akikan 40. Tanuki. 172-175

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 172 It's hard to make a decision | akikan40 on Patreon

While many slept happily after the feast, some people were unable to sleep, thinking about their future and the unavoidable danger that they would encounter in the future.

The young master ogre was thinking about whether he should submit to Rimuru and admitted his weakness as he was unable to give an answer and avenged his tribe.

As for Rigurudo and Kaijin, they were thinking about the group of orcs that might attack them in the future.

Meanwhile, Rimuru was unable to sleep, rolling around on the bed while wondering whether Tamazuki and Shizu had had sex.

'Ah, did they do it? No, no. It is impossible, right? Their age difference is a little too much! Also, ah... dammit, I can't sleep!'

Fortunately, he was slime, or else he would be really troubled at this moment.

Still, Tamazuki and Shizu really had sex.

While Shizu was a human, she wasn't called a champion of humankind, not for nothing. She was stronger than most people even if the Ifrit was taken out from her body, yet she had to say, facing him, she was helpless.

Not only was his physical ability stronger, but his technical ability was also top-notch.

When they were on the bed, the only thing that she could do was just moan like an obedient woman and follow what he asked as her body was fully conquered by him.

Still, while she was exhausted, she wanted to talk about their previous conversation.

"Are you worried that the group of orcs will really be led by a Demon Lord?"

"Yes." Shizu nodded worriedly.

"Frankly, while I have read their existence from the books, I don't know them much. Can you explain to me more about them?"


As he hugged her waist, she told him about the Demon Lord.

Demon Lord is a term used in two different fashions, either as a Monster class or as a social position. In general, it refers to the strongest or highest-ranking among Monsters; however, that is not an absolute rule.

"There is a self-proclaimed Demon Lord who proclaims himself as a Demon Lord. If it's this one, then we don't need to worry as even if we don't do anything since someone will come and attack this one as the title of the Demon Lord can't be proclaimed so carelessly."

"Is there such a thing?"

"There it is. Unexpectedly, the society of the monsters isn't that much different from a human, especially those of Majin. If one proclaims themselves as a Demon Lord, then they are either confident in their power or stupid. Either way, the existing Demon Lord will come to this self-proclaimed Demon Lord to see whether this one is worthy of the title."

"I see... then besides the self-proclaimed Demon Lord, there is also another Demon Lord?"


The next one was the Recognized Demon Lord, which refers to self-proclaimed Demon Lords who have been officially recognized by the established Demon Lords.

"As long as one is getting nominated by other Demon Lords to join their ranks and receive majority approval, then they can become the Recognized Demon Lord, or they can also become one by defeating a recognized Demon Lord.

"By the way, do you remember Leon Cromwell that I had talked with you about before?"

"You mean the one that summoned you?"

"Yes." Shizu nodded. "That person is this type of Demon Lord."

"So, had he defeated the other Demon Lord and recognized him as one?"

"That's right." Shizu nodded. "If the one that leads the orc group is this one, then I don't think that we can win." Unlike the others, she was clear about how strong the Demon Lord would be. She was summoned by the Demon Lord and worked under the Demon Lord for a while, so she understood the strength of the Demon Lord well.

Hopefully, it was the first one, as she had never heard a Demon Lord would lead a group of orcs.

"So, are there only those two types of Demon Lord?"

"No, there is another one."

"The last one?"

"Yes." Shizu nodded. "The last one is the True Demon Lord."

"True Demon Lord?"


"What did one have to do to become one?"


"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"...do you plan to become one?"

"If I plan to become one, what will you do?"

"I won't do anything."


"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, that answer just surprised me."

Shizu turned her body as she embraced him in her arms and pushed his face into her soft bosom. "You are kind, and I know that you won't do something without a reason."


If he was asked to kill 10,000 humans without blinking his eyes, could he do it?

If they were enemies, he would do it without hesitation. But what if they weren't? What if they were just innocent humans? He could tell that he would probably be unable to do it.

This was why he hoped that it was possible for him to become a True Demon Lord by killing 10,000 orcs along with the Demon Lord that led this group of this orc.

"Still, to become a True Demon Lord, one needs to kill 10,000 humans."

"I see..."

"However, it is probably impossible for the one who leads the orc group to be this type, so it is either the Self-Proclaimed Demon Lord or the Recognized Demon Lord. As for the True Demon Lord, there should only be two of them."


"Yes, Lord of Darkness, Gum Crimson. The devil resides on the Ice Continent, the Palace of White Ice, and the other one is Destroyer, Milim Nava. As for the rest, I have never heard of them killing 10,000 humans or so, so I don't really know."

Still, being recognized or not, it didn't matter.

The only thing that he wanted was to evolve, and he needed to kill a lot of humans for that.

"Do you plan to become a Demon Lord?"

"Yes." Tamazuki nodded.

"I see..." If that was his decision, then she wouldn't stop him, but she had to say it made her feel at a loss.

"However, I won't kill a human."


"I am thinking of killing 10,000 orcs and using them as catalyze to make me evolve into a True Demon Lord."

"...is it possible?" Shizu was surprised.

"I am not sure, but the orc is similar to humans. They can communicate with each other, they have a family, and they can recognize themselves. Moreover, they are Majin. As you have said before, the society of monsters isn't that much different from a human. Then, a human or a monster shouldn't be a problem, right? Lastly, they are enemies. This is why I won't hesitate."

"That's true..." Shizu was in a daze, but if this was the case, she felt relief, then asked, "But, can you defeat 10,000 monsters?" This number wasn't small, and facing 10,000 fierce monsters wasn't something easy.

"You don't need to worry."

"Is that so?" Shizu smiled softly as she caressed his cheek. "My strength might have weakened, but I will help you."

"Thanks." Still, Tamazuki had something that he was curious about. "Don't you want to ask me why I want to become a Demon Lord?"

"You have your own reason, and I believe in you."

That's it.

That's what she thought since she loved and trusted him.

What she needed to do was stay by his side no matter what since all of her life had become his.

Tamazuki stared at Shizu, who didn't have doubt in her eyes, causing him to flinch for a moment. "...how about we sleep?"


Watching her sleeping on his arm, he realized how worthless this conversation was. Strength. This is what he needed, and he wanted them. Why was he hesitating now?

Whether it was monsters or humans, it didn't matter.

His goal was to become stronger and to do that, he had to become a Demon Lord.

He would do that even if he was hated, yet he had to say if he faced enemies, then he wouldn't feel guilty, so he hoped that this group of orcs would be a group of a scourge that needed to be erased.

Then, on the next morning, after he ate his breakfast, he went to visit Rimuru, and there he saw the young master ogre, who had made his decision.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 173 The girls are yours | akikan40 on Patreon

"You two are early."

Tamazuki was surprised by how early they were.


The young master ogre had made his decision. It was a difficult decision as it meant acknowledging how hopeless and weakling he was. For him, who had always thought that they were the best race wasn't something easy.

Whether it was the time when his tribe was massacred by the orcs or he was beaten badly by Tamazuki, he realized that he could do nothing with the way he was currently.

Thinking for the entire night, he realized that there was only one thing that he could do for the last remaining of his tribe members and also to avenge his tribe.

"You are the late one!" Rimuru scolded, and his mood, showing his mood definitely wasn't good.

"You never told me when I should come." Tamazuki was speechless by this blind anger, but this was a normal thing, especially with what he had done last night. "So, you haven't talked yet, right?"

"That's right. We are waiting for you."

"Then, you have made your decision?"

Tamazuki sat next to Rimuru naturally, changing into his chibi white tanuki form.

"..." Rimuru and the young master ogre.

Still, watching this form, Rimuru felt so comfortable for some reason.

However, the young master ogre was speechless since he didn't expect that Tamazuki would be a tanuki.

A slime and a tanuki.

This village... the young master ogre had to say it was amazing.

"Ogres are a battle species. We're willing to charge into the frontlines and fight for the people we serve."

The young master ogre sat on his knees while facing the two of them. "It'd be an honor to serve under a strong master." He bowed his head, showing his submission and resolution. "I accept your offer. All of us, the ogre tribe, will become your subordinates."

Tamazuki stared at the young master ogre and thought that this was what he would become if he was weak. He could only bow his head to the strong, working as their subordinates.

Did it feel good? Naturally, no.

Admitting how weak one was definitely wasn't something good.

It was bitter.

If the master was a good person, then it was good, but if the master was a bad person?

Watching the young master ogre, who bowed his head, Tamazuki thought that his decision to become strong was correct, and he knew that he needed to become stronger, so his fate wouldn't be in the hands of the others. He needed power, so he could protect himself and the people who had entrusted their lives to him.

Rimuru also thought the same, as he could see what kind of resolve the young master ogre came to when he had decided to bow his head like this.

"I have an idea. Summon all of the ogres here. Allow me to grant you all the symbolic proof of being my subordinates."


The young master ogre didn't question Rimuru and quickly walked out to call his people. When he left, Tamazuki asked, "You are going to name them?"

"Un." Rimuru nodded. "There are only six of them, so it should be easy, right?" He felt that it was a jiff to name all six ogres.

"There are six of them, but do you think that an ogre and a goblin are on the same level?"


Rimuru only realized this since how could a goblin and an ogre be the same? The two were on different levels. It was obvious, especially when one was staring at their appearance and strength.

"You will pass out again like before, you know? If someone attacks us at that time, what will you do?"

"..." Rimuru.

"Also, don't you want to see them evolve?"

"Will they evolve?"

"If the goblin can evolve, then why can't the ogre do it?"

"...you are right." Rimuru nodded. "Then, will you name them too?"

"Should I?"

"Eh? You don't want to name them?"

"How do you feel when you name someone?"

"Er..." Rimuru thought for a moment, rubbing his bouncy chin with his tentacle-like hand. "It's like something is taken from my body?"

"Is that something that has been recovered now?"


"Well, let me try."

"That's good." Rimuru nodded since he also wanted Tamazuki to name some monsters as he felt that Tamazuki was a kind of lone wolf. Moreover, he also wanted to tie Tamazuki to this place as he had a feeling that Tamazuki might leave, so in case Tamazuki would really leave, he wanted to remind him that this place was his home, especially when he had his new family now.

Naturally, as they had met with Shizu, they asked whether it was possible to return to their original world, but the answer was obvious. No. It might be possible to be summoned to this world, but it wasn't possible to return currently.

Frankly, Rimuru wasn't sure whether Tamazuki wanted to return to the original world. Unlike him, who didn't think too much about his previous life and had accepted his life in this world, he wasn't sure what Tamazuki was thinking.

Either way, as Tamazuki was someone that he had thought of as his nephew or even a family in this world, he didn't want him to be alone.

"By the way, since you didn't sleep, you must have thought of a name for them, right?"


Wasn't it your fault that he couldn't sleep?

Rimuru rolled his eyes. "I did think of their names. The red hair one is..."

As they talked about what kind of name they should give to the six ogres, the young master ogre soon came along with the other fives.

Rimuru also didn't waste his time and told them that he was going to name all of them.

"Please-Please wait for a moment! There are huge risks in naming!"

The ogre princess knew the risk that came from naming other monsters, but Rimuru was relaxed. "It's okay. It's okay. I have said that it isn't a problem, right?"


Rimuru thought the risk that came from naming other monsters was only the huge Magicules consumption and entering a low activity mode, but what he didn't know was that if he named someone, his Magicules might be taken and would never return. Still, even so, it wasn't something that he should be worried about as he had Veldora inside him.

"Moreover, I am not going to name you alone. Tamazuki will also name you."

"Three will be named after me, and three will be named by Uncle. Are you all okay with that?"

"Or you don't want to be named by us?"


Who didn't want to be named by them?

Every monster longed for a name, but naturally, they wanted to be named by the strongest.

Whether Tamazuki or Rimuru had shown all of that.

"Please name me, Tamazuki-sama."

The young master ogre didn't even have a chance to talk, but the female purple-haired ogre suddenly kneeled in front of Tamazuki.

"..." Tamazuki.

Frankly, all the ogres were dumbfounded when they saw Tamazuki's real appearance, but it didn't matter, as the most important thing as a monster was their strength.

Still, the rest of the ogres were speechless by the purple-haired female ogre, who begged a name from Tamazuki.

"What are you getting nervous about? Don't you want to name them too?" Rimuru nudged Tamazuki's side since this guy was in silence.

"Is that okay with you, Uncle?"

"Why not? She asked you to name her, so just name her, okay?"

Frankly, Rimuru had a hard time imagining how this purple-haired ogre would become a beauty, so he didn't mind at all.

As for the princess ogre... Rimuru thought for a moment and felt that it was better to be named Tamazuki too. As for the guys, he would name them.

"Then, from now on, your name is Shion." Tamazuki put his paw on Shion's small horn.

"Thank you very much."

At that moment, Shion felt something inside her soul change.

Meanwhile, Tamazuki could feel that his Magicules were taken quite a lot, or rather he kept pouring his Magicules into Shion's body as he had a lot of them—with "Hole," as long as the Magicules existed in this world, he was infinite.

Even if the Magicules in this world were empty, then he could also use the energy from another world too.

Still, at that moment, Shion felt sleepy.

"Take a rest."


Tamazuki changed to his hybrid form, made a bed with his leaf then let her sleep there.

"Eh? Will they fall asleep like this?" Rimuru asked curiously.

"She might undergo an evolution."


"Well, you can observe them later, right?"

"That's true."

The two talked through telepathy, so the ogres didn't know what they were talking about. Still, after Shion, they started to name all of them.

Rimuru named the young master ogre with Benimaru, the blue-haired ogre with Souei, and the big ogre with Kurobee.

Meanwhile, Tamazuki named the old man ogre with Hakurou and the princess ogre with...

"From now on, your name is Shuna."

"Yes, thank you, Tamazuki-sama." Shuna answered with a bright, gentle smile.

By then, all of them felt sleepy before they started to evolve.

Tamazuki and Rimuru didn't bother them and left the house since there were many things that they had to do, and at the same time, they anticipated how they would evolve tomorrow.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 174 Terror on the Great Jura Forest | akikan40 on Patreon

On the next day, Shizu was holding him when he was in his chibi form. She rubbed her cheek against his cheek as he had this emotionless expression on his face. Yet, it didn't reduce her excitement as she kept rubbing his belly and cheek.

"...can you stop now?"

Even if he didn't mind being petted like this, this was too much!

"Not yet. I am not satisfied enough."

While his enormous form was amazing, his chibi form was so cute!

Like any other female, she was weak against cute, furry beings, especially when this was also her man, so her emotion couldn't be controlled anymore. Frankly, she wanted to put her face against his belly and take a deep breath in this furry heaven, but was it okay? Well, it should be okay, right?

Then, she really did that.

"...." Tamazuki.

"Enough! Enough!"

Tamazuki quickly ran away from Shizu while making up his mind to have his revenge tonight.

"Wait, Tamazuki!"

Shizu chased him with a smile.


Rimuru was jealous. He was also cute, right? Yet, why didn't Shizu do that to him? Was it because Tamazuki had fur? It was fur, right?

"Master, you are also cute." Ranga, felt the change in his master's emotions, quickly said.

"Ranga..." Rimuru was moved to tears.


Rimuru turned and felt surprised. "Benimaru?"

The young master ogre had evolved. His body had become smaller, but his appearance had become human-like. Still, the greatest change would probably come from the huge leap in magical energy.

"Yes, it's me." Benimaru showed a happy smile.

Similarly, the rest also changed.

Rimuru saw Souei, the blue-haired ogre, also evolved, and his change was quite similar to Benimaru. Meanwhile, Kurobee was the one that eased him the most since this guy was just like a normal middle age man.


"Yes, Rimuru-sama?"

"Let's get along well, Kurobee!"

"Yes, Rimuru-sama!"

Rimuru was happy with Kurobee, but then he was dumbfounded by the change in Shion and Shuna.

Shuna aside, since the basis of this princess ogre was rather good, or rather, she was quite beautiful even before she evolved, Shion's transformation shocked him so much!

Shion wasn't much different from a monster before. Her skin was dark, and her expression was fierce. If there was something that made her better than others, it was, without a doubt, the size of her bosom. They were huge. No, they were enormous!

However, this time, Shion had become a beauty!

Sexy beauty!

Rimuru was shocked to the core.

By now, the beauty in this village wasn't only Shizu but Shion and Shuna.


Shion, Shuna, and Hakurou greeted Rimuru respectfully. Even if Rimuru didn't name them, Rimuru was Tamazuki's uncle, and Rimuru was also one of the leaders of this village. They respected him, but at the same time, they also wanted to know where Tamazuki was.

Still, Rimuru was also quite surprised by Hakurou's transformation since this old man had become a dandy old man.

The only problem now was their clothes.

Rimuru could tell that their clothes didn't fit them, and he wanted to tell them to change their clothes, but...

"Ah, are you Shion and Shuna?"

Shizu, who had been playing with Tamazuki, returned with Tamazuki in his arms.

Tamazuki was still in his chibi form, letting himself be hugged by this woman with a bitter expression.

Yet, a cute one had always been a cutie.

However, facing him with this expression, their hearts almost exploded since this was the ultimate cuteness that they had never seen. Moreover, after being named after him and watching his strength, they had become more reverence for him, especially since they had become even stronger because of him.

"Tamazuki-sama!" 6x

The six of them also showed their respect toward him, but Shion and Shuna showed jealousy toward Shizu, yet they also knew the identity of this woman. On their feast before, everyone had explained Shizu's identity.

Shizu might be a human, but she was also Tamazuki's woman.

While it surprised them, it didn't change their respect for him.

"It's good that you have recovered well."

Saying those words, Tamazuki returned to his hybrid form as he observed all of them.

"Your words are too kind for us," Benimaru answered.

Still, similar to Rimuru, Tamazuki was also surprised by the change in Shuna and Shion. Yet, he also didn't feel surprised, especially when he received a notice from the system in the middle of the night.

"..." Tamazuki.

While the system was as abominable as ever, the reward was still as amazing as ever.

"I know that this might be sudden, but we should be prepared since we might encounter a battle anytime."

"Yes." 6x

"Hakurou, you seem quite good with a sword."

"My skill is nothing in front of you, Tamazuki-sama." Hakurou wasn't humble, but he knew well that Tamazuki's skill was just above all of them. Tamazuki's skill was beyond the sky; it was impossible to see as they were only ants in front of him.

"You shouldn't be humble." Tamazuki shook his head before he thought of something. "By the way, can you train the rest of the hobgoblins for the battle?"

"Please leave that to me."

In the tribe before, Hakurou was also in charge of training the younger generations, or rather, he was the strongest warrior there.

"But before that, let's change your clothes first."

Tamazuki had to say their transformation was amazing, but their clothes were horrible. Nevertheless, he also wanted to check his new power since those two rewards definitely would make him even stronger.

Yet, on Lake Shisu, which was the center of the Great Jura Forest, something big was happening.

In this wetland, it was controlled by the Lizardmen, a race of Demi-Humans descended from the progeny between dragons and humans. At this moment, they faced a crisis that they had never thought of.


Yes, an orc.

At this moment, they were about to be attacked by the orc, yet because of this, they were rather calm, but the soldiers who made the report couldn't show that calm.

"The numbers. What's the number of the orcs?"

"..." The soldiers.

"Hey, why didn't you answer me?"

The soldiers gulped before he told the truth. "200,000."




"How can there be so much of an orc?!"

No one could believe such a report. They thought that it was a joke, but the soldiers, who had found the orcs had moved to the south side of the Lake Shisu, weren't joking and even used "Magic Perception" to check the numbers of the orcs.

Even so, hearing that, they still had a hard time believing, yet the king of the lizard man made a conclusion.

"—Orc Lord."

"...Orc Lord?"

Hearing that, no one could say calmly since they knew the only reason why 200,000 orcs could be organized to rampage through this forest was because of the existence of the Orc Lord.

A very rare and powerful member of the Orc race with high intelligence who appears roughly every few centuries.

When it appeared, it would bring disaster everywhere.

Once again, it appeared and brought terror to everyone who was living in this forest.

The lizardmen knew that they had to do something, or else their fate would be similar to those ogres which were extinct.

Meanwhile, Tamazuki watched the spar between the ogres. No, it should be Oni as they had evolved, and to his surprise, they seemed to inherit some of his abilities.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 175 It seems that I have become even stronger | akikan40 on Patreon

When a monster was named, sometimes some of them received a certain ability from the one that gave them a name.

Whether it was Benimaru, Souei, or Kurobee, when they received a name, they also received an ability from Rimuru.

Benimaru received a flame manipulation ability.

Souei received the ability to make a clone and a shadow walk.

Meanwhile, Kurobee received the ability to research.

Similarly, Hakurou, Shuna, and Shion also received abilities from Tamazuki.

Hakurou received an accelerated perception ability thousands of times, along with immunity. This was why he was so grateful to Tamazuki. By now, as long as he had his sword, he would be able to defeat most of the things.

Meanwhile, Shuna got analyst ability, regenerator, immunity, and also magic talent.

However, the most outrageous one was Shion, as she got strength manipulation, immunity, and also beast-like instinct.

Naturally, even if they got some of his skills, it didn't mean that they were stronger than him as they didn't have his learning ability.

Nevertheless, because of this, their potential wasn't something that one could describe.

Still, because of this, whether it was Hakurou, Shuna, or Shion had better strength and also better potential than Benimaru, Souei, and Kurobee. However, Rimuru was the protagonist of this world, and he also had Veldora inside his body, so without a doubt, the three of them would grow even stronger in the future.

However, without a doubt, everyone was speechless when they saw Shion uprooting a giant tree and throwing it a few kilometers away.

"This strength..."

Not only all the Onis but Rimuru and Shizu were dumbfounded since Shion's strength was too strong!


Shion showed a smug expression as she put her hands around her waist, raising her chest high, causing her breasts to bounce up and down.


While everyone was speechless, they knew that Shion might be the strongest among them now.

Strength Manipulation.

This was the ability that she received from Tamazuki. However, unlike Tamazuki, who had mastered this ability with his learning ability, her understanding of this skill was rather shallow. Yet, this was normal as she only got this ability recently.

Yet, "Strength Manipulation" was more than that.

It is an ability that revolves around land, gravity, density, and mass shifting, all of which are centered around the Force of Motion.

He could make himself stronger, weaken the strength of his targets, or strengthen the strength of his allies.

By using this ability, he could make himself bigger as a mass, and density also increased his strength. He could also connect himself with the earth and gravity, causing his strength to become more destructive.

In other words, in every aspect that related to strength, he could control all of them.

Was there a limit? No.

As long as he wished to, he could become as strong as he wished to be.

That is what he was thinking, but that wasn't the case, as everything was related to his stamina. Unlike his magic power, which was infinite as long as he could access the magic from this world or another world, his physical ability definitely wasn't the strongest. His stamina was still limited, so if he used his [Strength Manipulation] without any limit, then he was afraid he would fall into a disadvantageous position and weakness moment.

Still, besides the [Strengt Manipulation], the [Magic Talent] also wasn't bad as it made him able to understand any magic with just a glance. He could also master and develop any magic he wished.

It might not be wrong to say that he was a god of magic.

During his stay in the Blumund Kingdom, he bought many books about magic. Even though it was all about an introduction, as it was a small kingdom, he asked his subordinates to buy all the magic books they could find in every kingdom.

His business had stretched in every direction like tentacles that were about to wrap everything which he could reach.

Nevertheless, if it was before, he might have taken a while to develop magic. After all, even if his talent for magic wasn't bad and his learning skill was awesome, he was like walking on an uncharted path, so in case he made a mistake, he had to return to the previous spot.

However, this [Magic Talent] made everything easier as, in his head, he could think of several ways to develop many types of magic.

Frankly, in this world, there were many types of magic.

The first is the elemental magic. It operates by controlling the surrounding magicules to bend the laws of nature, using the caster's mental power and incantations as a medium.

The created phenomena are unaffected by other physical factors - for example, magical flames conjured using elemental magic cannot be extinguished by ordinary water. However, it can be disrupted or disabled by spells and properties affecting magicules, like "Magic Jamming" or "Holy Field."

Examples of this magic are flame magic, ice magic, wind magic, water magic, earth magic, spatial magic, etc.

This is also the most common.

The second is spiritual magic. It has a lot of offensive spells that are similar to Elemental Magic. It borrows the power of spirits (most commonly Elementals) by using a small amount of the users' energy as a catalyst; the spirits' powers can be exercised.

Spiritual Magic utilizes the power of elementals—beings whose existence is based on natural phenomena, obeys the laws of physics, and can be cast even when an anti-magic field is active.

Spiritual Magic requires no chants, and anyone can use it as long as they are connected with their contracted spirits. However, it is necessary to be liked by spirits in order to be recognized and form a contract. Higher-level users can even summon their contracted spirits and utilize their power directly by ordering them to attack or fusing with the summoner.

The example was, without a doubt, Ifrit with Shizu.

In his case, he should be able to use this magic even if he was a monster, as he was also a human and also received [Spirit Affinity] from Shizu previously. However, he wondered where he should get the spirits.

The third is holy magic. In essence, magic manipulates holy energy and purifies magicules via the power of the "Faith" of the user and sometimes "Miracles." It can be considered a type of spiritual magic that requires making a pact with a spirit that is "Divine" in nature.

Holy Magic can be applied to a wide variety of effects, including dispelling curses, curing illness, and healing wounds. Although the number of offensive spells is low, they're highly effective against almost all monsters.

The fourth is summoning magic. It is a branch of magic that involves summoning a living being from another plane of reality and requires mastery of spatial-type magic to perform. The most commonly used Summoning Magic is that of summoning Daemons, Elementals, and Monsters.

It was also the magic used by the proctor who was in charge of his adventure exam previously.

Those four are the four magic magics, but besides that, there are also other types of magic, such as Engraving Magic, Illusion Magic, and Necromancy.

Now, what can those magics do?

Engraving Magic allows the user to "enchant" people or objects with spells, which allows them to use magic without having related knowledge or skills;

Illusion Magic is a branch of magic that utilizes both Elemental Magic and Spiritual Magic and functions by manipulating the spiritual body of a target or the user themselves to achieve a wide variety of effects. Its effects can range from simple effects that target the senses to more complex offensive magic that directly damages the spiritual body;

Meanwhile, Necromancy is a type of Spiritual Magic that utilizes the negative emotions of evil spirits and the dead. Zombies and other apparitions can be summoned to attack any living being and sap their life energy. However, these creatures are very weak to holy magic.

All of those magics were powerful, but they weren't without weakness, as the anti-magic field would block or stop any magic.

Naturally, there was magic that wasn't affected by anti-magic such as Spiritual Magic, which he mentioned before, and also Holy Magic, as this magic could tap into the "Divine Miracles" which allowed for the utilization of "Spiritrons," the basic building block of all magical energy, to perform advanced and powerful magic that wouldn't be blocked by the anti-magic.

Now, what is "Spiritrons"?

Spiritrons are the building block of spiritual energy, most notably Magicules. They ignore the conventional rules of space-time, and the utilization of spiritrons results in extremely powerful magic, such as the miracle class spells of Holy Magic or Nuclear Magic. Due to their erratic and near-unpredictable movement, they can bypass all barriers. The only way to guard against them is to weaponize spiritrons as well.

Nevertheless, he was thinking of creating magic that had a purely physical output that was not interfered or maintained by magicules, so it would be able to bypass any kind of anti-magic defenses.

As he was in the middle of a thought, Shizu was staring at the Onis, especially Shion and Shuna. Even if they tried to hide it, she could tell that they were glancing at him from time to time with a longing expression. Her expression became thoughtful, and no one really knew what she was thinking, yet if Tamazuki saw this expression, he would be surprised as this expression was rather sly.