goyya 1055-1058

Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Chapter 1055 Reversal

AN: Thank you for waiting~!

I would like to apologize to Kitty Hero tier subscribers. Because of my mistake last week, I posted 6 chapters in the previous batch so this time, there are only 4 chapters.

While Riveria, Line, and Hestia were visibly relieved that Serafall was indeed alive, the others could only be stunned when they saw her walk out. But due to her pointing up, they inadvertently looked up and saw a massive mass of land descending on their position.

"W-what is that!!?" Tiona shouted at the top of her lungs while thinking that their deaths had come. She didn't even hear what Serafall said.

At this point, the weakened and disoriented Deities also looked up but they didn't have time to look at the descending land as numerous lights flew off from the top of it and were making their way toward them.

And the first one to arrive at one of the Deities was a handsome man sporting short blonde hair and blue eyes with a mole under his left eye.

Said Deity couldn't even react and could only see his vision become disconnected from each other before the eternal darkness took him over.

Yuuto looked at the bisected man falling from the sky and thought, 'Director Sona told us that they would be weakened when we arrive, but there's still a very dangerous aura coming from him. Although I was able to deal with him fast, it could be very dangerous once they start fighting back.'

With that in mind, Yuuto pointed his Sword of Betrayer downwards and a Magic Circle appeared beneath it, "Balance Breaker, Glory Drag Trooper."

A second later, hundreds of similar Magic Circles took shape in his immediate vicinity before knights with complete armor and exuding the aura of a Dragon materialized from them with each one of them wielding either a holy sword or a demonic sword.

Yuuto pointed forward and muttered, "Go." And his army of Dragon Knights with similar speed and technique as their host, flew in all directions to fight the Deities, with each Deity having to face around 10 knights each, 'Thankfully enough, it seems that most of them aren't sturdy... Which is really weird considering the power they possess.'

Yuuto figured out that they're mostly fighting against glass cannons. He didn't know that these glass cannons were formerly immortal thanks to the system that kept them alive.

While carefully commanding his army, Yuuto took a peek in the other direction to see the overall situation. Since it was only the Devils, people on Vali's side, a Buddha, and a handful of Dragons of the Team DxD that came, he was worried that their manpower wouldn't be enough.

Nevertheless, his worries were unfounded. The man in golden armor was the second one who made contact with the enemies and he immediately started decimating everything in his path. Save for some Deities that weren't killed in a single hit, everyone else was torn apart. But considering that Sairaorg Bael was in the same weight class as Issei and Vali, this wasn't really surprising.

Not far from him was Xenovia, who's also a power type and racing beside Sairaorg in how many they could eliminate.

On the other side were Saji and the other former members of the Student Council of Sona Sitri's generation. Although not as flashy as the other two, the enemy Deities couldn't push them back even though they were fighting back.

After a few minutes and with more than half of them meeting their grim end, the Deities finally realized that they were about to be annihilated and started escaping in all directions, it was also at this moment that everyone felt Vali's power erupting in the distance.




While everyone was looking up, Serafall turned to the dumbfounded Hestia and asked, "He-tan, please let them in."

Hestia looked at him and asked, "...Who?"

Serafall pointed up again but this time on the lights that are coming out of the floating island, "Them. They have a more distinct aura than the Deities so it's fine to just let them all in... Regardless of how dangerous some of them feel."

Hestia looked up again and saw that something was attacking the Deities with everyone else. However, only she, not to mention Riveria, could feel something very dangerous still standing on the island. Hestia swallowed her saliva and decided to trust Serafall and as soon as she opened the barrier for them, someone, without any sound appeared behind Hestia, [So it was this little girl who formed that interesting shield?]

Hestia slowly turned her head nervously as the very dangerous 'thing' she had been feeling was actually now behind her. When she saw the tall handsome man wearing a black coat with a long mixture of black and blond hair as well as heterochromatic eyes, Hestia almost lashed out.

But before that happened, a staff suddenly appeared in front of the tall man, breaking his stare at Hestia, [Reign in your aura and don't scare the lass.]

Hestia followed the wooden staff and saw a short old man covered in golden fur at the end of it. The old man was wearing eastern attire with dark glasses on his face. Although not immediately obvious, Hestia could tell that he was just as dangerous as the tall man.

The tall man shoved the staff away and said, [Old monkey, I'm just wondering if I could smash that shield.]

[Not right now. And why don't you help the youngsters outside and stretch your arms a bit?]

[There's nothing else interesting. Wake me up if someone interesting comes out.] Without waiting for the old man, the tall man flew at a speed that no one could follow and returned back to the island.

The old man could only sigh while watching him return before turning back to Hestia and saying in this world's language, "I apologize on his behalf. That man only lives and breathes for the sake of fighting... and bananas. So as long as you're not hostile towards him, he'll ignore you."

Hestia was still stunned and those around her don't know what just happened. So instead of them, it was Serafall who spoke up, "So that's the strongest Evil Dragon, Crescent Circle Dragon, Crom Cruach. There's definitely a terrifying aura around him."

The old man chuckled at her and greeted, "It has been a while, Devil King Leviathan. I'm happy to see that you're doing great."

"It's definitely been a while, Wukong-chan~! It's good to see you too. How is your always angry boss?"

"Still the same, still the same~. Albeit, a bit unbearable these days."


28th00: Yeah, Kisuke called in the WMD's, pretty much. These are some of the hardest hitters in the entirety of their setting, especially if they had to deal with Kisuke's nightmare training at all during the timeskips.

Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Chapter 1056 Reversal part 2

While Serafall and Wukong were talking, a soft thud of knees hitting the ground could be heard and everyone looked at the source of it, only to see Ais on her knees, breathing rapidly while also clutching the shaking Lysa strongly to her stomach.

"Ais!? What's wrong!?" Lefiya immediately went to her side along with the other girls of the Loki Familia.

"Could it be a side effect of her transformation!?" Tenestra muttered loudly which made everyone nervous.

Line was already at her side and trying to diagnose the problem but she also had the same guess as Tenestra.

But while they were trying to calm Ais down, Wukong approached them and said, "You don't have to worry about her. But I would like to apologize on my companion's behalf."

Everyone turned to her, including Ais who doesn't know exactly what just happened.

"Both of you are young Dragons and seem to be unaware of how dangerous the world could be." Wukong continued, "You just felt the aura of a very dangerous kind of Dragon."

Ais thought back and it was indeed it when the strange man arrived that she and Lysa suddenly froze in fear, "D-Dragon? He's a Dragon?"

Wukong rubbed his beard and replied, "Yes. But after that initial encounter, you should be able to get used to his presence, so just endure it for now."

"I too, apologize for his sudden appearance." All of a sudden, while the Deities were retreating, a voice came from above them. And when they looked up, Sona, whose hair grew longer and with five pairs of Devil wings behind her, descended along with Irina and Akeno, who also possessed five pairs of Fallen Angel and Angel wings of their own.

But before Sona could reach the ground, a shadow tackled her, "Sona-chaaaan!!! I missed you!!!" She was pushed back and only Serafall's trailing voice could be heard.

Irina and Akeno landed on the ground as if none of that had just happened with the latter immediately greeting Hestia, "Hestia-sama, it's been a while. I hope you're doing great."

Irina, on the other hand, immediately grabbed her hand excitedly, "Hestia-sama! I really missed you!"

"Akeno... Irina..." A bit of tears came out of Hestia's eyes, "You've grown." She then grabbed both of them and hugged them tightly. Although they didn't receive their Falna from her, she still considered them as her own children.

Naturally, both Akeno and Irina know that this wasn't the right time to have a sentimental reunion, "Hestia-sama, please cooperate with Rossweisse to transfer your barrier to the floating island."

Hestia looked up at Akeno and asked, "Rossweisse?"

Akeno pointed up and when Hestia looked up, she saw more people coming down.

In the lead was a tall beauty with long and straight silver hair, wearing white and silver armor. Behind her was another beautiful woman with blonde hair and a very soothing aura surrounding her. As they landed, the silver-haired woman immediately introduced herself, "Nice to meet you. I'm Rossweisse." Followed by the blonde-haired one, "And I'm Asia Argento. It's very nice to meet everyone."

It wasn't just them but more people could be seen coming down and some of them just came straight to them when the enemy Deities started retreating. Soon a round of introductions started with the children of various Familias and even the Xenos being included in it.

However, there's one person who's clenching his fist so hard that his palm started bleeding and he wasn't feeling any negative emotion but hope, '...If it's them...'

He took a heavy step forward and took a deep breath. Those around him noticed his strange demeanor and called out to him, "Bete? What's wrong?"

But the white-haired werewolf just gritted his teeth and continued his steps toward Hestia, Akeno, and Irina.

His strange fluctuation of aura was soon caught by everyone and interrupted by whoever was introducing themselves now. And even with their eyes full of confusion and concern focused on him, he only stopped when he reached his target.

"Bete-kun?" Hestia wondered what he was up to.

But before saying anything, Bete suddenly dropped his knees to the ground and almost smashed his face on the ground, "Please! Please save my family! I beg you!"

His words of intense desperation were met with silence and those who knew him well were in shock. But after a second, they could understand where he was coming from and turned to Akeno and Irina to wait for their answer.

Akeno and Irina were taken aback but only for a brief moment, "Please stand up."

But Bete didn't listen to Akeno and just continued his begging, "Please! I beg you! Save my family! I will do everything to repay you!"

"No need for that." An answer suddenly came from behind them and they turned their heads, they saw Sona fixing her glasses and dragging Serafall who was rubbing her face with a disgraceful expression on her stomach, "It's our intention to help on all fronts."

Bete, with a messed up face, turned to her and asked again, "Y-you'll save them?"

Sona thought that just giving him the verbal agreement won't be enough so she showed everyone her Communication Magic, "Kuroka, Koneko, how is the situation on your side?"

From her Magic Circle, a reply immediately came, [The enemy is already retreating and it seems there's a power that is forcefully teleporting them somewhere, nyaa~ I also found a few settlements within the scan radius. So we can start the rescue effort, nyaa.]

[I also found a few settlements on my side. We're waiting for your signal, principal.]

"Good. You can proceed with the rescue operation. Also, please bring one unit down here and let Bete Loga become the guide."

[Understood, nyaa~ I'll send Saji to take care of him.]

Sona closed the communicator and looked at Bete and said, "Do your best in being a guide."

Bete stared at her for a few seconds but before he could express his immense gratitude, a purple armor landed beside him, "Is this the guy?"

Sona nodded.

Without waiting for any reply from Bete, Saji, in his Balance Breaker, grabbed him by the waist and immediately jumped into the air, "Don't bite your tongue. Point at the direction we should go."

Bete still can't keep up with what's going on, but thankfully, he was able to point in a certain direction due to his instincts.

"Gotcha. Hold on tight!" Now with direction, Saji instantly accelerated and broke the speed of the sound barrier, creating a shockwave, and almost instantly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Those from Loki Familia thought that they heard Bete's shrill scream but thought it was just their imagination.

Clapping her hands, Sona gathered everyone's attention once again, "Everyone's tired so let's move proper lodgings and rest for the time being. Those who want to be guided, please tell me immediately and I'll prepare the proper arrangements."


28th00: Yeah, that's probably a valid reaction to have for Bete. It's been 7 years for Serafall, she's really missed her sister, badly. Island Siege Fortress is a GO~! But it being an Island… Did Sona just take her entire fucking academy as mobile fortress to another world? God damn girl.

Goyya: You know where Ophis will get her inspiration.

Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Chapter 1057 Downtime

Everyone was teleported to the floating island and it was then that the Adventurers, Mercenaries, and Xenos finally saw what was on top of it. It was an island full of magnificent and grandiose buildings. From awe-inspiring mansions and humbling towers that were even taller than the Tower of Babel, to buildings from unknown architectural origins, everyone stopped at the entrance of this inconceivable piece of land. They would even believe it if this is part of the Upper World where the Gods and Goddesses all resided.

"Welcome to the Ouroboros Academy." Sona, who was walking in front, turned to everyone and welcomed them while adjusting her glasses, "Riveria, please show our guests the Academy's hospitality. Line, please go with Asia since both of you are going to be busy soon with injured people coming in. Hestia-sama, please come with us and we'll discuss how you'll transfer your barrier over the island."




Riveria led everyone in this world to an unused dormitory that could easily house at least a thousand students with the same quality as a very expensive hotel.

"It has been a while since our last meal so let's go to the cafeteria first," Riveria decided after briefly watching everyone, "We'll talk about your rooms after that."

"R-Riveria-sama..." Unable to contain her curiosity, Lefiya finally asked, "How come you are very familiar with this place?"

As if opening a dam, questions started to burst through, "Right! And they seem to trust you very much!" Tiona added. It was then followed by numerous more overlapping questions like 'What is this place?', 'What is the Ouroboros Academy?', 'How is the island floating?' But ultimately, what they wanted to know the most was asked by Finn, "Who and what are these people?"

Riveria smiled at them and said, "They are people from another world."

Only a few of them were shocked as most of them didn't even understand the concept of 'another world', for it's a very foreign idea. Riveria also understood their reaction since most of them haven't been able to leave the continent they are in.

"But before I explain that, let's welcome them first." Riveria continued while looking behind them.

From the distance, the silhouette of multiple people was seen flying towards them and the most striking one among them was the intricate and majestic red armor in the middle and it didn't take long before they reached Riveria's group.

"Freya-sama!" The first ones to approach them were Freya's children and it was soon a cascade of worried children who ran to their Deities to check their health.

Issei, on the other hand, released his Scale Mail and Vali also jumped from his back. While weaving through the crowd, Issei and Vali arrived in front of Riveria and the former said in Japanese, [Riveria-san, I was told to bring them here first.]

[Thank you for your hard work, Issei-san, but I didn't think that Team DxD would be coming over.]

Issei scratched his head and replied, [We were also only informed a week prior.]

Riveria sighed, [I'm sorry for the suddenness, but we're truly glad that we have you on our side. By the way, did that fluctuation of Demonic Power come from Vali-san?]

[Yeah. This musclehead went all out as an opening act.]

[Is that so? That's a shame. I wanted to see it.]

The quiet Vali finally reacted to her words, [Wanted to see it?! No way! I only did that after making sure that you were not around!]

Riveria chuckled and said, [But it's not like I would be able to copy that.]

[That's what you said before proceeding to copy unique abilities from numerous Devil Lineages! Let me remind you that the policy prohibiting the usage of unique abilities in front of you was already passed in the highest Devil Council.]

Riveria went quiet and dumbfounded for a moment before saying, [...They seriously passed that? Aren't they too paranoid... And a bit too late?]

It was Issei's turn to laugh, [Right! They were too late since you have probably already seen most of the Devil's abilities.]

At that moment, green light suddenly emerged from the back of Issei's left hand, [For the long years that I've been alive, this is actually the first time I've seen a whole society passing a law surrounding a single individual. It also doesn't help that you're from Kisuke Urahara's peerage.]

It wasn't just Ddraig who stated his opinion as Albion also had something to say, [You should expect more factions to issue a similar policy in the future. That's how dangerous you are in their eyes.]

Even the two Heavenly Dragons thought that this Elf was beyond ridiculous.

Just in time, their conversation was interrupted by Zeus who feigned a cough, "Ehem... Excuse me. Riveria, do you mind introducing us to these young men?"

"Of course." Riveria also cleared her throat, "This is Issei Hyoudou, the Red Dragon Emperor and this is Vali Lucifer, the White Dragon Emperor. They are Kisuke's close friends."

"Issei-san, Vali-san, this is Zeus-sama, one of the Chief Gods. Behind him, from left to right, are Ouranos-sama, Loki-sama, Freya-sama, Hephaestus-sama, Hermes-sama, Takemikazuchi-sama, Astarte-sama, Demeter-sama, Ganesha-sama, Miach-sama, and Kali-sama."

"Nice to meet you, everyone. I apologize for my crude actions from earlier. I was in a rush." Issei smiled and offered his hand to Zeus.

Zeus received Issei's hand, "It's nice to meet you too and we understand what you had to do. In fact, thank you for saving us. We would have perished if not for the two of you."

Zeus also looked at Vali but the latter just kept silent while quietly sizing up the Deities.

Feeling his rude gaze, Issei immediately went in front of him to block his sights and laughed awkwardly, "...Ahahaha... I'm sorry about him. He's not very good at socializing and a bit of a battle maniac."

"It's fine. He saved our lives so we're still thankful."

Though before they could continue, the shadows under their feet suddenly started emitting Divine Aura that was also foreign to the Deities of this world. Soon enough, the shadow gathered in one place and a head of a black-haired lady peeked from it, [Riveria! Help me look for the stowaways!]

[Stowaways?] Riveria thought about it momentarily and said, [Was it Claire and the others?]

Without any hesitation, numerous Magic Circles appeared around Riveria and as soon as she clapped her hands, the echoing wave of Magic Power spread throughout the surrounding area.

Riveria didn't have to say anything when everyone suddenly heard a voice near them, [Crap, she found us! CHEESE IT!]

The space where the voice came from wiggled slightly before it revealed the figures of three girls. The one who spoke, a girl with grey hair and grey eyes, used Flash Step and instantly disappeared and the other two, a blonde fox girl and a blue-haired girl, also disappeared using Flash Step with the former panicky said, [C-Claire! Wait for us!]

Everyone was silent but Issei and Vali were the most nervous, [...Did you feel their presence?] asked Issei.

[I didn't even know that someone was that close...] Vali answered after contemplating for a bit.


28th00: Those kids are absurd and have had almost a decade of dedicated training and (somewhat indirect) tutoring from Kisuke. Not to mention they were already absurdly skilled at stealth from the start, but it only got more ridiculous when they tried to hide from Kisuke and probably got taught quite a few assassination techniques for stealth that are effective on almost everything. Claire, Kunou and Tanis… They're gonna raise hell, especially when their missing Duo shows up.

Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Chapter 1058 Riveria's Otherworldly Experience

[Ah! Don't run! Sona already knows that you three secretly went back in!] Nyx dived back to her shadow and disappeared without any trace as if she didn't exist in the first place.

"...That was?" Loki asked Riveria.

"...A security guard." Riveria briefly answered.

"No way I'll believe you." Loki instantly retorted.

But before Riveria could explain, Issei interrupted them, "Riveria-san, we will be going first."

"Please be careful and see you later."

Issei nodded in goodbye and both him and Vali summoned their Scale Mails before flying off towards the administration building where the center command of the current operation is being held.




When they reached the cafeteria, the food was automatically prepared and everyone just had to get a tray for themselves. Since there were around two hundred people, the Deities and their leading children set their own table with Ouranos asking Lyd, the lizardman, to represent the Xenos group.

Everyone was tired, but thanks to the delicious food that just mysteriously appeared, almost everyone ate in silence, including the Deities that actually needed to sustain themselves now, though not to the same degree as the mortals.

After filling their bellies, it was finally time to talk, "Ahh~ I'm satisfied and I want to lay down... But I don't think I would be able to get a wink of sleep without knowing what just happened." Loki started and turned to Riveria, "Us asking questions would be incredibly inefficient so just tell us the whole story."

"Hmmm... Where do I start?" With all eyes on her, Riveria began thinking about what she should actually tell since there's no way for them to fully understand her without stepping into that world and experiencing it themselves.

"The moment you went to their 'hometown'," Gareth suggested.

As he requested, Riveria started her story the moment she was brought to Earth, a place that is so much more diverse than the current one. She colorfully described the Earth and its various cultures and advancements in technology. And as she expected, not all of them were able to wrap their heads around the scale of the other world in various aspects, including their daily lives.

Even then, Riveria's words captured everyone's imagination and no one interrupted her. The only one that could fully process her story was Freya, who possessed bits of Kisuke's memories.

Finally, Riveria reached the main course of the meal, "Moving on, there are many powers that exist in the other world and peace only really exists on the surface. One such power is the Ouroboros Academy, which consists of people who have close relations with the Belial House of the Underworld where Kisuke originates."

"Since it'll be hard to explain the number of factions that could influence the world, I'll only be talking about those who came here."

"First of all, one of the largest factions in that world is the Devil Faction which can be considered as a nation, of a race known as the Devils. You've already seen a Devil since Sona is one of them. Their most striking characteristic is their Devil Wings and the higher the number of pairs there are, the stronger one is."

For the first time since Riveria's storytelling began, Kali interrupted by raising her hand, "Please speak, Kali-sama."

"Are you referring to the one that Serafall tackled? She has five pairs of wings, how strong is she?"

"Those with five pairs of wings are considered to be at the top. Although not quite on the level of a God yet, a Devil with ten wings is able to directly fight a God to a certain extent." Riveria, however, didn't tell them that there are individuals that can't be measured by that world's own metric due to them possessing abilities that goes beyond that could be considered unique. And the greatest example of this Riveria herself, only able to manifest eight wings.

'Right, I have to tell them that I'm a Devil now too.'

"And how many people like her are on that side?"

"I have no idea if I were to include every faction but if it's just the Devil Faction, around a hundred? Though that's not really what's terrifying but the amount of soldiers they have."

"How much?"

"Millions. With the weakest the equivalent of a Level 3 or 4 and the strongest around the same level as a top tier Adventurer or Mercenary."

The children stopped drinking their beverages and a chill went down their spine as they imagined an enormous army with individuals as strong as them.

"Are we going to get that much support!?" Ganesha hurriedly stood up and asked. Even though each soldier is just as strong as their children, with enough numbers, it'll be an unstoppable force that even Gods would fear.

But the one who answered her was Loki, "No way that would be the case. And a country with that amount of soldiers would be very large and a large country like that would be bound to have its own problems regarding the spread of authority and power."

Riveria nodded, "It's as Loki has said. The Underworld is very large. Even if you multiply this world's population several times over, the country of Devils will still have more. Due to that, the nation is divided into 72 Pillars with the council of Elders and 4 Devil Kings standing on top."

A familiar term instantly tickled some of the Deities' ears, "...Devil King?" Loki muttered.

"The Elders of the council came from 72 Pillars and this Elders would elect 4 Devil Kings that would lead all the Devils." Riveria further explained, "And yes, Serafall is one of the Devil Kings."

The Deities went quiet. It was only now that they realized that Serafall's standing might have been higher than them all this time. It now became understandable why she didn't care whether they're Gods or not, especially for her patron Goddess, Artemis.

"Enough of the Devil Kings since they are not really relevant to this operation. I haven't confirmed it yet but looking at the people who came here, this is all made possible by three houses of the 72 Pillars, namely Belial House, Sitri House, and Gremory House, and the agreement from Team DxD."

"...Sitri... Sona Sitri..." Freya muttered to herself, "She the daughter of this noble house? And it was mentioned that she's Serafall's little sister so she's technically a princess?"

"She's the current heir to the House of Sitri... But I think she's going to pass that position soon to someone down the line."

Freya couldn't help but smile and said, "Because of Kisuke, right?"

Riveria nodded, "Kisuke doesn't have any intention of inheriting any position. But currently, he and I belong to the House of Belial." As she said those, Riveria thought, 'Because he's already a powerhouse on his own with influence in various organizations that couldn't be measured. He's the biggest wild card on that side and that's the reason why many don't like him.'

"You and him? So these Pillars also accept outsiders into their ranks?" Loki asked and was not really thinking about it deeply.

"Not really. You could only join one if you're a Devil without any affiliation or you marry one of its members."

Immediately, all eyes went wide as they stare at Riveria, "You're married!?" Lefiya shouted from the end of the table.

Riveria knew that this question would pop up and immediately answered, "No." But what happened next caused more shock when she insinuated that she married Kisuke. Four pairs of deep black Devil Wings suddenly emerged from her lower back, "I fulfilled the first condition."


28th00: Riveria wishes she married him. My god, that girl is so DereDere it's unbelievable! I like that Riveria didn't mention that "Technically, the Devil Kings can take on the entire Devil Race in a fight and win. We just say they're elected because everyone else was scared someone would try to boss them around and we'd have another civil war." Well, before Trihexa at least.
