Akikan40. Phoenix. 341-351

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 341 No more

January 3

Still, those who were troubled weren't only the Hero Faction, but those Chinese Myth and the Hindu Myth, which were involved with the Hero Faction, were so troubled at this moment.

Riser was going to attack them in 24 hours.

It was like an announcement, and he definitely would do it.

"It's such a joke!"

"Do the alliance think that they can control the whole world due to their numbers?"

"They get ahead of themselves!"

As gods, naturally, they were arrogant, especially when no one had ever treated them like this. They felt furious, and they wished to go to the war directly, yet they knew even though they were angry, it didn't mean that they were ready to fight the alliance.

As they had said before, the numbers of the alliance were numerous, and even if they didn't believe that they would lose, their casualties were definitely high.

Moreover, they also understood the reason why the alliance was furious and wished for a war against them.

Sun Wukong, Yu-Long, Hero Faction, and Indra.

It was said that those names had been involved in the deaths of Azazel and Ajuka.

Still, Riser had killed Sun Wukong, and his corpse was even shown to the whole world, showing that he was serious and he was going to come to destroy the Chinese Myth and the Hindu Myth if they didn't give the alliance an explanation.

Watching Sun Wukong, who died, no one from the Chinese Myth and the Hindu Myth could take lightly Riser's mad decision. Riser never joked, and as long as they didn't, the alliance, the explanation, and those who were involved in the death of Azazel and Ajuka, Riser was going to attack them.

Yet, what could they do?

No one could find Yu-Long and the Hero Faction.

As for Indra?

You were joking!

As one of the strongest gods in the Hindu Myth, how could such an explanation be?

Yet, no matter how many times they tried to negotiate with the alliance, there was nothing they could do, as it was Riser's ultimatum. Still, they didn't give up, so they tried to reach the angel side, asking them to stop Riser's mad decision.

As for why they didn't contact the devil or the fallen angel, it was because it was meaningless.

The devil was controlled by Riser, and the fallen angel was furious as their former governor was brutally murdered by the Hero Faction, who was involved with the Chinese Myth and Hindu Myth.

"Michael, is this Lucifer really going to attack us?" Jade Emperor, the representative of the Chinese Myth, asked.

"...yes." Michael was helpless, but he knew that there was nothing that he could do.

"He is crazy! He is going to destroy you all! Do you really want to fight against us, the Chinese Myth? Did he think that he was above the Buddha?" Jade Emperor directly scolded Riser and the alliance for being arrogant.

Still, while Michael was helpless since there was nothing that he could do, he couldn't accept Jade Emperor's words. After all, no matter how rash Riser's decision was, Riser was still the leader chosen by the alliance!

"It's you who should be careful, or else the Chinese myth is going to be destroyed."


Jade Emperor was dumbfounded and couldn't believe the words that came out of Michael's mouth.

"...are you serious with what you said, Michael?"

"It's you who overestimate yourselves."

If it was before, Michael might think that Riser was crazy and would even push Riser away from the alliance, but now?

Riser was the strongest being in this world, and there was no doubt that the Chinese and Hindu myths were involved in the death of Ajuka and Azazel. If they could even the two leaders from the devil and the fallen angel, then where was the face of the alliance? Moreover, if they let Chinese Myth and Hindu myth do what they pleased, in the future, the angel might be killed, too.

"We, the angel, will also follow him to attack the Chinese Myth and the Hindu Myth, be prepared."


Jade Emperor felt a chill, but his arrogance didn't allow him to feel fear, and he questioned Michael once again. "...are you serious?"

"I am." Michael had had enough of being gentle since everyone always underestimated and thought that they could walk over his head, thinking that he wouldn't do anything to them, but now, such a Michael no longer existed.

"Quickly give all of those who are involved, or else be careful, or else you will be destroyed."

There was no need to communicate any longer as Michael was ready for the battle. Nevertheless, he knew that the research on a certain item for the angel needed to be done as soon as possible so that Riser could be tied down to the angel's side.

Nevertheless, unlike the Chinese Myth that communicated with the angel, the Hindu Myth didn't need to do so. Instead, all of them were ready for the battle. They might be pacifists and didn't wish for war, but if someone picked a fight against them, they wouldn't feel scared, and they were going to fight.

However, it was only limited to gods who could fight, but for those gods, who couldn't fight, they were frightened as they knew they would become the first target of this war.

Yet, there was no doubt the war was about to start in 24 hours.

No one was prepared, yet all of them were getting ready.

Even those who weren't involved in this war were tense and prepared themselves in case the war spread in their direction. However, for one thing, they knew that they shouldn't provoke the alliance, especially with Riser, who was the leader of this alliance.

Still, as those who were part of the alliance, all of them also started to move.

Whether it was the Norse Myth, Greek Myth, Japanese Myth, or many others, all of them came in the call of Riser. They might be stunned and surprised, but somehow, strangely enough, they believed in him to bring them victory, and it was also their time to show their loyalty to him.


"Kakaka... he is crazy! War, right? Let's do it! I will handle this!" Indra didn't fear this war. Instead, he sought this war as living so long was so boring!

All of Indra's subordinates also stood behind Indra with a resolute expression as they were ready for the battle.

Hearing Indra's words, many Hindu Gods had an ugly expression since this war happened, all due to Indra. If Indra wasn't involved with the Hero Faction, then would this happen? Yet, even if this war was troublesome, they didn't fear it and knew that they needed to do it, or else their myth would be trampled by the alliance.

No one was backing down.

Even with limited time, they were going to fight the alliance.

"Oh, it's time."

Everyone looked at the clock and saw that 24 hours had passed since the announcement, and they knew that it was time for the alliance to attack them.

However, they didn't expect that it would be so fast!

Suddenly, tremendous pressure came and cracked almost the entire Svarga, causing all the gods to feel horror.

Riser looked at all the strongest gods in the Hindu myth in front of him and decided to kill some of them.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 342 Life or dignity

January 3

It was an utter defeat.

As Riser took down all the powerful gods in the Hindu Myth and Buddha from the Chinese Myth, the rest of the members of the alliance charged forward from China and India, attacking two Myths at the same time.

Whether it was Thor, Zeus, Michael, Susanoo, or many others, they were all gone on a rampage, killing many.

While Riser fought the strongest beings in China and India Myth, it didn't mean the other gods were weak, and they wouldn't give up against the alliance, yet they realized the horror of the alliance.


Yes, all of them are immortal.

Even though many of the members of the alliance were hurt, all of their wounds quickly healed before they died. Knowing this, they all became crazy, and no one was holding back.


"We're immortal!"

"Long live, Riser Lucifer-sama!"

Everyone was full of excitement as their bodies were full of blood from their enemies.

The life of supernatural beings, especially those who lived so long, like gods, devils, fallen angels, and angels, was boring as they were living so long. Something that was unexpected and special for a human might be something ordinary for supernatural beings.

However, war and fighting were different.

While some might hate war, there were many who loved war, especially in the war where they didn't need to feel afraid to die.

At that moment, Riser was like a higher being for all of them.

Not only was his might above everyone's, but his healing ability was just too absurd that they didn't feel afraid of dying. Moreover, as the strongest fighters of the Chinese and Hindu Myth were taken by Riser to the Duelist space, their opponents were just so-so.

Whether it was the Norse Myth, the Greek Myth, the Angel, the Devil, the Fallen Angel, the Japanese Myth, or many others weren't weak, so everything became a bloodbath.

Everyone competed against each other who killed more than others, yet those who became their opponents hoped for a miracle to happen, and they wished for this fight to stop.

While this might not be a scene of hell, this was a war.

For those who wished for peace, this was hell, but for those who wished for war, this was happiness.

"Ahhh! Great! Great!"

"This is amazing!"


Their current expressions were probably even more horrible than those criminal organizations, yet it didn't matter as this was a war. If you didn't kill others, then others would kill you. If you wanted to win and didn't want to have a miserable life, you had to win.

This was the cruel truth of the world.

Then, suddenly, at that moment, the world stopped when they saw a lot of gigantic screens appearing in the sky. The alliance smiled, but their enemies were filled with horror as they saw who the victor was between them.

"I have killed Buddha, Indra, and Shiva. Do you still wish to fight?"

The three heads of those mighty beings that people from various eras worshipped were held by Riser and shown on the screens. At this moment, his opponents had given up the struggle since they knew they had lost.

However, the alliance was different as they were filled with excitement at their victory. Their eyes were fanatical, and they couldn't take their eyes away from him as they chanted his names like believers.




Dominating the world.

This was Lucifer's dream, yet unlike the original Lucifer, who died, Riser Lucifer was able to do it.

Instantly, the news of the defeat of Hindu and Chinese Myths spread to every corner of the supernatural world. Those who were unrelated were filled with terror and gritted their teeth helplessly since they didn't join the alliance immediately. However, there was no doubt after this incident; they had planned to join the alliance immediately since this was necessary.

Naturally, there were still many stubborn ones, but as long as they didn't cause trouble, nothing would happen.

Still, for those who wished to curry a favor for him, quickly tried their best since they knew that it was a perfect chance to bring this world under one ruler.





Rizevim Livan Lucifer and Euclid Lucifuge fell in silence, thinking that Riser brought more terror than them. When they heard that the alliance was going to have a war against the Hindu and Chinese Myth, they fell in silence, thinking that chaos was about to descend. Unfortunately, it was just a one-sided slaughter, and it was the victory of the alliance.

Nevertheless, everything happened so fast, and the living space for the terrorists was even harder as they were targeted by many for money.

Rizevim and Euclid were even more so since their bounties were so high.

"What should we do?"

"Well, nothing will change anyway."

The two of them nodded since they knew that even if the alliance almost dominated this world, there were still many who were unsatisfied with the alliance.


Hades looked at the report and fell into silence.

Not only Hades but also many people such as Vali, Cao Cao, and others were silent, watching this result. However, this wasn't the end since they knew that their nightmare was about to start.

Arthur and Le Fay felt their entire bodies were cold, thinking about what would happen to them and their family.

The rest wasn't much better as they knew only despair was waiting for them.

Nevertheless, Bikou cried blood before he passed out since he knew everything was over for his family.

Vali didn't say anything and just gave up. This time, even Albion didn't say anything.

Only Cao Cao laughed. "Hahaha... what is this? What is this? What kind of difficulty is this?" A hero? In the eyes of the majority, they were terrorists, and fighting Riser was nothing but a suicide.

Cao Cao then looked at adult Gasper, who came from a different future timeline. "So, what do you think? Do you wish to fight that being? Do you think the so-called savior can defeat that being? However, do you know that not only do we have to fight him, but all of his subordinates are strong! They are also immortal! What can we do? Hey, answer me!"

Gasper only closed his eyes, then said, "You don't need to worry. He will bring us to victory. I assure you, and believe me since you don't have any choices when death is only your future."


Everyone fell into silence.

Yes, death was their only destination.

They didn't have any choices anymore, especially when they had decided to become Riser's enemy.

However, for those who were female, they knew that they still had a choice.

Still, whether Jeanne, Le Fay, Natsume Minagawa, or Lavinia Reni, all of them could only lower their heads and were forced to choose whether their dignity or life was more important.

Yet, at the same time, they also hoped for a miracle, Hyodou Issei, to come.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 343 Dawn

January 4

The war ended with the victory of the alliance and the defeat of their opponents. Nevertheless, it didn't mean that everything ended since when the war started, many thought that it was their opportunity to fight the power of alliance, thinking the victory was in the Hindu and Chinese myth.

Unfortunately, they were wrong.

Riser was the victor, and the world was as good as his.

So, because of that, they were erased from this world.

Many had been erased, such as Pendragon House, who murdered the entire royal family, becoming the greatest criminal in Britain. Meredith, who was the only remaining member of the royal family, knew that this family needed to be punished, so she took charge of purging for this family, leaving only Arthur and Le Fay as the remaining members of the Pendragon House.

While Arthur and Le Fay wished to do something, they were unable to do so and could only plop on the ground, watching everything in despair.

Vali wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't do it since he knew as long as he had his family, fighting Riser was simply meaningless. It was also why he didn't join the Hero Faction or the war that happened between the alliance and two major myths in the world.

If it was before, he might wish to join the fight, but now?

Peace was all he sought after.

Living was simply hell for him, especially when his entire body had always been in pain. Even Albion didn't say anything as they realized that fighting Riser was meaningless.

Still, if there was something that was good to know about Riser, his words could be trusted.

As long as they didn't trouble Riser, his life and his family's life would be peaceful. There was no need to worry about anything, yet when he saw the hatred on Arthur, Le Fay, and Bikou, he couldn't say anything, stop them, or say that he would help them.

Nevertheless, the three never forced Vali to join them. Instead, they looked at Gasper and asked, "Can... can Issei Hyodou really defeat him?"


Watching their hopeful expression, Gasper answered without hesitation. If it was Issei, nothing was impossible since Issei had always defied the impossible and brought hope and victory to those Issei cared about.

Still, among them, there was still one person who was troubled by the aftermath of this war.

"Vladi, can you help with the Five Principal Clans? I beg you!"

Tobio lost Canis Lykaon, so there was nothing that he could do, especially with how weak his situation was. Nevertheless, he begged Gasper to save the Five Principal Clans since he only realized that they were under the attack of Tiamat. While he wasn't sure why it happened, he wanted to stop this fight since the existence of the Five Principal Clans was necessary, especially when that was the place where his fiancee was living.

Tobio had heard that three of the clans from the Five Principal Clans were in ruin, and he knew that he needed to do something before everything was crumbling.

"Sorry, I can't do it." However, Gasper shook his head. "Tiamat isn't a weak opponent, and our fight will definitely arouse the attention of Riser Lucifer and the others. By then, we can only give up our plan to fight him as our victory was as good as nothing."

"...no way."

Tobio was at a loss and wasn't sure what to do.

The rest also didn't say anything since Issei was their only hope. If they lose this hope, then they know they might as well stop living there since there is no hope anymore in this world.

Living dead is probably what they were.

The members of the Slash/Dog also didn't know what to do until suddenly Lavinia Reni said, "I will go out to save the Five Principal Clans."


Everyone was startled.

"Do you know what are you talking about, Reni?"

"You are a criminal now!"

"If you are going out then..."

Vali looked at Reni in disbelief. "Reni..."

"It's okay. I am a woman. In the worst case, I will just be impregnated by that Lucifer, right?"


All of them fell into silence and didn't know what to say.

Riser was famous for being lustful, and that was why Reni was confident about doing it. Even if she was caught, she would definitely be given to Riser instead of being killed by others.

If it was before, she might not have thought such a way, but now?

She was just exhausted, and she really couldn't see hope in Issei Hyoudou, whom Gasper talked about. She might as well give up her resistance and then beg Riser to let go of Vali and Tobio so they could live well in this world. Suddenly, she thought about the words she had said to Mephisto Pheles and felt intense regret, especially when she was the one who made the situation between them become sour.

"Wait, Reni, are you serious?" Tobio was so shocked.

"I am." Reni nodded as she gently looked at Tobio. "You don't need to worry. While I can't promise that I can save the entire Five Principal Clans, at least the Himejima clan can stay alive."


Tobio opened his lips, then stayed for nothing.

Reni then looked at Vali and said, "Stay well, okay?"

Vali couldn't even say a single word.

However, it seemed that Reni wasn't the only one who was interested in this deal.

"I-I will go too!" Jeanne raised her hand.


Cao Cao, Georg, Leonardo, and many other members of the Hero Faction who still stayed alive were startled by Jeanne's decision.

"Don't stop me. I will go." Jeanne didn't even look at Cao Cao and the others since there was no real friendship between them. Moreover, she was also being brainwashed by Cao Cao, and as the strongest host of the Longinus, she knew that facing him was only suicide. However, their situation was switched; at this moment, if Cao Cao faced her, he was only asking for a death, and unlike others, who still had hope, she didn't have hope at all.

Jeanne might as well follow Reni and live as Riser's woman. Even if she couldn't be his woman, being the maid around his house was much better than living like a homeless person like this.

Watch Jeanne, who decisively left, and no one could say anything to her.

Frankly, all of them understood Jeanne's thought. Unfortunately, all of them were tough guys, so it was impossible for them to have a good fortune in front of Riser.

"Wait, Jeanne-sama, we're going to come with you!"

"Me too!"


The girls in the Hero Faction also quickly followed Jeanne.

Arthur looked at all the women who had left, then looked at his little sister. "Le Fay, you go too."

"Wh—" Le Fay was startled. "What were you saying, Onii-sama?!"

"You are weak. You won't help much in this battle. Go away!" Arthur said harshly.


Le Fay was in tears before she bowed her head and left.

Watching his little sister leave, Arthur sighed in relief and felt two firm hands patting his shoulders.

"I am sorry." Vali apologized.

"This is what I have decided, and this is also the consequences of following that choice. I have accepted this fate, but I won't give up fighting," Arthur said firmly.

"Oh! Count on me, too!" Bikou said with a laugh.

Vali felt his lips tremble, but no words came out of his mouth.

Yet, Bikou and Arthur didn't blame Vali since everyone had their own choices, and they couldn't blame them, especially when one had a responsibility to take after.

Nevertheless, those who remained all waited for their dawn and their savior to come, giving them the hope and victory that they had been waiting for.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 344 The strongest being in the world

January 4

When the war and all the troubles that happened in this world ended, it was time for them to do the aftermath.

Riser stayed with Sona, Serafall, Rias, Ravel, and all of his women, watching the funeral that happened before them.

While many were sad due to this funeral, none of them lost hope since they knew that they were victorious.


Serafall lay on Riser's shoulder in a complicated mood.

There were also many small characters who died in this war since it was impossible for Riser to heal all of those beings who joined the war with him forever. He put a limit, and when they had hit their limit, they died. Still, those who died were not only small characters but also big characters, such as Ajuka and Azazel.

As the two greatest-minded individuals in the alliance, there was no doubt that the loss of the two was simply a great loss for the alliance.

Still, fortunately, their Lucifer had a great mind like those two, so even if the alliance had lost Ajuka and Azazel, it didn't mean that they were in despair. Moreover, in the end, what was important in the supernatural world was individual power.

Frankly, this funeral didn't make many sad at all since the two weren't that popular characters; they were callous and hypocritical. Still, there were many who cared about them, especially their subordinates.

Nevertheless, except for comforting Serafall and showing an expression of what a leader should do, Riser didn't do much at this funeral. Still, due to the defeat of India and the Chinese Myth, they decided to join the alliance. While he could kill all of the members of those myths, he didn't do so, and he also didn't care either since it was troublesome to manage the place of those two myths.

Instead of making those two myths become a wasteland by killing them, he might as well make them join the alliance and use them to take care of all his problems.

At that moment, he knew that he was truly free, and there was no need for him to fear anyone, especially when he was above anyone, especially when he also had Ophis by his side.

Like others, Ophis also followed him and stayed by his side. Probably, it was also due to this war that her perception of him also changed since, unlike others, who wished to use her, he didn't do anything and told her to stay in the villa with everyone.

Riser was different from the original MC, who needed Ophis's power to power up. He was strong and didn't need the help of this infinite dragon to take care of his problem. It was also due to this that he knew that when Issei returned, Issei must become stronger to defeat him like how the cliche plot is.

However, the question was, where could Issei get that power?

After all, a Heavenly Dragon was just so.

Riser had defeated the Dragon God, the Great Red, so the Heavenly Dragons, like Ddraig or Albion, were nothing, so even if Issei returned with the "Boosted Gear" alone, there was nothing that Issei could do. Moreover, the "Boosted Gear" was nothing but a mid-tear Longinus.

In other words, "Boosted Gear" wasn't the strongest Longinus.

Then, how could Issei grow stronger?

Looking at Ophis, who was munching on her mochi quietly as Ravel held her hand, Riser knew that he needed to let Ophis stay by his side all the time.

The funeral was held for the entire day. It was a long process with a variety of troublesome procedures. Nevertheless, everyone was patient, and at the same time, they also increased the bounty of Cao Cao since there was no doubt that he was a dangerous being as he was able to kill Azazel and Ajuka.

Moreover, there was also Georg, who was the host of the "Dimensional Lost."

The reason why the Hero Faction was a troublesome opponent was also due to Georg since, with the "Dimensional Lost," it was easy for them to move in and out.

Nevertheless, Riser wondered when Issei was going to appear as his "Location" but was unable to find Issei. Still, was it possible that "Location" couldn't be used due to a certain reason? While there was such a possibility, he could tell that Issei would appear with the future Gasper.

Riser glanced in the direction of Gasper and caused Gasper, who was nervous and afraid of the crowd, to straighten his back and erase all of his fear since he didn't want to be targeted by Riser.

"What's wrong, Riser?" Rias asked curiously since Riser was looking at Gasper's direction.

"If I am not wrong, your Bishop should be from a famous vampire house, right?"

"Um, is there something wrong with it?"

"Well, it doesn't really matter."

"Now that you mention it, the vampire hasn't decided to join the alliance, right?" Rias remembered that the noble house of the vampire didn't join the alliance.

"That's right."

"Do you want them to join?"

"It doesn't matter whether they join or not."

"That's true." Rias nodded since, with how powerful the alliance was, there was no need for them to beg. Instead, it should be those who haven't joined the alliance should feel anxious and beg them to join this alliance.

"By the way, your sister-in-law hasn't been found?"

"Not yet." Rias almost forgot about her sister-in-law, especially when many things happened in the supernatural world.

"Let's search for her later."

"Thanks." Rias smiled happily.

With the end of the war, Riser would be once again living a peaceful lazy life. There was no need for him to be anxious to fight anyone or conspire to kill anyone as he was the strongest being. His thoughts were like Ophis at this moment.

The reason why Ophis let those who betrayed her or used her stay alive was because she could not kill them anymore.

Whatever their conspiration was, everything was meaningless in front of mighty power.

Probably because he was the weak one before, he couldn't get used to this feeling, and his nature to seek peace of mind didn't help much, making him often clear up all of the problems in the most complicated ways instead of killing his enemies instantly.

Nevertheless, the rewards of his hard work were obvious since he could live an easy life now. It was just that when the ceremony ended, Mephisto Pheles came to him.

"Lucifer-sama," Mephisto greeted Riser respectfully without any air of importance or arrogance.

"It's been a while, Mephisto."

"Yes, it's been a while. I am glad that I can meet you today."

The last time, they met each other was at the end of the rampage of Tannin.

When Riser returned, Mephisto quickly came to Riser and apologized, begging him. It was also why Mephisto let go of Reni right away without care since he knew that no matter what Reni did, it was all meaningless.

Mephisto was about to tell Riser his purpose in coming to him, but suddenly, two beautiful young women approached him and interrupted him.


Akeno quickly realized Riser was talking with Mephisto, "I am sorry for bothering you, Dear."

"No, no. Please talk first, Himejima Akeno-kun. My matter can be delayed later."

"Is it not important?" Riser asked curiously.

"I think that someone is more anxious than me, after all." Mephisto then looked at Suzaku Himejima with a polite nod, then left them quietly, and was glad that he decided to choose Riser.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 345 Common sense

January 5

"Let's talk somewhere else."

Hearing his words, Akeno and Suzaku nodded.

Nevertheless, Riser could see how anxious Suzaku was, but he ignored her. Frankly, he wouldn't bother to see Suzaku even if she was a beautiful woman. Unfortunately, this young woman was Akeno's cousin, so it was hard for him to reject since he knew that Akeno would seduce him, begging him to meet Suzaku.

His departure didn't attract much attention, and they went to a private room at the venue where the funeral was held. Besides talking to Akeno and Suzaku, he also wanted to have a quiet moment since he hadn't had a chance to check his rewards.

With his feat, he expected to get a great reward.

At the same time, he also realized why he didn't get rewards for killing Issei at that time.

'I can't let my guard down.'

While he wanted to be like Ophis, who never cared about those who were weaker than her, he knew that a protagonist had always given a surprise, and he didn't want to be so arrogant that he wouldn't care about that danger around him unless there was really no chance for them to defeat him.

So, Riser hoped that Issei could appear as soon as possible, so that way, he could take him down, clearing all the possibilities that might endanger him.

Sighing, he thought that even if he had become the strongest being in this world, the will of the world hadn't given up on taking him down, which made him helpless.

As they walked, he never said anything, so Akeno held his arm gently and pressed her breasts against his arm, causing him to glance in her direction, smiling affectionately as she stared at her.

However, Suzaku was so nervous and had been lowering her head, following them from behind like a follower. She was different from before, who didn't know her place.

The three then entered the room together before he said, "Close the door."

Akeno wanted to close the door, but her hand was held by Riser, which made her realize who this order was for.

Suzaku also realized, but she didn't get angry, and just like a maid, she followed his words obediently.

He sat on the sofa as he pulled Akeno to his embrace, feeling helpless. "Why did you bring her to me again?"

"Sorry I have troubled you..." Akeno lowered her head as she apologized.

"I don't blame you, but you should know her fiance wanted to kill me before."


Suzaku and Akeno widened their eyes.

"Tobio Ikuse." Riser looked at Suzaku and said, "That's your fiance, right? You sure have a thick face to come to me after your fiance wanted to kill him."

"I beg you forgiveness, Riser-sama!"

Suzaku bowed her head onto the ground, showing her submission with a trembling voice.

Riser wasn't sure whether this was done deliberately or not, but her kimono constricted her lewd body, showing how plump and soft her body was when she bowed her head.

"What's the use of apologies?"

Suzaku felt cold and tried to look at Akeno, but this time, Akeno looked away and ignored Suzaku, especially when Akeno heard Riser's words.

The two of them didn't think that Riser was lying since they knew that this was the truth.

Yet, this brought despair to Suzaku, and she also understood why Tobio's bounty increased even further. She took a deep breath, then made up her mind. Standing up, she faced Riser before she took off her kimono.


Not only Riser but also Akeno was dumbfounded.

"Suzaku-neesama, what are you doing?!"

"I am still a virgin, and I can give you my virginity, but please save the Five Principal Clans. As for Tobio Ikuse, I am sorry; I can't say that I can sacrifice him for our clan since even if he is a criminal by the alliance, he is still my fiance. I still respect him as my future husband, but I know that my words are meaningless, so please have my body that I have kept for my future husband."

However, Riser frowned and stood up directly, leaving. "Akeno, I will leave." He might be lustful, but what kind of woman that he had never been with? While it was true that it excited him when she thought about how he did it together with Akeno and Suzaku, he felt that he had gone deeper, deeper into the path of the villain.

[Why not?]


It had been a while since he saw the system talking to him, but he didn't expect it would talk during this situation.

Akeno didn't say anything, feeling conflicted, but Suzaku was desperate. "Riser-sama, please! I beg you!" She clutched into his legs and didn't let him go, pressing her tantalizingly body into his legs.

Yet, at this moment, Riser also knew the reality of this world. The weak had no right, and the strong got everything. This proud woman, who was supposed to be the heir, the future leader of the Himejima clan, begged him to have her body so she could save her entire clan.

"Dear, why don't you help her? I think it is good, right? Don't you want to do it with the two of us?"

While Suzaku held his legs from his front side, Akeno hugged him from behind as her hand crept softly into his beast. She put her chin onto his shoulder, then looked at Suzaku, who was on the ground, sitting so low. "Suzaku-neesama, how about you show your sincerity first?"

"Oi, Akeno."

"Calm down, Dear. It will be fun." Akeno smiled lewdly, which made Riser remember that Akeno was also a sadist.

"H-How do I show my sincerity?" Suzaku asked in confusion.

Akeno then looked at Suzaku again and said with a smile, "You can use your hand and mouth first, right? We're still at the funeral after all, and I don't think it is appropriate for you to lose your virginity here."

Suzaku was stunned as she watched Akeno, who made such a suggestion. She opened her lips, shocked, trembled, then she nodded and reached for his pants. her soft hands reached his erection as she opened her beautiful pink lips to show her sincerity.



Suzaku put her hands in front of her lips as she still felt embarrassed about what she had done. Nevertheless, she didn't dare to spit out what was inside her mouth and gulped all of it clean before she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, showing everything was swallowed by.


Riser took a deep breath and knew that he needed to change his mentality soon.

"How is it, Dear?" Akeno put her hands on her lover's body as she whispered those words.

"You want me to punish you that much?" Riser looked at Akeno lazily.

"Fufufu..." Akeno smiled lewdly.

Riser sighed, but he didn't reject her advance before he took out a cubic-like item and gave it to Suzaku, which she accepted. While she was curious, she didn't dare to ask a question, showing her submission.

"As long as you use that, Tiamat won't be able to attack your clan. Your clan will be saved."

"Thank you, Riser Lucifer-sama."

Suzaku bowed her head deeply.

"You can go back."

"Thank you. I will return once I give this to my clan."

As for the other clans?

Suzaku didn't care, especially when the price she had to pay was so heavy, and as long as her clan was okay, then that's it.

As for Tobio?

Suzaku only hoped that her servitude was enough for Riser to forgive her fiance.

"By the way, before you leave, can you get me, Mephisto?"

"Yes, Lucifer-sama."

"Just call me, Riser."

"Yes, Riser-sama."

Suzaku then bowed her head, leaving Riser and Akeno alone.

"You are not going to punish me?" Akeno asked curiously.

"It isn't appropriate to do something perverted during a funeral."

"....." Akeno.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 346 Little escapade

January 5

"I think that Kunou will be happy if she has a little sibling."

Yasaka smiled happily as she rubbed her face against his chest.

"Little sister or little brother?"


"Aren't you a little too greedy?"

"Hehehe, can I?" Yasaka asked coquettishly.

"Sure, let's do it a lot."

Riser buried his face on Yasaka's bountiful chest and sighed helplessly, wondering how one could grow so huge.

"Geez, nothing will come out even if you suck them, you know?"

"It's okay. It's the feeling that is important."

Yasaka laughed, then ran her hands onto his hair, gasped, and cried in obsession, wishing for a deeper connection. She knew that it was the day Kunou decided to transfer to the Kuoh Academy, yet she wasn't a good mother since after she finished the registration, she went directly to the house of her young lover, letting her body be used by him again and again, enjoying every moment with him.

Still, Yasaka wasn't the only one since there were many others who had passed out beside them, and if one saw them, they would feel that they were quite familiar.

Frankly, last time, Riser wondered why Mephisto came to him, but he didn't expect that Mephisto would give him Lavinia Reni, Jeanne, and many other members of the Hero Faction. While he wanted to refuse, he knew that he couldn't refuse these gifts, and they were criminals, so wasn't it natural for him as a Lucifer to catch them?

After giving the bounty money for catching those criminals, Riser took all of them away.

Mephisto didn't really want to accept the bounty, but he knew that Riser didn't want to owe him something, which made him helpless, yet it didn't matter since their relationship was good as long as he didn't cause trouble.

Still, when he thought at how many women he had been, he decided to give them to Sona, but he didn't expect that she would make all of them into students of the Kuoh Academy.

Nevertheless, Reni and Jeanne never gave up, so they combined with Suzaku.

With how insolence they were, Riser knew that he needed to teach them, and that was why they were all resting on the bed, sleeping as they were exhausted due to their fight. Still, even if they knew that they would lose, they never gave up and kept trying to challenge him as this felt great, especially when they could feel this sense of peace and euphoria at the same time.

As for Yasaka? She didn't mind at all about this relationship since she knew Riser was strong, the strongest.

Wasn't it normal for him to be sought after by many?

Instead, Yasaka felt that the number of women around him was too low that she wished to add more women around him, which made him angry at her, making her beg forgiveness as she let him mount her like a wild beast.

At the same time, Riser realized how hard the life of the king or emperor in history was. Even though they only wanted to have a normal life, they couldn't since they had so many temptations, especially women. Their features might be similar to each other, yet each of them was different, especially their innermost, as each of them had their own characteristics.

Still, while the others were happy as they could enter his bed, some of them grew anxious since they couldn't enter his bed at all.

It was also for this reason that when he decided to take a break after the war, many decided to join, especially Rias' group.

As for Sona?

Sona was still busy with many things, and she felt like she couldn't finish her work when her lower back was hurt, so she decided to pass this time, especially when she needed to think about her next "Rating Game" and also the opening of her "Rating Game" school.

While Xenovia wanted to join, she knew the importance of her "Rating Game," so that was why she gave preparation to her best friend, Irina.

"Irina, this is for you."


Irina was confused, but then she accepted something that was given by Xenovia. It was a box, and it made her wonder whether it was a snack, but she almost threw this box away when she saw what was given by Xenovia.

"Wh-What is this?!"




"I can hear it! You don't need to repeat it!" Irina became embarrassed and asked, "Why did you give me this?"

"I thought that you needed one."


"You don't need it?"

"Th-Thanks..." While Irina knew that this might be weird, she would be lying if she didn't have an interest in this area. She might be an angel, but before that, she was also a female human who was especially interested in the opposite gender, especially—

There was no need to spell it, right?

Still, Irina wasn't the only one, as Rossweisse also discussed her problem with Asia.

"You don't need to worry, Rossweisse-san. Riser-sama is gentle."


"Um." Asia nodded with a gentle yet lewd smile. "And it feels so good."


Rossweisse felt like her entire world was twisted since she didn't expect such a pure girl to show such a lewd expression.

"Then, everyone, are you all ready?" Rias asked as she held Riser's arm.


Everyone was ready to go on this trip to follow Riser.

"Then, let's go, Darling."

Riser glanced at Rias and thought that this girl had changed. Previously, she was so gloomy and melancholy, but now, she was full of positivity. This also made him wonder how she felt when she knew what he had done since he wouldn't be surprised if, somehow, in the near future, Issei, who returned, would tell everything that he had done to Sirzech and Rias' family.

"What's wrong?" Rias asked curiously since she felt his gaze on her.

"It's okay."

"By the way, where are we going?"

"It's an onsen hotel recommended by Magari."

"Now that makes me curious."

Magari was a famous leader of the Nekoshou youkai, so the place recommended by such a person definitely wasn't bad, right?

"Then, let's go now."

Everyone was ready, so Riser used his ability to teleport everyone to the place where they would hold their trip. However, when they arrived and enjoyed the scenery around the hotel, Rias widened her eyes since she didn't expect to see someone familiar.


"...." Grayfia.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 347 Riser is a trustworthy man

January 6

The meeting between Rias and Grayfia was so sudden that neither of them knew how to react.

Yet, when Grayfia could only lower her head in guilt, Rias kept staring at Grayfia, feeling emotional and even furious. Yet, how could she feel like that? When her family needed someone to support her, Grayfia wasn't by their side, leaving them alone.

Moreover, Grayfia left her son as if she had abandoned him.

While it was true that Grayfia's situation happened due to the death of Sirzech, it was quite too much for her to abandon everything, leaving the rest behind, ignoring everything, and focusing on her own feelings.

Even if Rias was quite selfish, she had grown up.

Yet, Grayfia, who was a grown-up, somehow grew selfish and even childish.

While Grayfia waited for Rias to say something or even scold her, Rias took a deep breath, calming her shaking chest that had been in turbulence previously, before letting out a long sigh.

"Are you alright, Nee-sama?"

"I... I..."

"I don't want to fool my mood during this holiday, so how about we talk later and just enjoy this trip?"

Grayfia looked at Rias in a complicated mood, thinking that Rias, whom she had known in the past, had long gone. Rias had become much more mature, and Rias wasn't as selfish as before, which made her somewhat guilty since she knew that she was partly responsible for this.

While this growth was good, there was no doubt that this growth was paid for by intense pain.

Grayfia wished to run, but she couldn't, especially when Riser was there. "Riser Lucifer-sama." She might be selfish, wishing to run away from everything, but she wasn't stupid since she knew this world was as good as Riser. If before, she could treat Riser like nothing, at this moment, their position was switched and he could treat her like nothing.

"Hmm..." Riser didn't say much and only nodded at this widow of Sirzech. While Rias didn't say anything and might not notice anything, he could feel Akeno's mischievous gaze on him, but he simply ignored this lewd young woman and just enjoyed this trip since he knew that he would face many things after he returned.

Nevertheless, the rest didn't think too much. Even if the situation between Grayfia and Rias was quite weird, all they thought about was enjoying their stay, especially Rossweisse and Irina, since they had a great mission that they needed to do.

Riser didn't know what was on the heads of many who followed him, but there was no doubt this trip would be a lewd one.

The entire hotel was booked for him and dedicated to serving his entire group.

This might seem exaggerated, yet when one thinks about the identity of the person who came, this is normal.

Someone might say that everyone was equal, but that wasn't the truth since some were naturally better than others, especially in the supernatural world where everything was determined by the strength of the individual.

The power of a group might be powerful, too, but as long as one was strong enough, they could do many things.

It was like how the protagonist could destroy a powerful group of villains.

Unfortunately, the protagonists of this world had been defeated, and this world was as good as his.

Yet, this was also the reason why he wanted to know how Issei, who was about to revive, gained the power to defeat him.

Or, was it even possible to defeat him?

Even the combination of powerful gods, such as Indra, Shiva, Buddha, and many others, could do nothing against him.

Even if the whole world combined their power to defeat him, it was simply meaningless, especially when he could reverse all the damage he received into his power.

Even if one wanted to control his mind like the Great Red, it was also impossible since he had swallowed the Great Red, and his resistance toward a physic-like ability was almost to the point that he was completely immune to such a power.

Still, if he could become even stronger, then why not, right?

However, when he was about to open his rewards, Akeno and Asia interrupted him.

As for Koneko?

She could only watch on the side in silence, crying, wishing to grow up soon.

Walking out from a long bath session, Riser and everyone had dinner together, but then, Gryafia made an unexpected move by bowing her head and apologized, "I am sorry that I have never appeared when there was a crisis on the Underworld and the alliance, Lucifer-sama."

The sight of the widow who begged and apologized so he wouldn't punish her family sent a shiver down his spine. At that moment, he knew well that he wasn't a good guy, but he couldn't be blamed since he was nothing but a man.

What kind of man wouldn't be attracted to such an attractive widow?

Riser might hate Sirzech, but he didn't hate Sirzech's widow, Grayfia. Still, he wasn't the protagonist who would forgive anyone who came to beg him and apologize. Instead, he was silent and ignored her, starting to eat the dinner without worry.

As everyone started to grow anxious, Riser suddenly said, "I remember that someone told me that there was a strange, powerful devil who often joined the fight that happened within the alliance, such as Tannin and the fight against the Chinese and Hindu myths."

"A strange, powerful devil?"

"Yes. If I am not wrong, someone told me that she was young, around our age, and wore a phoenix mask."

Hearing his description, Grayfia's mature body trembled, but she didn't say anything and kept bowing her head.

"What's the name?"

"What is it again? Grayfia, can you help me remember?" Riser asked with a smile.

"Lucifer-sama... do you like to bully the widow of the previous Lucifer that much?" Grayfia asked helplessly.

"I happen to have such a hobby."

"....." Grayfia.

"Though, why did you hide your identity when you fought before, Grayfia?"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

"That strange, powerful devil that you mentioned is Nee-sama?" Rias was startled.

"That seems to be the case, and her reaction also told me so."

"......" Grayfia.

Did that mean that Riser was just testing her?

Grayfia realized that she had always been bullied by this young Lucifer.

Frankly, as the new Lucifer, he should show some respect to Grayfia, who was the wife of the previous Lucifer, yet he didn't do so and just bullied her as much as he wished to.

However, she didn't get angry since getting angry was also meaningless, especially when the Gremory House had been tied to Riser, considering how Rias had become one of his women.

As for Grayfia?

The moment Sirzech died, Grayfia thought that her connection with Gremory had long gone since she wasn't a Gremory and that she was part of Lucifage, the clan who wholeheartedly served the original Lucifer, yet in the end, she betrayed the original Satans to be with Sirzech.

Was it worth it?

Grayfia wasn't sure, but somehow, she didn't care about those things anymore.

Still, perhaps due to Riser's teasing that the situation had warmed, Rias realized that Grayfia wasn't as cold and callous as Grayfia seemed to be since Grayfia was also there during the crisis that happened to the Gremory, the Underworld, and the alliance.

However, Grayfia didn't have a face to meet them, so she decided to change her identity, making her younger and wearing a mask. Still, while everyone was clueless, Riser could tell who she was immediately and even tore her mask in front of everyone like this, which made her helpless, yet she couldn't get angry since she knew fighting him was meaningless, and she also didn't want to fight him either since she just wasn't sure what to do with her life since the purpose of her life was gone.

The person she swore to protect and stay in her life was gone.

Still, that night, Rossweisse, who wished to take a chance to sleep with Riser, drank a lot of alcohol, became drunk, and then made the rest also drunk.

It was all a mess.

Riser didn't want to sleep with such a drunkard and wanted to escape, but the silver-haired beauty didn't let him go. Facing this advance, why should he reject it?

So, tonight, he upheld his promise to take care of Sirzech's family.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 348 Your wife is mine

January 6

With a woman by his side, Riser watched her figure who slept so soundly and peacefully on his arm. If it was a normal man, they would feel numb by this action, but he didn't feel so and didn't feel much except for excitement, considering what kind of a woman he had been with.

Riser had been with many women, after all, and if he wished to, there would be many beautiful women with fantastic figures who would jump into his arms without a second thought, yet a widow of his enemy really gave him a different feeling.

Grayfia might be a mother of one and she had been married to Sirzech.

Yet, such a woman was in his arms, crying lewdly, abandoning her status as a wife and a mother as she was held by him, enjoying the act of sex with a man other than her husband.

Even though Sirzech had a long death, Riser still recalled how many troubles he had been given by that hypocritical guy. If he was the only one who was harassed, then he didn't mind, but that bastard also harassed his family. He might have finished his revenge by killing that bastard, and he could also harass that bastard's family.

Yet, Riser didn't do that as he had a gentle heart, and this was also the reason why he took care of that bastard's wife.

Still, he had to say it was so fun to break the stoic expression into a lewd one and abandon all of her reserves as she was held by him.

Suddenly, he was glad of Rossweiss, who had caused a mess and made all of them drunk. If the incident hadn't happened, then he might not have been able to comfort Grayfia, who was hurt.

Nevertheless, as he had gained his peace, it was his time to check his rewards from his previous war.

[Congratulations, you have received "Agni, Lord of Charity," "Haniel, Lord of Glory," and "Hastur, Lord of Star Wind."]


He had to say his rewards were amazing.

Let's start one by one.

His first reward was Agni, Lord of Charity, which gave him an ability known as "Charity."

This ability allows him to amplify something near-infinitely. When used on a person, it can be used to either increase their strength to or past the limit of their bodies, resulting in living things being burned alive by their own body heat or otherwise falling apart. When used on an attack, the result is absolutely catastrophic, increasing its power to the absolute limit and creating the strongest offensive power.

If he gave an example, this power was like the "Boosted Gear" owned by Issei.

In his case, he didn't need the "Boosted Gear," and the "Boosted Gear" was unable to burn the opponent alive like him.

In other words, his ability was stronger than Issei, which made him wonder how Issei would defeat him.

Yet, this wasn't his only reward since there were two left.

Haniel, Lord of the Glory.

This was his second reward, an ability that centered around balance, offering a perfect blend of offensive and defensive powers. It's also a Passive Skill.

This skill gives him five skills, which: Attack Sense, an ability to see through the enemy's traps; Hostility Detection, an ability to ascertain the enemy's movements; Accord of Energy, an ability to change unfavorable attributes to advantageous ones; Offensive-Defensive Balance Adjustment, an ability to convert the power of attack into defense and the power of defense into attack; and Automatic Recovery, an ability to automatically heals all wounds.

Riser had to say that all of those abilities were useful to him, especially the last one.

It might seem weird why he said that, but even though he was a Phoenix and couldn't do it no matter what, it didn't mean that couldn't hurt since all of his actions needed to start with a thought. If he wanted to heal his body, he needed to think so first. However, with this ability, if he wanted to heal his body, it could be done automatically.

As for the others, such as "Attack Sense" and "Hostility Detection," there was no doubt that they were useful.

However, the "Accord of Energy" and "Offensive-Defensive Balance Adjustment" were so unique.

In the case of "Accord of Energy," which was an ability to change unfavorable attributes to advantageous ones, it was like when he was exhausted after running so long, that exhaustion would disappear as it was unfavorable to him.

If he had to say, it was like the application of the "Ruler" within his body. What hurt him would make him stronger, yet it was done within his body instead of the external, which was a lower version of the "Ruler," yet, unlike the "Ruler" that needed to be activated, this ability was passive, so no matter how one would try to invade his mind, it was meaningless since this ability would activate automatically.

The "Offensive-Defensive Balance Adjustment" was also an interesting skill since it gave him the ability to have the ultimate defense and an ultimate attack like the ability of Falbium Asmodeus.

In case he wanted to attack, this skill would adjust automatically to turn everything into an attack, so his attack would become stronger. But in case he wanted to defend, this skill would also adjust to turn everything into a defense, making his defense impregnable.

There were those five abilities within a single ability, and there was no doubt showing how much this skill was worth.

Those two skills had made him much stronger, but this wasn't the end since he still had his last reward.

Hastur, Lord of Star Wind.

This skill gave him various abilities, and some of the abilities were quite similar to those he owned in the past, but the main abilities of this skill were "Weather Domination" and "Sound and Wind Domination."

With this skill, he could control the weather; whether it was a storm, snow, or sun, he could change whatever he wished, causing the entire world to be in chaos. Somehow, this skill reminded him of the 2nd strongest Longinus owned by the angel side, Zenith Tempest.

Still, Riser didn't have much of a good impression of those Longinus users, as all of them felt like they were special. While that was the truth, it made him know that those individuals loved to cause trouble, and they were confident in themselves, thinking as if whatever they did was for the good.

Before someone refuted him since he was the same, he had to say that he wasn't a good person, and he was different from those who believed that they were good even though their purpose was selfish.

In the future, he wouldn't be surprised if there was trouble on the angel's side; the owner of the Zenith Tempest would take part on the side of those who had caused trouble.

Suddenly, it made him think that he should take all the Longinus in this world, taking him by himself, so no one could bother him anymore.

With that idea, he felt that he needed to do it as soon as possible.

Oh, as for "Sound and Wind Domination"?

Wasn't it obvious?

It gave him the ability to govern over the sound and wind.

It was frightening, right?


"Did I wake you up?"

"No, it's okay."

"Let's sleep. You must be tired."

Grayfia stared at Riser, who had tossed her body around with a sigh, then snuggled in his arms, feeling the long-lost comfort that she longed after.

Kissing her white, round shoulder, Riser thought that the window of the enemy was great.

Still, this also made him wonder what kind of ability he had received from Grayfia.

[Congratulations, you have received "Ocean."]

"......." Riser.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 349 Longinus is too dangerous

January 7


It was an ability to create a literal ocean to trap his opponents.

If Riser had to say, it was an ability to create a world of water and trap his opponent inside. If he gave an example, it was like the ability of the "Dimensional Lost" or "Innovate Clear," but it created an ocean instead of another type of space.

While this might seem weaker than the "Dimensional Lost" that could practically control the space and barrier, or "Innovate Clear" that could create an ideal world, the "Ocean" gave him the ability to control water, so at this moment, not only he could control the fire, but also water.

While he knew that this ability might not help him that much, he knew that it was suitable for his wife as he could use "Link" to let her use this ability.

There was no doubt that he was surprised by the reward he gained from Grayfia. Still, compared to this reward, the satisfaction that came from sleeping with the wife of his enemy was more than that.


The next day, when everyone had woken up, Riser took the documents given by Suzaku and read it quietly.

Suzaku didn't say anything and just waited patiently until someone served her coffee. She was quite startled as she saw the beautiful figure of a mature maid, but she quickly thanked her.

"Thank you."

Grayfia only smiled politely and then stood behind Riser like a loyal maid.

Nevertheless, those who saw Grayfia's action knew what had happened.

"They must be sleeping together."

"I know it! He loves to take the woman of others the most!"

"Widow is his favorite type of woman!"

Riser frowned, especially when their discussions weren't particularly discreet, or they might even deliberately let him hear what they talked about, which made him speechless. Nevertheless, Grayfia didn't say anything and just stood behind him calmly, though her plump, mature thighs squeezed together as she thought about what had happened last night.

Grayfia didn't think her affair with Riser was something to be embarrassed about. Instead, she was sure someone would even look at her in jealousy if they knew she was held by him.

Still, Rias, who saw her sister-in-law fall into Riser's arms, was helpless. While she wished for her sister-in-law to remain loyal to her deceased older brother, she knew that this wasn't realistic, especially when Grayfia was in an unstable state, and it was better to be with Riser instead of a random man that she didn't know, but at the same time, she was unconvinced as it appeared that Riser was more obsessed with her.

Snorting, Rias thought that she was going to dry him tonight and showed him that she was far better than Grayfia.

"So, Azazel and Ajuka have been asking you to search for the owner of the Innovate Clear?"

"Yes." Suzaku nodded. "All the members of the Five Principal Clans were asked so."

"Why the Five Principal Clans?" Rias was confused.

"It should be because the owner of the Innovate Clear is in Japan."

"Have you found this owner?"

"No, not yet." Suzaku shook her head, but then she said, "But we found the clue."

"What is that?"

"The owner of the Innovate Clear is with the owner of Telos Karma."

"Telos Karma?'

Everyone was surprised since they hadn't expected that two Longinus users would appear together, showing how incredibly rare this chance was.

Among the billions of people, only a few of them had Sacred Gears, and Longinus owners were even rarer as there were only 13 Longinus in this world.

So for two Longinus users to appear together was something incredible.

"Who is the owner of Telos Karma?"

"Momiji Nakiri." Suzaku didn't hide anything. "She is the little sister of the previous "Ouryuu" in the Nakiri clan."


"Those who are able to tame the yellow dragon in the Nakiri Clan. That's "Ouryuu," though they are about to be erased."

When she finished those words, Suzaku looked timidly at Riser.

"Do you want me to save them?" Riser asked.

The Five Principal Clans were no longer complete as the three holy beasts of the Five Principal Clans were taken away by Tiamat, leaving only the "Yellow Dragon" on the Nakiri clan and the Vermilion Bird on the Himejima Clan.

As of the moment, those three holy beasts were already in his hands as Tiamat gave him those Holy Beasts to him. Still, he wondered whether he should turn them directly into Mocking Gear or just use them as a pet.

This was something that he had been thinking about.

"No, it's okay. Unlike me, they hadn't paid a price."

It was clear from Suzaku's answer that the relationship between the five clans of the Five Principal Clans wasn't good, so even if the others were destroyed, as long as her clan remained, she didn't mind. Moreover, the Himejima clan's Holy Beast was a Vermilion Bird, which was quite similar to Riser, who was part of the Phoenix, so even if the Himejima Clan worshipped Riser as their new deity, it didn't really matter.

Riser nodded since he didn't want to save the Nakiri clan, considering this clan worshipped the Yellow Dragon, and he hated the dragon the most, especially those who thought that they could do anything.

"But why did Ajuka-sama and Azazel wish to get the Innovate Clear, Riser-sama?" Grayfia asked curiously since she had been away from the Underworld, so there were many things that she didn't know except those big matters, such as Tannin or the war with the Chinese and Hindu myth.

"Probably because they want to strengthen the field on the "Rating Game"? You know, they like to play the game the most, right?"

Riser wouldn't tell them that Ajuka and Azazel wished to trap him within the space of the Innovate Clear. They might be enemies for him, but he still had some respect for their impossible struggle, and frankly, he didn't hate Ajuka and Azazel that much since they didn't annoy him that much.

They might make him almost die due to the summoning of the Great Red, but they were enemies, and what kind of enemies would be kind to each other, right?

"So, are you interested in the Innovate Clear, dear?" Rias asked.

Hearing that answer, everyone was looking at Riser, waiting for his answer.

"No, I am interested in all Longinus in this world."


"Or, rather, I plan to take all the Longinus to keep instead of leaving them to the hands of humans."

"........" Everyone.

"I know that my answer might surprise you, but not only Azazel but Ajuka died because the humans gained the power of Longinus. I feel like it is too dangerous for them to hold this power, so I am going to take them, as we don't know that they might kill someone we know."

Still, this plan of his startled all of them, and they could only stare at him in a daze, yet when they thought about the death of Ajuka and Azazel were all due to the owner of the True Longinus, they felt that it was reasonable for him to think so.

At least they couldn't allow their enemies to hold the Longinus as it was too dangerous.

"Should I try to search for the owner of the Innovate Clear and Telos Karma, Riser-sama?" Suzaku asked, thinking that it was a chance to gain his favorability.

"You might die, you know?"

"They won't kill us. They are kind anyway."


Riser's lips twitched, thinking that the world was really cruel to those kind people. Still, he didn't stop Suzaku if she wished to do so and told him to call him when she found the owner of those twos. Nevertheless, as he had made up his mind to take all the Longinus, he didn't hesitate and decided to take the first target.

He put his finger on his temple, then made an order, 'Vali, come to meet me.'

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 350 Goodbye

January 7


Vali fell in silence when he heard this order. He hesitated before letting out a helpless sigh.

"Vali..." Albion wanted to say something, but he couldn't since there was nothing that he could do.

Odin might have helped them to find out who was the real murderer of Vali's stepfather, but even so, what could they do?

Even if they knew that it was Riser, could they defeat him?

The answer was no since they knew well that Riser was the strongest being, especially his ability to turn all the attacks and anything that harmed him into something that made him stronger.

"Vali, what's wrong?"

"Yeah, what happens?"

Everyone quickly noticed Vali's strangeness and quickly asked.

Vali took a deep breath and apologized, "I am sorry, but we might not be able to meet each other."



Everyone was dumbfounded.

"What's wrong?"

"If you have a problem, tell us."

"We're comrades! We will do each other to help you!"

Vali's lips trembled, and then he said, "Riser Lucifer called me and told me to meet him."


Everyone fell into silence.

"I know that I might die soon, but it doesn't matter, so do your best with your fight; I will watch over you."

There was no escape for Vali, especially when Vali's family was in Riser's hands, and all of them were helpless to do anything to help Vali.

"Don't worry about me. Just focus on what you are doing."

They wanted to say something, but no words came out of their mouths since they knew how helpless they were. At this moment, the strongest among them was the future Gasper, whose power was similar to those of Super Devils such as Sirzech or Ajuka, but even so, he was helpless against Riser.

Especially when Riser's ability was so unreasonable.

Even Vali knew that they could do nothing, this world as good as Riser's. Moreover, he was just exhausted. If it was before, he might boldly say that he would fight anyone, but now?

There was no such thing in his heart at all.

The pride that he had before had gone, disappeared, shattered by Riser.

Moreover, as long as he was gone, he knew that his family would be saved. There was no need to live in fear, and the dead might not be a destination, a bad destination.

Even Albion, who knew about Vali's thoughts, didn't say anything since he knew that all the struggle was meaningless in front of Riser.

Nevertheless, everyone wanted to tell Vali not to go, yet what about Vali's mother and siblings?

Was it okay to abandon them?

Watching Vali, who was about to leave, the future Gasper struggled since he knew that Riser might be waiting at a place where Vali's family was located. He needed Vali's power to defeat Riser, yet Issei hadn't appeared, and they needed to hide until that time came, or else everything would be destroyed before it began.

In the end, no one said anything as they could only lower their heads, watching Vali, who had left. Some of them cried bitterly, yet no words came out of their mouths, showing how helpless they were.

Frankly, for Vali, this might be great since staying with all of them, who were ready to fight to the death against Riser, was just painful. If he left, then he wouldn't feel this way, right?

"Vali... I... I..."

"It's okay, Albion. You don't need to say anything."

Albion never thought he would hate how powerful he was. As one of the Heavenly Dragons, all of his life had been smooth sailing, and nothing could stop him except for the God of the bible. Yet, even the God of the bible was struggling against him, and in the end, God could only turn him into a Longinus.

The fight between them could only be death or alive.

There was no other option like Riser, who could tame him, telling him that his fist was bigger, so Albion needed to be humble.

"However, with this, I am glad."

Vali closed his eyes, then went in the direction where they would have their appointment. Their meeting location was in Italy, the hometown of his family, which made him uneasy.

"I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry!"

Albion cried as he kept apologizing.

Vali didn't say anything and just peacefully went to his destination. Whenever he walked, everything seemed to be so peaceful, and he had never thought that peace would be so beautiful.

In the past, he thought that chaos, war, and fighting were something that he longed for, yet now?

Peace wasn't bad at all.

If there was something that he regretted, he only realized that feeling now, so that he didn't have time to enjoy this peace.

Along the way, neither Vali nor Albion talked about anything.

If it was before, Albion might say that they should fight to the death, yet in the end, he didn't say anything as if he had given up or just respected Vali's decision. Either way, there was nothing he could do, so it was meaningless to talk more.

Still, if Vali died and Albion got a new host, he would definitely tell his host not to anger Riser and just live quietly in a peaceful way.

For a dragon, this decision of his might be seen as cowardly, yet so what?

Like those whom Albion have trampled on in the past, the weak have no right!

Was this karma?

Albion thought so, and it also made him laugh since he didn't expect that there would be a time in the future when he would repent all of his actions.

Still, as they were on their way to meet Riser, they recalled many of their memories, their battles, conversations, struggles, and many other things. All of them were unforgettable for the two of them.

"I won't forget you, Vali."

"Thank you."

Then, soon, they saw a luxurious villa in the southern area of Sicily.

In the Mediterranean style of the villa, a single figure sat on the lazy chair wearing a short-sleeved white shirt and shorts, drinking cold grape juice as he watched over the sea. It could be seen that he was alone, like how they usually met each other.

Still, it might be the first time Vali saw Riser surrounded by many luxury items, which made him helpless, especially when he recalled how everyone was living like homeless.

"You have come?"

Riser didn't even turn his head, and Vali only lowered his head, showing his submission.


"Come closer."

If it was before, Vali might have attacked Riser, but now, there was no such thought. Moreover, even if he did a sneak attack, it was all meaningless.

Yet, Vali had to say, this place might not be a bad place to die.



"Do you want to have a normal life?"


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 351 Normal Vali

January 8

"Wh-What do you mean?"

Vali's voice was trembling as he heard Riser's voice.

"I will take out the blood of Lucifer and the Divine Dividing in your body, making you a normal human, and let you leave with your family."

Riser's voice was calm, but Vali felt like his body was struck down by thunder in disbelief.

Vali wished to say something, but unfortunately, no words came out from his lips. What Riser was about to do was so outrageous that he wasn't sure how to respond. He was planning to die, yet Riser told him that he would become a normal human.

"Is-Is that true?" However, Albion's voice was full of anticipation.

"Yes." Riser nodded. "I plan to cut his relationship with the supernatural world, and he will be living as a normal human, Vali, without any a single relationship with this side again. I will also heal him so he won't become disabled again."

"Then, please! I beg you!"

Instead of suffering a painful death, Albion was glad that Vali had such an end. As for him being taken by Riser, he didn't mind at all, especially when he had been living so long. Death was nothing for him. Well, he had already died, but he still had his consciousness, yet even if it was gone, it didn't matter since even if a new host appeared, he knew that it was meaningless to fight Riser. He might as well have been taken by Riser immediately, so it would have given Vali a more favorable treatment.

Albion knew how many times he had caused Vali trouble due to his arrogance and stupid decision, so this was the only thing he could do to repay for what he had done.

So Vali and his family can have a good life.

That was probably Albion's only wish now.

Yet, there was no doubt that Vali was luckier than any hosts of the Divine Dividing since almost all of them had a cruel death awaiting them, yet Vali had such a human end.

As for doubting Riser?

There was no such a thing since what was the use of him lying to them?

Riser might be their enemy, but there was no doubt his words were more believable than Cao Cao or the future Gasper. It wasn't that Riser was kind, but his reputation as someone trustworthy had never been broken.

They knew that as long as Riser would do it, then he would do it.

"You don't need to beg, and this isn't a request. This is just an announcement. You don't have any right to refuse."

"....." Vali and Albion.

Whether Vali or Albion, neither of them spoke anymore, and Riser healed Vali's disabled body, recovering him to his most perfect state. Watching everything happen, the two of them fell into silence.

Riser is famous for being the strongest Lucifer, with powerful physical strength and powerful flame ability, but there was no doubt what made him even more famous was his ability at healing.

Vali knew that his body was almost impossible to recover and that the future Gasper could do nothing, yet Riser could save him in just a single moment.

So, would Vali attack him?

No way.

Even Albion didn't even say anything.

The reason why Riser dared to do so was to show that he didn't care whether Vali was hurt or not since no matter what Vali's condition was, it didn't change the fact that it was impossible for Vali to win.

"You will forget everything after this. Do you have the last words?"

How kind.

Albion and Vali thought.

Vali took a deep breath, then said, "Thank you for everything, Albion."

"No, no. Me too. I am glad that I have you as my host, Vali..." Albion wished to cry at this moment.

Vali then closed his eyes and remembered every one of his adventures in life before his arrogance destroyed everything. He thought that he was the chosen one, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case. The reality before him crumbled, and living like a normal person was something that he sought after.

Still, there was something that he needed to say, even though he knew that it was quite wrong.

"Um... Riser Lucifer-sama, can I have the last words for you?"

"Sure." Riser felt it was a bit funny for Vali to be so humble that Vali would call his full name and even added a "-sama" suffix.

"Please take care of Reni."


"Levinia Reni."

"Are you in love with her?"


Vali took a deep breath and then said, "She has taken care of me during my childhood. I care for her like my family."

"Is that so?"

Vali didn't hear Riser's answer and became anxious. What could he do?

There was nothing that he could do; the weak had the right, and he knew that too late.

Closing his eyes, everything was in the dark, and Vali couldn't remember anything except for his family.

After manipulating Vali's memory, Riser took out the "Divine Dividing" by using the power of "Kote Kote no Mi" and "Degrenate."

Inside the "Divine Dividing," Albion saw all of this, and he even saw all the consciousness of his previous hosts erased directly, without any resistance. Watching all of this, he didn't even say a single word as he was afraid that Riser might change his mind to kill Vali. Frankly, there were many things he wanted to ask as he wondered how a devil from the Phenex House could do all of this.

Yet, what Albion was surprised by was that Riser could use the Divide Dividing.

"Balance Breaker!"

Suddenly, Riser's body was wrapped in the silver dragon armor like Vali had in the past.

"..." Albion.

Riser didn't use the "Divine Dividing" for too long and then returned to normal. Even so, he didn't expect that using the "Divine Dividing" would take energy. Still, with its ability to absorb half of the target's energy, this consumption was as good as none.

"Is there something you want to ask, Albion?"

"...just, what's your plan?"


"I mean... you can use me after all."

While the "Divine Dividing" might be only a mid-tier Longinus, it was still Longinus and those who gained its power could definitely destroy the world, so Albion wondered what Riser planned to do with the power of the "Divine Dividing."

However, Riser only chuckled and said, "You are funny. Even without you, no one can defeat me."

"..." Albion.

Riser's words were arrogant, but that was the truth.

"Well, you are good and not stupid, so I don't plan to erase your consciousness, or do you want me to erase your consciousness, Albion?"

"I..." Albion was surprised but also hesitant. "...is that possible?"

"Whether your consciousness exists or not, it doesn't matter to me. Your conscience can't do anything after all."

It hurt, Albion thought, but he knew that was the truth.

Everything was within Riser's palm.

"Is there any point in asking me a question then?"

"I will give Vali safety and a nice life, but you must also give something in exchange."

As expected, Albion thought since he knew that it was impossible for Riser to be so kind. Still, even if Riser was evil, he could be trusted. Moreover, Albion felt it was better this way since it was a transaction instead of charity.

"If you keep Vali's safety and let him have a normal life with his family, then I can do everything for you."

"That's good. I like to talk with smart people." Riser was satisfied with Albion. "Then, tell me about Ddraig's information."


Issei would reincarnate sooner or later, so Riser needed more information about the "Boosted Gear" since his information was limited. Issei and Ddraig might not be able to defeat him, but it wouldn't hurt to be careful, right?

"Oh, right. I almost forgot."

Before giving Vali a normal life, Riser was going to take out another thing from Vali.

Watching the twelves blaze the devil-like wings that grew behind Riser, Albion knew no one in the world could defeat this demon.