akikan 40. Tanuki. 256-265

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 256 My Servant doesn't seem bad | Patreon

At that moment, everyone became gob-smacked. In the war of the Holy Grail, no Servant would want to declare his identity as it could be a key component of his battle plants, so Rider's act was nothing but ridiculous!

Scheherazade shook her head as she let out a long sigh since she didn't expect such a stupid Servant to exist.

"...has he really conquered one-third of the world?"

The legend of Alexander is still famous even now as someone who conquered a third of the world during his life.

Yet, when she saw the real Alexander, she was glad that this person was their enemy.

However, because of this, she could tell that Alexander was confident in his ability, telling all of them that even if they knew his identity, he would still fight them.

Rider's courage was worthy of admiration, but it didn't change the fact that this guy was stupid.

"I think that you are the most normal Servant, Scheherazade."

"...I am not sure whether that is praise, Master."

"It is."

When they thought about all the Servants that they had seen until now, compared to all of them, Scheherazade was the most normal.

Her wish not to die was a normal thing.

Everyone wished for it.

However, what about the rest?


They couldn't say anything since an Assassin thought of themselves as a tool of their Master, and they would do anything as long as their Master ordered them.

Frankly, Tamazuki knew that Hassan-i-Sabbah was a perfect Servant, and everyone wished to have him even if Hassan was weaker than others. However, in the Holy Grail War, there was no need to fight the Servants themselves as long as they could win the Masters.

So, Assassin was the most suitable Servant.

The only problem was that the Master of an Assassin was sick since their fate was doomed the moment they became the Servant of Kotomine Kirei.


This was an egomaniac Servant.

Everything in this world was his treasures, whatever they were, whether they came from past, present, or future.

Everything in this world was his.

If the Master wasn't careful and showed respect toward Archer, then Archer would kill the Master without hesitation.


This was a fool who only wanted to serve his Master like a knight in the past, showing loyalty, yet fate didn't allow him as he was constantly hit by misfortunes, especially by women.

Moreover, all of his Masters needed to be careful of him as their wives or lovers might be... Cough! Cough! ...because of his Love Spot.

Except that everything about him was normal.

He was so normal.

His character was almost cliche, like a knight that usually appeared in the storybook.


She was probably the most ironic and saddest Servant as she only wished to save her country and her subjects, yet being betrayed again and again by her trusted knights, wife, and sister, and constantly being caught in many problems before, in the end, dying with regret being unable to save her country.

Watching her lithe frame being burdened by many things that could crush her anytime, Tamazuki sighed and felt sad.


Even if his act couldn't be understood by normal logic, without a doubt, Rider was a reliable Servant and partner.


This Servant hadn't appeared, so he refrained himself from talking about him for now.

Though he knew if someone knew what he thought regarding those Servants, they would scoff at him as Caster and Assassin were the two weakest classes in the Holy Grail War.

"I wonder who Berserker is?"

"He is going to appear soon. Be patient."

When Tamazuki saw Rider appear in front of everyone, announcing his identity loudly and confidently, Rider's Master, Waver, quickly became angry and complained, but Rider was a Rider, so he didn't care and even tried to invite Saber and Lancer as his army.

"...Master, is he serious?"

"I guess so?"

Scheherazade was lost for words when she saw how Rider blatantly asked Lancer and Saber to fight for him.

Naturally, Lancer and Saber refused without hesitation, which made Scheherazade sigh in relief. While the chances of the two Servants agreeing to the Rider's invitation were almost null, the chances weren't zero, especially when all of the Servants had their unique personalities.

Still, Tamazuki thought differently as he knew that he could take all of them down with ease by using his Argos, shooting a laser beam at all the Servants present on the screen, but he endured it since one of his goals was to devour all the Servants to gain all of their abilities.

If he killed all of them, even if he got the Holy Grail, he wouldn't be able to master all of their abilities.

Though because of Scheherazade, he knew that he could learn the Class Skills and Personal Skills of the Servants.

As for Noble Phantasms? It seems that he was unable to learn them.

"Master, is it only me, or have you become more handsome?" Scheherazade suddenly felt that Tamazuki had become even more handsome that she couldn't look away.

However, Tamazuki didn't answer her and thought that it was the effect of "Love Spot" that he learned from Diarmuid.

As Scheherazade tried to kiss him, Waver, who was seen on the screen, suddenly shivered in fear as he hid behind Rider when he heard the voice of his lecturer, Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, or Lancer's Master.

"Or rather, all the Servants are going to appear except you." Tamazuki then looked at Scheherazade and asked, "Do you want to appear too?"

Scheherazade shook her head so fast that she made an afterimage while hugging him tightly like a baby koala.


If she came to that place, then she was going to die!

Even if Lancer was weak, without a doubt, he could kill her with ease.

Even if Saber was injured, without a doubt, she could kill her with ease.


Was there even a need to question?

The power behind Rider's chariot wasn't a joke as it was given by Zeus, the King of the Gods on Mount Olympus.

Tamazuki might say that Zeus was only a God in Greek, but a God was still a God.

There was no way for them to be weak.

They should have the power to destroy a country or two.

Unfortunately, Alexander wasn't a real God and only the child of Zeus in the legend, so his lightning wasn't so strong.

Naturally, it was only by Tamazuki's standard.

If it was other Servants, as long as they were hit by a Rider's chariot, they would be sent back to the Throne of Heroes instantly.

Still, after talking for a moment, Tamazuki and Scheherazade were calm since they were far away, and no one should be able to tell they had been observing them while talking to each other.


Kayneth, who was Lancer's Master, as natural as he breathed, mocked Waver since this student of his dared to steal the catalysis, which he prepared to summon Rider. Because of this student, he could only summon Diarmuid, so he would have a similar fate to Diarmuid's previous master, whose wife was taken away.

Still, Kayneth didn't know his fate was like that.

However, as Waver could only cower in fear, Rider, who was his Servant, patted his Master's back reassuringly, then shouted, "Oi, Magus. If I understand correctly, you were supposed to be my master instead of that kid, apparently."

Rider called out to the unseen Master of Lancer. In fact, his face was covered and twisted by a huge smile of malevolent pity.

"That thought is beyond ridiculous. The man that deserves to be my Master should be a warrior that rides with me into the battlefield, not a coward that doesn't even dare to show his face."

Silence descended; only the anger of the unseen Master could be fled spreading along the night air. Rider suddenly laughed into the empty sky, a roaring laugh that exhausted the air in his lungs since this wasn't the end.

"Come on out! There must be others. Friends that are hiding in the darkness and spying on us!"

Hearing those words, Tamazuki knew his most troublesome opponent was going to appear.

A golden light immediately arrived following Rider's bellow.

The golden light came out from ten meters above, atop a street pole, where a figure standing in shining armor could be seen.

Servant Archer appears.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 257 Tamazuki is going to move | Patreon


With the appearance of this Servant, Tamazuki didn't hesitate anymore since soon all the Servants were going to appear. While it was better to face taking down all the Servants as soon as possible, so he could get the grail, killing all of them instantly, he hesitated since he knew this world was protected by a will.

The will of the planet, Gaia.

The will of humankind, Alaya.

The two of them worked in tandem to protect the planet and humankind.

His previous experience against that being in the world of One Punch Man before greatly enhanced his "Blindspot Talent" to the point where his existence could be ignored and not noticed by that omnipotent being, but if he attacked all of those Servants in one go, he was afraid that whether Gaia and Alaya along with all the dangerous beings on this world group might up to attack him, especially when he was an alien. He was an existence that shouldn't exist in this world, so whether they were good, evil, or neutral, all of them wouldn't hesitate to take him down.

After all, wasn't it common sense for everyone to work together to take down a common enemy?

Even if he believed that he could defeat them, he was afraid that he might destroy this "very" planet and ruin everything, including his chance to get his hands on the things he sought in this world.

So his answer was obvious.

One by one.

He was going to solve each other one by one quietly, without letting them notice, like a seasoned hunter waiting to take down his prey.

Then, he controlled a flying creature in the shape of a mosquito with a bulging lower body toward the port where all the Servants of this Holy Grail War gathered.


At that moment, Kirei was at the distant Fukuki church, and Kirei had told him everyone, he saw and heard Tohsaka Tokiomi through the jewel communicator beside him.

"This is bad."

From a distance from Tohsaka's residence, such an irate sentence was heard.

Although Kirei knew the spear couldn't see him, he furrowed his brows and nodded.

"Indeed it is."

Tokiomi and Kire did not disregard Rider's nonsense talk like the others did. The reason was that they both thought of one particular Heroic Spirit who would never ignore something like Rider's challenging words.


"Haha, hahahahaha..."

In the darkness, an old hatred burning in his one bloodshot eye, Matou Kariya let out a laugh escape.

Now was the time he had anxiously waited for. He had endured a year of living hell, looking forward to that instant.

Tohsaka Tokimi...

Husband of Aoi, Father of Sakura, yet the man who had trampled over the happiness of the mother and child.

The hated, cursed sword enemy who took everything Kariya wished for, who degraded it all.

Now, the old resentment is cleared away. This was the time to face that man, changing into a sword, the hatred boiling in his heart.

"Kill him..."

There was an unimaginable pleasure in filling his voice with hate. Now, Kariya understood the meaning of the saying, "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

Tokiomi himself can wait. His Servant must first be demolished to make him lose the Holy Grail War. He was in maddening excitement just thinking of Tokiomi's face smeared in frustrating humiliation.

"Kill him, Berserker!! Pulverize that Archer!"


The light was still filtered out, and there already was no surprise left in the hearts of the spectators. It wasn't just a wild guess anymore that this was the fourth Servant who had made an appearance responding to Rider's provocation. The dreadful point was that the beginning of the hostilities was a gathering of four Servants already. Nobody could possibly conjecture what the turn of events would be.

"This guy is..."

The one standing calmly atop the street light was none other than the enigmatic Servant who had sent into oblivious with an overwhelming destructive power the Assassin who was invading the Tohsaka mansion the previous night.

It can't be Caster; it's an entire body covered in armor. If he had materialized in response to Rider's call, it meant he had the sense to recognize the provocation as such; thus, he couldn't be Berserker.

By elimination, the only Class was the last of the three Knight classes, Archer.

"I didn't expect there would be two fools in one night to have the insolence of calling themselves "kings" and ignoring me."

Archer's words sounded displeased, scorning at the three Servants with a glare. His arrogance and his tone were comparable to Rider's haughtiness, but they differed from the very root. There was never cruelty and mercilessness in the voice and eyes of the King of the Conquerors.

"You are mistaken... I, Alexander, am the one who is well known throughout the world as the King of Conquerors."

"Fool. The only hero in Heaven and Earth who is a real king is me. The rest are a collection of mongrels."

Archer threw him aside with a declaration that was more than an insult. Of course, color was already drained from Saber's face, but the tolerant Rider drew an amazed sigh, ignoring it altogether.

"If you want to say that much, could you first announce yourself? If you are such a king, you couldn't be ashamed of your fame?"

In Rider's banter, Archer's crimson eyes grew even more proud of anger as he glared at the giant under him.

"Are you questioning me? A lowly mongrel questioning a king like me?"

Frankly speaking, Rider's point was reasonable, but apparently, Archer took it as an incorrigible disrespect from his point of view. This wasn't a matter of gaining interest from concealing one's true name but rather from personal irritability; the golden Heroic Spirit was emitting a very clear murderous intent.

"I grant you the honor of my presence, yet you can't recognize me; such ignorance isn't even worth living."

At Archer's conclusion, the space around him distorted in a haze; the next instant, the glow of beautiful blades started coming out of the empty space.


At that time, somewhere else, an unexpected torrent of Prana swept in a roar.

As everyone was watching, the flowing Prana gathered and solidified, materializing into the shadow of a robust man.

That shadow stood up near the four-lane road that had become the battlefield of Saber and Lancer, two blocks further toward the sea. Truly, it was a fantastic apparition that could be described as nothing other than a "shadow."

From the width of the tall's shoulders, this was the body of a man, completely covered in full armor without any opening. But it was different from the silver armor wrapping Saber or the luxurious golden one of Archer. This man's armor was black. Without a delicate ornament, with no polished luster. Like darkness, like Hell, it was just bottomless black. The fact was also invisible, covered with a rustic helmet. In the depths of a thinly carved slit, there was the ghastly glow of a pair of eyes with a glare burning like a flame.

A Servant. It was plain. Yet just what Heroic Spirit was this sinister appearance?

This black knight definitely didn't have any of the "radiance" that bore the other Servants who were already there. Arturia, Diarmuid, and the King of the Conquerors Alexander, as well as the yet unannounced golden Archer, all have that "shine." This is an expression of pride in a Heroic Spirit. The honor of the legends everyone praises and longs for. This is an essential element of their "noble phantasm."

But the newly appeared black knight had none of it. You could say he was closer to an Assassin. The darkness around the black armor definitely held a "negative surge."

Thus, more than a Heroic Spirit, he might be labeled a vengeful spirit instead.

While others discussed the identity of this Servant, Archer's crimson eyes filled with absolute anger and murderous intent, he held on for a while, looking down at Berserker.

The disgusting stare of the black knight was turned only at him standing on top of the street pole; the golden Heroic Spirit could undoubtedly see that.

"You mad dog, do you expect pity from?"

The lowlife gaze was equally low and filthy. Being poured by this gaze was an intolerable disgrace for a nobleman. For Archer, who claimed the title of king even more than Rider, Berserseker's ill manners made him a complete criminal.

The treasure swords and spears all around changed direction. Their tip was now fully aimed at the new target: that is, Berserker.

"You shall at least entertain me when you scatter away, mongrel."




Everyone felt a warm liquid dripping into their faces.

While the Masters and some Servants didn't feel anything, Saber felt livid for some reason.

"Irisviel, don't get your body into this drizzle!"

"What? What do you mean?"

Irisviel was confused, and the rest was even more so.

Why did Saber become so angry at this drizzle for some reason?

Even Saber wasn't sure, but her intuition told her that this drizzle should be something that shouldn't touch her body.

However, Scheherazade, who was by Tamazuki's side, was speechless.

"Ma-Master... Th-That is..."

"My urine."


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 258 Let's get another Servant! | Patreon

Due to Saber's shout, the rest who didn't care about this drizzle also started to get wary. After all, Saber wouldn't make such a judgment so suddenly without reason.

However, what was the reason?

Even those who were stupid or an idiot could only tell one reason.


The only Servant that hadn't appeared until now was the one that caused this drizzle.


What was the purpose of this drizzle?

Saber also couldn't escape as her cowlick was slightly wet because of this drizzle. The others who didn't even have the "Intuition" skill were also unable to escape from this drizzle.

Saber only had a hunch, but this drizzle should be coming from a similar source to the one that observed her and Irisviel.

"Saber, why did you act so exaggeratedly?"

"Isn't it just a normal drizzle?"

Either Lancer or Rider thought so.

As for Archer and Berserker, had the two already fought... or was it a one-sided domination? Either way, neither of them cared much about this drizzle.

"Saber...?" Irisviel looked at Saber with confusion.

Saber took a deep breath and calmed herself while wondering why she was so angry for some reason. Yet, she knew this wasn't in time for this irresponsible act as she needed to focus on the battle before her since, for some reason, Berserker was glaring in her direction ominously.

Others also didn't pay attention and focused on the figure of Berserker and Archer.

Even though they were quite wary previously because of Saber's shout, they didn't feel anything from this drizzle. It did nothing. Whether it was cursed or any other negative effects, nothing affected them from this drizzle.

However, even if it did something, they didn't feel worried since, as heroes from various timelines, all of them had their pride, and they believed they wouldn't be defeated even with this small trick.


They believed that they would defeat this Servant as it was one of the weakest Servants.

Only... among the Masters, some wariness naturally appeared since they were different from a Servant. While they were "Magus," their bodies might not be much different from a human. While this drizzle might not affect Servants, it might do something for the Masters, right?

Yet, fortunately, it did nothing.

They quickly let go of their worries and think of this as Saber's small trick to overthink them.

—Or a trick to get them to let their guard down?

However, this thought was something natural to appear as Saber was an enemy. Even if her actions told everyone that she was a righteous knight who would fight her battle in a fair and just manner, they had only met her for a moment. Even if they didn't know much about her, she was still the King of Britain, so it should be normal for her to have the suaveness of tactic, right?

Yet, what was wrong with this tactic?

Many of them couldn't help but laugh inwardly, thinking that, like her appearance, her tactic was like a little girl trying to deceive an adult.

However, Saber didn't care about their thoughts as she only felt wary as if something might appear sooner or later. Though strangely enough, she didn't feel that this existence might bring her danger, instead a warmness that she had never felt before.


Why did she feel angry for some reason?





Scheherazade stared at her Master for a moment and didn't know what to say. Even if she could narrate a story for three years without being killed by King Shahrya, she wouldn't be killed, yet... yet at this moment, she didn't know what was the purpose of Tamazuki, her Master, to dirty everyone on the port, whether they were Servants, Masters, and all with his urine.


She tried to think of the reason, but at the same time, she also thought this act was similar to a certain animal.


It was like...

"A dog, right?'

"Ah, um..."

Scheherazade lowered her head since she knew it was an insult to compare her Master to a dog.

"You don't need to worry. If you compare me to a dog, then it is good."


She was confused.

Was the modern world starting to think that comparing someone to a dog was akin to praise?

Yet, she didn't feel surprised since, as someone who was in a high position, she also had seen many weird things. If she didn't, then how could she create so many stories, right?

It was because she had heard and experienced many things, along with her talent, that she could create many masterpieces that could make the violent and cruel king who killed all the maidens he bedded every night learn about patience.

Though, she was still confused as to why Tamazuki dirtied all of them with urine.

Was it his hobby?

Was she going to drink his urine too?

Well... she had drunk his other liquids previously, so... while it might be hard to understand and accept for a while, she didn't really have much of a rejection.

"No, I don't have such a strange hobby."

Tamazuki's lips twitched as he sighed. "Can you just ask me normally instead of overthinking something weird?"

He didn't have a hobby to dirty someone and let someone drink his urine!

This move... has a meaning!

"Then, why?"

Her green alluring, and beautiful eyes stared at his profile curiously, waiting for an answer.

"It's to track them."

"Track? You mean you pour your urine on them so you can know where they are?"

"That's right."

With the scent of urine on their bodies, whatever they did, even if they cleaned up, it would be impossible for them to escape from him—even if they ran away to the end of Earth.

Frankly, while his sense of smell was strong, Tamazuki wanted to have insurance since all the Servants were unique and they had many strange things. Moreover, in case something strange joined the Holy Grail War, then he thought to maximize his profit and escape to a distant galaxy.

While it might seem like he was flirting and giving commentary on the fight all the time, Ava helped him control part of his body outside of the planet so that in case something happened; he could quickly run away.

Running away might seem like a cowardly move, but he didn't think so since if he died, everything would be worthless.

What was wrong with running away?

When he got the power, then he would truly give his revenge on everyone and devour all of them.

"I know that this might be strange, but I am not a human."

"...you are not a human?"

"Well, I can be a human, too, though."

Scheherazade was confused, but she held his hands firmly and softly said, "Master, whatever you are, I will be with you." She could tell that this power was impossible to possess by a human, but who cares?

Even if he wasn't a human, then it was okay since she knew no matter who he was, he would protect her, and that's enough since that's her only wish.

By his side.

Moreover, she wasn't human anymore, so they fit perfectly, right?

Tamazuki stared at Scheherazade for a moment and thought that he must be lucky to meet with this married woman.


Scheherazade smiled and then hugged him tightly. "You are cute, Master."

"Idiot, do you think you can make fun of your Master?" He looked at her helplessly.

Scheherazade only laughed, but then she couldn't laugh.

"By the way, let's go. We are going to start."

"Huh? Now?"


Then with a mischievous smile on his face. "We are going to get a Servant for you."

"????" Scheherazade.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 259 Good evening | Patreon

The battle over the port had briefly ended along with the disappearance of Archer.

It seemed that Archer's Master was no longer unable to see his Servant rampage, so he used the Command Seal to forcibly return Archer. Yet, none of those who presented felt this act was weird since they knew this was just the beginning of the Holy Grail War, so having Archer unleash all of his power was simply a disadvantage for them.

Yet, Tohsaka Tokiomi didn't know due to his action, an irrevocable crack appeared between him and his Servant... or the moment he had summoned Gilgamesh, his fate was already doomed?

Nevertheless, Berserker, who was like a mad dog, didn't seem to put his attention on Archer any longer. Instead, strangely enough, he became obsessive and attacked Saber crazily like someone possessed by an evil spirit. It was as if he held a deep grudge as if he wished to cut Saber into several pieces.

While the others were confused, Lancer's Master, Kayneth, saw that this was a chance, so he ordered Lancer to attack Saber.

However, as a knight, it was impossible for Lancer to do such a dirty act, sully the pride and beauty of their duel. Yet, such an act was simply a betrayal in the eyes of Kayneth.

Pride? The beauty of the duel?

If they could win the Holy Grail War and eliminate the strongest class, Saber, then everything was worth it.

"Lancer, I order you to help Berserker to eliminate Saber."

"My Lord!"

Lancer was startled and sad, yet under the effect of the Command Spell, he could do nothing and could only follow the order of his Lord. While his heart was filled with remorse, he fought against Saber.

Saber also understood Lancer's situation, so she didn't blame him.

If she falls on this duel, then that's it.


A deafening stomping and crackling lightning resounded through the port before two enormous bulls rammed into Berserker, trampling him down like an ant.

Rider's sudden action surprised all of them.

Berserker, who lay on the concrete ground, could only ground and was unable to stand up, showing the damage caused by Rider's chariot was more severe than he had thought.

Berserker's Master, Kariya Matou, was also no longer thought to have let Berserker rampage any longer and forcefully returned Berserker to his side.

"Lancer's Master, if you want to fight, then I will face you with Saber."

With the disappearance of Berserker, Rider quickly made an ally of Saber to take down Lancer to scare Lancer's Master. After all, any longer battle than this would be meaningless. He was satisfied with this battle, and it would be a shame to end everything tonight.

Grinding his teeth in hate, Kayneth knew that it was impossible for Lancer to win against Rider and Saber at the same time.

"Let's go."

"Thank you."

Lancer thanked the two before he followed his Master.

"Then, Saber, let's meet again."

Rider laughed and then left with his Master, Waver, who had passed out with his chariot, leaving Irisviel and Saber together.

Kiritsugu and Maiya also left since this battle had ended, and it was time for them to move into the next plan. As for his wife? He knew that Saber was there by her side, so he just left her.

While Irisviel sighed in relief, she didn't know her husband had left, only staring at Saber, who was frowning.

"Saber? What's wrong? You have been in a bad mood for a while?"


Saber hesitated, but she didn't know how to answer this question. She had been feeling quite strange the moment they landed on this land. It felt like everything was watched by something...

'And that drizzle...'

Saber felt that the effect of this drizzle wasn't something as simple as what everyone was thinking. Her intuition told her so, and it felt like it told her something was about to come, but... what?

Was it Caster?

The only Servant that hadn't appeared until now was this class of Servant.

Yet, Saber also wasn't surprised by this act since Caster was known as one of the weakest classes in the Holy Grail War. If Caster came to the port and appeared between them, then Caster might be eliminated.

Still, why?

Why did that drizzle appear?

Also, why was she so annoyed and so livid at this drizzle?

It was as if... as if it was something dirty.


Saber shook her head. "It's nothing, Irisviel."

"Are you worried about this battle?"

Saber hesitated before nodding. "Yes. I feel like... a difficult opponent might appear."

"But you will win, right?" Irisviel asked with a smile.

"Yes." Saber nodded without hesitation.

"Then, you don't need to worry. I will leave the rest to you."

Irisviel had no doubt about Saber's strength as she knew the identity of Saber.

King Arthur.

Was there an existence that could eclipse her radiance?

Irisviel didn't think so.

Moreover, Arturia was summoned as the strongest class Saber, boosting Irisviel's confidence even more.

Lastly, if Saber unleashed her Noble Phantasm, then everything would end directly.

Nevertheless, those words from Irisviel also calmed Saber and made Saber smile.

Irisviel is correct.

Whatever the enemy was, whatever their conspiracy was, Saber believed that she could defeat all of them.

Having that belief, Saber held her sword tightly before she frowned and looked at her severed sinews.

In this battle, Saber knew that all the Servants she had to face had their own advantages, and all of them were strong. They were opponents that she couldn't take lightly, and she needed to give her all.

After all, like others, she also had a wish that she wanted to realize.

For that wish, she had to win this Holy Grail.

Even if her sinews were severed, so what?

Her spirit had never gone dim. Instead, it shone even brighter, setting ablaze her fighting spirit as she waited for her next battle.

Then, with that thought, Saber and Irisviel also left the port and decided to return to their headquarters to have a moment of rest.

The battle on the first day had ended, and no one wished to continue any longer.

However, among all who were present, they forgot about one Servant.


Even if his presence was found by Kiritsugu before, Assassin didn't care and even let Kiritsugu and Maiya observe him since what they didn't know, he was also observing them.

Yet, not only did he observe them, but he also observed all who were present in this port, from Berserker, Saber, Rider, Lancer, Archer, and their Masters. No one missed their surveillance, and they had watched all of them without missing anything. The moment their target left, they also followed them secretly while communicating with their Master.

Yet, there wasn't only one Assassin.

No, there was only one of them, but they could become 100 entities that could move separately.

This was their Noble Phantasm, Zabaniya: Delusional Illusion.

Each of them followed all the Servants and Masters who were present on the port previously, and some of them also tried to search the location of Caster and her Master since, until now, the presence of Caster was the most suspicious, especially that drizzle when Saber suddenly roared angrily.

Many thought that Saber was only exaggerating as they felt nothing and the drizzle was just nothing but a normal phenomenon, especially when the night was quite cloudy.

Yet, naturally, there were also some who thought that this phenomenon was weird as it was winter.

Yes, the current weather in this country is winter.

There shouldn't be a drizzle, yet it happened.

Knowing this, many started to get wary, but then, at the same time, they thought, what was the purpose of this drizzle?

However, while those Servants and Masters needed to spend a sleepless night to think about the purpose of the drizzle, one of the Assassins who happened to track down Kiritsugu stopped and stunned since two figures appeared before him so suddenly.

"Good evening."

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 260 Hassan of the Hundred Faces | Patreon

When someone appeared as an Assassin, the most natural thing to do was either to run away when their opponent was strong or fight, killing the target the moment they appeared.

Either way, their actions needed to be swift and only a moment.

As they were assassins, fighting frontal battles definitely wasn't their specialty, but nevertheless, their reaction should be one of the fastest.

Yet, the moment he appeared, Assassin was in a daze.

Tamazuki was like the world.

He was like a God who descended on the Earth.

His existence was so bright yet warm, calm, and comfortable.

It was like having negative thoughts or the thought of killing him was impossible.

Moreover, there was also a sense of helplessness.

Ah... it is impossible to defeat him.

This thought came naturally on the thought of anyone who saw him.

Even Scheherazade, who had always been by his side, was startled when she realized this was when he was serious, and because of this, she knew his side had always been the safest in the world.

Still holding his sharp dagger, however, Assassin's arm dangling by his side showed that he had already given up.

The thought of fighting Tamazuki had never crossed his thought at all, thinking that he had already been defeated.

Moreover, due to his Noble Phantasm, Zabaniya: Delusional Illusion that separated his single entity into several of them, causing each of their power to become weaker than they were originally.

It might not be wrong to say that currently, Assassin was the weakest Servant in this Holy Grail.

"You are Hassan of the Hundred Faces, right?"


While Assassin was stunned when his identity was known.

It wasn't something so surprising for the identity of Assassin to be known as it was normal for people to summon Hassan-i-Sabbah, or rather, most people would summon him as he was the most famous assassin in the world.

Moreover, the word assassin originated from his organization.

Due to this fame, it wouldn't be weird to say that Hassan-i-Sabbah was known as the strongest Assassin Class.

However, Hassan-i-Sabbah had never been a single person.

Instead, it was a title given to all the people who had entered the Order of Assassin.

So because of this, even if one summoned Hassan-i-Sabbah, it didn't mean they were the same, and each of them was different, depending on the Master's luck.

As for Kirei Kotomine's luck, was there even a need to explain?

Nevertheless, the moment Tamazuki talked about Assassin's identity, it was impossible for Assassin to stay calm, or rather, all the Assassins, at this moment, almost lost their calm. After all, they were a single entity. Even if they were separated from each other, they could communicate with each other through their minds, exchanging important information or knowing when someone was in danger.

If Kiritsugu summoned this Servant, then he was like a fish that had entered the water.

"I will be straight." Tamazuki stared at Assassin and asked, "Will you make me your Master?"



Assassin knew that a battle was meaningless, so he thought to relay all the information about this man to the other entities. After all, this man was a fearsome opponent, so they needed to tell their Master to prepare when they met this man again.

Yet, the words that came out from Tamazuki stunned all of them silly in a place.

Would you make me your Master?

In other words, Tamazuki wanted all of them to betray their current Master and make him their Master.

"I know your wish." Tamazuki was still as calm as ever. He was like a Messiah who guided this chaotic world into a better place or a pope who guided a lost lamb, or a father who looked at his son in love.

"to have a perfect and unified personality.

"I will help you with that wish."


Assassin was silent. His mouth was closed and opened like a fish in the aquarium, showing how dumbfounded his situation currently was.

His Noble Phantasm, Zabaniya: Delusional Illusion, was born due to his affliction of Multiple Personality Disorder.

Because of this, each of the entities summoned by Assassin's Noble Phantasm has their own personalities, and their experiences are not shared between them unless they want to share them.

Naturally, the meeting with Tamazuki was something that they needed to share.

Yet, at the same time, the words that came from Tamazuki's words, which were their real wish for the Holy Grail, shook all of them.

To have a perfect and unified personality.

This is what they wanted the most in their lives.

Hassan of One Hundred Personas is one of the nineteen people to hold the legendary Persian title of "Old Man of the Mountain."

He was a candidate to become the next leader of the Assassins, along with No Name Assassin, but he was chosen due to their fear of her. Their official reasoning was that even though she copied the eighteen previous Zabaniya abilities, she had not produced a miracle of her own.

However, due to this experience, he knew he wasn't the opponent of No Name Assassin, and because of this, he wanted to become stronger.

Having a perfect and unified personality would definitely bring them even further.

Because of this, their will was shaken when Tamazuki said their wish.

Unlike the other Hassan, he had many personalities, and each of them was different, so it was impossible for all of them to be obedient to their Master, especially when their Master had sacrificed one of them in the beginning. After all, even if he could become many entities, they weren't copies, but all of them were single individuals, and when one of them died, it was impossible to return any longer.

In other words, when one of them died, then they died.

Frankly, he had been thinking about having plotted to hijack the Holy Grail before either Kirei or Tokiomi in the event the War had gone in their favor, but his meeting with Tamazuki changed everything.

Facing this man, did the meaning of resistance even have a meaning?

Everything was meaningless.

"You don't need to answer me right now. However, if you agree, you can give him a signal here."

Tamazuki gave him instructions on how to agree to his invitation.

If they don't agree, then that's it.

He was going to kill them.

That's all.

"Also, this is the plan if you agree."

Tamazuki also gave him a paper, telling him what their plan would be if they agreed to become his Servant.

He nodded obediently and didn't even raise a question since everything was clear.

"Also, you are going to follow Kiritsugu, right?"


"Then, bring this with you."

"This is... a bomb?" While he was wary, Assassin accepted the box from Tamazuki, but Assassin's eyes twitched when he realized the content of the box. It was clear that the thing given by Tamazuki was a bomb—or C4 explosive, to be exact.

"Kiritsugu is going to destroy a building with a bomb later. With your ability, it isn't going to be hard for you to add this bomb to that building, right?"

"...can I ask why?" Assassin didn't mind since this work was easy for him, but then, why?

Why did Tamazuki want to add more bombs to the building that wanted to be destroyed by Kiritsugu?

"As it is a firework, the merrier, the better, right?"

His answer was ambiguous, but Assassin didn't question him any longer.

"Then, good luck with your work."

Several leaves surrounded Tamazuki and Scheherazade as they disappeared without a trace.

Assassin stayed for a moment, observing his surroundings for a moment before giving up and continuing with his work.


"By the way, let your Master meet Kiritsugu later."

Assassin almost fell to the ground before he looked around once again and held his head, realizing Tamazuki was talking through his brain directly.


Assassin sighed and thought that the answer to his invitation was obvious, right?

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 261 Irisviel, I am coming! | Patreon

When Assassin left, Tamazuki and Scheherazade were observing him through the world of shadow. They could tell that Assassin would really do what Tamazuki had requested before.

Still, Scheherazade was concerned about one question.

"Will they agree, Master?"

However, even if she asked this question, if Tamazuki's deduction was correct, she knew that the probability of inviting Assassin into their group was high.

"They will."

Tamazuki didn't doubt since, unlike the other Hassan, this Hassan of the Hundred Faces had many entities, and there were no leaders among them. In other words, all of them were equal. However, they had a similar wish, and that was to have a perfect and unified personality, so instead of having Kirei, who could sacrifice all of them without blinking their eyes, and him, who was strong, who would they choose?

It was obvious, right?

"However, can we trust them?"

This was the real problem that Scheherazade was worried about.

If Assassin could betray his Master, then could he betray Tamazuki too?

Words of betrayal were impossible to be trusted.

When they tasted it, it was impossible for them to repent.

"Well, their wish is something simple for me to grant."

"Huh? Really?"

"Having a perfect and unified personality. In other words, he is asking me to make his mind to be like a tool that is obedient and loyal to his Master, right?"

Scheherazade was silent for a moment before she nodded. "That seems to be the case." Though she felt weird, she couldn't deny Tamazuki's words.

However, Scheherazade felt that Assassin's wish was weird.

"While I have never shown it, I am quite proficient at mind manipulation."

"Oh? Can your mind manipulation affect the mind of Servant?"

"I can." Tamazuki sighed. "I have faced more dangerous beings, so a Servant is nothing."

If it was before, it might be hard for him to affect the mind of the Servant. However, after he faced being in the world of One Punch Man, he knew that he could manipulate the mind of the Servant.

Especially Assassin, whose mind was fragmented and imperfect.

Moreover, after being attacked by that "being," Tamazuki also learned the mind corrosion, manipulation, and any other things used by that "being" toward him.

Everything used to him by that "being" before had already been learned by Tamazuki.

It was also the reason why Tamazuki didn't feel that way toward Gaia, Alaya, and all the other beings dangerous beings in this universe.

Still, the current problem was Assassin, and as long as all of the Assassins gathered near him, he could make them into his obedient tool.

Was it wrong?

Not really, since this is what they wished for.

Assassin is a tool, after all, and they wished to become the best tool.

Scheherazade nodded and felt relief at his answer. Though because of this, she became even more clingy since she knew his side had always been the safest place in the whole universe.

As for the thought of him controlling her mind, that didn't cross at all; even if it happened, she didn't really mind since as long as she was alive, everything was okay.

The terror that she felt with King Shahryar resided and bore deeply into her being; as long as she stayed alive, she could do anything.

"By the way, Master, who are we going after next?"

If Tamazuki could get more Servants by his side, then wasn't it better? That way, neither of them needed to work and let the Servants they had invited work for them. Moreover, with his abundant energy, he could support as much as the Servants he wanted to.

In the universe, there were billions of galaxies; even if one of them disappeared, used by him, who cares, right?

However, Scheherazade started to think about his target.

Whether it was Rider or Archer, the two were impossible since Scheherazade could see how hard-headed and stubborn they were. She could imagine that the moment they met each other, Tamazuki was going to kill them.

As for Saber and Lancer? They were even more impossible.

Scheherazade could see that they were like knights in a storybook that would only serve one master in their lives and would only be loyal to them. Unless, Tamazuki threatened them with their Master, it was impossible for them to follow him.

'So, should it be Berserker?'

With Tamazuki's mind manipulation, it should be possible for him to control Berserker's mind, right?

Yet, his answer was outside of her expectation.



Even Scheherazade was at a loss when she heard Tamazuki's target.

Assassin was quite understandable, but Saber?

"...Master, do you want Saber and Irisviel to enter your harem?"

"Do you think I am a monster who is thinking by using my lower body?!"

Tamazuki pulled Scheherazade's soft cheek helplessly.

"I am sorry~~."

She apologized meekly and obediently.

Tamazuki forgave her, but then she asked an incredible question once again. "Was it the reason why you wanted to kill Kiritsugu that much?"

"...." Tamazuki.

Schehezade nodded and knew that Tamazuki had always wanted to get his hands on Saber and Irisviel.

Saber aside, Irisviel was the wife of Kiritsugu.

If Tamazuki wanted to get his hand on Irisviel, he needed to deal with Kiritsugu.

However, the feeling of love between Kiritsugu and Irisviel was real.

If Tamazuki killed Kiritsugu directly, then it might cause Irisviel to hate him.

Moreover, Scheherazade knew that Tamazuki didn't like to get his women with mind manipulation. If he really did so, then he might as well force her the moment he summoned her. Yet, he didn't do that, and she was the one who took the initiative since she knew having intercourse with him was the best way to enhance their trust in each other.

Nevertheless, Tamazuki wanted Irisviel and Saber, so Scheherazade didn't mind helping him, especially when she knew it was impossible for her to handle him alone. Having someone to help her with hardship would be beneficial for her.

Lastly, Scheherazade also felt sorry for Irisviel. For someone who was born in this world to die and her husband also didn't care about her, only toward his ambition, ignoring the danger of bringing her in danger in this battle.

Scheherazade thought that Irisviel should get a better man instead of having Kiritsugu.

"Master, let's get Irisviel. Oh no, wrong! Let's get Saber."


Tamazuki stared at his Servant helplessly before he shook his head since Scheherazade wasn't wrong. He was interested in Irisviel, especially when he saw her inhuman beauty. Her beauty wasn't something that could be possessed by a human, and moreover, she was also a mother.

In other words, she was healthy and could bear his child, too, right?

Cough! Cough!

Still, Tamazuki had prepared everything, and it was his time to move.

"Let's go."

As he held his hand, the two of them disappeared once again and appeared in the middle of the street.

The street was empty, without anything, and on their sides was a forest.

Only the sound of insects, nocturnal animals, and wind could be heard.

Though, soon, they saw a car that was moving at an incredible speed, like a drag racer was about to crash into them.


Scheherazade quickly hid behind Tamazuki while thinking that Holy Grail War was as dangerous as ever.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 262 Saber: "The most dangerous foe" | Patreon

Further removed to the west than the Miyama town of Fuyuki, the winding state highway stretched westwards with its back towards the city's lights. Meanwhile, an undeveloped piece of forest waited for visitors further up the road. Continuing beyond even the prefectural border, the state highway silently meandered on.

Although there were two lanes on the road, no crossing cars could be seen, even with the sparse street lights. The state highway in the dead of night seemed to fade from memory and into silence.

On such a silent night, a silver beast flew by.

Mercedez-Bens 300SL coupe. The flowing, elegant, streamlined body with a scent of antiquity resembled a noble lady, while the raring of the Straight-6 SOHC engine was like that of a fierce beast. And behind the steering wheel of the classic sedan - recklessly going beyond 100 kilometers per hour—were unexpectedly the slender wrists of a young lady.

"Hey, hey, this goes pretty fast, doesn't it?"

Irisviel, who held the steering wheel and whose face was full of pleased smiles, said. Sitting in the passenger's seat, Saber's face was full of nervousness, and she barely managed to squeeze out a stiff smile and a nod.

"In-Ineed, unexpectedly, this is... some rather... skillful... driving..."

"Right? I had special training, even though it may not look like it."

That being said, based on the unfamiliar way she dealt with the gears, she's far from being a proficient driver.

"Among all the toys Kiritsugu brought to the Einsbern castle, I favor this one the most. I was always just running circles in the castle grounds, and today is the first time for me to drive in such a wide space. It's wonderful."

"A toy, huh..."

There won't be an objection to calling something like a skateboard or bicycle a toy. But for a machine with a speed of over 100 kilometers per hour on a serpentine road, it is a mismatch of classes. People would never call things that can put their lives in danger with the smallest mistakes toys make in ordinary situations.

Although it is a classic sedan made more than forty years ago, it possesses a 2996cc. M198 engine and its maximum speed is 260 kilometers per hour. Irisviel's reckless roaming, compared to the car's potential ability, is merely a beginning prelude.

Apparently, Kiritsugu had specially prepared this car in Einsbern castle earlier on so Irisviel and Saber could have transportation apart from walking once they entered Fuyuki.

For over half a month, this car had been parked in the hotel's underground parkade. Now they are driving their precious car towards the Einsberns' castle residence.

"Hmm. Wait a minute, Irisviel. Haven't you been driving on the right side until just a moment ago?"

"Ah, that's right."

Irisviel nodded casually as if it was a very small mistake, and the car gave a jerk and moved onto the cruising lane.

Irisivel had never been outside of Einsbern castle ever since she was born; for her, it was obviously her first time driving on a highway. Saber had been paying attention to her line of sight since they took off. Obviously, Irisviel didn't know anything about street signs. Although driving on the left side was written in the law, it appeared Irisviel didn't even know this.

At least she could understand a little of what traffic lights mean, but that only went as far as considering slowing down when she saw the red light. Although right now it is midnight with little traffic, it would be a miracle for them to be able to safely arrive at their destination.

"...do we still have a long way to go to reach the Einsbern castle in this land?"

"I heard it will only take one hour to reach by car. When we get close, we should be able to see it..."

Saber didn't stop wishing for this dangerous journey to be over, even if only a second sooner. It was already very fortunate that no cars were coming towards them on the midnight highway, but the fact that the winding road still posed a great danger-filled Saber's blood with adrenaline as if it were right before a battle. As a Servant, she possessed extraordinary reflexes and strength and could immediately carry Irisviel outside the car to escape if danger was present. However, this legendary sports car worth ten million yen would then be reduced to an unrecognizable pile of scrap iron. That didn't fit with Saber's frugal economics.

"...wouldn't it have been better to hire a chauffeur?"

"Of course not. That would be bori—no, that would be too dangerous. After all, once we enter Fuyuki city, we can be attacked by other Masters at any time. You are the one who doesn't want to see innocent people being dragged into this, Saber."

"That is true..."

Just which one was more dangerous on this mountainous road: being attacked by other Masters or Irisviel's driving skills?

Saber was half-seriously considering this question when a cold wave reached her senses like the edge of a blade.

"Stop the car!"


Not understanding Saber's sudden warning, the unmindful Irisviel asked dumbly.

Saber didn't have time to explain it to her. She forcefully stretched her torse across the driver's seat, took hold of the steering wheel with one hand, and slammed her left foot tip, first on the brakes.

The reason Saber could immediately make decisions, enabling her to control this rampaging machine, was her skill of Riding as a Servant. She could completely understand the control of all ridden equipment, both known and unknown to her.

Fortunately, the car maintained a straight path during the sharp brake and did not spin furiously.

The tires of the Mercedes skidded on the asphalt, emitting clouds of white smoke as the car's uncontrollable slide continued. Saber once again confirmed the feeling that set her nerves on edge.

Without a doubt, it was definitely the scent of a Servant. Speak of the devil, indeed.

Yet at the same time, both Saber and Irisviel thought that they were facing the most handsome man that they had ever seen in their lives. Unlike Lancer's "Beauty Spot," which forcefully made women fall for him, the charm of this figure would make the concept of dislike disappear in their minds and also enhance the concept of favorability in their minds, causing them not to like him immediately.

This feeling... was strange.

It was as if they were facing the world itself, and their minds stopped working for a moment.

However, in that moment of gaffe, Saber felt a palpitation inside her heart, according to her instinct; she could tell that the figure in front of her was dangerous. The best tactic to face this opponent was to retreat, especially with her severed sinews.

However, this figure didn't let them go.

Instantly, Irisviel, who was still in a daze, suddenly felt her surroundings melt like wax before she saw her surroundings had changed.

"Ah? Eh?"

Irisviel, who was in the car, suddenly appeared on the arm of the figure that stopped them. She was confused and unable to comprehend what was happening.


Saber hurriedly walked out of the car and released her armor and sword, ready to face the figure in front of her with caution.

"Let her go!"

Even though it was only her instinct, Saber knew she was about to face the most dangerous foe in this war and before the battle began, she had already fallen to a disadvantage.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 263 Scheherazade: "Is this NTR?" | Patreon

While Scheherazade was worried, she sighed in relief when she heard Tamazuki had applied his blindspot ability to her figure, so whoever they faced, all of them would ignore her as if she wasn't present in the world.

Calming the happiness in he heart, she was curious about what Tamazuki was going to do.

Tamazuki also didn't pay attention to his Servant and stared at the car in the distance. With his eyesight, he could see how reckless the driver was, and it wouldn't be weird for the driver and passenger to be in the accident if this wasn't in the highway and midnight.

Nevertheless, whether Saber or Irisviel, Tamazuki had to say they were beautiful. However, they were going to be his opponents, so he wasn't going to hold back.

With the speed of the car, he didn't need to wait too long, and as expected with Saber's instinct, she forcefully stopped the car before it was about to reach him.

There was a distance between him and the car, but it didn't matter to him.

Instantly, Irisviel appeared in his arms.

"Eh? Ah?"

Irisviel was confused as she didn't know how she could suddenly appear in his arms.

However, for this, this was something easy to do as he had "Shukuchi," an ability that was similar to teleportation.

"Let her go!"

As expected, Saber was furious and asked him to return Irisviel immediately.

Yet, Tamazuki ignored Saber and observed Irisviel in his arms. Still, he had to say her scent was good. Her scent was warm and floral-like, making anyone feel comfortable to take a deep inhale into her hair, yet at the same time, he knew how fragile this woman was.

Similar to Shizu, her age was limited.

Still, her beauty was undeniable. It was a beauty that shouldn't be possessed by a human with perfect proportion, neither too big nor too small. Perfection was the only way to describe the beauty of this woman.

While he observed Irisviel in his arms, Ava also set up a barrier to cut any contact in this area and the outside.

With the magic from the world of Tensura, his learning ability, and his "Magic Talent," it was easy for him to learn the concept of the Command Spells, Masters, and Servants.

Everything had been learned by him, and it was easy for him to cut the contact between Master and Servant, especially when he had Shizu's "Degenerate," the ability which made him capable of combining and separating anything.

Still, it was too early to separate the connection between Kiritsugu and Saber since Tamazuki didn't want to give Saber despair so easily.

Frankly, with his "Degenerate," he wanted to make Saber his Servant since it was possible for him to cut her connection with Kiritsugu, then connect her connection with him, making her his Servant.

If he gave an example, his "Degenerate" was similar to Caster, Medea's Noble Phantasm, and Rule Breaker, which was capable of dispelling and destroying any kind of Magecraft.

Nevertheless, his skill was easier to use than Medea's Rule Breaker since he just needed to separate and connect.

However, watching Saber's wary expression, Tamazuki knew that it wouldn't be so easy.

Still, he had the advantage of this situation as Irisviel was on hand.

So, because of this, he cut off the Prana supply from Irisviel to Saber.


Both Irisviel and Saber lost their calm at this moment.

Irisviel still maintained her calm when she was taken by Tamazuki, but when her connection with Saber was cut down, she was startled and even lost her calm.

Similarly, Saber kept thinking about how to defeat the Servant in front of her as it was impossible for her to cut down Tamazuki with Irisviel in his arms. Nevertheless, she tried to contact her real Master, Kiritsugu, through the Command Spells, yet it was futile.

Even worse, her connection with Irisviel was also cut down, reducing her supply of Prana and lowering her parameter slightly since this way, she could only get her supply of Prana from Kiritsugu.

Kiritsugu might be a "Mage," but he wasn't a qualified one, and his Prana wasn't as abundant as Irisviel, who was created and born for the Holy Grail War.

However, Kiritsugu was nowhere to be seen!

As a Saber Class, it was impossible for her to be apart from her Master, and when their distance had been separated far away, there was no way for her to get a supply of Prana from Kiritsugu!

At this point, she was in a helpless situation where she couldn't get a supply of Prana as her connection with Irisviel had been cut down.

If she wanted to get a Prana, then she needed to either get the blood or semen of a living being, yet with her character, would she do such a dishonorable act?

Moreover, at midnight they stood at the highway where no one was around; where she could find a living being?

In other words, their situation has taken a turn for the worse!

Yet, at the same time, Saber and Irisviel quickly realized Tamazuki's identity.


Except for Caster, it was impossible for others to do all these feats in just a moment.

Yet, they also needed to question the identity of this Servant.

Diarmuid, Alexander, and King Arthur.

As for Archer, Berserker, and Caster that appeared in front of them, no one knew their identity.

As for Assassin, this Servant had died, so no one cared much.

"Caster, fight me directly! Let Irisviel go!"

Saber didn't have a method to break this difficulty, and the only hope that she had was that her opponent was someone with a noble character, like a knight, yet for him, who had kidnapped Irisviel the moment they met, she knew that it was only a meaningless attempt.

Still, Tamazuki's act became more outrageous as he put his hand on Irisviel's soft belly.


Irisviel bit her lower lip in shame as she stared at Tamazuki hatefully and angrily, yet when one looked closer, they would see a blush on her cheeks.

What did this guy try to do?!

Why did she feel this indescribable pleasure?

At the same time, she also felt guilty.

"What are you doing?!"

Was she going to be violated?

That thought crossed her mind.

Though it made her feel weird for being wanted by another man.

With her beauty, it was impossible for others to feel lust, or rather most humans would think to look at her with inferiority, and those of Magus would look at her in disgust because of her identity.

Moreover, the only man she had ever been with was Kiritsugu.

Still, she was married!

"Le-Let go of me!"

She tried to break away from his hug, yet it was meaningless. Moreover, due to the pleasure in her body, her strength was almost zero.


Saber was filled with rage as Irisviel was molested by Tamazuki.

"Calm down, Saber. I won't hurt her."

Those were the first words that came out from Tamazuki, but Saber didn't let her guard down or even believe him since who could ever believe the words of the enemy?

Moreover, Tamazuki acted so chummily against Irisviel, hugging her waist firmly with his arms and putting his chin against her shoulder as their cheeks pressed against each other.

Though Irisviel's hair separated their cheeks, his act was too intimate!

Especially when Irisviel was married and also had a daughter!

Yet, at this moment, Saber didn't have a choice since all the advantages were in his hands!

Only Scheherazade felt conflicted at this moment since her Master was flirting with another woman right in front of her eyes.

What was this feeling?

If she didn't read it wrong, according to the current era, her situation should be called  NTR, right?

Was this NTR?

Scheherazade put her hand on her chest as she tried to calm herself and thought that her Master loved a married woman so much.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 264 Let me be a sacrifice for her | Patreon

Saber couldn't think of a way to handle this situation, but at the same time, she needed to solve this situation as soon as possible!

With the impossibility of telling Kiritsugu what was happening to the two of them currently, Saber knew that the only way to break away from this difficulty was to defeat the Servant in front of her!

Yet, with this Servant's playful nature, Saber was afraid that he might use Irisviel as a hostage or a human shield, so in case she tried to attack, he would use Irisviel to stop her.

Even if she hated it, she knew that her situation was already checkmate.

Moreover, if she couldn't get a supply of Prana, she might even disappear.

She was a Saber.

She was different from Archer, who could be so far away from his Masters due to his Skill, Assassin, with his limited and efficient way of using his energy, or Caster, who had millions of ways to maintain his presence in the world.

Though fortunately, her connection with Kiritsugu still existed, so even if her energy was almost emptied, her existence could still exist since Kiritsugu, who was her Master, could act as an anchor, so she could maintain her existence.

However, it was only for a moment, and as a Saber, her Prana consumption was the highest, so no matter what, she needed to break away from this problem as soon as possible!

Still, at the same time, Saber also felt sorry for Kiritsugu since she couldn't protect his wife and let Irisviel be molested by Caster.

Though watching this situation, she also frowned since it reminded her of something unpleasant in the past.

Nevertheless, knowing that her resistance was futile, Irisviel didn't do anything lest she would be hurt by him. She knew that her existence was necessary for the Holy Grail. If she was killed so soon, then she couldn't realize her husband's dream.


Her husband's dream...

When she thought about that dream, she knew that she couldn't die. Moreover, if she died, then what would happen to Saber?

On this highway, how was it possible for Saber to get a supply of Prana when their connection was cut by Tamazuki?

Then, suddenly an idea crossed her mind, especially when he was so gentle toward her.

"...you can have me."


Saber was startled and shouted in disbelief.

However, Tamazuki was even more so.

"...what did you say?"

"You can have me."

"...what did you mean by those words?"

"I mean, literally. You can have my body."

Irisviel tried to bet since she could see from his eyes that he was interested in her. She knew that her act was an act of betrayal to her husband, but she did this for Kiritsugu. In front of Caster, who had cut off all of their escapes, the only way to escape was to give her body to him.

As expected, her bet was correct, especially when she saw a shocked, subtle, and difficult expression on his face.

This Caster is a pervert!

This was a thought on Irisviel's mind.

However, if her body was enough to give her and Saber safety, then everything was worth it.

Irisviel knew that she couldn't die right now, so she had to fight.

Her body might be soiled by Tamazuki, but even so, her heart was only for her husband.

"No, Irisviel! You can't do that!" Saber was in shock, then looked at Tamazuki furiously. "You bastard! Let her go! Don't violate her any longer!"

"No, Saber. If this can save us, then it is okay," Irisviel said calmly as she smiled at Saber. Her smile was so gentle, yet because of this smile, it hurt Saber so much.

Saber's expression was also difficult, and it wasn't hard for her to see that this was the best way to escape from their predicament, but as a knight, how could she let the wife of her Master sacrifice herself and let her body be tainted by this beast, so the two of them could escape from this predicament?

Saber then stared at Tamazuki with hatred, who also happened to stare in her direction.

Grinding her teeth, she took a deep breath, calming herself, and made a difficult decision.

"...let Irisviel go, and you can have my body."


Irisviel was in shock!

"It's okay, Irisviel." Saber forced herself to smile. "You are a married woman. You have a husband and a daughter. Meanwhile, I am just a remnant of the past. While I have come to this world as a Servant, I am still a knight. I have my pride and loyalty, so how can I watch my Master sacrifice herself for me!"

If Saber could watch Irisviel sacrifice herself to be soiled by Tamazuki, then how could she call herself a king of knights?!

If she could allow such an atrocity, then she might as well commit suicide!

Though, she couldn't help but stare at Tamazuki, and strangely, the idea of being bedded by him wasn't that unpleasant. Still, she hated him, especially when he was so cowardly.

"So, let my Master go, Caster. While my body might be unsightly, you can have whatever you want with it, Caster."

"No, Saber! You can't do that! You are still a virgin! How can you give your untainted body to this beast?! I am married! I am okay!"

"No, Irisviel! You can't!"

The two argued with each other, thinking that they should be the ones who sacrificed themselves.


However, the beast that they talked about, Tamazuki, was lost in words, and he was unable to say a single word because of their hurtful misunderstanding.

Was he such a pervert?

Was he like someone who would force himself toward an opponent's gender?

Don't be kidding me!

It was the woman who jumped themselves and opened their legs like an automatic door for him!


Tamazuki was furious. "I am not a pervert!"

"....." 2x

His anger quickly stopped Saber and Irisviel, but they still looked at him in doubt.

Tamazuki would be lying if he wasn't hurt. Even worse, Scheherazade didn't seem to intend to help him, telling him that he wasn't a pervert.

"I am a gentleman. I won't force anyone to go on a bed with me, but if they offer themselves, then I won't refuse."

"......" 3x

Neither Saber, Irisviel, nor Scheherazade knew what to say at this moment.

"Also, don't think of me as a pervert. This is a natural reaction when a man meets a charming woman."

"..." 3x

"Also, do you think that I will let you go even if either of you give yourselves to me? At least, you two need to give yourself to me before I let you go."

"..." 3x

The three of them realized that this guy's skin was so thick that it was comparable to the Einsbern Castle.

Either way, Scheherazade wanted to say something, but she was afraid that she might make herself known, so she shut her mouth.

However, Irisviel and Saber realized that Tamazuki was worse than a beast!

"I was kidding. You don't need to worry that I won't become a beast that moves with lust."

However, no one believed his words.

"Saber, and Saber's Master, you shouldn't doubt me. Even if I am a Caster, I still have my pride. If I want to get a woman, I will pursue them in a gentlemanly way, and there is no way for me to force them, okay?"

While Irisviel and Saber were in doubt, they felt relieved since they knew that he wouldn't force himself on them, but it didn't change their current situation as they were trapped by Tamazuki, and if they wanted to escape, then...

"Don't worry. Let's have a duel. You and me. If you can win, then I will let you and your fake Master go."

Tamazuki tried to reassure them that he wouldn't violate them.


Saber didn't have a choice, nor did she deny that Irisviel was her fake Master, but nevertheless, she knew Tamazuki was a fearsome opponent.

Still, Saber wondered how long Tamazuki was going to hug Irisviel, especially when he told them that he wasn't a pervert.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 265 Tamazuki vs Saber | Patreon

"How long are you going to put your hand on Irisviel's stomach?!"

Saber asked in a furious manner, like a lion whose territory was breached by another.

"Be patient, okay? I want to take something from her."

Tamazuki sighed and knew that he couldn't take advantage of Irisviel any longer, but it didn't matter since he could take it later, so before that, he needed to work.

"...take something from her?"

While Saber was confused, Irisviel's body was tense, and her expression was filled with anxiety.

Irisviel knew what Tamazuki was planning to do, but she was helpless since she couldn't resist him.

Then, as expected—


The one that was most shocked wasn't Irisviel but Saber.

Yet, how could she not be?

The thing that was taken out of Irisviel's body was Avalon!

Avalon allows the scabbard of Excalibur, the embodiment of the utopia King Arthur seeks.

It should have gone missing after the battle of Camlann, but how could it appear inside Irisviel's body?

Also, if her Master had an Avalon, why didn't they say anything about this?

After all, if Saber held Avalon, then without a doubt, her strength would increase dramatically. She could even unseal the seal on Excalibur, bringing the power of this legendary sword to another level.

Yet... yet... Avalon was hidden from her.

It was also never told that her Master kept it.

Saber's expression was extremely gloomy, and she didn't need to think about who was the one who hid it.

It was impossible for Irisviel to do so, and the only one who could do this was...


"It's okay, Irisviel." Saber showed a bitter smile. "It seems that Master can't trust me."

Irisviel was unable to say a single word of consolation since she knew that Saber was correct.

Kiritsugu, Saber's Master, was unable to trust Saber.

If he could trust her, then why should he even hide the existence of Avalon?

Watching Saber, who showed such an expression, brought sadness to Irisviel's heart. On this Holy Grail, she realized that her husband still had many faces, and this face... it was impossible for her to beautify it.


It was probably the best way to describe Kiritsugu currently.

While Irisviel could hide it well, she was also quite uncomfortable with her husband, especially when she found out that her husband had become a criminal who had killed many innocent people in this city.

During their previous outing, Irisviel and Saber happened to see on the television and saw the news about Kiritsugu.

With Saber's character, it was impossible for her to accept such a dishonorable act, so she quickly questioned Kiritsugu.

Irisviel also wanted to know, so she called Kiritsugu with her phone, but fortunately, she heard from him that everything was caused by the enemy, so he had to kill the police.

Even though the act of killing Kiritsugu was still uncomfortable in their eyes, especially when the police were nothing but innocent people who were involved in the Holy Grail, they knew that it couldn't be helped.

Yet, at the same time, they couldn't deny that Kiritsugu wasn't a criminal, especially when he brought so many weapons.

When one brought a perfect weapon that would only be brought by a professional soldier in the war or a terrorist in this peaceful country where firearms were banned, how could he not be called a criminal?

Yet, they knew that their complaint was meaningless since Kiritsugu's method was impossible to change.

However, Tamazuki didn't care about the conflict in their minds since he was curious about Avalon, the Everdistant Utopia. As expected, it was a beautiful scabbard with gold and blue color. Frankly, he knew that it was impossible for a human to craft it, but somehow he believed he could craft it, especially when he had many rare metals from the world of Tensura.

However, he knew that it was troublesome, and he might as well get this one for himself, so he quickly kept it inside his [Stomach].

When the black gas suddenly emerged from his hand, Saber was quickly alerted, but she quickly sighed in relief since it didn't seem that this gas was used to hurt Irisviel. Yet, when she saw Avalon disappear, her expression changed, but she couldn't do anything.

Still, there was one question that she wanted to ask.

How could Caster know that there was an Avalon inside Irisviel?

Also, what was Caster's purpose?

Was it Avalon?

Or was it because he was interested in Irisviel?

Yet, such a thought was simply ridiculous since Saber didn't believe that a Servant appeared in this Holy Grail just because he wanted to sleep with women. Even if it couldn't be denied that Irisviel was beautiful, she was a married woman and also had a daughter.

Wasn't that a minus point for a gentleman?

Moreover, instead of a woman, the existence of the Holy Grail was something that should be more tempting than a mere woman.

Yet, Caster's actions had always made her doubtful.

What was this guy planning to do?

Still, if Tamazuki knew what Saber was thinking, he could only apologize since he came to this world to sleep with a woman. He knew that it was ridiculous, but his system was a perverted system, so it couldn't be helped!

"Okay, should we start our duel, Saber? I am sure that the longer you wait, the more disadvantage your situation is."

"Even so, I will win."

Even with severed sinews and her supply of Prana cut off, Saber believed that she would win!

Yet, was Caster such an upright character that would uphold this duel righteously like a knight in primitive civilization?

Whether Saber or Irisviel had such doubt in their minds, but they couldn't do anything against him.

"Okay, this place is dangerous, so hide first."

Suddenly, a shadow under his body moved and swallowed Irisviel whole.


Saber lost her calm when Irisviel suddenly disappeared. She then looked at Tamazuki angrily, but she didn't move since she was afraid that he might do something to Irisviel.

"You coward! Didn't you promise that we would have a duel?! Why did you get involved in Irisviel?!"

"Did I promise that I wouldn't involve her?"

"...." Saber.

Tamazuki thought that Saber was naively cute. "However, I won't do anything to her. I keep her in a safe place, so you don't need to worry, and we can have our duel without any distractions."

How could she believe him?

His words were as light as feathers.

His lie was as natural as his breathing.

It was impossible for Saber to believe him, yet she didn't have a choice since this was her only option.

At the same time, she thought about her duel, yet his action made her dumbfounded and in a gaffe state since she didn't expect he would take out a katana.

Tamazuki took out his katana and put it on his side before he looked at Saber, who was staring at him in the gaffe.

"What's wrong? It's already night. Let's finish this duel as soon as possible."

While Saber was confused, she also nodded and readied her sword, ready to face him.

As Tamazuki and Saber were facing each other, their duel was about to start.