Akikan40. Phoenix. 51-60

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 51 Phantom Phenex is in action! | Patre

The long weekdays had passed, and the weekend was about to start tomorrow.

For Sona, this was the day that she had been waiting for, so she didn't hesitate to return to the Underworld with her peerage members.

Why did she bring her peerage members with her?

It was all due to her husband.

Even though they were separated between two worlds, they still could communicate with each other. With the combination of magic and technology, they could even do a video call. Because of this, she knew his resort was in progress, but his villa had been completed, and she could visit anytime.

Moreover, there was also a training venue where her peerage could train.

Even though she hadn't started her debut in the "Rating Game," it was necessary to increase the strength of her peerage members, and training was that method.

Riser's result on the Rating Game was good.

Except for the two defeats that were done due to the connection between nobles, all of his matches ended with victory.

In other words, if there was no deliberate intervention because of his family's connection with his opponents' nobles, then he would have a perfect victory in his Rating Game career.

Nevertheless, when Sona thought about his match with Rias, she tried to think of several strategies to defeat him, but that was the past when her husband was rather a rascal character who was obsessed with Rias. However, as he became her husband, he changed.

Whether it was his character, strength, or everything except for his appearance had changed.

Frankly, even if he didn't use his peerage and just fought her and all of her peerage members, even if she thought of many strategies, everything would be meaningless.

In the face of overwhelming power, a brain was meaningless.

If your opponent could erase your existence with just a snap of his fingers, was there even a point to think of a strategy?

Sona also understood the current weaknesses of her peerage members.


She lacked this.

Her team was well-balanced, and they were quite good at technique, but they had limited damage, which was so much different from Rias, whose peerage members were full of overpowered abilities.

Unlike Sona, even if Rias didn't use a strategy, she could win her battle easily, especially when the power of destruction resided inside her body.

Thinking about her friend, who stayed with her on Kuoh, Sona also understood her weakness, and she also wished to become strong.

Yet, as a member of the Sitri house, her specialty was water manipulation.

In her mind, the only way for this ability to become stronger was to add the amount of water or... smash someone with a giant-shaped water creation?

While Sona didn't want to trouble her husband that much, especially when he was busy with his project and when she had relied on him to build the school... she felt that she had done nothing for him, which made her sad.

So... well... should she agree to some of his requests?

Suddenly, she thought about the black stockings that he usually asked her to wear before he tore them apart whenever they were together.

Frankly, it was meaningless to wear something that would be torn soon and it was rather wasteful, but—


She fell in silence as she looked at her slender and beautiful legs.

She thought that it was fortunate that she had bought a lot of stockings before she went to the Underworld.

Nevertheless, as Sona was happy with her meeting with her husband after a while, her peerage members were also happy since their master told them that they could play around in the hot spring resort!

Moreover, it was free!

Even though not everything had been built, they had seen the photo of the villa built by Sona's husband and the scenery in the surroundings. There was no doubt they fell in love with it.

"I wonder when we are going to arrive."

"I can't wait to go to the hot spring~!"

"Oh, I want to see the bird forests!"

While it was strange for the bird forest to suddenly be mentioned, the creator of this resort was Riser, who was coming from the Phenex House.

As the house that bore resembled the king of birds, all of the members of this house had a bird type "Familiar," and their affinity toward birds was higher than anyone in the Underworld.

In that case, why didn't he make a bird forest?

With that thought, in that resort, there would be many types of beautiful birds that could be seen along with various other animals that the guests could pet and play with them.

"The resort hasn't finished yet, so there is a place that you can't visit, okay?"


Even so, Sona's words didn't dampen their moods. Instead, they became even more excited, especially when they were also curious about the Phenex domain, the richest family in the Underworld.

Nevertheless, not everyone was happy.

Saji, the pawn of Sona, sighed and felt helpless. He knew that he needed to move on, but when he thought about the person who had helped him during his critical moment, he knew that it was hard to accept all of this.

However, after so many days, Saji knew that it was impossible for the two to be together, especially when she had married someone.

There was nothing that he could do.

That's why the only thing that he could do was to stay by her side and be her support.

He might not be able to be that man who could stand by her side and a place she could rely upon, but he could still be part of her peerage and be her support whenever she needed his help.

However... however...

Saji just couldn't stop his tears.

Nevertheless, everyone had gotten used to his tears, and they were more excited about the hot spring, so they ignored Saji. No, they gave Saji space to calm himself.

However, even if everyone was in a good mood, they also felt weird due to the presence of two people.

"Rias, why are you following me here?"

Sona and Rias returned to the Underworld, but suddenly Rias made a turn and followed her like a tail.

"Why can't I be? I have heard that his resort is completed. I want to see whether it is a good place or not."

"It's not his resort, but his villa. His villa still needs time to be completed."

"Nevertheless, I will be the future guest. Is there a problem for me to come to visit?"

Rias asked in a haughty manner, like an unreasonable guest that was often seen at the tourist attraction.

"...no, there is no problem. If you wish to come, then come."

There was no point in talking with Rias, and Sona just wanted to meet her husband as soon as possible, so she let Rias go with her.

Moreover, even if Rias came to his villa, what could she do?

After all, Sona would be by his side all the time.

"Rias..." Akeno looked at Rias helplessly.

Rias only came with Akeno this time and didn't bring the others since bringing others might cause trouble, especially when Rias could tell that Riser didn't like Issei.

As for the others?

Rias felt that it was unnecessary to bring so many people, so she only brought Akeno with her.

"It's okay. We're just guests. There is nothing to worry about."

Akeno let out a helpless sigh.

Rias might not be worried about anything, but what about her?

Did Rias ever think about her chastity?

Akeno was afraid that if she went to meet Riser, her virginity would be lost, even though she didn't mind, as having a forbidden relationship was something that turned her on.

Still, even with the appearance of Rias and Akeno, it didn't dampen everyone's mood, and before long, they quickly arrived at the location of his resort.


"Wh-What is this...? Is... is this heaven?"

This was an Underworld, so it was impossible for heaven to exist, yet... yet... it existed?

The construction might not be finished, but even if it was only 30% of the progress, they could see how impressive this place was.

Even Rias, who had gotten used to seeing many of the best things in the world, felt her face was numb.

The architect of this place... was amazing.



Suddenly, a familiar figure ran in their direction.

"Huh? Onee-chan?!"

Sona was dumbfounded, but then, suddenly, the cool temperature became warm, and everyone quickly looked up before they noticed a blazing figure moving in their direction.


Everyone knew that this was Riser, but he didn't care about all of them and caught Sona before he flew away into the distance.

"Wait~! Wait~! Phantom Phenex~! You can't kidnap Sona-chan~!"

Serafall also quickly released her wings and soared to chase after them.


However, the rest who were being left out looked at each other and didn't know what to do for a while.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 52 Having a good relationship with everyone is necessary | Patreon

When the night came, Sona and Riser returned, and the two of them were quite refreshed, as if they had just taken a bath. Nevertheless, the two of them became the center of attention, and they were stared at by all the people in this villa.

After all, it was impossible to hide Sona's seductive appearance, bare legs, and Riser's torn shirt that showed his well-toned body.

The girls looked at Sona helplessly before they looked at Riser thoughtfully since they didn't expect his body would be this good!

Riser knew that even if he had "Bajiquan Mastery," it didn't mean his body became stronger as he only had experience, knowledge, and talent from this martial art. It might not be bad, but if he wished to become stronger, he needed to train his body.

It was like how a sword became sharper as it was hammered.

To turn his body into a weapon, he needed to work harder.

Moreover, he had an immorality.

If he didn't train his physical ability with such an advantage, wouldn't he just waste his talent?

The result of training a physical ability was obvious, especially since there was one devil with a crazy physical ability in the Underworld.

Lastly, having good physical ability would bless his life with a woman.

Still, because they could only meet each other on the weekend, he wasn't the only one who missed her.

She missed him so much that she tore his shirt apart, but because of this, all the attention was on him as they observed his body.

Rias and Serafall were even more blatant as they looked up and down like he was delicious meat.

Though, the most seductive would be Akeno, who was looking at him secretly with misty eyes and a seductive gaze as if she wanted to be bullied by him.

"Cough! Cough!"

Like a guy who felt uncomfortable when their woman was being stared up rudely, Sona also felt the same and frowned toward everyone. Next time, she thought that she should ask him to bring a spare shirt, like how he asked her to bring a new stocking.

Hearing Sona's reminder, everyone quickly woke up from their gaffe before they looked at Sona thoughtfully and snorted. Naturally, this was only Serafall and Rias.

As for the others, they didn't dare to do so due to their lower status.

Watching their gaze, Sona couldn't maintain her strict and cool expression, blushing, especially when she was stared at by Serafall and Rias that way.

However, Riser was different.

"How was it? Did you enjoy your stay here?"


What could they say at this moment?

Moreover, how could he say those words calmly with such an obvious hickey on his neck?!

The more they met them, the more their understanding of him had been renewed.

"The construction of this place has just started, so there aren't many places that you can visit, but I have confidence in the hot spring of this place. In the future, there will be more and more attractive things in this place..."

While everyone was focused on what Sona and Riser had been doing, Riser tried to forcefully change the topic of their conversation by advertising his resort like it was the most natural thing to do.

What to do... this guy's face was as thick as the wall that surrounded Lucifaad, the original Capital of the Underworld.

"O-Onii-sama, pl-lease wear your shirt first."

Ravel suddenly came to his help like an angel bringing him a new shirt.

"Thank you, Ravel."

"Let me help you to wear it."


As Sona helped him put the buttons on his shirt, Riser explained his resort to everyone.


What was this bizarre situation...?

Though his spirit was there, and he was like a tech company CEO who was optimistic about the future of his business.

Yet, when they saw the layout of this resort from the street, forest, lake, river, buildings, and everything in detail was designed with so much care, they knew that this place would become the future hot tourism spot.

"Riser, can I ask you something?" Rias asked.

"What's wrong, Rias-san?"

While Serafall and Sona nodded, Rias frowned, but she decided to ignore it since Serafall was there. Even if her older brother was Sirzech, she wasn't Sirzech, and there was still a huge difference between her status and Serafall, so Riser's callousness pretended as if they were just acquaintances and never had a relationship, to begin with, she understood, especially when he wanted to make a line between them.

It hurt her, there was no doubt, but she knew that she was also at fault.

If it was before, Rias might not have thought so and put all the blame on Riser, but her mind had been constantly beaten and made her wonder from time to time, wondering whether she was also at fault.

Riser might be hateful.

No, it was her mind which made him appear hateful.

She was the one who rejected him and hated him.

Yet now, when he rejected her, she was the one who approached him.

When he got married and went to the place that she couldn't reach, she wanted to reach him.

It was said that when one lost something, they would understand how precious it was.

Rias regretted that she only realized it now, but it was impossible for her to give up!

There was no way for her to give up!

Akeno, who had been observing Rias, could only sigh, but she could do nothing and just stayed by Rias's side, helping her whenever she needed someone the most, like how Rias appeared by her side when she needed someone by her side.

"Who... who designed this place? I have never heard of a famous architect with this style in the underworld before."

Nevertheless, Rias loved this place so much of this villa and the surrounding area since it used the Japanese style, which was her favorite, yet also mixed various cultures, creating an expressive yet reserved design, a contradictory style that made people wish to appreciate and have a comfortable stay.

"Of course, it's Riser-chan~!"

The one who answered this question wasn't Riser, but Serafall, who proudly told everyone that everything was designed by him. She even wished to bring the architectural model that was made by Riser to show it to everyone, showing how awesome he was.


"...yes, it's amazing."

Rias could only smile wrily, feeling even more at a loss.

Riser looked at all of this indifference. He might have noticed Rias's change, but everything was too late. He was married.

Frankly, he knew that he might have talked badly about Rias in the beginning, but had there been a good devil?

Being selfish and prideful was nothing.

As the heir of the Gremory Clan and the little sister of the Sirzech, having such status was enough to make her arrogant.

Her body, beauty, and beautiful crimson hair were attractive enough to make the original Riser to be obsessed with her.

However, from the beginning to the end, Rias had been rejecting him, and it wasn't until they parted she started to chase after him, even kissing him forcefully.

Frankly, if he was alone with her, he was afraid that he might not be able to stop his little Riser since he knew that she would do anything to seduce him.

Yet, at the same time, he also didn't want to approach her since, while she was attractive, he hated her older brother.

Sirzech Lucifer.

If he didn't have Serafall as his backing, then what would Sirzech do to him?

Having someone have a negative emotion toward him definitely wasn't a good thing, and to have a peaceful, worthless, and lazy life, he needed to erase the threat that endangered his dream.

—or should he just let it go and just continue to live without worry?

He could think about that matter later, but before that, he needed to get close to his wife's peerage members.

"It's a bit late, but how about we have dinner? We have prepared a Korean BBQ."

"... Korean BBQ?"


While they felt weird... they decided to enjoy this holiday well.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 53 The art of mooching | Patreon

They were in the underworld... under the villa with a Japanese design... yet they were eating a Korean BBQ.

What was this?

What was this strange feeling?

However, the food was delicious, so no one thought too much and enjoyed the night.

"Riser-chan? What is that? Is that alcohol?"

"It's Makgeolli (Korean rice wine). I have tried to make one."

Riser sipped the Makgeolli he had tried to make and had to say the taste was delicious. It seemed his "Beverage making mastery" was quite a good skill, and he definitely could make a lot of money with it.

The only problem was probably the ingredients since while the ingredients of this fermented drink were probably the best of the best in the Underworld; he could still make it better.

Fortunately, he just received "Agriculture Mastery," so he should be able to create the best ingredients for his beverage.

Though, if he had All-Purpose Farming Tool, then it would be even more wonderful.

By then, there was no need for him to be involved in the problem of the Underworld and the world; he might as well have spent his time farming and had a lot of wives like a certain character in the story.

"Let me try~! Let me try~!"

Serafall didn't hesitate and tried the Makgeolli, which was made by Riser, and felt in a daze because of how delicious it was. It was slightly sour, tangy, yet sweet.

Or rather, it was so good!

Serafall then continued to drink as her lips were stained with the white mark due to the drink before she licked those stains with her small, cute tongue with a happy childish smile.

[Bring Serafall to the bathroom and tell her that you have a more delicious drink before you open your pants]


Riser sighed and tried to drown himself with the alcohol, hoping the system didn't ask him to do something weird. Still, he noticed the gaze of most of them when he drank alcohol.

Unlike his peerage members that could drink alcohol freely, Rias, Sona, and the others couldn't do it since they were still in high school.

"Do you want to try?"


Everyone looked at each other and wasn't sure what to say.

"We're still in high school. We can't drink that." Sona shook her head and refused.

"Hmm... since when do the rules in Japan work for us, the devil?"

In Japan, only those in 20 could drink alcohol, but in the underworld?

Hearing that sophistication, Sona hesitated since she would be lying if she didn't feel interested in alcohol, especially when she saw how happy her older sister was, drinking the alcohol brew by Riser.

"No, no! Sona-chan can't drink it~! She needs to wait a few years older~!"

Serafal quickly refuted and then looked at everyone. "You all can't drink, okay~? Also, Riser-chan, you can't seduce them to do something bad~! You bad boy~!" She knocked his head lightly as if trying to reprimand him.

While everyone was a bit disappointed, they could do nothing, especially in front of Serafall's presence, but Riser was speechless.


Rules are meant to be broken.

Why do you need to follow the rules when you are the one who makes the rule?

Though he knew as this world was made by an author of a certain country, the rules should be followed even though all of the people inside this world often did something even worse than drinking mere alcohol.

Nevertheless, there was something that he wanted to ask Serafall.

"By the way, Aneki, are you familiar with the leaders of Youkai in Japan?"

Riser didn't ask this question Sona or Rias since most of them stayed in Kuoh. While he knew that they might have seen or even known some of the youkai, what he wanted to know was the leaders of those youkais.

Sona and Rias probably hadn't seen those leaders of youkai or had a chance to meet them after all; even though they were living in Japan and had a high status in the Underworld, it didn't mean that youkai would think of them highly since it would mean their position as youkai was below those devils.

No one wanted to be at the bottom position.

Even if the leader of the youkai might be weaker than the leader of the devils, they needed a face, so those at the bottom would respect them. Moreover, unlike the devil that originated from Jerusalem, the youkai was born in Japan, so as a monster that was born in this land of Japan; there was no way for them to visit Rias and Sona, their junior, even though they were the siblings of the Maou.

As for Sona's peerage members and Akeno, even though they were Japanese, their status was too low to know the leaders of the Japanese youkai.

So, the only one who knew about this matter was Serafall, who was in charge of Foreign Affairs.

Frankly, he was able to ask this question yesterday, but there was no way for him to ask such a question directly since it was like he was using his sister-in-law, even though that was what he planned to do.

Riser might have planned to mooch his wife's family, but there was an art of mooch.

If he was so blatantly mooching his wife's family, he might have been frozen to death by Serafall.

"I know them." Serafall, who sipped alcohol, nodded. "The youkai group is divided into two groups: East and West. The East is led by Nurarihyon, and the West is led by Yasaka, a nine-tailed fox." Then, as she drank, she explained many things about the two and their relationship with the devils.

The others also listened quietly since they were interested in this conversation.

Rias wanted to talk, but she didn't know much about the leaders of the youkai, and even if she wished to attract Riser's attention, she knew under the presence of Serafall, there was no chance for her to talk.

Rias sighed, wondering why Serafall came.

"Why did you ask, Riser-chan~?" Serafall asked curiously.

"I am thinking of going to Japan to see the place where Sona is studying, so I am wondering whether there is something that I need to watch out for since I am afraid that I might cause a war between a youkai and a devil."

Frankly, his intention in coming to Japan was to ask his nekomata servants, Ni and Li, to learn Youjutsu and Senjutsu, exclusive magic for the youkai.

If it was magic, he could still do something, especially when Serafall had promised him to get all the knowledge that had been collected by the Sitri family.

However, if he wanted to get youkai-related matters, he could only go to Japan.

Serafall giggled. "You don't need to worry. Youkai is nothing, after all. As long as you show your power, then they run away. Even if you kill some of them, as long as you don't touch the leader of the youkai, nothing will happen."

Afraid of the strong and bullying the weak.

This was probably the most common situation among supernatural beings.

Still, many might argue that a youkai wasn't weak since each of them had its own specialties and unique power.

However, Serafall was one of the strongest devils in the Underworld, so she could say whatever she wished since as long as you had power, you could do everything.

"What about humans? There is like an onmyouji or something similar, right?"

When he asked this question, he could notice the expression of several people became slightly tense.

"Hmm... they are also nothing. The only problem is that they have gods backing."


"Yes, you often heard that Japan has a lot of gods; there should be.... 8,000 or so in the Shinto religion? There is also a Buddhist religion, but most of them are acting in a big town like Tokyo. There might be some outside of Tokyo, but there isn't much since they won't make much money outside of Tokyo."


The reason was so powerful that they felt speechless, but it was realistic.

In the current era, whether they were youkai or onmyouji, they needed money.

"As for Kuoh? It is already owned by the devil, especially the Gremory clan."

Serafall looked at Rias with a smile, "Right, Rias?"

"Yes." Rias nodded. "The Kuoh town is owned by the Gremory house."

"So no youkai or an onmyouji will come unless they want to be labeled as a sinner. How do you say... it is like an embassy in the human world. The land owned by the embassy is like the land the country represented."

Serafall then looked at Riser. "In your case, it is like California, New York, and Saint Petersburg, where your family governs the human world."

If his needs could be found in those three cities, then he wouldn't be troubled, okay?

"Or rather, Riser-chan, your family has a lot of money, and your tears can be made into an elixir that can heal anything. With your status, whichever place you want to visit, you are free since if they threaten you, they might not be able to get their hands on Phenex Tears."

Phenex Tears.

This was the reason why his family would be treated in an exalted manner.

"Still, why don't you tell the truth? Who do you want me to introduce you to? Let your Onee-chan helps you~?"

Serafall hugged his neck intimately as he whispered, blowing hot air, trying to tempt him.

Usually, he would blush and be tempted, but he wasn't and only amazement since Serafall noticed his purpose from the beginning to the end, which made him a little helpless.

His family might have a huge influence due to the Phenex Tears, but he needed Serafall's introduction if he wanted to meet the leaders of the youkai.

He might be the third son of Lord Phenex and had a reputation as the "Blue Phenex," but in the eyes of those youkais in Japan, he was nobody.

Riser realized the importance of reputation, and he knew that to make his life comfortable, his name needed to have a reputation where it could deter people and make people in awe.


"Geez, Sona-chan~! Don't be so jealous~!"

As the two sisters argued with each other, Riser thought that mooching his wife's family was really great.

Still, before that, there was something that he needed to do.

"By the way, Sona, let me show you my craft. I will show you my grilling technique."

Watching Sona, who had burnt BBQ meats no matter how many times she tried and even calmly fed him, Riser decided that he should take the matter of cooking personally to his hands.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 54 Love Affairs in the Afternoon | Patreon

"Look! Look! Sona-chan~! I have a gift from Riser-chan~!"

The next day, Serafall happily showed off the gift given by Riser.


Only the firearm was quite different from the usual firearm since it had a pink-colored body and the words "Levia-tan" with a star symbol written on its body boldly.

"What do you think~? This is Enfield L85A3~! I have named it "Happy Smiley"~!"

It was easy to tell how happy Serafall was, which made him feel quite strange since he wondered why a woman could be so happy with just a mere firearm.

"...did you get it from my husband?"

"Yes~! I got it from Riser-chan~!"

"I see..." Sona murmured, and her complexion was quite cloudy.


Riser stared at his wife and felt speechless.

Was there even a need for you to get jealous?

In terms of emotion, Sona was still a child compared to him. He was her first, but she wasn't his first. Nevertheless, it felt weird when he saw his wife get jealous of his older sister, who received a firearm from him.

Still, probably because of how happy she was that Serafall showed off her firearm.

"...but why firearm?" Rias, who was also by their side, felt confused.

"It's like this—"

Serafall wanted to tell the story of his peerage members, but suddenly she shut her mouth since she wondered whether this would be a secret, so she looked at Riser.

"It's okay. Everyone will know when I have my Rating Game in the future. Even if they know, it isn't like they can copy my magic or make a countermeasure, and lastly, Rias-san hasn't had her debut."

Rias felt so uncomfortable hearing him add "-san" when he called her name.

"Well, that's true." Serafall nodded, then generously told how Riser's plan to make his peerage become powerful with firearms.

Not only Rias and Sona but all the devils present were dumbfounded since they didn't expect Riser to make his peerage members stronger with firearms, but when they saw the might of firearms mixed with magic, they fell into silence.

His peerage was going to become stronger.

This was what everyone thought.

Nevertheless, Serafall hadn't gotten enough of showing off her firearm, so she continued with her story, but Sona's expression became even cloudy before she let out a sigh as she peeked at him. Still, she quickly shook her head since she knew that it might be pretentious of her to think of this, especially when he was busy with training his peerage members and also building his resort, so what she needed to do now was not to bother and trouble him.

Riser, who had been observing Sona, thought for a moment and realized that he had never given his wife a gift. Their marriage was quite fast, and except for their honeymoon, they also had never gone out on a date.

'Wait, did that outdoor play yesterday count as a date?'

Riser felt that act couldn't be counted, so he thought for a moment, wondering how to make his wife's mood better. This place wasn't a city. Instead, it was the countryside, so there was nothing except beautiful nature. It was impossible for him to prepare a gift so suddenly, especially when Sona would go back to the human world soon.

In other words, he needed to prepare the gift at night best.

Yet, haste makes waste.

If he wanted to give something as a gift, he wanted to carefully prepare for it.

So, in case he couldn't give something with a shape, then should it be a memory?

Riser thought for a moment, and it seemed that he could do it, so he moved closer to Sona and whispered, "When the night comes, follow me. I have a surprise for you."

"Eh~?" Sona was startled and blushed, but then her heart was beating so fast, feeling happy. "...really? What is it?"

"It will be a surprise. Just come with me tonight."


Sona agreed since the worst thing that he would do was just to do it outdoors, so there was nothing to fear.

Yet, due to his words, her mood became better as she was startled to talk with his peerage members and others.

Riser didn't continue to stay with his wife and walked under the shade with a novel. He sat on the bench on the place where he could see everyone who seemed to demonstrate what he taught all of his peerage members, including hearing his ideology as a team.

Nevertheless, when he walked away, Rias wanted to follow, but Serafall wouldn't let her and brought her to have an adventure in the forest nearby.

Riser didn't follow and just continued to read.

As for his job, it was a weekend, and it was his belief not to work during the weekend.

Working on the weekdays was enough.

More than that, it would make him fail as a young master.

After all, what kind of young master worked hard?

He should spend the money on his wife and parents, spend it on other women, enjoying life to the fullest, not working like a cow or horse.

Yet, the sound of footsteps against the grass stopped his thought as he noticed a familiar lewd woman with black ponytail hair.

"Rias-san's queen? What are you doing here? Aren't you going to follow everyone to play in the forest?"

"I... I don't feel good, so I decided to stay..."

Her voice was feeble, and her face flustered.

He stared at this woman for a moment, then patted his side. "Then, sit here. Rest for a moment, and you might get better soon."

Akeno hesitated before she nodded. "...thank you, Riser-sama." She sat quietly, poised like an ideal woman, yet inside, her heart was beating so fast since she wasn't sure what to talk about with him. Suddenly, she realized how stupid her action was and wondered why she was so courageous to stay behind him.

Akeno peeked at him, who calmly read his book without paying a single attention to her.

If it was in the human world, whether they were women or men, all of them would leer at her or glance at her due to her beauty.

Yet, he didn't pay attention to her like she was an air.

Because of this, she didn't dare to talk, afraid to make him angry, but at the same time, she also felt quite annoyed.

Was she so unattractive?

Akeno remembered that Riser often leered at her when he was still Rias's fiance.

Yet now?

Somehow, Akeno also understood why Rias was quite vexed yet still thought deeply about him, and there was this sense of jealousy toward Sona, who could have a husband who could love her so dearly.

As she fell into her thoughts, his voice startled her.

"How is it?"

"Ah, what?"

"How do you feel? Are you feeling better now?"

His voice was calm yet carried concern.

Akeno stared at Riser, who was looking at her calmly.

Eyes are the windows of the souls.

If Akeno saw Issei's eyes, she could tell that his heart was filled with perverted thoughts.

Yet, Riser's eyes were different.

It was calm, like a tranquil lake, yet those who saw those eyes would feel like their hearts were burning with blazing desire as if his every being seemed to know how to tickle her heart to do something forbidden.

[Pull her into the room. The others won't return for at least two hours. You have a lot of time]


Riser felt speechless and didn't expect that the system would have such a fortune-teller effect.

How did the system tell that they would really return in two hours?

It was unscientific!

[The existence of the devil itself is unscientific]


Still, he was in doubt.

[My existence is to help to become a supervillain. I won't do anything that will make you live in torment]

Riser rolled his eyes, wondering whether the system forgot that it had told him to kill Sirzech, his family, sleeping with Sirzech's wife, and many others.

If this wasn't a torment, then what was it?

[But if you can do those options, the rewards are amazing, right?]


This time, he couldn't argue since even if the system gave him a crazy option, the rewards were so crazy that it should make him able to conquer this world.

Yet, how could he accept such an option?

[If you take her into your room and sleep with her; then you will have a reward]


Riser fell in silence as he looked at Akeno, whose expression seemed to be in a daze as she looked at him.

As their eyes met, something was born deep within.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 55 Even though I might be burnt by it | Patreon

Akeno felt her heartbeat moving so fast. Her face turned even redder as she thought about the forbidden relationship between them.

His indifferent eyes.

His manly eyes.

Those eyes were staring at her like an animal.

If he pushed her here, she was afraid that she might not fight back and let herself be devoured by him.


"I shouldn't ask you this question, but shouldn't you hate me?"

Riser didn't step forward and asked this question. He knew that he might be able to get a reward, and there was no doubt it would be tempting, yet he decided not to do it.

There was no doubt his chance of getting her was huge, yet he felt that this was far from enough.

If they really did this forbidden relationship, in the beginning, it would be like a blazing fire. It was beautiful, yet it burnt their conscience as they carried deep guilt within their hearts.

Then, when the fire was extinguished, when everything was over, in their minds, it would be... 'that's it?'

That's all.

Nothing special.

Akeno was beautiful, yet did he lack a beautiful woman?

She might be able to reward him, but when he thought about the trouble that might come afterward, he decided to back down.

Not only was she part of Sirzech's faction due to her status as Rias's queen, her heritage was even more troublesome.

Riser knew that Akeno was half human and half fallen angel.

The Gremory house did a good job of advertising, so everyone who was related to the supernatural knew that this house had always treated their peerage members like a family.

However, what about his house?

Moreover, the fallen angel had always been the nemesis of the devil.

They had been fighting each other the moment they were born, killing each other with hatred.

Frankly, as a devil, deception was something natural to do.

Yet the problem was, who did he deceive now?

Did he have enough power to bear the consequences of deceiving Akeno?

If Akeno's father knew that he had deceived Akeno, then he might come to fight him. Even if he could fight Akeno's father, then the entire fallen angel would come to avenge Akeno's father.

Frankly, there wouldn't be any end.

Then, there would be a problem with the Gremory house.

While he believed that the two could keep this matter a secret, this secret wasn't secretive enough.

Lastly, two hours were far from enough for him.

Akeno was flustered when she thought about this question.

Yes, she should hate him, yet what was she just about to do?

She was about to have an affair with her master's former fiance!

Her heart was beating so fast, cursing her fetish that it might cause a disaster for Rias.

Still, did she hate him?

Frankly, the reason why she didn't have a good impression of him was due to Rias.

Rias was her master, so when Rias didn't like Riser, then Akeno could only follow.

Yet Rias's feelings toward Riser are different now.

It was wrong, yet Akeno didn't have the power to stop Rias, and due to their meeting, while she knew it was wrong, she was unable to forget about him.


"You were joking, Riser-sama. Someone with a lowly status like me... how could I hate you?"

Akeno was just a low-class devil.

Even if she was the queen of Rias Gremory, her low status didn't change.

Facing a high-class devil like him, she could only submit.

Riser only chuckled, then thought for a moment and asked, "It might be weird of him to ask this."

"Please ask anything if you have any doubts about me, Riser-sama."

"Then, does that perverted dragon know that his master is going to the Underworld to visit me?"


Akeno blinked her eyes as she looked at his evil smile that sent a shudder down her spine, tempting her inner heart that was wishing to be tormented and looked down upon by such a smile.

Still, she needed to answer his question.

Hesitating, she shook her head. "No. I am the only one that she told."

"I see." Riser nodded. "I wonder how his expression is when he knows."


Akeno could only smile wrily when she thought Issei knew Rias had been coming to visit Riser in the Underworld.

What would Issei think?

Nevertheless, Akeno looked at Riser, then asked the question that she wanted to ask. "Um, Riser-sama... can I ask you something?"


"Do... do you hate Issei-kun?"

Riser closed his book, then looked at Akeno blankly, and asked, "What do you think?"


"I am already giving the Gremory family and Sirzech-sama enough face, not to mention what that perverted dragon did. Frankly, it won't be weird if he is killed on the spot."

Yes, if Issei didn't have the protection of Sirzech and Gremory and everything was part of the charade of the two, then Issei was already dead.

"I know that I might sound petty and small-minded, but if a man can accept his woman being treated like that during their important moment, then they might as well stop being a man."


Akeno fell in silence since she realized how ridiculous Issei's action was.

While Issei might seem like a ray of hope during their dark moments, it was only in the beginning, and when he lost, everyone became sober, and they quickly realized how crazy their action was.

Moreover, Akeno could also feel the chillness in the Gremory house and Sirzech.

The reason why they let Issei break into the engagement wasn't due to his status as the Sekiryuutei but due to his status as a new servant of Rias Gremory.

In other words, even if Issei died, the Gremory house didn't need to pay much since they hadn't given much investment in Issei.

Meanwhile, she, Koneko, and Kiba were in the engagement place and only became supporting roles on the side, so even if they might be punished by the Phenex family for tarnishing the pride of the family; they wouldn't be punished too much.

However, Issei? His fate was already dead.

Fortunately, in the original, due to the status of the protagonist, Issei didn't have much of a problem in the aftermath of this problem, but if someone was sober enough, they knew how crazy his action was, and death was his only destination.

After all, even if Sirzech was the leader of the Maou faction, the Underworld wasn't a monolith.

If the Phenex family really got angry and would chase after the problem, especially when Issei, who was just a lowly devil, dared to tarnish the face of the aristocratic family, there was no doubt that Sirzech and the Gremory family would abandon Issei since the worth of Issei wasn't worth much compared to the entire Phenex family.

Unfortunately, the Phenex family chickened out and didn't dare to chase after this problem, so they could only follow the big wave by letting their youngest daughter be part of Issei's harem.

In the end, even if everyone said that the Gremory family had always treated their peerage like a family, it was nothing but an advertisement, words to deceive the public.

If the problem really arose, then they wouldn't hesitate to abandon their peerage.

In the end, they were devils, and deception was one of their talents.

If there was something fortunate, it was the fact that Sirzech was strong enough that no one dared to face him openly, so there wasn't any chance for him to sacrifice his servants.

Yet, what's the use of realizing that?

Akeno knew that she was nothing but a helpless woman. She was weak. Even if she knew that everything was just a play, so she would become the servant of Gremory, what could she do?

At that time, she was just a child and had nothing to rely on.

Losing her mother and having her father disappear during the time when she needed someone the most, Akeno might appear strong and always laugh, but inside?

She was weak.

Like the game of chess that the devil loved, she was just a piece on the top of the board that was played by a group of people with high status.

Her head was spinning, and her breathing became heavy as she thought about her life, but then, a gentle and warm arm pulled her before she fell on the firm and strong thighs.


Akeno blinked her eyes as she realized that Riser had given him a thigh pillow.

"Just rest."

His hand gently caressed her beautiful long hair, making her close her eyes, enjoying his touch as she recalled the beautiful memory she kept inside her heart.

"Rias-san is stupid and naive, so it is impossible for her to deceive you."


Akeno was stunned before chuckling upon hearing those words.

Yes, the others might have played her, but Rias didn't play with her.

That was enough since it meant all the experiences, feelings, and actions she had shared with Rias weren't fake.

Though due to this, it might be hard for her to believe others easily.



"Ca-Can I stay like this for a while?"

"...you have an hour."

"Thank you, Riser-sama."

Akeno smiled, smiling as she let him caress her hair.

She wasn't sure whether he deceived her or not, but even if she might have been burnt by him, there was no doubt, in this freezing cold world, it was so warm by his side.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 56 So, is it okay for me to have a harem? | Patreon

When everyone returned, Serafall quickly brought Sona and then told him what they had found in the forest.

Meanwhile, Riser listened calmly, then asked a few questions when he heard something that interested him.

Everything in this land had been perfected by him with "Fengshui," so most of the luck in this area gathered in this land.

Luck was a good thing, and it was due to this they found many rare things from herbs, plants, animals, and many others.

Naturally, before they left, Riser had mentioned them to hunt or pick something greedily and only took some that was enough for their consumption since wasteful definitely wasn't the trait that he loved even though he was a dirty, good-for-nothing bastard.


When he thought of this, he realized that he might not be as bad as he thought?

However, everyone was happy, and that was enough.

Still, with all the ingredients collected, they quickly prepared their lunch since they were quite famished.

"You seem to have recovered well, Akeno."

Rias looked at his queen and saw that Akeno's complexion was good.

"Yes, I slept well." Akeno nodded with a smile.

"That's good! Come on! Let's have lunch!" Rias would be lying if she didn't have fun on this outing, but she didn't forget her goal and quickly joined everyone. Yet if she turned her head behind, she would notice the weirdness in her queen, who was staring in a certain direction with an expression that should be impossible to be shown her queen.

"Yes, Rias~!"

"You seem to be in a good mood. It seems that you recovered well." Rias nodded and thought that this villa was good. Unfortunately, it wasn't something that she owned.

Akeno only nodded and didn't explain anything.

Nevertheless, everyone had a great day, including Riser's peerage members, since this place always brought them a positive vibe.

Even Saji, who was brought up as a coolie by everyone when they went to the forest, also had a great mood.

Still, when the night came, as Riser had said before, he brought Sona out to give her a surprise.

However, when they left, someone decided to follow them secretly, yet—

"Rias-chan~! What are you doing~?"


Rias startled before she turned, and her expression became depressed. "Serafall-sama..."

"Geez, Rias-chan is a naughty girl~! Are you going to follow Sona-chan and Riser-chan~?"


Rias could only lower her head like a child in front of Serafall.

If it was others with her nature, it would have been impossible to do so, but this was Serafall, someone whose status was similar to her older brother, who she respected.

Serafall looked at Rias with her smile as usual, but inwardly, she sighed, wondering why the Gremory had always been this troublesome and stubborn.

Yet, Serafall didn't want Rias to cause trouble since, as an older sister, she wished for the happiness of her little sister.

Moreover, she also took love as something serious, and she wanted the love of Riser and Sona to love forever.


"Do you want to follow them together?"


Rias looked at Serafall dumbfoundedly.


"Where are you going to bring me?"

"We're going to arrive soon."

Sona was a little helpless as she let her hand be pulled by him somewhere to a place that she didn't know where. However, she would be lying if she didn't feel excited since, as he had said before, he would give her a gift, and this would be his first gift.

She wasn't sure what he would give her, but no matter what it was, her heart was excited like a child who couldn't wait to open their Christmas gift.

"We have arrived."

"This place is..."

Sona was in a daze as she saw the lake before her.

As the landscape in this place was carefully designed by him from the mountain, river, street, and even the trees, it was natural this place was designed by him.

What appeared before her was a translucent, beautiful lake surrounded by natural landscape.

Nevertheless, it was hard to enjoy this scenery as there was no moon in the Underworld.

Sona felt weird as she looked at her husband, but his expression didn't change and brought her to the bench-like log.

"Sit here first."


Sona became even weird, but she followed her husband's words and sat beside him.

"To be honest, I am not sure whether you like this, and I haven't prepared a gift like precious jewelry or a firearm like Aneki. Instead, I can only give you this now."

Riser closed his eyes as he stretched his hands forward.


He created small, glowing greenish-yellow fireballs that floated around atop the lake, illuminating the lake and its surroundings.


Sona was surprised as she looked at the greenish-yellow fireballs that gently moved like fireflies.

It was so beautiful.

"Thank you."

Sona looked at him with a bright smile, feeling happy with this surprise.

"For now, I can only give you this, but I will give you something that you can keep as a keepsake later."

"No, this is enough. This might not have a shape, but I will remember it forever in my mind and heart. Thank you for your gift. I love this."

She kissed his lips, and he also answered her kiss.

However, his hand started to get naughty and crept into her bud-like chest before she slapped his hand.

"Don't be too naughty~!"

"When we get back, I won't let you go."


She hugged his arm as she leaned on him intimately.

Meanwhile, Riser was wondering what kind of pose he should use when they returned.

"I am sorry."


He was startled when Sona suddenly apologized. "Why did you suddenly apologize?"

"I have thought that I can accept everything, but it seems I am more small-minded than I thought." Sona's eyes were red from tears. "I have always thought that I can share you with others, especially the women that you have been before, but I have always hated the fact that they could meet you first, and you were with them when I was gone.

"I love you so much that I want you only by myself."

Sona showed a helpless expression. "I am ugly, right? I can't control myself, and I—" He didn't let her continue and kiss her lips. She widened her eyes and wanted to struggle, but in the end, she gave up and hugged his neck tightly.

"You are not ugly. You have a clean and beautiful soul that sometimes I feel that I am not worthy of it, and that's why... I am glad to have you as my wife, Sona."


She hugged him tightly as she sobbed.

"Don't cry. You are ugly when you are ugly."

"Didn't you say that I was beautiful before?!"

They argued, they laughed, and they loved each other.

"I had a talk with your peerage members before."


"I asked them to leave you, but they begged me no, even groveling on the dirty ground so they won't be separated from you."


Riser looked at Sona, who talked about all of those as she watched the fireflies with mixed emotions.

"So, I can only accept them."


"Don't apologize. I am the one who should apologize since I am the one who did all of this without your knowledge."

"Then, thank you?"


Sona stared at him blankly before she pulled his cheek helplessly.

If pulling his cheek could make her mood good, then he didn't mind sacrificing himself.

Still, this would be her acquiescence to him to accept his harem, so in case he had more, she probably wouldn't say anything, but she might sulk.

Yet, Riser felt that this was normal since how could a woman accept a harem so at ease like that?

Originally, Rias probably acquiescence Issei's harem so she could tie down all the talented people and Issei to her ship, the Gremory, and Sirzech Lucifer, so they could take down the Underworld as their place.

As for Issei? As long as he had a harem, he didn't care.

As for the other women? They knew their low status, especially when they had all become the reincarnated devil under the Gremory family, so they could follow the trend.

Under the happy harem-like life, there was a deep conspiracy.

Riser didn't want to be involved in this conspiracy, but this conspiracy tried to reach him, deny him, pushing him down into his place, so he could only follow the others like a little puppy.

Yet, it is different now.

"If you want to add another woman, then tell me. I want to see the women first."


Riser's lips twitched before he shook his head.

Sona was naive.

After all, if he played with other women, he wouldn't leave his trails, and it was impossible for her to sniff it out.

However, with her permission, was it possible for him to have a harem openly?

Riser is curious.

Yet, for now, he is satisfied with Sona as his wife.

Still, for Rias and Serafall, who had been following and eavesdropping on their conversation, they looked at each other with surprise.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 57 Sona, your husband might have made a mistake... | Patreon

The weekdays came, and Sona returned to the human world.

Rias was the same, but even though her plan had gone foil due to Serafall's interference, she didn't show a vexed expression. Instead, she appeared to be thoughtful, as if she was deep in thought.

Naturally, there was someone who was reluctant, but it was impossible for her to show it and just keep it inside her heart.

Still, when they were gone, he spent his time with his peerage members, giving them rewards, which they enjoyed so much.

Yet, why did Ravel keep staring at him with a weird gaze?

However, Riser decided not to overthink and went to visit the Sitri house as Serafall had promised to let him all the information, research, and various data about magic and phenomena in the world.

His job as a designer was already over, and he could spend his time mooching his wife's family with ease.

Still, as a good husband, he thought that he should give something in exchange, so he promised to set up a good "Fengsui" for the hospitals owned by the Sitri family.

Frankly, he could add the design too, but if he gave everything so easily, no one would appreciate it. Instead, he should give them slowly as they slowly realize the benefit they could get from him, so they would eagerly give their everything to him.

This is the art of mooching!

Still, he felt that everything was great after he married Sona.

As expected, the benefit of having a strong sister-in-law was good.

While he was studying at the Sitri house, the others also weren't free as they were busy on their own, especially learning the firearm magics that he had just taught them.

As for Serafall, she still needed to do her job, so she could only leave him.

Riser also didn't mind, and no one stopped him from stealing all the data that had been collected by the Sitri family for an entire generation, which made his mood great.

Nevertheless, the Sitri family also didn't mind telling him since most of their data was quite useless to him.

Sitri House was proficient in water magic, and Phenex House was proficient in fire and wind magic.

Frankly, he also wasn't even sure what he could learn since he also didn't think that it was necessary to learn all the knowledge of the Sitri family when he had a system.

Moreover, his ability in fire manipulation was enough to support him.

Lastly, even Issei, who didn't even train in magic, could become so powerful, so wasn't learning magic itself meaningless?

If he had to answer that question, then it would be dependent.

Everyone's situation was different.

If Issei could become stronger by an Oppai, it didn't mean the others could do that.

However, for him, who had a system, this was meaningless.

Still, it might be meaningless for him, but it was different for his peerage members.

His purpose wasn't because of himself but for his peerage members and also Sona.

He had mooched his family, so while he also helped her family's hospital with his "Fengshui" service, he thought that he should help her to become stronger.

Nevertheless, there was a huge difference between the ability of the devil and magic.

The ability of the devils was different from each other, and they were inherited, depending on which families they came from.

For Sona, it was water manipulation.

As long as it was related to water, she could manipulate it as she would.

It was the same case as him, who could manipulate fire and wind.

As long as he could imagine it, he could do anything with fire and wind.

It was also the case with Issei, who could use perverted power by using Oppai.

However, the magic was different.

Magic needs a formula.

When you do this, it will lead to this result.

Everything has been calculated.

This is what magic is.

It was complicated, and only those who were smart could learn it.

This was why Issei had never learned magic and only learned his Demonic Power, which could be used with his imagination since he wasn't smart enough.

Moreover, with how complicated magic was, this was also the reason why a devil made a contract with a magician. By making a contract with a magician, the devil could get all the data about magic, so they could become stronger or apply it to the Underworld.

Probably, the development of energy by using a Magic Power that existed in the air was also due to the research of a certain magician or even a devil.

Riser wasn't sure who this person was, but he knew that this person definitely got a lot of money through a patent.

Riser suddenly rubbed his chin and realized that using magic and selling the patent could make a magician become rich.

So, the devil who invested in them with a contract is a venture investor?

Riser couldn't help but chuckle, but then he couldn't help but show an interest in the data about the field of the Rating Game.


[Your mother-in-law will come soon. There will only be you two in this room, and you can use this chance to deepen the relationship between you two by making her drunk, then—]

Riser stopped reading the system and decided to focus on his research.

The field for the "Rating Game" was something special, and managing the field was also how Ajuka Beelzebub got his money.

Yet, Ajuka didn't monopolize this knowledge and gave it to the other Maous and aristocratic families with great influence.

However, even if Ajuka gave this knowledge, it didn't mean they could use it.

As Riser had said before, magic was complicated, and this paper explained how the field was created.

According to the paper, the field was created on the basis of a certain Longinus, Innovate Clear.

Innovate Clear had the ability to create an artificial pocket universe that could create and support life. However, anything created there can only live in that universe.

By using that idea, Ajuka brought the idea of creating an artificial pocket universe as a field for the "Rating Game."

However, while this magic was used as a field for the "Rating Game," it could be used as a place for training.

Using an artificial pocket universe as a place for training could bring him and his peerage members a great convenience as there was no need for them to feel afraid their secret be known or cause a nuisance to the surroundings due to their techniques.

Especially when most of his techniques included an explosion.

Yet, he was also helpless since his speciality was on fire, so if he didn't use an explosion, what did he use?

As he learned this knowledge, suddenly, a voice woke him up.

"Riser-chan? Are you still busy now?"

"Ah, mother-in-law."

He was surprised when he saw his mother-in-law was so close.

"Geez, I have called you several times, yet you ignore me..." Lady Sitri sighed as she pouted.


What should he do?

Sona, you need to come back, or else your husband was afraid that he might make a great mistake.

Nevertheless, facing this charming mother-in-law, he didn't lose his calm.

"How about taking a rest? You have been spending a day in this room."

"Huh? Really?"

"Geez, is studying those papers so much more fun than talking with your mother-in-law?"

Lady Sitri stared at her son-in-law.


Riser hoped that he didn't make a mistake.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 58 My friend's mother is beautiful | Patreon

While he thought that he might make a mistake, Riser's will was strong.

Compared to his mother-in-law, his sister-in-law was more dangerous, especially when she could jump into his room while wearing lingerie.

If his peerage members didn't calm down the beast on his body, then he was afraid that he might make a great mistake.

Nevertheless, even with so much adversity in front of him, Riser had never given up, and he continued to work on many of his projects, including setting up a perfect "Fengsui" for the hospital of the Sitri family.

This time, he wasn't alone since Serafall also joined him.

"Is there a point in changing the location of the bench?"

"Of course, changing the location will bring great luck to the people who stay in the hospital. By then, everyone will recover faster."

Fengshui might not have helped much in the fight, especially in a duel, but there was no doubt that it brought great benefit to the recovery and defense, especially in a city, a fortress, and also a hospital.

"By the way, is Maou so free that you can sit on my shoulders lazily like this?"


Riser looked up at Serafall, who was sitting on his shoulders lazily like it was nothing.

Maybe everyone had gotten so used to Serafall's antics that they didn't say anything.

Or, maybe, everyone was too scared to say anything because of Serafall's power.

Nevertheless, everyone was working as they followed his order with great care and respect.

"I am just watching you in case you are lazying around, Riser-chan."

Weren't you the one who was lazy?

Riser rolled his eyes, but he didn't have much to complain about since the feeling of Serafall's thighs on his neck and boobs on the back of his head was quite wonderful.

Still, Serafall just wanted to watch him since she had time. Moreover, she was also quite curious about the effect of "Fengsui," and as expected, the effect was obvious, and she could feel her mind was filled with positive energy.

"By the way, where did you learn about Fengshui, Riser-chan~?"

"Did you forget that we, the Phenex family, have a relationship with Fenghuang in China? Also, didn't you ask this question before?"

"Te-he~! I forgot~! You are too amazing, after all! So I can't help but feel more curious about you, Riser-chan~!"

Serafall blew hot and humid air into his ear, causing his body to tremble slightly.

Dammit, he hated to have a sensitive ear!

However, Serafall giggled since she knew his weakness.

Many myths had similarities, including the devils.

—or rather, the myth of the devils was born from various gods that had existed before Christianity.

In his case, his Phenex family might come from the legend of the Phoenix from the Greek myth, yet at the same time, the Phoenix myth also came from the Bennu, the ancient Egyptian deity.

Sitri family and other devil families might also have a connection to other myths, but he wasn't sure which was which, and such a matter was completely meaningless to think about since most myths had a great hatred toward all the existence that was related to Christianity since its existence had robbed the belief of people.

Still, other devils aside, the Phenex family was related to a legendary beast, and those legendary beasts didn't need the belief of people, so the relationship between the Phenex family and all the beasts that had a similarity to Phoenix was great, so he could use this as an excuse where he had learned all the knowledge he learned such as Bajiquan and Fengshui.

As for the others, there was no need to explain since he also didn't have an obligation to explain either.

It was their right to ask, but it was also their right to answer or not.

Nevertheless, Serafall was his sister-in-law, so he needed a slight amount of manners when he faced her.

Even if her act had always been weird and could hardly gain him any respect.

Yet, against boobs and thighs, Riser needed to bow down, or else his little Riser would be noticeable.

As he gave instructions to the staff, they talked to each other about many things, such as what he had learned and many other things.

The only thing that he was glad for was that Serafall didn't ask what he talked about with his mother-in-law yesterday and how close their relationship had become due to their previous conversation.

However, the relationship between Lord Sitri and Lady Sitri was good, so there was no need for him to worry too much, right?


Suddenly, a familiar voice called his name, attracting both his attention and Serafall's. When they turned, they saw a muscular young man who was looking in their direction with doubt.

Yet, Riser didn't blame this expression of his, especially when Serafall was sitting on his shoulders.


Sairaorg was surprised when he saw Serafall. Frankly, he thought that Riser was cheating on Sona, but it seemed that wasn't the case which made him sigh in relief.

"Yo, Sairaorg-chan~! Are you going to visit your mother~?"

"Yes, Serafal-sama."

Sairaorg nodded as he came to the hospital to visit his mother.

"Your mother?"

Still, when Riser saw a change in Sairaorg's expression, he apologized. "I am sorry. If you feel my question is rude, then you don't need to answer me."

"No, it's okay. I don't mind."

Sairaorg still showed a bright smile as ever as he explained his mother's situation.

Sleep Disease.

It is a unique disease to devils that afflicts both ordinary and noble Devils. When devils develop this disease, they fall into a deep sleep and won't be able to wake up. Then their body gradually starts to become weak, and they will meet death.

That's why patients suffering from Sleep Disease are forced to maintain their life artificially in a hospital.

The Devil doctors have searched for many ways to cure the disease, but they didn't find any.

Sairaorg's mother had been afflicted by the disease, and it had been a few years since she was afflicted.

Losing her mother when he was young, being abandoned by his father, and fighting against all odds due to his limited talent, Riser felt that Sairaorg had a protagonist template.

Even if Sairaorg knew that he was talentless, he continued to work hard and didn't give up his status, fighting with all of his might to retrieve his status as the heir of the Bael house.

However, even with such a background story and hard work, Sairaorg lost against Oppai.

Riser could only sigh at how ridiculous the power of the Oppai was.

If he didn't have a system, then he might not be able to marry Sona, and maybe his harem would be attracted to Issei, who had won against him.

Such a future definitely wasn't something that he wished for.

So, even though the system was quite abominable, he was glad to have it.

Still, he understood why Serafall and Sona knew Sairaorg, but then, he also became quite curious about the "Sleep Disease."


"By the way, Riser-chan, what if you use your "Fengshui" on this "Sleeping Disease"?" Serafall suddenly asked.

"Eh? Fengshui?" Sairaorg was confused.


Riser thought for a moment. "I can try, but I haven't tried it, so the hope isn't that big."

Even with the advanced technology of medicine in the Underworld, the doctors in the Underworld hadn't found the cure for "Sleep Disease."

While his ability in "Fengshui" was awesome, he didn't dare to make a promise since if he failed, who would take responsibility?

"Well, it's okay to try, right?" Serafall looked at Sairaorg and asked, "How is it, Sairaorg-chan? Do you want to try?"

While Sairorg wasn't sure what they were talking about, he nodded. "If there is a way for my mother to wake up again, then please." He bowed his head low, showing how important his mother was inside his heart.

Yet, how could she not be?

When his father abandoned him as trash, his mother was the only one who believed in him.

If his mother could wake up, then he would do anything, even if he had to grovel on the dirty ground.

[As a devil, there is no doubt that Sairaorg's mother is beautiful. As a reward, you can ask her mother—]

Riser quickly turned off the system before it finished, or else he was afraid he might be corrupted sooner or later!

Still, as he had made up his mind to help Sairaorg's mother, they quickly went to visit her room, and as expected, Sairaorg's mother was beautiful.

Riser wondered why Sairaorg's father was such a fool who would abandon such a beautiful wife.

If Sairaorg wasn't talented, then couldn't Sairaorg's father have made another one?

Nevertheless, this was the mother of his friend; he shouldn't have such a rude thought toward this beautiful mature woman.

Moreover, if he succeeded, he could make Sairaorg owe him a favor, and Sona's dream to build a school would be closer if he could involve Sairaorg in it.

Still, as expected, even if Serafall was quite unscrupulous, she stepped down from his shoulders and also watched Sairarog's mother in sadness since, until now, she hadn't woken up.

"Riser-chan..." Serafall looked at Riser.

Riser took a deep breath as he observed the room where Misla Bael, Sairaorg's mother, was sleeping. "Can you prepare me for all of this?" He listed everything he needed as he changed the furniture and many others inside the room.

While Sairaorg was speechless, he decided to believe that no matter how small the light of hope was, he would grasp it.

Then, when everything was set up, they waited.

Everyone was in doubt, but then—

Misla frowned slightly, and her eyes seemed to tremble before she opened her eyes weakly, feeling confused by the unfamiliar room until she caught a familiar figure.



Even if Sairaorg was a man, he couldn't control his tears any longer as he approached his mother like she was the most fragile thing.


However, Riser was speechless.

'Eh? Am I successful?'


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 59 Riser, the Warrior! | Patreon

"It's great, Riser-chan~! You have succeeded~!"

Serafall was so happy, as if this was his success was her success.

As she hugged him and pressed her breasts against his face, Riser fell into silence as he was in doubt.

How could Fengsui wake up Sairaorg's mother?

Fengsui wasn't a Chinese medicine, it was just a method to bring great luck to a spot, and the one who stood on that spot would have great luck due to this method.

Yet, when he thought about how Misla Bael originally woke up, Riser could only feel speechless.

Originally, Misla Bael was woken up due to "Pailingual (Booblingual)," Issei's perverted technique where he could talk with the breasts of women. However, this method didn't give an instant result since Sairaorg needed to be beaten down by Issei first before his mother woke up.

Using Pailingual aside, Riser felt that it was amazing for Sairaorg to let Issei read his mother's boobs.

Still, his method was different.

It was due to luck.

Yes, luck.

Because of luck, Misla Bael had woken up.

"Sairaorg, how about you call a doctor first? Let's have a check-up on your mother's body first."

While he wanted to say that Fengshui might erase the Sleep Disease from Misla, he didn't have such confidence.

"Oh, right!"

Sairaorg quickly realized this and called the doctor.

Then, as expected—

"The disease still exists on her body, but... strangely enough, she is okay."


Sairaorg felt disappointed when he heard that his mother still had such a disease inside her body.

"I am sorry." Riser apologized even though he didn't need to.

"No, no, it's not your fault, Riser! Please don't bow your head like that!" Sairaorg quickly stopped Riser from apologizing since if Riser didn't help him, then his mother wouldn't have woken up.

"Still, I am not a doctor, but as long as your mother is inside this room, then I believe that she is going to be alright."

"Really? That's great..."

Sairaorg sighed in relief.

The disease in his mother might not disappear, but as long as she was inside this room, then everything would be okay.

Nevertheless, this method was quickly noted by the doctors since Riser was probably the first person who was capable of waking up those who had been caught up by the "Sleeping Disease."

As for the "Fengshui" method, while he wanted to say confidently that it could be used by everyone, he knew that each person had a different way of arranging their rooms.

In case someone other than Misla wanted to use a similar method that he had used, he couldn't confidently say that it was possible.

However, there was no doubt that this method was viable even if the effect was limited since the patient could only stay within the room.

"Are you Sairaorg's friend?"

Misla looked at Riser curiously.

"Yes." Riser nodded.

Sairaorg smiled when he heard his answer and hugged him tightly. "No, he is my best friend!"

[With how good your relationship is, Sairaorg won't reject your status as his stepfather]


Riser stared blankly at Sairaorg, wondering what he would think when he thought of becoming his stepfather.

Yet, he shook his head since he wasn't so despicable enough to sleep with the mother of his best friend, at least for now, and he also didn't plan to become Sairaorg's stepfather!

"Thank you. Thank you for many things."

Misla was so happy and also wanted to show her thanks to Riser since she knew that Riser had given many things, whether it was to care for her son, who she knew was limited in talent and avoided by everyone.

Moreover, he also helped to wake her up from her disease.

"It's okay. I am happy that I can help you."

Nevertheless, he was glad that he could help Misla, this beautiful mother. Still, he didn't dare to stare too much since Serafall was by his side.

Still, even if Misla couldn't get out of her room for as long as she left her room, she would become sleepy; she could wake up as long as she stayed.

However, due to this, Riser became very busy as he needed to test whether the same method could be used on others or not.

If the same method could be used, then there was no doubt that his name would enter the history of the Underworld.

No, it wouldn't be weird for him to become the savior of the Underworld.

With the limited number of the devils, the Sleeping Disease was akin to a nightmare since it could hit anyone, whoever they were.

Whether they were an aristocratic family or not, they would be caught, decreasing their limited population even more.

Everyone was scared of this disease.

Naturally, it was the same with his family.

Still, the chance of his family catching this disease was quite small since they governed over the fire, and the fire on their bodies would burn all the viruses, bacteria, and many others that harm their bodies naturally.

As for the rest? They had no such resistance.

However, except for the Phenex family, the Bael family, who governed the destruction, probably wouldn't be caught by this disease since whatever entered their bodies would be destroyed.

However, his wife's family probably had a chance to catch this disease, so if possible, he wanted to search for a cure for this disease.

As he was in such a thought, he didn't forget to call his second brother and his family since if he really could solve this "Sleeping Disease" that had haunted the Underworld, then he would become a hero.

Well, it might be a bit embarrassing to be called a hero, but this was probably the fittest word to describe his deed.

Nevertheless, if it was for the benefit of his family, he didn't mind being called a hero.

After all, as long as he could solve this problem, even if it was only within a limited space, it would raise the status of his family, whether it was in reputation or politics. It was also the same with economics since it would make people believe that the Phenex house was equal to excellence.

As his family status was boosted, even if Sirzech might wish to kill him in the future, it wouldn't be that easy unless Sirzech wanted to become the enemy of the entire Underworld.


Because Riser could find a method to cure the "Sleeping Disease" even if it was only on the limited space.

Then, when people thought of this, then they would also start to think that it might be possible for him to fully create the cure for this disease.

Still, if it was really possible for him to do so, then he wouldn't cure those people fully like how the medical company wouldn't make a complete medicine for a certain disease, so they could make more money.

Nevertheless, Riser knew what was important was whether his method could be used universally or not.

Everyone waited for a while before they cheered since his method was possible.

However, unlike Misla, who could wake up perfectly like a normal devil, the others' condition wasn't so stable, and they got sleepy sometimes all of a sudden but less frequently since they only felt sleepy once or twice a day.

As expected, in a few days, his name quickly echoed throughout the Underworld as the creator of the cure for the Sleeping Disease.

By now, everyone knew his name, and his deeds had broken his engagement with Rias previously and also had become famous once again since Sirzech's opponents in politics wouldn't let go of this chance.

Meanwhile, Sirzech, who read the news about Riser, who had found a cure for the Sleeping Disease and saw the picture of Riser, who was being hugged by Serafall happily, could only sigh helplessly.

After all, the more famous Riser was, the more miserable the Gremory was.

As for the chance of revenge against Riser, it was simply zero since the meaning of attacking Riser meant that it would make him the enemy of all the devils in the Underworld who wished for the cure of the Sleeping Disease or those who were afraid of this disease.

There was nothing that he could do, and he could lament his decision to break his engagement with Rias.


His name came out of his mouth, yet his expression was far from good.


Riser didn't know what Sirzech was thinking, and even if he knew, he didn't care since the more miserable Sirzech was, the happier he was.

By now, the weekends had come.

Still, during the weekdays, the members of his peerage, who wanted to give him rewards due to his success, could only give up since they knew his wife would return. Still, every night during the weekdays, they diligently sucked his seeds, hoping to get his children.

Nevertheless, he had to say his weekdays were rather serious, and there weren't many perverted chances.

Still, as he waited for Sona in his villa as usual by playing a game, he looked at his little sister, who sat on his lap, who was also playing a game with him.

"Ravel, is it me... or have you become quite sticky on me?"

In the beginning, they sat side by side at some distance, but then, their arms stuck side by side, and now, she sat on his lap directly.

Frankly, he was afraid, in the future, their distance would become negative.

"I am not. This is a normal relationship between brother and little sister. Ah, Onii-sama, be careful! That rod-like monster is going to release its ultimate move!"

As he controlled his character in the game, he could only sigh at Ravel, who had become so close to him. Still, game aside, being so close to Ravel brought a great toll on his mind.

'Her hair smells good.'

He couldn't help but think as he often played with her drill-like curls.

[Your peerage members are still on the outside buying necessary ingredients for dinner. You can bring Ravel to your room, and you have at least three hours to teach her to become an adult]

"....." Riser.

Fortunately, he was strong enough, and after three hours, his peerage members returned with Sona, who brought her older sister, peerage members Rias and Akeno.

However, that wasn't all of them since—


Sairaorg waved his hand happily when he saw Riser, and by his side—Misla Bael was there.

"Riser-kun, it's been a while."

With a gentle smile on her face and a charm that couldn't possibly be owned by a younger woman, Misla tickled his heart.

[As long as you dare to push her, everything will be okay]

"....." Riser.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 60 Charming wife | Patreon

Riser rubbed his yellow-blonde hair and wondered whether this color of hair had a certain magic that could bring disaster to any woman who was in a relationship.

There was no doubt that Misla was beautiful, but when he thought whose wife she was, he hesitated.

Even if Misla Bael's s husband was useless, there was no doubt that he was the head of the Bael House.

If Riser dared to touch that wife, what would be done to him?

Frankly, as of now, Riser didn't have the power to ignore the consequences, especially when his relationship with Sirzech wasn't that good. If he made the Great King Faction become his opponent, then his life wouldn't be easy, and he would also affect his family.

Once again, Riser realized the importance of power, and becoming strong was something that he needed to do.

If he touched Misla, would he get a reward from the system?

What do you think, system?

[If you feel that Misla is quite troublesome, then why don't you take down Ravel? I can give you a reward if you take her into your harem]


Riser decided to ignore the system and could only sigh in lament for being weak.

Yet, at the same time, he also felt lazy about the consequences he might cause if he followed the system.

So, if possible, should he just live like a lazy pig in this villa of his?

Suddenly, he felt that such a life wasn't bad at all.

Yet, for now—

Sona hugged him happily.


"...is it okay for you to hug me in front of everyone?"

"I don't care. I want to do this now, and congratulations on your success."

As his deeds were announced in the Underworld, Sona naturally knew this, and his success was her happiness. She was so happy that she couldn't wait to jump into him when she knew what he had done.

"You are exaggerating. I haven't found the cure yet, and it is only a temporary method."

"Even so, you have found this method! There is no change in that fact."

"Okay, okay. You don't need to be that excited. Calm down."

"That's right, Sona. You should act more lady-like~!" Serafall also nodded.


Riser stared at Serafall speechless, wondering who jumped around like an acrobat when his method could be used to alleviate the Sleeping Disease temporarily.

Nevertheless, their intimate interaction was seen by everyone, and all of them showed various expressions.

The most intense would be Rias since she felt so annoyed at this moment.

Like before, she followed Sona to come to his villa, hoping that she could find a chance to seduce him, but last time, Serafall came to interrupt him; then now? It was her aunt!

Even if she had a thick face, how could she do that in front of her aunt?

If her aunt told her mother that she came to visit Riser's villa during the weekend, then what should she do?

During her stay in this villa, she never told anyone and kept it secret by using Koneko and Kiba that she went to Tokyo for a trip.

However, the truth?

Rias visited the villa of her former fiance!

The first time was okay since she could use Sona as an excuse, but the second?

If she said that she only wanted to visit his villa for a trip, would they believe her?

If the truth was known, she wasn't even sure what kind of reaction her family would have, especially when they had become so strict with her.

Though, she looked at her aunt and thought that she could use this aunt as an excuse.

Nevertheless, due to the presence of her aunt, she knew that she couldn't do anything to Riser.

'If only he could come to the human world.'

If Riser came to the human world, then everything would be easier.

'I have to make him go to the human world.'

Rias was wondering how to make that happen.

Still, it wasn't just Rias who had such a strong reaction; Misla also showed such a strong reaction when she saw Sona and Riser. She looked at Sona, who was hugging Riser intimately like a lover, and asked her doubt to her son, "Is she his girlfriend?"

If so, then Misla thought that Sona was so lucky since Sona could have such a boyfriend.

When Misla woke up, the first person she saw might be her son, but the person that she couldn't forget her mind was definitely Riser since he was the one who had helped her.

During Riser's time researching whether his method could be used by everyone, he stayed in the hospital and often talked with Misla.

The two were talking like friends, and it had been a while since she had a laugh.

Even when Serafall and her son weren't around since they couldn't stay in the hospital all the time, Misla stayed by his side all the time until he left.

As someone who was caught in the "Sleeping Disease," she also wanted the others to be cured, so if possible, she wished to be his strength to help him to realize that cure.

However, during their stay together, she had more fun than she had thought, and he always had a way to make her laugh. She wasn't sure how long it had been for her to laugh like this.

After she got married, her day wasn't good.

Everything was so painful.

Moreover, she also needed to take care of her son as she didn't want him to lose his courage and keep going on.

After all, if he gave up, then she might give up.

However, Sairaorg showed that he didn't give up and kept working hard.

As a mother, Misla was happy, but as the heir of the Bael house, there were many things that Sairaorg had to do, so he was quite busy, leaving her alone on the hospital.

In that lonely time, Riser was the one who made her days vibrant. Nevertheless, she didn't have any hope or a delusion that he had an interest in her, especially when she was just an old lady.

Nevertheless, at night, she couldn't help but have a dream.

A dream where... the one who held her wasn't her husband, but "him."

However, there was no way for her to say this dream since it was immoral and the age difference between them was too much.

Moreover, Riser was a friend of her son.

If she really dared to do something like that, how would her ancestor see her?

So, when she saw he had such a beautiful girlfriend, she sighed in relief, curious, yet inwardly, she felt disappointed. However, for someone as talented as him, it was normal for him to have a girlfriend, right?

"No, she is his wife."

"...wife?" Misla widened her eyes.

"Yes." Sairaorg nodded. "I was at their wedding before. They married early."

"I-I see..."

Misla widened her eyes as she looked at Sona with a complicated gaze, as she couldn't help but feel envious of her having him as a husband.

Meanwhile, she...

"Their relationship is great. They love each other." Sairaorg added with a smile since he also hoped to have such a relationship in the future, yet he didn't notice the expression of her mother, who grew melancholy and sad due to reality.