akikan 40. Tanuki. 168-171

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 168 Legendary Grade Weapon | akikan40 on Patreon

Magisteel is the material extracted from raw Magic Ore. It is extremely rare that only 3-5% can be extracted from raw Magic Ore.

This material is very durable and heat resistant. Compared to other rare metals that have at most a melting point of around 5,000 degrees Celsius, Magisteel can withstand temperatures close to 10,000 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, it has a self-repairing trait and is exceptional at inducting Magical Power, enabling any objects made from Magisteel to "grow" with their user. All these properties made Magisteel highly desirable for making high-quality equipment with magical properties.

Magisteel's excellent properties and difficulty in obtaining it resulted in its very high price in the market. Even a fist-sized chunk of Magisteel is worth at least twenty times its weight in gold.

This was also the reason why he didn't buy it, as his money needed to be invested in his business and the infrastructure of this village.

Still, he somehow remembered that in the story, Rimuru held a number of Magisteel as he had eaten many Magic Ore at the place where he was born.

Now, what is a Magic Ore?

Magic Ore is the raw form of Magisteel. Even without being processed into Magisteel, it is considered equal in value to gold due to its being rare and versatile.

Unlike regular ores, Magic Ore only forms around the vicinity of B Rank Monsters or higher. That is because when over a certain period of time, regular mineral ores are exposed to dense concentrations of Magicules, the ores will slowly absorb them and eventually turn into Magic Ore. Due to the high-level monsters lurking around them, they are only accessible to high-ranking adventurers.

Nevertheless, whether it was Magisteel or Magic Ore, all of them were precious.

However, Rimuru held a number of them inside his body, and frankly, this slime didn't know how expensive it was. Yet, because of this, he was able to get the group of dwarfs to come to this place.

Compared to Magic Ore or the Magisteel, without a doubt, the worth of the group of talented dwarfs was more valuable, especially when each of them had their own specialties.

Kaijin, the leader of the group of dwarfs, is a talented builder, blacksmith, and craftsman.

Dord is first-rate craftsmanship, and his focus was on dyes and high-class attire.

Myrd is a dwarf with few words, but having knowledge of construction and being well-versed in the arts, he is a one-of-a-kind genius.

Garm, the last dwarf, is a skilled blacksmith and is also in charge of everyday clothing and underwear.

Without a doubt, the four of them were the reason why this village could grow so fast.

Still, Rimuru quickly gave the Magisteel without much thought to Tamazuki before he followed him to the smithy, wanting to see how he was going to create a weapon.

"What are you going to make?"


"What about your previous katana?"

"I want it better."

Tamazuki then told the knowledge of the equipment that he had learned from the books on the Blumund Kingdom. After he returned to this village, he brought many things, from books, seeds, and many other things.

Money was, without a doubt, a great thing as it gave him many things, but to protect that money, one needed power.

"I see." Rimuru nodded and thought that there were sure a lot of types of weapons. "What about your weapon?"

"It's a Unique Grade, so I plan to make a Legendary Grade."

"...is it so easy for you to make it?"

"If it is the others, it might be difficult, but it should be possible for me. Do you want me to make you one too?" Tamazuki asked.

"Really? Is that okay?"

"Of course, but Uncle, try to keep some of the Magisteels on your [Stomach] for a long time."


"I wonder if it is possible to create a God Grade material just by basking in your Magicules."

Tamazuki knew that inside Rimuru's body, the legendary dragon, Veldora, was inside, so being basked by the aura of this legendary dragon, it should be possible to evolve a certain material into better or perfect, right?

Nevertheless, it was worth a try.

As for using his body? He might have a "Hole," but it didn't mean his original amount of Magicule was a lot. Moreover, his relationship with Rimuru was good, so why not, right?

Rimuru was surprised, but when he thought that he would hold God Grade equipment, he agreed without hesitation.

Still, Tamazuki had thought of many things in his head as he wanted to make his life comfortable, but everything had to be done one by one, so he wouldn't be overwhelmed. Lastly, his purpose of being in this world was to get stronger, so whatever it was, his strength was the most important thing.

Soon, they arrived in the smithy of the village.

As expected, Kaijin was inside.

"Rimuru-danna? Tamazuki-bocchan? What's wrong?" Kaijin looked at the two in surprise.

"Why did you call him "Bocchan?" Rimuru asked Kaijin weirdly. While Kaijin called him with a polite suffix such as "-danna," Kaijin called Tamazuki with the "-bocchan" suffix, which meant a young master.

Well, Rimuru had the feeling that Tamazuki was like a nobility or a boss or something.

"Well, Inugami-bocchan is like a prince, king, or something, so it can't be helped, Rimuru-danna." Kaijin rubbed his head nervously. Frankly, he felt a supreme dignity of a ruler from Tamazuki, so he dared not to be impolite, but it was rather awkward to say "-sama," so he decided to call him "-bocchan."

"Kaijin, can you show me your blacksmith skill?"

Tamazuki didn't care about their conversation and directly requested.

"Eh?" Kaijin was surprised, but then he nodded. "Sure." He wasn't sure what Tamazuki wanted to do, but if Tamazuki wanted to learn, then he welcomed him. A dwarf is like this. If someone treats them sincerely, they will also treat others with sincerity.

Moreover, Tamazuki had power, so Kaijin was even more respectful.

Tamazuki only watched for a moment and soon learned everything; then, along with [Analysist] and [Great Sage], he created a blueprint of his weapon before he made up his mind to make a weapon.

When Tamazuki started to act, the rest of the dwarfs also watched.

"Rimuru-danna, what is Tamazuki-bocchan going to do?"

"Making a weapon."

"Making a weapon?!" 3x


The four dwarfs were surprised, but one of them was silent.

Talk, oi!

Rimuru looked at Myrd speechlessly.

"Did he have any experience as a blacksmith?"

"I am not sure, but he probably just learned it now."

"...." 4x

How to say... a blacksmith wasn't an easy job. It was a dangerous, exhausting, and delicate job, so someone needed a lot of years to train, yet Rimuru told them that Tamazuki had just learned.

While they felt confused, their eyes soon widened, surprised, flabbergasted, and in a daze before they felt numb as they realized what kind of monster Tamazuki was.

Tamazuki ignored all of them and just focused on his weapons. It wasn't how long he had been in this state, but he poured everything over him, ignoring everything, and just focused on his weapon.

Everything was done with just a single weapon.

Soon, a Legend Grade sword was born in this world.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 169 Are the main heroines going to come soon? | akikan40 on Patreon

When this sword was born, it was as if the world had lost its voice, and all the light was absorbed.

Rimuru and the dwarf group who didn't leave were also mesmerized by the birth of this sword.

Legendary grade weapon.

Even if this was their first time to see one, as this weapon hardly appeared in public and also few in numbers, they could tell immediately that this was that weapon.

"...did it finish?"


Tamazuki also had awoken and observed his new weapon.

It is a moderately curved katana, yet unlike the color of normal katana, it is pure black with a distinct milky-colored trail that follows the edge of the blade.

Somehow, the appearance of this sword reminded him of the Milky Way in the dark.

Still, this weapon could evolve even more.

However, this weapon was good enough for now. The only problem was the hilt, as it was so sharp, a normal hilt might be cut because of its sharpness. While it didn't really trouble him even if this sword didn't have a sheath, having a sheath was cooler, right?

Yet, he had to say it amazed him since it was already night.

"It's already night, huh?"

"Yeah, you have been too focused on your weapon."

From morning to night, he had focused on his weapon, but it was all good since he could create this legendary-grade weapon.

"By the way, what's the name of this weapon?"


"Yeah, shouldn't you name it?"


Hearing Rimuru's question, Tamazuki wondered what he should name this weapon. Frankly, he didn't have a hobby to name something; however, when he felt that it was necessary, especially when many of his skills were named by the "Voice of the World," so somehow his inner child also felt that he wanted to start to name something, whether it was his weapon or his techniques.

"Let's see..."

Tamazuki stared at this weapon for a moment, then made up his decision. "Ginga."


"Yes, that's the name of this weapon since in the future this weapon will cut down a galaxy, so I name it Ginga (galaxy in Japanese)."

"Um, that's a good name."

Rimuru decided to ignore the part where Tamazuki bragged that he would cut down a galaxy. While he admitted that Tamazuki's swordsmanship was good, he felt that it was too far to cut down a galaxy.

Yet, in the future, Tamazuki might be able to do so.

Cutting angel, devil, and god.

Tamazuki decided to do all of them.

Nevertheless, it was a little late, and he thought of going back since he was sure that Shizu was waiting. No, they told him that Shizu had come and sent him food to eat, causing all of them to look at him in jealousy. Before he returned, he finished the food that was sent by Shizu before he walked away since the stares of Rimuru and the dwarfs started to hurt him.

This is probably what the protagonist felt when they were surrounded by many beautiful heroines and stared at angrily by the extras in the background.

Nevertheless, he didn't care and thought that it was fun to see their expressions.

However, when he went home, he was greeted by Shizu.

"Welcome back."

Shizu welcomed him with a warm and gentle smile. She wore plain clothes with an apron on her body. "You are tired, right? Do you want to take a bath or dinner first?"

"I want to eat you first."

"Eh? Eh?"

Tamazuki felt that this newlywed life wasn't bad at all.

Still, over the past few days, his days have been busy.

It was rather hard to get his hands on the hilt and the sheath since he wanted to get a good quality wood—one that could grow along with the user like Magisteel, but if it's impossible, then he could only bear it by using another Magisteel, so for now, he was using his previous weapon, but while it was good, it was easy damaged as his swordsmanship wasn't something that could be handled by a normal sword.

Fortunately, this world was full of monsters, and he could use them as material for his weapon.

However, he could think of that later since he knew the days of the main heroines came was near, so, at this moment, he just stayed in the village, building his house where he could live with Shizu.

Naturally, he also learned the skills owned by Rimuru and Shizu.

After using [Predator] on Ifrit, Rimuru gained various skills from [Fire Manipulation], [Ranged Barrier], and [Body Double]. The [Fire Manipulation] aside, the last two skills were quite good for him.

As for Shizu, even though Ifrit was taken out of her body, it didn't mean she was helpless. She could use magic, and as someone who was summoned from another world, she also got a Unique Skill.

The magic that she taught him was fire magic, which was her specialty, and also summoning magic, which made her able to summon fire elementals to help her to fight.

Fire magic aside, summoning magic was quite interesting as it could summon various beings from monsters, elementals, and even daemons.

'So, should I be able to summon an angel?'

Probably, but instead of magic, he was more interested in Shizu's Unique Skill.


It was a Unique Skill owned by Shizu, and it had two effects: [Syntensis] and [Separation].

The first one [Syntesis] allows the user to transform two different targets into a single object. It can be used to chain the effects of several skills together, earning the user new skills with significantly less effort than would otherwise be required.

The second one, [Separation], allows the user to release the properties inherent to the target and separate them. Examples include but are not limited to; depriving a person of skill/s (with the exception of ones bound to their soul) and removing foreign objects such as entities attempting possession or poisons from the target's body.

Those two were amazing skills, and depending on how he was using them, their use could become something impressive.

"Tamazuki, it's time for lunch."

"Wait for a moment."

Tamazuki walked down the stairs and looked at Shizu, who brought him lunch. "Oi, you guys! Go take a break!"

"It's okay, Tamazuki-sama!"

"We are not tired!"

"Yeah, we can work until tomorrow!"

The group of hobgoblins workers that helped him build the house thought that they could work even harder, or rather they felt happy to build his house.

"If I say you go take a break, then go. You are interrupting my lunch."

"...." Everyone.

Still, in the end, they could only docilely follow his order to take a break.

"What's for lunch?" Tamazuki walked to Shizu, who was waiting for him.

"Saikoro monster steak and stir-fried vegetables, salad, and also bread."

"Thank you."

"No, it's an easy thing for me." Shizu shook her head. She hardly had any skills other than fighting, so she couldn't help much. Nevertheless, she wanted to cook for him, especially when he was going to build a house for them.

"Then, let's eat together."


As the two spread a sheet on the clean grass under the shade of the tree, they started to eat together. Still, as they ate, he felt that he should develop the food culture as there were hardly any seasonings in this world. Moreover, he also wanted sugar!

While he had prepared various seeds and let the hobgoblins grow those plants, including sugar beet, it would take a while for them to grow.

"By the way, is there rice in this world?"

"No, there isn't any." Shizu shook her head while she sighed.

Rice was the staple food of the East.

However, this world was like the West, so many of the things in this world, whether it was architecture, food, agriculture, animals, plants, and many others, were similar to those of the West.

The bread was good, but without a doubt, they wanted rice.

"After the house is ready, let's do research on food."


"Yeah, I plan to make shoyu (Japanese soy sauce), mirin (sweet vinegar), and miso."

"Really?" Shizu was excited.

"Help me, though."

"Um, leave it to me." Shizu nodded with a solemn expression.

"By the way, there is this costume that I want to try on for you later."

"...un." Shizu nodded while lowering her head shyly.

Yet, in that precious moment of lunch between them, someone interrupted them.

"Tamazuki-sama! Shizu-sama! A group of monsters has attacked us!"

Hobgoblin kneeled as he spoke about the seriousness of their current predicament.

While Tamazuki was speechless, he got another telepathic message from Rimuru.

'Tamazuki, come and help me!'

Looking at Shizu, who was ready to help, Tamazuki also nodded while wondering whether it was the time for the main heroines to come.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 170 Evil Demon | akikan40 on Patreon

"What's wrong, Uncle?"

When the two arrived, they met Rimuru, who was bouncing like slime.

"We are being attacked."

"By who?"


"Ogre?" 2x

As expected, Tamazuki thought. He knew that it was the time for the main heroines to come. While he had Shizu, it didn't matter to add more as he also had Ellen in this world. Still, he knew that the appearance of the story and the reality were different. They hardly appeared the same, but when he arrived, he wondered whether they were really the heroines.

Still, as they arrived, Riguru, Gobuta, Ranga, and even other Tempes Wolves and Hobgoblins were defeated by the group of six in front of them.


This is who they were.

Rimuru, who had come, healed everyone with the potions he made, then asked, "Riguru, explain the situation. What's happening here?"

"The men on the ground are all okay. They are under the effects of a sleeping spell."

Riguru then apologized since he didn't expect his opponents would be the ogre tribe.

Naturally, whether Tamazuki or Rimuru, who had just been in this world for a while, understood what the ogre was, the ogre in their minds was different from the ogre in this world, especially when they wore armor and even a Japanese sword. However, as expected of an ogre, their appearance was like those of monsters.

This was why Tamazuki also didn't show much interest when he saw them. Among the group of six, there were two females, yet those females could hardly be his type. However, when he thought about the female goblins that became cute goblinas, he thought such a transformation might happen to the two female ogres. Moreover, he also wanted to try how it felt to name a monster, as he had never tried it.


It had been a while since the system talked, but he had to say this system was as abominable as ever.

Still, when the three appeared, the fight stopped, and the two groups maintained a certain distance from each other, showing their wary.

How to say... when Tamazuki appeared, all the Direwolves and hobgoblins felt relief as they knew how powerful Tamazuki was. They might not have seen him fighting, but his size alone was enough to crush all the hopes of their enemies.

Still, even if Tamazuki didn't transform into his beast form, the group of ogres watched in wary, even if he didn't exert pressure and his aura, his appearance alone was enough to make them feel wary. After all, even if it was quite strange, the more human-like appearance of the monster was, the stronger they were, so because of this, they were wary of Tamazuki, who was in his hybrid form.

Still, what the four male ogres didn't realize, the two female ogres felt their minds didn't work, and they just stared at his beast's golden eyes, petrified, unable to move, and mesmerized by his charm.

"Oi, you guys! I don't really understand the current situation, but are we able to talk about this peacefully?"

Unlike Tamazuki and Shizu, who thought to beat them up first, then talked, Rimuru thought to talk this up first since he thought there must be some misunderstanding.

Rimuru, who had been ignored from the beginning, quickly became the center of attention.


This was clearly written on their faces.

Yet, how could they not be surprised as it was their first time to see a talking slime?

In the beginning, Rimuru used [Predator] on Shizu and used her body to appear in front of people most of the time, but this time it was different as he didn't use [Predator] on Shizu, so his appearance was just like a normal slime.

Naturally, Rimuru was being looked down upon as he also didn't have a hobby to spread his aura, so no one could tell how strong he was.

Still, while they were surprised for a moment, their attention quickly gathered on Shizu.

"Brother, that person's mask..."

Shizu could feel that everyone was staring at her, which made her confused as it was her first time seeing all of them.

"Reveal yourselves, Evil Demon!"

"???" Shizu.

"Hey, what do you mean by that?!" Rimuru was also dumbfounded when the leader of this ogre group seemed to point his finger at Shizu.

"Wearing a demonic item is not something a normal person would do. You seem to have disguised yourselves and suppressed your demonic aura, but you are too naive! Because the Ogre Tribe's Shrine Maiden won't be deceived!"

"....." 3x

Tamazuki, Rimuru, and Shizu looked at each other.

"Rimuru, should I kill them?" How could Tamazuki feel calm when his woman was being pointed at and insulted like this?"


"Yeah, they seemed hurt; you should listen to them first, Tamazuki. Also, there might be some misunderstanding."

With the kind and gentle personalities of Rimuru and Shizu, they thought to listen to the story of the Ogre Tribe first.


"Would they even listen to us?"

"..." 2x

"I will beat them up first before we can talk. What do you think? After all, a monster is like this. Survival of the fittest."

The rules of the monsters were simple.

Survival of the fittest.

The strong eat the weak.


"...." 3x

"Tamazuki beat them first." 2x

Even if they were kind, there was still a limit.

They felt that it was better for Tamazuki to beat them up first, so they could correct their attitude as they were too rude.

"Okay then."

Tamazuki walked in front of everyone and said, "You worms. If you grovel on the ground and apologize now, then I will let you go."

"..." Everyone.

Rimuru and Shizu were speechless.

However, the group of ogres was in a daze before they were angry.

"Hmph! How arrogant! Do you think that you can look down on us, you demon!"

Then, without hesitation, they went for the attack.

The first one was a giant ogre with a hammer, raising a wooden hammer high as he was ready to smash Tamazuki.


"Know your place, worm."

Tamazuki put his hands in his pocket as he swept the feet of this ogre, causing him to fall.


While this giant ogre was confused, he saw Tamazuki's foot stomp on his face.


The giant ogre passed out as his eyes rolled out.


Then, a female ogre with purple hair appeared and swung a morning star at him.

Tamazuki had to say that this female's ogre breasts were huge, but even if they were huge, he was calm since he wasn't exactly a big breast faction. He loved all types of breasts, so he wasn't going to give this woman mercy. No, at least he would give her a bit.

As the morning star was about to slam into his head, he just moved slightly to the side, causing the female ogre to miss her attack, and hit the ground, but her eyes widened before she passed out as his gut was hit by Tamazuki's knee.

Soon, someone from the dark suddenly stabbed his sword in his neck.

This should be something fatal and dangerous attack, yet strangely enough, Rimuru and Shizu didn't feel worried. Instead, they felt sorry for the ogres facing Tamazuki.

Facing such a fatal attack, Tamazuki jumped and did a roundhouse kick, precisely hitting the face of this ogre, causing his nose to break and almost disfiguring him.

The blue-haired ogre didn't even have a chance to scream as he was thrown and passed out.

"....." 3x

The three ogres were left staring at the scene in disbelief.

The three ogres defeated by Tamazuki weren't weak. Instead, they were strong, but they were so easily defeated by Tamazuki without even using his hands.

"Young Master, you should take the princess and leave!"

The elderly ogre stood in front of the red-haired ogre since he knew their opponent was dangerous. Moreover, he saw the sword on the side of Tamazuki, yet from the beginning to the end, Tamazuki had never touched it, so what did that mean?

That meant all of them were so weak that they weren't worthy of his sword!

Even worse, Tamazuki had never used his hands!

"Leave everything to this old man! Even if I have to lose my life, I will stop him!"

"Shut up, Old Man! Right now, I am shouldering the hatred and regret of our dead tribesman! Did you really expect me to run away after we finally met our enemy?" The red-haired ogre took out his katana and raised it high. "Don't even joke with me. I still have dignity as the next leader! Rather than living in humiliation, I had rather die avenging my people!"

"Young master..." The elderly ogre stared at the young master ogre for a moment before he held his sword. "Since it's come to this, allow this old man to follow you."

"Done, talking?"


However, before the young master ogre finished his words, the two of them were beaten without mercy by Tamazuki.

Tamazuki didn't even use his hands and only used his feet to defeat them.

Still, before he was about to finish them, the princess ogre stood before him and raised her hands high, trying to stop him.

"What are you doing here?"

"P-Please stop... We-We apologize for our rudeness... P-Please... don't kill us..."

"Kugh...." The young master ogre was on the ground, beaten up, frustrated by his weakness.

"Hmm..." Tamazuki stared at the princess ogre and then pinched her small chin rudely. "You are quite cute."


The princess ogre was startled and showed a cute blush on her face.

"If you become my maid, I will let all of them go."

"YOU BASTARD!" The young master ogre was enraged as he thought his little sister was going to be soiled by Tamazuki's dirty hands.

"Please live well, brother..." The princess ogre looked at her brother with a warm smile.

"Hehehe... let me mark you first."

Tamazuki laughed evilly and traced her luscious lips with his thumb slowly.

The princess ogre realized her fate, and she resigned herself, yet as he moved closer, her heart was beating harder and harder as she watched him about to put his sharp fangs on her tender and soft body.


The young master ogre let out an incompetent roar, and the rest wasn't much better.

"Enough of a joke, Tamazuki!"

Suddenly, slime hit the back of Tamazuki's head, and Shizu also pulled his ear with a gentle smile.

"Do you want to make a harem in this world?"

"Ow! Ow! Shizu, forgive me!"

"..." 6x

All the ogres stared at this scene in disbelief as they saw the nightmare that beat all of them was asking for mercy from the petite woman.

"Cough! Cough!" Rimuru looked at the six of them and said, "Everything is a misunderstanding, okay? How about we talk first?"

"...." 6x

How to say... they weren't sure how to describe their feelings, but it was good to know that they weren't going to lose their lives.

Still, the princess ogre didn't really mind becoming Tamazuki's maid, though.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 171 To become a True Demon Lord | akikan40 on Patreon

As the ogres didn't have the energy to fight, they quickly accepted the explanation of Rimuru.

Everything was a misunderstanding.

Yes, frankly, if Tamazuki wanted to kill all of them, they only needed to blink their eyes before they lost their lives. It showed how strong he was. They might have eyes, but they couldn't realize the big mountain in front of them. They were blind, and with such a powerful being, why should he involve himself with their dirty enemies?

Moreover, Tamazuki told them that Rimuru was stronger than him, which showed how helpless their situation was in the beginning.


Rimuru was speechless, but he decided to keep quiet as it was better to be misunderstood as being strong. Still, he was a bit curious.

If he fought Tamazuki, then what would be the result?

[Report. 100% defeat without any resistance]


Rimuru had guessed it, but wasn't it rude for [Great Sage] to say that bluntly?

As he was angry, he decided to throw a feast to cheer his mood.

With that decision, everyone had a blast that night.


While they were a little awkward, the six ogres quickly joined the village.

With an ale, food, and a party, everything could be settled.

Everyone quickly became friends.

Naturally, some of them were still careful as they were beaten so badly by Tamazuki. There was no comparison, and they could only helplessly lie on the ground as they felt frustrated by their weakness.

Still, the villagers who heard what was wrong with the ogre tribe were dumbfounded.

"The orc tribe attacked the ogre tribe?! Was this some kind of joke?!" Kaijin was dumbfounded.

Rigurudo and the others who learned about this also couldn't believe this.

Like them, before they evolved, the position of the orc wasn't much better than the goblins. Orc might have been a little stronger, but they weren't much better. Meanwhile, the ogre was strong, so the thought of those pigs going after the ogre itself was unthinkable.

"It's the truth." The young master ogre also understood why they reacted so strongly. "Standing before our village were a thousand armored orcs. We were trampled over."

"Then, those injuries..."

"No, I was beaten by..." The young master ogre stared in the direction of Tamazuki, who was surrounded by many goblinas.

"Ah." 2x

Rigurudo and Kaijin looked at him speechlessly before they felt curious at why the young master of the ogre was beaten so hard that his nose was almost crooked in a different direction. Meanwhile, the rest of the ogre was wounded except for the princess, but at least their condition was better than this young master ogre.

"What did you do?"

"Yeah, what did you do so you got beaten hard by Tamazuki-sama?"

"Well... I misunderstood that human for our enemy, so..."

The young master ogre truthfully told them, causing Kaijin and Rigurudo to look at him speechless. After all, the relationship between Tamazuki and Shizu was obvious to all of them.

"It's lucky that you weren't killed."

"You are crazy!"

Hearing those words, Kaijin and Rigurudo thought that this guy was stupid.

Still, the young master also understood why he was beaten so badly. If his woman was insulted, then how could he stay calm? Still, there was something that he needed to ask.

"...just what is he? Why is he so strong? Is he..." The young master ogre gulped and then asked, "A demon lord?" With that strength, he thought that this was the only possibility.

"No, he isn't."

"Yeah, it might be hard to believe, but he is a tanuki."

"Tanuki? Tanuki? That tanuki?"

"Yes." 2x


They didn't feel surprised by the reaction of the young master ogre along with his entourage, or rather it would be amazing if they didn't feel surprised.

Still, when the young master ogre thought that the other leader of this village was slime, they somehow felt it was surprisingly acceptable.

Still, Rigurudo and Kaijin also wondered whether Tamazuki was a demon lord, considering how strong he was. However, frankly, whether he was a demon lord or not, it didn't matter since he was also their leader. If he was strong, then it was all good, right?

While the young master ogre wanted to continue to talk about Tamazuki, Rimuru came and asked about the orcs that attacked his village, so in the end, he told all of them how all of his tribes were wiped out, leaving only the six of them.

Nevertheless, everyone could tell that the young master ogre had decided to take revenge.

"So, what do you plan to do after this?" Rimuru asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, decide on what to do from now onwards, things like planning your next comeback or finding a new place to stay and such. Your tribe's fate rests solely on your decision."

"That's..." The young master ogre sipped his ale while looking away. "As you have said. We'll save our energy and then prepare to fight again."

"What kind of plan is that?"

"....." The young master ogre.

Rimuru could clearly tell that this guy didn't have a plan in his head. "I have an idea. How about you become my subordinate?"


Rimuru told them the advantage of becoming his subordinates and, moreover, the danger about the orcs wasn't something that he could ignore. Having ogres as their subordinates would definitely help them in case they were attacked by the orcs.

Still, he thought that he needed to discuss this problem with Tamazuki first. However, he had to say, this guy's popularity was too high, right?

Looking at his slime body, Rimuru thought that he should be cuter, right?

Still, Rimuru didn't force the young master ogre to answer him immediately and said that he should think about this matter through before he made his decision.


From a distance, Tamazuki could hear their conversation, and he also knew that his time to become the Demon Lord was close. If he wasn't wrong, the requirement to become a Demon Lord was to kill 10,000 humans, using their souls as a ritual to evolve him into a True Demon Lord.

However, it shouldn't be only a human, right?

After all, the leader of the orcs that led the group of orcs to rampage through the Jura Forest also didn't kill a human and only killed another monster. No, it should be a Majin or intelligent monster, yet he could become a True Demon Lord.

In other words, if he killed 10,000 orcs, then it should be possible for him to become a True Demon Lord, too, right?

Still, even if he failed, it didn't matter since 10,000 orcs were nothing, and as they had rampaged through this island, they should prepare for the consequences of their actions, and he would be that punishment.

As for Rimuru's decision to accept the ogres as their people, Tamazuki didn't feel surprised, and as expected, Rimuru came to him.

"Tamazuki, Shiza-san, can we talk for a moment?"


At Tamazuki's house, the three talked about the problems that they might encounter in the future.

"Huh? Group of orcs?" Shizu was surprised.

"Why are you so surprised?" Rimuru was confused.

"An orc isn't a type of monster that will attack others like that." Shizu had been living in this world for so long, so she understood many things. "They aren't smart beings." Especially when she heard that 10,000 orcs had come to kill the ogre tribes, and it also made her understand why the ogres were only left with six of them.

"There might be a lot more, Uncle."

"Then... do you think that it is all because of the Demon Lord?"

While Shizu was shocked, Tamazuki nodded. "The probability is high, but let's not jump to a conclusion since we haven't confirmed anything."

"That's true."

"Yes, the existence of the Demon Lord is rare, and it might be a rare monster or something."

If possible, Shizu hoped that it wouldn't be a Demon Lord, but if this group of orcs was really controlled by the Demon Lord...

Nevertheless, they knew they had to prepare themselves.

"By the way, your house is nice..." Rimuru felt a bit jealous.

"Yeah, right? But Uncle, you should go back to your house. We are going to sleep."

"Tamazuki." Shizu chided Tamazuki with a blush.

"...." Rimuru.