Akikan40. Phoenix. 363-373

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 363 Sometimes stupidity can't be cured

January 11

At that moment, no one said anything. All of them fell in silence and lowered their heads, looking away from Diehauser, afraid that their Lucifer would think of them as involved with this champion.

Even the children, who didn't understand anything, also frowned, wanting to say something to Diehauser, but their parents told them to be quiet.

For everyone who heard what Diehauser said, they swore that they wouldn't get involved with him.

Still, Diehauser never thought that he had said anything wrong and even firmly believed what he had said.

Meanwhile, Riser, his woman, and his family, who stayed in the VIP area, couldn't help but become agitated by Diehauser's words.

"What the hell is wrong with that guy~?! Did you think as long as you become the champion, you can do anything~! So-chan won't ever do something unfair and unjust!" Serafall was furious at Diehauser.

"Is this guy serious?" Rias was speechless when she heard Diehauser's words. This was probably also why she didn't think to join the "Rating Game" after this, as she realized how idiotic the champion of the "Rating Game" was.

Did becoming the champion give you the capital to talk so rudely in front of Lucifer?

What was wrong with this guy?

Or would becoming the champion make him so great that he could question the fairness of the Rating Game in front of Lucifer?

Everyone wanted to stay away from this guy; even Sairaorg, who was involved, couldn't help but want to smash Diehauser's head. His head might not be that bright, but he felt like he was smarter than Diehauser.


All of his peerage members looked at him worriedly as they didn't want to be on the bad side of Riser. Frankly, they didn't want to play this match, either, as they knew how fearsome Riser was.

Previously, they had joined the war of the alliance with the Hindu and Chinese myths, and they knew how frightening Riser was.

If Riser wished to, he could even destroy this alliance, even if he was the one who created it.

"Calm down. I will handle this once we walk out."

Sairaorg quickly said, but then he looked at all of his peerages and asked, "Say, what do you think should I say?" Hearing his question, everyone started brainstorming about what they should say when they were about to enter the stage.

Still, the ones that felt the most uncomfortable were definitely Sona and her peerage group members.

"Did he think that he can get away because he is the champion?" Xenovia gritted her teeth, wishing to tear Diehauser's mouth.

The rest also wasn't much better, but Sona only coldly stared at the screen.


"Dear, are you not going to do anything?" Serafall asked with a pout.

"It's okay. I will have a match with him soon," Riser said calmly, waiting for his match with Diehauser.

With that said, they knew that Diehauser wouldn't end well.

Nevertheless, while Naud was stumped since he didn't expect Diehauser to be so idiotic, causing him to not know what to say, Baraqiel frowned and asked, "What do you mean by those words, Diehauser?"

Usually, one would add a "-dono" suffix or even "-sama" when they called Diehauser, but Baraqiel didn't use any of that and called his name rudely.

Diehauser frowned, but he wouldn't cause trouble with the leader of the Grigori for this small matter. "I just express my thoughts. We are all here to love the "Rating Game," and it is also a place where everything is fair. I don't want this sacred game to be tarnished—"


Unexpectedly, the one who refuted Diehauser wasn't Baraqiel, Riser, or others who were close to Sona. Instead, it was Sairaorg who was being supported by Diehauser.

"Bellial Diehauser-dono." Sairaorg held his microphone and came out all of a sudden from the waiting room to the stage as he stared at Diehauser. "This might be the last time I call you that, but don't you dare the fairness of this game. Whether it is Sona Sitri or Riser Lucifer-sama, they are all my friends; we have known each other for so long, and there is no way for them to do something despicable such as tarnishing this sacred match.

"Even if you are the champion of the "Rating Game," I won't forgive you for making such a slander!"

His voice was full of rage and clearly showed his hostility toward Diehauser.

However, in front of Sairaorg's accusation, Diehauser was stunned and looked at Sairaorg in disbelief.

What went wrong?

Shouldn't Sairaorg support him?

Diehauser said all of that because he wanted to support Sairaorg, as he could tell that this match would definitely be hard for Sairaorg. After all, compared to Sona, who was the wife of Lucifer, Sairaorg didn't have much support, but even so, he was still amazed by this young man who worked hard to fight his destiny, and that was why he decided to support him.

Yes, Riser might be the de facto leader of the devil and the alliance, but even so, the Rating Game was different.

This was a place where everyone could show their power, abilities, and worth without being restricted by anything.

Regardless of their status, nothing would be on the "Rating Game."

Diehauser wanted to tell Riser that point and also supported Sairaorg even though no one would support him, but why would the one who had supported him fight him?

"I see..." Baraqiel nodded, then said, "I think that the champion isn't suitable to become today's Rating Game's commentator. What do you think, Naud?"

"I think so, too." Naud nodded. "I think you are exhausted, Champion-dono. You should go back and rest."

The word "Champion" was like sarcasm in their mouths.

Moreover, between Riser and Diehauser, who should they choose?

This was a stupid question.

Even if Naud wasn't as powerful as Diehauer, he couldn't help but disdain Diehauser since this guy's head was really stupid.

When one had stood high on top of everyone else, one definitely wouldn't feel comfortable when they fell below.

"No, I am fine."

While Diehauser wasn't sure why he felt uncomfortable, he still explained that he was fine and wouldn't leave.

Naud was speechless by Diehauser's words as this guy couldn't read the meaning behind his words.

Was this guy really that stupid?

Naud then looked at Baraqiel, hoping for him to help. After all, even if he was a famous presenter and came from an aristocratic house, he wasn't Diehauser's opponent, but Baraqiel was different.

Still, Baraqiel didn't talk immediately but tried to contact Riser, and as he gained his answer, he just let Diehauser go, which Naud also followed.

Nevertheless, whether Naud or Baraqiel pretended that Diehauser didn't exist, everyone welcomed Sairaorg and Sona into the stage excitedly.

Yet, watching everything that had happened in front of him, Diehauser still didn't realize what kind of a mess he had done.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 364 Let's go ahead!

5 days ago

Frankly, no one really cared whether this "Rating Game" was fair or not. Even if this "Rating Game" wasn't fair, it didn't matter since who did it was their Lucifer, Riser.

Helping his wife to win was just a small fault or a mistake compared to what he had done to all of them.

Instead, at the time, what they hated the most at the time was Diehauser as he dared to question Riser.

As Riser had said before, in the eyes of many, he was already a god.

God was an existence that could be tarnished, so even if Diehauser was a champion with a lot of fans, at this moment, all of them directly threw away all of the merchandise and anything related to Diehauser as they didn't want to have anything to do with him.

At that moment, Dieahuser's popularity fell downward sharply, without any intention to stop. Even the Bael territory was also affected by his words.

Moreover, Sona was the one who had proposed the school of the "Rating Game" school for the low-class devil and the reincarnated devils. If she hated the "Rating Game" and stopped this school due to Diehauser's problem, what should they do? After all, everyone wished to gain status, wealth, and everything from a "Rating Game."

Even if Diehauser was their idol, they wouldn't hesitate to abandon him if he caused them trouble.

Yet, it was Diehauser's problem, and it had nothing to do with this "Rating Game."

To make it fair, the rules of this "Rating Game" were chosen randomly, and neither Sona nor Sairorg knew what kind of game rule they needed to follow to have their victory.

Still, whether Sona or Sairaorg, they were so much different from each other.

If Sona was good at strategy, then Sairaorg was good at straight combat.

So, it was also due to this that depending on what kind of rule was chosen on this "Rating Game," it would either give the advantage to Sona or Sairaorg.

Nevertheless, no matter what kind of a rule was chosen, whether Sona or Sairaorg would give up.

While this "Rating Game" was soiled in Diehauser's mouth, it didn't mean that they would stop this match. Instead, they needed to continue this match and bring their all in this match.

"It's Lightning Fast Game!" Naud shouted, announcing the rules of the game.

"Oh, it's been a while." Baraqiel somehow felt melancholy when he thought about this rule of the game since, at that time, Azazel was still alive, and their Grigori hadn't been invaded by Riser.

Yet, life continued after all, and under Riser, the lives of the fallen angels weren't bad at all, so there was no need to fight, especially when it was pointless to fight. Moreover, he was already Riser's father-in-law, so his position was great.

"Yes, it also happens to be the rule of the "Rating Game" when it's our Lucifer-sama's first return game," Naud also said with a smile.

Everyone also felt melancholy since, at that time, Riser hadn't become Lucifer, and they thought that many things had happened in the past year, which made them feel like a trace, thinking that it was great that they could stay alive till now.

Still, the rules of the Lightning Fast Game are simple, and it is just a quick match (a blitz). Within the one-hour time limit, whoever defeats their opponent's "King" wins.

In the case that neither player can defeat the enemy king, a winning team is decided by the number of points calculated by the number of pieces each side has claimed from the other.

"I think that this rule will bring a lot of advantage to Sairaorg," Diehauser suddenly made a comment, but no one said anything.

Instead, Naud simply ignored Diehauser and looked at Baraqiel. "Governor Baraqiel, what do you think of this match?"

"Hmm... I have heard that Sairaorg's physical ability is frightening, or rather, we can see from his match that he is a master of martial arts, and moreover, I have heard that he has a Longinus."


Everyone was startled.

"Yes, Sairaorg's pawn is a Longinus, Regulus Nemea."

Naturally, for those who didn't know, Naud directly explained what the Regulus Nemea was to everyone. There was nothing to hide, and everything about this Longinus was told.

In the original, this wouldn't happen, especially because the Great King faction and the Four Maou faction were two different factions. The two of them were also often in an argument.

Sirzech and Ajuka might be powerful, but their powers weren't enough to deal with all the members of the Great King Faction.

However, Riser was different.

Whether it was the Great King faction or the Four Maou faction, all of them were the same. They were all under him, especially when he had become the leader of the alliance. If they wanted to rise along with him, they needed to combine their strength together, following him obediently.

Such a thing definitely couldn't happen to Sirzech, Ajuka, or even Issei.

All of them might be powerful, but they weren't strong enough.

As for being smart, knowing emotions, and many other things, all of them were meaningless in front of the supernatural world.

It was due to this that Zekram came to tell him about the Regulus Nemea to Riser. After all, being discovered later and coming by himself to report this matter was different. It was also due to this reason that his relationship with Zekram was as good as ever. Nevertheless, Zekram's family didn't seem to inherit Zekram's wit, which made him and Zekram feel speechless.

Yet, in his eyes, they were just clowns.

It was like Diehauser, who was being ignored by everyone at that moment.

Still, everyone's eyes quickly changed due to Sairaorg's ownership of the Regulus Nemea.

Sairaorg might be powerful, but he was famous for being talentless, yet at this moment, everyone's opinion of him changed as they thought that he might become the next generation of Maou.

Still, this also made them worry about Sona, yet they also knew that it was impossible for Riser not to train his wife.

Nevertheless, it was also due to knowing this fact that everyone in the supernatural world became curious about how this "Rating Game" was going to conclude.

In the Lightning Fast Game, Sairaorg might have an advantage, and he also had Longinus and Regulus Nemea.

Yet, Sona was Riser's wife, and as she could stand until now, there was no way for her to be weak.

Still, whether Naud or Baraqiel was talking as much as everyone was already impatient about the match so quickly, whether Sona and Sairaorg, along with their peerage members, were teleported to the stage of the "Rating Game."

The stage was the Kuoh Academy, a school where Rias, Sona, and most of his women were learning.

Still, at this moment, this learning place became a battlefield for Sona and Sairaorg.


At that moment, the two groups were ready for the fight.

Sairaorg charged forward directly, leading his entire group to defeat Sona's group, yet he was surprised by the one who came to fight him.

"So, you are the one who will fight me?"

Saji grinned and said, "I won't lose!"

This time, Saji was going to show the result of his training to everyone!

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 365 Saji, who is going all out!

5 days ago

"Genshiro Saji?" Rias was surprised when Sona's pawn decided to face Sairaorg directly. Even though many thought of Sairaorg as a talentless guy, she knew that her cousin was strong.

So strong!

Even in the previous war against the Chinese and Hindu myth, Sairaorg was on a rampage, blasting many of his enemies, especially when he was under the protection of Riser, so no matter what his wounds were, he would be healed instantly. Knowing this, he was happy and even became akin to an MPV during the war.

Moreover, while she knew that this was wrong, she didn't think that Saji could match Sairaorg.

Sairaorg had a Longinus, and he was also a pure-blood devil. Meanwhile, Saji was a reincarnated devil, and while his Sacred Gear came from one of the Dragon Kings, Vritra, it was still far from the Longinus.

So, Rias was surprised when Sona decided to send Saji.

"Well, just watch."

If Riser didn't know anything and wasn't the one who trained Saji, he knew that it was impossible for Saji to defeat Sairaorg. It wasn't because Saji didn't work hard, but his upper limit was far lower than Sairaorg's.

Sairaorg might not have a talent with Demonic Energy or the Power of Destruction, but his talent for physical ability was outrageous. Moreover, as Rias thought before, he had a Longinus.

Meanwhile, Saji was just a normal human before. If there was something special about him, it was that he had a Sacred Gear made from one of the Dragon Kings, Vritra. Yet, it was also his weakness since being as strong as Vritra was his limit.

If Saji had a different talent, then he might be able to become stronger.

Yet, there was no such a thing, so being as strong as Vritra was his limit.

However, Saji wasn't a dragon. He was just human and also a reincarnated devil. Even worse, he wasn't the main character, so his current strength was impossible to be as strong as the real Vritra.

It was also the same case as Issei Hyoudo, the protagonist. There was nothing about him, and his only redemption was that he wasn't ugly and also the host of the Red Dragon Emperor. Yet, it was also due to this that his strength only be limited to being as strong as the Red Dragon Emperor, which was similar to Saji.

However, Issei was the protagonist, so he would get more chances to become stronger, which was natural by using the help of Ophis and the Great Red.

Unfortunately, Issei had died, so there was no need to talk about him anymore unless he was reincarnated.

Still, at this moment, we need to talk about Saji.

So, with a power that was limited only to as strong as Vritra, could he defeat Sairaorg?

Saji might be Sairaorg's disciple, but even so, he was going to defeat him.

"I am going to defeat you, Sensei!"

"Haha! Come to me, Saji!"

Sairaorg didn't use his Longinus and raised his fist, ready to blast Saji.


"Malebolge Vritra Promotion!"

Saji didn't hesitate and used his everything directly!

In battle, usually, one would use a small amount of power, fighting for a while before they used everything.

However, under Riser's tutelage, Saji had a different view.

If they can end the battle faster, why do they have to fight so long?

So, the moment they were about to clash, Saji directly used his every power!

Unlike before, Saji had become stronger.

Before, even though he had a Vritra type of Sacred Gear, he only had one of them, but as he was Sona's peerage member, Riser helped him to get the rest of the Vritra type of Sacred Gear and then put all of them inside his body.

Even though it was painful, Saji could control this power, and due to this, his strength grew even stronger!

"Hahaha, let's go, Saji!"

The consciousness of Vrita inside Saji roared in excitement, especially when Saji used his everything directly.

Yes, Saji used the "Balance Breaker" version of the Vritra Sacred Gear without hesitation.

Under this "Balance Breaker," his entire body was covered in the Jet-Black Dragon Armor. Moreover, it also increased his physical ability. His abilities were also enhanced as not only could he use tentacles to absorb his opponents' energy, but he could also send deadly black flames to burn his opponents, suppress the opponent's powers, and give his black flames the ability to restrain his opponents.

In this form, he also gained a sparkling white bone-colored nodachi with blades that look almost like a saw with a dragon head on the top.

Yet, more importantly, after he used this "Balance Breaker," his body would emit a deadly curse that would curse someone to death!

Even Sairaorg was stunned that his Touki was corroded by this curse, but as he was about to strengthen his Touki, it grew even stronger. As for Saji's blade, he didn't fear it and even wished to clash it with his body.

Yet, Saji decided to go all!

"Twin Kings Dragon Tail, Dragon Fang Iron Gun!"

As Saji roared and impaled his sword forward, a gigantic dragon head like a Vritra head appeared. This head was made entirely of the deadly cursed black flames with dangerous fangs that would kill anyone who was bitten.


This gigantic dragon head charged forward at Sairaorg and bit him to death!


However, there was no way for Sairaorg to be defeated so easily. Still, his body was severely injured by the sudden powerful attacks, and the area in the surroundings was demolished. Yet, when he was about to fight back, the dragon's head suddenly blasted a deadly energy into him.



All of Sairaorg's peerage members were startled by this sudden change, yet they couldn't help their master as Sona and her other peerage members took them down in a group, and some of them were even easily defeated, considering Sona chose the weak target first.

At this moment, Sairaorg and his group were bullied by Sona.

Sona's victory was in front of the eyes.

Rias and the others, who didn't know about Sona's strength, were dumbfounded since they didn't expect Saji to be this strong.


"I am just helping his training."


Compared to those self-proclaimed genius or prodigy trainers, being trained by Riser was definitely far better.

Yet, it was impossible for Sairaorg to be defeated so easily.

"My lion! King of Nemea! You, who has been called King of Lions! Answer my howl and turn into my armor!"

When Sairaorg was about to lose, he started to sing, then shouted, "Balance Break!" his body suddenly exuded a golden light, trying to fight back from Saji's deadly attack.


Yet, even under such a powerful attack, there was no notice about Sairaog's disappearance. Instead, what was seen in the aftermath was a tall and strong figure with a golden lion armor whose helm has a golden mane growing from it and a lion's face on his chest.


There were many people who still believed in him, and he definitely wouldn't lose so easily!

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 366 The result is obvious, right?

4 days ago

Regulus Rey Leather Rex.

This is the Sub-Species Balance Breaker of the Longinus Sacred Gear: Regulus Nemea. It is achieved when the lion is sealed inside Regulus Nemea; Regulus combines with his master, Sairaorg Bael.

In this form, Sairaorg was covered in golden lion armor, increasing his offense, defense, and speed to a drastic extent.

Still, the main ability of this "Balance Breaker" was to increase his defense, which made him relatively immune to a projectile type of attack and allowed him to focus on the physical battle.


Even so, it was a bit too late for him to use this form, and his body was wounded severely by Saji's attack.

Yet, even if he was in pain, he was grinning happily, like a beast.


Yet Saji also appeared vicious and charged forward Sairaorg!

Facing this invitation, Sairaorg was also charged forward.

The fist met the sword.

The sound of their collision echoed through space and caused the earth to be gouged, the buildings crumbled, and trees were uprooted.

Everyone inside the battlefield quickly moved away from their battle, but even so, no one stopped fighting.

Still, there was no doubt that the protagonists of this battle were Saji and Sairaorg.

The fight is between the host Evil Dragon King, Vritra, Saji Genshirou, against the heir of the Bael House and the owner of the Nemea Leon, Sairaorg Bael.

The audience focused on their battle and couldn't look away as they were afraid to miss their fight.

Meanwhile, Sona and her peerage members mourned down all of Sairaorg's peerage members.

Yes, most of Sairaorg's peerage members have been taken down.

It couldn't be denied that Sairaorg's peerage members were strong, especially his Queen, Kuisha Abaddon, a member of the Abaddon House, which had the power of the "Hole," an ability that allowed her to create a hole-like portal anywhere she wished to.

Yet, even so, Kuisha was helpless against Sona's peerage members.

At this moment, Sona didn't even do anything, and she just let her peerage members take down the rest as she made various orders, depending on the situation. Nevertheless, her first target was those weaklings and supporting roles of Sairaorg's peerage members.

As for Kuisha?

They could leave her sooner or later; if Kuisha didn't want all of her friends to be defeated, she could only come.

While Sairaorg fought Saji, all of his peerage members were defeated.


Kuisha closed her eyes in regret as she watched Sairaorg's figure fight bravely against Saji.

Yes, Sairaorg was strong, yet a brain or strategy wasn't his virtue. His way of fighting had always charged forward with him as a leader, and then the rest followed him from behind.

Frankly, this strategy wasn't bad, and there were many who did so; even Riser also did the same.

However, this strategy had a big weakness, and that weakness was that this leader needed to be strong enough to defeat all of his opponents instantly.

Unfortunately, Sairaorg wasn't strong enough to do that with Saji.

Still, there was no doubt that Saji had a disadvantage, and the reason why he could hold on was all due to his guts!


Nevertheless, watching Saji fight with his everything, the rest couldn't bear it, and moreover, they had defeated the rest, which meant that they only needed to defeat Sairaorg.

Still, Sona shook her head and said, "Let's just wait. Let him fight." Frankly, she didn't care much about this man-to-man fight, but as Saji had worked hard, she decided to appreciate him even though she didn't think that he would be able to win.

Nevertheless, due to Sona's words, everyone waited and watched how the fight between Sairaorg and Saji was about to conclude.

As expected, Saji lost, but he hoped that his cool fight could be remembered by everyone.

Unfortunately, no one cared much about Saji's loss since they knew that Saji didn't die. As long as he was teleported back to the infirmary. Moreover, with the current medical technology, it was impossible for him to die in his current situation.

Still, even though Sairaorg had defeated Saji, it didn't mean that he wasn't injured. His body was corroded by a curse, and many parts of his armor were broken by Saji's fangs. Nevertheless, facing Sona's group, he was calm and said, "You are kind to wait for me."

"Don't misunderstand. I respect my servant's choice, and since he wants to fight you alone, then I let him do so, but this is a battle after all. No matter whether you are fair or not, it doesn't matter as only the winner will be remembered."

"You are right."

This was easy to see since whether it was the original Lucifer, Sirzech, or many others, those who died were forgotten and even pictured as villains by the winner.

The winner took everything.

Yet, this was the natural law of this world.

"Then, come! I won't lose so easily!"

Even if he was surrounded by many, so what?

He wouldn't lose!

Yet, Sona didn't even bother to listen to Sairaorg's words and directly ordered her servants.

All of a sudden, Rena used her mocking gear, fair play, and multiple floating small satellites to shoot out beams of light toward Sairaorg.

Still, Sairaorg only shrugged off all of that attack.

"A long-range projectile is meaningless to me."

His Longinus allowed him to be protected by the long-range attack, but Sona only shook her head. Although the Regulus Nemea protected Sairaorg from long-range attack, it didn't mean that he was completely immune. As long as they drained his energy, that protection would disappear.



Sairaorg was startled since, all of a sudden, his senses were all messed up. He suddenly became blind; his nose smelled an intense disgusting scent, his ears were constantly attacked by annoying noise, and he could feel that his body seemed to touch something slimy.

Momo Hanakai also started to act by using her "Black Caviar" to cast an illusion on Sairaorg.

Sairaorg might be protected by a long-range attack, but what about an illusion?

Moreover, this wasn't all since Tomoe, Xenovia, Yura, Ruruko, Tsubaki, and Rossweisse also started to attack Sairaorg at the same time.

This was the difference between a beast and an intelligent creature.

If a beast could only move around using its instinct to fight, then the intelligent creature used their brain to fight.

Still, there was no way for him to lose!

The power of feeling... this was probably how one could become stronger.

So, at the time when Sairaorg was about to lose, he started another chant, yet—


Sairaorg felt intense pain in his lungs before he was teleported and disappeared.


No one could say anything.

Everyone fell in silence, dumbfounded, as they realized how strong Lucifer's wife was.

"Th-The winner is Sona Sitri!"


Everyone cheered loudly, but a single stupid person ruined everything.

"That might be amazing, but I believe Sairaog is better, considering how he could show such strength."


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 367 Try to not make me yawn, okay?

4 days ago

Yet, even if Diehauser said those words, the cheers of the crowds didn't stop, and it became even louder, which made him confused.

"What's happening?"

Diehauser touched and checked his microphone, but realized that it didn't seem to work.

"Is this broken?

Nevertheless, Baraqiel and Naud sighed in relief when they saw how Diehauser's microphone didn't seem to work, yet they wondered how one could be so stupid?!

They wanted to curse Diehauser's stupidity since it seemed like this guy never learned at all.

Fortunately, Riser anticipated this situation and turned off all the cameras that faced Diehauser and turned off the speaker and microphone by using his Unknown Dictator. With this Sacred Gear, he could manipulate iron and electronic devices, so it was easy for him to stop Diehauser.

"What's wrong, Riser-chan?" Serafall asked.


If it was someone else, they might keep this matter a secret, so Dieahauser wouldn't be hated, but who was Riser?

Hearing his story, everyone looked at Diehauser in indignant, wondering what was wrong with this guy?!

"What's wrong with him?"

"He didn't even join the war, right?"

"How ridiculous!"

Unlike many who had joined the war, Diehauser, while he was a Champion, didn't join the war with the Chinese and Hindu myth as he expressed his view that this war was meaningless and it would kill many, which he wished for Riser to stop.

While the media was mostly controlled by Riser, there were some who didn't know their places.

Still, Riser ignored all of them and waited for them to come out. Then, when the victory came, even if he didn't do anything, the media were all destroyed and went bankrupt. Many of those who were working were even being killed by fanatics.

After all, not everyone can be as strong as Diehauser, who could protect himself.

So, all of them died.

Just like that.

Nevertheless, until now, Diehauser couldn't even understand his mistake and kept thinking that he had always been right.

Still, it didn't mean that Riser didn't understand Diehauser.

While Diehauser had nothing, he might not be wrong and even respectable, but as he grew stronger, he gained a privilege that he had never felt before. Still, when Riser came to power, that privilege slowly disappeared. If there was a reason why it didn't disappear completely, it was because he was known as the "Champion"!

The only devil who had never lost in the "Rating Game."

Diehauser's power was strong, but even so, he was nothing in front of Riser.

Still, when one had been in the comfort of luxury, it was hard for them to return to how when they were poor.

As his rights, popularity, and wealth slowly disappeared, naturally, Diehauser tried to fight back.

Unfortunately, his method was wrong.

Diehauser thought that as long as he worked hard and fought, he would be rewarded, but there was something known as impossible after all.

Sometimes, knowing how to give up was a good thing.

Even if one couldn't give up, they could use their brain to pretend, and when they gained power, they could move.

Yet, Diehauser didn't seem too smart, and his pride blinded him, thinking that he would be okay.

Still, even if there was trouble with his power, nothing could stop Diehauser. Even some media decided to help him, giving him a space to talk, showing that his power and prestige were still there.

Unfortunately, Diehauser had chosen the wrong opponent.

"Riser-chan, kill him."

Riser looked at Serafall and wanted to laugh. "Relax. I am going to fight him soon anyway."

Hearing his words, they somehow wanted to laugh. To be honest, they forgot about his match with Diehauser since Riser didn't make any preparations; he was the same as ever. Nevertheless, this was normal, and they didn't think it was weird.

After all, Diehauser wasn't even Riser's opponent.

Still, Riser had always been confused.

Why was there always trouble around him?

Even though he had cleared up Issei, Ajuka, Azazel, and even Vali, many still jumped up, showing that they were unsatisfied with him. Even if he had defeated the Great Red, the Hindu Myth, and the Chinese Myth, many didn't think that he was strong, and they still thought to fight him.

Meanwhile, why were there no people who tried to fight those who were strong like the Great Red, Indra, or Buddha before?

If there was a reason, Riser thought that it might be because he was the new generation or he wasn't ruthless enough.

Yet, even so, he wouldn't change and become more ruthless since being ruthless meant that he would lose a companion. It was like the Great Red and the other dragons who could only stay alone in their lives. While he didn't mind being alone, he had tasted the sweetness of the companionship.

If there was someone who had to become a loner, then it shouldn't be him but those who provoked him.

Still, Riser knew that sometimes, an individual was just too stupid. His silence was thought of as a weakness, but wasn't this how a creature was?

Nevertheless, Riser didn't bother with Diehauser.

With the end of the battle between Sona and Sairaorg, Riser decided to throw a party, and naturally, Diehauser wasn't invited and just left alone.

The respect that everyone had for Diehauser had already disappeared.

Still, Diehauser had a chance.

The "Rating Game" between Sona and Sairaorg was nothing but just an appetizer. What made everyone excited was the fight between Riser and Diehauser.

Lucifer and Champion.

Who would win?

Just kidding.

What kind of stupid question was that?

Even the children knew who would win!

Even those who were fanatics toward Diehauser couldn't make an argument that he could win against Riser, yet inwardly, they still hoped for Diehauser to show a miracle.

Diehauser also thought so since he was going to show his power in front of everyone.

Riser might be strong, but his arrogance was going to be his downfall.

So, at the "Rating Game," when everyone was already prepared and waiting for the battle, Diehauser faced Riser and thought that he would show him why he was called the champion.

Meanwhile, Riser tried to hold his yawn since he felt this fight would be boring.

"Riser-sama, please try not to yawn. Your image might be ruined due to this." Yubelluna, his queen, made a whisper, causing everyone to laugh somehow.

Riser only chuckled and said, "It's okay. Your words wake me up."

"Onii-sama, how much do you need to defeat the "Champion"?" Ravel asked.

"Try to count."

Riser wasn't sure, but he was probably going to make a record on this "Rating Game."


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 368 Work hard!

3 days ago


Everyone was in silence.

They thought that even if Diehauser wasn't Riser's opponent, he would show a worthy fight as a "Champion."


"It's 0,0001 seconds!"

"Riser-sama has made a record for the fastest match to end on the "Rating Game"!"

"At the same time, the legend of the champion is broken!"

At that moment, no one paid attention to Diehauser. Instead, all of them cheered so loudly that the earth was trembling.

After all, with this, Riser was truly the number one devil in the entire world!

There is no doubt that as the "Champion," Diehauser's power should be about Maou's level. Even Serafall and Falbium didn't think that they could defeat Diehauser, but Riser defeated him so easily.

Moreover, Riser only defeated Diehauser in such a short time that everyone could only stay in a gaffe due to this result. Nevertheless, he didn't even bother to look at Diehauser and just returned since everything was over.


[Congratulations, you have received a "Combo Star."]


Riser felt weird since his opponent was so weak, yet how could he get a good reward?

However, soon, he almost slapped his forehead since he forgot that Diehauser was strong.

Diehauser was probably the strongest under him on the devil. Unlike Serafall with her ice ability or Falbium with his attack and defense mode, his ability was "Worthless," which made him able to nullify all the abilities as long as he understood it. Moreover, with his genius battle intellect, it should be only for a moment before he is able to understand the ability of his opponent.

Riser didn't exaggerate this matter since this was the truth, but there was a huge difference between the 1st and the 2nd, and this gap was impossible to shorten no matter how hard Diehauser worked. Moreover, even if the power of the "Worthless" was good, it still needed a Demonic Power to use it.

The difference between Diehauser's Demonic Power and Riser's Demonic Power was as much as the difference between a lake and space.

What is there even a comparison to begin with?

Not at all; Diehauser was defeated, that's it.

Still, Riser was happy with his reward.

Combo Star.

It is a strength-enhancing ability. As long as he continues attacking his opponent without interruption, each consecutive blow receives an additional 200,000 pounds of force compared to the previous one.

Strong, right?

However, if the chain of attacks is interrupted, then it resets, and she has to restart her count once more.

Nevertheless, it was strong, as every one of his attacks would gain an additional 100 tons, and the numbers increased even further as long as his attack was interrupted.

Yet, the problem was that Riser felt that this ability was a bit meaningless.

If it was before, he might feel happy, but now?

All of his attacks were enough to crush a planet

What was the use of an additional 100 tons for?

'It can be useful for others."

Riser thought of using his "Link" ability to lend this ability to others, especially to Xenovia and Yura, who were brainless fighters.

'Well, I can give it to my peerage members too.'

Probably because he hadn't mentioned his peerage members for so long, but whether it was Xuelan and Isabella, who was his Rook, this ability would be useful for them. No, frankly, this ability was useful for everyone.

Still, he could think about this matter later as he left with everyone, along with the cheers of the audience.

Nevertheless, everyone knew that, at this point, no one could stop him anymore.

His position at the top couldn't be shaken, no matter what.

It was as firm as his erection.

Jokes aside, everyone had decided to follow Riser, so there was nothing wrong with it. Nothing had changed even if he had defeated the Champion, Diehauser. Instead, they felt that it was normal. Nothing went wrong. However, they knew that Diehauser's end was definitely not good. Though they knew that this guy was so stupid, they didn't say anything since they were satisfied with this "Rating Game," and it was time for a party.

Hopefully, Riser would pay attention to their daughters or even wives, so that way, their status would greatly rise.


"What trash!"

Hades snorted in disdain when he saw how easily Diehauser was to be defeated. He wanted to see if Diehauser could give a miracle, especially when he heard about Diehauser's ability. Unfortunately, he encountered junk, and he thought that only the gods could be relied on, especially for the future, and took care of this devil, pretending to be god.

Pluto, who was the Grim Reaper under Hades's Grim Reaper Legion, knew that Hades was also defeated by Riser, but he didn't say anything since he was sure that Hades, his Lord, would get angry.

"What a waste of time."

"But didn't we learn something, Hades-sama?"

"What did you learn from this match?" Hades looked at Pluto speechlessly since Diehauser was defeated by Riser so fast that there was nothing to see at all.

"He is fast."

"...." Hades.

"Probably, as fast as the speed of light."


Hades couldn't deny Pluto's words, but then how should he deal with this ability then?

If Riser's speed was as fast as the light, then was there even a possibility for him to defeat him?


Hades knew that God was the strongest being in the world and he couldn't give up!

"Let's go back. The party is good, but I know that being there is only a humiliation."

While Hades hated Riser, he had to say that he loved Riser's taste as it was so comfortable to stay in Riser's town.

While a little unwilling since the one that was being embarrassed was Hades not him, but as the loyal servant of Hades, Pluto also decided to leave.


"Are we still going to talk to him, Rizevim-sama?" Euclid asked helplessly since he didn't see any point in fighting now.

"Why not? Right now, he is seething with anger. I am sure that he will be happy to know of our great cause. Oh~! But I can't wait to see his despair when he is being targeted by Riser and his group~!"

Rizevim laughed, thinking how fun it was to play with Diehauser.

Euclid only shook his head, but he didn't say anything. Still, with the death of Sirzech, he knew that his older sister was free, and somehow he wished to meet her. Unfortunately, he couldn't see her, and he also wasn't sure where she was, so at this moment, he could only follow Rizevim.

"By the way, what about the vampire?"

"While I am not sure, they are starting to act strange, or rather..." Euclid's expression becomes ugly when Rizevim mentions the vampire group, especially when someone interrupts their plan. "We can't do anything against that man. He is too strong."

Rizevim sighed helplessly. "But it doesn't matter. Anyway, let's move to the next plan~! We're going to get busy, Euclid~!"

"Yes, Rizevim-sama."

The two left quietly and started their plan.

Nevertheless, Diehauser, who had lost, only stared at the ceiling in silence, feeling that everything was over, and what was left was just a feeling of helplessness.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 369 He is a gentle guy~!

3 days ago

After the "Rating Game," there was a party hosted in his city to celebrate his victory over the unbeatable champion, Diehauser.

While everyone knew that Riser would be the winner, nothing stopped the party as it was their chance to meet him.

Riser was quite elusive, and his work time was quite limited as he didn't like to work. His work was so efficient that no time was wasted, so they could only try to meet him like this. It was also due to this that there were so many individuals that came, whether it was from the Norse Myth, Greek Myth, Chinese Myth, Hindu Myth, Angel, Fallen Angel, Devil, Youkai, Japan Myth, and many others.

All of them gathered together, trying to get to know Riser and also each other.

Frankly, this was the first time for something like this to happen as no one expected that everyone could be under the rule of someone.

Riser Lucifer.

Yet, even so, while some might not accept it, many also accepted it since his rule wasn't bad.

Riser was so lax that he mostly left the rest to his people as long as it wasn't something important.

As for the development of economics or other things, they were left behind by the others.

Moreover, in the worst case, they could suck the wealth of the humans as, unlike supernatural beings, humans had so much of numbers. They were greedy and insatiable beings, so there was no need for them to hesitate.

Riser knew that it might be wrong, but probably, in the eyes of the gods, a human was like livestock.

Like how a human could kill livestock, god could also kill a human.

It was as simple as that.

Nevertheless, the power of the Longinus changed everything.

Fortunately, Riser decided to take all the Longinus as it was too dangerous. No one disagreed. Instead, they all agreed since no one felt that they were safe with the Longinus.

As for the fact that Riser was the one who took the Longinus, so what?

They couldn't defeat him anyway, and he could kill them anytime, so why should they think too much?

Even with Longinus, Riser would, at best, be a little stronger than usual, so there wasn't much changed, and no one thought to challenge him other than the stupid ones.

Still, if they thought that they could trouble him, Riser had to say that they were wrong since his big project was about to finish, and he also had a spy organization like the CIA, KGB, MI6, Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office, or even RAW.

Yet, he knew that the world wouldn't let him be at peace.

While everyone was talking happily with him about many things and even invited him to visit their places, which he rejected, he noticed Michael's melancholy expression. "What's wrong, Michael?"

"Ri..." Michael stopped, then closed his eyes, then said firmly, "Riser-sama."

Riser raised his brow since he knew that it would be the first time for Michael to use the "-sama" suffix on him. Frankly, he didn't care what the others called him, but like it was as natural as a human breathing oxygen, they subconsciously used the "-sama" suffix on him. However, Michael was different after all, as he had been with him when he hadn't reached this height.

Moreover, no matter what, Michael was still an angel, a being who served under God and the enemy of the devil.

Even though they had become allies or even his subordinates, he knew that there was still resistance to Michael, but at this moment, Michael had probably already acknowledged that he was above everyone.

Was it due to the "Holy Affinity" that he received from Irina before?

There was a high chance, but it didn't matter since he wanted to know what was happening to Michael. It was easy for him to know what was happening as long as he asked his followers, but hearing it from the source was better, right?

It also showed Michael's loyalty to him.

Though, if Michael decided to betray him, it also didn't matter since the angel had no power to fight him.

All the resistance was meaningless.

It was like how Diehauser could do nothing in front of him.

Moreover, they got the peace that they sought after and no one died anymore, so it was good, right?

Especially when Riser also helped with the completion of the Interdimensional Room, which gave the angel a chance to mate without becoming a fallen angel.

At this moment, the majority of the angels had listened to him much, but—

"I know that I have promised you to meet the user of the Zenith Tempest, but he is... such a troublesome child."

Michael let out a helpless sigh.

A child has always been a child.

They firmly believed in their opinion without considering others, ignoring the consequences, and thinking that they had always been right.

If it was facing others, Michael would believe, but this child was going to face Riser!

Michael knew the consequences of facing Riser, so he might as well have expressed his thoughts directly, truthfully, without hiding anything.

Still, there was no doubt that Michael's words caused the mood of the party to slightly dampen, but Riser was as calm as ever.

"What are you going to do?"

"He is still a child. I hope to give him a chance since he is a good child, and as long as he learns, he will reflect, but what do you think, Riser-sama?"

Riser looked at Michael with a smile and thought that even if the angel was known for their pureness, they were still crafty, and they knew what they should do. In the end, an angel was a being that lacked a desire and was moved by their logic. Naturally, that didn't mean that it was as absolute as the fact that there was also a fallen angel.

"You can do what you want, Michael. I don't need to remind you."

"I know, Riser-sama." Bowing his head, Michael was full of sweat, thinking that he should give Gabriel as soon as possible, so they could strengthen the tie with Riser, but as expected, the group of humans had always been in trouble, which made him helpless.

Riser didn't care about what was happening on the angel's side since it was a small problem for him. The party was over, and he was thinking of going to his wife since he knew that she would reward him well.


When Riser was on the bed, not only Sona but also a familiar silver hair was there whose face and body were slightly hidden on the blanket.

Was it Grayfia?

What a cute widow~!

Was she shy?

Yet, it didn't matter since he was going to be gentle.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 370 The Villain Can't Catch A Break

2 days ago

No, it wasn't Grayfia, but it was Rossweisse.

However, nothing had changed since Rossweisse also wished for him to take her down.

Rossweisse was so happy at this moment that she lay on his arm like a kitten as she slept contently. She had been waiting for this moment after all, and she also had been quite restless, especially when, one after another, many girls became women due to him.

Yet, she was the only one that was left behind.

Was she going to stay single like this?

Without any experience and not knowing what to do, Sona, her master, reached out to her and somehow she understood why such a holy being like Irina was so much in love with him.

Still, this lewd activity was nice, she thought, especially when it was done with someone that she loved the most.

Rossweisse thought that she wanted to recover as soon as possible, so that way, she could be with him more.

Watching how happy Rossweisse was, Riser didn't feel surprised since he had to say that he might have neglected her, yet with so many women around him, it was hard to take care of all of them fairly, so while it was unfair, he chose after his wife and those of his favorites. Nevertheless, all of those with him were his favorites, so nothing really changed much.

If there was something that he was glad about, it was the fact that he was a Phenex since it made him able to recover faster, and he wouldn't get exhausted no matter what.

[Congratulations, you have received "Ton Ton no Mi (Complete Version)."]


Riser wasn't sure about this reward, but since he got it, then it didn't matter.

Ton Ton no Mi.

It was Devil Fruit that gave him the ability to manipulate weight.

Frankly, this ability overlapped with "Combo Star," but since he got it, it didn't matter.

Still, he might have realized it, but the rewards he got from a woman were much better than the reward he gained from defeating his enemy.

Was it because he was too strong?

'That's probably the reason.'

No one in this world was his opponent, and it was also due to this that he wasn't in a hurry to clear up everything. When Issei returns from death, he can clear up all of them and then gain peace.

What would he do after he gained his peace?

Riser wasn't sure, but he could think about that later since he knew his life as a devil would definitely be a long one.

Still, let's talk about the difference between "Ton Ton no Mi" and the "Combo Star."

The two of them had the ability to add weight to his attacks, but if the "Combo Star" was given when he attacked someone, "Ton Ton no Mi" would integrate into his body.

Moreover, the development of the "Ton Ton no Mi" was better as this Devil Fruit gave him many possibilities to develop a weight manipulation ability.

If he wished to, he could make someone else's weight increase, and make them unable to move.

It was like gravity manipulation to a certain extent.

Naturally, there was a limitation since, unlike gravity manipulation, which was one form of force, weight was something from the body, a mass, so if his body couldn't bear the mass, it would be impossible for him to increase his weight to an unlimited number.

In this case, the "Combo Star" was better since there was no need for him to train, and he could use this ability directly without worry.

However, as he trained himself, there was no doubt that the "Ton Ton no Mi' was far better.

In other words, the potential of the "Ton Ton no Mi" was better.

Still, as he lay on his bed, he thought about Issei once again. He had a feeling that Issei would return to this world soon, and by that time, he knew that he should kill him as soon as possible.

Yet, there was no doubt that it wouldn't be easy.

Issei's existence was something that was born due to the will of this world. It might not be wrong to say that he was the child of this world.

Meanwhile, Riser was like an invader, who destroyed the natural course of this world.

Yet, that was how the world worked, right?

Those who were strong got everything, and those who were weak would be defeated.

Even in the original, the reason why Issei could get all of the glory was because he was able to defeat all of his enemies.

If Issei was defeated, then it was impossible for him to become the main character.

Nevertheless, who would become Issei's help?

Future Gasper, Hero Faction, and the remnants of Vali's group.

Riser knew that those three would become part of Issei's help.

Yet, Riser knew that they wouldn't be the only ones. There must have been another force. If the Great Red and Ophis weren't by his side, he knew that they would also become Issei's help.

Closing his eyes, he tried to make his strategy, thinking about how to defeat his enemy, yet as expected, even if he thought of nothing, nothing would change.

All the struggle was meaningless in front of an overwhelming power.

However, Riser knew that even though he had conquered almost all the parts of this world, it didn't mean that his rule was perfect. There were still many who were unconvinced or doubted him, yet they were too weak to do anything against him. However, as long as they were given a chance, they would attack him without hesitation, so there was no need for him to hesitate, and he was going to attack them after all of this.

"What's wrong, Dear?"

The next morning, as he enjoyed a morning tea, Sona asked him a question.

"It's okay."

"What? Tell me if you have something that you are worried about."

Riser looked at his wife and smiled. "I am just thinking about where I should take the next trip."


Sona was speechless, then said, "How about you go to the Kuoh then?"

"Kuoh, huh?"

Riser had been on the Kuoh many times, but well, it didn't matter even if he came to that city again. Moreover, there was something that he wanted to do.

With that decision, he went to the Kuoh.

Yet, a few days later, in the corner of the world, a single familiar figure appeared in this world with a cheerful smile on his face.


The smile on the young man was so vibrant but then became so lewd, especially with how long he had been away.

"Buchou! Asia-chan! Akeno-san! Koneko-chan!


Issei Hyoudo missed everyone's boobs~!

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 371 Your return

2 days ago

Issei felt like he wanted to cry since he had been away for so long, but it didn't matter as he had returned.


Ddrairg let out a helpless sigh as he thought how Issei had never changed, but wasn't it the reason why Issei could stay alive until now?

It was because Issei had always seen everything in a positive manner, and his pervertness would always give him strength.

[But are you ready, Partner? You are going to challenge him, you know?]

Even though Ddrairg hated Riser, he had to admit that Riser was strong.

"You don't need to worry, Ddraig. I will win! No, we will win! As long as we're together, we will be able to defeat anyone!"

Issei said confidently, especially when he thought about the power he gained from the Chichigami, the God of Breasts.

[You are right.]

Ddraig also had confidence when he thought about Chichigami.

Due to Chichigami, Issei was different from before. He was no longer just a normal human who was reincarnated as a devil. Instead, after his body was destroyed, he gained the body of Ddraig, the Red Dragon Emperor and one of the Heavenly Dragons. Moreover, he also gained the body of Chichigami, the God of another world.

The combination of the Heavenly Dragon and God gave him a powerful strength.

Even if Issei was stabbed by the poison from Samael once again, nothing would happen to him as his body from the Chichigami would protect him.

At this moment, whether it was Issei or Ddraig believed that they could defeat Riser. Still, at the same time, when they thought of Riser, they also felt chilled by Riser's viciousness as Riser used Diodora to kill him. Diodora definitely wasn't the only one, and there were many people who were used by Riser.

Issei knew that he couldn't let this evil go on the rampage in this world any longer, especially when Riser also planned to reach out his hand toward another world.

Issei was given power by Chichigami, and it was also due to this that he realized the great mission that was given to him.

Issei was going to protect this world!

Still, before that, Issei wanted to meet everyone first.

"I wonder how everyone is."

[Are you still going to become a devil, Partner?]

"Naturally! I want to become Buchou's strength no matter what, after all."

For Rias, Issei would do anything.

Ddraig looked at Issei helplessly, but he didn't say anything. Still, he knew that Issei might say something with dignity or worthy of being admired since Issei would do anything for the woman he liked, but he knew that this guy was just lustful toward Rias' breasts.

"Buchou, I am coming!"

Issei was ready to meet Rias, but suddenly, a burly figure suddenly appeared before him.



Issei and Ddraig were startled and felt like their hearts almost stopped. However, the one who appeared not only this burly figure, but there were many others around this figure.

"Wh-Who are you guys?!"

Even though Issei had become powerful, his mentality was still the same as ever. He had never thought of himself as special and thought of himself as nothing but a perverted high school.

There was no doubt that Issei was full of contradictions.

When Issei met someone that he didn't like, he would pretend that he was above them, but when he met someone that he didn't know, he would cower and feel slightly inferior, especially when all the guys who appeared in front of him were handsome!

Why the hell are all of them guys?!

I want girls!

Still, Issei lamented, wondering why the one who greeted him was a group of guys, but even so, their sudden appearance startled him, and he quickly made a fighting gesture, ready to fight all of them.

Yet, strangely enough, Issei didn't feel any animosity from them. Instead, all he felt was like they were seeing... a hope?

What was happening?

Whether Issei or Ddraig felt confused since they had just been away for a while, but why was there so much change?

Before they were reincarnated, Chichigami had told them that they had been away for a few months; what could happen in those few months?

If it had been a few years, Issei might have panicked, but this was just a few months, after all, so there should have been nothing, right?

Moreover, why was the robust and muscular man in front of him quite familiar for some reason?

As Issei squinted his eyes, wondering who this man was, everyone who saw Issei felt like they were saved.

Issei might not realize it, but his body exuded a special aura that would make anyone who believed in him have hope, especially when Chichigami had become part of his body, causing a Divinity to exude from his body.

At this moment, Issei had become the combination of a man, a dragon, and a god.

Issei was simply the hope of everyone who had been living in a torment of both fear and oppression.

They knew that as long as they had this man, they could defeat that devil, they thought.

Yet, Issei didn't know that since he didn't even realize that he was a special existence.

Nevertheless, Gasper, from the future, was already in tears when he saw Issei. In his timeline, everything was ravaged, and he was the only one that escaped.

No, with his power, it should be impossible for him to escape.

If there was a reason why he could escape, it was all due to Issei from the future, giving him a chance to go to the past, so he wouldn't waste this chance, and he was going to save everyone!

Still watching Gasper from the future, who cried, Issei was startled and asked unsurely, "...Gasper?"

"Yes, Issei-senpai?"

"GASPER?!" Issei and Ddraig almost popped their eyes out since the girly young man had become such a muscular man.

"What's happening? How could you become like... this?"

Issei couldn't believe his junior, who always dressed in the girl uniform, would suddenly become like this. Still, he shook his head and suddenly had a bad premonition.

"What about Buchou? Asia-chan? Akeno-san? And Koneka-chan? Let's go and meet them!"

With such anticipation, Issei wanted to meet everyone, but Gasper, from the future, didn't know how to explain this matter.

"Wh-What? What's wrong?"

"Issei-senpai, calm down." Gasper took a deep breath and said, "Rias-buchou and everyone had been taken by Riser Lucifer."

"........" Issei.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 372 Issei is powerful!


It was like a blunt weapon was slammed into his brain.

Issei felt like his world was spinning as he couldn't believe what Gasper had said to him.

"No way! I won't believe it!"

Issei screamed with all of his might and didn't believe what Gasper had said to him. No, he knew that it was possible, especially when he thought how close Rias and the others with Riser were. While he tried to fight Riser, the others didn't want to have much of a conflict. Yet, how could he accept it?!

Riser was the person who had plotted to kill him!

Riser used Diodora as a pawn to kill him!

Riser was a downright evil that should be erased from this world!

Issei thought that as long as he returned to Rias and the others, he could take down Riser, especially when he had gained the power of Chichigami!

By using the power of breath, he would grow stronger and defeat Riser!

Yet, unexpectedly, Gasper told him that Riser had taken down Rias and others!

The possibility existed, but Issei didn't want to believe it!

So, at this moment, Issei quickly ran into the direction of the Kuoh Town! Even though he wasn't sure how he could know the direction, he moved by instinct. It was like how an ant was attracted by sugar; he could detect his beloved boobs so far away!

Even if Issei was on the edge of the world, he could pinpoint the location of those beloved boobs!

Watching Issei, who left so suddenly with a speed that stunned everyone, they had even more confidence in Issei as their savior, so at this moment, everyone had decided to follow Issei wholeheartedly, fully believing that he was the savior.

Yet Gasper panicked, especially when he thought about what had happened between Riser and Rias and her group.

"You guys go back first! Georg, help me!"

While they were all confused, they all followed Gasper's words from the future.

Still, those who weren't extras, especially Tobio and Arthur, sighed and knew what was happening.

"Georg, help him!"


While Georg was confused, under the urging of everyone, he quickly used the "Dimensional Lost" to return everyone to their hiding place and also followed Gasper to chase after Issei.

Nevertheless, Issei was desperate, trying to erase all the nightmares that kept coming to his head. He didn't want to believe it, but the more he thought, the more possible it was. It was also for this reason that he didn't dare to meet Rias, Akeno, or even Koneko.

As for the current timeline for Gaser and Kiba?

Issei knew that those two would be alright, so the first person he thought to meet was Asia.

Yes, Asia.

Among all the people Issei knew, there was no doubt that Asia was the one that he trusted the most. They had been together for so long, and he was also the first person who had ever given her kindness. They even lived together, and he also saved her from Diodora. Even if the others got angry at him due to his stupidity and perverted act, she would only scold him lightly before relented to his worldly desire as she had probably given up.

However, Issei didn't know that and only thought that Asia was probably the only one that hadn't been eaten by Riser.

Yes, as he walked on this returned journey to the Kuon town, many thoughts plagued his mind, and the more he thought, the more he felt it was possible for Rias to fall into Riser's arms.

Rias was like that, after all.

When they met for the first time, Rias flaunted her breasts, and she even dared to sleep with him.

Also, wasn't it possible for Rias to do the same with Riser?

Moreover, with what Rias had done to him, like slapping or even getting angry, Issei didn't believe in Rias, yet somehow, deep in his heart, he still wanted to believe that Rias could give her virginity to him!

No, Buchou's virginity is mine!

Issei made a vow, but due to his timidity, he decided to visit Asia first since he knew that Asia was the most stable and kindest among all the girls. Moreover, he also felt worried about his parents since he had been away for a few months. A few months might be short for a supernatural being, but for a human, it was a long time. Still, he didn't think that Riser would do anything to his parents since he knew that unlike him, whose heart was small and even stinky, Riser's heart was so vast that Riser wouldn't even care about a small being such as his parents.

Yes, his parents were normal humans, so what, right?

Even so, they were his parents!

Still, if Riser dared to do something unforgivable to his parents, then he wouldn't give it to him!

With that thought, he quickly arrived at Kuoh Town without realizing how powerful he had become.

Issei planned to go home and check with his parents and also Asia since they were living together. Yet, no matter how fast he was, he couldn't beat teleportation, and as expected, he was stopped by Gaster from the future.

"Wait, Issei-senpai! Wait! Don't go!"

"No! Let me go, Gasper! I need to see them!"

"No! Please! You won't be able to bear it! And you might make Riser-sama notice you!"

They were just at the outer part of Kuoh Town; they hadn't entered this town, but Gasper knew that as long as they entered, they would be noticed by anyone!

Especially when Issei's aura was blazing high as if trying to attract everyone's attention.

Frankly, it was a miracle that no one noticed Issei at this moment.

"No, I need to go!"

Issei didn't care about Gasper's words, and he didn't want to believe in Gasper. Moreover, he wanted to confirm with his own eyes!

"Then, see it from here! Your eyes should be able to see your house from this spot!"


Gasper didn't think to stop Issei anymore since it was impossible for him to stop. His power might reach the Super Devil, but Issei's power was already comparable to the Great Red!

Yes, Issei was as strong as the Great Red!

Chichigami wasn't a weak god. Instead, he was a powerful god worshipped by every man. Moreover, breasts were the spring of life.

In other words, Issei, who had combined himself with Chichigami, had become the God of Life!

Still, Gasper's words awoken Issei. While he was stunned, he squinted his eyes, trying to search for his house, and he was surprised that he could see it from such a distance. After all, this had never happened to him before.

Was this the power of Chichigami?

Issei thought that he might need to learn more about the power of Chichigami, but with his brain, he was afraid that it might be a little hard to do. Nevertheless, it was great to know that he had become powerful!

Issei was so happy, thinking that he would be welcomed by everyone, especially after he became so powerful.

Nevertheless, when he looked at his house even deeper, his eyes widened, and his world spun once again as he saw Riser and Asia together inside his room.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 373 One day


Issei wasn't sure how he felt. His heart was complex, filled with anger and disbelief, and also... strangely exited. Yet, watching the kind-hearted and gentle Asia show such a lewd expression while under the arms of his enemy, he wanted to run away!

Yes, he wanted to run away!

Issei didn't want to believe it!

What was happening?

How did this happen?

Moreover, Issei had to say that Riser was too evil since he dared to play with Asia in his room.

While Asia was shy and didn't want to, it was easy to see that she didn't hate the feeling of being pounded by Riser in his room.

While Issei hoped this was a dream, he knew that this was a reality.

Still, when Issei didn't know what to do, he was hugged by Gasper.


"It's okay, Senpai. It's okay. They are just being deceived by Riser. Riser is evil! As long as you defeat him, then you will get everything! Whether it is Rias-Buchou, Asia-senpai, or the others, all of them will go back to your arms!"

"Ye-Yes! That's right! It's all that guy's fault! If it isn't because of that guy, then this won't happen!"

Issei, who didn't want to believe in reality, felt better when he heard all of this. He felt like everything was Riser's fault, and it was all because of Riser that everyone became like this!

Yet, when Issei thought about how strong Riser was.

Can I defeat him?

"Senpai, let's go back to our hiding place first. We need to build our strength first and gather our allies. That way, we will be able to defeat him and gain victory, so they won't be controlled by Riser anymore!"

"Can... Can we really do it?"

"Believe in yourselves, Senpai! You have the power of the Red Dragon Emperor and Chichigami! Right now, you are just as strong... No, you are stronger than Riser Lucifer! Believe in your strength! If you don't believe it, why don't you train first?"


"Yeah, you have a lot of unique powers within you. Let's learn it first before we start to defeat this evil!"

Issei didn't feel that this was a bad idea since he didn't want to stay in this place any longer. When he had become stronger, then he would return, bringing down Riser, who had caused a lot of misery to everyone.

"I will definitely become stronger!"

"That's Issei-senpai that I know!" Gasper was excited since he could see that Issei had returned to how he used to be.

Issei, who was strong and confident and never gave up!

This was his Issei-senpai!

Still, Gasper didn't lie since the power of Issei had become stronger than Riser Lucifer, but Issei's mentality hadn't been adjusted, and he was still hit by what was happening between Riser and Asia. Nevertheless, unlike the girls who left Issei, he wouldn't leave Issei, and he would be with him forever!

"Let's go, Issei-senpai. Georg, we need to do this."


"Where are we going?" Issei was curious as he was eager to grow stronger to defeat Riser.



While Issei was confused, he followed Gasper and Georg obediently, wishing to pay back what Riser had done to him a thousand times!

As for Rias, Asia, and the others, Issei thought that they were being forced by Riser!

Yes, that's right!

They were forced by Riser!

'Wait for a while, Buchou! Asia-chan! Akeno-san! Koneko-chan! I'll save you!'

Along with all the women with wonderful boobs, he would save all of them from Riser's evil clutch.

However, what they didn't know was that Riser had been waiting for them, thinking that they had time to grow stronger.


Even though Asia tried to be aggressive, it was hard for her to do so with her nature, but Riser enjoyed it regardless. Still, he had expected this, but he felt conflicted by how easy it was for Issei to grow stronger. When he almost died due to the Great Red and became stronger, Issei suddenly returned and became as strong as him by relying on the power of the god from another world.

'God from another world, huh?'

Not only someone from the future but even a group from another world wanted to take him down.

What was wrong with this world?

Was it not okay for him to be the leader of this world?

Why had there always been trouble?

Riser wondered why the world wished for Issei to be the king of this world.

Was it because Issei was a pervert?

Was it because Issei was an idiot?

Or was it because Issei was "Yasashi"?

Probably, the last was the reason why Issei was chosen.

Yasashi (Kind).

This is the universal trait of every protagonist of the light novel.

Unlike those who were kind, gentle, and willingly being pushed around by everyone, Riser couldn't do that, and it was probably the reason why many tried to take him down.

Whether it was Hades and his group, Rizevim, and the others, Diehauser, then there was also Issei.

'Lastly, gods from another world and also someone from the future.'

Riser wondered what he did to be attacked like this. He had never ever thought to attack another world or the future after all, or were they thinking that he wouldn't attack them?

With that thought, he didn't have any hesitations.

The moment he erased Issei from this world, he was going to take down the parallel world and also another world.

No matter what, they were going to die.

With that thought, Riser was about to leave, but Asia held him tightly.


"Stay here, Riser-sama~! I will comfort you more~!"

Asia tried to seduce him, but Riser asked, "You know Issei has returned?"

"......." Asia.

Riser wasn't surprised by Asia's decision to seduce him and did something that she wasn't used to. Yet, he wondered how Asia could tell whether Issei had returned or not, but he wouldn't be surprised if she could tell since she was one of the main heroines.

"You know that he is planning to kill me, right?"


"Do you want to go to him?"

Hearing his callous question, Asia showed a wry smile since she knew that her worth in his heart wasn't so significant. Even if she left, it didn't matter to him, but she didn't want to lose him.

"...I can't leave. I am already like this. You have stained and shaped me into your shape."

"Wasn't it you who seduced me?"

Asia blushed and buried her face in his chest, trying to hide her pout since wasn't it he who seduced her during her weakest? Yet, she was also willing to fall for him and wished to be held by him, so she knew that she was also at fault.

"One day," Riser said. "I will give him one day. I know that you owe him, but don't expect me to give him mercy since he is the one who wants to kill me first." Frankly, in his mind, Issei was nothing but just a tool for those around him. In his thoughts, Issei was just like a nuclear weapon in the hands of bad people. Yet, it was also probably why Issei was chosen since it was easy to control Issei.

"Thank you, Riser-sama."

One day...

How could Issei have such a short amount of time?


Yet, Asia knew that this was Riser's gentleness toward her. It was because she could be a good woman for him that he was willing to give Issei a day. Knowing that put her heart at ease somehow since it made her realize that he thought of her more than she had thought, and slowly but surely, Issei disappeared from her heart.