SDG 808-822

Super Dimensional Guild 808 : Su Han VS Nefeos | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Facing Shirohige's shockwave wasn't blown away like the other Great Grandmasters.

Aizen draws his sword, and cuts the shockwave with one swing.

Goko Ruri hugged Ophis, the wings behind her suddenly closed, and at the same time, a boundless snake trail appeared on the outer layer of her wings, forming a layer of boundless energy that resisted the energy shockwave.

Ram and Rem used elementalization, and even though they were knocked over and blown away, they didn't take much damage.

However, the worst was the Black-Dragon King who had just come to this world!

Nefeos didn't have time to react. His Frost Throne was overturned by the energy wave, and then it was blown away into an unknown place by the energy shockwave.

The Black-Dragon King couldn't keep up with him, so he reincarnated into his true body and transformed into a gigantic dragon that was several thousand meters long.

The black scales resisted the shockwave and remained immovable. When he thought of the figure in the fur clothes he saw earlier, there was a hint of worry.

"Why is Aizen here?"

Not to mention what happened to Shirohige's power which is clearly beyond the limits of One Piece. Can you explain to him, if this world is really the world of One Piece, why did Aizen appear.

Could this really be a mixed fanfiction between Bleach and One Piece? If that was the case, then maybe that could explain the situation.

This fanfiction writer, using the work of Oda and Kubo together, shameless plagiarism!

Suddenly a deafening sound pierced the air, and Nefeos felt a fatal threat. He looked to the side. At this moment, many shadows fisted towards him.

"Yasogami Kūgeki (Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack)!"

"Otsutsuki Kaguya?!" Nefeos didn't even have time to think about why Otsutsuki Kaguya's voice sounded clear.

A layer of dark light appeared on the surface of his body, and at the same time, he opened his mouth.

Black dragon flames gushed out.

Yasogami Kūgeki's attack ripped the dragon flames across the sky, all the fist shadows bombarding Nefeos' body.

The black scales were crushed by that fist, and Nefeos was continuously knocked back. Pieces of shattered scales fell, and the hot dragon blood poured down, and every drop of it was like lava.

Due to the self-exposure of hundreds of demigod-level spirits before, there is a super-deep and invisible pit in the earth at this time. The red blood that burned everything fell into the abyss.

After enduring Yasogami Kūgeki's attack, Nefeos barely flew through the air, and he roared. "Aizen… Shirohige… Otsutsuki Kaguya!"

In the eyes of the Black-Dragon King, there was anger, but also shock and confusion. He couldn't understand why the strongest person from the three famous anime would gather at this time and become his opponent?

"What world am I invading?" Nefeos gritted her teeth and became annoyed, "System! You're saying this is a high ranking martial world that is similar to the background of my previous world?!"

I believe in your bullshit! In the background of my previous life, when did Shirohige, Aizen, and Otsutsuki Kaguya appear?

You can't even joke like that. Nefeos felt that the preparations he made earlier were useless!

But the system is not responding. This made the mist in Nefeos' eyes grow heavier and heavier.

Su Han's figure appeared in front of Nefeos.

"Who are you?"

After seeing Su Han, Nefeos did not recognize this person.

It was only after he saw the nine Tomoe in Su Han's pupils and the Gudodama around Su Han that he understood.

"Is that so, you are another member of the Otsutsuki clan? Even if it's not Kaguya, I will kill you."

Even though the Black-Dragon King was enormous, its speed was extremely fast. The tail swung at Su Han like a meteor.

Su Han's palm covered with Busoshoku Haki grabbed the Black-Dragon King's tail.


The Black-Dragon King never expected that Su Han's reaction speed would be so fast.

It was at this time that Su Han pulled the Black-Dragon King's tail, and threw it into the distance.

After that, Su Han clenched his fists, and activated the Reality Stone.

Behind him, there were countless golden ripples, and countless weapons emerged from the golden ripples. After that, all of those guns shot at the Black-Dragon King in the distance.

The Black-Dragon King crashed into the mountain until it collapsed. The Black-Dragon King's body was too strong to be injured. But even though he was unharmed, the Black-Dragon King felt great humiliation for this being discarded.

His wings spread, and he rose into the air. "Do you think the Otsutsuki clan Bloodline is invincible?"

Then the floating Black-Dragon King, looked at the countless rain of weapons: "??? "

What's this? Could it be that in this world, not only Naruto, One Piece, and Shinigami and even Heroic Spirits from the Type-Moon World? Is this a mixed world?

As Nefeos was dumbfounded, a series of weapons pierced through his body.

Stormbreaker grew large and sank deep into his chest, ya scales that were stronger than steel, unable to endure at all.

Frostmourne a pierced his throat, and Gae Bolv pierced his heart.

Nefeos' body was too big, which meant he was a live target at the moment. He couldn't hide even if he wanted to.

Too many too many legendary Noble Phantasms that had left eternal fame in history, or artifacts of gods famous in mythology. Or Zanpakuto, there are many other treasures that are famous in various worlds.


Super Dimensional Guild 809 : Saiki Kusuo's Reason | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Even Nefeos himself didn't know how long Su Han's attack lasted.

He only felt that after a very long time, the rain of weapons stopped.

"Why did it happen?" The Black-Dragon King barely spoke, his voice extremely weak. He felt pain, not only physical pain, but also mental pain.

Frostmourne stabbed into his throat, it was clearly a treasure he possessed, but it also appeared in the enemy's hands and was considered a bow and arrow used by the enemy mercilessly.

Why? Why did he see Frostmourne as a treasure? Even before the critical moment, he was reluctant to use it, but the opponent only used Frostmourne as a consumable?

At this time, the Black-Dragon King learned that in the Holy Grail War, the original owner of the Gate of Babylon saw Heracles using Gilgamesh's Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm.

Su Han appeared in front of the Black-Dragon King.

He stared at the Undead Lord who caused disaster in the fantasy world, the Black-Dragon King. No pity for him. "Die! "

Su Han controlled the surrounding Gudōdama.

He stabbed towards the Black-Dragon King's brain.


Akiyama Mio: "I saw a battle at the god level! I feel an ordinary seething admiration."


It was only now that Akiyama Mio knew what top tier power really looked like.

With every move change the battlefield and create natural disasters. Other than that it's just a basic skill. After all Ram and Rem who can create natural disasters are not considered top experts when converted to a guild, but only belong to the most common tier.

A top-tier power like Su Han with a top god ultimate artifact as well as a legendary supreme treasure, all thrown away when in the simplest and most primitive manner, displaying unparalleled wealth.

Or, like Aizen, manipulate opponents with ease. Then let the opponent hurt herself. Let the opponent die without knowing how to die!

Of course, Shirohige's attack that shook everything and destroyed everything was equally shocking.


Zero the Louise: "🥶🥶🥶"


Louise's current shock was even higher than Akiyama Mio's.

Because Akiyama Mio doesn't have any strength, although she knows that Su Han and others are strong, and after seeing the strength of Su Han and others, she is shocked, but that's all.

After all, Akiyama Mio couldn't stop the cataclysmic power that Ram and Rem had displayed. She also couldn't stop the power that Su Han had shown to destroy the world.

It was precisely because she couldn't stop her, that Akiyama Mio only knew that Su Han was stronger than Ram and Rem. How strong is that? She couldn't say anything at all.

But Louise was different, she lived in a fantasy world. So she could understand very well how powerful the Black-Dragon King, a species of dragon thousands of meters long was.

She can also understand, what exactly is God of Death Hack, Lich King Nihe and Thunder God Modi.

These are all gods who have lived in this world and these true gods, under the hands of the guild's top-level powers, are all vulnerable.


Old Man is the Marquis: "I didn't expect that this time the opponent was a true god, this Old Man regrets not being able to participate!"


Marquis Voban truly felt regret.

Accepting this kind of mission from another world could not only satisfy one's desire to fight against a god, but also earn points issued by the guild. By the way, can go to the Guild Master world to see what the state of the Guild Master world is like.

This kind of good thing can be done with one aim, he just misses it. The more Marquis Voban thought about it, the more regretful he felt.


High Priest Luo Hao: "And the battle power of the god who appeared this time far exceeds the Heretic God in our world!"

High Priest Luo Hao: "If I fight this kind of god it will be fun!"

Let the World Suffer: "Speaking of acting pretentious, it is indeed High Priest Luo Hao and Marquis Voban"

Sakata Gintoki: "Nagato, you still have no knowledge. High Priest Luo Hao and Marquis Voban were nothing. The most pretentious person in the guild is actually Aizen."

Aizen Sosuke: "???"

Aizen frowned. Is he acting pretentious? When did he act pretentious? How could Gintoki slander him?

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Indeed, It's like Aizen controls his slash but the direction of the cut is wrong and so on! It always reveals some kind of big boss power."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Every time I see Aizen acting pretentious! I feel the Tensa Zangetsu in my hand will move! I really want to fight the big boss waves…"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Then you'll know you can't beat Aizen."

Kasumi Utako: "Ichigo wants to stab Aizen with Tensa Zangetsu all the time. After all, she loves Aizen very much."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "🤮🤮🤮"

Waver: "I imagined something I shouldn't have imagined."

Ash: "🤮🤮🤮."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Ara ara..."

Houraisan Kaguya: "Is the battle almost over?"

Father Shirohige: "I have killed the opponent on my side, his soul was completely crushed by me!"

Aizen Sosuke: "I was the first to kill the opponent among the participants, right? Even though it wasn't my direct doing."

Saiki Kusuo: "I restrained Thunder God Modi, I won't attack him for now. I want to see the Guild Master kill Nefeos, will Thunder God Modi also die?"

Aizen Sosuke: "Saiki, the reason why you didn't kill Thunder God Modi shouldn't be this ridiculous reason. But you don't want to kill, do you?"

Saiki Kusuo: "😐"

L: "That's Saiki Kusuo's character!"

Symbol of Peace: "I think this kind of Saiki Kusuo is very reliable. You don't have to demand much!"

Father Shirohige: "Gurararra... People sue Saiki, he can do whatever he wants."


Super Dimensional Guild 810 : Reason for Ash's defeat | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Thor Odinson: I have a relevant request, I don't know if everyone will listen to it."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "What request do you have?"

Thor Odinson: "When you talk about Thunder God Modi, can you just call him Modi? Then omit the word Thunder God?"

Thor when he heard the word Thonder God, he felt tingling all over his body. Especially listening to the guild discuss how to deal with Thunder God Modi, he felt even more amused.

Even if he knows ThorThunder God Modi, it has nothing to do with the word Thunder God in his title.

Father Shirohige: "Gurararara... The distance between the two of you is still very far!"

Old Man is the Marquis: "Huh! Thor is more like an alien and Thunder God Modi is a god in very orthodox mythology!"

Father Shirohige: "That's right, I only used Kenbunshoku Haki to know a lot of information regarding Thunder God Modi. It belonged to the kind of existence that relied on gathering faith and eventually reaching the pinnacle step by step. This way of becoming a god should be called belief in a god?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "A god who derives power from faith is indeed more orthodox than Thor."

Thor Odinson: "😐"

Thor Odinson: "I am the most orthodox! We Asgard are from Protoss (Clan of Gods)! We are recognized by the universe! Even though we are aliens, we are also Protoss."

Clark Kent: "This reminds me of the Wonder Women of our world."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Diana? It seems similar to Thor's situation, but it feels different!"

Waver: "What a difference! Goddess with high-level equipment and the same bloodline power is very strong! If we had to say differently, Thor was a pure-blood god, and Diana was a demigod."

Horaishan Kaguya: "😐"

Nakiri Erina: "😐"

Esdeath: "I always thought that Thor and Diana were existences with similar settings!"

Kirishima Touka: "Their settings really are very similar."

High Priest Luo Hao: "The topic is a bit off the mark, let's talk about belief in bestowed gods."

The alien Protoss race, or Loki from the world of Danmachi virgin realm of the gods who have lived for hundreds of millions of years, have been together for a long time. Suddenly hearing about a new way to become a god, Luo Cuilian expressed her curiosity.

Kasumi Utako: "If you have faith you can become a god? I always felt that this was a setting that only appeared in third grade light novels!"

Ash: "There are many worlds! No matter how it can become a god, it is not surprising! Maybe as it is said in many novels and biographies! The power of trust in people is actually very strong."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "It's rare for Dumbash to say such a logical thing. It completely overturned my previous impression of him!"

Ash: "😐"

Ash: "What is Dumbash! You're too rude, I'm the regional champion now! If you're not sure, follow the virtual battlefield with me, I customized the battle specifically for someone like me to be able to bring Pokemon in."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

Hearing this, Kosaka Kyosuke immediately shrunk, he thought of Ash's Pokemon in his hands.

If all six main Pokémon in Ash's hands appear, it is estimated that they can withstand two Admirals in the world of One Piece.

The regional championship that Ash won has been able to beat the two champions alone. Even among the many champions of the Pokémon League, Ash's current strength can still be considered the top group.

Monkey D Dragon: "Ash"

Ash: "What's wrong Mr. Dragons?"

Monkey D. Dragon: "You have become the regional champion of the Kanto region! That means you have to stay in the Kanto region all year round? In other words, you can't travel anywhere like in a memory copy, right?"

Ash: "That seems to be the case!"

Monkey D. Dragon: "Ash in memory copy, maybe he wasn't strong enough at first! But at a later stage, perhaps he enjoys the joy of traveling, so he has been beaten repeatedly in the competition."

Kirishima Touka: "😐"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "😐"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "😐"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "😲"

Clark Kent: "😲."

Gintoki Sakata: "😲."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "When Dragon said this, I was a bit suspicious in the last period of Asn, he was purposely showing he didn't have the strength of a champion level."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "The reason why he's doing this is to prevent the Pokémon League from liking his pokemon and give him a lot of responsibility, so he doesn't go anywhere right away?"

Kaito Kid: "I think this is a reasonable explanation"

Symbol of Peace: "This is probably true!"

Shinonono Tabane: "That's how it is.... ASH looks stupid, but he's actually a wise person. I found that my impression of Ash has completely changed!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "If Pokemon were set up like this, I could understand a lot of things! Even though it always feels weird

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute : "I am willing to accept this explanation."

Ash: "???"

Although he knew that the guild members were all making jokes, but thinking about the contents of the memory copy, in the end, Ash himself had his doubts.

Could it be that he always didn't like staying in one place for too long, so he actually lost on purpose?

Ash began to doubt his own life.


Super Dimensional Guild 811 : Mission Complete | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Sakata Gintoki: "Don't think too much about it."

Sakata Gintoki: "I care more whether the battle on the Guild Master's side isn't over yet?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Almost done, but I will test my new ability."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "What new ability will the Demon Lord test?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "You will find out later. "


While chatting in the guild chat room, Su Han looked at Nefeos in front of him.

With a thought, under Su Han's control, Gudodama pierced the Black-Dragon King's head.

However, because the Black-Dragon King's head was too big, compared to Gudodama's size it was like a needle.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Nefeos was clearly aware of this and laughed, obviously Frostmourne stabbed through his throat, making it very difficult for him to speak at the moment.

"I admit that your strength is better than mine! But if you want to kill me with something smaller than a needle, are you too arrogant, Otsutsuki clan member?

"I am not a member of the Otsutsuki clan!"

Su Han didn't elaborate further, but continued, "However I will kill you with Gudodama and not the ridiculous method of stabbing your head."

"What? "Neophis has a bad feeling in his heart.

"Expanding Gudōdama!"

Su Han used the technique that Otsutsuki Kaguya had once shown reappearing in Su Han's hands at this moment.

In the next instant Nefeos felt an excruciating pain oozing out from the depths of his brain, causing him to wail uncontrollably.

The gudodama spread rapidly, and finally, it enveloped Nefeos' entire head, covering his entire head.

"Not dead?" Su Han looked at the wailing Nefeos in front of him. Nine Tomoe spun in his pupils, and combined with Kenbunshoku Haki made him clearly understand the situation before him.

"The Black-Dragon King's self-healing ability is extremely fast. Can it strike a certain balance with Gudōdama's annihilation ability?" Su Han said while observing.

Gudōdama can obliterate everything, but Nefeos' body is too strong, which can make the speed of this annihilation extremely slow, coupled with his extremely powerful healing ability, has caused a stalemate in front of him.

Even though the Black-Dragon King felt excruciating pain, it could even be said that life was worse than death. But it effectively restrained Gudōdama and held on.

"Simply awesome!" Su Han said "It's time to end!"

The power of the Reality Stone was added to Gudōdama which broke the balance. The Black-Dragon King's head had completely disappeared. The Black-Dragon King's body fell to the ground weakly, like a crumbling mountain, causing the earth to tremble.

And this scene is also seen by Shirohige and Aizen always pays attention to this place.


Father Shirohige: "Looks like the battle is over!"

Old Man is the Marquis: "That's right!"

Aizen Sosuke: "Although I don't really want to interrupt, the mission completion notification hasn't appeared yet."

Saiki Kusuo: "The Thunder God Modi isn't dead either."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Is killing the Thunder God Modi the mission complete?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Tony Stark, what are you thinking?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "The mission is only to kill the Transmigrator, whether the Thunder God Modi dies or not, shouldn't have anything to do with the mission!"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "That seems right too."

Thor Odinson: "😐"

Su Xiaoxiao: "The Black Dragon King is not dead yet!"


Su Han said in the guild, then he looked at him with interest, the Black-Dragon King's head did not move.

Su Han appeared in front of the Black-Dragon King's corpse. He bent down, then stretched out his hand and pressed it against the Black-Dragon King's body,

"Just in time to try the Soul Stone!"

Activating the Soul Stone, the Black-Dragon King's body began to tremble, one after another a gleam emerged from the Black-Dragon King's body.

In the end a figure rose from the huge body in front of him, like a small mountain, and gradually became a reality.


A loud dragon roar resounded in all directions, and the Black-Dragon King looked extremely excited. Then, he saw Su Han at first glance, standing in front of him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"How could it be you?!"

The Black-Dragon King showed a ferocious look, and wanted to attack Su Han, but found that his soul couldn't move.

"Of course you can use the soul attribute."

Su Han didn't feel surprised.

Perhaps many people saw the Black-Dragon King's massive body and thought that the Black-Dragon King was a hand-to-hand combat player, but in reality, the Undead Lord's attributes could not be ignored.

The Black-Dragon King's body was dead, but to him, it might just be a new beginning.

"You who became undead are even more vulnerable in front of me."

Su Han then said. "Destroy!"

The power of the Soul Stone wrapped around the Black-Dragon King's body, causing fear to appear in the Black-Dragon King's eyes.

"Not! you can't kill me! I control the other side of the world, I can make you the ruler of the other side of the world and make you the true ruler of the undead army."

Su Han was not tempted by the offer and continued his act.

Seeing that Su Han didn't budge, the Black-Dragon King was completely dispirited.

"System save me!"

The Black-Dragon King's soul completely collapsed. Countless stars and points of light flew around, and it was extremely beautiful.

[Ding! The guild mission has been completed, and now the point distribution will begin! Guild Master Su Xiaoxiao has made the biggest contribution and earned 80,000 points!]

[Father Shirohige earned 40,000 points!]

[Aizen Sosuke gains 30,000 points]

[Saiki Kusuo earned 20,000 points!]

[12 Winged Fallen Angels gain 20,000 points!]

[Ophis gains 10,000 points]


Super Dimensional Guild 812 : Scolding Kosaka Kyosuke | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Light streaked across the sky like shooting stars, and this scene was very beautiful.

Before waiting for Su Han to say more, another crisp voice sounded in Su Han's ears.

[Ding! The Undead Scourge System has been detected, is it going to be recycled!]

"Yes!" Su Han nodded, how can it not be recycled? This is a gift.

[Ding! The Undead Scourge System has been recycled and gained 200,000 points]

"Another 200,000 points?"

Su Han didn't feel surprised, he closed his eyes and started to communicate in the guild chat room.


Su Xiaoxiao: "Time to share the spoils."

Father Shirohige: "This is my favorite part again! Gurararara...."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Seeing father say this, I recalled a copy of One Piece's memory. Roger asked dad what he would do to go out to sea? Then dad replied, "Family!"

Father Shirohige: "What I want the most is still a family, it's still the same now! But what does this have to do with dividing the loot and earning points?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "That's Right"

Sakata Gintoki: I also want to maintain my silver soul. But I also want to earn points! But I can't get any points."

Sakata Gintoki: "When I think of this, I feel envious of the big guys in the guild."

Hijikata Toushirou: "Don't say things like that! Although I believe you have a silver soul, but as long as I remember your past actions, I feel sad for your silver soul!"

Sakata Gintoki: "What do you mean? Are you jealous of my silver soul? Give it up! You can't surpass me when it comes to sticking to Bushido."

Kasumi Utako: "I also have the same opinion as Hijikata Toushirou"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "I feel the same way..."

Sakata Gintoki: "I'm not listening! I'm not listening."

Aizen Sosuke: "Then how will the Guild Master allocate the points?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Then, of course, it is allocated according to the previous guild! I got 80,000 points. You will each share your own share! (Photo)"

Su Han sent a photo of the 200,000 points earned after being recycled into the system.

L: "Is it the same as the guild mission reward points?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "I think Demon Lord distribution is fair enough"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Due to such a large point gain, did anyone send a red envelope?"

Kasumi Utako: "Anyone want to send a red envelope?"

Sakata Gintoki: "Cough! Speaking of red envelopes, I just wanted to say, I'm here! Feel free to send a red envelope"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Nobody cares if you're here!"

Gintoki Sakata: "😐"

Sakata Gintoki: "This is too cruel!"

Ash: "That means getting ready, and ready to pick up the red envelope! Let the storm come louder."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "???"

Gintoki Sakata: "😲"

Father Shirohige: "If you are willing to be my son, then it's okay to send a red envelope! Even if I send all the gifts this time as red envelopes, it won't matter."

Father Shirohige: "Then everyone, does anyone want to be my son?"

Sakata Gintoki: "Let's just forget about it."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Unbelievable! Without integrity like Gintoki, how can he resist the temptation of the red envelope?"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "I thought he would call him Old Man Shirohige as a father very smoothly"

Sakata Gintoki: "???"

Sakata Gintoki: "Even though Gin-san has no morals, that doesn't mean he doesn't behave like that."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Of course! Is Gintoki really that afraid of admitting a thief as a father?"

Did Kosaka Kyosuke just call him a thief? Shirohige fell into contemplation, but after thinking about it, he found that nothing seemed to be wrong. After all, he is a pirate. Shirohige didn't mind, but some people certainly did.

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Calling dad a thief?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Kosaka Kyosuke! I remember, after the last time you offended me, you obediently kept quiet! Are you ready to pay off the debt from the last time and this time together?"

Umaru Doma: "That's right, that's right! Gintoki apologizes at the current guild."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "What I said is the truth!"

Monkey D. Dragon: "You're not telling the truth. Shirohige was now the leader of the Administrative District and among its administrative districts, there were several powerful Countries in the new world. That even includes Fish-Man Island!"

Monkey D. Dragon: "Shirohige is not a thief, he is a high-level world government with a legal identity!"

Dragon stabbed Kosaka Kyosuke!

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "😐"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "I was wrong, Old Man Shirohige please forgive me."

Kosaka Kyosuke saw the guild members come out one by one and scolded him, feeling that he was stubborn, and he might do a public outcry in the guild.

Besides that what Dragon said made sense. He shouldn't have seen Shirohige with such a glance before. So, he apologized quickly.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Since the mission is over, then it's time to retreat."

Saiki Kusuo: "Alright."


After that Saiki Kusuo disabled the guild live broadcast.

Su Han looked to the side. He didn't know when, Saiki Kusuo appeared beside Su Han. At the same time, beside Saiki Kusuo, there was also Thunder God Modi, who was still alive at this time.

Thunder God Modi's body couldn't move, staring at Su Han, as if seeing a huge demon.

The Black-Dragon King was the shadow of his life, and such a powerful Black-Dragon King died easily, and he didn't even have the chance to be reincarnated as an undead. This made him fear Su Han and the others.



Super Dimensional Guild 813 : Attracting the soul of Thunder God Modi | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Aizen used Shunpo and appeared beside Su Han.

Shirohige's speed was slightly slower, but also extremely fast.

Immediately after, Kuroneko descended from the sky with Ophis in her arms.

"Isn't the Demon Lord worried about your two maids?" Goko Ruri asked doubtfully.

"Don't forget they can be elementalized, I'm sure it's not in any danger." Su Han said confidently.

Goko Ruri felt that what Su Han said made sense.

"If you are all ready, I will start pulling the barrier." Su Han snapped his fingers, and time and space began to change again.

Su Han and the others appeared in the original northern area of Beijing.

At the same time, Zhang Mingbei, Zhao Xu, and Great Grandmaster Ma also descended from the air, staggering on the ground, standing unsteadily.

Compared to Su Han and the others, the current three Great Grandmasters looked very untidy. The clothes on their bodies were all black, and they were even scratched and burnt a lot, they looked like beggars and couldn't be seen as Great Grandmaster.

However, the three Great Grandmasters did not complain in the slightest, instead they were relieved.

"Finally back!"

Great Grandmaster Ma said happily, his eyes staring far away. He was a Great Grandmaster who could be considered a top power in China. What had he experienced in the Mirror Dimension?

"Fortunately it was resolved!" Zhang Mingbei also sighed, he was almost killed after the battle of Su Han and others in the other world.

Zhao Xu only looked at Su Han and others, and there was an inexplicable glint in his eyes. There is shock, emotion, doubt, and confusion. All kinds of emotions mixed into one, and he really didn't know what to do.

Ram and Rem also appeared, although they looked tired, they were much better than the three Great Grandmasters. At least the bodies of the two of them weren't injured, and even their clothes weren't messy.

Goko Ruri observed Ram and Rem, and asked, "Can you also elementalize your outfit with a logia devil fruit?"

If that couldn't be elemented together, then Ram and Rem's outfits couldn't be that neat. But it should be the same as the condition of the clothes of the three Great Grandmasters.

Ram and Rem looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"This kind of thing can be done after Awakening." Su Han patted Goko Ruri's head, and explained gently, "After all, after Awakening, assimilation can be done!"

Su Han touched Ophis nose in Goko Ruri's arms.

"That's how it is!" Goko Ruri understood. After the devil fruit Awakening, it has a strong assimilation. For example, Shirohige's Gura Gura no Mi Fruit, and after Awakening, it can turn the time and space around it into vibrational waves.

After the Logia Awakening devil fruit, it can naturally turn everything around it into a natural attribute. For example, Ram can turn all the air on earth into fire, and Rem can also turn objects around her into lava.

And it was very clear that Ram and Rem had Awakened at this point.

"Let's deal with this Thunder God Modi first."

Su Han set his sights on Thunder God Modi who had been standing beside Saiki Kusuo, he tried to lessen his sense of existence.

Hearing that the topic was brought up to him, Thunder God Modi lowered his head, waiting anxiously for Su Han and the others to judge.

"Just kill it!" Shirohige said after glancing at him.

Even though he has a fatherly side in front of his children, that doesn't mean he is a soft-hearted person.

Can kill the world in the world of One Piece, become the legendary great pirate in the old era, and the sea Yonko in the new era. Shirohige never lacked skill and will.

Thunder God Modi whose hand holding the staff clenched a little tighter, and mist flashed across his eyes.

If they really wanted to kill him, then he too decided to fight to the death. Even if he knew that he would definitely die, it was better than waiting to die.

"I can use it as an experiment. Su Han smiled, and a small space portal appeared beside him.

Su Han put his hand directly into the space portal.

Thunder God Modi didn't realize what Su Han's words meant, there was also a space portal in front of him.

Then, Su Han stretched out his palm from the space portal and pressed it against his forehead.


Thunder God Modi's face twisted, as if he was feeling excruciating pain at this moment, his lips were squirming, and he wanted to say something, but at this time he couldn't say anything. Her body was out of control.

The Soul Stine that had fused with Su Han's body shook at this moment, and then, Thunder God Modi's soul was pulled into the Soul Stone.

Thunder God Modi's eyes grew dim, and his body fell to the ground.

"Do you have greed for the soul?" Su Han said to himself.

He felt the feedback from the Soul Stone, and his soul force was also slightly increased at this time.

"Fortunately the Super Dimensional Guild's system integration has always been strong. If I rely solely on myself, I don't have the slightest confidence to conquer the Soul Stone…. This Infinity Stone is too terrifying."

Su Han's eyes became clear again, he used the Space Stone to form a space-time gap that connected the fantasy world in the distance.


Seeing that the curtain had closed, Great Grandmaster Ma wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start.

Su Han saw that Great Grandmaster Ma didn't speak. He stretched out his finger to tap the space in front of him, and the space collapsed into a space-time crack.

Su Han stepped into the gap between time and space, and Shirohige and the others followed behind him.

Until everyone disappeared into the space-time gap, and the space-time collapsed and completely disappeared.

In that place only the three Great Grandmasters remained.


Super Dimensional Guild 814 : Zhao Xu's worries and doubts | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

"This is truly an extraordinary battle!" Great Grandmaster Ma turned and stared at the safe and undamaged Beijing City in the distance."

"If not for personal experience, it is very difficult to imagine that there is still such a group of forces in this world."

"There may be far more secrets hidden by the earth than we imagine."

Zhang Mingbei was still in a daze at the moment, he thought he was the top power on earth, but now, he suddenly realized that it was probably because he was self-indulgent. "Even the Landcave actually invaded the Spiritual Energy World, it wasn't like this"

"I don't think those people are the power on earth!"

Zhao Xu spoke slowly, he ignored the doubtful looks the two were giving him, and said the matter he had noticed.

"Don't mention a 7 meter tall giant who is very different from ordinary people.. The man I saw was wearing a white fur coat before, his life form was very strange… Like a dead person."

Zhao Xu said his thoughts.


"That person is a dead person?"

If there were any dead creatures in Su Han's group, then the situation would be much more complicated than they imagined.

"It's similar!" Zhao Xu added, and he didn't say anything else. Then he flew to Beijing City.

Zhang Mingbei and Great Grandmaster Ma wisely did not discuss this topic any further.

The strength of Su Han and the others was far beyond their imagination. If Su Han wanted to harm them, they would not have the ability to resist. It was for this reason that discussing whether there was a problem with Su Han here was a very meaningless matter. More importantly, the two Great Grandmasters are also willing to believe in Su Han.

They believe that people who always walk in the forefront protect the human world and quietly leave after solving a disaster.

Great Grandmaster Ma said slowly, "I will leave the capital."

"Are you serious?" Zhang Mingbei said with consideration. "Although, the disaster this time has been resolved. There should be more than three Great Grandmasters gathered in Beijing, this is the iron law that was established when the capital was settled in the Great Ming Dynasty."

"The reason why it is an iron law is only because there used to be a Landcave in Beijing!" Great Grandmaster Ma interrupted Zhang Mingbei's words, "Now, the Landcave has been destroyed, and we stick to the iron law that has been set. Time to make an exception."

"Even so, but if you leave, I'm afraid the Grandmaster Residence will have a lot of opinions about you!"

Zhang Mingbei felt that there was no problem with the iron law being abolished, but it was best to wait after the official abolition.

Leaving before being abolished would definitely displease the high-ranking officials of the Grandmaster Mansion who claimed to rule over all cultivators.

The Grandmaster Mansion Mansion indeed commands all Grandmasters and indeed has a great right to speak. But for the Great Grandmaster, that was all that was needed.

In this world, nothing could make Great Grandmaster lower his head.

Unless there was someone like Su Han who was enough to convince all the Great Grandmasters to join them.

Perhaps at that time, the Grandmaster residence would have the authority to command all Grandmasters in China. Even the Great Grandmaster would not disobey the orders of the Grandmaster Residence at that time.

"I won't stop you!" Zhang Mingbei asked, "But at least you tell me what you will do when you leave the capital?"

"I'm going to Jianghai City!"

After saying that, Great Grandmaster Ma's figure had disappeared.

Zhang Mingbei patted his forehead. "It should be to say thank you to Saint Su, I completely overlook this."

Even though Su Han was in front of them before, if they wanted to thank him, they could do it right then and there. But there are so many people who are grateful, and Great Grandmaster Ma has personally come to thank him, the meaning is different.

Although it seems redundant, it is undoubtedly more ceremonial for Great Grandmaster Ma to come personally the more meaningful.

It can also reflect the respect of Great Grandmaster Ma, and even the whole of China for Su Han.

Zhang Mingbei also flew towards Beijing.


Su Han walked out of the gap of space and time.

In front of him was a huge castle surrounded by giant trees like thousands of years old trees.

In the rapidly developing city of Jianghai, there is a continuous ancient castle and a secret forest composed of trees that look like they are thousands of years old, this is a very extraordinary thing.

That's not to say nobody isn't curious.

In fact in Jianghai City, not a few rich businessmen and cultivators came to inquire about the situation of the ancient castle where Su Han was. However, this question was finally suppressed.

Even though Su Han did not reveal his identity, Great Grandmaster Ma, or Li Hongfei, Zhang Mingbei and the other Great Grandmasters, would warn Jianghai City's city lord whenever someone visited not to let him interfere with Su Han's life.

If it wasn't for the fear of disturbing Su Han, the city lord of Jianghai City wanted to offer Su Han as his ancestor, how could anyone else interfere?

"Ram, Rem!" Call Su Han.

"I'm here."

"Master, please give orders!"

Ram and Rem walked to Su Han's side and bowed slightly towards Su Han.

"Prepare a banquet!"

Su Han expanded the size of the space, then the headless body of the Black-Dragon King fell to the ground in front of him. "Let's use this for the banquet!"

"Use the Black-Dragon King?" Ram looked at the Black-Dragon King in front of her. "Don't worry Master, I definitely won't let you down. I will also add the remaining Garuda to the banquet?"

"It's all up to you!" Su Han said to Ram.

Ram and Rem get to work.

Su Han looked at the guild members behind him, "How about staying here for the dinner party?"


Super Dimensional Guild 815 : Banquet | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

"Guild Masters are treated differently!" Aizen said with a smile. The usual Su Han completing missions would leave right away.

"I can click to send the mission now." Su Han said casually, he didn't force Aizen, Saiki Kusuo and the others to stay.

In the past, when Su Han was in various worlds, the reason why he left after completing a mission was to prevent the Energy World from being guarded and to prevent the invasion of the Landcave.

And after Su Han finished the Landcave, all the guild members knew his style of behavior, and rarely invited him to stay, which was why this situation arose.

"Gurararararara….I am very interested in the banquet that the Guild Master invited!"

Shirohige laughed "I heard my daughter say, Ram and Rem are great cooks and this time there's Garuda and the Black-Dragon King, no matter what, I can't miss it."

Saiki Kusuo also uses telepathy to speak. "I also like the jelly coffee that Ram makes"

Seeing everyone agree, Aizen also agrees.

On the one hand, he didn't want to ignore Su Han because of this, and on the other hand, he was indeed curious about the banquet.

"It took Ram and Rem about three hours to cook!" Su Han looked at the busy Ram and Rem, and saw the future angle with Kenbunshoku Haki which made Su Han know the trajectory of time in the future.

"So what are we going to do?" Shirohige asked.

"I will take you for a walk!" Su Han smiled, "It will definitely make this trip worthwhile!"

"Where to?" Saiki Kusuo had also been to the Spiritual Energy World, if he played in the same place, it would definitely be boring if he visited a second time.

"The top ten forbidden places in the world, how about it?" Su Han formed the Kamar-Taj magic array and then walked into it, "Top ten forbidden places in our world! For example the Bermuda Triangle in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Java Caves in Indonesia, and others!"

Goko Ruri was with Ophis and followed behind Su Han. "I seem to remember Ram and Rem telling me they wanted to go to the top ten forbidden places in the world to play."

"Is that what Ram said?" Su Han asked. "Ram wanted to go to the previous ten forbidden places because there was an Emperor Realm Desolate Beast and came to fight."

"But I had taught her the Summoning technique, and she was able to find an opponent equal to her, so this request disappeared."

Hearing Su Han's explanation, Goko Ruri understood. ,"Oh, I see!"

Su Han led them all to the Bermuda Triangle, and strolled in it for a while. Even Su Han was teasing the Emperor Realm Desolate Beast in the Bermuda Triangle making waves. They saw the appearance of the Emperor Realm Desolate Beast panicking and making a mistake, and it was quite interesting.

Next, Su Han took them to the Indonesian Java Cave, and some interesting places. Feeling that it was almost time, they rushed back to the castle.

Long table in the castle dining room.

Many plates were placed on the table, and a seductive aroma could waft in the air.

"This old man is feeling hungry now!" Shirohige felt that since eating the dish made by the world's top chef in the world of Shokugeki no Soma, the number of times he had eaten had decreased.

On the one hand, Shirohige's strength has been increased to this stage, and the impact of eating or not eating is not very big. After all, he was not the owner of a gourmet cell, and he did not rely on food to increase his strength. But more importantly, after eating too good a meal, while eating anything else, it feels like chewing wax.

And this time, the dish that Ram made, just by sniffing it, made him feel saliva dripping from his mouth.

"Father will never be disappointed."

Goko Ruri said confidently, and even gave Ram a package, "Perhaps Ram's cooking skills compared to the top chefs in the world of Shokugeki no Soma are a bit inferior! But the ingredients are enough to make up for that. Even making the food on this table higher than the food we ate at the beginning. "

"I'm looking forward to it!" Shirohige sat directly on top of the huge giant that Su Han had shown him. On the chair, it begins. Every time he took a bite, he felt the muscles in his entire body vibrate, and his entire body seemed to be sublimated.

"Delicious! This very tasty." Shirohige praised endlessly.

Su Han ate even faster than Shirohige.

While eating, Su Han took some photos and sent them to the guild chat room.


Su Xiaoxiao: "It seems Shirohige, Aizen, and Saiki Kusuo are very satisfied with my hospitality. (Photo)"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Eh? Are they home?!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "This is not the Guild Master I know."

Su Xiaoxiao: "???"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "The Guild Master I know is firm and merciless, after the mission is over, he will leave with all the guild members."

Nakiri Erina: "That's not so absolute! Last time our world guild mission was completed didn't the Guild Master and the others stay."

Symbol of Peace: "😐"

Waver: "Since the food in our world is not for a moment the food in the world of Shokugeki no Soma, that's why I can't leave any trace of the Guild Master"

Symbol of Peace: "It's a bit of an exaggeration to say!"

Father Shirohige: "This time it was the Guild Master who invited us to this banquet and we agreed."

Aizen Sosuke: "That's right."

Saiki Kusuo: "Coffee jelly this time is much better than last time."

Waver: "Is it like this?!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "😐"

Houraisan Kaguya: "Woah, you guys really had a banquet behind my back. Do I still have time to attend the banquet now? (Yakumo Yukari covers her face and pouts.jpg)"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "Youkai sage already has emojis."

Youkai Sage: "😐"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "Of course the Youkai Sage emoji pack is deadly."


Super Dimensional Guild 816 : Chef | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Youkai Sage: "Kaguya, how did you get my picture? Why did my photo in your hand become an emoji?!"

Houraisan Kaguya: "Of course it's because of Sakuya, I just asked her a little, I didn't expect her to give me so many photos of you."

Youkai Sage: "Sakuya!!!"

Houraisan Kaguya: "Don't be so angry Yukari-okaasan. You should think about it, Sakuya taking these photos further increases your popularity in the guild!"

Altair: "Yes."

Kasumi Utako: This is really cute, if we ignore age!"

Youkai Sage: "😐"

Youkai Sage: "Why did you even start calling me Yukari-okaasan? You don't have the qualifications to say so?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "😐"

Symbol of Peace: "😐"

Waver: "😐"

Ash: "What's the situation?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Maybe rolling on the keyboard?"

Sakata Gintoki: "Isn't the guild interface in the brain? How to scroll the keyboard?!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Why is this happening?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Yukari-okaasan should come to Kaguya, then teach her a lesson! There are always situations like that."

Su Han's words were more meant for ridicule, although he didn't know what was going on in Houraisan Kaguya, but at most it was a little hurt. After all, guild members couldn't hurt each other.

Nakiri Erina: "Isn't this what the legend says, rushing to your house via the Internet cable and then hitting you?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "From now on I will never dare to look for trouble again! The bosses in this guild can actually hit people through network cables."

Ainz Ooal Gown: "In cyber violence and personal threats!"

Sakata Gintoki: "Kaguya should just be an accident, right? After all, Kaguya is already in the Gensokyo world! Like we don't have to worry?"

Sakata Gintoki was also worried, he used to call Yakumo Yukari as Yukari-okaasan, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt relieved.

Sakata Gintoki: "Yukari-okaasan, Yukari-okaasan, Yukari-okaasan!"

Youkai Sage: "😐"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Seems true.... Hahaha.... Then there's no need to worry, just keep doing whatever we want! Yukari-okaasan, what's wrong with me calling you Yukari-okaasan? You have the ability to come to hit me!"

Minamiya Natsuki: "😐"

The level of courtesy of the members in this guild is very low.

Su Xiaoxiao: "I suddenly have the urge to sell the Crossing Over Talisman talisman. Which little expert can get my help?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "😲"

Sakata Gintoki: "Small warning! If you offend other people in the guild, as long as you don't overdo it, then there's no problem at all. But if you offend the Guild Master, you can freely travel through the world where the guild members live!"

Sakata Gintoki: "Pray for yourself to be blessed."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: I'm not targeting the Guild Master."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Besides, the Guild Master's iron fist is called the Guild Master's favor!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Sorry, the person you called is in an area with no signal! Please wait for a signal, and then call back."

Monkey D. Dragon: "No one seems to notice are you here now? No one contacted you."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "This is really heartbreaking."

Kosaka Kyosuke didn't take it seriously, but complained more.

Father Shirohige: "This time, it is a very convenient time for this old man to eat! It feels many times better than a party in the world of Shokugeki no Soma. "

Saiki Kusuo: "Apart from the jelly coffee, all the food is delicious!"

Nakiri Erina: "😲"

Esdeath: "😲"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Is it really that delicious?"

Kirishima Touka: "Could it be that Ram's cooking skills have reached the first grade level in the world of Shokugeki no Soma? Raising so fast?"

Nakiri Erina: "I used Points to develop my divine tongue more than once, and I also spent a lot of time at home doing training!"

Nakiri Erina: "But even so, my current cooking skills are only in the top ten, and haven't reached the level of a world-class chef yet."

Erina was starting to doubt her efforts all this time.

Is Ram's talent for cooking really that great? Even though she needed to train by herself and didn't have any extra time at home to help her, Ram's cooking rate still surpassed her?

King: "Looks like Erina was hit really hard."

Nakiri Erina: "I doubt my own talent"

When you truly see the results you can achieve through hard training and easily surpassed by others, perhaps you will be able to realize what despair really is.

Su Xiaoxiao: "We have discussed this matter before, it is only because of our ingredients!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Of course, there is no denying that Ram is indeed talented. His memories and perceptions are above you! This talent enhancement has reached an extraordinary level."

Nakiri Erina: "Is that so!"

Seeing this, Erina heaved a sigh of relief.

Fourth Hokage: "According to what the Guild Master said, every top power in the guild, if you want, can quickly become a top chef?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Even though I said so. But think about it, who in the guild would be willing to become a top chef? Marquis Voban? An ordinary person who dared to tell him this would be killed by him with his Divine Authority? Luo Hao? She will not burn the kitchen is not bad. Shirohige? He can make a barbecue, I reluctantly believe it. You said let him do the cooking industry…"


Super Dimensional Guild 817 : Using Awakening Crystal | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Monkey D. Dragon: "Imagining Shirohige's cooking scene is simply unimaginable."

Dragon only imagined for a moment, and then he felt that it was completely unsuitable.

Kirishima Touka: "My vision has been shaken."

Kirishima Touka also felt that it was really inappropriate.

Ainz Ooal Gown: "Weak, poor and helpless! I can eat, but I can't cook."


Su Han saw the exchange in the guild, and looked away from the guild chat room.

Su Han's eating speed is increasing.

The amount of food on the table was overwhelming and at this moment, there was still a Ram clone, constantly serving all kinds of food.

These foods all taste so delicious that they can make people feel happy. At the same time, Su Han can also become stronger because of the gourmet cells in the body. Where could he find such a good thing?

It was for this reason that Su Han ate faster and faster.

In the end, his body as strong as Shirohige couldn't continue eating. Sitting on the side of the dining table, he saw Su Han finish all kinds of dishes on the table.

"This is really greedy." Aizen said upon seeing Su Han's speed.

"I was already curious that Guild Master ate so much! Where did all that food go, the Guild Master's stomach connected with a four-dimensional pouch? The food he eats is way more than his weight! This is very unscientific." Saiki Kusuo said curiously.

Shirohige, Aizen, Goko Ruri looked at Saiki Kusuo wordlessly.

"You are the most unscientific in this field right now."

"I thought so too!"

"Please be a little more self-aware."

Saiki Kusuo needs to use a limiter to suppress his own power growth, this is almost exactly the same as Saitama.

Saiki Kusuo couldn't refute. "In fact the situation of the Guild Master is quite normal! After all, there's the Gourmet cell."

Shirohige nodded "I think the most unscientific thing is actually Goku's stomach!"

"I feel the reason why Goku can eat so much is probably because he has Saiyan blood!" Aizen said giving no explanation.

Perhaps, the digestive power of a Saiyan blood is equal to that of a gourmet cell.

It took an entire hour for the banquet to end.

"Aren't you guys really going to stay here for one night?" Su Han looked at the people in front of him and offered advice.

"If I waste too much time, my children will worry about my safety!" Shirohige shook his head with a laugh, "It's obvious that I'm very strong, those kids really worry too much."

Despite saying that, Shirohige liked the feeling of being cared for by his son.

"Before I leave, I don't plan on leaving for a long time. Although it won't cause a riot. But for safety's sake, it's better to come back early." Aizen is still smiling, "So Guild Master, we can only leave now."

"In the current world of Bleach, is there anything that could threaten your very existence? Are you so careful?" Su Han looked at Aizen and couldn't help but complain.

"Captain Yamamoto! can still be a threat to me!" Aizen said.

However, Su Han understood what Aizen meant. Yamamoto Genryūsai's Zanpakutō can burn all the water in this world, releasing the temperature of the sun.

Even if Aizen wasn't weak right now, he would still have a hard time dealing with this ultimate level move.

Not to mention, he had no intention of destroying the entire world. After all, Aizen's goal is to become stronger beyond limits, not to destroy the world.

"I will hand over the mission." Su Han looked at Saiki Kusuo who didn't speak

Saiki Kusuo was in no hurry to return.

However, whether he returned or stayed here, Saiki wes didn't care. If that's the case, then just let them get back together.

Su Han clicked on the mission submission, and enveloped their bodies. When the light disappeared, they had disappeared.

Su Han walked towards his room, and suddenly he frowned, turned to look at Goko Ruri, he found that Goko Ruri "What's wrong Ruri?"

"I will help Ram!" Goko Ruri pointed at the table. Then she also hugged Ophis.

Su Han nodded. If Goko Ruri could get along well with Ram Rem and , he would also be very happy.

Back to his room.

Su Han lay lazily on the bed, flipping his palm, a crystal that emitted a sparkling luster appeared in his hand.

"Awakening Crystal!" Su Han has a special crystal that can revive the dead.

However, this strange thought only stayed for a moment in Su Han's heart.

After he came to this world, no relatives or friends were killed or injured.

In addition, his relatives and friends basically signed a life-sharing contract with him, and there was no need to worry about life safety in the future. Therefore, the awakening crystal was useless to him.

"Can't say it's useless!" Su Han suddenly thought of something, "I remember awakening crystals can also increase life essence? Then just give it a try."

Su Han stuck the crystal to his own chest, then, confirmed the use of the resurrection crystal. Light flashed above the awakening crystal, and then the awakening crystal gradually merged into his body.

His body trembled slightly, and Su Han felt a strange feeling come from all over his body. His physique had not been strengthened, but his body essence had been enhanced.

"It's almost the same taste as the life essence upgrade from the last mission reward! However, there is a big difference. Su Han pondered feeling a change in him "I feel that there is not much improvement in the essence of life!"

Although it is a bit unfortunate, but at Su Han did not complain. After all, the main use of resurrection crystals was to resurrect the dead, not to increase life essence.

After taking out the last Mind Stone, after testing it, and finding that it can't be combined, Su Han said he wasn't surprised. After saving the Mind Stone into the warehouse.

After that, Su Han closed his eyes and entered the guild chat room.

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Super Dimensional Guild 818 : Tsundere | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Finally I finished watching Zero no Tsukaima and K-On! I feel unusual."

Ash: "Is it interesting?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "K-On! Very much to my taste. However, I'm not sure if it suits you guys?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "A man is not fit to watch K-On!"

Clark Kent: "I think I can still watch it. Akiyama Mio, so cute! I have joined the Akiyama Mio fans."

Akiyama Mio: "😐"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "I'm talking about straight steel men! I didn't mean to you at all."

Clark Kent: "But I have a body of steel and a straight man."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "😐"

Sakata Gintoki: "I feel that Tony is going to throw a tantrum! But Mr Tony couldn't argue with that."

Horaishan Kaguya: "Forgive me for laughing."

Nakiri Erina: "Laugh together! The straight man of steel equals the man of steel. Straight man with body, ha ha ha... Nothing wrong with that. "

Ainz Ooal Gown: "Have you not noticed Zero no Tsukaima? I think Zero no Tsukaima has a lot of good things to talk about."

Louise of Zero: "You guys talk about that soft-spoken girl. Don't pay attention to Zero no Tsukaima!"

After watching Zero no Tsukaima, Louise felt that all her secrets were exposed.

His eyes were gone, and his entire body seemed to be crushed. There is nothing to love anymore, this guild must explode. This is just black history in black history!

That's because, from the audience's point of view, Zero no Tsukaima's plot is just a movie. Even if Louise saw it with the eyes of a spectator, she felt embarrassed to watch it any longer. After watching the first episode, she started to doubt herself.

Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here? What will I do? Ahhh!

King: "Louise isn't a cute little girl, she's just a tsundere girl!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Louise is just a tsundere temper and it's very tsundere. If a woman dares to do this to me! I will beat her until his mother doesn't recognize her."

Sakata Gintoki: "You died pitifully."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Another transmigrator transmigrating to another world has a famous name! For example the Black Swordsman, the Undead King of the Great Tomb of Nazarick and others. Whereas Hiraga Saito is needed like a slave."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Hiraga Saito is so pitiful."

Kiririn: "Hiraga Saito is a miserable Transmigator, the tribulation level even catches up to the protagonist of Re:Zero."

Su Xiaoxiao: "I feel that Subaru's life and death can no longer be summed up in the word miserable. He's a man who's been abused!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "In Zero no Tsukaima's world, now Louise has no familiars... Tsk Tsk..."

Pure White Spirit User: "😐"

Louise the Zero: "😐"

King: "😐"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Speaking of tsundere, I can't help but think of Mikasa Mikoto!"

Shirai Kuroko: "Huh? Onee-sama is not called a tsundere! This is called a cute tsundere."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Does it make a difference?"

Accelerator: "Perhaps in the eyes of perverts, the world is different from ordinary people."

Shirai Kuroko: "Why is the Guild Master suddenly talking about cute tsunderes? Have a strange interest in Onee-sama? You can't be like this! Onee-sama is mine."

Shirai Kuroko: "It's over, the Guild Master will do something to Onee-sama! Onee-sama there was no way to refuse the meeting, and so Onee-sama fell! I have no hope in my life, nothing to love!"

The more Shirai Kuroko thought about it, the crazier he became.

Shirai Kuroko: "I'm still fighting Accelerator! When I was dying, I called out Onee-sama's name! Then I wish her happiness. I hope that at that time, Onee-sama can feel my deep love for her, thus leaving the Guild Master and throwing herself back into Kuroko's arms, Guhehehe… Onee-sama… that's great."

Su Xiaoxiao: "😐" -

Kuroko, you're saying you're not a pervert? Your perverted aura needs no mention! The whole guild knows you're a pervert.

Krul: "😐"

Busujima Saeko: "Kuroko must be thinking too much, isn't there a way for guild members to hurt each other? Why do you have to imagine dying times?"

Shirai Kuroko : "Art Isn't it a little more tragic to do it this way?"

Let the World Suffer: "Honestly when I saw Zero no Tsukaima and saw whatever magic Louise the Zero used in the beginning was an explosion, Somehow, I was thinking of someone."

Monkey D. Dragon: "That man?"

Let the World Suffer: "Yeah, that's him."

Thor Odinson: "Who is that?"

Fourth Hokage: "Deidara."

Sakata Gintoki: "Art is a Explosion! Thinking of it like this, it really does look like that."

Louise the Zero: "Who is Deidara? Is he the same as me?!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Deidara has nothing to do with you. He is a runaway Ninja in the Naruto world and a true genius. He possesses Kage-level combat strength at such a young age."

Zero the Louise: "😐"

Even though Kosaka Kyosuke didn't mean to mock her, how could she feel it?

Gabriel: "While we were talking about this, I suddenly thought of something."

Minamiya Natsuki: "What is it?"

Gabriel: "In Zero no Tsukaima, want to make a contract with a Familiar, If you have to kiss your familiar!"

Gabriel: "If it's like Hiraga Saito, it's fine. but when I think about it, it's like a huge tongue monster, and there are also fire-breathing dinosaurs, as well as weird things with big eyes…"

Gabriel: "How do you kiss? Does it really not cast a psychological shadow?"

Ash: "🤮🤮🤮!"

Kasumi Utako: "If it wasn't Louise who summoned Hiraga Saito! Then that's another story."

Kasumi Utako: "Needless to say, I'm imagining images in my brain, and I feel like throwing up"

Su Xiaoxiao: "😐"

Even Su Han at this point, had to admire Kasumigaoka Utaha's outrageous imagination.


Super Dimensional Guild 819 : New members join | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Edogawa Conan: "According to what I observed, there are BUGs everywhere in Zero no Tsukaima! In the first place, magic in that world is very weak."

Conan Edogawa: "A missile from a plane a plane from World War II can be called an artifact! Dare to say it's an invincible ancient beast, it's really stupid"

Conan began to comment sharply.

People in the fantasy world have never seen scientific creations. It's understandable to be surprised, but is it really good that the power system in your world is so weak?

Only a few items obsolete during World War II can be considered artifacts. If replacing a modern plane, wouldn't the inhabitants of the Zero no Tsukaima world be the creator god?

Zero the Louise: "Even though your strength is very strong, I really admire it. But what is a World War II Airplane?

Kayaba Akihiko: "This is (Photo) (Photo)"

Zero the Louise: "Isn't that an artifact?"

Looking at the photo of the plane and the cannon, Louise immediately recognized the photo.

Even though Louise knew very well that the group of higher-ups in front of her was a power that could destroy the world. Louise had no doubt that as long as these higher-ups were willing, they would flatten all the countries in her world was also an easy task.

But the question was how it felt that the higher ups in this Super Dimensional Guild were so familiar with his world artifacts.

Louise was very confused. Could it be that the artifact was lost due to the actions of the higher-ups of the Super Dimensional Guild?

Tony Is Not the Richest: "What's with your questioning tone? Haven't you noticed your own copy of memory?"

Tony Stark as an arms dealer and now Iron Man, has seen World War II antiques.

Zero the Louise: "Just a little look. After all, it's too embarrassing! If you can watch all the memory copies casually, then you are shameless and overly narcissistic!!"

Akiyama Mio: "😐"

Akiyama Mio who had honestly seen all the episodes of K-On, became doubtful. Has she become a narcissistic and shameless woman?

Father Shirohige: "I've watched all episodes of One Piece. The man who even watched the Battle of Marineford ten times with tears in his eyes, although he is indeed a little narcissistic, but shameless is not worth talking about?"

Monkey D. Dragon: "I can't talk about narcissism? The Battle of Marineford is indeed the pinnacle of One Piece! I've watched it many times."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Miss Louise, although I know you are arrogant and selfish. But keep your word in the guild, not everyone can talk like me."

Tony gave advice, Louise's arrogance was really outrageous. In short, basically all the big people in the provocation guild.

Zero the Louise: "???"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "The number of higher-ups in the guild who like to watch their own copy of the world's memory may exceed your imagination, and there are a lot of perverts in the guild!"

Zero the Louise: "!!!"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "For example, Guild Master, if you really anger the Guild Master, he will press you on his lap and slap your ass, he's a total pervert.

[Ding! Tony Is Not the Richest has been banned for an hour]

Su Xiaoxiao: "Uncle Stark, please continue your performance."

Father Shirohige: "Stark, please continue with your actions."

Old Man is the Marquis: "Stark, you have the ability to continue dancing from the silent room!"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Tony Stark, you want to pull in front of me?"

Fourth Hokage: "I don't want to press Madara's coffin again! Pressing down on Madara's coffin is really too hard, you all carry on! "

Let the World Suffer: "Don't say pressing! Don't you know about those lewd things? Even Madara will literally jump out of the grave if he hears this"

Kasumi Utako: "That's right"

Su Xiaoxiao: "@Father Shirohige. @Aizen Sosuke. @Saiki Kusuo. @Ophis. @12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Have you guys used awakening crystals?"

Father Shirohige: "I've used it, it can't bring back someone long dead! But this is still useful, if there is an accident in the future, I can use this to save the lives of my children. Now it has been kept by me."

Aizen Sosuke: "I used it. Originally, Shinigami were dead. I wonder if the resurrection crystal can resurrect me."

Edogawa Conan: "Aizen is really cruel! He actually used himself to do experiments."

Aizen Sosuke: "Even if it is resurrected, I can assure you that my strength will not decrease! If that's the case, then why should I be afraid?"

Old Man is the Marquis: "😐"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "What Aizen says is true."

Aizen Sosuke: "However, it's probably because my soul has materialized, I'm not considered dead now. Since the resurrection crystals only increase my soul power, this is also a good thing."

Ophis: "Someone called me?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "It's nothing Ophis"

Ophis: "Oh!"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "I'm not using it, I'm cleaning the furniture with Ram. Ophis also doesn't use resurrection crystals."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "After all, his dream is to return to the dimensional gap! Everything else is of no interest to her at all."

Father Shirohige: "Gurararara... Has the Guild Master used it?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "I have used it for myself. It should be considered an increase in the essence of life. However, the effect is not very clear."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "The increase in life essence is only a side effect. For this side effect, awakening crystals are used directly. Sure enough, the Guild Master is the true local tyrant in this guild."

Sakata Gintoki: "When did you get the feeling that the Guild Master wasn't the real local tyrant?"

[Ding! Nyarlathotep has joined the Super Dimensional Guild]


Super Dimensional Guild 820 : Nyarlathotep | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Nyarlathotep : "I am a mess sneaking to your side with a smile on my face, Nyarlathotep greets everyone!"

Nyarlathotep: "This was directly projected in my mind, could this be the latest version of the communication equipment researched by the cosmic communication group? It looks really good!"

Nyarlathotep: "Is there anyone in charge? Who is it? Which communications company in the universe developed this communication interface?"

Old Man is the Marquis: "😐"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "😐"

Father Shirohige: "😐"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "From this name it seems to be a figure from a certain mythology?"

Kasumi Utako: "No. Could this kind of existence also be added to the guild?"

Loki: "A character in mythology? I am interested in."

Atreus: "A silent audience."

Thor Odinson: "Which mythology? How come I've never heard of it?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Cthulhu Mythology!"

After Su Han finished speaking in the guild, he looked at the name of the member who had just joined.

Was this really the evil god Nyarlathotep, one of the three pillar gods in Cthulhu mythology?

"If it really is this person, then things will be a bit big!"

Compared to the gods in the Cthulhu mythology, the gods from other worlds were really too friendly.

After all, the mythological god Cthulhu, as long as it stares, then ordinary people will be affected, and eventually become completely crazy.

Even if the guild members couldn't harm each other, there was no way Nyarlathotep could influence the guild members because of the system's protection. But in the future, Nyarlathotep cannot be taken to various worlds to carry out missions.

Not to mention anything else, let's talk about Nyarlathotep's monstrous abilities. Traveling to another world is thought to be equivalent to deploying a large-scale natural disaster or like throwing a nuclear bomb directly at a certain area.

When the time comes, don't talk about saving the world, it's good not to destroy the world.

Kirishima Touka: "I just checked Nyarlathotep on the Internet! I'm so scared right now."

Altair: "I'm a bit scared too."

Nyarlathotep : "???"

Nyarlathotep: "I didn't think I was a famous person?"

L: "The situation isn't that bad!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Why are you saying this?"

L: "I just saw the tone of his voice! Looks like it's not something Cthulhu. She's more like a cosmic alien! After all, the opening is a communication company of the universe! It's different from Cthulhu's basic setting."

Edogawa Conan: "I also have doubts and considerations in this matter!"

Accelerator: "Is that so?"

Hououin Kyouma: "Evil god? Could it be an evil god? The culprit behind the organization! The true source of the scourge of the world?"

Hououin Kyouma: "I didn't expect even an evil god to have infiltrated the guild? Not good! The last part of the pure land will be polluted. What should I do now? Back off? Not! I will not back down! I will not give up the last piece of pure land!"

Krul: "???"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Every time Hououin Kyouma appears! It will change the atmosphere in the entire guild chatroom."

Sakata Gintoki: "This might also be an ability for hers"

Umaru Doma: "What exactly happened to this sentence? Has the guild been attacked by the enemy?"

If the enemy really invaded, why were the higher ups in the guild so calm?

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Relax Umaru, Hououin Kyouma is just a chuunibyou."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Is it an evil god or an alien! Since you have joined the Super Dimensional Guild, then everyone is a friend! Welcome, Nyarlathotep."

Nyarlathotep: "Am I accepted? Then I will greet everyone!"

Umaru Doma: "😐"

Umaru naturally knew what Chuunibyou was, and at this moment, she felt like he had been fooled by Hououin Kyouma.

She saw that Hououin Kyouma was very arrogant, and she thought it was a real boss...

Turns out it was just a chuunibyou?

In this guild there are actually all kinds of characters.

Shinonono Tabane: "Goko Ruri, I don't think what you're saying is fair."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "???"

Shinonono Tabane: "I don't think Hououin Kyouma is really pure chuunibyou. After all, he was also the one who created a time machine that could change the line of the world. Even I also get a lot of inspiration."

Umaru Doma: "😲"

A space-time machine that changes the line of the world? How could a chuunibyou be able to create such an amazing tool?

Akiyama Mio: "In this guild, no one should be underestimated."

In her room, Akiyama Mio also felt amazement. She had just joined the guild, and she had not yet fully integrated into the atmosphere of the guild. Moreover, she was an ordinary ordinary person, and she actually felt a lot of pressure to communicate with this group of people.

Su Xiaoxiao: "@Nyarlathotep. Welcome newcomers. Please follow the announcement section that appears in the Super Dimensional Guild! You will have a basic understanding of the Super Dimensional Guild."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Then make a brief introduction about yourself."

According to L and kat Conan, Su Han also realized that it was not what he thought.

Nyarlathotep, who had just joined the guild, might be related to the evil god in Cthulhu mythology, but the two might not be the same.


Super Dimensional Guild 821 : Uploading Haiyore! Nyaruko-san

Nyarlathotep: "I am a member of the Space Defense Agency, Nyarotephian! You can also call me Nyaruko!"

Nyarlathotep: "Would you like to change my real name?"

Father Shirohige: "That's right!"

Nyaruko: "It's been changed!"

Nyaruko: "A copy of the memory in this guild? This style, is this a precious product on planet earth called anime and manga?"

Nyaruko: "Oh my God! Where did I come from? Is this place a legend? Is it heaven? So many anime and manga, the value is immeasurable!"

Nyaruko: "I am very happy! I'm so happy that I flew. This is definitely a gift from God! "

Kurosaki Ichigo: "😐"

Can you explain when anime and manga became a valuable specialty on planet Earth? And priceless?

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the various mangas on the bookshelf behind him. Could he actually be a local tyrant within the scope of the universe?

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

Even if what Nyaruko said was true, it was estimated that it was the situation of another universe, and it had nothing to do with him world.

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Space Defense Agency, can someone explain this very high-sounding name?"

Accelerator: "Space Defense Agency?

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Space Defense Agency... It doesn't look like the same person from the Cthulhu mythology."

Nyaruko: "Cthulhu Mythology, Are there people from Earth?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Isn't that certain?"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Besides Earthlings, what else is there?"

Nyaruko: "Earth is a precious material heritage to protect! It is maintained there. The level of technology in the original ecology, how can there be such a high-tech chat room and still be able to connect to my mind, are you kidding me?"

Nyaruko: "Or are you smugglers smuggling anime? Don't you guys know that I specially caught this kind of smuggler and pulled me in! Are you guys trying to spoil me with anime? Impossible! You are dreaming!"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "???"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "😲"

Old Man is the Marquis: "😐"

Kasumi Utako: "There's always this feeling of wanting to complain! But I also feel that if you complain now, I will lose."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "What a coincidence Kasumi Utako, I'm just like you."

Ash: "Though I still don't understand the Cthulhu Mythology you're talking about. But listening to your tone of voice, it seems very taboo?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Ara ara… It's just mythology!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Just go with the description above that mythology. Cthulhu is an evil god in the mythological worldview, which is incomprehensible and extremely dangerous, which is why the guild members reacted like this."

Ash: "It turned out like this."

Houraisan Kaguya: "Secretly gnawing at the food! And glanced at the guild members present, wondering, is there anyone willing to fight with me?"

Youkai Sage: "You can continue to sink now."

Houraisan Kaguya: "😐"

Aizen Sosuke: "Because Nyaruko has finished her self-introduction. Then it's time for the Guild Master to appear."

Su Xiaoxiao: "😐"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "The Guild Master should have discovered Nyaruko's specific identity?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "That's right."

Nyaruko said this, how could Su Han not understand Nyaruko's true identity?

Most likely the newly added member is Heroine from Haiyore! Nyaruko-san.

"In Haiyore's view! Nyaruko-san, Nyaruko is an evil god in Cthulhu mythology?" Su Han thought "It's just, Nyaruko's strength hasn't reached the point where she can fight the universe in her hands"

Su Han didn't think much of it.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Nyaruko's identity is a bit complicated for me to explain, just see for yourself, I will upload a copy of the memory directly."

King: "No problem!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Thanks for sharing the resources, Guild Master."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Good people have safe lives!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "We are an ordinary chat room here!"

Kasumi Utako: "Old Driver Guild Master!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Since you said so, then I still don't post it, I am a very pure person! How can I let you guys slander me like this?"

Ash: "Guild Master, you can't be like this! Our interest has been suspended, Guild Master suddenly stopped posting now!"

Esdeath: "Kurosaki Ichigo and Kosaka Kyosuke have messed up the topic, the ones who caused the Guild Master not to send a memory copy! Let's kill ourselves."

Krul: "I also think that what Esdeath said is very true! Just follow Harakiri in Japanese legend as a way of committing suicide! Only in this way can you wash away your sins!"

Accelerators: "😐"

Busujima Saeko: "Krul said something scary!"

Alucard: "If you cut your stomach, do you need a live broadcast? I am also very interested."

Nakiri Erina: "Don't talk about this kind of perverted topic, I'm cooking. With this, it will affect my mood!

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "You twisted minds, face the wall for me! Don't throw the pot at my head!"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "I always thought things weren't that simple."

Sakata Gintoki: "What Kosaka Kyosuke said must have a reason."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Alright, no kidding."

[Ding! Guild Master Su Xiaoxiao uploaded Haiyore's memory! Nyaruko-san]

Nyaruko: "Ehhh!"

Super Dimensional Guild 822 : Request anime disc

At the headquarters of the Space Defense Agency, there was a girl with a cute face.

Can anyone explain to her what really happened? Why does the memory copy uploaded by the Guild Master have his name?

"Memory copy?"

Nyaruko noticed the large number of memory copies in the Super Dimensional Guild and the memory copy column.

"If I'm not mistaken, the memory copies should refer to those in this guild chat room! Something similar to virtual animation? Could it be that the memory copy sent by the Guild Master is about me in the anime version?"

Then Nyaruko asked at the guild.


Nyaruko: "@Su Xiaoxiao. You're actually using my picture? Are you violating my portrait rights? You must make amends!"

Nyaruko: "Except for the memory copy that is in the guild, you must give me three sets… No, at least ten sets of anime CDs on earth! If you don't do this, I will never forgive you! Just that."

Ainz Ooal Gown: "😐"

Altair: "😐"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "When I first saw Nyaruko's words, I thought it was a guild member who couldn't stand the Guild Master's oppression! Raise the flag to fight."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "But after reading all of Nyaruko's words, I have my doubts that Nyaruko made a typo?

Give ten earth anime CD sets as compensation!

Not to mention the top existences in the guild like Guild Master, even if looking for ordinary people in the guild, like Kasumi Utako, Kosaka Kyosuke, and wanting to get ten anime CD sets from them, it was still a very easy thing.

Not to mention, this is the first time a Guild Master has released a memory copy, the first time anyone has mentioned the issue of portrait rights infringement!

At this moment, Ichigo only felt a deep sense of shame. Is this person really a member of the Space Defense Agency?

Aizen Sosuke: "It really makes me not know whether to laugh or cry."

Su Xiaoxiao: "😐"

What else can Su Han say?

Father Shirohige: "Nyaruko shouldn't pay close attention to the brief introduction of the guild?"

Nyaruko: "I really didn't read it."

Father Shirohige: "If you read carefully the brief introduction of the guild, then you should be able to understand that the current guild members are all from different worlds!"

Nyaruko: "😐"

A different world?

Father Shirohige: "There are many guild members who all live on Earth and as long as they are guild members living in modern society. It's very easy for them to buy game discs or anime discs."

Father Shirohige: "That's why, if you really want an anime disc, you can tell the guild members directly, it doesn't need to be a threat."

Nyaruko: "😲"

Sakata Gintoki: Another reminder Nyaruko, the copy of the memory sent by the Guild Master, even though it tells your story, it's not a violation of your portrait rights! Guild Master tells about your past and future, every memory copy in the guild is a story about a guild member🤗"

Naiko: "😲"


The amount of information Gintoki and Shirohige revealed surprised Nyaruko.

Nyaruko paced back and forth in her room, thinking about the matter.

"Then I also pay attention to the earth! I'm sure the world's top anime right now, no One Piece or Naruto, I'm still wondering this before. But if it's the earth from another world, then everything can be explained."

Nyaruko then sat on the chair and turned on the stealth.

"If I really misunderstood the Guild Master, I will wait and apologize."

Nyaruko looked at the copy of the memory that Su Han sent first, if this is really about her future, then what the guild members said must be true.

If not. At that point, consider whether these people are dealers of anime works.


As Nyaruko fell silent, many of the guild members fell silent as well.

Su found that he didn't say much.

At the guild, he asked Kaguya, Tony, Ash, and Kurumi to play a game of Yggdrasil.

After playing the game, Su Han entered the time house again for training, and continued training until 10:00 pm, when he left the time room and went to sleep.


The night passed quickly.

Su Han opened his eyes the next morning and was woken up by Ram.

"What happened?"

Although Su Han's words were calm, it was clear that he was not in a good mood at the moment, and the nine Tomoe in his pupils slowly turned.

If it wasn't for him being awakened by Ram, if he were to be awakened by Great Grandmaster Ma, Su Han would not have hesitated to hit with Yasogami Kūgeki.

Of course he would not kill Great Grandmaster Ma. At most, they would only be crippled.

"Zhao Ling'er will be back soon."

Ram's words brought Su Han to his senses, Kenbunshoku Haki spread to Zhao Linger's room, but Zhao Linger was undetected. "Where is the girl now?"

"She completed the previous mission and now she has completed it!" Ram explained, "However this time she chose to return to the real world, and the place she chose to return to was not on our side. It's his friend's side, so she's not showing up at the house!"