akikan 40. Tanuki. 210-217

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 210 Let's become a

"Uncle, who is this?"

"Oh, this is..."

"I am a lone cyborg fighting for justice. I am called Genos, and I am also Saitama-sensei's disciple."

Genos, a young man with a cyborg body, bowed his head at Tamazuki. "I have that you call Sensei by an Uncle. Are you his nephew or something?"

"Well, not really, though. We are neighbors. My name is Inugamigyoubu Tamazuki. You can call me Tamazuki, Genos."

"Yes, Tamazuki-kun." Genos nodded.

"...." Saitama.


On the next day, right after the battle with the mosquito mutant, Genos, the cyborg young man who fought for justice, came to his apartment.

Still, Tamazuki was speechless. "Uncle, if you have a guess, then you should bring it to your apartment instead of mine."

"Your place is more comfortable, especially this air conditioner."

Unlike his, Tamazuki's room had an air conditioner, so Saitama loved to stay. If possible, he also wanted to sleep here, but he knew that was asking a bit too much, and the thought of two men living in the same place was kind of weird. However, it wouldn't hurt to come to play from time to time.

"Well, it's fine, but don't forget to clean up."

"Yes, you don't need to worry."

Genos was silent as he watched the two and didn't dare to interrupt them since, for someone who could talk with Saitama so freely, Tamazuki definitely wasn't someone that could be underestimated.

Moreover, Genos could see how special Tamazuki's presence was.

Tamazuki was so divine, like a god or something, which made Genos wonder whether Tamazuki was a god or something.

While such an existence would make him feel unbelievable, the existence of a monster was the same case, so in case a monster appeared, the existence of god wasn't so unbelievable, right?

"Then, Genos, go and talk with your teacher."


"Wait! Wait! I haven't agreed to become your teacher! Moreover, if you want a teacher, you should ask Tamazuki instead. He is also strong."

"Really? Is he as strong as you Sensei?" Genos was surprised as he looked at Tamazuki.

Tamazuki rolled his eyes. "Don't listen to him. I was beaten by him. If you want a teacher, you should go after Uncle. His power is real."

"Then, Saitama-sensei, please accept me!"

"....." Saitama.

The two then continued with their conversation while Genos asked what kind of cyborg Saitama was and whether Saitama's skin was armor and wondered why Saitama was bald at a young age.

Their conversation was so funny that Tamazuki decided to stay for a while.

However, Genos's existence was a good thing, especially because he was the source of his energy, which was his core.

According to his observation, Genos's core was a nuclear reactor, yet the size was rather small, which was quite innovative. It was like one used by an uncle with red robotic armor.

Yet, while they had their conversation, Tamazuki stood up from his place.

"Huh? Tamazuki, are you going somewhere?" Saitama, who got bored listening to Genos's explanation, quickly looked at Tamazuki, hoping to follow since he didn't want to be troubled by Genos.

"I am going on a date."

"Okay, I am going—wait?! What?! A date?! You?!" Saitama looked at Tamazuki in shock.


"....." Saitama.

"Genos continues your conversation with Uncle. Good luck with your training."

Tamazuki waved his hand and left.


Genos nodded eagerly.

Only Saitama was in a daze and looked at Tamazuki with an annoyed expression, but he let out a long sigh, thinking that having hair was really good.


"Good. Since you are here, let's follow us to observe our job as a hero."

Fubuki nodded at Tamazuki, who came while showing prestige as a leader of the Fubuki Group.


Tamazuki was in silence while staring at Lily.

Lily clapped her hands and showed an apologetic expression.

"I was the one who asked her to come with us. I thought that I should show you what it means to become a hero and how wonderful this job is. I also want to introduce you to the members of my group."

Fubuki then looked at her trusted subordinates. "Mountain Ape and Eyelashes. Introduce yourselves to him."

"Yes, Fubuki-sama!" 2x

Mountain Ape, a man with a huge body, and the Eyelashes, a man with long hair and also long eyelashes, approached him with a kind smile.

"My name is Mountain Ape. I am B-Class: Rank 3. My power is Wild Switch, and with this ability, I can strengthen my body!"

Even with the black suit, one could see how strong Mountain Ape was from his body alone.

"My name is Eyelashes. I am B-Class: Rank 2. My weapon is these eyelash curlers." Eyelashes showed two eyelashes curlers on his hands like beast claws. Similar to Mountain Ape, he also showed a cool pose.

When the two introduced themselves, the rest also gave their encouragement and excitement, watching the 2nd and 3rd strongest of their groups.

"Awesome, Mountain Ape!"

"Great, eyelashes, as usual, Eyelashes!"

"Yo, two strongest combinations on the Fubuki Group!"

Watching all of this, Fubuki nodded in satisfaction since her group really had grown. Those heroes were all handpicked by her, and she knew all of them had a scary potential that they didn't realize. She believed that since she believed that her eyes were never wrong.

It was also the same case with Tamazuki.

Fubuki could tell that this young man held that potential that he had never thought of, and she was the one that was going to teach him how to utilize that potential.

"So, what do you think of our group? Are you too amazed that you can't talk? But I can't blame you since the Fubuki Group is the number one group in the Hero Association!"

"As expected of Fubuki-sama!"

"Blizzard Group is number one!"

"We are awesome!"

In the middle of the street, all of them talked happily, ignoring the gazes of all the pedestrians around them.


Tamazuki pulled the bridge of his nose and wondered whether it was really a good choice to take down Fubuki. It wasn't that she wasn't beautiful, but her personality... how to say... it was disappointing.

The system would give him a reward when he got his hand on various heroines, yet it didn't force him to take them.

Even if he didn't use the system, the system was okay with it.

Everything was his choice.

Naturally, in some cases, the system gave him some advice.

The advice was kind of useless, though.

"What do you think? Do you want to join our group?"



"I refuse."

"...." Everyone.


The rest were also restless, but they didn't get angry since they had been repeatedly told by Fubuki and Lily that Tamazuki was as strong as the S-Class Hero. While some of them felt disbelief and even skeptical when they saw him, such thoughts were erased.

After all, while Tamazuki might have deactivated some of his abilities and even made his appearance slightly below his original, he didn't want to be provoked by stupid people.

He was too lazy to face stupid people, so he used his aura so it would make people a good impression and erase their negative thoughts about him.

Still, facing Fubuki's question, Tamazuki said, "It's not a stable job."

When that answer fell, all of them felt like an arrow pierced into their bodies. However, he wasn't wrong.

Even Fubuki was also unable to say anything.

Still, Lily was the only one that was okay with his answer since when she thought about their future; she felt that it was better for him to have a stable job instead of a hero, especially when they had a family in the future.

Lily suddenly blushed when she thought about their future children.

Watching their reaction, Tamazuki sighed. "Well, you are going to work, right? Let me observe how you work."

Hearing that, all of them got up one by one.

"Leave that to us!"

"Let me show you how cool a hero is!"

"Come on! Let's catch the villain over there!"

Fubuki was also ready to show how amazing a hero was.

"You are too gentle..." Lily whispered.

"Really? I am quite rough, though."

"...I don't mean that!" Lilly scolded him with a blush, but well, she didn't hate the rough part of him, though.

Nevertheless, that day, the Fubuki Group gave their everything.

However, Tamazuki had never intended to join the Fubuki Group or even became a hero since he realized that it was quite troublesome and it also limited his action since sometimes the Hero Association would give him a task or two.

Yet, he didn't expect that a few days after this, Saitama would say, "Tamazuki, let's become a hero!"


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 211 You need to leave! | akikan40 on Patreon

As usual, Tamazuki was in his room, playing on his Nintendo Switch.

As for his business, everything was taken care of by Aisha.

Ava also took care of the body for Rimuru.

When he thought about it, he was rather free, and he just flirted with Lily, and sometimes, he texted Fubuki from time to time since Fubuki didn't have a friend and was often lonely at night, so they often talked before she slept. Nevertheless, the number of heroines in this world was so scarce that he sighed helplessly.

The only good thing was, without a doubt, the villains that would appear on Saitama's side since all of them had unique abilities, knowledge, or even items.

Especially the last time.

While he didn't appear or take the initiative to talk since he left everything to Saitama, he got various good things when he just stayed on the side.

Paradise Group and Speed-o'-Sound Sonic.

Sonic aside, whatever his ability was, in the end, he was just a mortal. Nevertheless, it was amazing since, for a mere mortal, he could achieve a speed that should be impossible to achieve by a human. His knowledge as a ninja was also important since it could be taught to his followers in his original world or the Tensura world.

However, compared to Sonic, Tamazuki was happier with his gain from the Paradise Group.

The Paradise Group was a terrorist group led by the B-Class criminal Hammerhead. They strived to create a communist utopia in which work is voluntary and the unemployed receive full financial support.

In other words, they were just lazy people who didn't want to work.

Even worse, they had the power to realize that dream since all of them were wearing a special battle suit that could enhance the wearer's strength and durability to superhuman levels.

This might be hard to imagine, but a punch from the leader, Hammerhead, was enough to crumble a single luxurious apartment.

Yet, even so, it didn't change the fact that the leader was beaten by Saitama with a single punch.

However, this was a good item since he could use them for his followers.

The monsters in the world of Tensura aside, it was a good choice for the youkai in his original world to wear this battle suit.

Unlike the world of Tensura, which still gave a chance to the monsters, even a small and weak goblin, to evolve into a hobgoblin, the monsters or youkai in his original world were different.

In his original world, everything had been settled.

Nothing could change that.

Everyone couldn't become strong, and the strong ones were those whose parents were powerful.

Yes, only those with powerful lineages could become stronger.

Without a powerful parent, many of them could only lay like waste and wait to be killed when the plots appeared.

While he might say that everything depends on the legend and one could become strong as long as their legend echoed throughout the country, was there even a youkai who thought so?

Similar to a human, many youkai just lay waste, living day by day without any objectives.

Nevertheless, their base power was more powerful than a human, so to make them more powerful, they needed a weapon. Those weapons came from humans.

It was like how Nurarihyon used Nenekimaru (Youkai Slaying Sword) to defeat Hagorome Gitsune.

Then, Tamazuki would also do the same, and that was by giving the battle suits to his followers.

Yet, when he was in the middle of thinking about how to make his followers become stronger, Saitama asked him to become a professional hero.

"You want to become a hero, Uncle?"

"Un, from now on, I won't be a hero by a hobby anymore!"

When Saitama thought that no one knew about him, especially after he took down the Paradise Group and Sonic, he felt an immense shock. He had saved the world several times, and he also had been a hero for three years... yet... yet... his popularity was much worse than those who had just started.

How could he accept that?!

Nevertheless, Saitama still wanted to be cool. "Genos and I are going to become one. You should also become one too, Tamazuki."

"You, too, are going to become a hero, Genos?" Tamazuki asked.

"Yes, Saitama-sensei promised to make me his student if I followed him to become a professional hero."

Because of this, Genos agreed without hesitation. Still, if possible, he also wanted to see Tamazuki's capability, so he hoped that Tamazuki would agree to join them to become a hero in the Hero Association.

"Okay, right? You will agree to become a hero with us, right? Come on! Let's go with us!" Saitama excitedly said like how a marketer tried to deceive an easy customer.

However, Tamazuki didn't answer him and knew that Saitama was just greedy for income. He had been living with Saitama for a while, and he knew that this guy didn't have any money.

Frankly, the source of Saitama's income had always been a mystery.

Saitama might be poor, but he didn't lack anything, especially after Tamazuki came; his nutrition was much better than before since his diets were full of variety. Moreover, his boring problem had been solved since Tamazuki also had a lot of games.

Still, because of this, when all of Saitama's primary needs were satiated, he wanted more.

Becoming an official hero was that goal.

Naturally, Saitama became one because he wanted to become famous, and it was lonely to become one alone.

Moreover, because of the Paradise Group, Saitama was mistaken as a terrorist since he was bald like any other members of the Paradise Group, and he didn't want something similar to happen once again.



"I am still a student. I don't have time to become a hero."


This answer... Saitama couldn't say anything.

"There shouldn't be a problem, right? Your grade is number one in the entire school, no, in the entire country."

"...did you hack my information?" Tamazuki stared at Genos speechlessly.


Genos panicked, then bowed his head. "I am sorry!"

"...it's okay. Don't do it again. Next time you do it, then I will ask Uncle not to accept you as his disciple."

"I won't do it again next time!" Genos vowed and realized the danger of Tamazuki was more serious than he had thought. Yet, from the information he got, he knew that Tamazuki wasn't just a lazy boy who played Nintendo Switch and went on a date with his girlfriend from time to time. Instead, Tamazuki's contain a huge secret that wouldn't even lose to Saitama.

Genos was curious, but he didn't dare to open this Pandora's Box.

"I am sorry, Uncle. I won't be able to join you. You should go with Genos. By the way, take some puddings with you; maybe, it will raise your spirit before the exam."

"I see. That's such a shame." Saitama sighed and felt quite disappointed, but hearing Tamazuki's encouragement; he became happy once again.

As long as good food was related, Saitama's mood became better.

Tamazuki rolled his eyes, but after Saitama ate a pudding and Genos drank a good quality oil, they said goodbye while he continued to play with his Nintendo Switch. Then, in the evening, they returned and told him the result.

As expected, they were accepted, and Tamazuki also didn't feel surprised when Genos became S-Rank Hero, the strongest among all the heroes.

However, Saitama...



"The lowest rank?"



Tamazuki only patted Saitama's shoulder and cooked a good dinner that night, causing Saitama to cry in bitter tears.

Yet, a few days later, something that he didn't expect happened.

*Baam! Baam! Baam!*

The door of his room was knocked on in a hurry.

Genos was ready to use his weapon, but Tamazuki stopped him. "Genos, stop!"

Genos quickly stopped, but then he asked, "Is it someone you know, Tamazuki?" He didn't feel surprised that Tamazuki could guess the person who knocked on the door in a rude manner.


Tamazuki didn't give him an exact answer and walked to the entrance of the door before he opened it.

As expected...

"Tamazuki, you need to leave here! This place is dangerous!"

Fubuki was there with an expression that one never expected would appear on her.


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 212 Disaster Level Dragon! | akikan40 on Patreon

"We can't waste any more time! We need to go in a hurry! Come on! Hurry up! It doesn't matter that you can leave everything here, right?"

"Wait! Wait! What were you saying all of a sudden?"

"Shut up! I am doing this for your good! Even if you try to fight, then I will take you away by force! I won't let you die! Also, why the hell do you live in this ghost town? You have a better house, right? Why do you go and live in this dangerous place?!"

The moment Tamazuki opened the door, Fubuki didn't give him a chance to talk, and she seemed to be trying to take him away from this place.

Naturally, the commotion caused Saitama and Genos to feel curious.

"Tamazuki, what is it? A lover spat? Also, isn't your girlfriend a little older?" Saitama snickered, but then he was dumbfounded since he didn't expect that Tamazuki's lover would be such a sexy older woman.

Unfortunately, Saitama didn't have much interest in the opposite gender. It wasn't because he didn't like one, but his inside was wrecked, and he became indifferent to everything.

Even if Tamazuki had a girlfriend, Saitama wouldn't feel jealous, and frankly, he was more than happy about it.

Still, it didn't change the fact that Saitama felt little surprise, though.

Yet, the one that showed the biggest reaction to this meeting was Fubuki.

"Huh? Demon Cyborg? Genos? S-Class: Rank 17? Why are you here?"

The appearance was Genos startled Fubuki, but then she looked around again and noticed Saitama.

As a hero who had worked for the past three years and also became an official hero lately, Saitama was confident in his popularity. He knew that Fubuki would realize who he was, but...

"Who are you?" Fubuki asked in confusion.

"....." Saitama.

"Well, it doesn't really matter." Fubuki shook her head, then said, "Demon Cyborg, since you are here, you should know how dangerous this place is, right? Then, hurry up and help me to take him away! If possible, help the others too!"

She knew that they couldn't stay in this place any longer, and she had to take Tamazuki away as soon as possible.

While in the process, she might sacrifice a lot of people, but she had no choice.

The danger that they were about to face wasn't on a level that could be taken care of by her, the S-Class hero, or even her sister.

This was a natural disaster that was enough to destroy everything.

Before this disaster, every resistance was meaningless.

Running away was the natural reaction for all the people.

"Wait! Wait! What do you mean that you don't know me?! It's me, Saitama! I have been working as a hero for three years, and I have saved the world several times! How could you not know me?!"

Saitama was still cornered about the fact Fubuki didn't know her.

"Are you stupid?! Do you think this is a time for us to talk about this stupid problem?!"

Fubuki almost unleashed her esper power on Saitama's bald head, but she didn't have time for a little fight since every moment was precious. She held Tamazuki's wrist and then pulled him.

"Anyway, let's go!"

However, when she pulled him, his body didn't move, and she almost stumbled. "Tamazuki?"

"Sorry, I won't go."


From his eyes, Fubuki could tell that Tamazuki had made his decision, and he wouldn't move away. However, she wasn't surprised. As someone who held an unlimited possibility to become a hero, she understood that it was impossible for him to run away by leaving everything.

She bit her lower lip and thought how ugly she was for running away in front of adversity when everyone was under this disaster.

If she ran away from this, then how could she beat her sister?

How could she prove to her sister that she was better?

How could she tell all the people that she was a hero?

"You are right. As a hero, there is no way that I can run away from all of this. I will stay with you. I will help you with everything, so let's do our best to stop this disaster, Tamazuki."

"Ah, um, thank you."

Tamazuki looked at Fubuki with some confusion since he really didn't understand what was happening and how this woman could make such a conclusion about where he would stay and help everyone.

He wasn't a hero, after all.

Even if all the people in the Z-City were dying, he didn't really care since they had nothing to do with him.

Still, when Fubuki came, he also understood the disaster that was about to happen in this city, and when she said those words, he knew that he had to do something since if he wanted to get the heart of this woman, he had to do this.

"Are you sure?"


Fubuki had made up her mind, and she had decided to support him.

"Then, don't regret this, okay?"

"I won't."

Only Saitama was confused.

"Just what were you talking about?"

He might have lost his temper before, but he could tell that their conversation seemed more serious than he had thought.

Was it a villain, a monster, or something else?

Yet, before they gave Saitama an answer, a loud announcement could be heard by the entire Z-City.

Not only this loud announcement but the noise of the people moving at the same time was heard even if they were far away in this ghost town, showing how panicked everyone was.

[Emergency evacuation warning]

[Disaster level dragon]

When a disaster-level dragon was heard, everyone changed their face.

Disaster levels are the designations given by the Hero's Association to rank threats by strength and scope of destruction. There are five threat levels, with dangers ranging from threats to cities or even the entire world. It starts with Wolf, Tiger, Demon, Dragon, and God.

Wolf: Any potential threat that poses a danger to an unknown degree.

Tiger: Any threat to a large number of people.

Demon: Any threat to a city and its people.

Dragon: Any threat to multiple cities.

God: A threat endangering the survival of humanity in general.

The disaster-level dragon meant that it would destroy multiple cities from Z-City and its surroundings.

[Please escape to the nearest shelter]

[Only 21 minutes until the huge meteorite impact!]

[According to some specialties talks, Z-City will be completely annihilated!]

[Please escape as far as possible!]

Hearing those words, everyone had lost hope.

Tamazuki, Fubuki, Saitama, and Genos also quickly ran to the side and looked into the sky.

In the sky, they saw a massive object engulfed in flames and was about to drop into the center of the Z-City.

Facing this disaster, it was a human instinct that told them that they had no hope. They could only stay in one place, thinking that everything was about to end.

Fubuki felt a terror that she had never felt before. She had faced many things in her life; watching a meteorite fall on the Z-City, she realized how powerless she was.

Her legs were weak, and she fell, but she was caught by Tamazuki, who stood behind her.


However, Tamazuki didn't answer her and only thought it was his chance to take down this woman.

Yes, it was time to take down Fubuki!

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 213 The first act | akikan40 on Patreon

Facing this disaster, the Hero Association had given up.

All the heroes and staff on the Z-City had already given up and run away before everyone else.

The branch office was already cleared up, and no one was there.

Everyone knew that Z-City had no hope anymore.

Everything was about to be destroyed by this meteorite.

While the rich and all the people with power had escaped, those normal people were only reminded to escape thirty minutes just before the meteorite was about to fall. However, because of that, it caused a huge panic, and it was impossible for all of them to run away since the street was full and all the public facilities had died.

All of them were trapped in this city and could only wait for death.

Yet, it didn't mean the Hero Association had given up.

While it was true that they had given up their facilities and let all of their people escape from the Z-City, they still sent all the nearby S-Class heroes to do something about this disaster.

In this case, it happened to be Genos and Bang, who were beaten by Tamazuki before.

Naturally, this was only a gamble.

If they fail, then that's it.

As it was a gamble, if they failed, they would lose two S-Class Heroes.

However, this gamble wouldn't hurt them, especially when Bang was so old. In case he died, then they didn't care much since his age was already so advanced. Meanwhile, Genos was just a new hero. He lacked popularity, and even if he was destroyed, the Hero Association wasn't afraid of his loss.

Moreover, Genos was a cyborg.

To begin with, could Genos be called a human?

Wasn't Genos a robot?

Anyway, their public relations (PR) could handle this problem.

However, if they succeed in protecting the Z-City, then they will receive unimaginable support and influence.

By then, the position of the Hero Association couldn't be shaken by anyone since it was necessary.

So, they took this bet and sent Bang and Genos.

Whether Bang and Genos naturally knew what the Hero Association was thinking, but even so, they were heroes. It was their job to save people. Even if the result was helpless, there was no way for them to give up.

So, even if they knew that everything was meaningless, they still came to the Z-City.

Still, what they didn't know, was not only those two, but there were still people who came, trying to save the Z-City and all the people who were unable to escape.

Yet, some people also came for their selfishness, such as Bofoi or Metal Knight, S-Class: Rank 7.

The moment Bofoi came, all of them were able to see it.

"Is that a Metal Knight?" Fubuki asked with confusion.

Similar to the others, she walked over the high-rise building, jumping from one building after another. This feat might be difficult for others, but she, who had the power of Esper, could do it easily.

If she wanted to, she should be able to take a flight.

However, it was a foolish thing to do since such an activity would reduce her stamina a lot.

Still, strangely, she didn't feel nervous.

Facing such a helpless situation, she couldn't see worry or fear in his expression.

He was so calm, as if everything was under his control.

When she saw this expression, she became curious and wanted to stay with him more. She knew that this might be weird and strange, especially for her, who only sought power. Even when she tried to approach him, it was because she wanted him to become part of her power, yet the more she knew him, the more she felt an emotion that she didn't know before blooming.

It was also why she quickly came to him, asking Lily when he lived and even visited various cities until she found him in the Z-City before forcing him to leave.

The reason was simple... she didn't want to lose him.


Everything was because of this nameless emotion.

An emotion that she didn't think would be born in her heart, who sought after power.

Yet, she couldn't say it since she knew she couldn't distract him.

"Oh, that robot is falling down," Saitama suddenly said.

Bofoi, who seemed ready to strike down the meteorite, suddenly fell like a broken robot.


"Wh-What's wrong?" Fubuki was startled and lost her calm.

"Maybe an error or something? Either way, unlike Genos, there is nothing inside, and it is only a normal robot."

Tamazuki said those words without flinching, even though he was the one who hacked the robot of Bofoi. By now, what everyone saw was only an illusion, and the real robot was already taken by him inside the [Stomach].

"That's good." Saitama nodded and felt relief since he didn't need help.

It was the same case with everyone since, as a hero, it was impossible for them to ignore Bofoi, who was in need of help.

Still, because of this, Genos started first. As Saitama's first disciple, he was going to show his power to everyone. He used his secret armament and soared into the sky before using his power to shoot down the meteorite.

By his side, Saitama, Tamazuki, and Fubuki were there.

"You all, what are you doing here? Huh? Inugami?" Bang was surprised to see Tamazuki.

"Silver Fang? Why are you here?" Fubuki was surprised.

Tamazuki only waved his hand before he looked at the meteorite.

"I was nearby and was told to come here. Moreover, I am already old. Even if I die, it is nothing, but you guys should go. This isn't something that can be solved by a human."

Even the S-Class: Rank 7 had already given up.

Fubuki's expression was ugly, and moreover, she also had seen Genos had failed to stop the meteorite even though he had used his all.

When this happened, Saitama was about to come up, but he was stopped. "Tamazuki?"

"Let me handle this. If you punch it, then the fragments will crash and destroy the city."

"Eh? Is that so?" Saitama scratched his head and didn't think too much. However, he believed in Tamazuki anyway since he knew except for his extraordinary power, he could do nothing.

Tamazuki looked at the meteorite, then said, "By the way, keep everything here a secret. Don't tell anyone that I am the one who stops it, okay?"


While they were confused, they didn't have time to ask since they saw him taking out a sword.

When this sword appeared, the world seemed to stand still. It was as if Tamazuki and this sword had become the center of everything.

Then, suddenly Tamazuki appeared before the meteorite and was about to cut it.

[It is advisable to swallow it by using [Balaam]. That way, you don't need to worry it will cause damage everywhere]

Even if his swordsmanship was amazing, a small fragment might escape and drop on the ground, causing various damages.

'No, let's keep "Balaam" a secret.'

He didn't wish everyone to know about [Balaam] since it was important for his next action in this world.

Still, even if he talked, he didn't stop his hands and kept cutting the meteorite at a speed that was impossible to be seen by eyes. He kept cutting it until every size of the fragments was as small as the rice seed before he burnt all of them with his fire.

When the heat came, it was something the world seemed to scorch for a moment before it disappeared.

The meteorite that was about to destroy the Z-City had vanished, destroyed by Tamazuki!

When everyone saw this, they were lost for words.

Genos, Bang, and Fubuki widened their eyes. They knew that Tamazuki was strong, but they didn't expect he would be this strong!

Still, Saitama had expected this and seemed pretty cool with it.

When everything was done, Tamazuki also did a finishing act by falling from the sky while making his body full of injuries with blood and broken limbs.

Watching this, Fubuki quickly soared into the sky and caught him in her arms.

"Tamazuki! Tamazuki!"

She panicked when she saw him full of blood and various injuries on his body.


"I am here!"

"Can you take me to the hospital?"

"Right away!"

Hearing that, without hesitation, she brought him to the hospital as soon as possible, completely ignorant about what was going to happen.

As for the rest, Bang and Genos looked at each other before Saitama said, "Well, should we follow them?"

"Okay." 2x


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 214 Tamazuki the hero | akikan40 on Patreon

The meteorite that was about to destroy the entire Z-City disappeared like everything was only a dream.

However, everyone knew that it was reality.

Still, since Tamazuki didn't want anyone to know that it was he who solved this, the Hero Association took this chance and stole this achievement for themselves. In public, they said that everything was because of the S-Class Hero.

The combination of Bofoi, Genos, and Silver Fang was the one that stopped the disaster that was about to destroy the Z-City.

Bofoi aside, Genos and Silver Fang felt that everything was unacceptable since they knew they weren't the ones that took care of everything, yet they also had promised Tamazuki not to tell anyone, so they could only shut their mouths bitterly. Being fawned by a lot of people because of a certain lie made them uncomfortable, but they had no choice since it was his wish.

Tamazuki still wanted to remain anonymous, and they also respected his wish.

However, Fubuki was unable to calm down. "That bastard! How can they shamelessly take this achievement by themselves?! How dirty! What a cheater!" She was full of emotion, feeling angry at the audaciousness of the Hero Association.

Fubuki might be a hero and also worked for the Hero Association, but it didn't stop her from condemning the action of the Hero Association.

"Even if they took this achievement by themselves, then they should put it on the Blizzard Group!"

This was probably what she was angry about since, in her mind, Tamazuki was part of the Blizzard Group, so this achievement should be put on the Blizzard Group, right?


Tamazuki rolled his eyes and thought that this woman was so shameless.

Yet, the world of adults was like this.

If they couldn't be shameless, then they might not be able to survive.

"Also, that baldy over there! Stop stealing the fruit for Tamazuki!"

Fubuki was furious at Saitama, who ate the banana she bought for Tamazuki.

When everything was over, she quickly brought Tamazuki to the nearby hospital. Still, when she brought him, the hospital was quite strange since he brought him to the best hospital and with the best doctor.

While she was confused and also nervous since she didn't have much money, fortunately, it seemed that he had money. While she was curious, she didn't ask much, but she knew that he held a lot of mysteries.

This made her curious, and she wanted to know him more.

Fortunately, he was part of the Blizzard Group, so she should be able to uncover this mystery.

Nevertheless, she felt relief when everything was okay, and as long as he rested enough, she should recover. The only problem was that his two hands were broken, so he might have a hard time.

While her mood was good, her mood turned bad because of the Hero Association, and it was even worse when she saw Saitama, who stole the banana from the fruit she bought for Tamazuki.

"So, I can't eat it?" Saitama asked.

"Go ahead, Uncle."


Saitama peeled the banana and ate it like it was the most natural thing.

"....." Fubuki.

"Anyway, Tamazuki, are you sure that you are okay with this? You should know if you claim all of this, then everyone will owe you a favor and you will become famous! Moreover, you will be known as one of the strongest heroes! Are you okay with all of this? Is it okay for the Hero Association to steal all the things that should be yours?"

When Fubuki said, all of that, Saitama also looked at Tamazuki curiously.

As Fubuki had said before, everything should be for Tamazuki, yet someone took everything that should be his for granted.

"It's okay. It's not like I did everything for fame anyway. Moreover, it isn't something as serious as you think. This fame, or everything that you talked about, is nothing in my eyes. The only thing that I am glad for is that everything is okay. That should be enough, right?"

Frankly, he was surprised by how easily he was talking about something that wasn't of his character. For him, being a villain, doing something, and giving this thing to someone definitely wasn't something that he was going to do.

When he did some incredible feat, he would let everyone know, so all of them would give him an appropriate reward.

This is what smart people do.

Yet, he gave everything away.

However, he really didn't want to become a hero.

Being a hero was tough, and it took a lot of his time.

It also wouldn't give him anything except fame.

As for the money? Did he ever lack it?

From the beginning to the end, all he sought was just power.

As for the rest? He didn't care since it meant nothing to him.

"You... really are..." Fubuki sighed and felt helpless.

"Tamazuki, I will go back."

"Oh? You go back so early, Uncle?"

"Un, I thought about going on with a job."

"Even though you have been raised to become a B-Class Hero?"

Unlike the C-Class Hero, that needed to do an activity every week, or else they would be fired, the B-Class didn't need to do such a redundant task.

Because of this meteorite disaster, and Saitama happened to be on the site, his rank also increased to a B-Rank. He might not do anything, but he happened to be there, so the Hero Association also gave him a reward.

Yet, the reward for Saitama was nothing compared to what the Hero Association had received from society, government, and people.

Due to the success of erasing the meteorite, the height of the Hero Association had become higher than ever.

Everything was at their fingertips.

Even all the organizations in the country were no match for the Hero Association now since everyone knew everyone needed the power of the Hero Association.

Yet, everything was just an illusion since if Tamazuki wanted to take everything; they wouldn't be able to stop him.

Frankly, it was a unique feeling since he was the one that had always taken advantage of others, but this time, he was the one that was being taken advantage of, yet frankly, he felt nothing.

Was it because he knew the price of being known as the Messiah?


However, he knew if he was known as the one that erased the meteorite, it would be much more troublesome.

"I just wanted to move my body."

"Is that so?"

"Un, then, quickly recover and go back, okay?"

Watching Saitama, who had left, Tamazuki thought that his existence might become someone important to the indifferent Saitama.

"However, are you really sure that you are okay with this?" Fubuki asked once again.


Tamazuki was speechless since this woman had never changed.

"It's okay. Even if I don't receive the fame that should be mine, I still receive many things."

Due to the meteorite, the price of land and buildings became cheap, and I bought all of them. Now, my investment has returned tens of folds.

When the meteorite was about to fall, he bought a lot of properties in the rich areas.

The riches also wanted to give up everything, so they quickly sold him everything that they could since when the meteorite fell, everything would be worthless.

However, the meteorite disappeared, and he got a lot of things for cheap.

By now, everyone felt regret, yet they could do nothing since everything had been sold. If they wanted their property to return, they had to pay him several times higher prices.

Naturally, he didn't buy all of them since his money was limited, and it wasn't good to horde everything since he couldn't lay his egg on a single basket.

However, hearing his answer, Fubuki sighed and thought that he was too gentle.

"By the way, Fubuki-san."

"What's wrong?"

"Can you call the nurse?"

"What's wrong? Are you hurt or something?" Fubuki asked worriedly.

"No, it's just..."

"It's just?"

"I want to take a leak."


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 215 Geez, you are so perverted | akikan40 on Patreon

His hands were broken, and he couldn't use them because of this; he needed the help of the nurse.

Yet, how could Fubuki accept it?!

When Fubuki came to this hospital, she could tell that he was extremely popular. Every nurse in this hospital kept glancing at him from time to time. When he came to the best room, all of them were ready to give an extra service.

Then, in case he asked their help to take of him, they would happily accept.

Still, she didn't want that.


"It's okay. You don't need a nurse. I will help you."

Suppressing the shame in her heart, she said those words perfectly.


Tamazuki was silent.

"Wh-Why are you in silence!?" She couldn't bear his gaze, blushing and scolding him.

"No, I was just surprised, but is that okay?"

He was surprised.

While this woman's personality was quite disappointing, she was cute regardless.

"Un... if it's you, I don't mind."

She murmured in a low voice.

Still, he heard it, though. He wasn't a character who pretended that he didn't hear anything after all.

Moreover, he wouldn't be a man if he let this chance go.

"Where is the pisspot?" Fubuki asked.

"...." Tamazuki.

"It's okay. I can stand up."

When he thought about taking a leak on the pisspot, he felt weird, and he might as well go to the toilet while she held him. It might be weird, but it wasn't bad at all, he thought.

"What are you trying to act cool for? Oh, I found it." Fubuki found the pisspot under the bed and then fell into silence. She had decided to help him, but she wasn't sure whether it was alright. More importantly, he was much younger than her, so she was afraid that it might become a scandal or something.

Still, when she thought about his room which was the best room in the hospital, so everything should be okay and nothing would find out what was happening, she thought that everything would be okay.

"Then... let me help you."


"By the way, is it only me, or have you gotten used to it?"

"No, it's just your imagination. I am pretty nervous inside since I have you to take care of me."

"Well, it's normal for you to feel that way since a beautiful woman like me is helping you like this."

"...." Tamazuki.

Was there a beautiful woman who called herself a beautiful woman?

Yet, he didn't say anything since he needed her help.

However, while she tried to act cool, like him (she thought), she was pretty nervous inside. All of her life, she had only spent it in power. She only wanted to become stronger since she wanted to show her sister that she wasn't weak and she could stand side by side.

A man?

Such a thing had never crossed her mind.

So Tamazuki was her first time.

Her hand was shaking, but strangely enough, she was also eager.

The curiosity also got her better, and she thought that she was also better than her sister after she did this.

Still, she needed to take a while to open his pants.


Yet, when she had opened his pants, she was dumbfounded.


This was her first impression.

It was her first time seeing it, yet she could tell that his size was amazing.

It wasn't so huge that it was scary, yet it was good enough for her to appreciate it.

Her face flushed red, and her breath grew rough.

She couldn't believe that she really had done this, but when she was about to hold it, so it would be easier for him to take a leak, her body froze when she saw it start to get hard.


She lost her words, and she realized he wasn't cute anymore, especially when he hid a monster inside his pants. Yet, she couldn't take her eyes away; she kept staring at it before she looked at him, who was looking away while blushing.

"Hmph! What a pervert!"

Watching him get embarrassed, she couldn't help but tease him. "Did you get hard because of me?"


"You pervert."

She said those words while showing a teasing smile.

He couldn't say anything and only apologized. "Sorry, it is something inevitable."


She understood this, but she was also embarrassed and stared at his erection for a while without knowing what to do. "Can-Can you take a leak with this?"

"Probably not."


"I can't do it when it is hard like this."

"Then, how do you calm it down?"

"It will calm it down by itself if I let it go, but well, it might be hard with you by my side."

"Then, is there a way for you to calm it down with me by your side?"

"Well..." He hesitated. "Can you help me with your hands?"

"Hands, huh?" She looked at his hands, then her hands, for a moment and made up her mind.


"Shh!" Her face is so red at this moment, but she bore it. "Is it good? It's my first time doing this. I am not sure whether I can do well." Her hands were on his erection as she stroked it gently.

"....." Tamazuki.

"Can you stroke it with your hands a little harder?"

"Like this?"

"Ah, that's good."

"Hmm~, so this is good?"

"Yes, it feels good."

She probably liked being praised, so she became more excited, especially when she saw his reaction and was praised by him.

Her hands were soft, and they were just right.

She also spat on her saliva as a lubricant to make it easier for her to stroke his erection. A picture of her getting so close to his erection and opening her beautiful lips to spit her saliva on his erection was impossible to be erased from his mind.

To make it easier for her to help him, she sat on the bed between his legs as she observed his erection and expression.

"I am going to cum, Fubuki-san."

Hearing that, she panicked. "Wh-What should I do?" Cum? While she didn't have any experience, she knew what he meant. "Should I use a pisspot?"

"The nurse might trouble us if we do so."

It was also impossible to bring him to the toilet, so she looked at his erection once again before she opened her lips and swallowed his glans. The moment the warm feeling of her mouth was felt, he came directly into her mouth.

"I am cumming!"

She had prepared and taken everything, yet the amount was so much that it almost spilled out from her lips, yet strangely enough, she drank all of it. Her expression also changed slightly and became quite perverted, and lewd, something that was impossible to be seen from someone whose profession was a hero.

'It tastes good!'

She thought as she kept sucking his semen from the tip.

The sucking noise echoed through the room before a gulping sound was heard.

She also put her two hands below her chin, so his semen wouldn't dirty his bed.


When she drank all the semen in her mouth, she was in a daze from the strange feeling and warmth on her belly, but then she saw him getting an erection once again. She looked at him helplessly, then asked with a dirty smile. "Geez, you are really perverted."


What should he do?

Tamazuki realized this woman was more dangerous than he had thought.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Eh? Eh? Wa-Wait! What about your hands?"

"It just healed just now."

"Eh?! Wa-Wait! Isn't this too early? Also, shouldn't this be your first time?! Ahnn~!"

At that time, Fubuki lost her first time.


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 216 Next is her sister | akikan40 on Patreon

While he was okay and perfectly fine, he decided to stay in the hospital while waiting for his house in the M-City.

Why M-City?

While this city was similar to any other city since all the cities on this Earth had been attacked by monsters, villains, or even criminals, the M-City was quite okay compared to the others. The attacks were minimal, and they didn't cause huge damage like in the Z-City or the Q-City.

Even when it was compared to the A City, where a lot of the riches were living, the situation of the M-City was better.

Maybe, some people were confused. Why? If he had thought about the reason, then the Fengsui of the M-City was good, and there was an existence that brought luck to the surrounding area.

Who was this existence? He wasn't sure, but he could tell that a lot of luck gathered in that area.

Still, during his stay in the hospital, Fubuki kept staying by his side every night and slept with him. His room was huge, and she could stay comfortably without any problems. The only problem was that sometimes she often fought with the nurses that were in charge of taking care of him.

As for why she came at night, the day she went to work as a hero, it was impossible for her to stay with him all the time.

"Fubuki-sama, we have caught the criminal."

However, Fubuki didn't seem to listen and was in a daze.


Hearing her name being called, she woke up and quickly nodded. "Good job. Let's continue to work."

With his nature, it was impossible for him to let her go.

The chance was in front of him, and he ate her directly without leaving a single bone behind.

Moreover, wasn't it rude to reject a woman's advance?

Yet because of this, she had always visited him after she finished her work since everything was just wonderful.

The only thing she was worried about was their relationship.

What is their current relationship?

Ar-Are they dating?

When she thought about this, she blushed shyly.


Lily looked at Fubuki with doubt.

Nevertheless, when Fubuki was gone, Tamazuki stayed in the hospital even if his hands were healed. While it was a bit boring, it was a good place for him to spend time with her. Still, because of this, he also learned various things from this world, especially supernatural matters.

As an esper, Fubuki sought after power, and to make her esper power greater, she learned everything that she could from the occult, human research, and various other things. Naturally, it was only superficial knowledge since her power didn't increase that much.

It was also when he learned about Fengsui.

Along with his "Magic Talent," his Fengsui knowledge was at the master level, and it also gave a great boost to his real estate business since, at the place where he bought the property, it was all fine.

None of his properties were destroyed or attacked by various malice in this world.

Still, he was more focused on his media business instead of his properties.

With "Argos," everything in this world was seen by him.

The "Eye of God" magic wasn't for nothing.

Because of that, he could get all the important news easily without any problems.

Nevertheless, he couldn't help but think about his reward from Fubuki.

Item: Steal.

Unlike a skill, an ability, or even a talent, Fubuki gave him a single-use item. It might only be single use, but the ability of this item was ridiculous. Like its name, it was used to steal something, and this something was everything.

Yes, everything.

From luck, power, abilities, skills, memories, existence, fate, and various other things.

Amazing, right?

If he used it in Saitama, then he would steal everything from Saitama, from the name, power, fate, luck, and various other things.

Still, while the ability of this item was amazing, it wasn't easy to use it.

If the existence that was stolen had the same level or weaker than him, then it had 100% of success. However, if they were stronger than him, then success would be reduced. The stronger they were, the harder it was for their "everything" to be stolen by him.

Naturally, this was something only like those of "God" or something.

As for others, it should be okay since he didn't think that he was weaker than anyone in this world, especially when he had mastered Saitama's power.

Still, because of this, he wondered who he should steal from.

Should I steal Nurarihyon's ability?

Nurarihyon might be weaker than him, but the ability to run away from him was good.

Tamazuki also wanted to see the despair on his face when everything was stolen from him.

Yet, he also wasn't in a hurry.

He only had a single item, and he wasn't sure whether he could get it again in the future.

A main heroine with a personality like Fubuki was rare, after all.

In most cases, the main heroine was gentle or had other common heroine traits, but Fubuki was different since her personality was real. She sought success and power, and she would do anything for it, yet at the same time, she was also quite naive.

Frankly, it was hard to see a good point from her since her personality was like any other adult who was career-oriented.

If there was, then she was beautiful and cute, especially after she fell in love.

Was she wonderful?

It was hard to say, but he felt that she was okay.

Still, if he gave her power, then he could imagine that this woman might get ahead of herself, becoming the number one hero with her followers, then fighting her sisters, and various other things.

Somehow, he could imagine such a future since he knew her lust for fame and power, though the rest was good.

Yet, it didn't mean that her character would stay like this.

Still, even if she didn't change, it was okay since it was fun to see when she failed.

However, because of this, he didn't think that he could get this type of item anymore.

It was a powerful item, and he needed to think carefully about who he used this item for.

When he was in the middle of a thought, the door of his hospital was opened.

"You come so early?"

He looked at Fubuki, who entered his room.

"Ah, um, the work is quite easy today..." She was embarrassed since she missed him, but she couldn't be honest with herself.

"Well, that's good since I miss you."


Fubuki leaped directly into him and then kissed his lips several times like a chicken pecked.

"...." Tamazuki.

"Should we do it now?"

"How about you take a bath first? You stink."

"How cruel!" Still, Fubuki thought for a moment and asked, "But don't you guys like the scent of the sweat from a woman?"

Was it?

"Enough of that. Let's take a bath together?"


Instead of arguing whether a guy loved the scent of sweat from a woman or not, it was better to go to take a bath together, right?

Still, with Fubuki taken down, the next one should be her sister, right?


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 217 Let me see your crying face, Fubuki! | akikan40 on Patreon

"Tamazuki, do you love me?"

Fubuki lay on his chest while drawing a circle on his chest, meekly and full of love.


Tamazuki felt like his eyes were dead. "Un, I love you."

"Really? How much do you love me?" Fubuki looked at him shyly and full of expectation.

"Do you want me to have sex again to show you?"

"Ah, um, let's take a break. Frankly, my body will be broken because of you."

Fubuki lay weakly on his arm, thinking that this guy was a monster. Still, while he was really a monster, she thought that the reason why he was so good in this area was because he was young and, more importantly, her body was good, so he liked her much.

Still, there was something that she wanted to ask him.



"Do you want to live with me?"

"Live with you?"

"Yes." She nodded, then talked about her concern. "Living in that place is dangerous."

The ghost town of Z-City, it was easy to tell that this place was dangerous.

It was full of monsters, criminals, villains, and many other things.

When she thought that he was living in such a place, she couldn't help but feel worried. He might not have the money, but she had quite a sum of it since she was a B-Class: Rank.

"Instead of living in that place, live with me. I will make you happy."

She looked at him with a fiery gaze as she held his hands.


He realized that his understanding of a human's heart was a little too low, but this was normal since he couldn't understand how one could make such an unreasonable decision so suddenly.

Was it an impulse?


Nevertheless, he realized that he might underestimate his position inside Fubuki's heart.

In Fubuki's heart, he was her loved one. She loved him so much that she wanted him to be with her all the time.

"Do you want me to become a household husband or something?"

"Household husband..."

Suddenly, she started to enter the world of dreams.


"I am tired."

When she finished her work, she walked to her home while rubbing her shoulder; then, when she arrived, she was welcomed by him.

"Welcome back, Honey-sweetie-bunnie."

He smiled gently at her, then said, "Do you want to have dinner? Or take a bath first?" While wearing a naked apron, he shook his waist slightly. "Or do you want me?"

"Of course, it is you!"

All of her energy filled instantly as she walked forward, then slapped his bare butt.



Fubuki suddenly laughed weirdly with a slightly disgusted expression.


Tamazuki wasn't sure what this woman imagined, but he took a tissue from the side and wiped the nosebleed on her nose.

"That's good! I will be the one who is working! Be a household husband!"

She made up her decision and told him with a conviction to become a household husband without worry.


He blinked his eyes and didn't expect this, but he didn't really want to move with Fubuki since it would limit his movement. He had many things to do in this world, and he also needed to take down a few more heroines.

His journey, adventure, and hardship weren't something that could be understood easily by others, so he knew he had to do this alone.

"What about your sister? Is it alright for you to leave so suddenly?"

"My sister?" When Fubuki thought about her sister, she closed her eyes and showed a difficult expression.

"What's wrong? Is your relationship with your sister so good that she won't let you live by yourselves?"

"Well... my sister is quite protective toward me, but I am already an adult. I can make my own decision, and I will live with you!"

Even if her sister tried to stop her, she would go out and live with Tamazuki!

Her determination had been made, and no one could stop her!


Still, he didn't want to live with her. "Don't make a sudden decision. There are only two people in your family, right? If you leave her sister so suddenly, then won't she miss you?"


As Tamazuki had said, there were only two people in their family.

As for their parents? Probably dead?

However, she had never thought of their parents as parents, especially after they sold her sister.

Frankly, she knew that her sister bore so many things that she didn't know, but at the same time, she also felt annoyed since she had always been treated as a little child.

"So, talk to your sister first, okay? Also, you should know that I am a high school student."

"Isn't that more the reason for you to live with me? If you live with me, then you don't need to worry about anything and just focus on your studies! Leave that baldy and live with me!"

What is this?

Did this woman feel jealous of Saitama?

He wanted to roll his eyes, but then he could only let out a sigh. "Let's talk about this later. You should talk to your sister, but more importantly, let's do it again."

"Ah, wait, wait! Ahnn~!"


The discussion of living together was held for a while, and he lived in his apartment once again.

Still, before he left the hospital, he went on a date with Fubuki since they had never gone on a date before.

Their day was fun, and she was full of smiles, yet he wondered why he felt like he was being stared at.

This stare definitely wasn't from Fubuki's sister or the members of the Blizzard Group since he was being careful with his date planning, so he wouldn't meet them. The Blizzard Group aside, he wasn't sure about Fubuki's sister's personality, so he tried not to meet her until he understood her personality.

After all, the story he knew and the reality might be different.

Even in the original story, could he tell that Fubuki was such an ambitious woman?

Trying to bind him and make him for herself.

Still, the most important thing was the person who had been following them.


With a glance of his eyes, he could see a beautiful woman, around the same age as Fubuki, but with glasses and long aqua-blue wavy hair.


He wasn't sure since this was a late villain, but this woman triggered his system, so why not?

Nevertheless, he decided to ignore her since he didn't see any harm in her.

However, as he continued the date, Psykos followed them from a distance, observing them and watching them since she didn't expect the once ambitious Fubuki to fall into the hands of a man.

"Hmph! In the end, Fubuki has fallen so low!"

Yet, she couldn't take her eyes away from the man. Unlike the other men whose existence wasn't much different than those of excrement, she could tell that he was different. It felt like her heart was at peace when she looked at him. This feeling had never been there before, especially after she saw that future.

As she stared at them for a while, suddenly, she smiled and thought of a good idea. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and then showed a confident expression.

"Let me see your crying face, Fubuki."
