goyya 1142-1151

Chapter 1142 Doors to Hell part 5

Mayuri soon reached the Human world with Hachigou Nemuri closely behind him and immediately made their way toward the 7th door where people needed to be pulled out first. The Hollows who attacked the 6th door are also in danger, but his priority is his fellow Shinigamis.

On the way here, Mayuri saw how Zaraki had instantly killed his opponent but they immediately revived after. At first, he was disappointed that there is probably no chance of him getting a corpse from Hell to study. Thenhe also became curious about how they were doing it and intently watched and each time Kiganjou would revive, while also cursing at Zaraki for turning around or covering the camera on his chest.

Nevertheless, Mayuri immediately guessed their intentions when he saw Kaname Tousen not doing anything, 'It's to hold him in place. But it's also safe to assume that these other dead people can revive multiple times.'

Another thing that he noticed was that they had more information than he thought after seeing that Zommari wasn't shocked after seeing Bambietta walk again despite her neck being snapped. And after a few more minutes of observation, Mayaru had a feeling that their enemies didn't actually want to kill Hell's intruders.

Mayuri arrived where the 7th door disappeared and observed it for a bit. But just as he was about to give instructions to the surrounding Shinigamis who were securing the area, his communicator rang. He already gave a reminder to only call him when there's something important that came out so he immediately answered it, [Captain Kurotsuchi, there are unknown people who're approaching the spot where the door closed!]

"Turn on the feed and do not engage. Stay back and observe them." Mayuri immediately instructed and soon enough, he soon received the image of three girls standing in front of the closed door.

'The girls with Sitri Serafall... What are they here for?' Mayuri thought to himself before giving more instructions, "Ask them what they're doing and if they don't feel like answering, immediately take your distance. Do not engage in hostile behavior at all costs and keep the cameras pointed at them at all times."


However, the Shinigamis didn't have the time to inquire when the girl with golden hair and eyes suddenly took out four paper talismans. The paper talismans floated at the four corners where the door was previously located and after a few gestures from her, a black line emerged in the middle and expanded to a black portal. The door to Hell was forcibly reopened.

Mayuri's eyes went wide open at what he'd just seen, but he didn't let that break his concentration and take in all the information that he could gather right now. He's now regretting not going to the 6th door but there's nothing he could do right now.

As soon as the door opened, the girls jumped in without any hesitation.

The Shinigamis present wanted to approach the now open door but the talisman they left started shaking a few seconds after the girls entered before they shattered into countless pieces. Immediately after, the door closed as if the stick in the middle of it had snapped. The closing created a big enough shockwave to push away the approaching Shinigamis.

[C-Captain, what should we do?]

"Immediately secure our measuring devices and upload their data before something happens to them."

Mayuri wanted to make his way to the 6th door when he was stopped by a subordinate, "C-captain!"

Mayuri turned around and was in for another surprise. In front of the 7th door, a figure is standing quietly without releasing any fluctuation of Reiatsu as if he does not exist.

Wearing a white tuxedo, black pants, a white fedora hat with a black band, black gloves, black shoes, and a pure white shapeless mask that doesn't have any holes, the man with long black hair seems to be staring at the spot where the door opened.

Mayuri didn't immediately talk to him and instead gestured to others to fall back to a safe distance.

The unknown man, on the other hand, put forward his hand towards the space where the door is and a green Magic Circle instantly manifested and its unknown characters rotating mysteriously.

"How are you related to Sitri Serafall?" This is the first question that Mayuri asked.

The strange man didn't stop what he was doing but took some time before he answered, "...Brother-in-law."

Mayuri was not expecting to receive any answer so he was glad that he could continue talking, "What are you trying to do?"

The man took back his hand and the mysterious circle disappeared, "You should have already guessed." The man then took 8 pieces of 1x1 inch black cubes out of nowhere and started tinkering at them.

That tinkering took little time and the man tossed 7 of the 8 cubes to Mayuri's direction.

The one who responded was the small Nemu who ran in front of Mayuri to catch these cubes. Nemu inspected the cubes first before giving them to Mayuri, "This is?"

"Keys." The man briefly answered before tossing the last one that he had in front of him. The black cube became suspended in the air after it reached the exact spot where the door closed. A second later, it released a strange noise before disintegrating into dust. Immediately after a black line appeared and the door reappeared once again, "Gather the Magic Power around the spot where the door appeared and pour them in those. If you can't do it yourself, ask Sera-chan to do it for you."

Without waiting for a reply the man went through the door.

Unlike what the strange girls did, the door the strange man opened remained open, but Mayuri knew better not to follow him and instead just sent some of his surveillance bugs.

Immediately after, Mayuri turned his back to the door and issued additional instructions, "Watch the door and record everything that's happening to it. Aside from that, don't let anyone approach it. Also, ask the Seireitei for more reinforcements in preparation for the personnel pulled out from Hell."

The Shinigamis around him saluted and only eased themselves when Mayuri and Nemu disappeared with a Flash Step.




Claire, Kunou, and Tanis warily and nervously entered the door to Hell. Despite that, the three of them were excited because this is their first real battle after their extensive training within the Ouroboros Academy.

As soon as the light returned, they saw a devastated land that was ravaged by intense battle.

The atmosphere around them felt awfully similar to the Underworld and they were taken aback but immediately focused back on searching for their target. A few seconds later, they found their objective but all three of them were bloodied, unmoving, and on the verge of death.

With a quick glance, Claire immediately figured out what was going on and matched it with the information they had, "Poison... Tanis, secure our rescue targets first."

"Understood." Right away, Tanis removed her disguise and her appearance returned to that of a Vouivre. Releasing her Draconic Aura, she immediately caught the attention of their opponents but she ignored them for now and spread out her wings before diving within the poison-filled land to snatch the three Hollows who were conscious, but couldn't move.


28th00: I forgot Nemu 8 was still a loli, and apparently shouts a lot. Serafall is also gonna be tilted when she finds out she's only the 'Sister-in-law' to him. Poor christmas cake Sera-chan.

Goyya: Nothing can be done about it. There's still not much progress between the two of them.


Chapter 1143 Doors to Hell part 5

Tanis dived into the area where there was almost an indiscernible purple fume and grabbed the downed Arrancars, carrying Nel and Harribel within her arms and grabbing Grimmjow with her tail before taking to the air once again.

One of their opponents, a wrinkled, hunched back and bald old man with sunken eyes, swung his right black skeletal arm towards them and the purple fume chased after Tanis and the unmoving Arrancars who had their Resurreccion already canceled.

Tanis took a peek at the purple fume before strongly flapping her wings in an attempt to blow it away. However, as if they were there in the first place, the fumes were unaffected. In an instant, Tanis decided on another way and somersaulted in midair to face the fume. She took a deep breath and a blue flame sparked at the corner of her lips.

Opening her mouth, Tanis let out a deep blue breath of fire and it expanded enough to engulf the entire fume. But her Dragon Breath didn't stop there as it continued to expand and made its way towards the two Shinigamis riddled with black chain tattoos.

The Shinigamis were shocked at her sudden large move and both of them could feel the extreme heat that this fire possessed even though they still hadn't touched it. As the breath approached, the Shinigamis used Flash Step to dodge and get away, creating a large distance between the two groups.

Kunou immediately created a translucent platform in the sky for Tanis to land the patients. And after they were lined up, Kunou immediately concluded that they were suffering from severe poisoning, but it was not what was killing them, 'Their bodies were crushed after they were immobilized.'

"...U-ugghhhh... W-who are you?" Grimmjow tried raising his body but he couldn't feel anything aside from pain running through his entire body.

"It's not really the time for introductions, but you can call me Kunou." Kunou started her Youjutsu to start expelling the poison from their system, "This is my first time working on very intricate Spiritual bodies so it may take some time to heal them."

Claire nodded while watching their opponent, studying them, "Take your time. Just give us support whenever you're free."

Claire and Kunou then turned to Tanis who was looking at her shaking arms, "Will you be able to continue?" asked the latter.

Tanis gave her a smile and pumped her fist, "Of course! I can still give that old man a beating!"

"Be careful." reminded Claire, before jumping down and spreading her Devil Wings.

Tanis also jumped down to resume her clash with the poisonous old man.

As Kunou watched them approach their enemies, she couldn't help but think, 'That was such bad acting. I don't know if they're going to fall for it.' She then heard the tanned Arrancar groaning before saying, "...Be careful... The old man's poison works on anything aside from a Shinigami."

Kunou gave her a smile and said, "Don't worry. I don't think it works on a Dragon either."




The moment Kisuke entered the door, the first thing he saw was a very thick mist that severely limited his senses, including his ability to sense Magic Power, 'This Reiatsu... Yadoumaru-san? Is this her Bankai? No wonder Mayuri sent his bugs in with me.'

While thinking about what he should do, the mist moved and slowly dispersed in all locations. Soon, its ability to block senses was lifted and Kisuke saw Lisa Yadoumaru kneeling in front of her unconscious comrades. Lisa herself is breathing heavily and half of her Hollow mask was broken. She also has multiple cuts all over her body, making her bleed profusely. At the same time, the mist that was dispersing congealed and returned to her hand as her sealed Zanpakuto.

As the wielder of that mist, Lisa should have had the advantage within it, 'For her to take it back... Looks like the enemy has something that invalidates it. Quite the unlucky girl. No wonder Kyouraku-san immediately asked for help.'

After making sure that all of them were alive, Kisuke turned his attention to their opponents who were already looking at him, 'Shigyou Nobutsuna and Shijima Chigiri... I guess not all the original Gotei 13 was able to break the chains. No wonder Shihouin-san and Saitou-san panicked when they heard old man Yamamoto arrive in Hell. I wonder if they were able to locate him?'

Kisuke slowly stepped down to the ground and landed in front of Lisa and the other Shinigamis. Lisa was shocked at his appearance and hurriedly stood up to take a stance. However, she couldn't attack him because his back was to them.

"...Who are you?" the tall, lanky, and pale man with visibly sunken skin on his face and chest, particularly around his gray eyes, asked the masked man who just arrived. He had a pointy black mustache that extended a couple of inches out from his face on either side but was shaven in the middle, as well as a long black goatee covering the center of his chin, and spiky black hair that was largely covered by black fabric he kept wrapped around his temples and forehead, the sides of his face, and the underside of his jaw.

But instead of answering Shigyou Nobutsuna's question, Kisuke turned his head in another direction and thought, 'So there's another door not far from here... Hmmm, that Reiatsu... Soifon-san? Well, if Barragan became an immortal, it would really be hard to deal with anyone who didn't fuse with the Hougyoku or with a limited lifespan.'

At that moment, he felt a threat to his neck and immediately used Flash Step to arrive in front of his assailant, Shigyou Nobutsuna, who was now holding a whip-like sword that reached his previous location.

Nobutsuna was taken aback at the speed of the Flash Step and took a step back. However, it was already too late as he saw the strange man already holding a tanto blade and about to reach his neck.

Unfortunately for the strange man, his tanto blade was blocked by another katana, "You seriously fell for that?"

With his attack blocked, Kisuke used Flash Step again to retreat and return to his former position. He then looked at the person who blocked him and thought, 'Shijima Chigiri... A much more troublesome person than the one beside him.'

The reason why Kisuke thought of that is that at their brief encounter, he managed to latch a small amount of Psuedo-Demonic Power into his arm, 'So this is how he was able to track Yadoumaru-san because of this.'

Without saying anything, Kisuke touched the part where he inserted the Psuedo-Demonic Power and expelled it with his own Magic Power.

At that instant, Nobutsuna and Chigiri's facial expressions became serious, "...Who are you?" The latter asked this time, "No... The better question is what are you here for?"

Kisuke finally answered with a masked voice, "To take them back with me... And maybe kill the two of you a few times while I'm at it."

Nobutsuna and Chigiri were both speechless until the former started laughing maniacally, "Fuhahahaha! Good joke, fancy man. Let's see you try that."

However, his laugh abruptly stopped when Kisuke held the tanto blade in front of his chest and said, "Descend, Tiamat."

In the next second, the purple sky became covered with thick dark clouds with flashing lightning and booming thunder within it.

But instead of rain, it was a light blue-haired giant woman with very prominent horns who broke through the clouds face first with her eyes closed. The terrifying giant woman's hands were restrained to her neck as half of her body emerged from the clouds. As soon as her descent stopped, the giant woman opened her eyes, revealing her pink star-like pupils.

A very light yet blood-chilling pressure weighed everyone on the ground as if a Goddess came down to judge them herself.

"Chigiri!!!" Nobutsuna shouted at his stunned partner while preparing to fire his Kidou at 'God'.


28th00: Well now, this is just bullying.

Goyya: This is what I'm imagining when I wrote that, but on a way larger scale.

In case the image is not showing, here's the link: https://imgur.com/X1rpPOw


Chapter 1144 Doors to Hell part 6

Chigiri woke up from his stupor upon Nobutsuna's call and immediately raised his arm towards the giant woman looking down at them. The two of them then simultaneously shouted, "Hadou no 63, Raikouhou (Thunder Roar Cannon)!"

From their palms, yellow lightning gathered before it blasted toward their perceived enemy. The two high-density lightning blasts swirled around each other and combined into one bigger and denser Kidou in an intent to impale the 'God'. However, instead of a large explosion like they were expecting, the giant woman didn't even attempt to defend herself, not because her defenses were great but because the Kidou just phased through her and hit nothing as if she didn't exist.

"I can't believe the two of you would ignore me just like that." At that moment, they heard the strange man's voice behind them. They wanted to turn around but it was already too late as both of their vision suddenly spun uncontrollably before they moved sideways, traveling quite a distance.

Lisa couldn't even properly regulate her breath nor could she regain her composure as she watched all of this transpire. Although her attention was focused on the giant woman, who had by now already disappeared, she still saw how the strange man in formal attire suddenly Flash Stepped behind Chigiri and Nobutsuna and beheaded them with a long sword that had the same color as the giant woman's horns before kicking their heads away.

But even if she saw everything, she still couldn't comprehend anything and wondered if she had fallen into her enemies' illusion.

The center of it all, however, was questioning his long sword, 'Tiamat... What was that for?'

[It was my debut. It's only right for me to show myself in such a fashion.]

Kisuke knew for sure that she wasn't like this the first time she met her, '...Just what have you been learning from Benihime?'

[She taught me the household chores that she didn't want to do. Aside from that, she also gave me these literary arts called manga and I've been enjoying my free time with them.]

'...', Kisuke was utterly speechless, 'Do it again on another occasion.'

[Just tell me when.]

Kisuke stopped talking to Tiamat when he saw that the bodies he just beheaded had started crumbling, turning into dust, before disappearing into nothing. And he turned his attention his heads he just sent flying, he saw black chains ejecting out of their necks, forming a skeletal framework for their bodies, and soon enough, they regenerated their whole bodies, 'Unlike the Beast of Hell that I acquired, their bodies are purely of Magic construct. But how are they doing this?'

The two former Captains of Gotei 13 stared at him for a few seconds before disappearing along with their aura, 'They escaped, huh?'

Kisuke sheathed his long sword and turned to the still-stunned Lisa, "The door won't stay open forever." Immediately after, Kisuke disappeared too.

Lisa looked up at the opened portal and finally managed to regain some of her strength. She then started picking up the Shinigamis that came with her without a word and jumped towards the door while looking one last time at the sky where the giant woman just disappeared, '...That was a Shikai?'

Kisuke traveled for a few kilometers to where the fluctuation of Magic Power is calm before sharpening his senses to grab the coordinates where he wanted to go, '...There. Luckily, she's still alive.'




Compared to the first time she released it, Soifon's Shunko was now a lot weaker. Although she could technically go on for as long as she wanted thanks to her self-feeding Shunko, Barragan's Senescence could still sap her dry.

With her Reiryoku running low and her Reiatsu decreasing, it was getting harder and harder to keep her Shunko running. Soifon gritted her teeth while counting the times she had already killed him, 'Even if I release my Bankai, there would be no point.'

Soifon was preparing for the next wave of miasma while thinking of what she should do next since it's obvious that they couldn't stay here, 'Mayuri seems to have received some outside help to open the doors back up, but I don't know if he's going to make it in time. I have to prioritize our survival.'

But at that moment, she heard Yumichika's panicked shout, "Omaeda!!!"

Soifon hurriedly turned her head and saw that Oumaeda took a dangerous hit and was about to get followed up by another, and could be a fatal attack. The endless wave of beasts attacking them from all sides finally got to them despite their best efforts to hold their ground and keep them away from Soifon.

Sadly, she couldn't help beyond sending a blast of wind in his direction and pushing the beast for a bit for Yumichika to have the time to help.

But Soifon knew that doing so would expose her to danger so she prepared to deflect Barragan's miasma as much as she could. Strangely enough, the anticipated attack never came, instead, she lost sight of her opponent.

And when she went looking for him, he had already arrived in front of Marechiyo and Yumichika who had just rescued him, bearing his axe that was letting out a very dense amount of miasma on its edge.

"No!!!" Redirecting all of her power behind her feet, Soifon sent herself flying forward in addition to her Flash Step. Thanks to the added speed provided by her Shunko, Soifon was able to get in between them before Barragan could swing down. However, that was it. That's the greatest thing she could accomplish.

Soifon refused to give up and redirected everything she had to her hands to catch Barragan's axe. Although after seeing that, Barragan only chuckled at her futile resistance and put more strength into his arm.

Soifon tried to block the axe using her incredibly dense wind to push it out but it was a silly attempt that only stopped the axe for a second before it went from her shoulder and across her chest.

"Captain!" Marechiyo cried out but there was nothing he could do.

Soifon's blood spurted out for a second before it turned black and crumbled away. And from her wound, the dense miasma from Barragan's Zanpakuto started eating through her flesh, revealing her bones and organs that had also started to turn black.

Barragan knew that there was no way for him to take her alive anymore but he was still wary that she'd create a miracle to fight back. So again, Barragan raised his axe to finish her off for good.

"R...run..." Soifon tried to turn her head to her subordinates, "Run!!!!!"

"There's no escape." Were Barragan's words before he brought death down upon the Shinigami.

But without knowing when and how, Barragan's axe stopped mid-swing as a hand with black gloves caught his axe, "!?"

"Looks like I'm a little bit too late." A voice that he couldn't tell if it was a man or woman resounded in front of him.

Barragan saw that the strange man's hand was decaying but it was a lot slower than he had ever seen it. In fact, it would seem that his miasma would need an entire day to go through his hand, "What!?"

Seeing his ability almost fail for the first time, Barragan pulled his axe back to immediately retreat. But when he thought he got away, a black snake with purple glowing eyes lunged at him. Without thinking much about it, Barragan sent his miasma forward.

Although instead of seeing the snake decay into nothingness, it instead opened its mouth to eat his miasma and even grew a little bigger, "...Haahhh!?"

The snake that doesn't know the concept of age kept swimming towards Barragan.


28th00: Power level Ophis' Snake. Dragons only grow MUCH STRONGER with age! Truly, a good snack for a Dragon.


Chapter 1145 Doors to Hell part 7 | Patreon

After letting out Ophis' snake that he used for his experiments, Kisuke immediately turned to Soifon who had already stopped breathing but was still conscious, and caught her in his arms. She wanted to speak but she couldn't push out air anymore and her consciousness was already blurry.

Kisuke let out another black snake and it immediately wrapped itself around Soifon, instantly slowing down the progress of decay and stopping any further damage, 'Kaidou (Healing Spiritual Arts) can only slow this down. I have to take her to Orihime-san.'

"Who are you!?" Marechiyo shouted at him while intercepting the incoming beasts. He and Yumichika knew that he just defended Soifon so they immediately moved to deal with the other threats.

Instead of answering his question, however, Kisuke instructed, "Come closer, now."

Marechiyo and Yumichika nodded at each other and nodded. While there was hesitation in their eyes, it was still better to do what he said with their current situation.

And while they were closing their distance, Kisuke raised his left hand and a red Magic Circle appeared above it. A second later, the same Magic Circle started appearing in the sky, in tens, hundreds, and then thousands.

The magnificent view took everyone's attention and awe, until balls of fire started emerging from them and raining down on everything. Painting the world for what it actually was, a hellish landscape emerged with the screams of agony from beasts drowning everything aside from the ringing explosions that were happening everywhere.

"What are you doing? Move." Kisuke woke up the stunned Shinigamis.

Marechiyo and Yumichika almost forgot where they were and what they had to do so they immediately scrambled to the strange man's side while watching their surroundings descend into chaos. While each ball of fire could kill the beast by itself, with thousands of them raining down like shooting stars, there was nowhere for them to hide, which only increased their suffering.

Kisuke stood up while carrying Soifon and another Magic Circle appeared under them before they disappeared within the motes of light.

Barragan, after the snake disappeared, watched them as he lost sight of them and thought, 'Far better manipulation of Hell's Blessing... Who is he? And what was that snake for it to be not affected by my power?'

Kisuke and the group of Shinigami reappeared where the door he opened was located.

"W-what was that!?" Marechiyo shouted while looking at himself.

Yumichika also started checking himself and wondered what happened but he had to stop when he discovered something more important, "...The door. Is that the door leading back to the Human World?"

"Let's hurry up." Kisuke replied, "That path is about to close."

As Kisuke jumped up, Marechiyo and Yumichika immediately followed suit. But midway through it, Kisuke abruptly stopped, "What's wrong?" Yumichika asked with concern, thinking that something was wrong somewhere.

Kisuke didn't immediately answer and thought, 'The RGD (Portable Rating Game Field Deployer) that I gave to Serafall activated?'

Kisuke resumed his steps while answering, "It's nothing. Let's go."

As they go through the door, Marechiyo and Yumichika sighed in relief when they came out to the Human World and some familiar faces surrounding them.

"Sir Omaeda! Sir Yumichika! How did you come out of this door!?" One of the Shinigamis approached them and asked them frantically.

"That's not important! Help Captain first and take her back to the Soul Society!" Marechiyo shouted back and members of the 4th Division immediately started approaching when they saw Soifon in Kisuke's arms.

"She won't make it like this to the Soul Society. I'm taking her with me."

Marechiyo blanked out for a moment and the only words he could say are, "...What do you-"

He couldn't even finish what he wanted to say as Kisuke swung his long sword in front of him, drawing a line in midair before it opened up like Discorrer or the door to Hell. But instead of darkness, what Marechiyo and Yumichika saw is a kaleidoscope world.

It's only when the strange man carrying Soifon stepped into the colorful world did Marechiyo finally react and tried chasing after them, "Wait!!!"

Too bad for him, the space mended and the window to the kaleidoscope world disappeared as quietly as it appeared, "N-no way... C-captain... Captain was kidnapped!" He dropped to his knees as he shouted.

While Kisuke navigated the Dimensional Gap that the two Dragons had created, Kisuke wondered who went to Serafall's side, 'If Sera-chan thought of locking themselves up to face them, they should be quite the characters. Nevertheless, I won't be able to reach them easily while inside that field. I'll have to take her back to the base for treatment.'




Rewinding time to about fifteen minutes beforehand, Serafall and the Kurosaki family were casually having tea and some snacks, the former's eyes suddenly sharpened, and said, "We have guests."

Isshin's eyes also became serious and grabbed Kon before sticking his hand into the teddy bear's mouth, "Guah!?"

After grabbing the mod-soul, from the teddy bear, Isshin immediately popped it into his mouth and revealed his Shinigami form, "Kon, stay close with everyone. Inoue-chan, please have your barrier ready."

Inoue nodded and summoned her Shun Shun Rikka (Six Princess Shielding Flowers) while also telling Kazui, Karin, and Yuzu to stay close to her.

Although Isshin couldn't feel Magic Power, he still could tell that something changed in their surroundings and his eyes landed on the backyard that was only divided by a glass door from them. Upon seeing the intruders, he couldn't help but shake and mutter their names, "Ichimaru Gin... and Sasakibe Choujirou..."

Serafall also stood up and turned towards them, greeting them, "Good afternoon~ What can we do for you?"

The former Lieutenant of the 1st Division stepped up and ignored Serafall, "Shiba, I'm sorry but I have to take your grandson with me."

Isshin glared at him and replied, "So you're not even going to ask for my permission first? Do you have a death wish?"

While Choujirou and Isshin are glaring at each other with their Reiatsu flaring up, Serafall is much more interested in the other intruder, "Ichimaru Gin, isn't it?"

Gin smiled at her and returned her greeting, "Good afternoon. I believe this is the first time we are meeting."

"Sitri Serafall, nice to meet you~! But first thing first, why is an [Unchained] like you over on this side? I thought people like you can't leave Hell."

Gin was shocked and a small bead of sweat formed on his forehead, "My, aren't you well informed? On the other hand, I don't know anything about you at all. Who are you and how were you able to detect our presence? Thanks to you, our surprise was ruined."


28th00: Context is desired. Soifon got princess carried but is too fucked up to even care at this point.


Chapter 1146 Doors to Hell part 8 | Patreon

Both were wearing a white haori, the former Captain of the 3rd Division, Gin Ichimaru, and the former Lieutenant of the late Captain Commander, Choujirou Tadaoki Sasakibe, came out of Hell to abduct Ichigo's son, Kazui Kurosaki.

As Isshin and Choujirou were trying to pressure each other, the former couldn't help but wonder what's up with the latter's strange movement of Reiatsu, 'There's only a tiny amount of Reiatsu radiating from him... the large majority of this weight is something else mixed with his Reiatsu itself.'

"Sasakibe-san, we don't have much time. We don't know when Captain Kurotsuchi will be able to pull out their attack force from the doors and swarm this place." Gin suddenly addressed his partner. He's very interested in Serafall's existence that he wasn't expecting, but they have a goal that they have to achieve today, 'Before Szayelaporro Granz notices anything.'

But before they could even pull out their weapons, a blinding light suddenly emerged from Serafall that took out everyone's sight for a few seconds. Gin gritted his teeth and pulled out his Zanpakuto before swinging it in Serafall's direction. He didn't feel his attack connecting and wanted to continue but retreating from here is a better choice.

And when their sights were returned, Gin saw Choujirou with him standing in the sky also looking down on the Kurosaki household.

"Was that light a call for help?" asked Gin while his senses were scouring his surroundings, 'There's no response from anyone.'

Isshin and Serafall followed them to the sky but the latter caught the attention of the two more, because instead of stepping into the sky while creating footholds, Serafall seemingly just floated up, 'What is that technique?' Gin asked himself while also thinking of the advantages it provided and how to counter this sort of movement.

Serafall chuckled at Gin's question and said, "Call for help? Think again."

Gin, Choujirou, and even Isshin wondered what she meant by that and all of them thought, 'Was that really simply for distraction?'

As if reading their minds, Serafall nodded, "Yep, it was just for distraction."

Choujirou's expression became extremely serious. As Gin had said, they didn't have much time and all they needed to do was open a door and take Kazui with them or even just with one of them. However, with Isshin guarding them alongside this woman with unknown ability, it would be extremely hard for them to snatch Kazui from Inoue's hands if she decided to lock herself up within her barrier.

'We just need the kid and we'll even return him unharmed...' Choujirou gritted his teeth and weighed his options, 'Eijisai-dono's well-being takes priority.'

"Ichimaru-dono... We'll have to do it."

Gin nodded solemnly and scanned their surroundings the second time. However, they were in for a shock, '...No one!?'

Seeing their expression change, Serafall's smile widened as she continued her words, "It was a distraction, but not because I wanted you to retreat."

"W-what's going on?" Isshin could also see their strange expression but he has no idea of what's happening.

"If I were to guess correctly, they intended to take hostages in exchange for your son. Sadly for them, there's no one around.", explained Serafall.

Isshin also hurriedly looked around and found the anomaly immediately, "Now that you mentioned it... There's not even the sound of insects..."

Gin finally gave up searching for the Humans around and turned to Serafall with a wry smile, "Do you mind letting us know what happened?"

"That light, although it doubles as a distraction, its main purpose is to transport people into an artificial dimension."

"...Artificial dimension?"

"Correct." Serafall spread her arms around, "What you're seeing right now is not the real Karakura Town but a copy of it. I think that's enough to make you understand the current situation, isn't it?"

Serafall then felt their senses extending out so she explained further and not waste their efforts, "You're not going to find any pillar here. In the first place, I did not move the Karakura Town anywhere but moved a select few into this artificial dimension. If you want to break it, I guess you can try defeating the caster, which is me."

As soon as finished speaking, however, Choujirou disappeared from his spot and Isshin shouted, "Watch out!"

The next instant, a thin sword emerged from Serafall's chest, puncturing her heart from behind, "I apologize, but we don't have time for this hubris." Choujirou's voice resounded behind her ears.

But instead of feeling relieved, Choujirou shuddered when Serafall turned her head, still with the same smile on her face, "Getting impatient, are we? You just proved that you can't stay here for long."

Chojirou pulled his sword back and Flash Stepped out and Isshin stopped his rush. Including Gin, they noticed that there was no blood coming out of her wound, instead, chunks of ice were falling off from it.

Soon enough, the cracks from her wound started spreading all over her body and her color disappeared before her entire body began crumbling down.

"Well, I guess this is the part where we start fighting."


The three men immediately looked down when they heard Serafall's voice below them and saw her slowly flying up, still cleaning up the cookie crumbs from the corner of her lips.

"Were you not here the whole time?" Isshin asked in disbelief. He thought he had backup, but it turned out that he was outnumbered.

"I was just finishing my snacks and the barrier." Serafall finally reached their height and saw that Choujirou wanted to attack for the second time, "You won't be able to get me easier than you did with my clone."

"But we'll still have to take you out if we want to achieve our goal, isn't it?"

"If you're thinking of going past us and aiming directly for the noncombatants, then I regret to inform you that the window for that possibility has been shut." Serafall snapped her fingers and numerous Magic Circles around the Kurosaki household before it was enclosed in a tetrahedron blue barrier.

"Hell's Blessing!?" Gin yelped in surprise, "...How?"

"That could take a few strong hits and I doubt you two would be able to get even one in with us around. So instead of senseless violence, why don't we talk this out?"

"Talk this out?" Isshin interrupted, "They are clearly after my grandson, why do we have to talk it out?"

"Because they're not on the guy you people call Szayelaporro's side."

Gin and Choujirou became quiet. Meanwhile, Isshin, as he is earlier, still couldn't follow, "...They are not? But they are from Hell and attacked the Human World."

"That's true, however, I've listening in to what was going on in the current operation and one notable thing that they got from Szayelaporro's group is that, Szayelaporro himself doesn't know about Kazui-chan's existence despite knowing everything else down to the current members of the Gotei 13. Yet here they are, coming straight for the 'Envoy of Hell'."

Isshin immediately turned his head to the silent duo and changed his stance, 'If they're not from the same group... Then who are they working for?'

Serafall then clapped her hand, "So instead of something unproductive like fighting, why don't we sit down and have some tea to calm our nerves? Maybe we'll find a solution, or at least a clue to one, for your problems."

Gin let out a deep breath and asked, "And if we insist on doing things the way we want it?"

For the first time, Serafall's smile disappeared and 6 pairs of Demonic wings appeared behind her back.


At the same time, her Demonic Power flared up, washing over everything in this artificial dimension, instantly plummeting the temperatures down to the negatives and pushing out everyone who's around her with her sheer aura, "I may not like violence, but that doesn't mean I'll be holding back when someone offering me some."


28th00: Serafall has become scary, huh? She gain a conceptual form yet in the timeskip like Sona? Or just raw power/skill from being able to spar and train with Kisuke's group and his personal brand of "Bullshit" suicide attempts masked as training?

Goyya: She already completed her Super Devil form and its concept is similar to Sirzechs but with ice. As a side of completing that, she also gained the enormous amount of Demonic Power that comes with it.

6 Likes___-_____________________-_____________________-___________-______________________-_____________________-___________

Chapter 1147 Bluff | Patreon

AN: Thank you very much for waiting~! And I apologize for the delay. I'm quite occupied with IRL stuff these past few days that's it's hard for me to sit down and relax for an extended amount of time.

Anyways, please enjoy and have a good day~!


As the air rapidly grew colder and a freezing wind blasted out from Serafall, pushing back everything around her, the Demonic Power she had been holding back immediately covered everything within this artificial space. Although it didn't have the same weighing effect as this world's Reiatsu, the aura Serafall was emitting is enough to give everyone a premonition of death.

"Just so you know, I didn't erect that barrier just to protect them from you two, but mostly so that they won't freeze to death once we started." Serafall explained as crystals of ice started forming in the air itself and breathing became harder and painful, "Do you still want to continue?"

Isshin, Gin, and Choujirou could protect themselves from the cold thanks to their own Reiatsu, however, they were still frozen in place because they had absolutely no idea what she was truly capable of, 'This is on par with Shiro-kun's Bankai in its final stage... Yet she's only excluding this strange pressure and is not yet doing anything substantial...', Gin thought to himself and started weighing his options.

Gin then looked at Choujirou who had been impatient until now, 'Looks like he'll be easier to reason with now. Well, it's hard to control one's emotions because of those chains.'

"Sasakibe-san... I think it's better to sit down now than not return at all." Gin softly said, "Let's prioritize our goal."

Choujirou tightened his hold on his Zanpakuto and clenched his teeth hard, "...But..."

"How much time do you have?" Serafall suddenly asked.

Gin turned to her while shaking his head and sheathing his sword, "We don't know. It could be a month from now on or even this instant."

"Then there's no point in thinking about it more than you should." Serafall's Demonic Power immediately returned back to her and the rapidly dropping temperature of the surroundings stopped and began normalizing. She then snapped her fingers and a Magic Circle appeared in between the two groups.

A second later, a 15 feet by 15 feet tatami floor with a table and 4 cushions on top of it appeared in place of the Magic Circle.

Serafall led by example, flying towards the floating floor and sat down on one of the cushions. And while at it, she also summoned some snacks to the table, "If it is not too much, maybe I'll be able to provide some advice. Not to brag, but I have a lot of things inside this head of mine that no normal person could possess... But that's only if you'll sit down too and let me hear you out."

Choujirou let out a deep breath before he loosened his grip on his sword and sheathed it. After hesitating for a bit, he walked forward and removed his sandals before stepping into the tatami mat and kneeling down on the opposite side of Serafall.

Isshin and Gin looked at each other and soon followed suit.

With everyone already properly sitting down and hostilities at the lowest level, Serafall internally sighed in relief, 'Thank goodness they didn't start fighting.'

While the device that Kisuke created to instantly deploy a Rating Game Field is useful, it's only designed for recreational purposes as it does not possess the same integrity and durability as a full-blown Field. Serafall secretly checked the status of the Field and found out that she almost broke it just by releasing her Demonic Power.

'Besides...' Serafall took a peak at the man beside her staring daggers at the visitors from Hell, 'He easily dispelled the freezing air. Looks like he has something like an opposite attribute to me and if we were to fight, it was going to be hard to deal with him.'

"Alright. Since we don't have much time, let's get to the main topic and hear it."

Although Gin knew why they were there, he let the man beside him explain it since the request came from him, "Eijisai... Yamamoto-dono needs his chains to be taken off. If not done soon enough, he'll lose control of himself and destroy everything around him... And that destruction might reach the Human World."

"And you think Kazui-chan will be able to do that?"

"He's the one who protects those who entered Hell from its punishment, isn't he?" Gin answered.

"So you've been in the Human World for quite some time that you're able to spy on their activities?"

Gin didn't answer.

"I'm interested in how you were able to hide yourself, how you were able to leave Hell despite being Unchained, and how you were able to find out about Kazui-chan, but I guess your issue comes first." Serafall tapped the table and another Magic Circle appeared. The next second, a holographic image of those inside the Kurosaki Household, "Kazui-chan, you there?"

The image of Inoue, Yuzu, and Karin appeared to be shocked but Kazui immediately appeared in view, [Sera-neechan? Are you calling for me?]

"Yep~. I just have a question. Do you think you can remove those black chains from the bad guys?"

Without hesitation, everyone saw Kazui shake his head, [No.]

Choujirou immediately slammed the table upon hearing that, sending the snacks flying all around and demolishing the table, "That can't be!"

But Serafall just nonchalantly ignored him and waved goodbye to Kazui, "Is that so? Then that's all~. Continue to behave and stay with your mother, alright? I'll give you special snacks later~" Without asking any further questions, she immediately closed the connection and their image immediately disappeared, "And there you have it. He can't do what you want to happen."

Choujirou stood up in a rage, "But he hasn't even tried it yet! How do you know if he can't do it!?"

Isshin placed his hand on his Zanpakuto and got ready to pull it out any second and that's the same for Gin.

Still remaining calm, Serafall answered with an unhurried tone, "That's because that's just how that kid operates. He doesn't even know when he's capable of what he's doing nor how he's doing it, yet he knows he can do it somehow. Don't you think it's fair to assume that he can't do what he knows he can't do?"

"...Then we don't have any choice." Choujirou also placed his hand on his Zanpakuto.

But before he could pull it out, Serafall suddenly turned to Gin and asked, "This Yamamoto-dono that you're talking about, is he the former Captain Commander?"

Gin nodded silently.

"Then did you hide him?"

Gin and Choujirou's eyes widened at her question and that's enough to answer it.

"No wonder there's no progress on their side," Serafall muttered to herself.

"What do you mean?"

Serafall casually stood up and snapped her fingers again. The next instant, a flash of light blinded everyone again and everything went to normal before they were all transported back to the real world.

Gin, Choujirou, and Isshin were startled when they found themselves standing in the yard and inside the house respectively while Serafall nonchalantly made her way toward Kazui and met his eyes at the same level, "Kazui-chan, I have another favor. Could you open the door to that town?"

"But I need to go to the shrine."

"It's fine. I already connected that place to here. All you need to do is perform the ritual." Serafall patted his head, 'If my conjecture is true and my setup is correct, he should be able to open it. And if he can open it, then that would mean [Hell] is of Divine nature.'


28th00: Serafall passed her bluff check.


Chapter 1148 Trigger | Patreon

Kazui looked at his surroundings and his eyes widened in surprise, "I can really do it here. How did you do this, Sera-neechan?"

"Trade secret~!" Serafall then turned her head to Gin and Choujirou, "See what I mean?"

While Kazui turned to a corner of the house and prepared his ritual, Choujirou asked, "...What are you trying to do?"

"Helping you." Serafall answered while sensing the surrounding energies and their movements, "Instead of asking a clueless kid, you should ask the people who know more about your problem than anyone else present here."

The next moment, multiple eyeballs appeared and went to stare at everyone. Since this had already happened this morning, the members of the Kurosaki Household were not surprised. Even then, they were still perturbed by their uncanny glances that seemed to judge their entire being.

Those who came out of Hell, however, shuddered and broke into cold sweat, "[Hell's Eyes]!?" Gin muttered loudly as if trying to hide his nervousness.

"D-do you mean those eyes that Szayelaporro used to look into the Human World and sometimes, even the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo?" Choujirou asked Gin. Since he has been in Hell longer than he is, he still has many things to learn about.

"Yes... But that's not their real purpose. They are the ones that judge a soul if they should be taken to Soul Society or Hell." Gin answered while thinking, 'Thankfully, Szayelaporro doesn't have control over that... yet.'

The path to Hell soon opened and Serafall urged them to go through it.

Choujirou glared at Serafall., "Are you asking us to return? But we're not done yet."

"No. We're done. You can't get what you want from us. Instead of insisting, you should talk to people who actually care about your Captain Commander, in a good way of course."

Choujirou couldn't control his emotions anymore and touched his Zanpakuto once again, "No... It's obvious that you just want to send us away!"

'Well, there's that too.' While Serafall was contemplating if she should just chuck these two into the door, Gin raised his arm in front of Choujirou to stop him from assaulting anyone, "Who are these people who care about the Captain Commander?"

"Shihouin Chika and Saitou Furoufushi. Those should be familiar names to you, right?"

Choujirou was surprised. They aren't just familiar names but they are people who he has fought with in his younger years. Sadly, those names don't invoke any sort of relief but hate and trepidation instead as he already met some of the found members of the Gotei 13. Saying that they are not right in the head and are completely changed people is an understatement.

Serafall guessed what he was thinking after today's fiasco so she continued, "They are both Unchained and they have been looking for your Captain Commander the moment they received the news that he and some Captains came down to Hell because they know how dangerous it is once powerful people like that succumb to the Chains of Hell."

Choujirou was still processing what he just heard when all of a sudden, someone grabbed his collar and he uncontrollably flew towards the door. He hurriedly looked back to see who threw him and was shocked at the slyly smiling man, "I-Ichimaru!?"

Since Choujirou wasn't able to prepare himself, he went through the door without much problem, "So you finally believe what I'm saying, but was that really necessary?" Serafall asked Gin who was slowly walking towards the door without any signs of doing anything else.

"Chained people like him are not very open to reason. That's the only way if we don't want any further incidents."

"I see." Serafall shrugged her shoulders, "I already informed the other side of the arrival of dangerous individuals so they're probably going to be hostile."

Gin stopped walking and the corner of his lips twitched, "You probably should have told me that first…"

"It was you who took action before I could." Serafall grinned, "Oh well, just tell them that Belial sent you over and they should listen."

Gin sighed as all the plans he made were thrown out of the window just because of a weird woman's appearance, "Belial, is it? Noted. Let's meet again on another occasion... Hopefully, not threatening each other."

"That's up to you. You can start by telling me how you were able to leave Hell."

"It's my currency for negotiation, so no." Gin stepped into the door and after making sure that there was nothing else, Serafall asked Kazui to close it.

"Yep. That's done~!" Serafall stretched his arms upwards, "Now we can rest easy and just wait for everyone to return~."

Isshin also sighed in relief, "To think we could go through that without fighting. I'm really grateful that you're here with us. I don't know what could happen if it's just us."

"Just treat me to a good lunch and we're even. Besides, I also got something useful from that exchange."

Inoue also sighed in relief that everything turned out alright and the situation didn't turn violent, "I'll prepare the best lunch~! Please wait for a moment."

But just as Isshin returned to his Gigai and Serafall sat down on the couch to relax, a particular wave of familiar aura suddenly washed over them and it startled Serafall so much that she hurriedly stood up and expanded her senses to limits, "What!? Holy Power!? Where is this coming from!?"

At that moment, a Magic Circle appeared beside Serafall's ears and she received a telepathic connection, [Sera-chan, are you free?]

"I'm done on my side." Serafall immediately answered back, still trying to find the source of the power that shouldn't exist in this world."

[Great. Something happened on Claire's side. Since you're much more experienced in Holy Power than me, I think it's better for you to take a look at what's happening. I don't think it's something very dangerous, but she might need your assistance.]

Serafall gestured to Isshin and others to tell them that she has to leave before flying off, "I'm on my way."




At the same time, there was a big commotion erupting in the western part of the world because gold and white motes of light suddenly started drifting throughout the entirety of Vatican City. But the most surprising thing is that there's a pillar of gentle golden light emerging from St. Peter's Basilica that pierced through the sky and the sound of horns came from above.

Many immediately referenced this sound to the seven trumpets from the Book of Revelation and dropped down to their knees, crying and repenting of their sins.


28th00: Claire, what did you do? The Horns of Revelation shouldn't even exist in this world!


Chapter 1149 Trigger part 2 | Patreon

Turning back the hands on the clock a little bit, Claire's group came face to face with one of the Gotei 13 founders, Sakahone Saizou, and one former and legitimate Kenpachi, Kuruyashiki.

Instead of directly attacking after the rescue of the Arrancars, Tanis landed not far from the two Shinigami who seemed to be observing her too.

Claire, on the other hand, flew past them and took some distance from them. The tall, muscular Shinigami with dark messy hair turned in Claire's direction before muttering something to the wrinkly, old Shinigami before following her.

Claire already expected this because she knew that fighters of their caliber would always want a one-on-one battle. But even if one of them didn't follow her, it would be her disadvantage because she'll be able to support Tanis from a distance and will even be free to observe their abilities for her [Worthless].

The old Shinigami watched his partner leave before turning his attention back to Tanis who was scratching her nose while shaking his other limbs, "...You're not a Hollow."

Tanis looked up at him while trying to shake off the poison in the air, "What gave it away?"

"If you're one, you won't even be able to move around like what you're doing right now unless you have significantly more Reiatsu than me."

Tanis turned her head to the Arrancars who were being treated and muttered, "I see. So this poison is tailored for specific use."

"And? What are you?" The old Shinigami wasn't exactly expecting her to answer his question because that's her current advantage so he used the time he had to study her physiology in greater detail to find out what could take effect.

But contrary to that, Tanis stood straight up, placed both of her hands on her waist, and with shining eyes, she gleefully announced, "A Dragon!"

The old Shinigami was startled for a few seconds before he smirked, "Understood. That explains the strange flame that doesn't contain any Reiryoku. I never thought the likes of you could speak or come in humanoid forms, though. Although they don't really affect the cycle of souls, just them touching a Human is enough for them to go berserk and destroy things around them. So unlike on the other side of the world who chooses to rear them because they don't have enough power and resources to fight against Hollows, we saw them as pests and chose to annihilate them instead."

The old Shinigami that his story would rile her up and that would allow him to see some openings, "Is that so? I'm Tanis Belial by the way.", contrary to his expectations once again, the young lady Dragon just brushed off his statement and instead, introduced herself.

"Sakahone Saizou. Pleased to meet you." The old Shinigami also introduced himself. And when he heard the explosion from far away, he asked, "Shall we start?"

Tanis lowered her stance and Saizou also put forward his Zanpakuto in anticipation.

The two of them were silent and unmoving for about ten seconds until the ground under Tanis' feet cracked, "Hmmm?"

The next second, Tanis' face was already in front of Saizou, "!?"

Saizou hurriedly raised his sword to block the punch aiming for his face. But since he was taken by surprise, he wasn't able to secure his footing and went flying.

While trying to adjust his posture, he found Tanis suddenly appeared on top of his head. He gritted his teeth and bent his neck as fast and far as possible.

Tanis missed by less than an inch and wanted to follow up with another attack but her target suddenly disappeared and she missed again. Saizou was able to land on his feet and despite the awkward position he's in, he was still able to Flash Step away.

Saizou reappeared a few meters away and slid his feet across the ground.

After confirming his location, Tanis gathered her strength in her leg once again to pursue her opponent, "!?" But just as she was about to kick the ground, she felt something amiss and hurriedly raised his scaled left arm. The next instant, she felt something sharp cut through her scales and she had to redirect her momentum to the side before her wrist was fully bisected.

As Tanis wasn't able to carefully control her strength, she ended up tumbling in the air and on the ground, kicking up dust and even knocking down a few trees on her way. However, what was important is that she was able to get away and she was able to eventually land on her feet.

Tanis hurriedly looked up, still confused about what happened, and saw that the 'old Shinigami' that slid started disappearing in fumes and the one who attacked her from behind was smirking at him, "Your instinct and reactions are good... But you still don't know enough."

The next moment, a sharp pain attacked her left leg and when she looked down, she saw a blade sticking out of it and already disintegrating into fumes, "!?"

Without any hesitation, Tanis gathered her breath again, but instead of aiming at Saizou, she directly aimed downwards even with the risk of burning herself.

Saizou saw what she was trying to do and immediately jumped back with the smirk disappearing from his face, 'She really does have good instincts.'

Tanis' Dragon breath hit the ground and lit up all of her surroundings in blue flames, creating a flashy explosion that scorched any standing plants and turned the ground into lava.

But along with the natural environment, Tanis also burned away all the poison in her surroundings.

The flame finally disappeared and left Tanis standing on a puddle of lava with some scorched marks all over her body.

"Good call." Saizou complimented as he landed not very far away from her, "I'm indeed creating my clone and blades through the poison in the air." He then looked down at her feet before continuing, "But you really are one strange being. You have an incredible defense that you can even dip your feet into a molten rock yet you don't have that much resistance against Reiatsu. At most, you're below the Lieutenant level. If you were at least Captain level, I would never be able to create blades that close to you."

Tanis didn't say anything and just jumped away from the puddle of lava.

Even then, Saizou continued speaking, "However, I'm not really good with blades and in essence, I'm still a poison user."

At the same time, Tanis lost the feeling in her left leg and her knee buckled, making her kneel on the ground. It didn't stop there as her left arm also dropped limp without any indication of it moving.

"You're an interesting young lady," Saizou suddenly appeared not far from her, "But I don't need to take more baggage. Be a good girl and drop dead."


28th00: Uh oh spaghetti-o~!

Chapter 1150 Trigger part 3 | Patreon

While Tanis was breathing flames at her feet, the communicator on the Arrancars suddenly rang and a voice came out of it, [You there, the girl with animal ears. Can you hear me?]

'This voice... That Captain Kurotsuchi?' Kunou turned to the source of the voice and said, "Yes."

[Good. Warn your friend over there. Sakahone Saizou is a Poison Master and he can even solidify his poison to form various things. Not only that, his presence is masked as long as he's within his poison field but he can also choose to manipulate where his presence would appear.]

'I see... So that's why he could fool Tanis' senses.'

[His weakness is that he's not as good as his peers with swords and he's the weakest in terms of strength. Finally, he's also affected by his own poison so for him to be safe against his own poison, he had to modify it so that it won't take effect on a Shinigami. Open the door again and let me through. He's weakest against his fellow Shinigamis and I'd also like some samples of his Poison.]

"And what? And snatch these weakened ladies and gentlemen amidst the confusion?"

[...] Mayuri is silent because he's really intending to do just that, [Sadly, it may be too late. Aren't you going to help your friend?]

Saizou had already approached the immobilized Tanis and was ready to bring down his sword on her neck.

"Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi, was it? Tanis is a Dragon."

[...And what of it?]

"Dragons, unless it is specifically tailored for them or it has Dragon Slayer properties, no poison could ever affect them."

The next instant, blood sprayed out, but not from Tanis who was 'paralyzed'.


Saizou was looking at the smirking Tanis who suddenly sprung into action with the fastest speed she has ever shown today and pierced his chest and through his heart using her hand. Of course, it didn't just stop there as multiple golden chains suddenly sprouted out of the ground and tied around Saizou, stopping him in place.

Finally, Tanis opened her mouth and unlike before, she didn't breathe in and just expelled blue flames from it in an instant.

[So she was holding back and pretending to be poisoned all this time.] Mayuri commented as Tanis jumped back and carefully watched the burning old man while also preparing some sealing techniques to finally cripple him.

"In terms of experience, it is very obvious that we can't match them. However, it's also obvious that he's a prideful and overconfident one."

[Good thinking. But don't expect this to work the second time.]

Kunou felt weird that Mayuri was being amicable and was about to say something when she felt something weird and hurriedly stood up while turning to Claire's direction while taking some distance.

Mayuri on the other side of the line also went quiet but the camera on Nel's body transformed and grew bug wings and turned to the direction Kunou is facing.

Kunou couldn't be bothered with him right now and trying to understand what's happening. She also noticed that Tanis became distracted and her sealing slowed down, "Tanis, continue the sealing. I'll watch her!"

From Claire's position was a massive amount of Holy Power that she shouldn't be capable of releasing.




When the muscular man started following her, Claire took further distance. Since his ability is very well documented, she knows exactly what he's capable of and Claire doesn't want him to give Tanis a hard time or target Kunou who was treating their rescue targets.

After creating a suitable distance, Claire finally stopped flying away and turned to the muscular Shinigami.

"I'm offended that you think that I'll assist the old man and target the non-combatants." He first said when he stopped running.

"Why wouldn't I? It's clear that you attacked those Arrancars after they were paralyzed."

"But that wasn't even a fight. They just dropped down and my job was to capture them."

Just as the Shinigami stopped speaking, the space behind Claire suddenly became a jaw with giant rows of teeth, opening and swallowing her in one swift motion.

'That easy?' The Shinigami questioned himself but suddenly felt a threat behind him so he used Flash Step to dodge.

When the Shinigami looked back, he saw the girl who was just swallowed holding a knife, 'How did she escape my senses?'

Claire, on the other hand, thought, 'It's now certain that they can't feel Ki. Even then, he was still able to dodge.' She immediately figured out that she'll lose in a straight-up fight against him, 'Then my only chance, for now, is a surprise attack.'

Another set of teeth appeared behind Claire but she was able to dodge it by flying up a bit. However, it didn't end there as another jaw opened on top of her and she had to immediately change her direction.

The Shinigami just watched from the side as he kept spawning these jaws that could prove fatal for his opponent. Nevertheless, the Shinigami still wanted to observe the girl and figure out how she was able to suddenly appear behind him. The Shinigami was very cautious of doing any big movements that would open up opportunities for counterattacks.

'How is she moving this fast? And there isn't much movement from the Hell's Blessing to support her.' The Shinigami had already figured out that their unexpected guests could somehow utilize the power only available in Hell but it still doesn't explain her sudden burst in movement, causing him to miss and even predict her movements wrongly.

Claire has only been dodging for a minute or two until she finally got what she needed and materialized her Soul Gear which was a bow aimed at the Shinigami while gathering both Demonic Power and Holy Power to make her arrow.

As the swirling black and white arrow instantly took form within the bow, the Shinigami immediately sensed the danger and tilted his head to the side.

Unlike the Quincies of this world, Claire's arrow took an explosive start like a high-caliber sniper rifle instantly reaching her target.

The Shinigami gritted his teeth as his right ear was completely blown off. Nonetheless, the next arrow was already coming and summoned the jaw in front of him.

Different from the first arrow, however, the one she released this time was a lot slower, matching the speed of a normal Quincy arrow. The Shinigami immediately got a bad premonition and jumped back.

The black and white arrow hit the rows of teeth as he had expected but what came next startled him as his defense was completely obliterated from a huge explosion that ensued.

"!? Guhhh..." The Shinigami summoned multiple jaws in front of him to mitigate the shockwave that was about to crush him and sent him flying. Alas, Claire's sudden switch to the offensive didn't stop there as the Shinigami felt a few more arrows coming at him.

Without much choice, the Shinigami dropped to the ground. As soon as his feet touched the soil, the ground instantly transformed into an enormous jaw that swallowed him.

Claire's arrows curved and followed their target, however, that's all they could do as even if they contain the destructive property of mixing opposing attributes, it still couldn't break through the at least 3 feet thick teeth.

Claire smirked as this is exactly what she was waiting to happen. Aiming his bow directly downwards, Claire gathered as much Holy Power as possible and sharpened it to the utmost. This time, she didn't mix it with Demonic Power because she needed that for something else.

Claire's grey eyes glowed and she stared down at the closed jaw. At this moment, the arrow in her hand already enlarged to several feet and shone down on the entire region, 'Now!'

A dangerous glint went through her eyes and the jaw started crumbling back to earth, revealing a very shocked Shinigami inside it. But it seems that fortune is not on Claire's side today, at least, for what she intended to happen.

Just as she was about to release the enormous arrow that could annihilate most things, Claire felt something snap, '...Huh?'

Her hand froze first before it immediately extended to her whole body. The arrow that could potentially obliterate all life stopped growing and actually started shrinking as the Holy Power moved back into Claire's body without her being able to control it.

Claire still wasn't able to process what was going on when the Holy Power that returned to her body kept increasing even though the arrow was already gone, 'W-where is this coming from!?'

Claire started panicking and tried wrestling away the control from the rogue Holy Power. In her attempt to do so, she finally figured something out, 'This is not mine!'

Even then, the Holy Power kept growing inside her body that it threatened the delicate balance it has against her Demonic Power and started wreaking havoc, destroying her from the inside.

She wanted to scream from pain but her entire body, including her throat and lungs, were frozen in place, placing her in a tortured state of her body being ripped apart.

Unbeknownst to her, an Angel's Halo manifested on top of her head, something that should have been impossible for someone with a Devil's lineage.




Back in their original world, the Four Great Seraphs were having their regular meeting when all of them suddenly shuddered and stood up, "A new source of faith!? Where is it coming from!?" Uriel shouted in shock.


28th00: Claire is being used as a relay node to access the entirety of The Faith in Bleach's world, huh? That's really not a fun thing to be.


Chapter 1151 Trigger part 4 | Patreon

"Uriel, calm down." Michael immediately reminded Uriel. But like him, he was also incredibly surprised, "Let's approach this with caution. Can any of you tell where this is coming from?"

The other three Great Seraphs looked at each with serious expressions before shaking their heads, "Everyone, please take your time to feel it. It's incredibly... for the lack of a better term, thin." Michael added and continued, "Raphael, any movement from our fellow Angels? Gabriel, how's the Holy System?"

Gabriel swiped her hands in the air a few times and a translucent screen appeared in front of her. It was the new feature that Kisuke attached to the Holy System for easier monitoring and management after he resolved the bug within their Sacred Gear System.

And while Gabriel was navigating through the information she's being shown, Raphael used his ability to look at other layers of Heaven and took a look at everyone else's reaction, "...There seems to be nothing. I think we're the only ones who felt this strange connec-" "What!?" He was interrupted by Gabriel's startled voice.

"What's wrong?" Michael immediately asked while the other two also turned to her direction.

With a slightly pale face, Gabriel stutteringly says, "...Th-Three billion... About three billion new believers appeared in our system!"

"""!!?""" The other three's hearts sank because this either meant that they gained that amount of believers or there was a huge flaw that suddenly appeared in their system that they don't know if it could have disastrous consequences for the entire Heaven. And with such an exaggerated number, they are leaning toward the latter.

"Confirm where this number is coming from. And while you're at it, please hide this information and we should be the only ones who have access to it." Michael immediately instructed before turning to Raphael and Uriel, "Trace the source of this faith and if no one else could feel it, make sure that no one else figures this out."

As they haven't sorted out all the traitors that managed to not 'Fall', they can't have them get any clue about this potentially fatal flaw, or their enemies will immediately exploit them.

But even after weeks of searching, none of them found the source of the new source of faith or any clue as to where the new believers were coming from. However, the most concerning and horrifying thing about this is that the three billion seemed to not be an error. Now the question that haunts them is where these three billion people are hiding.




Kunou decided that the situation was not right and felt the danger Claire was in. But before she could move, the door they went through opened once again, but this time, in a much more violent manner that shook the entire space near it.


Serafall didn't immediately reply to Kunou and tried to gauge the situation first. A few seconds later, she glanced at Kunou and said, "You guys should leave first. This is a Heaven and Underworld problem."

Kunou was confused but she trusted Serafall and nodded, "Tanis! Let's go!"

Carrying the Arrancars with her Youjutsu, Kunou immediately left Hell. Tanis half finished her sealing spell first before racing towards the door, but before she left, she turned to Serafall and asked, "Is Claire going to be fine?"

Serafall winked at her and smiled, "With me around? I won't let something bad happen to her."

Tanis sighed in relief and soon followed Kunou.

Serafall's smile instantly disappeared and her attention then turned to the bug that was trying to hide its presence, "You too. This is something you shouldn't see if you don't want your research into Magic stall and become a mess because of the wrong assumptions."

[But it doesn't hurt to record everything for lat-] The voice from the bug couldn't finish as it instantly turned into a block of ice before crumbling into innumerable pieces.

After that, Serafall looked at the scorched Shinigami, already regenerating himself and getting out of his seals. Serafall released her Demonic Power and without holding back, she froze the old Shinigami in a coffin of ice, 'He shouldn't be able to move for a few hours.'

Finally, Serafall flew in Claire's direction and initiated a communication line to Kisuke. Only a split second later, Serafall felt her connection established, "Ki-tan, I might not be able to take care of this alone. This is way bigger deal than I expected." Despite the confident look she gave Tanis earlier, she was very nervous right now.

[I'm looking through the news right now. It seems that the entirety of Vatican City was bathed with Holy Power. How about Claire? What exactly happened to her?]

"She probably triggered something and right now, she's transforming into an Angel."

[...] Kisuke was silent for a second before saying, [I'm teleporting to your side. Please make sure that she doesn't die.]

"I'm on it." Serafall was able to focus on monitoring Claire's state because her opponent had stopped attacking. While she's thankful, she didn't understand what's on his mind.

Serafall finally reached Claire's side and started containing the berserk energy rampaging inside Claire's body. And while at it, she asked, "Not going to use this chance to attack?"

The muscular Shinigami shook his head, "I already lost."

"Lost? But you're currently an immortal. How could you lose?"

"...No. In the face of that power, my immortality is meaningless."

"Then all the more reason to use this chance to attack, no?" Beside Serafall, a Magic Circle appeared, and soon a man in Western formal clothing and a plain mask appeared.

However, the muscular Shinigami was not perturbed by this and just shrugged his shoulders, "Why should I? She's my ticket to my long-lost wish."

The Shinigami then turned around and started walking in the direction where they came from, "I don't know what happened, but make sure that she survives. And tell her that I look forward to our next clash." With a Flash Step, the Shinigami disappeared from their sight.

"It's interesting that enough Holy Power is enough to kill them, but I guess we should focus on Claire right now." After ensuring no one was watching them anymore, Kisuke dispelled his disguise and started studying Claire's situation in earnest.

As of right now, half of Claire's Devil wings have transformed into pure white Angel wings and the Halo on top of her head was shining ever brighter. Although it should be a beautiful scene, it couldn't be further from that as Claire right now was bleeding all over her body and new wounds were opening each passing second. The only silver lining is that Claire had already lost her consciousness from the excruciating torture.

"This is bad. The Holy Power in her body is rapidly overtaking her Demonic Power and it's only speeding up." Serafall muttered while pouring her own Demonic Power into Claire to slow down this process. However, this was only further destroying Claire's body.

"I'll perform the Reversal. Please focus on healing her. We don't know exactly what's going on so we can only hope for Claire to take back control for now."

"Do you think Ophis-chan, Lilith-chan, and Flanna-chan could help?"

"The fact that they are not here right now answers that question." Kisuke took a deep breath and sighed, "It'll be hard for Claire, but I have to wake her up."


28th00: Claire is really leaning into that "Main Character Potential" she has really heavily, huh? Being a Conduit for the faith of 3 billion people is REALLY not a fun time for a half-devil. Her absurd strength is the only reason she hasn't melted into a puddle right now I bet, besides already having an absurdly high level of holy power naturally.

Goyya: That amount of believers is enough to create a God. Thankfully, the Magic Power in the Human world is not as thick as the DxD side.

