Akikan40. Phoenix. 374-377

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 374 This is our time!

7 hours ago


It was one of the biggest countries in Eastern Europe.

While Issei didn't know why he was brought to this place, there was no doubt that this was the best place to hide.


This was the territory of the Vampire, a powerful supernatural being that didn't join the alliance. Due to their nature and also origin, they were proud beings. Even if they were troubled, they wouldn't ask for help, thinking that they could handle everything.

However, in front of the power of Gasper from the future and the remnant of the Hero Faction and also Vali's group, they quickly took down and controlled the entire territory of the vampire in Romania.

As for why Gasper chose this place, it was partly due to his selfishness. Yet, there was no doubt that this place was the most perfect place to hide.

Still, to explain from the beginning, Gasper was born in Romania as a Dhampir, with a noble vampire as his father and a human female as his mother. However, due to a certain mutation in his body, no one liked him, and he was isolated or even hated due to this mutation. He didn't know the reason previously and thought that he was just an unwanted child, but then everything changed when Rias came to him and made him her servant.

Nevertheless, many things happened, and here he was, becoming a powerful devil that reached a Super Devil level.

However, even if Gasper had become so powerful, he was still helpless against Riser. Even in the future, Issei was unable to do anything, so here he was, returning to the past, trying to get rid of Riser, nipping off the bud before it bloomed into a carnivore flower.

Issei was that hope.

Still, as Gasper waited for Issei, he also went to Romania to clear up all the obstacles for his dearest friend, Valerie Tepes.

According to the timeline in the original story, at this moment, the leader of the vampire of the Carmilla Faction went to visit the devil, asking for Gasper.

However, such a thing didn't happen on this timeline since Gasper from the future came and cleared up everything for Valerie Tepest.

Like him, Valerie Tepes was also a Dhamphir, an existence that was born between a vampire and a human, and like him, she also had something special inside her body.


Yes, she owned Longinus, which was the strongest type of Sacred Gear in the world.

Yet, there was no doubt that what Valerie had was among the unique types.

Sephiroth Graal.

It is named after the Holy Grail from the Last Supper that Christ used and the Grail of Arthurian Legend. Sephiroth Graal, along with True Longinus (Holy Spear), Incinerate Anthem (Holy Cross), Alphecca Tyrant (Holy Nail), and the Shroud of Turin are known as the Holy Relics. It takes the appearance of a golden cup. Still, hers are special and it gives her three golden cups of the same appearance.

Still, this Longinus allows the possess to come into contact with the principles of life itself. The possessor is also forcefully told about how both life and souls are made, in addition to taking in the mind and concept of death, living, and various other things.

Yes, if Valerie wished to, she could reincarnate death. It was also for this reason that she was being targeted by Rizevim, the leader of the Old Satan Faction, which became the Qlippoth.

The lack of people and the weak were the disadvantages of this terrorist group, so how could they deal with this problem?

They decided to return death to the living world.

In the original, their plan succeeded, as they had reincarnated many powerful evil dragons to help them with their plan.

Yet, in this world, there was no way for Gasper to allow that to happen. Watching his beloved be tortured every day, even if he knew that she would be okay, he couldn't let that happen, so he directly attacked the headquarters of the vampire and then pushed the Qlippoth away. Naturally, he also took down the Vampire group along with two noble houses, but they weren't his opponents. Some of them might fight, but facing his power, nothing could be done.

If they wanted to escape from Gasper, they needed the help of the alliance, but the arrogance of the vampire knew no bounds, so they might as well become followers of Gasper in the future, considering he was partly a vampire.

Still, Valerie, who saw Gasper as the future, also happily helped him, and it was also due to her that their plan for this revolution saw bright hope.

"Is this where the vampire is living?" Issei asked curiously and also felt a bit strange as everyone was staring at him with reverence. Still, he never understood his power, so he didn't know what kind of effects his small action, just walking like this, would have on everyone.

"Yes, this is the territory of the vampire. It's a secret place that no one will come to us."

"Isn't that a perfect place?"

Nevertheless, Issei had to say that this place was quite gloomy as it was mostly dark. Still, compared to the hatred he felt at that moment, he didn't care much where he would stay. As long as he became stronger and defeated Riser, he would do anything!

"Senpai, you will be surprised after this."


Issei was confused, but Georg, who followed them, could only smile since he knew that under the leadership of Issei, Gasper from the future, and also Valerie, everything would be okay.

Still, the surprise that Gasper wanted to show Issei hadn't ended, and he brought Issei to a luxurious mansion within the territory of the vampire.

While Issei was confused, he still followed Gasper until his eyes widened. "Si-Si-Si..."

"Yo, Issei-kun." Sirzech greeted Issei with a gentle smile.

"Sirzech-sama!" Issei was crying when he saw Sirzech.

However, Sirzech wasn't the only one since Ajuka, Azazel, Odin, and many others. Yes, with the power of Sephiroth Graal, Valerie returned everyone from the land of death. Moreover, they weren't the only ones, as Valirie also reincarnated many others from evil dragons and those powerful beings that were dying.

At this point, it wouldn't be wrong to say that their force wasn't even lost to the alliance!


"It's been a while.

"Yo, Red Emperor Dragon!"

Everyone was so happy to meet each other, and when they saw the power emitted from Issei, all of them saw hope, so the moment Issei calmed down, they quickly told him what was happening. Still, to not scare Issei, they tried to lower Riser and told Issei what kind of evil Riser had done to the world.

This time, the initiative was in their hands, and they would definitely take down Riser!

With that thought, they made Issei full of spirit so he would be ready to fight Riser.

"Yes, I will do my best!"

Issei shouted with all of his might, showing his determination to defeat Riser, yet what they didn't know was that Riser was already on his way to destroy all of them.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 375 Greed and Catastrophe

7 hours ago

As everyone pinned their hope on Issei, wishing him to master his power as soon as possible, there was no doubt that the vampire nobles that had been conquered probably had the most complex attitude toward Issei and his group. If it was before, they might not have said anything and even supported them since they had helped them kill all those who tried to harm the interest of the vampire.

However, what they didn't expect was that Issei, Gasper, and the others would try to conquer all of them and invite them to fight the alliance!

At this moment, all the nobles, whether they were part of the Camilla Faction or Tepes Faction, gathered together and talked about this problem as they feared that they would really fight the alliance.

They might not join the alliance, but it didn't mean that they wanted to fight it!

Still, it was impossible for them to talk about this matter openly, especially when they could see Issei, Gasper from the future, Valerie, and those who returned from death were all so powerful!

So, in the secret room, all of them gathered and discussed the problems that had been weighing their minds.

"Queen, what should we do?"


Queen Camilla and King Tepes fell silent since they couldn't answer this question. They were all too weak, after all, and facing a mighty power, there was nothing that they could do.

"Do the alliance know about them?"

"No, they shouldn't know."

"We have been in isolation after all."

This was probably the best news that they had heard, and they were also glad that their vampire had always been in a state of isolation.

"I think that's the best, isn't it?"

"I agree."

All of them at that moment agreed that they just pretended that they didn't know anything. Anyway, the alliance didn't ask them, and Issei and his group didn't do anything, just staying in their place, training to become stronger. Whether it was the alliance or Issei and his group, they didn't want them to become their enemies.

"But is it really okay, Queen?"

"What do you mean, Elmenhilde?"

Elmenhilde Karnstein, a noble of the House of Karnstein, hesitated for a while, then said, "If we just pretend that we don't know anything, what will happen if the alliance knows that we have been hiding Issei and his group?"

"Then, what do you want us to do, Elmenhilde?!"

"Yeah, they are too powerful!"

"Especially that Gasper..."

Everyone was still shocked and shaken by Gasper's ability to stop the time. Moreover, Issei's aura was just too unbelievable. Frankly, they felt like it was better for them to support Issei and his group instead of the alliance, as the alliance only had several nonmain gods.

Their leader was Riser Lucifer, a devil whom they were looking down on. Yet, this was normal as they had never seen Riser and only stayed on their territory, ignoring the outside.

"Even so, he had defeated Buddha and those gods from Hindu myth."

"That's just the news; who knows the truth?"

Elmenhilde rolled her eyes, then said, "I don't want to say this, but can we really fight the entire alliance, and will this group of strangers help us? They are not vampires, after all."

When this question was asked, no one could say anything. Could they really trust Issei and his group? They weren't so naive to believe that they could entrust their life to Issei and his group. Instead, if a danger came, they wouldn't hesitate to abandon Issei and his group.

Yet, the question was their attitude.

If they reported Issei and his group to the alliance, then they knew that even if they didn't become members of the alliance, the alliance wouldn't treat them badly. Moreover, they also had to admit being a member of the alliance was great as they would be protected by anything. They didn't need to fear terrorist organizations, and they started a trade of culture, magic, technologies, and many others with other myths.

The benefits were so great that they knew that it was stupid for them to reject this offer.

If there was something that made them stop this, it was because they would definitely, under Riser Lucifer, whether it was Queen Camilla or King Tepes, not be their queen or king anymore. Moreover, they also weren't sure whether Riser would be fair to them. Even worse, they also had heard about Riser's hobby of sleeping with other wives and women, which was something that they hesitated about.

Still, sleeping with the wives and the women of others was nothing compared to many bad hobbies that evil beings usually had.

So, at this moment, all the nobles fell in silence and turned into their king and queen, wondering what their decision be.

"To be honest, I want to believe in this group."

"This group?"

"You mean?"

"Yes, Issei Hyoudou."

Not only the queen and the king, but also all of them wanted to believe in Issei and his group. They didn't know why they felt like this, but they felt like Issei was on the righteous side. They felt like they could believe in Issei and wanted him to be the real leader of the world.


"But I also don't want that we become the enemy of the alliance."

Yes, the alliance might not be like that on the righteous side, but it was more realistic.

The stronger got everything, and the weaker lost everything.

If they had joined the alliance when it was weak, it would have been great, but the alliance had become a behemoth that if they joined, they were nothing but just a side character, so there was no doubt many were jealous of the East Youkai Group, who had joined Riser from the beginning when he had nothing. Moreover, it was clear if they became the enemy of the alliance, they would be killed by Riser, like the Chinese and Hindu myths that were ravaged by him.

So, what should they do?

Should they bet on Issei and his group?

Or should they just give Issei and his group to the alliance?

After all, it wasn't bad to maintain the status quo.

As they had a hard time determining what to do, Riser had already arrived at the territory of the vampire, and without hesitation, he took all the people inside this territory into the space created by the "Dimensional Lost" and "Innovate Clear."

"Reality Phantasm."

At this moment, no one thought that they were teleported into a different dimension, especially when Riser used the "Area of Invisibility" ability, but it didn't matter since Riser had decided to erase all of them.

"Cardinal Catastrophe."

The sea of fire swallowed everything, burnt, and killed everything.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 376 Everything is about to end

16 hours ago

Whether it was Issei, Gasper, or the others had a chill and realized that they were about to be killed!


Issei wasn't sure where this power came from, but as he wished to protect everyone, he used his power to protect everything from this catastrophe as expected. As it was so sudden and had so much might, the numbers that he could protect were limited.

Still, those who weren't protected by Issei were all instantly killed, and there was no resistance.

If there was something that they were glad for, they were glad that their death was painless.

Nevertheless, Riser was surprised by how strong Issei had become. Was this the power of the god of another world? He could tell that Issei's body exuded a strange divinity, which made him appear different from others. It was like this guy was a god, but it was also because of this that he felt the world was really such a bastard.

It was so easy to kill Issei before, but when Issei suddenly returned, his power dramatically increased.

Riser could tell that Issei was as strong as the Great Red, or even slightly stronger. Yet, when he thought about how a god from another world could contact Issei without being noticed, he knew that he needed to take those creatures from another world seriously.

Nevertheless, while Riser was thinking about the creatures from another world, Issei was enraged. "RISEEEEEERRRRR!"

There was no trace of respect, and what was left was only hatred since, at this moment, he could see how evil Riser was.

Due to the Riser attack, there was no trace of anything. The majority of the living beings that lived on this territory burned into nothingness directly, and those who could stay alive were those who stayed behind him.

At this moment, everyone was filled with both fear and hatred, especially those from the devil.




All the nobles cried and shouted furiously toward the de facto leader of the alliance, Lucifer Riser. Even if Riser was frightened, how could they control their emotions when they saw many of their loved ones were killed? If they weren't lucky with their meeting position to be behind Issei, then they knew that they would be on the same fate as those who were killed!

So, there was no way for them to control their emotions!

Yet, while the vampires were enraged, like Issei, Sirzech, Ajuka, Azazel, and others, they had a complicated mood as they didn't expect Riser to grow into such a monster.

"Georg, we need to run away!"

Nevertheless, Gasper knew from the future that they needed to run away. It wasn't that he didn't think that Issei wasn't Riser's opponent. As long as Issei worked harder, the defeat of Riser was just in front of their eyes, yet Issei didn't even have time to train!

Riser didn't even give them time to breathe, and he directly attacked them!

As of the moment, all of them, except for the vampires, wondered whether Riser had been waiting for Issei to return from death. All this time, Riser just let them go, waiting patiently, and when all of them were inside the net, he took all of them down!

They were unable to talk, and their lips were trembling, thinking about what they should do, but they also agreed with the decision of Gasper from the future to run away.

"Wait! He can't teleport to anyone!" Azazel quickly remembered something, but as expected, it was too late.

Whether it was Georg or Valerie, the two of them were already in Riser's hands.



Yet, no matter how hard they screamed or tried to help those two, everything was too late.

Riser took out the Longinus within the two and threw them away, killing them. Georg aside, probably others might feel that it was a shame for Valerie, but this woman was so vicious, wishing to kill him with the army of the death. Was there even a point to keep her then?


Gasper from the future was furious, and he lost his mind directly, but before he did anything, his body was cut in half. Fortunately, he was able to return to the past and stay alive once again, but once again, he was cut, but he stayed alive once again by using the power of time.

Riser felt that Gasper was troublesome, so he thought he would take out the Sacred Gear of Gasper in the future, but then, if he couldn't kill Gasper, then he might as well torment him.

Still, Azazel saw this plan. "HURRY UP AND STOP HIM! ATTACK HIM!" He knew that their situation was at its worst, but as long as Issei could do something, they would be able to save this world!


As Gasper's body was burnt by the eternal fire, the others started to attack Riser.

The hero faction, especially Leonardo, the owner of the Annihilation Maker, is a high-tier Longinus with the ability to create any creature that the possessor can imagine. He directly sacrificed himself and turned himself into a 1,000-tall monster made of light to destroy Riser.

Sirzech and Ajuka also used their everything to stop Riser, but suddenly, their bodies stopped.


"As expected, huh?"

As Riser had taken Sephiroth Graal out of Valerie's body, Riser had taken control over their bodies, and it was also due to this that the two of them attacked Leonardo, who had become a monster.

Facing all of them, there was no trace of mercy on him, especially when he had decided to kill all of them.

"Hurry up and attack him! Kill him! Otherwise, we will be killed!"

Yet, after saying those words, Azazel died.

With the power of Sephiroth Graal, Riser controlled them, and along with the power of "Mirror Lion," his control over this Longinus was stronger.

At this moment, no one could stop him, and it was just a time before he was about to die.

Still, watching how many of those who still had the will to fight, Riser wondered whether the aura of the protagonist was as strong as ever, but it didn't matter.

Suddenly, the world lost its color, and black lightning flashed all over his body, bringing a powerful impact to all the present. Those who couldn't endure it directly died, or rather, all of them died.

Riser ignored Issei and focused on Gasper from the future, yet how could Issei allow all of this?!





His armor's shape and the armor's color changed from pure crimson to a mix of crimson and white. Additionally, this form gained a total of four wings, each one containing a cannon. Two of the cannons are over his shoulders, and the other two are under his arms.

This was the power he newly gained from Chichigami!

Divine Dragon!


The four cannons on his wings aimed at Riser before Issei shot out a powerful holy aura blast, intending to kill Riser!

Yet, Riser didn't dodge, and he just raised Gasper, which he grasped on his hand on this blast.


Issei wanted to stop this attack, but it was too late!


The world, the space, and everything shook.

Due to this attack, the firm space cracked like a broken mirror, before it was destroyed, returning them to a reality.

Yet, while Issei was wallowing in regret due to his rash's actions, Ddraig quickly reminded him.



Under the destruction, Riser stood in midair calmly, completely unscathed.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 377 DDD!

16 hours ago


Issei and Ddraig were screaming in horror. They knew how powerful their attacks were, yet why was Riser completely unscathed?!

Or rather, why did Riser become stronger?!

This was completely unreasonable!

If Riser knew what they were thinking, he would say that they had the same existence, too, as they had become as strong as him after a moment of reincarnation. Yet, even if Issei was as strong as him, it didn't mean that Issei could defeat him. Instead, as Issei grew stronger, he also grew stronger.

However, more importantly, his abilities were much better than Issei's.

Issei's ability came from Ddraig and a god from another world, Chichigami.

Ddraig's ability was as simple as it was only a flame and a physical enhancement. Meanwhile, Chichigami's abilities were all perverted abilities.

Those abilities weren't bad, but facing Riser, they were meaningless.

Riser had so many abilities that he might rarely use some of them, and all of them were powerful!

With the "Ruler," all the attacks he received would be reversed and turned into healing and fortification.

With "Agni," he could amplify something near-infinitely.

With "Full Country," he was able to reflect on all the attacks he received, double its original.

With "Sunshine," he could become stronger under the sun.

With "Satanael," he could create a nuclear fusion reaction in his body, creating an almost unlimited amount of energy.

Lastly, Riser also devoured the Great Red and made him able to inherit all the abilities owned by this dragon.

So, whatever the attacks that Issei sent him, all of them were meaningless. Instead, the more he fought, the stronger he was.

In the beginning, Riser only had a slight advantage, but the more they fought, the more advantage he had!

"Why?! Why?! Why?!"

Issei was scared silly as he faced Riser since all of his attacks were meaningless. Instead, he was the one that was being pushed. His body was full of injuries, he was bleeding all over, and he started to lose this confrontation. Even worse, he started to feel the death was coming!

At this moment, he was filled with fear, wondering whether he was going to die once again.

If so, then what was going to happen?

If that was happening, could he reincarnate?

When his thought was drawn into the abyss, Ddraig's voice woke him up.

"Partner, use my ability!"

"Your ability?"

"Penetrate!" Draig said strongly. "This is one of my ultimate abilities!"

Like Albion, who had "Venom," a poison that was capable of erasing every being, Ddraig, as the Heavenly Dragon, also had a unique ability. Naturally, he had two abilities; one was penetration, and the other was ultimate fire, but there was no doubt that the ultimate fire was meaningless to be used against Riser, but penetration was different!

This was his strongest ability!

An ability that was capable of penetrating anything!

With those words, Issei didn't hesitate and used this ability. Even though he had never used this ability as a protagonist, it was natural that he was able to master every ability like he was breathing, so all the defenses on Riser's body were directly penetrated.

"We did it!" 2x

Issei and Ddraig felt happy, but what they didn't expect was that Riser's body would become a light, and Riser would suddenly appear on top of Issei and then smash his head.


Issei felt like his skull was cracked, and his face was melting as he was smashed by a powerful force that caused an earthquake in the entire eastern Europe.

As the space that was created by Riser using "Dimensional Lost" and "Innovate Clear" was destroyed by Issei, it was impossible for his fight not to cause damage to the surroundings, but if there was someone that was blamed, it could only be Issei, right?

Naturally, their fight attracted the attention of many, and the Greeks and those from the church who were closer naturally came to see what was happening before they were dumbfounded by the aura exuded by Riser.

Due to Riser's aura, no one dared to get close and all of them could only bow their heads in fear. Some of them even directly died as their souls were unable to endure the pressure from Riser's aura.

Yet, those things didn't matter for Riser as it was their fault for coming.

"Get away from here, or you will die."

Still, Riser reminded them, as he didn't want many to die, after all, but if they didn't listen, then that was it.

Nevertheless, this fight was going to end, even if Issei had gained Chichigami's power; Issei wasn't his opponent.

Riser is ready to give a finishing blow, but suddenly, a powerful force envelopes Issei and forces him to back away. His eyes became stern when he saw this pillar of light before he turned his gaze and saw Gasper from the future.

'This guy...'

Riser didn't expect this guy to be like a cockroach that was so hard to kill. He had taken out the Sacred Gear from this guy's body, but somehow, Gasper was able to come back once again.

Was it because Gasper had been using his Sacred Gear for so long that the ability of the Sacred Gear had become innate?

If so, then how do you kill Gasper?

Gasper couldn't die as he could return to the past as long as he wished to, returning from death.

Yet, if Gasper thought that he could do whatever he wished to, he was wrong.

Riser directly invaded Gasper's mind by using the ability he gained from the Great Red before he devoured him. If he couldn't kill Gasper, then he might as well devour him and take all of Gasper's abilities since he had to say Gasper's ability was nice. Still, as expected, when he took Gasper's ability, something happened to Issei.

Issei, who was about to die at that moment, felt like his body was being invaded by something.

"You... Who are you?"

In his mind, Issei saw someone like himself, but he seemed much older and even had a goatee. It was like he was looking at his future self.

"I am you from the future."

"Yo-You are me from the future?!"

Issei and Ddraig were dumbfounded when they saw Issei from the future.

"Why are you here? What do you want to do with my body?"

"Calm down. I am here to help you."

"Help me?"

"Yes, I will help you to defeat Riser, and after I clear him up, you will be able to get everything, so will you entrust everything to me?"

In other words, Issei from the future was going to take over his body.

If it was someone else, Issei might hesitate, but this was "him" from the future, and he could even see himself from the future to show such an expression.

Only he knows himself the best.

So, Issei's answer was obvious.

"Please defeat him for me."

Issei knew that he couldn't do anything against Riser. Even if he had become powerful, his cowardly heart couldn't be erased so soon, so at this moment, he decided to entrust everything to Issei from the future.

"You don't need to worry. I will defeat him."

At that moment, another transformation happened on Issei.

The black color suddenly mixed with the crimson and white dragon armor worn by Issei.



Once again, Issei became even stronger.

"..." Riser.
