akikan 40. Tanuki. 266-277

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 266 Saber is helpless | Patreon

Irisviel was startled when she suddenly sunk into the ground and was swallowed by darkness.

When she thought that her life ended, she didn't feel anything.


She opened her eyes timidly; then, she was welcomed by a comfortable room as if she was in the most luxurious hotel in the world.


She felt weird, but at the same time, she also confirmed that it seemed Tamazuki was interested in her.

If not, then why should he bring her to this hotel-like room?

Then, would he appear soon and violate her in this room?

However, there was no escape, and she knew to keep the life of Saber and herself while also protecting the dream of Kiritsugu; she didn't mind doing this.

Still, soon, she noticed a water-like screen floating in midair.

There she saw Tamazuki and Saber, who were facing each other.

"Saber! Saber!"

However, her voice couldn't be heard, and she knew that no one could hear her voice.

Even if she could hear their voices, they couldn't hear hers.

She sighed helplessly and knew that there was no escape.

So, at this moment, the only thing that she could do was only once, and that was to pray for Saber's victory.

"Saber... you have to win..."

However, similar to Saber, Irisviel couldn't hide her gaffe, especially when Tamazuki took out a katana.

"...isn't he a Caster?"



"Yes." Tamazuki nodded. "I am quite confident in my swordsmanship."


Saber was silent and couldn't hide her doubts since her opponent wasn't Caster.

Why should he take out a katana to fight her?

Should he have used magic?

Yet, at the same time, she also thought about his identity.

From his weapon, she could tell that he should be a hero from the East.


It was because of his weapon.

If someone wasn't from Japan, then it would be impossible for them to use a katana.

But who was he?

Still, even if she thought about all the possibilities, everything was meaningless since she couldn't think of a famous character who was good with a katana yet could become a Caster.

So, she gave up and focused on this duel.

If she lost, then she would lose everything.

If she wins, then she could have Irisviel back.

While the character of Caster in front of her might be doubtful, she didn't have a choice but to accept this duel.

Still, this also brought her quite a bit of confidence since her opponent was Caster, so due to his class, her parameter and skills should be lowered and weakened since his class wasn't fit.

Yet, at the same time, she wondered whether it was his way of telling her to fight fairly.

As of now, her situation was far from perfect, or rather she was in her worst condition.

She lacked a supply of Prana, and her sinews were severed. Moreover, she just ended the battle. Even if a Servant could stay up as long as they wanted to, it was only the case if they had a supply of Prana.

Her situation was the worst of the worst.

Saber wasn't confident that he would fight her with a sword because of fairness.

Moreover, for him, who could do such a cowardly act, she couldn't imagine he would fight her in a fair way, so there was only one conclusion—he was confident in his swordsmanship.

Then, as expected—

Her body shivered!

The moment he held his sword, she realized what kind of opponent she faced.

This wasn't a matter of the wrong class or any other, but she felt like she was facing the sword itself.

It was as if the word sword was born because of this Servant.

Suddenly, she realized something.

Was her opponent a God or something?

If so, then according to the history and myth of this country, then there could only be one figure.


It was the famous god of thunder and a sword god in this country.

Yet, it could also be other deities, such as a god of war or other famous figures, since there were so many deities in this land.

It was also because of this it was impossible to tell who Tamazuki was.

Either way, because the Holy Grail was held in Japan, she knew that he would gain a bonus parameter, which boosted his advantage greatly.

Her expression was solemn, and she also held her sword, facing Tamazuki like he was her greatest foe.

Nevertheless, even though her opponent might be a god and a powerful Servant, she needed to defeat him, or else there was no turning point, and everything would end.

Even her wish was impossible to be granted.

Even worse, there might be a chance Irisviel was violated by Tamazuki.

In this duel, she had to win no matter what!


Frankly, Tamazuki was surprised.

If it was other Servants, they might give up the moment they saw him holding a sword, but it wasn't the case with Saber, yet as Saber was one of the main characters in this story along with her status as the King, he knew that it was impossible for her to give up.

Saber's will was stronger than anyone's.

If she gave up so easily, then anyone would be disappointed.

However, it was also the reason why it would be even better since that way; he couldn't wait to see her feeble and resigned expression when she realized all of her struggles were meaningless.

Tamazuki held his sword by his side, holding the sheath with his left hand and the handle of the sword with his right hand, clearly showing an Iai-stance (sword drawing technique).

Meanwhile, Saber was holding her sword in front of her, tightly grasping the handle with her two hands. Nevertheless, due to her severed sinews, there was no power in her left hand, so even if she held her sword with two hands, it wasn't much different from holding it with one hand.

If she could use her Noble Phantasm, there was a chance, but could she use it?

No, she had to use it!

Otherwise, there wasn't any way for her and Irisviel to escape.

Their fate was already doomed.

Moreover, how could Tamazuki give her a chance to realize her Noble Phantasm?

Lastly, unlike Lancer, whose Noble Phantasm could be active passively, she needed time to release it.

When she was in a dilemma, as expected, Tamazuki was as dirty as ever, and he didn't hesitate to attack her.

He suddenly appeared in front of her like he used teleportation as he drew his sword.

Suddenly, the world lost all color, and everything was focused on his figure.

Inside her mind, a picture of her body was cut in half emerged.

There was no resistance, and she was defeated so easily.

Her instinct told her the location where she was going to be cut down, and she needed to escape as soon as possible.

Move! Move! Move!

In that millisecond, she forced herself to move, trying to escape from his slash, yet a vacuum trapped her body in a place, and she was unable to escape!


Everything ended in just a moment, and he appeared behind her.

Saber stood in place in shock as she rubbed her chest. "...you are strong." The moment the sound of his sword was sheathed, everything ended, and she fell onto the ground.

In that short moment, Saber, the strongest class in this Holy Grail, fell into the hand of Caster.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 267 Saber: "I have been sullied" | Patreon


Irisivel closed her mouth with her hands in shock since Saber had lost.

The strongest Servant that was prepared by the house of Einsbern lost just like that.

She was unable to believe it, and she knew that everything had ended.

Her legs had no power, and she plopped to the ground, hoping that everything was just a dream. Unfortunately, it was the reality. She knew that they had been defeated and no one could help them, including Kiritsugu.

Tears ran down from her beautiful eyes, and she knew that they had no escape anymore.

Everything was meaningless.


'No, there's still a way.'

There was no other way than that.

Even if she had to give her body to Tamazuki, it didn't matter since, no matter what, her heart was only for her husband.

However, whatever the method was, they had to win this Holy Grail since that way, this world would become a better place.

As she made up her mind, she looked at Tamazuki, who picked up Saber in his arms, thinking that... they might still have a chance to fight.

However, with his perverted nature, she knew that he might not feel satisfied with just her body, so...



Scheherazade approached Tamazuki when Saber was defeated. Only now did she dare to talk since she knew that everything had been solved. Nevertheless, it was impossible to hide her shock since the strongest Servant on this Holy Grail was defeated so easily.

Even though her Master used various tricks to weaken Saber's power, it couldn't be denied that if he wasn't powerful enough, then this battle wouldn't be able to end so easily.

Still, she wondered what he was going to do.

"Caster, stand behind me."


She was obedient and stood behind her while looking at him curiously.

Tamazuki looked at Saber, who had passed out and was wounded severely. Her figure became illusionary, and it was only a time before she disappeared into this world and was absorbed into the Holy Grail.

'No, it should be the Vessel.'

However, he wouldn't let her die since he knew Saber would give him a reward.

Moreover, as one of the main characters in this world, he didn't doubt that the reward given by Saber must be wonderful. He became curious, but before that, he needed to cut down the connection between Saber and Kiritsugu.

Without her resistance and when she was at her weakest moment, her connection with her Master was cut down easily.

Tamazuki didn't hesitate to connect Saber with him, turning her into her Servant, and without hesitation, he quickly healed her, giving her more energy.

Instantly, Saber felt a boundless energy inside her body, and she also regained consciousness as her body was healed by him.

Yet, when she opened her eyes, she was startled when she saw the figure that had defeated him.

"Ah, you...!"

Moreover, Tamazuki's hands were on her breasts!

She wanted to cut him down, but Tamazuki suddenly raised his left hand and said, "Saber, I order you not to be able to attack me and Caster."

A single line on his Command Spells shone bright red before it disappeared.


The sword that was about to cut his dirty hand was stopped a centimeter away as a force forbade her to attack this hateful man.


"Why are you getting angry at me? I am helping you. If I don't save you, then your life might end, and you lose your qualification in this Holy Grail!"

Even though his hand was still on her breasts, he scolded her harshly, yet how could he not be?

A breast is nothing compared to life, right?

She should be thanking him since he didn't kill her since she only needed to pay him with her breasts.

"..." Saber.


Instantly, he could feel an energy surge inside his body like a violent tsunami. This feeling was amazing, but then he quickly adjusted this energy, calming it and controlling it like it was something that he was born with. It was so natural that someone might look at him in a dumbfounded manner, yet with his enhanced learning, this feat was easy for him.

Magical Core.

Or it could be called the Factor of the Dragon.

Arturia Pendragon is the holder of the Element of the Red Dragon, who carries the blood and very magical power of a phantasm in a human body, granting her a heart and unique Magic Circuits that transcend what can be achieved by normal humans and magi.

It wouldn't be weird to say that she was a humanoid dragon.

Inside her body, there was a boundless energy that was comparable to the core of Earth.

If he made a comparison, the body of a normal Magus was like a battery that produced Magical Energy. Meanwhile, this Magical Core, which was owned by Arturia Pendragon, was like a nuclear reactor that produced Magical Energy.

Similar to Arturia, his body was like that now.

Even if he didn't use "Hole," he could produce Magical Energy like he owned a nuclear reactor inside his body.

While there wasn't as much of his "Hole" that could use the energy of various stars in the universe, Magical Core was something that he owned by himself, not something external, so in case his ability was sealed, he didn't need to worry about the amount of Magical Energy inside his body.

Though, even without this Magical Core or Hole, the amount of Magical Energy inside his body was still enormous as he had evolved into a Heavenly Dog; having more Magical Energy wouldn't hurt, right?

Yet, he had to say whether he and Eva could tell this Magical Core still had room for development, but he could think about this matter later since he needed to solve the problem before him.

Meanwhile, Saber, who was scolded, fell in silence as she saw the wound on her body was healed. Moreover, she could feel a boundless energy inside her body. Unlike before, when her body was limited, this time, she felt like she could do anything, and all of her parameters had increased dramatically to the point she was in a disbelief state, thinking she was dreaming.

However, she knew that it was a reality.

Moreover, she had been defeated before, and at that moment, she was about to return to the Throne of Heroes.

By then, she would have died, and her qualification as a participant in the Holy Grail had been lost.

However, Tamazuki had saved her, and he had saved her.

But, in exchange, Saber had become his Servant.

Also, didn't he say Caster before?

Then, she noticed a figure of a plump, sexy woman who stood behind him obediently. Even though she wore a veil to cover her face, she could tell that this woman was beautiful.

Yet, at the same time, she was in shock since that meant she didn't face a Servant, but a Master?


Her head was suddenly full of many things.

There were many things that she needed to ask, yet her mood was also conflicted since inside, she was glad that she didn't die, which meant she still had a chance to get the Holy Grail to achieve the dream that she sought after, yet at the same time, her Master was no longer Kiritsugu or Irisviel, but this man in front of her.

She wanted to open her mouth, but no voice came out since... she just didn't know what to say currently.

However, Tamazuki didn't let her talk. "Come on. Let's go back first. I want to rest. Let's talk in the morning."

Then, like before, his shadow rippled like the surface of the lake, and Scheherazade plunged into it without hesitation.

Tamazuki stared at Saber and waited for her.

Saber stared at Tamazuki for a moment before she followed him since, at this moment, even if she was unwilling, she didn't have a choice, and she knew in this battle, she was defeated thoroughly, but at the same time, she was also curious about the identity of this young man.

Though she looked at her breasts, blushing as she felt a strange and pleasant sensation that she had never felt before, she also plunged into the world of shadow to follow him.

Nevertheless, as the two entered the world of shadow, no one realized the trouble that was encountered by Kiritsugu, the previous Master of Saber and the husband of Irisviel, and Tohsaka Tokiomi, the Master of Archer and husband of Aoi Tokiomi.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 268 Magus are all confident creatures | Patreon

Just before Tamazuki's attack on Saber and Irisviel, when Archer was forcefully called by his Master to the Tohsaka household, his heart was filled with rage as he faced this incompetent mongrel.

"You are quite presumptuous, Tokiomi..."

His tone was low and cold, clearly showing his anger toward Tokiomi's disrespect.

Facing this, Tokiomi bowed his head deeply and apologized. "I am sorry, King Gilgamesh, but if we show all of our cards, then we might be at a disadvantage."

"Do you think that this King will lose? Me? Do you know who you are talking with, Tokiomi?"

The pressure felt by Tokiomi was even more intense, but he could still answer Gilgamesh's question.

"We are still unable to find the Master of Caster and Caster, and they might attack us during that time. I know that my actions might seem unpleasant and rude in your eyes, but once again, I apologize since I wish for our victory, King Gilgamesh."

Facing this Master, Gilgamesh was in silence and didn't continue to talk since he knew no matter how many times he talked, it would be useless. While he could see that Tokiomi was gentle and tried to apologize, who knew what was inside a human's heart?

Gilgamesh became a King the moment he was born, and it was impossible for everything to be smooth. He had faced many people, including Tokiomi's type of person. Suddenly, he became bored and wondered whether something fun existed in this world.

'Oh, there it is!'

He suddenly thought about Tokiomi's only disciple and the hidden darkness inside that person. Instead, with Tokiomi, he knew that having him as a Master would be more fun.

"There is no next time."

Leaving those words, Gilgamesh disappeared.


Tokiomi still bowed his head before he straightened his back once again when Gilgamesh left. He wiped the sweat on his forehead before he frowned. Even though he appeared polite and respectful toward Gilgamesh, he had never thought that Gilgamesh was something to be served or idolized.

While such a figure should be revered, in Tokimomi's eyes, Gilgamesh was nothing but just a piece for him to win this game known as the Holy Grail.

As long as Gilgamesh could follow his instruction without trouble, bowing his head was nothing for Tokiomi.

However, Tokiomi couldn't help but frown and felt a little unpleasant when he needed to waste one Command Spell for this stupid little unpredictable act.

Still, Tokiomi needed Gilgamesh's strength, but when everything was over, he was going to tell this oldest king that his era had ended.

Nevertheless, tonight, Tokiomi wasn't the only one that faced trouble.


Looking down from the 32nd floor, the top floor of the Fuyuki Hyatt Hotel, Kayneth was growing and was unable to ease his depression.

In this city, no building was taller than this. Still, the title of the tallest building would soon disappear as the Shinto shopping center would be built soon, and this building would be even more outrageous since it had 38 floors.

But for Kayneth, the building was merely "wasteful." For him, who was born into the aristocracy, this building was merely a pigsty decorated with a luxurious appearance, yet for someone with his status, this building more or less fit his standard, especially when he was known as a prodigy and the heir of the well-known Archibald. Moreover, among the busy Clock Tower, he was still able to get the title of the famous Lord El-Melloi.

This war was nothing but a plaything during his break between his busy life as a Magus.

It was nothing but a game.

Nevertheless, even with such haughty confidence, there was no doubt about his qualification or power as a Magus.

This hotel, while it might appear like rubbish in the eyes of the Magus, had become his stronghold. It had undergone a complete renovation, but not on the material type of renovation, but a fortification through Magecraft.

In this building totaling thirty-two floors, Kayneth's bounded field covered twenty-four floors. This place could be called a castle of Magecraft. In addition, there were three magical furnaces for Kayneth's exclusive use, and in place of hounds, there had been summoned ten-odd evil spirits and apparitions. There wasn't even a flaw in the drainage pipes: Kayneth had completely covered underneath the hall with his bounded field.

In his mind, instead of attacking enemy territory, it's much better to perfect one's own territories. As for the challenger who dared to set foot here, Kayneth would make him realize the real terror of El-Melloi.

Maybe, someone might ask why he was so brave to build his stronghold in such a tall hotel.

What if this hotel was bombed?

Naturally, as a Magus, Kayneth knew about a modern weapon, and he wasn't stupid, but he thought that it was impossible for someone to bomb this place, especially when this building cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

Moreover, if this building was destroyed because of a bomb, the insurance company would naturally come to trace the reason why this building was destroyed.

Such an act would attract the attention of the world was nothing but idiotic, especially when the Magecraft would become weaker with more people knowing this mystery.

So, in his mind, the only way for someone to attack him was either to break from a frontal battle to break this hotel from the entrance, climb or wait until he went out.

This was also why he could be at ease and reprimanded Lancer, his disappointing Servant who couldn't even eliminate a single Servant during the previous battle in the port.

Previously, Berserker had given them a chance to eliminate Saber, who was the strongest class in this Holy Grail, yet Lancer was so disappointed and wasted this chance.

Yet, as Kayneth tried to reprimand Lancer, his fiancee, Sola-UI Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri stopped him and even reprimanded Kayneth.

In front of his fiancee, Kayneth wasn't like those prodigies that were respected by others, but a weak man who let his woman walk over him. Yet, for him, who had everything in life, the only thing that he lacked was only a woman. Sola fitted the description of the perfect partner that he sought, so even if Sola was rude toward him, he tolerated her as he would be lying if he didn't feel anything toward this woman.

In simple terms, Kayneth had fallen for Sola.

However, Sola never loved Kayneth, and she disdained this marriage. Moreover, when Kayenth kept tolerating her, she also thought of him as a weak man. Yet, facing Diarmuid, who was known as someone who seduced the wife of his King, Sola became a weak woman who obediently followed her man.

However, Kayneth didn't realize that and only gritted his teeth in annoyance, yet he loved Sola, so he kept tolerating her, especially when he knew that he had come to this city with the intention of showing his fiancee how handsome he was in this battle.

Still, even with a single failure, it didn't matter since Kayneth knew that he would be the victor in the end.

Yet, suddenly...

"Wh-What's happening?"

The fire alarm suddenly went off without warning, interrupting his train of thought.

While Sola panicked, Kayneth calmly lifted up the river to listen to the receptionist. When he finished, his gaze once again regained the sharpness unique to Magi.

"It seems like there's a fire somewhere downstairs; the management is telling us to evacuate."

However, Kayneth didn't think this was a coincidence. Instead, it was all a deliberate act by the opposing Masters. Facing this provocation, he didn't feel fear, or rather, he felt it was a chance to regain his dignity and demeanor in front of his fiancee.

His Servant, Lancer, was also ready to regain the honor of his Master's and acted according to his Master's order.

"Now, why don't we let them take a good look at Kayneth El-Melloi's magic atelier?"

Kayneth was full of confidence as he could imagine his opponent would die in this place, yet what he didn't know was that his opponent was an idiotic person that he never imagined to appear in this world.

"Maiya, is everything ready?"

"Yes, all the customers are outside."

"Then, go with the plan."

Emiya Kiritsugu closed the commutation and focused on the window where Kayneth's room was located, aiming for his sniper, ready to shoot anytime.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 269 Kiritsugu: "Everything is for the peace" | Patreon

The not yet named metallic lookout. Nearing its completion, it's temporarily called the Fuyuki shopping center's thirsty eighth floor.

The construction is already more than half done, only the exterior left incomplete. This high-rise building will soon become a shopping center and the symbol of Fuyuki city, but right now, it is only an empty skeleton of reinforced concrete, buffered by the strong gales of the night.

Whether it is the streetlights on the ground or the stars in the sky, everything seems distant and beak. In this void, Kiritsugu knelt, unmoving, supporting the AUG assault riffle that had night vision equipped. The muzzle was propped up on her upright left knee.

If Magus Kayneth noticed Kiritsugu's plan and escaped from the window, Kiritsugu, who was waiting there, would ambush him.

Still, his plan was simple, and that was to bomb the Hyatt Fuyuki Hotel where Kayneth was living.

This plan might seem ridiculous to others, especially when they knew the aftermath of this action was hard to erase.

However, for Kiritsugu, this was nothing.

In the past, he had shot surface-to-air missiles, bringing down a Boeing 737, a large passenger airplane, including killing all the passengers inside.

While this act would bring him to hell, Kiritsugu didn't hesitate as he did this for justice since inside the airplane, there was a virus that turned all the passengers inside into a Dead Apostle, a zombie-like vampire.

If Kiritsugu let this airplane land, then there was a high chance that this virus would spread even further, bringing calamity to the world, so without hesitation, he destroyed this airplane, killing his mother-like figure.

Currently, his decision is the same.

To end all the sadness in this world, Kiritsugu decided to become a demon and bombed this building where all the innocent people who didn't know anything would be involved. He didn't think that his action was wrong as this was for a greater purpose. The minority might be sacrificed, but for the majority, this was nothing.

When Kiritsugu ended this Holy Grail and killed all the Masters, he would get the Holy Grail and ask for the peace of the world where no one needed to fear war and all the malicious acts that happened in this world.

This world... he was going to save it!

Yet, even if Kiritsugu acted like a hero, his eyes were dead, like he was in despair and broken.

However, if someone knew what he thought, they wouldn't think of him as a hero but think of him as a lunatic since who was thinking of bombing a hotel, even involving innocent people?

Still, even if many people thought that he was wrong, Kiritsugu didn't care. He had walked on this path for so long, and it was already too late for him to stop. He might as well fall deeper since, this way; he could come closer to his dream.

Nevertheless, Kiritsugu wouldn't do a meaningless act as he ordered his assistant, Maiya, to make all the customers in the hotel leave.

Currently, inside that hotel, only Kayneth, Sola, and Lancer were present.

Moreover, with his skill, Kiritsugu believed that he could blast this building swiftly and smoothly without a single mistake. The C4 bomb that he had set up inside the hotel would cause the building to collapse as if being sucked into the ground; that way, all the outside walls would collapse inward, and there wouldn't be any shards of debris flying outward and only dust created by the collapse spread toward the surrounding streets.

Precision blasting.

It is a highly advanced blasting technique used primarily to demolish tall buildings. Due to the load-bearing walls and key support structures, the building collapses downward and inward on its own weight. Using the least amount of explosives to obtain the result of total destruction.

For Emiya Kiritsugu, who was familiar with all the blasting techniques from past to present, there's a very special appreciation for this type of art of destruction.

Kiritsugu was confident in his art, and he didn't think that he would fail, especially when he had obtained the building's blueprints beforehand and determined the points at which to place explosives. As long as the preparations were all complete, the execution required less than an hour.

Still, usually, Kiritsugu would be the one who checked the explosion on the creme scene like an arsonist who was present when the house burnt in blazing flame.

However, his current situation didn't allow him to do so since he had become a criminal in this country.

Kiritsugu wasn't sure who that person was, but for one thing, he hated this person to death, especially someone who was so cowardly and acted like a conspirator who hid in the dark.

This position was so uncomfortable for him, especially when he was the one who usually set up the trap for his targets.

For a Magus, who was known for being proud of their Magecraft, they weren't much different from a rabbit who could be killed easily by him, so this was the first time he encountered this kind of trouble as he had never met a cunning opponent.

Kiritsugu might be a Magus, but he wasn't a qualified one. Moreover, all the people in this city knew his identity. Even if he could hypnosis one person, it was impossible for him to hypnosis the entire customers in the hotel, so in the end, he could only leave the job to check the explosion to Maiya, who wasn't known by anyone.

Kiritsugu also trusted Maiya as she was already part of his life.

Maiya also trusted Kiritsugu, and she didn't think that Kiritsugu would fail.


The fear and drowsiness of the customers, who had been awakened by the fire alarm in the midst of their dreams and herded outside to the parking lot, combined with the cold outside, caused them to wear difficult expressions. Amidst these people, the employees of the hotel scurried about busily.

"...Mr. Archibald! Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald! Are you here?"

Of all the names recorded on the customer's list, there is only one person whose presence has not been confirmed; the bellhop called in a frantic voice. Everyone regarded this largesse customer who had reserved the entire top floor of the hotel very tightly. On some level, this person least wants to be in danger.

"Mr. Archibald! Are you here?"

"...I am here. Do not worry."

A resonant voice came from behind the bellhop, but as the bellhop turned around, he became confused. The person speaking to him was a woman.

This kind of joke is too much! The angry bellhop was about to yell at her—but he was captivated by the woman's eyes.

That woman's eyes held an indescribable, mysterious force of attraction; the bellhop was unable to avoid her eyes and was not able to even speak.

"I am Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald. My wife Sola is with me."

This unknown woman stated in a clear voice, and the bellhop accepted this without any suspicion, as if hypnotized.

"...is that so? Ah, yes. That's it."

With this, everything was ready.

Maiya Hisau had finished her job, and it was time to end everything.

"Is everything set on your end?

"No irregularities. Ready."

Maiya held her phone as she dialed an empty number, but there was no response whatsoever from her cell phone. The modified communication wasn't connected to an analog signal but to the trigger of a C4 bomb.

Then, Maiya stood there, waiting for the explosion calmly, but as the bomb exploded, the precise and beautiful explosion didn't appear. Instead, a scene of hell where a flame expanded and swallowed everywhere appeared before her.


Naturally, Maiya quickly ran away, but the others weren't so lucky.

Yet, even Maiya was unable to run away; her speed was far too slow to escape from this explosion, and like others, she was also swallowed.


The collapsed building spread outward, bringing ruin to the surroundings.




None of the customers and employees could escape from this disaster.


From his safe position, where Kiritsugu could observe everything, his still-lit cigarette dropped as he saw not so perfect blasting technique.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 270 Kiritsugu is a hero of justice | Patreon

"No... No... Impossible! There's no way that I will make such a mistake!"

Kiritsugu was in denial and had long lost his calm as he watched the disaster caused by his hands. It was impossible for him to make such a mistake, and the explosion should cause the building to be perfectly demolished inward without causing a single damage to the surroundings.

Only the building!

This should have been the case, but the reality was different.

It was a scene that wasn't much different from one that he saw in the wartorn area or... it might be even worse since those innocent people who had just woken up in the middle of the night were suddenly swallowed by a fire, died painfully.

While people might think that dying by fire was as simple as their bodies turning ash into intense heat, that wasn't the case. Dying by fire was far from simple since before they died, the oxygen in their lungs would be deprived, and their bodies would be roasted. With a fire, it was impossible for someone to die instantly without any pain. Instead, they would be tortured as they screamed in horror and pain as their bodies were burnt.

And the cause of this painful death was Kiritsugu.

Kiritsugu was unable to believe the reality and hoped that this was a nightmare, but no matter how he tried to evade it, he knew that this was the reality.

Whether they were men, women, or even children, all of them died due to the fire.

Everything was because of him.


His heart was filled with coldness, as if he had been thrown into a lake in the middle of winter while naked. However, he quickly woke up and called the number of Maiya Hisau, who should be on the scene to watch over the plan from the location.

'Please be okay! Please be okay! Please be okay!

Kiritsugu prayed, but no one answered him, and the ringing of the call seemed like cutting every piece of his flesh.

Then, in the end, the call couldn't be connected.

In the worst-case scenario, Maiya Hisau died.

Everything was because of him.

Due to his mistake, Kiritsugu caused this disaster.

"No! No! No! It's impossible! Everything should be perfect! No one should be dying!"


Why did it happen to me?

Why did he make a mistake?

His heart was constantly tortured with guilt as he had caused damage that shouldn't have been done, yet soon, he killed his heart and fell deeper into the abyss. Unlike his previous hysteria-like state, he was as calm as a precise machine, as if the previous blunder didn't happen at all.

While Kiritsugu wished to cry at this moment, he knew that he didn't have time to be weak, or rather, how could he be weak when he had caused this great mistake?

Kiritsugu might be sad, but even so, it didn't mean that he was going to be drowned by it. Instead, he needed to move on, so their sacrifice wouldn't be meaningless.

Erasing the sadness in his heart, Kirutsugu aimed his sniper once again, waiting for the Master of Lancer and Lancer to appear, yet watching the destruction before him, he knew that they should have died. His plan was successful, and he swiftly eliminated one of the Masters on this Holy Grail. Even though he had caused a lot of damage to the surrounding area and killed many people, everything was for the peace of the world.

This was a necessary sacrifice so the world could become a better place.


On the side of the building where Kiritsugu couldn't see, a black figure snickered and giggled when he saw Kiritsugu's expression.

Watching those people who were confident in their plan, yet in the end, were crushed, made him happy.

Still, while everything might have been planned by Tamazuki, everything wouldn't go smoothly if Kiritsugu wasn't lunatic enough to blast an entire hotel building.

Did Kiritsugu not think of the aftermath of this destruction?

Even if he was an Assassin, he was also quite knowledgeable about the current magic world, so he knew how ridiculous Kiritsugu's plan was.

Nevertheless, when he saw Kiritsugu's calmness, he couldn't help but frown since, even as an Assassin, he didn't have a hobby of killing people wantonly. He wasn't a terrorist, and he was just an assassin, someone whose job was to kill people, so he either killed someone for money or for his master.

He didn't kill anyone for fun like Uryu Ryuunosuke.

Assassin also wasn't like Kiritsugu, who could betray his ally and also kill all the innocent people who were present.

Still, at the same time, Assassin was glad that he didn't have Kiritsugu as his Master since he knew if he had Kiritsugu as his Master, then he wouldn't know when he was glad. Suddenly, he thought his meeting with Tamazuki was a good thing, and he couldn't wait to work under him.

'Assassin, have you found Emiya Kiritsugu?'

Hearing the voice of his current Master, Assassin, showed a coldness before he acted like nothing happened, showing his utmost loyalty.

"Yes, Master, he is here."

That answer brought excitement to his current sick Master.


With everything ended, Kiritsugu stood up and cleaned up everything. He didn't need to waste his time waiting for Lancer and the Master since he knew that they died, so he thought to go out to save Maiya and the other people. Maiya was a Magus, after all, so there might be a chance she was still alive from this explosion. The others were also the same since even if it was only a small chance, he wanted to see them with his own eyes, but at the same time, he also hesitated since, due to the commotion, the other Masters might be attracted to this place.

This might bring him unnecessary attention or, even worse, danger.

Moreover, with his situation as a fugitive, Kiritsugu's movement was also limited.


Kiritsugu looked at the Command Spells on his hand before he gritted his teeth and decided to look at the aftermath since he definitely wouldn't leave until he saw Maiya's dead body.

Kiritsugu had made up his mind, but suddenly he heard a noise from behind.

"Emiya Kiritsugu."

Kiritsugu didn't waste his time talking and aimed his assault rifle at this intruder who called his name. He had already made a single mistake, so he couldn't make any more mistakes.

However, before he was able to pull the trigger, his hand was stabbed with a knife.

Then, soon after, several figures jumped out of the dark, and they were ready to kill him!


Kiritsugu was full of despair as he watched several Assassins jump out from the dark, ready to kill him.

'No, I don't have enough time!'

Whether it was his other plan or summoning Saber through the Command Spell, Kiritsugu knew that it was too late. Suddenly, he felt despair.

Was everything going to end like this?

Maiya... Irisviel... Illya...

One by one, the faces of those he held dear flashed before his mind.

'No, I can't die!'

Yet, everything was meaningless.

Even if Kiritsugu had a Magic known as "Time Accel," which was capable of enhancing his personal speed, it was meaningless in front of Servant.

Even if the Servant was the weakest Servant, Assassin.

"Assassin, stop!"

When Kiritsugu was filled with despair as he thought that he was going to die, Kirei Kotomine's voice echoed throughout the space.

All the Assassins stopped their movement at the same time.

Kiritsugu saw the blinding silver light of the blade was just about to cut his neck, stabbing his heart and various other parts of his body. While his body was drenched with a cold sweat, he looked up at the figure in the dark.

Soon, the figure of Kirei Kotomine, who was dressed in a priest suit, approached Kiritsugu with a smile.

When Kiritsugu saw this smile, he felt a strange sense of uneasiness inside his heart.

"Emiya Kiritsugu. How about we have a chat for a moment?"

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 271 Childish wish | Patreon


While Kiritsugu felt uneasy, he knew that he didn't have a choice in this situation. His situation was so bad that it wouldn't be weird for him to die. He also didn't want to talk with Kirei Kotomine since this was just wasting his time. He had a goal that he needed to achieve, so he couldn't stumble in this place!

He had to win this Holy Grail!

'That way....'

The pictures of those he held dearly flashed once again on his mind as he made up his mind.

This time, Kirei had an advantage, but as they talked, Kiritsugu knew that there should be a single, or a small opening given, so he needed to be patient and wait until that time came.

His eyes which were dim like death shone with hope and ruthlessness since as soon as Kiritsugu gave him a chance, he wouldn't show mercy.

Kirei didn't care about the thought in Kiritsugu's mind as he was only interested in Kiritsugu because he thought Kiritsugu could explain his confusion.

Why did he think so?

It was because Kirei thought that Kiritsugu was the same person as him.

Moreover, his excitement increased as he could see a fighting spirit inside Kiritsugu's eyes.

They were the same type of people, yet why were they so much different?

What made Kiritsugu push himself so much that he could kill his father, his foster mother, and many others and do all the atrocities in his life without blinking and calmness on his face?

Why wasn't Kiritsugu as empty as him?

What pushed Kiritsugu so much?

Kirei wanted to know all of that!

Kirei was curious!

"Kiritsugu, let's talk for a while."

Kiritsugu didn't say anything and just stared at Kirei coldly.

Still, Kirei maintained his smile and didn't care about Kiritsugu's animosity as he stared at the blazing street, destroyed building, and cries of terror of the people. He wasn't sure why, but somehow he felt excited and happy as he watched this tragedy, but he quickly suppressed it as he prayed to the Lord since he hated this side of him, and he felt that this side of him was like a devil that he shouldn't touch.

Yet, due to this suppression, Kirei was unable to enjoy, love, and feel anything.

Everything was empty, like a walking corpse.

However, Kirei knew that he didn't need to worry about that problem anymore since Kiritsugu should have the answer that he sought.

"Kiritsugu, why did you seek this Holy Grail?"

Yet, Kiritsugu remained silent on this question.

"Is it because of your job? Or do you have something that you want to achieve?"

By asking this, Kirei wanted slowly to learn what made Kiritsugu push himself so much.

Still, it was the same until Kiritsugu was slapped by Assassin.

"Answer the question of Master, you bastard!"


Kiritsugu was startled as his cheek felt like it was burnt. Soon, he could feel intense pain before feeling humiliated. He glanced coldly at Assassin and thought that he was going to kill it sooner or later, so he quickly calmed himself.

"Calm down, Assassin. You don't need to be rough with him."

Even so, Kirei seemed happy with Assassin's help.

"Master, should I kill him?"

"No, you don't need to since I have many questions that I want to ask him, but... if he doesn't want to talk, then you can kill him immediately."

Strangely enough, Kirei wanted to see the despair on Kiritsugu's face. He imagined how exciting it would be when he gave Kiritsugu a chance to stay alive, yet in the end, he betrayed him by killing him suddenly.

'No! No!'

As a priest, how could he be so degranated?

How could he feel happy by the suffering of others?

Kirei thought about the teaching that he had upheld for thirty years, and he knew that his thought was nothing but sin. Once he decided to embrace this sin, hell was his only destination.

There wouldn't be any salvation for him, and he would become a demon.


"Assassin cut off his Command Spells."

There was no hesitation when Kirei's words fell; Kiritsugu's left arm, where his Command Spells were located, was cut off by Assassin.


Grinding his teeth, Kiritsugu held the pain in his arm. Still, his expression was as calm as ever, even if his face was pale due to the blood loss. His situation was dangerous, and more than this, he would be in a weak state, or even worse, he might die. Yet, he didn't do anything and kept staring at Kirei.

"What's wrong? You can heal yourselves, right? Why don't you do it?"

Kiritsugu stared at Kirei for a while and thought that he was going to kill him, but then he understood his situation and stopped the blood that gushed out from his severed hand.

"So, can you talk now... or if you can talk, then I might as well kill you."


Kiritsugu took a deep breath and asked, "...what do you want to ask?" Even if he didn't want to answer, he needed to keep his life first.

"Why do you seek the Grail? For someone like you, you shouldn't be interested in Grail, right?

If Kiritsugu was like him, then Kirei knew that Kiritsugu shouldn't be interested in Holy Grail, and like him, Kiritsugu would do a half-assed job in this Holy Grail like how he helped Tokiomi without much thought.

Yet, Kirei couldn't see that in Kiritsugu's eyes... it was... it was as if... Kiritsugu truly wished for the Holy Grail.

"...world peace."


Kiritsugu's answer stupefied him so much that he was unable to say anything.

"I wish for world peace. The world where there is no sadness or war. The world where no one needs to cry."

Even though Kiritsugu's eyes were dead, his voice was filled with a blazing fire, showing his determination to achieve his wish.

Facing war after war, Kiritsugu had been helpless in this world. He had been killing person after a person, and his heart was numb. In his mind, he only thought about saving people.

As long as he stayed alive, he would use his body to save as many people as possible.

Hero of justice.

This was his aspiration and something that he always had to do.

Yet, even so, Kiritsugu knew that his struggle was meaningless since it was impossible for him to change this world.

However, everything changed when he heard the Holy Grail, a tool that was capable of granting every wish.

With this tool, then he could achieve his dream!

He could achieve his dream to achieve a perfect world without sadness, blood, or crying.

As long as he could achieve this dream, Kiritsugu could do everything.

However, when Kiritsugu's answer fell, everyone fell in silence.

Even Assassin expressed disbelief.

World peace?

This guy?

If Kiritsugu wished for world destruction, the group of Assassins would believe it immediately, but this guy wished for world peace!


As expected, there was something wrong with this guy's head.

However, the one that was most shocked was Kirei Kotomine.

Kirei was speechless before he fell into disappointment and rage.

What was this childish wish?!

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 272 Kiritsugu has never given up! | Patreon

What was this childish wish?!

Kirei realized that this meeting was meaningless and that the man in front of him was nothing but a waste of garbage. This meeting was nothing but disappointing before he fell into deeper despair since this way, he realized that there was no answer to his problem anymore.

The two of them were two different people.

While Kirei was someone empty that couldn't feel anything, Kiritsugu was also someone empty, but unlike Kire, who was unable to feel anything, Kiritsugu was someone that threw his feeling.

As for why Kiritsugu threw that feeling?

Everything was because of his childish dream to make a peaceful world.

Yet because of this, Kirei felt enraged since he felt envious of Kiritsugu, who could feel it, but this guy threw everything like it was nothing.

Suddenly, a dark emotion swelled up inside Kirei's heart.

Kirei wondered what would happen if he made this man fall into deeper despair.

Still, if Maiya couldn't even shake Kiritsugu's heart, then what about Kiritsugu's wife?

What about Kiritsugu's other families?

When Kirei thought that Kiritsugu cried as he was unable to save anyone, his gloomy expression became a bright smile, yet others felt creepy by this crazy priest.

However, this moment was enough for Kiritsugu to escape.

Instantly, this building blew up.


Several C4 bombs that had been planted on this unfinished building blew up at the same time, bringing another landmark of Fuyuki city into ruin.

The people outside, who were still busy managing the aftermath of the explosion at the Hyatt Hotel, were once again startled and fell into terror when another building was bombed!




No one thought that a lunatic would bomb two landmark buildings at the same time, and all the people in this city cursed this person, hoping this person would die since they had enough!

Fortunately, unlike the Hyatt building, this building was demolished inwardly, and the explosion didn't spread to the surroundings, so the people around were only hit by the ashes due to the explosion.

Nevertheless, even if they were physically alright, it was impossible for their mental health to be okay.

In this peaceful country where the police didn't even have proper firearms, they were hit by an explosion twice.

How could they stay calm?

However, Kirei and the Assassins were speechless since they didn't expect Kiritsugu would be so lunatic to blow up another building. Moreover, this explosion was different as this might also kill Kiritsugu himself.

"Master, let's escape."

With their speed, it was possible for Assassin to escape, and naturally, they needed to bring their Master too.

Kiritsugu didn't say anything and acquiesced to the decision of Assassin since he didn't wish to die either. Nevertheless, he became empty once again since he didn't have an answer to how to solve his heart problem.

As he was in deep thought, Assassin brought him to a safe place as they saw the crumbling building in the distance.

"This Kiritsugu is a lunatic."

"Even in our era, there is no such a person."

"I agree."

Several Assassins discussed with each other.

"..." Kirei.

Naturally, Assassin had told this matter to Tamazuki as they communicated with each other through telepathy, being known to Kirei.

All of them knew that Tamazuki wanted to erase Kiritsugu, but he didn't want to dirty his hands moreover, was there a point for a being like him to make a hand by himself in front of such a flea creature?

Still, similar to a flea, Kiritsugu's existence was quite annoying for him.

"Master, it seems that Kiritsugu has escaped safely."

These sudden words surprised all of them, but they didn't feel surprised since they knew Tamazuki knew everything.

However, Kirei didn't know this and showed a surprise expression.


Kirei was unable to hide his surprise.

"Should we kill him?"

They decided to kill Kiritsugu under the order of Kirei, so the one that took the blame was Kiritsugu.

Kirei fell into silence again, wondering whether he should kill Kiritsugu or not. After all, Kiritsugu possessed no threat to him anymore. Not only was Kiritsugu crippled, but he also lost his Command Spells as his left arm was cut off. By now, it was already a dead end for Kiritsugu.

Frankly, when Kirei thought the despair when Kiritsugu was about to face death was something that he was looking forward to, but then again, since Kiritsugu didn't pose a threat to him, how about making it better?

What if... What if he kidnapped Irisiviel, Kiritsugu's wife?

By then, Kirei wondered what Kiritsugu's expression was.

Kirei wanted to laugh, but then an uneasy wave started to hit him again as his ugly side emerged. He couldn't accept such a side, especially when he was a priest who served the Lord.

"It's okay. Just leave him."

Kirei was a member of the church, and according to the rule of the Holy Grail, Kiritsugu had lost, so there was no need for him to attack him again.

However, hearing that the group of Assassins were at a loss as they were looking at each other since no matter how weak a rabbit was, a lion would use all of its power. Still, Kirei had made the decision, so they could do nothing, and their "new Master" also approved this matter.

In the end, this matter ended, and with this incident, the curtain fell, telling everyone that stage one had ended.

Though Kirei would probably regret his decision since Kiritsugu was a lunatic that should be erased from this earth.


In the dark alley, Kiritsugu, who was able to escape, walked limpidly with a weak complexion, frowning, feeling many bones on his body were broken, and half of his face was almost ruined along with various degrees of severe injuries on his body.

Frankly, it was a miracle for him to be able to escape, and he could stand up until now since his action was nothing but suicide.

Nevertheless, Kiritsugu was at his limit, but his obsession pushed him forward. It was impossible for him to die, and it was even more impossible for him to admit the loss.

Kiritsugu had thrown everything, so he couldn't stop.

No, he couldn't forgive himself if he stopped!

Still, Kiritsugu knew that he had lost many things, whether it was his connection with Saber, Command Spells, left arm, or Maiya. He had lost many things. If possible, he wanted to contact Irisviel, but the previous explosion broke all of his machines, including his phone.

By now, it was impossible for him to contact his wife.

What about Saber?

However, even if Saber had returned to the Throne of Heroes, it wouldn't stop Kiritsugu.

As long as he still had his life, he would win.

Kiritsugu would use his everything to win, even if he had to blow up this city and all the people who were living.

His actions were akin to a demon.

He wasn't a human anymore.

Yet, Kiritsugu felt that this was necessary.

Facing this tragedy that fell on the past, present, and future people present, Kiritsugu knew that he had to move and bring peace to this world, but before that, he walked toward the direction of the church of Fuyuki city, ready to blow up another building.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 273 Delicious wine | Patreon

Without knowing a misfortune that might fall before him tomorrow, Kirei returned to his hiding place.

In the beginning, he had sacrificed one Assassin to be killed to deceive all the Masters that he had defeated; that way, he could use other Assassins to hide and spy on all the Masters and Servants without them being known.

"What's wrong, Kirei? Why is your face so glum?"

Kirei looked up and saw Gilgamesh sitting on the sofa of his hiding place, taking out all the rare and expensive wines that he had collected. As a priest, it was impossible for him to be extravagant, and all of the wine collections he owned were received from his teacher and friends. Nevertheless, he was reluctant to consume all of them, but Gilgamesh didn't seem to care about all of them and consumed them wastefully.

Some of the bottles were even rolled on the ground with half of the wine still remaining.

However, Kirei didn't care about this and thought about Gilgamesh's question.

Why was he so glum?

Wasn't it obvious?

"Emiya Kiritsugu." Kirei's expression was full of bore. "He is more disappointing than I have thought to be." He thought that he could solve his problem by meeting Kiritsugu, but the reality was otherwise. Kiritsugu wasn't the man that he thought to be. Instead, Kiritsugu was just like a child who was trapped in an adult body.

World peace?

How old was this man?


Gilgamesh laughed when he heard Kirei's answer.

"...is there something funny, Gilgamesh?"

Kirei's mood was far from good, or rather he was in despair since he knew that it was impossible for him to achieve salvation. His life was at a dead end, and he didn't know what to do with his life anymore.

"I didn't expect that someone could be so idiotic."

Hearing Kiritsugu's dream, Gilgamesh wanted to laugh since it was his first time seeing someone so idiotic.

Maybe, those idealists and kids would think Kiritsugu's dream was amazing, but those who were adults understood that Kiritsugu's wish was like a child's.

Moreover, what was so fun about world peace?

Or rather, wasn't it better for the world to be more chaotic?

Kirei shuddered with his thoughts as he prayed to the Lord for forgiveness.

"Kirei, meeting Kiritsugu is just an excuse, right? Or rather, you should have the answer to the doubt inside your heart, right?"

Gilgamesh swirled the wine glass with ease as he looked at Kirei with a lazy smile as if he saw something interesting.


Kirei fell in silence, but... but... how could he accept such an answer?

As the servant of God, how could he accept that he could only feel happy by watching the misfortune of others?

Knowing this, what was he?

Was he even a human?

Did his father sire a morbid dog instead of a human being?

If Kirei was like Ryuunosuke, who was easygoing, then everything would be easy. He could become a psychopath who could only feel happy by watching the misfortune of others with ease.

However, Kirei was a priest.

What he was taught for the past 30 years and his experience in life told him that what he sought was nothing but sin. Once he touched it, he would enter hell and become something worse even than shit.

Yet... yet...

"Kirei, what do you think a human should seek in this world?"

"...what a human seek?"

"It's a pleasure." Gilgamesh smiled as he watched Kirei, who was dumbfounded.


"Isn't it? Even if people do work that they don't want to do, it is because they want to give happiness to the people they care about, like their partner, children, or even a parent. Those simple actions bring them happiness, or we can also call it a pleasure."

Kirei was in a daze as he kept listening to the words that came from Gilgamesh's mouth.

"Then, the question is, what is your pleasure? What makes you the happiest?"

"...what makes me happy...?"

Kirei started to think about many of the life experiences that brought him happiness.

Was it his success to become executor?

Was it his marriage to his wife?

Was it the birth of his children?

Kirei thought about all the ordinary happiness that was felt by ordinary people, yet unfortunately, all of those events were unable to give him the happiness, excitement, or even pleasure that Gilgamesh talked about.

Instead... Instead... he felt happy when he thought about how Kiritsugu appeared in despair when Kiritsugu realized that everything had gone.

Even worse, Kirei also had imagined how happy he was when he thought how his teacher, Tokiomi Tohsaka's face when Tokiomi was betrayed by him.

This happiness... was it really okay for him to chase after it?

"...is it really okay for me to chase after it?"

"Why not?" Gilgamesh laughed at such a naive-like question from this emotionless priest. "Why is it not allowed for you to chase such happiness?" Frankly, for him, he didn't care about anything since, as a king, what kind of scene and people that he had never seen in life?

He was the King of this world, and all the people were his subjects. He had seen many things and experienced everything that the majority of people in history never felt.

What he sought after was only excitement and happiness.

Tokiomi was a boring man; even worse, he had angered him.

Instead of being with such a man, Gilgamesh thought that Kirei was even more interesting.

Watching this lost lamb seek the light inside the darkness makes Gilgamesh unable to wait to see how Kirei is going to be in the future.

Kirei didn't answer Gilgamesh, or rather he was unable to talk. Even though he knew what he sought after, it was impossible for him to accept it easily. Moreover, his father was still around, and when he thought of his father's disappointed face, he felt strangely happy, but it also shuddered him since he realized what kind of worthless human he was.

"You can search for the answer slowly. There is a lot of time in this Holy Grail. Come on. Have a glass."


Kirei accepted a glass of wine from Gilgamesh and swirled it for a moment, inhaling the scent of the wine deeply before he sipped it gently. Usually, even if the wine was expensive and rare, he didn't feel anything special, and it wasn't much different from the others, but today, when he thought of Kiritsugu's despair, he felt the taste of this wine become even more delicious.

Then, if he gave more despair and watched the misfortune of others, would this wine become even more delicious?

While he knew that it was wrong, he couldn't help but feel intoxicated.


Tamazuki knew about the lunatic exchange between Kiren and Kotomine, but he had never paid attention to those two since they were just humans. Their only advantage was the protagonist's halo, and those things were useless to him, or rather that luck would disappear sooner or later, especially when he was around.

Instead of thinking of those two, Tamazuki was more cornered about the figure in front of him.

Irisviel stared at Tamazuki nervously. Even though she told him she was okay to give her body, she also felt nervous.

"Should we start now?"


Irisviel closed her eyes as she apologized to her husband before she unbuttoned her shirt ready to give her body to Tamazuki.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 274 From hating to succumbing | Patreon


Tamazuki was ready to do something to Irisviel, but he didn't mean to do something like this.

Yet, he had to say Irisviel's body was good.

Her body was without useless fat.

Everything was perfect, including her breasts, which were the right size, along with her perky nipples.

Even though she had given birth, the color of her nipples was still soft pink, as if motherhood didn't affect her slightest.

Still, even if her beauty was something that was impossible to be achieved by a human, which would cause people to feel that she wasn't something that should be dirtied, maybe due to her pregnancy and her status as a mother and wife of someone who made her appearance became soft and lewd.

However, even if she was beautiful, Tamazuki didn't feel that this was correct, and he also wasn't a beast that was moved by his lower body, but he knew that his purpose in coming to this world was to become stronger.

Sleeping with Irisviel was the fastest way for him to get stronger, especially when Irisviel was one of the main heroines.

As for her status as a married woman and a wife?

What was the point of hesitating when he also had done it with Tohsaka Aoi previously?

Moreover, he didn't do anything, and he was silent as he watched them having misunderstandings about him, especially when they thought that he would force himself on them.

He didn't do anything, okay?

He was innocent!


"You beast!"


Somehow, Tamazuki decided to continue this misunderstanding, so Saber would be obedient.

While Saber had become his Servant, it didn't mean she could accept it, or rather she hated it so much, especially when she couldn't do anything and could only watch the wife of her Master being violated by Tamazuki. She wanted to attack Tamazuki for being such a lewd creature, but she couldn't attack him, so in the end, she hurriedly moved in front of Irisviel, trying to stop her from doing something like this.

Fortunately, Tamazuki didn't do anything and just stayed in silence.

"It's okay, Saber."

Irisviel showed a serene smile as if she had accepted everything. She pushed Saber away since she didn't want her to stop her. She knew that everything had ended, and they had lost. If she wanted to keep her life and for him not to target Kiritsugu, then it was only to give her body to him.

Irisviel slowly took off every piece of the fabric on her body, presenting her body to him.

Still, Tamazuki was surprised when she didn't have pubic hair, so he could see her smooth, beautiful slit.

Watching him being entranced, Irisviel blushed and subconsciously hid her breasts and slit with her hands, but even so, such resistance was simply meaningless, or rather such an act lit up the fire inside his body since the bashfulness of the wife of another was just too exciting.

Yet Saber, who saw all of this, fell into despair.

Was it really okay?

Was it really okay for her not to do anything and just watch Irisviel being eaten by this beast?

Saber gritted her teeth in hate and said solemnly, "Leave her alone. You can have my body." She also showed her determination by taking off the clothes on her body.


Irisviel was in shock.

Appearing in this era, Saber thought that she was given a chance to fix her regret, fighting for her honor and protecting her Master, yet in the end, her fate was nothing but becoming a woman that was about to be sullied by this beast.

Even though this was unacceptable, especially when she had thrown away her womanhood when she became the King of Britain as a knight, how could she watch the wife of her Master throw away her dignity and watch Irisviel being violated?

Naturally, this was a difficult decision for her, but she had made up her mind and thought as if she was just bitten by a dog.

"No, Saber! You can't! You are a King! Your body is still pure! How can you get him to violate your body?!"

Irisivel couldn't watch Saber fall into the abyss. It was enough for her to fall alone. There was no need for Saber to be involved.

"But Irisviel, how could I call myself the King of Knight if I did nothing? There is no way that I will let you bear this alone! I will protect you!"

"But I am not a virgin! I have also given birth to a daughter!"

"But you have a husband!"

"But I am better than you, who is still a virgin!"

As the two argued, Tamazuki was speechless and quickly asked Scheherazade for help.

'Scheherazade, what should I do? I've never asked them to sleep with me. Why do they make me like a bad guy?'

Scheherazade, who heard her Master's voice through telepathy, stared at her Master for a moment and wasn't sure what to say. Was her Master a villain? No. She didn't think so. Only their position was different, and as they were in this war, it was impossible for them to become an ally since, in the end, they needed to fight each other to determine the winner of the Holy Grail.

Even worse, Irisivel was Kiritsugu's wife, and Saber was Kiritsugu's Servant.

Scheherazade didn't hate Irisviel and Saber since she could tell that they had a fair personality and she could trust them, but Kiritsugu?

She felt that this person was a demon.

Naturally, while Tamazuki fought before, she didn't forget to monitor all the acts of the Masters and Servants in this city, and she also had seen what Kiritsugu had done.

World peace?

Scheherazade thought that this was only a fallacy and a lie, like how parents tried to coax children that if they didn't fall asleep, they would be caught by a monster. Kiritsugu was like that.

Irisviel was blank like a white canvas. The only person that she had ever met was Kiritsugu, so it was impossible for her to choose.

Frankly, Scheherazade had to say Irisviel's luck was bad since her first man was Kiritsugu.

Though, at the same time, she felt that her Master was cute for hesitating.

'Master, they've made up their minds. It's rude of you if you reject them.'

"....." Tamazuki.

'There's no need to hesitate, Master. You should sleep with them.'

If Tamazuki could sleep with them, Scheherazade would be more confident that they wouldn't do anything or betray them, especially when Tamazuki's skill in that area was fearsome. She knew that all the women who had tasted it could only become his slaves.

'Also, as a man, how can you reject two beautiful ladies?'

Tamazuki showed a wry smile and thought that Scheherazade's words were nothing but a fallacy.

Were they willing to give their bodies to him?

If they weren't in this position, they wouldn't do it.

Yet, Tamazuki also knew that this was the reality.

The weak didn't have a right, and the strong won everything, especially in this world where supernatural power existed, so whoever had the stronger power, they got everything.

Irisviel and Saber were weak, so they could only be beaten by Tamazuki.

If there was a fortunate thing, they were a woman, so Tamazuki didn't kill them.

If they were men, would he show mercy?

As Irisviel and Saber argued with each other, Tamazuki approached them, causing them to be startled, and wanted to do something, but everything was too late.

Scheherazade, who was on the side, watched them curiously to show hate, denial, and enjoyment while pretending they hated it before they succumbed under him. She marveled at her Master's skill, experience, and prowess, but she knew that it was far from over, especially when she was also pulled.

Tonight, no one was sleeping.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 275 Saber: "I don't know what to do" | Patreon

As expected of the main heroine.

Tamazuki sat on the edge of his bed as he looked at the reward given by Irisviel.

Considering Irisviel's position in the story was rather important and was also one of the main heroines, he knew that the reward given by the system would be impressive, and his guess was correct.


The description of this ability was like the name.

This ability gave him an immortality.

Frankly, this ability might be useless, especially when he became immortal after he became the Demon Lord. This should be in everyone's thoughts, but that wasn't the case. It was similar to the "Fire," which he got previously, and this "Immortal" gave him a factor and a talent to develop an ability that was related to immortality.

The common development was regeneration since as long as his regeneration was fast enough, he wouldn't die.

Moreover, it was possible for him to develop abilities that were related to immortality.

Also, the most important thing...

'Ava, is it possible for me to help Shizu?'

'It should be possible, but you need to develop your ability further, Master.'

Tamazuki nodded and felt at ease since developing abilities were simple things for him, especially when he had enhanced learning.

Frankly, if possible, he wanted a power that could share, lend, copy, or give his power since that way, Shizu would be okay.

However, there was no such a convenient thing.

Unless he got his hand on the heroine that had a connection with the type of power he mentioned above, then the chance was low.

Yet, it didn't mean that everything was helpless since, with his power, he could visit various universes. Even if in the one universe, there wasn't anyone with such a power, what about other universes?

Moreover, after his meeting with that "being" in the world of One Punch Man, the development of his ability to travel to another world became stronger. There was no limitation where ten days he stayed in this world meant one day in his original world. Instead, no matter how long he stayed in another world, it wouldn't affect the time in his original world or the other world he had stayed in.

So, as long as he didn't step into the world of Tensura, where Shizu was, he didn't need to worry about the countdown of the limitation of her age.

However, in the worst case, he might let her drink his blood or just take out this "Immortality" ability, then give it to Shizu.

Nevertheless, due to this reward, he was at ease, and everything was quite smooth.

However, he felt conflicted when he thought about the reason why he got this reward.

Or rather, it wasn't hard to tell why he got this ability from Irisviel, but it was also because of this reason; it was quite ironic.

As a homunculus, Irisviel's age was limited.

She was born and set to live and die for the Holy Grail. When the Holy Grail War ended, her meaning disappeared, and she would die.

In other words, she had only two weeks or so of life.

However, before she passed away, her body would be weakened as she slowly died.

So, wasn't it ironic?

He had an immorality, yet Irisivel only had such a short life.

While he was in the middle of a thought, Saber, who was on the bed, didn't sleep like Scheherazade and Irisviel. She lay on the bed with a flushed yet complicated gaze since she didn't expect she would lose her chastity to this man.

Saber was someone who had given her life for her kingdom.

She gave everything to make her kingdom and subjects prosper.

As a matter of feelings? She didn't put that as something important. Even her previous wife, Guinevere, was nothing but a political marriage, and she didn't care much about her, but due to this, she felt sorry since she had wasted Guinevere's life, so even if she knew Guinevere loved her knight, Lancelot, she didn't say anything.

Yet, she didn't expect it was also because of this that her kingdom was almost in ruin, bringing her endless regret and despair.

Fortunately, she was given a chance to fix everything.

However, the Holy Grail was more complicated than she had thought, and there were many powerful foes that she couldn't take on lightly.

Yet, among those foes in this war, the man who had stolen her chastity was the most fearsome.

Even now, her feelings toward him are complicated.

She should hate him, yet at the same time; she also couldn't do that, especially when she thought about the absurdness they had done previously. Her cheeks were tinted with cute blush, and the pleasure still lingered on her body.

Frankly, she should have taken her sword and chopped him several pieces for insolence, but she couldn't do that.

She, who had been strong and the one being depended on, started to rely on someone and even succumbed under him, letting him ravage her body, turning her into something that she didn't want to.

By now, she was afraid.

She was afraid that she might forget her regret, ambition, and wish because of him.

This feeling was dangerous, and she wished to stay away from him, but she knew that she couldn't, especially when she had become her Servant.

Still, when she looked at Scheherazade, she couldn't help but want to applaud this woman since she knew this Servant of his was powerful enough to tame a beast like Tamazuki.

However, her feelings toward him aside, there were many things that she wanted to question him about.

Who was he?

Was he really a Master?

Also, why did he have so much magical energy as if he was a dragon?

Lastly, why was their scent quite similar?

Well, she couldn't say that it was similar, but when her breasts were rubbed by him for the first time, his scent started to change and gave her some similarities, so it was also why when he held her, she was quite at ease somehow.


She then quickly shook her head since, as a king, how could she fall into such an indulgence?

As a king, she needed to have discipline and not be tempted by the feeling of a woman that made her weak.

Yet, when his eyes stared into her, her heart was beating so fast as if her body was electrocuted. Her body was hot before she looked away from him shyly.

However, Tamazuki, who looked at Saber, was speechless since this woman was a female dragon, especially after she got his energy. Even if she lacked experience and technique, her physical ability was far above Irisviel and Scheherazade.

By now, with his Prana supply, it wouldn't be weird for her to have all A Rank status or even A++ status.

"You are not sleeping?"

Saber didn't really want to answer, but his gentleness made it hard for her to ignore him.

"...no, with your energy supply, it is impossible for me to get tired."


Tamazuki thought that sometimes it was a disadvantage to have unlimited energy.

"Do you want to talk?"


Saber fell in silence, and glanced at him with difficulty before she nodded hesitantly. "...okay."

___-_____________________-_____________________-___________-______________________-_____________________-___________Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 276 Saber is inexperienced | Patreon

"Are you okay with a coffee?"


The two walked out of the room and went to the kitchen as he prepared coffee for the two of them.

As for Irisviel and Scheherazade, neither of them followed them since they were sleeping.

Yet, it was a normal thing for Irisviel to sleep so soundly, especially when she was just a homunculus. Even though she was quite a special homunculus, her body couldn't be compared to a Servant, or even Tamazuki, who was a monster, so it was normal for her to be exhausted. Moreover, it was her first time tasting such a forbidden pleasure, so whether it was her mind or her body, all of them were in their most vulnerable state.

As for Scheherazade? This Servant of his was smart, and she gave him time to talk with Saber so that way, Saber could faithfully follow him as his lover.

'Master, do your best.'

Scheherade thought in her mind before she continued to sleep since, similar to Irisviel, she was also exhausted.

Yet, Tamazuki and Saber didn't know what Scheherazade was thinking, and the two had a coffee during the dawn in the kitchen of his room inside this world of shadow.

Still, Saber had to say that it was quite awkward. Before, they were fighting until either of them died, but now, she is almost dying previously because of him, and she is afraid that she might get pregnant because of him.


Saber realized that she didn't have a child, but what if she had a child?

Would she treat this child like Mordred before?

Yet, this life was different from how she was previously. Even though she was a King of Knights, she wasn't a king anymore, and she was just a remnant of the past who still had a lingering regret and came back alive once again.

So, if she had a child, while she might not be ready, her act might not be as radical as before, saying that she couldn't acknowledge Mordred, yet how she didn't react that way, especially when Mordred was born from the homunculus technique with the blood of her sister and her, which was taken without being known.

Moreover, Morgan, her sister, had always been known for her tricks, so how could Saber believe that she had such a big child all of a sudden?

Yet, if Saber had children with Tamazuki, it might be different, though.

"How is your body?"

"...I am fine."

"I want to confirm it, but you are King Arthur from the legend, right?"

His words were at ease, as if it was something normal for him to know about her identity.

While Saber knew that Tamazuki was strong, she didn't expect him to know about her identity like it was something natural.


However, she didn't intend to hide it since even if she wanted to, it was impossible; after all, she had become his Servant. Moreover, she was also curious about him, so when he asked her, she also wished to ask him.

"I know that it might be hard for you, or you might not be able to accept me as your Master now, so how about we get to know each other? I won't ask you to accept me as your Master, but I don't wish you to become an enemy, especially..."


Saber also didn't wish to become his enemy, and more importantly, with the relationship they shared, it was impossible for her to think of him as an enemy. Suddenly, she blushed and subconsciously rubbed her flat belly as if trying to reminisce the previous experience.

"I want to ask you a question again, but do you have something to ask me?"

"Well..." Saber rubbed the edge of the cup with her slender fingers. "...what's your name?"

"Now that you mention it, I haven't introduced myself, huh?" Tamazuki only realized that he hadn't introduced himself, and they had mistaken him as a Servant. "My name is Inugamigyoubu Tamazuki. I am one of the Masters in this Holy Grail, and Caster is my Servant."

"...even though I know that you are a Master, I still can't believe it."

What kind of Master was this?

Wasn't this simply cheating?

A Master is an existence that needs to be protected, yet Tamazuki could kill her with ease, which made her speechless.

"...just what are you?"

"What do you mean by this question?"

"I mean... are you a human? A Magus? Or something else?"

"I am a human."

Tamazuki didn't lie since he had a "human" factor inside his body. If he was bored by becoming "Heavenly Dog," he could become a human.

"Though I am not a human either."

"...what do you mean?"

Earlier, Saber asked her doubts; she became even more confused with his answer.

"Frankly, I don't really want to talk about my identity, but even if you might not accept it easily since I stole you from your previous Master, in my heart, you are my woman, so I will tell you the truth."

"Yo-Your woman...?!"

Saber was flustered.

This should be an insult, especially for her who had thrown away her womanhood.

Yet, after she was eaten by him and became a woman, she couldn't say so, especially when her heart was beating so fast.

Still, how could she have acknowledged that?

"I am not your woman! I just want to save Irisviel! Don't make a mistake!"

Even if she said so, her face was flushed red, clearly showing her bad acting skill.

Yet, at the same time, she was also annoyed.

How could she be affected by her feelings like this?

Why had her heart become a mess after they had just slept together?

The more she thought about this, the more she felt resistance and realized how dangerous he was.

She didn't want to become like this since she was afraid that she might forget about her kingdom.

She was given a chance, and it was impossible for her to give up, yet with her current situation... could she even realize her dream?

"Let's talk about my identity again."


Saber stared at Tamazuki blankly, who could callously and ignored her emotional struggle as he changed the topic of the conversation calmly. While she felt annoyed secretly, she nodded.

"Then, what are you?"

Her tone clearly wasn't good, showing the feeling of her current emotion.

Still, watching her reaction, Tamazuki nodded inwardly, thinking that to conquer woman, the fastest was from their body. As long as he got their bodies, he would get their heart sooner or later.

It was like the woman in the NTR manga. The women were resistant and hated the man at first, but soon, they fell and abandoned their partner. Saber's current situation was like that, and Tamazuki was the bastard who seduced the married woman.

"I am a human, but at the same time, I am not. If I have to say, my existence is like a dragon, garuda, or those famous heavenly beasts on the myth."

"So, you are like me?" Saber was surprised.

"Well, that's true."

Tamazuki nodded since he was too lazy to explain, yet Saber also wasn't wrong since she also wasn't a pure human, especially when she had a dragon factor inside her body.

"Saber, no, should I call you Arturia?"

"...just call me whatever you want."

Saber pursed her lips before looking away, feeling a bit embarrassed after being called by her first name.

Tamazuki only showed a light smile and asked, "Arturia, what is your wish in this Holy Grail War?"

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 277 Saber's wish | Patreon

"My wish..." Saber was stunned. "...is it possible to realize my wish?"

"I want to say that it is possible, but at the same time, it isn't possible."

"What do you mean?" Saber was confused.

Was it possible? Or was it not possible?

"First, this wishing machine is nothing but a byproduct of the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is nothing but a clump of magical energy and, thus, is not as omnipotent as people believe it to be. The real purpose of this Holy Grail is to open the way to the swirl of the Akasha, reaching the Root, the source of all events and phenomena in the universe."

Saber was startled and wanted to interrupt, but Tamazuki stopped her. "I know what you want to say, but listen to me first."

Saber hesitated but then nodded.

"Let's say that your wish is to make Britain the strongest kingdom in the world; then what do you think the Holy Grail will do to make Britain the strongest kingdom?"

"What will the Holy Grail do?" Saber was confused, but then she was unable to give an answer. "I don't know. What will it do?"

"It will destroy all the kingdoms, countries, and empires in the world, leaving only a Britain only."

"....." Saber.

"In case someone wants to become the richest, it will kill all the richest people until no one is richer than him."

"How could that?! Isn't that a scam?!"

Saber couldn't control her emotions since it wasn't the Holy Grail was a wishing machine, then shouldn't it be capable of realizing the wish of those who asked? However, she also knew that Holy Grail didn't lie since it really could realize the wish of those who asked it, yet... could she accept such a method?

"Still, if you have a detailed method of how you want to achieve your wish, then the Holy Grail might be able to help it. The simplest way is to learn all the magic and phenomena in the world by gaining access to Root."

Facing Saber's anger, Tamazuki was still calm. "So, what's your wish?"

"My wish..."

Saber fell into silence, trying to forcefully calm herself from the truth she was told. Even though she didn't want to believe his words, she knew that he didn't have a reason to lie to her, and she also didn't really doubt him, yet how could she accept such a method?

Then, if she asked for her wish, then wouldn't it mean that she had become a butcher of the majority of humankind in the world?

Frankly, if it was before, she might not believe him, thinking he was lying before falling into a delusion, thinking that the Holy Grail could bring her to achieve her dream, but their current relationship was different.

Even though her emotion toward him was still complicated, she didn't wish to kill him, especially when he was the one who took her womanhood. That feeling still lingered on her body, and it was impossible to erase it even if she returned to the Throne of Heroes.

So, at this moment, due to him, she might learn how to depend on others.

"I want to save my homeland. I will change England's fate of destruction."

Saying those words, Saber felt like the stone in her heart had vanished, and she sighed in relief as she sipped the warm coffee in her cup. Even though time had passed, the temperature of the coffee never changed. It was still as warm as before, showing Tamazuki's delicate and skillful way of controlling his flame manipulation ability, yet she didn't realize that since she was preoccupied with how he was going to answer her question.

Was it really possible for her to achieve her wish by the Holy Grail?

Based on Tamazuki's explanation, it was possible, but with his explanation, she could imagine that the Holy Grail would butcher all the people who possessed a threat to England, killing all of them until nothing was left, leaving only a few people who would work hard for the future of England.

Such a wish... was it something that she wished for?

"Can you be more detailed? Why is England going to be destroyed? Who are you facing? And isn't England a good country in this world now?"


Saber was speechless.

"I mean England in my time."

Saber knew that England was a good country in this era. Even if there were many troubles, it was still one of the world's superpowers, especially during the Victoria era; it had become the greatest Empire in the world.

Yet, due to this, she also calmed down.

Nothing is permanent.

Though even so, she wanted to fix the mistake that she had made.

"It was during the Battle of Camlann..."

'Having someone to talk to was nice,' Saber thought.

She didn't hesitate to tell him everything about how everything began and how England was about to be destroyed.

Everything that started with Lancelot's affair with Guinevere was revealed through the plans of traitors who hated Camelot, causing them to stand opposed.

"However, I didn't think that they had betrayed me. Instead, I blessed them well..."

Artoria did not see this inescapably unrighteous action as a betrayal but instead understood Guinevere's sacrifice due to having concealed her gender. She wrote a letter of pardon to Lancelot and Guinevere and gave them her blessings, saying that their actions "must have a good cause". However, Lancelot was afraid and ran, bringing about a tragedy where no one was right, and no one was wrong.

Tamazuki was in silence and snorted, thinking that this Lancelot as a mere knight, dared to touch Guinevere, who was Saber's wife. Even though the gender of Saber and Guinevere were the same, it didn't change their marital relationship.

Frankly, Tamazuki didn't have a right to say anything to Lancelot's action since he also did it with a married woman.

Yet, unlike him, Lancelot was simply a coward, and Saber was simply too good that she was used by many people.

As he was in deep thought, she continued her story.

By then, Excalibur's scabbard was stolen when she repelled an assault along her country's borders; when she returned inland, she discovered Britain was being torn asunder by civil unrest. Despite her valiant efforts to placate dissent, she was mortally wounded by the traitorous knight Mordred during the Battle of Camlann.

"I saw countless deaths of my countrymen, and I regretted my failure as a King..."

Staring at the countless deaths of her countrymen, she reflected on her personal failures, regretting her life as king.

"I thought to save my Kingdom, so I asked the Counter Force in exchange for services as Counter Guardian after my death, then I appeared here as the Einzbern Servant."

Saber took a deep breath and then looked at Tamazuki. "So, what do you think I should do? How can I save my country? Is the Holy Grail really capable of realizing my wish?"

Asking those questions rapidly, she stared at him with red eyes like how when her womanhood was ravaged by him. Her eyes were filled with tears as she thought about her regret and the death of many of her countrymen. They shouldn't be dead at that time, and her kingdom shouldn't have been destroyed, yet... yet... was it really impossible for her to escape from fate?

Should she just give up her wish?

Tamazuki then looked at Saber, then wiped her tears with his thumb, and stroked her translucent blonde hair softly.

"You have done well. Good work."

Those words broke the wall in her heart, and all the emotion in her heart flooded out like a broken dam; she didn't hide away and stared at him, but though she was a bit embarrassed, she broke away from him, afraid his gentleness would make her weak and affect her to save the lives of her countrymen.

"Tamazuki, answer me!"