akikan 40. Tanuki. 188-197

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 188 Strong Baldy (One-Punch Man World) | akikan40 on

It was like any other day.

It was a beautiful and boring day where everyone went about their everyday things.

Yet, out of nowhere, an explosion brought ruin and destroyed everything.

No one was able to react as they swallowed by this explosion.

Those who were right in the explosion died; those who were nearby had deep injuries, and those who were far away were in panic.

A calamity had appeared, and no one could stop it.

Soon after, the explosion subsided, and what was left was the gouged earth and the ruined city.

Yet, in the middle, one would be able to see a figure.

This figure wasn't a human as his height was so massive, yet he had a humanoid shape.

His body was also purple, with two rounded antennas on his head.

His eyes were so cold, as if he saw everything in this place was nothing but trash.

Watching the destruction in his surroundings, he didn't seem to feel satisfied. Suddenly, he floated high into the sky, raising his palms and throwing a ball of energy into the surrounding area, causing even more chaos and destruction.

Meanwhile, our protagonist, Tamazuki, was speechless.

Tamazuki had just arrived in this world, yet what the fuck was this?

Why the heck was he welcomed with an explosion?

Did the world wish him to die?

More importantly, what kind of world was this?

While he was filled with anger toward this humanoid monster and wished to kill him immediately, he was also quite curious about his surroundings. It felt like he was in the modern world.

Unlike the world of Gakusen, which had a lot of advanced technology, the city was quite similar to the city in Tamazuki's original world.

However, unlike his original world, the one that destroyed everything wasn't a youkai, monster, or myth beings, but it was more like one he saw on the superhero shows.

A monster.

Yes, a monster.

This was how they described the humanoid monster with two rounded antennas on his head.


Was it Piccolo?

Yet, piccolo had a green color, and this one had a purple color, so he knew that he wasn't in the world of Dragon Ball.

Whether it was Piccolo or not, it didn't matter, as this monster's fate wouldn't change. He had labeled this thing as a corpse.

Nevertheless, he was glad that he was immune to the fire, but as an explosion had other aspects, such as noise and impact, he was slightly injured because of it. However, as soon as he was hit, he became immune to them, and now, he was fully immune to the explosion caused by the energy ball thrown by Fake Piccolo.

Yet, it didn't change the fact that he had sentenced this Fake Piccolo as a dead man.

Or a dead monster?

Either way, he didn't kill it immediately as he was looking around.

The people were dying, wounded, and crying, but the reporter was quite unique.

"The ground is shaking, and there is a deafening rumbling, roaring noise!! There are huge explosions everywhere in the city, and they are not ceasing!"

While he was speechless, he took all the money that he could find nearby to become his pocket money.

[Master, you can leave the money matter to Aisha]

(If you forget, Aisha is his AI).

"It's more fun to make money this way."

Still, he stopped as he saw a little girl with "little girl" words written on her shirt.

"Waaaah! Daddy! Mommy!"

The Fake-Piccolo wanted to attack this little girl, who was crying as she was lost, killing it.

Yet, how could he let this monster do it?

Without hesitation, he appeared on the girl and caught her in his arms, bringing her away.


On the spot where the little girl stood was ruined because of the Fake Piccolo's attack.

"Are you okay?"

The little girl looked up and was in a daze.

"....." Tamazuki.


Tamazuki was so scared at this moment since this system was as abominable as possible.

Could you not say something that would cause a misunderstanding?

He didn't want to be banned!


"Can you walk? Onii-san needs to fight this monster first."

Watching his determined eyes, the little girl nodded as if she had been on a big mission in her life before she reluctantly left his arms and ran away.

"Onii-san, beat that monster!"

Leaving those words, she left.

Tamazuki looked at the little girl speechlessly, then looked at the Fake Piccolo. "You didn't attack me?"

"I was surprised to see a human who could move so fast. Who are you? Are you a hero?" The Fake Piccolo still had this arrogant expression when he asked that question.

"Before you ask for someone's information, you should introduce yourself."

Probably, the Fake Piccolo had waited for this moment. No, it seemed he was waiting for a chance to introduce himself as he wanted his terror to be heard in the world.

"I spawned by the continuous pollution of the Earth caused by you, filthy humans!

I am a Vaccine Man!

Mother Earth is a life form itself, and you scum humans are nothing but a virus eating away at her energy life!

I was born to wipe you away, humans and your civilization, from the face of the Earth!

I am the wrath of nature incarnate!

And now, you dare to stand in front of me? Facing me, who is the nature apostle?! Humans, don't you know what fear is?! There is no cure for people's stupidity, so I will exterminate all of—"

Suddenly, Vaccine Man stopped talking and then looked at Tamazuki in disbelief.

Tamazuki didn't move from his spot, but in his hands, he was holding a beautiful katana that might only appear in the fantasy.

It was like a sword born from the legend itself.


Before Vaccine Man finished his words, his body was crumbling as he was cut into several pieces, dying.

"You talked too much."

Yet, he had to say, Vaccine Man's setting was quite intriguing, and his words might give him a certain understanding.

'This Earth is a living being, huh?'

Still, he used [Balaam] on the Vaccine Man and devoured it before he quickly learned the ability to take flight and threw an energy ball. He also got everything from the Vaccine Man from body, energy, memory, and everything. Still, those complicated things were managed by Ava, and what he needed to know was that he had become even stronger, though it was only slightly, as Vaccine Man wasn't that strong monster, to begin with.

"Wow, you are so strong!"


Tamazuki quickly turned his head wary before feeling speechless as he saw someone was right next to him.

"You did a good job, boy."

The man appeared without noticing and patted his shoulder as if he were praising himself.

However, Tamazuki's expression was that of surprise. He couldn't even hide it. In the beginning, he was wary and even felt in horror as he had become stronger, yet someone could still suddenly appear by his side without being noticed.

Yet that wary disappeared like a bubble as he saw a man in a cheap hero costume that could be found in the party store.

Still, the most noticeable feature of this man was that his head, like an egg, without a single hair, fully bald, blinding.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Do you want to poop?" The man asked.

And this uncultured and rude way of talking...

Without a doubt no, Tamazuki knew that he wasn't wrong, or rather, he realized that he had come to the world of "One Punch Man."

"If you want to poop, then you should go quickly. It won't be good if you poop in your pants."

The man gave advice solemnly.


At this moment, Tamazuki wondered whether his sword could cut this baldy or not.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 189 How strong is Saitama? | akikan40 on Patreon

Tamazuki took a deep breath and calmed his annoyance. Similar to Rimuru, he didn't really want to make this guy an enemy, yet wasn't it normal?

This baldy didn't even have an interest in romance, or rather, was there even a romance in this work?

Even if there were heroines, it was impossible for this baldy to understand the woman's heart and capture it.


Either way, facing this man, it was better to be an ally instead of an enemy.

If possible, he also wanted to have a close relationship like Rimuru before.

Still, he could say whether he or this baldy was the same.

He didn't talk about appearance or way of life, but the way they got stronger was quite similar to each other.

If he could become stronger as he received an attack and created immunity for it, this baldy could also do the same, but better as the baldy would grow stronger as he faced a stronger opponent.

In conclusion, whether he or this baldy, if someone wanted to kill them, they had to kill them immediately, instantly, or else, they wouldn't die and would keep standing up as they grew stronger.


'Ava, analyze this person for me!'


As expected of Ava, he was glad to have her.

Still, when he thought about [Balaam], he wondered whether he should devour Saitama.

However, he shook his head and rejected this idea as this skill wasn't 100%.

It could fail if the target wasn't dying and fought him.

Yet, the problem was could he kill Saitama?

Saitama was called the "One-Punch Man," what did it mean? It meant this guy was the strongest being in this world.

Moreover, instead of killing Saitama, he was more interested in making Saitama his ally as it was better that way.

Lastly, with his [Lord of Creation, Brahma], he could learn how to become strong like Saitama.

The only thing he was worried about was the side effect of Saitama's strength.


Saitama aside, Tamazuki didn't want to go bald.

When he thought he had become a monster form and didn't have fur, fully bald, he shuddered in fear.

"What's wrong? Did you poop on your pants now?"

"...uncle, why are you always saying poop, poop, poop?"

"Un-Uncle?!" Saitama's expression distorted. "I am 25 years old! I am still young!"

"25 years old?" He looked at Saitama in doubt.

"I am! If it's my hair, it is gone because of training." Saitama let out a helpless sigh.

"Training?" Tamazuki nodded. "I can see that you are strong, Uncle."

"...." Saitama.

"By the way, do you want to have a spar, Uncle?"

"Spar?" Saitama was surprised since it was his first time hearing someone say so.

"Yes, let's spar. What do you think?"

Saitama fell into silence as he thought about Tamazuki's swordsmanship before. Frankly, it had been a while since he felt like this since after he became so strong, everything was so boring, and no one could give him a proper fight, so hearing Tamazuki's invitation, he became interested.


"Okay, come on. Search for an empty spot. Follow me."


The two quickly moved away from the ruined city.

"But why should we move so fast?" Saitama asked in confusion as he felt that Tamazuki's speed was too fast, like he was running away from something. It was just his instinct, though.

"If we're there, we will be surrounded by victims, and by that time, we might be blamed for the destruction. If you want to spend billions to fight on the court, then go ahead and move slowly."

"Let's go!"

Saitama moved faster than ever.

Tamazuki smiled and thought that his stay in this world would be fun.

Yet, when they left, a loud, roaring sound of a beating heart was sounded.

However, soon, a man walked out from the ruin with a panicked expression.


"Ah, is that you, King?"

"Are you here to help all of us?"

Hearing the voices of the people, the man quickly put on a cold attitude, yet the roar in his heart became even louder.

Yet, in the distance, the little girl, who had run away after being saved by Tamazuki, talked to the people who had helped her with the evacuation.

"Really! He's a handsome big brother! That big brother defeated that monster and saved me!"

Two people with great luck clashed with each other; as for who would win? Let's see the future.


Tamazuki and Saitama, who had moved with a speed faster than a sound, stopped and looked at their surroundings. They had passed the forest and found a barren plain. Frankly, they weren't sure where they were, but it didn't matter as their purpose in coming here was to have a spar.

"Now that you mention it, I have never heard your name, Uncle."

"As I have said before, I am not your Uncle, Bastard!"

"My name is Inugamigyoubu Tamazuki. You can call me Tamazuki, Uncle."

Saitama's lips twitched before he let out a long sigh. Still, he decided to introduce himself. He crossed his arms as he looked in the distance, showing a cool appearance (on his mind).

"My name is Saitama. I am just an average guy who serves as an average hero."


Even Tamazuki was speechless by this introduction.

"Now that you mention it, are you a student?" Saitama asked curiously.

"Un." Tamazuki nodded. "I am a high school student." He didn't lie as he had just graduated from middle school, and he was about to become a high school in his original world.

He might have been on a journey for a few months, but even with such time passed, he was still in high school.

"But I have a hobby to become strong."

"A hobby to become strong. huh?" Saitama nodded. "That's a good hobby. Only a second to my hobby to become a hero."


Tamazuki was just messing around, but he didn't expect this guy would take him seriously.

"Nevertheless, a spar, huh? It's my first time doing this. Are you going to use your sword?"

"Let's see... I will use my fists first. If you can handle it, then I will use my sword."

"Oh-ho? Are you confident in your strength? But let me tell you, I am strong."

When Saitama said those words, his face was so plain, yet strangely there was this powerful pressure that surged out from his body.

Tamazuki's body shivered, but he smiled, and somehow, he had the urge to become a monster. Yet he held it. In this world, no matter what, he wouldn't use his monster form since he knew he would be misunderstood.

Moreover, if he became a monster, he might not be able to meet the heroines.

Still, he had never expected that on the first day he arrived in this world, he would fight the protagonist immediately. However, it didn't matter as he wanted to test Saitama's power.

He took a deep breath and asked, "Can I be the first one?"


Saitama didn't move from his spot and said leisurely as he folded his arms.

"Then, please be easy on me."

Tamazuki took a deep breath then his entire body bulged slightly. Suddenly, the air surged, and the space trembled. He used his strength manipulation to the limit and used everything in his arsenal on his fist before he smashed it into Saitama's guts.

"Columba Cannon!"



Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 190 Playing on the moon | akikan40 on Patreon

Tamazuki didn't hold back and used every one of his powers on this punch.

A beast-like physical ability, a superb technique that reached a supernatural level, and powerful magic.

Then, along with "Strength Manipulation," his punch reached the concept of crush.

Everything will be destroyed.

The sky collapsed, and the earth shattered.

Anything that was touched by it would be crushed into smithereens without leaving a single atom behind!

Yet, Tamazuki could see Saitama was as calm as ever, but it didn't matter.


At that moment, Saitama received that punch in his guts before he was thrown toward the sky, crashed into the stratosphere, and thrown into outer space before his body landed on the moon.

Tamazuki looked at the sky for a moment and decided to follow.


A borderless space spread before him.

In his position, he could see everything from the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and all the other things in the solar system. It was his first time seeing such scenery, and it was quite amazing.

Saitama landed on the moon with his back as he stared at the earth absentmindedly. Frankly, it was his first time to come to outer space, yet he didn't expect it would be this way. Still, he had to say that Tamazuki's punch was so powerful. Yet, his expression was still as flat as ever.



'I'm using telepathy to talk to you.'

'Huh? Really? Can we talk through our minds? Can you hear me?'

'Yes, I can hear you. Wait a moment; I'm going to go to the moon.'

'Oh, come, come.'

Even if they were fighting, there was no tension between them.

Saitama also stood up as he saw Tamazuki coming in his direction.

They were holding their breath at that moment, so they could only talk through "Telepathy Magic." Well, even if they could open their mouths, it was impossible for them to talk since they were in space.

'Tamazuki, just what are you?'

It was Saitama's first time seeing someone so powerful.

'That's what I want to ask; what are you, Uncle?'

Tamazuki also returned that question to Saitama. 'A normal human will die when they receive my attack, but you...' He looked at Saitama, feeling quite speechless. 'You are fine after all of that. My attacks didn't seem to do anything to you.'

'No, your attack is powerful. It's the first time I've felt such a powerful punch.'


Tamazuki rolled his eyes since he knew that his attack didn't do anything to Saitama.

'But to answer your question, I'm human.'

'Well, I'm also human.'

While Saitama nodded his understanding, Tamazuki lied as he breathed.

However, in a world where a monster appears every day, someone having such a powerful might is a normal thing.

Yet, if someone heard their conversation, they would curse them, thinking their common sense was too broken.

Still, their spar hadn't ended, so he asked, 'Uncle, can you punch me?'

Saitama was stunned. '...are you sure?' He didn't mind receiving Tamazuki's attack, but if he was asked to punch Tamazuki, then it would be different as he could imagine how it would lead.

'Yeah.' Tamazuki nodded. 'Let's continue our spar here in space. After all, if we are here, we don't need to worry about being forced to reimburse for something we broke because of our spar.'

'Well, that's true.'

Saitama nodded in understanding since everything that involved money would be remembered by him immediately. 'But let me remind you. I am strong, you know? If I punch you seriously, I might pulverize you into dust.'

'Then, you don't need to punch me seriously. Just use your normal punch.'

'That's true! I just need to punch you with a normal punch.'

Saitama then, without any precaution, punched him in the guts.

There was no sound, as it was impossible for a sound to travel without a medium.

Everything was silent, yet an explosion happened.

Tamazuki coughed a large amount of blood before he was thrown far away.

[Immunity for Saitama's punch has been created]

Still, he wasn't thrown out from the moon and just threw several meters away before he landed on the ground. He almost fell into the deep ravine. His clothes had already torn apart from that punch, and he could see his stomach turned red because of Saitama's punch. He rubbed his stomach as he used his "regenerator" ability to heal his injury.

He wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and felt speechless since Saitama's punch almost crushed his guts.

'You are amazing! You can handle my punches with ease!'

Saitama quickly appeared before him as he looked at him with amazement since Tamazuki could handle his punch.

'Try to punch me again, Uncle.'

Still, while Tamazuki wanted to become stronger like Saitama, he also knew it would need time to do it, so before that, he thought that it was a good time to create immunity for Saitama's punch.

His "Immunity" ability was strong.

As long as he received something that harmed him, his body would quickly create immunity to something that harmed him, so that harmful thing was no longer harmful.

By receiving a punch from Saitama, Tamazuki would become immune to a physical attack. Naturally, this wasn't omnipotent since as long as someone attacked him with a physical attack that was stronger than Saitama's punch, then he would be hurt.

Yet, the question was, was there someone whose physical ability was stronger than this baldy?

Moreover, Saitama would grow even stronger as long as he was pushed forward.

Yet, as Saitama grew stronger, Tamazuki's immunity from the physical attack would also grow stronger.

'Leave it to me.'

After knowing that Tamazuki only coughed blood instead of half dying, Saitama became excited as he had never seen someone could take his punch before. Then, once again, he punched him as punching someone was so fun!

Still, if Tamazuki knew what this baldy was thinking, he would really try to devour this baldy!

However, naturally that much did nothing.

Saitama's punch was on the same level as his previous punch, so it did nothing to Tamazuki.

'Hehehe... are you tickling me, Uncle?' Tamazuki laughed.

'...' Saitama.

'Come! Give me a stronger punch, Uncle!'

'That's what you say!'

By then, Tamazuki was beaten up.



Tamazuki looked at the sun in the distance and felt that his body was healed at a speed visible to the eyes, but his body was still black and blue from Saitama's punches.

[Master, let me erase this baldy]

Calm down.

Tamazuki sighed, but even though he was hurt, his body had grown stronger. He had created immunity for Saitama's serious punch, and by now, as long as one's physical attack was weaker than Saitama's, then all of them would be invalid.

With just this, it was worth it for him to visit this world, but he felt this was far from enough.

He wanted more.

'You alright, Tamazuki?' Saitama asked worriedly by his side, sitting while staring at the sun. How to say... it had been a while since someone could match him, and he could tell that Tamazuki could grow stronger. In his boring life, without a doubt, Tamazuki's appearance gave him excitement as it was no longer boring for him.

'Yeah, I am okay, but I am a little hungry. How about we go back to Earth? Let's have dinner. I will treat you.'

'Let's go!'

Hearing that he was being treated, Saitama had no hesitation.

Watching Saitama's excited expression, Tamazuki also laughed and thought that his visit to this world was worth it.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 191 My objectives in this world | akikan40 on Patreon

After they played on the moon, they went to the supermarket before they returned to Saitama's apartment. Naturally, they cleaned themselves from the radiation and many other specks of dirt from space before they returned, as he didn't want to cause trouble to this world.

Fortunately, he had [Cleaning Magic], so when they arrived in the stratosphere, he made the two of them clean up everything.

Saitama lived alone, so his cooking skill was rather good.

Tonight, they ate sukiyaki.

It was a luxurious dish in this country.

Tamazuki didn't do anything and let Saitama do everything like a servant as he bought the ingredients.

Saitama also didn't mind as the quality of the meats bought by Tamazuki was so good. It had been a while since he ate meat, so even if he sold his soul to Tamazuki, he was willing.

Meat is justice!

Saitama had been eating bean sprouts for many years as he didn't have an income. Frankly, he didn't have a job as his job was a hero by a hobby. Even this apartment was illegally occupied by him.

"Tamazuki-sama, please try."


Tamazuki took his chopsticks and ate the meat, eating it for a moment before he looked at Saitama, who was drooling. "You can eat it too, Uncle."

"Thank you!"

Saitama didn't hold back and started to eat like he hadn't eaten for three days, with tears in his eyes.


Tamazuki looked at Saitama for a moment and thought that this guy was really miserable.

Was this the cost of being strong?

"You can have the rest, Uncle."

"Thank you very much!"

Saitama was full of tears and extremely moved when he heard Tamazuki's words. He didn't care about the fact Tamazuki called him an Uncle, or rather he was willing to become Tamazuki's uncle if Tamazuki kept treating him to meat!

As Saitama was focused on eating, carefully eating the meat with tears, Tamazuki was resting on the side as he was holding a tablet, reading the information of this world.

Usually, the setting of this would be in Japan, and he was in Tokyo or something, but that didn't seem to be the case in this world.

According to history, a long time ago, Earth had many nations; and they fought against each other to land and resources through countless world wars population decreased until humans began prioritizing the preservation of future generations, unified the languages, and established a world government.

That was the first era of change.

Still, the aftermath of the world wards continued to erode the Earth, increase in environmental toxicity, rapid climate change, and rise in sea level gave birth to a large number of harmful lifeforms, forcing humanity to abandon much of the landmass, migrating and re-establishing themselves in the middle of this super-continent.

After this second era of change, the only remaining nation once again began to prosper.

Currently, he is one of those nations.

The name of the nation didn't really matter, but he was in the Z-City. It was also a city with the greatest percentage increase in monster appearances in the past decade. It consisted of a business district, a residential district, and an abandoned, trashed area commonly referred to as the Ghost Town.

Saitama was living in this Ghost Town as it was free to live in.

However, unlike Saitama, whose power was enough to split the continent in half or even destroy the planet, those people were powerless, and they could only rely on their luck, hoping they wouldn't meet monsters.

Now, what about the monsters?

Based on the information he had read, those monsters were originally human.

Due to their desire to transform into something else through their bad habits, a complex, or a burst of dissatisfaction with their regular selves. These factors trigger abnormal cell reactions that prompt their transformation and turn them into monsters, which are also known as Mysterious Beings.

Naturally, non-human life can also be transformed into mysterious beings through factors such as pollutants, environmental changes, and genetic engineering.

The best example is the Vaccine Man previously.

Yet, he had to say; it made him wonder where and why the Mysterious Beings came into this world.

What was their purpose?

However, if he had to be bold, then it would be because of the higher being.

It was like how his fate had been fated to become a villain that was beaten by the protagonist in the beginning because of the higher beings beyond the sky.

This world was razed by Mysterious Beings because of the same existence.

Yet, he couldn't deny because of this, this world was good.

While thinking all of this, he had made up his mind about what to do in this world.

The first one was, of course, to get the heroines. Unlike the previous world, where his memory was quite vague, in this world, he was quite well-versed, though, because of this, he knew the number of heroines was rather minimal.

Or almost none?

Yet, how could it not be, especially when the protagonist was Saitama?

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Saitama looked at Tamazuki while stuffing the meat into his mouth.


Instead of the women, Tamazuki could tell that Saitama was more interested in food.

"???" Saitama was confused, but the food came first, so he continued to eat.

Still, Tamazuki had gotten one heroine, though.

He looked at his reward, "Unlimited Lollipop," which made him able to bring out lollipop as much as he wanted to. While it didn't make him stronger or whatever, it gave him a free and unlimited supply of lollipops as long as he was alive, so it was good, right?

The only problem was that he might get a toothache.

Joke aside, there were still quite a lot of heroines in this world, so he would get his hands on them.

Leaving his first objective, his second objective in this world, without a doubt, was to learn all the knowledge in this world.

To fight against the Mysterious Beings, humans definitely didn't stay passive, and they developed various ways to fight them, so Tamazuki's purpose was to learn all of them, from technology, martial arts, unique arts, and including Saitama's methods to get stronger.

'Have you analyzed how Uncle Saitama became stronger, Ava?'

[Yes, but I need more information, so please ask him more questions later, Tamazuki-sama]

He nodded, but then he asked, 'Will I become bald too if I follow his methods?'

[I can't give a definite answer to that question since I need more data]

However, if he was asked whether he was ready to become bald to get power, would he do it?

[Please don't. Ava will do her best to help you, Master. I won't let you become bald]

'Thank you.'

He was moved to tears by Ava's dedication.

Yet, he had to say he loved his fur more than his power, so he didn't want to become bald.

However, as Ava had said before, he had [Mars], so even if he got the power of Saitama, he wouldn't be troubled by the side effect of that power (probably).

As for his third objective, it would be the Mysterious Beings. He had [Balaam], and it would be wasteful if he didn't use it. Mysterious beings in this world have various unique abilities, and it wouldn't hurt to learn them, right?

Now, with three objectives had been made, his fourth objectives were to do an adventure in this world.

While he knew this world quite well, it didn't mean he understood it fully. There might be many things hidden, and he wanted to check all of them as it also would determine what his future action be.

Still, before that, he needed to ask Saitama's secret power first.


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 192 Residents of the ghost town | akikan40 on Patreon

With everything cleaned up by Saitama, Tamazuki then asked, "Uncle, how did you become strong?"


Saitama, who had eaten well, patted his belly in satisfaction, but he frowned again. However, he sighed and didn't stop Tamazuki. "Well, do you want to know?"

His voice was full of mystery, and his expression was solemn as if he was about to tell the greatest secret of this world.

"Yes, I want to know."

Tamazuki also followed the mood and nodded with a solemn attitude.

"It's hard." Saitama shook his head with an expression as if Tamazuki might not be able to handle the trial.

"But even so, I want to know, Uncle. I want to become strong!" Tamazuki said with a strong spirit and determined expression.

"...why?" Saitama asked and was also affected by the mood. He was joking around before, but Tamazuki's acting was so good that he was deceived.

"Because... there is someone that I want to protect, so please!" Tamazuki bowed his head, showing that he was serious.

Saitama didn't answer him immediately, but it was because he was too shocked. He could tell that Tamazuki was strong, so strong that Tamazuki didn't become dust when he punched him or died in the vacuum environment like space, yet even so, that wasn't enough for Tamazuki.

This also aroused a question in Saitama's heart.

What kind of enemies does Tamazuki want to face?

Frankly, Saitama's days had been boring, and he longed after a bloody day where he fought with his everything and a single mistake might kill him.

Such a day... he longed for it.

Saitama took a deep breath and then nodded. "Then, I will tell you."


"The deciding factor for the success of this hard training plan is if you can see it through to the end. This is the most important part, Tamazuki. You have to keep yourselves going no matter how tough it gets. I have become this strong in only three years."

Suddenly, his expression became somber and moved when he thought about that nightmarish training.

"100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10 km running.

Every single day!"

Saitama then told about his experience where he ate three times a day, but with a banana in the morning, then never used an air conditioner, be it summer or winter, to mentally strengthen himself.

It would be as tough as hell in the beginning, and you would start to think taking a day off wasn't a big deal, but he didn't.

In order to become a strong hero, Saitama didn't stop even if his whole body was in pain and he splurted blood.

Even if his legs were heavy and he refused to move, he kept doing squats. Even when his arms started to make a strange cracking sound, he kept doing his push-ups.

After a year and a half, he noticed a change in himself.

"I lost all my hair and became strong."

"...." Ava.

"In short, training so hard that you think you will die or lose your mind is the only way to become strong. That's it."

Saitama finished his story solemnly.

"...." Ava.

Still, Tamazuki's expression didn't change, and he only asked a single question, "During your training, did you fight a monster?"

"Of course." Saitama nodded.

"Were you almost dying during those fights?"

"Naturally." Saitama nodded once again. "I couldn't remember how many times I almost died, but I kept fighting."

Tamazuki nodded and understood this was the real reason why Saitama had become so strong.


It is a theoretical barrier that restricts the physical growth of a being.

No matter how much effort one puts in, every living being has an intrinsic limit to its growth. Too much power becomes unbearable and overwhelms its host, turning it into a mindless, rampaging monster. To ensure that we do not enter the realm where we lose all purpose and reason, God has set limits to the growth of every being. The mechanism with which growth is controlled is called the limiter.

However, by almost dying fighting various monsters, Saitama broke that "limiter" and became so strong.

Consequently, Saitama had lost all of his air, and he also had this sense of alienation that made him bored every day.

Besides Saitama, the one that had broken his "limiter" was Garou and Orochi.

Similar to Saitama, Garou, and Orochi, who broke their "limiter," also needed to pay a certain price, and that price was a monster-like appearance. They couldn't be described by something known as a human anymore. They had become different beings.

Saitama was also the same.

Saitama might seem like a human, but his monster was god-like.

Tamazuki knew this, and if he wanted to become stronger, he needed to break his "limiter." Frankly, he was already able to do it now.

Yes, he can do it.

Surprise, right?

Yet, this was a normal thing.

Saitama was nothing but a normal human without any talents, yet he could break his "limiter" and become the strongest.

So, if Saitama could do it, then why shouldn't Tamazui not be able to do it?

Moreover, Tamazuki's learning ability was so good.

As long as there was an example in front of him, he could do it.

Yet, he had to say, the existence of Ava might make him a little lazy as many things could be left to Ava instead of doing it by himself.

[Please don't throw Ava away]

Of course, he wouldn't do that, okay?

After all, the existence of Ava was a good thing for him, and he was glad to have it.

Still, fortunately, as expected, he didn't lose his hair even if he broke his "limiter."

However, even if he broke his "limiter," it didn't mean that he had become stronger. His power was still the same as before but could become even stronger.

It might be confusing to explain more, but in short, as long as he fought a strong opponent, he would become stronger.

As long as he didn't die when he fought something, he would become even stronger.

Something that didn't kill him would make him stronger.

That should be how to describe his situation now.

Yet, he wondered whether there was someone who could threaten his life now.


He shook his head and thought that he shouldn't be arrogant since he was sure that there were many things that could erase his existence now, so he shouldn't stop his purpose from becoming stronger.

Moreover, he hadn't found a way to prolong Shizu's life.

Nevertheless, with this, he had mastered Saitama's ability, and there was no need for him to stay in Saitama's house any longer.

So what should he do now?

Well, should he get the heroines?

Still, he felt that it was okay to stay by Saitama's side as the protagonist was a disaster magnet.

For others, that disaster might be something they wanted to avoid, but for him, this was a chance, so he decided to stay and thought about what he should do tomorrow.

"Uncle, the rent here is free, right?"

"Un, just pick any room you like in this apartment." Saitama nodded pretentiously like he was the owner of this apartment building.

So, today, like Saitama, Tamazuki became a resident of this ghost town.

Still, many people didn't know that, and because of that, they might not realize that their wives and girlfriends might be in danger.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 193 Dojo Challenger | akikan40 on Patreon

High above, beyond a mountain peak, hidden among the clouds, a single building existed.

The building might be old and had been standing there for several generations, yet even if many generations had passed, this building continued to exist and stood firm.

To reach this building, one needed to walk through 100 stairs near the waterfall on the mountain.

Then, when they arrived at the entrance, they would be attracted to the plaque that was written on the entrance of the building.

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist Dojo.

If someone wasn't familiar with martial arts, they would be confused by the name of this dojo, but when they heard the name of the owner of this dojo, they would instantly understand the significance of this dojo.


This was the name of the leader of this dojo.

This was also the name of a famous hero in this world.

A master martial artist who was known for his prowess.

His age might be advanced, yet no one doubted his power as he had fought various monsters, showing his reputation wasn't for nothing.

Yes, this was his dojo.

While most people knew him as a hero, those who knew him beforehand would think of him as one of the strongest martial artists in the world.

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist was the name of his martial art style, and it was also the art he taught in his dojo.

The ultimate art of redirecting forces.

Before it, your fists are like tree leaves in a raging river.

Those were the best words to describe this martial art.

After being defeated by his older brother Bomb in the past, Bang abandoned his old fighting style, and many years later, he invented Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, the ultimate defensive art, while studying with his brother.

This was the origin of this art.

This style involves understanding and re-creating within one's body the flows of torrential and undulating forces, putting this into the user's fists. When used by a skilled fighter, this martial art is very effective and powerful, especially against humanoid opponents, and as long as the opponents are of a certain size, that martial art can still affect them.

"Leading enemies around the nose by moving like a calm stream, only to finish them off with a punch strong enough to smash great rocks like a raging river."

"the perfect blend of offense and defense."

They were words often said by people when they saw this art.

Because of this, many people came to become Bang's students to learn this martial art.

Bang also accepted them and taught them all of his knowledge as he was a good teacher.

With such a good and powerful teacher, all the students were excited, and they had pride in being Bang's students.

They were powerful!

This is what they thought, especially when they defeated many challengers who had challenged their dojo.

Moreover, no matter what the era was, there had always been a number of people who wished to become strong. Along with the existence of monsters, being strong would give a stable job to anyone, so Bang had a lot of students.

However, everything changed a few months ago.

One of his students, the best one, had gone berserk and beat up all the students when Bang left.

This student didn't give mercy to anyone and beat all of the people in the dojo, changing the popular dojo into a deserted one.

Bang lost all of his students except for one.


It was the name of Bang's last student.

Charanko might not be talented, but when everyone quit, he just happened to register and became the only student in the dojo. Yet, because of this, it gave him an image that he was the chosen one and became the only inheritor of this martial art.

As a young man, of course, he was excited and felt pride for being chosen.

'I will work hard!'

'I won't let Bang-sensei's trust go to waste!'

'Let the name of the Inheritor of Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, Charanko spread the world!'

This was the thought of this young man.

Bang also had never said anything and just let the young man fall into his delusion, giving Charanko more illusion that he was talented.

Moreover, Charanko was alone, so he didn't need to compare himself with anyone.

At this moment, in this dojo, everything was ordinary.

After that accident, the dojo was quiet, and only two people were living in this spacious building.

As usual, after they cleaned up the dojo in the morning, they trained as usual.

Bang was free as he didn't have his hero's job, so he gave a pointer to Charanko, like how a good teacher was.

Charanko, who thought that he was a protagonist of a martial art novel, also worked hard. His face was full of sweat, and he felt like he could crumble anytime, but even so, he still stood tremblingly, putting all of his efforts into his daily training.

Watching Charanko in the middle of training, Bang couldn't help but reminisce about his past. Without a doubt, he didn't think about his last student, Charanko. Instead, he was thinking about the student who had brought a disaster to his dojo.

Unlike his current situation, in his youth, Bang was wild. He fought all he wished, and he did all he wanted to do. No rules could bind him. No, he was the rule!

That was the way of life!

So, when he thought about "that student," he couldn't help but remember his youth, especially when "that student" was also extremely talented.

For a teacher like him, having a talented student was something to be happy about.

Teaching someone incompetent and someone talented was different.

It might seem unfair, but the truth was like this.

As someone who was prideful, naturally, he wanted his art to be inherited by the next generation.

That student was someone that he thought of as his inheritor and probably his son, too, as he didn't have children.

Yet, everything was late and became nothing.

As he sipped his warm tea, he fell into a trace.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Meanwhile, Charanko continued to practice as usual, oblivious to his teacher's mood.

Still, without a doubt, this was a peaceful day for the two of them.

However, if someone read this introduction, they would realize that this was the calm before the storm.

Then, as expected...


Suddenly, a loud voice echoed through out the peak of the mountain.

Bang and Charanko were surprised, but they quickly calmed down.

"Charanko, go and greet the guest."


Charanko nodded and quickly walked toward the entrance. He was filled with hatred as this person had interrupted his training time. Yet, he was accustomed to this as this often happened.

Dojo challenge.

As a famous martial art, Bang often received challenges from many martial artists. Moreover, the fall of his dojo because of his previous student made all the people think that this was the fall of this old fossil.

Many came to challenge him, and it was time for them to shine.

They all came to challenge Bang, but the result was obvious... anhiliation.

Bang defeated all of them easily.

Yet, toward this new challenger, could he do it?


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 194 Number one disciple | akikan40 on Patreon

As expected, the one who came to this dojo was someone that everyone was familiar with.

Inugamigyoubu Tamazuki.

Yes, it was him.

He didn't waste his time, and after he lived in the next room of Saitama's apartment, on the next day, he quickly visited this dojo.

Frankly, there were many fighting styles and martial arts, even technologies, or even coming heroines so he could get a reward from the system, but why did he come here?

Because this place was nearby.

Yes, it was close.

Similar to his apartment in the Z-City, Bang's dojo was located in the Z-City.

Moreover, this was also the martial art of one of the strongest villains in this world.

Lastly, it wouldn't hurt to learn this martial art.

In case he and Saitama fought once again, he might be able to match Saitama's strength. Their strength was similar to each other, and their growth was also similar, so to change all of this, a technique became a decisive factor in determining the victor in their battle.

So, he decided to visit this place.

After this, he also thought to visit all the famous swordsmanship and other martial artists too.

Anyway, it wouldn't hurt to learn them, right?

Unlike swordsmanship, he didn't have much talent in martial arts. The only way for him to grow was to learn from other people.

Moreover, this was a different world, so the martial art of this world should be unique, right?

So, he put his target on all the famous martial artists, especially those who became famous as a hero.


This was a familiar term to express someone who brought hope during a nightmare.

Usually, they appeared in the legend and brought glory and peace to the people.

Yet, in this world, a hero has become a profession.

Naturally, this was different from Saitama, who became a hero because of a hobby, a hero that he mentioned was something that was created by a rich conglomerate to fight against the monsters in this world.

Because of this, three years ago, an organization known as the Hero Association was born.

It is an organization that operates independently of the government and manages all of the cities' heroes.

As three years have passed since the start of this organization, it has become an indispensable organization in this country. It also starts to have a greater right than a national constitution.

Whether it was the army, the police, or the others also became useless in the eyes of society and in the eyes of people, the only one that they could rely on was the Her Association.

Yet, in front of monsters, villains, natural disasters, and other threats, those organizations were useless and simply unable to help the people.

Meanwhile, the Hero Association was able to handle all of those problems.

Frankly, Tamazuki also thought about joining this organization, but he thought that he might as well wait until he met one of the main heroines before he joined.

He knew that this organization might be corrupt to a certain extent, yet wasn't it a normal thing?

A human was full of desire.

When one had enough food, they started to search for other things, from clothes, houses, materialistic matters, then other rights.

In other words, they were greedy.

Yet, for him, it didn't matter as he only wanted to become stronger.

The Hero Association could provide him with a platform to get close to various heroines, so joining this organization would give him more benefit than loss.

Even Saitama also joined this organization.

Yet, he wasn't in a hurry.

What he needed to do was to learn the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist first.

However, he didn't want to become a student. It was a waste of his time, especially with his "Enhanced Learning." Learning from the basics and starting from the basics was simply wasting his time.

So, here he came as a challenger.

He decided to fight Bang, the ranked third of the S-Rank Hero.

While this might not be related, the Hero Association put a rank on their heroes.

Starting from C to S.

C was the weakest, and S was the strongest.

Bang, who was the third rank of the S-Rank heroes, was without a doubt one of the strongest individuals in this world.

Nevertheless, he came and threw a challenge. He waited for a while before the gate opened.

When the gate was opened, a normal young man with martial art uniform and messy, light-colored hair with an unpleasant expression came out.

"Who are you?!"

His expression was hostile, and he didn't look at him in a good light.

Yet, wasn't this a strange thing? After all, with his aura, no matter whether they were a male or a female, they would have a good impression of him.

The answer was simple, and it was because he suppressed his aura and became nothing but a handsome guy.

Tamazuki also used his transformation to make him a normal handsome guy instead of a super handsome guy.

Why did he do all of this?

It was because being too handsome was troublesome.

Being a normal handsome man was enough for him to conquer many heroines.

If he used his everything, he was afraid he might turn all the people in this world into his slaves because of his beauty. It might sound exaggerated, but while the people in this world were strong, it was only their physical ability. Their mental strength was rather low, and they were easily affected by something related to magic, curses, and other supernatural-related things.

Saitama was the same.

Frankly, this was a good thing, but he felt this wasn't fun.

Having girls open their legs for him like an automatic door in the department store was good, but the process of conquering them was the one that he enjoyed the most.

It was like how Saitama felt bored with the enemies that ended with just one punch.

Tamazuki would also feel bored if the heroines fell for him so easily.

Though, this feeling was contradictory as he only wanted to become strong.

Yet, probably, it was because of his arrogant thinking that he could take down any woman.

Still, this wasn't arrogant, but confident.

It was a confidence that came from his experience with a woman, so even if his face was just like a normal handsome guy, he believed he could take down any woman.

However, as his face was just a normal handsome guy, it would give a bad impression to Charanko, who was unpopular with girls.

The handsome guy needs to die!

This is what Charanko thought.

"My name is Inugami. I am here to challenge Bang."

Tamazuki also wasn't polite and stated his purpose directly.

"Ha?" Charanko thought that he had heard the biggest joke ever. "Do you want to challenge Bang-sensei? Don't get complacent, young man! When you just suck your mommy's tits, Bang-sensei has become the strongest martial art!" Then his expression became solemn. "If you want to challenge Bang-sensei, then you need to win against me first?"

"You are?"

"Hmph!" Charanko showed a proud expression. "My name is Charanko! I am the number one disciple of Bang-sensei! The inheritor of the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist! That's me!"

Number one disciple?

Tamazuki could only find two people in this building.

One was Charanko, and the other one was Bang.

In other words, Charanko became the number one student because he was the only student.

"So, should we start now?"

"Eh?" Charanko was stunned, but then he felt a bit nervous since Tamazuki seemed so confident. Moreover, Tamazuki was taller than him. Lastly, while Tamazuki hid his aura and transformed his appearance into normal, his posture wasn't something that could be hidden.

As someone who stood on the top of many, with how Tamazuki stood, walked, and everything about him, screaming that he was a big boss.

Because of his emotion, Charanko didn't look closely before, but now, he realizes it, yet when he thinks he is the number one student Bang. The fear in his heart vanished, and courage filled his heart.

"Come on! I won't bully you! I will give you a chance to attack first!"

"No, you attack me first, or else you won't have a chance."


Charanko blinked his eyes, but then his eyes were determined. "Then, I will attack you first! Accept this! Piercing Fang!" He raised his fist and attacked Tamazuki.

"This attack can hit the smallest weak points with single hits of incredible accuracy. This move is known to be smooth like water but powerful enough to destroy rocks with unparalleled destructive power.

"Now, regret your choice!"

He explained this technique as he attacked, but he was slapped by Tamazuki and fell to the ground.

"..." Charanko.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 195 The misery of a teacher and a student | akikan40 on Patreon

I... lost?

Have I lost?

Charanko fell to the ground in disbelief.

Yet, the pain on his cheek was real, and he knew that he had received an attack from Tamazuki. The moment he launched his attack, Tamazuki did a counter to take him down.

At that moment, Charanko realized Tamazuki was stronger than he had thought. He had underestimated this young man, yet how could he give up?

He was the number one disciple of Bang!

There was no way he would lose!

Meanwhile, for Tamazuki, Charanko was nothing but an ant. He even yawned at this moment, though because of Charanko, he somehow learned Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. It was only a beginner move, though.

"N-Not yet! I-I haven't lost yet!"

Even if his legs were shaking, Charanko forced himself to stand up as he faced Tamazuki.

As the number one disciple of Bang, Charanko was promised to defend the honor of his teacher, so there was no way he would lose!


"Charanko, stop."

Hearing this familiar voice, Charanko cried out. "Sensei!"

Bang walked out toward the entrance as he put his attention on Tamazuki. "Step away. You are not his opponent."

"But Sensei..."

"Listen to me. I will handle this."

Hearing those words, Charanko closed his eyes with regret, and he despised himself for being weak.

Tamazuki didn't say anything, and frankly, this was a unique experience as he felt like he was watching a drama in reality.

"Your youngster is so rash."

Bang didn't seem angry when Charanko was beaten. Instead, he laughed as he looked at Tamazuki.

"Young man, are you sure that you want to challenge me?"

While Bang observed him, Tamazuki also observed Bang.

Bang was at an advanced age, but even so, his physical ability was stronger than the majority of people in this world. It could be said his physical ability was the best among all the people in this world despite his age.

As he walked, his back was slightly hunched.

He has spike white hair, thick white eyebrows, and a thick white mustache. He wears a long-sleeved black martial arts jumpsuit, light-colored pants, and Tai Chi slippers.

While Tamazuki couldn't see Bang's body due to his clothes, he could tell that Bang was muscular.

Yet, Tamazuki had never thought that Bang was his opponent.

How to say... even without all of his skills, with his size alone, he could crush most of the individuals in this world.


Still, Tamazuki answered Bang's question.

Not everyone could become Saitama.

For the majority of people, Bang was already a monster.

Still hearing Tamazuki's answer, Bang smiled. He could see Tamazuki didn't have a fear. Tamazuki was like a cub who didn't know how dangerous a lion was. Yet, facing this type of young man, he was happy.

Youngsters should be like this.

Without knowing fear, asking for trouble everywhere, then learning from their mistake.

"Then, come on. I will give you a chance. Attack me first."

Bang's voice was at ease. His hands were at the back as he still maintained his hunch posture.

His expression was gentle, like a grandfather who wanted to teach his grandchildren.


However, Tamazuki wasn't polite and slapped Bang.



Charanko's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched Bang being thrown and crashed into the distant building.


The dust from the building and the ground made it hard for people to see what was happening, but one didn't need to wait too long as Bang suddenly walked out from the dust, loosening his arm as he walked forward.

"Ouch, don't the youngsters nowadays know some respect toward the elderly?"

His tone was full of helplessness, but because of that, it sounded so pretentious, like that attack did nothing to him.

Perhaps it was because he wanted to appear cool that he had thrown his long-sleeved black martial arts jumpsuit off to show off his scar-covered muscular body.

It was the body of a strong man.

Many people would think so when they saw Bang's body.


Charanko had an "as expected" expression on his face, truly believing in his Bang's strength. Forget how worried and scared silly he was previously.

"It seems you have some skills, young man. I have underestimated you."

Suddenly, Bang took a fighting stance as he faced Tamazuki, who didn't move from his spot. His body also emitted a blue aura that resembled the flow of water. "However, now, I won't let down my guard. Let me show you my true power!" He suddenly jumped at Tamazuki using special footwork, swiftly and fluidly moving as if he were flowing.

Yet, something happened that caused Bang and Charanko to open their eyes wide!

Tamazuki showed a similar fighting stance to Bang!

Moreover, Tamazuki also emitted a blue aura that resembled the flow of water!

However, Bang shook his head since Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist wasn't something that could be learned so easily!

Even his most talented student needed to learn for several years to master this martial art!

Yet, because of this, Bang thought that he was going to give Tamazuki a lesson that he would never forget!


When Bang attacked, Tamazuki redirected his attack.

When Tamazuki attacked, Bang redirected his attack.


Under this fierce confrontation, Charanko let out a disbelief cry.

Yet, how could he not be?!

After all, Tamazuki was using Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist!

Moreover, his mastery of this martial art was at the same level as Bang!

Similarly, Bang also couldn't hide his surprise, yet it also raised his fighting spirit since it had been a while since he felt challenged!

"You are stronger than I thought, but how about this! Ha!"

Bang became serious and used all the accumulation of his techniques and experiences in this attack.

Yet, Tamazuki was still calm.

[Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist has been learned]

[Exploding Heart Release Fist]

[Master, after this, you should visit Bang's older brother to learn Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist]


His next goal was obvious, but still, he was surprised when he learned "Exploding Heart Release Fist" from Bang, as this martial art was so much different from what "Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist has learned."

If "Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist has been learned" was a gentle martial art, then "Exploding Heart Release Fist" was brutal.

This martial art revolves around brute force and destructive power, which pummels the user's opponents into submission.

This fighting style works by causing the user's heart to pulse explosively in time with the impact of their punches, allowing them to surpass their bodily limits as a result of the massive flow of adrenaline, enabling them to hit much harder than the maximum force their body would normally exert.

With their punches, the user can also generate shockwaves that cause injuries for those who attempt to deflect the punches.

Tamazuki thought that he was glad to visit this world.

Still, while Tamazuki thought about his next goal and his new learned knowledge, Bang started to get a cold sweat as he felt like he was facing himself. Yes, it was like he was fighting against his shadow!

While it wasn't Bang's first time-fighting someone whose style was to mimic's opponent's fighting style, it was his first time seeing someone who could mimic it so perfectly!


That was wrong!

It was his learning ability!


That's it!

When Bang realized everything, his face was full of fear, realizing what kind of monster his opponent was.

Yet, it was too late.

"I have learned everything."

Their fighting style and mastery of their techniques were similar to each other.

So, how do you determine the winner?

It was through physical ability.

Suddenly, Tamazuki moved even faster, and Bang couldn't react.


The top of his head was slapped, and he felt a powerful impact on his entire body before he sunk into the ground, trapped with only his head outside as he passed out with a big swelling on the top of his head.

"Thank you for the treat."


Charanko opened his eyes wide and watched all of this in disbelief as his teacher lost!


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 196 Let's be friends | akikan40 on Patreon

"How do you feel?"

"Thank you. My body feels lighter."

Bang, who had woken up, moved his body right, left, up, and down since it had been a while since his body felt so comfortable. He might be strong, but he was old, after all.

In the end, a human being was like this.

They had a limit, and when they neared their limit, they would weaken before dying.

After that battle, Tamazuki tended to the wounds of Bang and Charanko. He wasn't such a merciless guy who would leave them after he learned all of their martial arts. Still watching Bang, who felt happy by how comfortable his body was, he couldn't help but think that maybe... he should use this guy for his experiment?

Even now, he was searching for a way for Shizu to live a long life. He didn't want her to die two years later.

While he could make Shizu become younger and maintain her strength during her optimum age, it was only eternal youth, and she wasn't immortal like him.

Yes, after his awakening as a True Demon Lord, he became immortal.

Before, he might only have had longevity, but now even if he died, he would be reincarnated after hundreds or thousands of years.


Because he could become a spiritual existence.

When he was awakened as a True Demon Lord, he gained the ability to freely change between material and spiritual bodies.

The material was like a monster and a human, but the spiritual lifeform was like a fairy, a demon, and an angel. Those three races wouldn't die, and they would live forever as long their core remained intact.

He was the same, but the problem was because of this, it might be a little hard for him to have children.

Maybe, it was due to his education as a tanuki; he thought he would have a lot of children.

However, this might be a law of nature since, as a being that could live forever, was there even a need to pass his genes to the next generation?

If he was born as a spiritual existence in the first place, he might think so, but he was a human after all, so he wanted to have children too.

Nevertheless, he knew if he wanted to make Shizu live forever like him, she also needed to become a spiritual lifeform too.

In other words, to become a demigod.

However, since he could visit many different worlds, a different and easier method should exist, right?

While he hadn't found such a way, especially in this world, watching Bang, Tamazuki couldn't help but think about wanting to use this old guy as an experiment.

"Being old is terrible..." Bang murmured in lament.

"Sensei..." Charanko, the number one student, looked at his teacher sadly.

Yet, the two had to say, Tamazuki was a monster.

Yes, a monster.

It wasn't on the literal meaning but on the figurative meaning.

For a martial artist, training hard was an absolute thing.

To become a master, everyone needed to work hard with blood and tears for so many years or even decades.

Even Bang spent almost all of his life as a martial artist, practicing every day as the path of martial artists was infinite.

As long as one is willing to give everything to this practice, one will find a destination that one has never expected.

It was a painful yet beautiful journey.

Yet, all of those things were crushed mercilessly by something known as a talent!

When everyone needed so many years to practice, this guy only needed a glance to learn everything about Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist!

While Charanko wondered whether he was dreaming, Bang knew the young man in front of him would become a legendary figure in the future.

Tamazuki practiced for a while, then thanked Bang. "Thank you, Old Man."

"...it's okay." Bang smiled wrily. "But... you come here to learn my martial art, right?"

"That's right?" He nodded, then asked, "By the way, do you know good martial artists who are on the same level as you?"

"....." Charanko and Bang.

They knew that this guy was a troublemaker, but they didn't expect that he would cause trouble so soon. Yet, this also made them feel better as they wouldn't be the only ones that felt misfortune.

When everyone also felt the same way they felt, they also felt better.

"Sensei!" Charanko looked at Bang with glimmering eyes.

"Yes." Bang nodded.

The teacher and student told Tamazuki about every good martial artist whose levels were at the same level as his.

Tamazuki made a note of it, then asked, "Is there a swordsman too?"

"You can also learn swordsmanship too?" Bang's lips twitched.


"......." Bang and Charanko.

By now, they knew this world was just an unfair place. Still, it didn't matter since they also told him about the good sword master, and they also told him even more excitedly. Yet this was a normal thing since the relationship between a weapon user and a non-weapon user of martial arts wasn't that good.

The two factions often clashed with each other, saying that they were better than others.

Bang also wanted to see how his acquaintance was going to react when he was beaten, and all of his techniques were mastered by Tamazuki.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"By the way, with how powerful you are, why do you only have one student?"

Even if Bang wanted to have a student, why was it Charanko?

"...you want to know?"

Bang closed his eyes as he thought about that memory. He still remembered it as it happened a few months ago. Still, even if it happened a long time ago, it was impossible for him to forget it.

After that day... everything changed.

Bang's Dojo, which was known as one of the strongest dojos in the world, had left with only one student and one teacher.


Bang couldn't help but feel emotional.

"...I know that I shouldn't say this to you as we have only met once, but as you have learned from me, I have thought of you as my student, so I don't mind telling you this."

Bang took a deep breath and was ready to talk, but...

"Sorry, I need to do something. Let's talk later. By the way, this is my "LIME" account. You can chat with me there. See you."

Tamazuki didn't bother to wait and quickly left like a bird.


Bang took another breath, but like before, he tried to calm himself.

However, Charanko took his smartphone and registered Tamazuki's "LIME" account. Why? Because he thought such a handsome guy could introduce him to beauty!

Ah, no, he meant that as a fellow disciple of Bang, he should give him one or two pointers!

Yes, that's right!

However, Bang took the paper note from Charanko.

"Ah, Sensei! What are you doing?!"

Charanko was startled.

"I want to register him as my friend too." Bang pouted.

Charako let out a helpless sigh, but he could register Tamazuki's "LIME" account later anyway, so while waiting for Bang, he couldn't help but the thought of a question. "By the way, Sensei."


"If he fights against Garou, who do you think will win?"

Even now, Charanko was full of rage when he thought about that bastard!

If Garou didn't do this, then this place wouldn't be like this, right?

Hearing that question, Bang looked at Charanko and asked, "Is that even a question?"

Who would win?

Wasn't it obvious?

Charanko took a mouthful of breath as he was unable to hide his shock.

They knew Tamazuki could only be their friend if he was their enemy...

Yet, what they didn't know was that because of their spam and annoying messages, their accounts were blocked by Tamazuki.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 197 Being a high school student is my profession | akikan40 on Patreon

"Tamazuki, what's for breakfast?"

"It's a traditional Japanese breakfast."


Saitama was full of excitement and couldn't wait to eat.

As Tamazuki was Saitama's neighbor, they often communicated with each other as there were only the two of them who lived in this ghost town.

Either playing games, reading a manga, or eating.

Yes, eat.

When Saitama ate food cooked by Tamazuki for the first time, he realized what heaven was. He thought his only enjoyment was to become a hero, fighting a powerful opponent, but Tamazuki's food changed everything.

Saitama realized that he was only a frog under the bottom of the well.

Still, frankly, Saitama wanted to fight Tamazuki once again as he realized that he hadn't seen Tamazuki's swordsmanship.

After he became so strong, no one was his opponent.

Or rather, Saitama couldn't imagine whether he had an opponent left in this world anymore as every monster he met was blasted with a single punch by him.

Yet, Tamazuki was different.

Tamazuki could fight him.

The facts? Their previous spar on the moon was the best proof.

However, Saitama realized that Tamazuki might not release all of his strength. Tamazuki still retained the power that was hidden under his body.

As for how strong Tamazuki was after he released that strength, Saitama wasn't sure, but he was quite anticipating their next spar.

Still, there was one question that Saitama wanted to ask.

"Why did you wear a uniform?"

Meanwhile, Tamazuki was thinking about the martial artists that he hadn't visited. After his fight with Bang, he visited various places, those who used a weapon and those who only used bare hands.

The result was the same.

They were all beaten by him.

Naturally, with a limited time, it was impossible to complete all of the challenges as sometimes the master of the dojo wasn't present, and the distance of each dojo was rather far.

How to say... those monsters were living in the countryside, on the corner of the city.

It was like how Bang was living on the peak of the mountain; those masters were also living in an isolated place, which was hard to walk to.

While he had "Shukuchi (Reduced Earth)," he could only use it on the place he had ever been and a place where his eyes could see, so he could only take a flight and kept using his "Shukuchi" to arrive at his destination.

Yet, his hard work paid off as he learned many martial arts.

From Dark Hell Assassination Art, Sourface Style Kenpo, Harsh Path Style, Thunder Thunder Fist, Psycho-Analysis Martial Arts, Spice Fist, Giga Pro Wrestling, Hyper Karate, and many others.

Naturally, some were useless, but some were good such as Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist, and Exploding Heart Release Fist.

Whether it was Bang or his older brother, they were all-powerful, but they were all defeated by him, and all of their techniques were learned by him.

Thank you.

This is what he could only say.

Still, he also fought a swordmaster, and he also won against three members of the Council of Swordmasters.

It is a group of the most renowned master swordsmen.

There were five members of this organization, and he defeated three of them.

The rest was Nichirin, and the strongest swordsman in the world, Atomic Samura, Kamikaze.

However, it didn't matter as they would come to him sooner or later, as by now, his name had already spread to the world of martial artists.

By now, he was like a disaster in the peace-like world of the martial artist.

He was a tornado, a tempest.

Only those who were weaklings and like those specks of dust were ignored.

As for the strong, they could either be shredded to death or just join the flow, ready to be beaten by him as their techniques were learned by him.

Still, so as not to make them give up on their careers, he told all the people he had lost that he might have won and learned all of their techniques, but it was impossible for him to bring it even further.

It was impossible for him to bring this technique to perfection, so until then, he hoped for them to become stronger, and he waited for their revenge.

Hearing that, all of them trained even harder, trying to break the limit of their technique.

Yet, what they didn't know, all of them were nothing but slaves to him.

As they became stronger and their techniques became even more perfect, he would continue to learn their techniques as they fell into a delusion that they could defeat him as long as they worked harder.

Then, when he defeated them again, he would continue to give them encouragement until they lost their worst, like a dry husk that would scatter because of the wind.

Yet, he had to say he was quite curious about Bang's traitorous disciple, Garou.

From zero to the last boss.

Unfortunately, he was unable to meet him, or maybe, meeting him now was nothing but a waste of time as, in his eyes, Garou was nothing but ants that he could crush anytime.

Yet, he had to say the development of martial arts in this world was so vibrant.

Still hearing Saitama's question, Tamazuki looked at this baldy with confusion and asked, "Why can't I wear a uniform?"


Saitama wasn't sure how to answer this question. Still, the food was ready, and his attention quickly attracted the food.

Food first and everything else later.

This is his motto.

"Maybe, I should ask you to pay for your food later."

"..." Saitama stopped for a moment before he continued. While this meal was free, he would eat as much as possible.


After their breakfast, to make Tamazuki give him free food, Saitama was in charge of cleaning, or rather, he was the one who cleaned up his room and also worked to become the security for his apartment.

With Saitama as the security of his apartment, who dared to enter?

Nevertheless, Saitama didn't mind, as Tamazuki's rooms were better than his. While the size of the room was quite similar, the inside was different.

Comics, animes, books, games, and various other things.

Tamazuki had all of them.

So, when Saitama didn't have a monster to beat up, he always stayed in Tamazuki's apartment to play.

"Well, Uncle, I am going to leave first."

"Yeah." Saitama, who was trying to save the princess with Zelda, looked up and asked, "Where are you going?"


"Oh, okay."


"Wait! Wait! School?!"

Saitama only realized that Tamazuki was a high school student.

Yes, even in this world, Tamazuki didn't change his profession. He was still a high school student, and he was also quite curious about the school in this world, so he became one.

However, unlike in this original world, he was in his second year in this world and a returnee from Holy Britain.

Just kidding.

However, in this world, he was really a high school student.

In front of his new classmates, he introduced himself to everyone in front of the class.

"My name is Inugamigyoubu Tamazuki. I hope we can be good friends."
