goyya 1098-1106. (20230614)

Chapter 1098 Roars of Apocalypse | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

While hearing their future budget being devoured without remorse, Liltotto and Meninas sat with Ichigo's group, and the former whispered, "Hey, who are they!?"

Ichigo and Uryu looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders. At the same time, everyone heard a stomach rumble and the group looked at the embarrassed Meninas who immediately defended herself, "I thought we would be eating ramen so..."

Inoue covered her mouth and giggled, "Being a university student must be hard, huh?" She then turned to the owner and said, "Keigo-san, please give this a bowl of ramen each."

"Wait!" Liltotto immediately stopped her, "We can't afford those!"

"It's fine, it's my treat so order what you want."

Liltotto and Meninas' eyes shone, "We hate charity but we will not refuse free food! Owner, Shio Ramen!"

"Tonkatsu for me!"

Meanwhile, Serafall was discretely observing the group while reminding herself of Kisuke's story about the war, 'I can at least tell they are different from Shinigamis. Are they Quincies? It's amazing how they are getting along even after that.'

As time went by, Serafall was liking this world more and more. The wars that she knew are only those that were started by power-hungry individuals. Wars due to differing ideologies were very rare and almost nonexistent. What she liked about the latter is that understanding is possible after the worst has come to pass unlike the former that only leaves death and destruction.

Soon, they finished their lunch and until the end, Ichigo's group didn't approach Serafall's group. If Meninas didn't attack, they might have come to them but they are also not regretting this outcome because they were able to confirm that it's not just Serafall who's special in their group.

But just as they stood up, everyone in the room except for Keigo froze as an unknown aura descended onto everyone.

Without any hesitation, Serafall immediately initiated a telepathy to Claire, Tanis, and Kunou, [Act surprised! Don't let anyone know that we know that!]

The girls immediately minded their facial expressions and looked up.

Nevertheless, as long as they don't say anything about it, they are safe since no one is really looking at them.

"W-what is that!?" Inoue asks with apparent fear in her eyes.

"Inoue, fetch Kazui from school and stay close to Dad, Yuzu, and Karin," Ichigo muttered before standing up and walking towards the exit.

"W-where are you going!?"

"To find out what's going on." Ichigo only left those words before exiting the shop.

"Don't worry about him," reassured Chad before hurriedly following Ichigo.

"Stay close to your phone too. There might be a call from the Soul Society." Uryu also reminded her before leaving.

Liltotto and Meninas, on the other hand, groaned in frustration while staring at their half-finished ramen. In the end, they gritted their teeth and followed the three men, "Thanks for the treat."

Inoue also gathered her bearings and ran out of the shop intending to go to Kazui's school.

With only Serafall's group remaining, Keigo couldn't help but ask, "... U-hmm... May I ask what's going on?"

"Something strange is happening, that's all I can say." Serafall briefly answered, "What about our tab?"

"Ah, don't worry about it. I know those guys. I'll just put it on their tab as they promised."

After thanking the owner, Serafall's group left and walked out of the street where the ramen shop was located before talking, "...What are they doing?" asked Claire with a twitching mouth.

"Who knows?... We don't always know what Ki-tan is trying to do." Serafall replied to her, "Let's lay low for now and go look for a place to stay."




Within the 1st Division's barracks, all the Captains except for one gathered to discuss what happened last night with their Lieutenants outside of the Captain Commander's office.

"So there's nothing else we could find?" Shunsui asked everyone in the room.

"Almost nothing and everything found is something that we already know." Soifon answered, "We could dedicate more time to searching the Daireishokairou (Great Spirit Book Gallery) but I doubt we could find anything substantial." She then looked towards Byakuya before continuing, "The Royal Guards and the Five Noble Clans might have something but obviously, we can't access those."

Byakuya scoffed at her obvious goading and said, "I already asked my clan for any related documents, but as of now, none has turned up yet aside from the rumors that were already circulating from long ago."

At that moment, Mayuri entered the room.

"How is it?" Shunsui immediately asked.

Mayuri didn't beat around the bush and directly said, "There's nothing much that we know but we're progressing our research on these doors of Hell. As of now, we can assume that what Szayelaporro spouted last now has some truth to it. Captain Commander, I want you to arrange a scouting unit if we find one of these doors and also include some members of the 12th Division in it."

"Do you have a way to find these doors?"

"There were some unique Reiatsu signatures when these doors appeared so we can watch out for those."

"That's good... But what about the other issue?"

Mayuri paused for a bit before answering, "Nothing."

Shunsui and the other Captains raised their brows, "Nothing?"

"As much as I hate to say it, I have nothing on that strange woman. What I'm sure of, however, is the fact that she's neither a Shinigami, Quincy, Fullbringer, Hollow, Witch nor a Dragon. Nothing matched her... Well, there's one thing. She's just a normal Human but I don't think any of you will believe me if I say that."

"..." The whole room became quiet as they were genuinely surprised at Mayuri's findings.

"If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave first. It's paramount that we accurately track the appearance of these doors." Done with his report, Mayuri proceeded to leave but before he completely stepped out of the hall, he stopped and turned his head back, "Ah, I almost forgot. That strange woman's ice is visible to normal Humans. I only have one single piece of evidence so I'll still need to confirm that."

As Mayuri left, the Captain of the 4th Division, Isane Kotetsu, muttered, "Visible to normal Humans? How is that possible? Even the Fullbringers' abilities are invisible to normal Humans."

Lisa Yadoumaru, Captain of the 8th Division, fixes her glasses and replies to her, "Unless it's something else."

Curious about a potential opponent, Captain Zaraki turned to her and asked, "Something else?"

Lisa answered without batting an eye, "Something aside Reiryoku... But that's..."

"Impossible." Byakuya finished her words, "A power that's not derived from Reiryoku... That doesn't exist."

"..." Silence covered the hall once again.

At this time, Shunsui clapped his hands to gather everyone's attention, "Alright. Speculating the unknown won't do us any good. For now, let's do what we must. Each division will prepare a scouting unit that will be ready to be deployed once one of these doors is found. As for the rest of the manpower available, send them all to the Human World as a preemptive measure."

"All the available manpower?" Soifon asked, "But the Central 46 will go against that."

"I'll do something about it so just do your work."

But just as they were about to leave, a heavy pressure unknown to everyone suddenly descended onto their consciousness. Without missing a beat, Shunsui shouted, "Ring the emergency signals! Cancel all previous arrangements and all units are to get ready for battle and search for any threat! Immediately report if you find something!"

"Haah!" Everyone saluted before they all left with Flash Step.

Left alone with the very nervous Nanao, Shunsui rubbed his temple while staving off the incredibly dreadful unknown pressure that didn't seem like a Reiatsu, "Damn... What the hell is that? And what's going on? Are all of these related?"

He's thinking that someone like Yhwach has descended upon the Soul Society.

Shunsui gritted his teeth and came to a hard decision, "Nanao... Contact Kurosaki Ichigo."


"I know... But we don't have a choice. In any case, once he hears what's happening right now, he'll come barging in even without an invitation. I at least don't want him to be late after the first time."



28th00: Oh look! The Dragon Nuke finally hit the realms! They must've gone faaaaar~! They did take a few hours and hundreds of jumps to set it up, to be fair. Kisuke spooked them all.

9 LikesChapter 1099 Roars of Apocalypse part 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

The moment the unknown and strange pressure descended upon the whole realm, Tenjirou Kirijin, Ouetsu Nimaiya, Senjumaru Shutara, and Kirio Hikifune immediately went to their leader, Ichibe Hyousube, and found him already staring in a certain direction, "Ichibe, what's going on?" The impatient Tenjirou asked.

Nevertheless, the latter only silently shook his head.

"Then do you have any idea what that is?" Senjumaru asked while also turning her head in the direction he was looking at.

And once again, Ichibe shook his head, "This is my first time encountering something like that. Return to your posts and watch out for any intruders."

As soon as he gave his instructions, the other four members of the Zero Division disappeared and left.

Ichibe sat back down, trying to peer through the space but something was blocking his vision, "...As long as the body is intact, there shouldn't be any problem." He muttered to himself while also expecting a guest that might come in the next few days, weeks, or months later, "Those in Hell were freed, so are you an enemy, or an ally?"




After setting up the pillars, Kisuke immediately activated them. Using Magic Technology as the basis, Kisuke was able to create a system that uses Reishi to produce various effects like how Magic works. And the main function of the five pillars is to hide what's inside them, "Yosh, that should work as a secondary line of defense."

Upon activation, the pillars themselves disappeared and when Kisuke walked into its boundary, he disappeared from the view of those who were outside, including the slight aura that he was leaking. When Kisuke confirmed that it was working as intended, he started his next work, which was setting up his lab so that he could start working on the Beast of Hell that Serafall had captured.

Since the pillars' effect extends upwards and downwards by a few kilometers, the first thing Kisuke did was dig. Thanks to his mastery over digging, the heaviest work was done within two hours. In total, he dug until the edge of the pentagonal barrier which was 3 kilometers long for each side. As for the depth, he removed all of the earth until he reached the limit of the barrier, which was 4 kilometers deep.

Without any rest, Kisuke built a relatively small building at a certain corner that would serve as his lab.

The reason why he made this place so large is that Ophis had been wanting to build her own castle and actually had been gathering materials on her own for a while now. He thought that this would be a suitable place to build it, 'She would probably want a floating castle so I need to supply this place with Magic Power soon.'

And for that goal, Kisuke took out the enormous beast that had already been thawed and restrained.

Kisuke didn't feel any mercy for the beast and straight up cut one of its arms off.

The beast cried out in pain but it soon subsided. Confused, the beast turned to its arm and saw it was reattached. But before it could process what was going on, the arm was cut off again before it was reattached once more. This happened multiple times which distressed the beast but Kisuke didn't care about any of that, 'Kaidou (Healing Kidou) using pure Reiryoku (Spiritual Power) almost had no effect, but Magic based healing technique and potions were effective.'

Kisuke knew for sure that these beasts are invisible to normal Human eyes so they were of the Soul race, however, he found that most of their Reiatsu was converted to that something similar to Demonic Power and he had a hypothesis about why that was the case, 'Either they are born like this, or these are former Hollows that couldn't be purified and were dragged into Hell. But because Hell's environment is something drastically different from the Human World, Hueco Mundo, and Soul Society, they were forced to adapt... Hell could be brimming with Magic Power. Maybe the Magic Power that was supposed to be for this world was gathered on that side instead?'

Nonetheless, all of these are still just speculation from Kisuke's side and he would need more data. The poor beast's suffering had only just started.




A week later, the beast finally couldn't take the stress its body and mind was being subjected to and died. In the first place, Kisuke wasn't exactly careful with it and just let it go to observe its death as the final test. The same as the other Beast of the Hell, it melted into a pool of Phosphoplasm from Hell that turned acidic whenever it was cut by a Zanpakuto.

The same as when Sona produced Phosphoplasm, he couldn't figure much from it aside from that it was what makes up the beast's body and was maintained through the energy that is very similar to Demonic Power, 'For simplicity's sake, I'll just call it Demonic-Hollow Power since it's laced with a Hollow's aura. It has the same properties anyway, just the way it's being used is different. Since Sona produced Phosphoplasm when she Hollowfied, it should be accurate.'

Aside from that, Kisuke found out that Hell must be brimming with Magic Power, or its derivative, the Demonic Power for it to forcefully transform a Hollow to something like this, 'I should think of a way to connect Hell to this place. As long as Magic Power or something similar to it is in here, I'll have more freedom in what I want to do.'

Kisuke finally came out of his lab for the first time the whole week and if he wasn't mistaken, Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna had also just finished now and should be waiting for him, 'I wonder if anyone was able to sleep that whole week? Everyone should be tired so this is a good opportunity.'

Kisuke came out of the ground and saw Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna sitting around a table that Ophis created with her power, waiting for him.

"Boss! You're finally out!" Flanna waved at her while Ophis and Lilith were staring at him with anticipation.

"I just finished now. Hold on, I'm taking out the snacks. Thank you all for your hard work~" As soon as Kisuke reached the table, he poured out the snacks he prepared for the three, "By the way, what did you end up doing for you to release that massive amount of [Infinite] and [Illusion] aura?"

Flanna didn't answer because her mouth was already stuffed, instead, she swung her arm sideways and the space cracked open, revealing their work.

What was supposed to be the dark and gloomy void of Garganta had now changed into a multicolored dizzying kaleidoscope, "Dimensional Gap?"

Flanna nodded and Lilith spoke for her, "We're born from it. Not as much as the original but it's our home."

Kisuke stuck his arm in and found a similar tearing force as the original but not as much. But what confused him is the variant of Magic Power that's a bit violent from what he originally knew flowing through this 'Dimensional Gap', "Wait, how is this possible? You're not providing it, are you?"

Flanna swallowed her food and answered, "Oh, that? We tried to expand it as much as possible so we ended up crashing into many spaces to push this space away from others. While doing it, we found this very wide space that doesn't seem to be present in your stories. It's filled with this strange variant of Magic Power but I guess we can chalk it up to this place being a different dimension in the first place. Thanks to that, we don't have to maintain this 'Dimensional Gap'."

"..." Kisuke was speechless for a moment, "So you created a hole in that space and let its contents spill to this 'Dimensional Gap' and used that as a power source?"

"Yep~! Precisely! As expected of Boss!"

Kisuke rubbed his head while his mouth twitched.

Concerned with his expression, Ophis worryingly asked, "...Did we do something wrong?"

Hearing that, Kisuke immediately shook his head and patted Ophis' head, "No, no. Nothing like that. In fact, you did well. You just reduced my workload immensely."


28th00: Yep, the dragons did your job for you cause you left them unsupervised, Kisuke. At least it's only Hell and not somewhere important, eh? Hell is overflowing? Sorry, but Hell is getting drained to be used for fuel… The hell is this, Ultrakill?

Goyya: Definitely an overkill

Chapter 1100 Meeting Again | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

The Dragon trio had their fill and asked Ophis and Lilith to go back first, "They probably already found somewhere to stay. If you two want to enroll with them in a school, just tell Sera-chan."

Ophis and Lilith didn't ask any questions and just directly disappeared. Meanwhile, Flanna stood up and asked, "What do you have for me, boss?"

"We're going to meet someone. But before we do that, let me ask. How effective are illusion or hypnosis abilities on you?"

"Oh? Very effective!" Kisuke received an unexpected answer.

"...Very effective?" Because of her response, Kisuke started rethinking his plans for today, 'I have to employ another method.'

While deep in thought, Flanna continued, "Even if I'm not the intended target, I can see whatever the ability wants to show."

Kisuke found something strange with the way she worded it, "Even if you're not the intended target? So you can tell if you or someone is being subjected to an illusion or hypnosis?"

"Of course! You can't call me the True Dragon of Illusions and Dreams if I can't see any of it."

Kisuke sighed in relief. Thinking about it, she's right. If she's not sensitive towards illusions or anything fake, then there's no point for her authority, "Alright. Let's go meet a friend of mine. We can't directly teleport there yet because I didn't know teleportation when I last came there so just follow me closely."

"Got it~!"




It's the middle of the night and there's still a lot of Shinigami going around inside the Seireitei, however, all of them are obviously tired with heavy bags under their eyes and some of them are sleeping on the streets.

"What happened to them?" Flanna curiously asked.

"They were very busy this past week. It's only now that they could rest properly." Kisuke looked around as both of them stood on the top of the Seireiheki (Pure Soul Wall) that surrounds the whole Seireitei. It's made out of a rare type of stone called Sekkiseki (Spirit Reducing Stone) due to this, the Seireitei is always surrounded by a spherical barrier that stops anything spiritual from breaching it. The only way in is the gate at the four cardinal directions of the Seireitei or using a mode of transport that blocks the barrier's effect.

Thankfully, by just simply covering themselves with Ki or Magic Power, the barrier didn't have any effect on them and they could quietly get in from any point of the wall.

After deciding their route, Kisuke jumped down and started running through the complicated streets of the Seireitei while conjuring a blank white mask, turning his Shihakushou into a normal civilian clothes, and changing the color of his hair to black using Magic. It's not as effective as Tiamat's disguise and even Tanis would be able to see through him with a single stare, but it's enough against these people who don't know Magic. And due to them not using any Spiritual Power, they are essentially invisible to everyone and it didn't take long for them to reach the 1st Division's barracks.

Carefully making their way inside, Kisuke and Flanna soon found the entrance to Central Great Underground Prison. But before they could enter, Kisuke suddenly stopped in his tracks. Flanna looked at him curiously but didn't talk.

'This is... Aizen-san's Spiritual Sense? Is he trying to figure out what's going on outside? He's really amazing since he could reach this far despite the bindings on him.' Kisuke thought for a moment before entering the prison.

Unbeknownst to them, a single eye was watching them from the shadows.

Kisuke and Flanna reached the other levels and went directly to the 8th and deepest level, the Muken (Avici). Despite the incredibly intricate lock that the prison has, Kisuke and Flanna just bypassed it by feeling the other side and teleporting directly inside.

Flanna curiously looked around and asked, "So, who are we meeting in this dreary place?"

"The largest presence you can feel. That's the guy." Kisuke answered and confidently walked towards the flaring Reiatsu. He didn't try to hide because he already found him, "Make sure that my mind is intact."

The pair walked for a few minutes until they reached a sizable pillar with a man pinned on it by six red rods, "I didn't expect another guest so soon. Do you intend to destroy the Soul Society too?"

A familiar condescending voice immediately greeted them.

Kisuke partially shifted his voice and replied with a chuckle, "That's some grave accusations. I'm not here for such a violent reason."

Truthfully speaking, Kisuke only came here to confirm the bindings on him and ask one single question. He has other plans for him but that's for the later stages of his overall objective.

The impaled man, Aizen Sosuke, eyed his visitors trying to get more information from them. But aside from the Shihakushou, the man is wearing signifying that he's a Shinigami, both of them felt like normal Humans, and the fact that they were standing in front of him now, that's an impossibility, "There are only two types of people who seek me. One is those who ask for my power to destroy and the other are those who want to protect something. I'm curious about the two of you so be glad that I'm willing to listen. Do not be reserved and express what you want." At the same time, his Reiatsu silently surged.

Behind his mask, Kisuke grinned, "Are you some kind of Devil?"

"Devil? Ah, you must be referring to that Human literature. A being of Hell that grants wishes for one's soul for a price. Sure. Call me that. It also matches the occasion of the doors of Hell ope-..."

But Aizen could finish his words when the woman with flaming red hair suddenly swung her arm sideways, brushing away the power he was spreading.

"Boss, that guy is trying to alter your perception of time and sound. I already dealt with it though."

Aizen's smile widened, "Interesting. How did you do that? I couldn't feel anything from you. What are you?"

While his attention was on Flanna, Kisuke thought about what Flanna said, 'Time and sound?' He already expected Aizen to gain an advantage while talking to him and he thought he'll try to alter his perception of space to make it appear that he was farther than he appeared, 'Why time and sound?'

At that moment, Kisuke and Flanna's excellent hearing caught the sound of a heavy door moving, "!?"

Kisuke hurriedly turned in the direction of the single entrance and exit of Muken, "I see... When you said you didn't expect another guest so soon, it's because you already had one not long ago. And here I thought you were referring to Yhwach's visit 12 years ago."

From the shadows, Shunsui Kyouraku came out with his Shikai and silently stared at Kisuke.

Kisuke was surprised at his appearance but immediately got over it and thought of how he could possibly evade their detection. His eyes turned to his twin blades and a certain possibility emerged in his mind, "I see... You started a game to hide. I thought you can't play a game on your own?"

Shunsui stopped his steps and was obviously bothered by his words, "...I'm surprised. You know too much."

The strange man might not have guessed it exactly, but it was too close for comfort.


28th00: And so it begins! CHAOS!


Chapter 1101 Secret Meeting | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

When the strange pressure descended on all realms, the first thing Shunsui did after delegating all of his duties was to open the Muken. As he never returned the key for it to Central 46 after the Great War, he could enter the place anytime. Naturally, some members of the Central 46 tried to take it back but after threatening them with revealing Ichigo's involvement with the war and his Quincy lineage to the public, they all stopped.

Shunsui truly wanted to recognize Ichigo's effort for saving the Soul Society and the whole world at large, but he couldn't do so since the recovering Soul Society was still not prepared to accept a Quincy as their savior. In any case, it was a very useful card to use whenever he wanted to contradict Central 46's decisions, although he won't be able to use it many times.

After he entered the Muken, he went straight to one of the 'Greatest Wall' of Soul Society and if the owner of that pressure intended to take on the Seireitei, he'd be coming for Aizen first. Without any hesitation, Shunsui used his Bankai on him and pulled him into a game of 'hide and seek' with Aizen as the 'it'.

Because of his Bankai's ability, only Aizen will be able to find him. In that state of 'hiding' however, Shunsui won't be able to do anything aside from hide unless he cancels his ability.

For the whole week, Shunsui is hiding near the Central Great Underground Prison with an amused Aizen searching for him to stave off his boredom.

And as a side effect of that game, Shunsui was able to monitor the whole 1st Division barracks and prison without anyone able to perceive his presence. The Beasts of Hell were rampaging in multiple places within the Human World throughout the whole week and he thought that no one would be coming after the strange pressure disappeared, yet here he is, facing an unusual guest, 'Hiding for a bit longer was a correct decision.'

Shunsui prepared himself to attack at any given moment but when he confirmed that the strange man and woman were not doing anything strange, he also kept his hands, "Who are you? An envoy of Hell perhaps?"

Since Kisuke is wearing a Shinigami garb, Shunsui assumed that he came out of Hell. And just like the Beasts of Hell and Szayelaporro, neither of them exudes any form of Reiatsu aside from that of a normal Human would. And since he came from Hell, Shunsui predicted that he was at least on Captain level and the fact that he was able to silently enter Muken using a strange technique makes him very dangerous.

'We couldn't perform the Spirit Festival Ritual for Yoruichi and Kisuke because they disappeared instead of dying with their bodies disintegrated like the Old Yama so he or she is probably neither of them. A Shinigami of another generation?'

Kisuke, meanwhile, thought about his question, 'Looks like the problem with the doors of Hell is only escalating. I have to confirm if there's an intention of invasion from the other side soon.'

Everyone became quiet, trying to gauge each other, except for one lady, "Boss, isn't this fine?"

Kisuke looked at her with interest, "What are you trying to say?"

"It's not you to hesitate like this."

Kisuke became even more confused at her words, "Hesitate? What do you mean?"

Meanwhile, the other two just listened closely to their conversation without interrupting them.

"Just drag them to your problem. It's not like they can refuse. In any case, you need more people to understand or at least, know what you're doing so that you don't have to create all sorts of workarounds just to accommodate a few things."

Kisuke thought that Flanna was just misunderstanding things but then his mind went back to the time before they entered this world.

The Soul King is trying to do something but most of it was failed attempts and his return was also one of these attempts. He doesn't know what he's trying to do but if he's really the one who urged Byakko to send him and Yoruichi away, he might be trying to show him something.

But despite thinking more about it, as he just didn't have any information, that's all he could glean from it and he wasn't even sure that's what the Soul King intended. Then again, he had a slight idea of what it is.

What Flanna was telling him now was to drag these two to the unknown 'problem' that the Soul King presented him that might catch up to him without him knowing, '...And is it a coincidence that the doors of Hell pried open from the other side or is it an eventuality?'

Kisuke then looked at Aizen and Shunsui and thought that these two people are actually the most trustworthy. Aizen is a power-hungry guy that wants to destroy whatever is limiting him. Meanwhile, Shunsui is very different from the stubborn and strict former Captain Commander as he's someone who would disregard tradition if it means it is something he has to do. They are trustworthy because if given enough reason, they could work side by side without the others knowing.

Kisuke sighed and came to a decision. Even without saying a word, Flanna knew that she was able to successfully urge him into ditching his 'one-man army' mentality, "I'm not needed here anymore so I'm going back first."

Since she couldn't just go in and out of existence like Ophis and Lilith do whenever they're together, Flanna first had to open a hole to leave.

This shocked both Aizen and Shunsui because this is the Muken where the concentration of Reishi is the same as the Soul Palace in addition to multiple security measures that blocked any spatial manipulation within it, so cutting open the space would need a special procedure and equipment. However, Flanna just did it like she was just going out for a walk.

"Alright, before we start, I have a question for the both of you." Kisuke grabbed their attention back.

"I have a feeling that you'll be offering something big, go on." Aizen's interest and curiosity about the pair deepened.

Shunsui sealed back his Zanpakuto and said, "Whatever it is, I'm not letting you out of this prison." Of course, he's talking to Aizen. The strange man probably had the same ability to leave abruptly as the strange woman from earlier so there's no point in stopping him. What he needs to do is stop him from freeing the other prisoners down here.

"That's a shame." Aizen chuckled before turning his eyes back to Kisuke.

Kisuke went quiet for a moment before asking his question, "Do you think this world is a mistake?"


28th00: Oh boy, starting with the big questions! I bet Aizen is going to instantly agree.


Chapter 1102 Unveiled | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

AN: Thank you for waiting~!

Please enjoy and have a great day~!


Upon hearing his question, a contrasting expression emerged from Aizen and Shunsui's faces.

"What an interesting thing to ask now. Of course, this world is a mistake. The world may have its ruler but its stability should never depend on a single being," the former instantly answered while grinning.

Shunsui, on the other hand, sighed with a deep frown, "What a heretical question... That's not something I can answer."

"You just gave us your answer." Aizen commented, "I know your hatred of nobles, more specifically, the injustices they are doing for the sake of their own power. And after discovering the greatest injustice, the Five Noble Clan's [Original Sin] years ago, you couldn't look at this world the same anymore. Unfortunately, you're powerless to do anything but accept the current status quo."

Shunsui could only remain silent. Because they were in Muken, Shunsui could comfortably keep his mouth shut. If this is any other place, he would have instantly denounced Aizen if anyone else was listening.

"Why does it sound like you have a solution?" Kisuke asked again and Shunsui also became curious about this and perked his ears.

Seeing that the strange man is not perturbed by his words, Aizen assumes that he also knew about this [Original Sin] and started guessing his identity.

"There's no point in it as I am just a loser," Aizen answered.

"You might be a loser but you're also one of the only two people who came close to overthrowing this world."

"Well, it's nothing grand. The main goal is to let [Death] hold the world together and the first step is to remove the tumors from the cycle of reincarnation called 'Soul Society' and 'Shinigami'."

Although Aizen was only speaking in a soft voice, Shunsui still involuntarily shuddered at his statement. He doesn't understand what he meant but hearing him talk about 'removing' the Soul Society and Shinigamis made him shudder in fear. Shunsui nervously chuckled to hide his feelings and said, "How terrifying. I'm glad you were defeated."

"That's why I said there's already no point to it."

Aizen's attention then returned to Kisuke and said, "Now that we've answered your questions, what do you have for us?"

"I'm sorry, but one last thing." Kisuke turned to Shunsui, "Hell will most likely be hostile considering why they were sent there in the first place apart from probably few people. This will spark a new conflict and maybe even larger than what we saw with the Great War."

'We?' Both Aizen and Shunsui questioned themselves.

"My question is, are you willing to secretly cooperate with unknown people to mitigate this threat?"

Shunsui thought about it for a moment and befitting his reputation of 'nonstandard', he smiled and didn't hesitate to say, "If it benefits us both in the short and long run, why not? And we keep this meeting between us a secret as long as necessary."

There are too many people within the Seireitei who wanted him taken out so if what the strange man could offer becomes his hidden ace, he'll be willing to take it, 'I don't know what he came here for but it seems like he has no intention of freeing Aizen. That would be truly disastrous.' Although he knows that there's no way anyone could just control Aizen, the slight possibility of it still happening always gives him nightmares.

Aizen and Shunsui were eagerly awaiting what the strange man was going to show them but the unreadable pressure that he emitted suddenly changed to a more familiar one, "!?" Aizen and Shunsui looked at each other with surprised expressions and wanted to confirm if their senses were not fooling them.

It was a very familiar pressure yet there's something very different from it so the both of them aren't sure.

The man didn't make them wait as the Magic that was covering his Shihakushou and hair receded. Lastly, he removed his mask and took a deep breath, "Fuwa~ That was stuffy!"

Kisuke, with a large grin, looked at the dumbfounded Aizen and Shunsui, "What's up? Saw a ghost?"

Aizen's surprised expression immediately returned to a neutral one, "Indeed, a ghost of the past. Unless you were thrown to Hell, it doesn't explain your disappearance and that strange power."

"To think you were still alive... But how? The ritual wasn't performed for both of you and Yoruichi." Shunsui asked, "Is there another way to reach Hell?"

"No. Both of you misunderstand. I've never stepped a single foot in Hell."

"So you never died? But you haven't shown yourself this past decade? And why did you sneak into Muken?"

"I wanted to ask Aizen-san something but my plans have changed." Kisuke then turned to Aizen before continuing, "Speaking of which, I wanted to ask, is the Hougyoku still with you?"

Shunsui was instantly alarmed. The Hougyoku is the sole item that allowed Aizen to attain the power he has so his reaction is understandable.

Aizen stared at Kisuke for a few moments. He contemplated what answer he should give but ultimately, he decided to be truthful, "It's gone." Naturally, he didn't answer honestly because he just felt like it but wanted to gauge Kisuke's reaction as he asked a question that shouldn't have gone through someone's mind, 'Unless they experienced the Hougyoku themselves. Did he create a second one?'

"I see." Kisuke nodded at him and he also knew that he'd be revealing that he has one at some point to him, "Don't worry about it, Kyouraku-san, the Hougyoku is not in anyone's hand nor anyone will be able to find it."

Shunsui sighed, "This isn't really good for my health. And what do you propose that we do?" He instantly changed the topic as they are already running out of time. Although he entered the Muken alone, opening its locks is not a secret that he could keep and someone is probably keeping an eye on how much time he was spending inside, 'And this is my second time entering in such a short amount of time. I don't want them thinking that I'm secretly collaborating with Aizen.'

Kisuke also knows about his plight and said, "We won't be able to talk properly here so I won't be able to answer many of your questions. For now, I request you to make official contact with the woman who uses ice."

"You know her!?"

"Her?" Aizen curiously asked as he didn't know about any of this.

Kisuke, however, didn't give a concrete answer and a Magic Circle appeared beneath his feet before he started disappearing, "As long as I don't become your enemy, they won't become your enemies. And please keep my association with them a secret."

"W-what's happening!?"

Kisuke completely disappeared while Aizen answered Shunsui with a deadpan expression, "Teleportation."

"Teleportation!? That exists!? It's not your unique ability?"

Aizen then smirked at him, "That's how the Visoreds escaped my hands from long ago."

What Aizen didn't tell him, however, the 'Teleportation' that Kisuke used didn't use Reiryoku but something entirely different, 'Interesting. Will you preserve or destroy this world, I wonder?'

Anyhow, Aizen has a feeling that he'll be seeing the sky again not long after this meeting.


28th00: Aizen is amused.

Chapter 1103 Strange Kid | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

After a week of work, Kisuke finally returned to Urahara Shop, only to stop in his tracks when he felt Ururu and Jinta's presence in it.

Thanks to Tessai's study, he was able to feel Kisuke's unique aura and turned in his direction, only to see Kisuke shaking his head at him. Tessai sighed and continued talking to Ururu and Jinta.

Ururu and Jinta are now in their early to mid-20s and currently attending a university out of town. Kisuke doesn't know why they returned now but it probably has something to do with the current situation. Nevertheless, Kisuke thought that they grew up well considering they were his first proper attempt to create a Gigai that closely mimics a Human's body and artificial Souls.

Although Kisuke kept developing the Mod Soul technology after Ururu and Jinta, he never made another one again. Kon is supposed to be their third brother but he delayed his development because of the former two. In the end, Kisuke gave him a chance to live but finished and left him to Ichigo's care.

Like the Hogyoku, he created the artificial Souls due to his morbid curiosity. Kisuke doesn't regret creating them as a respect to the life they are living, but he'll never do it again. Instead, he just kept on improving on Mod Souls that don't have minds of their own and only have a set of instructions to work with.

After watching for a while, Kisuke left the scene and called Serafall to ask them where they were right now. Since it was nighttime, Kisuke could feel various presences moving about, including a few Beasts of Hell. But seeing that there was nothing urgent, he didn't take a look, 'Mayuri will probably be able to find a way to open his own door to Hell in a week or two.'

While thinking about this, Kisuke reached his destination and he didn't have to knock as Tanis opened the door for him when she felt him approaching, "Welcome home~!"

Kisuke patted her head with a smile and said, "I'm home."

He then saw Serafall peek from the hall with her casual attire, "I heard from Ophis about what you did. Couldn't you have at least given us a warning?"

Kisuke chuckled and entered the house, "I would've if I could. I left them to their own devices and didn't think they'd go all out like that. Though thanks to that we got a pretty safe space we can use."

The three of them went straight to the living room where everyone else was staying and watching the T.V. "Kisuke-niichan~ Welcome home~" Claire immediately greeted him and Kunou did the same.

"I'm home." Kisuke sat down and as he did, he noticed some folded clothes within a transparent plastic set to the side, "Uniforms? Did you guys enroll?"

Tanis beside him nodded, "We'll be starting tomorrow."

"I see. Get along with your classmates, alright?"




After some small talk, the young girls along with the three Dragon gods went to bed, leaving only Serafall and Kisuke in the living room, "How did it go?"

"I went around helping out exterminating those monsters, establishing my presence, but I never talked to any of them." Serafall stretched her arms, trying to flaunt her assets, "I made it clear where my base of operation is."

Sadly for her, if it's not the time to joke around, Kisuke would never get affected by this, even if a sensually dancing beautiful woman is beside him, "You want to maintain a mysterious aura?"

Serafall pouted a bit knowing that her attempt had failed, "Not really. I just want to increase the curiosity they have for me and the girls. I want to see how they'll react. But aside from a certain group of people, no one has really approached us. It seems that without explicit instructions from their commanders, they'll never engage with us as long as we don't antagonize them."

"That group of people is probably Mayuri's agents trying to gather information."


"That guy who replaced me and the one who does the majority of their technological advances within Soul Society right now. If not for the doors of Hell, he'd probably send some people to fight you to gain more data on you. And if you turn hostile, he'll probably do his best to kidnap you and turn you guys into lab rats and no one would be able to say anything against it."

"S-sounds like a very unpleasant guy..." The corner of Serafall's lips twitched. Although there are plenty of characters like this Mayuri guy on the other side, Serafall never thought she'd see one that does it so openly.

"You could say that. He's the type of guy that will not hesitate to sacrifice the innocent and his men if it means achieving his goal. Though as long as there are other methods, he won't easily turn to that."

"I see. So just don't recklessly block his path of retreat."

"Exactly." Kisuke nodded strongly, thinking of ways to mess with him now that he thought about him, 'Should I start making things that compete with his creations? His reaction would be priceless.'

"By the way, I made a secret agreement with the current Captain Commander so you should expect a contact from him sooner or later."

"Will we get invited to Soul Society?"

Kisuke shook his head, "I doubt it. Unless something big happens, that's not gonna happen. Despite being larger than the world of the living to accommodate all the souls that are passing through, Soul Society is still a closed-off space where 'outsiders' are not welcome. First, someone will probably secretly contact you, then you'll cooperate with them to create an opportunity to get closer to others to make it appear more natural."

As someone who once managed foreign affairs, Serafall understood the underlying meaning of this meeting and started thinking of things to increase their negotiation power, 'It all comes down to this Hell problem, huh? Wait, now that I think about it, I haven't mentioned that to him.'

"Ki-tan, a few days ago while doing my usual rounds of investigations, I found a strange kid."


"Yes. I dug around for a bit and found his identity. The kid is Ichigo Kurosaki's child and the scent of Hell on him is way thicker than normal, so it made me think that he has some regular contact with the place."

Kisuke furrowed his brows, "Really?"

"Yes. It's to the point that there's a marginal amount of Demonic Power within him and there are some traces of it being utilized."

Kisuke thought about it for a moment before saying, "Leave the kid to me. But if you can make a natural contact with him, please do so."

"Understood." Serafall stood up, intending to return to her room now, "And lastly, I think there's a build-up of forces on the other side of the doors. I think I'll use that opportunity to 'help'."


28th00: Serafall is on the OFFENSIVE, but too bad for her that Kisuke is in war-mode. She's done waiting!


Chapter 1104 Enrollment | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Chapter 1104 Enrollment

The next morning, Kisuke, Serafall, Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna saw Claire, Tanis, and Kunou off from the front door on their way to their new school. Although Ophis and Lilith also wanted to go, it's extremely hard for them to socialize and pretend to be like a normal Human that has nothing to do with anything supernatural.

They may have been fine with the Ouroboros Academy but they might endanger the lives of the normal kids so Kisuke didn't give them permission to go. Naturally, Ophis and Lilith protested and Kisuke had to think of an alternative, 'Hmmm... Where in the world do I find a school that doesn't see strange kids as strange?'

Kisuke thought for a while and was able to come up with something. He turned to the sulking 'twins' and asked, "In your current state, how far can you shapeshift?"

"As long as we're together, anything." Ophis immediately answered.

"But our abilities will be limited to that of the shapeshifted form. And it'll take some time to return to normal." Lilith supplemented.

'I see. So that's the price they have to pay in their current state.' Kisuke went through his idea once more and asked another question, "You won't be classmates with Claire and the others, but you'll be going to a school. Is that fine with you?"

Ophis and Lilith nodded vigorously. It's a lot better than being left out and they really can't stay still like what Flanna is doing most of the time. Furthermore, they quite like the concept of learning and anything that supplements their knowledge would do.

"I have something in mind where you could enroll and don't have to worry about appearing out of place, only if the two of you can shapeshift into a 'Soul race'."

Serafall, who was quietly listening from the side, was surprised, "Are you actually thinking of enrolling them there?"

"I think it'll be a good experience for them." Kisuke is thinking of enrolling them in the Spiritual Arts Academy where prospective Shinigamis are being trained.

Ophis and Lilith didn't answer and instead, they linked their hands and a surge of strange power enveloped the both of them.

After a while, Kisuke, Serafall, and Flanna witness their aura radically transformed, turning their unique Draconic aura into that of a black Reiatsu.

Kisuke immediately checked their physiology and found out that they did turn into a Soul that's invisible to normal people, 'This is nuts... It was just an idea but to think they could really just transform into something else.'

Flanna guessed what Kisuke was thinking after looking at his facial expression and said, "That's the true power of 'Infinity' and the true nature of her 'Shapeshifting'. You could say that she's only a Dragon God because she chose to do so and the raw power she possesses is because of that declaration."

With their Reiatsu receding, Ophis and Lilith opened their eyes and simultaneously said, "I'm a Dragon."

Flanna waved her hand in dismissal, "Yeah, yeah. You're a Dragon. But you can't declare something like that easily if you don't want to revert back."

As Flanna said, Ophis and Lilith's black Reiatsu started flaring up again, and slowly, it's turning to something 'Draconic'. The two of them ignored Flanna and stabilized their power. A second later, their Reiatsu became pure again.

Nevertheless, this instance told both Kisuke and Serafall what the 'Infinite Dragon God' truly is.

While deep in their thoughts, Ophis and Lilith excitedly looked at Kisuke and asked, "Can we attend now?!"

Watching their anticipation, all the complexity in Kisuke's mind disappeared, and patted their heads with a smile, "Yep. As long as you can maintain that, you'll be able to attend the school in the Soul Society."

Kisuke and Serafall looked at each other and even without saying a word, both of them knew that they had come to the same conclusion, 'No matter what form they take, the fact that they're 'Ophis' and 'Lilith' wouldn't change.'

Kisuke then turned to Flanna and asked, "What about you? What do you want to do?"

Flanna didn't really give it a deep thought and just replied, "Hmm... Maybe I'll go exploring? Can I go to the other side? I want to observe more. It feels like I'm missing something."

Kisuke and Serafall are not as worried as Flanna as they are for Ophis and Lilith. Even though she'd act childish, there's always a plan behind her actions if she wanted to do something. In their opinion, it's better to leave her alone the same as when she was still roaming the Dimensional Gap.

"It's fine. As long as you don't destroy Reverse London."

Flanna smiled and flew at high speed, but not before leaving very worrying words, "So it's fine I just take over it! Thanks, boss! I'll get going!"



Kisuke and Serafall were speechless.

"Ki-tan... Is that alright?" Serafall nervously asked.

Kisuke was also shocked. But unlike Serafall, he's feeling a bit different, "I think it's fine. Although she's very stupid at many things, she's very wise at certain topics."

Kisuke kept it secret that he was actually anticipating to see what kind of uproar she'll cause a bit.

Sadly for him, Serafall could already see through him but she could only sigh.

"Well then, I'll accompany Ophis-chan and Lilith-chan to the entrance exam. Since they possess a sizable amount of Reiatsu, they should pass without any problems."

Serafall bid them goodbye and Kisuke took the 'twins' to a remote corner of the town before opening a Garganta to reach a far corner of the Rukongai.

Since the land of the Rukongai was technically wide enough to house all of the Souls that arrived from the Human World, Kisuke, Ophis, and Lilith landed in a very distant place from the Seireitei.

Thankfully, this isn't really an obstacle for them as Kisuke could just hide their figures and travel at amazing speeds. He had to carry Ophis and Lilith because they really had no idea how to control Reiatsu even though they had basic control over it as if it was just an extension of their bodies.

It didn't take them long to reach the Seireitei's wall and find the booth where one could register for an examination. This year's round of examinations was already over a month ago, however, the booth was still open for special cases. The Seireitei didn't want to miss exceptional individuals just because they didn't reach the deadline.

But before they approached them, Kisuke asked Ophis and Lilith to change their clothes similar to the people around them.

That was easy for them and they instantly looked like a pair of teenage twins from a respectable part of the Rukongai. However, there's another reason why Kisuke stopped for a moment, "Listen, I'm going to teach you how to properly control your Reiatsu. Before you enter, you have to learn this first, or else, the moment you grab one of those Asauchis, they'll absorb your Reiatsu and grow uncontrollably."

Although Kisuke said 'control', he'll just be teaching them how not to leak their Reiatsu to avoid most of the problems they'll be facing.

As of now, both of them have similar levels of Reiatsu as a Captain of the Gotei 13 deep within their bodies. Kisuke doesn't know how it normalized to the same level when Ophis is supposedly 'bigger' than Lilith. However, the main problem is when they connect and release everything they have. Kisuke doesn't know exactly how much but he has a feeling that it'll be on par with Aizen's if not more.


28th00: I like how the fact that Ophis just woke up one day and decided "I'm a Dragon" was enough for reality to just go "Yes, you're THE DRAGON." Time to bully the poor Academy with unsupervised Dragon Twins


Chapter 1105 The 5th Division | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

After making sure that they could keep a tight lid on their Reiatsu, Kisuke disguised himself to appear like an old man and brought them to the booth, "Excuse me, good sir, I'd like to enroll my daughters in the Spiritual Arts Academy. Is this the right place?"

The lethargic Shinigami manning the booth peaked at them and yawned, "That's right. But the general examinations are already over. Go back next year."

"But I heard you can enroll all year round?"

The Shinigami shook his head, "Only for special individuals, old man. Go back and try again next year." Since he could hardly feel any Reiatsu from the black-haired twins, he assumed that they were just normal applicants.

"B-but we've come from quite a far distance so we can't really go back like this. I assure you that my daughters are special so can you please consider them?"

The Shinigami looked at them silently for a few moments before sighing in defeat. He's already manned this booth for more than a decade and he already came across people like this group. From his experience, it's better to entertain them now and show them that their kids are not special, "Fine. Release your Reiatsu. Depending on its amount, it'll be decided if you'll be granted an exception."

'Who am I kidding?' Thought the Shinigami, 'Those who enroll in the academy can't even control the release of their Reiatsu. If one could control it, they are already half done with the entire curricu-- !?'

But before he could finish his thoughts, a pressure so heavy that he almost smacked himself into the ground descended upon him and his immediate surroundings, 'They're limiting their Reiatsu!? And this pressure, at least Lieutenant level!?'

The Shinigami immediately stood up and hurriedly told them, "Stop! That's enough!"

Ophis and Lilith reeled back their Reiatsu and let the poor Shinigami catch his breath, "W-what's your name?"

"Ophis." "Lilith."

The Shinigami managed to calm his breath and feigned a cough, "Ophis and Lilith. Strange names around these parts but that doesn't matter. I'll bring you inside to get you further tested. If nothing is amiss, you'll be placed in the accelerated class."

The Shinigami closed his booth and urged the two, "Follow me."

Because of the earlier shock, he forgot about the 'parent', "U-uhmmm... Good sir? Where are you bringing them exactly?"

"Ah... I almost forgot. What's your name, old man?"

"J-John Smith."

"You look like you're of eastern descent though? Well, it doesn't matter. John Smith, your daughters passed and I'm bringing them inside to get further tested and by the end of the day, they should be in Class #1. As you're a civilian, I can't allow you inside so wait for them here."

"A-alright, sir Shinigami. Please take care of them."

The Shinigami just nodded at the disguised Kisuke and urged the Ophis and Lilith to follow him. Since Kisuke had already reminded them of what they needed to do, Ophis and Lilith unceremoniously followed the Shinigami.

As soon as they passed through a small gate on the side of the Eastern Gate, Kisuke walked away and disappeared into a certain alley, 'I don't know how they will turn out but I look forward to what they'll do.'

While opening the Garganta, he was reminded of Aizen's answer to his question, 'Removing the Shinigamis and Soul Society, huh? That really might be the only way.' Of course, Kisuke understood that Aizen was not referring to their existence themselves, but their 'duties'. In the cycle of Souls, there shouldn't be a need for a place where one could experience a second life or displaced Souls that needed to be manually found before they could join the cycle.

'Thinking about it right now won't do me any good. I still have to make sense of Sera-chan's report about Ichigo's kid.'




With the only one left alone, Serafall cleaned the house for a few minutes before leaving for her usual patrol in an attempt to understand more of the world. If she wanted to learn more, there was nothing better than looking around during a crisis.

'Should I go to that place where most of the pseudo-Demonic Power is gathering?' Serafall doesn't know how Kisuke's accomplice will contact her but it's better for her to take the initiative and set the negotiation table to her advantage.

Establishing her plans, Serafall decided to go to the neighboring city, Naruki City, west of Karakura Town and her exact destination is a park.

As Naruki City is a large commercial area, there are a lot of people moving about within the urban jungle, but when she reached the wide park, there were almost no people aside from those who were walking their pets. Serafall was able to pinpoint several points of pseudo-Demonic Power gathering but she ignored it for now and turned her attention to the numerous Shinigami patrolling the area.

Serafall sat down on a bench and her eyes landed on the man with brown eyes and jaw-length blonde hair with a straight cut wearing a white robe over his Shihakusho, 'The 5th Division. Shinji Hirako, I believe? It looks like they know that something big is coming in this area.'

After some time observing their movements, Serafall is sure that they still couldn't detect the existence of the pseudo-Demonic Power, however, they could still predict the appearance of these 'doors' through the movement of the Spiritual Power itself.

But as time went on, Serafall couldn't help but frown, 'Why are they not setting up a ward to remove people?' It was then that Serafall recalled a list of articles she read in her free time about a sudden mysterious death that seems to be choosing people at random, 'Wait... Could it be that they can't ?'

Serafall looked around one more to her surroundings and saw normal people blissfully unaware of what danger they are in right now.

"Tch." Clicking her tongue in frustration Serafall decided to intervene a lot earlier than she had planned, "I just can't ignore this, can I?"

Though before she made her own ward, Serafall needed to confirm if they really can't do it. And since she may come off as threatening if she just suddenly appears around them, she needs to grab their attention from afar, 'I can't directly call their Captain... In that case...' Her eyes landed on the girl who was wearing the 5th Division's lieutenant armband and is currently directing the other Shinigamis.

Serafall conjured an ice ball as big as a coin and launched it toward the Lieutenant.


Thanks to the Lieutenant's heightened guard against enemies they couldn't easily detect, she was able to detect the ball of ice just before it hit her and moved out of the way. She hurriedly turned to the origin of the 'attack' and saw a beautiful twin-tailed girl waving her hand at her with a big smile, "That is..."


28th00:Oh boy, the bulli is gonna be reaaaaaaaal. Poor Momo.


Chapter 1106 The 5th Divison part 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Momo Hinamori was busily directing her comrades where to position themselves after receiving the memo from the 12th Division that there might be a big 'door' that might appear here.

While doing so, Momo suddenly felt the air around her slightly change and thanks to her being alert, she was able to detect the projectile that was aimed at her head and was able to dodge it. She immediately placed her hand on her sword and turned around to see a Human woman waving at her with a big smile, "Hmmm..!? That is.."

She was the same woman who snatched one of the Beasts of Hell that attacked them.

Momo tightened her defenses but saw the latter had no intention of attacking as she just sat down on the bench, '...An invitation to talk?' After she thought about it, the projectile has no power behind it nor any ill intent.

After making sure that there are no follow-up attacks. Momo released her hand from her sword and turned in her Captain's direction. Since Shinji is quite a distance from her, she had to raise her voice, "Captain!"

Shinji heard her voice and turned around to see his Lieutenant gesturing something at him, "Huh? Look at what?"

He followed the direction she was pointing at and saw a woman that was sitting on the bench while waving at him with a small smile, "Hmmm?" At that moment, Shinji recalled something and immediately pulled out his phone and tapped it a few times for it to display a certain image. He turned from his screen and to the woman and vice versa a few times before muttering, "It's her, huh? To think she'd show up here. There were no more sightings of them after their encounter with Ichigo."

The picture he's looking at was secretly captured by the Chief Editor of the Seireitei Communications and the Lieutenant of the 9th Division, Shuuhei Hisagi on the night of 'Hell's Assault'.

Shinji thought about it for a moment before walking towards Momo first and bringing her with him to meet the strange woman.

Serafall, on the other hand, started walking towards a place where no one could see or hear her.

Shinji and Momo landed in front of Serafall and since it was the latter who wanted to talk, she introduced herself first, "I'm Sitri Serafall. Nice to meet you."

Shinji's eyes landed on her stretched-out hand and returned her gesture after hesitating for a short moment, "Hirako Shinji, Captain of the 5th Division of the Gotei 13."

Seeing that, Momo immediately lowered her head, "I'm Hinamori Momo! The 5th Division's Lieutenant! Nice to meet you too."

Shinji let go of her hand and directly asked her, "Are you here to snatch one of those Beasts again?"

Serafall shook her head, "No. Of course not. I'm done with that. I'm just here because it looks like a large hole is about to open, but it looks like your group is enough to deal with anything that could come out."

Shinji's brows furrowed, 'She can detect these 'doors'?'

Serafall successfully guessed what he was thinking and nodded amicably, "I can. It's actually pretty easy if you can feel the strange thing that's pushing the Spiritual Power away."

Shinji and Momo were both stunned at her statement but before they could ask questions, Serafall continued speaking, "But I'm not here to tell you how to do that. I grabbed your attention because I want to ask what you're going to do with the people around."

"The people around?" Shinji parroted and looked around him to see blissfully unaware people, "There's nothing we could do about them. It's not like we cause a commotion since that'll only gather more attention after they initially run away."

Momo, meanwhile, could only bite the corner of her lips since it'll be hard to save them. The only thing they could do is to finish off their opponents as fast as possible to avoid unnecessary casualties.

"...I guessed as much." Serafall sighed, "Then do you mind if I do something about them? I promise that it won't impede your operation."

Shinji stayed silent for a moment before answering, "As long as you can keep them away within the entire duration of the fight. If you can't then forget about it. You'll only cause more deaths."

Serafall didn't explain herself any further and just raised her right hand over her head.

Shinji and Momo don't know what she was trying to do but when a giant circle of strange geometrical shapes suddenly glowed in blue and expanded from her feet to cover the ground, the Captain and his Lieutenant jumped back to the sky with alarm, and grabbed the hilt of their swords.

The other Shinigamis were also alarmed by this sight and thought that it was already the enemies attacking with each pulling out their blades from their scabbard.

Serafall ignored what they were doing and just continued her actions. Soon, the circle stopped expanding when it reached a kilometer in radius. A similar but just a few centimeters wide circle also appeared on top of her right hand.

Shinji and Momo have no idea what's happening and are considering if they should attack first, but the giant and small circle soon disappeared after releasing a soft light. The next moment, those who were enjoying themselves in the park packed their things and started leaving with blank expressions on their faces.

After seeing this, Shinji guessed what might have happened, "Hinamori, confirm what happened to all Humans in the area. Send multiple people out and give me a report immediately."

Still clueless, Momo answered before disappearing with a Flash Step, "Yes!"

Shinji slowly descended from the sky and landed in front of her again, "What did you do? And what were those magic-like special effects? Are you some sort of Magical Girl?" Shinji was reminded of his time in the Human World when he would sometimes binge-watch some anime shows.

At those magic words, Serafall's eyes instantly shone, "Yes! I'm a Magical Girl!"

Shinji thought that she was joking and Serafall intended to explain more when her mood suddenly went south.

Serafall slowly lifted her left arm and pointed her finger at one of the trees on her left. A Magic Circle appeared on the tip of her finger before multiple spears of ice abruptly manifested around her and rained down on the area she was pointing at.

Shinji immediately took some distance again from Serafall but she ignored him and just kept bombarding the area for a few seconds before stopping and leaving the poor trees and ground multiple holes in them, "I'm fine with you secretly observing since I'm doing this in public, but could you please stop that slimy and sticky stare?"

At that moment, Shinji felt a familiar eruption Reiatsu and saw a man with a strange head that looks like an antenna, "Kurotsuchi? What are you doing here?"

But just like the former, the newcomer also ignored him and directly talked to Serafall, "My... I'm very surprised that I was detected even with a potent Reiatsu-Concealing Cloak. As expected, you have an entirely different system of detection... The one that doesn't use any Reiatsu."


28th00: You know what you must do now, you must bully the evil clown.