Akikan40. Phoenix. 321-328

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 321 Riser who is fawned upon | Patreon

When the match ended, it was time for the party.

Riser, as Lucifer, led the party and also confirmed the relationship between the Norse Myth and the Greek Myth as their new alliances.

At this moment, everyone existed, and all of them stood together, clapping their hands, believing the future of the alliance was bright.

Whether it was the angel, devil, fallen angel, Japan Gods, or the East Youkai Faction, everyone knew that whatever happened in the future, they would be all right with Riser as their leader.

This is peace.

Everyone felt excited and happy.

Still, even if this was an alliance, their relationship wasn't equal. Instead, their relationship was like a pyramid with Riser on top of all of them. While some of them might wish for an equal relationship, this wasn't something that could be done as they weren't Riser's opponents.

In this hall, Riser didn't hold his aura, and whether it was gods, angels, devils, fallen angels, or many others, could feel their will was subdued and could tell that no matter how hard they tried, it was impossible to defeat him.

Nevertheless, if there was something that they were grateful for, Riser's laissez-faireway of rule was popular, so there was no need for them to worry that he might cause chaos on their myth. Instead, what they needed to do was to get his good side since they knew that even if they were an ally, it didn't mean that they wouldn't have a conflict.

While all of those present could accept Riser's ruler, there were also many who couldn't accept him, especially those from outside of the devil and the Underworld.

As for those who lived in the Underworld, all of them were conquered by Riser, after all.

However, those who didn't live in the Underworld were different. They didn't know Riser's horror, and they hadn't been exposed to his aura, so they couldn't understand how strong he truly was.

The devil aside, as they had become one under the ruler of Riser, at least in appearance, the angel and the fallen angel had their own problems.

The fallen angel was okay since there was only one fallen angel that caused trouble, and even if no one said anything, they had isolated this fallen angel so they wouldn't be affected in case this fool caused a problem.

Moreover, Riser and Akeno had tied the knot. The two of them were a happy couple. Even if Akeno wasn't the main woman, it was okay, especially when Akeno was the daughter of Baraqiel.

Knowing this relationship, all of them felt relieved since the future of the fallen angel was bright.

However, the angel was different.

While all the angels wished for peace since no more fights were meaningless, those who had been hurt by the devils couldn't accept this peace as they would lose their means of existence if they couldn't fight against the devil.

Frankly, Michael had a headache when he thought about this group of people, and if possible, he didn't want Riser to misunderstand, so for the greater good, he might kick out this group of imbeciles.


Michael knew that the speed of the research for a certain item needed to be increased since he wished to tie Riser to the angel tightly.

"Is Thor still hurting now?"

Riser wasn't sure what everyone had in their minds, but even so, it didn't matter. As long as he was the most powerful, everything was going to be okay. There might be some fools among this group, but they weren't stupid enough to be aggressive in front of him directly, right?

Vidar sighed. "Yes, I am afraid that he might need a few hundred years or thousands to get better."

When Thor was injured, the power of the Norse Myth declined dramatically.

Not only did they lose Odin and many other gods, but Thor, who was one of the strongest, was also in a critical situation.

Vidar knew that his strength was okay, but he definitely wasn't that powerful.

"Here. Take this. Give this to Thor."

"...this is?"

Vidar was startled when Riser took something out of his pocket and put it on his palm. It was a vial with a small amount of the most beautiful liquid that he had ever seen. Even if he didn't know what it was, he knew how extraordinary this liquid was.

Everyone who was present in this hall also gasped at this liquid as it was so beautiful that they couldn't take their eyes away.

"That's my Phenex Tears. You can say that it is more special than the others that I can only produce few of them in a year."


"Yes, as long as Thor drinks that, he will be healed instantly."

"Thank you very much!"

Vidar didn't care about his prestige and bowed his head, thanking Riser.

All those who followed Riser also bowed their heads, feeling happy with Riser's generous gift.

Nevertheless, this gift changed the eyes of many since not only Riser could destroy, but he could also heal.

Even Zeus and Poseidon were a little jealous when they saw Riser's gift to the Norse Myth. They might be gods, but it didn't mean that they were immortal and they could die. However, if they could have Riser's special Phenex Tears, then wouldn't they have a second life?

The Phenex Tears from the Phenex House were amazing, but what about the Phenex Teas from Lucifer himself?

Even if they were blind, they could tell how extraordinary it was.

Still, everyone knew that the reason why Riser would give this gift to Norse Myth was his relationship with Rossweisse.

If Rossweisse wasn't by his side, would Riser be kind?

Riser had always been generous toward his women since he couldn't be fair to them, yet it was also due to this that they wished to give him women from their families!

Yet, when someone was happy, there was someone who was unhappy.

Watching Zeus and Poseidon, who tried to curry favor with Riser, Hades felt disdain, thinking that they really had fallen. However, he also understood that Riser was strong. As the god of death, he had the power of death, but facing someone who could rebirth, how could he defeat Riser?

Still, as Riser became the attention of everyone, his women were also happy, and at the same time, they were talking to Meredith, who had just become his contracted magician.

Meredith was also happy to get to know Riser's women.

Still, as Sona spoke with Meredith, she also thought about Rossweisse as she knew that she might need Rossweisse for the last piece of her group.

Yet, suddenly, a commotion happened when the door of the hall was opened hurriedly.

"Suzaku-oneesama, wait!"


Everyone was confused when they saw Akeno trying to chase after someone with a troubled expression.

Yet, this wasn't the end since a bigger trouble was about to come.


Riser, who talked with Vidar, Zeus, and Poseidon about their further alliance, was suddenly interrupted.

"I beg you! Please save the Five Principal Clans!"


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 322 Kneel | Patreon

"Suzaku-oneesama, calm down!"

Akeno felt helpless when she faced this cousin of hers, and she even felt regret for bringing her cousin to this party.

Calm down?

How could she calm down?

Suzaku Himejima ignored Akeno's words and kept begging Riser to forcefully enter this hall since the Five Principal Clans were in a critical situation!

"Lucifer-sama, please!"

Her words and shouts quickly made her the center of attention, and all of them murmured, feeling apprehensive and displeased toward this young woman.

Even if some might not accept it, Riser was still Lucifer, the leader of everyone, yet this young woman came in rudely, ignoring etiquette and everything before brazenly asking for Riser's request.

Moreover, this was done in front of the representative of the Norse Myth and Greek Myth!

Where would they put their faces be?!

If they hadn't seen Akeno, who was Riser's woman and also the daughter of Baraqiel, many of them might have already killed Suzaku Himejima.

This also made Akeno even more helpless since she knew her dearest definitely wasn't the kindest person around.

"Akeno, what's happening?"


Akeno felt like she had seen a savior, but she didn't know how to explain this situation.

Watching Akeno and Suzaku, Baraqiel quickly approached his daughter and niece-in-law hurriedly. He didn't know the situation, but he knew that he needed to quickly apologize to Riser.

"I am sorry for her rudeness, Lucifer-sama! This is my niece-in-law! It's my responsibility for not teaching her, and I will punish her terribly."

"I am not angry, but I don't want to see her now."

"Yes." Baraqiel nodded, then approached Suzaku Himejima, grasped her arm, and pulled her away forcefully. "Come on! Let's go back!" His voice was low, and he felt a little angry since his niece-in-law had caused him a lot of trouble!

Riser had given him many things, and even his relationship with his daughter had become better due to Riser.

As for his wife's clan?

Frankly, Baraqiel didn't have much affection toward this clan since, in his mind, the fallen angel was more important. Moreover, could he even have a good impression of the Himejima clan when they were also involved in the death of his wife?

"Also, watch the occasion, Akeno."

"Um... I am sorry, Riser-sama."

While Akeno was excited since she knew her punishment was coming, she knew that she had caused him a lot of trouble. Her gaze toward Suzaku also started to become impatient as she didn't really want this woman to stay in this place any longer.

Riser saw Akeno's eyes and thought that sometimes, a woman's loyalty was so scary. Even if they were asked to sacrifice their families, he somehow could imagine that Akeno could do that for him.

However, was the Himejima clan something that Akeno could call a family?

Except for her mother, everyone wished for her to leave.

While her impression of this cousin of hers wasn't bad, as Suzaku was the only person who didn't discriminate against her and her family, this cousin of hers was so selfish and caused him trouble.

Watching all of this, Suzaku felt despair since she could see that Akeno and Baraqiel didn't intend to support her anymore, and she knew the longer this charade continued, many of her clan members and other members of the Five Principal Clans would die!

At that moment, she didn't care anymore and shouted with all of her might!

"What's wrong with this alliance?! We, the Five Principal Clans, have joined the alliance and become its members! However, when the trouble befalls us, are you going to abandon us?! Wow, so amazing?! Is this what Lucifer is? Is this what everyone is?! Alliance?! What a joke!"


Everyone fell into silence, and their faces became ugly.

The faces of Baraqiel and Akeno became stunned, and they knew this wasn't good. Previously, they could save Suzaku, but now?

Still, at this moment, everyone stared at the face of the young Lucifer.

Nevertheless, no one said anything, and everyone waited for Riser to say something since, as the de facto leader of this alliance, they cleared up everyone's doubt; he needed to say something.

The angel, fallen angel, and the East Youkai Group aside as they had been together with Riser for so long, the Norse Myth, Greek Myths, Japanese Myth, etc, who were about to join, all of them stared at Riser, waiting for his answer.


Suddenly, a creepy laugh filled the entire hall.

"Good! Good! You have asked a good question, little girl."

Everyone suddenly put their attention to the tall skeleton dressed in attire worn by high priests, which gave off a creepy aura. Despite having no eyes, his eye sockets could glow to give the appearance of eyes.


When he saw this chaos, he knew that it was a chance for him to cause trouble for Riser. He might not be an opponent for Riser, but it didn't mean that he couldn't cause trouble for him, right?

Moreover, among all the individuals present in this place, Hades was someone who wished for this alliance to be destroyed.

Hades might not be able to defeat Riser, but what about public opinion?

With this little girl as an excuse, he wanted to question the alliance as its existence was nothing but a joke.

In his mind, wasn't this just an excuse to make all of them into canon folders in case a war happened?

Riser, who was on top, would be safe, and all but those who were below would be sacrificed for the war.

"She should be a member of the alliance! Yet, you ignore her plight! Is this how the alliance is conducted? Are you just saying sweet words to lie to all the people here to become members of the alliance? All you want is just our obedience to join your group and make us your slaves, right? When there is trouble, you will abandon the others and only save yourselves, right?

"Even if you can fool anyone, you can't fool me, Hades!"

Suzaku also somehow gained courage and stared at Riser with hatred since if this guy would help her, then would all of her family die now?

Hades raised his hand high and shouted with all of his might, "Now, explain yourselves! If you can't explain yourselves, then I will—"

"What will you do?"

For the first time, Riser talked and looked at Hades curiously. Even though he didn't expose his aura, just sitting there brought everyone enormous pressure. Nevertheless, from the beginning to the end, he had never even put a single glance at Suzaku as if she was just a buzzing mosquito.


No, he wouldn't dare, right?

Suddenly, Hades could feel like his throat was grasped, but at the same time, he also felt anger.

How dare he?

Just a mere little devil, yet Riser dared to threaten him like this?


Hades ignored all the instincts that told him to run away. Instead, he went directly to attack Riser with the power of death.




Everyone was panicked since they hadn't expected this situation. They quickly ran to Riser, ready to protect Riser.

Vidar, Poseidon, and Zeus were also startled and quickly ran away from Riser as they didn't want to be involved in the fight between Hades and Riser.

Nevertheless, Hades didn't care at the moment since what was the worst case that could happen to him?

He was the god of death!


Riser accepted all of that attack without dodging it, letting his body be corroded by the power of death.

"..." Everyone.


Riser looked at Hades in a bored manner, ignoring the power of death that corroded on his body, then walked toward Hades calmly.

Suzaku couldn't stand anymore, and she plopped directly on the ground in a puddle.

Yet, Riser ignored Suzaku, standing in front of Hades.

Hades didn't move and just stared at Riser, but he could feel like death was about to come to him.


It was the word that came out of Riser's mouth, but at the same time, a tsunami-like wave caused everyone to feel an intense terror that made many of them unable to stand up and plopped on the ground in horror.

Hades was stunned, but as he was one of the strongest, he could hold on as he tried to endure his fear with an anger, yet—



Along with a cracked sound, like broken bones, half of the hall was in ruin.

Meanwhile, Hades could tell that his two legs were broken into pieces by Riser, falling down before his head was stomped by Riser's foot.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 323 Riser is on the top | Patreon

"Didn't you want to fight me? Didn't you want me to slander me? Come on! Come on! Come talk!"

Riser stomped his foot several times, destroying Hades' bones many times, and kicked him around like a soccerball.

Meanwhile, Hades tried to attack Riser, using the power of death to kill Riser and all the people around as he didn't want this shameful appearance to be seen by everyone.

If everyone saw what was happening, then wouldn't his status as the god of death be as good as gone?

Yet, at the same time, Hades had to say that this guy was so lawless!

More importantly, he knew that as a god of death, he shouldn't be scared of death, especially when he could control it, yet facing Riser, he knew that he could do nothing.

Moreover, was Riser's act impossible to predict?

Who would expect Riser to be ready to kill him when this happens?!

When everyone was ready for a fierce debate and argument, Riser directly threw away all the facade and just went straight for the kill.

When they thought that everything could be solved by a single talk, Riser destroyed everything.

When everything could be solved by saving the Five Principal Clans, he simply ignored those clans!

Yet, at the same time, everyone also realized the most basic rule that they almost forgot about the supernatural world.

The strongest is justice.

Like gods, devils, angels, fallen angels, or supernatural beings, all of them knew this truth, especially those gods from the Norse and Greeks. The reason why they were worshipped by people was due to their strength. The reason why they were afraid was that with their power, they could cause a disaster for the people.

It was like how the countries who didn't have a nuclear bomb didn't have a right to talk internationally and could only be used as pawns by others.

The moment they had decided to become their alliance, they knew that they were practically begging Riser to protect them.

Then, like a good beggar, they should be obedient instead of biting Riser's arm.

Watching Riser, who easily beat Hades cruelly and even was about to kill Hades, no one said anything, including Zeus and Poseidon.


It was because they didn't have the power to defeat Riser, and everything started due to Hades.

As for Suzaku?

This girl had already been forgotten by everyone.

At this moment, all the talks before were forgotten by everyone, and all they could remember was Riser's power.

In the end, in front of the overwhelming power, everything was meaningless.

Yet, at the same time, they wondered whether Riser had created a new ability.

"Does the Phenex House have such an ability?"

"If you ask me, who should I ask?"

Riser's body was covered in a black-metallic-like luster, seemingly hard and powerful. Moreover, everyone could see that Hades' power of death somehow couldn't even penetrate Riser's defense.

Facing Riser, there was nothing that Hades could do.

Riser never gave him a chance to fight, and each of his punches was enough to shatter his body.

Moreover, Hades knew that Riser never got serious. He was just being played around by Riser and defeated so easily before he was thrown like a rag in front of everyone.

"Meredith, help me to seal this guy."

"Yes, Riser-sama!"

Meredith, who was being called, quickly came out with a smile, then glanced at Suzaku and snorted. Then, with the energy shared by Riser by using Link, Hades' situation became even worse as everything was sealed by her magic.

If no one helped Hades at this moment, he would really die.

Zeus and Poseidon hesitated, but they didn't know what to say since they didn't really want to involve themselves with Hades' problem since Hades reaped what he sowed.

Yet, everyone's eyes changed when they saw Meredith, who could easily seal Hades. At this moment, they understood why Riser chose Meredith as her contracted magician.

Meredith might not be good at defending or attacking magic, but she was good at sealing magic, so good that she could even seal a god, especially when this god was one of the most powerful gods in the world.

That feat alone made her worthy as Riser's contracted magician.

Watching everyone's expression, Riser nodded inwardly since, by this, no one would imagine Meredith's real ability was her Sacred Gear that could control all the humans, even those who held the Sacred Gears and Longinus.

Nevertheless, even though the Alphecca Tyrant held by Meredith was powerful, it couldn't be used to control the other races, and this was her only weakness.

Still, this weakness didn't really matter as there was him who could protect her.

Everyone thought that Riser would let Hades die and even imprisoned him, but he suddenly threw the same vial to Zeus.

"This is...?" Zeus was confused, but he didn't let go of his hand on the vial.

"Use this on Hades. This time, I will forgive him. You can use that to heal him later."

"Thank you, Riser." Zeus beamed with a smile.

As for Hades? Zeus didn't care.

As for whether he would really use the vial, well, let's see later, okay?

Poseidon looked at Zeus and felt speechless, sighing, but he didn't say anything. He only felt jealous that Riser didn't throw that vial at him and hoped Riser would add one more vial.

Unfortunately, Poseidon was disappointed since Riser didn't give any more vials.

Instead, Riser started his speech.

"Listen to me. I won't force anyone to join the alliance. If you think that you don't want to join this alliance or you can't believe me, then you are free to leave."


Everyone fell into silence and stared at him in a daze.

"Our purpose of creating this alliance is so everyone can live well and the future generation can chase after what they wish for and stop the meaningless fight between the angel, fallen angel, and the devil. However, as our alliance grows, many problems occur, especially in terms of trust and reliability.

"Yet, first of all, I have never forced anyone to join this alliance. It's all your wish. Whether you trust me or doubt me, it's all your choices.

"So, this time, I will give you a chance. If you want to leave this alliance, then please leave this hall. I won't force you to join or make you my enemy if you wish to leave since I believe you are free to choose what you believe."


All of them fell in silence and were surprised by his magnanimity, but at the same time, all of them had a bitter smile, realizing the reality before them.

Riser didn't care about them; even by himself, he could protect the Underworld and the devils by himself. It was also due to this that all the devils moved toward him, standing behind him firmly, without showing any hesitation.

However, what about them?

Without Riser, everything would crumble.

At this moment, no one hesitated, whether it was the angel, fallen angel, Norse Myth, Greek Myth, youkai, or Japan Myth, and all those who were present didn't leave and walked toward him, showing their willingness and allegiance to firmly stand in this alliance.

Riser looked at everyone flatly, then stared at Suzaku, who was still in a daze.

"To be honest, I don't even know when the Five Principal Clans decided to join us, but since you can't trust me, there is no need for us to have an alliance. You are free to leave.

"Go back."


Suzaku felt her world turn black as she realized what awaited her was nothing but a despair.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 324 Start from now | Patreon

"No, please save us, Lucifer-sama."

This time, the trace of haughtiness or pride was no longer seen on Suzaku's face.

All she could do was just grovel on the ground, begging him so Riser would help the Five Principal Clans that were in crisis.

Hades, the god of death that appeared in the history and stories of many, could only lie on the ground without knowing whether he was dead or not.

As long as Riser was willing, Suzaku knew that the Five Principal Clans could be saved.

However, Riser didn't say anything and looked at Suzaku for the first time. Previously, he never put this young woman in his eyes, but as a woman from the Himejima clan, her appearance was exceptional.

Like Akeno, her long, beautiful black hair was tied in a ponytail, showing her white nape that was hidden. Her red eyes were moist and reddened; whether it was from fear or desperation, one could really read her mind to know.

Yet, there was no doubt when she appeared like this, she was just bewitching.


Riser could feel the gazes of his women on him, which made him helpless.

Yet many wondered whether he had the hobby of lowering and humiliating those women who stood above others.

Watching those women who could only look up by many groveled, erasing all the pride and haughtiness on their faces, Kuroka thought that this was probably Riser's hobby.

Riser wasn't sure why, but he felt like he needed to punish Kuroka later.

Still, hearing Suzauku's request, he thought for a moment and asked, "Now that you mention it, what is Five Principal Clans?"


"...are you serious, dear?" Sona asked helplessly.

"You can't blame me for not knowing it. There are so many human groups in the world. Do you think I should remember all of them?"


When he said those words, they felt like his argument was fair. While the Five Principal Clans were famous in Japan, they didn't have much presence internationally.

While Suzaku was speechless, she decided to explain the Five Principal Clans to Riser, even if she was full of desperation since she knew that the only one who could save her clan was him.


Riser pretended that he didn't know much about the Five Principal Clans, but then, he asked, "When did you join the alliance? Why didn't I know about this?"

"But we had joined this alliance..." Suzaku was so meek and helpless.

"Then, who handled this matter?" Riser looked around, trying to find someone who took care of the alliance of the Five Principal Clans before his eyes stopped on one figure. "Is it you, Ajuka?"

"Yes, I was the one who took care of the alliance of the Five Principal Clans."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's just a small clan in a small country. There is no need for you to be busy to be troubled by this problem, Lucifer-sama."

Riser raised his brow and knew that after the incident with the Great Red, they weren't in the same position anymore, especially when Ajuka started to call him with "-sama" suffix instead of "-kun," which Ajuka used before.

Unlike before, Ajuka's current situation was far from good as he was as good as he was alone. Except for a few individuals who followed him, his house had long distanced themselves from him, especially when Ajuka's callousness to discard his little brother was known.

After all, among the devils, who hadn't done a bad thing?

If Ajuka could discard his little brother, then wouldn't he do the same with the rest of the people in his surroundings?

That was why all members of the Astaroth House, led by Latia Astaroth, joined Riser's group at the same time.

If there was a reason why Ajuka could stay in this place, it was all due to Ajuka's position as the Beelzebub.

"A small clan, eh?" Riser stared at Suzaku, wondering what she was going to say. However, she lowered her head, biting her lower cheery-colored lip without saying a single word.

After all, compared to the alliance or even the individual power of Riser, even if the Five Principal Clans were combined, they were nothing.

"You told me that your clans should have a deep relationship with Shinto gods. Why did you come to me, requesting my help instead like I owe you something instead of coming to them whom you have worshipped for so long?"

Hearing this question, Suzaku didn't know what to say and could only sigh, feeling an extreme weakness.

"Please forgive me, Lucifer-sama. I know that my words and actions have offended you, but please... Please save the Principal Five Clans. When you do, we will all swear all loyalty to you, giving you our everything!"

Putting her head on the ground, kowtowing, she showed the graceful shape of her body that was accentuated by her kimono.

It was said that a kimono wasn't suitable for those with plump bodies, but this woman was an exception.

"You haven't answered my questions."

"They... they are scared and run away."

"Oh? Are the Shinto Gods running away from this enemy?"

While the Japan Gods, who heard this, were angry, they couldn't get angry at Riser and only stared at Suzaku hatefully, thinking that the Five Principal Clans weren't worthy of their help!

Riser only glanced at the Japan Gods and didn't say anything since no matter what the culture, era, and anything in the supernatural world, those who were weak didn't have a right.


"Who is the enemy?"


Hearing the name of the one who had caused trouble for the Five Principal Clans, everyone was startled and in disbelief.

"Tiamat? How could it be?"

"Why did she suddenly attack the Five Principal Clans?"

"What's happening?"


Naturally, they were familiar with it since Tiamat was one of the Dragon Kings. More importantly, though, she was the manager who managed the "Rating Game," so when they found out that she had caused destruction on the Five Principal Clans, they were all startled.

"I didn't lie! Please help us! Right now, we're in a desperate situation..."

Suzaku quickly narrated what was happening from the beginning to the end and how two of the clans had been decimated, leaving only the remaining three. Even worse, the two divine beasts from those two clans were taken away, and it might be only a time before the rest of the clans were as goon as over.

Tiamat might be a dragon king, and Riser could defeat her anytime, but what about others?

She was as good as the symbol of destruction.

"What did you do so you were attacked by Tiamat?" Riser asked curiously.

"We don't know! She just suddenly attacked us out of nowhere!"

Riser sighed and said, "Please tell the truth. If you can't even be honest about this problem, how can we help you?"

"But we really didn't do anything..."

Yet, did her words have the power to persuade others?

Instead of the Five Principal Clans, all the people here knew Tiamat's mild temper and knew that as long as no one provoked her, she wouldn't do anything. In other words, the Five Principal Clans did something and caused Tiamat's anger, yet Suzaku didn't tell them, making all their impression of these clans of humans even worse.

"We really didn't do anything..."

Suzaku was even desperate since no one believed her. Frankly, she also wondered whether some of the members of the Five Principal Clans did something, but she definitely couldn't say this since if she said so, then her clan was as good as over.

"However, Tiamat is our long-time friend, the devil. I just can't attack her all of a sudden just because of your words."


"Hmm... if you beg me so much, and since you are my woman's cousin, then I will reluctantly help you, but I think there is someone who is more suitable to handle this."

Riser then looked at Ajuka and asked, "Ajuka-kun, can you handle this?"

Ajuka stared at Riser in silence.

"You were the one who handled the Five Principal Clans, right? Moreover, your relationship with Tiamat is good. You should be able to find the middle way to solve this problem, right?

"I believe in you."

Ajuka took a deep breath and knew that Riser's revenge was about to start now.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 325 Akeno knows Riser the best | Patreon

There was nothing that Ajuka could do except accept this request and leave with Suzaku.

While Suzaku wished for Riser to be the one who handled this problem, she knew that this was the limit, and she regretted losing her calmness when she came earlier, giving him a bad impression.

Yet, there was no second chance.

When this charade was over, the party ended, and everyone returned to their homes while talking excitedly about what had happened before, especially the fight between Riser and Hades.


This god was wrecked by Riser!

There is no doubt that this will be the talk of everyone in the supernatural world tomorrow.

As for Hades' reputation?

No one cared at all since building a reputation for Riser was the correct thing that everyone had to do.

The stronger he was, the stronger this alliance was.

"Did Ajuka-chan annoy you or something?"

"Yeah, did something happen between you two?"

Serafall and Falbium couldn't help but ask since they felt like Riser was trying to target Ajuka.

Riser glanced at the two and wondered what they would think when Ajuka was the one who set out the Great Red before. If he didn't bring the Great Red to space within the "Duelist," then they were as good as dead. At that moment, he knew that Ajuka had never treated the two of them as friends and only thought of Sirzech as one since their death didn't matter in his eyes.

Nevertheless, it didn't matter since it was only a time before Ajuka died.

"It's okay. I just don't believe in the Five Principal Clans."

"Why? Isn't that the place where Akeno-chan comes from?" Serafall asked.

At this moment, not only Serafall and Falbium but many others who were related to him, including his women, Zekram, Baraqiel, and Michael, were there, listening to his words.

"If I am not wrong, the Five Principal Clans should be related to Slash Dog, right?"

"Slash Dog?"

This term was unfamiliar to them.

"Baraqiel, explain it to them."

"Slash Dog is..." Baraqiel explained to everyone about the origin of the Slash Dog, a special team consisting of a Sacred Gear user and led by a Longinus user from the Grigori.


Everyone was startled.

"Does Grigori have another Longinus user?" Rias asked dumbfoundedly.

Everyone was clear about how powerful Longinus was. Even Issei, who was just a perverted boy, could become so powerful due to Longinus, so if a normal human being held it, then wouldn't they become one of the powerhouses?

"What kind of Longinus?" Sona asked.

"Canis Lykaon," Baraiqiel explained to Canis Lykaon about its power and form, but unlike a normal Canis Lykaon, the one that was held by Tobio Ikuse, the leader of the Slash Dog, was quite different.

"What's the difference?" Meredith asked, wondering if the case of Longinus was the same as her Sacred Gear that changed.

"It seems that there is Ame-no-Ohabari, a divine sword used to kill the Fire God that combines with this Longinus."

"So, the combination of a dog king and an old sword, right?"

"Ah, um, that's correct."

"....." Everyone.

When they thought about how powerful Canis Lykaon was, they felt speechless at how Riser simplified this Longinus.

Still, he noticed Meredith's twinkling gaze on him, which made him speechless, but he shook his head. Watching his answer, she was obedient and didn't force her idea.

Why was Alphecca Tyrant so powerful?

While it was true that this Sacred Gear might not be able to control the other supernatural beings, as long as one was a human, even if one had a Longinus, they could be controlled by Meredith, and it was the reason why her Sacred Gear was so powerful.

"Still, why did we suddenly talk about this dog guy, nyaa?" Kuroka asked in confusion.

"It's because this dog guy has betrayed Grigori to work with Vali."

"..." Everyone.

"Now, why did I talk about this guy when I talked about the Five Principal Clans?" Riser looked at Akeno when he said those words.


"It is because Tobio Ikuse's fiancee is that cousin of yours, Akeno."


Akeno fell in silence and blinked her eyes as her entire body was cold, realizing what kind of mistake she had made.

"I-I am sorry, Dear... I-I don't know..."

If she knew all of this, would she dare to help Suzaku?

"It's okay. You don't need to feel afraid. To be honest, I don't mind helping her, but in case they might become an enemy due to Tobio Ikuse, is that alright with you?"

"Wi-Will we have to fight with Suzaku-oneesama?" Akeno asked worriedly.

"We aren't if they are being honest, and as long as they can announce in public that Vali and the Slash Dog are their enemies, but if they continue to be stubborn, then that's it."

Hearing Riser's words, Akeno hoped that Suzaku could be smart and could do what Riser asked for. "I will try to ask Suzaku-oneesama." Or should she make Suzaku sleep with Riser so that there wouldn't be any fights between them?

As for the fact that Suzaku was Tobio's fiance, Akeno felt that it didn't matter as she was sure that Riser would be more excited by that fact.

Riser didn't have much hope for Suzaku, and he didn't know what Akeno was planning, but then he thought that there was one more thing that he needed to do, so he looked at Baraqiel and said, "Baraqiel, after this, tell everyone on the fallen angel that the Slash Dog has betrayed, and they will become the target of the alliance due their connection with the Khaos Brigade."

"...yes." Baraqiel sighed helplessly inwardly, but he didn't dare to reject.

"Now, the only one who has the Longinus is the angel, huh?" Falbium commented, causing all eyes to be on Michael.

Michael was nervous at that moment and didn't know what to say.

"It's okay. It's just a Longinus."

"..." Everyone.

If it was someone else, they might smash their heads, but when the one said those words were Riser, they felt like it was normal.

Riser then took something out of his space storage and threw it to Baraqiel. "It's for you."

Baraqiel was startled and held something thrown by Riser subconsciously. "Wh-What is this?" It was a saber with a long green hilt and a circular beige guard, as well as a wide and thin guard around the hilt with a blue sheath. When he unsheathed the sword, he could feel that he was brimming with energy and could tell how sharp this weapon was.

Somehow, he had an idea of what Riser planned to do by throwing this weapon at him, but Baraqiel needed to confirm it since he had to say it was precious.

"That's Mocking Gear. You must have heard it, right? You can use that as compensation for you to label the Slash Dog group as part of the criminal group."

"...you gave it to me?"

"Yes, the fallen angel needs someone powerful to protect everyone, so I give you that." Riser looked at Baraqiel and asked, "Or you don't want to?"

"Thank you very much!"

"The name of that weapon is Ruffian."


While the sword was amazing, the name was as absurd as ever.

"It has the ability to make you stronger during the day, make you think faster, and it can also cut most of the things in the world."

"Thank-Thank you..." Baraqiel was so moved that he cried.

"Geez, Otou-sama..." Akeno looked at her father helplessly, but she was also happy, so she was going to let Riser give him a lot of love later at night.

"But stronger during the day?" Baraqiel asked curiously.

"It's in the morning on the earth. Do you want to see how powerful you become?" Riser felt like it was faster to see how powerful this weapon was instead of talking with his mouth.

"...is that okay?"

"Sure." Riser looked at Meredith and asked, "Meredith, can you transfer all of us to Kuoh town?"


Using the power of "Warp Warp no Mi," Meredith teleported everyone to Kuoh Town instantly. When they were all dumbfounded by Meredith's speed at teleportation, they were dumbfounded by Baraqiel's brimming power and energy.

Under the sun, Baraqiel became stronger and stronger as time passed, and his body became bright and hot due to this new power.


Baraqiel was full of excitement, but Michael, who saw all of this, fell into silence, and he thought that he really needed to send Gabriel and many cute girls from Heaven's side to Riser's chamber.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 326 The Evil of the World | Patreon

The next day, the Slash Dog group was announced as a terrorist group part of the Khaos Brigade and would become a target of the alliance.

All their members were clearly announced, whether it was their powers, pictures, identities, or many others, as they would become a target of the alliance from now on.

Moreover, like Vali and those who had harmed the alliance, Riser also put a bounty on the members of the Slash Dog group, giving anyone quite a sum of money when they were able to hunt them down.

When everyone saw the amount of money given by the alliance when they were able to catch or kill those criminals, many started to get excited and worked hard to take down those criminals.

Yet, Azazel couldn't maintain his calm when he saw the news. However, it was impossible for him to visit Riser, so he could only return to the Grigori, asking what was happening with impatience and anger as he didn't expect the Slash Dog group that he had created as a fighting group under the Grigori would be labeled as the criminal that was part of the Khaos Brigade.

Moreover, it was Baraqiel, the current leader of Grigori, who made that announcement, giving an ultimatum and no place to return for the Slash Dog group.

"What's happening Baraqiel? Why did you make the Slash Dog into a criminal?!" Azazel asked with a shout.

Watching how emotional Azazel had become, everyone was also prepared since they wouldn't let Azazel fight against Baraqiel as Baraqiel gave the peace of the fallen angels, and frankly, Baraqiel was more suitable as a leader for the Grigori to an effort to lead everyone instead of Azazel who often went on his own due of his selfish nature.

"How dare you be so rude to Baraqiel-sama, you clown!"

"Get the hell out of here, as my patience is still within my limit!"

"Don't involve us with your problem anymore!"

"Calm down."

Azazel was stunned when he saw all of the fallen angels attack him verbally before following Baraqiel's words like they were the most loyal servants and even prepared to attack him, who was the previous governor of the Grigori. He felt conflicted, wondering whether they were so ungrateful toward him, who had helped them so much, or they were just under so much pressure that he became a place to throw that frustration.

Watching his friend's expression, Baraqiel sighed and asked, "Isn't it you who involved them in your problem?"


"You all get out for a while. Let me talk with him alone." Baraqiel told everyone to leave, leaving only the two behind. Staring at the face of his dearest friend, he said softly, "Azazel, just abandoned all of them. As long as you say that you are clear and don't have a relationship with Vali and the rest, everything will be okay." Even though he knew that Azazel had walked into the wrong path, he still wanted to save him.


Azazel looked at Baraqiel, who looked at him sincerely, causing him to realize how ugly his heart was, but he took a deep breath and firmly said, "Sorry, Baraqiel. I know that you care about me, but I won't abandon Vali no matter what. Thank you. You are my friend."

"Why?" Baraqiel frowned.

"You don't understand."

"No, I understand." Baraqiel narrowed his eyes and said, "Wasn't it you who told me to give up about the revenge of my wife before? I wanted to destroy the Five Principal Clans, but you told me to stop, yet now, I tell you to stop since you should see the overall situation. You should see the big picture. There is no point in fighting Riser-sama anymore. He is above everyone.

"He has become an existence above our God!

"Facing him is meaningless, and it might cause the extinction of our race!"

Baraqiel sighed and asked, "Do you want to see all of us die so much?"

Azazel flinched and couldn't see Baraqiel's figure straight. If it was someone else, he might be bold, but this was Baraqiel, someone who could even sacrifice his wife for everyone in the fallen angels. Baraqiel swallowed his hatred and didn't do anything since he told him to do so.

At that moment, their position was reversed.

Baraqiel was the one who told him to sacrifice Vali for everyone.

Being stared at by Baraqiel, even if Baraqiel didn't do anything, Azazel felt like his heart was about to crash due to guilt. He didn't dare to say a single word and just kept quiet like a child who had done a wrong thing.

Yet, could this really change Azazel's decision?

No, was it even possible for him to escape from Riser?

Even though the rest were blind, what happened to the Five Principal Clans and Tiamat was all due to Riser. No one knew this, and they were all played by Riser, like a toy. Knowing this, his withered-like will suddenly became lush and firm as he made his decision.

"Sorry, Baraqiel. I know that I am selfish, and I know that you are worried about me, but I won't stop." Azazel looked at Baraqiel firmly and apologized. "I'm... I am sorry again, but he is the only one I have thought of as my child, after all, so I can't stop." Moreover, he knew that Riser knew that he was the one who made the plan to summon the Great Red. Even if he was just a co-planner, he was still the one who was involved in the incident that had almost caused the destruction of the entire Underworld.

Baraqiel stared at Azazel for a while, then said, "Is that so? Then, do as you wish; don't try to involve Grigori with you from now on; we will cut our relationship. I will tell Riser-sama that you are not a member of the Grigori anymore, but you don't need to worry; I won't announce it to the world."

That way, Azazel could still maintain his last dignity.

Still, due to this, in case of trouble, Azazel knew that everyone would abandon him and just throw him away to Riser. Yet he reaped what he sowed. Everything happened because of himself, not the others.

Bowing his head, Azazel left.

As for the Slash Dog?

It was impossible to change their fate, and their fate was as good as dead as they could only hide on the sewer like a dirty rat and would be unable to see the sun from now on.

Yet, there was nothing that they could do since, in this world, Riser was the justice, and they were the evil.

As for the Mocking Gear that was given by Riser, Baraqiel was sure that Azazel must wish to learn it, but he wouldn't tell it him since he had already entrusted his everything to Riser.

Still, what they didn't know was that Riser had been listening to their conversation. Frankly, he didn't expect that this move would be effective, and he hadn't thought of this method since he could kill all of them. Yet, killing them alone wasn't enough, as he wished for them to taste the cruelty of the world.

With that thought, he continued his work and plan, thinking that it was more fun than he had thought to be in the position of above everyone.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 327 As a ruler, being gentle isn't a good thing | Patreon

With a pen and paper, Riser wrote various names and made them into the list of criminals. Unlike the original, he gave those who could catch those criminals money, which made many excited.

Frankly, in this world, the only thing that he never lacked was money.

Not only could he make more money with "Phenex Tears," but his business spread to every continent, whether it was the Underworld, the supernatural world, or the Earth. Moreover, he was even thinking of expanding his business to space from mining, manufacturing, tourism, etc. Lastly, he also had a "Control T," a magic that made him able to change the size of anything, so even if he found a small gold like a pebble, he could make it as big as a boulder.

If he lacked more money, he could even make a "Mocking Gear."

In other words, the value of money was similar to the toilet paper in his eyes.

Yet, while it was easy for him to make money, it wasn't easy for the others to do so, so the chance of them making a lot of money by hunting down all the criminals that were listened to by him was a good opportunity for everyone as having more money definitely wouldn't hurt anyone.

Moreover, with the help of Meredith, who could control humans as easily as he played with a doll, this bounty system worked well in the supernatural world.

He listed quite a lot of criminals.

Whether it was all members of the Khaos Brigade, from the various different factions to the members of the Slash Dog, Bikou, Arthur, Le Fay Pendragon, or even Lavinia Reni, the owner of the Absolute Demise.

Those who were members of the Khaos Brigade aside, he had talked with the leader of the Grauzauberer, Mephisto Pheles, and he was okay with Lavinia Reni being listed as a criminal, especially when Reni was no longer a member of the Grauzauberer.

As for Bikou and Arthur, even though Riser had caught them before, Ajuka told him that they had run away somehow, one or another. Anyway, his actions were simply ridiculous, especially when he had let go of the criminals caught by Riser without even consulting anyone. It was also because of this the Ajuka faction in the Underworld became smaller and smaller, especially when Riser's faction took over after the production of the Evil Pieces and also became the controller of the "Rating Game."

By showing his ability in this area, Riser told everyone that even if Ajuka didn't exist, everything would be alright. He also took down those key points in the Ajuka faction, killing them in the name of the Khaos Brigade.

Still, as expected of Ajuka, even though he had done all of this, Ajuka never did anything as if Ajuka had acquitted him and let him do whatever he wanted until he was satisfied.

Nevertheless, in this world, no one could stop him anymore, and he had become the existence above everyone. Moreover, those weren't the only names that were mentioned, but as there were a lot of lists, it was troublesome to write them, so he only put his attention to those who were strong and needed to be paid attention.

Yet, somehow, someone came to him at an unexpected time.

"What's wrong, Michael?"

"Ah, um, Riser-kun, there is something that I want to talk about with you."

"Please talk. There is no need for you to get nervous like this, right?" Riser said as he took a lightly salty rice cracker bought by his wife. "Or will our conversation involve something that makes you extremely nervous?"

Michael was quite awkward, then let out a long sigh. "Hm... I am not sure how to say this, but like how there is a devil who can't accept the peace between us, there are also some people who can't accept our peace, Riser-kun."

"Oh? It isn't the angel, right?"

"No, no. If it's the angel, they will already fall. It is the members of the church, the exorcists, who have a dissatisfaction toward us about this peace."

"Oh, why did you want to tell me this?"

"I... I just wish for you not to list them as criminals like what you did to others."

Michael bowed his head deeply, telling his purpose to come to Riser's office. When he saw the bounty hunt made by Riser, he knew that those who would be listed on that list definitely wouldn't have a bright future and could only end up dying due to the cruelty of the living being.

It was said that a devil was an existence that brought sin, but Michael knew that sometimes even humans were even crueler than the devil.

Still, what he was worried about was the people under him who couldn't bear this peace would do something stupid. It was also why he came to Riser, hoping their names wouldn't be listed for this bounty.

"Since you come here by yourselves, then it will be troublesome if those people are listed on the bounty, Michael?"

"Um." Michael nodded helplessly.

"So, who are they?" Riser asked curiously.

"They are Vasco Strada, the strongest exorcist and the second-highest official in the Church as Cardinal Priest; Ewald Cristaldi, the third-highest official in the Church as Cardinal Deacon; and Teodoro Legrenzi, one of the highest ranking officials in the Church ranked at Cardinal Bishop and also a Miracle Child."

"Miracle Child?"

"It's a child that is born as a result of a union between a human and an angel."

"Can you do such a thing? Won't you become a fallen by then?"

"We can." Michael nodded. "As long as our heart is pure and only moves by love, then everything is possible."

"But do you think there is no lust in such an act?"

"...it's hard, but it is possible, but then again, we are developing a room that can be used specially for an angel to reproduce without being worried about falling." Michael looked at Riser with a smile and said, "When we are able to craft it, I will give you one."


Was this Michael's bribe?

He wasn't a hypocrite, so he thanked Michael. "Thanks."

"No, it should be me who should thank you as you have listened to my selfishness."

"Then, what are you planning to do then? Their position is high, you know? Moreover, even if you stop them, it doesn't mean that they will give up, and the more something is suppressed, the more that it will be uncontrollable."

"Then, what should I do?" Michael was also helpless since, as an angel, he needed to be kind and gentle, especially in front of the believers. He was different from Riser, who could kill those who made trouble without hesitation.

"Are those three the leaders?"


"Tell me more about those three."

Michael nodded as he told Riser about those three figures who led a group that wished to break away from peace and the alliance.

Still listening to Michael, Riser raised his eyebrow and asked, "Teodoro Legrenzi is a child?"

"Yes, he is."

"I wonder why two people who are so old are willing to listen to a child's tantrum."

Riser felt speechless when Vasco and Ewald, who were so old, would follow Teodoro to cause trouble in the church.


What could Michael say in this situation?

Still, Riser also understood why Teodoro couldn't accept this peace, as Teodoro's parents were killed by the devils, so Teodoro still felt a hatred toward the devils and wished to eradicate them.


"Sorry, no."

"Wh—" Michael was startled. "Wh-Why? Riser-kun, can you explain to me why you can't let go of them?"

"It's because if I do that, they will trample the law that we have set up. If we have an exception, then what will the others do? While I know that with our position, there is no problem in making some exceptions, you should see from my perspective." Riser looked at Michael and asked, "Look, Michael, like Teodoro, whose parents were killed by the devils, there are also many devils whose parents, lovers, family, and many others were killed by the angel and the exorcists, so in case, I let Teodoro go just because of you, there might be some devils who think this is unfair and they will come to me, asking me to let them kill those who had hurt them in the past, especially when their identities can give them some special treatments like this "Miracle Child" of yours.

"By then, the cycle of hatred will never end, and it will continue. Probably, by then, we will have a war against each other."


Michael was unable to say a single word as he had never thought his gentleness would make everything like this, but then, he also didn't think that Riser overexaggerated this matter since he knew if Riser really let go of this group of people, everything would become more complicated.

"Instead of being gentle, you should be strong, or rather, you should use this group to show your power within the heaven and the church, so no one will question your decision again and make you able to sit firmly above everyone on the angel side.

"If you let them go, then there won't be more people who will try to antagonize you even further.

"If you are gentle now, you will only have a rough future."

In an era where no gods existed, anything could happen.

Maybe, in the future, Christianity might even cease to exist, like those religions that could only be labeled as pagan.

If Michael didn't want the fate of the pagan religion to happen to him, he had to make a strict decision.

Moreover, the values of Vasco, Ewald, and Teodoro weren't as huge as the value of the future of heaven.

Michael took a deep breath and said, "You are right. I might be a little too gentle with my ruler."

"If you need help, just tell me. You don't need to rely on a human. It's a human who needs to rely on us."

Michael stared at Riser in a daze, bowing his head before leaving as he was ready to do what he needed to do as the ruler of heaven.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 328 Maid is dangerous profession | Patreon

Riser sighed helplessly, thinking that some people really weren't suitable to become a leader. It might also be the reason why the church was such a mess that it even allowed the holy sword project.

Yet, unlike the devil and the fallen angel who were moved by one voice, they could do everything smoothly under a single order.

However, the angel was different since they were mixed by the human's opinion, and instead of the master of all the believers of the church, Riser felt like Michael and the others, were being used by those believers. He felt like those believers were parasites, who used the power of Michael and the others for their own benefit.

If those believers were obedient and willing to listen, Riser felt that they were good as they could strengthen the power of heaven, yet they didn't listen to Michael and tried to fight Michael's opinion.

Fighting against the devil?

If it was before, Michael might not have said anything, but now, fighting the devil is as good as committing suicide.

Moreover, instead of those believers who made their own factions, Michael should be more concerned about the continuation of his race, an angel.

As for that human?

This race would produce as much as cockroaches.

Instead, if half of the population was erased, it might be even better for the world.

Well, as a former human, he couldn't say much, but as he had become a devil, standing on the top of many, his view of life, the world, and everything changed. Moreover, he had almost disappeared before. If nothing had changed inside him after all of that, then he would only say that he was really a protagonist.

Unfortunately, even if he gained the ability of the "Chosen One," which turned him into a protagonist, he was just a man-made protagonist instead of a natural one.

With that thought, he wondered what was happening to those who were being listed within the bounty.

Still, he had been working so hard. Even though he had been to the human world before, what he did was work slowly cornering his enemies as he watched them dancing pitifully before their deaths.

"I need to rest."

He made up his mind.

If he could sit down, then there was no need for him to stand up.

If he could just eat and sleep, then he wouldn't work!

As of today, he wasn't going to do anything!

It was just when he was resting on the sofa in his office that the door of his office was knocked on.


The door was opened slightly, and a head poked out from that gap.

"What's wrong, Meredith?"

"Are you free, Riser-sama?"

"Well... I am free."

Hearing that answer, Meredith entered his office with a smile, together with a maid. "Then, do you want to play a game with us?"



What kind of game?

Well, it was that kind of game.

Riser wasn't sure why Meredith played with a maid, but since the maid was beautiful, he didn't really mind. During the meeting in the hall before, he had noticed this maid, who had been standing with Meredith, but he didn't pay much attention to her as many things happened during that meeting.

Yet, her beauty still attracted her, especially when she wore her maid uniform and tied her hair above her head. However, what attracted him the most was the air of elegance that she carried and the atmosphere of a proper lady that she had, even if she was just a mere maid.

However, the elegance and atmosphere of a proper lady were no longer seen. Instead, she was writhing under his body as he pounded her from behind, receiving his baptism.

However, what made him confused was Meredith's reaction since she was smiling all the time when she saw him playing an adult with this maid.

"What do you think, Elaine? It's good, right? You don't need to hold back. You just need to enjoy it. There is no one besides us here."

While lying naked on her stomach, Meredith made a devil-like whisper.

Elaine Wescott, who heard Meredith's voice, was like a female animal whose chain was cut down. By then, there was nothing that could stop her anymore, and it felt like she had released all of her emotions, letting him do whatever she wanted with her body.

While Riser wasn't sure what had happened, being challenged, he wouldn't back down and told her why he was called Lucifer.

In the end, after her body shook so many times, Elaine passed out on the large bed.

"As expected of Lucifer-sama..." Meredith sighed at Riser's prowess.

"Why are you so calm? It's your turn next."

"Geez... be gentle, okay? I-I don't want you to wreck my body."

While she didn't mind being wrecked by Riser, sometimes, she also wanted him to be gentle.


Riser was flexible, and sometimes playing gently was nice. He also wanted to ask her what was wrong with this new maid.

[Congratulations, you have received "Bari Bari no Mi (Complete Version)."]

Whoever this woman was, Riser knew that the identity of this woman was definitely exceptional.


Elaine Westcott.

She is a young British woman in her early twenties, and her identity is the maid of the House of Pendragon.

Frankly, there was nothing special about her. Even though she was a maid of the Pendragon House, there were other maids beside her, and while she was also the descendant of one of the founding fathers of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, there were a lot of other descendants besides her, and she also wasn't an exceptional one.

Still, if there was something that made her special, she was in charge of the education of Le Fay Pendragon, and it was also due to this reason that her relationship with the older brother of Le Fay Pendragon, Arthur Pendragon, was good that they were in love with each other.

Naturally, the difference in their status made this love impossible to realize.

However, Arthur never gave up and would do anything so he could keep loving her, so that was why he decided to leave the house to join the Khaos Brigade to protect her.

Frankly, Elaine didn't understand this decision, and even worse, Le Fay also joined, causing her position in the Pendragon House wasn't good as she was treated as the cause, which made Arthur and Le Fay walk in the wrong path.

Nevertheless, she was helpless since she knew there was nothing she could do since she was just a maid.

Yet, as more time passed, she realized that as a weak woman, there was nothing she could do, especially when she heard that Arthur was caught after invading the territory of Lucifer. When she heard this, she almost passed out, and the entire House of Pendragon was panicking.

Still, like Pendragon House, there was no way for them to give up their heir, and they tried to get back Arthur. Fortunately, Ajuka was reasonable, and he gave Arthur back.

However, even if Arthur was in a mess due to his careless action, he didn't seem to give up and continued with his stupid action by joining the terrorist organization. Even worse, Le Fay also joined.

While everyone was helpless, there was nothing they could do as Arthur was the strongest in the Pendragon House, and if Arthur wished to leave, they couldn't stop him.

If there was something unfortunate, it was the fact that they had lost Caliburn and Excalibur to the devil, yet this was inevitable. Still, if possible, they wanted to get those swords back since if they could get Arthur back, it should be reasonable to get their treasures back, right?

However, in the end, their good day ended, especially when Riser made a contract with Meredith. By that time, it was like a nightmare for the Pendragon House, and she, Elaine, a woman who happened to be a lover of Arthur, was thrown away and given to Meredith as it was a gift for Riser.

At that time, Elaine was in despair, and she knew that her life was as good as over. However, Meredith didn't treat her badly and even joked around with her, telling how great Riser was. It was like Riser was a god in Meredith's eyes, and it was something that she should be happy that she could sleep with Riser.

If it was before, Elaine might have fought and just kept her love for Arthur, but now, it is different. Tasting the taste of betrayal and abandonment, she needed someone whom she could trust. Hearing the greatness of Riser, she was like someone drowning who was in need of help, so when she saw a rope, she reached her hand without hesitation.

Yet, she had to say, her first impression of Riser was exceptional.

Riser was above everyone.

Nothing was in his eyes; not even those legendary gods would bow down before him.

Because of this, it also made her wonder whether she was worthy of him.

However, everything changed when he embraced her.

His gaze, his touch, his fierceness.

She received everything from him, and she enjoyed wishing this time would continue.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Meredith was under Riser being pounded as they kissed affectionately.


She blinked her eyes, feeling a little jealous, so she joined by hugging Riser from behind.

"Riser-sama, please let me help you."


Riser felt that a maid was a dangerous profession, yet he didn't hate it at all.

