akikan 40. Tanuki. 300-311

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 300 A day before everything ends

Tamazuki sighed as he felt how outrageous Gilgamesh was.

Fortunately, he was using the "Item: Steal," or else it wouldn't be so smooth.

Moreover, it was also fortunate that he didn't use it on that "being" in the world of the One Punch Man since if he used it on that "being," there was no doubt this item would fail.

Yet, facing Gilgamesh, it was different.

Tamazuki got everything from Gilgamesh, whether it was his charm, treasures, talents, knowledge, experiences, or everything.

As for Gilgamesh's arrogant nature, Tamazuki didn't get that.

Yet, for Gilgamesh to have such a nature, Tamazuki felt that it was normal since Gilgamesh existed during the barbarian era; in front of the barbarian, why should you be polite?

Or rather, if you were polite, then you would be looked down upon since it was proof of weakness.

In the era of barbarians, one could rely upon strength.

It was also the reason why Gilgamesh was strong, especially with all the treasures inside his "Gate of Babylon."

Using "Item: Steal," Tamazuki took Gilgamesh's everything, and it was also why he could summon the "Gate of Babylon," creating a golden ripple by his side as he took out something from inside.

From axes, lances, swords, and various others.

Everything was a treasure that one could only dream of in their lives to get them.



The golden chains suddenly appeared by his side, but unlike the "Gate of Babylon" and others that he could manipulate easily, this golden chain seemed to be trying to fight his influence.

Was it due to the fact that this weapon was created based on Gilgamesh's best friend, Enkidu?

Nevertheless, it was useless.

Tamazuki's hands turned dark as he grasped the golden chains, causing the beautiful, holy chains to corrupt and turn into a dark color, giving an ominous feeling, yet instantly, this anti-divine chain was already controlled by him.

Lancelot's "Knight of Owner" made him able to control this anti-divine chain instantly.

'As expected of this world.'

In the world that he had ever been in, there was no doubt that this world gave him the most variety of power, which was a ridiculous improvement. Yet, it wasn't the best since the best was no doubt being taken by Saitama.

Saitama's power might be the most plain, but there was no doubt that it was the strongest.

"Tamazuki-sama, have you finished?" Scheherazade asked as her head popped out from the shadow.

"Yes, I am done."

"...didn't you say that you will have trouble with this Servant?"

Was this a problem?

Wasn't this so easy?

There was no brutal fight, and everything was done smoothly without wasting a single time.

"It is easier than I thought."

"....." Scheherazade.

"....." Assassin.

"..." Saber.

"Still, why do you think that this Servant is dangerous?" While Saber had to admit that Archer was quite aggressive and also kind of... unique? Since this guy owned several treasures, Tamazuki said that this was the strongest Servant out of the seven of them, so she felt that it was quite unacceptable.

"Saber, you are strong, but you need time to unseal your Excalibur, but this guy? There is no need for him to do such a troublesome thing. Why?" Tamazuki decided to show them why he was wary of Gilgamesh.


At that moment, everyone felt that their hearts had stopped.

Everything seemed to stand still as they saw the weapon that was called Tamazuki.

It was a sword.

No, it might be a sword, but it was hard to call it a sword, especially when its shape was similar to a drill with three segments on the body and various tribal-like marks. Moreover, the tip was so dull that it couldn't be used to stab or slash, yet... yet... even so, all of them present could see that this weapon was dangerous!

No, this weapon was capable of destroying the world!

Whether Scheherazade, Saber, or Assassin felt that they would die facing this weapon.

Fortunately, Tamazuki didn't release this weapon too long and put it back into the "Gate of Babylon," yet even so, the three Servants felt dreaded by the terror that came from that weapon.

While Tamazuki also felt that this weapon was amazing, he didn't feel that scared since he had faced an even scarier being.

Yet, there was no doubt the existence of this weapon made the three Servants realize the terror of Gilgamesh.

"Now, do you understand?"


There was no need for him to explain since that weapon was enough to let them understand the horror of Gilgamesh. It was fortunate that Gilgamesh was defeated before he was able to summon this weapon.


Tamazuki closed his eyes, and as expected, he found another treasure.

Sha Naqba Imuru.

It was a great Clairvoyance ability that allowed him to discern heavily concealed truths with a single glance made him fully capable of reading the True Name and Noble Phantasms of his opponents, and he was able to guide others with the most optimal tactics upon releasing his true name, while simultaneously increasing the attack and defensive power of his entire team.

Unfortunately, Gilgamesh was too arrogant.

He was so arrogant that he would rather die than use this Noble Phantasm.

"So, there is only one more Servant."

One more Servant...

The three Servants couldn't help but feel emotional since they didn't expect their journey to be tough and their battles would be filled with blood and tears, yet with his overwhelming power, he could do everything by himself, taking down everything on their own.

So, because of that...

"Tamazuki, let me handle the last one," Saber said.

"No, let us! Let us be the ones who take the Rider!" Assassin also joined.

As a Servant, Saber felt that if she didn't take this last Servant, then her meaning of existence would be lost.

Meanwhile, Assassin didn't want to lose to Saber, though everything depended on the will of Tamazuki as his existence might not be different from God in their eyes.

Tamazuki's will was their will.

Everything he asked, they would give their everything to him.

Even if it was the whole world.

"How about you, Caster?"

"Eh~?!" Scheherazade was startled and then hugged him tightly. "I-I only follow your will, Tamazuki-sama." Her voice was full of coquettishness as if trying to tempt him.

"...." Saber and Assassin.

They thought that Tamazuki didn't summon a Servant but a woman to warm his bed up.

Tamazuki was a bit helpless at Scheherazade, but since she was cute, it didn't matter. As he caressed her hair, he said, "Well, let's talk tonight. Rider isn't weak. His Noble Phantasm is unique. If there is someone that can defeat him, then it will be you, Saber. Naturally, with your Noble Phantasm without holding back."

Saber was surprised. "Is he really that strong?" It was hard to imagine how strong that foolish king was.

"You will see tomorrow. Still, Scheherazade should be able to defeat him more easily, though."

"Eh?" Scheherazade was dumbfounded.


Saber and Assassin were speechless, but when they thought about Scheherazade's Noble Phantasm, they didn't feel surprised.

Nevertheless, the attack on Rider wouldn't start immediately as they needed to wait until tonight and before that, let's calm the pair of mother and daughter, shall we?

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 301 Rin the Avenger! | Patreon

On the next day, Aoi and Rin woke up at the same time, and naturally, they were quite sleepy.

Maybe, because they were a daughter and a mother, they were quite similar to each other.

The two of them were quite weak in the morning, but then, their noses twitched slightly as they smelled a delicious scent.

Rin opened her eyes, wondering whether her mother was cooking, but it seemed that wasn't the case since her mother was by her side.

Aoi was also woken up by the smell.

The two of them widened their eyes as they thought there was only a single possibility.

Who was the one who cooked?

There was no doubt—

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Tamazuki-kun." Aoi felt moved by how he would prepare breakfast for them, but she also couldn't stay silent and quickly approached him. "Let me help you."

"I am almost done soon. You just had a rough day yesterday, right? Just rest and let me pamper you."

His words were kind and gentle, which greatly moved Aoi since she wondered whether someone had ever been this gentle toward her. Moreover, as he had said last night, it was a rough day for her, and she couldn't tell this to her daughter. After all, how could she say that her husband and Rin's father were dying and killed by Kirei Kotomine?

Nevertheless, she was nothing but a weak woman.

She needed to be strong, yet what could she do?

So, the only thing she could do was to rely on Tamazuki, who was her support and also the one who held an important position in her heart.

Her reaction was even more intense, especially when she was the wife of a Magus.

As the wife of Magus, she should prepare herself not to have the happiness a normal woman could have. Even if her education from her childhood also said so, as a woman, who didn't wish for such happiness?

So the kindness given by Tamazuki was like a drug that made her addicted and unable to escape from him.

"Rin-chan, you should sit down too. The breakfast is almost ready."

"Yes, Sensei."

Unlike her mother, Rin was much calmer. Nevertheless, under that calm mask, her heart was constantly in tremors as she was searching for the reason why her mother told them to move to her teacher's house.

Rin would be lying if she didn't have a guess what was happening, yet strangely enough, she was calm, or maybe, it was because she was coming from the Magus family that she was prepared for everything.

Nevertheless, the three of them had a good breakfast together, having quiet, warm, yet happy food together.

Frankly, the food cooked by Tamazuki was so good that Rin and Aoi could only quietly eat and focus all of their attention on the food. Moreover, those foods were good enough for them to forget all the troubles in their life until—

"Mom, can you tell me what is happening?"

Rin's childish voice asked this question to her mother sincerely.

Aoi's movement stopped like a deer that met its natural predator. She hesitated, yet she could see the will and calmness in Rin's eyes. At the same time, she also felt extreme regret since she could see her daughter had matured so much in this single night.

As a mother, this should be something happy, especially when Rin was quite naughty, but she couldn't be happy with the situation where her daughter was forced to become mature.

As Aoi hesitated, Tamazuki said, "You should tell her."


"She might be a child, but she is the next head of your family, right? I am sure that she is more than ready to hear everything."

There was no way to hide everything.

It was better to tell Rin now since the more Aoi hid, the harder it was for her to tell everything.

Nevertheless, under his persuasion, Aoi nodded as she walked to Rin and brought her to the sofa to tell her everything. She hugged her daughter tightly as she said, "Rin, your father... has passed away."


Rin might have expected this, but she didn't expect that it would be the truth.

Her eyes were reddened, and tears kept dripping from her eyes, yet she held her sadness since she knew that she was going to be the next head of the Tohsaka family.


"...it's Kirei."


Rin widened her eyes as she looked at her mother, trying to see a lie in it, but her mother told the truth since her father was betrayed by Kirei, his only student.


This news was something that made her unable to comprehend for a moment.

No, she needed time to understand everything.

It wasn't until she recovered that she looked at her teacher. "Teacher, please teach me!"

"...you want to have revenge?"


There was no way for her to let Kirei, that bastard priest, live as if nothing had happened.

"He is dangerous, you know? And you are just a child."

"I am not saying that I will do it now. I can wait."

Rin knew that she was just a child and fighting against Kirei was courting death. She needed to grow up and learn everything before she could send a decisive blow to her revenge.

"Calm down. Your mother won't wish you to do such a thing, and in case this Kirei passes away, what will you do?"

"Eh? Did Kirei pass away?"

Not only Rin but Aoi was dumbfounded.

"Just in case."

"Then..." Rin thought for a moment, then said without hesitation, "I will become a great head of the Tohsaka family! I won't let this family fail in my generation!" No matter what, she needed to continue with the Tohsaka family.

"That's great. I will support you."


Rin looked at Tamazuki and hugged him tightly. In the end, she was just a child, and having him greatly relieved her as he was her support.

Aoi was also glad, watching all of this, but then she couldn't help but blush at her dirty thought, thinking that he could become Rin's stepfather.

Then, when everything was settled, he turned on the television, but—

"Last night, there was another explosion. The victim is known as Kirei Kotomine, the son of a former priest who was caught in a previous explosion at the church. Even though there is no conclusive evidence, the culprit should be related to Kiritsugu Emiya's companion..."

The three of them fell into silence as they heard the news.

While Tamazuki was calm, Rin and Aoi were speechless, and their hearts were hardly calm. The killer of Tokiomi Tohsaka was there, dying before they could do anything, but...

This was a good ending, right?

Nevertheless, as the matter of revenge was over, the end of the Holy Grail was about to start tonight.

The only Servant on this Holy Grail, Rider, was going to be his target next.


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 302 Who is alone? | Patreon

At a certain house in the neighborhood, Rider and Waver played a game. While they might not have much of an expectation toward the game, they didn't expect it to be so great that they got hooked, so all of these times, they spent their days playing a game.


Well, they knew that it was impossible to catch Caster's tail, so they might as well come to wait for him.

It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that the game was interesting, okay?

Nevertheless, there was no doubt that they had a blast.


"Waver! Iskandar! I am coming to play!"

"...." 2x



Waver was scared, but Rider was speechless.

There was no doubt whose voice this was. Even though they had never met, they knew who the identity of this voice was.

Rider stood up and then stretched his head out of the window before he saw a handsome figure out there.

Tamazuki stood outside of the house, smiling.


Rider took a deep breath, then said, "Wait there! I am going out soon!"

"Okay, I am waiting here."

Rider sighed in relief since Caster wasn't an unreasonable character as he was afraid that Caster might involve the Mackenzie family that had been in the help of him and Waver.

"Let's go out. He has been waiting for us!"

Even though Rider was hooked by the game, it didn't mean he couldn't tell the seriousness of their current situation. If they made Caster wait too long, he wasn't sure what kind of plan or what Caster might do.

After all, Caster had the advantage.

Especially with how Caster was so brave by coming directly in front of the house.

Meanwhile, whether Rider or Waver, they knew nothing of Caster.


While Waver was scared, he didn't want to involve the Mackenzie family and quickly followed Rider. Still, he looked at the game last time and heard Rider's voice.

"Don't worry. We can play it later."

Waver looked at Rider, feeling moved, before nodding. "Yes!"

The two walked out of the house after talking with Glen and Martha Mackenzie about having to meet their friend.

Even Caster was also helping them by kindly talking with the two elderly, which made Rider and Waver feel uneasy since this guy was too calm!

Moreover, Caster was alone.

"Are you here alone?" Rider asked curiously. There was no trace of fear or anxiety on his face as he was looking around at the outside, trying to see whether there was a trap or not.

"What do you think?" Tamazuki only smiled. "Anyway, come on. I don't want to fight in this neighborhood and involve others."

This time Waver and Rider agreed.

Magecraft might be powerful, but the more people knew about its existence, the lower its effect was.

While no one knew why, people could only conclude it was the law of the world.

The three of them walked with Tamazuki in front and Rider and Waver behind following him.

"Also, I am not Caster."

"Then, are you saying that you are an Assassin?" Rider asked jokingly.

"No, I am Caster's Master."

"...." 2x

"So, if you kill me here, then you can win." Tamazuki still had a smile on his face. "How about it? Do you want to try to kill me?"


They didn't know how to act or react in this current situation.

So, was the person in front of them Caster's Master?

Then, why did he courageously come in front of their house?

Still, if they really killed him, then they would win?

Suddenly, many thoughts appeared in their heads, especially on Waver, who was always overthinking as he was trying to see what Tamazuki wanted to do.

Rider was the same and felt uneasy, but suddenly he realized how quiet the street was. It was so quiet that there was no presence of people, as if only the three of them existed, but then the space suddenly melted, and the scenery of their surroundings changed.

Even with such confusion, Rider held his Master tightly as he took out his sword, ready for the battle, but then, nothing happened.

The only thing that changed was the fact they weren't in their previous location anymore. Instead, they were at Mount Enzou.

This was a sacred mountain in Fuyuki City, and it was where Ryuudou Temple was located.

"Is this Caster's ability?" Rider frowned and understood why Caster could take down all the Servants one by one so swiftly.

Frankly, if Tamazuki hadn't called the two of them before, even Rider wasn't confident that he could block this sudden attack. Even if he believed that he wouldn't be defeated easily, what about Waver?

Waver also said that Caster had the ability to see anyone from a distance.

With such a method, was there even an existence that could defend against him?

So why didn't Caster take advantage of that and meet him personally?

Was Caster so confident that he could defeat him?

Rider was in doubt, yet also snorted since he wasn't weak.

Especially when he believed that his Noble Phantasm was invincible.

Still, should he kill him like what Caster said before?

As for when Caster told them that he was the Master of this Holy Grail, there was no way for Rider to believe it since the dangerous feeling that came out from this being wasn't something that a human could possess.

This guy was a monster.

Rider had no doubts about that, but then again, if they fought, he didn't think he would lose. "Am I the only Servant on this Holy Grail now?"

"Yes." Tamazuki nodded at ease. "I had defeated the rest. Only you remain."

"—!?" Waver was shocked. While he knew there was such a possibility, hearing it from Tamazuki's mouth still shocked him.

"That's a shame." Rider felt deep regret. "It was a rare chance for heroes from various times to gather together. Before you start to kill them, isn't it better for us to talk to each other? Share wine as we talk about our aspirations with the Holy Grail."

"Is there a point? Since I am the one who will get the Holy Grail anyway. Hearing someone else's aspiration for the Holy Grail is just a waste of time."

Rider sighed. "You don't have a romance, don't you? You are not fun. You are boring."

Yet, hearing that, Tamazuki only looked at Rider with a smile.

How to say... Rider could see that he was like a clown in Tamazuki's eyes. His eyes became sharp and dangerous since, as a king, who wished to be mocked like this?

"Why are you getting angry? Weren't you the one who mocked me? You have your own opinion, so I can't have my opinion? Or do you want others to have the same belief as you? What a tyrant..."

Tamazuki's voice seemed like he was so scared, but everyone could tell that he was just mocking Rider.

"I am." Rider didn't back away. "As a king, it is my duty to be a tyrant!" He didn't think that he was wrong and thought that he was correct.

Tamazuki yawned and knew that there was no point in talking anymore since there was no doubt that Rider was an enemy.

"Now, you said that yourselves. Is there even a point in talking with someone who won't listen to others?"

"....." Rider.

"By the way, you have asked me whether I am alone or not, right? Well... I am not."

Then, one by one, many Servants appeared one after another.

Saber, Caster, and Assassin.

The three Servants appeared at the same time, though Caster was hiding behind Tamazuki.

Yet, due to this—

"...." Rider and Waver.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 303 Ionian Hetairoi! | Patreon

"A-Asssasin?! Also, a Saber?! Why are they there?!"

Waver felt that his heart was beating so fast, thinking they had lost!

After all, he knew that they were surrounded by three Servants at the same time. His legs were trembling, and he almost fell on his bottom. If Rider wasn't standing in front of him, then he might fall and even pee on his pants.

"Saber? Why are you there? Are you seriously following this bastard?!"

Rider couldn't believe that he had seen Saber on Tamazuki's side, and at the same time, he also felt jealous. When he invited Saber, she rejected without hesitation, telling him that she was a king and there was no way for her to follow anyone, yet now?

Saber followed Tamazuki without hesitation and obediently.

As for Assassin?

Rider didn't care at all since this Servant had nothing but a small shrimp in his eyes.

As for the woman who hid behind Tamazuki, Rider felt that this should be the Master of Caster.

Meanwhile, Tamazuki, who was a Caster Rider, felt that this guy was nothing but a trickster.

The reason why Tamazuki was confident with his victory was all due to Saber, who was by his side.

While Rider wasn't sure why they all followed Caster, he felt a bit annoyed since his charm was defeated by Tamazuki.

"Is this where your confidence comes from? Is it because of Saber and Assassin? If so, then aren't you underestimating me? If you think that you can defeat me because there are the three of you, then you are wrong!"

Rider's aura was like a beast, facing the three of them without fear.

"...did this guy even try to listen to us?" Caster asked quietly and helplessly.

Saber and Assassin were speechless, but they knew that from the beginning to the end, Rider didn't give them a chance to talk. Everything was his single drama where he thought that he was a brave hero who faced the most fearsome enemies.

Yet, in reality?

This guy had never listened to them and just talked as he was willing to believe. If it wasn't something that he wanted to believe, then he would ignore, mock it, and even deny it.

Was it wrong?

Rider wasn't wrong since he was a king, so all of his words were correct.

Even if he was wrong, every one of his subjects would agree to it.

However, the only problem was that they weren't his subordinates. Their position was the same. Using his deeds during his life to force them to submit to him was simply meaningless.

"But I am a magmious king! I will give you three a chance!"

Rider looked at the three confidently and said, "How about you three follow me? I will bring you glory!"

"...." Everyone.

"Rider, I will face you." Saber stood up in front of everyone courageously. As expected, she felt that talking with Rider was a waste of time. Every king was selfish, and they had their own beliefs. Talking to each other was simply meaningless.

Assassin stood by Tamazuki obediently without saying anything, waiting for his order.

Meanwhile, Caster sighed in relief since she didn't have to fight.

Only Tamazuki slapped Caster's butt, causing her to stick out her tongue.

"Are you sure about this Saber? I will give you another chance?" Rider asked.

"You are wasting our time. Let's finish this battle as soon as possible."

Saber wanted Tamazuki to win the Holy Grail as soon as possible. After all, as long as he won, her request would be granted.

—or rather, as long as she returned to her timeline, she believed that she could lead Britain once again.

Though she might stay with Tamazuki for a while, learning the governing knowledge, a way to improve her country, and also making an heir.

Rider was so helpless at this moment and couldn't help but ask resentfully, "You don't want to follow me, but you follow a dubious guy like Caster! Why?" He didn't think that Saber would be smitten by Tamazuki's appearance since he could tell that Saber wasn't someone who would be tempted by an appearance, so why would Saber follow Caster obediently and faithfully, yet she didn't want to listen to his invitation at all?

Rider wanted to know!

"He just understands me."

"That's all?"

"That's all."


Rider scratched his head, feeling quite helpless.

"So, there is no chance for all of you to become part of my army and give me the Holy Grail?"

"You are too persistent!" Saber frowned.

Rider sighed and asked, "Once more, before we fight, can you tell me why you want the Holy Grail?"

"Why do you want to know?" Saber frowned.

"Of course! It's to see who has a better wish among all of us!" Rider said proudly. "If you want to know, my wish is to live once again! I want to have a human body! Then, start my conquer once again in this world with my own flesh and body!"


As expected of Rider, he never learned to listen to anyone.

As selfish as ever.

"Rider, don't waste our time. Let's fight. I am facing you as a warrior. Don't play around like a clown once again, or else I will look down on you as a king."


Rider blinked his eyes, then frowned.

Was his charm so low that all of his talks were simply denied?

"Then, it can't be helped. You might think that you can win against me with the three of you. But that's wrong! You have made a mistake! Do you think you have a chance from the beginning? No, you don't! Why?"

The unknown hot wind was inverted and eroded reality.

In the strange phenomenon occurring tonight, distance and position had lost their meaning. The raging sandstorm changed all it touched.


Assassin was extremely surprised.

Even Waver, Rider's Master, gasped in surprise. As someone who understood Magecraft, he understood what this phenomenon was about.

"A... Reality Marble?!"

The earth-scorching sun, the cloudless, clear skies; stretching to the blurry end of the sandy horizon, there was nothing that obscured vision.

Rider laughed proudly as he majestically stood in the center of the wide, ever-stretching field.

"This land is the lad which my army once crossed. It is imprinted upon the hearts of every single one of my warriors who shared in my joys and sorrows."

As the world changed, the positions of the four of them changed and stood the opposite of Rider and his Master.

Was this the end? No.

The eyes of everyone widened as they noticed the mirage-like images that appeared around him. One, two, four... there were more and more images, ever increasing. The colors become clearer and more solid.

"The reason why this world can exist again... it is because it is printed upon all of our hearts."

A heavily armed cavalry materialized beside Alexander. Though their case and equipment differed, their muscular bodies and mighty chargers dis-played a fierceness that could only be found in a true army.

Only one person present understood what this situation meant.

"All of these beings... are servants!"

Waver, who was a Rider's Master, understood. Servant Alexander's trump card, his true Noble Phantasm, was now appearing before his eyes.


The King of Conquerors stood before the lines of cavalry and raised both of his arms to the sides, shouting with immeasurable pride.

"Their bodies may return to ash, but their spirits still hear my call! These men are my legendary heroes, my loyal followers! They are my true friends, breaking the rules of space and time to fight once more at my side!

"They are my treasure within treasures; they're my right to rule! They make up Alexander's mighties Noble Phantasm—Ionian Hetairoi!"


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 304 Irisviel's ancestor is cute | Patreon


Saber fell in silence when she saw all of this. Before, she confidently said that she could handle all of this, especially when she had seen what kind of person Rider was, yet in the end, she was slapped.


Saber glared at Assassin, who was laughing at her.

Still, Assassin didn't fear Saber that much since he was just joking, but at the same time, he knew how fearsome Rider's Noble Phantasm was. While he could separate himself into seventy-nine people, Rider could create tens of thousands of Servants.

Yet, tens of thousands!

Moreover, all of them were Servants.

Even though their strength might not be as powerful as Lancer or Saber, the superior numbers made up all the disadvantages and weaknesses.

Assassin realized his weakness, but it didn't matter since his master was by his side.

Moreover, compared to Caster's Noble Phantasm, while Rider's Noble Phantasm was powerful, there was no comparison.

Desert versus space.

Who was the winner was clear, right?

"What's wrong? Are you trembling due to fear of facing my greatest army!"

Rider's voice echoed.

It was clear that his voice was filled with pride due to his courageous army.

"From the beginning to the end, there is no chance of you winning against me! Facing my army, everything is meaningless!"

There was no doubt his words were arrogant, yet no one refuted him since Rider had the capital to be arrogant.

If Rider's tens of thousands of army were just normal humans, they might not care much, but all of them were Servants!

"Do you need me to handle this Saber?" Tamazuki asked calmly.

Saber took a deep breath before she apologized, "Sorry, Tamazuki." If she could release the seal of her Excalibur, then it would be easy to destroy this world, but how would it take a while to do all of that?

Would the Rider give her a chance to do that?

Saber wasn't naive enough to believe that Rider would do all of that.

Moreover, Rider's army seemed to have a throwing stance with their spears.

While Saber wanted to face Rider, she didn't want to endanger everyone due to her selfishness.

Still, if she really could have been given a chance to unseal Excalibur, then destroying this reality was as easy as walking into the park.

"Okay, but you need to reward me."

"Ho-How?" Saber was stunned and blushed.

Tamazuki glanced at Assassin, causing him to look away as he closed his ears tightly. "Let's have you wear a costume later."


Saber opened her lips and then closed them again like a fish in the aquarium, but while she was embarrassed, she nodded like a courageous knight who was ready to face a fearsome enemy.

"I will do it!"


Tamazuki didn't waste his time anymore since the faster he ended all of this, the faster he would get Saber.

Then, at that moment, he took out the weapon he had stolen from Gilgamesh.


At that moment, the bright sun turned dark and gloomy as thunder screamed and roared.

Yet, everyone's attention was attracted by a single weapon that reminded them of a drill with a blunt tip, yet even with such a weird shape, everyone could tell how dangerous it was.

Whether it was Rider, Saber, Caster, or Assassin widened their eyes.

"Master, that's..."

"Yes, this is Gilgamesh's trump card."

Then, the three segments on the weapon started to move in a different direction, causing the reality to snap, and everyone could tell that this world was about to be broken.


Waver was scared to death, but Rider raised his arm courageously.


There was no way Rider would let Tamazuki use that weapon. He needed to finish them as soon as possible!

At that moment, Rider's army threw their lances at a speed that should be impossible to do. It was already breaking the sound barrier, yet even if their attacks were fast, it was too late.

"Enuma Elish."

The world was crumbling.

All the things that approached Tamazuki were crushed and destroyed and vanished from their eyes.

Then, when Rider was about to charge, the desert where they stood also crumbled, falling into the deep abyss where the bottom couldn't be seen.

Waver was in despair as he was sitting on Rider's chariot, watching all the army brought by Rider was easily defeated like this.

Nevertheless, Rider didn't seem to care about the others and kept moving in Tamazuki's direction with the intention of slaying him!

Tamazuki might be powerful with his Enuma Elish, but what about close combat?

Rider believed that he could win!

Yet, Rider forgot who was standing by the side of Tamazuki.

Saber and Assassin wouldn't let Rider get close, yet the intensity that came from Rider's chariot was too intense.

Even if the world was crumbling, the thunder that came from the two legendary bovines and a chariot had a might that was enough to destroy anything, but—

"Let me handle this."


Assassin and Saber fell silent, wondering what his purpose was to bring them by his side.

Did he only wish for them to protect his women?

Even though they were helpless, they knew that they could only leave this problem to him. After all, to defeat Rider, Saber needed to use her Noble Phantasm, but Assassin? He was a hopeless facing Rider.

Tamazuki took out his katana and put an "Iai-stance," holding the handle of his sword, before a clicking sound was heard.

The world seemed to lose color and sound.

Then, suddenly everything was cut in half, including space and the world.

Waver was unable to let out a single word, and he could only sob as he saw Rider's head fall on the ground, defeated.

Tamazuki also didn't waste his time and devoured Rider along with the two bovines and the chariot.

As for Waver, Tamazuki threw him into the space where Kayneth and his fiancee were living, letting them live together.

Then, when the "Reality Marble" was destroyed, Tamazuki, Saber, Scheherazade, and Assassin returned to the place where they had previously stood.

"I am going to summon the Grail now."

"Eh?" 3x

They didn't even have a chance to say anything as suddenly the mountain where they stood suddenly shook like there was an earthquake, and at the same time, malice in the world gathered.

Then, Saber saw the Grail that they had been waiting for, but when she saw the reality, her heart crumbled as she saw what kind of dirty thing the Holy Grail was.

"Is... Is this the Holy Grail?"

Tamazuki didn't answer Saber and just entered the shapeless, hard-to-describe space that was created by the Holy Grail.

Due to the previous Holy Grail war, the Holy Grail was corrupted, and it was filled with the malice of the world.

Yet, for Tamazuki, it didn't matter.

Whether it was pure or dirty, he was going to devour all of them.

However, when he was about to step into Root, he saw someone familiar.


"No, I am her ancestor, Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern."

The woman whose appearance was so similar to Irisviel said with a gentle smile.


Tamazuki was speechless since among the three families that had created the Holy Grail, none of them were good, whether it was Matou, Tohsaka, or Einzbern, all of them had their own cheats, so they could win the Holy Grail easier.

"Your existence brings so many powerful beings, you know?" Justeaze couldn't help but try to remind Tamazuki.

"You are not affected by Angra Maiyu?" Tamazuki asked.

"Before, but now, you have devoured him." Justeaze smiled gently.


Tamazuki stared at Justeaze for a moment and didn't expect that she would trigger his system. He took a deep breath and said, "Wait here. After this, I am the rule of this universe."


Justeaze blinked her eyes, but before she could even react, she saw him enter Root.

The boundless white space spread before him.

However, in that moment, he felt everything was so clear.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 305 Let's go home! | Patreon

Whether Saber, Assassin, Scheherazade, or others, all of them felt their hearts were beating so fast since many exist that they shouldn't see suddenly gathered around them.

Alaya, Gaia, and many other dangerous beings were all gathered, waiting for Tamazuki, who had entered the Root. Frankly, their feelings weren't good since they knew that they were facing an "Outer Being," something that shouldn't be born in this universe.

While the relationship of all of them might not be that good usually, facing the threat that could threaten the universe, they were working together.

Yet, if they can't do anything?

So, at this moment, Gaia called all of the friends; it could be called Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and many of them, including True Ancestor and many strong Magus who had mastered the Magic.

All of them only had one purpose, and that was to erase this threat.

Still, Saber, Caster, and Assassin could only stay there helplessly.

Though Saber wondered whether she could use her Excalibur to erase all of them, yet facing all of those beings in front of her, she realized what it meant to become a weakling.

Fortunately, they didn't need to wait too long since Tamazuki then appeared, and as expected, his aura changed, and it was like they were facing being with infinity, yet void at the same time.

It was a strange feeling.


"If I come here to seduce a beautiful woman, will you believe me?"




Irisviel looked at her two daughters, who were playing in the yard of the Einzbern estate.

"Sakura! Come here!"

Illyaviel von Einzbern looked at her stepsister with a smile as she urged her to chase after her.

Sakura was still quiet, but she followed Illya with her usual refrained expression, but she followed her. "Wa-Wait a moment, Onee-chan." It hadn't been a while since she was taken from the Matou house, so the trauma and torture she had received previously were still hurt. However, unlike before, she saw hope and warmth, especially when she had a new family.

"Geez, it can't be helped," Illya said helplessly, but she smiled happily, facing Sakura. Unlike before, her body had grown, and her body wasn't like before when she couldn't grow up, no matter how old she was.

Watching the two play together, Irisviel shouted, "Don't play too far. The lunch is almost ready."

"Yes, Mom (mother)!" 2x

Irisviel smiled as she sat on the bench before she looked at the person who was by her side.

Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern.

It was her ancestor.

Frankly, Irisviel was speechless when Tamazuki brought her ancestor, then... there was no need to explain, right?

Still, facing her new husband, she could only accept it since she had given her everything to him, and to be honest, it wasn't bad at all.

"I am still unable to believe that we can walk out alive after that."

"Yes. Me too."

Whether Justeaze or Irivisviel felt speechless when they thought about how they could come out unscathed when they were ganged by powerful creatures.

Fortunately, Tamazuki was even stronger, especially when he got his hands on the Root.

In this world, no one could stop him, and he was probably the ruler of the universe if he wished to be one.

Frankly, having an outsider on the Einzbern estate definitely wasn't something that could be realized, but Tamazuki came with the ancestor of the Einzbern, so the current head of the Einzbern could only bow down.

"By the way, what is he doing?"

"Well, he should be in his room now?"

"Should we, the adults, play a game with him?"



Scheherazade and Arturia walked side by side to his room.

"Are you not going to your timeline, Arturia?" Scheherazade asked.

"Not yet. I think that I might as well learn here first before I return, and..." Arturia rubbed her stomach gently. "Let's wait for a while."

"Well, let's take a rest for a while."

"By the way, is he really going to his original world?" Arturia asked curiously.

"That should be the case." Even Scheherazade was curious about his original world.

"Can we go back with him?"

"...probably, but we have to seduce him."


The two decided to work hard together. After all, they would be lying if they didn't want to see his parents.


In one of the rooms inside the Einsbern estate, Tamazuki was looking at the body that he had just crafted by using various factors inside his body. There was no doubt that this body was a strong homunculus, and it might even be possible to destroy a planet with this body.

"Tamazuki-sama, are we going to make it alive?"

Jubstacheit von Einzbern, the current head of the Einzbern, obediently bowed down at him, especially when Tamazuki had mastered the "Third Magic" and even could create this wonderful homunculus.

Jubstacheit looked at the female homunculus in front of him with a satisfied expression since it was a masterpiece that had ever been created by the Einzbern family. Even if his help was minimal, it couldn't be denied that they helped him with the tools to create this body.

"No, this is for my friend."


"Yes." Tamazuki nodded. "My friends need a body." This body was for Rimuru, so he was going to take it. He raised his palm and then used [Stomach] to keep the body in front of him along with the tube.

"Then, I will leave."

"Where are young going, Tamazuki-sama?"

"I am going to visit my lover."


Jubstacheit was speechless, but he hoped that his ancestor and Irisviel could take down Tamazuki since the existence of Tamazuki would bring glory to the Einzbern family forever.


As he left, Tamazuki couldn't help but feel emotional since he didn't expect his journey to have been so long. During his journey, he hadn't returned to his world even for a moment, so this time, he was going to go back.

Moreover, he also needed to take care of his revenge at that being.

Then, when everything was done, he would go back to Shizu, who had been waiting for him.



Tamazuki looked at Scheherazade and Arturia. "

After the Holy Grail, their appearance didn't change, but they received a real body and were no longer a Servant.

"Are you going back to your original world, Tamazuki?" Arturia asked.

"Yes, do you want to go back with me?"

Anyway, his mother also often asked him to marry more people since having a lot of descendants was necessary for someone in his position.

"Is that okay?" 2x

The two were excited.

Arturia aside, Scheherazade didn't feel worried about her safety. After all, with Tamazuki around, who could harm her?

"Sure, but we have to take care of some businesses first."

He took them to the room, causing them to feel speechless. Still, before they entered the room, he met Irisviel and Justeaze, so he pulled them together.

Playing a game together until lunch time, Tamazuki also prepared to go back since it had been a while.

"Are you ready?"

Tamazuki looked at the four women who decided to follow him to his original world.

"Yes." 4x

Tamazuki summoned the door and opened it before he returned to his original world with the four of them.


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 306 Tanuki-chan! (Original World) | Patreon

Japan wasn't what it used to be.

No, it was like before, but for those who could feel it, they could feel something dark was brewing.

It was like a tsunami was about to blast apart this country.

While the day was like any before, the night was rather gloomy and depressing. At night, no one dared to come out anymore, especially when many people started to disappear inexplicably, one after another.

Even now, no one is sure of the reason, but the news and everything also told all the people to go home early, and no one went out at night.

Nevertheless, not everyone was willing to listen, and many of them still often walked out at night since the night was when they were working and got their money. Even if they knew that the night was dangerous, they still walked out of their home since if they didn't; they might not be able to eat.

However, facing those types of people, while many of them were lucky, some of them were unlucky and disappeared during the night.

Still, those people didn't have that much of a connection with people, whether it was friends or family. Even if they had such a connection, it was a shallow one. Even if they disappeared, they didn't attract much attention.

However, naturally, not everyone was like that, and it was their family and friends who were worried about those who had disappeared, especially when they thought that it might be them who would disappear.

Now, how has everything become like this?

It was all due to something that happened in Kyoto.

That day, everyone saw the terror in that city, whether it was the government, military, police, or everything that needed to be stopped due to that disaster.

That day saw the calamity that could destroy their country.

However, the leaders of this country, they knew that everything started in Tokyo.

Still, what had happened in Tokyo was only a small scale, and before long, it had disappeared, and everything became peaceful once again like a gentle and soothing wave on the ocean.

Yet, like an ocean, the surface might be gentle, but inside?

It was filled with a raging wave that could destroy anything.

However, at that time, everything was peaceful, and everyone loved such a time, especially when the government prepared started their plan to make the country become great again.

Let's make Japan great again!

There was such a slogan everywhere, and everyone was also affected, even happy, longingly thinking about such a future.

Yet, the sudden change in Kyoto made everything disappear.

Their hope popped like a bubble, which made them wonder whether this country was cursed.

Nevertheless, for this high school girl, she knew that this scene reminded her of the time when she was still in elementary school. At that time, she was still ignorant and didn't understand anything, but when she became a high school student, she realized how amazing her experience was.


Ienaga Kana looked at the crescent moon-like symbol on her shoulder. It was like a birthmark, so it was okay, but as expected, it was quite noticeable since it made her appear sexier for some reason.

Kana was a little helpless, but it couldn't be helped since she knew that she had signed a contract.

Yes, a contract.

Even though it was a little weird, she had made a contract with a dog-like youkai.

'He said that he was a tanuki, right?'

To save her classmates and everyone during that disaster, she made a contract to give her body to him.

While she felt a little embarrassed, the older she was, the more she realized how serious her situation was.

Frankly, she wanted to meet him again, especially when she felt that he was the one who seemed able to solve this strange phenomenon that happened every night in this country.

Was he that busy?

Or was she being forgotten?

After that day, they had never met each other again, which made her helpless.


Kana sighed, but at the same time, she also thought about her childhood friend, Nura Rikuo. She wasn't sure why; he suddenly disappeared from school for some reason. Even though she was worried about him, there was nothing that she could do. Moreover, his house was so empty that there were no people inside.

Nevertheless, Kana felt strange whenever she saw Rikuo's house since it made her uncomfortable. She didn't want to get really close to it, and frankly, the last time they saw each other, she could see that he was so weird.

Kana then shook her head since she knew that there was nothing that she could do, so thinking about this was meaningless. However, she hoped that Tanuki-chan who had given her such a noticeable symbol on her shoulder, could talk with her, or else she really wasn't sure what to do.

With a sigh, Kana walked out of her room, ready to have dinner after finishing her homework, but in the living room, she saw her mother was anxious.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"Y-Your father..."

"What's wrong with father?"

Kana's expression changed, and she became worried.

"I... I talked with him before and when he was about to enter the station.... but.. but... suddenly he screamed, and his phone was dead."

Kana's mother was so worried that her expression was so pale, but the country had set up a curfew, so they should stay inside, yet there had always been a situation where they needed to go out as her husband did.

"Is it the station? So, Mom, wait here! I will look after Father!"

Kana couldn't stay calm and quickly left her house.

"Wa-Wait! Kana! Don't go out!"

However, Kana didn't listen to her mother's persuasion and left for the station to search for her father. While she ran, she might not have realized how strange the sky, atmosphere, air, and everything in her surroundings were. Everything was so quiet like it was a dead city, yet for her, who had met many supernatural phenomena, this was nothing. She had seen a scary ghost in her childhood, so just a quiet night was nothing.

Yet, the more she walked, the stranger the situation in her surroundings as if she was running in the same place again and again.


Kana stopped as she felt her heart beating so fast. "I... I ran past this place before, right?"

Then, suddenly a creepy, eerie laugh echoed in her surroundings.

Kana realized that she was surrounded by youkai!

Her legs became weak, and she almost fell on her feet as she saw many creepy and scary monsters popping one after another.


However, no one heard her scream, especially when everyone had stayed inside their house.


"This girl is scared of us!"

"The meat of such a young girl must be delicious!"

All the youkai laughed as Kana became scared due to their presence.

However, Kana was extremely afraid, especially when she heard that she was about to be eaten.

"Now that you mention is, she smells so delicious."

"Yeah, this girl must be special."

When all the youkai realized how special her body was, all of them seemed to salivate and became greedy at Kana. As a youkai, if they wanted to become stronger faster by making their legend become even more famous or eating the body of a strong youkai or a special human.

Kana seemed to be a special human, so all of them were greedy for her body as it would enhance their power.


It wasn't Nura Rikuo, who she called when she needed someone the most, but Tamazuki, then—


A familiar ripped sound was heard.

This sound might be scary, but at the same time, it was nostalgic.

Kana, who closed her eyes due to fear, then heard the voice of someone that she had always wanted to hear.

"You have always been in this situation, huh?"

Kana opened her eyes, then looked at Tamazuki, who had grown up. She blinked her eyes and was in a daze since his appearance was just too attractive.


"Don't call me by that strange nickname. I have a name."

Yet, no matter how helpless he sounded to be, Kana jumped and hugged him tightly since she was glad to meet him.


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 307 Nura Rikuo is always unreasonable | Patreon

"Calm down. There is no need to cry."

As Tamazuki tried to calm Kana Ienaga, he thought about how the world had really changed. He knew that a few months had passed, but he didn't expect that it would change this much.

While he knew that he had been away for so long, the time difference between the world where he stayed, and his original world had a 10:1 ratio.

So, when he stayed for ten days in another world, it meant it was only one day in his original world.

Moreover, when he ate the "being" in the world of One Punch Man, he also gained the ability to stop time in his original world, so there was no need to worry about something happening to his family.

Nevertheless, when he returned, he realized how serious the situation was, especially when he could smell the scent of his father and mother all gathered at the Imperial Palace. Meanwhile, his subordinates had all gathered at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, the National Diet Building, and other important government-related buildings as if they all had controlled his country.


Were they really able to control this country without his help?

While he was speechless, he also knew that their situation wasn't good since by using "Argos," he could see almost everything in this world.

'Ava, what's happening?'

Unlike him, who focused on getting the girl, Ava had always focused on helping him.

[Master, it seems that your people really have conquered this country and also United States]





Tamazuki didn't doubt Ava, but he didn't expect that his followers would be so amazing, yet he also knew that he had trained them hard and also put his idiom onto their minds, so even if he wasn't around, then they could work by themselves to conquer this country and the world.

Yet, he didn't expect that their progress would be so much that they had also conquered the United States.

Still, while he might not be able to confirm what was happening, he somehow could tell what was happening, especially when he heard how his family and his followers seemed to be in a crisis for some reason.

However, he still listened to Ava's explanation.

Nevertheless, he was quite curious about what his followers did in the United States, so he checked them, but then, he was speechless since they had conquered the White House and the Pentagon.

This made him feel weird since he wondered whether his followers were so good that they could do all of that, but he also understood that by staying under him, they realized how limited their thought was. They knew the world was vast and Japan was nothing but a small country.

From conquering the country to becoming the dominating world.

It was probably what they wished to do, but while it was easy for them to take care of the United States, considering the limited presence of supernatural beings, Japan, which was their home, was different. Moreover, it was impossible for them to give up this country, considering their legends were born in this country.

If they migrated to other countries due to the enemy, what would they become?

So, there was no way for them to give up this country even if the enemies were strong, and due to that, they were searching for his position.

Still, who was their enemy?

There was no one other than the protagonist, right?

According to Ava, it was said that when he left, everyone started their invasion of Tokyo. Previously, they had done their best to lay their foundation in Tokyo, so when they started their move, everything was so smooth, and they couldn't help but conquer the most populated city in Japan directly.


While he was speechless, he didn't blame them since the feeling of conquering was good.

Nevertheless, there was no way for the protagonist and his group to let his followers do that. Still, the hero had always been late, so when Nura Rikuo and his group only came out when it was almost time before his people conquered Tokyo, whether it was the government, military, or also economic.

Everything was too late.

Moreover, they also didn't become stupid due to the aura of the protagonist. At that time, they even dared to use Rikuo's mother and also his normal life as a threat if Rikuo kept bothering him.

But who was Nura Rikuo?

The protagonist!

Facing such a threat, there was no way for him to back down, and he kept fighting, but as expected, he was beaten up, especially when all of his subordinates were strong youkai, who were famous in various regions and also trained their abilities to the limits.

On the other hand, Nura Rikuo had just started learning his origin, especially when he hated the youkai initially, so facing a group of strong youkai, even if his protagonist's aura boosted his power, was meaningless.

Moreover, the power of the Nura Clan had been weakened due to the Youkai War that had been initiated by Tamazuki in the past.

Facing the strong and spirited army of the Shikoku Youkai, Nura Rikuo was unable to do anything, but when he was about to die, his grandfather came out to help him.

Still, even if Nurarihyon was powerful, facing many strong youkai, including Danuki Inugamigyoubu (Tamazuki's after), he could only run away, sacrificing many of his followers while also hurt.

Nevertheless, being attacked, there was no way for them to forgive the Nura Clan, so they quickly attacked all the Nura Clan mercilessly.

Without Nura Rikuo, the Nura Clan quickly crumbled, being eaten by the Shikoku Youkai.

However, the protagonist had never lost, so by using coincidences, the power of luck and family, somehow, one after another, Nura Rikuo teamed up with the Kyoto Youkai and also Abe no Seimei, who had been reincarnated into this world.

Not only Abe no Seimei but also other powerful youkai, such as the Hyaku Monogatari Clan and the descendants of Gokadoin House, came out together to support the protagonist in taking down the evil known as the Shikoku Youkai.

While he was speechless at how a nemesis and last antagonist of this world somehow could work together with Nura Rikuo, who was the protagonist, made him speechless, there was no doubt that they were strong.

Nevertheless, the Shikoku Youkai weren't weak since, except for the Kyoto Youkai, they had conquered all the Youkai in this country and also used the money to borrow the power of various creatures from other countries, such as vampires, Sun Wukong, and many others.

Moreover, his group also controlled the government, and military, so controlling the majority of a human too.

Still, the existence of a human was meaningless in the supernatural world since they were too weak unless they had a superpower. However, those with supernatural powers all followed Nura Rikuo.

There was no doubt that in this battle, the victory would be on Nura Rikuo.

That should be the case if Tamazuki didn't return, but before that, he looked at the young woman in his arms. Unlike before, Kana had grown up into a splendid young woman. She was no longer an annoying brat who called him "Tanuki-chan" all the time.

No, she still called him "Tanuki-chan," though.

Still, maybe, because she also started to get older, she blushed and was shy when she noticed he was staring at her face.

"Wh-What's wrong?"

Tamazuki didn't think too much and decided to kiss her first since that way, his "Enhanced Learning" would be completed.

His strongest skill had become even stronger.


To make it more acceptable, I have made Nura Rikuo and the other characters become high school students since if Nura Rikuo is still a middle school student, it is like bullying, right?


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 308 Tamazuki: "Your childhood friend is mine" | Patreon

Kana was startled when her lips were kissed so suddenly.

While her heart was beating so fast due to the fear before, now her heart was beating due to a different reason.

Yet, the kiss was so nice she couldn't help but enjoy it.

Was she such a perverted girl?

Kana didn't know, but she couldn't push him since she lost her strength due to the pleasure.

Still, as it was her first time, he didn't kiss her for too long.

When their lips parted, she fell directly into his arms.

Meanwhile, Tamazuki looked at the complete version of his "Enhanced Learning."

Was there a difference with the incomplete version? Yes.

The difference was quite huge since the complete version gave him the ability to learn 120% or better than those whose skills, magics, abilities, etc., he learned from.

In other words, he could develop the skills he learned far better than the one who owned the skill originally.

While he was still unable to learn race-based skills like Yuki-Onna's ice manipulation.

However, if he devoured those beings, he could also learn race-based skills, then learn their skills far better than them.

There was no doubt that this was an amazing ability.


"Wh-Why did you kiss me so suddenly?!"

When Kana recovered, she asked this question resentfully and embarrassingly.

After all, her first kiss was gone just like that!

Even though she didn't really hate it, she wished for him to give some preparation!

A date or two, or three before they kissed each other, but they had only met for a while after a few years of separated, then her first kiss was gone!

He was so unreasonable!

"It's a price for saving you."

Tamazuki gently caressed Kana's head. "Or is your first kiss more expensive than your life?"


Kana couldn't answer this question and was speechless.

"Did you know? I have just come back from Japan, but you suddenly called me. I don't even have time to take a rest." Tamazuki sighed.

"Huh? Just coming back from Japan? You are a youkai, right? Where did you go?"

"I visited London, Germany, Egypt, and many other places."

"...do youkai go to the international now?" Kana was amazed. After all, it was her first time knowing that a youkai went to the international.

"Why not? Haven't vampires gone international now? There are few in Japan, so naturally, we, the youkai, also need to go international. Don't underestimate youkai. As you humans have developed with modernization, we also develop ourselves."


Was it a youkai kind of a domestic company that had decided to become an international company?

It was amazing, and at the same time, she wasn't sure how to react.

"By the way, one kiss isn't enough."

"Eh?!" Kana was startled and blushed. "How-How many kisses again?" When she thought about it, she also felt that one kiss wasn't enough to pay for her life. Moreover, her first kiss had gone and taken by him; kissing him more didn't matter.

More importantly, it didn't feel bad.

"Let's see... until you pass away."

"..." Kana.

"So, from now on, remember, those lips are mine."


Kana blinked her eyes as his finger was placed on the top of her juicy, pink lips.

The two stared at each other again, and she could feel he wished to kiss her again, which made her embarrassed, but she didn't dodge him.

Tamazuki looked at Kana and thought that this girl was quite easy. Yet, as a high school student, even if she was beautiful, he could tell that she didn't have much experience, especially when she was the heroine of this world, so it was natural for her to be pure and inexperienced.

Yet, she was no longer pure as he was tainted by him.

Kana thought that he would kiss her again, but he suddenly asked, "Oh, right, why did you suddenly come out at night? It's dangerous, you know?"

"Ah, right, my father! I-I need to save my father!" Kana quickly remembered why she came out, then she looked at Tamazuki and asked, "Tanuki-chan! Please save my father!"

"I don't mind, but what will you pay me?"

"I..." Kana blushed. "Pervert! Tanuki-chan has become a pervert!"

"Well, don't blame me since who would think that brat who rubbed my paws before would become so cute like this."


Kana felt that her face was hot, and at the same time, she realized that the tanuki-chan, whose paws she rubbed crazily before, was a man. Though to save her father, she made up her mind. "I-I will give you my all!"

"Are you sure?" Tamazuki asked curiously.


"Okay then." Tamazuki snapped his fingers, then suddenly, Kana's father appeared by their side.


Kana then suddenly saw a middle-aged man whose body was dirty and seemed to be hurt.


Tamazuki snapped his fingers again, and the middle-aged man's body was healed.

"Thank you, Tanuki-chan."

"My name is Inugamigyoubu Tamazuki. You should call me Tamazuki, Kana."


Kana blushed, but she nodded.

"I will send you home."


"What's wrong?"

"...where are you going?"

They had just met, but then they were separated again.

"I have just gone back from a foreign country. I need to visit my parents."

"Is-is that so?" Kana sighed in relief when she heard that he was going to meet his parents, but then again, she was quite curious about his parents too.

Were they like him?

Though Kana had to say even though he was a youkai, his appearance wasn't like that of a youkai. Instead, he was more like a human.

"Can... Can we meet again?"

Tamazuki didn't answer that question and just kissed her lips again, yet this time, it was with a lewd, sloppy kiss.

Kana widened her eyes before she closed her eyes and hugged his neck intimately. It was fortunate that her father had passed out, or else he might pass out again due to the shock her daughter had become so dirty.

When their lips parted, he could see that her eyes had changed, and those eyes had become like those of a woman. If Nura Rikuo saw his childhood friend had become such a lewd girl, he wondered how his expression would be.

"I will go now."

"When can we meet again?" Kana asked hurriedly.

"I will come when everything is over. You don't need to worry. Next time, you won't feel scared of the night again."

Leaving those words, he vanished in front of Kana.

Kana looked around, trying to search for him, but it was futile. She felt disappointed, but she hoped that she could see him again.

Nevertheless, when Tamazuki returned to his women, all of them were staring at him silently.

Their eyes were clear as if telling him that he was a scumbag for deceiving such a young girl.

Moreover, they also felt quite a threat since Kana was young. Meanwhile, they were a little older.

"Let's go back to my house. I will teach you many things there."

"..." 4x

They hesitated, but in the end, they agreed and followed him, thinking that they might make him dry, so it was impossible for him to think about other women.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 309 Welcome home! | Patreon

On the national diet building, all the youkai, whether they were the commanders, business leaders, and also the ones who took care of the politics, gathered together as they talked about the war they were about to face.

Everyone wore a suit, traditional Japanese clothing, or army clothing as they smoked either cigars or cigarettes.

The atmosphere was extremely heavy as they were thinking about their opponents.

"Let's use a nuclear bomb!"

"No, it is too dangerous! The explosion aside, the aftermath of the nuclear bomb is quite troublesome to handle. Moreover, we're in Tokyo! Do you want to ruin everything?!"

"Then, what do we need to do? They have Nurarihyon, Abe no Seimei, Hagorome Gitsune, and many others!"

"How about bombs and missiles? We can send the army with a flight and a tank."

"That seems like the best way."

Nuclear bombs aside, the jets and tanks were quite good since they didn't cause much harm to the environment, yet they had a dangerous effect.

"By the way, what about Tamazuki-sama? Have our people found him?"

"Not yet..."

Everyone became gloomy when they thought their leader disappeared. They didn't know where he was, but as he had sent them to Tokyo, and not to cause trouble, they broke his words and went all the way since everything was easier than they had thought.

Moreover, they also could control the United States, and it was only a time before the Statue of Liberty became a Tanuki statue.

There was also Mount Rushmore, and soon it would become the face of Tanuki.

They had controlled a country, money, and military.

Everything in this world was in their palms, and everything was due to Tamazuki, who had led them, taught them, and told them how to dominate this world.

However, even though everything was almost within their palms, everything almost crumbled due to the attack of those cursed Nura Clan, Kyoto Youkai, and also the ghost of Abe no Seimei and his descendants. They were just like cockroaches, which were hard to kill, and kept coming at them.

Still, they were quite helpless since, unlike humans that could be deceived and controlled easily, this enemy was hard to defeat, especially when their usual tricks didn't work.

Moreover, they were strong!

Even if they had many strong youkai under the banner of the Shikoku Youkai, they were still no match under the coalition of the Nura Clan, Kyoto Youkai, Hyaku Monogatari Clan, and Abe no Seimei and his family.

The combinations of all of them were troublesome.

Moreover, they were confused about how Nura Clan could work together with his enemies.

As they were confused, it was impossible for them to give up. They had built this plan for so many years, and they were about to dominate this world; it was impossible for them to give up!

"Tamazuki-sama... where are you?"

Everyone missed Tamazuki since they knew as long as he was there, this problem was nothing.

"Also, that bitch! When Tamazuki-sama returns, that bitch will die!"

When they thought about Yosuzume, all of them couldn't help but grind their teeth in hatred. Even though she was the only woman that Tamazuki was ever interested in, that woman had betrayed Tamazuki and decided to work with their opponents.

Moreover, they were sure that Yosuzume had given a lot of data about their group, which made their group even more at a disadvantage.

"I know, that bitch is bad from the beginning!"

"Yeah, when I meet her, I will kill her."

All the strong female youkai who felt jealous of Yosuzume since she was the only woman that stayed by Tamazuki's side felt hatred toward that little bird.

Even though Yosuzume had received the care of Tamazuki, this little bird dared to betray her master.

When Tamazuki returned, there was no doubt that this woman was going to die!

"It's just... where is Tamazuki-sama."

"Is he alright?"

The only clue they knew was that he was leaving the country to train, but where he was, they didn't know at all.

Where was he?

"Or... has he..."


Danzai, who had always been sloppy, was quickly angered by someone who dared to make such a bad joke. "He is alive! I know him! That guy is the most amazing youkai that I have ever seen! There is no way that he is going down before he conquers this planet and the universe!"

His words were filled with convocation and confidence, as if Tamazuki was his only light.

"That's right! Believe in Tamazuki-sama!"

Inugami, who was the most loyal follower of Tamazuki, also followed. Frankly, he wanted to kill the person who dared to say that Tamazuki might be dead, but he didn't expect Danzai, who had always been sloppy, would react so strongly. It surprised him since there was no doubt Danzai was the most unscrupulous youkai under Tamazuki's followers.

However, due to Danzai's words, everyone quickly remembered the days when they met Tamazuki, and they knew that he was their light during their darkest moment.

There was no way their leader would be dead, and they knew that he was alright!

As long as he returned, then everything would be solved.

So before that, they needed to hold on against their enemies!

They needed to face all of those stupid cockroaches who thought that they had a chance against them!

Nevertheless, there was no doubt that it was hard.

Nurarihyon, this cockroach aside, Abe no Seimei, along with the Omnyouji group, was the most troublesome since they were too powerful.

Still, as of now, there is no need to worry since they are on the light side, and all the human leaders thought that Nura and the others were the ones that were evil. Frankly, with their current powers, they weren't good enough to face them, especially when there were many strong opponents as their enemies.

Frankly, the only way they could think of was to send the human army as they made an announcement to the world that the Nura clan and the others were the enemies of humanity, but they didn't really want their existence to be known by so many people, so if possible they didn't want to do it unless they were forced to.

However, as they kept thinking about how to defeat their opponents, someone suddenly barged into the room.

"Hey, what are you doing!?"

"Didn't you know that we were still in the middle of an important meeting?!"

No one felt happy when their important feelings were interrupted, but this youkai didn't care since he had something to announce. His breathing was rather hard as he had been running, but even so, his voice was clear.

"Ta-Tamazuki-sama has returned! He is with his parents now at the Imperial Palace!"


Hearing that no one stayed and all of them ran into the Imperial Palace to meet their most loved master!


Nevertheless, Danuki and his mother stared at his son, who brought four foreign wives when he returned speechlessly.

It seemed... their son loved the foreign woman more than the domestic woman?

Still, whatever his type was, the two of them hugged him tightly happily.

"Welcome back!" 2x

"I am back."

Tamazuki smiled and thought that it was great to be at home.


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 310 Let's end everything | Patreon

Tamazuki, who went home for the first time, felt a little speechless when his parents moved to the Imperial Palace.

"Why did you move here?"

"Well, this place is better than the Shikoku, right? Moreover, this castle feels great. It makes me feel like the emperor of this country."

While Danuki had tasted the feeling of the modern house, as a tanuki, he was still more into loving the traditional. Moreover, having to live in the castle of the Emperor felt great since it made him feel like he was the one who controlled this world.

Still, the house was nothing compared to his son.

Tamazuki's parents were glad that he had returned.

"This castle aside, what's wrong with your body? Are you hurt?"

Tamazuki could see that his father was wounded.

"It's okay. I just fought with Nurarihyon, that little weasel. You don't need to worry about me."

Danuki knew that Nurarihyon was strong, but he didn't face him alone.

No, he faced him alone in the beginning, but as expected, it was impossible for him to defeat him since Nurarihyon was good at running away. Even though he had prepared many traps to catch him and his grandson, everything was meaningless, which made him a little helpless.

Nevertheless, it didn't mean that everything was meaningless since he was able to kill the talents of the Nura Clan.

Still, even though they were able to crush the Nura Clan and also took over Tokyo and even this country with ease, the Nura Clan had never given up, and they came for revenge with all the strange groups that came out of nowhere.

While Danuki was a little helpless, there was no way that he would be defeated, and it was impossible to admit defeat even if their opponent was strong. However, he would be lying if he wasn't helpless with the current hesitation, especially with many legendary figures gathered around Nurarihyon and his grandson.

Frankly, Danuki wondered what was on the head of those legendary figures who decided to help Nurahihyon and his grandson, who were their previous enemies.

—or did Nura Rikuo gain a new ability, such as mind manipulation?

Such a possibility was high, but it didn't matter since his son returned.

When Tamazuki returned, he felt that all the burden on his body was lifted, and he felt that all of them would win.

Nevertheless, as a parent, whether it was Danuki or Rika (Tamazuki's mother), they could tell the difference of their son before they went on the journey and returned. Frankly, they were also quite curious about where he went and, moreover... what was wrong with those four beautiful women by his side?

Were they his harem?

"I know that it is a bit late, but who are they?" Rika asked.

"They are my women." Tamazuki expressed clearly, telling them their identity was his woman. Frankly, compared to his father, the number of harems was nothing.

"That's great!" Rika was happy.

"So you like foreign women, huh?" Danuki nodded, but unlike his son, he liked a Japanese woman more.

Arturia, Scheherazade, Irisviel, and Justeaze felt a little embarrassed, but at the same time, they felt surprised by how easily Tamazuki's parents accepted the fact that their son had a harem.

Nevertheless, it was good that all of them were accepted.

"So, where did you go..."

They wanted to talk more, but suddenly a commotion was heard before the door of the room was knocked on.


"We miss you!"

"Where have you been, Tamazuki?"

All of them knocked on the door first, and when they were let to enter, they couldn't control their emotion and cried at the stop.


Tamazuki wondered whether his charisma previously was so high that they would cry like that. Still, they were so noisy. "Calm down. Tell me one by one."

His voice was enough to make everyone quiet; then, they told them everything in an orderly manner from start to finish without missing anything.

Yet, all of them were crying again, feeling moved by his mere presence. Moreover, they could tell that he had become even stronger, which made them even happier.

Though, the female felt a bit vexed when they saw four beautiful women sitting by his side.

Still, even if Tamazuki didn't say anything, they knew that they were his harem.


"Where is Yosuzume?"

Tamazuki had seen everyone, but he didn't see his little bird.


Everyone became quiet and didn't answer him, only lowering their heads.

"I see. Well, it isn't surprising."


Everyone was confused by his calmness, which made them feel strange for some reason.

"I know her identity is weird."


"It's okay. It's okay. I can handle it."

Tamazuki knew that Yosuzume was a shinigami owned by one of his enemies in this world. While he might have cut down that relationship by fucking her silly, it seemed that this connection wasn't as easy to cut down, or they held her weakness?

Nevertheless, since he was here, everything would be okay.



Suddenly, a sudden earthquake shocked everyone.

While they were confused, suddenly, the roof of the castle was blasted, and they saw a figure of a monster appear before them.


"Why is he here?!"

"Dammit, is the barrier useless against this monster?!"

A monstrous giant with six arms, long red hair, and the face of a gruesome horned mask.

There was no doubt that this was the legendary strong youkai that rampaged through the country of Tsuchigumo.

"Tamazuki, is this youkai?" Irisviel didn't show fear and looked at Tsuchigumo curiously.

"Yeah, he is a legendary spider youkai."

After all, it was the first time for Irisviel to see a monster, so she couldn't help but be curious.

Nevertheless, Arturia, Scheherazade, or Juztease also didn't lose their calm and talked with him about this enemy who suddenly appeared before them.


While the appearance of Tsuchigumo startled them, they were all looking at Tamazuki, who had been calm from the beginning to the end and even talked with his women with ease which made them feel weird, though, due to this, they also felt calm down.

"Hehehe... is this where you all are? Are you all gathered here? Haha... it's good. It's good. I don't need to move around now. Now, let's see who is the strongest among you..." Tsuchigumo looked around before he stopped at Tamazuki. "You are—"

Suddenly, from head to toe, the body of Tsuchigumo was cut in half before a black smoke emerged and devoured it.

"........" Everyone.

"Well, he is an enemy." Tamazuki yawned, then stood up. "I will end this war. I will take down all of the leaders, and you guys will take care of the rest."


Watching his power that could kill Tsuchigumo instantly, all of them answered loudly, and their confidence was boosted to the limit.

Tamazuki was going to end everything tonight since the faster this ended, the faster he could sleep. Moreover, he also needed to settle something with those who had bullied his women.

"Do you want to follow me? After this, you won't be able to see various rare youkai, you know?"

He looked at his women, wondering whether they wanted to follow him.


All of them agreed since they would be lying if they weren't curious.

With those words, everyone left and they were going to end this war and fully dominate this world.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 311 The end of the hope | Patreon

"Hey, talk, where is your young master of the Shikoku Clan? Don't hide it from us! Hurry up and tell us!"

Sanmoto Gorouzaemon slapped Yosuzume, trying to force him to tell her where Tamazuki was. Frankly, the power of the Shikoku Youkai was more powerful than he had thought, especially when they had controlled this country and also the United States.

While Abe no Seimei and other youkai were good, Sanmato knew that compared to Tamazuki, their brain was dead. They only had power, but Tamazuki was different since his brain was amazing.

Nevertheless, it was also due that Sanmato wished to kill Tamazuki since that way, no one would stop his plan to control this country, which was led by Abe no Seimei. After all, he knew how stupid Abe no Seimei was, and when this country was led by Seimei, then the position of the governor or prime minister would be his.

Moreover, even without Tamazuki, his subordinates could dominate this country and also the world.

Sanmato couldn't help but salivate at Tamazuki's people, wishing to take everything owned by Tamazuki.

Still, if Tamazuki was around, it would be hard for him to get all of that, so Sanmoto wished to take him down, but this bitch's mouth was too tight!

However, Yosuzume didn't say anything and kept quiet before she looked at her master. "I have told you everything, right? And I only want you to let him go!" Her eyes were full of resentment toward the smiling boy who had been sitting in front of her.

As for the fatty youkai, who was part of the Hyaku Monogatari Clan, who scolded him, she simply ignored him.

Frankly, she wasn't sure why she did this, especially when she was chained down and beaten down. She shouldn't feel this and just enjoy the glory with her real master, but the more she spent with Tamazuki, the more she felt her connection with her former master disappear.

Still, even if the Shikoku Youkai under Tamazuki was amazing, it was impossible to defeat the coalition of Nura Rikuo and many others, considering how powerful they were.

Yosuzume didn't care about the others and only wished to save Tamazuki, even if the Shikoku Youkai was destroyed.

Nevertheless, they didn't uphold their promise, which made her helpless since it was stupid of her to believe in the bad guy, to begin with.

"It's you who is strange. Aren't you my Shikigami? Why did you try to fight me? Shouldn't you help me? Frankly, it's strange."

Abe no Ariyuki, the fourth Gokadoin head, who was reincarnated to this world under Abe no Seimei, looked at Yosuzume weirdly.

"It's nothing. You are just a hairless virgin boy, after all."

Anyway, they were bad guys, so there was no need to believe them anymore.

The worst thing that she could encounter was only death, and it might be good to pass away since she was sure that he would be disappointed in her, especially after she had betrayed everyone.

'If he's by my side...'

If Tamazuki had been by her side at that time, she knew that she wouldn't have made this stupid decision.

However, for him not to be in this country was a good thing since that way, he wouldn't be hurt by them, and she believed with his ability, it was only a time before he would destroy them from the inside.


Abe no Ariyuki blinked his eyes, but Sanmoto looked at Ariyuki thoughtfully and didn't expect that guy was a virgin.

"You bitch!"

The smile on his face disappeared and turned into anger. He thought of killing Yosuzume directly, but suddenly the ceiling where they were staying was broken.


"...was this how you do your revenge?"

"Compared to that castle, this place's worth is worthless."

"But this place is also a castle."

"This castle isn't the Imperial Castle. Naturally, the worth is less."

Hearing this conversation, Sanmoto and Ariyuki looked at the five figures that conversed to each other.

Yosuzume also looked up and saw a familiar face.

"It's been a while."

Tamazuki smiled at Yosuzume.

"...is that your new woman?"

Even if she was all bloody, she was more cornered about the four beautiful women by his side. When she saw Scheherazade, Irisviel, and Juztease, she was a bit panicked since they had gorgeous bodies, but when she saw Arturia, she felt relief for some reason. Yet, it couldn't be denied that she felt slightly complicated and vexed. She thought that she was the only one, but when he returned, he brought many of them.

"Let's go back."


Still, hearing the words that came out from Tamazuki, Yosuzume felt her eyes were moist and turned red.

Those words were enough to make her melt her icy-like heart.

"Hey, hey. Ariyuki, did you hear what he was talking about?"

"So, you are the one who stole my Shikigami, huh?"

Whether Sanmoto and Ariyuki felt good when Tamazuki had ignored them, in their times, they were an existence that couldn't be ignored, and whenever someone saw them, they would give their greatest respect, yet Tamazuki didn't even put them in his eyes.

How could they not be annoyed?

"Tamazuki-sama, please leave!"

Yosuzume also only remembered that those two were still left behind, so she quickly reminded him to leave.

While she knew that Tamazuki was powerful, she knew that there was still a distance between him and all of the youkai that were present in this castle.


Ariyuki and Sanmato were swallowed by black smoke and erased.


Yosuzume blinked her eyes, wondering whether she was dreaming, but then when she blinked her eyes, she suddenly appeared in his arms, and all the pain in his body also quickly disappeared.

"...you have become so strong, Tamazuki-sama."

Yosuzume looked at the four women and thought that it wasn't bad to have the four of them since he was so strong. If she was alone, she knew that she would die to handle his needs in that area.

"Please take care of me."

She then bowed her head at the four women.

"....." 4x

How to say... they had to admit that Yosuzume had a good mind since she didn't seem to appear flustered facing all of this.

"Now, what do you plan to do after this, Tamazuki-sama?"

It had been a while since she met him, so she wanted to be with him in bed.

"I plan to finish this war first."

"...can you?"

"If it was before, it might not be possible, but now?"

It was so easy that he might even yawn.

Nevertheless, those skills he got were nice, and he was going to devour more, especially the protagonist of this world.

As he had made up his mind, there was no hesitation and he was set to take everything in this world.