and forget Kisuke's eyes just then, "Don't worry. You scared no one.", Of course, they wouldn't admit Kisuke words since they still have pride and respect they'd like to keep in front of everyone, "But it seems that just me really wouldn't even give you a sweat. In that case..."

Without the need for his instructions, the remaining two Pawns rushed towards Kisuke while brandishing their spear made out of light.

Seeing this, Kisuke stayed still and grabbed the spears with each of his hands, stopping them from their tracks. The two Fallen Angels' eyes became wide open as their spears are supposed to be a Devil's weakness and they are sure that Kisuke is at least a half-Devil. But as seasoned warriors, they didn't let this affect the flow of their attack and immediately manipulated the spears of light to change in shape and became tendrils of light that wrapped around Kisuke's arms, trapping him.

In an instant, the Knight appeared behind him and swung down his Artificial Sacred Gear in the form of a sword, 'Got you!'

His sword went through his back but something was weird as the sensation didn't feel right and there was no blood in sight. All of a sudden, 'Kisuke' popped like a balloon, and that gap in perception already made it too late for them to react to the fluctuation of power bubbling behind him, "Shakkahou (Red Flame Cannon)."

A red ball of energy fired at point-blank blasted the Knight's back, instantly retiring him. The blast spread out, tossing the two Pawns away. Though before they could 'escape', two tendrils of orange and yellow hue shot out from the light of the blast and captured the Pawns, "Hourin (Disintegrating Circle)."

"Armarous!" Barakiel called out to his acting adjutant.

"Yes!" Armarous's arms started moving around to form several Magic Circles that would activate his specialty, Anti-Magic.

Meanwhile, the dark clouds above them became so thick that they could almost touch it and within it was a dense amount of Holy Lightning that Barakiel had been gathering since earlier, "Lightning!" Barakiel brought his hand down and all the energy within the clouds instantly gathered on a single point above where the tendrils originated.

At the same time, Armaros' Magic Circle appeared in between the lightning and Kisuke before the former passed through it, granting it Anti-Magic properties.

With this combination, as long as it isn't the strongest Magic Barrier, nothing could stop it in its tracks. It is an attack that they used to deal with a team that had a God with them.

But beyond their expectations, they only heard Kisuke mutter, "Danku (Splitting Void)", before a transparent screen emerged on top of his head, blocking the gigantic lightning strike on top of him head-on. The lightning continued to strike the shield unceasingly for a few seconds, but even with its Anti-Magic, it couldn't pierce through the strange barrier that instantly sprang up before it lost its momentum and dissipated.

Although taken aback at what they witnessed, Kisuke's figure emerged, unharmed and holding the tendrils in each of his hands, as soon as the remnants of the red light from Shakkahou disappeared.

"...Unbelievable," Barakiel muttered to himself. But since the fight wasn't over yet, he signaled his Bishop and Rook to do what they needed to do since they'd already failed.

Positioned not far from Kisuke on his opposite sides, The Bishop and the Rook both raised their hands and activated the spell that they'd prepared, immediately enclosing Kisuke in a tiny but durable barrier that was enough to trap a combat-based God for a minute or two and that amount of time is already more than enough to think and prepare a few more countermeasures against him with the information they got from the first exchange of blows.

Too bad for them, Kisuke's spell followed a different set of rules from what they know. With enough mastery, Kidou could be activated with just an intent from its users albeit, a lot weaker than when doing the gesture or saying the incantation.

Barakiel saw Kisuke smile and said something. Although he couldn't hear what he said, Barakiel immediately warned the Bishop and the Rook, while also beginning preparing to help them, "Brace yourselves!"

Nevertheless, it was already too late as he never expected that a cyclone would appear outside of Kisuke's cube and made a beeline towards the two who are maintaining the barrier, sweeping them up and throwing them towards Barakiel's group. Because they were maintaining a high-level barrier they couldn't dodge the attack.

Kisuke didn't let go of this chance and executed a modified Kidou, "Bakudou No.79, Nine Moonlight Convergence."

In an instant, nine black balls appeared in the middle of the group and started spinning, sucking everything in by changing the direction of gravity.

Team Lightning tried their best to escape the hold of the strange spell but their disoriented state was their doom as they were stuck together. They could only watch the unrestrained Kisuke with a big smile on his face while he pointed his palm at them, "Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raihou (Flying Dragon-Striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon)!"

The last thing they saw was an all encompassing blue light before they were eliminated.


28th00: You know, the Dragon Thunder Cannon is still the coolest laser kido in Bleach.

Goyya: If used with enough reiatsu, many could be considered as laser kidou.