goyya 1118-1126

Chapter 1117 Kenpachi | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on

Chapter 1117 Kenpachi

AN: Thank you very much for waiting~!

This is the last batch for this month. Once again, thank you very much for supporting my work. I can't express my gratitude enough for making all of this possible.

For this arc, the battle scenes will be similar to the last arc of Bleach. Many happening at the same time. I'm still experimenting how should I pace this but I think I'll go for 1st half then switch to another battle scene. I'm doing this for plot reasons and give context to what's happening overall. 

I don't know if I will be able to do it right, but I'll do my best.

And that's all for this lengthy note. Enjoy and have a nice day~!


Nanao showed Serafall to all sorts of places within the Seireitei and even showed her a bit of what's outside of its walls.

Naturally, with Nanao herself going around leading an unknown face, people became curious about Serafall. The answer she gave them, however, was Serafall is a new member of the 1st Division that has great potential and was about to be promoted to the 3rd seat.

It was already afternoon and the duo was almost done with their tour. Right now, they are resting in a cafe that's mostly visited by female Shinigamis, "How was it?"

"Want my honest opinion?"

Nanao nodded.

"I'd rather stay in the Human World. While there are some efforts to create places like this, this is still just a giant military compound and its function is to nourish and strengthen the military. Not to mention, it seems that this place is also stuck in time and only with recent efforts have you allowed Human World technology to circulate."

"I agree on the first point but I totally disagree on the latter half." Nanao immediately replied, "While it'll be really convenient to incorporate Human World's technology into the Soul Society, the two worlds still operate with differing rules and it's not as easy to make something equivalent from the Human World. Our 12th Division is always working hard to achieve technological advances."

Serafall stared at her for a while and could see that she was genuinely upset. She then smiled and said, "Is that so? Then I apologize. I spoke my mind without knowing what was actually going on."

Seeing her actually back down easily, Nanao also lowered her head, "I'm also sorry for going off like that."

"Don't be. It's your every right to correct my wrong impression of your organization." Serafall then looked to her left, feeling a massive aura trying to hide fast approaching their direction, "Speaking of which, I have an appointment with the 12th Division. Should we go there now?"

"Ah, that's right. We should go now. Although they are pretty much open 24 hours a day, we should go when most of them are working."

Nanao stood up and was about to pay their tab when Serafall suddenly said, "But it looks like we'll have to postpone that."

"Hmm?" Nanao slightly tilted her head in confusion and noticed that Serafall wasn't actually looking at her but someone or something behind her. Nanao was about to turn around when she felt the very familiar Reiatsu suddenly flaring up behind her and she became akin to a creaking unoiled machine. Slowly turning around, she was able to confirm who was behind her and much to her horror, his chipped sword was already resting on his shoulder, "C-Captain Zaraki... What are you doing here?"

Nanao's effort of avoiding him at all costs went down the drain as she could already imagine what he was going to say next, 'He'll probably ignore me and directly ask Sitri-san if she's the woman in the rumors.'

"Are you the woman in the rumors?"

Nanao wanted to praise herself, but that was obviously not the time for it, "Captain Zaraki, the Captain Commander already asked you not to cause any trouble!"

The towering Kenpachi Zaraki finally gave a cursory glance to Nanao and said, "When was I causing trouble? I'm just asking if she's the woman in the rumors."

"That's a very rude thing to say, don't you think?" Serafall opened her mouth.

"Do you think I care?"

Serafall stared at him for a few seconds before nodding to herself, "You couldn't care less. I don't know who this woman in the rumors is, but I'm certainly a new face here. Does that answer your curiosity?"

"Not quite." A large grin suddenly crept up to Kenpachi's face and the horrified Nanao became terrified, "W-wait! Captain Zaraki!"

But it's already too late for Nanao to do anything. Though it's unknown if there's anything she could have done anything to prevent it in the first place.

Kenpachi suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind the 'unsuspecting' Serafall and swung his sword horizontally.

A strange blue circle blocked the path of his sword and momentarily stopped his motion. However, Kenpachi just added a bit of strength to his arm to cleave this circle in half and reach Serafall. To his surprise, Kenpachi's sword also went through his target without much resistance, 'Is that it?'

At that moment, Kenpachi felt a threat to his side and immediately raised his arm to block the leg that was flying toward him. However, he severely underestimated the strength behind that leg and was instantly sent flying out of the cafe, crashing into multiple walls and sending dust everywhere.

Serafall landed on her feet and turned to the speechless Nanao who was staring at her cleaved ice dummy, "Please find someone who can stop that guy."

"B-but I can't leave you behind!"

"Can you stop him then?" Serafall snapped her fingers and a large Magic Circle appeared on top of where Kenpachi landed. A second later, a giant ice spike emerged from it and Serafall dropped it on him. But before it could even land, the giant ice spike was cleaved in half and the shockwave that resulted from Kenpachi swinging his sword cleared all the surrounding dust, revealing his figure that was virtually unscathed.

Nanao was shocked at what was happening, but it's true that she can't do anything to stop them. Gritting her teeth, she turned around and said before using her Flash Step, "Please be safe."

"So she thinks I'm going to lose?" Serafall chuckled and turned her attention back to Kenpachi. Thanks to his reputation, the moment the people around saw him with his sword drawn, everyone have already run away so the area instantly became deserted, making a large space for them to duke it out, "Though if what I read about him is true, then I'm a very bad match up against him." Nevertheless, if it's just surviving, Serafall can easily do it.

While Serafall was thinking of ways to keep him at bay, Kenpachi started cracking his neck and said, "So you really are a strange woman. Someone told me you're very strong. Let me see it."

"I'm not really in the mood though?"

Kenpachi's grin grew larger as he suddenly dashed forward while shouting, "Then I'll create the mood for you!"

But he had to immediately stop and raise his arm on top of his head. The next instant, Serafall's leg came crashing down against him, sinking his feet into the pavement.

At his reaction, Serafall could only smile wryly, "You obviously can't properly feel my presence but here you are, reacting to everything I throw at you."

Kenpachi pushed her back against her by swinging his arm, "So you're going to do this whenever I lose sight of you?"


28th00: The classic Xianxia restaurant brawl. It's the 2nd one in like 20 chapters even!

Goyya: I'm ashamed. There isn't really anywhere good to sit down for an extended amount of time.


Chapter 1118 Short Clash | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Ikkaku and Yumichika were running towards the source of the explosions that suddenly rocked the Seireitei when the day was just about to end. When they heard that their Captain was fighting someone from the escaping Shinigamis, Ikkaku, and Yumichika dropped what they were doing and hurriedly rushed toward the site.

On their way there, they could see towering ice sprouting from the ground, and before they could reach the spot where they were fighting, a wall of ice taller than the walls of Seireitei emerged and encircled the sound of the clash, and Kenpachi's maniacal laughter.

"Just what's going on here!?" Ikkaku asked himself while also inspecting the wall of ice that's blocking their way.

Yumichika didn't immediately say something and approached the wall of ice because it's strangely not cold at all. But when he touched it, he instantly became terrified and hurriedly jumped back.

Seeing his strange reaction, Ikkaku shouted, "What's wrong!?"

Yumichika looked at his hand which was covered in frost and said, "Don't carelessly touch the wall without any protection. Anyone weaker will be instantly frozen."

Without any hesitation pulled his sleeve and started drawing markings on his arm, "I'll send out a warning. Black and white net! Twenty-two bridges, sixty-six crown strings, footprints, distant thunders, mountain peaks, valleys, night shadows, cloud sea, cyan line! Fill up the circle and zoom to the edges of the sky! Bakudo no. 77 Tentei Kuura (Soaring Net of Heavens)!"

While Yumichika was in the middle of it, another person arrived with a Flash Step, "What's happening here?"

Ikkaku turned to him, "Captain Kuchiki! Captain Zaraki is fighting someone but we can't get past this strange wall of ice that appeared out of nowhere."

Byakuka also silently walked towards the wall and by now, he'd already heard the message Yumichika sent to everyone in the vicinity so he touched the wall to test it himself. And as Yumichika had said, the moment his fingers touched the ice wall that was not emitting any coldness, frost started gathering around his hand and arm, threatening to freeze him.

Byakuya lifted his hand and used his Reiatsu to force out the horrifying coldness that was trying to invade his flesh, 'What is this ability? I don't feel any Reiatsu from it.'

Byakuka contemplated if he should break the wall using Kidou, but it was obvious that this wall was containing the battle that was happening inside, and breaking this might spill out the destruction to a larger area of Seireitei.

But while he was hesitating, two more people arrived and one of which was someone who first escaped the vicinity, Nanao. In front of her is a Shinigami with grey eyes and long wavy brown hair and is wearing a Sugegasa straw hat and a pink, flowered lady's kimono, which he drapes across his shoulders and over his captain's uniform.

"Captain Commander!" Ikkaku and Yumichika saluted.

Byakuya, on the other hand, immediately asked him upon his arrival, "Is this about our guest?"

Kyouraku tipped his hat backward and nodded, "Sadly, it seems our dear Zaraki found him after hearing a strange rumor from somewhere."

"I have a feeling I know where he heard this strange rumor."

""""!?"""" Four of the five Shinigamis immediately put their hands on their Zanpakuto when they heard another unfamiliar voice. Because they didn't know when she arrived, all of them were quite surprised. Thankfully, they didn't attack when they saw her raising her hands and there was no hostility in her demeanor.

"Serafall-san! You're safe!" Nanao was glad to see her, but also confused as everyone could still hear Kenpachi's cackling and his sword whipping around, "Then who is he fighting right now?"

Without explaining herself first, two Magic Circles appeared beside Serafall and ice started emerging from it before forming into a statue and soon became identical to Serafall herself. The two ice clones then flew towards the wall and went through it as if it was water and disappeared, "He won't stop so I've just been keeping him busy."

Serafall then turned to the people beside Nanao and introduced herself, "Nice to meet you, everyone. I'm Sitri Serafall. I presume you guys will be able to stop him?"

Aside from Ikkaku who was present on the night of Hell's attack, it was the first time Yumichika, Byakuya, and Kyouraku met her.

Kyouraku stepped forward and introduced himself, "Nice to meet you too, Sitri Serafall. I'm Shunsui Kyouraku, the current Captain Commander and Nanao-chan's direct superior. I'm not sure how you're fooling his senses, but you could leave him to us."

"Great~ His intuition is really scary so I'm also not sure how long I can keep him occupied in there."

Kyouraku thought that this problem is about to end, 'Any longer and the Central 46 will butt in. Thank goodness Zaraki has a bit of a reputation.'

However, the atmosphere around Serafall instantly changed and made everyone near her shiver for some unknown reason, "But I don't really like how he just attacked me out of nowhere. I can at least get back at him for that, right?"

"W-what are you..."

Since she was not really asking for permission, Serafall proceeded to release her Demonic Power and a giant Magic Circle that encompasses the entire 'arena' that she made, "Raikou (Lightning)!"

As dark clouds manifested on top of the 'arena', a massive discharge of lightning struck down the whole area and temporarily blinded everyone looking at it and deafened those who were near it.

When their disrupted senses returned, the wall of ice had already disappeared, revealing a large crater. In the middle of it is Kenpachi standing on his two feet and extremely tattered with various burns on his body. Even then, a wide grin is still present on his face. He turned in Serafall's direction and said, "Ah... That's amazing. I didn't see that coming at all. I'd hate it if we're just going to end it here."

Serafall returned his grin with a fearless smile, "But we're going to end it here. As I've said, I'm not really in the mood for a contest of strength."

"That's really a shame..." Kenpachi was about to jump at her again but Kyouraku didn't allow that, "Zaraki, that's enough. Save your energy for more obvious enemies. You'd have fun with them too."


28th00: I wonder how good the insurance rates are for the poor Seireitei? It tends to get wholesale demolished every other week sometimes.

Goyya: I doubt it. R&D Division destroyed the insurance market by restoring everything within a few hours.


Chapter 1119 Sharing is Caring | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Kenpachi saw that Byakuya and Kyouraku were ready to intercept him so he scratched his head and gave up, "It's been a while since I had any good exercise and it was cut short."

While muttering this, Kenpachi started walking in another direction, losing his interest.

Ikkaku and Yumichika first looked at each other before running to follow their Captain.

Seeing him leave, Kyouraku sighed in relief, "Only old man Yama could actually control his temper." He then turned to Serafall before continuing, "I apologize for what just happened. You're supposed to be our guest, but this still happened. Whatever I could do to make up for it?"

"Captain..." Nanao muttered in worry.

Meanwhile, Byakuya is wondering why he's lowering himself this much to an outsider. If the nobles were to see him right now, there could be a move to remove him from his position, 'Fortunately, there's no one better that could replace him.'

Serafall also realized his sincerity and didn't plan to make him do anything. If she asks anything, it won't look good for her, "It's fine~ Let's just consider this as my lab test for the 12th Division."

"Lab test?" Kyouraku knew her deal with Mayuri but he wondered if that troublesome researcher would actually agree.

Serafall was able to guess what was on his mind and answered his confusion by turning to her left and saying, "I think that's enough data for you? If you're still going to ask me to go to your lab after what you started then I might accidentally freeze your place on my way out."

All of a sudden, a figure in a black cloak emerged from one of the destroyed walls, "So even after I modified this cloak, you can still find me. Fascinating."

Both Byakuya and Kyouraku narrowed their eyes at him, "Captain Kurotsuchi..."

Mayuri removed his cloak and said, "I know what you're thinking, but it's not my fault that Captain Zaraki went to seek her after I informed him of her arrival. I might have added a few more details, but as a researcher, those minor details are important."

Mayuri then saw everyone's expression souring and took a step back, "But as Sitri Serafall has said, I've gathered enough data so she can forget about going to my lab. In fact, I don't want her going near it."

"That settles it then." Serafall had enough work for today and she already achieved her objective so staying any further is just more risk without any reward for her. However, there's still one thing that's bothering her and it only became a worry after she played around with Kenpachi without much effort, "Even with that guy's monstrous intuition, he still couldn't detect me." Serafall muttered to herself.

"I'm also quite surprised." Mayuri chimed in while approaching, "I thought Zaraki's animalistic instincts might be able to track you but he was lost like the rest of us. Thanks to the new detector that I made, you also possess quite a sizable amount of Reiatsu, but I guess all of that is being covered by this strange energy of yours." Mayuri showed Serafall his terminal showing various graphs.

Serafall stared at it for a few moments while rubbing her chin, "It's great that you're making progress, but at this rate, those guys from Hell might catch you off guard so it isn't really realistic for me to wait for you to adapt."

She thought about it for a little bit more before deciding to help them out a bit, 'They are going to learn it sooner or later so it's better if they owe me for it.'

Byakuya, Kyouraku, Nanao, and Mayuri's guard all went up when all of a sudden, a Magic Circle appeared in front of Serafall.

Serafall ignored them and stuck her arm into the circle. She rummaged inside her inventory while muttering, "I think it's in this corner? Yep. The Japanese edition."

A few seconds later, Serafall took her arm back and her hand was already holding a thick book. She then passed it to Kyouraku.

Kyouraku absentmindedly received it and saw the title of the book, "Introduction to Magic and Magic Power?"

Mayuri's eyes shined with curiosity and peeked at the book too. However, right now, he's much more interested in its author, "Rossweisse and Riveria Ljos Alf? Am I reading that right?"

Serafall nodded at her, "Just because it's called Magic, it doesn't mean it's related to the system they use in the West. You'll probably have a hard time understanding what's in it due to the absence of the Magic Power in the air, but you should be able to learn a lot of things if you reference it while using the Arrancar that I caught."

Kyouraku passed the book to Mayuri and the latter immediately proceeded to browse through it, "I see... This looks like a load of nonsense, but if it's coming from you... Captain Commander, let me take care of this."

"Make a copy for each division first."

After getting his instructions, Mayuri immediately left.

Byakuya, on the other hand, offered his hand, "I'm the Captain of the 6th Division, Kuchiki Byakuya."

Serafall gladly received it, "Nice to meet you, Byakuya-chan~ I'm Sitri Serafall. You can call me Serafall~!"

Byakuya was taken aback but his expression immediately returned to neutral. While Serafall is acting cheerfully, Byakuya could actually tell that she was raised like a noble just from her movements, "Glad to be your acquaintance." He then let go of her hand and turned to Kyouraku, "I'm following Captain Kurotsuchi since I can't trust him."

Without waiting for confirmation, Byakuya left the group.

Seeing that, Kyouraku couldn't help but sigh, "I'd like to accompany you and talk more but I have to deal with the Central 46 first due to this noise so I'll be leaving you to Nanao-chan's care. I hope you don't mind that."

"I'm fine. I won't disturb you any further and it's about time for me to go home."

"I see. Then if there's a chance, I'd like us to discuss a few things."

Kyouraku soon bid his farewell and Nanao led Serafall back to the tower where they first arrived.

After changing to her former clothes, Serafall approached Nanao with a piece of paper that had the insignia of the Sitri House on it, "Take this, Nanao-chan."

Nanao received it and curiously observed it and asked, "This is?"

"A summoning contract. It's a temporary one, but if you're in danger, just think of me and that'll bring me to you."


28th00: Can't wait to see casual mention of Kisuke in Riveria's parts of the introduction and seeing them lose their minds at it. Also, Nanao now(heh) has a "Get outta jail free" card in that summoning contract.


Chapter 1120 Sharing is Caring 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

After school, Claire, Tanis, and Kunou were exploring the town once again, thinking that they might've missed something, though this time, they're by themselves. Along the way, they would notice some Shinigami going around but ignored them. They also noticed that there were no 'doors of Hell' opening and wondered if it had something to do with what Serafall did yesterday.

In the latter part of their tour, they arrived at the area where the Urahara Shop was located and decided to drop by and say hi to Tessai. Although it was forbidden for them to tell anyone that they knew Tessai through Kisuke, this doesn't stop them from interacting with Tessai. And as Kisuke's best friend, the girls wanted to know more about him and offer help if he needed any.

"Since we're going there, want to borrow the underground training facility? We've never missed a training session every day and I'm honestly itching to move my body around." Claire proposed to the group. Kisuke had already created a place for them to train but he hadn't allowed them in yet because there were still a lot of things he had to do to fix the place.

"Let's go~!" Tanis grabbed Claire and Kunou's arms to race towards the Urahara Shop. Kunou only smiled and didn't say anything as she had the same craving as everyone else.

A few minutes later, they reached the corner where the shop was located but stopped on their feet before they could even approach it. The reason is that there are few familiar people standing outside and talking to Tessai.

While talking to his guests, Tessai also noticed the girls' approach and waved at them, "Tanis, Claire, Kunou. How was school?"

Those who were talking to Tessai also turned around and had their eyes widened, "T-they are..." Muttered Ichigo.

Uryu and Chad behind him remained silent.

Claire waved back with a big smile, "It's fun~ How are you doing Tessai-niisan?"

Tessai touched his mustache in embarrassment. They should be calling his uncle, but because they are calling Kisuke a big brother, it isn't really right for them not to do the same for him. Though after a few moments, Tessai felt the weirded-out stare from Ichigo, Uryu, and Chad and had to feign a cough before saying, "It's their choice. I have no say in it."

He then replied to Claire who was already approaching them, "I'm fine and it's great to hear that you're enjoying your stay. By the way, what are you girls here for?"

"We're exploring the town and came to this area so we thought we'd say hi."

"Is that so?" Tessai rubbed his chin and could feel the men's confused stare, "Welcome to the shop. I'd appreciate it if you could purchase a few things."

"We'll do that~! But we'd like to ask another favor."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"We'd like to use the underground training facility."

Tessai was a bit surprised but not because they wanted to use it. He turned to Ichigo's group and asked them, "Do you mind sharing it with them?"

Uryu immediately grabbed Ichigo's shoulder and answered, "If they're alright with us using it too, we don't mind. The training ground is wide enough for more people."

Tessai turned back to Claire and said, "They asked about it first so they got the priority. You could return on another day if you want to keep it to yourselves."

Claire thought about it for a second and looked towards Tanis and Kunou who seemed to not mind it, "We'd like to use it today~ Thank you for letting us go too, big brothers~." Claire went in front of Ichigo's group and slightly bowed her head in gratitude. And with their leader doing it, Tanis and Kunou did the same.

Ichigo panicked slightly at their sudden politeness due to the very different image they had in his head. When they met them in the ramen shop, they thought that they were aggressive girls, very different than their current demeanor.

"...It's fine. And since we'll be using the training ground together, let's introduce ourselves. I'm Kurosaki Ichigo and these guys behind me are Ishida Uryu and Yasutora Sado."

Uryu and Chad respectively smiled and nodded their heads when Ichigo introduced them.

"Nice to meet you, Kurosaki-niisan, Ishida-niisan, and Yasutora-niisan! I'm Claire Belial! Ah, Claire is my first name."

Tanis behind her raised her hand, "I'm Tanis Belial! We're not blood-related but we're sisters!"

"Kunou Belial. Pleased to meet you. We're not blood-related but we're definitely sisters." Kunou bowed elegantly.

In the previous world, Kunou not having a last name was a nonissue since it's very common for a Youkai, especially those who are very few in number not to have a last name. However, in this world, it's inconvenient not to have a last name and Kisuke suggested taking the name of Belial and Kunou happily accepted it.

Serafall tried protesting and said that she should take the name of Sitri but Kunou preferred to have the same last name as the other two because she feels that they finally became real sisters.

"Then is it alright if we call you by your first names?" asked Ichigo.

"Please do so~!"

Seeing that they finally settled, Tessai feigned another cough to gather their attention, "Let's continue inside."

Tessai was about to turn around to lead them inside when Claire suddenly stopped him, "Please wait."

He wondered what was going on but Claire turned to Kunou and said, "It's been a while so we might get too intense. Please make sure that we won't bother the neighbors."

Kunou nodded and took out several yellow paper talismans from her bag before tossing them into the air.

The fluttering and falling talismans suddenly suspended themselves in the air before straightening up and revolving around Kunou.

Kunou closed her eyes and whispered something. A few seconds later, the floating talismans launched themselves in all directions, sticking to the walls, roofs, and ground of the surrounding before quietly disappearing in sight, "It's done. Even if the ground shakes, no one will be able to notice."

"Tessai-niisan, we can go~!"

Tessai nodded and led Claire's group inside. Ichigo's group, meanwhile, was silently staring at the spots where the talismans disappeared, "What was that?" Chad asked.

"There's no use asking. We couldn't understand them in the first place." Uryu replied, "But this is a good opportunity. Let's see what they are capable of and maybe, we'll be able to recognize what they are doing."


28th00: Ah, they're not prepared for the "Wide area demolition specialists" that are DxD combatants. Where property damage is a goal instead of a consequence!


Chapter 1121 'Sparring' | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Chapter 1121 'Sparring'

The reason why Ichigo, Uryu, and Chad came to Tessai and asked him for permission to use the training ground was to refresh themselves. After all, it's been a long while since the last large conflict and it's inevitable that they'll be rusty just from living their day-to-day lives as Humans.

There's a training ground constructed by Ryuuken Ishida inside the Karakura Hospital, but it's really only suitable for one or two people. The training ground under the Visored's warehouse, on the other hand, is being used by the Quincies. Although they didn't really have any intention of joining this new problem, they also didn't want to be stuck hiding behind their backs and be helpless about it.

The moment Ichigo's group came down to the training ground, a wave of nostalgia hit them, and that reminded them of a certain man that isn't here anymore. Though the next thing they felt is a worry, thinking that there was a chance that they'll be facing him if he was able to reach Hell.

After looking around, they immediately saw something very out of place and something they definitely don't remember existing, "...A mansion?" Muttered Chad after catching a glimpse of it in the distance.

Tessai became slightly nervous and feigned another cough, "Ehem... I built it to take some time off my hand. It's surprisingly enjoyable."

Claire knew that it was not a good topic for Tessai so she approached Ichigo, asking, "Ne, Kurosaki-niisan, how will you go with your training? If it's possible, we'd like a larger area."

"It's alright." Ichigo nodded at her, "We'll only do some Reiatsu training and some light sparring to get our senses back."

Claire immediately turned around and shouted towards the already distant Kunou, "He said it's okay~!"

Claire's actions pointed Ichigo's group and Tessai's attention to the distant blonde-haired girl. However, the moment their eyes landed on her, all of them froze for the reason that her appearance seems to have undergone a weird change.

Kunou released her transformation technique and now showed her fox ears and six tails swaying behind her.

"W-what is she?" Uryu muttered to himself.

"From the ancient lineage of the Nine-tailed Fox." Claire briefly answered before taking off, not explaining anything any further.

Kunou closed her eyes and the wind started swirling strongly around her, picking up dust and Kunou herself into the air.

Ichigo's group could tell that something is changing in their surroundings, but couldn't tell what it is.

From Kunou's bag, the same talisman that she took out earlier began rushing out, but this time, in hundreds or maybe even a thousand in number. They briefly covered Kunou from everyone's view as they formed a sphere around her. The next second, they all shoot out plastering themselves to the walls, floor, ceiling, and the invisible wall that divided the whole training ground into two.

And just like the previous ones, they all melded into what they stuck into and disappeared, including the ones with the invisible wall.

Tessai approached the one who was nearest, Tanis, and asked, "What did she do?"

"Spatial Reinforcement." Tanis answered while taking a look at the state of the barrier, "Basically it's a barrier that protects whatever's outside and slowly repairs what's inside."

And without any other word, a pair of dark blue reptilian wings suddenly sprouted behind her back before flying up and only stopping at the boundary of the barrier to check its integrity.

Ichigo's group and Tessai all froze in their place again at her sudden transformation, "Tsukabishi-san, what's all of this?" Uryuu asked the latter while fixing his glasses, making sure that he was not seeing anything wrong.

"Please don't ask me. I also want to know the answer to that.", replied Tessai while thinking, 'I knew what sort of world Kisuke came from but he didn't tell me anything about these girls. And actually seeing other races than Soul, Hollow, Quincy, and Human is very surprising.'

Meanwhile, the girls carefully checked the barrier that Kunou formed, not minding everyone else's stare. Since they are going to reveal a bit of themselves to them, there's no point in hiding their true appearances.

"I think this is really good." Claire muttered after touching a few spots of the barrier, "You said you created this barrier with Rossweisse-sensei and Riveria-sensei's help?"

Kunou shook her head with a wry smile, "It's more like they walked me through it."

"Don't sell yourself short, Kunou. I heard that Rossweisse-sensei and Riveria-sensei aren't really that good with Youkai techniques, but this is clearly mainly a Youjutsu." Tanis flew towards Kunou and patted her back, "I also heard about this from those two and they're also saying that your ingenuity made this possible."

A small cute smile emerged from Kunou's face as she turned to Tanis, "Thanks."

At that moment, they suddenly felt a mix of Demonic Power and Holy Power erupted and when the two of them turned towards its source, they saw Claire grinning at them, "Shall we start?"

Kunou and Tanis looked at each other again before grinning and jumping away from each other.

As the one who is better at long-range engagement, Kunou started by forming fox signs on both of her hands. The next second two golden balls of fire with a tint of red a yard in diameter formed in front of her hands and she sent them flying towards Claire and Tanis.

A shallow light immediately covered Tanis' body as she took a stance in mid-air. The moment the fireball came near her, she launched her right fist at it while letting out a small breath, "Huuppp!"

The fireball instantly exploded away from Tanis, creating a shockwave that rocked the whole training ground. But thanks to the barrier, it was immediately mitigated without any problem.

On Claire's side, she only had to look at it for a second before it fizzled out of existence. Not as flashy as the former, but definitely more terrifying. In fact, Tanis and Kunou would often team up against Claire because she has a clear 'sight' of what they can do.

Naturally, Kunou also knew that this would be the result after sending out those 'greetings' but she didn't stop there and created another 8 fireballs, 2 from her hands and 6 from her tails. Kunou then sent them flying toward Claire and Tanis once again.

Tanis was about to receive them as she usually does, but the 4 fireballs heading her direction suddenly started going off a weird trajectory they were about to reach her, completely throwing off her timing, and ended up receiving the two of them with her bare body, causing a huge explosion on her spot.

Claire, on the other hand, tried erasing the fox fires with her 'Worthless' ability but only one of them fizzled out, "Wait, Huh? Those aren't Fox Fire!?"

Kunou smirked and removed the illusion she placed on the fireballs. In an instant, two of the three remaining golden fireballs heading toward Claire suddenly turned crimson and the last one turned blue.

"Dragon Fire and Magic Fire!?"

While Claire's [Worthless] is very oppressive, especially to those she knew very well, there were weaknesses to it. First, it can't disable two or more spells at the same time, and second, there's a very small cooldown before each use. Claire could circumvent a bit of the first weakness if the spells she's disabling came from the same system, but there's nothing she can do about the second one no matter how fast she tries to analyze the spell.

"It's the result of my secret training~!" Kunou proudly proclaims.

Before impact, Claire was able to take care of the two Dragon Fire fireballs but she had to take Magic Fire that chased her even after dodging it and also causing a huge explosion and shockwave.

Meanwhile, those who were watching them couldn't stop the corners of their mouths from twitching, "...They said this is just sparring, or did I remember it wrongly?" Chad asked.

"More importantly, can this place hold up?" Asked Ichigo, "It feels like it'll collapse from the constant earthquake."


28th00: I thought Kunou was a Kyuubi? She's stronger than her mother, so she definitely should be one… Probably made it into a Super-Form, as is tradition.

Goyya: That will be explained later on. It's like Koneko's tails, but in this case, some sort of regression that limited her number of tails for what she could actually handle right now.



Chapter 1122 'Sparring' part 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

AN: Thank you for waiting~! There isn't much on my side, so please enjoy and have a nice day~!


Ichigo, Uryu, and Chad planned to get their battle senses back. But they couldn't even prepare for what they wanted to do as all their attention and focus were stolen at the current scene playing out in front of them.

A series of explosions that shouldn't be possible without high-tier Kidou techniques, destructive Zanpakuto, Cero, or a strong Fullbring ability. However, the thing that concerns them the most is the fact that none of them seems to be holding back in this 'sparring' and the reason why they came to this conclusion is that after a few seconds of fighting, all three girls are tattered and bloodied, with one of them even breaking their arm.

Naturally, Ichigo and the rest tried stopping them but they don't seem to hear anything that they are shouting and the strange invisible wall dividing the training ground stops them from even approaching.

Thankfully, they soon stopped, albeit, not the way they expected.

They could see that they were in a deadlock and even though the men couldn't understand what was happening most of the time, they could still tell who was at a disadvantage, which was the fox girl. Although she took the initiative in the beginning, the other two seemed to have more anti-personnel skills and they also knew their way around her techniques, resulting in the fox girl slowly sliding into a disadvantage.

It all stopped when the frustration surfaced on the fox girl's face and her hair started turning white along with her tails while also sprouting three more.

"Stop! Stop! Kunou! You win!" Claire immediately.

Even Tanis, who was still heating up, instantly cooled down when she saw what was happening and was in full agreement that they were done.

Kunou's hair which was about to turn white suddenly started receding back along with her tails, "...But I haven't done anything yet..." She complained while pouting.

Claire approached her with a wry smile while clutching her newly healed broken arm, "This place and this barrier won't be able to contain your [Beast God]."

Still haven't stopped pouting, Kunou replied, "I can control it better now, though! I won't destroy this place using that... Probably!"

"No, no, no!" Tanis came flying in and started casting Healing Magic on everyone, "Look at me! Goosebumps! [Beast God's] Divinity is already no joke but it also has a tinge of a Dragon's Outrage! Even though you might be able to control it for a minute or two, you'll definitely lose control of it." Despite Tanis' ability to focus more on direct and close combat, she's actually the best at Healing Magic among their group, which included Serafall, the former Devil King, and Kisuke without his tools.

Hearing that, Kunou's pout turned into a dejected frown as she couldn't refute Tanis' words. With her being a Dragon, Tanis is much more sensitive to the Dragon aspect of her [Beast God] than her. If she can't take this under control and get Tanis' approval, she could only use it when she's alone on the battlefield.

However, to train how to use [Beast God] means to use it. Without any battlefield where she can really let loose and reflect on her actions, it became a serious limitation to her training. It's her ace in a hole, but there's no actual substance to it.

The group then proceeded to talk about their sparring to review each other's mistakes and what actions they could take to make improvements.

And after a few minutes, they were fully healed with only strains on their muscles which Tanis purposely left alone for them to recover naturally. At the same time, their discussion was also finished and the only thing left to do was clean up.

They looked around and saw the destruction they wrought which made it look like that their side of the training ground is about to collapse even with their barrier still on, "I really miss Nii-san's training ground. By the time we're done talking, all of this would've returned to normal."

"...I don't want to do the cleanup... I'm tired." Tanis, who hated chores, immediately voiced out her grievances.

"We still have to do it." Kunou stood up and got ready to fix all the craters they created and the boulders they crushed. Unlike Tanis, Kunou actually likes doing these menial tasks.

"How about we ask Tessai-niisan to help us?" Tanis still didn't want to completely resign to her fate, "He should know a bit or two on how to maintain this place."

"Speaking of which, I also want to watch how they train but we ended up going at it a bit harder than usual so I forgot." Claire also stood up and turned around to the other side, only to see that there was nothing happening and they were only staring at them, "Huh? Are they done? But they didn't leave any mark on the training ground... Are they also done fixing it?"

Thanks to their skewed common sense, Claire couldn't fully understand what was happening on their side. She couldn't fathom the fact that there are people who'll forego their important training time to gain their senses back just to watch other people do it.

"...They seem to be waiting for us to finish ours?" Kunou asked with curiosity while using Youjutsu to restore the ground.

Regardless of what they wanted, the girls knew that they had to finish their work first.

Even though the damage they created was extensive enough to put the ceiling and walls to their limits they were able to restore everything to how it was before in only ten minutes. And after double-checking that there's nothing amiss, Kunou finally took down the barrier by taking back the talismans that she used before the group approached the other side.

"Thank you for waiting~!" Claire cheerfully waved at them, "Are you done with your training too?"

However, Ichigo, Uryu, Chad, and Tessai couldn't give them an answer.

Claire stopped skipping and slowly walked towards them when she saw the weird face they were making, "What's wrong?"

'We didn't do anything wrong, did we? According to Kisuke-niisan, they fought a terrible war so sights like those shouldn't be enough to make them make these weird faces.' Claire thought and the other two behind her were also the same.


28th00: Yeah, they did… But you girls are WMD's who don't pull punches in training 'spars'. Also, Kunou has a Beast God mode that has Dragon Aspects? She's not a Kyuubi anymore then, but is a Tenko, huh? Also, the Dragon Gods being with them at all times means that they've effectively got all their blessings like some divine champions, huh? Dragon Outrage is some absolutely broken bullshit in DxD. As in, Canon Great Red could've roflstomped the entire fucking SETTING of ExE if they entered Outrage. Then again, there'd be no more ExE if they did that.

Goyya: A bit of info for the readers. Kyuubis' main ability is to absorb the energies around them. It's the reason why Yasaka is strong, but also chained to Kyoto. In Kunou's case, she's always stuck with these Dragon Gods, so you can already probably tell what happened to her.


Chapter 1123 'Sparring' part 3 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

It was getting late so Claire and her group didn't have enough time to explain what they were doing, so they went home after thanking Tessai for letting them use the training ground and told him that they might come by a few more times after today after answering a few of their questions without really thinking about it deeply. In the first place, they don't have to explain to anyone and frankly speaking, going home on time is much more important to them.

Tessai prepared tea for his remaining guests that also went up to the shop after the girls left.

Tessai sat down with the men who couldn't even do a simple warm-up, "I also only met them recently when they randomly went around the town to find a residence they could stay in, so I don't really know much about them." Tessai first said that since he had a feeling that he'd be bombarded by questions he didn't want to answer if he didn't do so.

"From the uniforms they are wearing, they are attending Karakura High, so it's safe to assume that they are teenagers?" Uryu asked after sipping on his tea with a complex expression.

None of them answered but they all recalled one of the questions that they asked which came from Ichigo, 'D-do you really need to go that hard on sparring? You're all bleeding and one of you even broke their arm.'

They wouldn't be able to forget how they all looked at them like they were the weird ones and received an answer, 'We can warm up alone by ourselves and if you're going to spar, might as well learn something from it like a real battle. If you are concerned about injuries, we're fine with our healing techniques, and actually good to be injured since it prepares you when you suddenly feel pain. If it's a real battle, any lapse in consciousness and judgment could easily prove fatal. And not just that. The more often you become injured, the easier it is for you to judge your body's real capabilities so you won't make a mistake like moving your leg a bit too late because you thought you'd be faster than that.'

They could easily understand what Claire was saying and couldn't even disagree with her logic, however, "What sort of environment did those young girls grow up in for them to have this kind of mindset?" Chad muttered.

Even in their times, they'd only go that hard whenever they needed to learn something and time was not on their side. Even if someone could heal your injuries, it doesn't change the fact that it's extremely dangerous, and an emotional scar can't be healed the same way as a physical one.

Ichigo turned to Tessai and asked, "Tessai-san, are there any other societies out there that we're not aware of?"

Tessai shook his head, "If the Soul Society doesn't know anything about them, then I also don't know."

Silence took over the room with each of them having thoughts of their own until Tessai continued speaking, "However, I do know that what they have is not Reiatsu-based like we all know."

The three men all looked at him and Uryu asked, "Then what is it? And how is that possible?"

"How is it possible? I don't know. Unlike us who only ever knew the Soul as the source of power, they separate theirs into three main systems which are Ki, Magic, and Soul. Under that are more subcategories that one could specialize in, either by focusing on one system or combining two or more."

Ichigo rubbed his chin and asked, "Soul... They could also use a similar ability to a Shinigami, Hollow, Quincy, or Fullbringer?"

Tessai poured more tea for himself while answering, "No. It seems they are using it differently from us, but the way I see it, our use of Reiryoku is much more advanced. That leaves the other two, Ki and Magic.

"I'm not sure how accurate this is but it's also something I've heard from them. Starting from Ki, it's the power of life. It's something present in all living things. It's used mostly to strengthen the physical body which you've already seen. Despite them smashing into the ground, ceiling, and walls, creating craters, they were relatively unharmed. But the prime example of this was the blue-haired teen, Tanis, who wouldn't dodge if it meant that she could attack effectively."

"Next is Magic. It's a type of power that's omnipresent and anyone who knows its existence can make use of it if they train enough. It has many uses but the most simple explanation is that it's similar to Shinigami's Kidou. However, don't mistake it for the West Soul Society's [Magic] as that is just a different use of Kidou."

"That's a lot to take in..." Chad commented, "Are they aliens or something?"

Cold sweat started to drip on Tessai's back. He knew that Chad was only making the heavy atmosphere a bit lighter, but it was really hard to laugh when he actually got it right.

"And how are they related to Hell?" Uryu suddenly asked, which made Ichigo and Chad instantly turn their heads to him, "Don't get me wrong. I'm not accusing them as our enemies, but similar to how we couldn't feel anything from those strange Hollows and dead Espada, we also couldn't feel anything from them."

"If you could trust their words, then they are not related to Hell at all." Tessai immediately answered, "Even then, they also knew what type of power these strange Hollows have which is similar to something they already know. Demonic Power, a system derived from Magic Power."

Uryu wanted to ask more specific questions but Ichigo's phone suddenly started ringing. And when he looked at its screen, he muttered loudly, "It's Akon."

Ichigo looked at the other three before pressing the answer button, "Akon, what's up?"

[Ichigo, I'm sorry for bothering you, but could you get me into contact with Tsukabishi Tessai?]

Ichigo immediately glanced at Tessai and saw the latter nodding, "What a nice coincidence, I'm currently in Urahara Shop to borrow the training ground."

[So Tsukabishi is with you?]

"He's listening."

[Great. I'm sending over a video file. Tsubakishi-san, I'm sorry for bothering you, but we'd like all perspectives that we can have on this.]

A few minutes later, Ichigo completely received the video from Akon and immediately played it before placing the phone in the middle of the table.

It was a video of the clash between Serafall and Kenpachi. Akon wants the former Captain of the Kidou Corps' thoughts on it.


28th00: Ah, Kaidou(healing kidou) is actually really difficult and rare to use, ain't it? People like Unohana just do not exist. She was a unique aberration. Ki-regen and Magical Healing on the other hand is incredibly common and basic. Well, not demonic versions cause it's inherently destructive and almost impossible to heal with, but the rest is pretty common. Or at least, it should be.


Chapter 1124 Anarchy | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

"We're home~!" Tanis shouted the moment she went through the door.

And from the hallway, Serafall came out with Ophis and Lilith to greet them, "Welcome back~."

A quick scan within the house also revealed that Flanna was lazing around in the living room and Kisuke was in the basement doing something.

Upon seeing them, Serafall noticed the traces of a healing technique on their bodies and stronger fluctuation of their aura, "Did you fight?"

"We wanted to stretch our stagnating bodies so we borrowed Tessai-niisan's training ground for a bit," Claire answered.

Serafall chuckled, "You're too young for your bodies to start stagnating. Did you have fun?"

Tanis nodded, "It has been a while so it's fun~!"

Feeling a bit jealous, Ophis interrupted, "I want to join too."

"It's hard for that shop's training ground to contain it if you were to join so let's wait for the one that Ki-tan is constructing, alright?" Serafall comforted Ophis and also Lilith who didn't say a word but surely felt the same by patting their heads.

"Ah, that's right, Sera-neechan," Kunou tried getting Serafall's attention, "We only borrowed half of the place since the other half is being used by the orange-haired nii-san and his group."

"So they saw you go crazy?" Serafall immediately became interested.

"We didn't go crazy! We just went at it as we normally would!" Claire hurriedly corrected her. However, Serafall couldn't trust those words one bit since she discovered that their common sense was a bit warped thanks to them looking up to Kisuke's crazy group, 'So you went crazy.'

Nevertheless, Serafall doesn't intend to 'correct' their common sense because it's exactly the mindset they needed due to the imminent alien invasion that Earth might not survive.

Which made Serafall wonder what Kisuke's real goal for coming to this world even if it meant cutting all communications and not being able to go back for a long time, 'I know him well enough that I can safely assume that he wouldn't leave the previous worlds where his girlfriends are in without a good reason, especially in these very crucial times.'

With how much of an efficiency monster Kisuke is, Serafall also knew that Kisuke would have already shared relevant information if he already had a concrete plan, 'I guess it's a waiting game for now, huh?'


Serafall was instantly pulled back from her thoughts when she heard Claire's worried voice, "Hmm?"

"...Did we mess up?"

"No, no, no." Serafall hurriedly shook her head, "I'm just thinking about something else. Wash yourselves up and we'll have dinner."




It had been more than a month since Kisuke, Serafall, Claire, Tanis, and Kunou left for another world. And with their departure known to the elders of the Devil high society, it didn't take long for the other factions to get a whiff of it and soon became an open secret throughout the whole world.

Although there weren't any changes on the surface, the very deepest depths of each organization were stirred greatly with all sorts of people moving about to gather and secure their power, by either secretly allying themselves, or surrendering to the aliens that were trying to seduce them.

Although only a month had gone by, it became a big headache for Sona and the others, "This isn't good..."

Irina, who was sitting beside her in a cafe asked, "Which one?" Since there were so many problems that they were tackling right now, she asked which one was not in a good state.

"They're getting more and more obvious about their allegiance to the outsiders." Akeno, who was with them, answered Irina's question.

"Isn't that great? It'll be a lot easier to catch them now."

Sona took a sip of her smoothie before answering, "It is, but it's also hard to make them pay for it since no organization could do it openly. If this problem were to be revealed to the public, it'll cause mass hysteria and the current peaceful world will devolve into a chaotic mess of people trying to figure out who's going to stab them in the back."

However, Akeno couldn't help but sneer at those words, "But that's not what's worrying those old coots. Since this all happened in a short amount of time, they haven't prepared to secure their positions of power, and destabilizing the situation might cost them being thrown under the bus. Let's be honest, those guys don't care if the world is about to end. They only care where they'll end up when this is all over and whether they could still have their commanding tones and wealth."

"That's why this isn't good... The more time they have, the more things they'll mess up..." Sona went back to clutching her head.

"Then why don't we just go with the [Kisuke-route]?" Irina suddenly suggested.

Both Sona and Akeno immediately froze and went into deep contemplation. The [Kisuke-route] is a term they coined that means going through a problem with Kisuke's way of thinking. If it's a mess and it's a problem, it's not messy enough.

A new wave of headaches came to Sona and this time, to Akeno too.

But as much as they didn't want to go through the [Kisuke-route], it's also a very attractive proposition for these very stressed-out ladies.

Resting her elbows on the table and grinning, Sona suddenly instructed, "Akeno, use all our available channels and announce what's happening right now."

"It'll cause mass hysteria, are you sure?"

"A violent and dangerous alien species is currently invading. They should."

"Irina and I will lose our current positions. Not that I care."

"I don't care about it too~!"

"We need more instructors in the academy anyway."

"Many factions will denounce us for the ensuing chaos."

"We've done all the diplomacy we could. And since that's not enough, they can go fuck themselves."

"And the sanctions that are inevitably coming?"

"No supply of Soul Gears for them."

"And if that's not enough?"

"Threaten them to take down the barrier. Since the Evies are getting in anyway, the barrier is useless. We'll bring all of them down to Hell with us."

"They'll spin us as tyrants and enemies of the world."

"They don't like us in the first place so they'll just be making that public."

Akeno stood up with a very refreshed smile on her face, "Understood. Please give me a few hours. I'll make sure that anyone and everyone who can think will hear the announcement."

With that, Akeno left Sona and Irina with light steps in her wake, "She's had enough of talking in circles, huh?" Irina commented at the obviously happy Akeno.

"I can now understand why Kisuke always wants to mess things up. If it can cause a headache and frustration to the enemies and he can laugh about it, it's worth it." Sona muttered and looked up, feeling a massive weight taken off her shoulder, "Now we just have to wait for Yoruichi."



Not gonna lie, I found the ending fucking hilarious and cathartic compared to the usual "But we can't do anything about these super obviously evil fucks or we get called bad people!" spiel. Just set the world on fire with them still in it. Easy.


Chapter 1125 Secret Meeting | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

After fulfilling her duties, the tall white haired beautiful woman, who looked like a Human aside from her mechanical limbs, wanted to rest her mind on one of the uninhabited planets that she owned. Although everyone around her knew that she found and owned a few planets by traveling alone in her free time, no one really knew how many there are or where they're located exactly because she modified the Space Gate that she uses, not allowing any tracking to happen.

She soon arrived at one of her favorite spots, a planet that was covered with all sorts of red fauna making it look like a desolate and dead planet from outer space. While she's a silicon-based life, she greatly appreciates the variety of a carbon-based life, especially plants that give off unique and relaxing scents.

However, her moment of relaxation was abruptly cut off when she noticed the disturbance in the surroundings as she got nearer to her log cabin.


The woman stopped walking for a moment and liquid metal started seeping out from her face before it went behind her ears. The liquid metal then formed an extension to her ears and now it looks like she's wearing something on her ears.

Immediately a second later, the middle of her chest lit up from within and a massive wave of Magic Power erupted from her. The surge of Magic Power went around the globe a few times before stopping, 'A guest... But how did she come here?'

The woman started walking again and her pace didn't change.

Yoruichi, who was waiting in the woman's log cabin, shivered when the wave of Magic Power went over her a few times, 'This is nuts... I think that went through the entire planet a few times?'

She was reminded yet again that she was about to deal with one of the strongest known beings, 'I really hope there's a chance for talk as Kisuke had said.' Making sure that she didn't even touch anything inside the log cabin, Yoruichi just stood near the entrance waiting for the Evie. But even with Yoruichi's presence being revealed, she waited for more than an hour before she could finally see the Evie walking casually towards her.

"My~ I wasn't expecting a guest at all. And certainly not someone from the Draconic Deus." The Evie's gentle eyes instantly turned sharp, "Even if you are Kisuke Urahara's partner, aren't you risking both of our livelihoods too much?"

Yoruichi didn't show any weakness despite coming face to face with her and said in Evie's language with great accuracy and precision, "I really apologize for suddenly showing up. Although I did my best to cover my tracks, I can't deny the fact that there's a very slim chance that I'm followed. However, I do believe that you can handle the risk better than Stralit Luxeux."

Yoruichi and the Evie stared at each other for a few moments before the latter sighed in defeat, "How did you come here?" But before the former could answer, the Evie raised her hand, "Wait, before that, let's head inside and secure the area for any potential eyes and ears."




Seraselbes prepared the same tea that she offered to Kisuke for Yoruichi and after the latter had taken a sip of the strangely fragrant and delicious tea, Yoruichi first introduced herself properly, "Nice to meet you, Seraselbes. I'm Yoruichi Shihouin and I came today on Kisuke's behalf."

"I'm Seraselbes. It's also a pleasure to become your acquaintance. I didn't think it would be today, though. So can you please tell me how you came in? I want to fix the vulnerability or maybe abandon this place if it's unredeemable."

"Kisuke rigged the location of the 36th node on his way back and before he went on his trip, he passed me a bit of Stralit Luxeux's [Shadow] to go through the verification process of each node coming here."

Seraselbes furrowed her eyebrows and said, "But I didn't reveal to him that Stralit's [Shadow] is needed to transverse those Space Gates and I'm sure neither Stralit herself would leak such a thing."

"Out of all people I know, Kisuke is one of the most sensitive to the movement of Spiritual Power and that's even amplified by his own devices. In a desolate place where there's nothing happening, it wouldn't be weird for him to notice the verification if it pertains to the movement of Spiritual Power, especially if it's not of his own."

'I underestimated him...' Seraselbes thought to herself before saying, "And who else knows about this?"

"Aside from myself, one of the girls close to me and Kisuke. This is, of course, just for my own security in case you've thought of erasing me here."

Seraselbes sneered at her while releasing a bit of her aura, "I think a strange man suddenly appearing beside my closest friend is enough of a threat, don't you think?"

Yoruichi, however, was unphased, "Redundancy for something important as this meeting was necessary. I apologize for taking this step, but I don't regret it. Nevertheless, if you can trust my words, all knowledge about this node and the path here will be taken to our graves."

After that, silence ensued with no one talking for a few minutes.

Seraselbes thought of taking this woman as a hostage to control Kisuke and to offset his ability to suddenly appear beside Stralit. However, she decided against it after seeing how careful she is about things. After all, she had already seen how Kisuke manipulated a fake body and she couldn't really tell if Yoruichi was doing the same thing right now.

If she is and Seraselbes suddenly attacked her, it'll be a losing game for her and she would have no cards against Kisuke in addition to making an enemy out of him.

Although Evies are generally stronger than their Etouldes counterparts, Evies don't really understand Spiritual Power nor have any ability to manipulate it even after conversion technology that could copy a being's original ability after analyzing their bodies and reconstructing it as an Evie. This is the reason why the Etouldes could stand toe to toe with them on their home planet.

"And what do you hope to achieve by meeting me like this?" Seraselbes decided to move the conversation forward, hoping that she'll find something she could use to take back some control.

"A path to the Etouldes and all the information I may need to navigate it."


28th00: Seras is gonna be in a paranoia spiral because of Kisuke. Hilarious. He didn't even intend it this time!


Chapter 1126 Yoruichi's Adventure | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Seraselbes went quiet again and she thought about Yoruichi's demands. Although she only said her demands, she made it pretty obvious that she was offering her service to infiltrate the other side. She contemplated it long and carefully and only when Seraselbes figured out what she wanted did she ask, "And what do you offer back?"

"You already know, but information that I gathered on that side and maybe a bit of a request from you."

"So it'll be up to you whether or not to accept my request."

Yoruichi nodded, "Naturally. If the risk is too great, I won't accept it. Both of us have something to gain from this so I don't want to waste this opportunity as much as possible."

'So she already has an idea of what's happening on Stralit's side.' It was Seraselbes' current biggest worry. The fact that Stralit was assaulted without her being able to defend herself effectively due to a certain artifact meant that someone in her own Clan wanted to remove her. Be it for her current ideology or being an heir to one of the highest seats in the entire Etoulde government, it doesn't matter. Seraselbes wanted to remove this danger as soon as possible.

Although they won't be bothering Stralit for a while after it was revealed that the artifact went out of the Luxeux's monitoring and was used against their own blood, it won't completely stop the attack. Sadly, she can't do anything from her side, leaving Stralit to fend on her own. Seraselbes didn't even have any idea how many groups are crawling around nor their intentions and goals.

"Their culture, their influence, their way of communicating, I will give you all of this information and how you'll be able to integrate in their society. In exchange, I want you to protect Stralit and remove the threats around her."

"I would need much more details for that request."

"It'll come later. I'm only asking you if you can fulfill it. Outside of that, you can do whatever you want as long as you don't go against what Stralit wants to happen."

It was Yoruichi's turn to be quiet this time. She thought about it briefly before asking, "Let's say I accept this condition, will you be sending me to her side?"

Seraselbes nodded, "That's the plan but do you have anything else in mind?"

"If you want to rout the pests around her, I think it'll be more effective if no one knows I intend to protect her."

"Then your next option will be just entering their society as a normal citizen. In that case, you'll have to work from the ground up. How many years would that take?"

Yoruichi displayed a cunning smile, "Give me a month or two. I have my ways."




A week later, Yoruichi arrived at one of the largest world hubs that's being controlled by the Etouldes and the nearest hub from their homeworld.

She's currently in a spaceship that she boards thanks to Seraselbes' help. Although Space Gates exist, it was mostly exclusively used for their military efforts and high-ranking officers and clans. The primary mode of transportation within their territory is through the spaceship's Warp Drives which is more efficient but has less range and could be detected from a long distance so any use of it is always accounted for. Any illegal attempts to use it had severe punishments ranging from death to lifelong slave status for the whole family.

Yoruichi gathered all of her luggage and looked at herself in the mirror. Right now, thanks to the medicine that Kisuke left behind, her shiny black hair has turned into dull white and her healthy brown skin has turned into rough and dark gray skin. Since it's taking advantage of the body's cellular activities, there is no Magic involved, making it undetectable from any Magic scans.

Finally, she checked the unassuming silver bangle which fit perfectly on her right arm and that she received from Seraselbes. Using her mind to control its functions, a translucent screen instantly appeared in front of her, and details of her trip, 'How convenient.'

Thankfully, the written language guide that came from Seraselbes was compatible with Kisuke's [Language Installation System] so she could have learned how to read the characters in front of her.

And while browsing through the information displayed, a certain line caught her attention, [Race/Origin: Pamatypa]

It's the name of a world that doesn't exist anymore after being destroyed by the Evies and one of the most brutal annihilations in history. However, Seraselbes revealed to Yoruichi that it's only because the Etouldes didn't want to back off that it became one of the most bloody conflicts, resulting even in the destruction of the planet so neither side could benefit from what it could offer.

Its inhabitants have dull white hair and rough gray skin like Yoruichi is now and most of them are proficient in Martial Arts and Close Quarter Magic Combat. And since there's only a handful of members of the Pamatypa that survived and many of them choose a nomadic lifestyle, nothing much is known about them outside of that and it's a perfect disguise for Yoruichi.

Hearing the story of Pamatypa from Seraselbes, Yoruichi became even more thankful that they didn't trust either side that was trying to dominate Earth.

Yoruichi left the ship after a quick check from its security and managed to get inside a large city that's entirely enclosed in glass-like material, "First thing first. I have to register as a mercenary and attract a bit of attention. Once I'm done, I'll be fishing her out." Yoruichi muttered to herself while carefully checking the spider made out of Spiritual Power that Kisuke left her.


28th00: Heh, that freaking spider. Big OOF's incoming.

