Akikan40. Phoenix. 71-80

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 71 A pleasant welcome |

Who dares to say those words to him?

In the Underworld, no one dared to say it to him.

Even if they secretly looked down on him for relying on his wife's family and also his status as the third son of Lord Phenex, they couldn't say it openly. In front of him, they needed to bow and act as respectfully as ever, like the most graceful servant.

No matter who they were, as long as they were devils, they needed to give him respect.

Yet, there had always been an exception.

Yes, it was the guy in front of him.

Hyoudou Issei.

As the weekend was about to end, Rias naturally would go back.

As her servant, who had missed her master, Issei wished to see her master as soon as possible, so he came to pick Rias up with the others.

Except for Kiba, since his mood was in an emo state after he saw the picture of the sword in Issei's house.

Yet, as Issei waited excitedly, especially when he thought of the boobs of her master, the devil that he didn't want to meet the most appeared before him and, moreover... moreover, why did this devil's relationship with his master seem good?

Still, as the protagonist, there was one natural reaction that he had.

"You bastard! What are you doing here?!"


Riser was speechless, but facing a barking dog, there was no need for him to get angry.

Nevertheless, even if he didn't feel angry, it was different from the others, especially Sona.

Sona's expression was frosty, and one more provocation, she might even kill Issei.

She might appear gentle, but how many reincarnated devils had been killed by her hands?

Was there even a hesitation? No.

Whether Sona or Rias and the rest, except for Issei, who was the protagonist, all of them had killed many. It was due to the perverted antics that happened in the story that the killing didn't seem that cruel and appeared like a joke.

Yet, before even Sona said anything, Rias scolded her servant.

"Issei! What are you doing!?"


Issei was scared since it was his first time seeing Rias being so harsh toward him. From what he had remembered, she had always been gentle, and she even used her boobs to comfort him, but... but... she scolded him?

Issei was in a daze as he was in disbelief.

Still, Riser wouldn't let go of this chance. "Sona, Ni, Li. Let's go."

Sona nodded as she held Riser's hand, ignoring Issei. "Tsubaki, everyone. Let's go back."

However, Ni and Li glared at Issei since they still remembered that they were troubled by this perverted dragon. However, this time, if they fought each other, they believed that they could win against this guy. After all, they were no longer like before, and they had mastered much of the knowledge that was taught by their master.

"Yes, Kaichou."

Others also reacted while shaking their heads, feeling helpless at Issei's stupidity. They had seen Riser had beaten Issei so much before, yet this guy didn't learn and still provoked Riser.

As Sona's peerage members, they knew how powerful Riser was, and they knew what kind of behemoth existence he was, so provoking him was just like asking for death, which made them sigh, but they didn't intend to talk and just followed their master.

Frankly, Issei wasn't the only one who was surprised, but Kiba, Koneko, and Asia were surprised when they saw Rias come out with Riser. Even though there was Sona by their sides, they seemed to appear friendly to each other, but it was good, wasn't it? After all, why should they make a meaningless enemy?

Still, Rias, who saw Riser's cold expression, panicked. "Riser, I-I am sorry for my servant!" She chased after him and quickly apologized.

Riser didn't say anything, but Sona said, "You should educate your servant well, Rias."

"I know." Rias felt anxious when she thought that all the good impressions she had built would crumble the moment due to Issei. Even if she was prideful, she let go of her pride now and did everything, so she wouldn't be hated by Riser. Frankly, if Sona scolded her like this, she wouldn't accept it, and she would say that Issei was her servant, and it wasn't Sona's turn to say something about it.

Yet, the current situation was different.

Rias didn't want Riser to hate her, so she did her best to please him.

When someone falls to someone, they would be blind to their surroundings.

Only the person they loved was in their eyes, and they would do anything to please this person.

This was the case with Rias.

Moreover, Issei's provocation was also unreasonable, especially when Riser didn't do anything. He just came to visit the human world to train his servants, yet what was the reception?

Yet, watching Rias, who humbly apologized, Issei couldn't accept it and thought that Riser might have held the weakness of Rias. Moreover, the way Riser ignored him like he was a pebble on the street annoyed him the most!

While Issei might be only a human in the beginning, he was the holder of the "Boosted Gear."

For him, being mocked might be better than being diminished like this.

Moreover, Issei didn't have a good impression of Riser, so—

"You grilled chicken! I won't let you do anything to Buchou! I will protect her!"



"Don't just say anything you want! Just shut up for me!"

Grinding his teeth, Issei became even more annoyed since he felt that he had lost the love of Rias.

"You bastard! How about you have a duel with me again! If I win, don't get close to Buchou once again!"

Yes, that's it!

This guy must be thinking about seducing Rias once again!

However, such a thing was impossible to happen under his eyes!

There was no way for him to let Riser succeed!

He was going to stop him from taking Rias away from him!

Rias became irritated, and his crimson hair seemed to emit a dark aura. This time she was enraged by Issei's act.

How dare you, a mere servant, act like this in front of me?

Even though Rias might be gentle to her servants, it didn't mean that she didn't have a temper. Moreover, Issei's act today was just too disgusting and annoying for her to see.

Still, Issei had a good friend.

"Issei-san, pl-please don't fight. Bu-Buchou-san, too, don't get angry, okay?"

Asia, who noticed their change, tried to pacify them.

Watching Asia, Rias also calmed down, but Issei couldn't.

"Don't stop me, Asia-chan! I have to beat him, or else he will continue to become Buchou's stalker! Hey, that grilled chicken over there! You are married, right? Then you should give up on Buchou and leave!"

Issei was unstoppable.

He felt that he was correct.

He felt that Riser should stop chasing after Rias!

However, whoever heard those words felt that they were too much!

Whether peerage members of Sona and Rias, they couldn't help but feel this guy was delusional!

"Oi, you—"

Before they scolded Issei, suddenly, an enormous pressure emerged and spread before everyone.

It was like a blazing sun suddenly dropped in front of them.

Facing this disaster, everyone could only give up resistance and die.

Yet, they knew it wasn't the sun, but it came from someone they were familiar with.

The temperature in the station increased dramatically, and all the electronic devices in the area were wrecked directly.

No one could maintain their calm, and they had the urge to bow down, asking for forgiveness.

Yet, Issei, who faced his pressure directly, knew that he was about to die.

'I'm going to die! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!'

His heart was filled with fear, and he knew that no one could save him, especially Sirzech, who wasn't by their side. Even if the temperature became higher, his body became colder as he could feel his death was near. At the same time, his body and mind also remembered the terror that Riser had given to him that day.

Yet, amidst that panic, the crest of Gremory's house appeared on the ground, then—

"Riser-sama, please be magnanimous and forgive his rudeness!"

Riser's aura was being fought back, giving everyone a chance to breathe, yet it was meaningless, and it was broken forcefully by him, but he lowered the intensity of his Demonic Power.

Riser squinted his eyes and looked at the woman who appeared before him and protected Issei.

[Who the hell are you?! A mere servant dares to stop me?!]

[Depending on what you do, you will get a different reward.]

[Let me see your growth.]

'Oh, I'll let you see. You don't need to worry.'


The next chapter is a bit too cruel, in my opinion, but I think it is necessary.

Nevertheless, please enjoy.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 72 Why did they call themselves devils? | Patreon

When the pressure that came from Riser slowly vanished, everyone felt relief, but their hearts still beat so fast, realizing how fearsome he was. Frankly, even though they thought of him as powerful, with his conduct, they hardly felt scared of him since he was often quite laid back.

Yet, now, their opinion of him has changed.

Nevertheless, no one thought of blaming him; instead, they cursed Issei, who kept provoking Riser all the time. They knew that Riser was too lazy to talk with Issei, and who was the stalker between him and Rias?

Issei might not have been clear, but those who had been in his villa knew the truth.

Still, among everyone, the one who was surprised by his growth the most was Grayfia.

How did Riser grow so much stronger in such a short span of time?

Grayfia had seen how powerful Riser was, especially when he fought Issei in the yard of the Gremory castle previously, yet the impact brought by him now was on a completely different dimension from previously.

While she didn't want to admit it, she knew that there was no chance of her defeating him.

That simple confrontation was enough to determine who was stronger between them, especially when her barrier was easily melted by him.

Moreover, his control over his fire-related ability had reached a frightening level.

While it might be hard to believe, Grayfia didn't think it was wrong to say Riser's fire manipulation was on the same level as Sirzech's control over his destruction manipulation.

How old was Riser?

Riser was this young, yet he was this strong?

Grayfia had a cold sweat since she knew that it was impossible to stop him. If he really went on berserk, killing everything, then her existence was meaningless. At that moment, she wanted to curse Issei for provoking Riser.

Riser, whose Demonic Power had increased by nine times, was no longer like before.

Facing Grayfia, whose power was just around Ultimate-Class Devil, Riser had never thought of her as an opponent.

As Riser had thought, Sirzech knew that his little sister went to visit Riser from time to time at his villa.

Sirzech also didn't stop and even let it go since he felt that it was good, considering if Riser and Rias were together, then the relationship between them would be amended.

Nevertheless, they underestimated Issei's stupidity. Even though they had reminded him, it seemed that his brain was unable to understand anything that was more than 20 words.

"Is this the hospitality of the Gremory family? This really opens my eyes, or it can be said that it is the way of the Gremory family saying that they are the master of the Underworld by insulting the prestige and face of the 72 pillars of the devil and the Great King?"

Anyway, they were enemies; even though they tried to amend their relationship with him, Riser was small-minded and petty. It was impossible for him to forgive them as they pretended nothing had happened after they dirtied his name like trash.

In this case, he might as well make the fire bigger by throwing gasoline.

Making the fire so big that everything would be burnt.

Riser might not be able to defeat Sirzech, but it didn't mean he couldn't bully his little sister and wife.

Everyone was shocked by Riser's accusation since the act of Issei mocking him became so huge that if the Gremory couldn't handle all of this, it would become the enemy of all the Underworld due to Issei.

Grayfia felt that her mouth was dry and didn't know what to say, but Rias was smart.

"Riser, I am sorry for my pawn's mistake. We have never had any intention to insult the prestige and the face of the 72 pillars and the Great King faction as we're part of it. Moreover, even if my brother might be Maou Lucifer, we have never thought of ourselves as the master of the Underworld.

"Please give me a chance to show you my sincerity and apologize to you and your family."

Her posture was low as she also tried to show her boobs to Riser.


Riser glanced at Gyafia and thought that compared to Rias, this woman might be only a vase. When something big happened, Grayfia was stiff and was unable to do anything, but Rias was quite flexible.

"Then, tell your maid to step away from there and let me kill your pawn. By then, I will forgive your family and won't mention this matter again."


His words were so at ease, as if saying that he wanted her to treat him to dinner.

Rias felt so helpless at the moment, hoping to curse Issei for his stupidity.

If Issei's power was enough to destroy a planet, then even if he did a disrespectful act, no one would blame him.

However, was he strong enough to do that now? No.

Issei was just a weakling currently and just a low-class devil.

"I am sorry. I can't do that." Rias looked at Riser with a firm gaze. "Even though he is stupid, he is still my pawn. My servant. As the heir of the Gremory house, it is my duty to protect him."

Even though Issei was stupid, Rias had chosen him as part of her pawn. Even though he was the one who caused all of this, there was no way for her to sacrifice him. If that happened, then the foundation of the Gremory house would crumble.

After all, the Gremory house was known for their kindness toward their servant.

If she could sacrifice Issei, then wouldn't she be able to sacrifice others, too, in the future?

By then, trouble after trouble would jump up in her family.

"Buchou..." Issei was crying and moved by Rias's words, thinking that he was being loved by Rias once again.

"...then, what can you do?"

However, Riser wasn't moved by Rias, his voice was rather cold, and he wasn't even moved by Rias's words.

Frankly, Riser had to say that his perception of Rias also kept changing as they communicated with each other. Before, when they got engaged to each other, the original Riser only lusted at her body, and she disdained him.

Neither of them had a chance to know each other better at what kind of devil they were.

Hearing the impatience in his voice, Rias was also decisive. "Grayfia beat him."

Issei gloated when he heard Rias's order, thinking that Riser would be beaten by Grayfia, but—


Issei was beaten by Grayfia.

Grayfia also didn't hold back and kept beating him without mercy, even breaking his bones and causing heavy injuries.

Issei was unable to do anything as he faced the Ultimate-Class Devil's existence.


Asia cried and became panicked as she saw Issei mercilessly beaten, but Koneko held her tightly since she was afraid that Asia might get involved in this matter.

Unlike Asia, Koneko knew the cruelty of the Underworld. After all, she was almost killed before, so if they weren't careful, they might get involved.

"Issei-san! Issei-san! Issei-san!"

Asia kept crying before Grayfia stopped, leaving Issei half-dead.

Still, Issei maintained his consciousness, but he could only moan painfully.

"Rias-sama. Riser-sama."

Grayfia stopped her actions as she bowed respectfully again.

"Do you think you can forgive us now?" Rias asked with a complicated mood.

Everyone who saw this realized the cruelty of society, but at the same time, they knew it was also a reminder for them not to mess around since the difference in status meant everything to the devil.

If they didn't want to end up like Issei, then they needed to be obedient.


"Not enough."


"...what do you want?" Even if Rias's temper was good, this was already on her limit.

"Castrate him."

"...." Everyone.

Rias hesitated and fell into deep thought. If Riser was the one who caused trouble, then she could ignore it, but Issei was the one who had caused trouble!

Moreover, Riser had made this matter so big that everything might be out of hand.

Grayfia stayed in silence, waiting for Rias's decision since she was only the maid, and she would follow Rias's decision since Grayfia knew that she wasn't good at matters of politics.

However, the rest couldn't calm down.

Their hearts were beating so fast, and Issei, who hadn't passed out, started to act, trying to fight back since if he was castrated, then it meant his dream would be over!

However, as a protagonist, someone had always come out to save him.

Still, Grayfia beat Issei up, so he would pass out since she was afraid that he might cause another trouble.

"Pl-Please forgive Issei-san!"

Asia clutched into Riser desperately, trying to apologize. "I-I know that his words might have hurt you, but... but... he isn't a bad guy. He-He is just worried about Buchou.

Please don't castrate him, Riser-sama. I-I will do anything!"

As Issei had saved her, Asia also wished to save Issei.

Watching Asia desperately apologize, Koneko was also desperate since she didn't expect that Asia would run into Riser. Still, her fear didn't allow her to move, and she stood in a place, especially when he glanced at her for a moment.

"You want me to forgive him?"


Asia knew whether Issei could be saved or not; it depended on Riser, so she would do her best to make him forgive Issei.

Frankly, she was scared, especially when he was tall and just standing by his side was so intimidating, yet... yet she held him tightly, hoping he would change his decision.

"If I forgive him, do you think he will forgive me for bullying him, Rias-san, you, and the others?" He asked calmly

"He-He will! I-I will make sure that Issei won't cause any more trouble!"



Even Asia knew how stubborn Issei was, so it was hard for her to make a promise, but—

"Pl-Please believe in me! If-If he really won't forgive you, then-then I will be the one who beat him."

"You will beat him? How?" He asked curiously. "He is Sekiryuutei, you know?"

Asia was even more flustered, but she still raised her arms, showing her non-existent muscles. "I-I am training now! I-I will be very strong, so I can beat Issei-san for you!"


How to say... due to the nativity of this girl, the atmosphere was eased.

"Don't worry. I might be a devil, but I am not that cruel. However, he had insulted all of the aristocratic family. I had heard that he was dying before, right? If he didn't become a devil, then his life would be over. You could see how ungrateful he was, right? Even though he was saved by the devil, he was ignorant and arrogant. Do you think it is worth it to save him?"

"It is! It is!"

Asia nodded firmly. "After all... it isn't because of Issei-san, I-I might not be here... As for how ungrateful his conduct is, while you might not believe in my words... I-I will do my best to make him better. I won't let him mock you again. I won't let him tarnish the reputation of the noble again.

"So-So please forgive him."

Asia was sincere, only hoping for him to forgive Issei.

"Husband..." Sona tucked the hem of his shirt, hoping this matter was over.


"Sorry, I can't believe you."


Asia was staring at him even more desperately.

"However, I won't kill him or castrate him. You don't need to worry."

Hearing that, Asia felt relieved.

The rest also felt relieved.

"I will just make sure that he won't disrespect me again."

He snapped his fingers, causing their bodies to be tense, but then, they could see nothing.

"Okay, that's enough."

Riser smiled. "Sona, let's go."

Sona nodded and linked their arms together intimately. "Rias, I will leave first."


Rias nodded at Sona with jealousy for being able to hold such a strong man but then sighed in relief since the matter was over.

Everyone also felt relief since nothing big was happening, but then again, why did he snap his fingers before?

They didn't know, but everything was over, so everything was good.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 73 A fearsome curse | Patreon

Still, as he left, Riser started to regret his decision to come to the human world. He didn't expect that it would become so troublesome.

However, he didn't regret his decision since if he let Issei talk as he wished, then where would his reputation be?

As for becoming Sirzech's enemy, weren't they an enemy in the first place?

Moreover, Riser knew that he needed to appear strong, or else he would be looked down upon.

Lastly, if he appeared weak, then the treatment he received would be even worse, especially when Issei was just a low-class devil.

If Riser could still smile under the mocks of Issei, then everyone would think of him as trash.

[You understand now, right?]

[What I am doing for you, in the beginning, is for your good]

[In this world, no good people can have a good life]

[Remember that cute blonde girl? She is a good girl, but in the end, she is killed and is reincarnated into a devil]

[Then, that petite girl. She is a naive and cute girl, but in the end, due to the cruelty of the world, she becomes a deadpan and expressionless girl as if afraid to show a single weakness]

[There is more example]


[The only one who can live well as a devil is the bad guy]

[So, be a villain]

[Be proud of your conduct!]

[You have done a good job]

[I am proud of you]


Riser had to say that he felt a bit comfortable, but at the same time, he knew that he couldn't get used to this.

Being overbearing, proud, and cold definitely wasn't his character.

If possible, he wanted to go back to the Underworld again.

Still, if he did that, he would be looked down upon.

Nevertheless, he wasn't swayed by the words of the system, and he believed this should be the only trouble that he got in the human world.

After this, there shouldn't be any more trouble.

Yes, he believed so!

Riser was going to become a good and obedient boy!

—or a lazy guy who spent all day at home playing games, reading manga, having a paradise like every day.

Still, before that, let's see what the system was going to reward him.

[Of course, I am going to reward you]

[Congratulations, you have received three random rewards]

'Three? Is that okay?'

Riser felt even strange when he saw his rewards since the only time he got three random rewards was when he took care of all of his harems and also married Sona.

[It's the start of the beginning of your villain-like life]

'What if I don't want to?'

[It's okay. You don't kill that perverted dragon after all, so that guy might come back and provoke you, considering his lack of brain]


Riser wanted to argue, but he couldn't

Still, should he have killed Issei?

Frankly, he had to admit that what Grayfia did to Issei was a little too much, but at the same time, he also knew the necessity to protect his dignity and name.

Moreover, while he thought that it was a little too much, he knew what Issei had done; it wouldn't be weird for him to be killed.

[Let me give you some advice]


[Be cruel to your opponent means to be kind to yourselves]

[Be kind to your opponent means to be cruel to yourselves]


Riser fell in silence before he shook his head.

He had defeated Issei, whether it was before or now, and for those who had been defeated by him, he had never thought of them as his opponents.

Like a slot machine, an almost infinite number of lists of various things kept turning until it stopped showing the three rewards he received.

[Congratulations, you have received "Black Flash," "Sewing Mastery," and "Overtime"]


Were they good rewards?

Riser wasn't sure, so he decided to check them.

The first was the "Black Flash."

As it had such a name, he thought it would be a movement technique, but that didn't seem to be the case. Instead, it was a phenomenon of Japanese sorcery from a different world.

Now, what is "Black Flash?"

"Black Flash" is a distortion in space that occurs when energy is applied within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit. When one is able to achieve this, their cursed energy flashes black, and the destructive power of their strike is equal to a normal hit to the power of 2.5.

According to the explanation, unleashing "Black Flash" requires incredible concentration, and no jujutsu sorcerer is capable of using it at will, yet he could do it at ease and will.

'In other words, with "Black Flash," my normal hit equals the power of 2.5?'

Frankly, it was a bit plain, but the effect was quite good.

After all, no matter what, all of his attacks now would equal 2.5 times the original as long as he applied "Black Flash."

Still, this wasn't all the effect of the "Black Flash" since, as long as he was using it, it would generate the feeling of omnipotence as if everything revolved around him.

If he had to explain it easier, it was like he experienced the "Zone," a state of mind that most of the professionals there had experienced in their lives, allowing him to operate at 120% of his maximum potential.

This "Zone" state might be the best thing for him as he didn't like to fight, so when he was in this state, he could forget all of his worries and distractions in his mind to focus on his fight.

Still, his second reward was a bit strange.

"Sewing Mastery."

So, he was a master of tailor and weaver now?

Though having this ability, he had the knowledge to easily and quickly make clothes, tools, accessories, etc. He could even perfectly and without a single flaw or mistake sew anything they wanted with zero effort by themselves in a short amount of time.

So, was it a good reward?

Riser wasn't sure, but he knew he couldn't use this reward in the battle, so he focused on his last reward, which name was rather weird.


It is a phenomenon where any hours worked by someone exceed their normally scheduled working hours.

In this case, it would be from nine to five on weekdays.

When those times passed, it would be counted as overtime, and during that overtime, his power would be doubled.

Yes, doubled.

So, if he fought at night or early in the morning, his power would be doubled.

Naturally, it also included a holiday and weekends.

As long as he fought on those days when he was supposed to take a break, his power would be doubled.


Frankly, this reward was good, but at the same time, he also felt weird.

It felt like this ability would bring him a bad omen.

Though, once again, he had to say this reward was good since having double his power was great, right?

It might not be as great as "Boosted Gear," which could double the user's power every ten seconds, but unlike Issei, his base wasn't zero.

Moreover, this improvement would be natural in his body without affecting anything.

"By the way, did you do something to Hyoudou Issei before?"

"Why did you say that?"

He stopped thinking when Sona suddenly asked him a question.

"No, I am just curious. What did you do by snapping your fingers before?" Sona looked at her husband and asked, "So, did you do something?" Frankly, it wouldn't be weird for Riser to kill Issei, especially when this pervert also provoked him twice. She also didn't like Issei, but as expected, Issei was still Rias's peerage member, and even if their relationship was quite strange now, she still cared about her best friend.

Others also perked their ears, trying to listen.

After all, they felt that the ending was quite anticlimactic.

Riser was quite speechless since he noticed how curious they were. "I didn't do much. I just gave him a little curse."

"Curse? What kind?"

"A small curse."


"Yes, I just made part of his body become small."

"...part of his body? Which part?"

Nimura, who was bubbly, couldn't help but ask curiously, but then everyone was staring at her blankly.

"Ah, um, I am sorry!"

Nimura quickly apologized as she bowed her head. She almost forgot what kind of demon King Riser was, though she couldn't be blamed since, unlike when he faced Issei, he was usually quite gentle.

The rest also thought so and knew that as long as he wasn't being provoked, he was rather gentle.

"It's okay." Riser waved his hand, telling Nimura that he didn't mind, then looked at Saji and asked, "Saji, what do you think is the most important part of man?"

"Eh?" Saji was startled and fell into doubt.

Yet, not only Saji but everyone also started to think, trying to link the puzzle except for the stupid one who could only wait for the answer.

"..don't tell me?" Sona, his wife, who was the smartest among them, quickly realized what her husband had done.

Not only Sona but Shinra Tsubaki, Momo Hanakai, Reya Kusaka, and Tsubasa Yuri quickly realized what made them in shock.

Even Saji...

"Ri-Riser-sama, don't tell me...?!"

Saji's expression was so pale as he squeezed his legs tightly.

"Eh? Eh?" 2x

Tomoe Meguri and Nimura felt confused.

"What is it? What is it?" 2x


"...just how small has it become?"

The quiet, gently braided young woman, Reya Kusaka, asked curiously with a blush since she knew how dirty her question was, but she was curious, okay? After all, it was her first time hearing such a curse.


Riser looked at Kusaka for a moment, causing her to lower her head shyly.

"Well, it should be as big as a grain now."

"....." Everyone.

Only Saji realized that Riser, the wife of his master, was definitely someone that he couldn't turn into an enemy.

No matter what!

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 74 Rias is a devil | Patreon

"It-It hurts..."

Issei moaned in pain.


Asia continued to heal Issei in tears.

"Asia-chan...? What's wrong?"

Being beaten so hard, Issei's mind was still groggy, and he was still unable to clearly determine the reality before him.

"Issei, are you okay now?"


Issei moaned in pain again as he remembered everything. He was almost killed once again, but then, Riser said something inexplicable that he didn't understand before being beaten by Grayfia under the instruction of Rias.

Frankly, toward Riser, Issei still had a hatred, but toward Grayfia and Rias, he felt conflicted. After all, he knew them, and they were beautiful. Moreover, it wasn't his first time being beaten by a beautiful woman, especially when he often went to peek at the girls in the kendo club changing their uniforms.

However, there was a huge difference between being beaten by the girls in the kendo club and Grayfia.

Issei was sure that he was almost dead before, and that was why he wasn't sure what kind of face he should show to Buchou, especially when she was the one who ordered Grayfia to beat him.


Why did she do all that?

Moreover, why did Asia cry so much?

Lastly, where was he?

"You are at my house now. You should rest in the guest room tonight, but before that, let me ask you." Rias stared at Issei calmly and asked, "Do you hate Riser?"

"I..." Issei didn't know how to answer this question. Did he hate him? Naturally, after all, Riser was Buchou's former fiance, and he was also the one who had caused Buchou to have misfortune one after another.

Moreover, Riser was the one who beat him so much, showing how unsightly he was in front of everyone, especially in front of Buchou, Asia, and many others.

Lastly, the way Riser dismissed him like he was just a pebble on the street, Issei couldn't handle it!

While Issei was still in pain, he nodded without hesitation. "I hate him, Buchou."

"Then, from now on, I order you not to hate him."

"Wha—?!" Issei was in shock and then asked agitatedly. After all, why wasn't Buchou on his side?

"Why?! Why, Buchou?! Why should I not hate him after what he had done to me?!"

Should he endure all of this?


Issei believed in Boosted Gear and Ddraig as his partners.

He believed that he could become stronger!

Well, he might be weak now, but in the future?

That's right!

It seemed this was the case; Buchou was worried about him because he was weak.

However, what if he was strong enough?

If he was strong enough to face Riser, then everything would change, right?

"No, Issei-san! Please, stop fighting, okay? Just don't provoke Riser-sama, okay? Please..."

Asia knew that if Issei tried to provoke Riser once again, then being beaten once again definitely wasn't how Issei would end up.

By then, it might not be hard to imagine that Issei was killed!

Moreover, Asia also didn't have much of a bad impression of Riser, especially when he let go of Issei after all of that.

"Asia-chan..." Issei looked at Asia with a complicated gaze.

Still, Rias sat on the edge of the bed calmly and then asked, "Issei, do you still remember when you were killed by the fallen angel before?"

"Of-Of course, I remember..."

Naturally, Issei remembered, and even now, he could still feel the pain when his guts were gouged by the spear of light by the fallen angel.

"You might have awoken the "Boosted Gear" and become a devil, but you should realize that your status is still a low-class devil. Even if Riser kills you due to your insult, I won't blame him."


Issei looked at Rias in shock.

Rias sighed. "Issei, do you think I am the one who controls the Underworld? The politics of the Underworld aren't simple. I might be the heir of the Gremory house and also the little sister of Sirzech Lucifer, but we definitely can't say that we are the ones who rule the Underworld.

"Your head is a bit stupid, so it might be hard for you to understand."


Issei wanted to argue, but he couldn't since he knew that he was an idiot.

"If I let you insult him, then it means that I am trying to fight all the aristocratic families in the Underworld. Even if the Gremory house and my older brother are powerful, we can't handle such consequences..."

Her voice was filled with sadness as she asked, "...or do you want to see me and my family die, Issei?"

"I... I... I..."

Issei felt that his mind was blank as he had never thought the consequences of his action would bring so much trouble to Buchou.

"Moreover, not only me and my family, but Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, Asia, and even your parents. Due to your careless remarks, they might also be affected by it."

"E-Everyone too...?!"

Issei felt that his entire body was powerless.

He was just a normal high school student with a perverted mind.

Moreover, his view and experience were rather short.

There weren't many things that he hadn't seen in his life, and he also hadn't encountered much despair in his life, so it was normal for him to think that he could do anything, especially when he owned the legendary "Boosted Gear."

Frankly, even if he was killed, he didn't care since he felt that he had done the right thing, but what if the consequences of his action would lead to the misfortune of everyone?

"Did you know? Asia-chan would do anything to save you previously. She even wished to give herself to Riser, so you would be saved."


Issei looked at Asia in shock.

However, Asia only smiled gently. "As long as you are okay, Issei-san."

"We are lucky that Riser isn't such a lustful devil who will jump into the skirt of every devil. If he is one, then you might need to say goodbye to Asia."


Issei clenched his fists tightly and cried due to his powerlessness. "...am I so weak, Buchou?"

"You are not weak." Rias shook her head and kindly told him, "You are the holder of the "Boosted Gear." You are strong, but there are many things that can't be handled by power alone."

Not unless you are strong enough.

If someone was powerful enough, they could do anything like how Sirzech Lucifer, who controlled half of the majority of the devils in the Underworld.

However, Rias wouldn't say, and it was better for Issei to stay as an obedient servant the way he was, so he needed to be a little stupid. Still, due to this, her interest in Issei had already disappeared.

In her eyes, she wanted her man to be strong.

Those who have never given up and kept going on no matter how dangerous the adversity was.

Even if death was in front of him, they wouldn't stop.

That was the man that she wished to be, yet looking at Issei, she could only shake her head.

"There are many things that I want to talk about with you since you should also realize the importance of the Phenex family, and we have to maintain a good relationship with that family."


Hearing this, even though Issei felt uncomfortable, he could only endure it since he didn't want to cause trouble to everyone.

Frankly, Issei, as long as it was mentioned he would cause everyone trouble, would stop since that was the typical protagonist template of this type of story.

Not to cause trouble to others.

This was what a Japanese protagonist usually acted like.

Rias also knew this, and she took advantage of this. "Then, I will go back first. Asia, are you staying here?"

"Ah, yes, Rias-buchou." Asia nodded gently. "I will take care of Issei-san."

"Is that so? Don't forget to rest, okay? I am going to rest first. Asia, you can sleep in the guest room next door."

"Yes, Rias-buchou (Buchou)."2x

Rias then left without hesitation as to what was happening between Issei and Asia, she didn't think too much, but nevertheless, her mind and heart had made up her mind.

Rias was going to get Riser no matter what.

Only when she left, did Issei look at Rias's back longingly, wondering when he could get to see her boobs once again?

"Oh, right, Issei." Rias suddenly returned and reminded him. "Don't forget that you still have a debt you need to pay him from the Phenex Tears, okay?"

Issei passed out, but he didn't realize that Riser was a more dangerous foe than he had thought.


Meanwhile, Riser, who had just woken up, watched the sunrise within the human world for the first time. Frankly, he thought that he would be happy, but unexpectedly, his body felt rather weak, which made him speechless.

However, after a moment, he got used to this feeling, and everything returned to normal. He lightly moved his body as he realized how much light caused harm to the body of the devil.

Still, if he became weak due to the sunlight, what about Sona, whose body had been eaten by him cleanly last night?

He was worried.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 75 My first Tokyo | Patreon

"Did you bring everything?"

"I did."

"Really? Have you checked everything?"

"...are you my mother?"


Sona stared blankly at Riser.

Riser kissed her lips, licking her tongue before he parted his lips.

Sona let out a seductive sigh, enjoying their kiss.

After he woke up, he didn't waste his time. He prepared everything with Ni and Li before they went to the station to go to Tokyo to visit Nurarihyon.

Frankly, the one who was eager for this training was Ni and Li since they wished to become stronger and help their master to erase his bad reputation through the Rating Game.

As for him?

Riser felt that he might as well enjoy his life for a while in the human world, but if they were in a hurry, he also didn't mind since he could also play in Tokyo.

How to say... Kuoh town was great, but compared to Tokyo, the scale of this town was a bit too small.

Riser was a modern boy, so he wished to see the most advanced and sophisticated things in this country, so there was no doubt Tokyo was his best destination.

Moreover, he also wanted to get his hands on various games in this country.

His dream to have a lazy life would start from now on!

[...] System.

Still, knowing that he would leave for Tokyo, Sona decided to skip school and help him with all the preparation with Tsubasa Yura, her rook.

"Do you really not need me to go there with you?" Sona asked again.

"I have made up my mind, and I will go back soon after I have sent Ni and LI there, okay? Also, I am not your older sister, who will mess up or wear a Mahou Shojo on many occasions."


While Sona felt conflicted, she somehow felt relieved, especially when Serafall was mentioned. Still, she looked at him again and thought that he was really handsome.

Riser was wearing a navy suit, a white shirt, and black loafer shoes without socks and tie, so he would appear more relaxed.

However, whoever saw him would think of him as a successful young businessman.

Even now, Sona could see that many women were glancing at him from time to time, but she didn't care since she knew how much her husband loved her, and she was rather proud of his charm. Still, what she didn't realize was her rook, Yura, was staring blankly at Riser.

Probably after his fight with Sairaorg that day that Yura often stared at him. After all, her type of man was those who got dirty in a fight, so Riser fitted her taste perfectly.

Moreover, unlike before, due to his martial arts practice, his body became even more rugged and manly.

His posture, the way he walked, and everything about him was just too attractive to a woman.

Lastly, he also had a "Sex Mastery," so there was no need to explain anymore, right?

If there was a problem for Yura, then the fact that the man that she liked was the husband of her master.

Nevertheless, no matter how they saw him, they would take a second glance since a man like him was rare, especially when the majority of the people in this world were either perverts or weirdos.

"Still, don't you really not want me to cook you a bento?" Sona asked reluctantly.

"....." Riser, Ni, Li, and Yura.

None of them were blind since they knew Sona couldn't cook, especially during their time in the villa when they had Korean BBQ for dinner. They had seen how much burnt and scorched meat had been grilled by her.

Fortunately, everyone was nice enough not to mention it to her.

Riser was a bit helpless, but he said, "It's alright. I have always wanted to try the bento tradition at the Japanese station. I have heard that they have a lot of varieties. Is that right, Yura?"

"Ah, yes!" Yura, who was called by Riser, also nodded and helped him. "I recommend the shumai bento at Kuoh station. It tastes delicious."

"Really? Then I will buy it later."

They talked for a while before it was time for him to leave for Tokyo.

"When you arrive, contact me, okay?"

"I will."

Sona nodded, then looked at Ni and Li. "Ni. Li. Protect him, okay?"

"Leave it to us, nyaa~!"

"We will protect Riser-sama."

Riser might be strong.

Stronger than any of them.

However, the meaning of Sona's words was different since she wished them to protect him from those dirty vixens.

Ni and Li agreed since there was no way for that lowly human to get close to their master. The seeds of their master were important, and the only one who could take it was either Sona or the members of his peerage.

Riser just ignored their conversation, then kissed Sona's lips once again before he left.

"Then, I will leave first."

There was no need for drama since he was going to Tokyo to ask a youkai to teach his peerage members. Then, when he left them in their care while learning the knowledge of a youkai, he would go back to Kuoh town since there were many unfinished matters in this place.

As they entered the train, Sona didn't leave and waited until their train disappeared.

"Kaichou?" Yura couldn't help but call Sona.

"Oh, right. Let's go back, Yura. We can go to school now." "

"Yes." Yura nodded, but at the same time, she couldn't help but ask, "Kaichou."


"Do you love Riser-sama that much?"

"He is wonderful. I am glad that he has become my husband." Sona didn't lie since this was her true thought.

"What do you like about him?"

At the same time, Yura wondered what made Sona love him so much.

"Well... if I have to say..." Sona blushed as her face was hot before she let out a long sigh, feeling a bit helpless in her weak body. "A talent, appearance, status, personality... there are too many things if I have to list them. I might need 24 hours to explain all of them to you." Still, suddenly she hesitated before she shook her head. "No, 24 hours might not be enough."

"....." Yura.

"Just... just tell me what you like the most about him."

24 hours?

When were they going to school then?

"Well, if I have to say... he is a beast on the bed."

While Sona's voice was rather quiet, Yura, whose senses were enhanced due to reincarnation as a devil, clearly heard it. Her face was also turned red and hot, but—

"...can you tell me more, Kaichou?"


Usually, when one goes to this country, they would use a bullet train as it would take a short time for one to transport to another place.

However, Riser didn't do that and chose a normal train since he wanted to ride in the private luxury room.

"Oh, it's like this, nyaa."

"It's a bit small."

Ni and Li were twin sisters, but unlike Li, who was cheerful, Ni was rather quiet and blunt.

If there was a difference among them, then it would be the color of their hair and their hairstyle.

If Ni had blue hair and tied her hair in a ponytail, then Li had red hair and tied her hair in a braid.

"Don't compare this with the one in the Underworld."

Unlike the Underworld, where they owned the entire train, it wasn't so simple to own a train unless one owned the station. Moreover, due to the busy schedule of the train and the main transportation of everyone, having a private train in this country was simply almost impossible.

Though if one had a lot of money and authority, then it was possible.

"Still, I have heard that the window in this room is one-sided."

"One side?" 2x

"In other words, we might be able to see the outside, but people on the outside can't see us."

"Oh..." 2x

Ni and Li looked at each other before they pulled their master into the sofa.

"...what are you doing?"

"How about we try it, nyaa?"

"Yes, let's have fun, nyaa."

The two might have a little difference in personality, but on the bed, they were all the same.


Riser then looked at Sona, who was staring out the window where he would be, and he knew that she couldn't see what he was doing with Ni and Li. Meanwhile, they could see her.


"Let's wait until the train continues first."

As expected, he still needed to respect his wife.

However, when the train left, he didn't wait for them to react and had his first time on the train in the human world.

As they enjoyed their time on the train, they felt the time passed quite fast, and before long, they arrived in Tokyo safely.

Nevertheless, before all of that, they felt that they might need to take a bath and change their clothes. Fortunately, inside their private room, there was a bathroom.

However, there was no doubt the three of them anticipated their trip to Tokyo.

'Tokyo, I am coming!'

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 76 Tokyo Furious | Patreon

As they returned to school, Sona and Tsubasa continued their work as the student council since the ball event was about to be held.


"Tsubasa, what's wrong? Your face is a bit reddish. Are you okay?" Reya Kusaka asked worriedly.

Everyone was the same as they looked at their friend worriedly.

"...no, it's okay."

After all, there was no way Tsubasa told her previous conversation with Kaichou!

Moreover, she could feel the gaze of Kaichou on her, which made her could only show a helpless expression.

While Sona nodded since she didn't want to be seen as a pervert, she couldn't help but talk with Tsubasa before since she was quite sad when her husband left for Tokyo, leaving her behind without hesitation.

Even though she knew that he came to Tokyo with the purpose of making Ni and Li stronger, she wished for him to stay with her a little longer.

Still, the good thing, the faster he finished his business, the faster he returned.

Sona couldn't wait for him to return as she looked at her mobile phone from time to time, waiting for his news.


*Knock! Knock!*

The door of the student council room was suddenly knocked on.

"Please enter."

"Excuse me. Sona, are you here?"

Rias entered the room with her "Queen," Akeno Himejima.

Moreover, behind the two, there was Asia, Koneko, and Kiba, who appeared a little awkward.

However, among all of them, the one who was the strangest was Issei since he seemed to be anxious yet hesitated at the same time.

Watching Issei's current situation, everyone on the student council thought about what Riser had told them last night. Their expression became weird, especially the girls, but Saji, who was a man, looked at Issei with a pitful gaze.

'A small curse...'

Saji vowed that he wouldn't do anything to provoke Riser. While his heart was hurt due to Sona falling into Riser's arms instead of his, he could only accept all of this and only hoped that he could support the woman that he loved as her servant.

Yes, that is what Saji would like to do from now on.

"Rias? What's wrong?" Sona was confused by the sudden arrival of Rias. As for the others, she only glanced at them for a moment before she focused on Rias since she knew the one who had initiated this visit should be Rias.

"I was about to invite you and Riser for dinner to apologize for what had happened last night. Can you come?"

Rias was no longer moving based on her emotion and was impatient like before. Instead, she was using her head, so she could get her hands on Riser's pants.

By using an apology as an excuse, she invited Sona and Riser to her house. While she only wanted to bring Riser, she knew that it was impossible for Sona to let him go to his house alone, so she invited the two of them.

Nevertheless, even if Sona was there, Rias didn't care since when they were inside her house, everything would be under her hands. After all, she was the one who would prepare the food and what she would put on those foods; there was no way for Sona and Riser to know that.

Rias was decisive, and she was going to put sleeping medicine on Sona's food later.

As for Riser's foods, she was going to put an aphrodisiac.

By then, let's see whether he could push her away like before?

Rias was confident in her plan, and she was going to do everything to take down the man that she wanted, even if she had to rely on drugs.

Still, while the others might not think much and even thought that Rias was really responsible as a master, Issei couldn't think so and could only clench his fists, feeling extremely dissatisfied, yet when he thought that he might cause trouble to others, he shut his mouth.

Nevertheless, Issei tried to become a good servant since if he became a good boy; Rias would give her boobs, right?


"Sorry, we might not be able to come since he was already on his trip to Tokyo."

Sona didn't think that Rias would have a bad intention and thought that Rias would really come to apologize since last night's incident was rather huge. Frankly, while she hated Rias, who often tried to seduce her husband, she also had to admit that she acknowledged how decisive and clear-headed Rias was.

There was no doubt that Rias was a good heir of the Gremory House.

Was it due to that divorce?

Sona thought so since if Rias didn't have that incident; then she didn't think Rias would grow up.

"What?!" Rias was startled. "Why didn't you tell me?" Her tone clearly told of an annoyance since she didn't expect that Riser would leave so soon.

"Why should I tell you?" Sona asked blankly.


Yes, why should she tell her?

After all, even though they were best friends and even childhood friends, Riser was Sona's husband.

Why should Sona tell Rias about her husband's activities?

Even if they were best friends, there should be a limit to something that could be talked about and not, right?

Rias took a deep breath, trying to calm her emotions. Frankly, with her temper, it was already amazing enough for her to be able to calm herself like this.

Nevertheless, her breasts bounced slightly due to her action taking a deep breath, causing the perverted guys in the room to have a nosebleed.

Rias sighed, then asked with a soft and gentle voice, "When is he going to go back? I will set up another dinner for you two, so I can apologize properly."

"I am not sure, but he told me that he was going to stay there at least a few days." Sona thought for a moment and said, "I will tell you when he has gone back."


Rias nodded, but her head ran, thinking of various strategies that she could use to take down Riser.

Still, Riser was no longer in Kuoh Town, so their good intentions seemed to become vain.


"Hey, Hyoudou, are you okay?" Saji asked curiously, but he showed a subconscious smirk on his face.

"Wh-What do you mean? I-I am extremely okay!"

Issei panicked when he was asked this question. Frankly, he wasn't sure what was happening or if it was the effect of the "Boosted Gear."

—or was it the punishment from heaven for being perverted?

But... but... his dragon seems to have become a chick.

No, it should be a cute little tadpole!

However, there was no way for him to consult this problem with everyone!

After all, how could he say that his dragon became a tadpole?

Nevertheless, he needed to find a way to solve his problem before Aika Kiryuu returned from sick leave.

If Aika saw his current state... then...


"Issei, what's wrong?" Rias also noticed something strange about Issei.

"No, no, it's fine, Buchou! I am fine!"

"Really?" Rias frowned, wondering whether Issei still hated Riser. However, she didn't overthink this matter since she knew even if she was with Riser, she could make Issei into an obedient servant.

"Yes, really!" Issei nodded eagerly.

"Is that so?" Rias nodded, then excused herself. "Then, Sona, I will leave first." Then, she, along with all of her peerage members, left the student council room.

Nevertheless, when they left, Nimura asked innocently, "Was it only me, or didn't they realize the curse on Hyoudou-senpai?"

They looked at each other and thought that seemed to be the case, but even if they knew, what could they do?

If Issei wanted to solve this curse, then Issei could only wait for Riser to go back from Tokyo.


Riser, who had come to Tokyo, sent a text to Sona that he had arrived. Still, frankly, he thought that the youkai from Tokyo would pick him up with a car or something, but it seemed that with his status, such hospitality might be impossible.

Nevertheless, while he was a little helpless, he knew that he had come to ask for help, but he would ask for free since he had prepared several Phenex Tears for them in exchange for their tutor.

Still, Riser also knew the principles of most supernatural beings.

Fear the strong; bully the weak.

Riser knew what he needed to do, so when he arrived in Tokyo, he used a taxi and used Mind Control to control the driver.

Frankly, being a devil meant that his existence was simply the rules of this world.

If there weren't any gods or those devils who thought they were heroes with ideals, then this world would already be owned by the devils, especially when they were capable of using various dangerous magics such as a Magic Control that he had used.

Then, by using the map that was prepared by Serafall before, they started their trip to the headquarters of the East Youkai Faction.

Frankly, Riser was a bit curious whether this East Youkai Faction was rich or not, but it seemed they weren't that rich, considering they were living on the outskirts of Tokyo, where the street was still unpaved.

After he sent the taxi away after they arrived at the entrance of the headquarters, Ni and Li couldn't help but ask.

"Riser-sama, is this the place?"

"This place is like the countryside, nyaa."

Probably due to being his servants that they had gotten used to luxury, so they couldn't help but frown.

Still, this matter aside, there was something that they wished to complain about!

"Still, they are too rude, Riser-sama!"

"Yeah, why didn't they come to greet you?"

Even if Riser was nothing, he was still the son of the Lord Phoenix and brother-in-law of the Sitri house, so a certain hospitality was necessary, but what was this?

While Riser didn't get angry when he took the taxi, Ni and Li were different.

"It's okay. It's normal for me to be looked down upon, so what I can do is not to make them look down on me again."

Saying those words, Riser released his aura and all of his Demonic Power, causing the space to ripple, and all the youkai in this area passed out, panicked and dominating them with sheer terror at his presence.

'Now, let's see who is looking down on who?'

He took a deep breath, then shouted, "EXCUSE ME! I, RISER PHENEX OF THE PHENEX HOUSE, COME TO VISIT!"

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 77 My seeds are being targeted | Patreon

In the traditional Japanese mansion, a short elderly man with a kimono calmly sipped his warm tea.

Nevertheless, this elderly man was quite weird, especially when the back of his head seemed to be in an elongated shape, quite long, which was like a gourd for some reason.

As he enjoyed his afternoon, suddenly, a cat with nine tails walked elegantly toward him as she asked, "Nurarihyon, the young master of the Phenex House, will come today, right?"

"Oh? Is it today?"

Nurarihyon, the commander of the East Youkai Faction, seemed to only remember there was such a thing as he slapped his forehead.


Magari, the Tortoiseshell granny, the leader of all Nekomata, looked at her commander speechlessly. "Shouldn't you send someone to pick him up?"

"It's okay. Serafall-chan should have given a map to this young master, right?"

"Even so... don't we need to show some hospitality? Especially when he comes so far away from the Underworld to us."

If it was another devil, Magari might not say so, but this was the young master of the Phenex House.

Unlike other devils, Phenex House could create the "Phenex Tears," a miracle elixir that was capable of healing most injuries.

Even though the world was kind of peaceful, it didn't mean that they didn't fight each other. Moreover, sometimes, their members had huge injuries or died due to the fight with the other factions of Youkai or the Five Principal Clans.

Frankly, the other factions of Youkai aside, who thought that they could grow and take down the territory of the East Youkai Faction, the Five Principal Clans had made an agreement with them, but nevertheless, it was hard to believe in the words of humans as they often broke the agreement, causing several meaningless fights.

Naturally, due to those fights, a few of them died.

Yet, if they had the "Phenex Tears," this wouldn't be a problem.

However, the price of the "Phenex Tears" was so high, and the demand was so high. Even if the East Youkai Faction wanted to buy it, they could hardly get it. Even if they could, with the price alone, they could only buy some since the price and supply were just insane.

Yet, such a problem wouldn't be a trouble in case they had a relationship with the young master of the Phenex House.

Magari thought of that since she didn't want to see the clan members dying.

While the youkai might be able to use "Youjutsu," a magic power unique to a youkai, to heal their comrades, there was still a limit, and it also took a lot of time.

Yet, the "Phenex Tears" would erase all of that worry.

So, Magari wished to have a good relationship with Riser, who came to visit.


"It's okay."

Nurarihyon was quite relaxed and didn't take Riser seriously. "If we are too kind to them, then they will think of us as a pushover. Moreover, this is Japan. This place isn't the Underworld. He might have the "Phenex Tears," but I have heard that this young master has a snobby attitude. If we are too kind to him, he might lack respect for us."

"Is that so?"

Magari frowned, but then she shook her head since who wasn't snobbish?

Wasn't Nurarihyon also snobbish?

Yet, they could be snobbish due to their power.

As long as they had power, no matter what their personality was, everyone would flock around them.

It was like Issei, who would put his attention to a woman's breasts, all of them, yet still be loved by everyone.

If it was another person, they would be reported as a creepy person since their action was counted as sexual harassment already.

If Issei wasn't powerful, he only needed time before he entered the prison.

"I won't get involved if there is a fight, okay?" Magari suddenly said.

"Ha? Are you scared of this guy or something?" Nurarihyon asked strangely.

"I am not, but I don't like a meaningless conflict, especially when this conflict is initiated by you. They have come to us due to a certain reason, and there is no doubt that they have a good attitude, especially when they contact Serafall Leviathan before they come. Frankly, even if they come uninvited, it will be alright, but you use a useless trick to tame them."

There was no way for Magari to be fooled by Nurarihyon. She knew that this old guy was trying to gaslight, making Riser appear lower than he should be, so he would carry a favor and be docile in front of the East Youkai Faction.

It was Nurarihyon's trick to usually get his hands on various strong youkai to follow him as subordinates on his Hyakki Yakkou (Night Parade of One Hundred Demons).

When Nurarihyon wanted to get subordinates, he would lower them, making them feel their lives were worthless and boring, and did everything to make sure that they believed that they were wrong, but then, when they felt doubt, he gave them a guide, giving them a sweetness, letting them feel what it meant to have happiness.

Nurarihyon was good at grasping people's hearts, and this was also why he became the Commander of the East Faction Youkai. Moreover, his natural ability also made him able to escape in case the situation wasn't favorable to him. After all, not everyone could succeed with this trick like Magari, who seemed to know about his usual trick.

However, there was no doubt that Nurarihyon had an ability and a charisma that made Maguri and the others follow him.

Moreover, as a cat, she was relatively lazy, and if she had a home, it was even better. It was just the home she had chosen that happened to be Nurarihyon's place.

However, this was only limited to the youkai in this land.

If it were other creatures from different areas and myths, it might not be working, especially against a devil, who was a master at seduction.

However, that was only an adult devil, and Riser was a young devil.

Moreover, with Riser's snobbish attitude, Nurarihyon believed that he could take down Riser. After all, like what Magari had said before, Riser was coming from the Phenex House. He even knew about the "Phenex Tears" and the importance of it, so if he could get a supply of it without even paying, wouldn't that be great?

That's why he thought to trick Riser into joining him as part of his Hyakki Yakkou.

If Riser joined, then Nurarihyon would let him impregnate several youkai, having him as descendants, so it would make the East Faction Youkai even more powerful due to the "Phenex Tears."

Riser might be trash, according to the gossip, but there was no doubt his genes were wonderful.

Nurarihyon had already made his plan, and he was ready to execute it, especially with his youjutsu. He believed that he could do it, but—


Whether it was Nurarihyon, Magiri, or all the youkai present in the area, it felt like their heads were smashed with a hammer.

The rippling space could be seen, and the temperature in the area increased several times like they were in the middle of summer. Then, suddenly—



Nurarihyon rubbed his temple as he endured Magiri's stare, but he knew the situation had become troublesome.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 78 Let's go with a blast! | Patreon

How not to be underestimated?

The fastest way was to show all of the power.

Riser might believe in the kindness of others, but as expected, when they screw him, he screws them twice back.

Frankly, he was familiar with this routine, and he knew that Nurarihyon wished for him to appear humble.

Yet, what kind of rights did Nurarihyon have to make him appear humble?

Nurarihyon wasn't Sirzech!

While Nurarihyon might be the leader of the East Youkai Faction, Riser didn't come here to beg Nurarihyon. He came with the intention of making a transaction. He wished they would train his pawns, and he would pay them with "Phenex Tears."

—or if they wished to, he could pay them with a large amount of precious metals as he could change the size of anything.

However, Nurarihyon had never realized how small of an existence he was in front of others. His tricks might be useful to others, but it was all due they were all weaker than him.

Yet, what about Riser?

It would be a dream if Nurarihyon wished for him to follow whatever play that Nurarihyon wished to follow!

However, as expected, Riser knew that he wasn't on his home ground. He was away from his house, so it was normal for him to be bullied and tricked like a tourist who came far away and was charged ridiculously high prices for items, yet the truth was it was just dirt cheap.

Still, such a trick only happened to those who were weak.

As for the strong tourist who had his own bodyguards and high position, even if they didn't pay, the others would lick this tourist dearest and with all of their might.

Riser might not bring bodyguards, but his strength was enough to crush all of them.

Still, Ni and Li, who were standing by his side, were confident and happy to watch all of this.

"You two don't need to fight. I will handle the rest, but you can glare at them as much as you want and don't forget to use the "heat sight" in case there is an enemy who is hiding and comes at us suddenly. In case something happens, I will deal with all the dangers, but just in case, make yourselves transparent when you feel threatened."

"Yes, Riser-sama." 2x

Ni and Li followed his words and put on the meanest face they could show and used the "heat sight" while at the same time, they looked at the group of strong youkai who appeared one after another.

Not everyone passed out or panicked like most weak youkais; there were also some who had woken up, but even so, they didn't dare to approach carelessly since they could tell how strong their opponent was.

Fortunately, the second-in-commands, Retsuza (Kamaitachi) and Kumowatari (Lightning Beast) walked out, giving them strength.

The presence of the two gave strength to the other youkai, and many youkai started to gather, and the number was enough to reach hundreds of them.

Yet, facing all of them, Riser was as calm as ever, and his eyes used the "heat sight," trying to be careful.

"Is this the hospitality of the East Faction Youkai? How good! I can feel the friendliness and the Japanese spirit of the East Youkai Faction!"

His words were full of sarcasm.

"You... who the hell are you?!"

"Are you here to pick a fight?!"

Unlike the others, Retsuza and Kumowatari had a strong aura, and they even had a killing intent on themselves.

[How dare you mess up with me, Bastard!?"

[Option 1: Kill or defeat all of them. You will receive "Psychic Resistance"]

[Option 2: Kill or defeat the leader of the "East Youkai Faction." You will receive "Location"]

[Option 3: Destroy or dominate the East Youkai Faction. You will receive "Area Invisibility"]

Riser moved his neck slightly. "Well, I might need to warm up before I meet your leader." Then, suddenly, his body disappeared like a flicker of flame and suddenly appeared in front of Kumowatari.

The Lightning Beast felt his heart trembling as he saw Riser appear before him, raising his fist, and a black flash emerged, causing the space to tremble like it was cracked.


Kumowatari felt that his head was about to be pulled from his neck, but this wasn't the end—


His punches kept raining down without mercy as the black flash kept flickering one after another.

Unlike "Bajiquan Mastery," which was more like an assassination technique and mostly hit the opponent with one hit to defeat them, the "Boxing Mastery" was more comfortable to be used to beat down the opponents, and there was no need for him to worry that they would be dying.

Kumowatari felt that his entire body was broken.

Whether it was outside or inside, they were all broken by Riser.

Facing Riser's brutality, everyone could only look in fear.


Retsuza, the weasel-like youkai, panicked and quickly attacked Riser to stop him, but when his blade cut him down, Riser's body disappeared like a mirage!




Then, one by one, everyone fell down as they were punched by Riser, beaten down, and they crumbled on the ground.


Retsuza tried to chase after Riser, but Riser was too fast!

While Retsuza might be the second in command of the East Youkai Faction, his power was just so-so in Riser's eyes.

Facing this cruel and stupid beast, Riser might as well tell him how meaningless his struggle was by beating down all their members.

Meanwhile, Retsuzu chased after him, trying to stop him, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do it. His eyes were in tears as he saw many of them were beaten without being able to do anything.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Yet, Riser didn't stop and kept rampaging.

"Boy... you have gone a little overboard."


Retsuza was filled with hope when he saw Nurarihyon appear with his blade, ready to end Riser.

Nurarihyon might have seen him beating his subordinates before, but he didn't act immediately, as he needed to observe Riser's fighting style, habits, and many others. Then, when everything was found out, he didn't hesitate to act.

Nurarihyon is a youkai who is often depicted sneaking into people's houses while they are away, drinking their tea, and acting as if it is their own house.

It was due to this legend that Nurarihyon was a master of stealth and also an assassin.

Frankly, Nurarihyon felt regret and didn't really want to do this. If he had picked Riser up, then this wouldn't have happened.

Yet, nevertheless, Riser was too much!

How dare this brat beat up all of his people?!

So Nirarihyon was going to end Riser here!

Yet, Riser seemed to notice him; his eyes were staring at his figure as if he had expected he would appear.

However, Nurarihyon snorted. He had seen how Riser had been using boxing to take down all of his opponents.

With how close their distance was, it was impossible for Riser to throw his punch.


Riser lowered his center, causing the blade to miss.


'What the heck?!'

Nurarihyon widened his eyes, but it was too late!

Riser struck down his elbow and gouged out Nurarihyon's guts!


Nurarihyon was thrown, crushing several trees hundreds of meters away as his old bones were broken due to that impact.

Everyone who had woken up was in a daze before they fell into despair!

If their commander was defeated, then what should they do?

Still, Riser wasn't going to let Nuraihyon go, and he quickly appeared before him, and he raised his palm.

"Cardinal Eradication."

Riser created a large, spiraling fire centered on his location and amassed it at a focused point before turning it into a gigantic fireball resembling the crimson-colored moon with a diameter of hundreds of meters.


"No-No way..."

"A-Are we going to die...?"

"Oh, Buddha, Amaterasu-sama, God... anyone, please save us!"

Nurarihyon looked at Riser's cold expression, and he could see this young man was serious.


He felt regret.

However, there was nothing that he could do.

Not only was he going to die, but the others were also dying by the flames as they were burnt into ashes.

"Since you have wanted to kill me, you should prepare to be killed."

Riser was about to drop off his attack, burning and destroying everything, but—

"Please forgive us! We will do anything! Give us your mercy!"

A young woman with a buxom figure and long black hair with a blue tint tied in a ponytail groveled on the ground.

"Who are you?"

"Magari. I am the leader of all the Nekomata."

"Do you think I can't forgive the people who are trying to kill me?"

"No... this is a misunderstanding! We're not trying to kill you!"

"Then, why did you surround us and aim your killing intent?"


Wasn't it because you were shouting and releasing that intense Demonic Energy to all of them?!

However, Magari couldn't say that since she knew Riser was hard to predict, but there was no doubt that he was angry. Frankly, she thought of helping Nurarihyon, but she knew she could do nothing. The only thing that she could do was apologize, especially when their leader, Nurarihyon, really planned to kill Riser.

"If you forgive us, then you will have our undying loyalty. You will be our master, and we will be your servants. Instead of killing all of us here, it is better for you to keep all of us as we are more useful to be alive than dying."

No matter what, she had to settle down this problem first.

As for the aftermath, they could think about that matter when they could keep their lives.

Then, at that moment, the fire disappeared, and the cool breeze spread in every direction.

All of those who had tasted the heat of his fire sighed in relief as they knew their lives were saved.

"Guide me into your place."

Magari blinked her eyes as she stared at Riser, who was walking away, showing his back to her. There was an urge to attack him, killing him in one blow, but—

"Do you know what the specialty of the Phenex House is?"

"Ah, eh?" Magari was startled by this sudden question, but before she answered, he said, "It's immorality."

Riser looked at Magari with a smile and asked, "Do you want to know whether you and everyone can kill me first, or I can come back alive after all of that?"


Magari knew that they had lost thoroughly.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 79 Being a villain is good, right? | Patreon

In the traditional Japanese mansion where the headquarters of the East Faction Youkai was located, this place would give all of them peace of mind.

This place had various enhancements that would bring protection to the people who lived inside, and also a labyrinth-like design that would make anyone who entered would get lost and unable to get out.

Yet, when this person was here, they couldn't feel that protection at all.

After all, no matter how strong their house, enhancement, design, and all the youkai who were present here, they would all be burnt by his fire, burnt and turned into ashes.

There was no resistance; everything was meaningless in front of his fire.

Yet, there was one thing that they wanted to complain to their former leader, Nurarihyon.

"So, Riser-sama, did you come to ask Magiri to train your servants at youjutsu, then you would exchange her service with the "Phenex Tears"?"

"Magiri? Well, if she can teach my servants, then it is good, but you are mostly right."


His purpose was good, especially when the East Faction Youkai would receive the "Phenex Tears," which was a rare, expensive elixir that could save their lives, yet—

"Ouch! Ouch! It hurts!"

Nurarihyon clutched his chest as he pretended that he was hurt.


"You old bastard!"

"Can you not make us trouble?!"

"Do you want me to send you, an old fart, to Enma-sama now? Ha? Do you want me to send you to hell?!"

All of them were furious as they knew that Riser didn't come with the intention to hurt them. Instead, he came with good intentions, and if their relationship became better, they might have been able to get their hands on access to cheap "Phenex Tears," yet Nurarihyon ruined everything.

Moreover, they were defeated thoroughly and could only become Riser's subordinates!

While they haven't had much of a complaint since Riser was strong, they would be lying if they didn't feel it was complex. If they didn't make Riser angry, then they could continue their peaceful life, but now, their relationship was sensitive, and even though they were okay now since they had sworn their allegiance to him, they just didn't know what kind of emotion they should have toward him.

They should feel angry, but facing the strongest fist, they could do nothing and could only get angry at Nurarihyon since they knew that this old fart had always caused trouble!

The rules of the youkai were like this.

The strong got everything; the weak could only be eaten.

It was the law of survival.

It might be cruel, but it was fair.

If Riser's power was just so-so, it might not be that easy since even if they might succumb to him, they still had resistance to him, but he was too strong.

He was so strong that they didn't see any chance to defeat him no matter how long they trained.

Moreover, he was immortal.

Even if he was killed, could they be sure that he was truly dead?

If he came back alive once again, what would they do?

Moreover, Riser was part of the noble family of the devil. He came alone now; what if he came with his family and other devils?

The other devils aside, being under Riser didn't feel bad, especially when they had seen at his ability to heal all of them easily.

Riser could destroy all of them, and at the same time, he could also heal them.

He was amazing!

Moreover, they had seen how amazing the "Phenex Tears" was. Kumowatari, who was held dead, was instantly healed by it, showing them what kind of amazing elixir it was.

Nevertheless, Nurarihyon, who was being beaten by his people, could only sigh since he didn't expect that his trick could turn into something like this. The plan he had made, which usually worked, was broken, and he and his followers became the followers of Riser.

Even though he knew that they didn't have a choice, it was impossible for him to accept it easily, especially when he had always been a leader.

"So, I will teach the two of them, right?"

Meanwhile, Magari looked at Ni and Lia as if she was in her human form. While using her cat form might be okay, she felt that she was safer in this form.

"Yes. Can you?"

"Leave it to me."

Magari nodded since teaching Ni and Li was easy for him. Still, while she was speechless in the aftermath, she could only accept it. Moreover, Riser never killed anyone and only taught them a painful lesson.

Under the strong fist, everyone could only agree.

Moreover, like others, Magari also didn't really hate Riser since she could tell that he seemed to be a better leader than Nurarihyon.

"Ni. Li. You will learn under her, okay?"

"Yes, nyaa~!"

"Please take care of us."

Even though all the members of the East Youkai Faction were beaten by Riser, they still held respect for Magari since she was the leader of the Nekoshou. Moreover, they could see her eight tails, showing her might as the leader of the Nekoshou. While she might not be as powerful as their master, they knew that this woman was an existence that they should use as a goal to beat.

"By the way, you will be boss, right?"

Nurarihyon, who had been lying down after being beaten down, suddenly raised his body as he looked at Riser, Ni, and Li. "Then, can you give us some benefits such as Phenex Tears and money? I have heard that your Phenex House is rich."

As he said those extremely rude words, he used his ability.


This was his innate ability and was also the reason why he became the leader of the East Youkai Faction.

His hypnosis was even closer to mind manipulation.

As long as someone was hit by it, they would be controlled.

Naturally, if they were prepared, they might be able to resist, but he hadn't used this ability, so they should be unfamiliar and unprepared for this. Frankly, manipulating Riser had always been his goal from the beginning since having him as part of his faction would bring a benefit.

Moreover, it was impossible for Nurarihyon to give his commander position so easily.

"Riser-sama, let's give them more "Phenex Tears."

"Yes, they are going to become our followers anyway."

Ni and Li were instantly affected by Nurarihyon's ability.

Everyone else was surprised, but they didn't say anything, only snorted inwardly, since if Nurarihyon could really control Riser, then it was all good.

However, Riser suddenly made Ni and Li pass out as they fell on his lap. By then, he looked at Nurarihyon with a cold gaze. "It seems that you still haven't learned."


Nurarihyon was scared and was prepared to run away, but—



Nurarihyon's defense was instantly broken, and his body was combusted by a fire.

The fire was so hot that it caused everyone to be filled with fear.

This fire was probably even hotter than the hellfire.

"If you move, I will burn you too."

Hearing those words, they didn't dare to move and stayed in place as they sat in "seiza."

Meanwhile, Nurarihyon's body was burnt but then healed.

However, this wasn't the end.

Burn. Heal. Burn Heal. Burn. Heal.

It continued to repeat as Nurarihyon wasn't allowed to pass out and continued to feel the pain of being burnt under his fire.

As for the others, while they could feel the heat of the fire, they didn't do anything and just stayed in the place even if part of their bodies almost burnt to the temperature of the fire.

Then, when everything was over, Nurarihyon lay on the scorched ground unconscious, with almost half of the mansion burnt by his fire.

Riser took out a small piece of gold in his pocket and then threw it, using his "Command T" to make it bigger and appear in front of everyone.

"Use this to fix everything."

"Yes, Riser-sama!"

All of them kowtowed in his direction, clearly showing his allegiance and utmost loyalty to him.

[Being a villain is good, right?]


Riser fell into silence and thought that it was really easy to become a villain.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 80 Crimson Stigma | Patreon

Even though Riser had told Ni and Li to practice with Magiri, he didn't tell them to practice immediately. Instead, he brought them out to go on shopping with the credit card owned by Nurarihyon.

As expected, even though Nurarihyon was a youkai, he also followed the development of a human, so he also took importance on the economy of his group.

When Riser, Ni, and Li went to the shop, they bought many things since they didn't bring that much of clothes when they visited.

Naturally, as a female, even if Ni and Li were devils, they were still excited about shopping, so they bought many things.

Riser didn't mind and let them buy as much as they wanted to since money wasn't a problem, especially when he used Nurarihyon's credit card. Moreover, he also had given them a gold block, which should be enough to pay for all their shopping.

Nevertheless, Riser knew the importance of money.

Frankly, when he came to the human world for the first time, the one who gave him money wasn't his parents. Instead, it was Sona's.

Yes, Sona gave him her credit card and let him do whatever he wanted with it without a limit.

Yet, even if his goal was to mooch his wife and his wife's family, frankly, it felt strange to use them, especially when he used them to pay for the clothes and all items for Ni and Li.

By now, he realized that as a human, he wasn't as worthless as he thought to be since he still felt uncomfortable using her wife's money for other women. Fortunately, as a bad guy, he had never lacked money.

Moreover, Nurarihyon also sent a few of the underlings to help Riser with the shopping, which was quite convenient for him since someone could help him as a driver and guide and also help to carry the baggage.

Overall, their days in Tokyo were fun.

At night, Riser, Ni, and Li didn't stay at Nurarihyon's headquarters. Instead, they went to the Shangri-La Hotel and stayed in the most luxurious room together, having fun for the entire day as tomorrow Ni and Li would need to focus on training.

Still, Riser had never thought that being a villain would be this good.

If he was a good guy, coming politely, would he be treated this way?

Probably not.

If Riser was a normal human, he might do so since that was the way of living of the people, but he was a devil.

A supernatural being.

His opponent, the East Youkai Faction, was also a supernatural being.

The strong got everything, and the weak were eaten.

It was like how the eagle would hunt the mice, and the mice would hunt seeds.

Being strong meant that he was at the top of the food chain.

Still, even if he was in Tokyo and had a good time, he didn't forget to talk with Sona, his wife. Nevertheless, it might be quite troublesome for him to talk about what he did in Tokyo, so he didn't mention anything about the East Faction Youkai.

Instead, he only said that this group of youkai had good hospitality and he also might need to stay for a while in Tokyo.

Even though Sona was quite disappointed since he couldn't go back immediately, she could only pray for her husband to live well in Tokyo. Still, if he stayed until the weekend, he told her to come to Tokyo. After all, he came to the human world for the first time as Riser Phenes, and there were many things that he wanted to do.

"By the way, do you have a trading account?"

"...what do you want to do with it?" Nurarihyon looked at Riser weirdly.

"I want to try something."

Even though Nurarihyon felt weird, with his connection, it was easy for him to create a trading account. Frankly, as a youkai, he didn't like anything related to finance and anything without any forms like trading and something similar. The business that he usually did was either shops, lands, managed festivals, properties, foods, services, street vendors, money lending, and protection.

If Riser had to say, Nurarihyon's business was like how a yakuza did their business.

—or rather, were they yakuza?

Either way, most of the youkai didn't have that much money and only had a bare minimum of money.

The one that had the most was, without a doubt, Nurarihyon, as there was no doubt that he was the smartest among the East Youkai Faction. However, as he was old, he was too lazy to learn about the change, but his method was working, and property was the easiest way for one to make money.

Riser felt that Nurarihyon was good, and he understood why Nurarihyon was the leader of the East Youkai Faction. After all, unlike the West Youkai Faction, which relied on old shrines, the West Youkai Faction needed an innovative way to earn money.

Nevertheless, Nurarihyon had never seen someone who could make so much money in just a short amount of time!

"You... you... how did you make so much money?!"

Nurarihyon looked at Riser, who was clicking his laptop lazily, but the amount of money in his account increased at a crazy speed.

By then, it wasn't only Nurarhyon and those who managed the business of the East Youkai Faction, but all the elders and many others were staring at the small screen in a daze, watching Riser make so much money.

Now, how did Riser make so much money?

The answer was simple FOREX.

In the FOREX, there was something known as an analysis chart known as candlestick charting, and by using "Mathematic Master," he could tell when the market was going to rise or fall.

Frankly, Riser had never thought that making money was so easy, which made him speechless.

Still, when he had gotten at least 100 million dollars, he stopped and then looked at his new followers. "Help me to make a shell company to escape the tax. I will use this money for capital for business; you can have half."


"What are you staying like, idiot?! Quickly help the young master! Follow his every order!" Nurarihyon shouted like a maniac.


All of them quickly worked as they followed every of Riser's orders faithfully without any mistakes.

"By the way, Young Master, are you going to stop? Are you not going to make more money?"

"No, FOREX is a gamble. I don't like to make money in finance since it is unstable and troublesome. I like something stable where I don't need to do anything."

As for increasing the size of the precious metal thought "Command T," if it was occasionally, it didn't matter, but when it was done too much, it might interrupt the price of the metal, so he wouldn't use such a method, especially when there were many ways to make a money.

"That's true."

Even Nurarihyon knew how troublesome FOREX was.

However, there was no doubt that Riser was good at it.

Moreover, his way of creating a fraudulent account to erase the tax was so amazing that Nurarihyon could only bow down. Not only the profit from the FOREX, Riser also helped with the account of all of the businesses owned by the East Youkai Faction.

'This is the leader we need!'

Even if Nurarihyon loved being a leader of the East Youkai Faction, as expected, it was quite troublesome, especially when everyone wished to get money, but while he wasn't bad at business, he wasn't as talented as Riser, who could get so much of money with such a short time.

"Is it only me, or have you accepted me as a leader now?"

"Why not? It's great to have you as a leader." Nurarihyon laughed happily as if what had happened yesterday. Frankly, all the services and money used by Riser for shopping was nothing compared to the profit bought by him through FOREX.


Riser blinked his eyes and sighed. "I can see that there is a lot of trouble in the East Youkai Faction."

"It's okay. It's okay. I know you can do it, Young Master!"


Riser was even more speechless, but then he asked, "Nurarihyon, is your hypnosis can affect a human?"

"Of course." Nurarihyon nodded. "If I use it on a human, they are practically my slaves."

"Then, get me all the data about the politicians, businessmen, and...." Riser listened to all the important people that he wished to control.

"Okay, you hear that. Bring it to him. If there aren't any, then get them! We're going to develop our faction even more!"


When everything was done, Riser lay on the tatami ground lazily as he played a game that he had just bought yesterday. Nurarihyon also joined him, and they played together as if they were best friends.

"By the way, are you only going to conquer the East Youkai Faction?"

"What do you mean? I don't even have the intention to dominate your faction, to begin with." If Nurarihyon wasn't such a bastard, would Riser do something so troublesome like this?


Nurarihyon was speechless, but he knew that everything was his fault. However, it didn't matter since everything developed in a good direction.

"Why did you ask that question?"

"No, I was thinking that you might conquer another supernatural group in another country or something, then make them into a giant group under your leadership."


Riser looked at Nurarihyon weirdly, wondering why this old guy was so excited to help him.

"If so, then you might need to make a name for that group."

"...a name?"

"That's right! Let's think of the cool one! The name of the group that will control the world from the darkness."


Riser wondered whether this old guy was in a delusion.

'Still, a name, huh?'

If he really made such a group, what would be a suitable name?

"Have you thought about it?"

"Well... how about Crimson Stigma?"

"...Crimson Stigma?" Nurarihyon murmured.

Frankly, Riser felt a little embarrassed when he could think of such a name, but he was too lazy to think anymore, so that's it.

"It's a good name." Nurarihyon felt that this name wasn't bad at all.

"Is that so? Let's continue to play."

"Wa-Wait a moment! Don't leave me behind!"

Riser just made that organization without thinking, but then again, this organization might grow into something that he had never expected, and due of this, his dream to become a lazy bum became so far away.



This will be the name of his organization. I am trying to think of the best name, but if you have a better one, please comment.