SDG 755-756

Super Dimensional Guild 755 : Does this scene look familiar?

"There are so many of you, you guys wouldn't bully me alone, would you?"

Sushino Hiroshi smiled. The mind raced fast, trying its best to think of a way to escape.

Sushino Hiroshi pointed his finger at Arcuied, and said, "One on one, I will fight Her Highness the Princess! If I win, you let me go, how?"

Su Han raised his eyebrows and looked at Sushino Hiroshi.

Sushino Hiroshi said sincerely, "With your power, I shouldn't be able to threaten you, right? Besides, my strength isn't very strong! I'm primarily a summoner, and if I fight the princess, there's a high chance of losing. Doesn't this also make Her Highness the princess feel relieved?"

Arcuied really felt that what Arcuied said made a lot of sense. However, she did not speak, and turned to look at Su Han, waiting for Su Han's decision.

"You have Soul Materialization which allows you to have unlimited magic power. Coupled with the knowledge of magic that The Serpent of Akasha brought to you, and The Serpent of Akashia, killing an Arcuied once, isn't that possible?

Su Han looked at Sushino Hiroshi with a mocking look, "Do you just think that you are an ordinary summoner? Are you playing us like monkeys?"

Sushino Hiroshi widened his eyes and his mouth opened wide.

The first time he had lost his composure before, was because he knew Aizen's true identity.

The reason why Sushino Hiroshi was so surprised was because he didn't expect Su Han to know him so deeply.

Was it because Su Han had investigated it before, or was it because Su Han had some kind of special power that could spy on other people's abilities?

If it was the first, it would be fine, if it was the second, then the situation in front of him might be even worse than he imagined. Because in front of Su Han, he doesn't have a trump card.

"Receive my attack, if you don't want to die..."

Su Han's words gave Sushino Hiroshi a shock, and he interrupted Su Han hastily, "Let me live?"

Su Han had a smile on his face and said. "Then I will kill you in a different way!"

Sushino Hiroshi: "???"

What the hell, you are talking nonsense.

After saying that, and many Zanpakutou appeared from the golden ripples behind Su Han.

Sushino Hiroshi: "😲"

Why does this scene look familiar? Did he see properly?

Sushino Hiroshi subconsciously looked at Arcuied in the distance, only to find that Arcuied was actually staring at Su Han's Gate of Babylon with admiration.

"I see… is it similar to the clone Arcuied did before? No wonder Arcuied was able to perform this kind of move that wasn't in the original. It turned out to be inspired by this man, I need to worry too much, just use the method just now to solve it!"

Sushino Hiroshi had a magical light flashing in his hand.

He had already made up his mind, waiting for Su Han to launch the Gate of Babylon, then he would parry Su Han's weapon according to the previous Arcuied weapon parrying method. Then, with the help of the counterattack from the magic power, he quickly fled.

Su Han waved his hand as countless Zanpakutou shot towards Sushino Hiroshi.


A magic wave erupted from Sushino Hiroshi. It turned into a storm and swept away the many Zanpakutou in front of it.


Countless Zanpakutou instantly broke the shackles of magic power, and pierced his body in Sushino Hiroshi's eyes in disbelief.

Sushino Hiroshi continued to retreat, and was instantly impaled into a hedgehog.

Excruciating pain came from the whole body, Sushino Hiroshi opened his mouth, but instead of saying a word, he coughed up a mouthful of blood. Disbelief and fear appeared on his face.

"How could something like that happen? These weapons are more powerful than the real Noble Phantasm?" Sushino Hiroshi could clearly feel that he was weaker than before. It could even be said to have reached the end of his life.

If it had pierced through his body, it wouldn't have been a fatal injury.

The most critical problem was that the sword that was inserted into Sushino Hiroshi had a very strong soul control.

"This Sword, what is it?" Sushino Hiroshi asked with difficulty.

Su Han approached Sushino Hiroshi, stretched out his hand, placed it on his forehead, and explained quietly, "This is a Zanpakutou."

"It turned out to be a Zanpakutou!" Sushino Hiroshi finally understood what had happened.

Sushino Hiroshi realized he had lost this time and said almost inaudibly.

"What kind of enemy am I fighting?"

To be able to obtain so many Zanpakutou, this person in front of him had robbed all the Shinigami in Soul Society?

To be able to do something like that, plus Aizen's humble attitude towards this person before. How strong is Su Han's strength? Why did he meet such a strong opponent?

"Yami Yami no Mi fruit, swallow it." From the hand placed in front of Sushino Hiroshi's forehead slightly trembled.

Su Han's hand suddenly emitted a black light, and it continuously entered Sushino Hiroshi's body.

A shrill scream escaped from Sushino Hiroshi's mouth.

He felt every muscle in his body crumble and the most frightening thing was that he now realized that even if he wanted to faint, he could not faint.

After a while, Su Han let go of his hand and frowned.

"What is it, Guild Master? Could it be that the harvest wasn't what you wanted it to be?" Aizen appeared beside Su Han with a smile.

"Yes!" Su Han sighed in disappointment, but didn't explain further.

Su Han realized that the fruit-devouring ability of the Yami Yami no Mi could not take away Sushino Hiroshi's ability.

Soul Materialization can't be snatched away, Su Han can understand, after all, this is a developed ability. But the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception can't be snatched away either, this makes Su Han very disappointed.

Su Han released lightning from his body.

Lightning flashed around Sushino Hiroshi's body, and he instantly disappeared into ashe


Super Dimensional Guild 756 : It's just a small surprise

[Ding! Mission completed! Quest rewards have been distributed to members...]

Hearing the mission completed, Su Han was not relieved. Sushino Hiroshi's place disappeared into ashes and sank into the body of the Arcuied in the distance.

"What?" Su Han was dumbfounded by the change in situation.

Arcuied looked dazed, his body trembled slightly, and then a bright red light suddenly appeared behind her.

The sky turned pitch black, and the blood-colored moon hung high in the sky.

A loud sound of alarm suddenly sounded in the ears of all the personnel involved in the guild mission.

[Ding! Danger! Danger! The Root power hidden in Sushino Hiroshi's body lost its host and managed to escape, it merged with the Arcuied body and awakened the King of the Moon!]

Su Han: "😲"

Aizen Sosuke: "😲"

Alucard: "😲"

How could this happen?

Just as everyone was dumbfounded, the sounds of the system kept ringing in Su Han's ears.

[Ding! New mission has been released! Accept it, Guild Master]

Su Han entered the main mission column, and he found a new quest that appeared.

[Mission Name: Suppressing Crimson Moon]

[Mission introduction: Crimson Moon fusion with moon power will briefly restore Crimson Moon power to its prime. Please suppress or seal Crimson Moon in this state]

[Mission reward: 150,000 points]

Su Han took a deep breath and calmed his mood, then took a screenshot and threw it into the guild chat room.

Faher Shirohige: "What is the situation? Who is Crimson Moon, King of the Moon?"

Waver: "King of the Moon, Crimson Moon! Ancestor of True Ancestor! Unexpected character."

Waver: "I don't know how strong it is, but I do know that Zelretch the Wizard Marshall, who was in charge of the Second Magic, was turned into a Dead Apostle by Crimson Moon."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "😲"

Old Man is the Marquis: "Sounds really strong!"

Waver: "That's very powerful."

Shinonono Tabane: "Looking at the mission introduction, 150,000 points doesn't seem very strong?"

L: "Shinonono Tabane, you overlooked one thing, Crimson Moon has recovered to its prime for a short time. If only a short time is worth 150,000 points, then Crimson Moon's true abilities are worth reckoning with."

Edogawa Conan: "Yes, if the strength of his heyday is worth 150,000 in a short period of time, then the power he displays at this stage is not necessarily inferior to those who can destroy the world."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "😐"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Don't worry too much! I know Crimson Moon, he shouldn't be my opponent."


The place where Su Han was currently standing was no longer the desert from before. But in a large castle similar to Millennium Castle.

This is the Reality Marble released by Crimson Moon.

Blood-red moonlight descended from the sky.

"This feeling is very bad." Alucard looked at Arcuied not far away with a serious expression.

Arcuied at this time. No, perhaps it should be called Crimson Moon.

There was no emotional turmoil on his face, he just turned his head and glanced at Alucard briefly, and Alucard's body suddenly exploded and blood splattered.


Tony Is Not the Richest: "😲!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "😲"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Alucard is dead?!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "How is that possible? There has never been a death of a guild member."

All the guild members who witnessed the whole process were shocked.

Aizen said that he couldn't take it anymore and came out to explain.

Aizen Sosuke: "I don't understand why you all panicked…"

Aizen Sosuke: "There is more than one life for Alucard. If it wasn't for the fact that Alucard couldn't die, the Guild Master would have taken action long ago!"

Father Shirohige: "Gurarara... Don't worry, stay tuned!"


The blood flowed again, and Alucard instantly returned to his peak condition.

This strange phenomenon didn't make Crimson Moon experience the slightest mood swings. He was expressionless at the moment, and there were energy fluctuations spreading through his body.

"Is it really in a raging state?"

Su Han's eyes turned into the Rinnegan Six Tomoe, and he used the Space Stone to change the position where Alucard was standing.

Alucard appeared behind Su Han.

The next second, the position where Alucard had previously exploded, and there were cracks everywhere.

"Almost dead again!"

Alucard said sarcastically, playing the gun in his hand, this was the first time he died so easily. Almost no resistance at all.

He felt that even if he used zero knowledge to release all the souls in the Dead Sea. He was worried that he was no match for Crimson Moon.

"It is indeed a very powerful being." Su Han nodded

Su Han took a step forward.

He became serious at this moment, and his hair automatically flared without any wind. This was completely different from the display of laziness in front of Sushino Hiroshi earlier.

Because Su Han knew very well that Sushino Hiroshi was nothing to him, even if he really ran away. Unless Sushino Hiroshi was able to escape from this world, if Su Han wanted to kill him, he would never be able to escape.

However, Crimson Moon was different.

Crimson Moon in the heyday of combining Moon of Root, even Su Han did not dare to underestimate the opponent.

"Moon of Root... Is this Sushino Hiroshi's real advantage in Root? No wonder he wants to kill Arcuied…" Su Han muttered, "Want to kill Arcuied with Sushino Hiroshi's help?"

Snorting, Crimson Moon crossed time and space, appeared in front of Su Han in an instant, and punched Su Han in the face with a punch.

With a smile on the corner of Su Han's mouth, he also clenched his fist and slammed it forward hard.

The two fists collided, and the surrounding space was annihilated.

Su Han stepped back, the color of Busoshoku Haki covered his entire arm, even so, he still felt the pressure, the Six Tomoe in his eyes were rapidly rotating.

"If I don't use the Power Stone, will I still not match it?"

In the end, Su Han was forced to use the Power Stone to amplify his blow.