SDG 729-733

Super Dimensional Guild 729 : Garuda jealous of weapons at the Gate of Babylon

Tohru who escaped death, didn't know if she was lucky this time, or something else.

Tohru turned to look at Su Han and the others, thinking about whether to say thank you. She knew very well in his heart that if it weren't for Thor's help, then she would be dead by now.

But Tohru saw Accelerator and Kobayashi exit the portal.

Tohru said in disbelief, "Kobayashi, why are you here?"

"Don't panic Tohru-sama, we are here with reinforcements! They are so strong, they can definitely save you." Kanna was hugged by Kanna, her hands were protruding like trumpets around her lips, and she was screaming loudly.

Tohru: "😐"

It was precisely because you were all present that she became anxious.


On the other hand.

"Absolutely tragic!" Kobayashi muttered to herself. The on-site battle was undoubtedly more intense than she expected.

Moreover, seeing the appearance of Tohru's bruised body, it became increasingly difficult for Kobayashi to calm down. But even though there was fear in his heart, but looking at Tohru, Kobayashi still allowed herself to smile, showing that she was not afraid.

Kobayashi opened the guild's live broadcast room. She devoted some of his attention to the guild's live broadcast, which managed to keep herself from panicking too much.


My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Woah, what a big bird."

Sakata Gintoki: "This is the first time I've seen a bird of a size comparable to a spaceship!"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "This bird is very big, should it be Garuda? What is the largest on the opposite side?'

Kasumi Utako: "Ah..."

Kiririn: "You bunch of perverts who say such vulgar words."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "When do I say vulgar words? Is not that true? That bird is huge."

Father Shirohige: "Don't say it's the biggest one, just talk about the smaller one, which is also very big."

Let the World Suffer: "Looks like Tohru and the other two dragons lost."

Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: "As long as anyone is not blind, anyone can see."

King: "The opposing side's strength is too strong. In fact, Tohru and the others were beyond my expectations to have survived until now."

Shirai Kuroko: "So, the Guild Master and the others have come at a critical time! Tsk, it really conforms to the laws of the protagonist's appearance. If, like the cops in the movies, every time they arrive after the incident is over, what should be done?"

Nakiri Erina: "I think at the time I was worried that Thor had become a corpse."

Kobayashi: "😐"


Su Han could detect wariness on the Garuda in the distance.

"Garuda, are you a god in Indian mythology?"

"I will give you a gift as our first meeting, I hope you will be satisfied with my gift." Su Han raised his hand and thousands of golden ripples appeared behind him.

From the golden ripples came out various kinds of weapons and all weapons aimed at Garuda.

"Gate of Babylon!"

Countless Noble Phantasms and Zanpakutou all shot into the distance.

Thor's eyes suddenly became round when he saw this.

Because he saw that Mjnolnir and Stormbreaker were ejected from the Gate of Babylon.

Thor: "???"

What's going on here? Of course Thor wouldn't be surprised if it was just an ordinary weapon.

Most importantly Thor can feel the power of the powerful lightning from these two weapons. Even with his eyes, he could not see that these two weapons were fake.


Above the sky, there are many kinds of weapons.

Garuda distrust seeing these weapons.

He said in surprise. "Who is this person? Did he plunder all the gods in this world?"

Garuda felt the divine aura from all the weapons.

Even if it is a powerful weapon that contains divinity. He even saw the weapon of the main god in charge of the main god of India. He felt a true power fluctuation.

These weapons, even in the hands of the Main God, would be considered treasures, and would only be issued when fighting against a strong enemy.

But in the hands of Su Han, he only used it as a tool, and took it out in the cruelest way.

This kind of local tyrant attitude, even if Garuda saw it, doubted himself for fear of becoming a false god.

Garuda tried to calm down and let out a loud growl.

"No matter how you get so many treasures, the number of artifacts in your hands is very large, it doesn't mean that you are invincible."

Garuda said that he didn't care, but his eyes were completely red with envy.

Its wings spread, and by flapping its wings, it created a storm.

It turned into a real storm, and even condensed into blades of wind in the air, sending any weaker weapons flying away. However, this kind of wind blade couldn't stop the top weapon in the slightest.

Garuda was not surprised, its wings flapped again. Each flap contained a powerful force.

Its wings are much harder than steel. Even the artifact couldn't break through the defenses of its wings. But there were too many weapons projected on the opposite side, almost endless.

However, no matter how strong Garuda endures, over time, mistakes will inevitably occur, because no one is immune to mistakes, not even gods.

With a loud voice, Ryujin Jakka bypassed his defenses

Super Dimensional Guild 730 : Out of bounds

Flames pierced Garuda's chest, and the power of fire burned his body.

"This extremely powerful burning power is no less than a major god divine artifact, but I have never seen such an artifact in my life. Should I say that I don't have much knowledge?"

Garuda laughed, even though his body was burning and blood was pouring out, but still managed to laugh, as if he didn't see anything. With wings that were many times stronger than steel, blocking the approaching weapons.

It's not that Garuda can't feel the pain, but because Garuda knows that if he pauses for a moment because of the pain, the next moment that pierces his body will be countless weapons in front of him.

It's just a sword, it's fine to hurt it. Even if the sword was comparable to a major god artifact, the same was true.

After all, this was not a fully used artifact, but was simply issued as a bow and arrow.

However, if all these weapons penetrated his body, no matter how strong he was, he would be seriously injured at that time.

Can Su Han, who can unleash so many weapons, be such a simple character?

Garuda couldn't believe it.

So he knew very well that if he was seriously injured, it might be time for Su Han to kill him.

"Father!" Kaar feels he is dreaming, and he cannot believe that everything in front of him is real.

"Why so many artifacts! Is this really reality and not fantasy? How could something like that happen?" Kaji looked at this scene glumly.

Compared to Kaar, Kaji was undoubtedly calmer. But no matter how calm he was, he felt dizzy when he saw this sight.

Although Kaji is not like Garuda, a true god in Indian mythology. But he was also a demigod from a mythological lineage.

He had followed Garuda and had seen too much. But in this case, with the knowledge he had, he was taken aback by this sight.

"Sudarsana Chakra of Lord Vishnu, Trident of Lord Shiva..." Kaji murmured saying one artifact after another which occupies a very high position in Indian mythology. At the same time, he also saw an artifact that occupied a high position in other myths.

"Let's kill that person!" Kaar gritted his teeth, and looked at Su Han from a distance.

Kaji looked at Kaar. "Do you think the man who can shoot so many divine artifacts, is an ordinary person?"

"Father is hurt!" Kaar looked at Kaji coldly. "No matter how strong that person is, we must at least fight for a chance to breathe for Father's sake. It's possible that that person is only good at ranged attacks and isn't good at melee attacks."

Kaar tries hard to think of the best possible.

"You're right!" Kaji nodded after considering for a while.

The current situation was already so bad, no matter how bad, where could he go? Will they be able to survive if their father dies? Think that this is impossible.

Kaji's figure instantly turned into a golden flash, flying towards Su Han.

"This is really seeking death!" Marquis Voban sneered, "Guild Master, let me finish, how about that?"

"Do what you want!" Su Han nodded.

Marquis Voban turned into a giant wolf with a height of 100 meters.

Even though Marquis Voban's giant wolf incarnation was enormous, he had an extremely fast speed, he turned into a bolt of black lightning and clashed with a golden glint in the air. The golden flash stopped at this moment, so that its true form appeared.

The giant black wolf that incarnated from Marquis Voban bit Kaji's neck.

Kaji flapped his wings constantly attacking Marquis Voban.

But Marquis Voban's feathers were so hard that his wings bombarded the feathers, making a sound like the collision of gold and stone.

Marquis Voban remained motionless, as if he didn't even notice the pain, let alone the wound.

"Damn it!" Kaar's face became extremely ugly, and also turned into a golden light, running towards Marquis Voban.

However, when Kaar flew halfway, a light of thunder crossed the sky. It's Stormbreaker Thor.

Stormbreaker hit Kaar's chest and knocked him down which made him roar in pain

He felt excruciating pain.

At the same time, arcs of lightning that spread throughout his body were blocking his movement.

Compared to Garuda's ability to forcibly take out Stormbreaker with his powerful divine power, Kaar was undoubtedly much worse.

"Damn." Garuda saw that his two children were seriously injured, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't calm down. It was at this moment that Gae Bolg broke through his defenses and entered his heart.

"If you don't take it seriously, you will die." Su Han looked at Garuda indifferently.

Although created with the Reality Stone, the Noble Phantasm in Gate of Babylon does have the properties of the original Noble Phantasm Gate of Babylon, the weapons that Garuda issued voluntarily were scattered and taken by Gate of Babylon, then fired again.

In other words, if Su Han's stamina was not exhausted, Garuda would always face a large number of Noble Phantasms.

Garuda glared at Su Han, he had made up his mind.

The Garuda instantly turned into a golden light, rushing through the endless rain of weapons.

Compared to his two sons, Garuda turned into golden light with almost teleportation-like speed, he appeared in front of Thor.

Of course, breaking through the Noble Phantasm blockade by force didn't mean that he didn't pay any price. In fact, the price Garuda paid was much heavier than he imagined, his body being pierced through by dozens of Divine Artifacts.

"How cruel!" Thor, looked at Garuda in front of him.

Garuda opened his mouth, and a strong suction tried to swallow Thor. He hated Thor who beat his son to death.

Thor's face changed.

With thunder light radiating from his body, it was as if he had turned into a sun composed of thunder. But for Garuda, it was just a little harder to swallow.

"Not good." Su Han appeared beside Garuda. "King to king, entering other people's battlefield without permission, breaking the rules, what do you think Garuda?"

After saying that, with Su Han's punch accompanied by the power of the Power Stone hitting Garuda, this punch was many times heavier than a meteorite

Super Dimensional Guild 731 : Poor Fafnir

Garuda's head was hit by Su Han's punch, the blow caused Garuda's head to burst and blood splashed in all directions.

"Ah!" Garuda groaned, feeling excruciating pain, and at the same time his entire body, like a cannonball, fell into the Atlantic Ocean.

"You can not!" Su Han said hurriedly.

If Garuda falls into the Atlantic Ocean, then the kinetic energy will cause the seabed to change.

The spread of kinetic energy will cause several continents adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean to be hit by a tsunami that destroys the world. The chain reaction can even lead to the extinction of the human species.

In the final analysis, Su Han came to this world to save the world, not to destroy it.

"Looks like I can only use the old method!" Su Han used the Space Stone.

The space where Garuda fell was instantly distorted.

After that, the huge body like the Garuda mountain disappeared into it.

But this is just the beginning.

The distorted space quickly spread out, and Accelerator, Marquis Voban and the others who were fighting, even Tohru and Elma were involved.

"Why is there such a big change like this?"

Tohru was very interested in this space, so she could detect this space, although it was very different from before, but even though it was similar, it was completely different from before.

Elma took on a human form at this moment, and immediately appeared beside Tohru. She was undoubtedly aware of more than Tohru. "I don't think this is the earth world."

"Transported to another world?" Tohru wasn't surprised, after all, there was speculation beforehand.

"You are wrong!" To Tohru's surprise, Elma denied. "If we had just come to another world, I would only commend him for his strong control over space abilities."

"But according to my conclusion, that man created the world." Elma said this doubtfully, unable to believe her judgment.

Tohru was in disbelief, to create a world? This was very different from moving to another world! To be able to do something like that…. Was that youth who looked like a god really a god?

Tohru quickly ran towards Kobayashi.

She was full of doubts and wanted to ask Kobayashi about that group of people.

Tohru guessed in her heart, feeling that Su Han and the others might be similar to Garuda, a god from another world. However, if the origins of Su Han and the others were really like this, then why did Kobayashi know Su Han and the others?


Su Han floated above the sky, he opened the mirror dimension, and naturally he would no longer prevent Garuda from falling.

A huge body as big as a mountain range crashed into the ocean with kinetic energy causing huge waves thousands of meters high.

"It's over, we're going to die, we're going to die. "Kobayashi witnessed a gigantic sky-high wave coming towards her. The body didn't move because of fear.

"Ordinary people are really vulnerable!" Accelerator raised his hand and used vector control. The tsunami waves heading towards them turned in the opposite direction.

The big waves moved in the opposite direction and the sea became calm again.

"Vector manipulation?"

Kobayashi recalled the power Accelerator had, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"So you know that I have such power, why do you look like you saw the end of the world? Where did you come from as a drama actor? If you're making jokes, then that's really good acting." Accelerator sneered.

"Sorry, I'm just an ordinary person. Faced with such a tsunami wave, my whole mind goes blank and I don't remember the power you possess." Kobayashi sincerely apologized, but hugged Kanna tighter.

"Kobayashi, even if you don't have this white-haired man, you don't have to worry, I will protect you! "

Kanna stretched out her fist and pushed hard in the air several times.

Kobayashi replied with a relieved smile. "Then I will wait for you to protect me."

Tohru and Elma quickly arrived beside Kobayashi.

Tohru looked at Accelerator warily, then rushed over and looked closely at Kobayashi. "Didn't I tell you not to come here?"

"If I don't come, you will die! Do you want me to quietly wait for news of your death to arrive?"

Kobayashi looked at Tohru without showing any sign of weakness, "If you want to be like this, then I'm sorry, I can't do it."

Tohru was so embarrassed in front of Kobayashi that she was almost killed by Garuda. Even if she wanted to rebuke Kobayashi, there was no such position or reason.

Accelerator looked into the distance and said, "Tohru and Elma? Can I call you that?"

"Of course!" Tohru, nodded. Despite the respectful attitude, there is also vigilance.

After all Tohru had yet to confirm the true identity of the group of people in front of her, even though the group of people in front of her were very close to Kobayashi. But when she didn't know the real situation, it was better to be wary. Then Tohru asked. "Excuse me, is there something?"

Accelerator pointed his finger into the distance, "That guy should be your friend?"

Tohru followed Accelerator's gaze and looked into the distance. Then she saw that, at this moment, a wave of tsunanmi swept across Fafnir who was howling miserably.

"Arhhhh! Who will save me, I am still badly injured I am a wounded man. There was no way to withstand such a huge wave! Help..."

Tohru: "???"

Elma: "???"

Super Dimensional Guild 732 : Kaar's death

Tohru and Elma had completely forgotten about Fafnir because of all the previous events.

The usually cold, indifferent Fafnir, like a middle-aged man, shouted for help. They both looked at each other.

"Is it really okay not to save him?" Kobayashi, who still had integrity, still asked.

Just seeing Fafnir being swept away by the tsunami waves, isn't that a bad thing?

"Don't worry, I've never heard of a dragon drowning. Even if it is swept away by the tsunami waves, except for the shame, there will be no problem.

Tohru looked confidently at Kobayashi "Maybe."

Accelerators: "😐"

If Tohru didn't add the last sentence, Accelerator might believe, this might be a fragile friendship!

Despite Accelerator's comments, he didn't speak. Tohru and the others who had a relationship with Fafnir but didn't help. Could they still count on him to help? Isn't this a joke?

He, Accelerator! Academy City's number one villain! How is it possible to do something like a saint who saves others? What, you said protect Kobayashi? Protect the guild members! Can it be called protection? It's called helping fellow guild members!


On the battlefield.

Garuda fell into the sea, causing a tsunami wave.

But before long, the tsunami waves returned and drowned Garuda completely, only to see red blood dye the ocean red.

"If it wasn't for knowing that you have the power to destroy the world, I might really believe, this move would have finished you!" The six Tomoe in Su Han's pupils rapidly rotated, and his hands formed a hand print.

"Suirō no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique)"

"Then ..."

"Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)!"

The sea that formed a giant ball of water slowly rose from the sea.

Although Garuda's body is very large, at this moment, it is firmly bound in the middle of the sea.

There was a sharp chirping sound, the Garuda bird's beak opened, and its whole body radiated a boundless luster, the water polo began to shake, and torn apart. Garuda's entire body emitted a golden glow, like the rising sun and every feather emitted a metallic luster.

"I want you dead!" shouted Garuda in anger.

He saw Thor in the distance slashing with Kaar. He also saw Kaji who was under Marquis Voban's attack which dyed most of the sea red, and Kaji's aura rapidly decreased. If it wasn't for Su Han, he would have saved his two sons by now.

Garuda is very unwilling! The golden feather infused with the Garuda divine power pointed its blade towards Su Han. These blades flooded the sky, even making Su Han feel like he was facing the Gate of Babylon.

"Are you plagiarizing?" Su Han stretched out his hand to grab it, and changed the space.

The golden feathers escaped Garuda's control, gathered in front of him independently, and finally turned into a golden ball.

Within this sphere, countless feathers swirled rapidly.

"Take your own attack!"

Su Han swung his hand, all the endless golden feathers released from the golden giant ball, and stabbed into Garuda's body.

Blood splattered from Garuda.

"1 billion volts! Supercharged! Ten times supercharged!"

Su Han's body turned into a light of lightning, and immediately appeared in front of Garuda, and at the same time used the Divine Authority of the storm and lightning.

At this moment, dark clouds filled the sky, and turned this place into a sea of lightning.

No matter how hard Garuda's body was, he couldn't withstand the attacks from the lightning and endless lightning struck his body, causing him to feel excruciating pain. He couldn't even move and became paralyzed.

"Father!" Kaar barely survives Thor, at this point, but he's also struck by lightning.

It was only because of this sea area that everything turned into a sea of lightning. Even the battlefield between him and Thor, and even the battlefield between Kaji and Marquis Voban was also shrouded in lightning.

Kaar felt his body paralyzed, and tried to comfort himself.

"It does not matter! It must be fine, how could lightning and lightning alone hurt father?"

"I don't know if your father will die. But I know, you die this time." Thor's voice was heard.

At this moment, Kaar looked at Thor in disbelief.

"How could you not be affected in the slightest?"

"Because I'm Thor!" Thor replied lightly.

What kind of bullshit is this? I am still a descendant of Garuda who also has strong lightning resistance.

This kind of lightning can injure him, is it ordinary lightning?

The ax in his hand gathered lightning, and then Thor decapitated Kaar.

Kaar died. He had been seriously injured before, and now his head had been decapitated. Naturally, there was no possibility of continuing to live.

Thor looked at Su Han in the distance, with a trace of heart pounding in his eyes, and muttered, "Guild Masters are really strong!"

Super Dimensional Guild 733 : New generation King of Scapegoat Ancient One

Su Han and Garuda were in an endless storm in the distance. 

Accelerator's current position was naturally also the area of a thunderstorm. However, it uses vector control to change the direction of the lightning to open a safe zone. 

Tohru and Elma were in a safe area right now. 

However, the expressions of the two of them had worry. 

"If I remember correctly, should Fafnir still be drifting in the sea by now?" said Elma in a low voice. 

"You remember correctly." Tohru nodded. Even though they were worried, even if they wanted to save Fafnir, there was nothing they could do. 

Who knows where Fafnir drifted under the tsunami waves earlier. 

"However this thunderstorm should only weaken the body's functions, it will cause the body to fall into a state of paralysis. It shouldn't be directly fatal." This was the only thing that pleased Elma. If something really happened to Fafnir, they would never forgive themselves for the rest of their lives. 

Elma subconsciously looked at Accelerator. 

Through Accelerator's previous actions, he casually changed the direction of the lightning, and Elma clearly sensed Accelerator's power. 

You could say Accelerator was not inferior to Marquis Voban and Thor who were on the battlefield at the moment. 

The power that Accelerator and the others had was only stronger than Tohru's. It had to be remembered that Tohru was the top power among the dragon races in a different world. 

If one or two were stronger than Tohru, she could accept this fact, but everyone was stronger than Tohru. This is too much. 

"Could it be that they came from a world whose power level far exceeds ours?" Elma felt weakness in her heart. 

The only thing that made him happy was that Su Han and the others seemed to have a good relationship with Kobayashi. This time they came here to save Tohru. There should be no need to worry about the other party doing something to them, or even the world they live in. 

Accelerator ignored Elma's thoughts, closed his eyes at this moment, and entered the guild chat room. 


Father Shirohige: "Gurarara... Did you see Garuda's expression just now when the Guild Master fired a gun?" 

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Anyone in Garuda's position would be like that! Even if Thor's father Odin were in that position, he would also be shocked." 

Kasumi Utako: "Who am I? Where am I? Why did my opponent shoot so many artifacts from Norse mythology, has the god artifact been stolen?🤣🤣🤣" 

Kurosaki Ichigo: "I remember last time, Captain Yamamoto and my father also had that expression when the Guild Master shot a Zanpakutou" 

Kasumi Utako: "That's the expression of a doubtful outlook on life." 

Kiririn: "Congratulations on doubting the outlook on life." 

Thor Odinson: "😐" 

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: " I'm more concerned that Thor is actually faster than the Guild Master to finish the enemy? It surprised me too much. " 

Old Man is the Marquis: "???" 

Old Man is the Marquis: "What do you mean Kosaka Kyosuke? Are you underestimating this old man's fighting ability?" 

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Obviously not, don't be too sensitive Marquis Voban." 

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "I was just a little surprised." 

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuronekop: "It's kind of weird to say that." 

Su Xiaoxiao: "The battle will soon be over." 

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Demon Lord is on stage!" 

King: "When the Guild Master fights Garuda, he can take the time to communicate with us. It seems that the Guild Master can do it easily!" 

Su Xiaoxiao: "It can be done easily! I can't say, but I want to confirm the deliciousness of the cooked Garuda meat." 

Father Shirohige: "???" 

Kurosaki Ichigo: "???" 

Pure White Spirit User: "???" 

Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: "Garuda meat is delicious? This has nothing to do with fighting?" 

Ichigo Kurosaki: "Could it be that the Guild Master made a typo? This possibility is quite high." 

Nakiri Erina: "I think this possibility is very high" 

Su Xiaoxiao: "😐" 

Su Xiaoxiao: "Literally mean, kill this bird and try to keep its limbs intact! Then bring the meat back for Ram and Rem to cook!" 

Symbol of Peace: "!!" 

Nakiri Erina: "😲! Was what I suspected before really true?" 

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "😲" 

Clark Kent: "😲!" 

Busujima Saeko: "Guild Master wants to eat Garuda?!" 

Su Xiaoxiao: "Why can't I eat it? Garuda looks like a bird, and its shape is very large, besides it is also a divine beast! Which rule stipulates that Garuda cannot be eaten? I think Garuda might have a good taste." 

Kasumi Utako: "There is a point." 

Fourth Hokage: "I also suddenly have an appetite." 

Fourth Hokage: "Why not? At that time, the Guild Master will send some Garuda meat to the guild?" 

Su Xiaoxiao: "I will send a little, but not much. Plus Gourmet cells are very greedy, don't look at Garuda's large body, but it doesn't necessarily satisfy my appetite, plus there's also Luo Hao…" 

High Priest Luo Hao: "😐" 

Tony Is Not the Richest: "It's true." 

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Little Pepper looks at me every day now! She suspect I overeat which may be some physical problem" 

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Finally I managed to get special training from the Ancient One to increase my physical strength! I used that as an excuse." 


Sitting in the office, Tony Stark is unlucky and lucky at the same time. 

The Ancient One really fits as a scapegoat. If something happens, Tony can throw it at the Ancient One. After all, ordinary people could not see the Ancient One. As the king of the scapegoats, the Ancient One was perfect. 
