goyya 1107-1111

Chapter 1107 12th Division's Captain | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Serafall didn't reply to him but the 'slimy stare' had already disappeared as she had requested. She had guessed that he was using some equipment to probe her and didn't like the feeling it was giving.

Momo soon returned with a hurried expression, "Captain! What happened!?... Captain Kurotsuchi?"

"Your report?" Kurotsuchi immediately asked without taking his eyes off Serafall.

Momo was stunned for a moment before saying, "Y-yes! We've confirmed that the Humans have started leaving the area and within a few minutes, there won't be anyone left!"

"Interesting..." Kurotsuchi muttered with a small smile, "Illusion? Hypnosis? But it's not a Kidou or any known technique. A unique ability? But why are there no traces?"

Serafall grinned at him and said, "Do you want me to answer?"

"No. I have no point of reference to compare whatever you're giving me. I wouldn't know what sort of lie you'll insert into it."

Serafall turned to him and said, "But at least you'll get something, right? You can reference anything remotely connected to it and you'll still glean some data from it."

"True, but there's also nothing more dangerous than incorrect information."

"Then how are you going to figure me out? If you do that invasive probing again, I'm really going to get angry this time."

Kurotsuchi's smile became wider, "My, it's not every day you'd see someone threatening a Captain of Gotei 13. How confident are you?"

Serafall also returned the same smile without hiding her hostility and said, "Confident enough that I could have you kiss the ground~. After all, I know what you're capable of but you don't know me~."

The threatening demeanor between the two only kept escalating and that made Momo panic and hide behind Shinji who could only sigh.

But when it looked like they were about to go at it, something inside Mayuri's clothes started ringing and the Shinigamis stationed on the air started yelling at each other. Three holes like they were made by a Hollow's Descorrer opened, but unlike the former, there was a row of omnivore teeth along its edges. It's way more than the 1 or 2 Beasts that kept appearing this past week.

Shinji and Momo instantly responded to their appearance and commanded their soldiers to intercept the emerging Beasts of Hell numbering at least a hundred.

Seeing that Mayuri is not doing anything, Serafall asked, "You're not going to help them?"

"This is their assignment. If there's nothing outside of the ordinary, I won't." Mayuri also stared at the fast-developing battlefield.

"Even if it means death to some of your soldiers?"

"It's their sworn duty. They know what it means to be a Shinigami and they all accepted it."

"How harsh."

Mayuri turned his eyes to her before replying, "The Seireitei is too soft these days and we almost paid the ultimate price for that. If I could be the whip that could straighten them, I'll gladly be a barbed one."

Serafall went quiet and just silently watched the ongoing battle with interest, 'A clear-cut system of spells that don't really deviate from each other. Just from that, one could see that their society is very strict and systematized. But why was it shaped like that? And there's also a very strict hierarchy in their ranks according to this guy beside me.'

She thought that they'll be a bit lenient due to Kisuke's behavior but it looks like he's an outlier even within their organization.

All of a sudden, Mayuri started moving, causing Serafall to focus back her attention on him.

After a few rustling of clothes, Mayuri pulled out what looks to be a smartphone but thrice as thick as a normal one and placed it on Serafall's side, "Do you mind pouring your power into this?"

Serafall first looked at the strange device and was once again amazed that something like this could be made with pure spiritual particles. She knew that this was out of necessity and culture but it's still incredible to see something that one would normally do with physical particles instead, "With passive and active observation not working, you opted to just ask directly?"

"I'm not the one to shy away from any method to achieve my purpose." Of course, Mayuri wasn't exactly expecting her to just do as he says and this is just trying out one of his options.

But without saying anything else, Serafall grabbed the thick smartphone displaying various numbers.

She first inspected it with her hands before pouring her Demonic Power into it. However, feeling something amiss, Serafall threw the device far away from them.

"What are you doing?" Mayuri asked without a hint of anger in his voice. Nevertheless, Serafall didn't have to give him an excuse as the device mid-flight suddenly exploded with enough to rattle the whole battlefield and temporarily pause it.

"I guess haphazardly mixing Spiritual Power and Demonic Power will cause such a reaction."

Mayuri took note of Serafall's words just now before using Flash Step to catch some debris from the broken scanning device that he handed Serafall. Along with some pieces, Mayuri was able to secure what seems to be Phosphoplasm that came from Hell. Although it answered a few questions in his mind, it only ended up opening more.

Serafall also followed him, curious of what he made out of it, "Still better than asking questions?"

Mayuri kept the debris in his Shihakushou while answering, "Of course. That confirmed a few things in my head."

"Then in exchange for that, allow me a passage when you guys finally secured a path to Hell."

"I can't allow that." Mayuri immediately answered, "While I don't really care what you do to others, I still won't allow unnecessary risks."

"Then what else could I do for you to allow such risks?" Serafall knew that she still may be able to get to Hell through their help thanks to Kisuke's connection, but she still want to get that privilege as naturally as possible to avoid needless suspicion.

"Hmm..." Mayuri seriously considered her offer, 'What can I do to force her to show more? I don't really want to fight someone completely unknown.'

At that moment, an enormous explosion shook the whole area and both Serafall and Mayuri saw Hinamori Momo flying out with grave injuries.

Serafall instantly flew off and caught her midair, 'A big hole in her stomach, but it doesn't look like it's fatal.'

While coughing up blood, Momo struggled to lift her head and muttered, "... Es-Espada..."

Wondering what she meant, Serafall heard Mayuri's voice, "If you deal with one of them, I could consider what you want to happen."

Serafall turned her head to where he was pointing and saw two individuals that seemed to come out of Hell, "At least promise that you'd make it happen."

"Sadly, I don't control the Seireitei so the most I could really do is vouch for you."

'Well, I guess this is enough. At least I don't need a sudden recommendation.' Serafall thought while sealing Momo's wound with her Magic and placing her down beside Mayuri, "Grant me entry to Soul Society too while you're at it."

Mayuri stared at her for a few moments before answering, "If you could give a few hours of your time to my lab."

"I won't allow any deep inspections."



28th00: Poor Momo is the resident Jobber in Bleach. Just a constant punching bag. Mayuri is going to be so confused later on.

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Chapter 1108 Magical Girl Levia-tan~ | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

After the hundreds of Beasts from Hell emerged from the three openings they created, the 5th Division did a great job intercepting them and minimizing the area of damage. Although there were some who were gravely injured, they were immediately sent back to the Soul Society to receive immediate treatment. As the Shinigami of the 5th Division, they're pretty talented when it comes to combat so none of them came out dead.

But just when they thought that was the end of it, two 'Beasts' suddenly snuck up on both Shinji and Momo.

While Shinji successfully blocked his unknown assailant, Momo wasn't as lucky or skilled. She received a blade in her stomach and was kicked in her chest, causing further damage to her lungs and ribs.

"Hinamori!" Shinji tried to catch up to her but his assailant didn't allow him to do so, "Y-you!"

"This is our first time meeting, I suppose?" A tall, muscular, dark-skinned man with noticeably large lips appeared in front of him.

Thanks to Mayuri's intelligence gathering to prepare them for possible opponents that they may face after Szayelaporro's appearance, everyone became acquainted with the appearance of former members of Espada that Aizen Sosuke led and Shinji knew exactly who was in front of him despite some difference in key parts, "You're Zommari Rureaux!"

"I see. The Shinigamis are prepared." The dark-skinned man turned to where Momo was thrown off, "But not prepared enough."

Similar to Szayelaporro, the former 7th Espada had his Hollow hole outside of his body, which was now located on his right shoulder. The similarities didn't just end there as Zommari also possesses a single horn in the middle of his forehead and chains tattooed all over his body.

Shinji shifted his eyes to Momo's attacker and saw another familiar 'face', 'Is that Aaroniero Arruruerie?'

The former 9th Espada, Aaroniero Arruruerie, also came out of Hell. The reason why Shinji isn't sure of his identity is that instead of a glass tube containing his two heads, they are floating on top of his neck while a ring, presumably his Hollow hole, is connecting them, forming a rather eerie sight.

Shinji prepared to release his Shikai but in the corner of his eyes, he saw someone catching Momo and sighed in relief when she was placed beside Mayuri, 'To think I'd be grateful that Mayuri is around... Well, it'll be tough for me to take on these two with just me, let alone the unknown abilities they may have acquired within Hell.'

Shinji was thinking of separating the two of them so that he could properly use his abilities and for Mayuri to take care of the other one when all of a sudden, the strange woman called Serafall Sitri appeared beside Aaroniero while swinging a wand taller than her, "I~ choose~ you~!"

Aaroniero was also shocked at her appearance but more surprised with the fact that she's exuding something very similar to them and that caused him to react slightly late.

"Who are you!?" The two heads shouted while raising his right arm covered with Hierro to block the wand that was about to smash at him.

"Magical Girl: Levia-tan~☆" Serafall gleefully replied while smashing the arm that was on her way.

Aaroniero was thrown away by the surprising strength behind her attack. Of course, he wouldn't just take that without retaliating and was preparing to use one of his trusted abilities that he copied from a certain Shinigami. But just as he was about to do that, he heard Zommari's voice with a strange tone, "Aaroniero... You..."

Aaroniero turned and saw him making a dumbfounded expression. It was then that it finally hit him that he couldn't actually feel his right arm. When he looked down at it, he saw his arm had turned frozen and was already crumbling to pieces with most of his fingers already gone, "!?"

As silent as she appeared earlier, Serafall reappeared in front of him once again and aimed for a second swing, "Don't get distracted now~ You still have 3 limbs left to block me with~!"

Aaroniero's remaining arm turned into a brown tentacle with a gaping maw at its center, "D-Devour! Glotonería!"

Serafall's target's aura instantly tripled and was still increasing so she had no choice but to initiate a temporary retreat. The twin-headed guy's lower body began bubbling with the purple matter before it expanded into a purple blob-like mass resembling an incredibly bloated invertebrate or octopus, with dozens of stubby tentacles, large red eyes, and large mouths complete with teeth. In the center of this mass, there was a bubbling area that seemed to boil and display random masks from the thousands of Hollows that Aaroniero had consumed.

Serafall grimaced while looking at this disgusting sight, "Something like this can never be shown on TV."

She thought of playing with him more since she wanted to know more about them. However, her extreme disgust prompted her to release the Demonic Power that she had been holding back.

The next instant, Mayuri, Shinji, Momo, and the other Shinigami felt something change in the air. They couldn't get what it was but they were sure that there was change. The same as the strange pressure this past week but also distinctively different.

The former Espadas, on the other hand, felt something different as both of them started sweating coldly with their nonexistent hearts almost willed into existence just to thump loudly. In front of them was the most atrocious agent of Hell.

In panic and fear, Aaroniero sent out all of his tentacles towards Serafall and the tip of those tentacles suddenly opened into maw with rows of flat teeth in them, intending to devour their target.

Meanwhile, Zommari cursed at his retarded ally and started preparing his escape, 'We didn't know something like that was here!'

Serafall was further disgusted by the tentacle mouths coming after her and pointed her wand at them, "Freeze into oblivion, Celsius Cross Trigger~!"

The moment she muttered those words, the surrounding temperature instantly plummeted into freezing and it was then Serafall realized that she slightly messed up, 'Oh no! I have to tune it down!'

Because of her recent battles against Tiamat and an army of Gods, she forgot to adjust her strength. Because this world doesn't have much resistance against Magic, her Demonic Power ended up flowing extremely well and ended up pouring out enough to freeze the entirety of Japan and it's surrounding ocean.

Serafall hurriedly adjusted her Demonic Power output and reallocated the part she couldn't get into a smaller area.

While numerous Magic Circles appeared around Serafall, the approaching tentacles slowed down until they completely stopped when they were just a few feet away from Serafall. Soon, icicles formed on it and rapidly expanded until it reached the main body.

And while all of this is happening, the park was also blanketed by ice, freezing the tree and rocks solid.

A second later, two pillars of ice quickly rose from the ground, each one heading towards the intruders from Hell.

Aaroniero shrieked as he tried to move away but his giant blob of a body was promptly engulfed by the ice pillar that soon turned into a cross which made it look like the disgusting giant blob was nailed inside it.

Zommari also tried to get away using his Sonido and was successful, however, two more pillars of ice headed to him that he was ultimately not able to dodge due to him still initiating his escape.

Not even half a minute after Serafall joined the fight, there lay two frozen Arrancars within a cross made out of ice.

Those who were watching her could only stare in awe as the whole area which has become a frozen wasteland served as a backdrop for the 'Goddess of Ice', or in the eyes of those who came from Hell, the 'Devil of Ice'.


28th00: "IT'S A MIRROR VERSION OF THE OLD MAN! BUT WITH MAGICAL GIRLS AND ICE INSTEAD!" Serafall should've suffered a massive type-disadvantage against a tentacle monster as a magical girl, but she's actually a magical woman. She just larps hard.


Chapter 1109 Frozen Solid | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

With the two of the 'dead' Arrancars frozen, the Shinigamis didn't know what to do but the only thing sure for now is that they didn't want to approach Serafall in fear of being frozen too.

Though before they could process everything that was happening, the real door to Hell that was adorned with two skeletons suddenly appeared.

Serafall frowned and prepared her Magic again while the Shinigamis also prepared for another fight. But contrary to what they were expecting, the ice that was holding Zommari began shaking and the tattoos of chains on his body began materializing and connecting him to some place beyond the door.

It didn't take long before the ice started falling apart and freeing the shaking Arrancar as he's being dragged by the chains towards the door.

Shinji's Hollow mask materialized and at the same time, he pointed his fist at him, charging his Cero.

"I advise you not to do it, Captain Hirako." All of a sudden, Shinji heard Mayuri's voice behind him, "Anyone who interferes with Hell's Judgement may be punished along with the sinner."

Without turning around, Shinji asked, "Are you saying what's happening right now is Hell's Judgement?"

"I can't be too sure... But are you willing to risk it?"

Shinji watched Zommari get dragged with black chains around him and he didn't let go of his hand until he saw the door close. Shinji sighs, dematerializing his Hollow mask, and taking back the charged Cero, "How annoying..."

Soon, the crimson door slowly became transparent until it completely disappeared.

Mayuri ignored the frustrated Shinji and approached Serafall who was staring at the remaining Arrancar. And before he could even speak Serafall said, "It'll cost you more if you want him."

Mayuri stayed silent for a moment before saying, "I'll owe you one."

Serafall turned to him with an interested look, "Hooh? You're willing to take that risk?"

"That's how precious this specimen is. But only if you can keep him here until I can make sure that he won't be able to escape."

"The one who escaped went through a certain ritual before activating those chains. I think as long as he's frozen here, he won't be able to do anything." The wand on Serafall's hand disappeared before she continued, "I'll set up a barrier around to keep the Humans away but that'll only be effective for 3 days before they start flocking here after finding out something is weird. As you've probably already noticed, my techniques are visible to Humans."

Mayuri nodded in satisfaction, "Three days... That's more than enough."

Serafall then handed a card to Mayuri that contained her address. The latter received and instantly memorized what was written on it before destroying it.

"Well then, I'll be waiting." As a final surprise, Serafall demonstrated a Teleportation Magic and disappeared without any further words.

After seeing that, Mayuri took out his own phone and dialed a number. A second later, it was answered, "Akon, go to the Great Archive and confirm the laws regarding teleportation." He didn't wait for his reply and directly disconnected the call. It is not that he wanted to prosecute Serafall for her use of teleportation but he wanted to confirm if laws surrounding it only concern 'Kidou' and any other technique that uses Spiritual Power.

After confirming it, Mayuri would want to use it himself, 'I look forward to our next meeting.'

Ignoring the entire 5th Division doing their work, Mayuri focused his sights on the frozen Arrancar.




Since the academy grounds were just along the eastern gate, Ophis and Lilith reached the place where they were enrolling relatively fast. Along the way, they curiously looked around and the Shinigami leading them attributed this to them seeing how different it is inside the Seireitei compared to the place where they came from.

After a few more turns, the Shinigami leading them went up to a building and knocked on the door, "Instructor Ounabara, we're here."

"Come in."

The Shinigami turned to the 'twins' and gestured to them, "Follow me."

Ophis and Lilith silently nodded at him after he entered the building which looks like a dojo.

In the middle of the room was a bald middle aged man wearing glasses sitting in a seiza position. Unlike most of the Shinigami they came across, the man was wearing a grey hakama and black haori.

The man called Instructor Ounabara immediately eyed Ophis and Lilith and was immediately surprised. He tried to intimidate them but it looks like it only went over their heads, "I received your message. You are saying that they are capable of releasing their Reiatsu?"

"Yes, Instructor." The Shinigami nodded, "I'm not too sure but I think their Reiatsu is at Lieutenant level."

The instructor went quiet for a moment and rubbed his chin before saying, "Understood. Thank you for your hard work. Leave this to me and return to your post."

"Yes!" The Shinigami bowed deeply and walked backward before turning around the door and immediately leaving.

As soon as he's gone, the instructor continued, "Well then, Nice to meet you. Ounabara Gengorou, the Chief Instructor for the Class 1 Year 1."



The two also briefly introduced themselves.

Gengorou didn't mind their strange names and directly asked, "Who taught you how to release your Reiatsu?"

"We learned it on our own." Ophis gave an answer that Kisuke prepared for them.


"We felt we could move something inside our bodies and tried moving it." This time, Lilith gave him the answer.

"Show it to me."

Ophis and Lilith didn't say anything and did exactly the same thing as they did when they were outside and just enough to impress anyone watching them.

The instructor went quiet for a moment before saying, "If you can learn that on your own, instead of six years, you'll be able to graduate within a year. I hope you two didn't lie to me."

Gengorou thought that their potential is very obvious, however, he was also worried that this could have a detrimental effect when they handle an Asauchi since a Shinigami's blade develops alongside their owner, 'I'd have to ask for special permission for Asauchi. Though I don't think anyone would disagree with the Seireitei needing more talented individuals to replenish their ranks.'


28th00: The academy still exists, so we're good. It's only been like 5 minutes though, so let's hope it stays that way for at least a week!

2 LikesChapter 1110 Strange Kid | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Later that day, Kisuke was already waiting for Ophis and Lilith to come out of the eastern gate. And when they came out, Kisuke saw them already wearing a red shitagi (under shirt), a white kosode (shirt) with red stripes, red hakama (trousers), white socks, and sandals. However, what caught his attention was the Asauchi katanas behind them, 'They already gave them those? I know that their control of Reiatsu is amazing, but to receive Asauchis when they haven't even taken their first class, they're a lot more desperate than I thought.'

A certain possibility then entered his mind and looked up, 'While the 5 members of the Zero Division can't really die without dealing with Ichibei first, that's not the same for their soldiers.'

Seireitei is already lacking manpower after the Great War but replenishing the Zero Division takes precedence. And to qualify for this position, one has to be an elite. As a result, many elite Shinigamis were drafted, leaving the Gotei 13 even further dry of new blood for an extended period of time.

Ophis and Lilith reached the disguised Kisuke and with sparkling eyes, they said, "We did it!"

Kisuke patted their heads. Although they looked like teenagers, they were still the same 'children' from seven years ago, "Congratulations. Although you won't be able to go with Claire, Tanis, and Kunou to the same school, it doesn't mean that after-school activities are impossible."

Ophis and Lilith wondered what he meant and Kisuke continued, "I heard that Claire and the others will be going out with some of their classmates and they asked you two to join them. They'll introduce you to their classmates and maybe make friends with some of them."

Ophis and Lilith immediately grabbed Kisuke's hands and led him to a secluded ally while raising their voices, "Let's go!" They opened a hole and dragged Kisuke into it.




Since Ophis and Lilith were currently in their 'Soul Race' form, Kisuke had to provide Gigai for them to properly interact with people in the Human World. They could transform back but he didn't know how that'd affect their current Asauchis and didn't really want to risk it on top of it being too much effort for the both of them to keep switching.

After giving them the identities they'll assume, Kisuke left them near Claire's group who were already waiting for them.

Kisuke silently watched Ophis and Lilith smoothly join the group and couldn't help but smile, 'Is this what it feels like to have children?'

Leaving them behind, Kisuke returned his focus to his task, 'Sera-chan already laid down her foundation, I should do my part too.'

Throughout the whole day, he monitored Ichigo's kid, Kazui Kurosaki, and indeed found some strange points as Serafall has pointed out. However, what shocked him was that Kazui was actually a Fullbringer with Shinigami abilities. In other words, while in his physical body, he could use his Shinigami powers, and the concept of his Fullbringer ability was [Shinigami] itself, 'And he probably also has the same potential as his father, if not more.'

Kisuke wondered if he was a real Shinigami or not.

Placing those thoughts in the back of his head, Kisuke waited outside of the Kurosaki residence until it was very late at night and as he expected, Kazui jumped out of his window while transforming into a Shinigami and a giant koi fish catching his fall with the stuffed toy Kon following behind him.

Kisuke immediately observed the koi fish that suddenly appeared and concluded that they were part of his Fullbringer ability. Although just by looking at it, there's no way for Kisuke to know the significance of this koi fish.

Kisuke silently followed them for a few seconds before his eyes widened in shock suddenly, increasing his distance from them and hiding his aura.

At the same time, Kazui turned his head in Kisuke's direction, and that prompted Kon to ask, "What's wrong?"

Kazui stared in Kisuke's direction for a few moments before turning his head back to the front, "It's nothing. I thought someone is following us."

"What!?" Kon panicked and turned his body in the direction Kazui was looking before, "If that's either your father or your mother, they're going to kill me!"

Kazui chuckled at his reaction and said, "I wouldn't go out if they were watching me. And I said it was nothing. Probably just some of those wild beasts that are roaming around."

Hiding behind some ally, Kisuke sighed in relief, "Geez... What a sharp kid. This isn't his first rodeo."

This time, Kisuke carefully followed them from behind until they reached a Plus with his Chain of Fate about to reach a critical level.

'How rare... Then again, the Seireitei is currently swamped with work right now because of Hell. Is the kid going to perform a Konsou (Soul Burial)?' Kisuke thought until Kazui suddenly invited the lost soul to come with him, 'Hmmm?'

Wondering what they are up to, Kisuke kept following them until they reached the entrance to a shrine. Kazui, Kon, and the Plus walked up the long set of stairs when they suddenly made a right turn halfway through it.

Walking further in, the group reached a tiny shrine.

Kazui stood in front of the tiny shrine and a weird aura suddenly covered him. He clapped his hands three times and three eyeballs suddenly manifested around them, 'Eyes of Hell!?'

Kon and the Plus were scared shitless but Kazui continued by bowing twice and then clapping one more time. This time, an all too familiar gaping mouth showing a blank space beyond it materialized along with numerous Hell Butterflies.

Kisuke frowned and identified the mouth, 'The door that those Beasts and Arrancars are using?'

Kisuke carefully listened to their conversation and Kazui was able to convince the Plus that everyone else was there.

A few moments later, the Plus was gone after going through the 'door' and Kisuke contemplated his next actions.

Kazui was about to close the 'door' when Kisuke finally took action and stopped hiding to stop him, "Hold on, young Shinigami, mind keeping that open for a moment?"

Kazui hurriedly turned around to see who suddenly talked to him and prepared to pull out his blade. Although he's still a kid, he was taught what it means to have power beyond the norm and that danger was always around. Since he didn't recognize the voice, he started thinking about how to escape.

Kon, meanwhile, froze on his spot when he heard the familiar voice. It took a while for him to have some courage to turn around but he finally did it while making it look like his cotton body is made out of old rusting machinery. And what he saw behind him further gave him a sense of nostalgia, "K-Kisuke?"

Kisuke decided to show himself to Kazui and Kon without donning any disguise.

"Oh hey, Kon. You're still the same as ever. Let me take a look to see if my hidden devices inside you are still functioning."


28th00: Now we're in the weird zone.


Chapter 1111 Welcome To Hell | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Kazui turned to Kon and asked, "Kon-chan, do you know who's this uncle?"

But Kon ignored him and slowly stepped forward while shaking, "A-are you really Kisuke?"

Kisuke disappeared and reappeared behind Kon to press something on his back. A second later, a hole opened on each of his feet before blasts of flames erupted from it, launching him upwards without any warning, "Eh? Ehh!? EHHHHHHH---....." Kon's trailing voice was left behind as he disappeared through the sky.

"Kon-chan!?" Kazui summoned his koi fish and intended to follow him but Kisuke grabbed his shoulder to stop him, "Don't worry about him. He'll return after a minute or two of fun in the sky." Kisuke immediately let go of Kazui so that he wouldn't misunderstand, "More importantly, this is a door to Hell, isn't it? Why did you send that guy through it?"

Kazui tilted his head and asked, "Hell? Is that what they call that place?"

"You don't know?"

Kazui shook his head, "Nee-chan told me the name of that place is Oath Town."

Even more questions opened inside Kisuke's head but he didn't want to overwhelm him with his inquiry especially now that his guard is down, "Oath Town, is it? Have you been there?"

Kazui nodded, "Uhuh. It's a great place where everyone gets along. Although Nee-chan told me not to come anymore because it's dangerous for me who's still alive."

"So you kept sending the Souls that you found to go there? Why not to the Soul Society?"

"I've also seen the Soul Society, but aside from a few places, it's not a good place. I feel bad sending them there."

Kisuke finally got a bit of understanding of the kid's thought process, 'It's the same as the kids of his age. The difference is, he actually has the ability and was putting it to good use.'

However, that doesn't mean what he's saying is the truth as this someone he calls 'Nee-chan' could possibly and easily fool him.

At that moment, both of them looked at the sky as they heard Kon's shrieking voice coming closer, "...ake stop!!! Make it stop!!! I'm going to die!!!"

The flames behind Kon's feet finally snuffed out and Kisuke caught him by grabbing his head.

"Kisuke, you bastard! What was that for!? And why do I have something like that when it's useless when I don't know about it!?" Kon complained while wildly flailing his tiny arms and legs. The emotional reunion he was expecting was spectacularly betrayed, 'What was I expecting!?' However, he could be sure that the guy in front of him was indeed Kisuke, who'd 'died' 12 years ago.

Kisuke tossed Kon to Kazui and said, "Kon and Kazui-kun, I'd like for the two to keep it secret that you met me today."

Kon immediately jumped down from Kazui's arms and already calmed down, "T-that's right, Kisuke. I thought you died! Everyone did! W-wait!? Are you one of those guys who emerged from Hell!?"

"Oh? You know about them?"

"Who wouldn't!? The Shinigamis are scrambling around to find those guys! And ever since then, Ichigo and Inoue are on high alert! Is something dangerous going to happen again!?"

"Perhaps, but I'm not sure about that yet. That's why I want you to keep it a secret that you met me today."

Kon crossed his arms and thought for a moment, "You want us to keep your existence a secret so that you can move around freely?"

"That's the gist of it."

"And why did you reveal yourself to us if you wanted to keep it secret?"

"I didn't really intend to do that, but I'm investigating all of these events and the fact that the kid created a hole to Hell caught my attention." Kisuke then turned back to Kazui and asked, "Speaking of which, can I also go through that?"

"I think you can." Kazui nodded, "But you won't be able to return because I can't keep this open and wait for you to come back."

"That's fine. I only need to see what's on the other side and I have my way of leaving it." Kisuke walked towards the gaping black mouth and inspected it for a moment.

And while he was doing this, Kon suddenly asked, "You haven't answered my question. Are you from Hell?"

Kisuke shook his head, "I'm not. But explaining where I've been now is a bit complicated and a very long story. I don't have that kind of time right now."

Kon sighed and turned to Kazui and said, "Kazui, promise this uncle that you'll keep it a secret that you and I met him."

Kazui was a bit hesitant and asked, "Can we trust him? I think it's better to tell Dad about him."

"If you can't trust him, trust me. He's someone who saved your father and mother on multiple occasions in the past and I can vouch that he won't mean harm to us. But for him to do his work, we have to follow his words."

This is the first time Kazui saw Kon act this seriously and all the hesitation he had in his mind disappeared, "Alright, I promise. I won't tell anyone about Uncle. It also doesn't look like Uncle is one of those 'Chained'."

Kisuke is grateful for Kon's words and one of the reasons why he revealed himself is because he's one of those he could trust to keep their words.

"Chained?" He, however, became curious about the word that Kazui used.

"They are the bad guys." Kazui briefly answered and Kisuke could see that's all there was to it in his head.

"I see. Then I'll get going. I'll see you around, Kon, Kazui-kun."

"Take care, uncle." Kazui waved his hand while Kon grumbled, "Make sure to explain yourself when you have time!"

Kisuke waved back but didn't say anything else.

Kisuke disappeared and the 'door' to Hell closed, "Ah... I forgot to tell Nee-chan that someone else is going in... Oh well, uncle isn't a Chained one, so he's going to be fine."

"By the way, who's this Nee-chan that you kept mentioning?" Kon asked.

"A kind nee-chan and the leader of the Oath Town."




After a moment of blackness, Kisuke emerged in the middle of a bustling square that reminded him of Orario in its industrial revolution. Aside from that, the first thing he noticed is the purple sky which reminded him of the Underworld in the previous world, "This is Hell?" Kisuke muttered to himself.

While taken aback, two armored men approach him while talking, "Someone else came? Welcome to Oath Town, my friend. You can tour later but we'll have to inspect you first."

However, the other guard stopped his colleague from approaching, "Wait! Look! He doesn't have the Chains of Fate."

Kisuke finally turned their attention to him and saw them pulling out their spears, "I'm sorry but you'll have to accompany us for an extensive inspection. If you came here unintentionally we'll release you."

But Kisuke couldn't listen to his words until the end as he needed to raise his left hand and apply Hierro on it.

The next instant, a katana aiming for his neck was blocked with sparks flying around, "Hooh? Is that Hierro? You're an Arrancar?"

In front of Kisuke is a fair-skinned young woman with long, dark pink hair tied up in two hip-length pigtails on either side of her head.


28th00: You know, dark pink hair should narrow it down… but it's Bleach. Riruka? But she has a Katana, so it can't be her, right? Hmm… I'll just open the next chapter I guess.