goyya 1086-1097

Chapter 1086 Landing part 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Bruno Bangnyfe, the director of the Inks division of the Wing Bind, came out today to purge Balgo Parks, a normal young man who became a Dragonclad after prolonged contact with a Dragon and has a tendency to attract the very dangerous Dark Dragons.

Using Macy Baljure, a very rare Watcher, and her illegally reared Dragon, Bruno pinned the crime of endangering the normal people on Balgo Parks to get the justification for his execution.

The Witches who are tasked to look after Balgo, Ninny Spangcole, and Noel Niihashi, went against this purge directive and fought against the director of Inks to save the young man from this unfair judgment.

But in the middle of all of this, the illegally reared Dragon unexpectedly and suddenly molted into a Dragon categorized as Marchen, also known as the progenitor of Dark Dragons.

While in the middle of taking care of this legendary Dragon, a young lady with flaming red hair suddenly came in between them and blocked the Dragon's attack. Bruno Bangnyfe, in the height of his adrenaline, was very infuriated that someone disrupted his battle and saw the young lady as someone who came to steal his prey and achievement, "Huh!? Who are you brat!?"

The red-haired young lady ignored Bruno's outburst and just said in Japanese, "Boss, this guy has really lost their mind."

Ninny Spangcole, a green-eyed young woman with blond hair that she keeps tied up in two long pigtails with red, spiked metal bands, recognized the language and turn to her partner, Noel Niihashi, a tall, curvaceous teenage girl with blue eyes, waist-length black hair, long bangs, a perpetually solemn expression, and a small, white, horn-like extension on her left temple, "Niiha, that was Japanese, isn't it? What is she saying?"

"I don't know. I'm not fluent in Japanese."

"..." Ninny looked defeated by her 'Japanese' friend.

But all of a sudden, the witches and wizards heard another set of voices and it was directly behind them, "...Dragon Tamer?" "Smells like Asia."

Bruno, Noel, and Ninny hurriedly turned around and saw two black-haired ladies that had the same face as the red-haired one standing in front of Macy and Balgo.

"That I understood. She said 'Dragon Tamer'." Noel said calmly but she was tightly clutching her Witch Kit, the counterpart of a Zanpakuto in the east, in her hand, '...I didn't notice them?' Noel took a peek at Bruno and Ninny and saw that they also had a similar complicated expression.

Regardless, the Marchen known as 'Cinderella' won't wait for them and sends another gust of explosive dust.

"Tsk..." Bruno clicked his tongue and was about to intercept the attack with Noel and Ninny intending to support him from behind.

Fortunately or unfortunately for them, they didn't have to do anything as the red-haired lady in front of them suddenly sighed while raising her right arm, "Too deep in resentment that you've already lost the meaning of what it means to be a Dragon. Even the worst of the Evil Dragons still have their pride."

This time, the lady in front of them was speaking in English. But before they could comprehend what she meant, she suddenly swung her raised arm down and a red wave was ejected from her hand, cutting through the dust unimpeded until reaching the white rampaging Dragon and cutting it in half.


"Are you fine with that?"

This time, a masked man with long black hair appeared and talked to the lady.




Kisuke silently watched the Dragons do their thing and when Flanna killed the feathered white Dragon, he appeared beside her, "Are you okay with that?" He understood why Flanna suddenly started talking in English so he did the same.

"That was no Dragon. It's just a monster that lost itself and has no intention of admitting it's lost." Flanna threw her hands on the back of her head, "I've lost my interest. I'll go to Sera-chan."

Flanna didn't wait for Kisuke and just flew off in a certain direction.

"W-wait!" Bruno wanted to stop the flying lady but when he tried to follow, he found that his partner and Dragon mount, Rickenbacker, refused to move, "Huh? Rickenbacker?"

But what his partner sent back was the contradictory feeling of dread and respect, "...What?"

"Ophis-chan, Lilith-chan, let's go," Kisuke called out to the other two bothering the young man and his small dog that was emitting the aura of a Dragon.

Kisuke then turned to the Dragon corpse and took half of it, 'The Patchwork Division should be able to do their job even with just half the corpse.'

As Ophis and Lilith came to his side, Kisuke pivoted towards the Witches and Wizards riding their Dragons, "I apologize for the disturbance that we've caused."

After a short apology, Kisuke used Teleportation Magic and the three of them disappeared.

"Hey..." Ninny raised her voice softly, "What was that? And my Marshall couldn't move."

"I don't know." Noel shook her head, "But my Wordsworth also refused to move."

Bruno jumped down from his mount and patted Rickenbacker's head, "I don't know about those three twerps, but I'm pretty sure that the masked man is a Shinigami from the way he stands in the air."

" "Shinigami?" " Noel and Ninny asked. Although they knew about them, they hadn't seen one in their short life as newbie Witches.

"Do your research if you want to know. But before that, contact the Patchwork Division to take care of the corpse. I'll go report to the Gallows."




Kisuke, Ophis, and Lilith reappeared inside of a hotel room that Serafall had rented out to let the kids rest.

"How is it?"

Kisuke dispelled his disguise and sat down, "Based on Flanna's reaction, not that great."

"Really? That's unexpected." Serafall looked at Flanna lying down on one of the beds.

From this, Kisuke could see the difference between the Dragon God and the True Dragon.

While Ophis and Lilith were more interested in 'small' Dragons, Flanna's attention was mostly on the strong ones.

"I don't know what you're dissatisfied about but I think that's how the Dragons of this world operate." Kisuke approached Flanna while explaining, "Dragons can't come into contact with normal people, dead or alive, because they are like sponges that easily absorb negative emotion. Those are called Dark Dragons and they are targets of extermination."

"It's not that Boss. I already figured that out when I landed my eyes on it. I just don't like how it wasted its potential just to act like an unintelligent animal. It just dreamt of death and destruction as if it's not alive."

"Is that so? It's probably a lot more complicated than that so let's figure out more about it."

Flanna turned her head to Kisuke, surprised, "Aren't you busy?"

"This is a trip with all of us. My goal is not your goal. If you want to do something, just tell me. I'll help out. That's the least I could do."

Ophis then suddenly raised her hand and excitedly said, "Let's make a hidden base! I want a castle on a floating island!"


28th00: Oh no. Oh dear. Ophis wants to build again! SHE'S MOTIVATED! I pity anyone who ends up finding her hidden base.


Chapter 1087 Reverse London | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

AN: Thank you for waiting~! And again, I'm very sorry for the massive delay.

While waiting for the three sleeping beauties to wake up, Kisuke used his time to adjust his terminal to connect to the internet and was able to confirm the current date, '2015... It has been 12 years, huh? A lot of things have probably changed.'

Kisuke's fingers suddenly stopped, 'If it's been 12 years... Are they done with the Soul Funeral Festival? I know at least three who died. Old man Yamamoto, Unohana, and Ukitake.'

Resuming his work, he searched the internet to understand the general trends of the world. Unfortunately, he could only get news from the Human world and none from the Seireitei. However, he was sure that the world wasn't destroyed because they won the Great War, 'Such a shame. I wanted to see that moment since I prepared for them for almost a century.'

Even then, he knew that his work was just starting. Ever since Sona produced Phosphoplasm which supposedly comes from Hell after she lost control of her Hollow, Kisuke had been bothered that something worse than the Quincies was brewing in this world, 'And if I can make sure that this world is stable and safe, I can rip everyone off and have them work for me~.'

Serafall was quietly watching him from the side and when Kisuke suddenly sported a large grin, a shiver went down her spine, 'I don't know what he's planning... But rest in peace, whoever you are.'




An hour later, Claire was the first one to open her eyes but there was an intense headache that immediately attacked her, "Ughhh... Where?"

"Where does it hurt?"

Claire heard Kisuke's voice and parted her long gray hair while rubbing her head, "...Headache."

"Continue laying down. That should subside a few minutes later." Kisuke replied while checking in on her, 'Although they have enough firepower to decimate the Gods, that's not the same with their durability.'

But it's not like they couldn't be durable, it's just that they have to be aware and actively make themselves durable. In that case, they would have enough defense to resist even the strongest of attacks, 'They're still truly inexperienced. Sera-chan and I were able to defend our minds but they couldn't react to the change and instead lost their consciousness.'

A few more minutes later, the two other girls also woke up with an intense headache. But just as Kisuke had said, these headaches soon subsided and they were back in their normal state.

Tanis and Kunou saw that Claire was peeking through the window and they also got up to follow her. What they came to see is the eerily similar landscape to the London they knew, however, that's not what caught their attention but the people riding strangely shaped Dragons and frantically flying around.

"Woahhh..." Tanis excitedly followed these people with her eyes, "But something is strange?"

As Tanis noticed the weirdness about them, Kunou also came to a realization, "...They do not possess Ki and only a very tiny bit of Magic Power? How is that possible? Are they even alive?"

Claire, who had been watching since earlier, told them of her discovery, "Those Dragons don't have physical bodies." She turned to Kisuke and asked, "Am I correct, Nii-chan?"

Kisuke went beside them and also peeked out the window, "That's correct. Their bodies are made out of concentrated Spiritual Particles so technically, they are Souls. In this world, we collectively call those Souls that are strong enough to influence the physical world the Soul race."

Serafall suddenly came from behind him and asked, "Then can I safely assume that you're of this Soul race? That would explain a lot about your abilities."

Kisuke smiled at her and said, "I'll tell you more about myself later once we've settled down. Let's get out of this place and go to the Human World first."

"This is not the Human World?"

"This place is a mirror world called Reverse London created by the 'Crown' to contain and take care of those Dragons. To reach Japan, we have to leave this place first."

Without saying what he was planning to do, Kisuke turned towards the door and left. Sometime later, the group witnessed him exit the hotel and used Flash Step toward one of the people riding a Dragon and knocked them out before rummaging through their clothes. He did this a few more times before returning with a big smile on his face as if he did a good thing, "I got our ticket out of here~!"

But instead of welcoming him back, Serafall turned to the girls and said, "That's called a mugging and it's something a good person should never do. You girls should never imitate that."

Serafall was doing a very good job in her role of taking care of the girls.




After Serafall scolded Kisuke for approximately a quarter of an hour because he showed bad behavior in front of the teenage girls, they finally left the hotel and went to the nearest transport mechanism disguised as a phone booth. On their way, it became clear that the reason why these Witches and Wizards were busily flying around is that they were looking for the Shinigami who killed a Dark Dragon.

Nevertheless, Kisuke thought that they'd only make contact with them if they wanted to know more about the Dragons so they left Reverse London without doing anything else.

As soon as they got into the Human World, it was still the same scenery minus some greenery and large trees present on the other side. Still, it was a huge change for them because of the air they breathed in, "...The Magic Power is even more scarce to the point that it's actually hard to even feel it." Serafall muttered.

"The Ki in the atmosphere is very sparse," Kunou added.

Tanis curiously turned to her and asked, "Why is that?"

"I don't know about Magic Power since it exists even in the vast expanse of space so it's really weird how thin it is here." Kunou shook her head, "But for the Ki, it could be explained by the lack of practitioners. As you know, Ki is the power of life and body. The cycle that the Ki practitioners and nature is a positive feedback loop towards Ki itself. So without any practitioners, the Ki in nature stalls."

Kisuke then urged them to walk, "Let's go to the nearest international airport first, and let's talk on our way to Japan."

"Can't we just teleport?" Serafall asked. Although Magic Power was very thin, it's still possible to recover, albeit, a lot longer and they would need to actively do it.

"I don't want to use Teleportation Magic as much as possible. Like the problem with Magic Power, there are some complications with manipulating space in this world."


28th00: First thing he does is mug someone in front of the young and impressionable girls. Truly a great role model when a Devil has to explain "That's bad, okay?"


Chapter 1088 Return | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Chapter 1088 Return

The group stealthily went through the airport's security and found a plane bound for Haneda Airport that was about to leave.

Naturally, the group chose to sit in the best spot which is by setting up their own couch, table, and a matching outdoor parasol on top of the plane.

"Nii-chan, I thought we should refrain from any Space-Time Magic?" asked Claire while watching Kisuke take out various items from his inventory.

"Yes, we should. And that's because we don't know what kind of effect it'll produce. I'm testing it out now using this. You can use it, but make sure to be mindful of your surroundings and record everything that's happening while using it. That'll help provide me with more data to adjust our Magic."

And while setting up their cozy spot, Kisuke noticed a few things, 'The fabric of space is a lot more fragile and the one holding most of it in place is the balance of Spiritual Pressure between realms. Between these realms are the Garganta and Dangai but they look like patchwork that was rashly created to separate these dimensions compared to the Dimensional Gap which holds everything perfectly and the Void which separates the Lower World and Upper World.

'No wonder a bit of imbalance of Souls put everything in a precarious position.' Kisuke wanted to fix this problem because as long as it existed, people who wanted to flip the whole world upside down could easily do so by just slaying a few tens of thousands of Hollows. However, he doesn't have any single idea as of now.

The group took off and enjoyed the scenery that was incomparable if they were inside.

"Where are we going after we land in Japan?" Serafall asked while demolishing the snacks that Kisuke had prepared along with the other girls. Thanks to the barrier, they were not disturbed by anything outside.

"West of Tokyo, there's a small town called Karakura Town. It's a spot where many things could happen and also the place that I stayed in for more than a century."

Upon hearing this, everyone stopped their hands and mouths. A second later, everyone positioned themselves around Kisuke and Serafall demanded, "The flight is going to be long! Entertain us!"

Kisuke looked around and saw everyone's eyes shining, including the mostly indifferent Dragons. Sighing with a wry smile, Kisuke decided to tell them his story starting from the first thing he remembered, an orphan in a very poor district within the Soul Society.

Although he summarized it for a fair bit, it still took a couple of hours to tell them everything, "Since I 'died' in battle, I wasn't able to witness the end of the war. But looking at things now, it looks like the side of Soul Society won."

After telling his story, Kisuke let out a long breath and felt a bit emotional, 'If this was me from before I reincarnated, I would never have even entertained the thoughts of telling someone my life story.'

There was a minute of silence before Serafall murmured, "That's a lot to take in. So you're not just some random kid and that weird tech you have originated from this world. It's no surprise that no one was able to investigate your origins and you even baited out everyone by saying you're from Gotei 13."

Kisuke chuckled, "It wasn't a lie when I said I'm from Gotei 13 so it's not my fault everyone went crazy searching for this organization. Though thanks to that, I bought some time and no one really bothered me when I was just starting out."

"Of course, they wouldn't. Who's crazy enough to tackle an unknown organization with unknown power?"

"Stupid people, apparently."

"...We don't count those."

Kisuke then looked toward the other girls and watched their reactions. Finally, his eyes stopped on Claire who had a complicated expression and was surely having the same complicated feeling.

Kisuke patted her head and asked, "Is it hard to accept I'm a different person from what you thought?"

Claire hurriedly shook her head. She knows that the Kisuke-niichan in front of her was still the same one who grew up with her. However, she couldn't explain the complexity of what she was going through, "...It's not... It's just that... I don't know."

"You really like overthinking things, aren't you, Claire-chan?" Serafall suddenly interrupted them.

Claire looked up to Serafall who was still displaying a confident smile, seemingly unaffected by everything that was revealed.

"Thanks to your overthinking, you came to the conclusion that your relationship with your Kisuke-niichan will change and you'll have to treat him differently. You're afraid of that and that might be the source of your confusion.

"But really, it's incredibly simple. It's just new information and nothing really changed. He's still Sakura-chan's son and you're still his precious and favorite cousin. He's still the same guy who occasionally..." Serafall suddenly paused and immediately corrected herself, "He's still the same guy who always causes trouble everywhere he goes. Nothing changed."

Claire stared at her for a few moments as enlightenment reached her mind, 'That's right? What am I thinking? Nothing really changed!'

Without saying anything Claire suddenly threw her arms away and hugged Kisuke tightly, "Yes. Nii-chan is Nii-chan!"

Kisuke smiled and turned to Serafall, "You're good at this, Mom."

"If I'm the mom, then you're the dad!" Serafall instantly replied without really thinking about it. A second later, she hurriedly turned away from the group, "It seems that the aeronautical technology in this world advanced greatly even without the aid of Magic. Look! We're about to reach Japan!"

Kisuke chuckled and left Serafall alone. Although she's trying to hide it, it is obvious that her face is red from her ears, '...Why is that so embarrassing!? I don't understand!' Serafall internally shouted.

Kisuke turned to Kunou and Tanis and it looks like they didn't have the same complication as Claire. For Kunou who didn't really have any familial relationship with Kisuke, it didn't really change anything. As for Tanis, well... She wasn't thinking hard in the first place and kept her mind on 'Kisuke' is 'Kisuke' without being bothered by any other possibilities.

"So boss, what's your plan?" Flanna suddenly asked, "Since you returned, are you planning to greet your friends and acquaintances? They'll be shocked for sure! Make sure to bring me with you to see their reaction!"

Serafall managed to calm herself and turned back when she heard what Flanna just said, "...You really are a bad influence on everyone."

Kisuke didn't counter Serafall's statement because he knew he'd lose. Instead, he answered Flanna's question, "I'll postpone greeting everyone for now and take advantage of Magic to snoop around. Of course, there's a limit to that so we'll meet my childhood friend first."

"The Tessai guy?"

"Yes. Knowing him, he should still be staying and maintaining my shop. We'll use another place as a base of operations but we'll stay there for now." And while in that line of thought, Kisuke recalled something, "Oh right. Is everyone's Soul Gear ready?"


28th00: Reunion time?

Chapter 1089 Return part 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Serafall nodded at Kisuke's question, "We're good. This is what we'll use if we come across a Hollow, right?"

"Correct. Since I adapted the Zanpakuto technology into it, it should have the same 'purification' effect on Hollows. As long as you have it out, it'll automatically change your attacks to be compatible with the Hollows as a normal Zanpakuto does."

Except for Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna, everyone else had received their Soul Gear for the first time not long ago. Due to them not wanting to get used to it while they were still training their skills, Claire, Tanis, and Kunou refused to receive their Soul Gears. Serafall, on the other hand, didn't have the opportunity to get one until recently so they all got theirs from Kisuke.

Starting from Tanis, her Soul Gear was in the form of a ring that could transform into various types of knuckles and could even adjust its size if she were to transform her arms into Dragon form.

For Kunou, what she got was a folding fan when Kisuke asked her what form of Soul Gear she wanted. Unlike Tanis' Soul Gear's strength augmentation ability, her folding fan could supplement and provide finer control to her Ki and Magic Power for more effective use of Youjutsu. In addition to that, it also helps her further control her powerful Fox Fire that could already rival a prominent Dragon's fire.

Kisuke also hid that it had some added effects to help her control her Fox Dragon Mode. But since it's her ace that could also harm her, he didn't tell her about it, 'She didn't use it last time because it'd be too much for a 'friendly' spar, but I seriously want to see it. How the heck did she develop that just by staying near Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna? Is it because of her Ninetails legacy?'

That aside, Claire requested a bow that could transform into whatever type of bow she desires. As for the arrow or bolt, they are created with her own Light Power as she draws them. If not for the golden light and lack of Reiatsu, she would be mistaken as a Quincy.

Lastly, Serafall got a Magic Wand with a star and wings on its head. Not in the least surprising.

Although it also had the ability to help her control her Magic, it's not really effective for someone of her level. For her, the other ability is much more important, which is a transformation with an accompanying mysterious beam of light to cover her important parts. Kisuke had a feeling that if she was left alone, he'd witness the revival of the Magical Girl Squad from years ago. Nevertheless, he's not the type to ruin the fun, 'Karakura-Raizer will finally have a strong rival~! I wonder if they are still active?'

Soon enough, they landed and they immediately left the airport after cleaning everything up.

With Ophis and Lilith in their little girl forms and riding on his shoulders, Kisuke led the way and started running to the western side of Tokyo and along the way, Serafall and Kunou picked up something on their senses, "What's that?" Asked the latter.

"Those are the Hollows that I was talking about," Kisuke answered her.

Thanks to Kunou's Youkai heritage and her expertise in Youjutsu, she was much more sensitive to Spiritual Presence than the rest. Serafall was able to feel their presence too due to her experience of fighting against Ghost and Spirit-type enemies in the past.

"They haven't noticed us?" asked Serafall while staring in the direction of the strange presence, "We're not even doing anything to restrict our Ki and Magic Power and just letting them flare up." Although Kisuke was hiding his Spiritual Pressure, he's blatantly flaring up his Magic Power so they all just followed suit. Serafall thought that he was doing that to attract the attention of these Hollows so that he could demonstrate how to deal with them.

Kisuke stopped running and didn't immediately answer. After a moment of thinking, he replied, "...Hmmm, it seems that they don't have the facilities to sense Magic Power."

Serafall understood what he was talking about and explained it to the girls, "Since there's almost no Magic Power in the atmosphere and no one is really using it, no one will be able to develop the ability to sense it either. We can't really expect tools to detect Magic Power here either since you need an understanding of Magic itself for you to start engineering something like that."

Kisuke looked around more before saying, "There are no Shinigami around. Let's deal with them for now."

As the group took a detour, they reached a relatively small forest and could finally see the two 7-feet tall Hollows.

"So those are the Hollows... They have a similar mask and aura as yours, Nii-chan." Claire murmured while taking out her bow.

"Because technically, I'm the same as them. And people here don't really use the word 'aura' since there's only Spiritual Pressure to tell somebody apart," explained Kisuke, "By the way, you all have to start learning how to feel and differentiate Spiritual Pressures. Especially you, Claire. For you to use your [Worthless] you have to understand their properties. It's going to be hard but it shouldn't be impossible."

Kisuke didn't tell her yet but it should be possible for her to disable a Shikai or even a Bankai, Resurrección, and Vollständig. This is the main reason why he wanted her to come with him. She could become the antithesis of everyone here who didn't have any resistance to her ability.

"I'll do my best!"

"Alright. You and Kunou can take care of those Hollows first since both of you are long-range fighters. I want to confirm that the Soul Gear's purification power works properly."

Claire nodded and drew her bow. A golden arrow manifested as the bow was stretched.

Meanwhile, Kunou unfolded her Soul Gear, a traditional Japanese fan that depicts the sun and a golden fox with nine tails. On the top of the fan, a blue Fox Fire the size of a baseball ball appeared.

"Aim for its mask," Kisuke instructed.

Claire let go of her bowstring and a small explosion occurred as the arrow instantly broke through the sound barrier. Her target Hollow was unable to react and disintegrated with a large hole in its mask that went through its entire head.

The other Hollow wondered what happened but the next moment, its head was burning with a blue fire and it only took a few seconds for it to stop struggling and disintegrate.

Kisuke observed it for a few more seconds before nodding to herself, "It's working as intended. Let's leave before a Shinigami comes over to investigate."




In a certain corner of Karakura Town, lies a candy shop called [Urahara Shoten]. Within it was a single inhabitant of said shop. A tall, muscular, lightly tan-skinned man with black cornrowed hair and a large handlebar mustache, which was connected to his long sideburns, reading a message from the Captain of the 12th Division on his smartphone.

As a former Captain of the Kidou Corps, he's being invited to attend the Soul Funeral Festival.

He already rejected the invitation for the Soul Funeral Festivals for Captain Yamamoto and Captain Unohana. Even though he was invited by the current Head Captain, the Central 46 didn't like the idea because of their last judgment and pride. He appreciated the effort but he didn't want to get in trouble with the Nobles.

'Haah... I miss Jinta and Ururu. Ever since Kisuke and Yoruichi died without their bodies, both of them have changed slightly... Oh well, their studies are important and they go home during holidays.' Because of the Soul Funeral Festival for the Captains that died that year, he ended up reminiscing about something he didn't want, 'Let's clean the shop. These days, the business with the Shinigamis isn't as great because I can't make items as Kisuke did.'

Just as he stood up, the front door of the shop suddenly opened.

'Almost no Reiatsu, Humans? It should still be school time. These kids are skipping classes? I should scold them.'

But as soon as he took his first step, he also stopped as he heard an eerily familiar voice that shouldn't exist anymore along with other unfamiliar ones, "Oh my~ It's amazing that the shop is still intact. It looks like Tessai is taking good care of it."

"This is your shop? It looks exactly the same as the ones in Kuoh Town and Orario... And just as deserted too..."

"It's a candy shop for kids and it's school time! Of course, there will be no customers!"

"About time you admit you're just a destitute shop owner who doesn't have any talent in running a business. In the first place, your merchandise is too exotic for normal people."

Without realizing it, Tessai began running towards the entrance and when he opened the inner door, there he saw the group who had entered the shop. However, he really only eyed one single person who was wearing a green Shihakushou and a striped green and white bucket hat, "...You..."

Kisuke saw him and grinned, "It has been a while, Tessai~. Did your mustache grow smaller?"


28th00: I expect a punch and/or a hug.


Chapter 1090 Reunion | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Chapter 1090 Reunion

Tessai was stunned for a few seconds by what he was seeing and when he finally was able to move, he hurriedly took off his pair of rectangular-shaped glasses and wiped them clean with his blue apron. He put it back on but the only thing that changed within his sight was Kisuke's bigger grin, "...I-is that really you?"

"Is there anyone else as handsome as me?"

But even with his most 'convincing' words, Tessai didn't move from his spot and stared menacingly at him.

Since words couldn't reach him, Kisuke released a bit of his Reiatsu from the mix of Reiatsu-Ki that he pulled out with great difficulty. And while at it, he released Benihime's Shikai.

Kisuke was about to say, 'Still don't believe it?' But he couldn't as he suddenly disappeared from the girls' sight as Tessai, without any warning, tackled Kisuke.

Serafall hurriedly turned around and was about to help Kisuke who was taken outside but she suddenly heard Kisuke's voice inside her head, [It's fine.]

When she saw them again, she witness the burly man wrapping his arms around Kisuke while rolling on the ground and releasing strange noises, "OOHHHHHHHHH!!! IT'S REALLY YOU!!! WHY DID YOU COME HOME SO LATE!!! I THOUGHT YOU DIED FIGHTING A QUINCY!!!"

After telling the kids that it's fine, Serafall set up a barrier that hid what's really happening in the vicinity of the shop because sooner or later, the burly man was going to attract unwanted attention with his big crying voice.

Several minutes later, Tessai finally let go of Kisuke after rapping his worries to him, "Haaahhh... I almost cannot believe this. To think you really are still alive." Tessai wiped his tears and asked the final question that has been bothering him but didn't really want any answer, "...Where is Yoruichi?"

Since Kisuke came alone, he already assumed the worst.

"Oh. She's doing okay... In fact, she might be enjoying herself a lot more the years we are gone," answered Kisuke while dusting himself off.

Tessai's eyes widened and grabbed Kisuke's shoulder, "Why isn't she with you!? If both of you are alive, you should have both seen me!"

Kisuke shook his head, "It's actually a challenge for me to come here and Yoruichi has more important things she needs to manage. I'm sorry but your reunion with her will be postponed for a while."

Tessai immediately returned to his stoic atmosphere and said, "You have a lot of explaining to do."

"That's why I'm here. Let's go to the training ground for now. You're one of the few people I want to know that I'm still around."

Tessai nodded, turned to the girls, and finally acknowledged them, "They are your guests, I presume?"

Kisuke stepped forward and ushered the girls to get inside, "My family, actually."

Tessai was stunned yet again but he didn't lose himself this time. After Kisuke's group went in, Tessai closed the shop, "Do you want me to call Ururu and Jinta? They missed you just as much as me."

From the inside, he heard Kisuke's voice, "No. It'll be inconvenient for me. I'll meet them at a later date. You'll know why once you hear what I'm doing."




Tessai intended to prepare everything for them to make them feel comfortable as much as possible. However, he couldn't understand why Kisuke went inside the unused training ground, 'This isn't really a good place to talk.'

But as soon as he went down with them, the motion of common sense he cultivated his whole life was almost broken in the few minutes they were within it.

First, as he was climbing down the ladder, there was suddenly a strange air that enveloped the training ground but he couldn't tell what it was. He knew that Kisuke was much more careful than he is so when he saw that he was not really reacting in any special way, he just went on his way down.

But after the first one, his mind practically almost went blank as multiple strange geometric circles made out of light suddenly appeared around Kisuke and he started pulling various raw materials out of them.

Meanwhile, the girls that are with him were also surrounded by these strange circles, and the raw materials that Kisuke took out revolved around them a few times before suddenly transforming into various shapes. It only took them a quarter of an hour to build a magnificent western-type mansion.

Kisuke finally turned to the frozen Tessai and said, "Come on in."

Inside, Tessai and Kisuke are sitting on a small round table facing each other while the girls are on the couches in front of a fireplace.

Kisuke first introduced everyone but he didn't delve deep into their backgrounds because there was no way he'd believe anything about the Dragons that could potentially be on the Soul King's level.

After the initial introductions, Kisuke proceeded to tell him his story like it was the sequel to the story that he told the girls earlier.




A few hours later, Tessai is sipping on his tea to calm his nerves, "This is a lot to take in."

Serafall, Claire, Tanis, Kunou, Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna got bored of their talk and decided to return to the surface and tour the town for a bit so it's just Tessai and Kisuke who are in the room.

"What is? You've already hypothesized that there are countless other worlds out there that we can't reach after researching Byakko for a bit."

"I did... But hearing and seeing about it gives off an entirely different feeling." Aside from telling him stories of his adventure, Kisuke also showed Tessai several memory crystals and that's when he truly believed that Yoruichi was still alive and well.

"...So that really is Space-Time manipulation?" Tessai added.

"It is. Through the use of Magic instead of Spiritual ability."

"Magic... That's what they call it in the West, right?"

"Correct, but this is an entirely different thing. You couldn't properly feel it, can you?"

Tessai shook his head, "It only felt like a strange air to me. If I didn't see it in action and it happened outside, I would have dismissed it as nothing."

"I'll teach you how to detect and use it. It might prove useful to you... No. It's definitely going to be useful to you as one of the greatest Kidou Practitioners in history."

In terms of Kidou expertise, Tessai was better than Kisuke and Aizen. The latter two are only stronger Kidou Practitioners because of the massive amount of Reiatsu that's needed to power it. Kisuke guessed that if Space-Time manipulation was not forbidden, Tessai could have entered the Zero Division.

Tessai smiled because there was a surge of excitement that he hadn't felt for a long time. He doesn't like fighting but he sure does like tinkering with his spells.

Kisuke was about to discuss with him what they planned to do when his eyes suddenly went wide open because he felt something that shouldn't exist, '...Demonic Power?'

At the same time, a small Magic Circle appeared by his left ear with Serafall's voice coming from it, [There's this group of I assume Shinigamis. However, there are also these... should I say Hollows? But they are emitting something similar to Demonic Power. They are surrounding these Shinigamis that seem to be unaware of their existence.]

Due to the barrier placed over the training ground, Tessai and Kisuke couldn't feel the Reiatsu from the outside, "Any news from the Soul Society?" asked Kisuke.

Tessai doesn't know what happens but he immediately answered, "The Lieutenants are supposed to catch some Hollows to use for Ukitake's Soul Funeral Festival tonight."

"Something else besides Hollows came up."


28th00: Hell bullshit time? Glad to see they can speed build a mansion in 15 minutes after all the practice they've gotten! Mostly Ophis and Kisuke, to be fair, but it's been a fucking lot of practice.


Chapter 1091 Hell's Attack | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Tessai took out his Reiatsu Concealing Cloak and followed Kisuke who hid his own very familiar yet very strange Reiatsu with his Magic Power.

Soon, they finally saw the group of Shinigamis hanging around a hundred feet above the ground. Kisuke stopped at the top of one of the buildings far from them and asked Tessai, "Can you sense anything strange around them?"

Tessai didn't answer immediately and tried to find out what was wrong. But despite increasing the sensitivity of his senses, he only found two things, the slight tremor of the ground and the strange air similar to when Kisuke and his group were building the mansion.

"Currently, there are 13 giant Hollows and more than 20 small ones with their holes outside of their bodies making their way towards that group." Kisuke explained while peering at his friends, 'They grew up well... Though Kurosaki-san was the only one who'd matured outwardly because of his physical body.'

Tessai turned to Kisuke and asked, "Hollows with their holes outside of their body?"

"You'll understand once they dispel their invisibility." Kisuke then looked for the girls but he couldn't even feel their presence, 'Is this Kunou-chan's [Sage's Assimilation]? It's really as ridiculous as Issei and Vali have described.'

"Where are you guys?" Kisuke decided to contact Serafall through Magic.

A second later, a reply came in, [Directly under these guys. I can already feel the hostility from those approaching guys. What do you want to do?]

Kisuke thought about it for a moment while observing the 'Hollows'. It wasn't just the aura that was similar to Demonic Power and holes that caught him but also the chain tattoos plastered all over their bodies, '...Chains of Hell. If that's the case, then I can understand why they possess an aura like that.'

"Sera-chan, you'll have to come out and secure one of them. Alive if possible. However, you'll have to do it at the last moment since I want to see where this is going."

[Okay~. Is it fine to retaliate if they attack me?]

"Of course. But I'll have to ask you not to grievously injure any of them. Well, that should be easy for you."

Tessai heard their whole exchange and said, "It looks like she's not your run-of-mill Human, but is that fine? All of them are Lieutenants and there's even Ichigo Kurosaki in their midst. It might become dangerous for her."

In response, Kisuke just waved at him casually while saying, "It's fine, it's fine~. She may look like a kid, but she's actually stronger than me when I was still active if she gets serious."

Tessai's eyes widened as he stared directly at Kisuke's eyes. As his best friend, he knows when he's joking and when he's not, '...Clearly, this is the former... Seriously?' He didn't say anything else and returned his sights to the group of Shinigami with renewed interest and enthusiasm.

The Shinigamis are peacefully talking with Renji introducing the new Lieutenants among their ranks to Ichigo when all of a sudden, a young Shinigami that slightly resembled Renji came shouting from below to warn the others, 'Hooh? She can see that? Is that Abarai-san's kid?'

Immediately after, those weird Hollows 'came into existence' as one of them that looked like a small collection of bones smashed Renji into the ground.

The Shinigami's immediately armed themselves and Ichigo took care of the skeleton-like Hollow with a single slash of his sword. However, they found out that they were already surrounded with some of them wounded by the sneak attack.

Even then, these strange Hollows soon fell one by one without being able to do much as they are against a group of high-ranking Shinigamis. Kisuke's attention, however, was on something else, 'Garganta?... No. It is something different.' He inwardly commented in shock when he saw an unfamiliar type of portal opening up.

But who came out of it stunned Kisuke more, 'Szayelaporro!?'

Kisuke hurriedly turned to Tessai and said before disappearing, "Stay here. I want to take a closer look."

Kisuke came closer while listening to the 'dead' Szayelaporro's words and he stopped behind a wall just a few meters away from them.

"Powerful Reishi can't be absorbed by the earth of the Soul Society but they can't remain there forever too! The Soul Funeral Festival's real purpose is something else! With this ritual, deceased Captains are sent down to Hell!!!"

Upon this revelation by Szayelaporro, Kisuke can't help but be a bit emotional, 'So that old wives' tale is true?'

Ichigo, who was confronting Szayelaporro, also couldn't believe what he was saying, "...What are you saying...!?"

"What!? I'm telling the truth!" Szayelaporro as he attacked Ichigo with chains that came out of the strange portal with him, "Don't grieve, Kurosaki Ichigo. You should know that a price must be paid to gain strength! Souls that have lost a place to return to because of the immense power that they sought, are saved by sending them down to Hell!"

"This is 'kindness'!" Szayelaporro began to laugh maniacally, "And unbeknownst to them, the benevolent Shinigamis, have with their own hands, been sending their comrades down to Hell!!!"

Ichigo was stunned. Those around him were also the same. Their faces were telling Szayelaporro that they were not willing to believe his words. With a smirk, he continued, "Can you not believe it? The fact that I've appeared in front of all of you is decisive proof. The Balance has been broken. The tremendous Reiatsu that was keeping the mouths of Hell in check... Aizen Sosuke disappeared, and right after, Yhwach vanished. You guys then sent tremendous Reiatsu down to Hell one after another, allowing the mouth of Hell to be forced open from Hell's side."

Meanwhile, a black and slimy substance has been gathering around Szayelaporro and Kisuke had guessed this was Hell's Phosphoplasm.

"[The Founder of Gotei], Yamamoto Genryusai, [The Blade of Death], Unohana Retsu, and today...!" Before Szayelaporro could finish his words, however, the door of Hell suddenly appeared and opened behind him with a single familiar blade appearing and piercing Szayelaporro through his back and out his chest. But instead of lamenting in pain, Szayelaporro sported a large smile and said, "Ahh~, you've made an early arrival, [Divine Vow], Ukitake Juushirou!"

"..W-what are you saying?" asked Ichigo, finally believing him after seeing Ukitake's Zanpakuto, "The ritual is still..."

"It's finished." Szayelaporro said while coughing out blood, "You guys just slaughtered those Beast of Hell. Right in front of Ukitake Juushirou."

Ichigo noticed that Szayelaporro wasn't directly looking at his eyes but at his chest area instead. But shortly after, Ichigo realized he was referring to the Substitute Shinigami Badge that Ukitake gave him.

While being dragged into the doors of Hell, Szayelaporro continued speaking, "Now, I will return. And you guys should think properly. Hell has always been nearby. There's no way you haven't noticed. Haven't you ever wondered why the butterflies that guide the Shinigamis have 'Hell' in their name!?'

The door closed and soon disappeared but that didn't make any of them feel good.

Kisuke, on the other hand, was thinking about the 'eyes' of the door and thought, 'I suppose Hell has better eyes than Tsunayashiro's Visual Department?'


28th00: I had to go read the chapter that this was basically a transcript of(the final half that chapter) to know wtf was going on. Over a year after the anniversary hell chapter that fucked the lore even harder than the books, I had to read it cause of editing. Wild stuff.


Chapter 1092 Frozen | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Chapter 1092 Frozen

AN: I'm very sorry again for the delayed post.

I won't be going into anything specific but IRL things are starting to take a toll on me.

For that, I apologize to all of you who are supporting me and making this all possible.

On another note, I don't know what Patreon changed, but the images that I include in the text don't work anymore even though they are still taking up space so this is an alternative.

Thank you for your time and have a great day~!


The group of Shinigamis were disgruntled after what they'd just witnessed and heard from Szayelaporro, but there were still a few remaining 'Beasts of Hell' that they had to deal with before they could return and report.

Ichigo was about to finish the last remaining giant Beast when a beautiful girl who looked like she was in her late teens, with black hair tied into twin tails and blue eyes, suddenly appeared in front of his blade, "!?"

Ichigo tried to stop his sword, but it was already too late, and he thought that he would be cutting a few inches into this young girl's shoulders.

But contrary to his expectations, a weird blue geometric circle with unknown symbols suddenly appeared in front of his blade and stopped it along with the remaining power behind it with ease. It was then that Ichigo finally realized that the young girl was also floating and immediately jumped back with Flash Step, "...Who are you?"

Still sensitive because of these unknown enemies, everyone else also became vigilant at her presence. Because only the large one was remaining among the Beasts, everyone's attention was on Serafall. Despite that, they couldn't feel anything from her, similar to the Beasts and Szayelaporro.

Serafall wasn't even able to introduce herself because some of the Lieutenants were still too sensitive and saw her as their enemy.

Without any word, the recently appointed Lieutenant of the 8th Division, Yuyu Yayahara, and Lieutenant of the 3rd Division, Izuru Kira, appeared on opposite sides of Serafall, bearing their Reiatsu and killing intent at her.

Serafall is already used to this kind of aura, thanks to Kisuke, Yoruichi, Aika, and Sona, who transformed years ago, so it didn't affect her in any way. As they were about to brandish their attacks on her, Serafall took her time to observe them, 'They're too agitated, not a good time to talk, I guess? Looks like the appearance of that weird guy with horns is a bigger deal than I thought.'

On her left side is Kira with a hook-like sword, while on her right was Yuyu with her hands curled like claws, 'The weird sword of the one on the left seems to be a lot heavier than it looks while the girl on the right has these invisible fangs that surround her hand. How fascinating~.'

"H-hold on!"

"Wait! Don't be reckless!"

Renji and Akon warned them, but it only fell on deaf ears.

Nevertheless, the unknown young girl's response surprised everyone even more as she simply extended both of her arms and index fingers toward the trajectory of their attacks. At the point of collision, it wasn't what everyone was expecting as unknowingly, both assailants were suddenly enclosed in thick ice, leaving only their heads free.



Kira and Yuyu began falling from the sky because they couldn't maintain their footholds. Thankfully, their comrades came in and caught them.

At the same time, the giant Beast who was about to be cut by Ichigo finally made its move and swung its fist at the nearest person, which was Serafall. "Watch out!" The kind-hearted Ichigo shouted.

But Serafall didn't have to turn around. Before the Beast could even touch her, it was instantly enclosed in a coffin of ice. Regardless of its size, it suffered the same fate as Kira and Yuyu, this time, however, not leaving the head open.

The Shinigamis were quiet and didn't know what to think of this terrifying instance. Anyhow, Serafall didn't really care what they thought of it since she had already achieved her goal. With a wide smile on her face, she said, "Although I'd like to introduce myself, it doesn't seem to be the right time~ Take care, everyone!"

As soon as she finished her statement, a large blue geometric circle appeared beneath the frozen Beast, and a few seconds later, Serafall and the Beast started disappearing in motes of light, quietly disappearing as she arrived.

With peace returning, Shuuhei Hisagi, the Lieutenant of the 9th Division, hurriedly turned to Akon, "Akon! What was that just now?"

Everyone's eyes turned to him as Akon is the Lieutenant of the 12th Division and the Vice-President of Shinigami Research and Development Institute.

Akon didn't answer immediately. Instead, he took out his terminal that looked like a smartphone and went through it first, "I assume that everyone also couldn't feel their Reiatsu, so I checked the sensors laid out in the whole town for surveillance purposes. Sadly, nothing really came up with that either. Although I would need to thoroughly comb through the data to get any conclusion from this incident."

Akon saw the facial expression that Shuuhei was making, but he shook his head at him. 'He probably thought it was another Fullbringer like Aura, but the sensors are already equipped with the ability to detect someone like her.'

Some of the Shinigamis searched the whole town for a while to find if there were still remaining Beasts, while the rest were instructed by Akon to recover the corpses of the Beasts that had already melted into a black substance and send them to the Soul Society to make their report. It was a long night for everyone, and they had a feeling that the peace they had finally attained after the Great War was also about to end.

Meanwhile, in a certain underground training facility, the young girls were curiously inspecting the frozen Beast, while Serafall, Kisuke, and Tessai were talking in the distance.

"Did I do a good job?" Serafall excitedly asked Kisuke, and Kisuke reciprocated by patting her head. "Thanks to you, we got a really good and intact sample!"

Tessai was instantly taken aback by this scene and asked, "You're giving away head pats easily now? Even Ururu only received that on very rare occasions."

Kisuke turned to Tessai with a grin. "It's not really a bad thing, is it?"

And Serafall supplemented that by saying, "His headpats are highly sought after. They're popular with certain Dragons."

"Dragons..." Even though Kisuke had told Tessai his whole story, it was still just a summary of his very eventful life on the other side, so the former wasn't able to explain to the latter the various races that inhabit that world, nor Serafall and the others' positions and abilities.

"You really were amazing back then, Serafall-san. I would have never expected that an innocent-looking girl like you could easily subdue those Shinigamis. Was that Magic? You froze them way faster than Captain Hitsugaya could have."

"You can call me Sera-chan, and I'll call you Te-chan."

Tessai turned to Kisuke, and the latter just nodded at him. "Alright, Sera-chan. You were amazing back then."

"Thank you! But who is this Captain Hitsugaya?"

"He's one of the Captains of the Gotei 13 and has the same Ice Ability as you."

"Hee! I'd like to meet him."

Kisuke didn't tell Tessai that Serafall could easily freeze the whole of Karakura Town with a snap of her finger, which is impossible for Hitsugaya. Because he didn't want Tessai to think about it too deeply now when there was a lot to process. "Let's go at it slowly. For now, let's hear about what transpired after the Great War."


28th00: Yeah, Serafall has insane specs and a near total specialization in AOE things, even if she's pretty strong in more duel-type fights. But her magic was basically made and grown on the wartime battlefields, wasn't it? Zanpakuto's let you hit really fucking hard, but they have the immense downside of being incredibly restricted in a lot of ways too. Sera has freeform absolute zero Ice magic compared to someone incredibly restricted in it like Hitsugaya. Sorta like how Yamamoto hits the entire fucking dimension he's in at once, but can ONLY hit the entire dimension at once. I think his Bankai lets him compress it all to a single blade that still does massive environmental damage.

Goyya: Sona mentioned when Serafall was first introduced that a bit of her 'sparkles' could freeze Japan. Even considering that a human country doesn't have any defensive capabilities against Magic, it's still a testament to how much Serafall could do.


Chapter 1093 Recollection | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Chapter 1093 Recollection

It had been a long day for the teenagers so they went to bed first. Despite their seemingly unlimited energy, they still went through dimensions before arriving here. They were able to rest for a bit, but that still took a toll on their still-developing bodies. Kisuke found nothing out of place with them after he performed a quick checkup, but he urged them to rest now for good measure.

Serafall, on the other hand, didn't choose to sit with Kisuke and Tessai to listen to the latter's story. Even if she could listen, she wouldn't be able to understand anything without the necessary context. Instead, she went out again to explore the town. As an unknown world, she couldn't sit still without knowing anything, or at least making sure that there was no immediate danger in their vicinity.

Kisuke was sure that Serafall would trust his words if he told her that they were safe here but he knew that wouldn't be as effective if she checked it herself. Also this way, she'll be able to adapt faster since that's how she has always done things. She didn't get the position of the Devil King because she sat on her butt the whole time.

"Is it alright to leave her alone? She doesn't know much about this place, does she?" Tessai asked with concern. He's not worried about her safety but the things she could do to disrupt the delicate situation right now.

"It's fine. Even though she acts like a kid, she's a very shrewd one on par with Yoruichi. Let her do her own thing until she's satisfied. I assure you that she knows where to draw the line."

"I see. In that case, I'll trust her too."

Kisuke smiled at him because he knew that Tessai hardly trusts anyone after what happened more than a century ago. For him to trust someone he just met today is a huge respect to Kisuke himself, "Thank you."

Tessai nodded at him and took out some documents he recorded in the past, "After the Great War, I distanced ourselves from Seireitei for Ururu and Jinta's sake. Everything in here is some of the noteworthy events that occurred but since everything is just from what I heard and saw, it's not very reliable.

"And from all of it, there's really only one notable event that happened not long after the Great War. Since it was a highly sensitive topic and heavily suppressed by Central 46, I wasn't able to glean much from it. Even then, I could tell that it was a pretty serious event because the entirety of Karakura Town was locked in a strange barrier that day."

Kisuke browsed through the documents and listed the important points inside his head, 'The rise of a strange cult in the Human World called Xcution with knowledge of Soul Society. A very powerful Fullbringer in the middle of it. The appearance of a strange child with a similar Reiatsu as Ichigo Kurosaki and Kugo Ginjou. And a day later, the death of the controversial head of the Tsunayashiro of the Five Noble Clans.'

"It seems that it was resolved peacefully," Kisuke commented while flipping through the pages of other miscellaneous information like the current status of the surviving Quincies.

"You could say that Captain Commander Shunsui Kyouraku is doing a fine job. And I don't want to say it, but Mayuri Kurotsuchi also contributed a lot, and also probably thanks to him that Soul Society is making advances right now."

Kisuke kept the documents in his inventory while chuckling at the frowning Tessai, "You may not like how he does and sees things but that's the reason why I wanted him to succeed me. Though I also honestly didn't think that he would be that nihilistic."

"Haaahhh..." Tessai let out an exasperated sigh, "You have no idea. He started developing communication devices that could also connect to the Human World, including its internet."

"Huh? Isn't that a really great thing? Those traditional maniacs will finally be able to open to more ideas once they see the Human World culture closely... Though I hope that Mayuri added some filters to prevent anyone from diving in too deep..." Kisuke replied and a second later, thought, 'No... That's impossible, isn't it? I'd be glad if he doesn't lead others to the dubious part of the internet. Gotei 13 might just collapse.'

Tessai was able to guess what he was thinking and said, "That's also a problem, but thankfully, it's just a recent technological advancement so no one really knows how to use it aside from the messaging apps and video sharing sites. The biggest problem is his aesthetics!"

"Ahh..." Kisuke instantly understood and imagined the current Gotei 13 full of flying high-tech bugs.

"Thankfully, Akon is around and was able to push back against this with the help of Divisions and Captain Commander himself. Although extremely opposed to it, Mayuri was forced to adopt the Human World's design."

Kisuke also sighed in relief upon hearing that.

"So what's your plan now?"

"Ultimately, I want to check the one who replaced the Soul King and figure out what's going to happen now that the doors of Hell are wide open."

Tessai's brows narrowed. Although he heard Kisuke's story, he still doesn't understand why he returned when he could have stayed there in peace, 'Attachment?... or...' Tessai looked straight into his eyes and asked, "You still haven't let go of your morbid curiosity?"

Tessai knew the real reason why Kisuke created the Hougyoku and that's not because he wanted to save the Soul King from his eternal torture but wanted to see if he could make something that could replace him out of curiosity.

Kisuke leaned back, "I won't deny that, but that's not my only motivation now. Believe it or not, a lot of things have changed."

"So is it safe to assume that you won't be walking the same path as Aizen Sosuke?"

Kisuke shook his head, "Don't worry. I won't. I would never think of replacing the 'stake'. Too much spotlight for me."

Yes, Kisuke won't be replacing the 'Soul King'. He intended to do something worse and Kisuke was prepared to fight the Royal Guard.

"For now, aside from studying that 'Beast from Hell', I'd like to enroll Claire, Tanis, and Kunou in a high school."

"Hmmm... I could falsify some documents to help them enter Karakura High but that's risky."

"Please do that and leave everything else to Sera-chan."

Although Kisuke took them with him, he didn't want them to miss out on their youth.


28th00: The (new)youth troupe is gonna freak out that even in another dimension, they have to go to school. Their poor little minds are gonna snap… The dragons might even shapeshift into their loli forms to get outta highschool! Truly, Kisuke is a monster. Tessai would probably not worry that hard if Kisuke just told him "Oh yeah, Serafall has a century or two on us by the way." since she looks like a teenager.


Chapter 1094 First Steps | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

The next day, Kisuke asked the girls except for Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna to explore the town again. But before they left, Kisuke talked to Serafall, "Sera-chan, I'll support whatever you want to do since I trust your discretion."

Serafall grinned at him and replied, "Aren't you asking me to make a mess?"

"Geez, you know what I meant." Kisuke scratched his head with a wry smile but he couldn't blame her and why she said that because there was indeed an advantage for them if she were to make a mess. However, he had an entirely different reason and that's that he wanted the girls to have no reservations as they did on the other side and he wanted to leave that to Serafall's discretion.

"You probably already noticed from your brief exploration and listening to my stories, but this side is a lot more lenient against 'outsiders'. With factions that you can count on one hand, it's a lot easier for another one to rise up without any interference as long as you don't openly antagonize them."

Indeed, Serafall had been wondering why Kisuke, from his stories, a known fugitive was able to keep a relatively peaceful life for a century just because he escaped to the Human World. Her exploration last night was to seek an answer to this question and although she's still figuring things out, Serafall was able to conclude that the people who could apprehend Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Tessai couldn't easily leave their post despite them breaking some pretty serious laws and they were even able to open a shop that caters to their needs.

"True. It'll also be a lot easier for the girls to adapt since they won't have to hide like they did something wrong." Serafall replied. There's a reason why Serafall didn't hide her face when standing in front of the Shinigamis and that's because of her pride. They're prideful beings, especially her and Claire who're Devils. While they don't have anything against how Kisuke does things, they wouldn't want to do the same. At most, they would want to hide a portion of their abilities to save them as their ace.

But since they're in his world, Serafall was thinking if they should adapt to Kisuke's style, at least for the young girls. "But are you sure? They might figure out our association with you."

"I'd only ask that you avoid mentioning me to others. But if anyone finds out, that's also fine since I don't really intend to hide forever. Once I figure out what's going on and prepare enough, I'll move in earnest."

Serafall quietly stared at him for a few seconds before sighing in relief. She already has an idea of what he really wanted to do in this world but it was just a guess and she didn't have to ask him that now. Nevertheless, she was relieved that she didn't have to suppress herself and the young girls, "I see~. Then while we're at it, we'll find a good place to stay."

"Go to the Kitakawase area. It's a wealthy residential area and you should be able to find a suitable place there."

"Noted~ We'll get going then!"

As they left, Tessai approached him from behind, "They're not going to stay here?"

"This place is too small for them and no one would really want to live underground."

But just as Kisuke was about to return inside, his cane began shaking a second later, it released a strong light. The next moment, a very beautiful Japanese woman wearing a simple white V-neck t-shirt and blue tight jeans stood in front of Kisuke and Tessai while demanding with one of her hands on her hip, "I'm also going to find my own place."

Tessai was stunned while Kisuke thought about it for a moment before taking out his tanto blade and giving it to Benihime, "On one condition. You take her with you and become her guide."

The woman was incredibly apprehensive and was about to reject it with all her might. But when a certain aspect of the daily life of her independent action came to her mind, she took the tanto blade, albeit, still a bit hesitant, 'I don't like her... But I hate chores more.'

The woman didn't say another word and left with the blade using Flash Step.

"W-was that Benihime?" asked Tessai after the woman had disappeared, "When did Benihime acquire that kind of ability that's only unique to the Kuchiki Clan's Muramasa?"

"Well, it's something different but I won't be able to explain it properly to you. Just think of her body being made using Magic Particles as opposed to Spiritual Particles."

"Wait. She didn't take a Gigai. How is she going to interact with Humans?"

"No problem on that side either. Magic Power is something that manifests in the physical world once manipulated. Right now, she looks no different from a normal Human... Except for her temper."

Although Tessai doesn't personally know Benihime, he knows how she acts from Kisuke's mentioning of her in the past, "She won't create a big mess, will she?"

"It's fine. She knew the price of her freedom and I think she likes running around too much to do anything drastic."

Kisuke then gave Tessai a device that would allow him to practice sensing Magic Power before leaving with Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna.

After confirming everything he needs, Kisuke opened a Senkaimon within the training grounds. But because they don't have any Hell Butterflies to guide them, they were transported to a dark lifeless corridor with gooey moving walls the moment they stepped into the Senkaimon. They arrived at the Dangai and it was intentional on Kisuke's side.

"This is... The flow of time is incredibly distorted." Flanna commented as she looked around, "...2,000 times?" Flanna turned to Kisuke and asked, "Did you use this as a training ground, boss?"

Kisuke shook his head, "While it's indeed good for learning and mastering something when you're out of time, it's not a place to get stronger. Any wrong move and one will be dragged along the flow of time and be trapped forever. For most people, that would mean being trapped and aging 2,000 times faster."

Kisuke then turned to Ophis and Lilith, "Ophis-chan, Lilith-chan, please make a hole in the wall. I want to get out of this space."

Ophis and Lilith nodded and didn't hesitate to touch the gooey walls. But instead of being dragged and swallowed by it, the gooey wall moved out of its way and revealed a barren and deserted land beyond it.

Kisuke jumped in and was immediately followed by the three girls. After leaving the Dangai, they now arrived at one of many pocket spaces beside it called Valley of Screams, "Let's jump a few more times until we find a suitable place."

Ophis and Lilith nodded. After doing it the first time, they instantly understood the structure of this world's boundaries and were able to go through them like fishes in the water.


28th00: The Infinite Lolis are basically the master key to reality when you think about it… Sera is gonna raise hell in her misadventures I bet!

Goyya: 'Sadly', there are no lolis here. All of them are in their teenager form. Imagine Rias and Akeno, but a lot more tamed.

8 LikesChapter 1095 [World's End] | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

After around a hundred jumps that took a few hours, Kisuke finally found a satisfactory space that's virtually untouched by anyone for the last one thousand years. It's at least 10 times as wide as Karakura Town so it was also the perfect size for them in case there's a need to move it around.

Like the other pockets of spaces around the Dangai where Souls could accidentally get lost, it's a barren rocky land with a sun-like source of light in the middle of it. Since everything in this space was stagnant, there was only day here. It was unknown how each Valley of Screams got its current terrain and light but it was theorized that the first Souls that got lost here are the ones who shaped them.

Everything inside this space is made out of Reishi(Spiritual Particles) and even if Claire, Tanis, and Kunou could survive in this kind of space, it wouldn't be very comfortable since it'd be just like the barren land of Mars for them who don't know how to feed on Reishi.

Kisuke didn't delay his work any further and took out 5 40-meter tall and 2-meter wide gray pillars that were inscribed with thousands of Magic Circles melded together creating a very complex flow of energy. But before he set them down, Kisuke first turned to Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna, "Ehem, the reason why I want to bring you here is for you to combine your abilities to create a protective layer over this domain to block off most of the unauthorized entrances and flow of information. Will that be alright?"

Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna looked at each other before the last one turned to Kisuke and asked, "Just to make it clear, you want us to further separate this space from the rest?"

Kisuke nodded at her and said, "That's one way of putting it."

"Hmmm..." Flanna closed his eyes in deep thought before asking again, "Is there anything specific you want us to do?"

Kisuke shook his head, "Nothing. I don't know how you will do it so I'll be leaving it to you three."

Flanna suddenly clapped her hand before wrapping her arms around Ophis and Lilith, "Yosh! Blacky, Little Blacky, let's make a cozy place!"

And despite not talking about anything specific, Ophis and Lilith understood what she wanted to happen and nodded.

"Boss, we'll start immediately so make sure some bananas and cookies are prepared when we're done~!"

The three of them didn't wait for Kisuke to say anything else and slipped into the space, disappearing as if they were never there, to begin with. Even then, Kisuke didn't stop himself and said, "I'll look forward to your work~! And don't worry about the snacks. I stocked up before we left."

The next moment, an incredible amount of Draconic Aura unique to the three of them exploded as if it signaled the end of the world. It was so incredibly dense that even Kisuke, who was used to their aura, jumped on his feet and adrenaline rushed to his head as an automatic defense mechanism. It was only a second later that his mind finally processed that there was no danger and it was just the three of them doing their work.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Kisuke nervously thought, '...Even those who are inept would be able to sense that. I hope nothing too drastic happens... Not gonna lie, though. I want to see what sort of response that would elicit.'

As much as he wanted to see the world right now, he had work to do and that was much more important, 'I'll ask them to do it again sometime later.'




When the girls left, they didn't really have any destination in mind so they just walked in a random direction and asked people that they came across about good places to sightsee.

They were seen as a bit of a strange group touring a town without any specialties but because they were a group of beautiful ladies, no one thought of them badly and gladly pointed them to the places they thought were good.

Naturally, it can't be avoided for them to be picked up by random guys but they were easily resolved by silently emitting Demonic Power toward them. They didn't know what's happening but they were instantly compelled to avoid them.

"Kisuke-niichan made it sound like a very dangerous town, but there are hardly any threats." Claire commented when the group found benches in a community park, "And even if something appears, it's easily taken care of by some people."

"Claire, please don't use your own standards to judge the safety of this place." Kunou immediately called out her comment, "It's supposed to be a town where normal people without any power live. Invisible monsters that could hurt them shouldn't exist in the first place."

Claire realized her mistake and hurriedly apologized, "Ah, I'm sorry. I forgot."

"As long as you understand," Kunou accepted her apology before reminding everyone, "Although there isn't much during day time, it's a different landscape when the sun sets."

Tanis tilted her head at her and asked, "How?"

"I'm not sure if yesterday was special, but the amount of Hollows moving around last night was almost ten times as many as today."

Surprised, Serafall asked, "Oh? Your Ki scan worked that far?"

"I also didn't expect it to work that well," answered Kunou, "It must be because no one else is manipulating the natural flow of Ki that my scan went on unimpeded."

Serafall then stood up and said, "It's about lunch time so let's go get a meal. After that, we'll go to the Kitakawase area. Anything you want?"

Tanis hurriedly raised her hand and said, "I'm craving ramen!"

"Ramen, it is! Let's go to the shopping district. We should be able to find a good shop."

"I prefer somewhere not crowded." Claire requested.

They came across multiple shops but all of them were almost full because it was already lunchtime. It took a while, but they found a good shop before they could enter, Serafall and Kunou suddenly stopped walking.

"Find something else?" asked Tanis, turning to the direction they are looking at.

"Yup~. Let's take a look at that place first before we have lunch. They might leave." Serafall led the group and took a few turns until they reached a street that has low pedestrian volume. And at the corner of that street was, amazingly, a ramen shop that seemed to be new called 'Spirit Ramen', "What a coincidence~ Let's have our lunch there!"




Inside the ramen shop that'd only opened a few days ago, Ichigo, Inoue, Uryu, and Chad gathered because of what happened last night, "Still no news from Soul Society?" Uryu asked Ichigo as the last one among them to arrive.

Ichigo shook his head while checking his smartphone.


28th00: I read the chapter less than an hour ago, so I knew Ramen searching would lead to Keigo's Ramen shop. CHAOS ENSUES! Possibly bullying. Also, the Draconic Aura Nuke had to be felt by any senkaimon's open or anyone in the dangai like the literal apocalypse. Fun times. Stealth Nukes.


Chapter 1096 Immediate Reunion | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Uryu was in his suit and sat down in one of the open seats and looked around, "You really don't have any customers even though it's lunchtime."

"You are my customers!" Keigo Asano, the owner of 'Spirit Ramen' and their high school friend shouted in protest while preparing everyone's meal.

Uryu ignored the almost crying owner and turned to Yasutora Sado, also known as Chad, "I'm surprised you made it. And you have no injuries." Uryu asked because Chad is now a professional boxer and just had a match yesterday which they all watched. Although he has bandages, it didn't escape his notice that Chad actually doesn't have any wounds aside from the one on his lower lip.

"Inoue insisted on healing me." Chad briefly answered, "What about you? Don't you have patients you have to tend to? Is it alright for you to be here?"

"It's fine. I canceled all my non-urgent appointments and asked someone to cover for me for the rest. What happened last night was much more important." Uryu then turned to Ichigo and said, "Could you recount what happened last night? As much detail as possible."

Ichigo granted his request also for Chad and Inoue's sake.

"...and that's the gist of it." The group is slurping their ramen as they listen to Ichigo finish his account of the events and obviously, their biggest is the fact that the Captain Commander, Captain Unohana, and Captain Ukitake were sent to hell unknowingly. Even though they could understand the purpose of the ritual, they still couldn't accept the outcome.

"The Soul Society will probably increase their surveillance to watch out for these doors of Hell and some people will probably be sent if scouting is possible," Uryu muttered as he finished his food.

Chad also finished his and said, "It was already hard for us to accept the news so I can't really imagine how heartbreaking this is for those who were close to them. In any case, we can't really do anything aside from being wary of our surroundings. I'm canceling everything I have for the next few months or until things settle down."

"I'll also ask everyone to patrol the vicinity," Inoue added while touching her six-petal blue hairpin.

"...Hell, huh? How scary..." Keigo suddenly joined their conversation, "But that's not really what's urgent, right? This Hell thing is still predictable, however, the last part of your story seems a bit more concerning to me."

Uryu frowned a bit upon hearing it, "A young woman who instantly froze and snatched one of the strange Hollows... Are you certain that you didn't feel an ounce of Reiatsu from her?"

Ichigo shook his head, "There's probably something but it's incredibly thin. It wasn't a Fullbringer either because Akon came back to me this morning to further ask anything I noticed in our brief clash because even Captain Kurotsuchi couldn't figure anything out with the data they gathered."

The five of them became silent until Chad suddenly asked, "...Is she an enemy?"

Ichigo went back to their brief exchange but even after thinking about it, he couldn't draw any conclusions. Though before he could give an answer, the door of the ramen shop suddenly opened, "Oh~! It's a bit hidden but it looks like a good place."

"I'm taking the window seat~!"

"Tanis, please don't run."

"Hmmm... I wonder what I should get~?... Fried chicken!"

A rowdy group of beautiful girls had entered. But to Keigo's eyes, they were pure Angels that would save his shop from destituteness, "Oh! Dear customers! Welcome! Please have a seat wherever you like!"

Uryu and Chad, on the other hand, felt it was a shame since they have to stop talking about the Soul Society now, "Should we go to my place after?" asked the former.

"That sounds good." Chad answered, however, there was nothing after that which confused both of them, and turned to look at Ichigo and Inoue who suddenly became quiet, "What's wrong?"

Meanwhile, Inoue noticed Ichigo's behavior and tugged his sleeve, "Ichigo, that's rude. Don't stare at her."

But all of these fell deaf on his ears, "...You!"

Serafall, who was reciting her order to the owner, met his eyes and smiled in greeting, "Ah! The orange head from last night. Hmmm? You were a Human?"

Thanks to him being over cloud nine for finally having customers aside from his friends, Keigo didn't notice the strangeness in the atmosphere and asked Serafall, "Miss, will that be all?"

Serafall turned his attention back to him and replied, "Please add a plate of gyoza."

"Coming right up!"

"Miso Ramen for me and a plate of fried chicken!" Claire also gave her order.

Kunou and Tanis also asked for Shoyu and Shio Ramen respectively. Keigo gladly took their orders but he finally noticed the weird atmosphere in Ichigo's group. Nevertheless, he still properly served them.

Ichigo was about to get Serafall's attention again when a hand suddenly landed on his shoulder and pulled him back. When he looked back, he saw Uryu shaking his head at him, "They're having their lunch so don't disturb them, at least for now."

Ichigo properly returned to his seat and sighed, "I'm sorry. I lost my cool for a moment there."

Inoue, Chad, and Uryu were able to guess why Ichigo reacted like that after Serafall called him the 'orange head from last night'. Since it looks like they won't be leaving anytime soon, Chad ordered more food and some drinks.

It was entirely coincidental that this place is a ramen shop as Serafall just wanted to see who were the people giving off an aura that was way above normal people. But because her and Kunou's senses aren't tuned to accurately measure Reiatsu, she actually has no idea who was inside so it's also a coincidence that she met Ichigo again.

'Oh? A lot more lenient indeed. If this was the previous world, we would be pressuring each other because I trespassed on their territory.' Serafall thought while receiving her food, "Thank you~!"

And just like that, Serafall, Claire, Tanis, and Kunou peacefully enjoyed their lunch. Although Ichigo's group is peeking at them from time to time, that doesn't bother them and it's actually understandable if they are in their shoes.

However, this peace didn't last long as Serafall, Kunou, and Ichigo's group felt another set of strong Reiatsu coming towards them.

A second later, a petite young girl with chin-length blonde hair and purple eyes entered followed by a tall and well-endowed girl of slender build with long wavy pink hair and short bangs that framed her forehead and green eyes, "Finally found you, Uryu! Explain what happened last night!"

"Liltotto and Meninas? Why are you here?" Uryu asked back.


28th00: THOSE TWO LIVED?! Also, yeah. She never actually attacked them last night, so they can easily wait for them to finish their lunch, especially since they're non-hostile and very much want information on what the fuck happened.

Goyya: Yes, the girl quincy troupe is alive and well, including the zombified one, though she's still a zombie. They even helped out a bit during the 'New Spirit King by Tsunashiro' from the novel due to Mayuri kidnapping one of them to be experimented on.


Chapter 1097 Clash | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Chapter 1097 Clash

AN: Thank you for waiting~!

This is supposed to be ready yesterday, but I forced and accompanied my father to take a check-up due to health issues coming up.

Thank you for your understanding and please enjoy~!

Have a great day~!


At the appearance of the two former members of Sternritter, Keigo became very nervous. Although he knew that there was a 'Non-Aggression Pact' between Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and the surviving members of the Wandenreich, he knew from his previous encounters with them that they could be a bit unreasonable at times.

Liltotto's attention was on Uryu first but she saw other people eating, "...I thought this was a gathering place for those spiritually aware?" Since Liltotto couldn't feel anything from them, she and Meninas behind her thought that they were normal people, "We can't talk like this. Meni, knock them out for now."

"Yes~~~!" Meninas energetically answered.

Seeing this, Ichigo and Uryu simultaneously shouted, "Wait!"

But even if Ichigo's group wanted to stop them, the pink-haired girl was faster with her Hirenkyaku (Flying Screen Step) and arrived behind her first target, the blue-haired girl still in the middle of slurping noodles.

Meninas made a knife hand and immediately swung it towards the back of the blue-haired girl with enough force to knock a normal person but not hurt them. She intended to move to her next target after the first one but found herself unable to do so when she tried to pull her hand away and couldn't do so.

Meninas looked back and her eyes widened when she saw the blue-haired girl looking at her, still chewing her food, and caught her hand using the chopsticks.

The 'well-mannered' Tanis couldn't speak with her mouth still full of food but it was obvious from her expression what she wanted to say, 'What are you doing?'

Naturally, Meninas found the situation strange, but instead of consulting with Liltotto, she increased the strength behind her hand because her warrior spirit was challenged. She wondered how the seemingly ordinary pieces of wood could remain intact and was curious for how long.

In response to Minenas releasing her Reiatsu, Tanis' Ki flow picked up speed, strengthening the chopsticks she was holding and accurately countering the strength the pink-haired woman was putting in.

Silence covered the whole establishment with Meninas further increasing her Reiatsu and the chopsticks on Tanis' hand began splintering.

Ichigo, Uryu, and Chad stood up to stop Meninas but before they could do anything, Meninas' hand caught in Tanis' chopsticks suddenly caught on blue fire, "!?"

The blue fire is not something that could easily hurt her, however, Meninas doesn't know how or when it came so that reason is enough for her to pull back with Hirenkyaku, arriving beside Liltotto. Even then the fire didn't stop burning and actually spreading to the rest of her arm.

Meninas hurriedly used her Blut Vene to snuff out the fire but that took some effort because it's a weirdly 'sticky' fire.

Thankfully, everyone except for the clueless Keigo had an idea where the fire came from because the golden-haired girl discharged her killing intent the moment the fire appeared. When Meninas followed the killing intent, she saw the golden-haired girl glaring at him with her matching golden eyes but with vertical slit pupils.

'Not a Human?' That is what everyone who looked at her thought.

But soon, that killing intent disappeared when the gray-haired girl reached out and held the golden-haired girl's hand, "Kunou, it's okay. Look. Tanis is fine."

The Tanis also turned to the one called Kunou and waved her hand, gesturing that she was just fine, though she still couldn't speak because there was still food in her mouth.

"...But... Claire... Aren't you angry?" Kunou protested in frustration.

Claire chuckled but her words didn't match her smiling face, "Of course I'm angry."

Claire then turned to Meninas. With a smile that didn't reach her grey eyes, she continued, "Who wouldn't get angry when you're suddenly attacked in the middle of a meal?"

'...I'm not angry, though?' Tanis wanted to raise her hand but the serious atmosphere didn't allow her to do so. Without much choice, she pretended to be angry.

Meninas stared at Claire, thinking of what to say back, when she felt something weird on her burnt arm. When she looked down, she saw the faint blue pattern that was tracing her veins under her skin suddenly start retracting, "My Blut!?"

"!?" Liltotto was also appalled because she knew that Meninas wouldn't retract her Blut Vene right now, 'Forcefully dispelled!?' She doesn't know what exactly happened nor how something like that is possible, but she knew for sure that she didn't want these unknown people as their enemies.

Immediately stepping in front of Meninas, Liltotto addressed Claire because she had a feeling that she was the group's leader, "We're sorry about that. As you've heard, we only intended to knock you out because we thought you were ordinary people. Because of Meninas and her reckless, competitive spirit, she attacked your friend more than necessary."

And she's correct. Although Kunou is usually the one reigning in the two 'wild dogs', Claire is undoubtedly the one who has the final say, and both Tanis and Kunou respect that.

Liltotto elbowed Meninas' stomach and urged her to apologize. She was not convinced and satisfied but Meninas still listened. Slightly bowing her head, Meninas said, "I'm sorry."

"As proof of our sincerity, your meal is our treat." Liltotto was immediately added.

"What!? But this month is-"

Liltotto blocked Meninas' mouth, 'It's tight, I know... But Uryu is here. He should be able to lend us.'

"Really!? Can I order more?" Tanis excitedly asked.

The corner of Liltotto's brow twitched but she could only give one answer, "...S-sure."

"Yay~! Owner, a bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen and a plate of gyoza and fried chicken each! Ah, and please add another chashu (Marinated Braised Pork Belly) to my ramen."

"O-oh! Coming right up!"

Thanks to Tanis's cheerfulness, the heavy atmosphere was instantly defused.

Kunou sighed with a wry smile, letting go of her killing intent while Claire only chuckled and said, "Apology accepted. And thanks for the treat."

After that, the group began another round of orders, and each time Liltotto and Meninas heard this, they could feel something akin to someone stabbing their hearts, "U-Uryu..." Liltotto approached and weakly called out to her fellow Quincy, "It might take some time but we'll definitely pay you back... So lend us some money."

Unbeknownst to the poor Liltotto and Minenas, they'll be borrowing way more than they are expecting.

Claire's group, on the other hand, was pretty happy. Although they had money, nothing beats eating on someone else's cash guilt-free! Who asked them to attack their group and offer their wallets?

Nevertheless, the happiest of them all is actually Serafall. After this instance, she's confident that she can leave these three girls at their own devices.
