SDG 795-807

Super Dimensional Guild 795 : Two new members | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

"Time to sleep."

Su Han yawned, and then he suddenly remembered something, lying on his bed, himself surrounded by Ophis and Kuroneko. "Kuroneko, I want to ask you a question."

"Demon Lord, just ask what you want to ask!" Goko Ruri gestured for Su Han to ask directly.

"Why do you want to take Ophis with you?" Su Han found that with Ophis, even if he wanted to do some weird things with Goko Ruri, it wouldn't be possible.

"There's nothing I can do about it! After all, if I don't take it with me, I'm worried. Of course if the Demon Lord really wants to, you can transfer Ophis to Ram and Rem. "

Goko Ruri leaned over and kissed Ophis' forehead lightly, tenderness flashing across her eyes.

Su Han was dumbfounded, he actually noticed Goko Ruri's kind of motherly: "???"

Goko Ruri won't raise Ophis as her daughter, will she?

Su Han didn't say anything, he rolled over and closed his eyes.

It's fine to do weird things with Goko Ruri but escort Ophis to Ram and Rem because of this? Su Han still had integrity, if he did this kind of thing, his conscience would ache.

The night passed quickly.

When Su Han woke up, he suddenly realized that his body was a bit heavy, he opened his eyes and saw Goko Ruri riding his body.

"Good morning."

Goko Ruri showed a very bright smile, then leaned over and lightly kissed Su Han on the cheek.

"Good morning Kuroneko." Su Han smiled, turned around, and immediately pushed Goko Ruri back under him. But before he could do anything, he noticed something strange.

Su Han looked beside him.

Ophis also woke up at this time, looking at Su Han and Goko Ruri curiously.

"😐" Su Han stiffened.

Goko Ruri's body suddenly slipped and came out of Su Han's body.

This is the embodiment of the development of the Sube-Sube no Mi Fruit. When Goko Ruri reached her level, not to mention it slipped from under Su Han's body, even powerful attacks could be easily resisted by her.

Goko Ruri hugged Ophis and jumped off the bed. With her back spread out two wings appeared, and she waved at Su Han, "Then I'll take Ophis to play."

"Have fun!" Su Han waved his hand.

Kuroneko spread her black wings behind her, and her whole being floated. At the same time, the window opened, and he hugged Ophis and left the castle.

"Ophis is actually quite cute." Su Han lay on the bed. After a while, he let go of his complicated feelings and closed his eyes to enter the chat room.


L: "Good morning everyone!"

Father Shirohige: "Gurararara... Good morning everyone."

Nakiri Erina: "I just started cooking."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "I've started work"

Esdeath: "I'm training! I mock people who are still sleeping until now."

Waver: "😐"

Ash: "😐"

Sakata Gintoki: "I just woke up."

Su Xiaoxiao: "I just woke up, Esdeath do you have an opinion about me?"

Esdeath: "Isn't the Guild Master awake?"

King: "Saitama is still sleeping. Does Esdeath need to wait until Saitama wakes up and tells what you said earlier"

Esdeath: "😐"

Akiyama Mio: "Good morning everyone"

Esdeath: "???"

Kasumi Utako: "???"

Su Xiaoxiao: "😲"

Su Xiaoxiao: "This Akiyama Mio, where are you from?"

From the name, Su Han realized that this must be Akiyama Mio from K-ON.

But when did Akiyama Mio join the guild?

Could it be that some members in the guild changed her name, but happened to change it to Akiyama Mio? The possibility exists, only less.

Father Shirohige: "Gurararara.... Are you a new member? When did you join?"

Houraisan Kaguya: "Akiyama Mio is indeed a new member."

Houraisan Kaguya: "It's still early. Before that, I had a good chat with her. At that time, besides me, there were Gabriel, Tina, Krul, and others who were online. We give Akiyama Mio an explanation!"

Houraisan Kaguya: "But look now, Krul and the others are all asleep."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "😐"

Old Man is the Marquis: "😐"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Tina, Gabriel, Krul….. Abandoned Angel, Cursed Child with owl genes, Vampire… This should be the nocturnal group at the guild, right?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Since everyone is sleeping, why is Kaguya still not sleeping?"

Houraisan Kaguya: "Huh sleeping? What a waste of time if I sleep! My level in YGGDRASIL is far behind yours, if I sleep, how can I be on par with you guys in level?"

Houraisan Kaguya: "Unless my level officially surpasses yours, then my eyes won't close!"

Kasumi Utako: "😲!"

Gintoki Sakata: "😲!

Kasumi Utako: "Really?"

Kaguya doesn't even sleep for the sake of playing games! Was she really not afraid of sudden death?

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Last night, I spoke with the Demon Lord, the immortal Houraisan Kaguya, and even if she died suddenly, she could still be resurrected on the spot. So there is no need to worry too much."

Kasumi Utako: "!!"

Symbol of Peace: "😐"

Sakata Gintoki: "You actually used your immortal body in such a place! Ahhhh… I'm so envious!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Gintoki, you don't have the qualifications to say this?"

[Ding! Louise the Zero has joined the Super Dimensional Guild!]


Super Dimensional Guild 796 : Akiyama Mio's surprise and fear | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Inside the Magic Academy.

A look of confusion appeared on Louise's face, "What happened? Is it some kind of special magic? Illusion magic?"

Louise closed her eyes again, Looking at the guild chat room interface in her mind.

After looking at it for a while, Louise opened her eyes again and paced the room a few times.

"It shouldn't be someone else's joke! Besides, I'm Louise the Zero, who's going to prank me…"

Louise showed a self-deprecating smile, but this smile disappeared very quickly. Although his character was arrogant and dishonest, she knew what the current situation was.

When she is alone, she will not deceive herself.

"What happened?"

After taking a deep breath, Louise closed her eyes and entered the guild chat room. However, she did not speak for the first time, but secretly looked at the chat records in the guild.


Symbol of Peace: "Any newcomers join? Newcomers are welcome."

Ash: "Akiyama Mio just joined last night, and now Louise the Zero? Recently, newcomers have joined very often."

Father Shirohige: "Gurararara! Isn't that a good thing? Not to mention anything else, at least there's a new memory copy to watch! Besides, newcomers are welcome to join the Super Dimensional Guild."

Sakata Gintoki: "I feel like newcomers are allowed to join just for the sake of a memory copy."

Father Shirohige: "I sincerely welcome newcomers. The memory copy is just a side! Akiyama Mio, I'm telling you the same thing, welcome to join. Gurarara...."

Akiyama Mio: "Thank you very much!"


A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Akiyama Mio put her hand on her chest, and until now, she still felt confused and couldn't calm down.

At this time, Akiyama Mio had not slept for a whole night, but even so, during class, she still didn't feel the slightest bit tired, it was because she was too excited and restless.

Last night, the scene of communicating with several guild members was very clear in his mind. Akiyama Mio had clearly understood what a Super Dimensional Guild was.

It is a guild that connects various worlds.

In the guild, there were Demon Lords, Gods, True Ancestors and others.

This is just the plot of a fantasy light novel!


Tokisaki Kurumi: "Ara ara... , Are the two new guild members joining this time all using their real names?"

Akiyama Mio: "I used my real name!"

Akiyama Mio: "I joined last night, after chatting with them, I changed my name to my real name."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Is that so?"

Houraisan Kaguya: "@Su Xiaoxiao. Did the Guild Master already know the identities of these two new recruits? "

Su Xiaoxiao: "I know, what's wrong?"

Houraisan Kaguya: "It's boring just playing games, I have to watch the memory copy! However, the memory copy in the guild has already been watched, so...hehehe! You know."

Su Xiaoxiao: "😐"

Don't you just want me to send a memory copy?

Nakiri Erina: "Akiyama Mio uses her real name! So the Guild Master knows the information, I am not surprised, but Louise the Zero, does the Guild Master know the situation?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "I know, Louise the Zero, Louise is the name, Zero is the code name! Especially because no matter what type of magic she uses, it is a failure in the end, and the magic casting success rate is 0. that's why it's called Louise the Zero."

Monkey D Dragon: "😐"

Kirishima Touka: "😐"

Waver: "This is a very sad story."

Because it was the same as her, so Waver could understand Louise's mood. He even knew that Louise's condition was worse than his.

At least Waver himself is not talented, and the family inheritance is not enough, it is not that he has no way of using Magecraft.

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Why do I feel a little familiar with this development? Could it be that it was first suppressed and then resurrected? First, it shows useless, and then insulted! Then there is the reversal of the situation to invincibility."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "What do you understand?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko"This is a normal routine, I've read this type of novel before."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Perhaps the reason why Louise fails every time with magic is because she has a very rare magic attribute which is the Void attribute! That is, the direction of learning is not correct. So every time, magic cannot be used."

Louise the Zero: "😐"

Louise the Zero: "You said I was a very rare Void attribute? How do you know?"


After Louise heard Su Han's Void attribute, she couldn't calm down.

The inability to use magic is a pain in his heart, but now it seems that the reason why she can't use magic has been found?

It's not that she doesn't have magical talent, but is she different because of his magical talent?

Su Xiaoxiao: "Finally you are willing to appear."

Kasumi Utako: "What's with this tone? Could it be that the Guild Master had already guessed that a new member had been lurking, so he purposely used words to reveal that a new member had appeared?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "😐"

The joy and smile on Louise's face gradually died down, replaced by a blank expression.

Was it really just to get her to show up, that using a topic that was of great interest to her?

If this is the case, then this Guild Master's character is really too dark.

Su Xiaoxiao: "You are wrong about this! What I said is true."

Louise the Zero: "😐"


Super Dimensional Guild 797 : K-On! And Zero no Tsukaima | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

This time Louise wasn't completely convinced, so she remained silent.

Su Xiaoxiao: "I will upload a copy of the memory. After watching the memory copy, you will know everything."

Louise the Zero: "What is a memory copy?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "This is the future of your world!"

Louise the Zero: "The future?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "You had a hard time understanding what I just said! Look slowly and you will understand."

Akiyama Mio: "Could the Guild Master also give me a copy of my memory?"

After Akiyama Mio joined the Super Dimensional Guild and chatted with the guild members, she was excited and even made a lot of guesses.

Could it be that one day the two superpowers would fight in front of her and eventually lead her to the superpower world?

Or was an angel mysteriously dropped from the sky, and then asked her to adopt and spend the money?

Or, one day, a biochemical crisis will suddenly break out, and the entire world will fall into ruin.

Although Akiyama Mio hoped that her world was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, she did not want this world to fall into a state of apocalypse in the future.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Of course, a copy of your memory will also be uploaded together!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Don't worry your world is just an ordinary world."

Akiyama Mio: "Thanks for the explanation, Guild Master."

Akiyama Mio finally felt relieved.

[Ding! Guild Master Su Xiaoxiao uploaded a copy of Zero no Tsukaima]

[Ding! Guild Master Su Xiaoxiao uploaded a copy of K-On!]

Father Shirohige: "K-On!? Let me guess! This is an everyday anime. Similar to Oreimo and Saekano!"

Father Shirohige: "Hopefully it will be more interesting! I've already downloaded it."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "😐"

Can you stop naming the work? That's the black history of the black history. How many times did Shirohige say it in the guild?

Even though Kosaka Kyosuke had a grievance in his heart, he decided to pretend not to see it.

Even though Kosaka Kyosuke once made the rhetoric to collect the black history of all guild members, if anyone dared to mention "Oreimo", then he would send black history. But this also looks at who it is.

If it was Kasumi Utako, it went without saying, Kosaka Kyosuke had no qualms sending Kasumi Utako's dark history.

But if it's Shirohige. just forget it! A little relaxation of the mind can make people live longer.

Akiyama Mio: "K-On!? Is that a copy of my world's memory? I'll watch it."

Zero no Louise: "Then mine is Zero no Tsukaima?"

Something about the familiar? Louise asked a question in the guild.

Louise the Zero: "@Su Xiaoxiao. Guild Master.... Is it okay to call you that?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Mn."

Louise the Zero: "You mean, will special familiars become summoned in my future? But not too long ago I just summoned a familiar! After that, no one was called. Isn't this different from the title of this memory copy?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "😲"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Could it be that being called Zero no Tsukaima means not summoning Familiars?"

Louise the Zero: "😐"

Louise felt all the doubts in her heart disappear.

Kasumi Utako: "Summoned the familiar and the summoning failed. But coincidentally, Louise found a new path, which was to turn herself into a familiar! It was precisely because of this that she started. After realizing his talent for Void magic, she embarked on the protagonist's path."

Kasumi Utako: "Then, become invincible."

Louise the Zero: "I became a familiar? This is too much!"

Seeing this, Louise's cheeks immediately blushed, and she shook her head. No, no way! How could the future be like this? That's not realistic!

Even though she said that in her heart, the more Louise thought about it, the more she panicked. What if the future was really like this? Did she really want to become his own familiar?

Su Xiaoxiao: "😐"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Don't worry the situation isn't that bad! Kasumi Utako is just lying."

Louise the Zero: "???"

Kasumi Utako: "Of course that's bullshit. The Guild Master just sent a copy of the memory, and I haven't watched it yet! How can I know the actual plot? This is just my own judgment! Besides, I am a light novel writer."

Louise the Zero: "You bastard woman."

Kasumi Utako: "Thanks for the compliment!"

Kiririn: "Kasumi Utako who has a dark heart and a black heart is very difficult to deal with."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Louise, you mean you've started the Familiar summoning? But the summoning didn't work? Is that what you mean?"

This plot doesn't seem right?

Hiraga Saito wasn't summoned?

Louise the Zero: "That's right! But now that I think about it, it seems that after finishing the summoning, I returned to the dorm! Then I found that there is a virtual interface in my mind, could there be a connection between the two?"

Louise herself was a little unsure.

Symbol of Peace: "Summoning a familiar? Were you called to join a guild?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Are you still able to do this kind of thing? It was incredible."

Su Xiaoxiao: "😐"

In other words, the summoning is complete, the guild interface is summoned, and the guild interface has replaced Hiraga Saito's time travel? Is this still possible?


Super Dimensional Guild 798 : Extinction Crisis | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Father Shirohige: "I will watch the memory copy, goodbye"

Father Shirohige: "First, I'm going to watch K-On!"

Umaru Doma: "Wow! Shirohige's father, you died so pitifully."

Father Shirohige: "😲"

Shirohige, who was just about to watch, was stopped by Umaru's scream. He was confused this time, when did he die?

Tokisaki Kurumi: "😲"

Ash: "???"

Kirishima Touka: "what happened?"

Umaru Doma: "I used immersive mode to watch One Piece memory copy, now it has reached the battle of Marineford! Ace is dead! Father was beaten so badly, I cried😭😭😭!"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "😐"

Monkey D Dragon: "😐"

Umaru Doma: "Monkey D. Dragon? This name seems a bit familiar…"

Monkey D. Dragon: "I am Luffy's father!"

Umaru Doma: "I see, leader of the revolutionary army... Learn about Kurohige's conspiracy first, then kill Kurohige!"

Father Shirohige: "😐"

Umaru Doma: "Don't tell me the plot still hasn't changed? Ace has been captured, will he take the Shirohige Pirates to Marine Headquarters? This situation is too bad."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "😐"

Accelerator: "Kurohige? This has all passed."

Monkey D. Dragon: "Little girl, I'll give you some clarification on our timeline! Now, the plot on our side has generally progressed to the point where the world government has been annihilated! All of the Tenryuubito have been executed. Shirohige has become the leader of the Special Administrative Region."

Umaru Doma: "😲"

Umaru who was sad because of Shirohige's death felt ashamed.

She saw the chat scene in the guild and realized that she seemed to have made a big joke.

The world government no longer exists? All the Tenryuubito killed? Has the plot changed completely? Ahhh.... This is so embarrassing.

Father Shirohige: "Gurararara.... Umaru, don't worry about it! You just need to know that I'm safe and sound now."

Father Shirohige: "Then, Umaru, are you willing to be my daughter and willing to carry my flag in this ocean! No… Do you want to walk in this world?"

Umaru Doma: "I am personally very happy! But can't I not get a tattoo? If my tattoo is discovered by Onii-chan, I will be severely scolded…"

On one hand, Umaru wanted to, and on the other, she felt uncomfortable. All of the Shirohige Pirates had Shirohige's flag tattoos, and she didn't want to add such a tattoo. If it was found by his older brother, it would be really bad.

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Not that strict! I'm also Shirohige's father's daughter, and I don't have any tattoos, it's just a matter of volunteering."

Umaru Doma: "Then I'm ready."

The biggest worries were gone, and Umaru agreed.


Looking at the contents of the guild chat, Su Han smiled.

As time passed, the number of people chatting in the Super Dimensional Guild gradually decreased. In the end, basically no one spoke. Obviously, everyone went to watch the memory copy.

Seeing this, Su Han closed his eyes, and entered the time house for training.

He had just taken this opportunity to master the Yin-Yang Release he had just obtained.

After practicing for a while, Su Han controlled the Yin-Yang Release. But after taking control, he lost interest.

Yang attribute ninjutsu has very strong healing abilities, but Su Han is the owner of the horse talisman. As long as he doesn't die, he can always recover from his wounds.

The effect of Yang attribute Ninjutsu on Su Han… only the use of Mokuton was involved in greening.

Yes! Only greening is its function. Due to the Mokuton attached to the Yang Attribute Ninjutsu, the increase in Su Han's strength was almost non-existent.

As for Yin Attribute Ninjutsu, this was of little use. At least Three Tomoe had been added to his Rinnegan, and the power of his eyes had greatly increased.

Only Gudōdama, created by the fusion of yin and yang, was able to make Su Han a little bit of interest, but only a little.

Su Han returned his attention to reality.

He thought about what he should do next.

"Meet Ram, Rem, Akame and Kurome, then help them train? Or go find Goko Ruri now to play? Or go to another world to see the scenery?"

Su Han was deep in thought..

Just as he was thinking, Jarvis' voice suddenly sounded from his wrist.

Su Han was dumbfounded hearing this "World annihilation level crisis? How is the situation?"

There was a world annihilation level crisis in the Spiritual Energy World? Not error reporting?

Couldn't blame Su Han for the shock, it was because, after the Landcave was completely eradicated, he hadn't heard of any trouble in the Spiritual Energy World for a while. Now that he heard it, he was really confused

Su Han quickly asked. "Jarvis, how did you know that something had changed in the area 10 kilometers north of Beijing?

"If so! I guess that's a really big thing," Su Han muttered.

He took out his cell phone and read the news.

Beijing issued an evacuation order, and it was naturally impossible to hide such a major event. At this time, Weibo has really made a fuss.

{Startling! China issues Beijing evacuation order? Landcave return or new space-time gap}

{The long gone extinction crisis!}

{The country has issued an emergency notice: there are three Great Grandmasters guarding Beijing, so there is no need to worry about Beijing's safety}

{Great Grandmaster Ma evacuated the profound city and immediately rushed to Beijing? The problem might be more serious than we thought}


Super Dimensional Guild 799 : New Mission | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

A lot of information appeared on the cellphone screen, and the more Su Han read, the more he didn't understand.

The reason why he judged that there was a major accident in Beijing was not purely natural. At first, even if the Landcave was about to erupt, China did not announce the evacuation of Beijing.

After all, Beijing is the current capital of China. It is one of the two main economic centers. The importance is clear and cannot be easily moved.

Beijing couldn't move. One move will affect the whole, and a little accident will cause a major incident that affects the entire country.

"Then the next thing a group of Abyss Reincarnators will do…"

Before Su Han could finish speaking, a message was sent to his cell phone.

"It's not really calling me?"

After reading this message, Su Han understood what had happened. Simply put, a day ago, a large number of resurrected undead were found in the northern area of Beijing.

This particular phenomenon naturally aroused Great Grandmaster Beijing's attention. Master Zhang Mingbei rushed to the northern area of Beijing to kill the undead. But it was precisely because of this that Zhang Mingbei found a new gap in space and time.

At that moment, Zhang Mingbei felt that this situation was too similar to the Landcave. But it's very different. after all the Landcaves had been completely destroyed by Su Han, which was known to everyone.

However, under Zhang Mingbei's vigilance, he still summoned Great Grandmaster Ma and Beijing University's old headmaster, Zhao Xu. Turns out, his caution was right.

Immediately, a space-time crack erupted.

An army of undead calling themselves the Scourge invaded the Spiritual Energy World. Only the vanguard army made things difficult for the three Great Grandmasters, and faced off against the Undead army.

When Great Grandmaster Ma sent this message to Su Han, he was already prepared to die in battle.

"Scourge!" Su Han was just about to head to the northern area of Beijing, when he suddenly stopped, "If I remember correctly! This time it's not a Landcave invasion..."

"Could it be…" Su Han had a guess.

He entered the guild's main mission column. Sure enough, it was discovered that a new mission had been created in the guild's main mission column.

"Interesting! This is my first time seeing missions appearing in the Spiritual Energy World."


[Mission name: Kill the Transmigator]

[Transmigator Name: Nefeos]

[Transmigator Title: King of Black Dragon and Undead Lord]

[System Name: Undead Scourge System]

[Short introduction to the system: Transmigrate to another world and become King of Black Dragon Nefeos. Turns all life into undead and now, Nefeos is starting to invade the next world]

[Mission requirement: Kill Nefeos]

[Mission reward: 200,000 points and resurrection crystal (using it can revive the dead and further increase the essence of life)]

[Mission limitation: Three members are allowed to participate in at the same time, and mission mode can be taken (currently, those in the Spiritual Energy World are not within the three-member quota)]


Su Han's expression of confusion appeared on his face.

"Three members are allowed to participate? But the people in my current world aren't within the three-member limit? That means Kuroneko and Ophis aren't within limits? Can there be three more?"

"And this resurrection crystal can bring the dead back to life! It doesn't do me much good." Su Han is not very interested, there are very few people in this world who can hurt him, especially since there are too many ways to save his life.

As for Ram, Rem and Zhao Linger, signed a contract with Su Han. If he didn't die, they wouldn't die either. So he didn't have to worry too much about this matter. The only thing that Su Han liked was the function of the awakening crystal that increased the essence of life.

Su Han finished the screenshot, and then sent it to the guild chat room.


Gintoki Sakata: "😲"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "😲"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "???"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "What did I see this time? Guild Missions?! And it's still a guild mission in the Guild Master world?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Did I see it wrong? World Guild Master can still publish guild missions, this is the first time I've seen it!"

In the world of Guild Masters, can you still do guild missions? Are you sure this isn't some kind of joke?

But Tony thought about it carefully, and found that this matter was taken for granted.

There will be changes in this world, and there is no reason why Su Han's world will always be safe and will not be attacked.

Saiki Kusuo: "This is not a Landcave, but an invasion from another world?"

Saiki Kusuo who had traveled to the world where Su Han lived, and knew about Su Han's worldview.

However he averted his gaze and saw a resurrection crystal.

"Even though I have no one to resurrect! However, you have found a resurrection crystal that can even resurrect the dead. It's really amazing."

Symbol of Peace: "This mission, I want to fight for it."

Symbol of Peace: "If there really is no way to get it, forget it!"

All Might remembers his teacher. If he took the resurrection crystal, it would be impossible to resurrect the master!

Of course, although All Might had such thoughts in his heart. But he was also ready to do his best to seize the mission.

L: "People who are currently in the world where the Guild Master lives don't count as three quotas, are there any guild members in the Guild Master world?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "I'm here!"

High Priest Luo Hao: "😲"

Luo Cuilian felt cheated by Goko Ruri. When she left Su Han, Goko Ruri secretly had a private meeting with Su Han? Even though it was normal, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Of course, apart from that there is also Ophis."


Super Dimensional Guild 800 : Participating member | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Kasumi Utako: "???"

Kasumi Utako: "Ophis, Infinite Dragon God from High School DxD world?"

Waver: "It's very normal Kuroneko in the Guild Master world! But why is Ophis also in the Guild Master world?"

Waver: "I remember Ophis doesn't have any friendship with the Guild Master?"

Ash: "Waver, why are you so sure Ophis and the Guild Master don't have friendship? Perhaps, Ophis and the Guild Master have a very good relationship personally."

Waver : "Ophis has only been online in the guild only a few times. Except for Kuroneko and Ophis who know each other in the guild, no one else in the guild knows Ophis too well."

Sakata Gintoki: "That's right!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "A group of ordinary people like me can chat with Saiki Kusuo and Saitama, but I'm not familiar with Ophis either."

Houraisan Kaguya" : "Is that so."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "The reason why Ophis is in the Guild Master world, of course I brought her here! After all, I came to the Guild Master world, and left Ophis in the High School DxD world, I was really worried about her safety."

High Priest Luo Hao: "Really?"

Since she brought Ophis into Su Han's world, Goko Ruri should go to Su Han's side more for fun.

After thinking about this, Luo Cuilian immediately felt much more at ease.

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Ophis is definitely a top tier power! But Kuroneko is worried about leaving her alone, and needs to worry about her safety, only she thinks of Ophis like that in the guild."

Kaito Kid: "It's a character issue."

Accelerator: "The topic has gone too far! Isn't this a case of discussing the Guild Master's world mission?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "A Resurrection Crystal can raise the dead."

Clark Kent: "Is there anyone you want to resurrect?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Of course! My parents, I really want to be resurrected."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "But if I can participate in the mission this time! Then obtain the resurrection crystal, I can also consider this aspect, but if I don't participate in the mission, but someone else gets the resurrection crystal, that's also okay."

Sakata Gintoki: "I think you're overthinking."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "What do you mean?"

Sakata Gintoki: "Resurrection Crystals are only used for people who have recently died, and it is impossible to revive people who have been dead for years! So you consider this issue, it's actually kind of self-indulgent. "

Tony Is Not the Richest: "😐"

Symbol of Peace: "This is true."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "This is heartbreaking!"

If it is not possible to resurrect people who have been dead for a long time, then the value of the resurrection crystals in the eyes of many people will definitely be greatly reduced.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Let's start the mission selection!"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "I will hurry back now."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Those who are willing to participate in the task will officially start the competition."

Having said that, the members have been determined.

[Ding! Mission members have been selected, the participants are Father Shirohige, Aizen Sosuke and Saiki Kusuo]

King: "😐"

I'm Not Bald: "😐"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Saiki Kusuo is also participating in the competition this time?"

Saiki Kusuo: "I remember the high quality coffee jelly I ate at the Guild Master's house last time. So I want to travel to that world, I guess the Guild Master wouldn't mind buying me some coffee and jelly after the mission is over?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Of course I don't mind."

I'm Not Bald: "I'm also participating in the capture mission now, but never mind..."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Saiki Kusuo is willing to seize the mission. Even the lazy Saitama is also willing to participate in the mission? Does the Guild Master have that much influence in this Guild?"

Kasumi Utako: "When did you feel that the Guild Master's influence was so low?

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "😐"

Kosaka Kyosuke found himself speechless.

Magical Girl Illya: "Mmmm! Even though I didn't snatch the mission, it was because I thought I wasn't strong enough and would cause trouble for Guild Master Onii-san. If I'm strong enough, willing to help Onii-san."

Akemi Homura: "Me too."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Thank you Illya-chan, Homura-chan! Thank you to all of you."

Aizen Sosuke: "Then now we shall now meet in the world of Guild Masters."

Father Shirohige"No problem."

King: "Remember to start the live broadcast!"

Umaru Doma: "Remember to start the live broadcast, I have long heard that papa's power is very strong now. But I still don't know how strong father's fighting power is! This time, I have to pay close attention to it."

Father Shirohige: "Gurararara.... Because my new daughter is very excited to watch my performance. Then I can't be lazy anymore! This time, let all of you witness my full power."

Altair: "😐"

Accelerator: "😐"

Kuroko Shirai: "😐"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Old Man Shirohige is really competing with Aizen."

Aizen Sosuke: "😐"

Sakata Gintoki: "Old Man Shirohige's character must be very similar to Yamamoto Genryūsai! They were all the strongest men of an era."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Even though Yamamoto Genryūsai is known as the strongest Shinigami. However, in the end, he is instantly killed by Yhwach. Honestly, I couldn't believe it when I saw him there."


Super Dimensional Guild 801 : Arrive | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Kasumi Utako : "Could it be the same? Yamamoto Genryūsai's Bankai has the power to burn all the water in the world! I asked if you weren't afraid?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Even before taking out Bankai, and still dead."

Kasumi Utako: "The reason why Yamamoto Genryūsai doesn't use Bankai is because he has human nature! He didn't want to use this technique to destroy the entire world. This has nothing to do with anything else."

Kiririn: "So Yamamoto Genryūsai didn't use Bankai, which led to his death!"

Kasumi Utako: "But a thousand years ago, Yamamoto Genryūsai defeated Yhwach alone. From this we can imagine its power! He deserves to be the strongest Shinigami in Soul Society."

Old Man is the Marquis: "This still cannot change the death of Yamamoto Genryūsai."

Ainz Ooal Gown: "Yamamoto Genrysai is dead, I miss Yamamoto Genryūsai so much, you can visit the graveyard."

Kasumi Utako: "Can't you guys use another excuse?"

Ash: "But Yamamoto Genryūsai is indeed dead."

Kasumi Utako: "😐"

Erina Nakiri, "Why didn't I know that Utako-san actually adores Yamamoto Genryūsai."

Kasumi Utako: "It's just that I suddenly felt that such a powerful Shinigami died so recklessly! It's really not worth it, it's uncomfortable!"

Monkey D. Dragon: "What kind of death is that? Isn't a death like this too forced?"

Monkey D. Dragon: "Perhaps like Shirohige, he died vigorously in the battle of Marinford? He also shouted the sentence at the time of his death, Is One Piece real? This pushes the pirate tide to the pinnacle of the ages again!"

Ash: "The Marines are really pitiful, they are definitely an organization that maintains sea peace, but the reputation isn't that great!"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "This era belongs to Shirohige!"

Umaru Doma: "This era is called Shirohige!"

Father Shirohige: "Gurararara.... This era is not called Shirohige, it is called Dragon!"

Monkey D. Dragon: "You are too praising. Without your help, I would not be able to overthrow the world government after all."

Kirishima Touka: "The Marines' biggest black spot is actually the Tenryuubito."

Ainz Ooal Gown: "Dragon overthrew the World Government because he and the Marines did not have too much enmity, now the Marines are still Marines. This should be considered a great fortune among misfortune?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "You guys are ready, and then discuss the two works of Bleach and One Piece?"

Why are you guys still talking? Are you guys going to talk for three hours first, and then want to join the mission on my side?

If you guys are not ready to participate, I will go myself.

Father Shirohige: "I'm coming now."

Aizen Sosuke: "Always ready."

Saiki Kusuo: "I have no problem here!"

After that, Su Han used the Hiraishin no Jutsu technique and appeared in the forest outside the castle. Close his eyes, and click to start the mission.

The next moment, light suddenly appeared around Su Han.

Shirohige's 7 meter tall body suddenly appeared, holding Naginata. His white beard curled like a crescent moon, his golden hair fluttered in the wind, and his muscles bulged. Although there are scars on the body, it shows youthful vitality.

Aizen is wearing a fur coat, captain of the fifth division, with a gentle smile, his hair is like hairspray, and he has the temperament of a scholar.

As for Saiki Kusuo… um, he's holding coffee jelly in one hand and a spoon in the other.

"It has been a long time since I participated in a mission! This old bone of mine must also move well!" Shirohige's words were deafening, and he clenched his naginata.

"Father is not old at all! But the more you live, the younger you will be."

A voice came down from the sky, and then Goko Ruri came down from the sky holding Ophis and looking at Shirohige. Obviously she was very dissatisfied with Shirohige saying that he was old.

"Such a loud girl!"

Shirohige smiled, but kept his mouth shut and stopped saying he was old.

Even though he had a strong character, he had fought on the battlefield all his life, and he had never taken a step back in the face of how powerful the enemy was. But this tenacity and rigidity will regress in front of him children.

Not because of fear, but because of his love for his children.

"Is this the Infinite Dragon God?"

Aizen looks at Ophis and thinks. "On the surface, there is no Ophis just a little girl! Apart from her delicate appearance the rest are just like ordinary girls, but if you use magic power to sense it, you can feel boundless magic power."

"So fabulous !" Aizen is not stingy with his own admiration.

Ophis didn't answer, just stared at the two with an indifferent gaze.

"It's time to leave."

Su Han only said half of what he said, then looked at the castle in the distance.

Aizen and Shirohige followed Su Han's gaze towards the castle.

Although Su Han's castle was luxurious and beautiful, whether it was Shirohige or Aizen were people who had seen the world, so naturally it was impossible to be surprised by the castle. What they noticed were the twin girls who came out of the castle.

"If Master wants to fight north of Beijing, please take me with you!"

Ram lifted the corner of her skirt and bowed to Su Han, and asked.

"Do you know?" Su Han asked.

"Don't forget Master, I'm your Maid. Jarvis naturally told me that information." Ram explained.


Super Dimensional Guild 802 : The war begins | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Su Han could feel a strong aura within Ram's body. Ram's current strength was already quite on par with the Peak Great Grandmaster Realm, participating in this battle was indeed no burden.

Then Su Han turned his gaze to Rem.

"Master, my Strength has also increased to Great Grandmaster, I will do my best to fight. I will not be a burden!" Rem also looked at Su Han and spoke with hope.

"If so, then come along." Su Han controlled space and formed a space-time gap, and then he stepped into the space-time tunnel.

Goko Ruri saw Ram and Rem, then turned around and entered the space-time gap.

Shirohige, Saiki Kusuo, and Aizen, seeing that Su Han had agreed, also made no comment, and followed closely behind.

Ram said to Rem "Rem, your power has just stepped into the Great Grandmaster Realm, if you don't want to participate in this battle, you can withdraw now."

Rem smiled and said confidently, "I've been training for so long, if I don't advance when Master needs help, what's the point of my hard work all this time?"

"Don't stop me Onee-san, if I don't leave, I can't even forgive myself."

Hearing this, Ram no longer stopped Rem, she walked side by side with Rem, and then entered the collapsed space-time tunnel.

At the castle gate, the figures of Akame and Kurome watched the group leave.

"Elder sister, are you feeling a little reluctant?"

"Yes, even if I try my best to train, at this moment when it comes to fighting, we are still not strong enough to participate in the battle."

After saying that, Akame turned around and walked towards the gate of space and time.

"But it is precisely because of the lack of strength that we need to do our best to train. The intensity of training should not go down."

Kurome thought he was going to rest, seeing that Akame didn't call her, Kurome became lethargic.

If Akame forced her to leave, she might refuse. But Akame didn't ask her to leave, but went to train. This made Kurome somewhat reluctant.

In the end Kurome could only obey, "Big sister is right, if I don't keep getting stronger, does that mean I've denied my previous attempts?

Kurome followed Akame's footsteps.


10 kilometers north of Beijing.

At this time, this place was covered with undead everywhere, there were undead stitched hidden among the undead army. There were also lichs with wands in hand, wearing wizard costumes, and wandering among the army of the undead.

On the battlefield, Zhang Mingbei's blood energy erupted at this moment, and an extremely powerful aura emanated from his body.

He punched punch after punch, the blood energy condensed into a phoenix and a white tiger, and his spiritual energy turned into a storm, fighting to the death with the three three meter tall golden undead in front of him.

On another battlefield, Great Grandmaster Ma's entire body radiated a golden light like a living Buddha.

His fists were heavier than anything else. With a single blow, the ground flipped over, and the clouds in the sky split apart. Most of the undead soldiers were destroyed.

However, Great Grandmaster Ma didn't feel any excitement, instead it became even heavier.

Because there were too many enemies, even if he killed the undead soldiers with one hit, more undead soldiers appeared from the gaps of space and time in the distance.

"I can't go on like this!"

Zhao Xu was old, his white hair was flying, and his muscles were bulging. His figure swiftly dodged one after another of the forbidden magic spells in midair.

He appeared in front of a lich with a kick, the huge lich was kicked and flew. The lich was covered with cracks, and was blown away until it hit a mountain tens of kilometers away, and then stopped.

Without giving Zhao Xu a break, he quickly walked away.

Above the sky, a shower of meteor fire fell and hit where Zhao Xu lived before, burning the ground into a sea of lava and fire.

A lich wizard hid in the sea of the undead, stared at Zhao Xu and secretly cast curse magic one after another, or mobilized the elemental power in the air, launched a taboo attack to kill Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu is full of blood, and can forcibly dispel negative curses and destroy elemental attacks with extremely powerful blood.

But after all he was old. With the passage of time, Qi and blood continued to decline. If he continued to consume like this, sooner or later, he would be excessively consumed by the other party.

Great Grandmaster Ma surveyed the scene in front of him, and there was difficulty in his eyes.

The three Golden Undead Kings fighting Zhang Mingbei at the same time revealed auras that were on par with Great Grandmasters.

This is not to say that the three Golden Undead Kings are Great Grandmasters, but the three Golden Undead Kings are experts who can compete with Great Grandmasters before they die. Now that they are dead and turned into undead, the fighting power has decreased, but they are still at the level of Great Grandmaster.

When the three joined forces, they were as strong as Zhang Mingbei, but they couldn't win, and they were even defeated by the opponent. Over time, there was no doubt that Zhang Mingbei would lose.

"Old Zhang, you must endure!"

Great Grandmaster Ma saw the undead gathering towards Beijing, "They cannot be allowed to approach the city."

Currently the residents of Beijing have not been evacuated, and the first troops mobilized by the Beijing military have not yet completed their defense deployment. If waves of the undead actually poured into the capital Great Grandmaster Ma couldn't imagine the Consequences.



Super Dimensional Guild 803 : Appears at the most critical moment | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

"I can only do that!"

Great Grandmaster Ma made up his mind.

He clenched his fists tightly, his fists slid across the air, the spiritual energy in his body transformed into two Yin and Yang powers, one hard and one soft, forming a Taichi Yin and Yang diagram in the air. The Yin and Yang diagram slowly rotated and seemed to come alive.

"Taichi Yin Yang!"

His blood boiled and turned into a spreading wave, and the tens of kilometers of undead turned into powder.

Most of the ground cracked, and only the Lich noticed something was wrong earlier, and set up a defensive barrier. At this moment, the Lich was barely able to withstand the attack, but it also showed that there were no undead soldiers left.


Zhao Xu took advantage of this opportunity.

The shape of the lich was the same as that of the ordinary undead, and they had sunk into the sea of the undead before. Apart from casting magic, hiding aura. Therefore, Zhao Xu could only use his sharp mental strength to discern.

Once a lich is identified, it is easy to deal with.

The enemy is in darkness, and he is in the light. Therefore, even though Zhao Xu was very strong, he was powerless against the previous Lich and could only defend passively.

But now, the lichs were showing their stature, from dark to light, and they naturally became Zhao Xu's targets. In the end, they all died at the hands of Zhao Xu.

Great Grandmaster Ma gasped for breath, his stamina recovering at an incomparably fast pace, he stared at the space-time gap where a large number of undead warriors were still continuously pouring out.

"If you don't solve the space and time gap, this fight is endless."

"How to overcome the gap of space and time? Is a solution like Landcave? However, the Landcave only needed to kill all the invaders, or repel them and the Landcave would automatically close. But what to do this time? How to kill all opponents?"

In the past, when the Landcave invaded, all the leading Ominous Beasts were emperor-level Ominous Beasts.

If this Ominous Beast wins in wrestling with Great Grandmaster, then the gap within the Landcave can be logically opened. If it fails, the space-time gap will close automatically.

The situation this time was clearly very different from the situation of the Landcave invasion.

Just as Great Grandmaster Ma was thinking of a way to close the gap, suddenly, a loud voice rang out.

It was like a heartbeat, extremely low, reverberating across the battlefield, but encased in a deadly sound.


Great Grandmaster Ma consciously looked at the space-time crack, he found that the space-time crack was no longer emitting the undead.

A high pitched dragon roar rang out. The roar was simply too terrifying, with a majesty that made Great Grandmasters flutter.

The clouds in the sky were torn apart, the ground shook, and space shattered.

"What monsters came out?"

Zhao Xu on the other hand stopped fighting, staring at the gaps of space and time in the distance.

Under the serious gazes of the two Great Grandmasters, a tall, pale-skinned man walked out from the crack of space and time. The man held the scepter, lightning flashed across his body.

"Not a living being?"

Zhao Xu felt his heart tremble.

Before he became a Great Grandmaster, he was a master of Chinese studies, self-cultivation and spirituality. Therefore, after he became a Great Grandmaster, he did not have the advantage in combat power of the same level, and was not considered a strong person, but his spiritual strength was much stronger than a strong person of the same level.

At this time, Zhao Xu with the help of sharp mental observation, noticed this man's strangeness and strangeness.

There was no aura of life in this man, and his appearance was very different from that of an undead monster, but he had a stifling aura.

"It's also an undead? But, this fellow is much stronger than the previous undead!" Zhao Xu looked at the three golden undead fighting Zhang Mingbei in the distance.

It wasn't just the pale-skinned man who stepped out of the crack of space and time.

Immediately, a slender woman and a man wearing a mage robe and wielding a scythe also came out.

A man wearing a mage robe and holding a scythe named Hack, the title is the God of death! He was a god in another world, at least that was then!

As for now he was a fallen god who was pulled from the throne and resurrected by the Undead Scourge. He really became a god of death.

Death God Hack looked around and said. "New world!"

"There is actually an emperor-level creature, it is very interesting." The slender woman glanced into the distance that was Great Grandmaster Ma, Zhang Mingbei and Zhao Xu.

Death God Hack turned his gaze to the man surrounded by thunder light beside him, "Am I going to do it, or are you going to do it?"

With a stick in his hand, Thunder God Modi who was wrapped in thunder and lightning, had some reluctance in his heart.

Thunder God Modi's situation is similar to Death God Hack. Originally it was him the God of Arbitration, God of Contracts, and God of Lightning who held high thrones in the wizarding world.

Originally, with his strength he was the head of the gods, even if there was an Undead Scourge, he was not afraid and could suppress the natural disaster itself.

But Thunder God Modi did not expect that the Undead Scourge, whom he had not noticed before, swept through the world in such a short period of time, cutting off the roots of his belief, causing his strength to weaken.

Eventually, he died by the Undead Scourge and was resurrected by the Black-Dragon King Nefeos.

Although Thunder God Modi still retains the power of a god, it is difficult for him to obey others in the form of an undead and this is a form of humiliation.

"Let me come this time."

Thunder God Modi raised the stick in his hand and placed it on the ground. A dazzling light of thunder suddenly erupted.

The thunder was extremely hot, and at the moment of the eruption, the sky shone with lightning and thunder.

All the clouds were torn apart by the lightning. The ground cracked a bottomless pit, and as thunder light spread out.

"This destructive power..."

This kind of power shattered the heavens and shattered the earth, it almost even made him think that Great Grandmaster Ma saw Su Han.

Great Grandmaster Ma had realized he couldn't stop this!

Even in the distance, Zhang Mingbei, who was fighting against the three Golden Undead Kings, froze for a moment. But the Golden Undead didn't take advantage of this gap, and their bodies were also trembling.

Just as the light of thunder was about to devour everything, a voice with a sense of nostalgia rang out.

"The power of thunder and lightning? It's been a long time since I saw someone play thunder and lightning in front of me."

The dazzling thunder and lightning galloped from afar, and in an instant continued to coalesce before the destruction of the lightning, and finally turned into a human.

There was a smile on the corner of Su Han's mouth, the nine Tomoe in his pupils were spinning, and the strands of his hair were like silver under the tangle of thunder and lightning. He squeezed the world-shattering thunder and lightning in his hands.


Super Dimensional Guild 804 : With the snap of a finger create the world | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

The thunder light that was constantly flowing in Su Han's hands.

At the same time, Su Han's body was also flowing with bright thunder and lightning.

The sky became cloudy, and the clouds in the sky that had been completely destroyed by Thunder God Modi gathered again, and immediately gathered a thick layer of clouds. Thunder light fell from the sky from time to time.

A dazzling light of thunder lit up the earth, striking the dense army of undead on the ground. What remained were a few silver-white undead that were strong enough to rival the Grandmaster Realm and a few lichs.

This was the Storm and Thunder Divine Authority. Su Han used this to finish cleaning in no time.

"This guy!"

Thunder God Modi looked at Su Han, who turned into thunder and lightning, he didn't feel sorry for the undead undead. After all, no matter how many ordinary undead die, it is only consumables, it is not worth it for him to care.

What he was shocked about… was the essence that was revealed by Su Han at this time.

"This person's body is made of pure lightning!"

"What?" Death God Hack exclaimed in disbelief.

"A life that is pure of thunder and lightning?"

Nihe looked at the figure wrapped in thunder and lightning, then asked. "Is that a thunder attribute Elemental Lord?"

"If it were that simple, it wouldn't be a problem." Thunder God Modi recovered his composure.

However, the other two present clearly understood what he meant.

A mere thunder Elemental Lord, even if his strength is comparable to that of an emperor, he is vulnerable in front of Thunder God Modi.

"Aizen, Guild Master, I will fight this fellow. Kenbunshoku Haki tells me that this guy is a good opponent!"

A figure appeared in the sky. Naginata slashed downwards destroying the space.

The atmosphere and space shook and shattered together, and all the shards were carried out with the power of the base.

"Considering me a weakling, do you want to be obliterated by the battlefield first?"

Hack felt that he was locked by the opponent, he held the scythe in his hand, and waved it in the air.

Above his body, soul light flashed to form the shadow of a huge death god in black robes, and the scythe collided with the Naginata that fell from the sky.

There was the sound of metal clashing, and a violent shockwave spread out.

"A group of guild members fighting against the law! I'm also very depressed."

Su Han withdrew his hand, the thunder light that pierced the heavens and earth disappeared at this moment.

He snapped his fingers. Time and space have changed, and the whole world has undergone tremendous changes.

The three Great Grandmasters in the distance gathered together, and they joined forces to force the three golden undead on the opposite side to retreat.

The Three Undead Kings did not attack, but quickly retreated.

Just as they were about to give chase, the three Great Grandmasters felt a change in space.

"What happened?"

Zhang Mingbei watched the ripples spread out, and then the heavens and the earth continuously stretched and distorted. He even doubted that he was dreaming.

Originally, when he turned around, he could still see Beijing in the distance. But now, when he turned around, he could only see a completely distorted Beijing.

Beijing is now like a building block that has been torn apart, the buildings are curved, the ground is sloping. The whole world seems to have changed at this moment.

"This is not the original world, this is a new world that is very similar to our original world."

Zhao Xu's soul was sensitive, and he realized what had happened.

"A new world similar to ours?" Great Grandmaster Ma's voice trembled. He looked at the center of all the ripples, which was the figure of Su Han.

Su Han just snapped his fingers to make this change? What exactly is this ability?

"This is absolutely amazing! It even made one wonder if he had re-created the world. "Zhang Mingbei from that scene with a joke.

"How do you know? He didn't create a new world?" Zhao Xu asked back.

The smile on Zhang Mingbei's face froze. He realized Zhao Xu had a point.

This is quite an extraordinary thing, reaching the Grandmaster Realm, you can control every part of the body. And a Great Grandmaster can soak his clothes in cold sweat, which can only prove that his shock has reached the point of affecting body control.

Couldn't blame Zhang Mingbei for being so shocked, transferring them to a new world and creating a new world, these were two completely different concepts.

The snap of a finger creates a new world? What level of existence is this? The incomprehensible God in the philosophical system is nothing more than that.

Zhao Xu clearly knew that this topic was too heavy and not discussed much further.

He looked at Shirohige who was fighting in the distance, and changed the subject, "! What I want to know more now is who is that man?"

Zhao Xu firmly believed that if he appeared in front of Shirohige, he would not be able to stop him.

The naginata in Shirohige's hands was very stable, and the shockwave continued to spread, and finally gathered on the big scythe.

With this loud sound, the crack in the scythe and finally the scythe shattered shattered.

"What?" Before Death God Hack could react, he saw Shirohige's feet in the sky stomp on a sonic boom.

Under the force of inertia, Shirohige's speed was extremely fast, and he appeared in front of the shadow of the god of death, the hand was pressed forward, and the shadow of the god of death couldn't stop him and was torn apart by this arm.

The arm grabbed Death God Hack's head, and then pressed it to the ground.

"The god of death from another world? Except against the Heretic God. This Old Man had never fought a god. "

Shirohige learned a lot about the god of death Hack. In his hand, a white light bloomed.

"However, I also want to thank the Guild Master for changing the battlefield. Otherwise, this Old Man would not dare to do his best."


Super Dimensional Guild 805 : Who is that uncle? | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Hack's head was covered in blood, and the space where his head was located shook violently. At this moment, he felt that this whole head did not belong to him.

Even though he became an undead, he no longer felt any pain.

But what he couldn't feel was the pain in the flesh. The pain Shirohige was bringing to him right now was undoubtedly from the pain of his soul.

The vibrations were transmitted to the ground, causing the entire ground to shake, as if experiencing an earthquake of magnitude 8 on the Richter scale.

"Earthquake-type attack? No, it's more like a force hitting the ground causing an earthquake! How strong is this attack?"

Great Grandmaster Ma barely stabilized and rose into the air. Zhang Mingbei also soared into the air at the same time.

However, the two quickly realized that Zhao Xu was still in the same place. The two found that Zhao Xu was staring at his feet. Before they could ask, Zhao Xu's trembling voice was heard.

"These vibrations are transmitted into the mantle of the earth!"

Great Grandmaster Ma: "😲"

Zhang Mingbei: "😮"

The vibration wave travels through tens of kilometers and enters the earth's mantle? Is this something humans can do? It is also possible to say that the giant with the white crescent beard directly destroyed the Asian continent.

Seemingly seeing the thoughts of the two, Zhao Xu said. "Almost there."

"What is it?"

"Several times, Asia is expected to split into several continents. Most should sink into the ocean!" Zhao Xu said uncertainly. "Actually, the Asian continent is currently struggling to survive."

Great Grandmaster Ma: "???"

Zhang Mingbei: "???"

We didn't learn much, so don't freak out. Aren't we still at war with foreign enemies? How to listen to your tone, after this battle, several continents may sink into the sea.

Saiki Kusuo watched the scene from afar, opened the guild's live broadcast room and started broadcasting this great battle.


Tony Is Not the Richest: "The battle in the world of Guild Masters begins!"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Unfortunately I can't participate in this war."

Old Man is the Marquis: "I also don't get a place to participate in the war, what are you complaining about?*

High Priest Luo Hao: "At this time, I must also be in the world of foster brothers."

Umaru Doma: "Who is that blonde-haired and white-bearded man?"

When Umaru saw the younger version of Shirohige, she was confused. Uncle, who are you?

Kasumi Utako: "Although surprising!, it is indeed Shirohige."

Umaru Doma: "😐"

Doesn't Shirohige in the memory copy not look like this? Was this Shirohige at a young age? But haven't the guild members already said that the battle of Marineford is over? Can anyone explain to her what happened?

The more she thought about it, the more Umaru felt dizzy, and she couldn't understand.

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Don't think too much! Old Man Shirohige has just rejuvenated his youth with the help of some special functions in the guild."

Umaru Doma: "Hahaha.... So it's like that."

Well, this is indeed a reasonable explanation.

Although it was strange to see how the younger version of Shirohige looked, Umaru was still able to accept this fact.


At this time on the battlefield.

A black light suddenly appeared from the distance. Goko Ruri hugged Ophis and passed the three great masters.

His jet-black wings spread out behind her, and a black mist enveloped his body. She was like a dark angel who had fallen into the world.

"Evil Judgment!"

Goko Ruri raised her hand and the black cross and chain tied the three golden undead Kings to the black cross.

"Judged sinfully on behalf of Kuroneko. "

The black flames began to burn the golden undead souls. The golden undead king screamed like a ghost. At the same time, their auras were also rapidly decreasing.

What's going on here?

The three Great Grandmasters looking at this scene did not understand at all. Although listening to Kuroneko's tone and feeling chuunibyou, but seeing Kuroneko's strength, they felt that Kuroneko couldn't really be a fallen angel?

Great Grandmaster Ma muttered. "Are there still fallen angels in this world? Hahaha... And this cross, does hell exist? Really broadened my horizons."

"Before today, it was said that there are giants in this world and the strength of the giants is still so strong that they can penetrate the mantle of the earth, do you believe it?" Zhao Xu watched Shirohige's battle suppressing Death God Hack.

Great Grandmaster Ma: "😐"

If someone had said this before, he would definitely have answered – not believe it. But now Great Grandmaster Ma was no longer convinced.

Obviously the Landcave has been erased, it's clear he's about to retire. Why did he have to suffer such a big shock before retiring? Why!

Zhang Mingbei: "😐"

Zhang Mingbei's thinking was completely different from Great Grandmaster Ma. He thought were these people really earthlings?

Zhang Mingbei suddenly woke up. If these people were truly Earthlings, then what would the battle in the Landcave be like? Anyone who came out would probably be able to bring humanity back to the Landcave.

At that time, it was a beast begging for mercy, and finally fought and killed, and finally entered every household to make an eternal contribution to the further enrichment of the country.


Super Dimensional Guild 806 : Lich King Nihe | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Ram and Rem chose Grandmaster-level silver undead generals and lichs who controlled the magic attacks.

Ram used Dai Enkai which gathered into the sun in his hand, and then threw it at the enemy.

Rem also turned her hands into lava and emitted a meteor shower.

Meteor showers are combined with the sun. The two complement each other, resulting in a stronger force.

At this moment, it was like the sun was falling with a flaming meteor. The ground burned and the surface melted. Flame meteorites scorched the ground, and lava flowed non-stop.

Right before the eyes of several Great Grandmasters, the outside of the capital in a different dimension had become a disaster scene after a volcanic eruption.

Zhao Xu: "😐"

Zhang Mingbei: "😐"

Great Grandmaster Ma: "😐"

Even if three Great Grandmasters can move mountains and split seas, and travel 100,000 miles a day. Seeing this changing terrain, like a natural disaster, they still feel amazed.

Even without considering such a natural disaster-like scene.

At this moment, the strength shown by Ram and Rem had truly reached the Great Grandmaster Realm and was no weaker than them.

"The people of this world actually control this level of power." Nihe floated in the air, looking at everything in front of her in a daze.

"Of course!" Thunder God Modi nodded in agreement.

Of course, it wasn't Ram and Rem they were praising.

The power that Ram and Rem displayed was indeed strong, but it was not enough to surprise them.

The power displayed by. Goko Ruri took them by surprise, but that was about it. Goko Ruri's strength was equivalent to that of a demigod who had left the imperial level and started to step into the realm of the gods.

And they were true gods, even if they were true gods in a state of enslavement by the Undead Scourge. But under the support of the undead's trust, their power essence has not subsided.

Either Thunder God Modi or Lich King Nihe, what they truly feared was to suppress Death God Hack, to the ground at this time. Beating Hack was like beating up a boy, so Hack didn't have the ability to fight Shirohige.

"How does his strength compare to the Dragon God?" Thunder God Modi asked.

"What do you mean?" Here as the Lich King, she was undoubtedly extremely loyal to the Black-Dragon King Nefeos. Of course, she couldn't stand the Thunder God Modi's tone comparing the Black-Dragon King Nefeos.

"Just kidding!"

Thunder God Modi looked back at Su Han in the distance.

Nihe calmed down again, Thunder God Modi had already shown his attitude. Even though he is the undead Black-Dragon King Nefeos, he not only has no loyalty to the Black-Dragon King Nefeos, but also has a sense of disdain. If Hack died, he would probably still be happy to see it.

"Hack is the master's main fighting force, he can't die!"

Thinking of this, Nihe opened his hand. One by one the spirits appeared beside her.

There are hundreds of these spirits, and each one is equivalent to a demigod.

Of course, this is only the essence of the power that is equivalent to a demi-god. It was completely incomparable to Goko Ruri of the same level who had been promoted.

Even if the rank is the same, the difference in combat power is huge.

However even if one individual is not strong, and if the number reaches a hundred, it can also make existence of the same level troublesome.

Following the orders given by Nihe, the spirits rushed towards Shirohige in the distance.

"Meddling in other people's battles without permission is not a good decision!"

A voice suddenly sounded behind Nihe.

Nihe with his elbow struck the back, but it was empty, "Is it an illusion?"

"I didn't plan to do it. After all, want to control the power to crush the ants without hurting their lives. It's a very difficult thing." The voice still entered Nihe's ears.

But after a short pause, this voice seemed to have made up its mind. "If that's the case, let yourself be attacked by your own strength, how about it?"

Before Nihe could react, all the spirits that rushed towards Shirohige then changed direction, rushing towards Nihe's direction.

"Are they forcibly controlled?"

Ni He's figure turned into a ghost and dodged the spirit's attack. However, these spirits followed her closely, and she was unable to get rid of them. Nihe used his power to regain control of the spirit, but it was just as useless.

"The connection between me and these spirits still exists, it feels like these spirits are bound by a higher power. So I can't control them! Damn, how did this happen?"

"Should I destroy them all? "

Although Nihe was sure to destroy all these spirits, but these spirits were collected by her over the years.

If she destroyed everything, it would be tantamount to destroying his own efforts, which naturally made Nihe hesitate.

Thunder God Modi stared intently at the scene in front of him, his expression finally carrying a trace of solemnity, no longer the previous disdain. "Why are there so many strong people? What is this world?"

If Shirohige's display of strength made him pay attention, then Aizen's appearance now surprised him.

Thunder God Modi is the top power in the fantasy world. He believed that his strength was above the Death God and the Lich King, but this didn't mean he couldn't see the situation in front of him clearly.

Aizen did nothing, only controlled all the spirits, and then let the spirits attack Nihe. This kind of method, even he couldn't imagine.

"This is a formidable foe!" Thunder God Modi clenched the stick in his hand, and a dazzling thunder light stuck to his body, "I have to participate in the battle!"

Even though he didn't want to fight a strong enemy. But the current situation was if he didn't join the battle, then after Aizen, Shirohige won, plus Su Han who couldn't see depth, but could clearly manipulate lightning and restrain it.

Even no matter how many trump cards he had, he would probably die.


Super Dimensional Guild 807 : Appearance of Black-Dragon King Nefeos | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

"Don't interfere, just watch quietly!"

The figure of Saiki Kusuo appeared beside Thunder God Modi.

Thunder God Modi wants to attack. However, Saiki Kusuo's eyes shone slightly, and he used mental manipulation to restrain Thunder God Modi from moving.

"Very strong!"

Thunder God Modi was in disbelief, horror, fear and other emotions were flowing one by one in his eyes.

All the previous arrogance, under Saiki Kusuo's restraint at this moment, were all crushed.

Su Han appeared beside Saiki Kusuo and stared at the battle scene before him.

"Guild Master, your Maid's combat power has increased very quickly. "

Saiki Kusuo saw Su Han, and praised. "They shouldn't have any help from the Super Dimensional Guild, right? Even without the Super Dimensional Guild's help, their power-up speed exceeds that of many guild members."

"The situation is different!" Su Han shook his head. Ram and Rem signed a life-sharing contract with him, and thus their talent qualifications had greatly improved.

Even though Ram and Rem didn't join the Super Dimensional Guild, it was indeed the equivalent of a cheat.

Of course, because Ram and Rem only increased talent qualifications. In order to really gain strength, qualification enhancement is useless, the most important thing is to keep practicing.

The power that Ram and Rem had was not obtained because of Su Han, but rather because of their own efforts.

"There is one more thing, I feel that their boss is coming." Saiki Kusuo n added, "Guild Master or am I the one dealing with it?"

"I will deal with it!" Su Han opened his eyes and 9 Tomoe appeared "Use her to try out a new power!"

Several Gudodamas formed behind Su Han and were constantly rotating.

With a roar, the space-time crack not far away shook.

Then, a huge throne flew out from the gap of space and time. This is a Throne made of Frost.

A young man with silvery white hair lay lazily on the Frost Throne, showing laziness. It was the human form of the Black-Dragon King Nefeos.

Just as Nefeos was thinking about what words he should use to improve his style when he came to this world, he realized that the situation didn't seem right at the moment.

The shrill screams became weaker and weaker. Shirohige was holding the Death God Hack at the moment.

Shirohige's hands wrapped tightly around Hack's neck. On the other hand, there is a continuous stream of attacks

Shirohige uses new, or old, techniques, all of which are used by him and destroys Jack.

Hack's body has been completely incomplete, barely able to survive relying on the powerful recovery ability brought by the undead body, and the immortal divinity attached to the god of death. It barely recovered.

However, under Shirohige's attack, his most basic immortal soul was gradually weakening, and it was clear that it would not last long.

"Shirohige, Edward Newgate?"

Nefeos recognized the assailant, could it be that this world he came to was actually the world of One Piece?

Why was Edward Newgate in front of him so young?

"Is this the world of One Piece in the early years? Is Roger still alive today?"

Nefeos immediately noticed that something wasn't right, "Is the Shirohige of the One Piece world that strong? Hack after all is a god of death!"

It was then that Nefeos couldn't understand. A voice came from the other side, "Sword swings well! But the position is not right."

Nefeos felt that the voice seemed a little familiar. He turned his head, and saw a man in a white fur coat with a smile on his lips.

He was graceful and calm at this time, holding Kyoka Suigetsu in him hands, blocking Nihe's bone blade, "But if I want to, I can easily pierce your heart."

Nihe doesn't know when Aizen appears behind her, and then, Kyoka Suigetsu stabs her in the chest.

"How did you do that?" Nihe vomited blood, feeling the loss of life. "What happened?"

"I have said it before, it is very important to control the power so as not to destroy the difficult thing! Why don't you listen?"

Aizen took out Kyoka Suigetsu, and his figure instantly appeared in the distance.

Under Aizen's control, many spirits descended from the sky, rushed to collide with Nihe's body, and started self-destruction.

Every expert in the demigod realm has an extremely powerful eruption energy, not to mention nearly a hundred demigods, this is an attack that can easily destroy the moon.

The fiery light continued to erupt.

Just like round after round of strategic nuclear warheads fired continuously, emitting the most dazzling light.

Energy waves spread out in all directions, Great Grandmaster Ma and the others floated in the air, even if they tried their best to stabilize, the energy waves immediately blew them away and didn't know where to fly.

Zhao Xu reacted quickly, grasped the ground with both hands, and the magma was blown by the storm and poured into his body.

However, the Great Grandmaster level physique had been forged to the bone of unquenchable gold, and even magma was still unable to destroy his body.

However, even if Zhao Xu was like this, he was still out of control, swept away for dozens of kilometers before stopping.

"I never knew a Great Grandmaster didn't even have the qualifications to watch a battle?!"

Zhao Xu felt tired and slumped to the ground. At this moment, lying on the ground, staring up at the sky where the atmosphere had been torn apart.

"What is the actual fight I am watching?"