goyya 1074-1085

Chapter 1074 Payback part 4 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Kisuke ignored Ajax's words and sheathed Benihime back into his cane and pulled the yakuza knife, also known as a tanto dagger, out of his chest pocket.

'Governor of Elements, hmmm... Spiritual or Alchemical?'

[Alchemical, of course. I'm the one who gave those Spirits their abilities. But even then, it's just a very inferior copy of what I can do and in only one aspect each.] Tiamat immediately answered.

'Oho~ As expected of the creator of the [Land]. In other words, it'll be up to my freedom of expression on how to use your abilities?'

[If you can pull out a fraction of it, yes. But beware. I've been permanently tainted by Chaos' Corrosive and Corruption aspects due to me taking the majority of his attack in order for Null to eventually recover. Forget about creating anything. All I can do is destroy, even if you find out how to heal using my ability.]

Kisuke was curious about Null but he had a feeling that Tiamat wouldn't answer any of his queries about her thanks to them being connected on the deepest level of Soul. Still, he's glad that she would still let out a bit of information about their situation from time to time if she deemed it necessary.

He then tossed those thoughts on the back of his head and returned to thinking about Tiamat's hint, 'Although I gave her a choice, she still didn't hesitate to give an answer. Alchemical... I shouldn't have guessed it right with just those two choices but it should have been close to 'Alchemical'.'

"Descend, Tiamat." Kisuke softly muttered and the tanto dagger melted into black goo before it slowly and silently transformed into a green-tinted longsword with curved Dragon horns for the handguard. But unlike its soundless appearance, the aura it gave off was sinister, as if wanting everything in the immediate vicinity to return to dust, 'I didn't notice it for the first time, but you're one unfriendly lady.'

[Unfriendly is too tame of a description.] Benihime also commented. She also didn't notice the first time because Tiamat was closely entangled with Chaos. She thought it was just Chaos struggling with all his might.

Without changing her tone, Tiamat explained, [It's the reason why Chaos doesn't exist anymore. Think of it as your good luck.]

Meanwhile, the other two onlookers didn't have the same casual feel as those three.

'W-what is that weapon!?' Both Ajax and Stralit reacted strongly. Aside from the ominous aura, there's something else about the longsword that's screaming at their instincts. Something far more terrifying.

Soul Slayer (Zanpakuto), a weapon that was created for the sole purpose of cutting down and purifying Souls or anything with Spiritual Particles. As beings who take advantage of Spiritual Power, it's their natural enemy. Not that they knew of this fact for now.

Kisuke noticed that Ajax won't be attacking so he took his time to examine Tiamat, 'Although no techniques or usage methods came into my mind the moment I released her name, there's still something that went through. Alchemy... An archaic form of Chemistry, but since it involves mysticism, the former is more accurate.'

Kisuke's mind ran as he weighed the sword in his hand before swinging it to his side. Although it didn't reach the wall nor there was enough force to create a shockwave, it still made a dent in the wall where the blade is facing, '...It's not exactly Alchemy either... Matter Manipulation?'

Tiamat heard what he was thinking and said, [In that case, I can only manipulate one.]

As she said that, Kisuke couldn't help but shudder and said out loud, "...Prima Materia?"

[If you can use me to that extent, then you'll become the second coming of 'Tiamat and Null'.]

'Then after what Chaos did to them, they were incredibly weakened. If Tiamat retained her original strength when we fought her, we wouldn't have any chance of winning...' Even though Tiamat might have called it differently, she still understood the context behind Kisuke's [Prima Materia] and affirmed his question.

And the reason why Kisuke was shocked was that in all of the topics that he'd dived deep into to create the Hougyoku, he also extensively studied 'Prima Materia' for a few decades with minimal results. After all, it was the theorized origin of all Physical and Spiritual Particles and could be shaped into anything in existence. All Kisuke was able to do was prove that it exists.

'I don't see myself being able to manipulate something like that.' Kisuke thought to himself as he sighed, 'I'll just focus on what I can do.'

Finally, he paid attention to the hostile enemy, "Thank you for waiting~ Shall we start?"

There was no answer for a few seconds and the enemy didn't attack, "...Who are you?"

"John Smith. Though that doesn't really mean anything to you." Kisuke answered while observing his surroundings. Now that he was holding the released Tiamat, there seemed to be an added layer of perception within his senses that allowed him to see deeper into the 'elements', including the hiding young man in the distance, 'Can I reach him from here?'

Kisuke thought that his opponent would attack him, but contrary to his expectation, he suddenly started retreating.

After weighing his options, Ajax concluded that leaving with the information that a weapon that could be a nemesis against Spiritual Power is more important than dealing with Stralit now. He's not even sure if he could defeat 'John Smith' just from the initial clash in the first place. And now that a weapon like that had emerged, he didn't want to risk it.

Stralit was astonished to hear him introduce himself as John Smith but also noticed Ajax retreating presence, "Even with the risk of having an all-out war with my clan, he deemed it a higher priority to inform his comrade of your existence than taking and controlling me. If you don't want to reveal your existence to the world now, you have to stop him now."

Of course, their reaction to the Zanpakuto didn't escape Kisuke's notice so he wouldn't really want it to be revealed to the Etouldes this early, 'Though that Goddess in contact with Issei probably knows about it.'

Kisuke drove Tiamat into the wall and relied on his instincts to produce the effect he wanted. The blade wasn't buried, instead, it melded into the earth, disappearing into nowhere. But after a few seconds, it reappeared, in the middle of the young man's neck who was swimming through the earth like a fish in the ocean.

Soon, his Spiritual Power disappeared and his own burial was by his own ability.


28th00: Reminds me of that one Kenpachi… the 8th I think? The one that can merge with anything to become pseudo-omniscient and omnipotent, like the air of SS and having his blade form within the mouths of other captains from the air in it. Also sorta immortal too. Basically a fanfic overpowered character that got stomped by Squad 0 and Muken'd.

Goyya: I think he's from 'Spirit's be with you' novel, but I haven't even seen its summary.

7 Lik

Chapter 1075 Payback part 5 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Although it was a high-risk mission, it should've been a relatively easy one with Stralit setting off the majority of the traps prepared for her. Their group even went ahead and cooperated with their sworn enemy just to confuse everyone from the Luxeux Clan and the Luxato planet.

It was supposed to be an easy task and everything prepared for his rise to greatness, yet, '...H-how?'

His body and soul were one with the earth surrounding him and yet a blade suddenly reached his throat out of nowhere, '...Impossible...'

It might have been a grievous wound, however, it was by no means a fatal one. What snuffed the life out of him was the betrayal of his beloved 'earth'. He could have escaped but the 'earth' he trusted with his life had suddenly rejected him and even turned his insides into mush, including his head, causing a near-instantaneous death. If he was not fused with the earth, he might have lived longer, but even then, it'd only be for a few minutes more.

As his leaking Spiritual Power dissipated into the earth, Kisuke pulled back Tiamat and reviewed what just happened, 'The range of activation is good. It's also silent for the most part so it could easily be used for a surprise attack. However, I doubt I can do that in a head-on battle and as a blade, Benihime is way sharper.'

'From using Tiamat just now, I can tell that she's more suitable in manipulating the surroundings on larger scales. While Benihime is specialized in duels, Tiamat could take on an army better. I want to use them both at the same time, but that's going to be hard, I guess?'

Kisuke then made sure that the Etoulde was dead by stabbing Tiamat into the wall multiple times and cutting his body apart. Since he wasn't sure of his tolerance to 'death', he had to do this drastic and disrespectful gesture.

After he was sure that he wouldn't be coming back to life, he turned his attention back to Stralit who was staring at him with a tinge of curiosity, surprise, and fear.

Kisuke crouched down to her eye level and could see that with every movement he made, there was a corresponding reaction from the way her muscles moved. But obviously, she couldn't move much. Ignoring all of this, Kisuke took care that he wouldn't accidentally show any hint of hostility, "Are you ready to go up? Now that that guy's aura has disappeared, numerous individuals are trying to go down to this level. If we were to encounter them, I can't promise that I'll be able to keep this place intact."

Stralit swallowed saliva and nodded. She was able to calm her nerves but there was still one question she wanted to ask, "...Before we go, do you mind if I ask you who you are?"

Kisuke smiled and stood up while offering his hand, "I already introduced myself and it's up to you if you're going to believe it or not. For now, I'll lend you my shoulder. Let's get out of here."

Stralit hesitated for a bit but even with her busted senses, she could feel many individuals trying to navigate the tunnels to reach them. She first looked behind and saw that there was nothing left of 'John Smith' aside from the debris of the capsule and the dust, '...More importantly, I could actually feel my mark on him.'

'How is that possible?' Stralit wanted to know, but sure enough, this wasn't the situation for that.

Stralit took his hand and Kisuke pulled her up to his side, "Thank you."

Kisuke fixed her position and replied, "No. I'm the one who's grateful. You saved my skin and I'll forever remember that."

He didn't wait for her to say anything else and swung Tiamat, creating a hole directly on top of them before jumping in it.

Stralit wanted to say that this would mess up the formation but stopped herself when she saw that the earth behind them was being filled up while the earth in front of them was moving out of the way. Essentially, they were flying through the ground.

Meanwhile, Kisuke was talking to Tiamat as they approached the barricaded surface, 'Can you take advantage of the [Shadow]?'

[You could potentially manipulate everything and anything with a 'body' as long as you understand them and have enough power to do so.]

'So that's a yes.'

When they were about to break through the ground, Kisuke muttered, "It was nice meeting you in my original body, Luxeux-san. Please give my regards to Seraselbes-san."

Confused, Stralit asked, "...What?"

But Kisuke kept his mouth shut while he concentrated and for a few seconds, Stralit could feel the familiar [Shadow] pooling around his sword.

Kisuke then thrust the sword upwards after gathering an enormous amount of [Shadow], breaking through the barrier that was blocking them and calling the attention of many, including Stralit's brother and his forces that were locked in battle with the enemy Evie.

'Tiamat, change my Shihakushou and the color of my hair. Give me a mask too.'

As soon as she received the command, Kisuke's pale blond hair grew longer and straight while also turning black. His green Shihakusho transformed into a white suit and his bucket hat turned into a white fedora. After all of that transformation, a blank white mask without any holes appeared on Kisuke's face.

Kisuke continued flying upwards until he got out of the dust cloud that he'd created, presenting himself and Stralit in front of everyone who was currently at war. Stralit was under the ground for more than a week and she never knew that the conflict had escalated to this degree, 'Thank goodness that my brother arrived in time. If not, we might have lost this world.'

Meanwhile, Kisuke observed the surroundings and understood that the 4-feet tall Elf-like Luxatos are at disadvantage against what looked like Beastmen with parts of their body converted into robotic counterparts, 'That's the Abtors? I doubt they all originally looked like that.'

Kisuke then let go of the Stralit and let her float with his Magic while also stabbing the air with Tiamat. The top half of Tiamat instantly disappeared and when it reappeared, it came out of hundreds of places at the same time, striking around a hundred invading Abtors fatally. Many tried to dodge, but the numerous blades were nigh impossible to avoid and only those fast enough or durable were able to survive.

'...You're unexpectedly very fuel hungry.'

[Nobody told you to do something like that.] Tiamat immediately replied while Kisuke was trying to hide that he was very tired just from that.

For the time being, the battlefield became quiet while they all processed what had just happened.


28th00: Alpha striking an army is pretty effective.


Chapter 1076 Second Clash With an Evie part 1 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

AN: Thank you for waiting~!

There are 6 chapters for this batch so please enjoy and have a great day~!

An hour earlier, Grenlan Luxeux, Stralit's twin brother, responded to the alarm that the enemy Abtors had staged a large-scale attack. Along with a fellow Etoulde, they gathered their forces and activated the barrier to slow down the enemy's advance.

Before they left, Grenlan turned to his 'comrade' and asked, "Alicia Crowfeather, are you really sure that Stralit went on a secret mission?"

The pretty woman with black, long, flowing hair answered, "That's indeed the directive I've received and you've also seen the documents. I came here to temporarily hold the reins. Are you still doubting me?"

Grenlan stared at her smiling face for a few seconds before turning around again, "No. I just find the situation weird, especially with the timing of this attack."

Alicia touched her rosy lips and replied, "That's true. It was very convenient timing. Too bad for them, the doting big brother ignored his orders and came to this place."

Grenlan ignored her and continued walking. Of course, he doubts her. However, he couldn't do anything because she had all the official documents required. He could check where her orders came from but that would take too much time and his priority is finding his little twin sister because of the bad feeling he has with the situation and her last message to him implying that there may be a traitor near her.

After gathering their forces, they met the enemy forces that were composed of Abtors with parts of their body mechanically converted just beyond the barrier's border and being led by an Evie in the form of a beast that looked like a winged lion.

The mechanical winged lion stopped its advance and commanded its army to move forward.

Alicia left Grenlan and the Evies to command the army they had to counter the enemy.

"I didn't know the one who replaced the Shadow Paladin was the Invisible Sword." The winged lion initiated a conversation.

Grenlan was not in the mood to play around and with a sway of his white hair, six thin shadow blades extended from him, "Didn't you see that the Holy Witch is with me? You really do have bad eyes, Navot."

"I'm not interested in the so-called Witch that couldn't fight." Navot bared his fangs and instantly became a beam of light as he charged toward the Etoulde.

Grenlan narrowed his eyes and prepared to receive the attack. He could dodge, but considering his opponent's ability, he decided to meet him head-on.




Almost an hour later, Grenlan and Navot are still in a deadlock and that's the same situation for the ongoing clash between armies.

'This is weird...' Grenlan thought to himself and sent his blades to Navot but the latter just repelled it with his scale-like skin, 'Why does it feel like he's just buying time? What is he hoping to achieve?'

However, despite thinking about it, he couldn't guess what he wanted, 'I don't have enough understanding of the situation to draw any conclusion. Just what's going on? And where are you, Stralit?'

But just as these questions were plaguing him and about to affect his concentration, he suddenly felt a small ripple in the planet's Magic Circuit.

Grenlan was sure that it wasn't just him because Navot and Alicia also stopped momentarily because the ripple felt weirdly familiar.

Nevertheless, they didn't have any time to examine what was happening because after that small ripple, an enormous eruption of Spiritual Power pierced through the barrier protecting the circuit and it wasn't just some generic Spiritual Power but the one used by the famous Luxeux Clan.

Gobsmacked, Grenlan stared at this oppressive fountain and thought, '...That's not Stralit... Or any other member of the Luxeux Clan. I've never seen such a [malicious and destructive] shadow.'

Grenlan took a peek at Alicia, but similar to him, she too was sporting an unbelieving expression. Finally, he looked at Navot who had already retreated far. He didn't like the distance he was taking so he sent three of his swords to chase after him.

The eruption of shadow soon abated and the hole in the barrier began repairing itself. Regardless of that, everyone's attention was on the two people who'd suddenly appeared. One of them was someone familiar to them and the other one was a man with long black hair and a blank mask covering his face.

Grenlan was about to call out and approach them when Alicia suddenly sent him a message, [Don't approach them!]

He was about to ignore her warning when the strange man suddenly stabbed his sword in the air and its tip disappeared. In the next instant, the missing tip abruptly appeared within multiple instances on top of their enemies, stabbing the majority of them to death.

"...What in the world?" Grenlan loudly muttered while watching these blades retreat. If he were to push himself, he could probably control 20 'swords' at the same time and all of them could emerge from anywhere with a shadow. It was only he who could use 'swords' that could understand the sheer scale of what he just did to manifest at least a thousand blades.

Unexpectedly, Grenlan received a voice transmission from the weird man, [Luxeux-san, allow me to access your 'shadow'. I'll transfer Stralit-san to your side.]

He immediately turned his attention to his incredibly weakened sister of his on the man's shoulders and locked eyes with her. At that moment, Grenlan knew that he could trust the strange man, [Go ahead.]

The black-haired man in a white suit didn't wait and in an instant, 'shadow' extended from his feet and he let go of Stralit, letting her sink into it. Immediately after, Stralit reappeared from one of Grenlan's swords beside him and the latter hurriedly caught her, "Are you alright!?"

"...I'm fine, brother. Just a bit tired and injured." Stralit answered while heaving a sigh of relief. She finally felt truly safe when her brother caught her in his arms.

He's about to ask her more about the situation but he suddenly felt another thing going through his 'shadow'. When he turned his head, the strange man already disappeared and came out of one of the swords that was bothering Navot in the distance.




After using Grenlan's shadow as a portal, Kisuke instantly arrived at the side of the mechanical winged lion and swung Tiamat at it without waiting for it to react.

But even if it couldn't react in time, Kisuke's attack just bounced off from its scale-like structured 'fur'. Kisuke already expected this after witnessing how it dealt with the 'shadow' swords so he was able to dodge the incoming claw aimed at him with relative ease while creating a distance between them, 'Instead of blocking my attack using its durability, there seems to be some feedback force. A barrier? No... It's something else.'

[You don't really have to help them to this degree, do you?] asked Tiamat.

But instead of Kisuke, Benihime was the one who answered her, [This is already beyond his responsibility so there's no way he's helping them. He probably just wants to secure this hunk of metal to disassemble.]

'As expected of my Benihime~! You know me so well~.'

Benihime snorted at him but didn't say anything else.


28th00: Inside the minds of the traitors, there is only screaming.


Chapter 1077 Second Clash With an Evie part 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

"Who are you?" asked the lion. Like the previous Evies he has encountered, its voice sounds like it went through a synthesizer.

'But Seraselbes wasn't like that... I still don't know how they spend their day-to-day lives.' For Kisuke, not knowing their enemy's day-to-day life was a sign of a serious lack of information.

Kisuke had no intention of talking to him and he'd already revealed more than he had to. Even though he changed his voice, it only reduced the risk and did not negate the chance that someone might have some unique ability to trace him through that. He couldn't even use his Kidou(Spirit Arts), Zanjutsu(Swordsmanship), Hakuda(Hand-to-Hand Combat), Hohou(Fast Movement), or Hollowfication for the reason that his combat data might have already been in the hands of high-ranking officials of both the Evies and Etouldes, 'The limit is one inconspicuous move. If I can't do it after that, I'll give up.'

He could only use Tiamat because no one had seen her yet aside from a few trustworthy people.

The lion waited for him to respond and was disappointed when he didn't answer, "A low-ranking Etoulde like you dared to face me? It looks like becoming a successor to one of the Luxeux went straight to your head. Allow me to show you reality."

'I look like a low-level Etoulde to him?' Kisuke thought and saw the lion opening its mouth. In an instant, a beam of plasma ejected from its mouth and Kisuke had to dodge to the side. If he reacted slower, he would have been fried, '...That was fast.' And even if dodged, a bit of his arm was still scorched.

Naturally, the lion's attack didn't end there and sent a couple more high-density plasma beams on his way.

But instead of retreating as the lion Kisuke would do, he started flying towards him at high speed.

The lion smirked at him and increased the frequency of his attacks, likely lowering their intensity. And at just a few meters from him, Kisuke finally couldn't dodge and got hit by multiple heat projectiles, "Idiot."

At the same time, the lion felt something poking his side and he remembered that there was still Grenlan's sword bothering him. The lion, however, momentarily froze when his plasma attacks just went through Kisuke as if they hit nothing, and simultaneously, he felt another poke at the very same spot where the 'shadow' sword had to attack him.

Knowing his own weakness, the lion shuddered and hurriedly retreated while closing his mouth.

From where the point of the attack came from, he saw the strange Etoulde standing casually while taking back his sword. A second later, he disappeared again as he entered the 'shadow' sword and reappeared beside Grenlan.

Kisuke figured that he won't be able to defeat the lion in his current state on top of holding back most of his abilities so he returned to the siblings' side and sent a telepathic message to Stralit, [Let's see each other again in the future, Luxeux-san. And please do give my regards to your good friend. It was she who informed me of your plight.]

He didn't wait for any reply and directly opened the Teleportation Circle.

"W-wait!" Stralit tried calling out to him but she was ignored and 'John Smith' escaped while destroying all the information about his Teleportation Circle to prevent any pursuers.

But before Kisuke completely disappeared, he felt something strange and turned his head. There he saw the black-haired woman and smirked at her, 'Nice try, young lady~'




Alicia was passively leading the Luxatos against the modified enemy Abtors. And despite the latter's apparent advantage in terms of ability and number, Alicia was able to create a 'stalled' battlefield where both sides are just exhausting their energy with nothing happening good or bad on both of them. She didn't want both sides to be put into a disadvantageous position. For her, stalemate is the best stance in the current situation where there are many complicated movements happening beneath the surface.

However, a strange man appeared and destroyed her carefully crafted chessboard.

Nevertheless, she just quietly watched while fixing the mess he made. Of course, she made sure that it was not obvious and she doesn't care if she were to be branded as incompetent if she couldn't win after being given a huge advantage.

The same as Navot, she thought that the strange man was just a low-level Etoulde who became a successor and was in possession of a strange but powerful weapon. And this judgment of hers didn't change until the end even after he used an unknown technique to replace himself with a clone, but only until that.

When the strange man tried to leave, Alicia couldn't let the unknown variable go without any way of a follow-up investigation. With that in mind, she used one of her abilities to conjure a tiny and invisible spider out of her own Spiritual Power and attached it to the man in an attempt to track him.

Alicia was very confident of her spider which had anti-tracing abilities, especially when the counterpart was just a low-level Etoulde. She watched the spider fuse and meld into his skin and join his stream of Spiritual Power.

Nonetheless, it didn't end as she hoped as she suddenly saw an image of a 'skull' in her head. Normally, this wasn't a problem to her since she's an expert in this field, but the unknown origin of this 'skull' that suddenly entered her mind caught her off guard as it bit down on the thread that was connecting her to her spider. But because the skull was strongly emanating the idea of 'Death', she couldn't do anything to stop it nor even approach it. The feeling that someone was closely watching her and was ready to slice her head off gave her quite a scare.

As the strange man's body was slowly turning into motes of light, he turned his head towards her. Even though he's wearing a mask, she has a feeling that he's smirking at her.

"Alicia, what happened?" A familiar voice suddenly asked her when the man completely disappeared. When she turned her head, she saw the Luxeux siblings approaching her, "Your nose is bleeding... And you're crying tears of blood."

"Eh?" Alicia touched her face and looked at her hand. Indeed, there's blood on it, 'I have very strong protection against mind attacks but I was still punished to this degree?' It was only then that she realized how dangerous the situation was for her.




Kisuke returned to the grounds of the Ouroboros Academy and had already dispelled his disguise. The first thing he checked upon returning was the small piece of armor only spanning around a millimeter wide that he was able to nick from the Evie, 'My guess was correct. It had a reactive armor that explodes upon reaching a certain threshold. I was only able to nick this because I took advantage of the gap between reactions.'

However, that wasn't the part that's extremely concerning for Kisuke, '...Almost instantaneous and direct conversion of Magic Power to other forms of energy. It seems that this is a basic ability for all the high-ranking members of Evies. How terrifying.'


28th00: Energy conversion without energy loss? That'd be terrifying.


Chapter 1078 New Development | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

A month went by and Kisuke was using all the time he had to prepare for his next set of actions.

During that time, he also returned to his shop back on Earth and refused all contact with people he doesn't personally know. He, including Yoruichi and Serafall, also avoided any contact with those in the other world and left everything to Sona to manage the recovery process. They didn't want them contacting them and asking for preferential treatment and that included Loki and Freya.

"Kisuke, have you heard the news?" Yoruichi barged into his lab while carrying snacks.

Kisuke didn't turn away from the screen he was looking at and said, "That there was major funding on research towards the other worlds discovery and explorations?"

Yoruichi placed the snacks on the table beside him and replied, "Not quite yet. But the news I wanted to say is that there's a major interest in what you just said and several large groups and organizations are already gathering experts, equipment, and licenses to move forward with this. Because of what the Ouroboros Academy did, there's no shortage of people who wanted to pour their overflowing money in.

The floating island Ouroboros Academy only disappeared for more than a day, but there were already innumerable eyes focused on it so when it went somewhere where their eyes couldn't reach, it became a big issue.

And due to it suddenly announcing temporary suspension in classes and sending back all the students and most of the staff, the focus on it became even bigger so it didn't take long for people to know what it was up to.

'A new undiscovered world with a living civilization.' That announcement sent waves and a slew of differing and strong reactions. While the Human World where normal people live didn't have much of a reaction to this because, for them, everything is a 'new world', that's not the same for the rest.

A new world with a civilization meant not only new resources but also alien technology that could be easily acquired if they approached it correctly.

"It's a natural response. After all, new resources doesn't just mean those things you can pull from the ground." Kisuke muttered while finishing his work for today and stretching his arms up.

"People, huh...", Yoruichi then smirked, "A lot of people are probably grinding their teeth in frustration that the Ouroboros Academy has gathered power again."

"Since they can't pull the Academy down, the least they could do is catch up in a similar manner." Kisuke then turned to Yoruichi and asked, "But that's not really the news, right?"

Yoruichi sat down in front of him while answering, "Yeah, pretty much. There are calls from some organizations for the Ouroboros Academy to 'share' the other world but let's just leave that nonsensical thing to our girls. The problem is those old fogeys that are stuck on their chairs all day long. They want access to the hole we used to go to to the other world."

"If not?"

"Who knows?" Yoruichi shrugged off her shoulders, "But the way came out with it is threatening."

"Still blinded by potential power and influence, I see. We should just be thankful that they don't have power over us compared to the Central 46."

Yoruichi went quiet for a moment.

"Don't look so solemn. Although the Shihouin Clan is a part of the Central 46, they still didn't vote for ridiculous policies that only benefited them and shit on the common people."

"They still did everything they could to increase their political power and influence, though?"

"The first thing that one has to do when they get power is to secure their position. That's normal."

"Thanks, but that's not really what I'm thinking about."

Kisuke looked straight into her and asked, "Feeling homesick?"

"...A little bit. I actually didn't think I'd feel this way."

"Then how about you come with me?"

Yoruichi went quiet again and looked at him before opening her mouth and closing it again later. Sighing, she continued, "...You can probably arrange it for me to come with you, but that's not the best for our situation, is it? On top of that, I think it's best for me to remain and become that Evie's point of contact.

"The girls have improved tremendously these past few years but both you and I are aware that they're too busy with their current tasks. Not to mention, it'll be too dangerous for them to become Seraselbes' acquaintances."

Kisuke grabbed one of the snacks that Yoruichi brought in and went deep into his thoughts. His trip 'home' couldn't be delayed any more than necessary and it's true that he won't be able to feel at ease if Seraselbes come into contact with the busy and inexperienced girls, 'And if someone discovers that connection, it'll be the end for them.'

And finally, Yoruichi is the only one who could disappear and reappear without raising too much suspicion thanks to her prolonged stay on the other side.

After coming to terms with reality, Kisuke remembered something and opened his right hand before presenting it to Yoruichi, "Take this. It may prove useful."

Yoruichi looked at his hand and saw nothing. However, after focusing her senses at one point, she could feel a slight fluctuation of Spiritual Power that doesn't belong to Kisuke, "A spider? And a very tiny one." She commented before touching it with her fingertip.

The next instant, the spider melted on her touch and fused with her skin before joining the flow of her own Spiritual Power, "What's this?"

"Seraselbes will probably use Stralit Luxeux to contact you. But while we could trust her, I can't fully trust Seraselbes and those around Luxeux-san herself. Use that spider to initiate a different contact and get a feel of what's truly happening with their power struggle. Maybe we'll be able to discover something that we could use against Seraselbes. I'll send you a memory photo of the spider's owner later and leave it up to you on how you'll approach her."

Yoruichi made sure that the spider wouldn't get out of her perception and stood up from her seat, "I have to go since we don't know when they'll initiate contact, I'll have to prepare. I'll also need to make sure what the Sefaira kid from Fadir Ferdora knows."

"Goodluck. I'll call you when I'm about to leave."

Before she exited through the door, Yoruichi turned around for one last time, "Speaking of which, I already told Cleria and Masaomi of your plans and your intention to take Claire and the little girls with you."

Yoruichi left without waiting for his reply.

In the first place, Kisuke had nothing to say so he just returned to his work. He knew that he'd probably be rejected so he instead started thinking about who else to bring. Serafall came into his mind but she too was busy with an important task at hand. It's vital that he brings someone from this world because they may serve as a trump card in the world who only knew about 'Souls', but then again, he could only bring someone he trusts fully and with enough strength so his choices are really those around him.


28th00: Aika, the Dragon Loli's and the other Loli's? Well, they're not really lolis anymore, but the youth troupes? They've multiplied!


Chapter 1079 Asking for Permission | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

One more week later, Kisuke's preparation was already almost done, 'It's time to face Aunt Cleria's scolding for even attempting to bring Claire with me.'

Kisuke stood up and secured all the backup data he had in his storage before sending a text message to his mom and Cleria that he'd be coming over now.

After cleaning up a bit, he left his shop and used the proper transit to reach the Underworld. Since the annoying eyes on him have increased after it was released that he was the pioneer for the newly discovered world, he had to do everything properly so that they wouldn't have any reasons to confront him any further and jeopardize his plans, 'It's very tiring with all these eyes on me despite them not doing anything else. I really wonder how celebrities deal with this issue, or maybe they just like the attention?'

While enjoying the fresh air, the rapidly changing scenery, and emptying his head from intrusive thoughts, two hours went by before he reached the Belial state that had become rowdy these past few years, 'Eyes and noise once again... Although it was just two hours, I'm already missing it. I should really set aside some quiet time with others... Yosh! Let's do it before I leave!'

Due to this rowdiness, his grandparents couldn't move into the main residence and actually had to find somewhere quieter to avoid the unsavory people who didn't have any decorum.

Upon his arrival, the servants who were expecting him hurriedly greeted him and led him directly to the main office.

"Madam, young master Kisuke has arrived." The servant knocked on the door. Kisuke slightly reeled back at the mention of [Young Master] before his name, 'I really can't get used to this. Thank God that Yoruichi already stopped laughing at me because of this when they called her [Young Lady].'

"Let him in." Beyond the door, Cleria's voice was heard.

The servant opened the door for Kisuke and he thanked her. The moment he entered, all the gazes in the room landed on him. There were some people in the room that he was already expecting but he didn't think he'd meet them with Cleria.

"A bit nervous?" Cleria suddenly asked with a small smile.

Kisuke sighed and wore a wry smile, "Certainly... I'm basically asking you something very unreasonable and that pertains to your most precious daughter."

There were a total of seven people inside the room aside from Kisuke and all of them were sitting around the rectangular table. With some of the tea cups empty, Kisuke guessed that they'd been here for some time.

Kisuke found a space between Sakura and Serafall and sat in it with the latter picking up the tea kettle and pouring a cup for him. After thanking Serafall and taking a sip from his cup, Kisuke first turned his attention to the fox youkai with golden hair, "I intended to meet you at a later time since I didn't think you'd be able to leave Kyoto, Yasaka-san."

Yasaka covered her mouth and chuckled, "Since you're the one who made it, you should have already guessed what made it possible."

"You're giving me too much credit. Even though I made the blueprint for it, it's still only an amalgamation of existing technologies that I know. The true geniuses are the people who created them." Kisuke looked at her more and thought, 'As I thought, she's something similar to a clone.'

"Alter Ego." Yasaka replied and explained, "It's the name I gave my Soul Gear. It looks like it manifested my deep desire to get out of my 'cage'. Thanks to this, I was able to split my consciousness into another body created by Alter Ego and even use half of my strength without affecting my real body."

'So that's it!' Kisuke's eyes widened in surprise. Although he expected that the Soul Gears will evolve depending on their owners, he didn't think a mass-produced one could be evolved to this degree, 'As expected, there are still many interactions between Spiritual Power, Magic Power, and Ki that I haven't discovered yet.'

"Let me stop you for a second there, Kisuke." Masaomi suddenly voiced out, "That curious face of yours is really scary and I feel that we'll go off on a tangent for a few days. Let's all talk about the main reason why we're all here."

Kisuke noticed the face he was making and feigned a cough, "Ehem... I apologize."

In the room were Sakura, Serafall, Yoruichi, Cleria, Masaomi, Diehauser and Yasaka. And with the atmosphere finally turning serious, Kisuke started, "I'm going to another world, and it could be a potentially very dangerous place. As some trump cards, I'd like to bring Claire's group along with me." Kisuke didn't hide the fact that he intended to use them as soldiers.

An understandable silence descended into the room and the already heavy atmosphere became even heavier. Kisuke, who normally would just laugh in the face of the most terrifying monsters or calmly count his remaining time in front of death, was now actually feeling nervous and it's showing with his body language, 'What a weird feeling... Never thought I'd experience something like this.' But strangely enough, Kisuke doesn't feel like he's become a coward and he surprisingly wants to treasure this feeling and experience.

After a minute or two, there was finally a response and it was a sigh from Masaomi who crossed his arms, "I'm against it."

'We're done here, I guess? Should I bring Aika or maybe Medusa? Koneko is a good option too and also Le Fay if I sign a strict contract with her that would technically strip her of her freedom.' Kisuke didn't really like it because they'd be leaving large holes that their opponents would totally take advantage of, however, he had to make this sacrifice. That's how important this trip was to him, 'Oh right, Sera-chan is a choice too, but she has too much political power that it'd be a shame if she were to leave her position now and she probably won't be able to take it back once she lets go of it.'

"Well, until he entered the room." Masaomi suddenly continued, catching Kisuke off guard, "Huh?"

To the confused Kisuke, Masaomi explained, "My wife and Yasaka actually have already agreed to let it happen after Yoruichi told us about it more than two weeks ago. In fact, Claire, Tanis, and Kunou are actually already packing as of this moment so they could go at any time."

Kisuke turned his head to Yasaka and Cleria and the two of them nodded with smiles at the astonished Kisuke.

"I'm the only one who didn't agree with it even after hearing their convincing reasons." Masaomi continued while staring at Kisuke, "Solely because no matter how many good things Sakura says about you, I know for sure that you're someone merciless and wouldn't hesitate to use other people to achieve your goal."

Sakura and the others became a bit worried but none of them interrupted the conversation between the two.

"I won't deny that. If it's to achieve something, I won't hesitate to use people. And even now, I intended to use your daughter and her friends for my own gain... But that begs the question, why? It doesn't sound like you are disagreeing anymore. Or am I misunderstanding something?"

Kisuke genuinely doesn't understand where he's coming from.

'Just for that reason, any normal person would instantly disagree and some might even hurl insults and attack me.'


28th00: Cleria became Claire in this chapter. Bruh.

Goyya: Thank you for noticing that. It's really hard to catch that since their names are too similar. Although I might be thinking of one name, my fingers will type the other.


Chapter 1080 Permission Granted | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

At Kisuke's response, Masaomi suddenly started chuckling which surprised Kisuke even more, "If you genuinely don't understand that's fine too. In fact, that's better."


Masaomi stood up from his seat and approached the confused Kisuke to pat his shoulder, "Let's just say that now I know for sure that you'll keep them safe and I trust you for that." He then went straight to the door and before exiting the room, he turned for one last time, "I'm going to go invite my daughter on a date with this old man. Discuss the rest with Cleria and Yasaka-san."

As he left the room, the heavy atmosphere also alleviated a lot while also leaving Kisuke hanging in the air with his curiosity.

"Don't think too much about it. It just means that he's approving of your plan." Yoruichi, with a small smile on her face, commented.

Kisuke was not satisfied and looked around but nobody was willing to resolve his confusion, "Haahh... Fine. But I'd like to hear why you're agreeing to this. I still don't see girls benefiting from this aside from maybe gaining experience."

Cleria took a sip from her cup first before answering, "It all comes down to safety. In my opinion, they are safer on your side."

Kisuke creased his brows but didn't interrupt her.

"You're busy so you probably don't know how messy the situation is right now. Everyone wants to gather as much power and influence as they can in this rapidly evolving world. And lately, some of their methods are already stepping on lines that they shouldn't cross." Claire continued while sighing and rubbing her forehead signifying her frustration with the situation but couldn't do much about it.

"According to the intelligence groups that I'm openly and secretly operating, there are some groups that have laid their eyes on the students of Ouroboros Academy as targets for easy manipulations." Yasaka added, "While they are safe within the confines of that floating island, that's not the same when they're outside of it and we're suspecting that some of these kids who don't know any better are acting as spies for these groups."

With that explanation, Kisuke could see where they were coming from, "As the top students, Claire, Tanis, and Kunou are the most vulnerable against these inside jobs. Aren't you underestimating them too much?"

Claire smiled wryly, "Protecting themselves? I'm not worried. It's true that they are skilled, but no matter how you cut it, they are just teenagers and bad adults don't fight with brute force. It's not like they learned territorial and risk management since childhood like Sona, Rias, and Akeno did, so I'm afraid that they'll be tricked by one of these bad adults sooner or later. It's especially worrisome that they seem to be hiding things from us now." She then looked at Kisuke straight into his eyes, "They actually trust you, the 'cool big brother', more than us."

The quiet Diehauser suddenly interjected, "Typical teenagers." He wanted to become a 'cool uncle' for Claire and the girls, but he only ended up as a 'strict uncle' in their eyes so he's very jealous of Kisuke.

Kisuke was about to say something but he could only leave his mouth open when he remembered what Claire, Tanis, and Kunou were hiding, "Ah... I would have to agree..."

Cleria raised her brows and asked, "What's up with that reaction? Are they hiding some big secret?"

Kisuke contemplated for a moment if he should show them that or not, 'Hmm... Oh well, it should explain why I have no problem with bringing them with me.'

Without another word, Kisuke took out a memory crystal and placed it in the middle of the table. A second later, their surroundings changed and a real-life projection of his underground training area was shown with Kisuke facing Claire, Tanis, and Kunou.

A few minutes later, the projection stopped and the room returned to normal, "That's the reason why I'm comfortable with bringing them with me and the only other person who knows about this is Aika."

After that, there was only silence as they were trying to process what they'd just seen. Even the corner of Yoruichi's lips was twitching, not knowing what to say.

With a strangely long few minutes passing, Cleria finally said something, "That's what I'm talking about... They're hiding something crazy yet we had no inkling of what's really happening..." But even after saying that, she still couldn't believe what she just saw, "...Are you sure that this isn't edited in any way?"

"It's not. It's true that they were able to injure me in that form."

"That's not even the issue here." Diehauser interrupted, "How is Claire using both Demonic Power and the Power of Light at the same time without any assistance to that degree!? And it looks like there's no adverse effect on her body?"

Yasaka turned to Sakura, who's an instructor at Ouroboros Academy and asked, "Sakura-san... Was no one able to catch a hint of this?"

Sakura shook her head, "No. Everyone knew that they were skilled and had a lot of potential. However, it was predicted that they'd only reach Satan Class after a decade or more with their current rate of improvement."

"But clearly, that isn't the case." Yoruichi turned to Serafall and asked, "What do you think?"

"They're not yet on the level of Satan Class because of sustainability, but they're not very far from it. Especially Claire. The way she handled the opposing attributes without support from any Soul Gear or Sacred Gear, she could be classified as a 'Super Devil'."

To give them more context, Kisuke explained to everyone how these past years, Claire, Tanis, and Kunou kept sparring against Ophis, Tanis, and Flanna on a weekly basis and how he had to watch them quietly since he wanted to see what was going to happen, "At the end of it, Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna stopped holding back against them and even managed to fight more effectively."

"...Unbelievable..." Yoruichi muttered, "Well, this is probably entirely possible because you decided to quietly watch over them. I think this is a lot better than them forcing themselves to improve through a literal conflict that could instantly take their lives if they're not careful since we can't really hope they'll do miracles like Issei and his friends were doing."

"...In any case, both me and Yasaka can breathe easier knowing that they have these kinds of capabilities outside of your protection." Accepting reality, Cleria was happy that her daughter had reached this stage even without her knowing, "I'm keeping this. I'll show it to Masaomi later." She grabbed the memory crystal and placed it inside the pocket of her suit.

Seeing that the discussion about Claire, Tanis, and Kunou's matter has concluded, Yoruichi pushed the conversation to the next topic, "Now then, let's move on to the next thing on the agenda."

Upon hearing that, Serafall's body twitched and she straightened her back. That didn't escape Kisuke's notice and wondered what they needed to talk about next since he was only here for their permission.

"Let's talk about who's going to babysit the girls when Kisuke is not around."


28th00: The girls? Wait, his harem? No, they have responsible ones and he's taking the Youth Troupe- wait, he's not taking the dragons? Wait, Aika and Akeno are good at taking care of them, so that's fine… Are they talking about over there when he's not around to supervise the anarchy trio? Oh dear.


Chapter 1081 Additional Member | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Kisuke immediately figured out where the conversation was going and said, "Hold on. I can't bring Sera-chan with me. She has too many important duties to fulfill here."

Serafall, who had just straightened her back, slumped a bit forward after hearing that. It was obvious that she was not happy about it.

But unlike her, the smile on Yoruichi's face didn't disappear as she crossed her arms, "And what if she doesn't have any duties to fulfill?"

Kisuke stopped for a moment to think about it, "...It's possible..."

The slumped Serafall instantly perked up but she still didn't say anything.

Kisuke did his best not to look at her but he could feel every little movement she was making thanks to his heightened senses, 'What the heck? That's cute.'

"That's exactly what's happening." Cleria suddenly said, "Serafall-sama is not really in a good position these days."

Kisuke turned his attention back to the topic and replied, "...Please elaborate."

"Serafall would have been in a better position if she was dismissed but as you know, she was just suspended." Yoruichi prefaced, "She still had the position of the Devil King but she doesn't actually have the authority of one. Those old geezers are using that to trap her into a limbo of unending legislation making her unable to actually do anything of substance.

"This wasn't originally a big problem but in addition to her prolonged absence and her closeness to our faction, those on the higher-ups are doing their best to limit her power and in some cases, using her to reach the Sitri House."

"Any methods for a forced dismissal?" Kisuke asked.

Cleria nodded and said, "There is. We could ask the other Devil Kings to forcefully remove Serafall-sama from her position, but that wouldn't look good on them and Serafall-sama herself. Since she hasn't really done anything wrong, a forced dismissal would only be seen as an unfair attack on her. And that might be what those old fogies are hoping for because they could reduce the other Devil Kings authority by using the backlash they would receive after they 'unfairly' dismissed Serafall-sama."

"Sera-chan could also get away from the position by endorsing someone else for the position and that someone has to win the popular vote of both the public and senate." Yoruichi continued, "But as expected, she can't just suddenly offer someone the position and none of us actually want the Devil King status because we'll just give them the other end of the leash that would be attached to the next guy."

Kisuke could finally see where they were going with this but still asked just to be sure, "And the solution?"

"The other Devil Kings will issue a 'secret' mission to Serafall-sama that'll allow her to leave with you, effectively cutting off the leash on her." Cleria answered, "We'll only need to disclose that you'll be going to a different world with her."

"But wouldn't they just jump on that and try to negotiate with me for 'benefits'? They know the value of what a new world could bring so there's no way they'll stay quiet with me just gobbling up everything."

Sakura patted Kisuke's shoulder and he looked into her bright eyes, "That's where the useless Devil Kings come in!"

"Sis!" Cleria raised her voice.

But Sakura only giggled at her, "It's fine, big sis. They're not here."

"...That's not the problem..." Cleria sighed while facepalming. She's really worried that Sakura would one day just go to one of the Devil Kings' faces and call them useless, 'I can't deny it though... They've been too passive these past few years. Oh well, thanks to that, we could have an easier time but maybe that's just their way of saying "Do what you want."'

Since Serafall had already stopped considering herself a Devil King, she didn't have any particular reaction, 'And I can't really go against mother-in... Ehem... Sona-chan's mother-in-law's words!'

Sakura ignored Cleria and continued, "We've already confirmed from them that they'll be pushing back against the old fogies in exchange for letting their subordinates enter the Dungeon world. Sona-chan already confirmed that it wasn't a big deal even if they set up an outpost on that side since that will also lessen the pressure on them from those who wanted the piece of the pie."

After that explanation, Serafall on Kisuke's side suddenly stood up and went in front of him with a serious expression. Kisuke watched her raise both of her hands and suddenly bring them down on her shoulders with considerable force, "In other words, bring me along too!"

Kisuke stared at her eyes and in return, Serafall glared back.

There was another silence and there was a heated atmosphere between the two of them but it was nothing romantic.

Moments later, Cleria also added, "Just so you know, Masaomi agreed thinking that Serafall-sama was going with them so you might change his mind if you don't bring her along."

"We know how you act and we're pretty certain that there will be days that you won't be able to watch over the girls." Sakura added, "In fact, they might act like your maids after realizing how careless you are with household chores."

Yoruichi smirked at him and said, "You'll be looking after them? Let's be real. After a few weeks, it's going to be the other way around. Be ashamed and don't let the kids pick up all the slack or you might just lose your 'cool big brother' status."

Kisuke had a complicated expression on his face and Serafall had a big grin on hers, "Is there no other way?"

And that grin instantly turned into the biggest frown everyone has ever seen from Serafall, "...Do you really hate the idea that much?"

From the corner of her eyes, Kisuke could even see some tears pooling, "Eh...? Ehh!?"

Except for Kisuke and Serafall, everyone else started standing up and leaving the room one by one.

"H-hey! Wait!" Kisuke tried calling out for them.

As the last one to leave, Sakura turned to him and said before closing the door, "This isn't our problem anymore."

With the click of the door, silence returned again, but this time, with awkwardness floating in the air.

"So you really do hate it..." Serafall said a few seconds later and removed her hands from Kisuke before sitting beside him again with her head down.

Kisuke looked at her for a while before taking a deep breath and sighing, "Of course not."

"They why?"

Kisule leaned back on the couch and replied, "Because Yoruichi already proposed for you to come with me some time ago... And it feels like I'm playing into her hands."

"Is that bad?"

Without hesitation, Kisuke answered, "No. I just hate losing, even if it's against Yoruichi. After all, we grew up competing against each other."

Serafall wanted to say 'Just because of that?' But refrained from it because she didn't know the significance of their competition and she didn't want to make light of it.

"But I guess it's my loss this time."

Serafall hurriedly turned to Kisuke and saw him grinning at her, "Prepare your stuff. We're in for a long trip."

She couldn't help but give Kisuke a bear hug.


28th00: Sera-chan gets her husbando after… 1000 fucking chapters! The NTR-like situation must've been killer for her, especially since her little sister got him years ago! She's even thinking of Kisuke's mom as her mother-in-law in her own head! Truly, Sera-chan has no competition this time and is gonna make the most of it!

Goyya: Next arc, is a Serafall arc!


Chapter 1082 Negotiation with the Devil King | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

AN: Thank you for waiting~!

I apologize but just 5 for this week's batch.

I thought I'll be able to write 6 or 7 chapters per week but something unfortunate happened with the motorcycle that I use to commute to work. It's partially burnt and I have to replace all of its wiring and gauges.

Because of that, I'd have to spend more time and energy on commuting. A passenger's life isn't exactly easy here in the Philippines.

Anyways, enough of that depressing talk.

On to the new world, we go~~!

There are a lot of things that I haven't been able to polish out, including this arc's ending but it shouldn't hinder my progress.

And a big reminder to everyone, I'm using Kubo's latest work as a basis for this arc so I'm basically inventing all things. If Kubo publishes his work while I'm still writing this, it obviously won't match mine. I want everyone to keep this in mind going forward.

Kisuke set aside his time for everyone and had a one-on-one date with each of them. When he started inviting them out, they were pleasantly surprised that he initiated their outings but this also made them realize how they were going to 'disappear' this time.

When they arrived in the Dungeon World, communication between the two worlds was immediately established so it didn't feel that far. However, Kisuke explained to them that when going into a totally different dimension or even timeline, direct communication might be impossible. So when they are gone, it'll be unknown when they'll be coming back and there's no way to know what's happening on their side and vice versa.

Ten days later, Kisuke was finishing up his preparation and the gate they'd be using when Tiamat suddenly started talking to him, [Would it benefit you if those faction leaders were freed from containing Trihexa?]

Kisuke stopped what he was doing and answered, "It'd be great if they could do something else other than wrestle with that beast."

Even though her interaction with this world was short, Tiamat still understood many things just from watching Kisuke's point of view and one of the things concerning her was the existence of the Trihexa.

[I'll deal with it.]

"Understood. Let's go after I'm done here."




Within his office, Ajuka was having a rare break when one of his servants knocked on the door, "Sir, your guest is here."

"Let him in."

The doors opened and Kisuke entered after thanking the servant, "Good evening, Beelzebub-sama. I hope that I haven't interrupted something important."

"You're an important guest so you'll hardly interrupt anything." Replied Ajuka while pointing at the seat in front of him, "Would you like some refreshments?"

Kisuke sat down and said, "No, thank you. I won't be staying for long."

"That's a shame. I'd like to talk with you more."

Kisuke smirked at him, "Let's do that when we're ready to be more honest with each other. If we continue as we are now, we might just end up trying to kill each other."

Instead of being angry at his rude remark, Ajuka just chuckled, "Hmmm, that's true, isn't it? We're both tied to our own interests. Let's properly sit down when there's a common enemy or goal between us."

Like Kisuke, Ajuka doesn't believe that Etouldes were the good guys nor that it's impossible to talk to Evies. However, the two of them don't know each other's thoughts on who to side with and they don't have any intention of revealing any of their objectives this early. Whether they'll become enemies or stand side by side, it depends on the cards the two of them will be able to gather.

On Ajuka's side was the majority of the Three Biblical Faction Alliance and possibly Shiva and Indra, the recognized two strongest beings right now. Meanwhile, Kisuke essentially controls Ouroboros Academy and its faculty, Mount Olympus, and the reported Gods of the other world.

However, Ajuka, not even in his wildest imagination, would expect that Kisuke had already established a foothold in a certain corner of the universe and that his wife would be leading an attack from an entirely different frontier.

"It's really a shame... We could have been great friends." Ajuka sighed.

"Please, you of all people know that for individuals like us it would take a miracle to become friends."

"...I would like to disagree with you, but I can't deny that. People like us stubbornly walk the path we've decided on and don't want others interfering with that because of our innate pride."

'Like how Kurotsuchi, Aizen, and I would never get along.' Kisuke thought to himself before saying, "I will not waste your time so I'll just ask directly. What can you provide if I can make Trihexa settle down within its confinement?"

Ajuka raised his brows for a moment and the casual atmosphere around him entirely disappeared, "...How confident are you?"

[I can make him fall asleep for at least a few centuries.] Tiamat communicated with Kisuke.

"Confident enough that you won't be dealing with it for quite some time."

Ajuka frowned and went into a deep thought, "..."

"By the way, I won't be giving you time so I'm expecting an answer now."

"You aren't giving many choices here. If you give me a day or two, I'll be able to offer you more things."

"I don't care."

At that point, it became apparent to Ajuka that Kisuke didn't actually want a real payment for what he was offering, but he wanted him to reveal one of his cards, 'There's really only one thing I can promise him now and that might be what he wants...'

A minute of silence went by and Ajuka asked, "And if I go back on my word?"

"I know you wouldn't do that, but if it comes to that, I also have a way to go back on my word." Although he said that with confidence, Kisuke hurriedly asked Tiamat, [You can leave a bit of your power to wake it up if needed, right?]

[Don't worry. And while I don't have the ability to clear that child's mind, I can imprint the image of the first one he's going to bother once woken up.]

[Seriously!? I love you~!]

Ajuka thought that Kisuke was just bluffing but the latter suddenly started smiling maniacally and that sent chills down his spine.

"Ehem... I promise to reign in Indra and Shiva for 3 years."

"20 years."

"No. I don't have that kind of power. 5 years."

"I know you'll be able to figure something out. 17 years."

"You're giving me too much credit. 7 years. That's my limit. I don't want them aiming for my neck."

Kisuke stopped and thought about it for a few seconds before offering new terms, "15 years and I'll give you the technology that the Evies use to transport their forces. I think you'll be able to utilize that well."

"...What?" Ajuka thought he heard it wrong and asked again, "Do you mean that interstellar gate!?"

"I have its basic framework so you'll have to work on it for a bit to develop it further."

"20 years and I will not interfere with the Ouroboros Academy, tell me how you got hold of this information." Ajuka wanted to say that he'll form a friendly relationship with the Ouroboros Academy but Kisuke might not trust him on that so he had to dial back a bit, "If that's not enough, I'll also give you information about the Cross Times Kiss. I know you've been looking into them recently."

'The source of his information is much more important than the information itself. I have to know where his eyes can reach.' Ajuka thought to himself and even considered adding more to his offer.

However, Kisuke only smirked at him and said, "If you're in my shoes, would you agree to that?"

Ajuka leaned back and sighed, "...I took my chance."

Ajuka's head is aching right now because he discovered that Kisuke's reach is way further than he initially predicted. Extending his right hand, he continued, "15 years and I'll take that basic framework. It's about time we poke those not-so-friendly mechanical friends."

Kisuke accepted his hand, "Thank you for your hard work~! As a bonus, allow me to tell you about an ability that seems to be shared by the Evie officers. Almost instantaneous Magic Power conversion into another form of energy. Don't let your guard down~!"

Ajuka stared at him, who underestimated again, for a few moments before saying, "I really hate you."

"It's an honor~!"


28th00: Background dates and apparently a marriage considering Kisuke has a wife(Yoruichi) now instead of just lovers? I guess there was most of the chapter, but that's what I'm focusing on.


Chapter 1083 Lullaby | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Chapter 1083 Lullaby

Ajuka led Kisuke to the hole the latter created when he first intruded into the barrier and said, "I can't go in with you because I'm controlling parts of the barrier. Go meet Azazel and Sirzechs while you're at it."

Kisuke didn't say anything and reopened the hole he created but just as he was about to enter, Ajuka added, "By the way, take care of Serafall. She's annoying but she's still a good friend of mine."

Kisuke turned around and saw that Ajuka already started walking away. Kisuke stared at his back for a bit and thought, 'Must be hard being stuck in such a hard place.' Kisuke smiled and stepped into the barrier, 'Oh well, it was his choice and I have no say in it.'

As soon as he went through the film of the barrier, Kisuke immediately heard the loud roars of Trihexa and he saw that the seal he placed on it the last time he was here had already deteriorated. Around the chimeric immortal monster were the top warriors that chose to seal themselves along with it to stop it from resurfacing.

Naturally, all the people inside the barrier felt his presence and some of them were already making their way toward him.

[What do you think?] Kisuke asked Tiamat.

[It's indeed that child... Or should I say, children?] Tiamat muttered.

[Let me hear about it later.]

[It's a very unsavory story.]

[Looking at it now, I wouldn't expect anything else.] Kisuke then pulled out the tanto from her sheath, [Don't let anyone see your Shikai form.]

"Descend, Tiamat."

Those who were approaching Kisuke immediately stopped as he released a massive amount of Reiatsu and Ki. At that moment, everyone became witness to his tanto dagger transforming into a young girl with light blue hair, pink eyes with star-like pupils, and prominent horns. However, none of the seal's inhabitants could properly observe the little girl since the moment her presence was felt, the Trihexa suddenly stopped its struggle, causing confusion among their ranks.

The beast with characteristics coming from different animals like a lion, a leopard, a bear, a dragon, and more, began rushing towards Tiamat. Due to its size that's well over several hundred meters, huge winds were kicked up and pushed those around it while it roared through its seven heads.

[I require more, master.]

[Take as much as you need.] Kisuke replied to Tiamat and poured his power into her.

The next instant, Tiamat released a blinding light that covered the whole world inside the barrier. When the light subsided, the little girl changed.

Azazel, who was one of the people approaching Kisuke, froze on the spot while muttering, "...What the hell?"

The little girl had grown into an adult woman of unparalleled beauty. However, this was not the most striking change but her size now matched the charging beast.

As the Trihexa didn't stop its charge, it soon reached the gigantic Tiamat. Nevertheless, Tiamat was unfazed as she spread out her arms and received the 'child' into her embrace.

Their meeting caused a massive shockwave that shook the entire realm. A few seconds later, however, the tremors stopped. The rampaging beast stopped its struggle as Tiamat wrapped her arms around it and started humming to it.

Sirzechs and the other people within the barrier converged around Azazel and said, "...Is she singing a lullaby?"

While no one could answer him, it was pretty obvious what the giant woman was trying to do and it was clearly working, "But how?"

"Don't just use your eyes and ears. Feel the aura she's releasing." Azazel instructed, "While most of it is similar to Kisuke Urahara, the giant horned woman is also releasing a similar aura as the Trihexa."

The chaos inside of the barrier became quiet for the first time since it was created.




Half an hour later, the Trihexa completely settled down, unmoving, and some snoring sound that made all these things feel unreal to everyone else watching.

Tiamat had done her job and soon transformed back into a tanto dagger and flew back to Kisuke, [I've imprinted Ajuka Beelzebub, Shiva, and Indra's images in his head and the moment he is woken up, they'll be the first one he's going to seek. If you want to completely wake him up from his madness, my sister will have the answer.]

Kisuke put her back into her sheath and kept her inside his sleeve, [Thank you for your hard work.] He then saw the people inside the barrier slowly approach him. But instead of greeting them, he first opened the hole he went through when he came inside.

"Greetings ladies and gentlemen. I know you have a lot of questions but please be informed that I have no obligation to answer any of them. What's important is that the Trihexa has already gone into a very deep slumber and will not wake up unless a specific method is used."

"Does that mean we don't have to fight anymore?" One of the trapped Gods asked.

Kisuke smiled at him and said, "Precisely. I've already talked to Beelzebub-sama about this and all of you are already free to go. I know you're already missing your families, friends, and comrades."

They all looked at each other but soon, another God stepped up and said, "I don't know what you did but if you already confirmed it to Ajuka, we'll leave first. My small faction needs all the manpower they could get. Thank you very much."

The God who just spoke flew towards the hole that Kisuke created along with the Deities in his faction and thanked him as they passed by him.

Soon, the other factions started doing the same thing and left in a hurry while promising various rewards and gifts to Kisuke for what he has done. They don't know what he did nor do they know who the woman was, but the very eventful years of the past made them very anxious for their respective factions and that's the highest order of priority for them.

After a while, it was just those who were relatively close to Kisuke who remained, namely, Azazel, Sirzechs, and Zeus.

"You did something outrageous once again..." Azazel came to him with a wry smile.

"If you're out of this place, you'll have to do one or two outrageous things with how complicated the world currently is."

Azazel looked at Sirzech and Zeus who were making the same blank face as him, "I do not wish to remember our time here with longing, but with how you're making it sound, is the outside a hellscape?"

"Not quite but everyone is trying to yank benefits from everything they can get ahold of."

"Sounds very tiring..." Sirzechs muttered.

"Hey, at least you have a new nephew that you can look forward to~!"

Upon hearing that, Sirzechs' face beamed, "That's right, isn't it!? I've also missed my son's growing period so I'm looking forward to what he's like right now."

Zeus, on the other hand, murmured in jealousy, "Good for you..." He has a feeling that only problems will welcome him at home, 'Well, at least the rotten part was already largely removed.'

The four of them indulged in small talks for a quarter of an hour before Sirzechs and Zeus also left, leaving Azazel alone with Kisuke.

The moment they were alone, Azazel immediately established a telepathic connection with Kisuke and said, [I also don't know what Ajuka is trying to achieve with Shiva and Indra.]

[Ho~? Is that supposed to get my trust?]

Azazel shook his head, [Of course not. I'm just letting out my frustration that I'm behind everything.]

[What do you want?] Kisuke immediately went straight to the point.

[Introduce me to an Etoulde or Evie.]

Kisuke's eyes went wide open from surprise and asked, [What sort of mental gymnastics did you go through to arrive at that conclusion?]

Azazel looked straight into his eyes with a big smile on his face, [The sort of mental gymnastics that would allow me to do something in the current world.]


28th00: He straight up jumped to "What's the most ridiculous thing Kisuke probably did? High-ranking invaders. Has to be something to do with one or both sides."

Goyya: He struck gold tho


Chapter 1084 New Horizon | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Truth be told, Azazel doesn't really know what he's saying himself, 'He must be laughing at me inwardly, asking for something so ridiculous.'

He doesn't like how Ajuka was doing things, especially involving Vali and Issei who he considers his son and his son's best friend respectively.

Although they fully deserve to become Demon Kings, the only reason why Ajuka pushed for this is so that he and Sirzechs could take a step back into the shadows and use the popularity of these kids to their advantage. It's not something really bad and it's actually something good for the people involved, however, that doesn't change the fact that he doesn't like it, 'They're still just kids that don't know their left from their right in the political world. This would have been fine 30-50 years later.'

While Azazel could probably convince Sirzechs, he knew that his words wouldn't win against Ajuka.

So as a last-ditch effort of hoping for a miracle, Azazel asked Kisuke to connect him to the beings eyeing them from the outside. After all, there's really no else he could ask that could compete with Ajuka and Kisuke right now.

Kisuke grinned at him and asked, [Forget about the absurdity of your request, why do you think I'd grant that if I can? Wouldn't it be better if you ask Beelzebub for that?]

[I'm too close to Ajuka and I wanted to get away from him for a bit to do my own thing.]

[Ho? So you want to get close to me instead?]

[Your forces, compared to what Ajuka and Shiva can muster, are a lot smaller even if you could influence the large majority of the grassroots organization. You already know that no matter how fast you build up your organization's foundation, you'll have no way of catching up to those who have been sitting in their seat of power for countless years. Not to mention, they also have their hidden aces like you do.]

Kisuke kept quiet and waited for his next words.

[Since time is not on your side, you'd want to stir the pot more. The more chaos there is, the more your smaller force could thrive while those who are bigger would try to keep things calm for their advantage. I could stir that pot for you.]

After that short explanation, Azazel sighed, 'Why am I explaining something so obvious to him? And that'll only come to pass if he could indeed introduce me to someone.'

Azazel was about to give up his wishful thinking when Kisuke's grin suddenly grew wider, [Wait for Yoruichi's contact.]

"...Huh?" Azazel muttered out loud as his head froze for a moment. It was only when Kisuke exited the barrier that he was able to get hold of himself and tried to catch up to him to clarify what he'd just heard. But the moment he got out, Kisuke was already nowhere to be found.

Kisuke left Ajuka's territory in a good mood and thought, 'Since you want to be pulled from that guy, We'll pull you out~ But don't expect us to let go~.'




Ten more days later, Kisuke, Claire, Tanis, Kunou, and Serafall were already done with their preparations and goodbyes. Of course, there are those who are coming with them without Kisuke's approval. Namely, the technically homeless Dragons, Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna.

"Is it really going to be fine?" Serafall asked Kisuke.

"They are very convinced that it'll be better for everyone if they are not around. I don't know how they came up with that conclusion but who can really understand them? If this is what they want, I'll just let them be.", answered Kisuke while thinking, 'And to be perfectly honest, with their help, it'll be a lot easier to meet certain people.'

Right now, they were deep within the Mars Base and Kisuke asked everyone who was not going with him to stay away from it due to the complication of the transfer procedure that he's going to initiate. While he already tested the procedure more than a hundred thousand times, he wanted to eliminate anything that could affect any of the variables that could dangerously change its course.

"Alright, everyone. Gather up." Kisuke grabbed everyone's attention, "While we can't say our goodbyes the moment we transfer and any long-range communication right now might disrupt our course, we have to go. But before that, let me ask this again. Are you certain you want to  come with me? Although I've already asked each one of you in your own personal time, I'm asking again for one last time. It'll be a long and dangerous journey and there's always a chance that we might not return, so think about it carefully, especially you three. You're still young and the majority of your years might be spent in an unknown place. I'll give you all ten minutes."

Even though he made it sound very risky, Kisuke had already prepared multiple things and was still making more for these girls to return no matter what even if he couldn't join them. Along with their safety, their return is at the top of his priority list, 'I should also prepare something that will forcefully return them in case of my death.'

But not even a second later, Claire raised her voice, "Why are you trying to whittle down our resolve? We already understood all of this and our parents even fully and carefully explained what we were about to do. They already tried to scare us enough so yours won't work anymore."

"That's right, that's right! Stop being a bully!" Tanis also yelled.

Meanwhile, Kunou just strongly nodded.

"Haahhh... Fine. Let's go while your spirits are raised." Kisuke activated the transfer sequence that was embedded in the room itself, "Ophis, Lilith, Flanna, take care of the shield around us."

With uncharacteristically serious expressions, the three of them separated and went into three corners before enveloping everyone with the strongest barrier they could put up now.

"Alright, hold on tight!"

The next instant, a small black hole appeared on top of them and as if being squeezed, they were absorbed into the tiny hole. A second later, the light within the room disappeared along with its inhabitants, returning to what it was a few seconds ago as if no one was in there in the first place.




Using the trace that Byakko had left when she transferred him, Benihime, and Yoruichi for the first time, Kisuke navigated the endless void that they entered with great difficulty, 'Damn it... This is much harsher than I thought.'

The three girls had already lost consciousness and Serafall was helping Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna to keep the barrier up.

However, everything was still within the margins of error as Kisuke carefully followed the leftover traces, [Benihime, are you leaving behind your string?]

[You must be very busy not to notice. I've been doing everything I can and Tiamat is helping out by strengthening my strings while also leaving behind her own traces.]

Kisuke didn't know when but Benihime had already started calling Tiamat by her name. He thought that it'd take a very long time before the two of them get along so he's glad that it happened a lot earlier.

But the quietly working Tiamat suddenly spoke up, [Master... Accept the invitation.]

[Huh? An invitation?] Kisuke confusedly asked. He has been navigating but he can't see nor could he feel anything aside from the endless darkness.

[Stop following the traces that the tiger left and accept the invitation. They are coming from the same place.]

Kisuke was very nervous hearing that because the moment he lets go of the traces, he might not be able to find them again. However, he's already had this feeling that they might not reach their destination just by following since it kept diminishing the further they went.

[Fine... But make sure we can return immediately the moment I let go of it.]

Kisuke released his focus and widened his senses to look for this 'invitation' that Tiamat was talking about.

Thankfully, it only took a few seconds for him to find this 'invitation' because it was a familiar Spiritual Pressure, '...the Spirit King? How?'

He couldn't feel anything from it aside from the guiding force so after a few moments of hesitation, he grabbed it. Without him doing anything, they were able to break through the 'bubble' that separated the worlds and instantly arrived in a white space.

[I didn't think it would be possible, but you have indeed returned.]

A voice they didn't know resounded inside everyone's heads.


AN: To another world we go!

But as you can see, I'm leaving a large blank on the DxD side through a timeskip. Kisuke left a lot of things for Yoruichi and the other girls to do but I'm not going to reveal that for now. Let's just say he left while feeling satisfied.


28th00: Ah, the king of eternal agony!


Chapter 1085 Landing | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Chapter 1085 Landing

When Serafall heard the mysterious voice, she immediately started surveying the white space. But before she could find anything, Flanna stopped in front of her and shook her head, saying that she shouldn't do anything else.

"...Soul King?" Kisuke guessed since that was the only new aura around them, "I thought you had already died. And at the hands of your own son."

[...Soul King... That's what they are calling me... I remember.]

Kisuke immediately felt weird when he heard that, 'What's this?'

The Soul King was able to read his mood and continued, [I am but a part of the Soul King, created with a single goal in mind.]

That indirectly answered Kisuke's question, 'Though I will need to confirm that once we've  landed.'

Regardless of what Kisuke is thinking, the 'Soul King' went on, [The single goal of becoming a guiding light post for the ones who've departed.]

"As expected, you're the one who pushed Byakko to leave even though we could totally survive. And here I thought I miscalculated the time Neliel needed to pull us out to safety." Kisuke sighed. It was something that has been bothering him ever since he reincarnated but now he got an answer. Although this only opened up more, "But why?"

[Because I had already failed several times and I could only hope for someone who was not influenced by this world.]

"...What? That didn't explain anything."

[Unfortunately, that's everything I know. After all, I'm just a very small part of something that wanted all of this to happen.]

Kisuke creased his brows and several hypotheses came to mind regarding the situation, however, he doesn't have any supporting evidence for any of them so he could only hope to investigate it more, "Then what now?"

[Before you return, I only want to say one thing. Be wary of Hell.]

Without being able to ask any further questions, the white space they are in was instantly wrapped in a kaleidoscope for a few seconds before they found themselves up in the sky.

"Sera-chan, please secure the girls and after that, examine them and yourself to figure out if anything is wrong." Kisuke immediately sent out his instructions while scanning his surroundings and checking his own body, "Ophis-chan, Lilith-chan, Flanna, restrict your aura as much as possible. We don't know what sort of defense mechanism this world has against foreigners so it's best not to attract any attention for now."

As Serafall gathered the girls, she immediately noticed that her Demonic Power was moving a lot faster but in exchange, there was almost no Magic Power in the air for her to recover with, 'It's not just the amount, their presence is also a lot thinner compared to the amount present. Anyone below a certain level of mastery won't be able to find their existence.'

Since Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna don't really require anything to recover, they didn't notice this immediately and just focused on repressing their aura as Kisuke instructed them.

'This scenery... London?' When Kisuke looked down, he found some familiar landmarks and was able to pinpoint where they were now on Earth, 'But something is weird... Ah...'

At that moment, his eyes landed on the horizon and saw a vast expanse of greenery and mountains that he knew wasn't in London. On top of that, there are large flying creatures that are releasing a somewhat familiar aura, 'Dragons? Then this must be...'

"Boss! Look! Something interesting!" Flanna suddenly shouted at him, "Can we go?"

Kisuke turned to the direction where Flanna was pointing and saw a series of explosions happening on the ground far from them. And in the middle of it was a majestic feathered white Dragon with a crown on its head.

Kisuke thought about it for a second before pulling Tiamat and using her power to disguise himself the same as when he saved Stralit, "Sera-chan, please take the kids somewhere safe first."

Serafall pouted while stabilizing their descent, "I want to go too, but it can't be helped..."

"I'll give you a proper tour later... Though there's not much to see really."

As soon as Serafall used her short-range teleport, Kisuke, Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna excitedly flew toward the Dragon who was attacking a few people riding smaller Dragons, "Boss, why do you seem so excited? Is it because you finally returned home?"

Although Kisuke hadn't said anything yet, everyone who was awake when the 'Soul King' revealed his presence knew the basics of what was going on.

"That's a part of it but most of it is because I've really only seen a Dragon one time when I was here. All I know about them is from the records and all of them are just basic knowledge given to Witches and Wizards since any high-level document is locked behind certain authorities... And lastly, people like me aren't exactly welcomed here."

"Why is that?" Flanna curiously asked.

"Well... We completely exterminated the Dragons on our side because we had our hands full with another matter and we didn't want to deal with them."

Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna looked at him strangely so Kisuke immediately added, "They can only do this because another group of monsters couldn't easily reach this side of the world. Besides, the cycle of Human souls is centered on the east and any contact with a Dragon is disastrous so we had no choice but to eliminate them from the equation."

"Boss... We're not judging you. We're just wondering what you meant."

Kisuke looked at them for a moment before feigning a cough, "Ahem... Sorry, I forgot. I'll explain later. For now, let's take a look at that Dragon. It doesn't seem to be intelligent."

As they got near, the four of them saw dust released from the Dragon and each grain contained compressed Spiritual Power with a very tiny amount of Magic Power mixed into it.

Those who were on the receiving side of the attack were about to defend themselves and Flanna suddenly inserted herself between them and blew back the dust with a swing of her arm. She then released a bit of her Draconic aura and disrupted the volatile Spiritual Power that was contained within the grains and made them explode, "Hoo~ Boss. As I expected, this guy is interesting. It's mostly using the power of Soul."

Naturally, Kisuke couldn't reply to her words since those who were fighting the white Dragon were much more confused, "Huh!? Who are you brat!?" The black-haired young man shouted at Flanna.



28th00: Oh man, you're going into the WEIRD lore from Burn the Witch too? That has like, no actual deep or expanded lore so we got fuck all outside it's effectively one-shot first release and anime adaptation ovas. They got pew pew guns though.

Goyya: I don't plan to stay here long. This is just an acknowledgment that West Soul Society exists and might be used later.