akikan 40. Tanuki. 312-313 end

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 312 Tamazuki-kun is kind | Patreon

"The moon is different tonight..."

Nura Rikuo stood at the top of the highrise building as he watched the war that happened among the youkai. Watching all of this, he couldn't help but clench his fists, wondering why all of them had to fight.

Why shouldn't they understand each other?

Why couldn't they be peaceful?

Why should they bother a human?

Why should they destroy his peace?

There were many things that Rikuo wanted to say, but as expected, he hated the Shikoku Youkai, and he was going to make sure that he was going to defeat them.

"Rikuo, what's wrong?"


Rikuo looked at his grandpa with kindness, yet also distressed since he could see that Nurarihyon was forcing himself.

'If I am not so weak...'

If he could accept his origin early and prepare everything, then his grandpa wouldn't become like this. His mother also wasn't forced to move out of the house. Moreover, none of the youkai under the Nura Clan would die.

When he thought about what had happened that day, he couldn't help but feel helpless.

If he was strong, then would he run away like this?

"Try to endure. Everything will end soon."

Nurarihyon patted his grandson's shoulder, telling him to calm down since he knew how tough Rikuo's life was after that. After the Nura Clan was defeated that day, he could only bring his grandson, daughter-in-law, and the others to the Touno Youkai. Even though he knew that he didn't have a face to go there, especially when he was the one who caused the death of their leader, he was still calm since there was no other place to run away except for that place.

Naturally, there was a fight between them, but Rikuo's charisma changed everything, telling them to get angry at the Shikoku Youkai instead of them since the one who had killed the leader of the previous Touno Youkai was the Shikoku Youkai.

Frankly, there were many ways to refute those words, but due to Rikuo's charisma, and protagonist halo, all of them decided to follow them for revenge and became a part of their strength.

By then, Rikuo continued to grow, training to become stronger and mastering various techniques to defeat Tamazuki and his group.

However, even with the Touno Youkai, it was still impossible to defeat the Shikoku Youkai, especially when Tamazuki's group had already dominated the country.

Whether it was the government, military, or economy, all of them were controlled by the Shikoku Youkai.

Frankly, it was scary, as if they had become the enemy of the world.

However, heaven didn't abandon them since they were able to use the power of Kyoto Youkai, Abe no Seimei, and many others.

All of them gathered together to give a heavenly punishment to a devil known as Tamazuki.

Frankly, Nurarihyon had never seen such a fearsome opponent. Whether it was the Kyoto Youkai or many others, they might be dangerous, but compared to Tamazuki, who could use his mind to manipulate everything, all of them seemed to pale.

Even Nurarihyon didn't think that his grandson could match Tamazuki.

Nevertheless, facing all of them, even if the Shikoku Youkai had controlled this country, it was impossible to defeat them.

Even if he had to drink poison, he was going to defeat Tamazuki!

"Yes, Grandpa."

Rikuo nodded since he also wanted to give peace to the world.

A youkai should do what a youkai does. They shouldn't be involved in the human world and cause trouble for everyone.

That's why he was going to end all of this.

He was going to finish this war!

In the distance, he could see the Imperial Palace, it was a place where all the Shikoku Youkai gathered, and he was going to go there, facing them and defeating them.

Rikuo took a deep breath before he looked at all of his subordinates that still followed him and believed in him.

"Everyone! This is going to be the end of everything! We are going to take down the Shikoku Youkai!"

"Yes, Rikuo-sama!"

Everyone was filled with spirit and smiles as they thought about their future. In their minds, they believed as long as Rikuo led them, he would be able to bring them victory.

Whether it was the remnants of the Nura Clan or the Touno Clan, all of them believed that Nura Rikuo was their leader, but—

"Great spirit."


All of them suddenly felt tense when they heard this sudden voice.


As they turned, the remnants of the Nura Clan clearly realized who this person was. After all, they had seen him in the past. Even though this person had grown up and wasn't as childish as before, they had to admit that he had left so much impression on them, especially when he had almost killed Nura Rikuo.

Yet, it was also due to this that everyone grew tense. In the past, they knew how strong he was, and all of them weren't his opponents, but what about now?

Unlike everyone who was tense, Nurarihyon was ruthless as he disappeared and held his blade, ready to kill Tamazuki in one stroke, but his head was grasped by Tamazuki.


Nurarihyon was in disbelief and tried to escape by using his innate ability, but he couldn't use his ability and then devoured.


Everyone watched this scene in disbelief!


Rikuo cried as he saw his grandpa was killed without mercy.

"You low life!! I will kill you!"

Tamazuki rolled his eyes.

If Nurarihyon wanted to kill him, it was okay, but if he killed Nurarihyon, then it wasn't okay?

Still, it didn't matter since Nura Rikuo was about to follow Nurarihyon.


Suddenly, he felt that it was a little too pitiful to kill Nura Rikuo as Rikuo was young, so he thought of a better solution.

"Come on. I have ended everyone except you, whether it is Abe no Seimei, Hagoromo Gitsune, or many others. I have defeated them except you, so don't lose so easily, okay?"

Hearing those words, everyone became tense, but it was impossible to break Rikuo's spirit.

"Everyone! Use Matoi!"

"Yes, Young Master!"

Everyone's body then glowed in bright light before all of them entered Rikuo's body.

As a fourth Youkai and two-thirds of humans, Rikuo's body was different, and using that special feature, he was able to combine with his family to increase his strength.


It was a technique to combine everyone's power into his body!

Rikuo felt that his strength had grown tremendously, and he also held Nenekimaru, the youkai-slaying sword.

With all of this, he believed that Tamazuki would be defeated.

The feeling of everyone was inside him, and there was no way for him to lose!


Rikuo raised his blade high and was ready to slay Tamazuki, but Tamazuki only punched Rikuo lightly, causing his technique to be destroyed and all of the youkai who had entered Rikuo's body to be thrown out.



Naturally, due to the failure of the technique, everyone's body and mind were hurt.

Even Rikuo's expression was extremely pale, but his eyes were as sharp as ever, staring at Tamazuki with hatred.

"There is no way that I will lose! I will defeat you and bring peace to this world again!"

However, Tamazuki ignored Rikuo's words and devoured the youkai's part of Rikuo and Rikuo's ability to see ghosts.

In other words, after all of this, Rikuo would become a normal human without any relationship with a supernatural world.

Frankly, Tamazuki felt that he was a good guy as he knew that Rikuo hated a youkai, so wasn't it better for him to live as an ordinary human with his mother?

"No! No! What are you doing?!"

Then, Riku, who was in his youkai appearance, started to change into his weak human appearance.

"Yo-Young Master!"


"Pl-Please let go of the young master! We will do anything!"

Tamazuki looked at everyone and then focused on the two heroines he found among the group.

Still, leaving the heroines aside, he knew that there was nothing that could threaten him anymore.

Tamazuki sighed in relief since he knew that everything was over.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 313 Meeting you (END) | Patreon

What happened afterward was rather simple: whether it was the Touno Youkai, the Nura Clan, the Kyoto Youkai, or all the groups who tried to fight him before were all absorbed by him into his group.

By now, this country was already as good as his.

Everything was controlled by him, and no one could stop him.

Now, why were they obedient?

Everything was because of Nura Rikuo.

While Rikuo didn't die, he became a normal human, a being that he had always longed for.

It was also because of this that everyone in the Nura Clan decided to follow him since they didn't want him to hurt Rikuo any longer.

Still, if there was something that he was curious about, he wondered why everyone thought of him as an evil being, especially when he managed this country well. What he did was even better than the bureaucrats and politicians.

Tamazuki also treated a human similarly, and he wasn't like a capitalist who thought that they were above everyone, yet the truth, they were just like any other human. When their time ended, they died.

That's all.

However, even if what he did was good, no one thought of him as a good guy, which made him helpless.

"Are you sure that you won't hurt, Young Master?" Tsurara, one of the main heroines in this story, asked desperately.

"I won't. What's the use of harming him?" Tamazuki looked at Tsurara helplessly.

"I don't believe it!"

"How should I make you believe then?"


Tsurara hesitated, but she knew what kind of guy he was, especially when he had taken many women one after another, but everything was for the young master. As long as Rikuo lived well, she would do anything.

Tsurara didn't hesitate and kissed his lips before she became his woman.

With his victory, Tamazuki enjoyed the life of the Emperor of the world.

In this world, there was no existence above him.

He was the one.

He was above all of them.

It was different from a human who would die; he wouldn't die.

Well, should he be called a god?

It should be, but then again, this life wasn't bad at all since it was unique, and the feeling of taking the heroines from the protagonist was nice.

Tsurara was just the beginning; Hagoromo Gitsune, then Yamabuki Otome, one by one, fell onto his arms as they wished to get a child from him.

Tamazuki also didn't mind having children, but there was something that he needed to do first.

"Are you going out again?" Arturia asked.

"Um." Tamazuki nodded. "There is a fight that I need to finish."

With his current strength, while he hesitated, he didn't think that he would lose either. However, he knew that his battle would take a long time. Fortunately, this battle probably would ignore the timeline, so even if the battle would take a long time, no one would notice it.

"I will help you."

Tamazuki gently patted Arturia's head with a smile. "Wait here. When I return, let's have children, then go to your timeline to save your kingdom."


While Arturia was embarrassed, she shyly agreed.

Could her kingdom be saved by Tamazuki?

Of course.

If Tamazuki wished to, the entire world would become Arturia's kingdom if she wished for it.

Still, Arturia aside, there was someone who had been waiting for him, and he needed to return to that person first.

With that decision, he didn't hesitate, and he left the Earth far away into the edge of the universe before he summoned the door. The door would lead into the world where he ran away.

However, unlike before, he had become stronger.

While the battle would be hard, he knew that he would need to face this battle since if he didn't clear it, then he knew he would make his women sad, and it was impossible for him to do that.

Moreover, in his original world, he had defeated his nightmare, so shouldn't he be able to defeat the nightmare from another world?

After he made his preparation, he didn't hesitate and left for the world of "One Punch Man."

Then, as expected, the moment he entered and stayed there for a moment, he was quickly noticed by that "being."

This "being" stared at him silently, and Tamazuki only smiled.

"Let's fight, shall we?"


Unlike before, with the increasing population, the Jura Tempest Federation started to grow, and everyone was filled with a spirit, thinking about their future.

Nevertheless, their leader, Rimuru, was worried as he wondered where Tamazuki was. Frankly, he wondered why Tamazuki left since he felt that Tamazuki was strong enough. Then, as expected, the [Great Sage] found that Shizu's age was limited, and she had only a year before she passed away.

When Rimuru realized all of this, he quickly confronted Shizu and asked her, but then she only smiled, telling him that she was alright and that she believed in Tamazuki.

"...come on, Tamazuki."

If Tamazuki couldn't find a method to extend Shizu's life without turning her into a monster, then he might need to force her to turn into a monster since he also didn't want her to die.

Nevertheless, like Shizu, somehow Rimuru believed in Tamazuki, and he believed that Tamazuki would return soon.


Unlike Rimuru, who was panicked, even though Shizu knew that she would die in a year, she was peaceful since, unlike before, she didn't have any regrets. She felt that her life was wonderful since, in the end, she was able to find love.

This feeling was great, especially when she knew nothing about this feeling, especially after she was thrown into this world.

It might be a little too late for her to learn this feeling, but she didn't mind.

Though it was also because of this, she treated this feeling dearly, like how she handled the flowers in front of her. When he left, she also started her hobby of growing flowers as she thought of him.

Nevertheless, she would be lying if she didn't feel lonely as she was alone.

When she was with him, she felt that she could do anything, but when he left, she felt that she could do nothing.

While this feeling was wandering, it was also hurting her.

But at the same time, she also started to wonder whether he also thought the same.

He knew that her age was limited, yet he still accepted selfish feelings.

Knowing that she would leave him, he still accepted her willfulness.

Like her, he also loved her.

Even at the start, their feeling was rather weird, which made her blush even if she was quite old to be blushing.

Frankly, as of now, even if she became a monster, she didn't mind as long as she could be with him longer.

Was love such a crazy feeling?

If she hadn't had this feeling before, there was no way for her to wish herself to become a monster, yet now, she might do it without hesitation, so she could be with him.

However, suddenly, her thought stopped when she heard the sound of footsteps.

Her heart was beating so fast as she turned and saw the figure that she longed to meet.


"Welcome back." Shizu showed the most beautiful smile that day.

"I am back."

Tamazuki also showed the kindest smile he had ever shown before.

Shizu pushed him to the ground, and she hugged him deeply as they enjoyed each other's presence.

Looking at Shizu, who was hugging him tightly as she cried in happiness, Tamazuki thought that each of his meetings was wonderful. While he started this journey to become strong, he made several ties with many people.

Moreover, he knew that this wasn't the end.

In the future, there will be many wonderful or even horrible experiences like how he faced that "being" before.

However, he was going to accept all of that since he knew that there was no way for him to lose.

He believed that he would become even stronger.

Until then... he might as well enjoy Shizu's warm body first.


That's it.

Thank you for following this story.

Frankly, I was quite confident in this novel before, but then again, who could tell the result until it was uploaded?

Nevertheless, it was a good experience.

I like this novel, so that's why I will end this since if I continue any longer, I am afraid that I might hate it.

Okay, that's all.

I wonder how many times I have written a goodbye like this, but this is definitely not the last.

Thank you for reading this story!

From your lovely author, Akikan40.