akikan 40. Tanuki. 164-167

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 164 Everything is the fault of Uncle! | akikan40 on Patreon


Tamazuki turned and saw Rimuru bouncing toward him quietly. "Uncle." He nodded and greeted him softly.

"How is Shizu-san?" Rimuru asked worriedly.

"She is okay. You don't need to worry."


"Yeah, who do you think I am?"


Rimuru had to say Tamazuki's words were arrogant, but somehow those words were extremely reliable.

Tamazuki smiled, but he didn't tell the truth to Rimuru since it was better to keep this matter a secret until he found a way to solve Shizu's problem. Moreover, he didn't want at the end of her life; everything was looking at her with pity and sadness.

Her life was already full of misery, so this time, it would be full of happiness!

Watching his reassuring expression, Rimuru also let go of his worry and smiled since he knew that everything was alright.

Still, Tamazuki knew that Shizu would become Rimuru's strength, but because she didn't die and Rimuru didn't use [Predator] on her, Rimuru's strength was naturally weakened. Moreover, it was impossible for Rimuru to become a human now.

Nevertheless, it was also why he let Rimuru use [Predator] on Ifrit before. Still, while [Predator] was a good ability as it was able to consume everything from a monster, a weapon, and many others while inheriting the traits and also the skills of those consumed, the skills that were inherited were weaker than the original.

In other words, the effect was far weaker than his [Previlage], but it made him able to learn the [Intrinsic Skills], which he couldn't learn, which was something that one needed to debate whether his [Previlage] or [Predator] was better.

However, he didn't need an Ifrit, as his flame manipulation was better.

Tamazuki also knew that he had to compensate Rimuru, so this was how he was going to do it, but he knew it was far from enough, and he wanted him to become even stronger since he had stamped him as his ally, so the stronger his ally, the better it was, right?

'After I become the Demon Lord, let's go to another world again.'

He had something that he had to achieve, but it was impossible to do it in his world, Gakusen's world, or this world, so he could only go to a new world again, getting new heroines and gaining more power.

Nevertheless, the conversation between him and Rimuru was quite good as Rimuru didn't know the truth about Shizu's lifespan, so there wouldn't be any depressing talk between them.

"Oh, right; I told you that I have a surprise, right?"

"Oh, right. What is the surprise?" Rimuru asked curiously, wondering what Tamazuki was going to bring him.

"It's this."

Tamazuki took out all the money inside his [Stomach], then an uncountable number of gold coins filled the entire room and almost washed Rimuru away.


Rimuru was pushed away by countless pieces of money, which was impossible as he was strong, but strangely enough, he didn't move and just stared at all the money that suddenly appeared in this place.

"...what is this?"


"Tamazuki, I don't remember raising you like this!"

Rimuru thought that Tamazuki had robbed a kingdom, but since it had been done, then it couldn't be helped since he knew that they needed money to build a village. Still, while he couldn't praise Tamazuki's methods, he picked a few of the gold coins in his pocket, thinking that he could use them to visit the Elf bar in the future.

"Calm down, Uncle. I am not robbing anyone, and it is all legal. More importantly, you don't raise me! Also, calm down, okay? Let me tell you how I get all of this money?"

"O-Okay! I-I am calming down!" Rimuru took a deep breath. A slime might not need to breathe, but he needed to calm down. Still, it made him curious about how Tamazuki could get all the money without robbing a country or a kingdom.

Then, Tamazuki started his tale, and Rimuru became his listener.


"...you have made a department store?"

"Call it a shopping district, okay?"


How to say... amazing!

This was the only thing that Rimuru could say.

By now, Tamazuki might be able to make his own biography as a legendary businessman.

Starting from potions, beauty, restaurants, hotels, and real estate, it continued to grow.

Even if Rimuru wasn't there, he could vividly imagine the excitement, watching a business that grew from nothing into one that almost conquered a country.

Tamazuki's base might be in the Balmund Kingdom, a small country near Great Jura Forest, but if Tamazuki was able to monopolize this kingdom with the power of money, then money wasn't a problem at all.

"Tamazuki, now, I appoint you as Ministry of Finance of our village! Use all the money to make more money!"

Rimuru patted Tamazuki's shoulder happily with his tentacle-like hand.

"Is there such a position in the village?"

"No, but I just created it!"

"Aren't you just lazy and just put all the problems to me, Uncle?"


"Why didn't you say anything?" Tamazuki sighed. "Well, I don't really mind since I like to make money."


"Okay, stop. Stop. I have told you my story, so can you tell me what you did after you woke up?"

Rimuru nodded and also told Tamazuki about his experience in the Dwargon.

Still, Tamazuki had to say that Rimuru's experience was unique and one of a kind. It was amazing, especially the last part.



"...are they cute?"

"Super cute!" Rimuru excitedly told him about his experience with a group of beautiful elves.

"I see..." Tamazuki nodded. "It seems that it is necessary to conduct business in the Dwargon." The elf he met was only Ellen, but he wanted to see more to check whether they were really as beautiful as it was told.

"....." Rimuru was speechless since this guy definitely didn't come for business!

"Tamazuki-kun, let me remind you, you are still in high school! You can't visit a bar!"

"Who said that?"

"That's..." Rimuru stopped since he realized that no one could stop Tamazuki!

Unlike in Japan, where there was an age limitation, in this world, there was no such thing. Everyone was an adult as long as they could work.

Moreover, Tamazuki had a lot of money, so everything was possible.

"It's okay, Uncle. I am just there to do business research. Our village will grow, and of course, we also need to do research on what kind of profitable business exists in this world. My purpose isn't something for something dirty, but it is for the future of this village!"

"I see..." Rimuru also let go of his entanglement, but as Tamazuki's uncle in this world, he also needed to take care of him. "It can't be helped if it's for the future of this village, but when you go there, you need to bring me since I need to watch over you."

"Okay, Uncle. You don't need to worry. I will bring you there. Let's have a party—I mean, let's do serious research for the future of this village."

"That's right! Let's have a party—I mean, everything is for this village!"

For the first time, their minds linked, and their relationship had become closer.

Tamazuki and Rimuru held each other's hands and thought that their relationship was wonderful.


"....." 2x

Tamazuki and Rimuru turned and saw Shizu had woken up.

"Are you two going to play at the bar?" Shizu asked kindly with a warm smile, yet strangely enough, her expression was far from kind.

"....." 2x

"Everything is Uncle's fault!"


Tamazuki and Rimuru quickly fought each other, but Shizu, who saw all of this, could only let out a helpless sigh, yet deep inside, she felt relief, and little shy.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 165 My harem life | akikan40 on Patreon

While Shizu woke up faster than they had thought, it was all good.

"Congratulations, Shizu-san, you will be alright from now on! I have also taken out the Ifrit on your body."

Rimuru was excited when he saw that Shizu was okay. Whether it was Tamazuki or Shizu, they were coming from the same world as him. He felt a comradeship... no, he felt that they were like his family as they were the only ones that he could trust, considering they were also coming from another world.

"Oh? Really?"

Still, Shizu was surprised as she listened to Rimuru's explanation. The great thing was that Ifrit was taken out of her body, yet another one was...

"...I am alright?"

"Yes." Rimuru nodded with a bright smile. "Tamazuki has told me that you are alright."

Shizu glanced at Tamazuki, who kept his mouth shut, but she only lightly smiled. "I see... that's great."


"By the way, you should rest now."

Tamazuki interjected.

Shizu had just gone berserk, and even if he had made her body younger, it didn't mean that she was okay.

"Oh, right! Should I bring food?" Rimuru looked at Tamazuki.

"No, let her rest for a while until dinner, Uncle?"

"Okay." Rimuru nodded. "By the way, did you also learn the knowledge of medicine and doctor?"

"I learned it."


Rimuru thought that his [Great Sage] and [Predator] were good, but it seemed there had always been a bigger mountain outside.

With that said, Tamazuki helped Shizu to take a rest. Even after her confession and knowing her situation, his expression didn't change. He didn't treat her especially like she was the most fragile thing or look at her with pity. Instead, he just saw her like how he saw other people.

Still, knowing that Shizu was okay, Rimuru decided to take care of the village as it was just being burnt by Ifrit. Fortunately, they didn't lack money now, and Tamazuki also brought many things that could be used to develop their villages.

"By the way, Uncle, is it me, or has the numbers of the population increased?"

"Yes, there are 5,000 of them!"

"...did you name all of them?"

"Of course!" Rimuru nodded while puffing his chest proudly.

"...." Tamazuki.

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's okay. I will introduce myself later."

"Okay! I will tell everyone about you too."

While Tamazuki often left this village, without a doubt, the creator of this village was the two of them.

Rimuru also thought about Tamazuki's strength, and having him as a thug was also good, but more importantly, as his god of wealth, he wanted everyone to treat him with the greatest respect.

Nevertheless, monsters are races that are strict with their hierarchy.

The strong get everything, and the weeks can only be eaten.

That is the law of this forest.

Rimuru said goodbye, and Tamazuki also thought to leave, but his hand was held by Shizu.

"...can you stay with me?" Shizu asked with a weak voice.


Neither of them said anything again, and he just watched her, who had fallen asleep, showing she was forcing herself to wake up before.

Still, Rimuru, who had just left, thought about Shizu's confession before and wondered what Tamazuki was going to do. Yet even if he was curious, he needed to handle the village first.

In the past few days, everything was peaceful.

Shizu's condition also had been stabilized, but she still needed to rest.

Ellen and the few goblinas helped Shizu.

In those times, he also met the leaders of the villages and several dwarfs that were in charge of building the village.

When they met, he showed his hybrid form, causing them to shudder in fear, yet also mesmerized by him.

"What's wrong, Uncle?"

Still, Tamazuki looked at Rimuru, who was sulking.

"Hmph!" Rimuru pouted while looking away, feeling quite depressed as he realized that this guy was a traitor!

They might be monsters, but why was this guy so handsome?

Damn, handsome guy!


What could Tamazuki do?


Anyway, it felt of him to see an uncle who reincarnated into a slime to sulk. Nevertheless, he knew that Rimuru wasn't serious and just joked around.

"Don't worry, Uncle. You will become a handsome guy in the future."

"Huh? Really?" Rimuru was surprised.

"Yeah, leave it to me." Tamazuki patted his chest, trying to reassure him. "Not only will you become a handsome guy, but you can also taste delicious food and change your gender into a woman."

"...leaving the changing gender aside, I am interested in tasting the food."

As a slime, Rimuru didn't eat since he didn't need to eat, but he also couldn't taste anything since he didn't have tastebuds, so Tamazuki's promise made him interested. "But what are you going to do?"

"Not sure, but I will travel around the world for a while, but you don't need to worry; I will help you with the development of the village or the money."

"...don't forget to come back, okay?" Rimuru reminded Tamazuki since he had to say it felt lonely without Tamazuki.

"Don't worry, Uncle." Tamazuki patted Rimuru's squishy top part and thought that he had to do something with Rimuru's body. He thought of making something similar to homunculus since he knew that such a thing existed in this world. However, he could do that later as he wasn't in a hurry.

Nevertheless, the days for Kaval, Gido, and Ellen to leave were near. Before they left, Rimuru gave them a reward, which was full Rare Grade equipment.

In this world, equipment was graded from Normal Grade, Rare Grade, Unique Grade, Legend Grade, and God Grade.

As for his sword, it was a Unique Grade.

As for Ser-Veresta, it was a Legend Grade. As for why it didn't reach the God Grade, it was because the material of the weapon wasn't good enough. If he wanted to make this weapon stronger, he had to take out the core and change the material for the holder of the core.

However, he could think about this matter later.

Shizu walked out of her tent and looked at Kaval, Gido, and Ellen. Her body was okay, and even if she was slightly weakened as she didn't have Ifrit on her body, she was still powerful as she owned a Unique Skill.

As for what her Unique Skill was, he would explain it later.

"Are you not going back with us, Shizu-san?" Ellan asked sadly. After they were on an adventure, she had always thought of Shizu as her older sister, so she was sad when she thought that she would part away.

"Yes, I will stay here."

The three of them knew about Shizu's decision, and it was impossible to change, so what they could do was...

"Rimuru-san, please take care of her!" 3x

The three of them bowed their heads at Rimuru.

"Yes, leave it to me." Rimuru nodded.

Hearing that, they felt relief, but then they looked at Tamazuki.

"Inugami, come on."

"Sorry, I will stay here too."

"...what?" 3x

This time, they couldn't stay calm any longer.


"Do you hate us?"

"Is it because of Kaval's bad breathing and Gido's snoring?"

"OI!" 2x

"No, it's just that I don't plan to join you in the beginning. We have stayed for quite a while, and it is time for us to part away. I'm sorry. I have something that I want to do, and you three have something that you want to do. Our path will have to part from here, but of course, it's only like we won't meet each other again, right?"

"....." 3x

Gido and Kaval were helpless, but they could tell that Tamazuki wanted to do something different.

However, Ellen couldn't accept it so easily. "...you will really go?"


Tamazuki was decisive, and he decided to leave Kaval's party. Ellen might be a wonderful girl, but he had something that he needed to achieve in this place, so they had to part away.

Still, to the surprise of everyone, he was kissed.

Ellen pulled him and kissed his lips in front of everyone.

"..." Everyone.

Everyone forgot to breathe, and their pupils enlarged because of the surprise.

However, Tamazuki and Ellen ignored all of them, pressing each other's lips until their lips parted as they stared at each other.


"It's okay. I won't bind you, but remember..."

His cheek was touched, then lightly caressed by her cold, soft hand.

"It's impossible for you to run away after you have stolen my girlfriend, okay?"


Was this the eyes of a girl in love?

Why had this girl become so scary?

Suddenly, Tamazuki realized this girl was more dangerous than he had thought.

"Shizu-san, please take care of him, okay?" Ellen asked with a gentle smile.

"...ah, um..." Shizu answered quietly, meekly, while lowering her head, yet with a noticeable blush on her cheeks.


What did those words mean?

Yet, for one thing, Rimuru thought that Tamazuki's harem life was about to start.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 166 True Form | akikan40 on Patreon

With everything that had been decided, Kaval, Ellen, and Gido left this village. They planned to leave by walking, but Tamazuki said, "Do you want me to send you back?"

"Eh?" 3x

While they were confused, Tamazuki said, "Don't bite your tongue." Anyway, he had owned a lot of things for Ellen, and he could also trust the three of them, so he used his "Shukichi" to teleport to the Blumund Kingdom.

"....." 3x

The three saw their surroundings melt like wax, and they saw the scenery around them change into the Royal Capital of the Blumund Kingdom.

"Then, I will go back first."

Tamazuki was about to leave, but he was stopped by Ellen.

"Don't forget to visit me! Once a week!" Ellen wanted more, but when she thought how fierce he was in bed, she decided that he should visit her once a week. If they did more, she was afraid that she might not be able to walk.

"Okay, okay."

Tamazuki patted her head, kissed her, then left.


Ellen touched her lips, watching the spot where he left, and let out a long sigh. She should have expected this, but she had to say it was rather hard to accept as she hoped that she could be his only one. Yet, it didn't matter since the official wife should be hers, okay?

Nevertheless, Gido and Kaval wondered what they should do as the bodyguards in charge of protecting Ellen; yet what Ellen didn't know, her father also tasked the two of them to report in case a bastard tried to seduce Ellen. However, it was too late. Before they realized this, a bastard had already slipped under their radar, so what could they do now?

Gido and Kaval looked at each other and decided to pretend not to see anything.

Yes, that's right!

That's the best way.

Meanwhile, Tamazuki returned, and as expected, he saw everyone in the same spot.


"....." Everyone.

"Don't "yo" me, bastard!" Rimuru was startled when Tamazuki suddenly disappeared.

"...is that a teleportation?" Shizu asked curiously.

"No, it's an ancient martial art."

"Ancient martial arts?"

"Shukuchi, have you heard of it?"

"Shukuchi?" 2x

Shizu and Rimuru were somehow familiar with this term, but the rest was different. However, it didn't matter how strong he was; the better their lives were.

The thought of those hobgoblins was simple since what they wanted was just a stable life. Even if they had evolved, they remembered how hard their lives were when they were just goblins, so they treasured this stable life of them much. They loved and respected Rimuru, who changed them, so naturally, Tamazuki, who was Rimuru's nephew, was also loved and respected by them.

"But... is it alright for you to leave her?" Shizu couldn't help but ask. She could tell that Ellen loved him so much, yet was it okay for him to leave Ellen just like that?

"Yeah, aren't you too heartless to leave her just like that?" Rimuru also thought the same. If possible, he wanted to bang as many girls as he wanted to, especially when he didn't have a chance to use his "saber" in his previous world, so when he had a chance to be reincarnated, he thought to graduate from his virginity. Unfortunately, he was slime, so he lost his "saber."

Tamazuki had such a wonderful girl, yet he just left her like that.

Frankly, Rimuru was speechless and also jealous, but he didn't get that angry since he knew Tamazuki wasn't a human.

"It's okay. She might not be able to accept my form after all." Tamazuki smiled bitterly.

"Form?" 2x

This word quickly made Rimuru understand everything. 'Ah...' He wasn't sure whether it was possible for a human and a monster to be together, but he also understood Tamazuki's worry.

"What do you mean?" Shizu, who didn't know Tamazuki's true identity, was confused.

"Shizu-san, I won't lie to you, but like Uncle, I am also a monster." Tamazuki was frank.

"A monster? Are you also reincarnated into a monster?" Shizu was surprised.

"That's right." Tamazuki looked at Shizu and asked, "Do you want to see my true form?"


There was no hesitation in Shizu's words, and she looked at him with clear eyes.

"...you will be disappointed."

"I won't." Shizu shook her head softly. "No matter what your form is, my feelings won't change."


Tamazuki stared at Shizu's eyes and saw that those eyes didn't waver even for a moment. He let out a helpless sigh, then said, "Then, see this yourself."

Without hesitation, he turned into his youkai form, and once again, his monster form was shown to the world.


At that moment, the world lost its voice.

Everyone was trembling in fear, awe, and also worship, especially those who saw his form for the first time.

His form was beautiful, yet fierce, like a god of beasts.

His mere presence was enough to shake their entire souls.

The Tempest Wolves and the first villagers were okay since it wasn't their first time to see this form, but those new villagers, the group of dwarfs, and Rimuru were speechless.


This was what they thought the moment they saw him.

With a weight towering 18 meters and a length of 40 meters, this form alone was enough to intimidate anyone.

Rimuru once again realized that Tamazuki might have a complex about his figure, and it was also why Tamazuki kept his figure in the chibi form. Nevertheless, even though he was shocked, he was better than most of them as he had seen Veldora. Similar to Tamazuki, Veldora's body was also huge.

Still, Rimuru understood this might be Tamazuki's complex.

Yet, to the surprise of everyone, Shizu stepped forward. Her expression didn't change even if she saw him in this form before she hugged his mouth with her feeble arms tightly and rubbed her face.

"...what are you doing?"

When Tamazuki talked, he showed his sharp fangs, which were enough to tear even a mountain.

"See? Even with all of this, my feelings won't change."


Tamazuki wasn't sure how someone could stay pure even at such an advanced age. He let out a helpless sigh before he turned into his hybrid form, becoming an existence closer to a god itself.

"Then, do what you want."

"I will do that."

As he let out a helpless sigh, Shizu smiled.

Still, because of this, the legend of "White Murder" or the "Ultimate One" might appear because of his existence.

Tamazuki had a lot of things to do, and even with all of that, it didn't mean that he stopped to help with the development of the village. He could tell that Shizu understood that he was hiding something, or she just pretended that she didn't see anything.

Nevertheless, Shizu's presence was welcomed, and no one treated her badly because she was a human. Instead, all of them looked at them with respect, but the female goblinas might be a bit jealous of Shizu.

At night, when he was about to rest, someone knocked on the door of his room. Shizu was also living in his house that he created with his leaf as their house wasn't ready.

However, it was a normal thing as the destruction just happened in the village, and everyone started to build everything from scratch instead of the house; they prioritized the sewage, water supply, waste management, and anything that couldn't be seen by eyes as they were the most important to build a comfortable city.

If they built a house first, it would be troublesome as they might need to renovate in case they needed to add something.

For him, it was an easy thing, and with the help of the group of dwarfs and the workers from the hobgoblins, everything moved in the right direction.


Only Rimuru wondered whether it was okay for him not to do anything.

Still, because of this, Shizu stayed with him and could create his own house with his leaf transmutation.

When he opened his door, he saw Shizu was there.

"...I can't sleep."

"Then, sleep with me."

As for what they planned to do?

Was there a need to explain?

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 167 From now on, you are mine | akikan40 on Patreon

Shizu's petite body was nice to hold.

Still, while she reminded him of Yosuzume, her chest was much bigger. They were easy to hold, and her reaction was refreshing to him.

Shizu was all shy, yet she was brave enough to try anything as she wished to give him pleasure.

This might happen fast, but with their limited time, why should they wait?

She knew her feelings toward him, and she only wanted to do whatever she could do as she didn't want to leave any regrets.

After so many decades of being summoned to this world, Shizu also knew what it meant to become a woman. While her body might be weak and petite compared to him, she resisted him hard and even tried to fight back, showing that she wasn't called a Champion of Humankind for nothing.

Yet, this experience was unique as Shizu was so much older than him, yet her reaction was like a girl, so he was a little bit too excited.

Moreover, as her body was relatively small, her meat folds were tight, yet strangely enough, it was so soft and warm, like he was being hugged with love.

This feeling was unique.

After reincarnating into a tanuki, he had been with many women, but he had to say Shizu was one of a kind.

Meanwhile, Shizu was in a daze. She felt her head melting, and she was unable to think through it as the feeling of being conquered by him still lingered. It was impossible to forget and engraved into her mind.

Initially, she wondered how something so big could fit in her body, but his technique was so magical, and was it her imagination that his size could be altered?

Still, she forgot most of the things, and the only things she could think of were only the pleasure of her body. She couldn't think of anything. No, she didn't have the pleasure to think of other things as she needed to focus on him, or else, she would be instantly defeated.

However, maybe, because of her nature, who might seem weak, yet still wished to fight that she didn't give up and tried to give a counter, yet in front of an overwhelming might, every resistance was meaningless.

By now, she could only lay on his chest, trying to catch her breath as she had never thought she could become such a lewd woman.

Yet, as expected, sex was the fastest way for two hearts to become one.



"Can you tell me how long I can live?"


Frankly, he had thought of this woman as naive as the way she confessed to him was so awkward and also horrible. Yet, he realized this woman was perceptive.


She stared into his eyes and begged. "Please tell me."

He wanted her to live a carefree life without thinking of anything until he found a method to prolong her life, so why should you ask such a question?

"Tamazuki, I don't want you to bear this alone, so please tell me..."

"...two years."

He thought to lie, but in the end, he told the truth when he saw her determined eyes that were filled with guilt. If he lied at that moment, he knew that she would be riddled with guilt as she thought that her existence would burden him. By then, probably because of stress, she might die even faster, and this was something that he didn't want to happen.

"I see... two years..."

Shizu murmured when she heard how long she was able to live from his mouth.

Neither of them said anything, and the room was silent as the sound of the wind and rustling leaves could be heard from outside.

"I am sorry."

"...why did you apologize?"

"If... if I don't confess to you, then you won't have such a painful memory."

When she realized everything, it was already too late. She felt that it was better to keep her feelings inside her heart as she was about to pass away. If he didn't know her feelings, then he wouldn't be troubled by her, and he could continue to live without thinking of her. While she wasn't sure what he would think when she died, it made her cry when she thought about it.

"Why are you crying?"


"Look at me."

He brought her close to him, staring into her reddened, moist eyes, yet she was unable to look straight at him when she thought about what she had done to him.

"It's too late. You can't regret it."

"But... I... I..."

"Enough with an apology, regret, or guilt. What you need to do is just one thing."


"Compensate me."

"...compensate you? How?"

"For the rest of your lives, you are mine." He kissed her lips, causing her to open her eyes wide in surprise. "That's my mark. From now on, you are my woman."


While her eyes were full of tears, she stared at him shyly. Those words erased her doubt and made her know that she didn't fall for the wrong man, yet he was right; she was going to compensate him a lot, and in her remaining life, she was his.

"Let's sleep."

"...you don't want to do it again?"

"Is that okay?"


Tonight, they did a lot.


It was rather early in the morning, and everyone had started to work.

While Rimuru didn't really need to sleep, as he was a human, sleeping was part of psychological comfort for him. Moreover, in this world, it was so boring as it didn't have any entertainment, so he decided to sleep.

Still, Rimuru had to say that Tamazuki was an early riser and also hard-working. It made him somehow feel a bit guilty as he didn't do anything. However, he had to say Tamazuki's knowledge was amazing as he was able to do almost everything. Yes, almost everything.

Yet, there was one thing that made him curious. "Tamazuki, where is Shizu-san?"

"Sleeping," Tamazuki answered perfunctorily. As of now, he is supervising the building of the village. As for Shizu, they would be taken care of by the few goblinas that he had chosen as a maid. Still, he was thinking of building a house as he knew that he would leave this world sooner or later. It was impossible for them to live in the house created by his leaf.

Still, when Rimuru heard that Tamazuki had few maids to take care of him, he couldn't help but ask, "Tamazuki, are you rich in the previous world?"

"Not really, but isn't a maid a romance for a man?"

"You are right."

As expected of his nephew, Rimuru thought that Tamazuki really knew how to enjoy life.

"We should make this village into a country, Uncle. Then, we can do a lot of amazing things."

"...amazing things?"

"Well, we only have a Goblina now, but in the future, we can have a maid from Elf, Lamia, Centaur, Oni, and many others. Isn't that interesting?"

"You are right."

"Ah, but please don't misunderstand my intention as something dirty since I just want to help those who are in need."

"You are right!" Rimuru also nodded with a serious expression. "We need to help those who are in need."

For the second time, Tamazuki and Rimuru shook hands once again. Still, this time, everything was more peaceful as Shizu was resting, so they wouldn't be worried that their conversation would be heard.

"By the way, Uncle, do you have a Magisteel?"

"Magisteel? I have a lot of them, but what are you going to do with them?"

"...it's amazing that you have a lot of them, but it is good since I want to make a weapon."

"...you want to make a weapon?"

Once again, Rimuru wondered whether there was something that Tamazuki couldn't do.