Akikan40. Phoenix. 61-70

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 61 Is this roller coaster?

"But this place is really great."

Sairaorg clenched his fists as he felt his body was full of energy. "I can feel that my body is full of power."

If he trained in this place, he believed that he could get stronger faster.

As he didn't have a talent, the only thing that he could rely on was training his physical ability.

Yet, he wasn't a robot.

He was a devil.

As a creature that moved on his emotions, it was impossible for him to be in the perfect state every time.

If it wasn't due to his obsession to get the position of the heir of the Bael house and also the prayer of his mother, Sairaorg might give up.

"Yes, I designed this place by myself and naturally with the best Fengsui. Not only will your body be great, but your mother's body is the same."

"Eh?" Sairaorg looked at his mother, then quickly realized. "Mother, are you okay?"

"...now that you mention it, I haven't felt sleepy and... I feel great!"

Even though Riser's Fengshui could ease the symptoms and let her have a normal life as long as she stayed inside the room when Misla walked out, her disease still existed, and she would be affected by the "Sleeping Disease."

During their journey to this villa, Misla had been feeling sleepy. After all, even if his "Fengshui" could erase the feeling of sleepiness when they stayed inside the room that was arranged with a certain arrangement, it didn't mean the disease had disappeared. It still existed on her body, and it could affect her from time to time.

However, when Misla was in this city, she didn't feel that sleepiness anymore.

"Obaa-sama, is that true?" Even Rias was surprised since she knew the situation of her aunt well.

"Yes." Misla nodded and was also unable to hide her surprise.

"Riser, this place is...?"

"As long as your mother is here, then she won't be caught in a sleeping disease."


Sairaorg felt hesitant and embarrassed to ask for a request, asking Riser to let his mother stay in his villa, but he knew that it was pretentious to ask so, especially when Riser had helped him so much, yet he was unable to give him anything.

If possible, Sairaorg wanted to do something for Riser, yet what could he do?


Did the Phenex family lack it?


Riser was strong.


He was already married!

Sairaorg could only sigh and felt helpless that there was nothing that he could do but—

"Riser... I know that it might be pretentious for me to ask this, but can you let my mother stay here?"

"Sairaorg!" Misla was startled when her son was going to let her stay in Riser's villa.

While she didn't mind and secretly felt happy, she also felt that it was wrong!

"You don't need to be so serious. I plan to make this place into a resort city, so the more people, the better it is. If you want, then I can also design a villa for you too in this area."

"Really?" Sairaorg was excited!


Anyway, it was worth it to make Sairaorg owe him a favor.

Riser didn't lack money, but if he made this heir of Bael's house owe him a favor would definitely give him a greater benefit.

"Then, if you have something to ask, then please tell me! As long as it is within my power, I will do it!"

No matter what, Riser was his savior, the person who had helped his mother.

Sairaorg, who cared about his mother, wished to do something for Riser, who had helped him.

"If that's the case, then I won't be holding back. Is that okay with you?"

"What is it? If it's within my capability, I will do anything for you."

"... don't say such a thing as "anything for you" so easily. It will easily cause a misunderstanding."

"What kind of misunderstanding?"

"...maybe, you should train your muscles; you should also learn about culture." Riser rubbed his temple, then held Sona's hand. "We plan to make a school. Do you want to do it together?"

"Eh?" 2x

Not only Sairaorg but Sona was surprised.

"A school?"

Sairaorg blinked his eyes as he listened to Riser's explanation.

Riser also didn't hold back and said Sairaorg Sona's intention was to build a "Rating Game" school for the low-class devil, and he wanted to help her.

If they had Sairaorg's involvement in this plan, then everything would be easier as he was part of the Great King faction.

Nevertheless, there was no way for Riser to be so blunt. Instead, he needed to add a sob story and other things, so Sairaorg would be eager to help.

While Sairaorg's personality was quite straightforward, the emotion was unpredictable, and it wasn't something that could be guessed easily.

Sairaorg might appear straightforward and honest but on the inside? No one could tell, so Riser needed to influence him, so Sairaorg would do his bidding.

"Learn how he talks. You can learn a lot from him." Serafall whispered to her little sister.

As a family, Serafall knew what Sona's dream was, but a dream couldn't just be realized with just a talk or two. There should be savviness and communication skills, so the party who rejected this idea would feel the possibility and would excitedly join in with their idea even if the idea was ridiculous.

Frankly, Serafall had to say that Riser was really talented at deceiving someone.

With his mouth alone, Serafall believed that he could become a billionaire.

Somehow, she felt that he was really a perfect devil.

"Yes." Sona nodded since she also understood her weakness. Unlike her husband, who was flexible, she was straight and could only express her dream in a straightforward manner.

If she wasn't the heir of the Sitri clan and her older sister was a Maou Leviathan, then there was no way for her to realize her dream.

However, Riser was different.

Even without such a status, the possibility of him creating a "Rating Game" school for the low-class devil was high.

The school that should be impossible to be created was like a beautiful fairy tale that brought everyone a dream from his mouth.

Not only her but everyone who listened to the words that came from his mouth was also attracted by the idea of this school.

Still, Sairaorg was already excited, his heart was beating so fast, and his blood was full of adrenaline as he heard Riser's story. Frankly, if he wasn't the son of the current Lord of the Bael house, then his status wasn't much different than those low-class devils, so he understood the feeling of those who wished to participate in the "Rating Game," yet they couldn't.

However, if they built a school, then such a thing was possible, right?

Sairaorg wanted to participate as soon as possible, but—

"Sairaorg, promise him."

"Mother?" Sairaorg looked at his mother weirdly.

Did his mother have such an interest in this school?

However, he nodded. "Yes, let's build this school, Riser-kun."

"It's not just me. It's us."

Riser hugged his wife's waist and told them who was the initiator of this idea.

"Yes, let's make this school together, Sona." Sairaorg quickly fixed his mistake.

"Thank you, Sairaorg." Sona smiled before she looked at her husband happily since she knew that with Sairaorg's participation, everything would be smooth.

"Hey, don't forget about Onee-chan~! Onee-chan is also working hard to make this school happens~!"

Serafall pouted before she hugged Riser and Sona tightly, feeling annoyed at being ignored.

"Thank you, Onee-chan."

This time, Sona was honest since she was so happy at that moment.

Riser was also honest since his sister-in-law's boobs were the best.

[The path of "Shimai-don" is close]

"...." Riser.

Nevertheless, as long as the plan for this school was accepted, even if the school hadn't been built, he knew that he would get a reward, and he couldn't wait for that.

Nevertheless, Sairaorg looked at the three of them and felt a bit jealous since he wondered whether he could have such a family too.

Not only Sairaorg but Misla also thought so, and due to this, she couldn't help but pay attention to Ravel, Riser's little sister. She knew that it might be wrong for her to ask this question at this moment, but if possible, she also wanted to become a family with Riser.

It might not be possible for her as she was still married to Sairaorg's father even though she was abandoned.

However, what about her son?

"Riser-kun, does your little sister have an engagement with a gentleman?"


Suddenly, the happy mood turned weird because of this question.

Riser looked at Misla weirdly, then looked at Ravel, who was also confused, but as Misla waited for an answer, he shook his head since Ravel didn't have any engagement.


"Then, what about Sairaorg? Do you think your little sister can be engaged to my son?"


At that moment, everything became still and silent.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 62 Madam, your hairstyle is dangerous


As someone that was mentioned, Ravel opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

Not only Ravel but everyone was the same since Misla threw this question so suddenly.

However, Rias and Sona looked at Ravel in a complicated manner.

Whether Rias or Sona had been troubled by an engagement previously, but in the end, Sona was happy with her engagement since she got a wonderful husband, but Rias?

Rias looked at Ravel, then looked at Riser.

She wondered what made her hate him so much.

Was it due to his playboy nature?

Was it due to how he saw her as the heir of the Gremory house instead of herself as a single individual?

No, everything because she didn't want to have an engagement to begin with.

—or rather, she had never given him a chance!

She hated to have an engagement and didn't want to marry someone due such a reason.

Then, to break that engagement, she decided to choose Issei.

Issei, who was known as the most famous pervert in her school, was a way to break her engagement.

When Rias thought all of this, she realized how stupid she was.

To exchange Riser for Issei...

She wondered what was inside her head at that time!

Then, this happened.

Everything was too late.

If she could return to the past, she wanted to slap herself!

However, even if it was too late, she wouldn't give up since she knew her chance wasn't zero, and she believed she could seduce him.

As for now, she could only watch him from a distance with a longing expression.

"Mother, what were you saying?!" Saioraorg panicked. He just came to visit his friend, yet why did his mother suddenly mention his engagement?

"You are not young anymore, Sairaorg, yet from what I have heard that you don't even have a single relationship with any ladies. If I don't do this, then I am afraid you might spend your days in the training room."

Misla was also helpless since, while it was good, her son was training hard; she was also worried since Sairaorg didn't seem to have an interest in a lady. Instead, Sairaorg was so excited when he met Riser.

In that case, she might as well be bold and propose an engagement to Ravel, Riser's little sister.


Sairaorg was so helpless since facing his mother; he couldn't be like a proud lion who faced anyone without fear.

Facing his mother, he could only succumb and lower his head.

Nevertheless, everyone was waiting for him since they wanted to know his answer.

'There aren't any options?'

During this situation, Riser thought that he would receive options at such a moment.

[No, I want to see how to answer this]

'You want to know how I'm going to answer this?'

[That's right. Depending on your question, I might need to think about how to train you into a qualified villain]


The corner of his eye twitched as he thought that the system was as ridiculous as ever.

Though, strangely, maybe when someone was asked such a question, they might get angry, especially when the system had already marked Ravel as his harem; yet inwardly, what did he think of Ravel?

It wasn't due in the system.

It was all based on his heart.

"If that can happen, then it will be wonderful."


Ravel, who had been waiting for his answer, screamed as she shed her tears before she ran away into the villa, hiding in her room.

Her sudden outburst startled everyone before they looked at him helplessly.

"...you are not going to chase after her?" Sona asked helplessly since she could see her husband was as calm as ever.

"I haven't finished my words."

Riser took a lukewarm tea to wet his throat as he tried to brew his words, trying to express what he felt toward Ravel.


"While I think it is wonderful since I know that Sairaorg is a good person and I believe that I can entrust my little sister to him, I don't think it is correct for me to force her to have an engagement like me."

"...what do you mean, Riser-kun?" Misla didn't get angry and waited for his answer.

"For us, a pure-blooded high-class devil, falling in love and marrying someone that we love is something of a luxury. No, probably, we shouldn't expect that since, as we are born into this family, we have received many benefits that low-class devils can't ever think of in their lives, no matter how long they live.

"Then, as a price of that, we should be prepared to pay a certain price, and that price is an arranged marriage.

"We should expect ourselves to do our best to help our family no matter what.

"This is also my belief since I was born into this family, and I believe that I have a duty to follow the wishes of my family."

Rias lowered her head in shame. Probably due to her older brother, who got to fall in love with someone he really loved that she had an imagination where she could follow the path of her older brother, but who was Sirzech Lucifer? And who was she?

Even Riser, who was a scumbag in her eyes previously, had such a thought to have an obligation to help his family after all the benefits he received, yet she?

"Nevertheless, I still hope that my little sister, Ravel, can search for someone she really loves by herself instead of having an engagement like me."


Everyone was dumbfounded; from the beginning to the end, he talked about the responsibility, yet suddenly he told them that Ravel should choose her own love instead of having such a responsibility.

"I know that this might be my selfishness, but as an older brother, I wish for my little sister's happiness. I don't mean that the engagement between two pure-blooded high-class devils can't lead to happiness since I am happy that I can marry my current wife."

Sona smiled and held his hand tightly.

"Moreover, she isn't the only child. There is no need for her to be pressed with the matter of engagement. Naturally, if the two of them can fall in love, then I will bless them since I believe Sairaorg is someone that I can entrust my little sister with."

Frankly, Riser was scared. He knew that facing such a charming little sister, their natural reaction was to be bold and take her down as he did to various women that he had been with, but before Ravel was a woman, she was his little sister.

It was different from a sister-in-law, mother-in-law, or the wife of someone who didn't have a blood relationship.

Ravel was his own little sister.

Even though he wasn't the original Riser, so there shouldn't be a relationship between them, it didn't change the fact that she was still her little sister.

However, she became closer and closer to him while telling him that everything was normal.

Yet, how could it be?

He knew that their closeness wasn't normal, and it was also because of this he was scared that he might cross the line.

After all, as he had said before, Ravel was his little sister, but at the same time, he wasn't Riser.

In his heart, it was impossible for him to see her as his little sister, and he could only see her as a woman.

Moreover, he was already married.

All of his peerage members were also his harem members.

With such a number of females by his side, did he still lack a woman?

Lastly, the other women aside, what would his wife think if he really laid his hands on his little sister?

Because of that, if Ravel could be close to another gentleman, except for Issei and Diodora, then it would be great.

Sairaorg was definitely the best candidate.

"I see..." Misla sighed. "She is lucky to have you as an older brother." Those words were uttered in a mutter.

"Still, isn't it selfish of us not to hear the opinion of the party that is involved?" Riser looked at Sairaorg and asked, "Sairaorg, what do you think?"

"What do I think?" Sairaorg fell in silence for a moment before he shook his head. "If it's my duty as the heir of the Bael house, then I will do it without hesitation, but at the same time, if you ask me whether I am ready or not, then I am not. I am not ready for any relationship with any lady. My path is hard, and I don't want her to be tortured because of me."

While he had power, he hadn't shown his worth.

Not yet.

Sairaorg still needed to wait until his "Rating Game" debut to show his worth and became the head of the Bael house officially before he had leeway for the others.

[Is this your answer?]

While Riser nodded, thinking that Sairaorg was a great guy as ever, the system suddenly talked to him.

'You're disappointed?'

[No, as a villain, you don't need to be troubled by the matter of a woman. If you want to discard them, then discard them]

'How callous...'

[Yet, isn't it strange of you to be alright with the women of others, not your little sister?]

'...I guess it's just a matter of taste?'

Riser realized that he might not have that much of an interest in "Imouto Moe," but he was interested in "MILF," especially when he saw Misla tie her hair in a loose braid and put it on her shoulder.

However, he definitely couldn't say it since he was sure that Sairaorg would punch him.

Still, he needed to say to Misla that her hairstyle was dangerous, but—

"Instead of a lover, right now, I am more interested in this."

Saioraorg suddenly clenched his fists, showing his muscular frame under that body, but then, he looked at Riser and said, "I know that it might be rude of me to say this, but Riser, do you think we can have a match?"

"....." Everyone.

This guy... they felt that this guy would become single for a long time.



Ravel was inside her room, crying, hugging her pillow tightly before her hand crept into her skirt.

"Onii-sama... Onii-sama... Onii-sama..."

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 63 Good-for-nothing | Patreon

[This damn brat! How dare you challenge me?!]

[Option 1: Fuck Misla Bael in front of Sairaorg, then kill Sairaorg. You will receive "Rinnegan"]

[Option 2: Kill all the Bael house members and all the devils who are affiliated with this house. You will receive "Omnipotence"]

[Option 3: Defeat Sairaorg. You will receive a "Boxing Mastery"]


'As expected of the system...'

No matter how many times he saw the options, they were as ridiculous as ever, especially the first and second options.

Nevertheless, he had to sigh since what was the use of "Boxing Mastery"?

He already owned "Bajiquan Mastery," and frankly, close combat definitely wasn't his favorite.

After all, he could use the power of wind and fire; why should he use his fists to fight?

While he knew that his "immortality" trait would boost his close combat ability if he could defeat someone before they approached him, it was better, right?

Moreover, according to what he knew, those who were strongest among the devils weren't close combat fighters.

Even Sirzech, known as the strongest devil, was using the power of destruction.

However, this was a rare chance for him to get an ability, so he wouldn't waste it.


"Yes." Sairaorg nodded. "I want to see how strong the Blue Phenex is." If possible, he wanted to see Riser's fight on the Rating Game after Riser had divorced. As for his previous match? He didn't show much interest since while Riser was powerful, it wasn't to the point where Riser amazed him.

However, when Riser divorced Rias, everyone said that he could create the blue flame.

The highest temperature fire was enough to burn anything.

Even the barrier that was created by Maou melted under his flame.

Frankly, there weren't many people who saw the fight between him and Issei at that time; moreover, due to the negative impact that might be caused by the result of this battle, Sirzech also made the impact of this fight less or even almost ignored, so Riser would be belittled.

Moreover, even if Issei was a Sekiryuutei, the holder of the Boosted Gear, he wasn't that famous now, especially when the name of the "Oppai Dragon" hadn't been known by everyone.

Nevertheless, even if Sirzech could tone down the news about the "Blue Phenex," it was impossible for him to hide the news about Riser breaking his engagement with Rias before he married the heir of the Sitri house.

Due to this, Sirzech tried to make the impact of this news less by making Riser into a famous good-for-nothing.

This was also the reason why Riser often said that he was good-for-nothing since many also often said that he was one, considering Sirzech tried to make his name bad.

His older brother, Ruval Phenex, also told him to enter the "Rating Game" and fight to show everyone his glory and might be due to Sirzech's tricks since who wished for their family to be looked down on?

His family, in particular, since they knew that he was extremely talented.

However, Riser wasn't in a hurry, and he didn't care about those talks.

It was meaningless since those who talked were those whose status was below him and envious of him.

Having become a son-in-law of a rich family was definitely something that everyone was jealous about.

Still, even if they talked badly, so what? They could only talk behind his back.

As for talking in front of him? Who dared to talk when he was the third son of Lord Phenex and his sister-in-law was Serafe Leviathan?

Nevertheless, it was impossible to erase his name as a good-for-nothing of the Phenex House even though it wasn't the truth, at least for now.

Riser also wanted his peerage members to become stronger first instead of in a hurry to join the "Rating Game" to erase his status.

Yet, even if he hadn't joined the "Rating Game," everything changed slowly when Riser found a method to solve the "Sleeping Disease" temporarily.

His family also created momentum for him.

The only thing left was only to show his might on the "Rating Game."

As long as he could win on his return match of the "Rating Game" after his marriage, then no one could say that he was a good-for-nothing anymore.

By then, with his glory, the Gremory house and Sirzech Lucifer would receive infamy, and he would have his revenge.

However, Riser definitely knew that they would do something, such as giving him a strong opponent, but it didn't matter. Still, even if he became Riser Phenex, he had hardly any experience fighting someone.

Even if the former Riser had fought several times in the "Rating Game," all of his opponents were weaklings. Moreover, it was the former Riser who fought, not him.

The only fight that he had done was only with Issei at that time, so when he thought about this, he felt that having a fight against Sairaorg might be good.

Sairaorg was definitely a good target, though Riser had to say he felt reluctant to fight him since this guy was a good boy.

Unlike others who looked down on him by mooching his wife's family, Sairaorg didn't believe the rumor and approached him with a smile.

Well, their status was quite similar to each other since in the eyes of others, Sairaorg was also a good-for-nothing since he didn't have the power of the destruction of the Bael house, and his talent on the Demonic Power was simply too horrible.

So, was this the fight between two good-for-nothings?

Nevertheless, even though they were friends since Sairaorg had asked for a fight, then Riser wouldn't hold back, and he didn't like to lose.

"I don't know how to hold back. Is that okay with you?"

"Hahaha..." Sairaorg laughed heartily. "That's what I want!" He truly wished to see how strong Riser was, and he also wanted to see the gap between him and Riser.

"Still, is your mother okay with it?"


Sairaorg quickly lowered his head helplessly when his mother was staring at him.

Misla sighed helplessly, but then she said boldly, "Only the strong will be respected in the Underworld. While I don't want to see both of you hurt, if you two wish for it, then I won't stop you."

Even though she didn't want to see them fighting since she cared about the two of them, she knew that only the strong could be respected in the Underworld.

Still, Misla aside, others, such as Riser's peerage members Sona, Serafall, Rias, and Akeno, didn't think that Riser would lose. After all, they had seen how strong he was, and no matter how the public talked about him, they knew that he had prepared for his return, and they couldn't wait for that time.

"Then, follow me. I have just finished my new training room."

"New training room?"

"There is a lot of interest in your family's library, Sona. You should learn more there."

"I will." Sona nodded and felt that studying with her husband wasn't bad.

His peerage members aside, the rest were curious about his new training room.

Riser led them underground using a lift before they arrived in a comfortable space with a single door in the middle and various high-tech items on the side.

"This is...?"

"Wait a moment."

Riser walked into one of the monitors on the side and then looked at the various types of fields before he made his decision.

Everyone wanted to ask, but his movement was so fast that they couldn't react.

"Now, let's enter."

Riser opened the door that led them into a different space.

As he entered, the rest also followed, but then, they opened their eyes wide since in front of them was an even bigger space.

"This is...?"

"I re-created the field used by the "Rating Game" as a training place."



"I re-created the field used by the "Rating Game" as a training place."


If this thing could be done so easily, then why did Ajuka Beelzebub make so much money?!

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 64 Underground Arena in the Underworld | Patreon

The "Rating Game" was the most popular thing in the Underworld.

Everyone sought it, whether it was to watch the famous fighters; or to become part of this event.

Everyone wished to be part of it.

Naturally, as the creator of this game, Ajuka Beelzebub got a lot of money from it. Even though he had a laissez-faire attitude toward this game since he had many things that he wanted to do, his team managed all the technical matters on the "Rating Game," including the creation of the field.

This field creation generated a lot of money, and except for a field for the "Rating Game," it could be used as a part of architecture at the house and also a training field, yet as expected, it was expensive since the one who mastered this technology was Ajuka.

Ajuka might share this technology with others, such as the other Maous and also the Great King faction, but as expected, even if they received a share of information, their brain wasn't enough to understand this field creation technology. Moreover, even if they could understand it, there was no doubt that Ajuka was the best among them since while they stayed on the spot, he continued with the breakthrough, creating a better field creation technology and many others.

In the end, even if Serafall had a paper about this field creation technology, it wasn't used and just lay in the library without being used.

Yet, Riser didn't feel that it was wrong since the strength of his family's wife had always been on medical care, so instead of focusing on the unfamiliar stage, it was better to focus on what their advantage was.

Though Sona, Serafall, Rias, and the others were speechless when Riser could create it by himself without the help of anyone.

"Amazing, Riser-chan~! Help me to make one too at my house, okay~?" Serafall hugged him and asked childishly.

"Onee-chan... can you not hug my husband carelessly like that?" Sona was speechless since Serafall had a hobby of hugging her husband. Her husband might not be tempted by her older sister currently, but if Serafall kept tempting him, what would he do?

Sona knew that Riser wasn't a herbivore, but then again, if something really happened between her husband and sister-in-law... what would she do?

Nevertheless, being in the middle of Sona and Serafall, Riser enjoyed it much.

"Hahaha..." However, Sairaorg laughed and felt happy. "This stage is amazing!" While everyone was looking around curiously at the massive arena, he jumped directly into the hexagon stage in the middle like a child. He then closed his eyes and could feel the thousands of fights that happened in this place.

The scent of sweat, blood, brutal fights, screams of the fighters and audience...

Sairaorg could feel all of that in this place.

As he opened his eyes, he looked at the grey-colored ground. He thought it was some kind of sand or other type of ground, but when he looked closely, he was dumbfounded. He took a handful of the ground and asked at Riser, who was far away. "Are all of them made from the teeth and nails of the fighters here?"

"That's right." Riser nodded. "I envisioned this place to be a place where expert fighters, master martial artists, and the strongest fight each other in the human world."

"Yes, I can see that..." Sairaorg was amazed by this place and wished to have it in his own home.

"Riser, what's the name of this place?" Rias asked curiously, but her expression was complicated.

"Underground Arena," or you can call it, "Holy Land of Fighting."

Riser then told the setting of the place where it was built under the surface of the Tokyo Dome.

It was also built in 1985, 6 floors underground; volume: 320.000 cubic meters; seats: 1500. The people gathering in the arena are selected through special routes to maintain absolute secrecy. However, it is unknown whether spectators need to buy tickets or have a special pass to go in.

Hearing such a background setting, Serafall's expression was already flushed in excitement. "...is there such a place in Tokyo?" If so, then she would come to visit!

"No, this is just a background setting that I have created."

"...that's a shame." Serafall sighed helplessly.

"Onee-chan..." Sona sighed at Serafall's antics.


Rias couldn't help but look at Riser with a bitter expression.

If he was like this, then why should she reject him?

Why did she come to Japan? Wasn't it due to her otaku hobby?

If her husband also had such a hobby, then wouldn't it be good?

Yet, once again, everything was too late.

Riser had become Sona's husband, but she wouldn't give up since she could tell he was still attracted to her boobs. However, she also knew that it was impossible to do anything in this place, so the only way for her to take him down was when they were in the human world.

So, how?

Riser didn't know what Rias was thinking, but he wouldn't make Sairaorg wait too long, and he was ready to jump into the hexagon stage.


"Wait, Riser-chan~!"

"What's wrong, Aneki?"

"Geez, call me, Onee-chan, okay~? It isn't cute to be called an "Aneki"!" Serafall pouted and still couldn't forget the feeling of being called "Onee-chan" by Riser.

That feeling excited her so much!

Riser rolled his eyes and didn't bother, ready to ignore her, but she caught her.

"Wait~! Wait~! Don't ignore me~! I am going to tell you something important~!"

"What's wrong?"

"I have made an appointment for you to meet Nurarihyon, the leader of the East Youkai Faction, in Tokyo~!"

Serafall showed a proud expression when she did all of this. Before he told his wish to make his pawns, Ni and Li, two Nekomatas become stronger, so if possible, he wanted to introduce her to someone who could teach them knowledge of how a youkai became stronger.

Serafall, then, without hesitation, did her best to help him and gave him an appointment to meet with Nurarihyon, the leader of the East Youkai Faction.

Hearing this, Riser stopped and looked at Serafall in a complicated mood. He could see that she had helped her sincerely and she wished him the best, so for him, who had been thinking of mooching his wife's family, he felt conflicted and heavy by her help.

Even though he knew that it wasn't hard for her to make such an appointment, he would be lying if he wasn't moved.


He was a bit embarrassed, but he thanked Serafall sincerely.

"Thank you, Onee-chan..."


Serafall blinked her eyes, then kissed him.


Riser was startled and quickly turned his head, so Serafall only kissed his cheek, but—


Sona was in a rage!

"Wait~! Wait~! You can't blame Onee-chan, Sona-chan~! Riser-chan is just too cute~!"



Riser rubbed his face and felt weird.

"Ah, but, Onee-chan is a bit busy, so Onee-chan can't come to Tokyo, so..."

"Let me guide him!" Rias quickly said.

"..." Everyone.

"No, Sona-chan can do it, right?" Serafall refused without hesitation and then looked at her little sister. "Can you do that, Sona-chan~?"

"Yes." Sona agreed since there was no way for her to let Rias guide Riser to Tokyo to meet Nurarihyon. Even though Rias was a virgin, she knew how dangerous this woman was.

If she let her guard down, the next day, she might see Riser on the bed with Rias lazily.

Such a scene definitely wasn't something that she wanted to see!

Still, Rias frowned since it was her first time to be rejected openly by Serafall like this, but she didn't care since as long as Riser came to the human world, Serafall, and Sona wouldn't know anything.

By then, as long as she used her boobs, everything was okay.

Nevertheless, Akeno was also excited since, like Rias thought, as long as Riser came to Japan, anything could happen.

Still, Misla looked at this scene thoughtfully.

However, as the fight between women started in a quiet manner, Riser wouldn't make Sairaorg wait too long. He also jumped into the arena as he faced Sairaorg.

"Sorry to make you wait."

"No problem, but is this place really not in Tokyo?"


Looking at Sairaorg's hopeful expression, Riser shook his head. "Sorry, no."

"I see... that's such a shame." Sairaorg felt disappointed, but then his eyes were full of excitement again. "Nevertheless, we can make it here in the Underworld."

"That's right. If you want, we can make it an arena where the strongest fight with their everything secretly."

"I can't wait for that!"

"Haha..." Riser also laughed. "But before that."

"Yeah, there is something that we have to do."

The two of them took off their shirts at the same time as their fighting spirit clashed with each other before they exchanged fists.


Sairaorg dashed forward as he raised his fist.

His fist was enveloped by a thick aura that was enough to destroy anything.

Yet, facing this fist, Riser was calm, and his movement was even faster.

"It's useless."


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 65 Even a villain needs a friend or two | Patreon

Everyone stopped their breath as they waited for the dust to disappear.

Then, when the stage was cleared up, they saw the person who had the first advantage.


Everyone was excited when they saw Riser standing unharmed.

Riser didn't feel surprised by their cheers since he was at his home ground. In other words, he had the advantage where the majority of people would cheer on him and become his strength.

Cheers might be just a voice that came out from the audience, but nevertheless, they brought a spirit to those who were being cheered upon.

However, Sairaorg wasn't someone who could fall down due to this disadvantage or lose with just a first confrontation.


Sairaorg's laughter echoed before they could all see his figure on the edge of the arena, standing up slowly as he wiped the blood on the corner of his lips. His cheek was purple, some of his teeth were broken, and his legs were trembling, but even so, he was still smiling, clearly didn't care about the damage that had been caused by Riser.

"As expected of you, Riser. You are strong!"

There was no way for someone who could throw such a punch to be a good-for-nothing!

Those stupid who could only follow the herd were nothing in front of him!

And Sairaorg was happy that he could be the one who could reveal the truth about this beast.

Yet, how could he allow himself to be defeated here?

Especially in front of his mother!

"Riser, I know that I owe you a lot of things; whether it is my mother or your acknowledgment of me, you are the first person who has done that."


Riser hoped that Sairaorg wouldn't say something like that since it might cause a misunderstanding, but somehow he shut his mouth since it just felt wrong if he told him to stop talking because they might be misunderstood.

Still, he had to say that Sairaorg was tough.

As he had said before, he didn't hold back and used his everything, but as expected, even if he had trained his physical ability, there was still a limit.

Unlike Sairaorg, who had used his everything to train his physical ability, Riser had only begun.

Nevertheless, due to the "Bajiquan Mastery," even though his physical ability had just begun, his technique was top-notch.

While he didn't use anything except for martial arts and Demonic Energy, the fact that Sairaorg could stand up until now showed how great Sairorg was at physical ability.


Sairaorg suddenly appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, raising his fist that was covered in a white aura like before.


Like before, the impact of his punch gouged the earth, and it continued to charge forward until it slammed into the barrier.

Yet, facing this attack, Riser was still calm, and he could dodge it calmly as he sent a counter attack by striking down his elbow into Sairaorg's guts!


Once again, Sairaorg was thrown into the distance as his entire body was full of pain.

Riser's strike not only damaged the exterior but the interior.

Sairaorg could feel his organs jumbling around due to the impact of Riser's elbow strike.

Everyone sucked a deep breath at how brutal their fight was and also how strong Riser was.

If they made a comparison, Sairaorg was like a truck, and each of his attacks would cause mass destruction.

Meanwhile, Riser was a bomb. While it might seem nothing and seemed harmless at first, when it exploded, then everything would be wrecked.

Even if the fight hadn't ended, all of them could tell who was going to win this fight.

"Sairaorg..." Misla felt complicated as she watched this fight. She was already crying, watching her son being beaten, yet she knew that she couldn't stop it. Instead, she needed to cheek her son up!


Even if Riser was her savior, Sairaorg was her son.

While Misla felt worried about what Riser might think of her since she might appear to wish for his loss, she thought she could do something for him, especially when she stayed in his villa.

But this fight?

It would only happen in a moment, so no matter what, she needed to support her son!

Meanwhile, Sairaorg still lay on the ground as he frowned, feeling quite helpless.

It was talent.

Even though Sairaorg knew that he had compensated the talent with hard work, facing someone who was really talented, he might not be able to do anything.

'No, this is no longer talent...'

Riser was above everyone.

Even though the rumor that Riser might become the third irrationality of the Underworld was only for a moment before his news became a famous good for nothing, Sairaorg still heard it, but facing him directly like this, he understood why Riser could be called the third existence that was comparable to Sirzech Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub.

However, because of that, Sairaorg felt that it would be wasteful if he just continued to lie here!

He needed to get up!


Sairaorg raised his voice and spirit as he faced Riser once again.

Facing Sairaorg, Riser was a bit helpless since he knew that he wouldn't lose. Frankly, even though he might say that he didn't like close-range combat, he realized how amazing his close-combat ability was.

Due to the "High Intelligence" he had received previously, he could feel that his thought processing speed had significantly increased. Frankly, it might only be a few hundred times faster, but after he got "Mathematic Mastery," it had become several thousand faster.

Riser felt that everything became moved so slowly in his mind, and he somehow could predict what Sairaorg planned to do.

Moreover, while his strength might be less than Sairaorg's, his speed was faster than Sairaorg's.

The combination of all of that made him probably the strongest close-combat fighter in the Underworld.

Yet, Sairaorg's spirit was something that was worthy of admiration, so—

Facing the punch that was sent by Sairaorg once again, Riser only stood in place and received it.



Everyone blinked their eyes as they watched this scene in disbelief.



Everyone panicked since they didn't expect that Riser would accept this punch.

Meanwhile, Sairaorg, who had gotten up due to his punch connected to Riser's body, felt conflicted.

'It hurts!'

Riser wanted to cry, but then his "immorality" trait worked and quickly healed his mind. Still, the feeling of his guts being gouged definitely wasn't good, and he could still feel it now.

Also, that white aura.

Riser wondered what kind of technique it was since he could tell that it was different from Demonic Energy.

Unlike the Demonic Energy that appeared gloomy, this white aura was different since it was filled with boundless energy like nature or life itself.

Still, even though he didn't know what the name of this white aura was, somehow, he felt that he could use it after he received that punch, but... he wouldn't use it for now since he was afraid that he might hit Sairaorg's confidence.

"...why didn't you dodge?"

"I want to taste how powerful your fist is."

"...is that all?"

"Yes." Riser rubbed his guts and sighed. "It hurts. If I don't have my "immorality" trait, then I might defeat you."


Sairaorg was speechless. He didn't want to admit this, but he knew it was almost... no, it was simply impossible for him to win against him now, but... he definitely wouldn't give up.


Sairaorg took a deep breath. "Let's finish our duel with this last exchange. Use your everything, and please don't give me pity like before."

"Use my everything?"


"You might die, you know?"

"Even so..." Sairaorg looked at Riser with a sincere gaze. "Please."

"Then." Riser didn't hold back and, like Sairaorg, used white energy to cover his fist.

"You can use a "Touki"!?"

"Is this "Touki"?"

"...." Sairaorg.

Touki is, in essence, the external manifestation of one's life force, in other words their Ki, which would be wrapped around them as an aura.

Using this, a person achieves heightened offense, defense, and speed. It also had the added effect of damaging others from the slightest touch, and defending a user from a wide range of attacks while knocking their foes back too.

Frankly, Riser didn't feel surprised if "Ki" existed since a supernatural existed.

Though, there was no doubt the devil had a greater "Ki" since their life was almost immortal.

The only reason they weren't familiar with "Ki" was because their myths were born in Judea, then spread to the West.

It wasn't during the Age of Discovery that their myths spread to the East, so it was normal for the devil to feel unfamiliar with the "Ki," especially when they could use Demonic Energy.

The only one that would use "Ki" was Sairaorg, who was untalented in the Demonic Energy.

Nevertheless, due to his "Bajiquan Mastery" and "High Intelligence" made it easier for him to master "Ki."

Frankly, it was cruel since Sairaorg, who had trained for so many years with blood and tears, was defeated by Sairaorg, who had been lucky by getting the system.

Nevertheless, the world was like this.

It was also the same case for him, who was crushed and belittled by Sirzech, yet he was unable to do anything.

Like Sairaorg, there was no way for him to lose here!

As their eyes met, they knew that everything was going to be decided in the next blows.

There were no words.

They started to move without any hesitation.

Everyone in this place didn't close their eyes and watched every moment without blinking until—

[Congratulations, you have received "Boxing Mastery"]

Riser looked at Sairaorg, who had passed out and had heavy injuries on his body. He then took out several Phenex Tears that he had kept and poured into Sairaorg's mouth and injuries since there was no way for him to let this guy die.

After all, having such a strong and honest friend would definitely help him to have a lazy life, right?


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 66 My goal is to become bum | Patreon

"Sona-chan~! Is it only me, or have your breasts gotten bigger?"

Serafall looked at the breasts of her little sister curiously.

"...yes, it seems they have gotten bigger."

Sona was also surprised that her breasts had become bigger, but she was happy with this discovery, so she didn't mind. If there was a problem, she needed to get new underwear, but this was a happy problem for her.

"...did a marriage will make one's breasts bigger?"

Nimura Ruruko looked at her master's breasts enviously. After all, unlike her, who could only be satisfied with A-Cup, her master seemed to be able to grow bigger even though Sona was older than her.

"Did Riser-chan rub your breasts so much that they have become bigger? Should I ask him to rub my breasts too?"

"...I will kill you if you really ask him that." Sona looked at her older sister with a cold gaze.

"But your breasts definitely got bigger due to Riser-chan, right?"

"Well..." Sona was a little awkward, but she knew that other than Riser, she couldn't find a reason why her breasts would become bigger. Whenever they were together, he would use many chances to rub her breasts. Even when they slept together, his hand would creep and rub her breasts when they slept like an ant was attracted by sugar.

Nevertheless, Sona didn't stop him since his touch felt nice, and... if he really could make her breasts become bigger, then wasn't it better?

Sona didn't ask much, but at least she wished to have a C or D-Cup.

However, Sona's hesitation confirmed everyone's doubt.

Everyone couldn't help but look at the wall that separated the male and female area, thinking that Riser had magic that made the breasts of women become bigger.

Nimura, Sona's pawn, became thoughtful, but she didn't dare to say anything, especially when she was in the presence of her master.

Nevertheless, Misla could only sigh helplessly since her life in that area was already as good as dead since her husband had already abandoned her.

After that duel, everyone went to the outdoor hot spring pool to rest. They might not participate in the duel between Sairaorg and Riser, but the tension of their duel made their bodies almost limp and exhausted, so following the tradition, they decided to take a bath together.

All of them female, whether they were young or a mother, joined together, taking a bath together in this beautiful hot spring pool.

Still everyone was still curious about Sona's marriage life, so they couldn't help but ask him, especially when the mood was just right.

Sona was quite strict and cool, so having a chance to talk about this matter was quite hard, but it was different in this place since they could talk openly as they tried to clear up their doubts.

While everyone was talking to each other, Ravel, who had been hiding, joined them under the persuasion of Riser's peerage members. There was no doubt that Ravel's relationship with Riser's peerage members was great, especially when they often trained together.

"Ravel." Sona looked at her little sister-in-law.


Ravel felt quite awkward meeting all of them, especially when his peerage members had explained everything that had happened before, and due to this, she missed his match against Sairaorg.

"Ravel, I am sorry for before."

Misla apologized since she knew that she was the one who had caused a mistake.

"Ah, no, it's okay..."

Ravel was quite awkward facing Misla.

While Misla was at fault, she was still an older generation.

With Ravel's education, she knew that she still needed to show respect toward Misla even though she didn't want to meet her that much, considering what Misla had done.

After all, Ravel didn't want to marry Sairaorg!

"I just can't help but wish to be part of your family, so I make such a selfish request."

Family... for her, this was something luxurious, so watching Riser, Sona, and Serafall happy together, she wished to be part of it.

Ravel was quite awkward and didn't know how to answer since, no matter what, her answer was the same, especially when she heard her older brother's words. Frankly, she wished to meet her older brother, but she knew that it was rather hard with all the people present, but—

"It's okay~! It's okay~! Everyone is happy together now~! Let's just have fun together~!"

Even though Serafall might be childish, she was the one with the highest intelligence emotion among them, so with her words, everyone returned to how they used to be, talking to each other amiably until—

"Wh-What a monster..."

"As expected of the man who has defeated me..."

On the male side, everyone seemed to be excited.

Somehow, all the females were curious about what the guys were talking about.


Like the females, the males also gathered together to have a bath together.

While Riser felt quite awkward about this tradition, there was nothing to be feared, especially when he had the "Command T." Instead, they should be the one who was afraid since he could make anyone become as small as a grain if he wished to.

Nevertheless, whether Sairaorg or Saji, they felt threatened by Riser as they saw the behemoth between his legs.

Still, the two were together, so they still had the power to hold on.

However, as expected, when Saji and Sairaorg met each other, they would create a natural reaction.

"Master, let me learn under you!"

Saji felt that he was weak, and he felt that he lost much of his confidence, especially when his loved one, Sona, was taken away by Riser. He might not be able to do anything, and he could only wish for their happiness, but nevertheless, he wished to have a strong heart.

Facing Sairaorg, who could smile and laugh heartily after that battle, Saji couldn't help but feel moved.

"I want to become stronger!"

Sairaorg didn't reject it. Instead, he asked, "Why do you want to become stronger?"

Saji glanced in Riser's direction, who was lying lazily on the hot spring pool like a slacker. While he was speechless, he had to say even if Riser was lazy, this guy was still elegant for some reason.

"I-I want to become strong for Kaichou! I want to be the strongest pawn!"


Sairaorg laughed, then looked at Riser. "What do you think, Riser?"

"He should be. Saji has the Absorption Line, after all. Though, it might be hard for him to become the strongest pawn."

Absorption Line, also known as the Black Dragon's Pulse, is a Sacred Gear wielded by Genshirou Saji. It holds a part of the Prison Dragon Vritra's soul and is one out of the four Vritra-type Sacred Gears.

Frankly, with this single Sacred Gear, as long as Saji had enough imagination, he should be able to become stronger, but if he could have all four Vritra-type Sacred Gears, then there was no doubt that he could become even stronger.

Still, more importantly, Riser wished for Saji to become an existence that destroyed the value of Issei Hyoudou.

"Ah?" Saji was dumbfounded, but Sairaorg was curious. "Who do you think will become the strongest pawn?"

"It should be Rias's pawn, Hyoudo Issei?"

Frankly, Riser didn't hate Issei that much.

In his mind, this guy was pitiful, and with his limited brain, Issei didn't realize that no matter what the situation was, he had always been a pawn that was controlled by the people above, even if his power was enough to destroy a planet.

"Ri-Riser-sama, do-do you think I will lose to that pervert?" Saji was speechless and couldn't believe Riser's words.

"Look, Saji. Don't underestimate people. Isn't that the reason why you want to become strong like Sairaorg? If you look down on people, then don't ever think about growing stronger from now on.

"As the saying goes, "Even a lion will use their best to take down its prey." Before you train, you should change your attitude and take everything seriously with all of your might."

Frankly, Riser didn't care about Saji's provocation by saying that he wanted to become Sona's greatest help.

Even if Saji became the greatest help, Riser didn't care either. After all, from the beginning to the end, his goal was to mooch his wife's family, so if Saji became stronger, then his life would become more comfortable.

Lastly, no matter how strong Saji grew, it was impossible for Saji to become a threat to him.

After all, no matter how strong Saji grew, while Riser knew that it was quite cruel, it didn't change the fact that Saji was just a slave.


Saji sighed, feeling quite helpless as he realized how petty and small a man he was. Hearing Riser's words, he knew that from how they saw this world and their perspective on something, he was left behind by him.

Due to this, Saji knew why Sona could helplessly fall for Riser.

Nevertheless, his wish to support Sona didn't change since that's what he planned to do, especially after Sona had given him everything and given him meaning in life.

"Say, Riser, I have never asked, what's your wish is?" Sairaorg suddenly asked. "I wish to become stronger, so I can take back what should be mine. The heir of the Bael house. But what about you? What drives you to become stronger?"

The talent of Riser aside, there's no way he could become stronger without training hard.

So what pushed Riser to become stronger?

Sairaorg wished to know that.

"Peace of mind."

"...peace of mind?" 2x

Sairaorg and Saji were confused.

"That's my only wish."

Having peace of mind, living with his wife and harem without being troubled by anything.

That's his only wish.

Yet, the world didn't let him, so he would erase everything that caused anxiety in his life.

Though to do that, he was afraid that he might become a villain.

Nevertheless, let's think about that matter since what he wanted to do was just to have a lazy bum life where he didn't have to do anything.


It's a bit lonely with only two chapters, huh? But here you go. 

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 67 By your side | Patreon

In the morning, when everyone hadn't woken up, Riser went to the small hut that he had built while watching the farm that he created after he got the "Agriculture Mastery" previously.

This was a great reward as he could develop many varieties of crops and livestock.

Nevertheless, his focus for now was on vineyards and tobacco plantations.

Why those two?

It was because of his "Beverage Making Mastery," and with the best vineyards, he believed that he could make the best wine.

As for the tobacco plantation, it was due to his hobby of smoking.

Frankly, Riser knew that smoking was bad, but he had accumulated a lot of stress living as a devil, and the tobacco helped him to numb his nerves. Fortunately, he had a "Healthy Body," which he had received previously, so no matter how much he smoked, he would be okay.

However, if possible, he wanted to develop a smoke that wouldn't cause harm to the user and also the others who were present due to the smoke.

Others who heard such a thing would think that he was crazy and thought that it was impossible, but he, who had the "Agriculture Mastery," believed that he could do it.

Naturally, those two weren't the only ones that he grew, as he also developed varieties of fruits, grains, and cattle.

There were many things that he could develop, but with his limited time, he should do something step by step.

In the future, it might not be a dream for him to develop dream-like ingredients like Golden Wheat, Rainbow Fruit, Devil Durian Fruit, and many others.

Still, developing such a thing while no one knew his power was simply committing suicide since he would definitely attract the greedy eyes of others, so before that, he needed to show his power, telling them not to mess up with him.

"Rating Game" was definitely the place for him to show that.

However, he needed to make his peerage members grow stronger first.

As he watched the farming of specialized drones to take care of every corps on the farm, he couldn't wait for the harvest time.


This voice was familiar, and there was only one person who would call him this way.


Ravel was there, looking at him with an awkward gaze as if she had done something wrong.

"Come here."

However, he was still the same, looking at her with a gentle smile.

Ravel was obedient and walked toward him before she apologized. "I am sorry, Onii-sama. I ran away so suddenly without hearing until the end."

When she heard his answer yesterday, she thought that he didn't care about her and her heart was so much heart, thinking that it was all impossible.

Yet, the truth?

He cared about her, and he didn't want her to have an engagement like him.

Hearing the truth made her relieved, and all the doubts about her heart disappeared.

He was still that "Onii-sama," she knew, and she was glad for that.

"So, have we made up?"


As she hugged him, she felt a little embarrassed by her outburst, but she nodded shyly. Everything was due to her misunderstanding. If she could be patient and control her emotions, then this misunderstanding wouldn't happen, but she wanted to know how he felt about her.

Frankly, she knew that it was wrong of her to expect something from him, especially when he had married and was also his older brother, but she just couldn't control her feelings.

It was wrong; she understood it.

It was also frowned upon, yet... yet she couldn't help it since, by his side, it was just comfortable, and even if she knew she might be burnt by her feelings, she couldn't stop.


"What's wrong?"

Ravel stopped her words and didn't dare to ask this question since if she really asked this out; she was afraid that she might not be able to bear it since she knew even if she tried many ways to tempt him, in his eyes, she was nothing but his little sister.

"Are you still worried if you are being forced into an engagement with someone again?" Riser asked.

Ravel didn't say anything, only smiled awkwardly as if she acquiesced to his question.

"You don't need to worry. Even if Father and Mother tell you to have an engagement with someone, I won't let them. You can choose to be with someone that you truly love. Whatever your decision is, I will support you."

As he said those words, he lightly brushed her bangs.

"...re-really?" Ravel's face flushed red as her breathing grew heavy, as if she was moved by his words.

"Of course. You can believe me."

'Even if that person is you?'

How much she wished to utter those words, yet unfortunately, she didn't dare to say it and only kept them inside her heart.

Ravel hugged him tightly, resting on his chest, feeling the warmth on his body, which was so comfortable during the morning when the temperature was rather cold.

His scent, his touch, and everything were so comfortable, yet at the same time, they made her heart beat so fast.

She knew that she shouldn't, yet she couldn't help it.

"So, do you have someone that you like?" Riser asked curiously.


"You have?" His expression was quite ugly, which caused Ravel to laugh, so she wanted to give him a little prank. "...well, I do."


Who dared to seduce his little sister?

Frankly, as long as that person wasn't Issei and Diodora, Riser didn't care much.

Still, he would be lying if he didn't feel annoyed.

Nevertheless, that was it.

Ravel was his little sister, and even though the system tempted him to take her down several times, he wasn't going to budge. Even though he knew that his success was great, he wouldn't take this temptation. Instead, he felt that his harem members were enough and there was no need to make his life more difficult.

He only wanted to have an easy life where nothing threatened and lacked nothing.

In other words, he wanted to have a stress-free life.

Having Ravel would definitely bring him stress, so he might as well give up.

Compared to a woman, a man's ambition was more important.

Moreover, he wasn't a crazy, perverted guy who would think of his little sister as a part of his harem as soon as he saw her.

Though, if it was his wife or his other harem members, it would be different.

Nevertheless, he wondered whether there was someone who could fight the combination of "Command T," "Sex Mastery," "Healthy Body," and "Immorality."

Even Eros, the Greek god of love, would bow down in front of him.

Nevertheless, maintaining a status quo and becoming a good older brother was definitely the best way to maintain his goal.

"It's a secret," Ravel answered while sticking out her tongue cutely.

"...is it someone close?" He asked like he didn't notice anything.

"Well, he is close."

After she said this, she hugged him even tighter.

Yes, he was close, and she had always been the closest person by his side, yet at the same time, she was also the furthest.

However, this was enough.

As long as she could be by his side, everything was okay.

Ravel had always thought so, and even in the future, this was her belief, so no matter what, she would always be by his side.

Be closest, yet also the furthest.


Cough! Be patient, okay?

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 68 Human world, I, Riser Phenex, is coming! | Patreon

In the Underworld, while many things happened, everyone who stayed in his villa had a good time.

Even Rias, who came with no good intentions, also had her share of fun.

Nevertheless, when Rias had fun in the underworld, Issei, Kiba, Asia, and Koneko trained hard in the human world.

Not only due to the ball tournament that would be held by the Kuoh Academy, but their loss against Riser also boosted their spirit to train harder since that feeling of losing was so uncomfortable, and they didn't want to feel it anymore, especially Issei.

Issei might not have a brain, as his brain was used on his lower body all the time, but he had guts!

This was the only thing that he didn't think he would lose to anyone.

There was no doubt his loss against Riser that day hit him so much.

Even now, the feeling of his entire body being grilled and burnt under his armor could still be felt.

Like the feeling when he was killed by his first girlfriend that day, the feeling when he was defeated by Riser still existed as a part of his trauma, yet he wouldn't stop. He vowed to become stronger and became part of Buchou's strength!

Be the strongest pawn for Buchou!

That was his current wish!

Naturally, his spirit also affected the others.

Whether it was Kiba Yuuto, Rias's Knight; Koneko, Rias's Rook; and Asia Argento, Rias's new Bishop, all of them were training hard, so they could become stronger and also win during the ball tournament.

"I wonder what Buchou is doing at the Underworld..."

After they trained hard, they took a break and decided to gather together at Issei's house.

Unlike in the original, where his house was built with magic and had six floors along with several underground floors, turned into a super-ultra luxurious house, his current house was the same as ever.

After all, Rias didn't live in Issei's place like before and continued to live in her place.

If there was someone who still followed the original, then it was Asia, who was living in Issei's house.

Nevertheless, even if Asia lived in Issei's house, there was not much change in his house since whether his house would be renovated was due to Rias's presence; without her presence, there wouldn't be such an amazing house.

However, this was still comfortable, so Koneko, Kiba, and Asia could gather in peace.

"Well, Buchou has her own problem." Kiba could only show an awkward smile when he thought of her master's problem. After all, being divorced in front of everyone like that, then her former fiance married her best friend; with Rias's prideful nature, it was amazing that Rias didn't go berserk.

"Uwaaaa~! I miss Buchou's boobs~!"

Issei cried desperately as he thought that he hadn't seen Buchou's boobs.

Unlike before, when he could enjoy Buchou's boobs anytime, after that time, he couldn't even see a single glimpse of those boobs that he had always dreamed of. Even though he always dreamed of those boobs almost every night, it was only a dream.

Issei wanted to touch and rub Rias's boobs like before!

Yet.. yet.. now?

Did such a chance ever exist from now on?

If not, then he would cry!

Hearing those words, Kiba and Asia laughed awkwardly.


Koneko stared at Issei with a deadpan expression as she continued to eat her snacks.

But then, Asia showed a sad expression and said sincerely, "But... Buchou hasn't been smiling, and we almost haven't gathered at the Occult Research Club now."

As a nun, Asia had a kind and gentle heart. Rias was someone who had helped her and saved her life, so naturally, she was worried about Rias.

Moreover, after that fight and loss, Asia could feel the change in Rias. She might not have appeared in the fight, but she could feel the change in everyone after Riser broke his engagement with Rias.

"Akeno-fukubuchou is there. There is no need to worry."

Koneko was also worried, but she knew that as long as there was Akeno, everything was okay.

"Yes, Akeno-fukubuchou will do something." Kiba also nodded.

However, Issei—

"Dammit, everything is because of that grilled chicken! If it's not because of that guy... then... then..."

Even now, Issei was still vexed and frustrated by that loss.

Because of this, Issei also put all the blame on Riser, yet at the same time, he knew how helpless he was currently when he faced the devil, who he always mocked as a grilled chicken.

"Issei-kun, while I know that I might sound harsh to say this, you shouldn't say something bad about Riser-sama."

"Kiba, you...!" Issei looked at Kiba in shock.

Kiba shook his head. "I am saying this for your own good. You should know that he is a high-class devil. If he wants to kill you, Sirzech-sama and Buchou can't do anything. Moreover, we don't have any relationship with him anymore. Buchou is free. They won't marry each other in the future, especially when he and Sona-kaichou have married each other."

"I... I know, but..."

Even so, Issei was still frustrated by that loss!

Moreover, while his brain was a bit slow, Issei knew that by provoking Riser, he was asking for death. While Riser was hateful, he was still a high-class devi. Meanwhile, he was just a low-class devil. The difference between their statuses was like the earth and the sky.

Nevertheless, if there was something that he was happy about, then it would be the fact that Rias and Riser wouldn't be together from now on.

This greatly relieved him.

The only thing that he was jealous of was the fact that grilled chicken could marry Sona after he divorced Rias.

Wasn't Riser too lucky?!

Issei felt that this guy was the protagonist of this world!

Frankly, Issei didn't think that Sona was as good as Rias, but there was no doubt that Sona was beautiful.

Watching such a beautiful girl fall at the hands of that scumbag, Issei felt that it was painful.

Why could such a scumbag be so popular with women, yet he could only continue to watch porn and masturbate?

The world was unfair!

As Issei continued to cry, his mother suddenly came and shared his childhood photo with everyone, which made him embarrassed, but Asia was interested.

Koneko's eyes were a bit dull, and seemed as bored as ever, but she also made fun of Issei from time to time.

The atmosphere between everyone was good until Kiba noticed one photo.

"Issei-kun, this photo is...?"

"Ah, that's my neighbor."

"This sword... do you remember it?"

"Well, I am not sure. It's been so long, after all."

"Is that so?"

Yet, no one noticed that Kiba's expression had changed, and he became emo-like, as if his life was full of hatred and revenge.

Still, as Issei enjoyed his weekend, he didn't know that his nightmare was about to come.


"But Onii-sama..."

"I am not going to stay that long, and I need you to help me with training them, Ravel."

Ravel was aggrieved since she couldn't follow her older brother to the human world.

Yes, as Serafall had made an appointment for him with Nurarihyon, Riser decided to go to the human world, asking his subordinate to teach Ni and Li, his Nekomata pawns, to learn Youkai's ability.

If Riser was a Youkai, then he might be able to help, but what was he?

So, he could only go to the human world to visit the leader of the youkai, asking him to let someone help Ni and Li.

"I will buy you a souvenir later."

He gently caressed her hair.

Still, her mood couldn't be better since she knew that they would be separated for quite a while. Even though she knew that he wouldn't stay that long, when she thought that they would be separated, she was unwilling.

However, she suddenly thought of an idea.

"...well, if you kiss me, then..."


Riser looked at Ravel helplessly. While he wished to maintain the status quo, he felt that fate tried to push him into the abyss.

[The toilet is empty. If you bring Ravel there, then—]

Riser ignored the system, but he was still amazed since the system didn't seem to give up. Nevertheless, he lifted Ravel's bangs and kissed her forehead gently.

"I will go now."

He patted her head, then left with his wife and the others who had been waiting for him.

Ravel looked at the back of her older brother as she gently caressed her forehead. Even now, she could still feel the feeling of his lips, and that was enough to bring her a smile.

Meanwhile, Riser was quite excited since it was his first time as a Riser Phenex to go to the human world.

'Human world, I, Riser Phenex, is coming!'

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 69 Let's make a fraud business | Patreon

For a devil to go to the human world, it was quite easy.

If they wanted to go, then they could apply right away, and everyone would agree.


It was because it wasn't that comfortable to stay in the human world.

Unlike the underworld, which was comfortable, there were many things in the human world that made the life of the devil quite uncomfortable.

If he made an example, it was like a church, sun, temple, and all the holy related- things.

All of them made the devil wish to stay in the Underworld more than the human world.

If he gave an example, it was like how someone felt comfortable to stay at their hometown instead of unfamiliar city.

Still, if the devils wanted to go to the human world, there were many ways, but this time, Riser went to the human world with the flying train, which was usually used by the noble who transported from one domain to another.

Still, Riser had to say that even if he had gotten used to transport by using this flying train, there had always been a novel thing every day.

"Riser, is there a place that you want to visit? I will guide you there."


Riser looked at Rias helplessly, who tried hard to make him happy.

Was this a licking dog?

Riser felt that this experience was quite novel, especially since it was Rias who licked him desperately.

Nevertheless, the others didn't think too much and only thought that Rias was kind and gentle.

Yet, this was Rias's advantage.

Her beautiful appearance, even if she had become a licking dog, those who were being licked would happily let themselves be licked by Rias.

Frankly, he didn't mind being licked either, especially when they spent quite a while together. Even though their interaction was quite minimal due Serafall, Sona, and the others, they still talked.

Naturally, their interaction was quite different; when they talked, Rias was quite chummy, kind, and even flirty. There was no doubt that, as a devil, her skill at seduction was at max.

Nevertheless, facing such a seduction, he was still as polite as ever. Facing her seduction, he could calmly face all of that like an adult, and it was also due to this that Serafall and Sona felt relieved and let him talk with Rias since they knew nothing would happen.

Maybe this was also the reason why Serafall didn't join them to visit the human world. After all, if she really wanted to go to the human world, would someone be able to stop her?

Still, the problem was Rias.

If he really wanted to take her down, then it was possible, but frankly, he didn't have such an intention, at least for now, especially when having a relationship with her would put him in a passive position against Sirzech.

Riser knew that there was no way for Sirzech not to know and was blind that his sister visited his villa during a weekend, yet Sirzech still let Rias visit him. Why? Wasn't it because Sirzech wanted to see his little sister seduce him?

In the original, Sirzech might appear gentle and friendly, but the truth?

Riser dared to say that Sirzech manipulated everyone behind the scenes, using everything, including his family, as his pawns.

Nevertheless, it didn't mean Sirzech could control everyone perfectly.

Sirzech wasn't a robot, and he also made a mistake.

If there was a mistake that Sirzech had made, it would be Issei's protagonist aura that made his wife, Grayfia Lucifuge, take a bath with Issei and leave their child behind to help Issei.

Sirzech was too dependent on Issei, and this was his mistake.

Yet, Riser also couldn't blame Sirzech since he knew that having an obedient tool was comfortable, so Sirzech was a little addicted to Issei and used him for many things, such as dumping all the troublesome matters on Issei.

Frankly, instead of Rias, Riser was more interested in Grayfia since he wanted to see how Sirzech's expression was when his wife was on his hands, yet with the trouble that came afterward, he was too lazy to do it.

He knew that he was like this.

Instead of doing something troublesome, he would spend his day lazily, having a peaceful life.

This was the life that he sought after, yet someone was just too stupid and messed up his life.

Riser might wish for a peaceful life, but if someone asked for a fight, then he believed that he would win.

His position might be at a disadvantage currently, but he knew that he would grow stronger.

"Rias, as I have said to you before, I will be the one who will guide him. Moreover, his purpose in going to the human world isn't to play." Sona looked at Rias helplessly, wondering when this young man gave up on seducing her husband. After all, wasn't it obvious? No matter how many times Rias tried, it would be futile!

However, if Riser knew what Sona was thinking, he could only apologize since he was almost seduced by Rias.

"I know that, but isn't it better for us to be together? You are the little sister of Maou Leviathan, and I am the little sister of Maou Lucifer. With the two of us, then they won't dare to mess with us, right?"

Rias calmly answered as she told of the advantages of bringing her along to visit Nurarihyon in Tokyo. She might hate to use her status, but as long as she could join them, she didn't care about the methods.


Sona knew that Riser's negative image made it hard for someone to respect him. Even if she stood by his side, the others wouldn't respect her much, but with Rias?


"Stop. I don't need to rely on you two to go there. Also, aren't you two busy with events at our school? What was it again... a ball event, right? You should focus on the event at your school. I don't come to the human world to trouble you two, after all."

"But..." 2x

Rias and Sona were helpless and didn't expect that he would throw them away like this, so they decided to work together, yet—


His words were unquestionable. "I know that my words might hurt you, but I am a man. If I rely on you two, facing all of that while I stay behind you two, I will be looked down on even further."

While he didn't care much about his reputation, if it might bring harm to his women, then he might as well stop becoming a man, yet he would be lying if he wasn't moved by them since even if his reputation became so much worse due of Sirzech, they still believed in him.

So, he knew that he couldn't rely on them and needed to meet Nurarihyon by himself.

As he had said before, in the supernatural world, only strength matters.

In front of the strength, all conspiracy and mocking disappeared since no one wished to die.

Strength was the best thing in this world.

It was also the reason why Issei could get his harem.

It was also the reason why he, Riser Phenex, was sought after by everyone.


[Human world? It's time to let this place know who is the true master of this world]

[Option 1: Kill all the living creatures in the world. You will receive an "Omnipotent"]

[Option 2: World domination. Rules every being, from non to supernatural beings. You will receive "the Absolute"]

[Option 3: Create a business in the human world. You will receive a "Caligraphy Mastery"]


As expected of the system, the first and second options were as ridiculous as ever.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 70 Rias is good at licking | Patreon

It was crazy for him to choose "Option 1" and "Option 2," especially when Riser knew that even if Sirzech was the strongest devil, it didn't mean Sirzech was the strongest in the world.

There were still many existences that were above Sirzech.

Even if Riser might be as strong as Sirzech in the future, he wouldn't think to control the world unless he was able to control the Underworld first.

Though such a day might not appear since after he controlled the entire Underworld, he might only spend his days lazily, depravedly. After all, dominating the world had never been his purpose.

Peace of mind.

This was his only purpose.

Still, more importantly, he needed to handle his quest.

Since he had chosen "Option 3," then he would make a business. Still, unlike before, he wouldn't do serious business since he realized that as long as he did business, even if this business was a fraud, he would complete the quest.

Moreover, the reward was just so-so, so why did he have to take this question seriously?

Or rather, if he could take it easy, why should he work hard?

[...] System.

"Well, enough about this. Can you tell me what you usually do in the human world?" Riser asked curiously since that way; he could find a clue as to what kind of fraud business he should do.


Sona and Rias could only show a bitter smile. His decision couldn't be changed, so they could only follow his words reluctantly.

However, there was something that made Rias feel weird. "...you are curious about what we are doing in the human world?"

As Riser's former fiancee, Rias knew how much Riser disdained the human world. In his eyes, the human world might not be different from a slum. It was full of piss and feces. Yet, he asked them what they usually do in the human world.

Rias was in shock and realized how big the change in Riser was.

Nevertheless, Sona was calm and told him what they usually do in the human world.

Their activity was rather simple since they either went to the school, received a mission to hunt a stray devil, or did their job by making a contract with a human.

"Are there a lot of stray devils in the human world?" Riser had never taken the human world seriously before, and his life had always been in the Underworld.

In the Underworld, while there was a stray devil, all of them were killed swiftly before they even made a noise. Yet, this was normal since the Underworld was where the devil was living, but what about the human world?

"Unexpectedly, there are a lot of them."

"Yeah, we received a lot of missions to eliminate a stray devil."

"Not everyone can treat their servants kindly after all..." Riser murmured, hearing their answers.

Whether Sona or Rias had often received a mission to hunt down the stray devils. Still, as for why those devils had gone astray? The two of them knew that it was mostly due to the master, yet as someone from a high position and the same position as those masters who treated their servants horribly, they didn't care about those stray devils.

If the reincarnated devils dared to betray their masters, then death was only their destination.

There was no "if" or other option unless these servants were powerful enough to run away or had a talent, so the other powerful devil took an interest in this reincarnated devil, working it as their new servant.

However, such a case was rare or almost impossible to see since the price of betraying the master was only dead.

If someone made an exception, then it would ruin the rules of the high-class devil.

Still, even if some stray reincarnated devils could be saved, then they had to change their identity.

If Riser had to give an example, it would be like Koneko Toujou. Even though Koneko didn't commit any crimes, her older sister killed her master, so as long as Koneko had an involvement with the criminal, there was no chance of being saved.

However, Gremory took Koneko and made her into Rias's peerage members, but as expected, it was impossible for her to maintain her real name, so that's why her name became Koneko Toujou.

"Still, are those stray devils stupid enough to visit the Kouh Town instead of hiding well?"

After all, even if there were a lot of devils, it didn't mean their numbers were enough to cover every corner of the world.

"Unexpectedly, there are a lot of them who come to hide in Kuoh town."

"Now, I wonder why they did that..."

Rias and Sona only realized how stupid those stray devils who came to hide in the Kuoh town where the little sister of Sirzech Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan were living.

Weren't those stray devils just courting death?

However, Riser only rolled his eyes, thinking that it might be the work of the devils under the Gremery house and the Sitri house, who pushed those stray devils on the Kuoh town, giving a chance for Rias and Sona to gain experience and also achievements.

Riser lost interest in this matter, so he asked the other matter.

"What about the contract? You make a contract with a human, right?"

Frankly, Riser had never made a contract with a human, but why should he? The only one who would make a contract with a human was those who had a low status.

Nevertheless, in some cases, it was possible for those devils with a high position to make a contract with a human. Still, if a human wanted to make a contract with such a high-status devil, the identity of this human should be amazing enough to make the devils with a high position be tempted like King Solomon in the past, who made a contract with all 72 Pillars.

This was the case with Sona and Rias since they only took the contract with someone with a high position in the human world. However, in the case of their peerage members, they could only scramble by anything, without caring who had made a contract since, as a reincarnated devil, their talent in seducing someone was rather low.

"Do you want to make a contract with someone?"

"I just want to try."

Riser felt that this was a good business. He only needed to throw one summoning paper, so the human could summon him to make a contract. As for whether he would answer or not, it would depend on his mood, but this should be counted as a business, right?

[Congratulations, you have received "Caligraphy Mastery"]


While he knew that this was okay, he felt speechless by how easy it was for him to get a reward.

[Everything is only difficult in the beginning. When your position is higher and stronger; it will be even easier]

Riser nodded and thought that it was normal since, due to the difference of position, the value of something in the eyes of people might change.

It was like a car.

For a normal person, it might be expensive, but for the owner of an oil well in the Middle East, it was a toy.

"Is it okay? Kuoh town is your town, right?"

"It's okay. I don't mind." Rias answered kindly and was happy that she could do something for him.


Riser thought that having someone to lick him was good.

"Riser-sama, are we going to make a contract with a human too, nyaa?"

Ni and Li looked at their master curiously. However, as long as it was the wish of their master, they didn't mind making a contract with a human, even though it was a little troublesome.

"No, it's okay. You don't need to. I am just doing it out of curiosity." Riser then looked at Sona and asked, "By the way, do you have a paper with you, Sona?"

Sona wanted to give a paper, so Riser could make a summoning contract, but Rias beat her first.

"Here you go."

Rias gave a paper to Riser with a smile.

Meanwhile, Sona was speechless.

"...thank you."

Being licked by Rias was good, but Riser had a hard time getting used to it, especially when he thought about how she acted before. Still, it was bothersome to think too much, and he should enjoy her lick well.

*Pero~! Pero~! Pero~!*

Riser shuddered for some reason, but after he took the paper, he could feel her palm lightly brushed against his.


He looked at Rias, who still had this gentle smile on her face, and thought that he should sue her for sexual harassment, but he knew that he would have the disadvantage of the court, so he refrained from talking and just ignored her.

"Thank you."

He took the paper and then wrote down the magic circle to summon and also an English instruction on the back of the paper.

Nevertheless, everyone, who saw him writing, was in a daze since they could feel how refined and elegant he was when he wrote on paper.


Rias bit her lips and felt even more unwilling.

"..did you learn calligraphy, Husband?" Sona asked curiously and in amazement.

"No. This is how I normally write."


Was this his talent?

Nevertheless, Riser realized the "Calligraphy Mastery" seemed able to make him create a magic circle faster so that he could activate his magic almost instantly. His ability to cast magic was probably as fast as pulling a trigger on the gun. Moreover, this ability also made him able to understand all languages, including the lost language.

'No matter how strange the reward is, they're all amazing.'

Even his "Boxing Mastery" that he received previously also made him able to predict the future attack based on the motions and physiology of the opponents.

By adding "Mathematic Mastery," it might not be wrong to say that he really could see a few seconds of the future.

Still, while his "Calipgrahy Mastery" attracted their attention, Riser changed the topic again, causing them to talk about many things in the human world. Due to their conversation, the time seemed to move faster, and they didn't realize that they had arrived.

Still, Riser felt a little emotional since it would be his first time to come to the human world.

His mood was good and excited, but—

"You bastard! What are you doing here?!"

"....." Riser.
