SDG 757-771

Super Dimensional Guild 757 : The Arrival of Zelretch of the Jewels | Takamiya Shin on

Crimson Moon's body was blown away. There were even cracks on Crimson Moon's body. However, Crimson Moon's recovery ability was extremely strong, and his wounds healed in an instant.

Su Han's palm reached the direction of Crimson Moon, and said indifferently. "Chibaku Tensei!"

The entire Millennium Castle collapsed.

Countless stones flew into the air, then stuck around the body of the Crimson Moon, and immediately turned into an enormous moon.

However, in the next moment, the moon shook violently, it looked like it could shatter at any moment.

Without hesitation, Su Han used the Reality Stone to add a new shackle to the moon. This will stabilize the moon which is collapsing again.

Aizen used Shunpo and immediately appeared beside Su Han, narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at the moon in the distance, said inexplicably, "Guild Master has thought about how to deal with the fleeing Crimson Moon?"

"Up to you!" Su Han glanced at Aizen.

The smile on Aizen's face froze, and then returned to normal, "I just don't understand."

"Hasn't your Kyoka Suigetsu now evolved four times?" Although Su Han asked, but his words were quite certain.

Aizen nodded.

"Then give it a try, can you use Kyoka Suigetsu to let Crimson Moon pull himself up? I almost forgot there is hidden danger in Arcuied's body!"

"But it's not impossible to solve it, in the future let Arcuied pay attention to this aspect, and then increase his bloodline to surpass Crimson Moon..."

"Crimson Moon is no threat to him. It should also be considered an alternative permanent seal." Su Han explained.

Aizen suddenly asked, "It seems that the Guild Master's thoughts are very comprehensive. However, I still want to ask, if my Kyoka Suigetsu is useless, what should I do?"

"Hold him!" Su Han shrugged, very casually mentioning the solution, "The system says its prime condition is only a short time! In other words, Moon of Root could only hold Crimson Moon in this state for a certain period of time. After a few minutes, everything will be back to normal."

Aizen : "๐Ÿ˜"

This is a genius idea. Although Aizen had other solutions, he had to admit that what Su Han said was absolutely true.

"Then how do you let it go?"

"Let him go!" Su Han no longer exerted the power of the Reality Stone. In the next second, the moon in front of him made a cracking sound, and finally the moon shattered.

Crimson Moon did not attack this time, and stood there with a dazed expression.

However, Su Han raised his head to stare at the moon above the sky, his eyes sparkling.

"What happened?" Aizen asked. He was undoubtedly worse than Su Han in terms of perception.

"Crimson Moon's new attack!" Su Han only said one sentence, and he didn't need to say the rest.

Because the bloody moon above the sky was steadily getting bigger at this time.

Or vice versa, the blood-colored moon falls.

"This really is an attack that destroys the entire planet?"

Aizen is not afraid, but he finds the scene in front of him extraordinary.


12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko : "I feel lucky now that Alucard is with me in the past."

Alucard: "๐Ÿ˜"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "In the past Guild Master and not protecting in the face of this type of falling moon accident, I will die. "

I'm Not Bald: "Another big meteorite fell?"

King: "Saitama, it's not a meteorite, it's the moon."

I'm Not Bald: "๐Ÿ˜"

I'm Not Bald: "What should I do? If the moon was shattered, wouldn't that mean that people would never watch the Mid-Autumn Festival in the future? The moon isn't there yet? In other words, there was no way to eat mooncakes and stare at the full moon anymore. It's really sad, but if you don't destroy the moon, the earth will be destroyed, right?"

Father Whitebeard: "๐Ÿ˜"

Old Man is the Marquis: "Although I am not a scientific person, I can understand without the moon, isn't it a problem not being able to pass the Mid-Autumn Festival at all?"

Shinonono Tabane: "If the moon is destroyed, there will be no more humans. For a long time, the change in the ecological circle will also destroy humanity!"

Sakata Gintoki: "Isn't this a question for Master Roshi in Dragon Ball, Master Roshi destroys the moon with Kamehameha"

I'm Not Bald: "I guess so."

Shinonono Tabane: "That's why the moon in the Dragon Ball world is completely unscientific."

Shinonono Tabane: "Even though I know that Saitama is a first-rate power of our guild, every time I see Saitama who looks like this, I will feel a kind of sadness for some reason."

Esdeath: "I really feel sad! Especially looking at that shiny bald headโ€ฆ"

I'm Not Bald: "???"

Why are you guys talking about my hair again? Do you guys have a problem with him? If you have an opinion about me, you can mention it right away! How can disguised words hurt people?


Seeing the things exchanged in the guild, Alucard yawned boredly

People with more lives can do whatever they want. What if the moon hit the earth? He wasn't in a hurry, this was probably one of his own experiences.

"Even if I take this back and tell that little girl at Integra, she'll think I'm bragging, right?"

Su Han clenched his fists, and bombarded the sky.

Activates the Power Stone, and the force of the blow hits the moon.

The whole moon is shattered. The stones pierced the air, fell from the sky, and shattered to the ground.

Zelretch who was peeking in the space-time gap thought he had seen it wrong. After rubbing his eyes repeatedly and confirming that he wasn't mistaken, he doubted himself.

Smash the moon with one hit! Your physical strength can be called Magic, right? !

The so-called Magic, that is, things that current technology cannot do.

No matter from which point of view, using pure physique to destroy the moon that fell from the sky, this is not human, or is it something that current technology can do?

Zelretch who was in charge of the Second Magic really doubted whether there were any other Magicians.


Super Dimensional Guild 758 : You really believe | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

At this moment, Aizen tightly clenched Kyoka Suigetsu.

His appearance became serious, and he vigorously used Kyoka Suigetsu to hypnotize Crimson Moon. Sure enough, Crimson Moon's body suddenly froze in midair.

Su Han looked at Aizen with a dignified face. If Aizen finds it difficult, then he will continue to seal the Crimson Moon with the Chibaku Tensei + Reality Stone, even if it requires a lot of stamina.

Even though Aizen's expression is serious, the smile on the corner of his mouth is the same as before. No need to ask for the results.

"In this state, the Crimson Moon spirit is unstable, so it's not too difficult to control. I can feel his strength steadily decreasing, it should return to normal in about 15 minutes. "

Su Han nodded then turned his head, "You've been peeking for so long, have you peeked enough?"

Su Han used the Space Stone to manipulate space.

Zelretch appeared in front of Su Han and the others and his body was unable to move.

"That feeling is space manipulation? If it's Magic in space, how is it possible to bypass my control of space with Second Magic and directly transfer me to this place?

"Why haven't I heard of this?"

Zelretch looked at Su Han and Lan Ran with dignity.

Even though he had overestimated Su Han before, he didn't expect that his estimation was still far from sufficient.

This person, not only in physique, has reached the level of power that can destroy the moon, in terms of space attainment, it is not weaker than the Second Magic.

It can't even be described as a miracle.

Since he, as the controller of the Second Magic, is a walking prodigy in the world, this kind of Su Han can be described as a miracle among miracles, isn't this more appropriate?

"You came to peek because of Crimson Moon, right?" Su Han pointed at Crimson Moon.

Zelretch said nothing. Talking too much will result in mistakes, who knows what this group of men is aiming for?

In the face of such a powerful monster, Zelretch had better be careful.

Su Han didn't mind Zelretch's reaction, "It will take Arcuied a while to wake up, there won't be any problems."

Su Han closed his eyes and rested.

Seeing that Su Han really wasn't after him, Zelretch felt relieved, then he looked at Alucard.

The immortality that Alucard had shown earlier was very different from the Dead Apostle. As a Dead Apostle, Zelretch became interested in Alucard, but considering Su Han and Aizen, he still erased this interest in his heart.

"In the countless parallel worlds I've seen, I've never seen these people at all. Are these people unique in this world, orโ€ฆ"

Suddenly thinking of something, Zelretch's expression changed several times, looked at Su Han.

Time passed little by little, and after fifteen minutes had passed, the oppressive might slowly converged. Not only that, the Reality Marble that was built under the influence of the Crimson Moon's power also collapsed.

Arcuied opened his eyes, and there was confusion in his eyes, she couldn't understand what was happening. But she saw Su Han at first glance and immediately asked. "What happened Guild Master?"

Su Han explained Arcuied's question without hiding anything.

Arcuied, the Princess of the True Ancestor, was also the Princess of Crimson Moon. However, the Arcuied birth also partially existed as a reserve body for the Crimson Moon awakening.

"Is it like this?"

Arcuied doesn't have much emotional turmoil about this.

"Didn't you ask about the solution?" Su Han raised his eyebrows slightly.

"There is still a solution for this?" Arcuiede looked at Su Han in disbelief.

Not to mention Arcuied, even Zelretch looked at Su Han with a bit of surprise. He also seemed to know something about the Arcuied situation, and how complicated it was.

After all it was Crimson Moon.

"Of course!" Su Han smiled and stroked Arcuied's hair, "The reason why you think you can't finish! It's only because your own strength isn't strong enough."

Arcuied nodded in agreement.

"If your strength is strong enough or even comparable to Crimson Moon. Do you think then, the problem will still be a problem?" Su Han asked back.

Zelretch: "๐Ÿ˜"

At first, Zelretch really thought that Su Han had a good solution, what kind of bad solution is this? Su Han was right, if Arcuied's strength was higher than Crimson Moon, it could indeed solve all problems.

But is it really that easy to want to surpass Crimson Moon? Aren't you kidding? The power of Crimson Moon is stronger than its heyday! If a Crimson Moon level existence could be reached casually, the world would be in chaos.

"I understand!" Arcuied's eyes lit up, she understood what Su Han meant and used the guild to make his strength stronger.

Zelretch: "???"

Do you really believe it?

Zelretch looked at Arcuied in surprise. Although he knew for a long time that Arcuied was very naive, but this was too naive!

Just as Arcuied agreed, the sound of a system sounded in the ears of Su Han and the others.

[Ding! Guild mission completed! Guild Master Su Xiaoxiao gets 70,000 points]

[Aizen Sosuke gets 40,000 points]

[Arcuied gets 20,000 points]

[Alucard gets 18,000 points]

[Saintess Jeanne gets 1,000 points]

[Waver gets 1000 points]


Super Dimensional Guild 759 : Ambiguous | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Even Waver and Jeanne are guaranteed to get 1000 points?

Su Han didn't say anything about this, only glanced at Arcuied. "Since this matter has been resolved, then we should also return."

Zelretch heard this speechless, come back? Does that mean returning home? Where did these monsters come from?

However, even though Zelretch was very curious. But in this state, he didn't dare to ask.

Mainly because he was afraid of attracting Su Han's attention. If Su Han wanted to find trouble to settle accounts for snooping, then he would really be in trouble.

"Is the Guild Master leaving?"

Arcuied had a disappointed look appearing on his face, but after thinking about it, she understood.

Although Arcuied was very naive, she could at least understand that Su Han and the others were here to help her. Although she really wanted to comfort Su Han, since Su Han and the others had decided to leave, he had no reason to delay.

"Then have a good trip!" Arcuied said waving a hand.

Su Han smiled, then clicked submit the mission in his mind.

In the next second, a light enveloped Su Han, Aizen and Alucard, and they all disappeared.

Zelretch looked at the space repeatedly, and finally confirmed their departure, although he had no idea how Su Han and the others had disappeared. This was a phenomenon beyond his knowledge.

Zelretch turned and looked at Arcuied a little melancholy. He wanted to ask about the situation of Su Han and the others, but he thought about the strength that Su Han and the others had. That's why he chose not to ask.

If he asked here, Su Han sensed it and immediately returned. What to do if he is beaten?

Don't say it's impossible, Su Han and the others are undoubtedly stronger than him. Who could know the existence of this level, what kind of power did it have?

Zelretch decided to leave and disappeared.


On the other hand, Su Han opened, and he has returned to his home.

Luo Cuilian had a faint smile on the corner of her mouth as she looked at Su Han. She always followed the live broadcast in the guild, and naturally knew when Su Han would return.

Su Han then continued to lie in bed, entered the guild chat room, and started his life as a slacker. Luo Cuilian didn't care about that either.


Old Man is the Marquis: "The guild mission has been completed, has anyone got the Third Magic, tell me what the effect is?"

Father Shirohige: "I am also very curious about this, whether you will immediately become a Magician, and then you will never die."

Waver: "I have experienced it, except that the power of the soul has greatly increased, the magic power in the body has increased greatly, and apart from the higher talent of Magecraft, nothing has changed."


Waver slowly lost his smile.

The first time Su Han and the others completed a mission, he received a reward, and then experienced the Third Magic. The results of the experience were not significant.

The system asked him to experiment with Third Magic and feel the basic operation of Third Magic in the body. Then kick it to reality.

With the help of the system, when Waver uses it, he is naturally blessed, and feels that he has mastered it, but without the help of the system, what is the principle of this magic? He really didn't know.

Once, there was an opportunity to control Magic in front of him, but he didn't value it, and he regretted it until he lost it.


Minamiya Natsuki: "Magecraft talent has increased, soul power has increased, magic power has increased! With such a significant change, what more could you want?"

As Minamiya Natsuki drank black tea, feeling that Waver was a typical example of a lack of gratitude.

Waver: "That seems to be true."

After thinking about it, Waver felt that what Minamiya Natsuki said was also true. With an advantage like this, it was good enough. He can't be too greedy.

Alucard: "I haven't started experiencing the Third Magic yet, so I don't dare to speak."

Saintess Jeanne: "I haven't started to experience it either, I'll experiment first. Everyone, goodbye."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Aizen who isn't online?"

L: "Aizen should be experiencing the Third Magic now? It seems the opportunity this time should be linked to individual potential."

L: "Waver has tried, and the result has only improved his talent in all aspects. But if it's Aizen, maybe he really can control it."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "What about the Demon Lord? Could the Demon Lord also experience it now? According to the genius of the Demon Lord, maybe he really understands the Third Magic."

Fourth Hokage: "๐Ÿ˜"

Namikaze Minato recalled the Hiraishin no Jutsu that Su Han immediately learned, and indicated that he didn't want to talk.

Su Xiaoxiao: "I just came back, I was just watching the guild chat."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Why can't the Guild Master just take the act of watching a chat room humiliating?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Is watching the chat embarrassing? Then counting from me, how many members watching the chat rooms are there in this guild?"

Houraisan Kaguya: "Report from member No. 1! This means that as a new member, you must be established. Hug the Guild Master's big thigh."

Ichigo Kurosaki: "๐Ÿ˜ฒ"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "The good impression that Kaguya-dsn gave me as a princess has all collapsed!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Ara ara, since this is the Guild Master's request, then I must take part"

Clark Kent: "I'm online tooโ€ฆ I'm not observing at all right now, I said I was just watching the guild chat! Do you believe?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "I believe."

Clark Kent : "I happened to be in the metropolis to saveโ€ฆ eh? What the Guild Master said just now was to believe?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "What honest Clark said! Why can't I believe it?"

Clark Kent: "๐Ÿ˜"

Although the Guild Master has directly expressed your trust in me, I am very touched, but can you explain to me, what is the meaning of the word honest person?

Clark felt that this word had an inexplicable ambiguity? Is this the delusion?

Sakata Gintoki: "I'm professionally trained! I don't usually laugh. Except I can't help it!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Pfft hahaha!!"

Sakata Gintoki: "???"

Hah? He hadn't started laughing yet, what happened to this Kosaka Kyosuke who came halfway? Taking his chance to laugh? Isn't that so cruel? Sakata Gintoki's laughter caught in his throat.

Clark Kent: "๐Ÿ˜"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Don't talk about that anymore. If you say that again, Clark will be furious. Don't think that honest people are not angry! Carefully drag all of you into the battlefield and teach them a lesson."

Clark Kent: "???"

Although he was touched by Tony helping him speak, can you erase the word "honest man" He felt uncomfortable when he saw the word!


Super Dimensional Guild 760 : Ichigo's reputation deteriorates | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Aizen Sosuke: "Waver couldn't understand the Third Magic?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Aizen is finally online?"

L: "Listening to Aizen's tone, could it be that Aizen has succeeded in understanding the Third Magic?"

Aizen Sosuke: "I don't know if I've managed to understand it, if it's Soul Materialization. Then it's been mastered, I can transform into a solid form and an incorporeal form whenever I want, it's the same with Ichigo."

Waver: "๐Ÿ˜"

Doesn't this mean success? Waver was very jealous.

But he didn't complain. Someone had proven that the Third Magic was absolutely possible to master. If he can't master it, he can only say that he's not good enough.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Since you can complete Soul Materialization, why do you say you are not sure if you can succeed?"

Su Han saw the doubt in Aizen's words.

He still attaches great importance to what happened to Aizen. After all, he also has the opportunity to understand, and he has not used it. It's always good to gain experience.

Aizen Sosuke: "That's because even though my spiritual pressure has increased a lot, it's far from reaching the point of a perpetual motion machine."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "๐Ÿ˜"

Old Man is the Marquis: "Is it because of the difference in the laws of the world? Until the perpetual motion machine is cut off! Or, does Aizen understand the incomplete Third Magic?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Nine out of ten, this is an incomplete Third Magic. But it is already very good!"

Aizen Sosuke: "Yes, I am very satisfied."

Enough to be able to strengthen the power, no power to get a perpetual motion machine? That's just a bit of a problem.

Waver: "๐Ÿ˜"

Waver was both relieved and embarrassed.

He was relieved that the other person had not mastered the complete Third Magic. He was ashamed that he had such bad thoughts.

Old Man is the Marquis: "Is that so..."

Marquis Voban felt much more at ease.

If Aizen obtains Soul Materialization and instantly obtains an immortal motion machine, and spiritual power never runs out, then Marquis Voban is truly jealous.

It wasn't that he was angry with other people, but that he was angry that he didn't get the mission. This hand is too unsatisfactory!

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Can Aizen transform into his incorporeal form and solid form at will? I'm so jealous.

Shinonono Tabane: "What are you envious of?"

In the laboratory, Shinonono Tabane, who was reclining lazily in his work chair, saw this sentence, and thought Ichigo was making no sense.

If Ichigo was jealous of the substantial increase in Aizen's spiritual power under the influence of the Third Magic, then Shinonono Tabane could still understand what was going on.

But Ichigo is jealous of Aizen's ability to switch between materialization and virtualization at will.... Why is there need to be this jealous?

Sakata Gintoki: "Don't tell me Ichigo wishes he could go invisible and become a real body at will in the real world, and then use this to do really perverted things? Hahhhh, young people these days... Do you guys have any shameless ideas? But if we think about it from this angle, Gin-san is very enviousโ€ฆ Bah, disgusting Ichigo, you shameless!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "???"

What the hell! Was this what Gintoki thought to himself? Don't involve me.

Kasumi Utako: "I didn't expect Ichigo-san to have such an idea, it's like a bed bug!"

Kiririn: "You pervert! This bedbug-like man is no better than my perverted brother! To make it even more disgusting, a person like this, no, this type of insect, must be crushed to death by being trampledโ€ฆ Single-celled bastard!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "๐Ÿ˜"

Didn't I say anything? Why did my reputation score suddenly become negative in the guild?

Ichigo locks up the mastermind of this slander, Sakata Gintoki, it's you! I remember this well, just wait for my future revenge.

Even though his lungs were about to explode with anger, Ichigo hurriedly explained.

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Not like this at all! Everyone don't get me wrong, I have reasons to explain."

Su Xiaoxiao: "What is the real situation like?"

Su Han was very interested in having fun.

Ichigo hurriedly explained.

Kurosaki Ichigo: "What I thought before is if I have Aizen's ability, then when we go to clean up the Undeae! We don't have to worry about being chased and chased on the streets all day long by state organizations."

The explanation is short and concise. Ichigo feels that if he doesn't explain, then within the Guild, he will lose his value as a human and will be promoted to single cell...

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Even though the state organizations can't catch up with me at all. But I always feel tired of being chased. If I can turn it into an incoperal, those guys can't catch me at all."

Sakata Gintoki: "Just for this? Thx..."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "You pervert! That's what you thought from the start and what do you mean by a very disappointed Tsk? Do you really want to be beaten? Damn it! I want to enter the virtual battlefield with you to fight."

Sakata Gintoki: "Don't be so angry young man. If you are angry, it will easily hurt the kidneys. If your kidneys are injured, then you will not have a sex life in the future!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Gintoki, I remember I said many times there are many children in the chatroom. Don't talk lewdly without permission."

Sakata Gintoki: "๐Ÿ˜"

[Ding! Sakata Gintoki banned for one hour]

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuronekoq: "Gintoki firmly will not repent."

Kasumi Utako: "Tsk! After all, he is a man with the soul of a Samurai warrior, he will definitely come back!"

Koro-sensei: "Don't bring up samurai souls, dead samurai will go berserk if they find out that samurai souls are explained in this way."


Super Dimensional Guild 761 : I'm not a chuunibyou anymore! | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Su Xiaoxiao: "Ichigo, haven't you managed to eliminate all the enemies yet?"

You must be trash, right? How long? This efficiency is too useless.

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Who said? I've defeated all the enemies, now I'm studying."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "๐Ÿ˜"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "๐Ÿ˜"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "๐Ÿ˜"

Houraisan Kaguya: "Excuse me, what lesson is this? "

Tony Is Not the Richest: "What kind of way is this? Do high school students in Japan really have to study? Even after saving the world, they still have to take the required high school courses in school? Is this the law?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Aren't I half suspended from school by now? When will I be of sufficient school age? I can go to Tokyo University to go to school. Then I will get a top level academic certificate, which is great. (Perfect Life. Jpg)"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "๐Ÿ˜"

Kosaka Kyosuke who works part time in Tokyo, finds this very heartbreaking.

Su Xiaoxiao: "What I can't understand is, according to the power that Kuroneko currently has. Even if you're at the altar and being a Japanese god right now isn't that great, right?

Su Xiaoxiao: "Is a degree from the University of Tokyo that important?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Demon Lord's guess is completely wrong."

Su Xiaoxiao: "???"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "It's not that it's difficult to climb the altar, but I am a member of the altar now, I have become a real god enshrined in the temple. I am also the only god right now!"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "If I add religious status, my current status shouldn't be any weaker than the Emperor of Japan!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "๐Ÿ˜"

Su Han remembered the last guild mission he took part in, and nodded in understanding

"That's how it is."

At that time, Kuroneko should have been the current god recognized by Japan. Even if Su Han and the others were from that world, they could also become gods.

Accelerator: "In that case, is that so-called education really that important?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Kuroneko is Kuroneko! The current god is the current god. At least in the outside world, these two identities were separated. I don't want to put pressure on my family because of my identity as a god, it's only necessary for the family to know my true identity."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko : "As the outside world knows, my identity is still the top student who can be accepted into the University of Tokyo, which is better."

Shirai Kuroko: "Emmm, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this"

Kinomoto Sakura: "University of Tokyo, I'm envious."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Don't you think that a high school student who studies hard can become a guardian of the world and become a god in the temple with the emperor, this kind of thing is very cool?"

Let the World Sufferers: "๐Ÿ™„"

Clark Kent: "๐Ÿค”"

Why does this setting sound familiar to them!

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Wasn't that Clark? Dressed is a newspaper reporter, and undressed is Superman in Metropolis?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Superman doesn't need to be like Batman covering his face. Because as long as he wears his glasses, his temper will change drastically."

Koro-sensei: "Are people in the metropolis blind?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "By the way, I think of the Holy Grail War, I can't help but think of Saber! I can't help but think that the British are really blind."

Su Xiaoxiao: "๐Ÿ˜"

Su Han wondered, should he refute, in fact, the people from the Knights of the Round Table knew that Saber was a woman?

But after thinking about it, Su Han finally didn't say this sentence.

Even if the shards of the Knights of the Round Table were collected. But from the point of view of Great Britain, as expected the people of Great Britain are all blind.

Magical Girl Illya: "What Kuroneko Onee-san said sounds a bit strange! But when you think about it, it seems really cool, are legends and everyday life combined?"

Kasumi Utako: "I've been thinking about it for a long time! Isn't that the work of the superhero template?"

Kasumi Utako: "The chuunibyou gene has been embedded in Kuroneko's bones? Still without holding back making this kind of thing? "

Thor Odinson: "Sounds reasonable."

Kasumi Utako: "Kuroneko also said you weren't a chuunibyou?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko who: "I'm not a chuunibyou now! I am an ordinary high school student, the name of a human god has been recognized by all of Japan."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Envy!"

Kiririn: "Envy!"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "What is there to envy?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Kosaka Kyosuke, Kosaka Kirino, if you two wish, you can be placed on the altar together with me!"

Let the World Suffer: "What has Kosaka Kyosuke been doing recently? And what about Kosaka Kirino?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "๐Ÿ˜"

Kiririn: "๐Ÿ˜"

The topic was so realistic that they couldn't answer at all.

Ash: "๐Ÿ˜"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Last time I chatted with Kyosuke, he seemed to say that he was still on his way to work, whereas Kirino should be still in school?"

Kiririn: "Un."

King: "This is too ordinary!"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Actually I don't understand what these two are thinking? If they want, they can join me and be put on the altar, even if they don't want to become a god, it is very easy to implement the above arrangements, live a quiet life, and be sent to college!"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "I don't understand why they have to shrink their heads! They even deliberately avoided the eyes of high-ranking officials. Now one studies obediently, and the other works!"

Goko Ruri couldn't stop thinking about these two people, don't you both like to be harassed? Good days, but really bad.




Super Dimensional Guild 762 : Dominate the power of Infinity Stone over Thanos | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "This question is actually very simple..."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Maybe it's because Kirino and I can't get past the hurdles of our hearts?"

Kiririn: "๐Ÿ˜"

Su Xiaoxiao: "What do you mean?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Kuroneko itself has a very strong power, superior to the strength of the Yonko. She is easy to fight against modern top powers."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute : "But we don't have this power."


Stronger than the Yonko, what does this mean? Kyosuke knew very well what this meant, to describe it as a humanoid natural disaster, it was all underestimated by Goko Ruri.

If you think about it Goko Ruri, it can really destroy a country, and it's not an ordinary small country, but a top power like the United States.

[Translator's note: Why is the country that is often used as an example is the United States? I mean, the United States is a super power with Russia, why do Chinese writers think Goko Ruri can destroy the United States?]

Even if a nuclear bomb were launched, it might not be able to cause fatal damage to it.

Not to mention conspiracies and schemes, with Kenbunshoku Haki, to conspire against Goko Ruri like this? Almost impossible.

And once the scheme didn't work and Goko Ruri found the leader of the country straight away, no one in Japan could hold her back. Neither can the emperor.

Not to mention the power that Goko Ruri has, as a contemporary god, she becomes an object of worship in the name of religion.

The power of Japan's religion may seem inconspicuous, but that is only on the surface. After Goko Ruri appeared, the power of religion developed very rapidly, now if this power is truly united, it is even enough to influence the election of Japan's prime minister.

In terms of strength, Goko Ruri was the best in the world, and people could become enemies of the state.

In terms of status, Goko Ruri is a real god, and it is not the kind of emperor who loses real power now, this is a real order, and there are many Miko of the temple, and the priests are willing to contribute to it.

Kosaka Kyosuke was well aware of this, so he understood that even if he agreed, he could still have the identity and status of Goko Ruri. But that might not be a good thing for him since he doesn't have the strength to take such a position.


Father Shirohige: "Is it like this?"

Old Man is the Marquis: "Is that soโ€ฆ"


Su Han opened his eyes to look at Luo Cuilian who was opposite him. "Cuilian!"

"I'm here!" Luo Cuilian opened her eyes and looked at Su Han, a gentle smile forming on the corners of her mouth, "Is there anything I need to do? Do it, foster brother?"

"I will experience the Third Magic! During this time, I will trouble you to look after me." Su Han said.

Luo Cuilian understood what Su Han meant, and immediately nodded.

"Don't worry, foster brother, I won't let anyone bother you, no matter who it is."

After hearing Luo Cuilian's assurance, Su Han was relieved, closed his eyes, and entered the mission column. He looked at the mission reward issued by the system, the experience qualification of the Third Magic.

"What exactly is the experience of the Third Magic? "

Su Han clicked on the experience qualification, and suddenly his soul fell into another world. A strange power lingered throughout his body, and he fell into a half asleep half awake state.

At this time, Su Han seemed to have entered the battlefield, turned into a white-robed man, and swung countless magic on the battlefield. At the same time, magic power continues to recover, emerging from the depths of the soul, as if endless.

"Not to feel the outside, but to feel the inside!"

Su Han instantly realized the focus of this experience mode. He didn't pay attention to the countless magic that was swung by the outside world, but contemplated the trajectory of the magic within his body.

"It turned out like this, I see. The soul is compressed! Perpetual motion machineโ€ฆ It turned out like this!"

Su Han radiated enlightenment, but he was still observing closely.

"But I understand a little! But it's a very difficult thing to copy into my body. In fact, it's almost impossible."

Time passed little by little.

At the end of the war, Su Han opened his eyes again and returned to the real world.

"It is over?" Su Han's face showed regret.

However, when he clenched his fists, a look of confusion suddenly appeared on his face.

"My physical strength has increased by 30%? And my physical strength has also increased significantly?!"

Su Han was completely dumbfounded, this situation was a bit unexpected.

Isn't the Third Magic Soul Materialization? What does this have to do with the body? And can it greatly increase physical strength? This direction of development is not appropriate!

Su Han listened to the sounds around his body with Kenbunshoku Haki, and felt a magic power that greatly increased his body's internal capacity. Feel soul and body fit together like never before. Gradually, Su Hanming realized the current situation.

"I see, it's not that the Third Magic has increased the strength of the physical body, but it must be said that the Third Magic has made my body and soul fuse like never before, plus my current soul. It has materialized. Naturally, the upper limit of physical strength has greatly increased!"

"Unfortunately, just like the situation with Aizen, Soul Materialization doesn't make my magic power unlimited. If the soul and body are highly integrated, and the concept of a perpetual motion machine can be added to my body, that would be great."

Su Han found it inexplicable, if his physical strength was unlimited, he could use the infinite power of the Infinity Stone. So no matter what kind of opponent he faced, he consciously had the power to fight.

In that state, not only did he have the limitless ability to continue the battle! At the same time, his power will not be inferior to Thanos who owns all the Infinity Stones.

Thanos mode is very powerful, but he only uses the Infinity Glove and uses the Infinity Stone, and there is no comparison with Su Han, who actually turned the Infinity Stone into his power.

Even if Su Han didn't integrate all the Infinity Stones, as long as he had unlimited physical strength, he would dare to face Thanos who was adorned with all the Infinity Stones head-to-head, and even finally defeat Thanos.

Just as he was about to enter the guild chat room, Su Han suddenly realized something.

"If my soul changes, then maybeโ€ฆ"

Su Han reached out and took out two Infinity Stones from the system warehouse. Those are Soul Stones and Mind Stones.


Super Dimensional Guild 763 : Added two new members | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

"Foster brother, what happened?"

Luo Cuilian saw the look on Su Han's face, and immediately asked anxiously.

"No problem, just concluding something."

Su Han smiled at Luo Cuilian and comforted her. After that, Su Han meditated in his heart and fused the Infinity Stones.

After several trials, Su Han found that he was unable to fuse the Mind Stone, but the Soul Stone was in a fused state.

"Soul Materializationโ€ฆ It's not just about increasing my physical strength." Su Han immediately chose to fuse with the Soul Stone.

100,000 points were spent like flowing water. Then the Soul Stone sank into his palm.

Su Han's body shook. That being said, he was just a pure soul, and he even used his soul to manifest, the power of the Rinnegan Six Tomoe, and even the abilities of Kyoka Suigetsu were greatly increased. So now, Su Han can use Soul Materialization to do many things.

"Combining Soul Stones will consume physical strength at the same time consuming soul power?"

Su Han thought of the Mind Stone, and threw it into the system warehouse.

"However, compared to other gems, the stamina consumed is undoubtedly much less, that's quite good. . It's time to train and control this power."

Then, he closed his eyes and entered the guild chat room again.


Su Xiaoxiao: "I have successfully experienced the Third Magic!"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "How are you feeling Demon Lord?"

Waver: "If it's the Guild Master, it must be getting a lot of profit!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "After experiencing the Third Magic, my soul power has increased and my physical strength has also increased a lot."

Father Shirohige: "???"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "The Guild Master said earlier that the soul force has increased a lot, and the strength has also increased a lot?!"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Is there an unavoidable connection between physical strength and soul power? Can Third Magic increase physical strength?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Maybe because you have too little understanding."

Waver: "๐Ÿ˜"

This is really sad.

Aizen Sosuke: "I don't feel like my body is getting stronger."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Maybe because of my Soul Materialization. After Soul Materialization, my body and soul fused together! Maybe it's because of this, so the increase in my soul power has led to an increase in my body strength."

Aizen Sosuke: "Is it like this? If everything is as the Guild Master said, the improvement is indeed not small."

Shinonono Tabane: "Third Magicโ€ฆ Has a new power been developed yet? Hmm, I'm so jealous! How good would it be if I could also obtain a Third Magic?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Wake up from a dream! you participate in the mission will get something similar to mine in the end. After all, you are not a Magus, you are a technician."

Shinonono Tabane: "Why are people on the technology side? Do you have any misunderstandings on the technology side?"

Shinonono Tabane: "The Guild Master is not a Magus and Aizen is a Shinigami."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "But they are still mysterious people."

Shinonono Tabane: "But they don't understand Type-Moon world magic either! In this case, understanding the Third Magic relies more on IQ, no talent, I still have faith in my IQ."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "I'm confident in my IQ too! I also feel that if I participate in the Mission, then my final harvest will never be less than that of the Guild Master!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "๐Ÿ˜"

Su Han's brows twitched when he saw what Tony had said. How does it feel that I have become a unit of measure?

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Tony, do you have an opinion about the Demon Lord? You're saying that your talent is better than the Demon Lord? Then are you going to give it a try and see if you can fly Thor in an instant?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Cough Cough! Wrong, the object I'm comparing should be Aizen! My talent won't be any weaker than Aizen's!"

Aizen Sosuke: "๐Ÿ˜"

Aizen is too lazy to argue. After all, arguing about this matter was pointless at all.

Tony Is Not the Richest: "I'll give you a red envelope, are there many people in the guild now?c

Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: "Present."

Kayaba Akihiko: "Even though I'm not talking that doesn't mean there isn't one."

Shirai Kuroko: "Where there is a red envelope, there is my presence."

King : Even though I was accompanying Saitama out to buy food. Rest assured, I won't miss the red envelope. Please put down the red envelope!"

Monkey D. Dragon: "Cough Cough!"

Magical Girl Illya"The magic girl shines!"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "There seemed to be quite a lot of people."


After saying that, he came to the inside of his laboratory, and then opened the metal drawer.

He stretched out his finger, pressed it lightly inside the metal drawer, and completed the fingerprint verification.

There was a ding, and a small box automatically appeared from the wall.

Tony took the small box, opened it, saw the ring inside. Then he threw all the rings directly into the guild warehouse, and then sent them as red envelopes.

In just a few moments, Tony's red envelope was robbed clean.

At the same time that the red envelope was snatched away, the sound of a system suddenly sounded in all the ears of the guild members.

[Ding! The Founding Emperor has joined the Super Dimensional Guild]

[Ding! UMR has joined the Super Dimensional Guild]


Super Dimensional Guild 764 : There are countless emperors, but only one is called the Founding Emperor. | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Kasumi Utako:๐Ÿ˜ฒ"

White Pure Spirit User: "๐Ÿ˜ฒ"

Haibara Ai: "๐Ÿ˜ฒ"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "๐Ÿ˜ฒ."

Nakiri Erina: "New members join again"

Let the World Suffer: "Just a second, all the red envelopes disappeared, did you guys add acceleration to the hand?"

Fourth Hokage: "Hand speed is an essential quality of a good ninja."

Let the World Suffer: "Namikaze Minato Minato, usually when you don't get a red envelope, that's not what you say."

Fourth Hokage: "๐Ÿ˜"

Minato actually couldn't refute this sentence.

Father Shirohige: "You all paid attention to the red envelope, and did not pay attention to the newcomer who has joined this time?"

It turns out that red envelopes are more attractive than new members.

Accelerator: "How about we talk about newcomers later? However, if the red envelope is not discussed now, it will not be discussed again, don't we wonder, who took the red envelope and what was in it?"

Father Shirohige: "I'm really curious."

Accelerator: "Let me see the number, Mr. Stark sent ten red envelopes and all ten red envelopes snatched away in an instant? Are you demons?"

Accelerator initially thought it was Tony who had only sent a few red envelopes, and there were few of them, so they were quickly snatched away, but now, ten were snatched away in an instant. Are you all demons?

Kiririn: "Are you all +1 demons."

Busujima Saeko: "I didn't expect to be able to take it."

White Pure Spirit User: "For the person who took the red envelope, what exactly did you get?"

Busujima Saeko: "I don't know, can someone in the guild explain it to me? (Photo)"

Busujima Saeko posted a photo.

Kurosaki Ichigo: "๐Ÿ˜ฒ."

Koro-sensei: "๐Ÿ˜ฒ"

Shinonono Tabane: "Isn't this a Sling Ring from the Kamar-Taj?"

Ash: "So easy to send ten Sling Rings? There is a conspiracy, there must be a big conspiracy. "

Tony Is Not the Richest: "๐Ÿ˜"

Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: "According to what I have seen, there must be something strange about this."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "No conspiracy!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "I doubt this!"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Tsk tsk... This time I sent so many Sling Rings, especially since I am now the ruler of Kamar-Taj. After all, I am also the heir of the most prominent Kamar-Taj. Getting more Sling Rings, Ancient One didn't say anything."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "I tried my best to benefit you, but as a result, you still doubt me? I can't seem to send red envelopes anymore."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "No doubt about it! Ichigo is the prime suspect. As for Ash, it goes without saying, he was originally Dumbash."

Ash: "!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "???"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Mr. Stark is insightful! As expected of the world's first-class great philanthropist, rich and generous."

Kasumi Utako: "Hey..."

Kiririn: "Hey..Shameless!"

Kosaka Kirino covered her face, having her big brother like that was really embarrassing.

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "This isn't anything to be ashamed of? Don't stop me! Even if it is silenced! Even if the Guild Master is not satisfied, I will still do it! I can't believe that the Guild Master has the ability to ban me!"

[Ding! My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute has been banned for 10 minutes]

Su Xiaoxiao: "Want to get banned? I will satisfy me! You're welcome, if you want to add it, you can also chat privately, and I'll turn it into a 30 day banner plan for you."

Nakiri Erina: "๐Ÿ˜"

Ash: "๐Ÿ˜"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "๐Ÿ˜"

King: "I shiver in front of authority."

[Ding! My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute has been banned]

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "I was wrong Guild Master! You're the one I really have to follow, not Mr. Stark!"

Kinomoto Sakura: "๐Ÿ˜"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "What is Tony thinking now?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Nothing."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Maybe, it's a legend, the richer the more lickers!"

Houraisan Kaguya: "This concubine just took this ring, what is the use of this ring?"

Symbol of Peace: "Miss Kaguya can download the Kamar-Taj Magic Array in the guild's public skill list! To practice that special magic, you need this ring."

Houraisan Kaguya: "Is it like this? This concubine understands."

Su Xiao Xiao: "๐Ÿ˜"

Su Xiaoxiao: "So, how long are you guys going to put aside the newly added members?"

After learning that the Kamar-Taj Sling Ring was hidden in a red envelope, he didn't know what to do, as he already had the Kamar-Taj Sling Ring in his hands.

Shirai Kuroko: "There is a new member. Welcome new friends!"

Sakata Gintoki: "I feel like it's a bit late to welcome, but I'm also welcoming a new friend."

Kayaba Akihiko: "One of the new recruits is called Founding Emperor and the other is called UMRโ€ฆ Which Founding Emperor?"

High Priest Luo Hao: "Which Founding Emperor?"

High Priest Luo Hao: "The world is wide, there are many people who can be called emperors. But only one person can be called the Founding Emperor!"


Super Dimensional Guild 765 : In this guild, I am the only normal human? | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: "Besides Qin Shi Huang, who else dares to call himself the Founding Emperor?"

Esdeath: "Our world, the founder of the previous empire, is also known as the Founding Emperor."

High Priest Luo Hao: "๐Ÿ˜"

Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: "๐Ÿ˜"

It's like a slap in the face It's so fast, and it makes them so embarrassed?

Monkey D. Dragon: "This is true!"

Monkey D. Dragon: "Perhaps, in one world, there is only one who can be called the Founding Emperor. But if that world view is really different, it is also possible that there is another existence called Founding Emperor in the world."

L: "And don't overlook one important point! Even if the person who came is really Qin Shi Huang, we must also consider which world Qin Shi Huang is from?!"

L: "For example, Qin Shi Huang as Heroic Spirit in Type-Moon world, and Qin Shi Huang from the Campione world can be enshrined as a god! These are two completely different existences."

Su Xiaoxiao: "L is right."

Su Han looked at the names of the two newly joined members.

The name UMR is a bit familiar, Su Han thought about it carefully, and roughly guessed who this person was.

But Founding Emperor, Su Han couldn't figure it out. As L said, there are too many Qin Shi Huangs in different worlds.

Qin Shi Huang at FGO Lostbelt? Or is it Qin Shi Huang in mythology? He couldn't figure it out.

UMR: "Where is this place?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Welcome newcomers! Judging by your name, you should be a Westerner?"

UMR: "I'm from Japan"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "???"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Japan, why are you using this English name as a code name?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Can't Japan people have English names? You discriminate!"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "You said you had a point."

Old Man is the Marquis: "I don't want to ask other than to know whether the level of the power of the newcomer world is high, or what the worldview is, and who is the strongest."

UMR: "๐Ÿ˜"


In the big room of his own house.

His blanket buried on the floor, Umaru Doma stared at the TV in front of her, and ate the potato chips and a large glass of Coke beside her.

"Is it because you stayed up late? Are there hallucinations? If my brother finds out, he will kill me! "

"Big brother will probably take me to the hospital. After the treatment is over, big brother will definitely not let me live my current life!"

Umaru Doma felt that if she was not allowed to continue his current life, then for her it was a disaster.

"Let's take a look at the situation first.. It's possible that an unusual event did happen!"

Umaru Doma comforted herself. As a home girl, she is also excited to face extraordinary events.

Although, she felt that the possibility of such an event was so small that it could be ignoredโ€ฆ

In fact, Umaru Doma had some doubts, was it because she often stayed up late and was too excited, this kind of hallucination appeared? Can't figure it out!


Su Xiaoxiao: "@UMR. Umaru Doma. you can change your name to your real name."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Then follow the brief introduction of the previous guild!"

Umaru Doma: "Is it like this?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Yes!"


Umaru Doma followed Su Han's suggestion and clicked on the guild function template.

When she read the Super Dimensional Guild's brief introduction, Umaru Doma was overjoyed.

"That's impossible right? It's possible to join a guild that connects different worldsโ€ฆ"

Umaru Doma thought it was crazy.

What methods can be used to assess that this situation is normal?

Umaru Doma started to ponder over the guild function interface. However, she did not directly click on the memory copy, but clicked on the public skill column. Then she was blown away by a series of skills.

"So many special skills!"

See Rokushiki, Chakra Refining Method, Ryusouken, Turtle Style Ki Cultivation Method, Sanshin no Jutsu and others.

Umaru Doma who was covered in a blanket clicked on Rokushimi, and then a large amount of information rushed into his mind like a tide.

The information flowing through the brain like waves couldn't help her directly master Rokushiki, but it could tell her how to training Rokushiki.

"This is all real? This isn't an illusion at all?"

"If this is real, then is there really a guild that connects the various worlds? Does that mean everyone in the guild is people from a different world from me?"

Umaru Doma thinks of that other world in many literary works, even mythology exists.

For example, immortals in Chinese legends, vampires and elves in fantasy works, and demons and gods.

"I'm not the only human in the Super Dimensional Guild, am I?"

The more Umaru Doma thought about it, the more he panicked, and the blankets around her tightened even more.

After hesitating again and again, Umaru Doma finally made a decision. At this critical moment, she still had to fight.

Wait until she confirms the situation and ensures his safety. At that time, she wanted to communicate normally.


Su Han ignored Umaru Doma's current excitement and panic.

He only said a few short words, and then immediately ignored Umaru Doma. He turned his attention to the Founding Emperor.

Su Han naturally thought about what was discussed in the guild.

Although he felt that the probability that the Founding Emperor was Qin Shi Huang was more than 90%, Su Han did not speak directly. However, he didn't forget that last time Houraisan Kaguya stepped in and made a misunderstanding as Hatsune Miku. To be safe, it is better to confirm the identity of the person first.

Su Xiaoxiao: "@Founding Emperor. Please show up and tell me your real identity! Estimate the shape of the world you live in! Famous people. Thank you for your cooperation!"


Super Dimensional Guild 766 : Ying Zheng's surprise and thoughts | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

In a magnificent palace and filled with beauty...

Dressed in a black dragon robe, the handsome man dealt with many government affairs. Suddenly, the man stopped moving.

A look of astonishment appeared on his face, as if he saw something beyond his comprehension. This level was unbelievable to him.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" The eunuchs stepped forward with worried faces.

Those who serve Ying Zheng also have a deeper understanding of Ying Zheng's character. This is a great man.

Even when the world's number one swordsman, Sword Saint Nie Panluan, rebelled not too long ago, despite Ying Zheng, he never lost his temper.

"I suddenly feel unwell." Ying Zheng regained his composure.

"In that case, does Your Majesty need to summon an imperial physician?" A eunuch said suggesting seeing that Ying Zheng did not answer, he turned his head and called the imperial physician.

"A special interface suddenly appeared in my mind, could it be that evil spirits attack? It might as well be some minor act of the Hundred Schools of Thought."

Ying Zheng's eyes flashed cold and killing intent.

Speaking of this kind of strange fantasy, the first thing that comes to mind must be the Yin and Yang family. But then, Ying Zheng turned his head and vetoed his own judgment.

"Yin-Yang Family? Currently still in the stage of cooperation with them. If they really dare to come up with this kind of thing, if they are discovered by the imperial cabinet, they will seek their own death."

Ying Zheng had absolute confidence. Don't look at the mysterious Yin-Yang family, if Ying Zheng really decides to exterminate the Yin-Yang family, there is only one dead end. Donghuang Taiyi was not a fool, so he would not do such a thing.

"Confucianism. No, with the grand ways of Confucianism, the chances are slim! But not impossible."

"Do you have that kind of talent?"

Ying Zheng put the bamboo slip in his hand on the table, he already has some judgment in my mind. However, if he wanted to come to an actual conclusion, he still had to slowly deduce it through the information obtained later.

Soon, the imperial physician came and did a thorough examination of his physical condition.

The final result of the examination was that although he was a little tired, his health was not a problem. As for being tired, it was not a problem for Ying Zheng at all.

Because Ying Zheng spent most of his time tired.

Let the imperial healer go, and then, Ying Zheng waved his hand again, and signaled the eunuchs beside him to call the Yin-Yang family living in the palace.

After that, Ying Zheng continued to sit on the chair, this time he did not start dealing with government affairs, but stared at the virtual interface in his mind and muttered. "Let this emperor see it! Was it an illusion or something out of the Hundred Schools of Thought or somethingโ€ฆ"

Ying Zheng entered the guild chat room, and it didn't take him long to understand the chat room.


Founding Emperor: "Can you tell this emperor who you are?"

Father Shirohige: "Old Man Shirohige is one of the Emperors of the ocean, Gurararara...."

Founding Emperor: "One of the Emperors of the sea? How dare you call yourself emperor of the sea? Was it a great empire built on the sea? Or is it a pirate?"

Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes and his eyes immediately turned cold.

The Emperor's name was not something that could be easily added. Even the seven Warring States period heroes would only dare to call themselves kings.

Father Shirohige: "That was in the early years, but not now. I dare not hold on to the name Pirate, but I will be surrounded and suppressed by Dragon. Gurarararaโ€ฆ. Simply call me an adventurer."

Monkey D. Dragon: "Don't joke Shirohige, this is just a polite face you give me."

Siege and oppression? Impossible! Shirohige can single-handedly determine the existence of the entire world.

Father Shirohige: "No need to say much! Except for the name that was announced to the outside world, I didn't do much other than change from a pirate to an adventurer. For me, it's just a bit of an effort."

Founding Emperor: "๐Ÿ˜"


Ying Zheng was confused, how was the situation? Pirates become adventurers?

Is it a pirate or an adventurer, according to the current situation, the scale should not be large? If there are only a few thousand people and a few hundred people, dare to call yourself an emperor.

If that's the case, then it's really funny!

"I don't know the situation yet! Let's not target these people for now. After knowing the situation, I will talk about something else!"

Ying Zheng made a decision. In the face of something completely unknown to him, he did not show the domination of the emperor, but showed the opposite of the majestic and domineering.

A person who only knows how to act recklessly cannot possibly become a Founding Emperor who rules over Chinese lands, complete a grand unification, and become a Founding Emperor.


High Priest Luo Hao: "I am a God Slayer and the leader of Chinese martial arts."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "I am the strongest inventor! Mr. Tony Stark."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Tony-san said that he is the strongest inventor, Miss Lala might have something to say."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "What did Lala say?"

Lala: "Tony and Ruri? You two called me, is there something?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Tony wants to compete on the level of scientific research with you Lala, what are you waiting for?"

Lala: "Really?"

Lala's eyes lit up, she has been living at Yuuki's house recently a bit bored, if she could compare technology with Iron Man, she felt it would be very interesting.

Tony Is Not the Richest: "I mean, I'm the strongest scientist among ordinary people! Lala is an exception."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "So there's nothing wrong with what I said!"

Lala: "That means no match, alright..."

After confirming that she had heard wrong, Lala suddenly became desperate, and even lowered her tail which was raised in excitement.

Shirai Kuroko: "Ah..."

Koro-sensei: "๐Ÿ˜"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "After a cool tier, you will be slapped! This is one of the famous Super Dimensional Guild rules!"

Kasumi Utako: "Pfft Haha, forgive me for laughing."



Super Dimensional Guild 767 : Himouto! Umaru-chan | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Kayaba Akihiko: "Mr. Stark, where was the arrogant man from before?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "It has long been polished in the guild."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "In any case, the guild will tell me what it means in the sky there is still sky. Sometimes people don't accept tenderness, that's really not nice."

Thor Odinson: "You just said it two days ago, when one day you will develop the Infinity Stone Buster mecha, you will challenge the Guild Master in the Virtual battlefield, you will defeat the Guild Master leader for revenge, and then be promoted to the ranks of the power the first rank of the Super Dimensional Guild."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Don't talk nonsense! I never said that!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Alright! Tony says he was just joking, don't pay too much attention to details, I trust him! "

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "๐Ÿ˜"

Kasumi Utako: "It's hard to believe that these words are coming out of the Guild Master's mouth."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "The Guild Master made a statement to protect this person?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Guild Masters still make sense. "

Tony said in agreement, but he was taken aback. Did the Guild Master really agree with him? Help him cover up his mistakes? He immediately became alert, How could he sense that there was a conspiracy and a trap within?

[Ding! Tony Is Not the Richest has been banned for 10 minutes]

Su Xiaoxiao: "In order to prevent Tony from being distracted and interfering with the development of the Infinity Stone Buster armor, I will give you a small gift! If you don't think that's enough, then I still have a 30 day plan and a one year plan waiting for you."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "๐Ÿ˜"

Kinomoto Sakura: "๐Ÿ˜"

Magical Girl Illya: "๐Ÿ˜"

Ash: "Guild Masters like this are terrifying."


Tony who was working in his office, patted his forehead.

Tony was feeling sad at this momentโ€ฆ Not only was he not feeling angry and sad, but was he comfortable? How about this? Could it be that he was used to the days when he was banned by the Guild Master?

After a while, Tony made up his mind.

"The Infinity Stone Buster armor is still to be completed, but before that let's make the Super Saiyan Buster and Superman Buster armors first."


Su Xiaoxiao: "Founding Emperor, can you report your name first?"

Founding Emperor: "I am Founding Emperor Qin, Ying Zheng, don't you know this emperor's real name? If there is a conspiracy or plot, just say it!"

Yinshi Sakata: "Fuck! I really guessed right, it really is Qin Shi Huang!"

High Priest Luo Hao: "You say such vulgar words Sakata Gintoki, are you ready to die?"

Sakata Gintoki: "I was wrong!"

Hijikata Toushirou: "Shiroyasha, a warrior against Aliens. Your samurai soul will cry seeing you now."

Sakata Gintoki: "It doesn't cry once or twice, keep crying! You Shinsengumi group, don't say that name! You will make me feel like you will catch me, I just want to live in peace!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Now Shiroyasha is retired and just wants to live in peace."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Why did I suddenly think of the novel of being a special forces bodyguard in China?"

Kiririn: "You still read that kind of stuff?!"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "After all, the Demon Lord is from China. Even though it's a different world, I still need to pay attention to it."

Su Xiaoxiao: "๐Ÿ˜"

Special forces as bodyguards? You even found it, and still read it?

Hijikata Toushirou: "Sakata Gintoki, you think too much! I will not take action against a retired fighter against aliens. What's more we may not be the real enemy."

Speaking of this, Hijikata Toushirou couldn't help but think of Gintama's story.

Founding Emperor: "๐Ÿ˜"

Let the World Suffer: "Founding Emperor is still hesitating."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Anyone in this situation would hesitate"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Minamiya-san is right."

Accelerator: "Huhโ€ฆ At first, I took this very easily."

Kasumi Utako: "Whoever saw that stubborn Accelerator picture back then! very disrespectful and he will fight with the Guild Master."

Accelerators: "๐Ÿ˜"


Arrogant? You tell me more clearly! Where am I proud?

Also, why do you sound like an old man? You're just a novelist with a few superpowers.

But even if Accelerator didn't like Kasumi Utako's statement, he decided to ignore Kasumi Utako.

Guild members can't hurt each other, even if they can enter the virtual battlefield. But he was a dignified person who could be considered the peak of the second rank of the guild, so he would not challenge a weak novelist.

Accelerator didn't want to lose face.

Even though he was annoyed and angry, in the end, Accelerator still felt that ignoring Kasumi Utako was the best choice.


Shirai Kuroko: "Accelerator got slapped in the face for pretending to be cool! It is very heartwarming."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Should we add another party to celebrate?"

Founding Emperor: "๐Ÿ˜"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Ying Zheng, if you're really unsure, there's no need to tell us the specific situation and forget it! I will upload a copy of Umaru-chan's memory."

Umaru Doma: "Umaru-chan? Am I the Umaru-chan that the Guild Master said?"

Umaru Doma: "What is a memory copy?"

Su Han felt he had answered it too many times, and now he didn't want to answer, and sent a copy of the memory.

[Ding! Guild Master Su Xiaoxiao uploaded a copy of Himouto's memory! Umaru-chan]


Super Dimensional Guild 768 : Meeting request issued by Reborn | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Founding Emperor: "๐Ÿ˜"

At this moment, the Patriarch of the Yin-Yang Family had arrived in front of him and bowed respectfully.

"Your Majesty asked me to come here, what's wrong?"

"You check if there is any special curse mark on my body!" Ying Zheng said. "Or is someone secretly attacking me?"

The Patriarch of the Yin-Yang Family became serious, and he couldn't let Ying Zheng have problems with his feelings and reasons.

Yu Qing, he is the current protector of the empire. Yu Li, he received orders from Dong Huang Taiyi, and knew that Ying Zheng was a very important part of the Yin-Yang family's plan.

The Patriarch of the Yin-Yang Family stepped forward and used a spell to check. Even though the Yin-Yang Family Patriarch didn't even touch Ying Zheng's body, he easily knew Ying Zheng's physical condition.

"How?" Ying Zheng looked at the Yin-Yang Family Patriarch waiting for an answer.

"Judging from experienceโ€ฆ." The Patriarch of the Yin-Yang Family adjusted his language, looked at Ying Zheng and said, "Your body should be fine!"

"Is that so?"

Ying Zheng seemed to have guessed it, waved his hand and the Yin-Yang Family Patriarch retreated.


The Patriarch of the Yin-Yang Family moved away from the palace where Ying Zheng was. He stood quietly outside the palace and he muttered to himself, "Is there a mental problem on Ying Zheng's side? I need to speak to Master Donghuang!"

The Patriarch of the Yin-Yang Family can confirm that Ying Zheng's body is not cursed. On the other hand, he also understood that Ying Zheng was not someone who looked for him without reason. There must be a reason for what Ying Zheng did.

In other words, if Ying Zheng really noticed something strange, it might just be his own problem.

And Ying Zheng's physical condition is also the Yin-Yang family's top priority.


In the palace...

Ying Zheng looked at the contents of the chat in the guild and kept thinking at the same time. He made the decision to open Himouto! Umaru-chan published by Su Han.

"Let me see what this really is!"


On the other hand.

When Su Han saw that Ying Zheng did not speak, he did not say anything. As an emperor, it was normal to be suspicious.

Since Ying Zheng didn't want to tell the world he was in, he didn't send a copy of the memory, and he didn't lose anything.

After leaving the chat room, Su Han entered the time house and practiced the Soul Stone's special ability.

And this practice, even Su Han was surprised.

The so-called Soul Stone itself contains a beautiful small universe like a small world.

In that small universe, Su Han, combined with other Infinity Stones in his possession, can complete the cosmic level.

What's more, in the small beautiful world, Su Han felt a blessing similar to the Marvel Universe.

Even though he didn't completely eliminate stamina consumption like the Marvel World, it did slow down his stamina consumption considerably. If his stamina after Soul Materialization from Third Magic is doubled.

Su Han was sure, If he can fight other people in the small world, he can suppress Saitama and Saiki Kusuo

Of course, this is just a thought. After all, even if it is a battle, why should other people enter the small world?

"In addition to containing a small world, the Soul Stone can control the soul! At the same time, it can also emit a very strong energy shock, very good! This strengthens my weak point in soul attacks."

After some training and manipulation at the time house, Su Han was quite satisfied with the overall situation. Although it did not directly double his combat power, it undoubtedly made his abilities more comprehensive.

After leaving the house time, it's time to eat.

What Su Han and Luo Cuilian naturally ate was a Manchu-Han banquet made from Garuda meat.

To be honest, Su Han strongly suspected that the reason why Luo Cuilian didn't rush back was not only because she wanted to accompany him, but also because of the delicious food.

Of course, despite such doubts, Su Han was not stupid enough to directly say this kind of doubt. If Luo Cuilian likes to eat and stay, Su Han will not be able to drive Luo Cuilian away.

Returning to his room, Su Han continued to send several red packets of food made from Garuda meat, and it was naturally snatched away in a second. A group of members who did not take the red envelope, felt like they had lost a billion.

L: "@Su Xiaoxiao. There's something I want to ask, but I don't know if it's appropriate."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Just ask."

L : "Meat from a divine beast like Garuda, would ordinary people like us find it difficult to eat it? After all, we don't have gourmet cells in our bodies."

Although it is roughly judged that there should be no problem, or even if there is a problem, just because this dish was sent by the Guild Master, the guild members can't hurt each other. It should have negated the danger, but he still wanted to ask.

Kasumi Utako: "???"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "!!"

Sakata Gintoki: "Gin-dan was eaten last time! If there's a problem, doesn't that prove that I'm going to die? It is over? It is over! Gin-san is still young, why risk dying prematurely?"

Aizen Sosuke: "If you are that dangerous, you've been dead a long time, what are you panicking about right now?"

Aizen is speechless, if there really was a problem, it wouldn't have been delayed until now.

Su Xiaoxiao: "No problem! Ram has made special preparations. Although it would be a bit wasteful for ordinary people to eat it, it won't hurt the body."

L: "That will be better, I can be sure.c

Old Man is the Marquis: "Hmph! You guys with high IQs are overly cautious and suspicious of everything."

L: "Occupational sickness! This is a common thing."

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "@Su Xiaoxiao."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Tsunayoshi, what are you looking for$

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "There is one thing, but I don't know what to say!"

Su Han saw this, and subconsciously recalled the incident of the Type-Moon World not too long ago.

Su Xiaoxiao: "The world on your side has changed?"

Tony isn't the richest man: "Accidents have happened quite a bit recently."

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "Not too much."

Su Xiaoxiao: "What's wrong?"

Seeing Sawada Tsunayoshi say no, Su Han felt relieved. Maybe because of what happened to Arcuied earlier that made him a little paranoid.

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "Actually Reborn said that he really wanted to meet you."


Super Dimensional Guild 769 : Playing into the world of Katekyo Hitman Reborn | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "Could the Guild Master spare some time? Otherwise, I can say you refuse now."

Su Xiaoxiao: "???"

Old Man is the Marquis: "๐Ÿค”"

Kasumi Utako: "๐Ÿ˜"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Reborn wants to meet the Demon Lord? But why?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Why does Reborn know about the existence of the Demon Lord?"

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "It's because I accidentally revealed the whereabouts of the Guild Master earlier, I didn't mean to..."

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "Especially because I have now developed Kenbunshoku Haki and Busoshoku Haki. This was a different power from the Dying Will Flames, this had caught Reborn's attention. Under the pressure of homework, I only told the partial truth. Guild Master, please forgive me!"

Su Xiao Xiao: "Don't make me look like a devil. You reveal the truth, that's your business. "

Su Han didn't really care. Namikaze Minato had also told Jiraiya the truth of his world. Su Han didn't say anything at that time. Sawada Tsunayoshi is willing to say, this is his freedom.

L: "Reborn suspicion is perfectly normal."

Edogawa Conan: "After all Tsunayoshi was trained by the Vongola family as a Decimo (Tenth) generation boss!"

Edogawa Conan: "The Vongola Boss Decimo has somehow learned different powers from ordinary people, and still can't find the source of this power. No wonder Reborn would be suspicious."

Edogawa Conan: "Even if it wasn't for Tsunayoshi being the upcoming Vongola Decimo Boss controlling this power and just an ordinary gang member. It is thought that he has been imprisoned and tortured."

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "Don't make it sound so scary! Reborn wouldn't do such a thing."

Sawada Tsunayoshi shuddered, but still expressed his trust in Reborn.

Aizen Sosuke: "Tsunayoshi, you are too naive! I think the same as Conan-kun"

Added Aizen with high IQ. The credibility of the matter immediately increased.

Sawada Tsunayoshi was really panicking a little now.

Aizen Sosuke: "Of course, as Conan said before. You are the future Vongola Decimo Boss, so there is no danger to your life! But if you don't explain everything clearly, it will be a good problem."

Aizen Sosuke: "If you can't invite the Guild Master and meet with Reborn, or you can find other very credible evidence, then I suspect the special advisor of the Vongola family, is coming home to test you."

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "๐Ÿ˜จ"

Su Xiaoxiao: "There is no problem going to the world of Katekyo Hitman Reborn. However, I'm too lazy to go alone! Would any of you like to go there together and have another party?"

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "๐Ÿ˜"

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "But my family is so small, I'm afraid the reception will be bad."

Hearing Su Han's suggestion, Sawada Tsunayoshi was both excited and worried when they would gather at his house. It was good to meet offline with Su Han and the others, after all, it was his first time. His concern was that there were too many higher-ups in this guild.

His family felt they could do nothing in front of the powerful members of the guild.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Sakura's family isn't big either! Young man, show ambition to be the boss of the future Decimo generation of the Vongola family. Everyone will not make things difficult for you!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "๐Ÿ˜"

High Priest Luo Hao: "Then I will go too. Where there is a foster brother, there I am!"

Koro-sensei: "Traveling to another world, make sure to add me."

Sakata Gintoki: "Aren't you going to take care of your students, perverted teacher?"

Koro-sensei: "It's vacation time now, what's wrong with the teacher's preparations to go out during school? No problem at all."

Koro-sensei said sensibly, what's wrong with being a teacher? Master can't break, which rule governs this!

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "I'm looking after Ophis, and I'm still in the world of High School DxD and training, there's no way to be with the Demon Lord."

Aizen Sosuke: "Add me!"

L: "If Aizen leaves, add me too."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Busy with homework, I'm passing."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Busy fighting Batman, I'm passing"

Kasumi Utako: "Busy writing novels! I passed."

Sakata Gintoki: "I always had the feeling that Tony was hitting the iron, or was on his way!"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Who said that? ? I have more. Some of the time is used to save world peace and learn magic!"

Sakata Gintoki: "...hahaha... Ity really is a fulfilling life."

Sakata Gintoki said sincerely, honestly, he slightly admired Tony. After all, he couldn't imagine what would happen if his life was so stressful?

Krul: "Then shouldn't you mind the presence of the Vampire Queen? I've been wondering about the other world for a long time, ever since we had a party, I naturally wanted to join in on the fun."

Krul remained in the guild, after some time, she believed what the Super Dimensional Guild said.

Now, seeing daily chats and seeing memory copies have also become an indispensable part of Krul's life.

At this moment, when she was thinking of going to the party, Krul felt a sense of dread when she saw the netizens for the first time. Although she quickly suppressed this feeling, she was indeed a little excited.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Come on, the more the better!"

After arranging everything, Su Han found that not many people wanted to participate.

However, Su Han was not surprised. After all, everyone in the guild had their own business. Those who want to go to school must go to school, those who want to cultivate must cultivate, those who have jobs must work.

If you have time, then get together, if you don't have time, forget it.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Then let me summarize now, people who want to go to the world of Katekyo Hitman Reborn."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Me, Luo Hao, Koro-sensei, Aizen, L, Krul, there are 6 people in total. There are more?"

Su Han waited for a while, and realized that no one in the guild had questioned him.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Then we are ready to go."


Su Han opened his eyes.

Luo Cuilian was also prepared, and looked at Su Han with a smile.

"Let's go together, start vacation mode." Su Han clicked on vacation mode.

Su Han's figure disappeared in an instant.

Luo Cuilian also clicked on vacation mode, and her figure disappeared.


Super Dimensional Guild 770 : Koro-sensei and Reborn | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Tsunayoshi in a very orthodox Japanese style bedroom.

He put his hands on his knees while looking at Riborn who was pacing the room in front of him, holding a small gun in his hand.

"The people who taught you Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki are coming soon?" Reborn asked Tsunayoshi to be sure.

"Yes!" Tsunayoshi sat up straight.

Aware of Sawada's nervousness, Reborn didn't say anything casual either. "Don't worry, they teach you the power of Haki and increase your strength. This is a very good thing! That's what I hope to make a group of lousy teenagers like you stronger, I won't be rude to them"

But Reborn said extra in his heart, unless it was confirmed that the other party was treating him sincerely and they had hatred towards the Vongola family.

"Better like this!" Tsunayoshi was relieved, and his whole body was no longer as tense as before, and he relaxed.

He still believed what Reborn said.

"Baka-Tsuna! You are so naive that you don't doubt my words!"

Reborn said slightly angry, and drew his gun and aimed at Tsunayoshi.

This scene made Tsunayoshi afraid to raise his hand again. There was a tear in that voice. "Reborn. What are you doing?"

"As the future Decimo generation boss of the Vongola family, this is also a lesson you must understand. If you are still as naive as you are now, then you are bound to suffer huge losses in the future. So feel the pain then remember today's lesson." Reborn fired the gun without hesitation as if he had gotten used to it.

A bullet quickly shot towards Tsunayoshi.

"Tsunayoshi, you really brought this ending for yourself, and if you really don't want to be hit. Why don't you use Busoshoku Haki to defend against these bullets?"

A helpless voice sounded, and Su Han instantly appeared between Tsunayoshi and Reborn, he reached out and took the bullet.

After weighing it for a while, Su Han smiled. "Is this the Dying Will Bullet?"

Through Kenbunshoku Haki, Su Han had already explored the internal structure of the Dying Will Bullet. After that, Su Han's eyes changed to the Rinnegan Six Tomoe and through vision, he was able to further observe the internal structure of the Dying Will Bullet.

"Maybe it's because his mouth says he doesn't want to, but the body is very willing to accept it. Maybe he fell in love with pain!" Luo Cuilian wrapped her arms around her chest and explained the facts.

Sawada Tsunayoshi: "๐Ÿ˜"

Don't call him like a pervert, what does it mean to fall in love with pain? He was really just scared right now and didn't react.

"Very fast!" Reborn looked at the people who came, especially his eyes were focused on Su Han.

"It seems Tsunayoshi's body is well trained! However, he still didn't have enough fighting experience, he hadn't carved the will to fight into his own bones! Tsunayoshi, are you interested in joining Class E? I can teach you how to be an assassin."

Koro-sensei immediately appeared beside Tsunayoshi, yellow tentacles exploring Tsunayoshi's body, "You want to be the best Mafia leader, why don't you become a good assassin first! How? I have a lot of experience in teaching!"

"Ahhhh! Big tentacle octopusโ€ฆ um, Koro-sensei!" Tsunayoshi screamed feeling the tentacles, then he smiled bitterly, "I've been saying it for a long time, I don't want to be a mafia! Not to mention a killer."

"Isn't that too much?" Koro-sensei's tentacles flew again, and his emotions seemed to be very excited.

"Teach him how to kill? Are you a Assassin too?"

Reborn looked at Koro-sensei, even though he was very curious about Su Han, especially his changing eyes.

However, compared to Su Han, he was more interested in other assassins. Not to mention, this killer is still a big octopus. Reborn had never heard of an octopus being a killer.

"Yes! I am the number one assassin in the world, Shinigami!" Koro-sensei said proudly. In his own world, he rarely mentioned this matter, but in the other world, he would not deliberately hide it.

Moreover, if he remembered correctly, Rebron should also be the number one assassin in this world? Precisely because he was the first person in the assassin industry.

"Killer number one? Let's fight?" Reborn poses a challenge.

The gun in his hand fired a lot of bullets at this moment. All the bullets shot fast towards that Koro-sensei. Each bullet weaved a strange trajectory through the air, preventing all of Koro-sensei from escaping.

"Extraordinary!" Koro-sensei looked at the doorway, and said a compliment, his tentacles turned into countless shadows in the air, and when the shooting stopped, his movement also stopped.

"Sadly! It's of no use to me."

Koro-sensei laughed, and the tentacles slowly loosened, and all the bullets fell to the ground from the tentacles.

"Amazing speed!"

Reborn put the gun on his shoulder, and the gun instantly turned into a gecko. He didn't panic, but he looked at Koro-sensei.

"I am the number one assassin in this world! But, how come I never heard your name? Shinigami?"

"I am a Shinigami from another world! However, I am now a homeroom teacher and have retired! Don't pay too much attention to this topic."

Koro-sensei appeared beside Reborn.

In the blink of an eye, Reborn found himself sitting on Koro-sensei's shoulder.


Super Dimensional Guild 771 : Aizen goes looking for Byakuran | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Reborn was stunned when he realized he was on Koro-sensei's shoulder in the blink of an eye.

"Big octopus, you are indeed faster than an ordinary human. Can you tell me how fast?"

"Call me Sensei or Koro-sensei. If you call me a big octopus, I will be angry." Koro-sensei made no secret of it, and he was very interested in meeting his comrades in another world and discussing the topic of murder.

"As for my speed, it used to be Mach 20! But now my speed has increased, but I don't pay much attention to this matter."

Koro-sensei explained somewhat unsure, he recently started using the system to optimize himself, but he hasn't fully optimized it yet, so can't confirm yet.

"With this kind of speed, it would be easy to become the number one assassin in the world." Reborn argues.

"Too rude to say this, isn't it? What does it mean to have this kind of speed to become the number one assassin in the world?"

Koro-sensei's tentacles flew again, and he wanted to defend the glory of the Shinigami in front of the world's number one assassin in another world.

"Before I became like this, I was an ordinary human at that time! I've become the strongest assassin named Shinigami. After being transformed into this form, I retired and became a middle school teacher."

"After becoming an octopus in you became a middle school teacher? Are you kidding? "Reborn couldn't help but complain, looking up and down to kill the teacher. , revealed a question in his eyes.

"Are you qualified to say that?" Koro-sensei snorted, "Aren't you also the number one assassin in the world? Are you still a teacher now? You can't question me like this."

Reborn: "๐Ÿ˜"

Reborn realized that what Koro-sensei said made a lot of sense, and he couldn't deny it.

Krul was petite, watching the conversation between Koro-sensei and Reborn with interest, while wrapping her arms around her chest.

"These two are the number one killer among humans..."

No matter which angle Krul looked at, Koro-sensei couldn't be called a human right now. A huge octopus with a speed of Mach 20. If she thought about it, based on that speed, it wasn't a human category.

The door opened, and then the fully armed Gokudera Hayato and Bianchi shrine entered.

Bianchi holds a knife weapon. Gokudera Hayato was holding an explosive in his hand. "Judaime, I'm here to save youโ€ฆ eh?!"

"What is this big octopus!"

Gokudera Hayato accidentally drops a bomb in his hand.

And this scene made Bianchi's expression on the side change greatly. Can you die in a place where no one is there, there are so many people in this room?

"Today's youth is really careless!" Koro-sensei said a little helplessly, and then he appeared in front of Gokudera Hayato, with a wave of his tentacles, all the explosives that fell to the ground were immediately picked up.

Koro-sensei showed an extremely cute smile at Gokudera Hayato, and a tentacle tapped Gokudera Hayato's shoulder, which made Gokudera Hayato shudder, "Don't be afraid! If you want to ask why? Because I'm here!"

Su Han: "๐Ÿ˜"

Why say All Might's signature line?

Koro-sensei disappeared. At the same time, the window of Sawada's house opened.

"What happened?" Gokudera Hayato was surprised at Koro-sensei's quick action, he looked around and found that the situation was completely beyond his expectation.

Tsunayoshi looked at Gokudera Hayato tiredly "Nothing, just Koro-sensei moving your bomb. "

Koro-sensei appeared in the room again, and his tentacles were holding the ice cream.

Even if he was as experienced as Reborn, at this moment, he looked at Koro-sensei in an extraordinary way.

"What is it? It's simply the best ice cream in the Osaka area! I paid for this, don't look at me like that!" Koro-sensei stretched out his tentacles to protect his ice cream, "Even if you guys want to eat it, I won't give it to you!"

Gokudera Hayato reacted to what was happening and shuddered.

"You big octopus not only moved my explosives, but also stopped by the Osaka area to buy ice cream? Your speed is too fast! You big octopus, have you grown up?"

"Your words are so harsh, if you call me an octopus again, I will kill you." Koro-sensei looked at Gokudera Hayato while threatening with a flying tentacle.

Su Han looked at the scene in front of him helplessly.

"Guild Master, I am very interested in the situation in this world. Can you give me go alone? Aizen said to Su Han with a smile.

"I have no right to forbid your personal freedom! If you want to go, go. But try not to cause trouble!" Su Han looked deeply at Aizen.

"I tried my best!" Aizen smiled as usual.

L straightened his coat, glanced at Aizen, and said, "I'll follow Aizen too! If this happens, even if he wants to do something, it will be very difficult."

Su Han nodded. Aizen is not surprised by this, he uses Shunpo and disappears.

"L, do you need me to tell you where Aizen is going?"

Su Han asked. Although L begins to practice the Shinigami Path, his achievements in Reiatsu and Shunpo are better than Aizen's.

"No need!" L came to the window, looked in a certain direction, and said, "I might know where he's going and who he's looking for!"

After saying that, L also disappeared.

Krul took an apple and took a bite. She walked to Su Han's side, "Does the Guild Master know where they are going?"

Not only Krul, Luo Cuilian also looked at Su Han, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Su Han said confidently, "Aizen is most likely looking for Byakuran"