Akikan40. Phoenix. 81-91

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 81

 Just go ahead

The name of the organization aside, Riser was quite curious about whether the East Youkai Faction had a problem or not.

"Natural enemy?"

As the night came after they had dinner, Riser and Nurarihyon talked to each other about whether the East Youkai Faction had a natural enemy or not.

If he gave an example, it was like the sensitive relationship between an angel, a devil, and a fallen angel. After all, the three races had been fighting since ancient times, so he wondered whether the East Youkai Faction had something similar.

"If I have to say, then it is the "Five Principal Clans." We might be at peace now since I have made an agreement with them, but as expected, they are human, and you know how greedy they are, right?"

Unlike the other races that had a long life, humans had a limited life, so they were eager to prove their existence that they were living in this world. Due to that problem, they often did irrational actions such as breaking their agreement with the East Youkai Faction.

"I don't really mind since the troubles they have caused are quite minor, but the younger generation can hardly accept them."

Frankly, Nurarihyon never took the "Five Principal Clans" seriously since he was stronger, but as he had taken a lot of followers, he also needed to think about them.

However, if possible, Nurarihyon also wanted the two of them to live in peace, but as expected, such a dream was quite luxurious.

Suddenly, Nurarihyon thought about how Riser dominated his entire faction, so he wondered whether he should do it the same way.

After all, he realized the peace that came from a negotiation wasn't real peace since they had always been in trouble in such a peace.

Instead, the peace that came from subjugation was the real one.

As long as Nurarihyon controlled the "Five Principles Clans," then the peace he sought could be gotten, right?

However, he knew that his power was far from enough, especially when the "Five Principles Clans" had the backing of Shinto Gods, so—

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Can you help me?"


Riser sighed. "Didn't I tell you the list of the humans that you have to control? You can use them to cause trouble for the "Five Principles Clans. When they have trouble, they won't have time to trouble you."

While it might be a momentary solution, it was good enough.

Frankly, if Nurarihyon didn't cause him trouble, Riser wouldn't bother to dominate the entire East Youkai Faction.

"Well, for now, that's good enough, but aren't you also interested in taking down the "Five Principles Clans"?"

"...I am afraid sooner or later, you are going to ask me to conquer this country, then the world."

"Hahaha..." Nurarihyon laughed. "That's so much fun~!" When he thought that he would follow him to conquer the world, he couldn't help but feel excitement in his old bones.

"I am too lazy to do that." Riser rolled his eyes as he lay on the wooden floor and stared at the starry skies, unlike the town, where one was hardly able to see the stars. The headquarters of the East Youkai Faction was located on the outskirts, and the development in this place was quite minimal, so the beautiful starry skies appeared mesmerizing.

What was so good about dominating the world?

Wasn't it better to lay on the bed while playing games?

Still, while he would be lying if he wasn't curious about the "Five Principle Clans," he realized that he hadn't checked his rewards. Frankly, it was his first time finishing three options given by the system, and as expected, the rewards were rich.

[Congratulations, you have received a "Psychic Resistance," a "Location," and an "Area Invisibility"]

Frankly, when he came to the human world, it felt so easy for him to get rewards compared to when he stayed in the underworld.

Yet, he also understood that compared to the underworld, the problem in the human world was much bigger.

Nevertheless, as he worked hard, it was time to enjoy his harvest.

His first reward was the "Psychic Resistance," and it was also the reason why he wasn't affected by Nurarihyon's hypnosis.

Still, if he didn't have this ability, would he still be affected by Nurarihyon's ability?

Probably, yes, or probably not?

Riser wasn't sure, but it didn't matter since it wouldn't work now anyway.

Still, while he knew that he should explain his second reward first, he thought to explain his last reward first, which was "Area of Invisibility."

It was an ability that allowed him to create a flawless stealth camouflage that completely isolates a person's senses.

If, by using his fire manipulation, he could become invisible, then by using this ability, he could completely disappear from their senses.

Frankly, this ability was rather scary since it meant that no one would be able to find him unless they had an absolute sense that was capable of detecting him.

—or an ability to read his mind?

Still, he might hardly use this ability unless he was forced to run away.

If he was forced to run away, since his opponent was strong, then he would use this ability without hesitation.

Still, was this ability omnipotent?

Naturally not.

There were many ways to break this ability, such as an area of effect attack.

If he was attacked by a wide area of attack, then he might get hit.

Nevertheless, there was no doubt this was a good ability.

Still, his second ability was the one that he liked the most since "Location" gave him the ability to track a person wherever they go, regardless of whether their appearance is known or not.

As long as there was just limited information about such a person, no one could escape from him, and he would be able to find them.

This ability might not make him stronger, but it made him able to find his enemies even if they hid far away. When they thought they had hidden, they didn't expect that he would find them and attack them secretly without them knowing with his "Area of Invisibility."

Suddenly, he looked at Nurarihyon.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Nurarihyon felt that Riser's gaze was weird.

"Well, I plan to go back now."

"Eh? Now?" Nurarihyon startled. "Are you going back to the Underworld? Leaving your two servants?"

"No, I am going to go back to Kuoh Town. Magiri brought Ni and Li to the mountain. I don't want to spend a night with an old fart like you."


Nurarihyon was speechless, but then he smiled lewdly. "If you want a cute girl, then tell me. There are many female youkai who wish to have your seeds, you know?"

If it was other devils, the youkai might not be excited, but Riser was like Suzaku, Vermilion Bird, the firebird, Fenghuang, or Hou-ou, which made him appear more acceptable in the eyes of a youkai. Moreover, he was strong.

Being strong was the key for the supernatural being to become popular.

"No, I have a wife."

"...yet, you bring your two lovers here." Nurarihyon was speechless.

"Anyway, I will go back. Don't tell anyone that you are my subordinates, and just tell everyone that we have a good relationship."


Nurarihyon knew that Riser didn't like trouble, and frankly, even if Riser was their leader, nothing really changed anyway, except that... their East Youkai Faction was richer.

Oh, and also stronger since Riser was their boss.

Frankly, this wasn't bad at all.

Riser knew that Nurarihyon had a lot of tricks, but in the end, a conspiracy was useless in front of overwhelming power. As long as he was powerful, no one would mess with him. Instead, they would do their best to curry favor with him.

Nevertheless, he didn't hesitate and left for Kuoh Town by using the teleportation mark that he had left secretly in a hidden place.

Yet, while it might be sneaky, he didn't intend to tell Sona that he had returned.


"Um... is that you, Riser-sama?"


[There is no need for hesitation. Just go ahead.]


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 82 Immorality Diner

Riser was speechless since this had never been his intention.

His purpose in going back to Kuoh Town was because he just wanted to tour this town to see what kind of city his wife was living in in the human world.

He wanted to see everything with his own eyes without the lenses that were usually used by Sona.

If Sona was by his side, there was no doubt she would do her best to recommend him to stay in the human world.

However, it was impossible for him to stay in the human world.

In just a few days, he had been caught in so much trouble from Issei to Nurarihyon.

Then, if he stayed any longer, what would happen?

Would he have to fight a legendary figure?

—Or even worse, would he be forced into a supernatural world war?

Nevertheless, he only thought about staying until the weekend, staying lazy, eating junk food, playing games, and doing all the worthless things that humankind ever thinks of.

Yet, when he just walked out of his teleportation circle, he met Rias's "Queen," Akeno Himejima.

Meanwhile, Akeno was also surprised since she didn't expect to meet him either. Nevertheless, she was little in doubt since his style was quite different.

If it was before, he always dressed in either shirt or suit, or rather, his dress was often more formal-like, which made him appear mature.

However, this time, his clothes were rather wild since he was dressed in a black Adidas tracksuit with an unclosed zipper, which showed his white t-shirt, and a black Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66 on his feet.

Moreover, he also ate a meat bun lazily and drank a soda.

Still, watching all of this, Akeno couldn't help but chuckle since she didn't expect to see this side of him. Though she had to say it made him appear approachable and gave him a different kind of charm.

Riser showed a dissatisfied expression. "Aren't you a little too rude, Himejima Akeno?"

"I am sorry, Riser-sama. I can't just picture you staying out at night like this like a delinquent."

"Really? I thought that I gave you a pretty rough impression in the beginning, though."

"...." Akeno.

"I was joking. What are you doing here?" He asked as he patted the bench on his side.

Akeno also wasn't shy and sat by his side so closely.


Riser wanted to say that she was a little too close since he could even feel her breasts on his arm, but he didn't say anything. Nevertheless, he realized that it seemed Akeno's boobs were much bigger than Rias.

Still, he could only sigh as this girl's existence was dangerous. He was afraid that he might make a mistake if he stayed with her any longer.

[She is quite lonely and in a bad mood due to the fact that the human that contacted her through a summoning contract was shit. If you comfort her tonight, there is a high chance that you might be able to sleep with her.]


Riser was speechless, but he didn't say anything.

"I just came back from my work."



Akeno looked at Riser, who gave her a warm bun from the paper bag.

"It's your reward for working hard."


Akeno blinked her eyes before she smiled warmly. "Thank you, Riser-sama." It might only be a warm bun, but it warmed her heart up. Moreover, she also hadn't eaten, so this bun was really something that she loved.

"It's a chocolate taste. You are okay with it, right?"

"I don't mind. I also like the milk taste too."


Riser decided to ignore Akeno's words as he continued to eat. Frankly, the cuisines of the Underworld and the human world were rather different, so he couldn't help but eat so many things since they tasted good.

Moreover, he also didn't need to worry about getting fat as he trained hard.

Lastly, he also had a technique to use his "Fire Manipulation" to burn his fate and excess calories.

In other words, no matter how much he ate, he would be okay.

Still, if he taught his women, there was no doubt they would learn this technique immediately as it would make them worry-free about getting fat.

Nevertheless, Akeno enjoyed her chocolate bun so much that some of the chocolate filling stained her lips, so she used her tongue to lick it.

"It's delicous~!"

"...." Riser.

"Did you just get back from Tokyo, Riser-sama?" Akeno asked curiously.

"I just go back."

"Still, are you okay to stay with me like this? You should be with Sona-sama, right?"

Akeno knew how much Sona loved her husband, and she knew that Sona must be around as she couldn't imagine that Sona would leave him.

Still, coming out in the middle of the night to go to the convenience store was like a date, which made her a little jealous as she didn't have someone she could be with.

"No, I am alone."

"Huh? Really?"

"Yeah." Riser nodded. "I just got back, but I didn't tell Sona that I got back tonight."

"So... you came back secretly, then happened to meet me?" Akeno asked with a smile.

"That's true."

"Oh~? Then, isn't that fate? Among all the people that you first met after you returned, then it was me."

Her tone was kind of flirty and filled with jokes, but Riser was speechless and couldn't help but look away.

"Don't make such a joke with a married man."

Frankly, he wondered why this woman was so lewd and seductive. "I was just hungry, that's all."

"Are you embarrassed, Riser-sama~?"

"Okay, enough teasing. You don't want to be punished by me, right, Akeno Himejima?" His eyes were stern as he stared at Akeno.

"Oh, I am scared~!"

Akeno giggled again and thought that all of the negative thoughts in her heart disappeared as she talked with him. She had so much fun, and as expected, she realized that talking with a married man was better.

Still, it was also because of this she was afraid that she might do something sorry to Sona since she had a fetish for an affair or being the second woman of a man in a relationship.

If Issei won against Riser, then that person would be him, but Issei had lost, so her attention was on him, especially after their last commutation.

"....." Riser didn't say anything and continued to chomp down on his bun again before he ignored her.

"By the way, are you hungry, Riser-sama?"

"I do." Riser swallowed his bun, then nodded. "I plan to eat somewhere after this."

"You are not asking Sona-sama to cook—" Akeno stopped, then apologized. "I am sorry for being rude."

"No, it's okay."

Riser sighed as he looked at the distance sky.

Sona was good at everything.

She was the perfect wife for a bum like him, but her cooking was just so horrible that he wanted to cry sometimes.

Sometimes, he wondered whether someone could become a genius at making such horrible foods.

Nevertheless, Sona didn't seem to notice how horrible her cooking was, and she was even more excited when she made one, especially for the one she loved.

Watching Riser, who seemed to be miserable, Akeno wanted to giggle again, but then she thought for a moment and decided to do something that was out of her character.

"Then, Riser-sama, do you want to try my food?"


"Do you want to come to my house?"


"Yes." Akeno smiled. "I am pretty good at cooking, you know?" Frankly, she might appear slutty and lewd, yet what they didn't know, she was bad with a man. However, it was different for him since it felt so comfortable to talk with him.


[You just go out to eat. What are you hesitating for?]


Riser nodded and thought for the first time the system was correct.

He just went to visit her house to eat, so there was no need to hesitate, right?


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 83 Like a moth | Patreon

"...you live in the shrine?"

Riser looked at Akeno speechlessly since, as a devil, wasn't it weird of her to live in the shrine?

"Are you scared, Riser-sama?" Akeno smiled.

Riser rolled his eyes; why would she love to make such a cheap provocation?

"I do."


"I am scared that you might attack me."

Akeno pouted when she was being teased.

Facing a virgin, she might be able to win, especially Issei, who would get nosebleed every time she said something in a sweet voice, but as expected, she was inexperienced and a virgin.

Facing an experienced man like him, she could only submit.

"By the way, are you living alone or living with someone?"

"No, I am living alone." She smiled once again when he asked this question.

"The others are the same?"

"Yes." Akeno nodded. "Everyone is living in a different place, except for Asia, who lives with Issei. Aren't you the same?"

"Well, Sona's peerage members don't live in the same place as her."

However, he knew that this wasn't the one that she asked about, but there was no way that he would explain his life to his peerage members.

Fortunately, Akeno didn't press him even further since they had arrived at her living place.

If others might have an apartment, house, or even a mansion to live in, then Akeno's place was a little different since she used an old shrine as a living place.

According to the architecture and the entire layout of this place, it should be a Shinto Shrine, which was the most popular in this country.

Though he had to say, it felt a little prickly when he entered this place as it was a place dedicated to praying to the Shinto Gods.

Nevertheless, it might be because Akeno was a devil that there was no presence of the gods, so even if this place might seem like a Shinto shrine, it was nothing but a building.

Yet, it didn't change the fact that he might need preparation to get comfortable with the feeling of entering this place.

"Please come in, Riser-sama."

As the owner, after Akeno opened the lock, she guided him to enter her house.

"Then, excuse me."


"...why did you suddenly laugh?"

"Nothing." Akeno smiled. "It was just you were the first guy who entered my house."

"...I am not sure how to react to that." If he was single, then he would be pleased, but he was a married man, okay?

Could he say that he was happy?

Then, where was the face of his wife?

"But... Am I the first one? Don't you have one or two boyfriends, Akeno Himejima?"

"...what do you mean one or two boyfriends?" Akeno was speechless, then said with a solemn attitude. "Riser-sama, I am a virgin."

"Oh-oh... you don't have to emphasize that part so much."

"But I don't want you to mistake me as a slutty."

Even though Akeno knew that her fetish was immoral, it didn't mean she indulged in it. Instead, she was pure as she was still dreaming about a romantic encounter between two people.

When her relationship with her lover was threatened, then they could go even deeper, such as to know who would be in the position of sadism or masochism between them.

"I have never thought of you as slutty. I know that you are a kind girl. If not, then you won't try to smooth up my personality with your colleague, right?"

When Riser mentioned her colleague, which was Issei, without a doubt, Akeno couldn't help but feel a little helpless. She tried to smooth out and make Issei appear acceptable on Riser. Frankly, as long as Riser didn't actively provoke Issei, then everything was okay, but the reality?

It was Issei who provoked Riser.

Fortunately, Rias was able to handle the situation well, or else Issei would be burnt to ashes.

Still, there was one mistake that he had made, and that was the fact that she wasn't a good woman at all.

She was a horrible woman who felt attracted to having a forbidden relationship with the former fiance of her master and also the husband of the best friend of her master.

Having such a thought on such a figure, could she still be called a good girl?

"By the way, what are you going to make?"

"Do you have any requests, Riser-sama? If it's Japanese food, I can do it all, but if it's a cuisine from other countries, it might be a little difficult, but I can try."

There was internet, so it should be easy to get the receipt, and as long as there was a receipt, everything was okay.

As for the ingredients?

If she didn't have any, she would go to the nearby supermarket and use hypnosis.

It might have been in the middle of the night, but it was still around eight, so there was still a lot of time.

"Japanese food? I am not familiar with it, but is there something easy to eat?"

"Easy to eat? Hmm..." Akeno tapped her chin for a moment. "How about udon?"

"Udon? Isn't it difficult to make?"

"I have prepared the broth and noodles, but if you think that it is too simple, I can crack you an egg on the top."

"Then, that's it."

"Okay, wait for a moment. You should wait in the living room, Riser-sama. You can think of this as your home."


Riser wondered whether it was his imagination that when Akeno said, "You can think of this as your home," it sounded quite weird for some reason.

[It's good that you bought a condom at the convenience store earlier. You can use it well tonight.]


It was true that he brought a condom, but he didn't mean to use it on Akeno, okay?

However, he had to say it was a little hard to erase his habit as a human and the size of condoms in this country.

Frankly, as a devil, he knew that his fertility was a little hard to say, but with his "Sex Mastery," he could make as many children as he wanted to. Yet, he didn't do so since he wasn't ready for children. Moreover, he had never used a condom when he did it with Sona and his peerage members, but then again, probably the words that came out from Nurarihyon made him need to prepare himself.

After all, in case he was attacked by an aggressive female youkai, he didn't have the confidence to reject it.

However, whether they were healthy or not was questionable.

Even though he had a "Healthy Body," which made him immune to any diseases, including STDs, he just couldn't help buy a condom, okay?

Still, when he was in the living room, he couldn't help but notice Akeno, who was in the kitchen, wearing an apron, tied her hair in a long ponytail that showed her graceful neck and cooked like a virtuous wife.

When she stretched her hand up to reach for the condiments or bent down to reach a cooking tool, her breasts seemed to follow the movement of her body. They were wonderful, but at the same time, they were also heavy, which made him quite cornered.

"Do you need me to help you, Akeno Himejima?"

Riser thought that he needed to help her.

"It's okay, Riser-sama. What would someone say if I had my guest to help me with this small thing?"

If Akeno said that she would be troubled due to his status, then he would help since, as someone with a high status, who cares about the words of others?

However, she told him that it was hospitality and was also probably her education from childhood.

Moreover, probably, she also had gotten used to a hard life.

Did he feel sorry?

Well, he did since he felt that she was in the same situation as him, who had become nothing but a piece on the top of the chess board.

However, he was lucky that his family was a great family, and he also had the help of his sister-in-law, so everything was okay, but Akeno?

As long as Rias ordered something, there was nothing that Akeno could do unless Akeno's parents might be someone important or something, but who would become a devil when one had a complete family?

Becoming a reincarnated devil wasn't an easy choice as one's life would change, but then again, being a devil was great with power.

"By the way, Riser-sama, can I have a request?"


"It is only a small request, though."

"What's wrong?"

"Can-Can you just call me Akeno? I-I mean when we're alone like this."

If Riser called her by her given name when Rias was present, Akeno was sure that her master would glare at her.

"Okay, Akeno."


"Thank you, Riser-sama~!"


Riser, who was about to reach the remote for television, then noticed Akeno's ponytail that moved like the tail of the happy puppy.


Was it something so special to be called by the given name?

Riser thought that he might need to learn about this country well.

As she heard the sound of the television, Akeno turned and looked at Riser, who made himself so comfortable as if he was really at home. Watching him was enough to put her with smile since she thought that having someone by her side was really nice.

Still, as he heard him call her given name, she was really afraid that she might plunge into the fire like a moth that was unafraid of the fire.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 84 Bathroom dilemma | Patreon

"Riser-sama, the dinner is ready. Can you help me?"

"Wait a moment."

Riser cleaned up the table so it would be easier for Akeno to put down the dinner.

Still, it surprised Akeno when she saw his willingness to help, even though she asked this request on a whim. It might be something ordinary, but when it was combined with his status, it was definitely something special.

As she put down the bowl of hot udon, Riser sniffed the delicious smell. "It seems good." Still, he couldn't let go of his suspicion, afraid that he was being fooled by Akeno. After all, his beautiful wife often cooked food with a good presentation, but the taste?

Riser was afraid that it was comparable to the bio-hazard weapon.

If he couldn't burn the food inside his mouth, he was afraid that his life as a devil might end soon.

So, even if the presentation and the smell were good, he needed to be suspicious.

If there was something that reassured him, it was the fact that there were two bowls of hot udon, which meant that Akeno was going to eat with him.

In other words, he wouldn't be alone in tasting this food, and he could wait until Akeno ate her food to see her expression whether it was alright or not.

Fortunately, Akeno didn't notice that. Instead, she went to the fridge to bring a beverage. "Are you okay with barley tea, Riser-sama?"

"I have never tasted it, but it should be okay?"

Riser had eaten a bio-hazard weapon like food, so barley tea was nothing.

"Though, it would be great if you could bring me mineral water."


She brought two glasses along with a container filled with barley tea and mineral water.

"Let me help you."

"Thank you, Riser-sama."

With the sound of the television show as a background, the two started to eat their dinner as they talked. Nevertheless, it surprised him that the taste of the hot udon was pleasant. It might not have a strong taste and was rather light on his tongue, but it was gentle and calming.

"It's delicious!"

Akeno smiled when she saw him eating her food excitedly. "Do you want me to make you more?"

"It's okay. I am not that hungry. This is good enough for me. Still, do you often cook by yourselves?"


Frankly, except for being lewd, Riser didn't know much about Akeno, but then again, he didn't question her about a deep question. Instead, he wanted to know what she usually did and how she spent her days. He also asked her whether she had a problem or something, which made her talk excitedly and many things to him.

As Rias' queen, Akeno needed to be composed and the one who was always calm. She knew her position well as a servant of the Gremory House, so she did her work perfectly.

Nevertheless, as expected, she was just a young woman, and even though she used to have a hard life, it didn't mean that she was a robot who couldn't get tired. Instead, she was just good at masking her emotions, burying everything deep in the corner of her heart.

However, when one could get the right key and open the deep of her heart, it was easy for her to get close since she was quite lonely, especially when her chance to get close to someone was limited.

Moreover, as the servant of the Gremory House, did others think that she could decide her own life?

No way.

When she wanted to do something, she needed to discuss this with the Gremory House, as they were her master.

Naturally, if it was only a material thing, there wasn't a need to discuss it, but if it was related to the future, such as her partner or something she wished to do, there was no doubt she needed permission from Rias and her family.

Still, to be honest, she didn't have many things she wished for in her life.

As long as she could live a comfortable life without worrying about danger or something, she was satisfied with it.

Though, if there was something that she wished for the most, then it would be a family.

This wish of hers might be ironic, but this was something that she wished for the most.

Losing her mother early as her mother was killed by the enemies of her father, hating her father, who was the one who caused this tragedy, she lived a lonely childhood.

It was also due to this that she wished to have someone who could be by her side and would never betray her, protect her, and comfort her when she was lonely.

Fortunately, she met that person. Unfortunately, his identity was quite troublesome.

As she was staring at him, she hoped he would not be this gentle and make her feel comfortable, or else she was afraid that she might not be able to endure her feelings any longer.

So, as they finished their dinner, Akeno said, "I will take a bath first." She hoped that by taking a bath, she might be able to calm herself.

However, Riser was speechless since he wondered whether it was okay for him to continue to stay when she was about to take a bath. Moreover, wasn't this girl's guard a little too low?

Did she not realize how attractive she was?

Did she really have such confidence that he wouldn't attack her?

However, all of his complaints were meaningless since she had gone to the bathroom.

Riser could only shake his head and burn all the calories and food in his guts before she lay comfortably on the tatami floor. There was something special about this tatami floor. It was warm and comfortable, so it made him a little sleepy.


Akeno realized how bold her action was, especially when she decided to take a bath after Riser was present, but it was too late, so she couldn't stop and continued. However, when she thought he was present inside her house, she felt her body became sensitive.

As she took a bath, she started with her breasts, from her nipples and underboobs, before continuing to the other part of her body. Usually, it would do nothing as she had gotten used to this routine, yet when she touched her nipples and boobs; she couldn't help but let out a sexy moan.


Why did it feel good?

Her body also became so hot when she thought that in this house, there were only two of them.

As a weak woman, if he really forced herself on her, could she reject him?

Probably not.

Or rather, she might wish to be attacked by him.

Her mind was a mess, and it became harder for her to stand up, so she sat on the edge of the bathtub and started to touch her private place. It started with a light touch, but as the pleasure became intense, she started to finger herself as she put her other hand into her mouth to hold her moan.


In the end, her body trembled as her plump thighs shook uncountably before she sat weakly with haggard breathing.

Akeno lifted her hand and looked at the vicious, clear liquid that seemed translucent between her fingers.

Yet, it was also due to this that she realized what she was doing.

"...what am I doing?"


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 85 Fire | Patreon

That single moment was enough to wake her up as she realized what kind of trouble she might get into if she really followed her instinct.

Akeno wasn't stupid, and she knew how delicate the situation was between the Gremory House and the Phenex House, especially after Riser had divorced Rias.

While nothing might have appeared, and they might seem like before, the conflict between the two started from time to time.

Frankly, the conflict started with the Gremory House since Sirzech had dirtied Riser's name because he felt resentful for him to divorce Rias.

Moreover, Riser also didn't show much respect for Sirzech during that engagement party, where Sirzech asked him to have a duel with Sekiryuutei.

In that confrontation, while Riser had won, he needed to bear a lot of malice since Sirzech wanted to put all the blame on him, even though the one who caused everything was Sirzech.

Still, whatever the reason, there was no doubt that whether it was Sirzech or the Gremory House had dirtied Riser's name.

The reason wasn't important, but the fact was in front of their eyes.

Yet, with their position, it was a little hard for the Phenex House to do something and even clear up Riser's name since if they dared to do so, it meant that they were provoking or even asking for a fight with Sirzech.

However, everything changed when Riser married Sona.

With the backing of Serafall and having Sitri's house as an ally, Phenex House didn't fear the Gremory House or Sirzech Lucifer. Moreover, how could they accept the apology of the two so easily after they had dirtied Riser's name?

Whether it was his parents, older brothers, or family who cared about Riser, when they had a chance, they also started their revenge by not selling the "Phenex Tears," saying that it had limited stock and it was bought in bulk by Serafall and the Sitri House.

Similarly, in other businesses, the Phenex House also tried to harass the business of Sirzech Lucifer and the Gremory House.

In politics, even more so since his older brother took down after another, the politicians that were affiliated with Sirzech Lucifer.

Whether it was Serafall or Sirzech, they were part of the Maou Faction, but they had their own group.

The Maou Faction had never been led by Sirzech alone since Serafall Leviathan, Ajuka Beelzebub, and Falbium Asmodeus.

It was also the reason why they were called the Four Great Satans.

Naturally, when the politicians affiliated with Sirzech were taken down, the politicians that were affiliated with Phenex House and Sitri House started their move, trying to dominate the voice within the government of the Underworld.

In this situation, there was no doubt that Sirzech was in a passive situation.

Sirzech might be powerful, but could he face the entire Underworld?

Moreover, while Serafall might not be as powerful as Sirzech, she was still a Maou, so her power couldn't be underestimated.

Yet, would Sirzech even try to attack Serafall?

The answer was no.

If Sirzech would really attack Serafall blatantly, he would become a tyrant in the eyes of others.

If Sirzech had a power like a God, then no one could stop him, but in the Underworld, there was one existence whose might was comparable to his, so such an option wasn't an option.

Moreover, everything that was done by the Phenex House, the Sitri House, and all the houses and devils that were related to them was still playing within the rules. They had never broken these invisible rules that were followed by everyone, so it was impossible for someone to say something.

Lastly, Sirzech had a family.

Unless Sirzech didn't want his family to live in the Underworld, then he could only play within the rules.

However, there was no doubt that whether it was the Phenex House, the Sitri House, or everyone that was affiliated with them was on the rise to the marriage between Riser and Sona.

Their trend couldn't be stopped, or rather, it was impossible to be stopped.

The Great King Faction was also more than happy to support the Phenex House since the more conflict on the Maou Faction; the better their faction would be.

However, this trouble was also the reason why Sirzech and the Gremory House, who knew Rias visited Riser, didn't say anything and acquitted her action, hoping that everything could become peaceful behind the stage.

Moreover, it was also the reason why Grayfia was sent to the human world since she wanted to see how close the relationship between Rias and Riser was.

In other words, whether it was Sirzech or the Gremory House, they could only rely on Rias to seduce Riser so everything would return to normal.

While it might be shameful and dirty, the Gremory was a devil known for their seduction, so whatever their methods be, as long as it could bring them a benefit, they would do it.

Still, even with so many complicated things happening around them, Akeno was sure that Rias definitely didn't know all of that since Rias just wanted to conquer Riser.

'Well, in her case, she's just starting to get lustful towards her former fiance.'

Nevertheless, if Akeno jumped in, she knew that Rias definitely wouldn't forgive her. However, she had to say that she was quite jealous of Rias, who could do everything without worry.

As for her?

What if she jumped into Riser?

No, if she really jumped in, then what was the difference between her and Rias?

Wasn't she just a tool of the Gremory House, then?

Frankly, Akeno didn't care about being called a tool since she knew that she was just a servant.

No, she should be a slave of the Gremory House.

Yet, she definitely couldn't forgive herself if she became a bondage, a burden for Riser, especially when this was the critical moment of his house.

Akeno rubbed her temple, wondering why everything was so complicated. She just wished for a family and someone who could be by her side when she was lonely, protecting her and giving her the warmth of the house.


Why should it be you?

If that person wasn't Riser, then Akeno wouldn't feel like this, feeling like her chest was so stuffy and her world was spinning around without giving her a moment of rest.

Following her instinct might give her a momentary sense of gratification, the bliss that would make her addicted, yet if her choice might bring Riser into ruin, then she would definitely never forgive herself.

Moreover, her origin...

If Riser knew about her dirty origin, what would he think of her?

At that moment, Akeno had woken up. She didn't have the expectation or a dream that she could be with him.

Watching him from afar while dreaming of having an affair with him was enough.

With that thought, she dried her body with a towel carefully from her breasts, curved, and all beautiful parts of her body before walking out of the bathroom.

Usually, a woman would wear their underwear after drying their body, but she usually only wore a bath towel, wrapping it around her body, then slept with her sleeping yukata without wearing a single fabric of underwear.

Still, probably due to her reincarnation as a devil or a sinner's blood inside her body, it was impossible for her to fully suppress her lust even if she knew what she did might ruin the two of them.

With a lewd body that was wrapped with a single bath towel, she walked into the living room where Riser was waiting.

"Riser-sama, do you want to take a—"

Akeno stopped her voice as she saw him sleeping peacefully. Watching his sleeping face from afar, she felt that it wasn't enough, so she closed the distance between them.

Closer and closer until she could feel the warmth of his breathing.

Yes, she knew that this was wrong, but she just couldn't endure it and wished to kiss his lips.

She knew that seducing him meant that she would cause him trouble.

Rias might hate her; there was also Sona, who was his wife, and her life would be turned into hell as she dared to jump into this fire.

Yet, if no one knew, then it was okay, right?

It was just a kiss.

Moreover, Rias also kissed those lips several times, so Akeno just took a step forward and then kissed his lips.

As she was a virgin, she just followed her instinct, pressing their lips, licking her lips slightly before she pried his lips open, trying to insert her tongue inside, lightly licking his teeth, but as she enjoyed this kiss, she could feel that his tongue was entangled with hers, which made her open her eyes and feel startled.

Akeno was startled when she found out his eyes were wide open. She wanted to escape, but then, his arm was already wrapped around her slender waist, so it was impossible for her to raise her body.


Her face was extremely hot since she knew she was caught.

"Like her master, her servant is also dirty, huh?"

His voice was filled with mocking, but strangely enough, it gave fuel to her desire.

"What is it? Are you getting excited about being mocked? Are you a masochist?"


Did he know how hard it was to suppress this feeling?

If he continued, then—

"It seems that I need to give you a punishment in place of your master."

Riser lightly caressed her plump, red lips with his thumb as he stared at her with a smile.


Akeno gave up and just let herself be burnt by the fire tonight.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 86 The taste of affair | Patreon

'I've done it.'

Riser thought blankly as he looked at the traditional Japanese room where he stayed before he looked at Akeno, who was sleeping soundly on his arm.

Frankly, this feeling was strange, especially when he could feel two mountains looming out from the blanket.

This scene was unique, or rather, it might be his first time seeing all of this.

After all, his wife's breasts weren't as huge as Akeno's.

Probably, Akeno had the biggest natural boobs that he had ever seen in this world.

Was this the beauty of Mount Fuji?

As expected of Japan, he thought.

Frankly, Riser knew that he was wrong, but he was just a normal man.

Even worse, he was a devil now.

If he was reincarnated as an angel or even a priest, then his resistance toward this area might be stronger, but as he was a devil, there was no such thing as resistance or holding back.

Everything he did was just following his desire.

However, if there was something that surprised him, it was the fact that Akeno was a virgin, so he was her first man, which made this quite complicated since he thought that it was just a little fling, yet at the same time, he also didn't think too much since he wasn't the one who seduced her.

Instead, she was the one who seduced him.

From the beginning to the end, when they met each other, he hardly did anything to Akeno.

He was even sleeping, yet he was attacked suddenly.

'System, did you do something?'

[.....] System.

No, the system should be innocent since it was rather quiet, especially when he was about to do something bad.

Still, he knew that there were many troubles that might come when he had decided to sleep with Akeno, especially with how delicate the relationship between the Phenex House and the Gremory House, but—


He looked at Akeno's boobs for a while and thought that everything was worth it.


"Are you sure that you don't want it?"

"Yes, I still want to feel this feeling..."

When they woke up in the morning, Akeno lay on his lap lazily as she traced her plump thighs, feeling the soreness of their last night's affair.

When she thought about last night, her body shivered as she bit her lower lip, thinking how crazy it was.

Nevertheless, it felt so good.

It was so good that it made her forget everything, making her head melt into mush.

However, it was also her first time, so she wanted to treasure this moment.

Akeno knew that she might be a pervert, but she still had the innocence of a young girl.


"I am going back later. Are you sure that you don't want to drink "Phoenix Tears"?"


Hearing that, Akeno didn't hesitate to drink the "Phenix Tears" given by Riser.

Even though she wanted to treasure every moment, she knew that their time was limited.

His identity made it impossible for them to be together all of them.

No, such a thing was impossible, especially when he had a wife.

So, it was also due to this that she knew every moment they shared; she needed to treasure it carefully.

Then, the moment she drank the "Phenex Tears," the soreness on her body vanished, then she looked at him once again like a lewd animal.

What would they do?

Wasn't it obvious?


"Can you tie your hair in twin tails?"

As expected, to hold this lewd animal well, Riser knew that he needed a firm rein.


Their carnage lasted for a day.

If it wasn't because they got hungry and also washed their bodies from sweat and dirt, they might continue.


"Is it okay for you not to go to school?"

"It's okay. I have also told the school and Rias about it."

The school aside, Akeno knew that she needed a good excuse for Rias since she didn't want Rias to come to visit her shrine. Fortunately, she had a good excuse, so everything was alright.

Nevertheless, Akeno felt that she was weak, and she wished to become stronger so that she could dry him out. After all, she would be lying if she didn't feel resentful when she thought he would go back to Sona when everything was over.

Unlike Riser, who got into this relationship with a light feeling, Akeno thought of their relationship seriously since she knew that she would bring him many troubles.



Being held inside the bathtub as he gently looked at her, Akeno felt that her worry disappeared.

"It's nothing."

Akeno rubbed her cheek against his chin like a pampered cat.

Yet, instead of a cat, Riser felt that this girl was a leopard, considering how wild she rode on him, moving her waist as she screamed in a vulgar way. Still, as he looked at her, he wondered what she was thinking, but at the same time, he decided not to think too much since he didn't have a mind-reading ability.

Talking more than unneeded was unnecessary, and it might cause needless trouble.

They were young, and they weren't married, so they might as well enjoy this moment instead of thinking of the trouble that might come in the future.

What would be the worst anyway?

The worst was probably he got her pregnant, but such a thing wasn't a problem for him since he could take care of her.

Moreover, neither of them lacked money, so they would mostly be okay.

Riser knew that it might be callous and bad of him to mention money, but as expected, while money might not be able to buy everything, it gave a lot of convenience.

Nevertheless, it felt strange when he received rewards from the system.

[Congratulations, you have received three random rewards.]


Riser wondered why, when it came to his harem, he only got three random rewards even though he had slept with almost all of them.

Sona aside, since that was his marriage, Riser wondered what was special about Akeno.

Was it due to her status as one of the main heroines?

—or was it due to her status as a part of the protagonist's harem?

When he thought of this, it was probably the latter.

However, it was a good thing since having more rewards was a good thing.

Then, as he started the lottery, he quickly saw his rewards.

[Congratulations, you have received "Light Resistance," "Holy Resistance," and "Crisis."]



"Light Resistance" and "Holy Resistance" aside, they were pretty simple and useful as he was a devil.

A devil was an existence that was weak against light and a holy element, so having the resistance of those two elements greatly helped him.

Nevertheless, what was this "Crisis"?

Riser was confused, but as he read the description of this reward, his expression became weird.

The more beaten he was, the stronger he was.

Was that meant that he had to become a masochist to become stronger?

The harder someone beat him, the stronger he was.


There was no doubt that it was a good ability, but... but... he felt conflicted somehow.

Still, the origin of this ability was from the Nanatsu no Taizai, and frankly, this ability was rather fitting for him.


'Arigatou, system.'

Nevertheless, he thanked the system for making him stronger, but then, let's think about this reward later since his time was limited. He looked at her breasts that floated on the water as he stared at her pink nipples. His lips became dry as his hands crept into her breasts, rubbing them gently yet also roughly.

Akeno's eyes also changed, and she could feel a huge rod in the gap between her thighs.

"Do you want to do it more~?"



"Then, I will leave first. See you later, Akeno."

Riser kissed Akeno and then left her shrine without hesitation since he was almost late for his appointment with Sona.

Looking at Riser, who had left, Akeno didn't leave her spot and just stared at his figure that slowly disappeared. Probably, it might take a while for them to meet each other again. However, there was no doubt that she was excited about their next meeting.

Still, as expected, the taste of the affair was so addicting.


Riser, who arrived at the station, knew that he had arrived quite late. It might be strange, but he used the teleportation circle to return to Tokyo before he used the train to go back to Kuoh Town.

Frankly, he had wasted so much time, and at the same time, he wondered whether Sona was still waiting.

He looked around, but then he was surprised when he saw Sona sitting on the bench, her eyes staring in his direction. When she saw him, she didn't hesitate, stood up, and ran in his direction, hugging him tightly with a warm and happy smile.

"Welcome back~!"

"...I am back."

Riser had to say that he felt a little guilty.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 87 My lovely wife and a vixen | Patreon

Riser felt guilty, and it was also because of this he was going to make his wife satisfied tonight.

At night when they returned to the house, they directly took off their clothes and did it at the entrance of her house.

Sona was all four, letting him hold her waist while pounding her from behind.

In that position, she screamed lewdly as she faced the door, ignoring the consequences of having sex in that location.

If Serafall saw Sona at that moment, then there was no doubt she might cry from having her innocent little sister transformed into a dirty mare.

Though there was also a high chance that Serafall might watch over them and join them.

Still, everything depended on Sona first, though.

When everything was over, Riser brought Sona to the bedroom before they slept together.

Nevertheless, Sona didn't immediately sleep as she still wanted to enjoy her time with her husband. Even though he was in the human world, they had separated for a few days, so of course, she missed him.

"Oh, right, I know that it is a bit late, but I bought you a gift."

"Huh? Gift?"

Sona was surprised but also had an expectation and curiosity, wondering what kind of gift that he had prepared for her.

"Yes." Riser nodded. "When I visited Tokyo, I thought that this would be suitable for you, but I am not sure whether you will like it or not."

"What is it?"

Sona looked at him expectantly as she wanted to see what he had bought for her.

Riser took out a box from his suitcase and then opened it in front of Sona.

What was inside was a simple crystal hairpin with the shape of several snowflakes weaved together that was carefully crafted with various precious crystals. It was beautiful and elegant, yet at the same time, it was also subdued and low-key, so it shouldn't be a problem to be used every day instead of during an important event.

Still, as the heir of the Sitri House, there was no doubt that Sona had everything.

No, when she wanted something, everything should be prepared for her already, so she didn't have much of a material needs.

So, it was also the reason why Riser hesitated to buy this gift, but then again, he wanted to see his wife use this hairpin, especially when she often wore one. Moreover, he had promised to give her a gift that could be used by her, so he bought it.

"It's beautiful..."

Sona was surprised by his gift since it fitted her taste well. Still, more importantly, it was the first gift that he had ever given her, so she was so happy.

"Should I put it on you?"


With only a blanket on her body, Sona looked at him shyly.

Still, while he was excited for another round with his wife, he put the hairpin onto her beautiful black hair.

"Wh-What do you think?"

"You are the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my life."

There was no doubt his wife was the cutest.

Sona smiled happily, kissing him, then, in the end, they did it until dawn.


"Are you okay?"

"Un... it's just my waist..."

Sona wanted to cry at this moment since, while it felt good, her waist was quite hurt.

Riser was also a little helpless, so he gave her "Phenex Tears" to heal her.

Frankly, if someone saw what he did, they would say that he was so extravagant since a single "Phenex Tears" was enough to make several families go bankrupt.

However, he was a member of the Phenex House, and it was so easy for him to make the "Phenex Tears."

Meanwhile, Sona sighed helplessly and thought that it was good of her to accept his lover. After all, she knew how strong he was, and when she thought about how she needed to drink "Phenex Tears" every time she was exhausted or in this situation, she also felt that her heart was bleeding.

Her family might be wealthy, but she understood how wasteful her action was.

"You don't need to feel guilty about this. I can make "Phenex Tears" as much as I want."

Frankly, he was trying to develop his "immorality" trait to heal since it was rare for a team on the "Rating Game" to have a healer.

If there was a healer on the "Rating Game" team, there was no doubt that it would be targeted first.

However, what if he was the healer?

If he was the healer, then his team would be immortal.

Nevertheless, it definitely wasn't easy to develop a technique since even Issei needed time to develop all of his perverted techniques.

Even the Four Maou also only had one or two techniques with their long lives.

However, he was different.

Before he was a devil, he was a human, so his way of thinking was quite different.

Unlike humans, who were always in a hurry due to their limited lifespan, the devil was rather patient and even hardly moved unless they were forced to since they had a long age.

If he was a devil from the moment he was born and educated to do so, then he wouldn't be working hard and was just content with the status quo since the longer he aged, the stronger he was.

Yet, he was a human and educated as a human in his previous life, so it was hard for him to accept a devil's way of thinking.

It was also due to his understanding of the devil's way of thinking that he knew there was no need to be in a hurry to handle Sirzech, and he had a lot of time.

Nevertheless, he wouldn't be lazy around.

Ironically, it might also be due to his lazy nature that he worked hard now.

After all, like what he had said before: "If I had to do something, I would do it fast, so that way, I could be lazy around faster."

"By the way, are you not going to school?"

It was already past the time to go the school, but she didn't seem ready to go and was just lying around with him on the bed.

"It's okay. I want to spend a day with you."

Anyway, it was just a human education; there was no need for her to be troubled by it.

Nevertheless, as the heir of the Sitri House, there were many things that she had to do since, unlike Rias, she was quite responsible and always gave her everything.

However, sometimes, she also wanted to spend her days lazying around, especially when her husband had rarely come to visit the human world.

"Then, should we have a date? I want to tour around the city."


Hearing his invitation, Sona happily agreed.


Still, as the two went on a date, Rias went to visit the student council since she noticed that Sona didn't go to the school, so when she entered, she asked directly, "Where is Sona?"

"Kaichou is absent," Tsubaki answered politely.

The rest didn't say anything, only nodded before they pretended that they were busy, as Sona had given them a message not to make Rias interrupt her date with her husband.

"Why?" Rias asked once again

While Tsubaki didn't really want to answer Rias since she had a feeling that Rias went to trouble Sona, Rias didn't need Tsubaki's answer to understand everything.

"Has Riser returned?"


"Okay, thank you."

Rias wasn't stupid, so it was easy to understand what Sona planned to do, but she felt that Sona was too naive since as long as Riser was in the human world, everything was under her control.

'Let's see how long you can escape.'

Rias smiled as she thought he would fall under his skirt, yet what she didn't know about her "Queen," who was walking behind her, seemed to have an unfamiliar expression.

Nevertheless, if Rias turned her head, she would think that her expression was so lewd.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 88 There is no way you can escape | Patreon

When Riser came to the human world, what was the first thing he bought?


Yes, he bought cars.

Anyway, he didn't lack money, so he bought many types of them, from sportscars to an SUV. He also bought a few superbikes and an ordinary motorcycle, such as a Super Cub.

"You sure bought a lot of them."

Watching many cars enter the garage of her house, Sona only thought so.

If it was other people, they might be scared to death, but for them, whose wealth was already impossible to be counted, all the vehicles bought by Riser were nothing but toys.

"They happen to be my taste." Riser looked at his wife and asked, "Is it alright for me to keep them here?"

"It's okay." Sona nodded. "My garage is empty, after all."

While her house was enormous, there wasn't a single vehicle, but it was normal since she didn't need one.

—or rather, with complete public transportation in this city, there was hardly any need for private vehicles unless one was wealthy enough to buy them.

Moreover, taking care of the vehicles and gasoline in this country wasn't cheap since this country lacked resources.

However, none of those problems had been a problem for Riser and Sona.

"By the way, buying a car aside, what about your driving license?"

Buying cars in this country was simple since they only needed to have money.

However, the driver's license was different since the driving license in this country was difficult to get.

"It's okay. Nurarihyon helps me to get one."

Not only the driving license but all the cars he collected were easily received due to the help of Nurarihyon.

"He is kind toward you. Did you set up a deal with him on the "Phenex Tears"?" Sona asked curiously since she had heard Nurarihyon was rather cunning, so she thought Riser had set up a deal with the "Phenex Tears," so Nurarihyon helped him to collect many rare cars and bikes.

"No, I didn't set up such a deal."


"I am just good at making friends."

Yes, friends.

However, Riser didn't intend to talk about this matter anymore.

"How about we go now?"

Sona wanted to ask more questions, but she felt that it might be better to talk when they were on their date. "So, which one will you drive?"

Riser went for a sleek, smooth red-colored Toyota 2000 GT and patted the body of the car.

"How about this one?"


With Sona's guidance, they visited many places and had fun together.

Unlike Tokyo, which was so bustling and had so many people, Kuoh City wasn't so crowded and had fewer people, but nevertheless, it was a good city and had many unique things.

Nevertheless, it lacked originality.

Everything was the same.

If there was something that made him happy and special, it was the fact that the food was good.

Moreover, this country had a profound knowledge of entertainment, which was something that was worth pondering deeply.

Still, while Riser's head was thinking many messy things, Sona was just happy that she could go out with him.

Nevertheless, with their appearance, it was impossible for them to be ignored. Instead, whenever they walked, they would become the center of attention due to their appearance.

It was also because of this they went to Nagoya, the closest bustling city near Kuoh Town.

With his red Toyota 2000GT, they visited various places together, having fun.

"I can't help but feel a little guilty."

When they rested in the traditional sweet shop, Sona couldn't help but say while sipping her coffee.

"Isn't it too late for you to say that?"

Riser was speechless as he enjoyed his parfait.

Even though Sona said that she felt a little guilty, her face was full of smiles and happiness.

"By the way, Ni and Li, where are your two pawns going with their training?" Sona suddenly asked.

"They went to the mountain."


"I am not sure, but Magari... I mean, the leader of the Nekoshou youkai told me that they can focus better when they train on the mountain."

However, it was impossible for Riser to follow them to the mountain.

It didn't mean that he wasn't accustomed to living on the mountain since, if he wished so, he didn't mind camping on the mountain.

However, Nekoshou was a unique race where they wished to have a child of someone strong or people they loved.

If Riser was by the side of Ni and Li, they might wish to have children with him all the time, which disrupted their training.

However, there was no way for him to tell this matter to Sona and he only said that he was too lazy to go to the mountain.

Still hearing his answer, Sona fell into silence.

"What's wrong? Do you want to train your peerage members too?"

"I do." Sona nodded. "I will have my debut in the summer, so I think that I might need to train them." Still, she fell in silence again, then added. "Of course, that also includes me."

When she recalled her husband's fight with Sairaorg, she couldn't help but feel the need to get stronger.

If Sairaorg was working hard to become stronger, then was she going to be content with the status quo?

No way, right?

Sona also didn't want to give a shameful appearance in her debut, "Rating Game," especially in front of her husband and family.

While it might have been hard, she wanted to become the shinest existence on that debut.

"Do you want me to help you with training?"

"...is that okay? Won't you be busy?"

"It's okay. I am not in a hurry to enter the "Rating Game" anyway."

Riser wasn't in a hurry to join the "Rating Game."

If he joined, he wanted to start with a bang, surprising everyone with his growth, so next year would be a perfect time, especially after everyone had mastered most of their abilities and become stronger.

After all, as a devil, there was no need for him to be in a hurry, right?

Especially when his age was almost an eternity.

However, it was different with Sona since she would have her debut soon.

"I will set up an underground training ground on your house later, so you can use them to train with your peerage members."

"Thank you, husband."

As they sat side by side, she kissed his cheek without hesitation, feeling happy.

If it was before, she might be embarrassed, but Riser had done many shameful things to her, so kissing him on the cheek while in public was nothing.

Riser felt that his cheek was slightly wet from her kiss, but as expected, he wished to have more, and instead of doing it right away, it might be better to wait until at night when all the tension had built up, then letting it go to explode in one go.

There was no doubt that such an intimacy would be even more wonderful.

Nevertheless, Riser would be lying if he wasn't curious about Sona's peerage members, especially Tsubaki and Saji, as the two of them had something known as a Sacred Gear.

A tool created by God so that humans could fight against supernatural beings and even kill Gods.

Still, if this was something that could be created, then shouldn't he be able to make one?

While Riser wondered why God made such a dangerous tool, Sona suddenly asked, "By the way, have you been summoned?"

"Summon?" Riser was confused.

"...." Sona blinked her eyes and asked, "...you haven't sent your summoning flyer?"

Riser forgot that he hadn't sent a summons flier that he had made on the train previously. On his way to the human world, the system gave him options, and he chose to do business, but then again, with what he did on the "East Youkai Faction," was there even the need to do business?

Still, Riser made another summon flier with a paper he got from the shop.

"Are you going to give your summon flier in Nagoya?"

"No, I will do it in Kuoh Town."

Frankly, he was curious about what kind of people would summon and also what kind of request this human would ask, but before that, he was going to enjoy his date with Sona.


The sun was about to set, but Riser and Sona were on their way back.

Meanwhile, this was the time that Riser had been waiting for, and he couldn't wait to go back, especially when he had bought so many costumes and ropes.


Sona held the single rope in her hand, pulling it, making a snap sound, and then looked at her husband silently.

"...." Riser.

Still, the costumes and ropes aside, the foods were also important since if he consumed the foods made by Sona; he was afraid that he might not be able to show his might.

Nevertheless, when they were about to enter Sona's house, they could see few people had been standing, or... someone had entered her house?

"...do you have guests?"

Riser knew that it was impossible for one to enter her wife's house carelessly since many magics were placed on it.

In other words, if it wasn't because someone entered with permission, then her house was being broken in.

However, her house didn't seem to be broken in as Riser could see that the key, barrier, and security magic on her house were still in good condition.

"It should be Tsubaki and my peerage members."

Sona didn't think too much and thought that it was Tsubaki since her "Queen" would come to visit her house to help her with many of her duties.

"I see..."

While Riser felt disappointed and thought that they might as well stay in the hotel outside, he didn't show it on his face, but then, his hand was held by Sona.

"It's okay. I will tell them to go home."

Her voice was rather quiet and shy, but like him, she was also excited to spend a night with him.

Hearing those words, Riser raised once again like a Phoenix that was reborn from ash.

However, when the two walked out of the car, the one who greeted them wasn't only Tsubaki and Sona's peerage members.

In front of Tsubaki and Sona's peerage members, a beautiful crimson-haired devil stood there and greeted them with a gentle, seductive smile.

"Have you had fun with your date, Riser, Sona?"


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 89 What are Rias' three sizes? | Patreon

Rias realized that she might be gentle and also had a kind heart, especially when she had started to realize how wrong her action was and also understood why Riser seemed to divorce her.

Moreover, she had also grown up and knew how to use her advantage as a weapon.

With her education, talent, personality, and experiences, Rias believed that she could seduce him.

Nevertheless, she realized that she might lack self-control as she couldn't help but control her jealousy when she saw Sona and Riser walk out of the car, seemingly enjoying their time together.

'If that incident didn't happen...'

If they didn't divorce, then the one who sat by his side inside the car would be her instead of Sona.

While Rias didn't hate Riser and was even obsessed with him, she hated Sona, who had taken her everything.

It was like in their childhood when she owned a cute teddy bear.

She loved that teddy bear so much, but Sona suddenly wished to rob it, yet how could she allow that?

In the end, the two of them fought and pulled that teddy bear before it ripped.

At that time, she cried for so long and felt sad as she loved that teddy bear so much.

As she grew up, she had grown up, and she wasn't childish enough to cry due to the teddy bear, but still, watching Sona and Riser, who were happy, she was almost crying once again as she should be the person who should be happy by Riser's side instead of Sona.

Yet, that single mistake destroyed everything.

However, there was still a chance, and there was no way she was going to give up.

"Did you buy a new car?"

Rias asked curiously as she looked at the red Toyota 2000GT.

The red color was like a reminder of her crimson hair.

So, was Riser unable to forget her?

Rias looked at Riser with a happy smile.


Riser felt weird when Rias stared at him with a gentle smile.

Frankly, if it was a guy who showed such a smile, many would think that he was creepy, but it was Rias.

Many would be smitten and even fall for her.

Nevertheless, Riser felt weird, wondering whether Rias had eaten something wrong.

"What are you doing here, Rias?"

Meanwhile, Sona was confused when she saw Rias mingle with her peerage members.

"Sona, did you forget to tell me when Riser returns?" Rias still had a kind expression on her face, but her heart was in a rage, feeling Sona started to make her annoyed.

"Oh, right." Sona forgot to tell Rias that Riser had returned, even though Rias had asked her to do so, but Riser was her husband; why should she tell Rias that her husband had gone back?

"Sorry, but I have something important to discuss with him, so can you go back first?"

Anyway, the matter of Rias could be pushed aside later since she still wanted to spend a night with her husband.

"Something important, huh? Is it more important than the exorcists from the Church who come to visit Kuoh Town to retrieve the three stolen Excalibur swords?"

"What do you mean?"

Hearing something serious happened in Kuoh Town when she was gone, Sona couldn't help but become serious.

Meanwhile, Riser was looking at Akeno, who was smiling at her, and this smile... he could tell that this woman was planning to do something bad.

However, Riser didn't hate it at all.


With the news that was said by Rias, it was impossible for Riser and Sona to continue to play around, so they had to listen to what was happening when they went to Nagoya to have a date.

Then, Rias started to narrate what was happening, telling them about the two exorcists who came for permission to retrieve the stolen Excalibur.

Still, even though the exorcists might appear polite, it was impossible for them to appear humble in front of the devil as the devil was the enemy of the church, so it was impossible for Rias to have a good impression of them.

Frankly, Rias wanted to have dinner to make up for what had happened between her and Rias, but suddenly trouble like this came, and her knight, Kiba Yuuto, also gave her a headache.

"Is that true, Tsubaki?"

"Yes, Kaichou."

When the two exorcists came, there was no Sona, so it was hard for Tsubaki to make a decision, especially with her status as the low-class devil. In the end, she asks Rias if Rias is the governor of this city and also a high-class devil.

"...why didn't you tell me something so important?" Sona was speechless. If something huge were to happen, then she would go back immediately.


"It's okay, Sona. You don't need to get angry at your servant. Though, we are caught in a huge problem now."

"That's true."

While Sona might not be the governor of this city, she took part in managing this city with Rias, so when there was trouble, she also needed to get involved.

"Is it really a problem?"

Riser, who had been listening, felt weird because of their conversation, wondering why they felt like they had been caught in a big problem.

Also, frankly, the church had only sent exorcists.

What is an exorcist?

They are just humans.

Even if they had been given power by the Lord in Heaven, their bodies were nothing but flesh and bones.

Compared to the other beings in this world, they were nothing.

Especially when they were compared to the East Youkai Faction that he had faced previously.

Still, his words attracted everyone.

"What do you mean, Riser?" Rias asked.

"In other words, they had just asked us permission to catch the criminal who stole the Excalibur, right?"

"That's right."

"They didn't ask for anything else, right?"


"Then, just let them. As long as they don't do anything that harmful to us, what's the harm? You might even be able to make the church or the heaven side owe you a favor, considering they have asked for your help. In the future, when you need to do something in the area where the church is governed or ask for a request from the church, you can mention this matter.

"This isn't a bad deal."

Both Sona and Rias fell silent after hearing these words. After all, like what he had said, it wasn't a bad deal since they could make the church owe them a favor. Moreover, they could even make a contract, so the church couldn't back down, but—

"I know what you two are worried about." Riser nodded. "If they are only retrieving Excalibur, then we don't need to worry about this, but if that's not the case?"

This was what made them hesitate since what if the church planned to do something bad?

If the church only planned to retrieve the Excalibur, they wouldn't say anything and let them do that, but if they didn't?

The church might seem holy and clean in the eyes of the public, but just like the Gremory House, which was good at advertising, the church was also good at this matter.

Yet, everyone knew, in reality, it was impossible for the darkness to disappear completely, and evil had always existed, even in the holiest place.

"If that's what you are worried about, you might send one or two of your servants to surveillance them in case they might do something."

Rias and Sona nodded since this was the best solution.

"But just in case, let me ask you a question."

"What's wrong? If it's within my capability, I will answer all of them."


Riser wondered whether it was his imagination that Rias seemed to lean forward as if trying to emphasize the size of her boobs.

Did she think he would ask for her size?


Don't be kidding!

It's B99-W58-H90 cm, right?

Riser already knew all of that already!

With his "Mathematic Mastery," everything was easy!

Still, Sona's expression wasn't good, wondering when Rias was going to give up on seducing her husband.

"There are only two exorcists, right?"

"Yes, there are only two of them."

"There is no angel, right?"

"No, only two exorcists."

"What about their age? Are they young or old?"

"They are young. They should be about the same age as us."

"Young, huh?"

It meant that those two exorcists weren't someone from an important position.

Still, if they could be sent on this mission, even if they were young, they might be powerful exorcists since retrieving the Excalibur definitely wasn't an easy quest.

In other words, even those two exorcists didn't have an important position; they were like ace exorcists.

Frankly, they should be like Issei, who was used by Sirzech to handle all the troublesome matters.

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"No, it's alright."

Hopefully, everything would be easy to solve, and the exorcists could retrieve the stolen Excalibur as soon as possible since he didn't want something troublesome to happen when he stayed in the human world.

The East Youkai Faction was enough for him, okay?


'Excalibur, huh?'

Riser couldn't help but feel curious.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 90 Curiosity Killed The Cat | Patreon

What is Excalibur?

With their discussion regarding what they should do with the two exorcists who came to Kuoh Town, someone couldn't help but raise this question.

While Excalibur might be known as the most famous sword wielded by King Arthur in history, the detail was still unquestionable such as the power of this sword and why such a powerful sword could be stolen.

Still, Riser was speechless since he didn't expect that an Excalibur existed in this world.

Yet, when he thought that he had become a devil, suddenly, he felt that the existence of the legendary sword in this world didn't seem that surprising.

"Excalibur is a holy weapon that was created through means of magic and alchemy by those who reached the territory of God."

Rias explained to everyone calmly, telling them the origin of this holy sword.

"However, at some point, the original Excalibur was broken, and the pieces were made into seven different swords with the name "Excalibur" in them, and two of the blades were each stored by the Catholic Church, Protestant Church of England, and the Eastern Orthodox Church."

Suddenly, Rias thought of Kiba Yuuto, her knight, since she also understood why her knight became uncontrollable, yet, who was she?

Rias Gremory.

Did Kiba Yuuto think that Rias had the patience to indulge him? No way.

As Riser had said before, if the church only wished to retrieve the stolen Excalibur, Rias would sigh in relief, but if they didn't?

It was also due to this reason Rias didn't want Kiba to cause any trouble.

Yet, was it possible?

Nevertheless, Rias didn't think too much and continued to talk about Excalibur with everyone. After all, if there was really trouble, she had her older brother, Sirzech Lucifer, as her backing.

Still, while Rias might not be able to stop the trouble caused by Kiba, she might be able to stop the trouble caused by Issei. She knew that while she might be able to control Issei, it didn't mean that Issei could control himself. She could imagine that Issei would get angry and emotional the moment he met Riser.

That was why in this meeting, she only brought Akeno and Koneko.

"Even so, this should be a powerful weapon, right? How could the church let it be stolen?" Meguri Tomoe was confused.

"That might be the case in the past, but after it was broken, the might of the Excalibur wasn't that strong, so it was mostly used as ceremony tools instead of fighting."


Frankly, Riser realized the limit of his knowledge since he really didn't know anything about Excalibur. Meanwhile, whether it was Sona, his wife, or Rias, the princess of the Gremory House, seemed to know the history of Excalibur.

By now, Riser realized what kind of scumbag existence the original Riser was since he really didn't know much about anything, including the history of the Underworld and the birth of Christianity.

Yet, could someone blame him?

After all, this world and his previous worlds were quite different.

Moreover, he had been busy learning various magics, managing his resort, designing various places, and managing the "Feng Shui" of various important places, and also training his peerage members.

With all of that, how could he have time to learn about history?

However, he knew that he needed to learn it, so when he returned, he was going to learn history.

Nevertheless, even though Sona and Rias were knowledgeable about Excalibur, they didn't know much about the abilities of Excalibur and how strong it was.

Yet, it was to be expected since the church and the devils were enemies, so how could the church share such important information with the devil?

However, Riser only felt that Sona and Rias had never seriously thought of Excalibur seriously, so they didn't pay much attention, yet he also felt it was normal since Excalibur had a might that was comparable to a nuclear bomb.

If not, then wasn't it a waste of time to learn this weak weapon?

However, he couldn't help but think about his two knights, Karlamine and Siris. He might have crafted a durable and sharp sword and also taught them the "Claymore Sword Technique," but if they had more powerful weapons such as an Excalibur, then it wouldn't be bad, right?

After all, compared to the durable weapon he crafted, the Excalibur should have special abilities.

Nevertheless, Riser didn't dream of his two knights holding the Excalibur since he knew how troublesome it was for the two to wield this holy sword.

The power of the broken Excalibur definitely wasn't comparable to the price of wielding it since he knew if he dared to steal the Excalibur for his peerage members, he would face the trouble that came from Heaven and the Church, which was something that he hated for, considering how his position was still sensitive due of his conflict with Sirzech.

As for now, it was better to stay low-key.

Still, if possible, he wanted to learn more about the holy swords and how to make them.

"You continue to talk. I will go to the bathroom first."

The governor of this city was Rias, and Sona was working as her supporter, but who was he?

Riser was just coming for a vacation, so he didn't really want to get involved in this troublesome matter.

As for protecting them?

Just kidding.

They were the little sisters of Maou Lucifer and Maou Leviathan, who dared to trouble them?

Only when he left, one person, who had been quiet, suddenly asked, "Um, Sona-sama, where is the toilet?"

"Oh, it's over there." Sona looked at the one who asked the question, then asked, "Do you need someone to send you?" After all, she knew how huge her house was, so she was afraid that this someone might get lost.

"No, it's okay. I don't want to trouble everyone during this important moment."

"Is that so?"

Sona only nodded before she continued to talk with Rias about the problem they encountered. While she wished to spend time with her husband, as the heir of the Sitri House, there was something that she needed to do, and she also had a duty to protect this town.


Riser felt relieved as he had cleared up his bladder, but when he was about to leave the toilet, he was pushed inside suddenly.


The door of the toilet was closed, and then his lips were kissed.

His heart was beating so fast, and he felt scared as he looked at the culprit who had kissed him forcefully. She wanted to go further, but he was pushed away by him.

"Akeno, what are you doing?"

Yes, it was Akeno.

It wasn't Rias, as it was impossible for Sona to leave Rias, considering how wary his wife was of Rias.

Nevertheless, it didn't change the fact that he was angry.

After all, where was this?

"...am I causing you trouble, Riser-sama?"

Akeno thought that he would be happy with her surprise, but he was angry. She might be a masochist, but this was a different matter.


Riser nodded. "Don't do this kind of thing again next time. Watch where we are." Compared to his other lovers, Akeno still didn't understand what a lover meant, but then again, he was her first, and yesterday, she was still a virgin, so it was his job to educate her.

Hearing his scolding, Akeno could only lower her head and quickly realized how much trouble she might cause. Like before, her head was filled with lust and desire to monopolize him, especially when she saw how intimate he was with Sona, so she ignored all the consequences that might have come from her careless decision.

By now, she also understood where she was inside his heart, which made her feel disappointed.

"I-I am sorry, Riser-sama..."

Akeno was truly scared and lowered her head, ready to leave since she was afraid to cause him more trouble, but then, she was held in a place by him.

"Wait, I haven't given you a punishment yet."


Akeno was in a daze, but then she blushed as her breathing became heavy.

By now, she knew she was already his slave.


He suddenly hugged her from behind tightly as he apologized. "Sorry."

"....um. Me too."


Like Akeno, Koneko, who had drunk a lot of tea, also felt her bladder was full, so she went to the toilet. Moreover, she also thought to check Akeno since Akeno was quite late.

As for Rias and Sona, the two were still discussing each other about the matter of Excalibur and the exorcists.

Koneko walked around, and then she found Akeno, who seemed to be talking with someone with a strange smile, yet also intimately. She was confused and also curious, but at the same time, she felt that this Akeno was quite unfamiliar, especially when Akeno licked her lips, which made her even more seductive.


Akeno's body seemed to be tense before showing a kind smile while sighing in relief. "Koneko, is there something wrong?"

"I want to go to the toilet—"


Koneko felt her entire body tense as she saw this figure.

Riser appeared and walked in her direction with a blank expression.

Unlike Rias or Sona, who were kind and gentle, she couldn't see such an image of him. He was cold, like those high-class devils who wished to kill her in the past, and it was also due to this she was scared of him.


Koneko bowed her head and politely greeted him with a nervous expression.

However, Riser didn't say anything, only nodded, then just walked past her.

Still, even if he was quite rude, Koneko sighed in relief since he had left, but then she couldn't control her emotion, ran into Akenko, and hugged her tightly.


When Koneko hugged Akeno, she felt peace of mind and also a relief since she knew she was okay.

"Are you scared of Riser-sama, Koneko?" Akeno asked curiously.


Akeno smiled as she patted Koneko's head. "It's okay. You don't need to be scared of him since he is so gentle, you know?"


It was hard to match such a cold man with the word gentle, but—

Koneko's nose moved slightly as she was confused as Akeno's scent was quite weird, especially when she smelled the scent of Riser on Akeno's body.

"Hmm, what's wrong, Koneko?" Akeno asked Koneko with a gentle smile as she stroked her head as if trying to erase her fear toward Riser.


Yet, Koneko could only bury her doubt, but the seed of the doubt had already been planted, and her curiosity got her better than her fear.

After all, didn't curiosity kill the cat?

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 91 Do you believe in gravity? | Patreon

"You are just throwing it like that?"


There was no way for the discussion to last forever, but while they talked quite late, many of them quickly left when it was over.

Rias wanted to stay, but Sona didn't let her and forced her to leave since she was bothering them.

So, in the end, Rias could only leave resentfully, but she didn't give up as she also invited him to dinner to apologize for Issei's rudeness.

Sona didn't have a reason to reject this since even if this vixen tried to seduce her husband every time there was a chance, she didn't want the relationship between her husband, the Gremory House, and Sirzech to be stiff.

—or rather, it was also Serafall's wish, so the three of them could become friends with each other, especially when all of them were part of the Maou Faction.

Nevertheless, there was no way for Sona to give her husband to Rias.

It was all over her dead body!

Still, watching their confrontation, Riser could only feel speechless, but he decided to ignore it since he just wanted to spend a night with his wife, trying the costumes and ropes he had bought previously.

Then, in the morning, when they had woken up, Sona was speechless by his action.

The summoning flier, which was made by Riser previously, was thrown randomly using his wind ability.

Usually, the devil would give the flier or let their "Familiar" distribute the summoning fliers on the street, especially those who were greedy.

However, Riser didn't do all of that.

He just randomly threw his flier outside the window, letting the wind bring it.

"Do you believe in gravity, Sona?"

"...what were you saying in the early morning?"

What was the connection between gravity and his flier?

"Frankly, I don't care about this flier at all. If someone can't pick it up and it falls on the river before it is thrown into the sea, I am okay with it, but even with such a possibility, someone can still pick it up. Don't you think that it works like fate?

"It is like gravity pulls us together."


Sona blinked her eyes as she understood the novelty of his action.

After all, even if there was really a chance that his flier was picked up by someone, then wasn't it like fate?

Wasn't it like gravity pulled them together?

However, in her eyes, this devil summoning was nothing but a job in her eyes.

It wasn't something as romantic in his eyes.

Still, Riser was having fun, so it didn't matter.

Nevertheless, Sona thought that the chance of his flier falling on the river and not being picked up by someone was higher. Even if it was picked up by someone, she knew that he might not answer the summoning.


It was because she could tell that he didn't really have much of an interest in summoning the devil.

If there was a reason why he took an interest in it before, probably because he was just bored.

As for gravity or even fate?

She was sure that this guy was just saying nonsense. It was his sophistry.

"Well, I need to go to school. I will see you later."

Sona kissed his cheek intimately.

Riser, who was still half-asleep and appeared quite sloppy, felt that his wife was really sweet.

"I have cooked you breakfast. You can eat when you feel angry."


Riser looked at his sweet wife, who showed such a gentle and caring expression, yet when he thought about her horrible cooking skills, he could only rub his stomach helplessly.

"Should I send you to the school?"

When he thought about the breakfast cooked by Sona, he felt that he might as well go out and enjoy the town when she was going to school.

"...is that okay?" Sona blinked her eyes and asked expectantly.


He blinked his eyes. "If you don't mind that I am like this, then—


Sona agreed without hesitation.


Riser looked at his sloppy appearance as his beard hadn't been shaved, and he also hadn't taken a bath, but as a devil, he was still handsome anyway. Still, he didn't drive his car since it was quite troublesome to find parking, so he rode his Honda Super Cub, the most sold motorbike of all time.

Naturally, he had a superbike or something similar, but when he thought Sona's thighs might be shown when they were on a journey, he decided to take the Super Cub since it was safer.

Wearing his black hoodie along with his helmet, he helped Sona put on her helmet and then patted the back seat.

"Come on."


It was early in the morning, and many of the students of Kuoh Town went to school in various moods.

Some were excited when they thought they saw their friends.

Some were exhausted since they were using much of their energy during their individual activity.

Naturally, those who were exhausted due to their individual activity were the three famous perverts of the Kuoh Town.

Nevertheless, the three of them definitely weren't the only ones who did such an activity.

However, everyone's expression at this moment changed into amazement or even a daze since the beautiful and strict president council of their skill was hugging the waist of a man as they rode on a cheap motorcycle.

This scene was so bizarre as they thought that they were dreaming.

After all, Sona was known for being rich, yet she sat on a cheap motorcycle with a strange man that they had never seen.

There was no doubt the man's appearance was handsome and rugged, yet due to his sloppy and unshaven beard, it was hard for the young people to appreciate his charm.

Yet, this was a normal thing since most of the females in high school still had a hard time understanding the charm of an adult man, but nevertheless, when they saw him, they realized his charm and couldn't look away.

Nevertheless, they didn't think they could approach him, especially when he was so intimate with Sona.

"Should I pick you up later?"

Riser helped to remove Sona's helmet when they arrived at the entrance of her school.

"I might be quite late."

While Sona wanted him to pick her up, she was afraid that she might make him wait.

"However, you can wait inside if you want."

"I have nothing to do anyway, but is it okay for me to enter?"

Riser didn't think that he would come to the human world again, so he didn't mind spoiling his wife.

"It's okay. Leave everything to me. I will tell the teacher later."

"Then, I will leave first. Good luck with the school."

Still, when he was about to leave, he noticed Sona's expression was quite unnatural. "What? Do you want me to kiss you or something?"


While Sona was embarrassed, she wished him to do so.

"Geez, aren't you too spoiled?"

He kissed her forehead and then patted her head. "Good luck with the school. I will pick you up later." He then left, thinking that he should have a culinary journey or something as he prepared his mind to finish Sona's breakfast that was waiting at home.

Sona smiled, and when she was ready to go to school. She could see that everyone was looking at her in a daze, but she greeted them calmly.

"Good morning, everyone."

"Ah, good morning, Kaichou."

All of them answered subconsciously. Still, they wanted to ask her a question, wondering who that man was, but it was hard for them to ask that question, especially—

"Good morning, Rias."

"...good morning, Sona."

Watching the soft, gentle, yet happy expression on Sona's face, Rias dug her nails deeply into her palms, almost causing them to bleed, showing how jealous and how much she wished to be in Sona's place.


Nevertheless, Riser didn't know what kind of thought Rias had as he didn't have a mind-reading ability.

When everyone was at the school, he spent his time playing around, trying new foods, playing games in the game hall, or sometimes helping the young mother who was in need of help.

The last one aside, Riser enjoyed his life much since it had been a while for him to have such a normal life.

Life without worrying about anything.

A peaceful life.

Yet, he knew that everything was only a momentary and soon everything would be over, so he knew he had to treasure every moment, yet when he was eating takoyaki while walking, he saw a bizarre scene.

"Please give blessings to the lost lamb."

"Please give charity to us on behalf of the Father in heaven!"

He saw two girls wearing white robes praying on the road. There was no doubt they were standing out, and the people around them were looking at her with odd gazes. Still, he could tell that they seemed to be in trouble, especially when the two of them were staring at him.

No, they were staring at the takoyaki in his hands.

The hot and sizzling takoyaki balls seemed to emit a hot haze, tempting anyone who saw it.

The shaved katsuobushi on the top seemed to dance and invite anyone to eat.

The fresh seafood aroma and the delicious sauces also permeated the surroundings.

*Gulp!* 2x

Riser could hear the gulping sound of the two as they were looking at his takoyaki.

The two also somehow started at him with a pitiful and hopeful gaze.

He took his chopstick and picked one of the takoyaki, jiggling around, showing how soft yet firm its texture was.

Though, Riser ate the takoyaki without hesitation and even enjoyed it in front of them.


"...." 2x


The two even became hungry as they kept staring at him as if hoping for a certain something, but—

Riser ate all of the takoyaki in front of them like a devil while showing how much he enjoyed it without even any intention to share a single takoyaki.

"It's good."


It was good, but then why did you have to eat in front of us?!

Somehow, the two had the urge to beat him up, but as the servants of God, there was no way for them to do such a cruel and rude act unless the one in front of them was a devil.

However, for someone who dared to do such a malicious act...

There was no doubt this guy was definitely a devil!

They must exorcist him!

However, like the whisper of the angel, he asked them, "Do you want to eat?"

"..." 2x

Was he an angel sent by the Lord?

The two thought at the same time.
