goyya 1112-1117

Chapter 1112 Founders | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

AN: Thank you for waiting~! Please enjoy and have a good day!


"L-leader!?" The armored guards were taken aback at her sudden appearance.

"Retreat and fortify the town's security. Immediately sound the alarm if there are any other unknown people who came through after this one." A charismatic voice of a young man resounded and Kisuke had to raise his other arm to block the incoming foot that was coming from below him and aimed at his face.

Kisuke was instantly launched into the air, giving him an overview of the walled town with thick flora and mountains surrounding it which he didn't expect to see within 'Hell'. Nevertheless, he didn't have the time to appreciate the scenery as he placed both of his hands on his stomach to receive another deadly kick, sending him further away from the city and crashing into the side of a distant mountain, 'Such efficient and extreme combination of Hakuda and Hohou.' That was what Kisuke thought when he felt his Hierro cracking.

The dust and grime settled down and Kisuke stood up from the crater that was created by his crash. He took off his hat and dusted it off before looking up at the two individuals who attacked him out of nowhere.

First is the young fair-skinned woman with large violet eyes, the left of which was covered by a black eyepatch fixed to her head by two straps encircling it in an X-formation. She has long, dark pink hair tied up in two hip-length pigtails on either side of her head, leaving a section of bangs to fall over the right side of her face, and wore a black undershirt and pants that are covered by a silver breastplate and leg armors. Oh her hand is a katana that's obviously a Zanpakuto.

The other guy is a youthful man with olive skin and golden eyes. He has shaggy white hair with bangs covering his forehead. He's wearing a casual grey polo shirt that isn't buttoned up and blue khaki pants and like the former, he's also carrying a Zanpakuto on his shoulder.

"I think we can talk this out?" Kisuke initiated a conversation while dusting the rest of his garb.

"You really think we're stupid, huh?" The dark pink-haired lady replied.


"You guys already tried something similar ten years ago. We're not stupid enough to forget something like that." The woman then pointed her blade at him before continuing, "But I do want to ask you something. How did you reach this place? I heard that the boundary between the Human World and Hell has weakened considerably but we still didn't think you'd use that chance to invade from there and there's only one kid who knew the way here."

Thick killing intent washed over Kisuke, 'Did they think I forced the kid? Is he the one that Kazui-kun refers to as Nee-chan?'

"Whatever you're thinking, I didn't do it. In the first place, I didn't show any hostile action. What's up with the sudden aggression?"

This time, it's the young man who answered, "Are you actually new around here? You have a very thick scent of Hell's Grace. No matter how civil you appear, those who let this thing take them over are nothing more than beasts that could speak."

"Hell's Grace?" Kisuke repeated his words, "Are you referring to this?"

Kisuke raised his left hand and tens of Magic Circle suddenly appeared behind along with arrows of flames, "Flame Arrow Barrage." He snapped his fingers and the needles of flames started launching themselves to the people standing midair.


Both individuals were startled at this minor but shocking display of power, "Did you guys find a new way to utilize Hell's Grace!?" Asked the woman while intercepting the arrows with her sword.

"This is bad... We might be falling behind." The man, on the other hand, muttered to himself with a serious expression while also repelling the arrows with his bare hands.

All of a sudden, Kisuke felt a threat to his right side and immediately muttered, "Danku."

A transparent barrier appeared between him and the young man who suddenly appeared beside him with his blade drawn, "Kidou!?"

Kisuke could still see the young man repelling the arrows but soon disappeared, 'That's some extreme Hohou technique. He's way better than Yoruichi."

The man immediately retreated when he saw that his surprise attack didn't work. However, he didn't do so without almost cleaving the barrier.

"An unchanted high level Kidou. He's on Captain-class level in just skill alone." The dark pinked-haired woman commented after dealing with all the flame arrows, "But he also unmistakably used Hierro that those Arrancars exclusively use. On top of that, a strange technique that allowed you to manipulate Hell's Grace. Just who are you?"

Kisuke sighed in relief, "Finally willing to talk?"

Although he wanted to test them more and he could more or less already guess their identities, he'll also be revealing his own cards and he doesn't know who else is watching besides these two. After weighing the risks and gains, he concluded that there was no point in fighting them now when they might not even be the enemies to whom he should be pointing his blade.

"And if this is going to help, Kazui-kun said that I'm not one of those 'Chained' ones. You'll know he's safe once he sends another Plus to this place."

The man and woman's eyes widened before they looked at each other and nodded.

"It seems that this talk really needs to happen." The man muttered and sheathed his sword back and the woman did the same.

"Thank you for your consideration~ But before anything else, allow me to introduce myself. The name's Urahara Kisuke. A former member of the Gotei 13, but I'm just a humble merchant these days."

"I'm Shihouin Chika." The man introduced himself and pointed to his partner, "And this one here is..."

"Saitou Furoufushi."

"Shihouin-san, Saitou-san, nice to meet you. I'm honored to meet the founding members of the Gotei 13. Although we didn't start on good terms, let's get along from here on out."


28th00: SO THIS IS WHY YOU FREAKED OUT ABOUT THE FOUNDERS! Ah. Makes sense I guess. I like how Bleach is a revolving door of lives. You die, become a hollow/soul, die again, go to hell, die again, go somewhere else, maybe finally reincarnate as a human again?

Goyya: See!? If everyone equals and above Captain-level Reiatsu gets to Hell, it's only obvious that the 'worst criminals' in history will be here too. Good thing Kubo have finally provided names for each one of them so my only problem now is their individual abilities.

Chapter 1113 Founders part 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Kisuke was led to a big mansion in the middle of the town that also seemingly served as a government building, and on the way there, the previous uproar they caused had already subsided among the inhabitants' minds as they had returned to their previous activities.

'If these people were once in the Human world, why is the civilization's level only that of the industrial level?' Kisuke looked around more and found out that normal production and use of electricity is none existent, 'It's hard to utilize Spiritual Power for complicated machinery and only a few people can actually do it. No one is actually using the easier and abundant Magic Power because no one knows how to do it, is that it?'

While speculating about some things, Kisuke was left alone in a room that looked like an office where he could see one side of the town, "You don't mind if we talk for a bit, do you?" Asked Chika.

"That's fine. I also wanted to gather my thoughts before we start."

As soon as Chika and Furoufushi left him, two people stood guard in his room but Kisuke ignored them and went to the window, opening it to feel the air. After taking a deep breath, he was able to confirm that the concentration of Magic Power in this World was at least twice that of the world where Devils and Angels exist. As if someone crammed it all into a tiny space, 'I can't be sure without properly measuring it, but there's something different about this Magic Power.'

In the previous world, Modern Magic originated from how Devils used their Demonic Power, however, Magic Power had already existed before the Devils did and it was being used by various factions with their own systems. Demonic Power was just a derivative of Magic Power and that's the same for the Light Power and every other system that's utilized similarly to Magic.

With those in mind, it's perfectly understandable that Magic Power is the most common and abundant along with Ki and Spiritual Power.

However, in this world, the most abundant 'Magic Power' had a similar feeling as Demonic Power. Kisuke thought that the existence of Magic Power, Ki, and Spiritual Power is universal, but clearly, it's a different case for this side, 'Is it because this is a different dimension or...'

At that moment, the partial Soul King's words reechoed in his mind, 'Be wary of Hell.'

Kisuke thought that the way he said it was weird as if he was referring to an individual instead of a place, 'And why is there a need to place a [Lid] on Hell? And why couldn't the Soul King create a reasonable reincarnation system himself and instead opted to leave it to others even if it means disgracing his existence? Just what was he trying to achieve all this time?'

Noticing that he's descending into a useless train of thought that'd only lead him to dangerous conclusions that might hurt him later, Kisuke took another deep breath to clear his mind, 'I don't have enough information to contemplate any of that. That's dangerous.'

'Strangely enough, Ki also exists here in abundance despite all the beings here being supposed to be 'dead'. But similar to the Human world, it's mostly unattended.'

Kisuke gathered more information with his senses until Chika and Furoufushi returned a quarter of an hour later, "Sorry for making you wait." The former offered him a seat.

Kisuke sat on the couch while the other two sat opposite of him, "Well then, Urahara-kun... If that's even your real name, let's get straight to the point." Chika started.

Kisuke raised his hand to stop him for a moment, "When I said I wanted us to get along, I meant it so I gave you my real name. But regardless of whether you believe that or not, I would like to request that you call me [Belial] for all our proceedings and how you mention me to others going forward. [Urahara Kisuke] is a very inconvenient name, you see?"

Chika went quiet for a moment before nodding, "Alright, Belial-kun, we'll do just that, so answer us, what are you doing here?"

"To be perfectly honest, I didn't really know what to expect when I came here. I didn't even know that I'd reach a place like this."

Both Chika and Furoufushi sported a confused look and the latter asked, "Are you saying that you're only here by chance?"

Kisuke shook his head, "Of course not. But here in Oath Town specifically? A coincidence. I intended to see what Hell is for myself in some way or another and it's just a coincidence that I found a young Shinigami sending Pluses to Hell. You know how Hell is being viewed from the other side so I got curious and asked him to send me over too."

Chika leaned back in his seat, "I guess that's true. Then a follow-up question, what prompted you to investigate Hell?" He wanted to ask something more important like how he's utilizing the [Hell's Grace] but wanted to know his motives first.

"You also already know this. The boundary between Hell and the Human World has loosened. And it's to the point that headache-inducing characters are crossing this boundary seemingly with little to no repercussions."

"Characters?" Furoufushi leaned in.

'Looks like these two haven't received the news. I'm guessing that their only contact is with Kazui-kun.'

Kisuke grinned and said, "If you want to know more, then we'll have to come to an agreement, don't you think? You can't be the only one asking questions, can you?"

Chika and Furoufushi glanced at each other. Before they confronted Kisuke, they already expected that they'd have to exchange information with him. However, they still aren't sure if they could trust any of his words and would only be able to do so when they see it for themselves. But even knowing that, there's a big problem to the only solution possible.

Kisuke also figured out what they wanted and he's already expecting them to ask about it. However, seeing that they were hesitating, he guessed that there was something else preventing them. In an attempt to gauge their reaction, Kisuke directly said, "I can arrange it so that you can reach the Human World."

Contrary to his expectations, Chika just smiled wryly and shook his head, "It's impossible for an 'Unchained' to leave Hell. In exchange for freedom, we are not to join the world of the living even if the boundary between life and death completely collapses."


28th00: Yoruichi is gonna be so confused when she gets a briefing on what Kisuke was doing when left unattended for a few hours. Serafall is to blame for this, truly.



Chapter 1114 Founders part 3 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

"Unchained..." Kisuke muttered, "Mind explaining that for a bit?"

Since it's relatively common knowledge who sees Hell for what it is, Chika has no qualms in explaining it to Kisuke, "Whenever one comes to Hell naturally, they'll be chained down by the Chains of Hell and it'll be branded all over their body. Hence we call them the 'Chained'."

"Those who wandered in here or were let through without Hell's 'approval' were called the 'Unchained'. That's to say, there are other ways for these 'Unchained' to come into being." Chika immediately stopped there, prompting Kisuke to think for himself, 'If he can't see through it with just this, then I'm giving him more credit than he deserves.'

Kisuke saw through his intentions and leaned back as the room became quiet with only the bustle of the crowd outside and fresh air entering the window. Kisuke didn't know what he's trying to achieve but he can tell that there's a certain expectation that he needs to achieve before he could proceed with them. Although it's not an absolute requirement for him to cooperate with them, it'd be a lot easier for him.

'The key points are the 'Chained' and 'Unchained' and how the latter could be attained through more than one means while the former could only be possible if one is a 'natural'.'

Reaching this train of thought, Kisuke's focus immediately focused on 'natural' and a certain possibility entered his mind and made his eyebrows narrow. But before he could make any conclusions, he asked, "What is a 'Chained'?"

"A punishment that drowns you in your own 'sin'. Others could also see it as a reward that recognizes your lifetime's work." Furoufushi answered him, "One thing is for sure, though. It makes you think that you're 'sinless' and act upon it."

After that, Kisuke became partially sure of something and asked to confirm it, "So when you said natural, does that include the fact that those with Captain-level Reiatsu don't have anywhere to go aside from Hell?"

Chika smiled, "Correct. It's all part of the natural order. And as you might have already guessed, another way to become an 'Unchained' is to free yourself from the Chains of Hell."

And now that that's out of the way, and Chika could trust his cognitive abilities, or at least, his imaginative skills, he continued, "After enduring what seems to be an eternity of mind manipulation that boosts one's madness and psychosis, one would have a chance to shed away the Chains of Hell and gain peace of mind. At that point, your punishment is done and you will be able to lead a new life here in Hell. However, that also means losing access to the connection with Hell itself. Even if we find a door that'll lead us to the Human World, we won't be able to interact with it in any meaningful way, much less go through it."

Kisuke finally understood why Szayelaporro could cross the door of Hell and even managed to somehow use its 'eyes', 'Using these Chains of Hell, they acquired some authority over Hell... This is definitely a reward for a guy like him... And a very dangerous thing to have.'

Kisuke is afraid that Szayelaporro has any other authority other than opening doors, '...Controlling other 'Chained'. It's going to be annoying.'

Kisuke knew that Szayelaporro is someone who uses his head so he knew that if there was any lacking part of his authority, he'll do anything to expand it, "Looks like I will need to take the initiative to at least make him busy with other things."

"What are you talking about?" Furoufushi suddenly asked.

Kisuke took a deep breath and sighed, "I recalled you referred to me as an Arrancar earlier so I'll assume that you've already encountered them a few times?"

"Not just a few encounters, those bastards suddenly just appeared a decade ago and started eating Souls. We know that they're Hollows that came to Hell, but we don't know anything else about them aside from what they call themselves and some of the techniques that they use." Furoufushi clicked her tongue while explaining. There's a very obvious hostility coming from her.

"We also know that they are distinctively different because they carry around Zanpakuto as if they're Shinigamis." Chika added and although he appears a lot calmer than the former, there was a boiling killing intent behind his eyes, "But what about them?"

"To explain it simply, these Arrancars are the result of a rogue Shinigami's experiment that allowed a Hollow to tear off their mask and gain Shinigami-like powers. They became a big problem 15 years ago but most of them were killed, with the remaining Arrancars managing Hueco Mundo and having a non-aggression pact with Gotei 13 as long as they don't invade each other's space."

Chika and Furoufushi's eyes widened and the latter commented, "That's surprising... The Gotei 13 getting along with Hollows?"

Kisuke chuckled before continuing, "It all paid off when they became a great asset to the Great War, 3 years later."

'3 years later... So it was 12 years ago?' Chika and Furoufushi vividly remembered how the whole of Hell shook 12 years ago and it was also a few years after that they noticed that the boundary between the Human World and Hell became dangerously weak.

However, all of this will momentarily fly out of their heads when they heard Kisuke's next words, "The Great War between Soul Society and Quincies that cost countless lives, including some people you know, namely, Genryuusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, Yachiru Unohana and Sasakibe Choujirou Tadaoki."

"!? Quincies!? Those pests have returned!? And old man Yama was taken out!? Including Yachiru and Sasakibe!?" Furoufushi stood up from her seat and slammed the table in front of them into pieces.

"Calm down. I wouldn't be here if Soul Society didn't survive. It might be just recent news to you but it's already more than a decade ago. And in the Great War, Yhwach was also killed."

Furoufushi knew that her anger would do nothing and forcefully calmed herself down before sitting back down, "Wait... More than a decade ago, so does that mean the Soul Funeral Festival was performed?"

Kisuke nodded, "For all of them, just recently, yes."

"Chika!" Furoufushi suddenly shouted, "The top priority is searching for them."

Chika, who had been quiet also suddenly stood and walked up to the window, "I'll take care of it."

As soon as he said those words, he disappeared with a Flash Step.

Kisuke saw Furoufushi cross her arms and started tapping her fingers, showing her frustration with the situation. Nevertheless, Kisuke still hasn't acquired enough trust just to ask her what's going on but he knows that it has something to do with being 'Chained'.

Kisuke also stood up and said, "It seems that you're going to be busy soon so I'll leave you alone for now."

"What? What about our agreement?"

"We can continue our talk about it at a later time. For now, I'll bring documents about what happened this past century the next time I come back here so that you'll have an idea of what's going on. Don't worry about its authenticity since it'll directly come from the current Captain Commander and old man Yama's student. Once you find him, you'll be able to confirm it from him."

It's not really that important because they could just ask Yamamoto and Yachiru what happened when they find them and they'll be able to find them as long as they are really sent to Hell. However, Furoufushi has a feeling that she has to continue this relationship with him and nodded, "Alright. I'm looking forward to it. But how are you going to return?"

Kisuke grinned and a Magic Circle appeared beneath his feet, "I have my ways."

Furoufushi's unexpected guest disappeared after lighting up the whole room with strange symbols that emitted Hell's Grace. And as soon as things calmed down, a piece of paper came falling down in front of her.

After catching it, she read, "My offer of bringing you into the Human World still stands. And I advise you not to mention my real name to anyone or else you can forget everything we've discussed for today. -Belial."

Using a simple Kidou, Furoufushi burned the note and left the room, intending to send a message to Chika who just left to keep everything about Belial a secret.


28th00: Yeah, finding the Captains is pretty vital, especially when that includes the final 3 founders.


Chapter 1115 A Visit from Seireitei | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

A few hours before sunrise, Kisuke returned to their house in Karakura Town. He intended to go straight to an unused room in the basement so as not to disturb anyone but Serafall in her nightgown came out while yawning, "Welcome back~"

"I'm sorry I woke you up." Kisuke changed his plans and stayed in the living room, "Coffee?"

"With three cubes of sugar, please~." Serafall sat down, not minding her appearance, "How was your trip?" Since she could accurately track Kisuke's whereabouts as the latter didn't really bother hiding his Magic signature, she knew he went somewhere far when his aura suddenly disappeared.

"Unexpectedly fruitful and it's not as I've imagined." Replied Kisuke while carefully brewing two cups of coffee.

"Do you mean Hell?"

"Yeah." Kisuke nodded and told her how and reached Hell and what transpired when he trespassed it.

Bringing the cups of coffee over to Serafall's side, Kisuke was able to finish his short report.

"Thank you." Serafall took a few sips of the coffee before continuing, "Please listen to me too." It was her turn to tell Kisuke what had taken place yesterday.




"I see... Aaroniero Arruruerie and Zommari Rureaux." Kisuke rubbed his chin, "Not just that, they are also capable of controlling the Chains of Hell to save themselves. It's already certain that they have a certain amount of authority over Hell so the next question is to what extent."

Their ability to command the 'Beasts of Hell' is not a big deal to Kisuke because strong individuals can always find ways to control the weaker ones so it doesn't really matter if they could control them through their authority or something else.

"Well, we should at least expect more of these 'Espadas' coming out of their graves. Since they are essentially Hollows with most of their humanity hollowed out, they'll be thriving in Hell." While muttering this, Kisuke remembered something from more than a decade ago and added, "Ah... Maybe Ulquiorra Cifer won't be around."

"Ulquiorra Cifer?"

"A nihilistic Hollow with great power. Instead of dying, he scattered into nothingness after pushing himself in a great battle."

Serafall didn't ask any further because she was not very interested, "By the way, it seems I stopped you when you were about to do something."

"Oh right." Kisuke then took out a pair of smartphones from his inventory, "I intended to modify this for Ophis and Lilith's use. It'll be inconvenient if we keep using Telepathy Magic to communicate remotely, not to mention, easily traceable and interceptable over long distances. I plan to modify the other girls and yours too."

"Do you mind if you work on mine right now?" Serafall took out her smartphone and passed it to Kisuke.

"Sure, it shouldn't take too much time, but I'll finish Ophis and Lilith's first so that they can have it before they leave for Soul Society."




As soon as the students left for their respective schools, Kisuke also left to do something else.

Serafall, on the other hand, stayed at home because she knew that she'd be contacted today. And while waiting, she reviewed the documents about the Gotei 13 from more than a decade ago that she received from Kisuke. Although a bit outdated, it's still very relevant since one can easily track who would succeed in the position of the late Captains.

It was after lunch that Serafall felt someone approach their house but she first waited for a doorbell ring.

The doorbell rang and Serafall also heard a woman's voice, "Excuse me."

Serafall slowly walked and opened the door to see a female Shinigami standing beyond the gate, a slim and youthful girl with long black hair pinned back, with flat bangs that hung to the right side of her face. She has slightly light blue eyes that have a deep tint of violet and wears glasses with a slightly oval shape to them.

"Yes~? How may I help you?"

The Shinigami straightened herself, "I'm Ise Nanao, Lieutenant of the 1st Division. I came here as Soul Society's correspondent. I would like to have a bit of your time if that's possible."

"Ah, Nanao-chan, is it?"

"N-Nanao-chan!?" Nanao was instantly taken aback.

But ignoring her reaction, Serafall snapped her fingers and the gate's lock unlatched itself before slowly opening, "Please come in. Let's talk inside."

Nanao calmed herself and entered through the gate. She thought that the gates opening themselves was neat but thought it was Human technology, "Thank you for having me."

Nanao didn't really know what to expect when she came here. She wanted to have more backup since the target of their invitation was at least a Captain level in strength, but her Captain strangely reassured her that she won't be in any danger. Aside from that, bringing a large force might just provoke the individual known as Sitri Serafall.

Serafall asked Nanao to sit as she prepared some tea, "I apologize for my late introduction. You probably already know my name but I'm Sitri Serafall. Nice to meet you and please call me Sera-chan, Nanao-chan~."

After hearing about it the second time, Nanao was calmer and received the tea she was offered, "Thank you... Serafall-san." However, she still couldn't call her by a pet name. Still, Serafall looked like she genuinely wanted to be friends in Nanao's eyes so she opted to call her by her first name.

"Hmm... I guess that's alright for now." Although not satisfied, Serafall accepted it, "I would like for us to get to know each other, but let's take care of the main business first."

Nanao gracefully drank her tea before saying, "Once again, thank you for letting me in. I'm Ise Nanao of 1st Division and I'm here in response to Captain Mayuri's petition to invite you in the Soul Society and it received approval from the Captain Commander."

"Oh my~ I was expecting that to take a few days to a week. To think it'll be approved this fast and easy."

'She knows the inner workings of Seireitei?' Doubt immediately sprouted inside Nanao's mind.

Seeing her reaction, Serafall grinned, "Not that deep. I just got hold of a bit of information about the Seireitei. My rough assumptions are based on that."

"...Information?" This was a very concerning statement for Nanao. Since she doesn't know how much information she has, she couldn't gauge the current situation.

Serafall took a sip of her tea before speaking, "I know you guys are allocating a substantial amount of manpower to investigate my origins, including those around me, so it's natural for me to reciprocate the favor, isn't it?"

Nanao became nervous and couldn't answer.


28th00: Poor Nanao is always being bullied.


Chapter 1116 Entry to Seireitei | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

While Nanao was trying to figure out what to say, Serafall suddenly started chuckling, "Don't worry about it, Nanao-chan. While I do mind the amount of scouting, none of them crossed the line and I'm not really angry about it. After all, this is a basic prerequisite if you do not want to be taken advantage of at the negotiation table."

Nanao cleared her throat and took a sip of her tea once again to calm her nerves, "I apologize I reacted that way. I just didn't expect information to leak that easily... As if someone inside provided it to you."

"Well, that's actually how I got it. I'm very good friends with a certain Shinigami."

Nanao only said that to try and gauge Serafall's reaction, but she didn't expect that she'd be this honest and further halted her thought process, 'It's no use. I can't figure anything out.'

Nanao wanted to remove a bit of shroud surrounding this individual for them to prepare as much as possible and know what to expect, 'I'm sorry Captain, but it's obvious that she's quite adept in a situation like this. There's no way an amateur like me can crack her.'

Not wanting to become a free source of information, Nanao finally gave up her tiptoeing and said, "Do you have time today? If it's alright with you, we can go to the Soul Society now."

"Sure. Please lead the way."

After Serafall cleaned up, she followed Nanao outside with Hell's Butterflies already fluttering around her, "I'm ready, shall we go?"

Nanao was about to open the Senkaimon when she recalled something important and turned to Serafall, "I'm sorry but we'll need to leave your physical body behind. Although Soul Society is perfectly survivable with a physical body, nothing in it can nourish one and it's not exactly a comfortable experience. If Urahara Kisuke was still around, we could request the use of Reishi Henkan-Ki (Spirit Exchangers) to convert physical material into Reishi. But the device is currently in Captain Mayuri's possession and he's currently studying how it works."

"Don't worry about me~ I'm different from normal Humans and the power I possess is within my physical body. Even if I go without food for a month or two, I'll be just fine." Serafall's face almost twitched at the sudden mention of Kisuke's name, 'And I doubt something designed for a Human with a physical body that doesn't contain any power will work on me.'

Nanao stared at her for a moment before proceeding to open the Senkaimon, "Understood." This was a big piece of information, but Nanao didn't let anything show on her face.

"Will there be an official meeting?"

Nanao shook her head, "It'll just be a tour and your visit will be a secret except to those Gatekeepers, Lieutenants, and above. However, not all of them are aware that you're coming."

As the Japanese wooden door manifests itself and opens, Nanao is thinking that this won't be possible in Captain-Commander Yamamoto's era and Serafall might have even been treated as a foreign adversary that needs to be eliminated for the sake of balance and peace. This is how different the current Captain Commander is and she intended to support him all the way.

Unknown to her, it's also because a certain Shinigami knew that Captain-Commander Yamamoto's era is over that he's comfortable bringing Serafall and the other girls with him back into this world.




As light enveloped Nanao and Serafall, the latter's senses went haywire for a moment due to the Space-Time transition, and became dizzy for a moment. However, Serafall didn't care and kept her senses sharp in case something jumped at her from an unknown place or her own body was rejected by the place where only Souls could reside.

Thankfully, nothing of the sort happened and they successfully reached Soul Society, more specifically, the Seireitei (Court of Pure Souls).

Serafall opened her eyes and was greeted by a very wide platform and behind them is a giant door already closing. Beside the door are two men wearing long purple robes standing stoically.

"They are the Gatekeepers of this Senkaimon and members of the Kidou Corps," Nanao explained to Serafall before asking her to follow her.

Serafall took a deep breath and the only thing she could think of right now is how radically the air is different in this world. The next thing she noticed is the sudden increase of Nanao's aura, 'At least five times. I heard from Kisuke that those of a certain level have limiters on when they go to the Human world so they wouldn't affect it in a disastrous way. Is that also the case for those Shinigami yesterday?'

As they reach the edge of the platform where there's a set of stairs going down, Serafall finally realized that they were on top of a very large and tall tower.

As there's nothing like an elevator in this tower, they had to walk all the way down. But before they left the tower, Nanao took a different turn and led Serafall to one of the rooms that looks like a changing room, "Please wait here for a moment. I will go look for a suitable Shihakusho that will fit you to change into since we can't really have you going around in a Human world's clothes."

Serafall looked at herself and agreed. Sadly, she's also not a fan of the Shihakusho, '...I don't really have any choice, do I?'

Nanao soon returned and thanks to her astute eyes, she was able to get the right size the first time, "I'll help you change."

"Thank you."

It didn't take too long for Serafall to put on the Shihakusho as she has prior experience wearing something similar in the early years of Japan.

With Nanao in the lead again, they exited the tower and Serafall witnessed a long, solemn street, "This is the 1st Division's area, and most of what's in and happening here are official buildings and official events. We'll first go to the commerce district."

Serafall stretched her arms and took another deep breath of Seireitei's clean air and thought, 'Now then... These guys probably already thought that I'm here to gather information on them.'

As Serafall could just get all the information she needed from Kisuke himself, she didn't really need to risk herself like this for something like that. What she needed is to establish her presence and set another powerhouse that the Seireitei won't be able to ignore.

While there's merit in hiding her abilities, that'll only create a huge division between them and it's not like they are enemies that she needs to take out.

'Knowing Captain Mayuri, I'll probably meet this Captain Zaraki 'accidentally' in today's outing. If so, I'll be playing along~.'


28th00: Ah, chaos is coming. Dragon Twins might pop up too, which is even more chaotic.

