akikan 40. Tanuki. 156-159

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 156 The trouble is always coming | akikan40 on Patreon

In the morning, he woke up early and looked at Ellen, who was sleeping soundly on his chest. Unlike before, her ears grew and became slightly longer, like those ears of an elf in the story.

She was an elf.

She understood it, but it didn't matter as it was more fun, especially when he had confirmed how the elf's ears were their weakness.

When he bit her ear lightly, the hole tightened, and her body arched as she let out a sweet scream and cried while being pounded by him from behind.

Yet that one night made him refreshed.

The adventure in another world, while he had only done it twice, was always a lonely path. Rimuru, the hobgoblins, and the group of Tempest Wolves were okay, but the presence of the beautiful women, without a doubt, eased his heart.

It was comfortable and nice.

Nevertheless, he didn't waste his time. Using "Cleaning Magic," he cleaned himself up and was ready to work. Still, as he moved, Ellen woke up.

"Hmm~?" She rubbed her sleepy eyes and then, stunned, asked. "Where are you going?" Yet, how could she not be stunned since the man who had stolen her girlfriend decided to leave? She wondered whether this guy was playing with her.

"I am going to work."

"Work? Oh..." Relieved, she continued to sleep and rolled around in the blanket like a caterpillar.


"By the way, I know that it might be too late to say this, but is it okay for you to sleep here?"

She was so sleepy, but she still answered him. "It should be okay. They are quite lazy after all, and we have just finished a big job, so they will think of me resting until noon." However, suddenly, she opened her eyes, then asked, "Don't you want to ask me something else?"

"Like what?"

"Like my ears. Don't you have something to say about them?"

"Well, they are cute and sensitive."

"..." Ellen.

"That's not it! I have been lying about my identity, you know? Don't you feel that you are being deceived by me?"

"So, you feel guilty?"


"It's okay, isn't it? I have done my revenge after all." He kissed her forehead gently.


Ellen thought that this guy was dangerous as her heart was beating so fast that she thought she almost had a heart attack. Frankly, she was no longer sleepy, but she was so exhausted!

This guy was really a beast!

"Then, I will go out first. I will be back quite late."

"I will wait for you~!"

She closed her eyes, then pushed her lips forward as if asking for a kiss.


He just flicked her forehead and then left.


She covered her forehead as she watched him leave. "Hmph! How cute to get embarrassed for something like this." She had this smug expression on her face and a happy smile. By now, she thought that she was the happiest girl in the world.

Still, she realized that she hadn't talked about her identity to him, but it should be okay, right?


The gentle sunlight, the faint hustle, and the bustle in the early morning were a perfect day to walk, yet for Tamazuki, it was the day of the war. He didn't waste his time as he needed a lot of money, so along with all the information that he had gained yesterday, he started his war.

The war of money.

In his head, it was all about money and how to maximize profit.

If it was before, he would have done everything alone, but it was different now as he had a [Great Sage]. It was like he had an all-perfect assistant helping him with various things.

Nevertheless, Blumund Kingdom was nothing but a small country. It had a population of 1.5+ million.

Yet, this was enough.

There were hundreds of thousands of people in the capital every day, and you would be surprised by the circulation of money in this place.

Using his "Blindspot Talent," he made himself not attract many people. Even if he had sold many things and no one would think of him. It was a good ability, as someone with money would attract trouble even if they didn't want to, especially in the medieval age where the people with power, such as nobles, other merchants, officials, etc., were all greedy bitch.

His potions were sold at 25 silver, and he sold 1,000 of them, giving him a total of 25,000 silver or 250 gold coins in a single day.

Was it a lot?

Not really, as the income of a soldier every year was about 20 gold.

In other words, his income in a single day was more than the income of 20 soldiers a year.

Yet, it was far from enough, especially when he wanted to develop more, from buying a store to building a store, buying various books, and buying ingredients for another batch of potions.

He also manipulated several people, making them become his loyal slaves to work for him.

He was extremely busy the entire day, and it wasn't until the night that he finished his work. Tomorrow, he would be even busier, but when he arrived at his room, he saw welcomed him with a bright smile.

"Welcome home, Dear~! Do you want to eat or take a bath first?" Ellen was wearing an apron, looking at him with a bright smile.


Tamazuki stepped forward and picked Ellen.

"I want you first."

"Eh? Eh? Wait! Wait! Ahhn~!"

As expected, no matter how exhausted you were with a woman, everything was cleared up.


In the past few days, he has been busy with his job.

Kaval, Gido, and Ellen also helped him, but when they saw the speed he grew, they were too speechless to say anything, especially when he also started to enter beauty products to sell shampoo, conditioner, perfume, soaps, and many others.

As for how he entered this sector, please don't ask him. He just happened to meet a pitiful noblewoman who was in need of help and as a gentleman, he decided to help her, and by then, he entered the circle of the noblewoman and made the growth of his company unstoppable.

By now, he knew that it was only a time before he would become a chemist magnate.

Still, even with such growth, he was still low-key and didn't attract much attention, which was amazing.

However, such a quiet and nice day was interrupted by Ellen, Kaval, and Gido.

"Inugami!" 3x

The three of them leaped and hugged him while crying.

"Help us!"

"The guild master is forcing us to do a hateful job!"



Tamazuki stared at the three and wanted to kick out all of them. Fortunately, Ellen was good at helping him at night, so he didn't do that. Still, he let out a helpless sigh as he rubbed his temple, then he saw Fuze, who had been following them.


"Yo!" Fuze looked at Tamazuki's shop, which was still in the middle of a renovation. When it was completed, he was sure that it would become the most attractive point of the royal palace. Frankly, it stunned him, thinking about how someone could buy an entire block of the area and turn them into the most beautiful commercial district, which was monopolized by Tamazuki alone.

Yet, strangely enough, no one fought him, or rather, Tamazuki's power continued to grow!

However, Fuze didn't care about the matter of money, and he could tell that this young man's character was good, but he had to say they needed his help currently.

"Inugami-kun, can you help this old bone?"

"...." Tamazuki.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 157 Another Otherworlder | akikan40 on Patreon

As a villain, he should be the one who made trouble for the protagonist, yet why was the trouble coming to him?

Yet, it might be the price of his Ultimate Skill.

Jupiter, Lord of the Great.

It made him the protagonist, giving him many chances to steal the protagonist's chance.

Frankly, he wondered what was happening to Rimuru, as it had been quite a while since he had left his uncle. It hadn't been two weeks, but it was quite a while, so he felt that he should visit him as he knew what kind of trouble his uncle had faced currently.

Building a city filled with monsters.

It was definitely something that was worth doing.

Nevertheless, he had brought many souvenirs as he knew what his uncle needed to currently.

And this quest from Fuze was his chance to return to meet his uncle.

"Do you want us to investigate the forest?"

"Yes." Fuze nodded. "I know that you are busy with your business, but there aren't many people who can help us with this, and just leave this quest to the three..." He let out a tired sigh as he felt helpless.

Tamazuki glanced at the three, who were eating snacks on the side like this matter wasn't his problem. "Can you give us time to prepare?"

"Oh? Will you accept it?" Fuze had almost given up as he thought that Tamazuki was going to become a businessman instead of an adventurer. Nevertheless, whether becoming an adventurer or businessman, it didn't matter as Tamazuki would increase the income of the country as his business grew.

"I don't mind. I need to train from time to time, so I won't be rusty."

"That's true. That's true." Fuze nodded, feeling relief as Tamazuki was dependable.

"Then, in three days, we will leave since there is something that I have to do first."

"Okay, then, in three days."

There were no wasted words, and everything was concise, as Fuze knew that Tamazuki wasn't someone that liked to waste his time.

With everything decided, the four of them would leave in three days.

Kaval and Gido didn't really have a problem since as long as Tamazuki was with them, everything would be alright. Still, before they left, Ellen walked toward him and whispered, "By the way, I have bought the maid outfit."


"Wait till tonight, okay?" Ellen giggled before she ran away in a hurry as if she was afraid of being eaten by a beast, then smiled mischievously at him.

Watching this little fairy from his spot, he realized that elf was an amazing race.

"Alright, let's get back to work!"


Still, as the three left and talked about their investigation into the Jura Forest, someone suddenly stopped them.

"Excuse me, could it be that you plan on going to the Great Jura Forest?"

"Hmm?" 3x

The three looked at the petite figure of a young woman with long black hair and a unique mask.

"My name is Shizu. If you don't mind, can you allow me to travel with the three of you?"


At night, with a maid uniform on her body, Ellen breathed heavily with a flush face, then suddenly remembered something. "Inugami."


"Someone is going to join us on our quest later."

"Oh? We're going with five people, then?"

"Un." Ellen nodded. "It seems that this person has something that she has to do in the Jura Forest. I wonder what she is planning to do there...?"


That point caught his attention, but he answered Ellen's question unfazed, like he didn't have any interest in the person that would join their party in their quest to investigate the Great Jura Forest.

"Well, isn't that normal? With the disappearance of Veldora from the Great Jura Forest, many problems will arise from it."

It was like Direwolves who wanted to conquer the Great Jura Forest before; many races also covet that bountiful forest, wishing to conquer it themselves. Direwolves weren't the only ones or even the first ones.

That place, without a doubt, would become the center of many problems in this world, especially when it was located in the middle of the world.

"I wonder whether there will be a lot of problems in the future..."

"It's hard to say, but all we can do is to prepare, so we will be okay." He rubbed her hair and then kissed her forehead. "It's still too early to sleep. Let's do it again."


Ellen thought that her body might wreck sooner or later.


Still, after that night's conversation, he busied himself with his business again.

As for the person that would join their party, he didn't pay much attention to it. No, he paid attention, but he tried not to say it as he had a feeling that this should be one of the heroines in this world.

At the same time, he thought that it was almost time for all the main heroines to come as the first problem that Rimuru encountered would arrive.

The wheel of destiny had always moved, and he was already part of it, joining and becoming a big part that would change many things.

As for whether this change was good or not, no one could tell, but he knew that he had to stay with Rimuru for so long, leaving his business for a while.

Like a war, one had to be ruthless in business, so he didn't hesitate to manipulate the mind of his subordinates, so they would be loyal to him.

With everything ready, he thought about his objection once again.

One was to get all his hands on the main heroines, and the other was to become a demon lord.

However, he had a new objective, and it was to learn as many skills as he could.

There were many unique skills that could give him unique powers, and he wanted to get all of them, especially the Ultimate Skills.

Still, after he got his hands on Ellen, the new door that led him to a new world had opened. He could go there anytime, but first of all, he had to finish two of his objectives first.

Then, three days passed, and it was time for him to start his quest.

With Ellen, Gido, and Kaval, he walked toward the guild building, and there he saw someone who triggered his system.

A petite body, and long black hair, yet with curves that were even better than Ellen's. It was outrageous, and it made him wonder whether all the nutrients in her body were taken for that place.

"Ah, Shizu-san! Sorry to make you wait!" Ellen greeted their new party with a smile.

"It's okay. I have just arrived," the woman, whose name was Shizu, answered softly before she stared at Tamazuki.

"Ah, it's your first time seeing him, right? He is our party member. His name is Inugami." Ellen hugged Tamazuki as she introduced him to Shizu.

"...Inugami?" Shizu was stunned for a moment.

"Hello, my name is Inugami." Tamazuki introduced himself politely.

"Hello, my name is Shizu." Shizu also politely introduced herself as she looked at his young appearance.

Was he from another world like her?

That thought crossed her mind.

"Now, let's start our quest. The faster we finish, the faster we go home."

"OOOOH!" 3x

Yet, with the three of them, it was hard to talk with Tamazuki, but as they were at the same party, she knew their chance to talk would arrive.


Stay alive? Or be eaten?

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 158 Battle in the middle of night | akikan40 on Patreon

Still, as expected of Kaval, whenever they were on the adventure, they would meet into trouble.

Whether it was a nest of monsters, a village that was attacked by monsters, etc, etc.

Tamazuki had lost count of how many problems they had encountered. It was as if Kuval was cursed by something. Yet, whatever the monsters were, they were all slain by him. Nothing remained. Everything was cut down.

"As expected of Inugami!"

"Now, we're about to watch the birth of the Sword Saint!"

"Isn't the Sword God better?"

As the three talked to each other, Shizu was stunned by how powerful Tamazuki was. Like Tamazuki, she also came from another world after being summoned, but unlike him, while her power was okay, she knew that it wasn't that powerful, especially compared to those monsters like a Demon Lord. She also thought her power was nothing but a curse, and moreover, with her advanced age, it was even harder to manage her power.

Yet, Tamazuki was different.

His existence was bright, and he was so strong.

Still, his choice of weapons also confirmed her doubt, but it was hard for her to talk with him as they were surrounded by many people. She also wasn't sure whether he was trying to hide his identity, so she could only wait until they were alone.

It wasn't her first time seeing someone from another world, but it was her first time seeing someone as strong as him.

Moreover, he also didn't try to approach her and maintained their distance, which made it even harder for her to talk.

"If you have time to talk, then help me, bastard! Don't leave all the fight to me!"

Against his roar, the three became meek as they asked for their forgiveness again.


Shizu thought that Tamazuki's life wasn't as good as she thought it would be.


"Delicious! Delicious!"

"Ahh... as expected, Inugami's foods are the best!"

"Munch! Munch!"

The three of them were eating so fast that they hadn't eaten anything for three days, yet this reaction was normal. After a tough day, warm and delicious food soothed their exhausted hearts.

If Tamazuki was a woman, Gido and Kaval thought that they would ask his hand for marriage.

Meanwhile, Ellen was proud that her man was amazing!

Still, similar to the shameless three, Shizu's reaction toward the foods was even more exaggerated. Even though she was quiet, her hands didn't stop as she kept munching on his dinner.

"There is still a lot. Don't hold back."


*Munch! Munch!*

Moreover, Shizu thought that this dinner was familiar.


In other words, a Japanese hot pot dish.

It was what they ate which made her almost in tears with nostalgia.

"...if there is rice, then it will be even better."

It was only a murmur, but Shizu clearly heard the words that came out of Tamazuki's mouth.


Those words were enough to confirm Shizu's doubt, and she knew that Tamazuki should be summoned to this world. She knew that she needed to talk with him as Tamazuki wasn't the only person who had come into this world.

Was being summoned to this world a happy thing? Of course not.

It was lonely, and being alone was a horrible thing.

Shizu was like that, and she thought that Tamazuki was the same, so she thought to talk to him, telling him that he wasn't alone. Yet such a chance was hardly there. It wasn't that she didn't want to approach him, but Ellen always stayed on his side.

In her head, she thought that the relationship between them was good, but even so, the matter of them being from another world was a different thing.

Nevertheless, when it was time to sleep, they set up the tents. In this forest, it was impossible for all of them to sleep, so few of them had to guard when the others slept. They arranged their shifts with Kaval and Gido guarded while the others were resting.

When half of the night finished, the two would wake the rest, and it would be the turn of Tamazuki and Ellen to guard.

As for Shizu, she was told to rest, but inwardly, she thought that it was her chance to talk with him. She made up her mind, but she thought to rest first as rest was important, especially when they were in the middle of the forest.

Anything could happen in this place, so it was better to save their energy as much as possible.

The night was quiet, and there was nothing strange when Kaval and Gido guarded, but they were rather sleepy, so when half of the night finished, they woke up Tamazuki before they went to rest themselves.

Tamazuki, who was in charge of the guard for the remaining night, was staring at the starry night and wondered why he felt something was above the sky. However, suddenly his eyesight became dark as someone covered his eyes.

"Guess who I am?"



"Hmm... Gido?"

"How could you mistake a beautiful girl like me for two big guys?!" Ellen was furious, pouting, then held his hand and pulled him somewhere.

"...what are you doing? I am in charge of the guard."

"It's okay. It's okay. You will get sleepy if you do nothing, right?"

"But we're in the middle of the forest!"

"...can you do something about it?"

"What do you think I am?"

"But... don't you want to do it?"

"Well... I don't hate it at all."

Tamazuki then took care of the rest and was ready to eat this cute elf for a night.


Shizu, who had gone to sleep, woke up before she turned and saw that Ellen wasn't by her side.

Did Ellen go out to guard?

She thought so and walked out of her tent, but except for the bright bonfire nearby and the sound of the snores from the other tents, she couldn't see the figure of Tamazuki and Ellen.

Where are they?

She thought before she walked around curiously. It was in the middle of the night, and she was worried about them as they might meet a monster or two. Tamazuki might be strong, but it didn't change the fact that he was a young man. As his elder, she was worried about him, so she quickly looked around, but as she tried to search for him, she heard a strange noise nearby.

What kind of sound was this?

While she felt confused, she moved quietly, afraid to be noticed, especially when the noise became clear. She was wearing a mask, so it was hard to gauge her expression at this moment, but if someone took her mask, they would see her face was blushing red like a tomato.

In front of them, she saw Ellen being pounded from behind by Tamazuki as she was holding the trunk of the tree to support. Her cheerful, bright, and innocent smile could no longer be seen, and what was left was just a lewd whore-like expression that kept crying lasciviously like an animal in heat.

As an elf that was known as their pride and descendant of a fairy, if someone saw Ellen's appearance, they would be disillusioned.

Shizu quickly covered her lips, trying to hold her voice, afraid it would escape before she saw the figure of the young man, who seemed bright, courageous had become a bloodthirsty beast, licking and biting Ellen's elongated ear from behind, causing her to let out a lusty moan.

Shizu wasn't sure how long she was there, and frankly, with her age, she shouldn't react strongly like this, yet the gap that she saw them in the noon was so much different from what she saw currently. However, more importantly, it might be her first time to see something like this as she had always tried to avoid people, and it might be her luck to meet many good people along her journey, so she had never seen something so dirty like this.

"I am going to cum!"

"Let me drink it!"

Shizu gasped when she saw Tamazuku's erection, wondering how something so big could fit into Ellen's body. Her body grew hot like she was on fire, and she was unable to take her eyes away when Ellen took the glans of his penis, licking it before a white jizz stained her pure, beautiful face and wavy, blonde hair.

This sight... it was so dirty and lewd, yet Shizu couldn't take her eyes away, but when she noticed Tamazuki's eyesight, her heart stopped, and she quickly ran away.


"What's wrong?"

Ellen licked her finger as she looked at him.

"Nothing." Tamazuki shook his head. "Let's do it again."

"Eh? Wa-Wait! Ahhn~!"


Shizu couldn't fall asleep and stayed in her tent, thinking about what she had just seen before her body twitched when her tent was opened. Suddenly, the image of Ellen, who was being screwed by Tamazuki, appeared in her mind, but strangely enough, that person became herself.

Yet, when she heard a soft sleeping voice from the side, she saw that it was Ellen, who was sleeping sloppily and seemingly exhausted.


Shizu stared at Ellen's appearance, which didn't seem like someone who had just done something dirty and even had this innocent smile on her sleeping face. She let out a helpless sigh and covered Ellen with a blanket before she looked outside of the tent.

Hesitating, she thought that it was her chance to talk with him, but what kind of face should she show him, especially after she saw all of that?

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 159 Night with you | akikan40 on Patreon

Tamazuki was brewing tea from grasses he found in the forest, but suddenly he saw the tent was opened, and a figure walked out.

"Shizu-san? Did you just wake up?"

"Ah, um."

Shizu was glad that she was wearing a mask now.

"Do you want tea?"


"Okay, wait for a moment."

Shizu didn't approach him and just quietly observed him. Yet, the more she observed him, the harder she got the impression of the man, who was using Ellen's body like a toy. She prepared her mind and stepped forward, but she stumbled into something and fell.


"Be careful!"

He quickly caught her, but because of how awkward their position was, his face met her chest and was sandwiched between her breasts. 'Ah...' How soft. He thought so, but he had to say "Lucky Pervert" was amazing.

"Ah, um, ah..."

Yet, Shizu was embarrassed. For her, who was afraid to get close to someone because she was afraid of others, it was her first time being close to this with the opposite gender. Frankly, in the beginning, she thought of him as a kid as he was much younger than her, yet when she saw his dirty act, she realized that this guy was a man.

Still, she was surprised by how mature his reaction was.

"Can you stand up?"


As she was nervous and her heart was beating so fast, he held her waist gently and helped her to stand up without much of a change in her expression.


Frankly, his reaction made her heart conflict. Was she that unattractive? Still, she quickly shook her head and threw all the messy thoughts in her mind. With her advanced age, how could she think such a thing to such a young man? However, as his parents weren't by his side, she thought that she needed to do something, educate him, as in this world, he didn't have parents.

It was a sad fact, but it was the reality that had to be faced by all the people that came from another world.

Still, such a heavy present was hardly present.

Instead, the one that was present was a fluffy, warm atmosphere of a certain boy meeting a girl.

It was that kind of atmosphere.

"Here is the tea."

"Thank you." She took her cup and sipped it slowly as she let out a satisfied sigh. The tea warmed up her body, and the beautiful starry night eased her heart, making her complex mood disappear.

Still, Tamazuki wondered whether she wasn't wary of the tea as he might put a paralyzing drug there. Yet, as a gentleman, how could he do something so abhorrent like that? Moreover, if he wanted to have a woman, he didn't need to chase after them as they would stick to him like a magnet.

As he thought of this, he felt that it might be good to go to another new world before he returned to his original world.

Anyway, he had gone quite a while; adding a few more days didn't matter at all, he thought.

'As long as it isn't a year."

"Hey, Inugami-kun, are you from Japan?"

"....." Tamazuki.

He tried not to be surprised, but this woman was too bold, right?

"You don't need to show that surprised expression since I am also one." Shizu took off her mask, showing her face to him for the first time. What was hidden behind that mask was the face of a cute woman with a mark burnt below her eye. Yet, that mark didn't decrease her charm. Instead, it gave her a unique charm.

"...you are also from Japan?"

"Yes." Shizu nodded. "My name is Shizue Izawa. Most people call me Shizu, though. How about you?"

"Well... most people call me Inugami, but my real name is Inugamigyoubu Tamazuki."

"...how to say... it's like a name of a good family name."

"You are exaggerating. My family is a normal one."

Yes, his family was a normal youkai family, except for they were the leader of their respective clans, and he was also a villain that would fight the protagonist in his original world.

"But... it surprised me that you talked to me directly like that. I thought that you would try to hide each other's identities."

"It is because you are not the only people that come from another world. I have met a few of them, and I know how lonely it is to be in this world. You must be working really hard, right?"

Shizu rubbed Tamazuki's head, praising him as if he had done a good job.

"...Shizu-san, don't rub my head like that." He was a bit helpless.

"Eh? Why? Are you getting embarrassed?" She chuckled, thinking that he was cute.

Still, because of this, she forgot what kind of beast this guy was.


"...you appeared in the middle of the Great Jura Forest." Shizu was shocked.

"Yes." Tamazuki didn't lie as he arrived at the Great Jura Forest first. By then, he told her about his experience, fighting various monsters and staying in the forest for a moment before he met Kaval, Gido, and Ellen. "They are the first people that I have met on my stay."

"I see..." Shizu nodded and thought that she didn't blame him for his dirty act with Ellen. If she was in his place, what would she do? Being alone in this dangerous forest, and staying alive by himself, was something to be proud of, especially without any guidance from anyone.

"But even so... I think it is wrong for you to do something like that with Ellen before marriage, Inugami-kun."

Shizu felt that something like that should be done when one was married to the other.

Tamazuki thought to put the blame on Ellen, but he felt that it was unmanly not to be able to acknowledge his action. "That might be, but she is a charming woman, so one leads to another; we have this relationship now.

"Also, it might be wrong of me to say this, but I also need something to forget all the unpleasant things in this world. You know, it is like someone drowning in alcohol to forget their problems."

"Well..." Shizu wasn't sure what to say at that moment, but she understood him since sometimes, she also wanted to forget about everything, yet unlike him, who had a place to unleash those negative emotions, she could only bury those emotions inside.

"Now that you mention it, you are so cute, Shizu-san. Do you have a boyfriend here?"

"Eh?!" She was startled, and her face blushed. "N-No, I don't have something like that."


"Yes." Her smile suddenly disappeared, and what was left was melancholy. "You have told me your story. Do you want to listen to my story, Inugami-kun?"

"...can you tell me?"


Unlike him, who only told his story when he came to this world, Shizu told him how she accidentally came when a bomb was about to kill her.

The Bombing of Tokyo.

As he became a youkai, he became familiar with the history of Japan, and he knew about this incident that happened from 1942 to 1945. Moreover, the reason why she could stay alive until now was that one of the Demon Kings, Leon Cromwell, put a spirit into her body, which made him think that the life of people from another world wasn't so good in this world.

Still, her coming to this world saved her life, but he wondered why she didn't feel happy about it.

More importantly, her age alone was enough to call her his grandma somehow.

There is no way that my grandma can be this cute.

Somehow, he could make the title of a light novel of it. Yet, when he knew that he should feel empathetic or sorry, frankly, her story didn't resonate with him. Was it because he was a beast? Was it because he was a youkai? However, he patted her head tenderly.



"It must be hard, and you have done a good job of staying alive until now, Shizu-san."


Her eyes were moist, and tears almost came out, but she stared at him and asked, "You know, I am much older than you, right?"

"I'm sorry. It was just a habit."

"Geez... you must be popular in your world, right?"

What could he say? He could only laugh awkwardly.

"But I am in this world now."


"It's okay. It's unfair of me to think that I am the only one who is in misery when I am not the only one who experiences this, right?"

Shizu smiled. "You are strong."

"I am just trying to be positive, and I am lucky that I have met a lot of good people like you, too, Shizu-san."

Shizu stared at him and thought that it was her first time seeing someone like him in another world. "I was right. You must be popular, right? How many girlfriends do you have in your original world?"

"Can you stop teasing me, Shizu-san?"

Shizu giggled, filling the pleasant night, and maybe she might not realize that a bud started to grow inside her heart, and it continued to grow until it bloomed into something precious that she, herself, was unable to stop.

As they talked about many things until morning came, and unexpectedly, they met a talking slime.

Yet, Tamazuki realized Shizu's condition was far from good.