goyya 1152-1161

Chapter 1152 Impossible Existence

AN: Thank you for waiting~!

This batch marks the end of Volume 16 and the start of Volume 17

Volume 17 will have a bit of slow development because many characters need to move in order for the plot to progress as I intended.

In any case, thank you very much for your support and have a good day~!


As soon as Kisuke roused Claire's consciousness up, they were immediately greeted by a shrill scream. After being healed by Serafall, Claire finally got control of her body back, however, that didn't really change the situation that she's in.

"Endure it, Claire. Try regaining the balance between Demonic Power and Holy Power!" Kisuke immediately instructed, "In the meantime, we'll find a way to cut off the rush of Holy Power!"

Despite the shrill screams she was letting out, Claire still heard Kisuke and gritted her teeth. In doing so, she unknowingly bit off her own tongue, cleanly cutting a section of it off. Though that didn't seem to bother her because the pain she's suffering from is much worse.

Claire is still afraid of what's happening to her, however, unlike before, she's not panicking anymore knowing that her very trustworthy Nii-san and Nee-chan are both at her side.

Claire did her best to internalize her consciousness and after an unknown number of tries, she finally succeeded and saw black and white energy devouring each other. Their fierce fighting was destroying everything around them and there seemed to be no end to it. Even then, it was obvious that one of them was still going strong.

Understanding what was going on, Claire tried separating them as she usually did but she only received a headache from a backlash of trying to force them apart. She tried again and again but to no avail and only managed to hurt herself more. And even while she was continuously receiving healing from Serafall, her body was already at its limits.

Panic started settling within her once more, but all of a sudden, a radical idea emerged from her already feeble mind and she immediately acted upon it. Claire regained her focus and instead of trying to force them apart like before, she pushed them together further. Of course, this immediately resulted in a ticking bomb like how she was doing it when combining both Demonic Power and Holy Power to create a destructive arrow.

This attempt of hers was immediately noticed by Kisuke and Serafall making them both shout, ""Claire! What are you doing!?""

Claire ignored them and continued pushing the two clashing energies together. But in addition to that, she also began spinning them as fast as she could.

The clashing energies still continued to grow unstable but Claire didn't give up, spinning them even faster.

At some point, Kisuke and Serafall stopped calling Claire out for what she was doing and went quiet to observe because both of them concluded that she should have exploded into minced meat by now if the forced fusion continued.

And finally, there was a hopeful result. As Claire uses all of her focus to increase the speed of spinning, the two clashing energies began to miss each other and started chasing each other's tails instead of bashing head-on. An equilibrium had been achieved.

At the temporary peace, Serafall and Kisuke didn't let go of this chance and immediately started helping Claire balance the energies out while also cutting off the seemingly unlimited supply of Holy Power by redirecting it back into the world.

Slowly but surely, Claire could feel her aching body finally ease up and once again and her consciousness drifted into dreamland.

Stepping into Claire's shoes, Kisuke and Serafall substituted her to keep these energies spinning as fast as possible and while they were at it, returned to their home base to try and find a permanent solution for this problem.

"...That was nerve wracking," Serafall commented while wiping away her sweat.

"I think we're past the dangerous phase, but just in case, let's have Tanis continue the healing and Kunou set up an isolation barrier so that we can focus on stabilizing her Demonic Power and Holy Power." Kisuke immediately started planning their next steps.

Serafall nodded then looked at Claire's current state, "In any case... She has become an impossible existence."

While still bleeding heavily, that didn't take their attention from her 6 pairs of alternating Devil and Angel Wings and the grey Halo on top of her head, "From here on out, both of us know nothing about her." Serafall added.




Soifon slowly opened her eyes while her misty consciousness wasn't helping the headache she was having, '...W-what? Where?'

She tried to sit up and as she did, her mind became clearer and the last thing she was able to remember all came rushing back to her, "I'm alive!? Omaeda! Ayasegawa!"

Along with shouting their names, Soifon's sudden movements made her realize that she was not on the battlefield anymore. After that, Soifon hurriedly touched her chest where she was cut across by Barragan. What she saw was her bare chest and ripped Shihakushou. Blushing a little bit, she instinctively pulled her clothes and covered herself before looking around.

'A laboratory? Am I in the 12th Division?' However, she has this uncanny feeling after looking around a little bit more, 'This arrangement of equipment... No, it can't be… It must be a coincidence.'

Soifon then looked back down to her chest and saw that there was no wound. Even then, she could still feel Barrangan's miasma inside her making her extremely lethargic. She then saw a glimpse of something attached to her left arm, 'A tube?'

She followed the small tube and saw a purple-colored IV drip hanging at the end of it.

Soifon's initial thought was to rip it out but felt that it was a bad idea. She looked around more and the uncanny feeling she had only became stronger. She lifted up her heavy body while using the stand the IV drip is attached as a support and got off the operating table, 'Where are the people?' She wondered to herself while holding the IV drip stand with her left hand and using her right hand to cover her chest, 'I really need some new clothes.'

Soifon carried her almost strengthless body to the door. Thankfully, she didn't have to open it herself as it automatically did. However, that was not the thing that froze Soifon on her spot but the view beyond it, '...What is this?' She met a western-style hall.

While she's wondering if she's really in the 12th Division, a door not far from her also opens and a red-haired young lady comes out, 'Who? Wait... Why does her face look familiar?'

The red-haired young lady also noticed Soifon and stopped walking, "...Who are you?"

"That's my question," Soifon replied without thinking.



28th00: When in doubt, Spin it so fast it either merges or stabilizes. Jojo has taught us that Spinning shit is the key to reality, after all!

Glad to see Soifon's gonna be losing her shit real soon! Too bad a certain dragon is very confused about her existence too.

Claire has taken yet another step into her Main Protagonist spot by becoming a Demonic Angel! What a ridiculous existence!

Goyya: Many works use this as a solution. It's just that spinning things really fast solves so many problems :kekw:


Chapter 1153 Busted | Patreon

Flanna stared at the unknown woman for a moment and understood her current state, "Were you brought here for treatment?"

Soifon didn't really know her exact situation so she could only nod, "I think so."

"Fumu, fumu..." Flanna nodded in understanding, "Boss is quite busy right now so he won't be able to attend to you. In any case, it seems you're not in any immediate danger as long as that icky disgusting thing inside you doesn't spread further."

"Boss?" Soifon is still not sure if she's really in the 12th Division until now, 'No one refers to Captain Kurotsuchi as 'Boss'. More importantly, I remembered now. Although a bit older, she has the same face as those highly sought-after students, Ophis and Lilith... What's the connection here?'

"Boss is boss." Flanna answered before pointing at her attire, "Are you not going to do anything to fix your clothes?"

Soifon inadvertently looked down on her hand clutching at her almost useless clothes, "This is already beyond fixing. Do you know where I could get a replacement?"

"Hmmm? Are you weakened enough that you can't fix it?" Flanna rubbed her chin and contemplated.

Soifon, on the other hand, was quite confused at her words, 'Can't fix it? Well maybe if I had half of Shutara's ability.'

While Soifon is wondering if the red-haired lady is expecting her to weave back her Shihakushou when she suddenly raised her hand towards her and a red Magic Circle appeared in front of her, "!?"

Soifon already saw this phenomenon from the images that the Visual Department released after the fight between Kenpachi and their guest, Serafall. She knew that this was a signal for some sort of attack but she was too weakened right now and could barely walk straight so there was nothing she could do aside from raising both of her arms in front of her body and gritting her teeth, 'She related to Sitri Serafall!? And why all of a sudden? I've been very careful with what I've been saying!'

But after a gust of wind, nothing happened, 'Hmmm?' And when Soifon looked at the red-haired lady, she was making a confused expression, "What are you doing?" Immediately after, however, realization dawned on her face, "Ah! I forgot that this world doesn't know about Magic. Don't worry, that's just a simple restoration spell." Flanna added while pointing at her clothes.

Soifon looked down and was shocked to see that her Shihakushou was fully restored, "H-How?"

Flanna ignored Soifon's question and approached her before grabbing her arm, "Follow me to the dining room. What you need right now is food to restore your strength."

Since everyone else was busy, Flanna took it upon herself to entertain their 'guest', 'I don't know how to cook but Blacky and little Blacky should be in the dining room too. I think they learned how to do it from that strict Elf.' Flanna thought to herself while dragging along the confused Soifon.

Soifon is afraid that she might become hostile so she let herself be dragged and on their way to the dining room, Soifon saw a window and peeked through it, 'A barren wasteland? Where am I, really?'

A minute later, they reached their destination, and Flanna, without any warning, kicked the door open, "Blacky and little Blacky! Prepare something! It's our turn to entertain the guests!"

Ophis and Lilith, who were very worried about Claire, couldn't do anything but skip their classes. In order to comfort themselves, Ophis and Lilith took out their precious bananas and were even prepared to share them with the detestable red who suddenly returned from the west after hearing their current situation and keep her from interrupting Kisuke and the others who were all working very hard to stabilize Claire.

While they were thinking hard about what they should do next, the detestable red kicked open the door and the two of them were about to throw the banana they were eating into her mouth to shut her up when they saw who she brought with her.

At first, they thought that she was quite familiar but it only took them another second to realize who she was, and at the same time, Ophis and Lilith turned their heads away from them and continued munching on their bananas, trying to ignore them and hoped that Soifon didn't notice them.

Of course, that was only wishful thinking on their part as Soifon muttered their names with an unbelieving expression, "Ophis... and Lilith?"

""Ugh."" Ophis and Lilith groaned and were trying to figure out how they could escape this.

"Oh? You know them?" The oblivious Flanna, meanwhile, innocently asked Soifon.

Ophis and Lilith slowly turned to Flanna and glared at her before saying at the same time, ""Stupid red."" The two of them really wanted to inform Kisuke or Serafall about this turn of events but they were very afraid that they might accidentally make a mistake and put Claire's life in jeopardy.

And as always, Flanna brushed off their glares and entered the room with Soifon, "Blacky, little Blacky, could you prepare some food?" Flanna saw that their glares became worse so she immediately added, "Please?"

Ophis and Lilith couldn't help but sigh and Flanna mistook that for them agreeing, "Great! If possible, something filling and nutritious. This lass here needs it."

Soifon wanted to say something to them but they were obviously avoiding eye contact with her and as if escaping, they went to the kitchen on the side, 'J-just what are they doing here? And how are they related to Sitri Serafall? Could they be spies who are trying to infiltrate Gotei 13?' Although she only met them one time, she'll never be able to forget how they released a Reiatsu that could almost rival a Captain and their utter incompetence in controlling said power.

Flanna then suddenly turned to Soifon, feeling the disturbance in her demeanor, "You don't have to worry about them. They're good kids."

Meanwhile, Ophis and Lilith started preparing food and they chose to do something simple and easy, a congee and some side dishes. After years of studying and trying to not make a biological bomb, they were already capable of making much more complicated dishes. However, they opted for a simple one so that they could focus their attention on the room not far from where they are.

They intended to inform Kisuke and Serafall of what happened the moment they came out of it. Thankfully, they could still rest easy because there's no way for Soifon to leave this isolated space.


28th00: To be fair, Soifon, the fact it was only just barely under a captain says magnitudes about their lackluster control! That means they could suppress it below "Accidentally erase all souls below lieutenant in strength within at least a 1km radius!" After all, they're very old Dragon Gods…


End of Volume 16: Chapter 1154 Busted part 2 | Patreon

Ophis and Lilith managed to finish their cooking without any incidents and brought the dishes out of the kitchen.

Seeing that the two of them still won't make any eye contact with her, Soifon already assumed that they won't be answering any of her questions, 'In the first place, I'm not in a position to ask any questions. It's great that they haven't killed me to silence me.'

She only hesitated for a moment before grabbing the spoon, "Thank you." What she needed more than anything right now was to replenish her strength so that her range of action could widen and put the grip of her life back to her hands.

It was a normal congee, even then, it's very filling for Soifon and glad that it wasn't poisoned even though there's no reason to believe otherwise. Of course, she wasn't just eating and continued observing her surroundings.

The first thing she found out is that the building they were in right now is not made out of Reishi but with physical matter. However, she's not sure if she's in the Human World either because the concentration of the Reiryoku in the air was on par with Soul Society itself, way more than places designated as Concentrated Spirit Zones like the Karakura Town.

Another thing that she noticed was that Ophis and Lilith are too innocent and naive to even do any spying activities. She had this impression when the two of them kept glancing out of the window, towards the other part of the mansion that could be seen from the dining room, 'Or are they just baiting me?'

Meanwhile, the 'big sister' seems to be nonchalant about everything and Soifon couldn't get any proper reads on her.

Soifon sighed as she only got more questions instead of any answers. Fortunately for her, she didn't have to wait long to discover something big.

Just as she was about to finish her meal, Ophis and Lilith suddenly stood up from their seats and Flanna raised her hand and conjured a barrier. The next instant, the place that Ophis and Lilith were stealing glances from suddenly exploded.

Ophis and Lilith both made a nervous expression and the smile on Flanna's face disappeared while muttering, "Did they fail?"

Soifon was about to ask what's happening when unexpectedly, a strangely familiar figure walked out of the smoke dust and debris, dusting his strangely familiar green themed Shihakushou and white and green striped bucket hat, "Well, that was an explosive ending. Redirecting that stream of Holy Power back into the world was a lot harder than I thought."

Immediately after, a dusty, twintailed beautiful woman followed him out, "Must be because of the attraction to Claire-chan's Holy Power system. Do you think Heaven noticed this?"

"I'm not sure but I'll try to find... that... out..." Kisuke slowly turned towards Serafall but midway through it, his head slowly halted when a certain person came into his view and his voice trailed off, "Shit... I forgot about her."

Not even a second after that, Kisuke received a telepathic message from both Ophis and Lilith, [[Kisuke, someone from school saw us.]] Kisuke appreciated the heads up, but it was a little bit too late.

Serafall also turned to the direction he was looking and saw a very shocked Shinigami staring at Kisuke, "Oops... Wait, why is she here?"

Kisuke scratched his head, "I brought her in to be treated since you trapped the Kurosakis within that field. I forgot about her until now." He then slowly walked back into the room before saying, "I'm sorry but I'll have to leave her in your care for now. My current priority is to make sure that Claire won't explode like that again."

Serafall followed him with her eyes and saw him pick up several storage devices, "The earlier it's resolved, the better, right? Thank you for the hard work."

"Thank you for the hard work too." Kisuke replied and turned to the sleeping Tanis, Kunou, and Claire, "I guess we have to ask the school for a week off for them."

"I'll take care of it."

"Thanks." Kisuke then left the room and went straight to his laboratory.

Serafall sighed and smiled wryly, 'Can't take a break, huh?'

She then turned to the sleeping girls and teleported them to their rooms after cleaning their bodies. Serafall also wanted to restore the room but decided against it because Kisuke might need some information from the room itself.

And after making sure that everything was taken care of, Serafall finally turned her attention to the most troublesome thing. Soifon was still making the shock-stunned expression she'd made earlier so she didn't immediately fly to her side and instead went back to the destroyed room and took the hallway, 'Now then... How should I deal with her? If I remember correctly, she's Yoru-chan's trusted subordinate and a big fan of her according to Ki-tan.'

She considered lying but threw that idea away immediately, 'We have the upper hand and she can't leave this place without our permission. If done right, we could have her help the Captain Commander maneuver inside the Seireitei.'

Although Shunsui Kyouraku was helping them, there wasn't really much he could do with just him with the eyes of the Central 46 mostly on him.

'But can we really convert someone who's very loyal to the Seireitei?' Serafall thought to herself, 'But if we bind her using a curse or contract, the most we could expect is her silence and non-involvement. That's too much of a waste. She already knows Ki-tan's existence so it'll be very detrimental if she suddenly finds a loophole.'

Serafall concluded that she didn't know enough about the person called Soifon to establish any negotiation table, 'I guess I'll have to keep her in here for now until Ki-tan is finally done with his work.'

Serafall reached the door to the dining room and opened it, "Soifon-chan, isn't it? It's our first time meeting in person. Nice to meet you, I'm Sitri Serafall, you can call me Sera-chan~!"

Soifon was still looking at the destroyed room and when she heard Serafall introduce herself, she slowly turned to her and asked, "W-was that Urahara Kisuke!?"

Serafall calmly walked towards the table and patted Ophis and Lilith's heads who were looking guilty and thinking that it was their fault that Kisuke was discovered, "Yes. And to make things clear, he didn't come from Hell and is very much alive. The same could be said with Yoru-chan... er... Yoruichi-chan, but she's not here right now."

Soifon's eyes widened further and she almost tripped while approaching Serafall, "P-please! Please tell me everything you know! And where's Urahara Kisuke!? I want to talk to him right now!"

"Slow down, girl. I obviously can't tell you everything and you probably heard our conversation earlier. Ki-tan is a bit busy right now so you'll have to settle with me for company. For now, why don't we sit and calm down?"


28th00: Yeah, this is a very important event for Soifon. Yoruichi is alive, which is massive to her.


Volume 17: Chapter 1155 2nd Division Captain | Patreon

After two days of research, Kisuke finally figured out what happened to Claire, or at least, a part of it.

It all had something to do with 'Faith' and Claire's connection to Heaven in the previous world.

In this world, the God of the Bible, Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils don't exist. Even then, there's an existing faith.

Outside of unique abilities, one of the most powerful and mysterious moving forces is the congregated will of countless people that could even create a being that would later split up into the God of the Bible and the original Devil.

But for this congregated will to come to fruition, it needed substance.

Ki follows only the will of one. Magic Power is almost nonexistent in the plane. Lastly, Spiritual Power is solely managed by the Soul Society and any abnormalities in it are immediately corrected. Because of all of these factors, this 'Faith' couldn't be realized and remained trapped in this world with nowhere to go.

However, Claire amassing a vast amount of Holy Power on her own, triggered the homeless 'Faith' and it all cascaded into her as if finally finding their origin and their rightful place.

'Thankfully, it didn't create another being like the God of the Bible, but in exchange for that, Claire's physiology underwent a massive change to accommodate this 'Faith' that's now automatically converted into Holy Power, allowing her to grow Angel Wings and a Halo in accordance to the origin of Claire's Holy Power.'

Naturally, her Devil side wouldn't allow that change and fiercely fought back and that started the massive conflict inside her body that almost took away her life.

Thanks to the Reversal technique that Kisuke and Serafall learned from Grigori, they were able to balance things out since both of them felt it would be disastrous if either side won that contest.

As Claire managed to find a way to balance and stop these two sides from clashing head-on, Kisuke and Serafall immediately moved to stabilize Claire's condition, or more specifically, keep her alive as her whole body changed because of this 'Faith'.

Kisuke and Serafall didn't want to take chances so they asked Kunou and Tanis to help out which turned out to be a very great idea as the former was able to expel the excess Holy Power and the latter with her great healing prowess.

And after three days of nonstop care, Claire's transformation finished and the confirmation that the 'Faith' exploded its last brilliance of Holy Power before returning to nature and calming down.

'As expected... this 'Faith' became temporarily connected to the previous world, creating a pathway between the worlds. Although it's too small for it to be of any use right now, the only thing that could go through is this 'Faith' and nothing else. I wonder how they are taking it on that side?' Kisuke thought to himself while doing the final check on the ring that could restrict the sudden and unbalanced growth of both her Demonic Power and Holy Power.

Although the transformation was finished, Kisuke guessed that it's still just in its initial stages and Claire would have to get used to it if she wanted to grow normally, 'Whether that's a stunted growth or an accelerated one, I still don't have any idea. In any case, a half Angel and half Devil should provide more insights into the inner workings of these opposing but interchangeable attributes.'

Kisuke wondered if Demonic Power and Holy Power were at both ends of the spectrum, is it possible for something completely in the middle of it to exist on its own?

Kisuke sighed and kept the ring inside his Shihakushou, 'Now that all of that is out of the way, I have to deal with this troublesome situation.' He thought about how he should face an old friend who saw him as an enemy or a rival most of the time.

'There's no point in delaying the inevitable.'

Exiting his laboratory, Kisuke did a quick scan of the surroundings and found that everyone, except for Flanna, who was nowhere to be found, was in the living room, including their guest, 'How long have I been in my lab again? Two days? So Soifon-san should have fully expelled the miasma and recovered a considerable amount of her strength.'

Kisuke prepared to be attacked as he made his way to the living room.

But upon arrival, instead of the usual hostility, Kisuke could only feel awkwardness from Soifon which threw him off a bit, '...What the hell?'

Though before he could greet anyone, Claire came running and tackle hugged him, "Nii-chan!"

Seeing that, Kisuke's expression immediately softened and patted her head, "Don't push yourself too much. How are you?"

Claire rubbed her face on his chest and he could see some tears forming in the corner of her eyes, "I'm alright. Nii-chan... I'm sorry."

Kisuke was quite confused about why she was making a sad expression but finally understood that it was from guilt, "What are you talking about? None of that was your fault. In fact, it's me who should be sorry because I put you in that situation." Kisuke replied as he continued patting her head.

"No!" Claire looked up to him with her tears threatening to fall down, "It was I who became too reckless! It's not Nii-chan's fault!"

Kisuke chuckled and patted her head while also covering her eyes before looking towards Serafall, Tanis, and Kunou who shrugged their shoulders in confusion. 'So they also don't have any idea why she's acting like this. Must be some aftereffect of that transformation. I'll need to do another full checkup on her.'

Kisuke took his time to console the very sensitive Claire and was only able to walk forward when she went behind and climbed him like a koala refusing to leave its tree.

Kisuke ignored them and let Claire do whatever she wanted for now. And finally, he was able to greet Soifon, "It has been a while, Soifon-san. It's great to see you're doing alright."

However, Soifon wasn't able to reply and only looked at him strangely.

"Ah? Are you worried about my cousin? She's just a bit on the edge today but she should be alright."

Instead of returning the greeting, Soifon asked, "...Are you really the same Urahara Kisuke that I know?"

Since Kisuke couldn't sit down on the couch because that would squeeze Claire who was attached behind him, Kisuke took a stool out of his inventory and sat on it, "Am I really that different?"

"You feel like a completely different person to me."

Kisuke chuckled again, "And since you haven't started attacking me, you also feel quite a bit different from my memories. Are you really that hot-headed Soifon-san?"


28th00: Soifon really did mellow out later on, didn't she? Claire has become a Koala too.


Chapter 1156 2nd Division Captain part 2

The moment she saw Kisuke walking out of the destroyed room, Soifon felt like she was hit by a hammer on her head and time momentarily froze for her. And even after Kisuke disappeared from her view, she continued to stare at a blank space until the door to the dining room from the hallway opened, "Soifon-chan, isn't it? It's our first time meeting in person. Nice to meet you, I'm Sitri Serafall, you can call me Sera-chan~!"

Soifon broke her magnetic gaze from the destroyed room and slowly turned her head to Serafall. Although she heard her speak, she didn't really understand what she just said and just asked, "W-was that Urahara Kisuke!?"

Serafall calmly walked towards the table and patted Ophis and Lilith's heads who were looking guilty and thinking that it was their fault that Kisuke was discovered, "Yes. And to make things clear, he didn't come from Hell and is very much alive. The same could be said with Yoru-chan... er... Yoruichi-chan, but she's not here right now."

Soifon immediately forgot the state of her body and almost tripped when she tried to run over. Only with her body's instinct that she was able to regain her balance, "P-please! Please tell me everything you know! And where's Urahara Kisuke!? I need to talk to him right now!" Her voice cracked but she certainly wasn't even able to notice it, much less, her current demeanor right now.

Serafall smiled wryly, "Slow down, girl. I obviously can't tell you everything and you probably heard our conversation earlier. Ki-tan is a bit busy right now so you'll have to settle with my company. For now, why don't we sit and calm down?"




A few hours later, Soifon had finally managed to calm down, or more like, she lost the little bit of energy she recovered and had no choice but to lay back down.

Serafall changed the wet towel on Soifon's head, "Are you feeling alright now? You shouldn't push yourself but it's a good sign that you have a fever. It means that your body has enough energy to fight back. Remember, you were essentially brought back to life after being hit by that miasma."

"...Thank you..." Soifon muttered with a soft voice.

While Serafall was silently cleaning the room, Soifon asked, "...Who are you?"

But instead of answering, Serafall replied with a question of her own, "Can't contain your curiosity?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I will be able to rest properly like this."

Serafall chuckled, "Yoru-chan did tell me that you wouldn't be able to let go of it once you got curious about something."

Soifon's heart jumped but this time, she managed to keep her calm, "Yoru-chan... Do you mean Yoruichi-sama?"

"Indeed. I heard that you were her precious aide in her younger days.", Serafall finished disinfecting the room and sat on Soifon's bedside, 'Though I didn't really understand her stories when she told me about it. No wonder her tales don't match the number of years she's alive.'

While they were exploring the entirety of the [Dungeon World], Yoruichi would sometimes recite stories of her younger years when she got drunk. Although she couldn't understand it fully because both Kisuke and Yoruichi hadn't made it clear that they were from another world, they were fun stories to listen to, and a number of those stories were about the individual named Soifon, Yoruichi's close aide and has an antagonistic relationship with Kisuke.

While Soifon is very curious about what sort of stories she hears about her, she's more obsessed with another thing, "...Where is Yoruichi-sama?"

"I think you wanted to know more if she's doing okay, and yes, she's doing fine and living a good life. But if you really wanted to know where exactly she is, that's going to be tough since it's not a place where we can currently reach nor connect."

"...", Soifon stayed silent for a few moments before replying while closing her eyes, "I see... Thank you."

After that, Soifon went back to sleep and Serafall exited the room quietly while also secretly adding Alarm Magic through the entire room so that she could immediately react if she ever exited the room.

For the next two days, Serafall was surprised that Soifon didn't ask anything and just passively observed everyone. And when she recovered half of her strength, she even started helping out with the chores. While it's obvious for Serafall what she's trying to do, she didn't do anything to stop it and even allowed her to snoop around the mansion and outside of it unattended. Serafall thought that this would allow Soifon to trust them a bit easier.

And then it was the time she came to meet Kisuke face to face.

Soifon wanted to talk to him immediately, but she saw the teenage girl called Claire come running to Kisuke so she stayed seated and continued to observe what was happening. But by doing so, Soifon started looking at the familiar face with strangeness, '...For as long as I've remembered, he's never been this affectionate...'

Hence, her first question to him, who had a young girl clinging to his back is, "...Are you really the same Urahara Kisuke that I know?"

"Am I really that different?"

Soifon swallowed a mouthful of saliva and answered, "You feel like a completely different person to me."

Kisuke, on the other hand, just chuckled, "And since you haven't started attacking me, you also feel quite a bit different from my memories. Are you really that hot-headed Soifon-san?"

'At least he still has the same annoying face. What should I do? It's been a while so I have a really strong urge to punch that face.', Soifon thought to herself.

But before they could continue, Serafall interrupted them, "Before you start going deep into your conversation, Ki-tan, let me borrow a bit of your time."

Kisuke turned to her and his serious expression appeared, "An urgent matter?"

Serafall thought about it for a moment before saying, "Not really, but we also can't leave it alone."

She then started telling Kisuke what transpired in the Human World, more specifically, the Vatican City.

"It's still a mess out there and panic among the people is not subsiding. The number of people trying to convert is also increasing which is normally a happy occasion for the said faction but in this case, might be a bad occurrence if not properly controlled and guided. Worst case scenario, Holy Power will once again erupt and no matter how 'good' aligned that power is, it still could cause a massive destruction that could wipe countries off the map."

Kisuke stayed silent for a few seconds while rubbing his chin, "Did the amount of pseudo-Demonic Power in the Human World increase?"

Serafall nodded, "It's as you've guessed. I don't have any measuring instrument but it increased 10 fold and in some places, 50-100 times. Although it isn't much due to the initial amount, I surmised that every time the door to Hell opens, the quasi-system that the Holy Power created to maintain itself will keep pulling that pseudo-Demonic Power. Thankfully, all that power is being neutralized and being converted into the more common Magic Power. I'm not sure how that happened but that's the result of the clash."

'Neutralized? In that case, it might really be true that Holy Power could kill the [Chained]. But it's dangerous for that amount of power to circulate without proper goal or centralization so instead of leaving it alone, it's better to teach some people to harness this power to put it under control.'

After some more contemplation from Kisuke's side, he asked, "Sera-chan, you know more about this than me so you don't really need my permission to take action."

Serafall crossed her arms and grinned at him, "What are you talking about? You're obviously the leader of this expedition. Regardless of my knowledge, I still would like your final word."

Kisuke sighed, "Still, you're being too careful. So when needed, I'd like you to take action on your own discretion."

"I think I'm doing a good job in balancing that~!"

"Is that so?" Kisuke surrendered, "Then please make contact with the Pope and while you're at it, bring Flanna with you. If I recall correctly, Vatican City is under the Wing Bind's influence."

Serafall stood straight up and playfully saluted, "Understood~! I'll be on my way!"

With that, a Magic Circle appeared beneath Serafall's feet, but it wasn't just her. Under Claire, Kunou, and Tanis is a similar Magic Circle, "I'll also bring them with me. I think they need a breather."

Kisuke nodded and waved goodbye to the girls.

But before they completely disappeared, Kisuke and Serafall were shocked that Soifon suddenly spoke, "The current Pope answers to the current leader of the Gallows, Wolfgang Slashhaut."

The surprised Serafall immediately returned to her usual expression and said, "Thank you~!" Before disappearing, leaving behind just Kisuke and Soifon.


28th00: It's time to talk! Soifon has been waiting patiently for days. To be fair, she's used to emergency situations like this where you have to put off everything to prevent the situation from collapsing entirely.



Chapter 1157 Sitting Down Together | Patreon

AN: Thank you for waiting~!

And thank you very much for your continuous support!

I really appreciate it.


Now that Claire had been teleported away, Kisuke was now free to move. But instead of asking Soifon why she provided them with a piece of valuable information, he first stood up and went to the counter in the corner of the living room to prepare some drinks, "Were you able to get all of Baraggan's miasma out of you?"

At Kisuke's question, Soifon clenched her fists tight as she recalled the battle she had with Baraggan and remembered the strange man who saved her and her comrades, "Was that you?"

"It was my disguise, yes." Kisuke promptly answered while pouring the tea into the cups. He can also hear the frustration in her voice and continued, "Due to several reasons, I can't reveal myself right now. I made a mistake and allowed you to see me, though."

"Is that so?" Soifon muttered before becoming silent.

She then saw a cup of tea placed in front of her, "What's this? You're being awfully meek."

Soifon grabbed the cup and smelled the aroma whiffing out of it. After almost half a minute of staring at it, she took a small sip before saying, "I... I just hate myself."

Kisuke didn't say anything as he watched Soifon continue staring at her cup.

"The first time I faced Baraggan, I lost and needed help. Even if anyone didn't say anything, I know that it was you who sent former Vice-Kidou Chief Ushouda to my side. Twelve years ago, I lost my Bankai and it was you who helped me to regain it, saving my life."

Kisuke could see that her hands were slightly shaking.

"And now, You saved me from certain death."

Kisuke took a sip of his tea before saying with a sigh, "I didn't really think you hated me that much." He thought for sure that even though Soifon didn't like him, they still could get along.

"No!" Soifon shouted.

Kisuke was so startled that he almost let go of his cup, "Err... What?"

"No..." Soifon continued, "I mean, yes, you are annoying and I really don't like you and how close you are to Yoruichi-sama. But the one who I hate is not you… It's myself. I hate myself."

A wry smile emerged on Soifon's face, "I hate my weak self who can't seem to win important battles... And I obviously owe my life to you multiple times, yet here I am, unable to mutter even a simple 'thank you' thanks to my silly pride."

"...Really, I hate myself the most."

Without saying a word, Kisuke suddenly snatched the cup of tea from Soifon's hands without spilling it and tossed both hers and his cup away. The cups disappeared in mid-air with Magic Circle's catching them. Another Magic Circle appeared in front of Kisuke and stuck his arm into it, pulling a bottle of liquor and two glasses from it.

"It's a long-awaited reunion, so tea shouldn't be what we're drinking," Kisuke said while softly chuckling and pouring the cup glass he placed in front of Soifon before filling the one in front of him.

He then picked up his glass and raised it, "Cheers!"

Soifon was dumbfounded at the sudden change of mood but immediately thought, 'Ah... This is so him.' Her wry smile disappeared, replaced by a more light one.

Although Soifon is quite tempted to leave him hanging there, she knows that it wasn't the right time for that and picked up her glass and touched it with Kisuke's, "Cheers."




The two of them spent more than an hour drinking while talking about random things while silently agreeing not to talk about the awkward and heavy atmosphere from earlier.

While Soifon was talking and complaining about her day-to-day life as the Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidou and Captain of the 2nd Division, Kisuke talks about what he and Yoruichi were up to while maintaining the vagueness of the stories. Nevertheless, it made the former quite jealous, and started complaining about it.

Soifon saw that Kisuke was already a bit flushed and laughed at his face, "What's this? I didn't know you were this weak to alcohol."

However, Kisuke only chuckled and poured another glass for himself, "It's the point of drinking, isn't it?"

Even though Soifon only rarely drank, she could hold her liquor pretty well thanks to her extensive mastery over Hakuda to the point that she could even out-drink the current Captain Commander. But thanks to this confidence that she wouldn't get drunk, she failed to notice that her mind was already clouded by Kisuke's special liquor that he made specifically for him and others on his level to enjoy and get actually drunk off of.

In Kisuke's eyes, Soifon's face wasn't just flushed, but her movements were also already languid.

"I really hate that confidence of yours." Soifon brought forward her glass and Kisuke poured another one for her. She looked down on it for a few seconds before downing it straight, 'This is the best I've ever had... I should ask where he bought this later.'

Soifon let out a long sigh before muttering with glazed eyes, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Kisuke replied while filling another glass for himself. Whether it's for pouring drinks for her or saving her life on multiple occasions, he didn't need any clarification as he only did what he felt like doing.

Soifon gestured for another glass and as her glass was being filled, she continued saying, "If there's anything I can do for you, tell me."

"I never thought I'd hear that from someone who used to say that good or evil holds no interest for her and that she only cared about her duty and the pride in being a Captain of Gotei 13."

Soifon flashed him a grin and continued for him, "All who prevent me from doing my duty are my enemies. Enemies to be slain. That is all."

"That's why I'm surprised and don't understand. From your perspective, we're the ones trying to undermine the Seireitei's authority. It's already a big deal that you don't see us as enemies, but you're even willing to assist me and make that offer?"

Soifon asked for another glass, "Just like how I don't know how much you've changed these past few years, you also don't know how much I did."

"...It looks like you've seen a few things."

Soifon didn't immediately reply and instead asked for another glass before saying, "Enough about that. Tell me more about Yoruichi-sama!"

An hour later, Kisuke found himself drinking alone while his drinking partner was already sleeping with her head on the table, still muttering some nonsense about Yoruichi and why she left her behind.

"She still can't let go of that, huh?" Kisuke muttered to himself.

Kisuke then stood up and stretched his body for a few moments before taking out a camera.

And with a nasty grin, Kisuke stared at Soifon's sloven face and drool coming out of her mouth, "Tsk, tsk. You really are just asking me to immortalize this moment."

There's a solid reason why Soifon hates Kisuke.



28th00: Truly, Soifon got bullied for a solid century or so by Kisuke, but only in the most petty of ways! I mean, all 3 of them are technically childhood friends, even by Soul standards.


Chapter 1158 Sitting Down Together part 2 | Patreon

As soon as Soifon regained consciousness and felt the unfamiliar softness of a bed that was quite different from the one she usually used, she hurriedly opened her eyes and sat up, throwing the blanket off of her, 'Where am I!?'

She didn't have to think that hard before all her memories of the previous day returned to her and she immediately grabbed the blanket back to cover her blushing face, "Why did I do something like that!!? To his face, no less!!!"

She now realized that she got incredibly drunk and started fangirling about Yoruichi, 'He didn't record that, did he?' She didn't even want to imagine how she got to her bed when she was drinking with Kisuke in the living room.

As soon as she asked herself that, however, she also answered it for herself, 'No. He obviously did! No way he'll let go of that chance to blackmail me!'

Soifon grimaced in regret and turned multiple times on her bed. But after getting tired of doing that, she received enlightenment, "I can't give him anymore. Ignore him and don't display further weakness. That guy thrives on others misfortune so I should be careful on how I should react."

Soifon calmed herself down and got out of her bed. Before she exited her room, she tidied it up a bit and stretched her limbs, 'Amazing... I have mostly recovered even without extensive care. Does it have something to do with this place or that medicine he gave me?'

She then turned to the direction where two familiar Reiatsu were emanating, 'Now the question is how to leave this place. I doubt he'll allow me to go, will he?'




It was already early in the morning and it was just before Ophis and Lilith's classes so they were having breakfast with Kisuke. Unlike Claire, Kunou, and Tanis, they didn't have the freedom to easily skip class and join their impromptu vacation. After all, the Spiritual Arts Academy was still technically a military school and it's already a privilege for them to leave the Academy grounds when classes were over.

When they felt Soifon arrive at the door to the dining room, both of them looked at Kisuke with concerned expressions.

Guessing their fears of being separated from the friends they'd made in their school life experience, Kisuke chuckled and reassured, "It's fine. I won't allow her to leave this place if I can't be sure that she won't mess with the two of you."

Without her knocking, Soifon opened the door while glaring at Kisuke, "Those are some disturbing words, Urahara Kisuke."

Kisuke didn't even turn his head to her and instead wiped the food off Lilith's cheek, "I won't deny that, but it's also the truth."

Ophis and Lilith finally got the relief they wanted and the former declared, "We shall go."

Kisuke nodded at them with a gentle smile and said, "Enjoy your time."

Ophis and Lilith gave Soifon a quick glance before a burst of black Reiatsu covered both of them and they disappeared like a bubble popping.

Kisuke started cleaning up the plates and utensils from the table while asking, "We've got eggs and toast. Are you fine with them?"

Soifon wanted to inconvenience Kisuke as much as possible so she said while walking to the dining table, "Japanese-style breakfast."

Kisuke didn't miss a beat and snapped his fingers. On the clean table, a Magic Circle appeared and soon it was filled with food that you'll typically find in a high-class ryokan like steaming white rice, miso soup, grilled fish, sashimi, tempura, pickles, and such.

The corner of Soifon's lips uncontrollably twitched at this unbelievable sight and asked, "...Just how are you doing this?" Since she couldn't eat dinner yesterday, her stomach was quite empty and if not for Kisuke's presence she would've already dived into this very appetizing breakfast.

Kisuke also gave himself a portion so he sat down and invited her to sit down, "The place Yoruichi and I ended up with had some fascinating things and this is one of them."

Soifon first analyzed the situation and the information she had right now, before sighing and sitting down to join him, "I guess you don't need those girls to spy for you."

If she were to guess it correctly, the girls who just disappeared directly arrived in Seireitei, 'And it looks like it's not their first time doing it. However, even before they enrolled, there were no reports of the Seireiheki being breached nor any unusual reports from the Visual Department.'

Soifon's eyes then landed on Kisuke, 'If he can do something similar, then his trinkets must have already littered the entire Seireitei and there's no need for other people to do it for him.'

As soon as she arrived at that train of thought, she scowled at Kisuke and said, "You disgusting spying piece of shit."

But Kisuke only chuckled and continued enjoying his breakfast, "Don't worry. I didn't put any in women's private quarters. The Shinigami Women's Association is the last enemy I want to make."

Soifon continued to eye Kisuke with suspicion but she also started eating her food, "Then what are Ophis and Lilith's goals in joining the Academy? Controlling a portion of the Gotei 13?"

"That sounds interesting, but also incredibly troublesome so I'd like to pass." Kisuke's demeanor suddenly changed which caught Soifon off guard. While staring at her, he added, "And while I do take advantage of them from time to time, I promised to never control them and use them like that. I just want them to have some semblance of a normal life."

Soifon was stunned for a moment before clearing her throat, "Ehem... I see. I understand."

It was Kisuke's turn to be surprised by that reaction, "You actually believe me?"

"Yoruichi-sama always bragged about you keeping your promises unless something unbelievable turns up. I can always trust her words."

'But you didn't trust her at all when she recommended me to become the Captain of the 12th Division. Not to mention, you stopped listening to her when she betrayed the Seireitei." Kisuke thought to himself.

"By the way, are you not going to ask me how to leave this place?" Kisuke changed the topic.

Soifon continued enjoying her breakfast and said, "I've thought about it, but I decided to stay here. So if you decide to kick me out, don't bother. I won't leave."

Kisuke's jaw hung open.

"Think about it. Where is the best place to learn about this 'Magic' that the people of Hell seem to utilize? And what do you think will happen when I don't return? The Seireitei will move to pressure you and your group for my return. And if Kurotsuchi Mayuri realized that I'm not anywhere in the Human World, it'll be interesting enough for him to try and sniff this place out."

Kisuke smiled wryly and drank his tea, "And all of this for?"

"Obviously, to annoy you."

"Fair enough. Then after we finish our breakfast, follow me and I'll teach you about this 'Magic'."

"What? Aren't you being awfully obedient?"

Kisuke flashed a nasty grin at her and said, "Let's see how much of your pride you can swallow when this lowly and annoying one starts tutoring the esteemed Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidou and Captain of the 2nd Division."

Soifon could already imagine Kisuke's image looking down on her while trying to teach something 'obvious' and couldn't help but return a threatening smile and accidentally snap her chopsticks, "You bastard. I'll make sure that you serve me well. Kukuku..."

"Oh please do look forward to it. It's about time you realize how Yoruichi and I are on a different level than you. Kukuku..."

Flanna who briefly returned to have some breakfast was peeking through the window, "They sure do get along well. Though I'd really appreciate it if they don't display their blood lust over food."



28th00: They really do come off as vitriolic best friends, huh? Soifon has had about 12 years to chill out and come to terms with the nonstop wars and terrible situations of the canon timeline by now, and very much missed Yoruichi and Kisuke, even if she'll deny the latter. At the very least, she's incredibly aware and knowledgeable about both of them so she can absolutely trust him in serious matters like this. After all, if nothing else, he's hypercompetent about these specific sorta situations. Flanna thinks they're just best friends from before Kisuke reincarnated though. To a dragon, the bloodlust may as well be warm happy thoughts.

Goyya: Soifon's only gripe was that she was left behind when Yoruichi and Kisuke escaped the Soul Society. She has been her trusted aide yet she was 'tossed behind', making her think that she was useless and untrustworthy to them. Of course, this was already resolved after the Aizen war but Soifon never really admitted it due to her pride.


Chapter 1159 Monster | Patreon

As soon as they finished breakfast, they immediately went into business and Kisuke led Soifon to the examination room.

"Where are we?" Soifon asked after looking around and only recognizing a few of the pieces of equipment within the room.

"The examination room. Although both of us could see that nothing is wrong with you, it doesn't hurt to make sure that everything is alright." Kisuke replied while turning on the equipment he'd need.

After preparing everything, Kisuke pointed towards a small circular platform and said, "Please stand on that. I'll be doing a body scan."

Soifon walked towards the platform with curiosity and asked, "Do I not need to change out of my Shihakushou?"

"No. The Shihakushou can block Spiritual Power, but not Ki which is what I'll be using."

"Ki... Another familiar yet unfamiliar term. Is that Magic?" While Soifon was asking, multiple thin poles emerged from the edge of the platform, trapping her inside. Soifon wasn't panicked nor scared and just looked with interest as these poles ejected beams of harmless green light and went through her entire body, leaving behind only a warm feeling.

"It's not." Kisuke replied while watching the stream of data come up to his terminal, "It's something different from Spiritual Power and Magic Power. It's also something everyone who's alive possesses."

Soifon turned her head to Kisuke, "Alive... Am I included in that category?"

"Of course. Having a Spiritual body to house the soul is also the definition of being alive."

"Even those in Hell?"

Kisuke nodded, "They have something akin to a Magic body, but it's still something that could house a soul. In other words, they are unmistakably alive."

Soifon's curiosity was further piqued, but she didn't have the time to ask since Kisuke continued, "There is still a small amount of miasma lingering around. It seems that it went dormant to protect itself. Let's move to the Treatment room."

The poles retracted so Soifon stepped out, "Why do you have so many of these rooms?"

"They are separated based on their use and what type of energy they are going to deal with since a mix of two or more types could prove dangerous if not handled well. Well, just think of it as a safety feature that I implemented after numerous failures."

Soifon then followed Kisuke to his Treatment room and was able to eradicate all of Baraggan's miasma.

"Amazing, you followed through without a single complaint or suspicion," Kisuke commented while watching Soifon get up from the bed.

"It's hardly amazing. I realized that if you want to inject something in me, you would have done that the first time I came here and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it."

"Well then, shall we move to the next part?"

"Before that. Do you mind if we do something else first?"

"Hmmm? What is it?"

"Spar with me."

Kisuke turned his head and stared at her eyes full of seriousness for a little bit before asking, "Why?"

"Do you really need to ask?"

Kisuke shrugged his shoulders and turned around, "Let's go to the training ground."




"You even recreated this..." Soifon looked around the desolate and rocky field.

"Oh. You entered one of the training grounds?"

"To search for all the things Yoruichi-sama left behind, I forced Tsukabishi Tessai to let me in." Soifon then faced Kisuke and released the entirety of her Reiatsu, creating a space where normal Spiritual bodies wouldn't be able to survive, "But enough of that. Let's start."

"You actually substantially increased the amount of Reiatsu you have. It must not have been easy." Kisuke commented and released his Reiatsu-Ki which felt weird from Soifon's perspective.

However, something else caught Soifon's attention more, "Where's your Zanpakuto?"

"Currently running around, doing some errands I asked. But don't worry, I won't be holding back."

Soifon doesn't know what he meant by that but it doesn't really matter. If he's not going to pull out his Zanpakuto, she won't use her own too. Immediately after, Soifon's Reiatsu started swirling around her like a tornado, "Mukyuu Shunkou (Infinite Shunkou)!"

Before she could form the wings out of her Reiatsu, she disappeared on her spot and reappeared behind Kisuke.

"Danku (Splitting Void)," Kisuke muttered softly and a transparent rectangular barrier instantly appeared between him and Soifon.

But Soifon didn't mind this as her raging and swirling Reiatsu wrapped around her arm she instantly punched through the barrier without much effort.

Kisuke's eyes widened in surprise. He wanted to use Flash Step but he knew that he was slower than her so he'll only give her an opening. As an alternative, Kisuke leaned his body to the right to dodge the strike.

Soifon, on the other hand, just grinned at his response and the Reiatsu covering her arm to create a lethal sword suddenly expanded and exploded into countless sharp blades.

"Kuh..." Kisuke crossed his arms to protect his head and jumped back. Even then, Kisuke could feel the multiple lacerations that went through his defenses, 'This is even sharper than Kuchiki-san's blades.'

Of course, Kisuke knew that Soifon won't let him recover but he already guessed her next move and twisted his body to turn around, 'Well, if I'm wrong, the worst I could get is a hole in my stomach.'

Though just as he expected, Soifon reappeared where he expected her to and already threw out the same punch that bore a hole through a strong barrier.

Soifon smiled and thought that she finally got him. Although she was surprised that he received way fewer cuts than she thought and he even predicted what she'd do, Soifon already trapped Kisuke into directly receiving one of her attacks... Or so she thought.

Soifon was correct that Kisuke had no choice but to receive the attack but the latter suddenly flashed a grin and stretched out his right hand to catch her fist.

She didn't know what he's trying to achieve by essentially touching the blades of a meat grinder spinning at full force but it was an invitation she wouldn't refuse and further increased the intensity of her Shunkou, 'Knowing him, he should have the technology to restore a lost arm.'

Kisuke caught Soifon's fist and the latter's Reiatsu immediately went crazy and started mincing Kisuke's arm.

But contrary to her expectations, even though his arm was being cut up, it remained intact, "What?" Soifon audibly muttered.

Kisuke's grin didn't disappear as he grabbed her fist before using her own momentum to swing her up and down, smashing her into the ground.

Soifon tried softening her landing but the brute force behind Kisuke's swing was way stronger than she initially predicted, "Kuhaaaa!!!" She coughed out all the air in her lungs and momentarily wasn't able to breathe.

Naturally, that didn't stop her from thinking, and she immediately gathered her wind in front of her to block any further attacks. But to her surprise yet again, she felt him letting go of her hand and his presence moving away.

Soifon regained her breathing and figured that she must have a cracked rib or two. However, she didn't care about that and glared at Kisuke as she got up from the small crater that her body created from being smashed into the ground, "You bastard! You said you won't be holding back! Stop looking down on me!"

"Ah, don't worry. I intended to keep my word." Immediately after, blood-red Reiatsu-Ki erupted from Kisuke as he muttered, "Shunkou: Blood Gate."

"Shunkou!? When did you..."

Kisuke, however, ignored her reaction and continued, "Just this would still constitute as me holding back so I'm going to be turning up the heat even more. 3rd Gate: Bargaining."

The previous room that was filled with Soifon's Reiatsu immediately changed as it was replaced by Kisuke's bloody aura, so heavy that it even temporarily paralyzed a Captain like Soifon.

She became nervous at the power he was suddenly displaying and couldn't look away from the blood-red gauntlets, boots, and hagoromo that suddenly appeared.

But it wasn't until Kisuke's skin started turning white and horns began sprouting from his head that Soifon became terrified, "W-what?"

In Soifon's question, Kisuke only responded with a horrifying smile and equally petrifying cold words, "Do your best to stay alive, okay?"



28th00: Soifon regrets this decision greatly. Well, she'll probably get told by Kisuke that he's some sorta chimeric abomination now instead of just a human or shinigami. The hollow stuff wasn't even on purpose… was it? It's been a few years so I forgot. Soifon is probably around double her original strength(not even including skills) by series end, but Kisuke is so far outta context that it's just not fair. He's around Aizen, Yhwach and Yamamoto's weight class now and aiming for the Soul King level at a minimum.

Goyya: The hollowfication is on purpose. What's not on purpose is the fusion of the Spiritual and Physical bodies, leaving his soul stuck in his body. If his body dies, his soul dies too.


Chapter 1160 Monster part 2 | Patreon

Soifon slowly opened her eyes, but before she could open them fully, she felt her entire body scream in pain, "Ugghhh... Haa... Haa... What happened?" She can't remember what happened nor why her body is in so much pain right now.

"You're finally awake. Good morning."

Soifon heard an incredibly annoying voice which made her head hurt more. She tried to sit up but her body wouldn't follow her instruction as she wanted.

"Stay down. I've healed you until there won't be any future repercussions or scars, but not enough to allow you to move around. Since there's nothing urgent, it's better for you to recover naturally as much as possible."

She turned her head to the side and saw Kisuke's face looking at her. It was then that her memories of yesterday came rushing in.




"H-Hollowfication!? And on top of an Advanced Shunkou!?" Soifon shouted. However, the most concerning thing she saw is that his Hollowfication didn't have any mask which puts him either in Ichigo Kurosaki's or Aizen Sosuke's category. In Ichigo's case, he received the Soul Palace and Ichibei's help to achieve the state that's above 'Shinigami' but it is obvious that Kisuke wouldn't be able to receive that kind of treatment even if he requested it. In that case, she asked, "D-did you follow Sosuke Aizen's path?"

"It's similar, but not quite the same." The oppressive aura around Kisuke has started calming down but Soifon knew well enough to not think that he's letting up. With all her might, Soifon gathered as much Reiatsu of her Shunkou as she could in front of her to create a sturdy barrier.

"But that's not important." Kisuke continued, "As I've told you, do your best to stay alive."

'That's what I'm trying to do!' Soifon internally screamed as she pushed her Spiritual Channels to their limits and gritted her teeth.

Kisuke slowly took a step forward but on his next step, he quietly disappeared and reappeared in front of Soifon's barrier, throwing out a fist wearing a blood-red gauntlet.

As soon as his fist touched the barrier, a massive shockwave that leveled and cut down the surrounding rocks and boulders exploded out, creating a thick dust cloud.

But faster than the dust cloud could spread, Soifon was ejected out like an uncontrollable rocket, "Kuhhh!" Soifon continued gritting her teeth and did her best to recover her rattled Reiatsu. Thankfully, she wasn't injured and her Shunkou was not completely eradicated so she's still able to fight back.

However, she didn't have the time to celebrate and felt a massive amount of Reiatsu being gathered in a familiar manner, 'Cero!' Soifon instead guessed and revived her dying wind while also shaping them into a thin blade.

A beam of blood-red light exited the dust cloud and went straight towards Soifon.

In response, Soifon waited for the right timing before swinging down the blade made out of her wind, cutting the incoming beam in half. But even after successfully defending herself, Soifon didn't stop her hand and continued the arc of her almost invisible blade until it reached behind her where Kisuke was already standing and ready to attack her.

As she swung up, Soifon was thinking what she should do next and while doing so, her blade reached Kisuke's flank. Only after the blade cut half of his body, Soifon realized that something was weird and when she completely cut him, only then she understood what happened, 'Crap! It's a Gigai!'

Nevertheless, it was already too late as she felt something like a hammer smashing her side. When she darted her eyes to her side, Soifon saw Kisuke casually standing on her side with his fist on the side of her stomach, "Damn y..."

Soifon's Shunkou dispersed and she couldn't even continue her words with blood flooding her throat. And it wasn't just from her mouth but also all the available orifices were bleeding and numerous wounds sprouted throughout her whole body. It was then that Soifon lost her consciousness and started falling.

Kisuke returned to his normal form and hurriedly caught Soifon before she dropped to the ground, "What? Although I put a substantial amount of strength behind it, it shouldn't be enough to reduce her like this." Kisuke murmured to himself.

Only after treating her and examining her condition did Kisuke realize that it wasn't just his [Reverberation] that twisted her organs but also her own Shunkou that resonated and cut her up from inside.

"That was dangerous... I didn't think it'd have an effect like that." Kisuke nervously wiped his sweat upon discovery.




Kisuke helped Soifon sit up and the latter checked where her wounds were but found nothing, "Why does it still hurt so much?"

"Because the damage is internal, which is harder to heal. But even if I could heal it, I won't. You have to remember this pain and recover naturally."

"I didn't think you're such a sadist."

"I'm not. You only ended up like that because your own Shunkou went out of control and attacked you from inside."

Soifon's eyes widened and she became silent.

"Figure out where it hurts and match it with how you control your Shunkou. If you're lucky, you'll be able to find the root cause and remedy it. If this keeps happening whenever there's a disturbance inside you, you're better off not using it if you don't want to accidentally die."

Soifon was still silent, but only for a few moments, "...I know." She answered while slowly nodding and looking at her own hands.

She sighed to herself while clenching her hands before turning back to Kisuke and asking, "When did you become an expert in Shunkou?"

"As part of learning various arts to expand our versatility, Yoruichi and I extensively researched it for years before having our own versions of Shunkou that's compatible with our Zanpakuto."

"And you have the same answer for your Hollowfication?"

Kisuke nodded, "But no one on your side seems to be using it?"

"All research about it or attempts to do it has been forbidden by the Central 46. While there are people who are willing to undergo it, it's still frowned upon and the success rate isn't even that high. More importantly,"

Kisuke continued before Soifon could finish, "They don't want another Hougyoku to be created, huh?"

Soifon nodded, "If anyone is discovered to be researching towards it, it's an immediate capital punishment. Only those who have the Hollow powers before the Quincy Invasion are allowed to have it."

'It's a very strong addition of military strength if they could utilize Hollowfication, but I guess they don't want another Aizen to be born.' Kisuke thought to himself but couldn't help but scowl, 'Those idiots. If they don't want it misused, they should have allowed it while under their control. Or maybe these power-hungry nobles are already doing it in secret and creating their own Hollowfied Shinigami soldiers.'

He then glanced at Soifon, 'Even if she is the Chief of Onmitsukidou and now handles the Virtual Department, it'll still be hard for her to see what they are up to. I only realized this thanks to this conversation. I should make my preparations just in case.'



28th00: Yeah, Kisuke hard counters her shunkou in a really fucking nasty way. Her internals got hit by the equivalent of a rasenshurkien detonating in her torso. Man, Shinigami get fucking TANKY AS HELL at the god/captain levels, huh? Also, the Evil Monk did something useful? I don't trust it at all!


Chapter 1161 Meeting the Pope | Patreon

Since Soifon wouldn't be able to move much, Kisuke taught her about Magic and more importantly, how to detect it. And after leaving a Magic Item that pulsed Magic Power at random intervals in Soifon's room to let her practice detecting it, Kisuke left her alone.

'As I've guessed, the most they could do is just detect it. Maybe Kurotsuchi-san could utilize it after modifying his own body, but it's almost impossible for others even with years of practice.' In the middle of his thoughts, he felt Serafall's presence returning, 'While Magic Power is improbable, Ki should be easy... Or maybe I should ask Soifon-san for that experiment?'

He soon reached Serafall who had returned alone in the living room, "How was it?"

Serafall was stretching her arms when Kisuke arrived, "It's tough!" She then patted the seat beside her to gesture to Kisuke to sit beside her.

Kisuke followed suit and Serafall immediately laid down her head on his thigh, "I had to reveal that I'm a Devil."

Kisuke was surprised at her sudden bold action but didn't ask about it, "You had to? Couldn't you just pretend to be some Holy being?"

"Nope." Serafall immediately answered while looking up to his face, "If I suddenly became a target of their faith, I might just start burning alive."




The moment Serafall and the girls left, they first tidied their home before making theirs to the airport. Same as before, when they found the flight to Rome, they stealthily made their way inside and created their cozy space on the top of the plane. More than 15 hours later, they reached the boundary of the Vatican City State.

Serafall and her group didn't know this but they were lucky to find a flight that directly landed in Rome because most civilian flights were canceled and only government officials were allowed to go there right now. But even if they did, they wouldn't have cared.

It would be easier for Serafall to move alone for now, so she left the teenage girls on their own to sightsee, though it would be hard to do that because all sorts of people were flooding the City State and the surrounding areas.

Serafall contacted Flanna who should have been around the area after that explosion of Holy Power and she was correct in her assumptions as Flanna immediately appeared in front of her, "Sera-chan! Are you here for that?"

"Do you mean the Holy Power? Yes. I'd like to talk to the old man running this place."

"...Which one?"

'Looks like it's not just the pope running this place.', Serafall thought to herself before bringing out her phone and searching for the picture of the Apostolic Palace, "The old man who lives in this place."

"Oh! That guy! He should be in that place right now."




It was late afternoon and just a few minutes before evening, the current pope who took on the name of 'Francis' was currently resting in his private quarters with large bags under his eyes on an already fully wrinkled face. As if that wasn't enough, the remaining white hair on his head had also started falling off from stress, 'It's a happy occasion... But it's too tiring for my already aging body.'

After escaping from the Media and various government correspondence by leaving a body double within the St. Peter's Basilica, he returned to the Apostolic Palace to get some rest and think about what should be done in the next few days.

"Having said that, I don't really have any idea nor the cardinals and archbishops." The pope sighed to himself. It wasn't just the Roman Catholic Church having a massive influx of inquiry but also the other Christian faiths since it wasn't just them who received the 'light', however, they were the largest and most prominent.

"And there's not a word from Wing Bind. They apparently don't have any idea how this happened either." The pope continued talking to himself out loud to relieve his stress, "They suspect it's one of the Märchens who has the power over light who produced the phenomenon... But I really doubt it."

He then looked down at his chest, still feeling the warmth of the light that enveloped him and the other members of the church, 'This isn't a Dragon, that's what this feeling is telling me.'

He asked the opinions of the other members and they mostly have this kind of feeling, however, he could only ask it in secret because he's afraid of what Wing Bind would do if they rejected the notion of this not being a 'Dragon incident'.

"In the first place, this place had been devoid of Dragons a few hours before the descent of the light."

"Hooh? The Dragons left this place a few hours before the explosion of the Holy Power? That's interesting." At his muttering, the voice of a woman suddenly replied.

Hurriedly standing up from his seat, he turned to the source of the voice, "Who!?" And found two young girls staring at him.

But instead of replying to his question, the black-haired girl looked at the red-haired one and asked, "Did you feel anything around that time?"

The red-haired girl made a thinking gesture as if that was going to help but ultimately replied, "Nope! Though I do find their actions strange at that moment."

"Well, we can just say that it's the difference between you and the local Dragons."

"Who are you!?" The pope asked again while secretly pressing the emergency call button that he has all the time.

The black-haired woman turned to him again with an amicable smile and said, "I'm sorry, but that's not going to work. I already locked down the whole area to prevent any signal from going out."

However, that amicable smile only looks terrifying from the pope's perspective, "What do you want?"

Serafall found a free chair and sat down on it, "To talk and discuss what just happened. I think I can provide you the answer more than those who you answer to."

The pope glared at his uninvited guest and tried figuring out their real identity, 'Are they from that terrorist organization who uses the Dark Dragons? It doesn't look like they are here to assassinate me.'

But before they could talk, the red-haired girl suddenly tapped the shoulder of the black-haired one, "This might become a long and boring talk. Can I leave now?"

"Ah, you can. Thank you. I'll call you again when I need you."

"I see! I'll return to what I was doing then!"

In an instant, the red-haired girl disappeared into thin air, scaring the poor pope, "Ghost!?"

Serafall was dumbfounded when the pope suddenly screamed 'Ghost!?' and didn't know what to think of it, "...Why are you afraid of ghosts when you know the existence of Dragons that can't be seen by normal people?"

"But no one disappears like that!" The pope retorted, but he immediately realized how bad his image was right now and cleared his throat. Though thanks to that little blunder, the pope was able to calm himself down and think more, "I probably don't have to introduce myself, but I'm the current Pope Francis I. Or do you want to hear my former name?"

"Nice to meet you, Francis. I'm Serafall Sitri. You can just call me Serafall."

The pope rubbed his beard and was about to ask what she was here for and how she bypassed his security when he heard something weirdly familiar, "Hmm? Sitri...? No... That can't be..."

With a smile, Serafall interrupted his train of thought, "You're not wrong. I'm related to one of the 72 Devils."



28th00: When Devils gotta give religious guidance, something has gone terribly wrong in the world.

Goyya: It's funny to me tho.

