akikan 40. Tanuki. 218-227

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 218 Tamazuki has always gone all out | akikan40 on Patreon


While this name might be strange for some people who were unfamiliar, to those who were familiar, they could tell who she was.

Mizuki was quite famous in the world of sports as she was a famous track and field champion.

Yet, suddenly she had decided to become a hero.

Her decision caused a lot of ruckus in the world of sports, as many thought that she was

wasting her time.

No one supported her, not even her parents, yet she also understood since she was going to throw everything to become a hero.

However, as expected, she had made up her mind, and no one could stop her.

Frankly, it might not be weird for her to fall now, but when she thought about her idol, Superalloy Darkshine, she became spirited and never gave up.

Nevertheless, she still needed money, and the income from being a hero wasn't that much either since she was just a C-Class hero, so to add to her income, she also worked as a model.

Yes, the model.

The Hero Association also worked fast since Mizuki was a rare resource.

Most of the heroes were male, and most of them had hardly a good appearance, so a female hero was a rare resource, and they were treated well. Moreover, they could also become the face of the public since most people love a beautiful girl, right?

So, their public relations quickly set up a publication for Mizuki.

Mizuki might be a C-Class hero currently, but sooner or later, she would rise since her power was there.

Even if she didn't have power, the Hero Association didn't mind to give a backdoor as she was famous.

So, instead of helping people, her first job was to take a photo as a model.

Along with her manager, she went to the studio where she took her picture.

Naturally, it was her manager who greeted the photographer first.

"Hello, my name is Sayuri. I am Mizuki's manager."

"Hello, my name is Inugami. I am today's photographer."

The two exchanged their name cards, but if Mizuki arrived earlier, she would see how her manager and the photographer had an ambiguous handshake and expressions when they got to know each other.

"Then, I will leave Mizuki to you, Inugami-san."

"Yes, leave it to me. I will make her the brightest female hero."

"Then, when your job is over. Can we talk about future work?"


As the two finished their small chat, Mizuki arrived and was introduced by her manager to Tamazuki.

"Hello, Mizuki-san, my name is Inugami. I am your photographer for today."


Mizuki blinked her eyes for a moment before she answered shyly. "Ah, yes, my name is Mizuki! Please take care of me!" She bowed her head deeply, causing her long ponytail to slap into his face.

"Ah, I am sorry!"

Tamazuki, the photographer, rubbed his face and thought that Mizuki's hair scent was nice. The scent of shampoo and sweat lingered on his nose, and he wondered how it felt to use that long hair.

"It's okay. Be easy and relax. Think of me as your friend, and have fun in this photographer session, okay?"


He had to say having a handsome face was good.

Nevertheless, as a professional photographer, he had to do his job seriously, right?


"Yes, that's right! Keep that posture for a moment! That's the smile! Beautiful!"

What to do... he felt that being a photographer was quite fun; maybe that he should make a photo and a video with Fubuki later for his collection; while it might be risky, it was impossible for anyone to steal his collection, so everything should be okay, right?

However, as he was with Mizuki, he should be focused on Mizuki.

Unlike Fubuki, Mizuki was tall. She was even taller than him.

'Probably around 2 meters?'

Yet, it didn't mean that height was bad. It was good, or rather, it made him quite eager since he had never done it with such a tall girl.

Moreover, she was a great beauty.

Her long dark orange hair was tied into a high ponytail with a scrunchie, and she had a band-aid on the left side of her face, giving a slight tomboyish charm.

She also wore a light blue colored bikini, showing off her muscular yet curvy body.

Her breasts had a good size, yet the most charming part of her body was her hips and legs. Her legs were long, and her hips were tight and smooth.

Frankly, he wanted to jump into her and rub her face against her hips.

Ah, it must be nice.

Yet, he couldn't be in a hurry, and he decided to satisfy his desire with Mizuki's manager first.

"Great, show me more of your smile! Your greatest charm is that bright smile of yours!"


Bringing her best smile, she thought that this photographer was fun and she wanted to know him more.


"Thank you very much!"

The result of the photos was clear, and Mizuki's manager, Sayuri, knew that the result of the photos would be good.

With his power of money, Tamazuki became the photographer for the Hero Association. Nevertheless, his skill was obvious, or else he wouldn't be able to keep his position even if he had money.

With his learning ability, everything was possible after all.

"Inugami-kun, is your work over? How about we go have a drink after this?"

"Eh? Drink? Why didn't you tell me?" Mizuki perked up her ears.

"Ah, um..." Sayuri was speechless, but then she bit the bullet. "I plan to have a drink with Inugami-kun to talk about your work."

"Isn't that more of a reason for me to go with you?" Mizuki frowned, thinking that her manager was acting weird.

"Well... then, let's go with us." Sayuri looked at Tamazuki and asked, "What do you think, Tamazuki?"

"Hmm..." He didn't agree immediately. "I still have some work to do, so at least you have to wait for twenty minutes. If you are okay—"


"I don't mind."

The two agreed to wait for him without hesitation.


Tamazuki was speechless, but he tried to maintain his smile. "Then, please wait in the waiting room. You can wait there. There are books, televisions, foods, and drinks."

"Yes." 2x

Yet, they didn't wait for him there but looked at him working.

A man appears at their best when they are working.

They thought that this sentence was correct since they couldn't take their eyes off him. Twenty minutes seemed so short that they didn't even realize it.

Still, when he finished his job, he didn't waste his time. "Should we go now?"

They agreed and went to the nearby bar to enjoy alcohol and some snacks. Their convention was full of laughter as their faces turned redded through the effects of alcohol.


While he was speechless, their conversation turned into where they wanted to see his house, so he brought them to his house, which was located nearby.

Nevertheless, they continued their drink, and as expected, like what the system said, he didn't let them go even if the manager didn't even trigger his system.

That night, it was full of fun.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 219 Tamazuki is working hard | akikan40 on Patreon

When Tamazuki worked hard to become stronger, Fubuki also had a showdown with her sister.

Fubuki and her sister lived together in the same house.

Frankly, having a house in this country was hard since the price of the property was high.

Moreover, their parents weren't rich and even poor since they even sold their older daughter to a certain organization for money.

Lastly, with Fubuki's income, it was impossible for her to buy a house.

At least for now, unless she used a loan.

So, where did this house come from?

Naturally, it was from her sister, Tatsumaki.

Unlike the younger sister, the older sister was S-Class: Rank 2, Tornado of Terror.

In other words, she was second strongest in the Hero Association.

Yet, this was a normal thing since, as an esper, her power was on a different level.

Tatsumaki was different from Fubuki, who could only use a pebble or create a blizzard-like attack; her power was like a disaster. If she wanted to, she could destroy a city or two with ease.

If she became a villain, no one could stop her except for the strongest hero, Blast, Saitama, and Tamazuki, of course.

However, with her nature, it was impossible for her to become a villain.

Still, because of this, her income was rather huge.

By hunting various monsters, villains, and criminals, she gained a lot of bounty, and she used that money to buy a house where she lived with her sister.

This is where the house came from.

Nevertheless, Fubuki didn't like this house since, for her, it was like a prison instead of a house. She was no longer a child, and being treated like a child by her sister was something that she hated the most. That's why. She was going to move in and live with him.

"Onee-chan, I have something to talk about with you."

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

Fubuki's older sister, Tatsumaki, looked at Fubuki with a bland expression, drinking warm coffee with plenty of sugar and milk since she couldn't drink something bitter.

It was right in the morning; the two had breakfast together.

"If you have something to talk about, then hurry up. The Association keeps asking me to visit S-City since there are a lot of monsters that appear there."

When Fubuki hesitated, Tatsumiki hurried her little sister to talk. Still, even if the S-City was in danger, she didn't seem in a hurry and was even in a relaxed mood since it was rare for her little sister to have something to talk about.

Frankly, her day was rather bland since she had mostly nothing to do.

Fighting monsters, villains, and other criminals helped her to erase her boredom.

After all, unlike Fubuki, whose power wasn't that strong, Tatsumaki had confidence in her strength to the point that she didn't think anyone in this world could defeat her except for Blast, and probably... King.

Still, because of that, Fubuki took a deep breath and made up her mind. "Onee-chan, I plan to move."


At that moment, everything became quiet.

The peaceful morning was no longer there, and only silent oppression was felt inside this room.

However, Fubuki decided to go forward and poured out what was inside her mind. "I am already an adult. I will live on my own, so I will move to live on my own, Onee-chan." Even if her sister was intimidating, the temptation of living together with him was much bigger, so she dared to confront her older sister.


Tatsumaki put down the cup of coffee on her mind while she sighed helplessly. "No."


"It's dangerous outside. You should know how dangerous this world is. It won't be weird if you are attacked by monsters."

"I am strong!"

"No, you are weak." Tatsumaki then squinted her eyes, then asked, "More importantly, why did you make such a decision so suddenly?"


Fubuki's heart was beating so fast since she had never told her sister about her relationship with Tamazuki.

Frankly, if Tatsumaki knew, Fubuki could tell that Tamazuki would be thrown out and beaten up. While she admitted that Tamazuki was strong, her sister was on another level. She also didn't want him to be hurt, and more importantly, she loved him.

Still, it was impossible to hide her nervousness.

"It-It's because I am already an adult."

"No, you must be hiding something." Tatsumaki became suspicious. "Is it your Blizzard Group? Should I destroy them, so they won't instill some stupid idea in you?"

"No! They are not! This isn't something that is related to them!"

"Then, tell me why you want to move. Don't lie. I can tell whether you are lying or not."

Frankly, Tatsumaki had been suspicious of her little sister, especially when Fubuki had stayed out for a week or so. However, at that time, she didn't think too much since Fubuki told her that she was busy with the Blizzard Group.

Yet, all of a sudden, when Fubuki was seen once again, she told her that she was going to move.

If nothing had happened, then Tatsumaki wouldn't believe it!

In this world, there were only two of them.

When Tatsumaki was saved by Blast, she had made up her mind to protect Fubuki, and she would do so even now and in the future.

Moreover, it might be her imagination that Fubuki seemed to appear more beautiful.

Did she change her beauty products?

However, Tatsumaki, who had checked Fubuki's items in her room and bathroom, didn't see anything weird, nor did Fubuki change her beauty products. By now, she had become even more suspicious and wanted to know what was happening since she didn't want anything bad to happen to her little sister.

Yet, this overprotectiveness was something that Fubuki hated the most. She wasn't sure how many times it had been that she had been isolated because of Tatsumaki. While she wanted to help her sister, she also hated her sister since she controlled her life so much,, almost to the point of domineering!

Fubuki didn't want to continue to live such a life, and more importantly, she wanted to live with Tamazuki!

"Hurry up and tell me!"

Tatsumaki pressed Fubuki once again and even destroyed her phone that kept ringing.

Fubuki, who was pressed by incredible pressure, shut her mouth, but in the end, she said it, "I-I want to live with my boyfriend!"

She did it!

When she said those words, she felt like a heavy burden on her chest was lifted up.

She felt like everything was so light that she could fly through the sky.

Yet, Tatsumaki was in a daze, in silence, and unable to comprehend what was happening.


"...what did you say?"

"I-I want to live with my boyfriend."

Tatsumaki cleaned up her ears, wondering whether she had heard the wrong thing.

"I want to live with my boyfriend."

However, Fubuki kept talking once again.

Tatsumaki took a deep breath, then smiled. "Can you tell me who that boyfriend of yours is?"

"....." Fubuki.

Nevertheless, Tamazuki didn't know what kind of trouble was going to come in his direction. However, it didn't matter since when Tatsumaki enjoyed her breakfast; he became stronger and stronger.

"Hello, I am Tanktop Girl! Please take care of me today!"

A beautiful woman with a short feminine hairstyle and a tank top that showed her well-shaped body greeted him with an excited smile.

"Yes, please take care of me."

Tamazuki also showed a gentle smile as he tried to become stronger.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 220 Beach Trip | akikan40 on Patreon

"Why did you bring me to the beach?"

"It's okay, isn't it? That's fine, right? Come on!"


Tamazuki looked at Saitama, who invited him to go to the beach with Genos, speechless, but he agreed. He had been working hard for the past few days, so he also thought to rest. Still, he had to say the women in this world were beautiful.

Especially those who were from the Hero Association.

Probably, the Hero Association might have already become his flower garden.

Frankly, being a photographer was something whimsical since he tried to do it, thinking that he could get closer to the female heroes faster.

He didn't want to become a hero, but he still wanted to become closer to the female heroes.


Naturally, it was impossible for him to become a fan since being a fan would erase his chance to get closer to the female heroes since being a fan would make him idolize the existence of the female heroes, but if he was someone that happened to work together, it would be different since he saw them nothing but like any other women.

This is an important thing.

After all, to chase after girls, he couldn't appear so persistent and eager; he had to appear nonchalant, like it didn't matter when they were together, and saw them like any other woman.

Fortunately, he was successful.

With his media company, he set up a photo studio that was affiliated with his media company, so in case his magazine needed to take a photo, they would go to his photo studio.

Then the female heroes who took a job in his magazine visited his photo studio, then "accidentally" got to know him.

No one would think that it was deliberately done by him.

Everything was only a coincidence, but because of this coincidence, everything was easy.

Frankly, he wasn't sure why the female heroes and the female staff were so easily taken down by him, but maybe because their colleagues were hardly attractive and their job made it harder for them to know a man.

Moreover, all of them were in their 20s, so they were eager to erase their status as a single woman, or they just wanted to have fun.

Nevertheless, it didn't matter since he got a lot of rewards from sleeping with all of them.

The first woman was Mizuki, and because of her, he got quite a unique reward.

While this might be strange, he got a gym that he could take out anytime. When it was deactivated, its shape was like a small capsule pill, yet when it was activated, it had become a spacious gym with various high-tech gym training tools like dumbbells which weight could be changed, various detailed books to create perfect muscles and an artificial intelligence trainer that could give flawless instruction in training.

It might not be powerful, but it was a good item.

Moreover, this technology could be learned by him since with this; he could also create a portable house that could be brought around like a capsule pill.

It was amazing, yet when it came to the second heroine, he was also quite dumbfounded.

The second woman was a Tanktop Girl.

As for the reward?

Yes, a tank top.

However, unlike a normal tank top that could be torn apart and also became loose from being used several times and stretched out this "Perfect Tanktop" wouldn't be troubled by any of those problems that happened on a normal tank top.

The "Perfect Tanktop" could adjust its size to its wearer. Even if they were thin, fat, or other sizes, it didn't matter since they could fit anyone.

It could even change its color and make the people who wore it become fashionable, which was quite a strange function, yet it was good regardless.

Moreover, it was indestructible.

Even if he burnt it with his fire or brought it to the moon, space, or even Venus, it was okay. It couldn't be destroyed, no matter what.

It was, as the name described, a perfect tanktop.

Yet, someone might be confused about what he could do with this "Perfect Tanktop" since wearing a tanktop wasn't his style.

For some people, this might even be useless, but that wasn't the case.

This "Perfect Tanktop" was a good thing since it gave him knowledge of good material for clothes.

Ava did an analysis on this "Perfect Tanktop," and by now, he could create various other clothes with a similar effect to the "Perfect Tanktop."

This might be a weird reward, but it gave him a unique benefit, especially when his size was so huge, and his main ability was fire manipulation.

Having a "Perfect Tanktop" erased his fear of being nude when he transformed or used his ability.

Frankly, even if the person who wore the clothes disappeared or even vanished, the "Perfect Tanktop" would still exist, showing how unreasonable the existence of this item was.

Still, those two weren't the last, but the last one wasn't a hero.

The last heroine that he had taken down was the staff of the Hero Association.

Special Committee Girl.

This was the name of the heroine.

Unlike the word "Girl" in her name, she was quite mature with a suit that fit her status as a special committee on the Hero Association and glasses that fit her image as an elite staff status.

As for the reward?

He got "Perfect Glasses."

As for what it was used for and how to make it beneficial for him, was there even a need for an explanation?

After all, now, it is his break time.

Along with Saitama and Genos, he went to the beach on the J-City. Still, it was lonely for the two of them, so he also invited Charanko and Bang, who also happily joined.

The five of them played on the beach, ate good food, and also helped Charanko to pick up the girls.

Unfortunately, Charanko was unable to get one since all the girls went to either Tamazuki or Genos.

Even worse, some even went after Bang and Saitama, yet this was normal since whether Bang or Saitama had a good body.

As for Charanko? Was there even a need for an explanation?

At that time, Charanko cried and thought that the world was lonely.

Yet, they took a photo regardless.

Bang even made an "Instagrum" and uploaded his photo with all of them, causing his older brother to cry in jealousy.

It was a good day regardless, but a monster with a squid-like shape appeared and terrorized the beach.

Watching this, Tamazuki wondered why so many monsters appeared, yet it was punched and pulverized by Saitama in one punch.

"Saitama-kun, you are strong!" Bang was surprised.

"Sensei is always powerful." Genos explained with a proud expression.

Only Charanko realized that he was the weakest.

However, Tamazuki looked at the squid like monster for a moment then looked into the ocean.

"Tamazuki! Tamazuki!"

Suddenly, Saitama called him.

"What's wrong, Uncle?"

"Can you cook this squid?" Saitama asked while picking up the squid-like monster that he killed before.


Was it possible?

Tamazuki wasn't sure. "You might get a stomachache, you know?"

Still, he thought, he would remember this day forever.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 221 Humans are inferior beings! | akikan40 on Patreon

When it was time to go home, Tamazuki didn't go back with all of them. Instead, he went back by himself by saying that he was going to meet his girlfriend.

While Saitama and Genos weren't surprised, Bang smiled. "You, youngster, really know how to enjoy life." Yet, he didn't feel jealous since, in his youth, he had a share of his playboy-like life.

As a strong martial artist, Bang had never lacked a woman. It was a woman that would jump and leap into him anytime since every girl loved to feel the sense of security that was given by him.


"Introduce me! Introduce me to a girl, Inugami-sama! Please! This is my only request for you! If so, then I will do anything for you! I will even lick your shoes!"


Tamazuki decided to ignore Charanko and vanished before he entered the sea, diving deep into a place that people never awarded that existed on Earth.

Yet, for Tamazuki, who left to visit his girlfriend, Charanko was full of grudges. "That bastard! Did he forget about the vow that we exchanged at noon before?! Didn't he promise to get me a girlfriend?! How cruel! Bad guy! Cheater! Dammit, is a girlfriend more important than a brother?!"

"....." Genos and Bang.

The resentment of an unpopular guy was huge, and it was unstoppable.

Only Saitama was indifferent, but deep inside, the indifference in his heart disappeared.

What was left seemed to be the feeling of anticipation and uneasiness.

This feeling... he wasn't sure how it could be born, but for one thing, in his three years of life, he felt his world seemed to change. He knew that everything was because of him, yet he had to agree with Charanko since, because of his girlfriend, he had never eaten the foods cooked by Tamazuki anymore, which made him saddened.

"But if he cooked something for me, then I might forgive him..." Charanko murmured, which caused Saitama and Bang to nod since Tamazuki's cooking skill was really that good.

Nevertheless, Genos didn't understand that feeling since he was a cyborg. He, who had become a machine, only lived for power and revenge, yet his power was far from enough. Facing Saitama, he knew that he wasn't his opponent, but then what about Tamazuki?

Genos was curious since Saitama had told him Tamazuki was the strongest opponent that he had ever faced, so was it possible for him to ask for a spar too?

When Tamazuki returned, Genos thought that he should ask him.


Deep inside the sea, a civilization existed.

However, this civilization wasn't born from humans. Instead, it existed from the sea-dwellers, the beings that were born inside the sea and the ruler of the sea.

Inside the sea, they were the rulers.

The sea was their dominion!

Everything inside the sea was theirs!

So, for those greedy and stupid humans, who tried to steal from their domains, death was only their destination.

There was no mercy for them, especially when they had stolen and also polluted their domains.

For them, the reason why humans could plunder and travel through the ocean without being impeded was because of their charity.

Yet, it seemed the greedy didn't realize that and thought that they owned everything.

This was something unforgivable!

They wouldn't forgive them!

Especially because...

"Did the Squid Boy really die?"

"Yeah, he died being killed by a human!"

"Those stupid plankton! Could they not tell that they could live well on the surface because of the kindness of our great king!"


Yes, similar to the human world, the sea dwellers were also led by someone.

This someone was the strongest among them.

The Deep Sea King.

This is what they called him.

He was the ruler of the sea dwellers of the Seafolk.

With what had happened to the Squid Boy, all of them couldn't contain their anger, and all of them gathered at the castle where the Deep Sea King lived. In their hearts, there was no need to give mercy to the human anymore. For them, they had to make all the humans on the surface become their cattle, like a cow, a pig, or even a chicken whose value they could squeeze anytime.

"King! We have to attack the surface!"

"It's time for humans to know about the terror of the Seafolk!"

"All humans should become slaves for us, the Seafolk!"

No one thought that those weak humans could fight them. All of them thought that those weaklings could only cower in fright, and they begged for their lives by becoming their slaves.

The Deep Sea King only smiled as he watched his subjects talk about plans to invade the surface. Yet, he didn't feel angry and even agreed with them since not only them, he was also furious toward the human who dared to kill the Squid Boy.

He didn't think the Squid Boy who came to the surface to terrorize the human was wrong. Instead, those humans should be happy to receive their attention and beg them and happily become their slaves.

"Be quiet."

When he said those words, all of them shut their mouths.

"It's a shame with what has happened to the Squid Boy."

He was full of tears as the loss of his subject caused a great sadness in his heart, then suddenly he stood up from his throne and shouted, "That's why we will avenge him! Let's show those humans are nothing but cattle for all of us! Let's show them despair! Show them that all of their resistance is meaningless! Give them great terror! Give them fear! Make them understand the price of killing our comrades!

"Shall we invade them?"

"Invade! Invade! Invade!"

All of them roared excitedly.

In the end, the surface was nothing but the extension of the sea.

Before all the beings in this world lived on the surface, all of them were living on the sea, yet because of evolution, it weakened them and made them unable to live on the sea anymore.

In other words, all humans were inferior beings.

Yet, for them, the Seafolk, who could live in the water, were superior beings.

Their evolution didn't make them weaker. Instead, it made them stronger.

So, now, it is their time to show those inferior beings who are the real rulers on this Earth!

Yet, when everyone was talking about the plan to invade the surface, a clap echoed through the hall.

Everyone was confused since those who dared to clap their hands excitedly like this during this serious moment, especially in the presence of their king.

The King might seem amiable, but all of them understood the terror of the King.

After all, if the King didn't show how fearsome he was, how could all of them follow him?

Yet, when they saw the source of the clap, their cognition was challenged, and all of them were dumbfounded.

"Huh??? ..is that a human?"

"Human? But he is deep in the sea like any of us!"

"Then, it is a mermaid?"

"Does a mermaid even exist? I have been living on the sea, yet it's my first time seeing one!"

The Deep Sea King frowned, then asked, "Who are you?" He had never feared anyone, and moreover, this was his domain. Inside the water, he was the king. He also had a lot of subordinates.

He was invincible!

The young man walked calmly toward the center, then talked with his telepathy.

'I'm human.'


Before they could even start their invasion, their civilization was destroyed.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 222 I don't need a long time to conquer | akikan40 on Patreon

Tamazuki sat on the throne inside the castle while trying to feel a new power that entered his body.

He had just used [Balaam] on the Deep Sea King and devoured everything.

Whether it was the abilities, traits, memories, experiences, or other things, he got all of them.

Still, while others might think that he was only interested in the ability of the Deep Sea King that made him able to breathe and become stronger under the water, he was also checking the Deep Sea King's memory.

How were they born?

Were they like him, born from the talk and fear of the people?

Or were they born at the whim of the god?


This single word made him wonder.

Naturally, like in his original world, he knew that God existed.

The creator of this world existed.

Yet, what did God want to do?

He didn't know, but it didn't matter since whatever God wanted to do, it had nothing to do with him.

His original purpose in this world had never changed, and that was to become stronger.

By getting his hands on Saitama's secret power, and various heroines, he achieved all of that, but was that enough?


Probably because he was a youkai, he had never held his emotion.

He was greedy for a power that was almost morbid.

The only reason why he could calm down was because of his logic.

He might be as powerful as Saitama now, but was he as powerful as God?

Probably, if God was willing to come out, Saitama's existence might have been erased already.

Because of this... it shuddered him.

The thought of him fighting a God was something that existed from the beginning.

The fate and everything that was born in this world had been set by God.

Who would lose? Who would win? Who was the lucky one? Who was the unfortunate one?

Everything had been written in a huge story book written by God.

All the living beings in the present lived and moved according to the story of God.

The God, high above everyone, only watched his story calmly, watching everything move accordingly.

It was like him, who was beaten by Nura Rikuo in the original story.

Yet, similar to Saitama, who was like a bug, Tamazuki also became a bug that existed in this story.

His existence shouldn't exist.

In this story, his existence should be something that was born to make the protagonist become stronger, yet he rebelled and became an existence that was going to fight against his fate.

Suddenly, he wanted to return, so he could beat the shit out of Nurarihyon somehow.

Moreover, in this world, he thought of a certain crazy idea.

Devour God.

When he thought about this possibility, he felt his body shudder.

If he was a Tanuki like before, he might not have thought of this possibility, but he had become Heavenly Dog.

So it was possible for him to devour a God.


Then, he looked at the number of Seafolks in front of him. While he had devoured the Deep Sea King, it didn't mean he had devoured the rest, or rather, it was useless to devour them since even if he devoured them, he wouldn't give him anything. It was the same with the Subterranean People that had appeared in the ghost town previously.

He might have devoured the king and also got the lava-like swords, but he kept the Subterranean People, telling them to continue to live, waiting for the day he called for them.

It was the same with the Seafolks in front of him.

Instead of devouring all of them, he might as well make them his subordinates.

Moreover, even if he was a human in his previous life, he had become a monster, so instead of being afraid of the existence of monsters, he wanted to take care of them more.

After all, not only humans are the only ones that need human rights.

A monster also needs a right!

The Seafolks also didn't mind following him, especially when they saw that he was a monster instead of a human. Still, even if he was a human, it didn't matter since what was most important for being a leader of a monster was power.

As long as one's power was enough, everything was okay.

However, Tamazuki's identity as a monster made them relieved since they knew he was the same as them.

The only difference was that he was more handsome.

Still, because of this, they wanted to marry him and their daughters.


While Tamazuki was speechless, frankly, he wasn't sure why he decided to take care of them, especially when he just wanted to become stronger, but he felt that it wasn't bad to make a power in this world.

This world was full of resources, so having subordinates was necessary.

"You go to the surface and talk with the Subterranean People. They are also my people. I will tell you..."

Tamazuki talked about his plans, and all of them agreed.

While they were confident in their power, if they could become stronger, why not?

"Inugami-sama, if you want to gather our power, then we might as well conquer the Skyfolk."

"Skyfolk? Does such a race exist?"

"Of course."

All of them knew his ambition, so they did their best to help him.

Unlike the Subterranean People that stayed underground and didn't communicate with others, the Seafolk knew many things since the sea was vast.

"Skyfolk, huh?"

He looked up and used his "Argos," "The Eye of God" magic that made him able to see everything.

While it took a while, he found the location of the Skyfolk.

Frankly, the shape of those races was unique, and they fit with the description of the mysterious beings.

Still, while the shape of the Subterranean People was like a humanoid monster, and the Seafolk was like ocean-based creatures with limbs, the Skyfolk was like a tengu.

The humanoid crow-like monster appeared in a Japanese myth.

"I will conquer it now."

Saying those words, he suddenly disappeared and went to the living place of the Skyfolk.

However, all the Seafolk were speechless.

Was he going to conquer the Skyfolk? Just like this? They thought that he was going to bring them, but he was going there by himself.

Suddenly, they felt confused, but then ten minutes later, he returned. "I have conquered the Skyfolk. Go to the surface and talk with each other." Leaving those words, he left.


The Seafolks looked at each other and stopped thinking since it was too much for their understanding.

Nevertheless, Tamazuki thought that it was his time to go back. He had been in this world for a while, and he might as well return home now, but then, he saw a door for the new world appear.

Frankly, this new door had appeared in the beginning when he saved that little girl in the early chapter, but he ignored it since he wanted to take down the main heroine. However, it had been a while since he had gone.

Still, he didn't think the Nura Clan and his group were going to war since he knew the plot needed him.

If he didn't return, the plot where Nura Rikuo fought him and his group, then defeated him, wouldn't even exist.

So unless he returned, nothing would ever start.

If it was before, he might not have been able to do this, but as he grew stronger, he could have affected the timeline of his original world.

Still, the journey to become strong almost made him addictic, so should he go to a new world again?

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 223 I plan to go back soon | akikan40 on Patreon

With how he had conquered the Subterranean People, Seafolks, and Skyfolks, it might not be weird to say he had conquered half of the world.

The number of those races might not be much, but all of them held an almighty power that a normal human had never dreamed of ever.

Oh, he made a mistake.

Unless a normal human dared to train like a Saitama and broke their limits, they might not be able to do it.

As for someone like Tatsumaki, Bang, Atomic Samurai, and others, their numbers were limited. The number of talented people has always been scarce, and even if they existed, not all of them wished to become a hero that would protect others.

Many, or most of them, would use their powers for their gains.

Like him.

Though, in his case, many might understand since he wasn't a human but a monster.

"Here is the list of the S-Rank Hero and their powers."


Tamazuki looked at the beautiful woman who lay on his side naked.

Her beautiful naked body was shown toward him like it was the most natural thing.

Moreover, her hair was short, so it was unable to hide her breasts, curves, and all the beautiful parts of her body.

Probably, after he came to this world, he only realized how wonderful the short hair on a woman was.

"Exma, is it alright for you to bring all of this?"


It was the name of this woman.

She is a female executive for the Hero Association and also the deputy chief of the Hero Disciplinary Supervision Division.

As for how they could get to know each other, as long as they were heroines, how could they escape from him?

Moreover, Exma was only a side heroine. Even if she had an important position in the Hero Association, it meant nothing to him.

Naturally, like others, he got a strange reward from her, though.

With this, he no longer had a problem with clothes. It was a perfect suit, and it made him appear more handsome.

Still, this wasn't a joke since this was really his reward.

"It's okay. Even if you want all the information of the Hero Association, I will give it to you."

Exma kissed his cheek with a smile while saying something so outrageous that no one would believe it. However, this was the truth. She loved him very much. Not only his appearance but also the bed, but his power also conquered her. He was young, yet he was a genius businessman in the media.

It was because of her relationship with him that her position in the Hero Association grew stronger, and she became a woman with the highest authority in the organization.

Everything was because of him.

Moreover, she knew that he wouldn't do anything that might harm the association.


He kissed he forehead, causing her to close her eyes in enjoyment, feeling the exhaustion on her body disappearing slowly. Frankly, she was a bit jealous of those heroes since their physical abilities were strong; that way, she could do it with him even longer.

As she slept by his side, he looked at the various complete data of all the S-Class Heroes on the Hero Association.

Everything was written, from names, abilities, skills, powers, addresses, favorite foods, and many more.

With that knowledge, Ava made a simulation of his head, and he quickly learned all of the skills and abilities of all the S-Class heroes, from Tatsumaki, Atomic Samura, Child Emperor, Metal Knight, Zombieman, Drive Knight, Pig God, Superallow Darkshine, Watchdog Man, Flashy Flash, Demon Cyborg, Metal Bat, Tanktop Master, and Puri-Puri Prisoner.

Still, the Hero Association wasn't omnipotent, as he was unable to get the information of King and Blast.

King was known as the strongest human, and whenever he appeared, all mysterious beings were annihilated, and because of that, the association was hardly able to get data about him.

Yet, he didn't have much interest in King.

Unlike Saitama or King, Blast wasn't a comedic character. His title as the number one hero was real.

Instead, he was more interested in Blast since his instinct told him that by meeting this guy, he could become stronger.

As for the other S-Class heroes, frankly, he didn't bother since, compared to Saitama, they were nothing.

Still, was Blast like Saitama?

"Ugh... if only I had learned more about this work."

When he died, the work of "One Punch Man" hadn't finished, so there were many things that he didn't know.

Still, because of this, he thought to go back.

He felt that there was nothing he could learn here anymore.

As for his intention to fight with God in this world, he thought that he might as well use Saitama as a vanguard. Then, when God was beaten by Saitama, he would devour its existence.

Moreover, currently, he didn't think that he could defeat God.


Because Saitama hadn't met God.

In the story, the main character starts his journey by fighting the antagonist characters, and because of that, they slowly grow stronger.

God... from the name alone, meant that this existence was amazing, and it was probably the last antagonist character.

If Saitama hadn't met God, then it meant fate, or the plot meant that Saitama wasn't ready for this existence.

His power was more or less slightly stronger than Saitama, and because of this, he didn't want to meet God.

It might be strange for him to say he was slightly stronger than Saitama, but that was the truth.

If he wished to, he could kill Saitama.

The key to killing Saitama was being done instantly, and he was capable of doing that with his swordsmanship.

However, the moment he failed, Saitama would be like him growing immunity to his swordsmanship and becoming stronger, so he didn't use his swordsmanship when he fought with Saitama.

Moreover, he also didn't want to kill Saitama since he thought of him as an ally.

Still, even if he planned to go back now, there was something that he needed to do.

A spar with Genos? No. It was a waste of time.

Even without fighting, it was easy to tell who would win.

Instead, he was waiting for another villain to appear.


This was one of the strongest villains and mysterious beings that came from space.

What he wanted was the spaceship of Boros since it made him capable of doing space travel.

Moreover, he was also greedy for Boros's body, and he was ready to use his [Balaam] on it.

Probably, he might be able to get the ability to breathe in space like how he was able to breathe in the water after he devoured the Deep Sea King.

Or a stronger ability?

He wasn't sure, but he couldn't wait.

However, it would take a while for Boros to appear, and there was also another thing that he had to do.


In front of him was a two-storey house, quite luxurious and was located in an affluent area.

Looking at the house in front of him, he took a deep breath and pressed the bell of the house


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 224 Older sister | akikan40 on Patreon

After he pressed the bell for a moment, he couldn't help but think about the reason why he came to this house.


Yes, it was because of her.

He wasn't sure what was happening, but he was unable to contact her for a few days, and Lily also told him that Fubuki didn't work as a hero. Fubuki also didn't seem to tell her group what was happening, so all of them were confused.

Was she sick?

Or did she have some problems?

No one knew, but having an absence for a few days from her work as a hero naturally made him worry.

Moreover, no one knew how sticky this woman was toward him, and it was quite weird of him if he act coldly without asking about her situation, even if he didn't care what was happening to her.

After all, with Tatsumaki as her older sister, what would happen to her?

Tatsumaki's power was obvious.

Tamazuki also had seen the video of Tatsumaki, so he was clear about her strength. Frankly, if she wanted to, it should be possible for her to conquer the Earth with her esper power. If he or Saitama didn't exist, then the title of the strongest might fall on her head.

Moreover, he had confirmed that Fubuki was inside the house, staring in his direction from her room, yet she didn't seem to dare to call him.

Was their relationship known by her older sister?

'That seems to be the case.'

Besides that, he was unable to think of the reason why Fubuki didn't come out until now.

Still, as he waited for the answer, the two sisters naturally saw him.


In her room, Fubuki was excited, and her face was full of tears. She wasn't sure how many times, but she had been thinking about him, wishing to meet him, and now she was able to meet him, yet because of her sister, she was unable to do anything.

Tatsumaki, who was by Fubuki's side and floated slightly, looked at Tamazuki curiously from the window. Even though she knew her little sister had dated a man, she hadn't seen him, or rather, Fubuki didn't let her see him.

However, how could she give up so easily?

Tatsumaki, who was an esper, could soar freely into the sky, and it should be easy to find him, but that didn't seem to be the case. She was unable to find him, so she could only give up and stay by Fubuki's side all the time.

When Tatsumaki heard that Fubuki was going to leave her, she didn't let him go. Even if Fubuki was in her 23, she thought of her as a child, and without her, Fubuki would be helpless.

No matter what, she wouldn't allow anyone to leave her.

Still, she would be lying if she didn't feel curious about Tamazuki since she could see how much love Fubuki had for this man, and it made her wonder what kind of magic he had to make her little sister like this.

However, when she saw him, she understood.


Moreover, he was her type, and she couldn't help but blush when she saw him.

Many people might say that Sweet Mask might be the most handsome, but Tatsumaki thought that Sweet Mask was a sissy and he wasn't her type.

Yet, this young man was different.

He had this air of elegance, yet also the regal and manly aura around him.

This should be a contradictory feeling, yet such a charm appeared at the same time in this young man.

Moreover, as a sister, her type of man was quite similar.

If someone observed closely except for their height, whether it was their choice of clothes and hairstyle, their taste was the same, so having the same taste in men should be normal, right?

Also, she was already in her 28.

She would be lying if she didn't panic and wonder whether she would be living alone all of her life, yet her little sister told her that she had a boyfriend. If she didn't feel jealous and afraid of being left alone, would she do all of this?

Her reaction might be an exaggeration since shouldn't she wish for the happiness of her sister?

Yet, for someone who was born with such a power, was she even normal to begin with?

"Onee-chan, let me meet him! I want to meet him!"

Even if Fubuki was afraid of her older sister, she still wished to meet Tamazuki.



"I need to see what kind of man he is." Tatsumaki stared at Fubuki and then chided her. "You know our status, right? What if he is just playing with you or just taking advantage of you? With his handsome face, such a thing is possible, right? You might be seduced by him, and he might have a hidden intention."



Fubuki was unable to hold her emotion when Tatsumaki mocked him and even said that he might have a hidden intention toward her.

Sorry, he had such an intention, but it was impossible for him to say so, right?

Yet, Fubuki's strong reaction stunned Tatsumaki. Still, even so, her lips also twitched since she didn't expect that her little sister would have such a hidden purpose toward this young man.

However, when she saw him, she also understood her little sister's thoughts.

Still, it surprised her that her little sister loved him so much, yet it also made him feel annoyed since she was her older sister, and she had been with Fubuki for so long, yet why did Fubuki treat her like this?

"Onee-chan, let me meet him."


Tatsumaki didn't change her decision. "Stay here."

"Wh-What do you want to do?"

Hearing those words, Fubuki's expression quickly changed.

"I will meet him and talk with him."

Those words alone caused horror in Fubuki. "No, no, Onee-chan! Don't!" After all, the reason why she lost all of her friends was because of Tatsumaki. Then if Tatsumaki met her boyfriend, would she lose him?

Such a thought scared her since she knew the horror of her older sister.

In fear of her older sister's power, many people left her, and if she lost him too, then...

However, Tatsumaki didn't care about Fubuki. She put her in her room and made a barrier with her esper power, so Fubuki was unable to escape.

Fubuki knocked the barrier, trying to escape, and kept screaming, yet she was ignored.

Tatmasuki walked downstairs before she looked at the entrance.

"Let me see whether your feelings are true or not."

She was going to test him to see whether he was someone that could be trusted or, like others, the one who had abandoned them. She had made up her mind to protect her little sister, and she was going to do it.

Yet, Tamazuki didn't know he was about to have a first confrontation with Tatsumaki.

Still, Tatsumaki would be lying if she wasn't nervous.

With a beating heart, she moved forward and opened the door, facing Tamazuki for the first time.

Their eyes met for the first time and their gazes were locked.

Yet, the words that came from his mouth made her furious.

"Are you Fubuki's little sister?"



"I am her older sister."


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 225 Live with us | akikan40 on Patreon

Tamazuki, who had all the information about the S-Class hero, had to say that he was still dumbfounded when he saw Tatsumaki for the first time. Still, he only knew her through photos, videos, data from the association, and stories from Fubuki, Exma, and Special Committee Girl.

A selfish brat.

This was their impression of Tatsumaki.

Even though she was 28 years old, her appearance was like a little girl, so was it the reason why her personality was like that?

Yet, even if he knew all of that, he pretended like he didn't know her and even called her Fubuki's little sister. However, his reaction was quite normal, especially when he pretended that he didn't know Tatsumaki.

Moreover, with Tatsumaki's appearance, who could tell that she was a woman almost in her 30?

A petite body, an adolescent face with emerald green eyes, and matching green hair.

She was cute, but he could tell that she had a troublesome personality like her little sister.


He felt that his left side was a little cold, especially when a blast of energy exploded so close to his left side.

"I am her older sister."

She stood in front of the entrance of her house, folding her arms as she looked at him haughtily.


His lips twitched, and he thought that he wanted to teach her by slapping her buttocks.

Was it because of her power that she had become so arrogant?

Well, this was natural since power was a source of confidence.

However, Tatsumaki made one mistake.

She was much, much weaker than him.

"Ah, sorry, so you are Tatsumaki-san, then?"

"Ah, um, that's right."

She was quite dumbfounded since she thought that he would be in fear before he ran away with his tail, yet after he calmed himself, he faced her without fear. While she was annoyed by his remark before, she was quite satisfied with his conduct since from the beginning to the end, he didn't show fear in his eyes, only a surprise, but such emotion was natural and wasn't so hurtful, especially when it was compared to other negative emotions.

Moreover, he was her type, so she got nervous subconsciously.

"I am sorry for coming so late. It must be rude of me that I haven't introduced myself to you. My name is Inugamigyoubu Tamazuki. You can call me, Inugami. Oh, I also brought you pudding here."

"Oh, thank you."

He was so polite, so normal, like he was facing another individual instead of S-Class: Rank 2, Tornado of Terror, Tatsumaki. It might be normal, but for her, who had gotten used to being treated abnormally, it made her feel happy.

"Oh! It's that popular pudding!"

When she opened the bag, she knew these puddings were the ones from the popular store that she often saw from the sky. She also wanted to try it, but the place had been busy, and with her image, how could she enter a pudding store?

Though, if someone knew what she thought, all of them would think that no one was more than suitable to enter a pudding store than her.

"I am glad that you like it."


She was stunned, she quickly said with a blush. "I-I don't like it! But-But... since you have made a problem buying all of them, then I will accept them."



Tamazuki rolled his eyes. "Sorry for asking straight like this, but is Fubuki alright?"


Hearing the name of her little sister, Tatsumaki's mood became bad once again. "Why did you ask?"

"I am her boyfriend. Isn't it normal for me to ask what is happening when I can't get in touch with her for a few days?"

"Maybe, she wants to break up with you."

He rolled his eyes since it was the woman who would beg him to stay with her instead of the otherwise. Frankly, even if he couldn't meet Fubuki, he was okay with it, but he didn't like how Tatsumaki was so overbearing. He also understood why Fubuki didn't like Tatsumaki that much.

Still, this woman was one of the main heroines.

"If that's the case, let me talk with her. If she wishes to break up, then let me hear it from her lips instead of stopping me here to meet her."


Tatsumaki had always wanted to break his calm exterior, but it was harder than she had thought.

Neither of them budged in, and they just stared at each other.

Still, it might be because she was short that she decided to use her esper power and floated to match his height.

Unlike Tamazuki, who understood that the one that talked first would lose, Tatsumaki didn't understand that since, in her mind, with her power, everything would be okay.

"...do you love her?"

What a pure question... he rolled his eyes inwardly, but his expression didn't change and was firm. "I love her."


The two turned and saw Fubuki was there, then she leaped into him while crying, hugging him tightly.

"I love you too!"


Tamazuki was speechless, but he hugged her while patting her back. "I miss you."

"I miss you too! I miss you! I want to see you!"

She cried while saying how much she wanted to meet him.

Only Tatsumaki watched this scene with a complicated tone.

Was she wrong?

Somehow, she started to question herself, but she shook her head again. While she had a good impression of him, it didn't mean that she could accept him so quickly. She needed to observe him better since she wanted to know him better.

"Fubuki, let me talk with him."

"No! I won't let you hurt him!"

Fubuki stood in front of Tamazuki. In the past, she was unable to break Tatsumaki's barrier, but now, it is different. She had become stronger, and that was because of the power of love!

So, no matter what, she would protect him!

Still, if Tamazuki knew what this woman was thinking, his body would shudder from the cringe.

"Fubuki, let me talk with her."


"Believe me."


However, Fubuki still looked at her older sister warily.

"You want to live with her?" Tatsumaki asked.

"Not really," Tamazuki told the truth.

"Oi!" Fubuki looked at Tamazuki angrily.

"I mean, I am still in high school. You are a hero. What if you get a scandal for it?"

"But... but..."

"Wait! Wait! You are a high school student?!" Tatsumaki looked at Tamazuki in disbelief.



Tatsumaki stared at Fubuki, and Fubuki could only lower her head in shame.


This was the only way to describe Fubuki's action.

Fubuki was much older than Tamazuki, yet she dated him?

If this was known by the public, Tatsumaki could imagine that her little sister's career as a hero would be over. Yet, when she calmed down and thought about this matter carefully, she didn't think that it was bad since she didn't want her to become a hero.

"What about your parents?"

"I am an orphan."

"...sorry." Tatsumaki apologized.

"It's okay."

"You have me with you now." Fubuki hugged him tightly.

"....." Tamazuki.

However, because of this, Fubuki made up her mind. "Onee-chan, let me live with him! I want to be with him, and he also feels the same!"

Tatsumaki thought for a moment, then looked at Tamazuki. "Are you living alone now?"


"He lives in a ghost town in Z-City!"

"Oi!" Tamazuki looked at Fubuki speechlessly since he knew that this woman wanted to make him appear sorry in front of Tatsumaki, yet he had to say it felt weird. He, who was so rich that his money couldn't be held by hand, disguised as a homeless orphan boy. However, because of this, a certain development appeared in his mind, but with Tatsumaki's personality, it should be impossible, right?


"Inugami, right?"


"Live with us here."



By the way, this arc will end soon. 

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 226 He is her first | akikan40 on Patreon

In the end, Tamazuki lived with Fubuki and Tatsumaki.

The house was quite huge, and it had a lot of rooms, so even if he joined, it didn't really matter.


"Is it really okay?"

"Yes, you don't need to worry. Just live with us."

Even though this was different from her original idea, Fubuki felt that this wasn't bad when she thought she could live with him under the same roof. The only problem was her older sister.

"Is that your only luggage?"


His luggage wasn't much, only a few clothes, game consoles, and little camera equipment.


"I work as a photographer."

"You... what? Why didn't I know that?"

"You didn't ask."

Yet, Fubuki and Tatsumaki started to imagine how Tamazuki worked so hard at night while studying during the day alone; even so, he didn't seem sad and even full of optimism about his future. This kind of confidence... even if he had nothing now, they believed that he could become successful in the future.

Still, his items were too minimal, so...

"Let's go out! I will buy you some necessary daily items!"

Tatsumaki overbearingly said with a nonchalant attitude.

What was this?

A domineering president?

"Good idea! Let's get some clothes for you too!"


Was this the feeling of being taken care of?

Somehow, it reminded him of a story of a runaway girl who was taken care of by an older man. It was quite a famous story. Nevertheless, he wasn't in the position of the man but the position of the girl as he was taken care of by the working woman.

While he was speechless and felt slightly uncomfortable, he decided to accept it.

"It's okay. You don't need to pay for me."

"What are you acting cool for? You don't have money anyway. Just accept it."


His lips twitched with Tatsuki's blunt words.

If that's the case, then he might as well enjoy the feeling of being taken care of.

Still, he couldn't accept their kindness like it was nothing, so he said, "Thank you." His expression was sincere, as if saying that he was really grateful.

"...it's okay."

Tatsumaki pursed her lips, then said, "How about that one? Buy more."

"No, this is enough, but while it might not be much, how about I cook you all a dinner?"

"You can cook?" Tatsumaki looked at him with doubt.

"I live alone, after all, so I learn many things."

"Is that so?" Tatsumaki smiled. "But if it isn't good, then I will punish you."

"What do you mean by punishment?"

"Well... how about you call me, Onee-chan too?"


Calling Fubuki an "Onee-chan" wasn't a problem for him since they often had that kind of play, but it was hard to call Tatsumaki an "Onee-chan," considering her appearance and all.

"...did you think something rude?"

"No, no."

Still, Tatsumaki looked at him unconvincingly.

"Tamazuki, how about this one?"

Nevertheless, even if the plan wasn't like what she planned, Fubuki was excited that Tamazuki would be living with her.


At night, when they finished their shopping, Fubuki and Tatsukai fell in silence as they were unable to stop their hands from moving and their mouths from chewing.

"Delicious! Wh-What is this? It feels like all the food that I have eaten in my life isn't food!"

"Then, what did you eat for your entire life?" Tamazuki rolled his eyes when he heard exaggerated praise from Fubuki. Still, he looked at Tatsumaki and asked, "Is it good?"

"Well, it is so-so."

It was delicious!

Tatsumaki wanted to say that, but with her personality, how could she honestly praise him?

Her expression was haughty, and her words were arrogant, causing Fubuki to feel dissatisfied.

"If that's the case, then you don't need to eat! I will eat all of them!"

"No way! Don't you dare to take my chicken, Fubuki!"

Watching the two sisters fight each other, Tamazuki wondered what they would think if he was thinking of having a "Shimai-Don."

Would his body be twisted to death with their Esper ability?

However, even if his path was dangerous, he wouldn't stop!

For his future, he had decided to take this dangerous step and took down two sisters at the same time.


Due to his appearance, while Fubuki and Tatsumaki often fought, their house was more vibrant.

It was like the piece that was missing between them was found, and everything was completed.

The best was, of course, breakfast, lunch, and dinner prepared by him.

Whenever he prepared a home-packed lunch, they felt like their hearts skipped. It felt so nice.

Though, what Tatsumaki didn't know, Fubuki was quite courageous and even pulled him to Tatsumaki's room to have sex. It was like she wanted to show her superiority to her older sister by having sex with him in her older sister's room.

Yet, watching this perverted woman, he thought that having "Shimai-Don" might not be that difficult.

As for Tatsumaki, while she had never been truthful and even acted so haughty, she would be lying if she didn't feel happy about him. His food was good, the house was clean, and moreover, when she was bored, she could play a game with him.

Wasn't he perfect?

The only thing that left her dissatisfied was when he worked.

When he worked, he wouldn't go back until late.

While it made her dissatisfied, the truth was that she was quite worried.

So, when he told her that he was going to be late since he worked, she followed secretly. She saw him entering a publishing house and watched him working from a distance without being found by him. He was serious, and his attitude towards work was admirable. She could even see that many people liked him, though the annoying part was that he was too popular.

When she saw him being approached by the female staff, she wanted to destroy the building, but she held it since he saw him avoid the women politely and always stayed in a group, so he wouldn't be alone with the girls.

"Hmm... good, good."

She nodded in satisfaction.

Still, as she kept observing him, she saw him walking out of the building and ready to go back. Frankly, it surprised her that she didn't realize the time had passed so long. Still, as she watched him, she hesitated before inexplicably appearing nearby.


He seemed surprised before he looked up. "Tatsumaki-san?"

"Did you just finish your work?" Tatsumaki asked, but her expression betrayed her since it was hard for her to lie.

"Yes." Tamazuki nodded. "Did you just finish your work too? Is there a monster nearby?"

"Ah, um, yeah! There was a group of monsters before. Though, it was easy since they were all weak."

Tatsumaki continued to lie.

"Good work."

"It's nothing." Tatsumaki felt her face burning, but then she saw him looking in a certain direction. "What's wrong?"

"Wait here."

Leaving those words, he left.

She frowned and saw him enter a convenience store before he walked out again while holding something.

"Do you like sweets or savory?"


"Then, here is a cheese bun."

"Cheese bun?"

Tatsumaki looked at the bun that emitted a white-hot steam on his hands.

The temperature was a little cold, so a hot bun was a perfect dish to consume now.


"No problem."

While she felt a bit embarrassed, she took the cheese bun in his hands and held the wrapper, causing her cold hands to become warm. She opened her small, pink lips and then took a small bite of it before her eyes shone.


Then, she looked up and saw him also taking a bite of a meat bun.

"Is that a meat bun?"

"Un, do you want to try it?"

"...is that okay?"


Like it was nothing, he moved his bun closer, so she could take a bite.


What did he mean?

Did he not care that they were going to have an indirect kiss?

Yet, somehow, she felt quite annoyed by his composure, so she took a bite without worry, and her eyes shone since the juicy meat from the bun seeped deep inside the bun dough and burst out the moment she took a bite.

Then, she looked at him and asked, "...do you want to try mine?"

"Is that okay?"

"Wh-Why not?"

Then, excuse me."

She looked at him, opened his mouth, and took a bite of her cheese bun.

The two shared an indirect kiss, something that happened for the first time in her life.

He took her first time.


He then looked at Tatsumaki, who lowered her head with a blush on her face.


"Tatsumaki-san, let's go back."




"Let's keep this a secret from Fubuki, okay?"

Watching him showing such a mischievous smile, she thought that Fubuki was so lucky.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 227 I can see the spoiler | akikan40 on Patreon

Tamazuki had been living with Tatsumaki and Fubuki for a while, and because of this, Saitama was sad since he couldn't taste his food. However, he didn't care much since he didn't come to become Saitama's maid. Moreover, it was a waste of time to spend his time with Saitama since he had learned all Saitama's knowledge, so he might as well spend it on others.

As for his relationship with Saitama, even if they separated for a few years, he didn't think Saitama would forget him.

Moreover, even if he thought of Saitama as his ally and wanted to rely on his power, he loved to improve his power more since relying on others had never been better than relying on himself.

Even if Saitama's power was enough to destroy anything, Tamazuki felt that it was safer to improve himself.

Yet, Saitama's matter aside, he had completed his purpose in this world, and he thought to go back.

Even though it was a wonderful stay, he had gotten everything, so it was pointless for him to stay any longer.

A slow romance life with various beautiful heroines was good, but he had something to do, so he couldn't stop here.

Though, he would be responsible and say goodbye to all of them. However, before that, he wanted to wait for something.

What is this thing?

It was Boros.

Yes, he was waiting for Boros to attack Earth.

According to the prediction of Shibabawa, the renowned fortune teller in this world, a great disaster would come to Earth, and the first disaster was Boros. He could tell the exact time, and it was the reason why he was waiting on Mars.

He was sitting on the peak of Olympus Mons, the tallest mountain on Mars, while squinting his eyes, trying to see a group of people that tried to invade Earth by entering the Solar System.

Now, how could he tell Boros was about to come?

It was all thanks to Shibabawa's ability—Fortune Teller.

As he was in this world, he wouldn't miss this famous fortune teller's ability.

Frankly, he was skeptical at first, but after he learned it, he realized that her ability was real and this fortune teller ability made him able to see fate and read the future.

While this ability was amazing, it might be hard to imagine how this ability works, but if he had to explain it in simple terms, the world and everything inside would be like a single storybook.

In this storybook, there is a beginning, a middle part, and an ending.

Knowledge of his previous life made him able to tell the general trend, big conflicts, and various other important events, yet, he didn't know the details.

When was it going to happen? He couldn't tell at all.

The only thing that he knew was the general trend.

Moreover, his appearance sometimes caused a butterfly effect where the story went in a different direction than originally.

While his [Jupiter] helped him to enter the important plot and gained the favor of various important heroines in the story, he wasn't sure when it was going to happen.

However, with this "Fortune Teller," he could tell that detail, especially at the time.

If he gave an example, it was like a "spoiler" in the story.

Naturally, this ability wasn't omnipotent since he could only see the "clip" of the future, and it was impossible to see everything.

Though, he had to say, in the Shounen story, everything was predictable since the protagonist only would fight the villain, then power up before fighting a stronger villain until the end of the story, so even if he only saw the "clip," this ability greatly helped him.

Unless there was a being that could change fate or not affect fate like him, everything would move according to fate.

Yet, in this world, was there even such an existence?

Saitama wasn't included since he was the protagonist.

With powerful strength, an ability to read the future, and also the memories of his previous life, frankly, he couldn't imagine that he could be defeated by the protagonist, and he was already invincible.


'Even if I am powerful, I still haven't found a way to help my woman.'

He sighed helplessly, then shook his head since there were still many worlds that he could enter in the future.

Frankly, he thought about returning to his original world first, taking all the heroines around the Nurarihyon for rewards and also devouring the Nurarihyon.

Yes, he was thinking of devouring Nurarihyon.

Nurarihyon's innate ability was good.

While he was powerful, having a life-saving ability like Nurarihyon's would increase his survivability.

After all, as long as he couldn't be attacked, who could attack him?

Moreover, even if he was powerful, he wasn't arrogant enough to think that no one in this universe could defeat him.

He was greedy for Nurarihyon's innate ability and wanted to devour him.

As for Nura Rikuo? While he was the protagonist, he was only fourth in Youkai, so while he had Nurarihyon's innate abilities, they were far weaker than the original Nurarihyon.

Moreover, it would be boring if the protagonist was defeated so easily, right?

By devouring Nurarihyon, Tamazuki hoped that Nura Rikuo would power up and become stronger since that way, it would be fun that way, right?

Though, the only person that had a high chance of defeating him was Saitama.

Yes, only Saitama.

The rest? He had never thought of them as his opponents.

Yet, Saitama probably might have a hard time defeating him now since he was about to devour Boros.

Boros, this was one of the strongest villains that had ever appeared in this world. Even if this villain was defeated easily by Saitama, Tamazuki knew Boros was full of treasures.

First was the spaceship.

A spaceship that could travel from various universes.

Even if he was smart, he might take a lot of time to develop it, yet when Boros came; he would get it instantly.

The seconds were Boros's subordinates.

Boros had a lot of subordinates with various abilities, and by using [Balaam], he would get all of those abilities.

The last was, without a doubt, Boros himself.

Boros might have been beaten by Saitama, but his body was powerful especially the high energy and regeneration.

Because of this, he was waiting for Boros on Mars.

Moreover, he was a bit annoyed with the Hero Association, which used his feats for their reputation, so he was going to defeat Boros in a space where it was impossible for this organization to take his feat for their reputation.

He might have a lot of lovers in the Hero Association, but this and that were different, right?

Moreover, if he did it on Earth, it would be quite troublesome since he knew he wasn't the only one that was interested in Boros's treasures, especially that spaceship.

If Boros's spaceship suddenly disappeared when it entered the Earth, then what would happen?

It would lead to big news, right?

So, here he was, and as expected of [Jupiter] since it greatly enhanced his luck, and soon, he saw the spaceship.

He didn't waste his time, and his body vanished before he appeared on the top of the spaceship.

Yet, what he didn't know, he attracted a much bigger problem and stronger villain than a mere Boros.

"Alright, let's get you first."
